Dear Colleague,

Thank you for your contributions to the Quantum Manifesto, an initiative started by European science, industry and policy communities in response to a call for a common European strategy by Commissioner Günther Oettinger and Minister Henk Kamp in October 2015. We are proud to present the attached version (see link for download below), with the aim to collect endorsements from all stakeholders. We have widely consulted the community in preparing this Manifesto and have tried to take on board all the comments we received in a balanced way.

The broadest possible endorsement is crucial to show that there is strong support throughout Europe for a flagship-scale initiative. All individuals from academia, industry and governmental / funding institutions are invited to endorse the Manifesto via this form at In the final version, a general overview of the received endorsements will be included.

The endorsement phase closes on April 30, in time to present the final version to the European Commission, Parliament and Council representatives at the Amsterdam Conference on May 17-18, see

Thanks in advance and please don’t hesitate to share this message with people to whom you may think it’s relevant!

Best regards,

The Quantum Manifesto writing team:

Aymard de Touzalin (European Commission)
Charles Marcus (Niels Bohr Institute)
Freeke Heijman (NL EU presidency)
Ignacio Cirac (Max Planck Institute)
Richard Murray (Innovate UK)
Tommaso Calarco (University of Ulm)

The actual version of the manifesto can be downloaded HERE