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ITN Newsletter – January 2025


Dear Ion Trappers,

2025 has been officially declared the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology by the United Nations, marking the centenary of quantum mechanics and celebrating its transformative impact. We’re eager to hear about your projects and events – keep writing to us! You can visit the ITN website ( to download current and archived issues and send us your submissions directly using the provided forms.

Online Seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – LINK: Thursdays

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” – LINK: Fridays, 7 pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” – LINK: Thursdays, 5 pm


The Multiparameter Quantum Sensing and Metrology Seminar will be held at the Physics Center in Bad Honnef, Germany, from February 3 to 6, 2025. Details

The Winter School for Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ions will take place in Hannover, Germany from February 24 to 28, 2025. Details

The 88th Annual Conference of the DPG and DPG Spring Meeting (SAMOP) will take place on the campus of the University of Bonn from March 9 to 14, 2025. Details

The 26th International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy (ICAPS March Meeting) will be held as a hybrid event online and in Anaheim, California from March 16 to 21, 2025. Details

The Joint Conference of the IEEE, IFCS & EFTF will be held in Querétaro, Mexico, from May 12 to 16, 2025. Details

The 10th International Conference on Precision Physics and Fundamental Physical Constants (FFK2025) will be held at the University of Warsaw in Poland from May 26 to 30, 2025. Details

The 26th International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy (ICOLS 2025) will take place on the Elba Island in Tuscany, Italy, from June 2 to 7, 2025. Details

2025 Atomic Physics GRC will be held at the Salve Regina University in Rhode Island, US, from June 15 to June 20, 2025. Details

The 56th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP) will be held in Portland, Oregon from June 16 to 20, 2025. Details

The 29th Central Europe Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO29) will take place in Vilnius, Lithuania from June 23 to 27, 2025. Details

The 27th Laser World of Photonics will take place in Munich, Germany from June 24 to 27, 2025. Details

Summer school on the “Search for new physics with low-energy precision tests” will be held at the fletcher Hotel Ameland from June 29 to July 4, 2025. Details

The 15th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP15) will take place in Innsbruck, Austria from June 30 to July 4 2025. Details

The 13th European Frequency and Time Seminar (EFTS) will be held in Besancon, France from June 30 to July 4, 2025. Details

FISMAT2025 – Quantum metrology and sensing with atoms, photons, and molecules will take place in Venice, Italy from July 6 to 11, 2025. Details

The Summer School on Quantum Matter out of Equilibrium will be held in Granada (Spain) from September 1 to 5, 2025. Details

Quantum Optics XI will take place in Kraków, Poland from September 1st to 5th 2025. Details

PSI2025 – Physics of fundamental Symmetries and Interactions will take place at the Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland from September 7 to 12, 2025. Details

European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI) will be held in the Netherlands from 8 to 12 September 2025. Details to follow.

The 2nd DPG Fall Meeting on Quantum Physics will take place in Göttingen, Germany from September 8 to 12, 2025. Details

International Conference on Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Nano Physics with Applications (IAMNOP-2025) will be held at the School of Physical Sciences of the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in New Delhi, India from Dec. 17 to 19, 2025.


Postdoc Position in Trapped Ion Quantum Information available at the University of Amsterdam.

Two postdoc positions available at the University of Oxford, developing and operating a many-node cavity-mediated networked quantum computer (MICRON-QC project). Posts are initially available for 2 years with the possibility of extension.
Contact: Dr Joe Goodwin (

IonQ is seeking an experienced ion trapper to work on ion trap technology in our College Park, MD, USA office. The position requires being on site in Maryland and authorization to work in the USA.
Contact: David Scherer at

Highly motivated PhD students and postdoctoral researchers are sought to join the experiments and theory team of the ERC Synergy project “Open 2D Quantum Simulator (OPEN-2QS)”, with the project starting on May 1st, 2025.Trapped ions excited to Rydberg states will be used to build a quantum simulator for open system quantum dynamics, enabling the study of novel states of matter like quantum glasses through fast interactions and long-time stability.
Contacts: Mainz (experiment), Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler (
Stockholm (experiment), Markus Hennrich (
Tübingen (theory), Igor Lesanovsky (

A 12-month post-doctoral position is available at the Time and Frequency department at FEMTO-ST in Besançon.
Contact: Clément Lacroûte,

A 3-year postdoc position available in collaboration with Prof. Steve Worm’s group at the DESYin Zeuthen to work on optical clocks
Contact: Steven Worm (

Several PostDoc and PhD positions available at PTB in Braunschweig and Leibniz University Hannover in the Quantum Logic Spectroscopy Group of Piet Schmidt . Topics include laboratory and transportable aluminium ion clocks, multi-ion calcium clock using dynamical decoupling and entanglement, as well as highly charged ion clocks.
Contact: Dr. Piet Schmidt (

PhD and postdoc positions available at the University of Basel (Switzerland) on the topics of developing molecular-ion quantum technologies for precision measurements as well as cold ion-neutral interactions and collisions.

PhD and postdoc positions available in the group of Tanja Mehlstäubler at PTB, working on optical clocks based on trapped ion Coulomb crystals. Topics include new interrogation protocols for multi-ensemble clocks, quantum-enhanced clock operation, ground-state cooling of mixed-species Coulomb crystals and tests of fundamental physics with precision spectroscopy.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Tanja Mehlstäubler (

Multiple postdoc positions are available in the NIST Ion Storage Group in Colorado, USA. Topics include quantum simulation and sensing in a Penning trap, trapped-ion quantum computing, trapped-ion optical clocks, and quantum state control and precision spectroscopy of single molecular ions.
Contact: John Bollinger or any of the NIST Ion Storage group staff

The research group of C. Ospelkaus at the University of Hannover is looking for a postdoctoral research associate on their Penning trap experiment, which aims to implement quantum logic spectroscopy of (anti-) protons for tests of the fundamental CPT symmetry as part of the BASE collaboration.
Contact: Dr. Christian Ospelkaus (

A postdoc position is available at the Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, USA on a project trapping lutetium ions for precision measurements.
Contact: Dr. Matt Grau (

two openings for PhD positions in the Molecular Systems group headed by Roland Wester at the University of Innsbruck. One position is part of a research project in collaboration with the University of Bordeaux on classical versus quantum effects in three-body collisions of cold trapped ions, funded through the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). The second position is part of a collaborative project on controlling
trapped charged nanoparticles, funded through the Austrian excellence cluster QuantA.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Roland Wester (

The Imperial College Particle Physics Group has a postgraduate studentship available to work on laser measurements of cold exotic helium atoms that contain antiprotons at the new ELENA facility of CERN in Geneva. This allows us to probe the matter-antimatter symmetry and determine the mass ratio between an antiproton and electron. We hope to be relatively flexible with regards to the exact PhD topic depending on the candidate’s interests. The studentship covers a maintenance bursary similar to standard STFC studentships.


A compact and fast radio-frequency source for efficient Raman sideband cooling
Liren Pang, Zhiyu Ma, Biao Wang, Rui Gong, Songquan Wei, Hongli Liu, Wenhao Yuan, Ke Deng, Jie Zhang, Zehuang Lu
Journal: Review of Scientific Instruments
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 123202 (2024)

Atomic fluorescence collection into planar photonic devices
Smedley, Orion; Natarajan, Vighnesh; Jaramillo, Oscar; Rivy, Hamim Mahmud; Mehta, Karan K.
open access Optica Quantum 3(1) 28-35

Building a Scalable Ion Clock with a Coulomb Crystal
Marric Stephens
Physics 18, s7 (2025)

Chiral Discrimination through Holonomic Quantum Coherent Control with a Trapped-ion Qudit
Teng Liu, Fa Zhao, Pengfei Lu, Qifeng Lao, Xinxin Rao, Min Ding, ji bian, Feng Zhu and Le Luo
2025 New J. Phys.

Dynamical quantum maps for single-qubit gates under universal non-Markovian noise
J. M. Sánchez Velázquez, A. Steiner, R. Freund, M. Guevara-Bertsch, Ch. D. Marciniak, T. Monz, and A. Bermudez
Phys. Rev. Research 7, 013008 (2025)

Experimental fault-tolerant code switching
Ivan Pogorelov, Friederike Butt, Lukas Postler, Christian D. Marciniak, Philipp Schindler, Markus Müller & Thomas Monz
Nature Physics (2025)

Experimental Realization of Direct Entangling Gates between Dual-Type Qubits
Chenxi Wang, Chuanxin Huang, Hongxuan Zhang, Hongyuan Hu, Zhichao Mao, Panyu Hou, Yukai Wu, Zichao Zhou, and Luming Duan
Phys. Rev. Lett. 134, 010601 (2025)

Hamiltonian and Liouvillian learning in weakly-dissipative quantum many-body systems
Tobias Olsacher, Tristan Kraft, Christian Kokail, Barbara Kraus and Peter Zoller
2025 Quantum Sci. Technol. 10 015065

115 In+ − 172 Yb+ Coulomb Crystal Clock with 2.5×10−18 Systematic Uncertainty
H. N. Hausser, J. Keller, T. Nordmann, N. M. Bhatt, J. Kiethe, H. Liu, I. M. Richter, M. von Boehn, J. Rahm, S. Weyers, E. Benkler, B. Lipphardt, S. Dörscher, K. Stahl, J. Klose, C. Lisdat, M. Filzinger, N. Huntemann, E. Peik, and T. E. Mehlstäubler
Phys. Rev. Lett. 134, 023201 (2025)

Operating a Multi-Ion Clock with Dynamical Decoupling
Nitzan Akerman and Roee Ozeri
Phys. Rev. Lett. 134, 013201 (2025)

Probing Rotational Decoherence with a Trapped-Ion Planar Rotor
Neil Glikin, Benjamin A. Stickler, Ryan Tollefsen, Sara Mouradian, Neha Yadav, Erik Urban, Klaus Hornberger, and Hartmut Häffner
Phys. Rev. Lett. 134, 033601 (2025)

Programmable Quantum Simulations on a Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer with a Global Drive
Yotam Shapira, Jovan Markov, Nitzan Akerman, Ady Stern, and Roee Ozeri
Phys. Rev. Lett. 134, 010602 (2025)

Scalable High-Dimensional Multipartite Entanglement with Trapped Ions
Harsh Vardhan Upadhyay, Sanket Tripathy, Ting Rei Tan, Baladitya Suri and Athreya Shankar
2025 Quantum Sci. Technol.

Solving an industrially relevant quantum chemistry problem on quantum hardware
Ludwig Nützel, Alexander Gresch, Lukas Hehn, Lucas Marti, Robert Freund, Alex Steiner, Christian D Marciniak, Timo Eckstein, Nina Stockinger, Stefan Wolf, Thomas Monz, Michael Kühn and Michael J Hartmann Hide full author list
2025 Quantum Sci. Technol. 10 015066

Trapped-ion quantum simulation of electron transfer models with tunable dissipation
20 Dec 2024
Vol 10, Issue 51
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.ads8011

Verifiable measurement-based quantum random sampling with trapped ions
Martin Ringbauer, Marcel Hinsche, Thomas Feldker, Paul K. Faehrmann, Juani Bermejo-Vega, Claire L. Edmunds, Lukas Postler, Roman Stricker, Christian D. Marciniak, Michael Meth, Ivan Pogorelov, Rainer Blatt, Philipp Schindler, Jens Eisert, Thomas Monz & Dominik Hangleiter
Nature Communications volume 16, Article number: 106 (2025)

What’s under the hood of a quantum computer?
Christine Middleton
Physics Today 78 (1), 58–61 (2025)


Blind calibration of a quantum computer
Authors: Liam M. Jeanette, Jadwiga Wilkens, Ingo Roth, Anton Than, Alaina M. Green, Dominik Hangleiter, Norbert M. Linke

Cavity-assisted quantum transduction between superconducting qubits and trapped atomic particles mediated by Rydberg levels
Authors: Fernando L. Semião, Matthias Keller

Controlling the spontaneous emission of trapped ions
Authors: Tommaso Faorlin, Benjamin Yadin, Yannick Weiser, Gabriel Araneda, Stefan Nimmrichter, Lorenz Panzl, Thomas Lafenthaler, Rainer Blatt, Thomas Monz, Giovanni Cerchiari

Determination of Landé gJ factor and Zeeman coefficients in ground-state 171Yb+ and their applications to quantum frequency standards
Authors: Jize Han, Benquan Lu, Yanmei Yu, Jiguang Li, Zhiguo Huang, Jingwei Wen, Ling Qian, Lijun Wang

Efficient Compilation for Shuttling Trapped-Ion Machines via the Position Graph Architectural Abstraction
Authors: Bao Bach, Ilya Safro, Ed Younis

Experimental observation of parity-symmetry-protected phenomena in the quantum Rabi model with a trapped ion
Authors: Xingyu Zhao, Qian Bin, Waner Hou, Yi Li, Yue Li, Yiheng Lin, Xin-You Lü, Jiangfeng Du

Experimental distributed quantum sensing in a noisy environment
Authors: James Bate, Arne Hamann, Marco Canteri, Armin Winkler, Zhe Xian Koong, Victor Krutyanskiy, Wolfgang Dür, Benjamin Peter Lanyon

Fast Mølmer-Sørensen gates in trapped-ion quantum processors with compensated carrier transition
Authors: Evgeny Anikin, Andrey Chuchalin, Nikita Morozov, Olga Lakhmanskaya, Kirill Lakhmanskiy

Ion Trap Geometry
Authors: Evgeny V Krylov

Measuring full counting statistics in a quantum simulator
Authors: Lata Kh Joshi, Filiberto Ares, Manoj K. Joshi, Christian F. Roos, Pasquale Calabrese

Neural network enhanced cross entropy benchmark for monitored circuits
Authors: Yangrui Hu, Yi Hong Teoh, William Witczak-Krempa, Roger G. Melko

Neutral Atoms in Optical Tweezers as Messenger Qubits for Scaling up a Trapped Ion Quantum Computer
Authors: Svetlana Kotochigova, Subhadeep Gupta, Boris Blinov

On Measures in Ion Trap Quantum Information
Authors: Reza Pirmoradian, M Reza Tanhayi

Performance Analysis for Crosstalk Errors between Parallel Entangling Gates in Trapped Ion Quantum Error Correction
Authors: Fangxuan Liu, Gaoxiang Tang, Luming Duan, Yukai Wu

Probing Nuclear Excitation by Electron Capture in an Electron Beam Ion Trap with Non-destructive Isomer Detection via Precision Mass Spectrometry
Authors: Bingsheng Tu, Nan Xue, Jialin Liu, Qi Guo, Yuanbin Wu, Zuoye Liu, Adriana Pálffy, Yang Yang, Ke Yao, Baoren Wei, Yaming Zou, Xiangjin Kong, Yu-Gang Ma

QSteed: Quantum Software of Compilation for Supporting Real Quantum Device
Authors: Hong-Ze Xu, Zheng-An Wang, Yu-Long Feng, Yu Chen, Xinpeng Zhang, Jingbo Wang, Xu-Dan Chai, Wei-Feng Zhuang, Yu-Xin Jin, Yirong Jin, Haifeng Yu, Heng Fan, Meng-Jun Hu, Dong E. Liu

Robust Mølmer-Sørensen Gate Against Symmetric and Asymmetric Errors
Authors: Wenhao Zhang, Gaoxiang Tang, Kecheng Liu, Xiao Yuan, Yangchao Shen, Yukai Wu, Xiao-Ming Zhang

String breaking dynamics in Ising chain with local vibrations
Authors: Arindam Mallick, Maciej Lewenstein, Jakub Zakrzewski, Marcin Płodzień

The phase diagram of quantum chromodynamics in one dimension on a quantum computer
Authors: Anton T. Than, Yasar Y. Atas, Abhijit Chakraborty, Jinglei Zhang, Matthew T. Diaz, Kalea Wen, Xingxin Liu, Randy Lewis, Alaina M. Green, Christine A. Muschik, Norbert M. Linke

Unpolarized prethermal discrete time crystal
Authors: Takeru Yokota, Tatsuhiko N. Ikeda

ITN Newsletter – December 2024


Dear Ion Trappers,
As we wrap up 2024, we’d like to thank all our members for staying in touch and sharing their news, events, publications, and opportunities with us throughout the year. Your contributions are what make this newsletter a vibrant hub for our community. Looking ahead, 2025 has been officially declared the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology by the United Nations, marking the centenary of quantum mechanics and celebrating its transformative impact. We’re eager to hear about your projects and events—keep writing to us! You can visit the ITN website ( to download current and archived issues and send us your submissions directly using the provided forms. Wishing all the ion trappers a joyful holiday season and an exciting start to the new year!


The International Conference on Quantum Technology for High-Energy Physics (QT4HEP 2025), will be held at CERN Main Auditorium and Science Gateway from January 20 to 24, 2025. Details

The TII Quantum Technology Symposium will take place at the Hilton Abu Dhabi Yas Island from January 27 to 29, 2025. Details

The Multiparameter Quantum Sensing and Metrology Seminar will be held at the Physics Center in Bad Honnef, Germany, from February 3 to 6, 2025. Detail

The Winter School for Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ions will take place in Hannover, Germany from February 24 to 28, 2025. Send your application mit optional letter of recommendation from a supervisor/teacher/professor to by January 19th, 2025. Speakers to include Klemens Hammerer, Tobias Osborne, Christian Ospelkaus and Robert Raußendorf.

The 88th Annual Conference of the DPG and DPG Spring Meeting (SAMOP) will take place on the campus of the University of Bonn from March 9 to 14, 2025. Details

The 26th International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy (ICAPS March Meeting) will be held as a hybrid event online and in Anaheim, California from March 16 to 21, 2025. Details

The Joint Conference of the IEEE, IFCS & EFTF will be held in Querétaro, Mexico, from May 12 to 16, 2025. Details

The 10th International Conference on Precision Physics and Fundamental Physical Constants (FFK2025) will be held at the University of Warsaw in Poland from May 26 to 30, 2025. Details

The 26th International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy (ICOLS 2025) will take place on the Elba Island in Tuscany, Italy, from June 2 to 7, 2025. Details

The 56th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP) will be held in Portland, Oregon from June 16 to 20, 2025. Details

The 27th Laser World of Photonics will take place in Munich, Germany from June 24 to 27, 2025. Details

The 15th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP15) will take place in Innsbruck, Austria from June 30 to July 4 2025. Details

The Summer School on Quantum Matter out of Equilibrium will be held in Granada (Spain) from September 1st to 5th 2025. Details

European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI) will be held in the Netherlands from 8 to 12 September 2025. Details to follow.

The 2nd DPG Fall Meeting on Quantum Physics will take place in Göttingen, Germany from September 8 to 12, 2025. Details

Online Seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental SymmetriesLINK: Thursdays

The “Virtual AMO Seminar”LINK: Fridays, 7 pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” LINK: Thursdays, 5 pm


IonQ is seeking an experienced ion trapper to work on ion trap technology in our College Park, MD, USA office. The position requires being on site in Maryland and authorization to work in the USA.
Contact: David Scherer at

Highly motivated PhD students and postdoctoral researchers are sought to join the experiments and theory team of the ERC Synergy project “Open 2D Quantum Simulator (OPEN-2QS)”, with the project starting on May 1st, 2025.Trapped ions excited to Rydberg states will be used to build a quantum simulator for open system quantum dynamics, enabling the study of novel states of matter like quantum glasses through fast interactions and long-time stability.
Contacts: Mainz (experiment), Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler (
Stockholm (experiment), Markus Hennrich (
Tübingen (theory), Igor Lesanovsky (

Senior Theoretical Scientist (QEC) – A full-time position with Oxford Ionics, either based in Oxford or remotely in Europe. Play a key role in developing and refining the QEC strategies for our cutting-edge trapped-ion quantum computing systems.
Contact: Elliot Dower (

A 12-month post-doctoral position is available at the Time and Frequency department at FEMTO-ST in Besançon.
Contact: Clément Lacroûte,

The Trapped Ion Quantum Information group at ETH Zürich is seeking for post-doctoral and PhD researchers across a range of topics in the group, but focussed particularly in the areas of Penning Trap Quantum Computing, Quantum Metrology of Hydrogen Molecular Ions, and Multi-Zone Trapped Ion Quantum Information. The TIQI group welcomes applications from underrepresented groups, as well as from a diverse range of backgrounds, in particular from outside the direct realm of trapped ions.

A 3-year postdoc position available in collaboration with Prof. Steve Worm’s group at the DESYin Zeuthen to work on optical clocks
Contact: Steven Worm (

For a 3-year postdoc opportunity at MIT & Texas A&M, the NEPTUNE project [PRL 133, 033003 (2024)] seeks candidates with hands-on experience in Penning traps.
Contact: Jonas Karthein (

Several PostDoc and PhD positions available at PTB in Braunschweig and Leibniz University Hannover in the Quantum Logic Spectroscopy Group of Piet Schmidt . Topics include laboratory and transportable aluminium ion clocks, multi-ion calcium clock using dynamical decoupling and entanglement, as well as highly charged ion clocks.
Contact: Dr. Piet Schmidt (

PhD and postdoc positions available at the University of Basel (Switzerland) on the topics of developing molecular-ion quantum technologies for precision measurements as well as cold ion-neutral interactions and collisions.

PhD and postdoc positions available in the group of Tanja Mehlstäubler at PTB, working on optical clocks based on trapped ion Coulomb crystals. Topics include new interrogation protocols for multi-ensemble clocks, quantum-enhanced clock operation, ground-state cooling of mixed-species Coulomb crystals and tests of fundamental physics with precision spectroscopy.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Tanja Mehlstäubler (

Multiple postdoc positions are available in the NIST Ion Storage Group in Colorado, USA. Topics include quantum simulation and sensing in a Penning trap, trapped-ion quantum computing, trapped-ion optical clocks, and quantum state control and precision spectroscopy of single molecular ions.
Contact: John Bollinger or any of the NIST Ion Storage group staff

The research group of C. Ospelkaus at the University of Hannover is looking for a postdoctoral research associate on their Penning trap experiment, which aims to implement quantum logic spectroscopy of (anti-) protons for tests of the fundamental CPT symmetry as part of the BASE collaboration.
Contact: Dr. Christian Ospelkaus (

A postdoc position is available at the Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, USA on a project trapping lutetium ions for precision measurements.
Contact: Dr. Matt Grau (

two openings for PhD positions in the Molecular Systems group headed by Roland Wester at the University of Innsbruck. One position is part of a research project in collaboration with the University of Bordeaux on classical versus quantum effects in three-body collisions of cold trapped ions, funded through the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). The second position is part of a collaborative project on controlling
trapped charged nanoparticles, funded through the Austrian excellence cluster QuantA.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Roland Wester (

The Imperial College Particle Physics Group has a postgraduate studentship available to work on laser measurements of cold exotic helium atoms that contain antiprotons at the new ELENA facility of CERN in Geneva. This allows us to probe the matter-antimatter symmetry and determine the mass ratio between an antiproton and electron. We hope to be relatively flexible with regards to the exact PhD topic depending on the candidate’s interests. The studentship covers a maintenance bursary similar to standard STFC studentships.


Benchmarking Bosonic Modes for Quantum Information with Randomized Displacements
Christophe H. Valahu, Tomas Navickas, Michael J. Biercuk, and Ting Rei Tan
PRX Quantum 5, 040337 (2024)

Characterization of ion-trap-induced ac magnetic fields
Manoj K. Joshi, Milena Guevara-Bertsch, Florian Kranzl, Rainer Blatt, and Christian F. Roos
Phys. Rev. A 110, 063101 (2024)

Domain formation and structural stabilities in mixed-species Coulomb crystals induced by sympathetically cooled highly charged ions
L.-A. Rüffert, E. A. Dijck, L. Timm, J. R. Crespo López-Urrutia, and T. E. Mehlstäubler
Phys. Rev. A 110, 063110 (2024)

Experiments with the four-dimensional surface code on a quantum charge-coupled device quantum computer
Noah Berthusen, Joan Dreiling, Cameron Foltz, John P. Gaebler, Thomas M. Gatterman, Dan Gresh, Nathan Hewitt, Michael Mills, Steven A. Moses, Brian Neyenhuis, Peter Siegfried, and David Hayes
Phys. Rev. A 110, 062413 (2024)

Fermi Polaron in Atom-Ion Hybrid Systems
Renato Pessoa, S. A. Vitiello, and L. A. Peña Ardila
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 233002 (2024)

Fractal ground state of mesoscopic ion chains in periodic potentials
Raphaël Menu, Jorge Yago Malo, Vladan Vuletić, Maria Luisa Chiofalo, and Giovanna Morigi
Phys. Rev. B 110, 224103 (2024)

Hardware-efficient variational quantum algorithm in a trapped-ion quantum computer
J.-Z. Zhuang, Y.-K. Wu, and L.-M. Duan
Phys. Rev. A 110, 062414 (2024)

Ion-mediated interaction and controlled-phase-gate operation between two atomic qubits
Subhra Mudli, Subhanka Mal, Sinchan Snigdha Rej, Anushree Dey, and Bimalendu Deb
Phys. Rev. A 110, 062618 (2024)

Laser-assisted motional-mode spectroscopy in a Penning trap and the generalized invariance theorem
J. Berrocal, A. Hernández, D. Porras, and D. Rodríguez
Phys. Rev. A 110, 063107 (2024) –

Phonon-mediated quantum gates in trapped ions coupled to an ultracold atomic gas
Lorenzo Oghittu, Arghavan Safavi-Naini, Antonio Negretti, and Rene Gerritsma
Phys. Rev. A 110, 063307 (2024) –

Precision determination of the oscillating-magnetic-field-induced second-order Zeeman shift of a single- 40 Ca + -ion optical clock
Zixiao Ma, Baolin Zhang, Yao Huang, Ruming Hu, Mengyan Zeng, Kelin Gao, and Hua Guan
Phys. Rev. A 110, 063102 (2024)

Probing Critical States of Matter on a Digital Quantum Computer
Reza Haghshenas, Eli Chertkov, Matthew DeCross, Thomas M. Gatterman, Justin A. Gerber, Kevin Gilmore, Dan Gresh, Nathan Hewitt, Chandler V. Horst, Mitchell Matheny, Tanner Mengle, Brian Neyenhuis, David Hayes, and Michael Foss-Feig
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 266502 (2024)

Solving an Industrially Relevant Quantum Chemistry Problem on Quantum Hardware
Ludwig Nützel, Alexander Gresch, Lukas Hehn, Lucas Marti, Robert Freund, Alex Steiner, Christian Marciniak, Timo Eckstein, Nina Stockinger, Stefan WolfShow full author list
2024 Quantum Sci. Technol.

Thermometry of trapped ions based on bichromatic driving
Xie-Qian Li, Yi Tao, Ting Chen, Wei Wu, Yi Xie, Chun-Wang Wu, and Ping-Xing Chen
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 064022 (2024)

Trapped-ion quantum simulation of electron transfer models with tunable dissipation
SCIENCE ADVANCES 20 Dec 2024 Vol 10, Issue 51


A 3-dimensional scanning trapped-ion probe
Authors: Tobias Sägesser, Shreyans Jain, Pavel Hrmo, Alexander Ferk, Matteo Simoni, Yingying Cui, Carmelo Mordini, Daniel Kienzler, Jonathan Home

An Optical Interconnect for Modular Quantum Computers
Authors: Daisuke Sakuma, Amin Taherkhani, Tomoki Tsuno, Toshihiko Sasaki, Hikaru Shimizu, Kentaro Teramoto, Andrew Todd, Yosuke Ueno, Michal Hajdušek, Rikizo Ikuta, Rodney Van Meter, Shota Nagayama

BOSS: Blocking algorithm for optimizing shuttling scheduling in Ion Trap
Authors: Xian Wu, Chenghong Zhu, Jingbo Wang, Xin Wang

Coherent enhancement of collection of light from linear ion crystals
Authors: T. D. Tran, D. Babjak, A. Kovalenko, K. Singh, M. T. Pham, P. Obšil, A. Lešundák, O. Číp, L. Slodička

Complete Rabi oscillations in the ion-laser interaction
Authors: M. A. García-Márquez, H. M. Moya-Cessa, I. Ramos-Prieto, F. Soto-Eguibar

Detection states of ions in a Paul trap via conventional and quantum machine learning algorithms
Authors: Ilia Khomchenko, Andrei Fionov, Artem Alekseev, Daniil Volkov, Ilya A. Semerikov, Nikolay N. Kolachevsky, Aleksey K. Fedorov

Development of a High-Voltage Output DAC System for Fast Ion-Shuttling
Authors: T. Oshio, R. Nishimoto, T. Higuchi, K. Hayasaka, K. Koike, S. Morisaka, T. Miyoshi, R. Ohira, U. Tanaka

Dynamical Aharonov-Bohm cages and tight meson confinement in a Z2-loop gauge theory
Authors: Enrico C. Domanti, Alejandro Bermudez, Luigi Amico

Fast mixed-species quantum logic gates for trapped-ion quantum networks
Authors: Zain Mehdi, Varun D. Vaidya, Isabelle Savill-Brown, Phoebe Grosser, Alexander K. Ratcliffe, Haonan Liu, Simon A. Haine, Joseph J. Hope, C. Ricardo Viteri

Fault-Tolerant Implementation of the Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm
Authors: Divyanshu Singh, Shiroman Prakash

Measurements and simulations of rate coefficients for the deuterated forms of the H2 + + H2 and H3 + + H2 reactive systems at low temperature
Authors: Miguel Jiménez-Redondo, Olli Sipilä, Pavol Jusko, Paola Caselli

Observing dynamical localization on a trapped-ion qudit quantum processor
Authors: Gonzalo Camacho, Claire L. Edmunds, Michael Meth, Martin Ringbauer, Benedikt Fauseweh

Perfect revivals of Rabi oscillations and hybrid Bell states in a trapped ion
Authors: Juan Mauricio Torres, Christian Ventura-Velázquez, Ivan Arellano-Melendez

Power-optimized amplitude modulation for robust trapped-ion entangling gates: a study of gate-timing errors
Authors: Luke Ellert-Beck, Wenchao Ge

Precise Determination of Excited State Rotational Constants and Black-Body Thermometry in Coulomb Crystals of Ca+ and CaH+
Authors: Swapnil Patel, Kenneth R. Brown

Probing Entanglement Scaling Across a Quantum Phase Transition on a Quantum Computer
Authors: Qiang Miao, Tianyi Wang, Kenneth R. Brown, Thomas Barthel, Marko Cetina

Programmable simulation of high-order exceptional point with a trapped ion
Authors: Yue Li, Yang Wu, Yuqi Zhou, Mengxiang Zhang, Xingyu Zhao, Yibo Yuan, Xu Cheng, Yi Li, Xi Qin, Xing Rong, Yiheng Lin, Jiangfeng Du

Quantum circuit and mapping algorithms for wavepacket dynamics: case study of anharmonic hydrogen bonds in protonated and hydroxide water clusters
Authors: Debadrita Saha, Philip Richerme, Srinivasan S. Iyengar

Quantum computation over the vibrational modes of a single trapped ion
Authors: Alexandre C. Ricardo, Gubio G. de Lima, Amanda G. Valério, Tiago de S. Farias, Celso J. Villas-Boas

Quantum computing architecture with Rydberg gates in trapped ions
Authors: Han Bao, Jonas Vogel, Ulrich Poschinger, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler

Quantum-Enhanced Multi-Parameter Sensing in a Single Mode
Authors: Christophe H. Valahu, Matthew P. Stafford, Zixin Huang, Vassili G. Matsos, Maverick J. Millican, Teerawat Chalermpusitarak, Nicolas C. Menicucci, Joshua Combes, Ben Q. Baragiola, Ting Rei Tan

Quantum Frequency Conversion of μs-long Photons from the Visible to the Telecom-C-Band
Authors: Soeren Wengerowsky, Stefano Duranti, Lukas Heller, Hugues de Riedmatten

Quantum tomography of a third-order exceptional point in a dissipative trapped ion
Authors: Y. -Y. Chen, K. Li, L. Zhang, Y. -K. Wu, J. -Y. Ma, H. -X. Yang, C. Zhang, B. -X. Qi, Z. -C. Zhou, P. -Y. Hou, Y. Xu, L. -M. Duan

Single-qubit gates with errors at the 10−7 level
Authors: M. C. Smith, A. D. Leu, K. Miyanishi, M. F. Gely, D. M. Lucas

Spin Phonon Relaxation Dynamics from a Conical Intersection of Trapped Rydberg Ions
Authors: Manish Chaudhary, Rejish Nath, Weibin Li

Two-qubit gate protocols with microwave-dressed Rydberg ions in a linear Paul trap
Authors: Joseph W. P. Wilkinson, Katrin Bolsmann, Thiago L. M. Guedes, Markus Müller, Igor Lesanovsky

ITN Newsletter – November 2024


Dear Ion Trappers,
We’re truly grateful for the ongoing engagement from the iontrap community, who keep the conversation lively by sharing their latest news, events, jobs, publications, and editorials. Visit the ITN-Website ( where you can download the current and archived issues and send us your submissions and events directly using the forms. Please continue to send us your thoughts; your contributions make our newsletter vibrant and enriching.


15th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP15) will take place in Innsbruck, Austria from June 30 to July 4 2025. Details

The Summer School on Quantum Matter out of Equilibrium will be held in Granada (Spain) from September 1st to 5th 2025. Details

European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI) will be held in the Netherlands from 8 to 12 September 2025. Details to follow.

Online Seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental SymmetriesLINK: Thursdays

The “Virtual AMO Seminar”LINK: Fridays, 7 pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” LINK: Thursdays, 5 pm


Highly motivated PhD students and postdoctoral researchers are sought to join the experiments and theory team of the ERC Synergy project “Open 2D Quantum Simulator (OPEN-2QS)”, with the project starting on May 1st, 2025.Trapped ions excited to Rydberg states will be used to build a quantum simulator for open system quantum dynamics, enabling the study of novel states of matter like quantum glasses through fast interactions and long-time stability.
Contacts: Mainz (experiment), Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler (
Stockholm (experiment), Markus Hennrich (
Tübingen (theory), Igor Lesanovsky (

Senior Theoretical Scientist (QEC) – A full-time position with Oxford Ionics, either based in Oxford or remotely in Europe. Play a key role in developing and refining the QEC strategies for our cutting-edge trapped-ion quantum computing systems.

Contact: Elliot Dower (

A 12-month post-doctoral position is available at the Time and Frequency department at FEMTO-ST in Besançon.
Contact: Clément Lacroûte,

The Trapped Ion Quantum Information group at ETH Zürich is seeking for post-doctoral and PhD researchers across a range of topics in the group, but focussed particularly in the areas of Penning Trap Quantum Computing, Quantum Metrology of Hydrogen Molecular Ions, and Multi-Zone Trapped Ion Quantum Information. The TIQI group welcomes applications from underrepresented groups, as well as from a diverse range of backgrounds, in particular from outside the direct realm of trapped ions.

A fully funded, 3.5-year PhD position is available in the Ion Trap Cavity-QED and Molecular Physics (ITCM) Group in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Sussex.
Contact: Prof Matthias Keller (

A 3-year postdoc position available in collaboration with Prof. Steve Worm’s group at the DESYin Zeuthen to work on optical clocks.
Contact: Steven Worm (

For a 3-year postdoc opportunity at MIT & Texas A&M, the NEPTUNE project [PRL 133, 033003 (2024)] seeks candidates with hands-on experience in Penning traps.
Contact: Jonas Karthein (

Several PostDoc and PhD positions available at PTB in Braunschweig and Leibniz University Hannover in the Quantum Logic Spectroscopy Group of Piet Schmidt . Topics include laboratory and transportable aluminium ion clocks, multi-ion calcium clock using dynamical decoupling and entanglement, as well as highly charged ion clocks.
Contact: Dr. Piet Schmidt (

PhD and postdoc positions available at the University of Basel (Switzerland) on the topics of developing molecular-ion quantum technologies for precision measurements as well as cold ion-neutral interactions and collisions.

PhD and postdoc positions available in the group of Tanja Mehlstäubler at PTB, working on optical clocks based on trapped ion Coulomb crystals. Topics include new interrogation protocols for multi-ensemble clocks, quantum-enhanced clock operation, ground-state cooling of mixed-species Coulomb crystals and tests of fundamental physics with precision spectroscopy.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Tanja Mehlstäubler (

Multiple postdoc positions are available in the NIST Ion Storage Group in Colorado, USA. Topics include quantum simulation and sensing in a Penning trap, trapped-ion quantum computing, trapped-ion optical clocks, and quantum state control and precision spectroscopy of single molecular ions.
Contact: John Bollinger or any of the NIST Ion Storage group staff

The research group of C. Ospelkaus at the University of Hannover is looking for a postdoctoral research associate on their Penning trap experiment, which aims to implement quantum logic spectroscopy of (anti-) protons for tests of the fundamental CPT symmetry as part of the BASE collaboration.
Contact: Dr. Christian Ospelkaus (

A postdoc position is available at the Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, USA on a project trapping lutetium ions for precision measurements.
Contact: Dr. Matt Grau (

two openings for PhD positions in the Molecular Systems group headed by Roland Wester at the University of Innsbruck. One position is part of a research project in collaboration with the University of Bordeaux on classical versus quantum effects in three-body collisions of cold trapped ions, funded through the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). The second position is part of a collaborative project on controlling
trapped charged nanoparticles, funded through the Austrian excellence cluster QuantA.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Roland Wester (

The Imperial College Particle Physics Group has a postgraduate studentship available to work on laser measurements of cold exotic helium atoms that contain antiprotons at the new ELENA facility of CERN in Geneva. This allows us to probe the matter-antimatter symmetry and determine the mass ratio between an antiproton and electron. We hope to be relatively flexible with regards to the exact PhD topic depending on the candidate’s interests. The studentship covers a maintenance bursary similar to standard STFC studentships.


Comparing Shor and Steane error correction using the Bacon-Shor code
6 Nov 2024
Vol 10, Issue 45

Coriolis forces modify magnetostatic ponderomotive potentials
E. J. Kolmes, N. J. Fisch
Journal: Physics of Plasmas
Phys. Plasmas 31, 112107 (2024)

Cooling Trapped Ions with Phonon Rapid Adiabatic Passage
M. I. Fabrikant, P. Lauria, I. S. Madjarov, W. C. Burton, and R. T. Sutherland
Phys. Rev. X 14, 041046 (2024)

Coupling Trapped Ions to a Nanomechanical Oscillator
Moritz Weegen, Martino Poggio, and Stefan Willitsch
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 223201 (2024)

Digital-analog counterdiabatic quantum optimization with trapped ions
Shubham Kumar, Narendra N Hegade, Murilo Henrique de Oliveira, Enrique Solano, Alejandro Gomez Cadavid and F Albarrán-Arriagada
2025 Quantum Sci. Technol. 10 015023

Efficient digitized counterdiabatic quantum optimization algorithm within the impulse regime for portfolio optimization
Alejandro Gomez Cadavid, Iraitz Montalban, Archismita Dalal, Enrique Solano, and Narendra N. Hegade
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 054037 (2024)

Enhancement of nonclassical properties of the two-mode squeezed vacuum state with a postselected von Neumann measurement
Janarbek Yuanbek, Yi-Fang Ren, Ahmad Abliz, and Yusuf Turek
Phys. Rev. A 110, 052611 (2024) –

How to Move Multiple Ions in Two Dimensions
Mark Buchanan
Physics 17, 159, November 1, 2024•

Individually addressed entangling gates in a two-dimensional ion crystal
Y.-H. Hou, Y.-J. Yi, Y.-K. Wu, Y.-Y. Chen, L. Zhang, Y. Wang, Y.-L. Xu, C. Zhang, Q.-X. Mei, H.-X. Yang, J.-Y. Ma, S.-A. Guo, J. Ye, B.-X. Qi, Z.-C. Zhou, P.-Y. Hou & L.-M. Duan
Nature Communications volume 15, Article number: 9710 (2024)

Low-crosstalk optical addressing system for atomic qubits based on multiple objectives and acoustooptic deflectors
Yi-Long Chen (陈一龙), Rui-Rui Li (李睿睿), Ran He (贺冉), Shu-Qian Chen (陈树谦), Wen-Hao Qi (亓文昊), Jin-Ming Cui (崔金明), Yun-Feng Huang (黄运锋), Chuan-Feng Li (李传锋), and Guang-Can Guo (郭光灿)
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 054003 (2024)

Motional-state analysis of a trapped ion by ultranarrowband composite pulses
Marion Mallweger, Milena Guevara-Bertsch, Boyan T. Torosov, Robin Thomm, Natalia Kuk, Harry Parke, Christan F. Roos, Gerard Higgins, Markus Hennrich, and Nikolay V. Vitanov
Phys. Rev. A 110, 053103 (2024)

Open quantum dynamics with variational non-Gaussian states and the truncated Wigner approximation
Liam J. Bond, Bas Gerritsen, Jiří Minář, Jeremy T. Young, Johannes Schachenmayer, Arghavan Safavi-Naini
Journal: The Journal of Chemical Physics
J. Chem. Phys. 161, 184113 (2024)

Optimal quantum sensing of the nonlinear bosonic interactions using Fock states
Payman Mahmoudi, Atirach Ritboon, and Radim Filip
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 043215 (2024)

Quadratic Zeeman and electric quadrupole shifts in highly charged ions
Jan Gilles, Stephan Fritzsche, Lukas J. Spieß, Piet O. Schmidt, and Andrey Surzhykov
Phys. Rev. A 110, 052812 (2024)

Scalable Multispecies Ion Transport in a Grid-Based Surface-Electrode Trap
Robert D. Delaney, Lucas R. Sletten, Matthew J. Cich, Brian Estey, Maya I. Fabrikant, David Hayes, Ian M. Hoffman, James Hostetter, Christopher Langer, Steven A. Moses, Abigail R. Perry, Timothy A. Peterson, Andrew Schaffer, Curtis Volin, Grahame Vittorini, and William Cody Burton
Phys. Rev. X 14, 041028 (2024)

The behavior of a string of trapped 40Ca+ ions in a linear Paul system
Basem R. Kazem, Mezher B. Saleh
Journal: AIP Conference Proceedings
AIP Conf. Proc. 3219, 060003 (2024)


A silicon-based ion trap chip protected from semiconductor charging
Authors: Daun Chung, Kwangyeul Choi, Woojun Lee, Chiyoon Kim, Hosung Shon, Jeonghyun Park, Beomgeun Cho, Kyungmin Lee, Suhan Kim, Seungwoo Yoo, Eui Hwan Jung, Changhyun Jung, Jiyong Kang, Kyunghye Kim, Roberts Berkis, Tracy Northup, Dong-Il “Dan” Cho, Taehyun Kim

Analysis of the confinement string in (2 + 1)-dimensional Quantum Electrodynamics with a trapped-ion quantum computer
Authors: Arianna Crippa, Karl Jansen, Enrico Rinaldi

Anomalous velocity distributions in slow quantum-tunneling chemical reactions
Authors: Christian Beck, Constantino Tsallis

Associative ionization in a dilute ultracold 7Li gas probed with a hybrid trap
Authors: N. Joshi, Vaibhav Mahendrakar, M. Niranjan, Raghuveer Singh Yadav, E Krishnakumar, A. Pandey, R Vexiau, O. Dulieu, S. A. Rangwala

Cooperative engineering the multiple radio-frequency fields to reduce the X-junction barrier for ion trap chips
Authors: Yarui Liu, Zhao Wang, Zixuan Xiang, Qikun Wang, Tianyang Hu, Xu Wang

Enhancing non-destructive mass identification via Fourier-transform fluorescence analysis
Authors: F. Domínguez, D. Yousaf, J. Berrocal, M. J. Gutiérrez, J.
Sánchez, M. Block, and D. Rodríguez.

Entanglement teleportation along a regenerating hamster-wheel graph state
Authors: Haiyue Kang, John F. Kam, Gary J. Mooney, Lloyd C. L. Hollenberg

Experimental evidence for dipole-phonon quantum logic in a trapped calcium monoxide and calcium ion chain
Authors: Lu Qi, Evan C. Reed, Boyan Yu, Kenneth R. Brown

High-fidelity entanglement of metastable trapped-ion qubits with integrated erasure conversion
Authors: A. Quinn, G. J. Gregory, I. D. Moore, S. Brudney, J. Metzner, E. R. Ritchie, J. O’Reilly, D. J. Wineland, D. T. C. Allcock

Impact of micromotion on the excitation of Rydberg states of ions in a Paul trap
Authors: Wilson S. Martins, Joseph W. P. Wilkinson, Markus Hennrich, Igor Lesanovsky

Integrated-Photonics-Based Systems for Polarization-Gradient Cooling of Trapped Ions
Authors: Sabrina M. Corsetti, Ashton Hattori, Ethan R. Clements, Felix W. Knollmann, Milica Notaros, Reuel Swint, Tal Sneh, Patrick T. Callahan, Gavin N. West, Dave Kharas, Thomas Mahony, Colin D. Bruzewicz, Cheryl Sorace-Agaskar, Robert McConnell, Isaac L. Chuang, John Chiaverini, Jelena Notaros

Multiplexed bi-layered realization of fault-tolerant quantum computation over optically networked trapped-ion modules
Authors: Nitish K. Chandra, Saikat Guha, Kaushik P. Seshadreesan

Non-Classicality and Non-adiabaticity in a Single Trapped Ion
Authors: C. F. P. Avalos, M. C. de Oliveira

Noise-Aware Circuit Compilations for a Continuously Parameterized Two-Qubit Gateset
Authors: Christopher G. Yale, Rich Rines, Victory Omole, Bharath Thotakura, Ashlyn D. Burch, Matthew N. H. Chow, Megan Ivory, Daniel Lobser, Brian K. McFarland, Melissa C. Revelle, Susan M. Clark, Pranav Gokhale

On-Chip Verified Quantum Computation with an Ion-Trap Quantum Processing Unit
Authors: Cica Gustiani, Dominik Leichtle, Daniel Mills, Jonathan Miller, Ross Grassie, Elham Kashefi

Quadratic Zeeman and Electric Quadrupole Shifts in Highly Charged Ions
Authors: Jan Gilles, Stephan Fritzsche, Lukas J. Spieß, Piet O. Schmidt, Andrey Surzhykov

Quantum metrology with a continuous-variable system
Authors: Matteo Fadel, Noah Roux, Manuel Gessner

Qutrit Toric Code and Parafermions in Trapped Ions
Authors: Mohsin Iqbal, Anasuya Lyons, Chiu Fan Bowen Lo, Nathanan Tantivasadakarn, Joan Dreiling, Cameron Foltz, Thomas M. Gatterman, Dan Gresh, Nathan Hewitt, Craig A. Holliman, Jacob Johansen, Brian Neyenhuis, Yohei Matsuoka, Michael Mills, Steven A. Moses, Peter Siegfried, Ashvin Vishwanath, Ruben Verresen, Henrik Dreyer

Reshaping quantum device noise via quantum error correction
Authors: Yue Ma, Michael Hanks, Evdokia Gneusheva, M. S. Kim

State-dependent control of the motional modes of trapped ions using an integrated optical lattice
Authors: Alfredo Ricci Vasquez, Carmelo Mordini, Daniel Kienzler, Jonathan Home

Sub-Doppler cooling of a trapped ion in a phase-stable polarization gradient
Authors: Ethan Clements, Felix W. Knollmann, Sabrina Corsetti, Zhaoyi Li, Ashton Hattori, Milica Notaros, Reuel Swint, Tal Sneh, May E. Kim, Aaron D. Leu, Patrick Callahan, Thomas Mahony, Gavin N. West, Cheryl Sorace-Agaskar, Dave Kharas, Robert McConnell, Colin D. Bruzewicz, Isaac L. Chuang, Jelena Notaros, John Chiaverini

Study of decoherence in radial local phonon hopping within trapped-ion string
Authors: Yu-Xuan Chen, Takumi Yuri, Kenji Toyoda

Super-Heisenberg scaling of the quantum Fisher information using spin-motion states
Authors: Venelin P. Pavlov, Peter A. Ivanov

Towards quantum computing Feynman diagrams in hybrid qubit-oscillator devices
Authors: S. Varona, S. Saner, O. Băzăvan, G. Araneda, G. Aarts, A. Bermudez

Trapped-ion laser cooling in structured light fields
Authors: Zhenzhong Xing, Karan K. Mehta

Trapped-ion quantum simulation of the Fermi-Hubbard model as a lattice gauge theory using hardware-aware native gates
Authors: Dhruv Srinivasan, Alex Beyer, Daiwei Zhu, Spencer Churchill, Kushagra Mehta, Sashank Kaushik Sridhar, Kushal Chakrabarti, David W. Steuerman, Nikhil Chopra, Avik Dutt

Ultracold Interactions between Ions and Polar Molecules
Authors: Leon Karpa, Olivier Dulieu

Unsupervised Quantum Anomaly Detection on Noisy Quantum Processors
Authors: Daniel Pranjić, Florian Knäble, Philipp Kunst, Damian Kutzias, Dennis Klau, Christian Tutschku, Lars Simon, Micha Kraus, Ali Abedi

Warehouse optimization using a trapped-ion quantum processor
Authors: Alexandre C. Ricardo, Gabriel P. L. M. Fernandes, Amanda G. Valério, Tiago de S. Farias, Matheus da S. Fonseca, Nicolás A. C. Carpio, Paulo C. C. Bezerra, Christine Maier, Juris Ulmanis, Thomas Monz, Celso J. Villas-Boas

ITN Newsletter – October 2024


Dear Ion Trappers,
We’re truly grateful for the ongoing engagement from the iontrap community, who keep the conversation lively by sharing their latest news, events, jobs, publications, and editorials. Visit the ITN-Website ( where you can download the current and archived issues and send us your submissions and events directly using the forms. Please continue to send us your thoughts; your contributions make our newsletter vibrant and enriching.


European Quantum Technologies Conference (EQTC 2024) will be held in Lisbon, Portugal, from 18 to 20 November. Details

Online Seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental SymmetriesLINK: Thursdays

The “Virtual AMO Seminar”LINK: Fridays, 7 pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” LINK: Thursdays, 5 pm


The Trapped Ion Quantum Information group at ETH Zürich is seeking for post-doctoral and PhD researchers across a range of topics in the group, but focussed particularly in the areas of Penning Trap Quantum Computing, Quantum Metrology of Hydrogen Molecular Ions, and Multi-Zone Trapped Ion Quantum Information. The TIQI group welcomes applications from underrepresented groups, as well as from a diverse range of backgrounds, in particular from outside the direct realm of trapped ions.

A fully funded, 3.5-year PhD position is available in the Ion Trap Cavity-QED and Molecular Physics (ITCM) Group in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Sussex.
Contact: Prof Matthias Keller (

A 3-year postdoc position available in collaboration with Prof. Steve Worm’s group at the DESYin Zeuthen to work on optical clocks.
Contact: Steven Worm (

For a 3-year postdoc opportunity at MIT & Texas A&M, the NEPTUNE project [PRL 133, 033003 (2024)] seeks candidates with hands-on experience in Penning traps.
Contact: Jonas Karthein (

Several PostDoc and PhD positions available at PTB in Braunschweig and Leibniz University Hannover in the Quantum Logic Spectroscopy Group of Piet Schmidt . Topics include laboratory and transportable aluminium ion clocks, multi-ion calcium clock using dynamical decoupling and entanglement, as well as highly charged ion clocks.
Contact: Dr. Piet Schmidt (

PhD and postdoc positions available at the University of Basel (Switzerland) on the topics of developing molecular-ion quantum technologies for precision measurements as well as cold ion-neutral interactions and collisions.

PhD and postdoc positions available in the group of Tanja Mehlstäubler at PTB, working on optical clocks based on trapped ion Coulomb crystals. Topics include new interrogation protocols for multi-ensemble clocks, quantum-enhanced clock operation, ground-state cooling of mixed-species Coulomb crystals and tests of fundamental physics with precision spectroscopy.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Tanja Mehlstäubler (

Multiple postdoc positions are available in the NIST Ion Storage Group in Colorado, USA. Topics include quantum simulation and sensing in a Penning trap, trapped-ion quantum computing, trapped-ion optical clocks, and quantum state control and precision spectroscopy of single molecular ions.
Contact: John Bollinger or any of the NIST Ion Storage group staff

The research group of C. Ospelkaus at the University of Hannover is looking for a postdoctoral research associate on their Penning trap experiment, which aims to implement quantum logic spectroscopy of (anti-) protons for tests of the fundamental CPT symmetry as part of the BASE collaboration.
Contact: Dr. Christian Ospelkaus (

A postdoc position is available at the Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, USA on a project trapping lutetium ions for precision measurements.
Contact: Dr. Matt Grau (

two openings for PhD positions in the Molecular Systems group headed by Roland Wester at the University of Innsbruck. One position is part of a research project in collaboration with the University of Bordeaux on classical versus quantum effects in three-body collisions of cold trapped ions, funded through the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). The second position is part of a collaborative project on controlling
trapped charged nanoparticles, funded through the Austrian excellence cluster QuantA.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Roland Wester (

The Imperial College Particle Physics Group has a postgraduate studentship available to work on laser measurements of cold exotic helium atoms that contain antiprotons at the new ELENA facility of CERN in Geneva. This allows us to probe the matter-antimatter symmetry and determine the mass ratio between an antiproton and electron. We hope to be relatively flexible with regards to the exact PhD topic depending on the candidate’s interests. The studentship covers a maintenance bursary similar to standard STFC studentships.


A comprehensive study on a tapered Paul trap: from design to potential applications
Bo Deng, Moritz Göb, Max Masuhr, Johannes Roßnagel, Georg Jacob, Daqing Wang and Kilian Singer
2025 Quantum Sci. Technol. 10 015017

Alignment and optimization of optical tweezers on trapped ions
M. Mazzanti, C. Robalo Pereira, N. A. Diepeveen, B. Gerritsen, Z. Wu, Z. E. D. Ackerman, L. P. H. Gallagher,
A. Safavi-Naini, R. Gerritsma, and R. X. Schüssler
Phys. Rev. A 110, 043105 (2024)

Digital-Analog Counterdiabatic Quantum Optimization with Trapped Ions
Shubham Kumar, Narendra N. Hegade, Alejandro Gomez-Cadavid, Murilo Henrique de Oliveira, Enrique Solano and Francisco Albarrán-Arriagada
2024 Quantum Sci. Technol.

Digital Quantum Simulation of a (1+1)D SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory with Ion Qudits
Giuseppe Calajó, Giuseppe Magnifico, Claire Edmunds, Martin Ringbauer, Simone Montangero, and Pietro
PRX Quantum 5, 040309 (2024)

Entangling Four Logical Qubits Beyond Break-even in a Nonlocal Code
Yifan Hong, Elijah Durso-Sabina, David Hayes, and Andrew Lucas
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 180601 (2024)

Fast ground-state-to-ground-state separation of small ion crystals
Tyler H. Guglielmo, Dietrich Leibfried, Stephen B. Libby, and Daniel H. Slichter
Phys. Rev. A 110, 042610 (2024) –

Generalized theory for optical cooling of a trapped atom with spin
Saumitra S. Phatak, Karl N. Blodgett, David Peana, Meng Raymond Chen, and Jonathan D. Hood
Phys. Rev. A 110, 043116 (2024)

GHZ protocols enhance frequency metrology despite spontaneous decay
23 Oct 2024
Vol 10, Issue 43

Individual-Ion Addressing and Readout in a Penning Trap
Brian J. McMahon, Kenton R. Brown, Creston D. Herold, and Brian C. Sawyer
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 173201 (2024) – Published 23 October 2024

Ion-chain sympathetic cooling and gate dynamics
A. Paul and C. Noel
Pays. Rev. Applied 22, 044033 (2024)

Long-lifetime optical trapping of a 40Ca+ ion
Zheng Chen, Miao Wang, Baolin Zhang, Huaqing Zhang, Zixiao Ma, Ruming Hu, Yao Huang, Kelin Gao and Hua Guan
2024 Chinese Phys. Lett.

Measurement-induced heating of a trapped ion
A J Rasmusson, Ilyoung Jung, Frank G Schroer, Antonis Kyprianidis and Philip Richerme
2024 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 57 225002

Observation of quantum superposition of topological defects in a trapped-ion quantum simulator

Observation of Space-Dependent Rotational Doppler Shifts with a Single Ion Probe
Nicolás A. Nuñez Barreto, Muriel Bonetto, Marcelo A. Luda, Cecilia Cormick, and Christian T. Schmiegelow
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 183601 (2024)

Onset of quantum thermalization in the Jahn-Teller model
Yoana R. Chorbadzhiyska and Peter A. Ivanov
Phys. Rev. E 110, 044127 (2024)

Physical coherent cancellation of optical addressing crosstalk in a trapped-ion experiment
Jeremy Flannery, Roland Matt, Luca I Huber, Kaizhao Wang, Christopher Axline, Robin Oswald and Jonathan P Home
2025 Quantum Sci. Technol. 10 015012

Polarization-insensitive state preparation for trapped-ion hyperfine qubits
A. D. Leu, M. C. Smith, M. F. Gely, and D. M. Lucas
Phys. Rev. A 110, L040402 (2024)

Probing the 𝑁=104 midshell region for the 𝑟 process via precision mass spectrometry of neutron-rich rare-earth isotopes with the JYFLTRAP double Penning trap
A. Jaries, S. Nikas, A. Kankainen, T. Eronen, O. Beliuskina, T. Dickel, M. Flayol, Z. Ge, M. Hukkanen, M. Mougeot, I. Pohjalainen, A. Raggio, M. Reponen, J. Ruotsalainen, M. Stryjczyk, and V. Virtanen
Phys. Rev. C 110, 045809 (2024)

Probing the Rotational Doppler Effect with a Single Ion
Charles Day
Physics 17, s133,October 29, 2024•

Pr10+ as a candidate for a high-accuracy optical clock for tests of fundamental physics
S. G. Porsev, C. Cheung, M. S. Safronova, H. Bekker, N.-H. Rehbehn, J. R. Crespo López-Urrutia, and S. M. Brewer
Phys. Rev. A 110, 042823 (2024)

𝒫𝒯-symmetry-breaking transition in a chain of trapped interacting ions
Zhenxin Hu and Zhenhua Yu
Phys. Rev. A 110, 043103 (2024) –

Qubits Manipulated on the Fly
Christian Roos
Physics 17, 152 (2024)

Scalable Architecture for Trapped-Ion Quantum Computing Using rf Traps and Dynamic Optical Potentials
David Schwerdt, Lee Peleg, Yotam Shapira, Nadav Priel, Yanay Florshaim, Avram Gross, Ayelet Zalic, Gadi Afek, Nitzan Akerman, Ady Stern, Amit Ben Kish, and Roee Ozeri
Phys. Rev. X 14, 041017 (2024)

Sensing Aharonov-Bohm Phase Using a Multiply-Orbiting-Ion Interferometer
Ryoichi Saito and Takashi Mukaiyama
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 143402 (2024)

Single-ion spectroscopy of four metastable-state clear-out transitions in Yb+: Isotope shifts and hyperfine structure
N. A. Diepeveen, C. Robalo Pereira, M. Mazzanti, Z. E. D. Ackerman, L. P. H. Gallagher, T. Timmerman, R. Gerritsma, and R. X. Schüssler
Phys. Rev. A 110, 042809 (2024)

The Peregrine Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer (PITMS) Investigation Development and Preflight Planning
Barbara A. Cohen, Simeon J. Barber, Phillip A. Driggers, David Heather, Christopher Howe, Peter Landsberg, Thomas Morse, Roland Trautner, Feargus Abernethy, Emma-May ButroidShow full author list
2024 Planet. Sci. J. 5 212

Zeeman decoherence effect of trapped 199Hg+ ion Ramsey spectra
Ge Liu, 格 刘, Hao Liu, 浩 柳, Yihe Chen, 义和 陈, Jian Wang, 健 王, Shuhong Huang, 书泓 黄Show full author list
2024 Chinese Phys. B 33 113702


An Accessible Planar Ion Trap for Experiential Learning in Quantum Technologies
Authors: Robert E. Thomas, Cole E. Wolfram, Noah B. Warren, Isaac J. Fouch, Boris B. Blinov, Maxwell F. Parsons

Cancellation of phonon hopping in trapped ions by modulation of the trap potential
Authors: Takanori Nishi, Ryoichi Saito, Takashi Mukaiyama, Kaoru Yamanouchi

Coherent Control of Photon Correlations in Trapped Ion Crystals
Authors: K. Singh, A. Cidrim, A. Kovalenko, T. Pham, O. Číp, L. Slodička, R. Bachelard

Condensation phenomena of ions in an electrostatic logarithmic trap
Authors: Loris Ferrari

Efficient Hamiltonian engineering
Authors: Pascal Baßler, Markus Heinrich, Martin Kliesch

Entanglement-induced provable and robust quantum learning advantages
Authors: Haimeng Zhao, Dong-Ling Deng

Experimental realization of direct entangling gates between dual-type qubits
Authors: Chenxi Wang, Chuanxin Huang, Hongxuan Zhang, Hongyuan Hu, Zhichao Mao, Panyu Hou, Yukai Wu, Zichao Zhou, Luming Duan

Harnessing quantum chaos in spin-boson models for all-purpose quantum-enhanced sensing
Authors: Yicheng Zhang, Juan Zuniga Castro, Robert J. Lewis-Swan

High-precision mass measurement of 103Sn restores smoothness of the mass surface
Authors: C. M. Ireland, F. M. Maier, G. Bollen, S. E. Campbell, X. Chen, H. Erington, N. D. Gamage, M. J. Gutiérrez, C. Izzo, E. Leistenschneider, E. M. Lykiardopoulou, R. Orford, W. S. Porter, D. Puentes, M. Redshaw, R. Ringle, S. Rogers, S. Schwarz, L. Stackable, C. S. Sumithrarachchi, A. A. Valverde, A. C. C. Villari, I. T. Yandow

Integrating Window-Based Correlated Decoding with Constant-Time Logical Gates for Large-Scale Quantum Computation
Authors: Jiaxuan Zhang, Zhao-Yun Chen, Jia-Ning Li, Tian-Hao Wei, Huan-Yu Liu, Xi-Ning Zhuang, Qing-Song Li, Yu-Chun Wu, Guo-Ping Guo

Measuring error rates of mid-circuit measurements
Authors: Daniel Hothem, Jordan Hines, Charles Baldwin, Dan Gresh, Robin Blume-Kohout, Timothy Proctor

Molecular Quantum Control Algorithm Design by Reinforcement Learning
Authors: Anastasia Pipi, Xuecheng Tao, Prineha Narang, David R. Leibrandt

Observation of quantum superposition of topological defects in a trapped ion quantum simulator
Authors: Zhijie Cheng, Yukai Wu, Shijiao Li, Quanxin Mei, Bowen Li, Gangxi Wang, Yue Jiang, Binxiang Qi, Zichao Zhou, Panyu Hou, Luming Duan
Observation of string-breaking dynamics in a quantum simulator
Authors: Arinjoy De, Alessio Lerose, De Luo, Federica M. Surace, Alexander Schuckert, Elizabeth R. Bennewitz, Brayden Ware, William Morong, Kate S. Collins, Zohreh Davoudi, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Or Katz, Christopher Monroe

Preliminary characterization of a surface electrode Paul trap for frequency metrology
Authors: Josipa Madunic, Lucas Groult, Bachir Achi, Thomas Lauprêtre, Alan Boudrias, Pierre Roset, Valérie Soumann, Yann Kersalé, Moustafa Abdel Hafiz, Clément Lacroûte

Preparing topological states with finite depth simultaneous commuting gates
Authors: Yarden Sheffer, Erez Berg, Ady Stern

Quantum logic control of a transition metal ion
Authors: Till Rehmert, Maximilian J. Zawierucha, Kai Dietze, Piet O. Schmidt, Fabian Wolf

Quantum spatial search with multiple excitations
Authors: Dylan Lewis, Leonardo Banchi, Sougato Bose

Ring-exchange physics in a chain of three-level ions
Authors: Sourav Biswas, E. Rico, Tobias Grass

Robustness of near-thermal dynamics on digital quantum computers
Authors: Eli Chertkov, Yi-Hsiang Chen, Michael Lubasch, David Hayes, Michael Foss-Feig

State Selective Preparation and Nondestructive Detection of Trapped O+2
Authors: Ambesh Pratik Singh, Michael Mitchell, Will Henshon, Addison Hartman, Annika Lunstad, Boran Kuzhan, David Hanneke

The PT-symmetry-breaking transition in a chain of trapped interacting ions
Authors: Zhenxin Hu, Zhenhua Yu

Toward hybrid quantum simulations with qubits and qumodes on trapped-ion platforms
Authors: Jack Y. Araz, Matt Grau, Jake Montgomery, Felix Ringer

ITN Newsletter – September 2024


Dear Ion Trappers,
as mentioned in our last issue, Frontiers in Quantum Science and Technology has announced a special issue on “Micromotion in Trapped Ion Systems.” Submissions are now open. For more details and submission guidelines, visit Frontiers in Quantum Science and Technology.
We’re truly grateful for the ongoing engagement from the iontrap community, who keep the conversation lively by sharing their latest news, events, jobs, publications, and editorials. Visit the ITN-Website ( where you can download the current and archived issues and send us your submissions and events directly using the forms. Please continue to send us your thoughts; your contributions make our newsletter vibrant and enriching.


Quantum Physics with Trapped Particles at Monte Verita, close to Ascona, Switzerland, on October 13-18, 2024. Details

Atomic Clock Ensemble in Space (ACES) Workshop, ESTEC, the Netherlands from the 23rd to the 25th of October 2024 Details

Online Seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental SymmetriesLINK: Thursdays

The “Virtual AMO Seminar”LINK: Fridays, 7 pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” LINK: Thursdays, 5 pm


A fully funded, 3.5-year PhD position is available in the Ion Trap Cavity-QED and Molecular Physics (ITCM) Group in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Sussex.
Contact: Prof Matthias Keller (

A 3-year postdoc position available in collaboration with Prof. Steve Worm’s group at the DESYin Zeuthen to work on optical clocks.
Contact: Steven Worm (

For a 3-year postdoc opportunity at MIT & Texas A&M, the NEPTUNE project [PRL 133, 033003 (2024)] seeks candidates with hands-on experience in Penning traps.
Contact: Jonas Karthein (

Several PostDoc and PhD positions available at PTB in Braunschweig and Leibniz University Hannover in the Quantum Logic Spectroscopy Group of Piet Schmidt . Topics include laboratory and transportable aluminium ion clocks, multi-ion calcium clock using dynamical decoupling and entanglement, as well as highly charged ion clocks.
Contact: Dr. Piet Schmidt (

PhD and postdoc positions available at the University of Basel (Switzerland) on the topics of developing molecular-ion quantum technologies for precision measurements as well as cold ion-neutral interactions and collisions.

PhD and postdoc positions available in the group of Tanja Mehlstäubler at PTB, working on optical clocks based on trapped ion Coulomb crystals. Topics include new interrogation protocols for multi-ensemble clocks, quantum-enhanced clock operation, ground-state cooling of mixed-species Coulomb crystals and tests of fundamental physics with precision spectroscopy.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Tanja Mehlstäubler (

Multiple postdoc positions are available in the NIST Ion Storage Group in Colorado, USA. Topics include quantum simulation and sensing in a Penning trap, trapped-ion quantum computing, trapped-ion optical clocks, and quantum state control and precision spectroscopy of single molecular ions.
Contact: John Bollinger or any of the NIST Ion Storage group staff

The research group of C. Ospelkaus at the University of Hannover is looking for a postdoctoral research associate on their Penning trap experiment, which aims to implement quantum logic spectroscopy of (anti-) protons for tests of the fundamental CPT symmetry as part of the BASE collaboration.
Contact: Dr. Christian Ospelkaus (

A postdoc position is available at the Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, USA on a project trapping lutetium ions for precision measurements.
Contact: Dr. Matt Grau (

two openings for PhD positions in the Molecular Systems group headed by Roland Wester at the University of Innsbruck. One position is part of a research project in collaboration with the University of Bordeaux on classical versus quantum effects in three-body collisions of cold trapped ions, funded through the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). The second position is part of a collaborative project on controlling
trapped charged nanoparticles, funded through the Austrian excellence cluster QuantA.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Roland Wester (

The Imperial College Particle Physics Group has a postgraduate studentship available to work on laser measurements of cold exotic helium atoms that contain antiprotons at the new ELENA facility of CERN in Geneva. This allows us to probe the matter-antimatter symmetry and determine the mass ratio between an antiproton and electron. We hope to be relatively flexible with regards to the exact PhD topic depending on the candidate’s interests. The studentship covers a maintenance bursary similar to standard STFC studentships.


AC Zeeman effect in microfabricated surface traps
M. Ivory, C. D. Nordquist, K. Young, C. W. Hogle, S. M. Clark, M. C. Revelle
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 093202 (2024)

Concatenated Steane code with single-flag syndrome checks
Balint Pato, Theerapat Tansuwannont, and Kenneth R. Brown
Phys. Rev. A 110, 032411 (2024)

Crosstalk suppression of parallel gates for fault-tolerant quantum computation with trapped ions via optical tweezers
Lin Cheng, Sheng-Chen Liu, Liang-You Peng, and Qihuang Gong
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 034021 (2024) –

Dressing trapped ions with integrated wires
R. T. Sutherland
Phys. Rev. A 110, 033116 (2024) – Published 24 September 2024

Elastic splitting of x-ray photon by an atomic ion
A N Hopersky, A M Nadolinsky and S A Novikov
2024 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 57 215601

Electromagnetically Induced Transparency Cooling of High-Nuclear-Spin Ions
Chuanxin Huang, Chenxi Wang, Hongxuan Zhang, Hongyuan Hu, Zuqing Wang, Zhichao Mao, Shijiao Li,
Panyu Hou, Yukai Wu, Zichao Zhou, and Luming Duan
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 113204 (2024) –

Enhanced micromotion compensation using a phase-modulated light field
K. J. Arnold, N. Jayjong, M. L. D. Kang, Qin Qichen, Zhao Zhang, Qi Zhao, and M. D. Barrett
Phys. Rev. A 110, 033115 (2024)

Error mitigation, optimization, and extrapolation on a trapped-ion testbed
Oliver G. Maupin, Ashlyn D. Burch, Brandon Ruzic, Christopher G. Yale, Antonio Russo, Daniel S. Lobser, Melissa C. Revelle, Matthew N. Chow, Susan M. Clark, Andrew J. Landahl, and Peter J. Love
Phys. Rev. A 110, 032416 (2024)

Exactly solvable model of light-scattering errors in quantum simulations with metastable trapped-ion qubits
Phillip C. Lotshaw, Brian C. Sawyer, Creston D. Herold, and Gilles Buchs
Phys. Rev. A 110, L030803 (2024) –

Fast Photon-Mediated Entanglement of Continuously Cooled Trapped Ions for Quantum Networking
Jameson O’Reilly, George Toh, Isabella Goetting, Sagnik Saha, Mikhail Shalaev, Allison L. Carter, Andrew Risinger, Ashish Kalakuntla, Tingguang Li, Ashrit Verma, and Christopher Monroe
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 090802 (2024) –

Fundamental physics and other applications using nonneutral plasma,
G. Maero, E. D. Hunter, D. J. Murtagh and E. V. Stenson,
Adv. Phys: X 9, 1 (2024)

High-accuracy measurements of core-excited transitions in light Li-like ions
Moto Togawa, Steffen Kühn, Chintan Shah, Vladimir A. Zaytsev, Natalia S. Oreshkina, Jens Buck, Sonja Bernitt, René Steinbrügge, Jörn Seltmann, Moritz Hoesch, Christoph H. Keitel, Thomas Pfeifer, Maurice A. Leutenegger, and José R. Crespo López-Urrutia
Phys. Rev. A 110, L030802 (2024)

High-fidelity teleportation of a logical qubit using transversal gates and lattice surgery
C. Ryan-Anderson*, N. C. Brown, C. H. Baldwin, J. M. Dreiling, C. Foltz, J. P. Gaebler, T. M. Gatterman,
N. Hewitt, C. Holliman, C. V. Horst, J. Johansen, D. Lucchetti, T. Mengle, M. Matheny, Y. Matsuoka,
K. Mayer, M. Mills, S. A. Moses, B. Neyenhuis, J. Pino, P. Siegfried, R. P. Stutz, J. Walker, D. Hayes
SCIENCE, Vol 385, Issue 6715 pp. 1327-1331, 19 Sep 2024

Homodyne quadrature laser interferometry for the characterization of low-frequency residual vibrational noise in cryogenic trapped-ion systems
Qin, Qingqing; Ou, Baoquan; Wu, Wei; Xie, Yi; Chen, Ting; Wu, Chunwang; Chen, Pingxing
open access Optics Express 32(21) 36586-36599

Integrated photonic structures for photon-mediated entanglement of trapped ions
Knollmann, F. W.; Clements, E.; Callahan, P. T.; Gehl, M.; Hunker, J. D.; Mahony, T.; McConnell, R.; Swint, R.; Sorace-Agaskar, C.; Chuang, I. L.; Chiaverini, J.; Stick, D.
open access Optica Quantum 2(4) 230-244

Large-scale simulations of Floquet physics on near-term quantum computers
Timo Eckstein, Refik Mansuroglu, Piotr Czarnik, Jian-Xin Zhu, Michael J. Hartmann, Lukasz Cincio, Andrew T. Sornborger & Zoë Holmes
npj Quantum Information volume 10, Article number: 84 (2024)

Logical quantum circuits protected by the Steane code for specific noises in trapped ions
Sheng-Chen Liu, Lin Cheng, Liang-You Peng, and Qihuang Gong
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 034020 (2024

Low-excitation transport and separation of high-mass-ratio mixed-species ion chains
F. Lancellotti, S. Welte, M. Simoni, C. Mordini, T. Behrle, B. de Neeve, M. Marinelli, V. Negnevitsky, and J. P. Home
Phys. Rev. Research 6, L032059 (2024) –

Long-lifetime optical trapping of a 40Ca+ ion
Zheng Chen, Miao Wang, Baolin Zhang, Huaqing Zhang, Zixiao Ma, Ruming Hu, Yao Huang, Kelin Gao and Hua Guan
2024 Chinese Phys. Lett.

Nonlinear dynamics as a ground-state solution on quantum computers
Albert J. Pool, Alejandro D. Somoza, Conor Mc Keever, Michael Lubasch, and Birger Horstmann
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 033257 (2024) –

Noise-Aware Variational Eigensolvers: A Dissipative Route for Lattice Gauge Theories
Jesús Cobos, David F. Locher, Alejandro Bermudez, Markus Müller, and Enrique Rico
PRX Quantum 5, 030340 (2024)

Quantum repeater node with free-space coupled trapped ions
Max Bergerhoff, Omar Elshehy, Stephan Kucera, Matthias Kreis, and Jürgen Eschner
Phys. Rev. A 110, 032603 (2024)

Relativistic effects on entangled single-electron traps
Marko Toroš, Patrick Andriolo, Martine Schut, Sougato Bose, and Anupam Mazumdar
Phys. Rev. D 110, 056031 (2024) –

Resolved-sideband cooling of a single 9 Be + ion in a cryogenic multi-Penning-trap for discrete symmetry tests with (anti-)protons
Juan M. Cornejo, Johannes Brombacher, Julia A. Coenders, Moritz von Boehn, Teresa Meiners, Malte Niemann, Stefan Ulmer, and Christian Ospelkaus
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 033233 (2024)

Scalable electronic control of trapped-ion qubits
Malinowski, Maciej; Allcock, David T. C.; Srinivas, Raghavendra; Löschnauer, Clemens M.; Hughes, Amy C.; Nourshargh, Rustin; Negnevitsky, Vlad; King, Steven A.; Matthiesen, Clemens; Harty, Thomas P.; Ballance, Christopher J.
Quantum 2.0, Paper# QM3A.4

Scaling of entangling-gate errors in large ion crystals
Wenhao He, Wenhao Zhang, Xiao Yuan, Yangchao Shen and Xiao-Ming Zhang
2024 J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 57 375306

Stochastic resonance via single-ion phonon laser
Q. Yuan, S.-Q. Dai, P.-D. Li, Y.-Q. Wei, J. Li, F. Zhou, J.-Q. Zhang, L. Chen, M. Feng
Journal: Applied Physics Letters
Appl. Phys. Lett. 125, 102201 (2024)

Toward a Mølmer Sørensen gate with .9999 fidelity
Reinhold Blümel, Andrii Maksymov and Ming Li
2024 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 57 205501

Trapped-atom Otto engine with light-induced dipole–dipole interactions
Chimdessa Gashu Feyisa and H H Jen
2024 New J. Phys. 26 093039

Two-Qubit Operations for Finite-Energy Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill Encodings
Ivan Rojkov, Paul Moser Röggla, Martin Wagener, Moritz Fontboté-Schmidt, Stephan Welte, Jonathan Home, and Florentin Reiter
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 100601 (2024) –

Unitary collapse of Schrödinger’s cat state
Pavel Stránský, Pavel Cejnar, and Radim Filip
Phys. Rev. A 110, L030202 (2024)


Coherent dynamics of a nuclear-spin-isomer superposition
Tamar Levin, Ziv Meir

Competing excitation quenching and charge exchange in ultracold Li-Ba+ collisions
Xiaodong Xing, Pascal Weckesser, Fabian Thielemann, Tibor Jónás, Romain Vexiau, Nadia Bouloufa-Maafa, Eliane Luc-Koenig, Kirk W. Madison, Andrea Orbán, Ting Xie, Tobias Schaetz, Olivier Dulieu

Contributions to the study of time dependent oscillators in Paul traps. Semiclassical approach
Authors: Bogdan M. Mihalcea

Demonstration of quantum computation and error correction with a tesseract code
Authors: Ben W. Reichardt, David Aasen, Rui Chao, Alex Chernoguzov, Wim van Dam, John P. Gaebler, Dan Gresh, Dominic Lucchetti, Michael Mills, Steven A. Moses, Brian Neyenhuis, Adam Paetznick, Andres Paz, Peter E. Siegfried, Marcus P. da Silva, Krysta M. Svore, Zhenghan Wang, Matt Zanner

Experimental measurement and a physical interpretation of quantum shadow enumerators
Authors: Daniel Miller, Kyano Levi, Lukas Postler, Alex Steiner, Lennart Bittel, Gregory A. L. White, Yifan Tang, Eric J. Kuehnke, Antonio A. Mele, Sumeet Khatri, Lorenzo Leone, Jose Carrasco, Christian D. Marciniak, Ivan Pogorelov, Milena Guevara-Bertsch, Robert Freund, Rainer Blatt, Philipp Schindler, Thomas Monz, Martin Ringbauer, Jens Eisert

Experimental Quantum Simulation of Chemical Dynamics
Authors: T. Navickas, R. J. MacDonell, C. H. Valahu, V. C. Olaya-Agudelo, F. Scuccimarra, M. J. Millican, V. G. Matsos, H. L. Nourse, A. D. Rao, M. J. Biercuk, C. Hempel, I. Kassal, T. R. Tan

Discovery of a new long-lived isomer in 114Rh via Penning-trap mass spectrometry
Authors: M. Stryjczyk, A. Jaries, W. Ryssens, M. Bender, A. Kankainen, T. Eronen, Z. Ge, I. D. Moore, M. Mougeot, A. Raggio, J. Ruotsalainen

Entanglement-enhanced quantum sensing via optimal global control
Authors: Vineesha Srivastava, Sven Jandura, Gavin K Brennen, Guido Pupillo

Efficient fault-tolerant code switching via one-way transversal CNOT gates
Authors: Sascha Heußen, Janine Hilder

Entanglemons: Cross-platform protected qubits from entanglement
Authors: Nilotpal Chakraborty, Roderich Moessner, Benoit Doucot

Experimental Demonstration of Break-Even for the Compact Fermionic Encoding
Authors: Ramil Nigmatullin, Kevin Hemery, Khaldoon Ghanem, Steven Moses, Dan Gresh, Peter Siegfried, Michael Mills, Thomas Gatterman, Nathan Hewitt, Etienne Granet, Henrik Dreyer

Generating arbitrary superpositions of nonclassical quantum harmonic oscillator states
Authors: S. Saner, O. Băzăvan, D. J. Webb, G. Araneda, D. M. Lucas, C. J. Ballance, R. Srinivas

Graph-Based Pulse Representation for Diverse Quantum Control Hardware
Authors: Aniket S. Dalvi, Leon Riesebos, Jacob Whitlow, Kenneth R. Brown

High-fidelity heralded quantum state preparation and measurement
Authors: A. S. Sotirova, J. D. Leppard, A. Vazquez-Brennan, S. M. Decoppet, F. Pokorny, M. Malinowski, C. J. Ballance

How to integrate a miniature optical cavity in a linear ion trap: shielding dielectrics and trap symmetry
Authors: Ezra Kassa, Shaobo Gao, Soon Teh, Dyon van Dinter, Hiroki Takahashi

Hybrid Oscillator-Qubit Quantum Processors: Simulating Fermions, Bosons, and Gauge Fields
Authors: Eleanor Crane, Kevin C. Smith, Teague Tomesh, Alec Eickbusch, John M. Martyn, Stefan Kühn, Lena Funcke, Michael Austin DeMarco, Isaac L. Chuang, Nathan Wiebe, Alexander Schuckert, Steven M. Girvin

Investigating the effects of precise mass measurements of Ru and Pd isotopes on machine learning mass modeling
Authors: W. S. Porter, B. Liu, D. Ray, A. A. Valverde, M. Li, M. R. Mumpower, M. Brodeur, D. P. Burdette, N. Callahan, A. Cannon, J. A. Clark, D. E. M. Hoff, A. M. Houff, F. G. Kondev, A. E. Lovell, A. T. Mohan, G. E. Morgan, C. Quick, G. Savard, K. S. Sharma, T. M. Sprouse, L. Varriano

Ion-mediated interaction and controlled phase gate operation between two atomic qubits
Authors: Subhra Mudli, Subhanka Mal, Sinchan Snigdha Rej, Anushree Dey, Bimalendu Deb

Ion Trapping with a Laser-written 3D Miniaturized Monolithic Linear Paul Trap for Microcavity Integration
Authors: Soon Teh, Ezra Kassa, Shaobo Gao, Shuma Oya, Hiroki Takahashi

Loop Algorithm for Quantum Transverse Ising Model in a Longitudinal Field
Authors: Wei Xu, Xue-Feng Zhang

Measuring Correlation and Entanglement between Molecular Orbitals on a Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer
Authors: Gabriel Greene-Diniz, Chris N. Self, Michal Krompiec, Luuk Coopmans, Marcello Benedetti, David Muñoz Ramo, Matthias Rosenkranz

Modular variable laser cooling for efficient entropy extraction
Authors: Brennan de Neeve, Thanh-Long Nguyen, Alexander Ferk, Tanja Behrle, Francesco Lancellotti, Matteo Simoni, Stephan Welte, Jonathan Home

Observing Time-Dependent Energy Level Renormalisation in an Ultrastrongly Coupled Open System
Authors: Alessandra Colla, Florian Hasse, Deviprasath Palani, Tobias Schaetz, Heinz-Peter Breuer, Ulrich Warring

Optimizing Qubit Control Pulses for State Preparation
Authors: Annika S. Wiening, Joern Bergendahl, Vicente Leyton-Ortega, Peter Nalbach

Performance of Quantum Approximate Optimization with Quantum Error Detection
Authors: Zichang He, David Amaro, Ruslan Shaydulin, Marco Pistoia

Phonon-mediated quantum gates in trapped ions coupled to an ultracold atomic gas
Authors: Lorenzo Oghittu, Arghavan Safavi-Naini, Antonio Negretti, Rene Gerritsma

Progress in Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulation
Authors: Michael Foss-Feig, Guido Pagano, Andrew C. Potter, Norman Y. Yao

Quantum control of a single H+2 molecular ion
Authors: David Holzapfel, Fabian Schmid, Nick Schwegler, Oliver Stadler, Martin Stadler, Alexander Ferk, Jonathan P. Home, Daniel Kienzler

Quantum entanglement in phase space
Authors: Shuheng Liu, Jiajie Guo, Qiongyi He, Matteo Fadel

Scalable and interpretable quantum natural language processing: an implementation on trapped ions
Authors: Tiffany Duneau, Saskia Bruhn, Gabriel Matos, Tuomas Laakkonen, Katerina Saiti, Anna Pearson, Konstantinos Meichanetzidis, Bob Coecke

Spontaneous symmetry breaking in a SO(3) non-Abelian lattice gauge theory in 2+1D with quantum algorithms
Authors: Sandip Maiti, Debasish Banerjee, Bipasha Chakraborty, Emilie Huffman

The role of higher-order terms in trapped-ion quantum computing with magnetic gradient induced coupling
Authors: Sebastian Nagies, Kevin T. Geier, Javed Akram, Junichi Okamoto, Dimitris Badounas, Christof Wunderlich, Michael Johanning, Philipp Hauke

Towards Scalable Quantum Networks
Authors: Connor Howe, Mohsin Aziz, Ali Anwar

Ultracold charged atom-dimer collisions: state-selective charge exchange and three-body recombination
Amrendra Pandey, Romain Vexiau, Luis Gustavo Marcassa, Olivier Dulieu,
Nadia Bouloufa-Maafa

Ultra-low Qβ value for the allowed decay of 110Agm confirmed via mass measurements
Authors: J. Ruotsalainen, M. Stryjczyk, M. Ramalho, T. Eronen, Z. Ge, A. Kankainen, M. Mougeot, J. Suhonen

Universal Quantum Gate Set for Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill Logical Qubits
Authors: V. G. Matsos, C. H. Valahu, M. J. Millican, T. Navickas, X. C. Kolesnikow, M. J. Biercuk, T. R. Tan

Vibrationally coupled Rydberg atom-ion molecules
Authors: Ilango Maran, Liam J. Bond, Jeremy T. Young, Arghavan Safavi-Naini, Rene Gerritsma

Weaver: A Retargetable Compiler Framework for FPQA Quantum Architectures
Authors: Oğuzcan Kırmemiş, Francisco Romão, Emmanouil Giortamis, Pramod Bhatotia

ITN Newsletter – August 2024


Dear Ion Trappers,
we’d like to remind you of an exciting opportunity: Frontiers in Quantum Science and Technology has announced a special issue on “Micromotion in Trapped Ion Systems.” Submissions are now open. For more details and submission guidelines, visit Frontiers in Quantum Science and Technology.
We’re truly grateful for the ongoing engagement from the iontrap community, who keep the conversation lively by sharing their latest news, events, jobs, publications, and editorials. Visit the ITN-Website ( where you can download the current and archived issues and send us your submissions and events directly using the forms. Please continue to send us your thoughts; your contributions make our newsletter vibrant and enriching.


HCI-21 Sept 1 – Sept 6, 2024 in Amsterdam. Details

QTech 2024: Quantum Technology International conference 2024. This third edition will be held in Berlin, from September 10 to September 12 2024. Detail

ECAMP15 (15th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons), a triennial conference series, will take place in Innsbruck, Austria from June 30th to July 4th, 2025. Details

ECTI 2025, Save the Date: September 8 – 12, 2025 in the Netherlands. More information to follow.

The Greenhorn Meeting is a conference, which targets junior researchers (those who are within the first-half of PhD or in the last year of their masters) working in the research areas of quantum optics, nano optics, atomic physics and ultra-cold atomic gases. It will take place fom September 10th – 12th in Siegen. Details

817 Heraeus seminar on Precision Atomic Physics Experiments to Probe for New Physics“, 23.-27.9.2024 in Bad Honnef. Details

Quantum Physics with Trapped Particles at Monte Verita, close to Ascona, Switzerland, on October 13-18, 2024. Details

Atomic Clock Ensemble in Space (ACES) Workshop, ESTEC, the Netherlands from the 23rd to the 25th of October 2024 Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


Several PostDoc and PhD positions available at PTB in Braunschweig and Leibniz University Hannover in the Quantum Logic Spectroscopy Group of Piet Schmidt . Topics include laboratory and transportable aluminium ion clocks, multi-ion calcium clock using dynamical decoupling and entanglement, as well as highly charged ion clocks.
Contact: Dr. Piet Schmidt (

PhD positions available at the University of Padova (Italy) for a new trapped ion experiment. Potential research directions include quantum simulations on ion strings, interfacing of ion traps with photonics chips, and development of surface electrode traps with integrated photonics.
Contact: Dr. Carmelo Mordini (

PhD and postdoc positions available in the group of Tanja Mehlstäubler at PTB, working on optical clocks based on trapped ion Coulomb crystals. Topics include new interrogation protocols for multi-ensemble clocks, quantum-enhanced clock operation, ground-state cooling of mixed-species Coulomb crystals and tests of fundamental physics with precision spectroscopy.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Tanja Mehlstäubler (

Multiple postdoc positions are available in the NIST Ion Storage Group in Colorado, USA. Topics include quantum simulation and sensing in a Penning trap, trapped-ion quantum computing, trapped-ion optical clocks, and quantum state control and precision spectroscopy of single molecular ions.
Contact: John Bollinger or any of the NIST Ion Storage group staff

The research group of C. Ospelkaus at the University of Hannover is looking for a postdoctoral research associate on their Penning trap experiment, which aims to implement quantum logic spectroscopy of (anti-)protons for tests of the fundamental CPT symmetry as part of the BASE collaboration.
Contact: Dr. Christian Ospelkaus (

A postdoc position is available at the Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, USA on a project trapping lutetium ions for precision measurements.
Contact: Dr. Matt Grau (

two openings for PhD positions in the Molecular Systems group headed by Roland Wester at the University of Innsbruck. One position is part of a research project in collaboration with the University of Bordeaux on classical versus quantum effects in three-body collisions of cold trapped ions, funded through the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). The second position is part of a collaborative project on controlling
trapped charged nanoparticles, funded through the Austrian excellence cluster QuantA.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Roland Wester (

The Imperial College Particle Physics Group has a postgraduate studentship available to work on laser measurements of cold exotic helium atoms that contain antiprotons at the new ELENA facility of CERN in Geneva. This allows us to probe the matter-antimatter symmetry and determine the mass ratio between an antiproton and electron. We hope to be relatively flexible with regards to the exact PhD topic depending on the candidate’s interests. The studentship covers a maintenance bursary similar to standard STFC studentships.


Bilayer Crystals of Trapped Ions for Quantum Information Processing
Samarth Hawaldar, Prakriti Shahi, Allison L. Carter, Ana Maria Rey, John J. Bollinger, and Athreya Shankar
Phys. Rev. X 14, 031030 (2024)

Coherent coupling and non-destructive measurement of trapped-ion mechanical oscillators
Pan-Yu Hou, Jenny J. Wu, Stephen D. Erickson, Daniel C. Cole, Giorgio Zarantonello, Adam D. Brandt, Shawn Geller, Alex Kwiatkowski, Scott Glancy, Emanuel Knill, Andrew C. Wilson, Daniel H. Slichter & Dietrich Leibfried
Nature Physics (2024)

Demonstration of Fault-Tolerant Steane Quantum Error Correction
Lukas Postler, Friederike Butt, Ivan Pogorelov, Christian D. Marciniak, Sascha Heußen, Rainer Blatt, Philipp Schindler, Manuel Rispler, Markus Müller, and Thomas Monz
PRX Quantum 5, 030326 (2024)

Determination of the ground-state hyperfine splitting of trapped 171Yb+ ions
Editor’s Pick
J. Z. Han, N. C. Xin, J. W. Zhang, Y. M. Yu, J. G. Li, L. Qian, L. J. Wang
Journal: Applied Physics Letters
Appl. Phys. Lett. 125, 084002 (2024)

Electroweak Nuclear Properties from Single Molecular Ions in a Penning Trap
J. Karthein, S. M. Udrescu, S. B. Moroch, I. Belosevic, K. Blaum, A. Borschevsky, Y. Chamorro, D. DeMille, J. Dilling, R. F. Garcia Ruiz, N. R. Hutzler, L. F. Pašteka, and R. Ringle
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 033003 – Published 19 July 2024

Enhancing the electron pair approximation with measurements on trapped-ion quantum computers
Luning Zhao, Qingfeng Wang, Joshua J. Goings, Kyujin Shin, Woomin Kyoung, Seunghyo Noh, Young Min Rhee & Kyungmin Kim
npj Quantum Information volume 10, Article number: 76 (2024)

Individually Addressed Quantum Gate Interactions Using Dynamical Decoupling
M.C. Smith, A.D. Leu, M.F. Gely, and D.M. Lucas
PRX Quantum 5, 030321 (2024)

In situ characterization of qubit-drive phase distortions
M.F. Gely, J.M.A. Litarowicz, A.D. Leu, and D.M. Lucas
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 024001 (2024)

Integrated photonic structures for photon-mediated entanglement of trapped ions
Knollmann, F. W.; Clements, E.; Callahan, P. T.; Gehl, M.; Hunker, J. D.; Mahony, T.; McConnell, R.; Swint, R.; Sorace-Agaskar, C.; Chuang, I. L.; Chiaverini, J.; Stick, D.
open access Optica Quantum 2(4) 230-244

Lift-connected surface codes
Josias Old, Manuel Rispler and Markus Müller
2024 Quantum Sci. Technol. 9 045012

Long-range-enhanced surface codes
Yifan Hong, Matteo Marinelli, Adam M. Kaufman, and Andrew Lucas
Phys. Rev. A 110, 022607 (2024)

Low cross-talk optical addressing of trapped-ion qubits using a novel integrated photonic chip
Ana S. Sotirova, Bangshan Sun, Jamie D. Leppard, Andong Wang, Mohan Wang, Andres Vazquez-Brennan, David P. Nadlinger, Simon Moser, Alexander Jesacher, Chao He, Fabian Pokorny, Martin J. Booth & Christopher J. Ballance
Light: Science & Applications volume 13, Article number: 199 (2024)

Measuring the Loschmidt Amplitude for Finite-Energy Properties of the Fermi-Hubbard Model on an Ion-Trap Quantum Computer
Kévin Hémery, Khaldoon Ghanem, Eleanor Crane, Sara L. Campbell, Joan M. Dreiling, Caroline Figgatt, Cameron Foltz, John P. Gaebler, Jacob Johansen, Michael Mills, Steven A. Moses, Juan M. Pino, Anthony Ransford, Mary Rowe, Peter Siegfried, Russell P. Stutz, Henrik Dreyer, Alexander Schuckert, and Ramil Nigmatullin
PRX Quantum 5, 030323 (2024)

Noise-Aware Variational Eigensolvers: A Dissipative Route for Lattice Gauge Theories
Jesús Cobos, David F. Locher, Alejandro Bermudez, Markus Müller, and Enrique Rico
PRX Quantum 5, 030340 (2024) –

Photodissociation spectra of single trapped CaOH+ molecular ions
Zhenlin Wu, Stefan Walser, Verena Podlesnic, Mariano Isaza-Monsalve, Elyas Mattivi, Guanqun Mu, René Nardi, Piotr Gniewek, Michał Tomza, Brandon J. Furey, Philipp Schindler
Journal: The Journal of Chemical Physics
J. Chem. Phys. 161, 044304 (2024)

Precise control and non-destructive readout of quantum states of ion motion
Research Briefing
Published: 29 July 2024
Nature Physics (2024)

Preparing pure Ca samples in an ion trap with photoionization and parametric excitations
C.-H. Kuo, Y.-C. Hsiao, C.-Y. Jhang, Y.-D. Chen & S. Tung
Scientific Reports volume 14, Article number: 18524 (2024)

Preserving a qubit during state-destroying operations on an adjacent qubit at a few micrometers distance
Sainath Motlakunta, Nikhil Kotibhaskar, Chung-You Shih, Anthony Vogliano, Darian McLaren, Lewis Hahn, Jingwen Zhu, Roland Hablützel & Rajibul Islam
Nature Communications volume 15, Article number: 6575 (2024)

Prospects of nuclear-coupled-dark-matter detection via correlation spectroscopy of I+2 and Ca+
Eric Madge, Gilad Perez, and Ziv Meir
Phys. Rev. D 110, 015008 – Published 8 July 2024

Randomised benchmarking for universal qudit gates
David Amaro-Alcalá1,2,3, Barry C Sanders1 and Hubert de Guise1,2
New Journal of Physics, Volume 26, July 2024

Realization of a chip-based hybrid trapping setup for 87Rb atoms and Yb+ ion crystals
A. Bahrami, F. Schmidt-Kaler
Journal: Review of Scientific Instruments
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 083201 (2024)

Robust and Deterministic Preparation of Bosonic Logical States in a Trapped Ion
V. G. Matsos, C. H. Valahu, T. Navickas, A. D. Rao, M. J. Millican, X. C. Kolesnikow, M. J. Biercuk, and T. R. Tan
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 050602 (2024) –

Spin-boson model under dephasing: Markovian versus non-Markovian dynamics
Naushad Ahmad Kamar, Daniel A. Paz, and Mohammad F. Maghrebi
Phys. Rev. B 110, 075126 (2024)

Two-mode squeezing and SU(1,1) interferometry with trapped ions
J. Metzner, A. Quinn, S. Brudney, I. D. Moore, S. C. Burd, D. J. Wineland, and D. T. C. Allcock
Phys. Rev. A 110, 022613 (2024)


A Single-Ion Information Engine for Charging Quantum Battery
Authors: Jialiang Zhang, Pengfei Wang, Wentao Chen, Zhengyang Cai, Mu Qiao, Riling Li, Yingye Huang, Haonan Tian, Henchao Tu, Kaifeng Cui, Leilei Yan, Junhua Zhang, Jingning Zhang, Manhong Yung, Kihwan Kim

An iterative transversal CNOT decoder
Authors: Kwok Ho Wan, Mark Webber, Austin G. Fowler, Winfried K. Hensinger

Atomic fluorescence collection into planar photonic devices
Authors: Orion Smedley, Vighnesh Natarajan, Oscar Jaramillo, Hamim Mahmud Rivy, Karan K. Mehta

Constructing the spin-1 Haldane phase on a qudit quantum processor
Authors: C. L. Edmunds, E. Rico, I. Arrazola, G. K. Brennen, M. Meth, R. Blatt, M. Ringbauer

Demonstration of a CAFQA-bootstrapped Variational
Quantum Eigensolver on a Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer
Authors: Qingfeng Wang, Liudmila Zhukas, Qiang Miao, Aniket S. Dalvi, Peter J. Love, Christopher Monroe, Frederic T. Chong, Gokul Subramanian Ravi

Design and demonstration of an operating system for executing applications on quantum network nodes
Authors: Carlo Delle Donne, Mariagrazia Iuliano, Bart van der Vecht, Guilherme Maciel Ferreira, Hana Jirovská, Thom van der Steenhoven, Axel Dahlberg, Matt Skrzypczyk, Dario Fioretto, Markus Teller, Pavel Filippov, Alejandro Rodríguez-Pardo Montblanch, Julius Fischer, Benjamin van Ommen, Nicolas Demetriou, Dominik Leichtle, Luka Music, Harold Ollivier, Ingmar te Raa, Wojciech Kozlowski, Tim Taminiau, Przemysław Pawełczak, Tracy Northup, Ronald Hanson, Stephanie Wehner

Dipolar ordering transitions in many-body quantum optics: Analytical diagrammatic approach to equilibrium quantum spins
Authors: Benedikt Schneider, Ruben Burkard, Beatriz Olmos, Igor Lesanovsky, Björn Sbierski

Electromagnetically-Induced-Transparency Cooling with a Tripod Structure in a Hyperfine Trapped Ion with Mixed-Species Crystals
Authors: J. J. Wu, P. -Y. Hou, S. D. Erickson, A. D. Brandt, Y. Wan, G. Zarantonello, D. C. Cole, A. C. Wilson, D. H. Slichter, D. Leibfried

Electromagnetically-Induced-Transparency Cooling of High-Nuclear-Spin Ions
Authors: Chuanxin Huang, Chenxi Wang, Hongxuan Zhang, Hongyuan Hu, Zuqing Wang, Zhichao Mao, Shijiao Li, Panyu Hou, Yukai Wu, Zichao Zhou, Luming Duan

End-to-End Protocol for High-Quality QAOA Parameters with Few Shots
Authors: Tianyi Hao, Zichang He, Ruslan Shaydulin, Jeffrey Larson, Marco Pistoia

Experiments with the 4D Surface Code on a QCCD Quantum Computer
Authors: Noah Berthusen, Joan Dreiling, Cameron Foltz, John P. Gaebler, Thomas M. Gatterman, Dan Gresh, Nathan Hewitt, Michael Mills, Steven A. Moses, Brian Neyenhuis, Peter Siegfried, David Hayes

Exploring atom-ion Feshbach resonances below the s-wave limit
Fabian Thielemann, Joachim Siemund, Daniel von Schoenfeld, Wei Wu, Pascal Weckesser, Krzysztof Jachymski, Thomas Walker, Tobias Schaetz

Few-Shot, Robust Calibration of Single Qubit Gates Using Bayesian Robust Phase Estimation
Authors: Travis Hurant, Ke Sun, Zhubing Jia, Jungsang Kim, Kenneth R. Brown

Hamiltonian learning for 300 trapped ion qubits with long-range couplings
Authors: S. -A. Guo, Y. -K. Wu, J. Ye, L. Zhang, Y. Wang, W. -Q. Lian, R. Yao, Y. -L. Xu, C. Zhang, Y. -Z. Xu, B. -X. Qi, P. -Y. Hou, L. He, Z. -C. Zhou, L. -M. Duan

High-precision mass measurements of the ground and isomeric states in 124,125Ag
J. Ruotsalainen, D. A. Nesterenko, M. Stryjczyk, A. Kankainen, L. Al Ayoubi, O. Beliuskina, L. Canete, P. Chauveau, R. P. de Groote, P. Delahaye, T. Eronen, M. Flayol, Z. Ge, S. Geldhof, W. Gins, M. Hukkanen, A. Jaries, D. Kahl, D. Kumar, I. D. Moore, S. Nikas, H. Penttilä, D. Pitman-Weymouth, A. Raggio, S. Rinta-Antila, A. de Roubin, M. Vilen, V. Virtanen, M. Winter

Learning symmetry-protected topological order from trapped-ion experiments
Authors: Nicolas Sadoune, Ivan Pogorelov, Claire L. Edmunds, Giuliano Giudici, Giacomo Giudice, Christian D. Marciniak, Martin Ringbauer, Thomas Monz, Lode Pollet

Long-lived metastable-qubit memory
Authors: Xiaoyang Shi, Jasmine Sinanan-Singh, Kyle DeBry, Susanna L. Todaro, Isaac L. Chuang, John Chiaverini

Measuring a single atom’s position with extreme sub-wavelength resolution and force measurements in the yoctonewton range
Authors: P. H. Huber, P. Barthel, Th. Sriarunothai, G. S. Giri, S. Wölk, Ch. Wunderlich

Quantum Computing Universal Thermalization Dynamics in a (2+1)D Lattice Gauge Theory
Authors: Niklas Mueller, Tianyi Wang, Or Katz, Zohreh Davoudi, Marko Cetina

Recoil-free Quantum Gates with Optical Qubits
Authors: Zhao Zhang, Léo Van Damme, Marco Rossignolo, Lorenzo Festa, Max Melchner, Robin Eberhard, Dimitrios Tsevas, Kevin Mours, Eran Reches, Johannes Zeiher, Sebastian Blatt, Immanuel Bloch, Steffen J. Glaser, Andrea Alberti

Scalable High-Dimensional Multipartite Entanglement with Trapped Ions
Authors: Harsh Vardhan Upadhyay, Sanket Kumar Tripathy, Ting Rei Tan, Baladitya Suri, Athreya Shankar

Scaling and assigning resources on ion trap QCCD architectures
Authors: Anabel Ovide, Daniele Cuomo, Carmen G. Almudever

Simulating open-system molecular dynamics on analog quantum computers
Authors: V. C. Olaya-Agudelo, B. Stewart, C. H. Valahu, R. J. MacDonell, M. J. Millican, V. G. Matsos, F. Scuccimarra, T. R. Tan, I. Kassal

Stabilization of cat-state manifolds using nonlinear reservoir engineering
Authors: Ivan Rojkov, Matteo Simoni, Elias Zapusek, Florentin Reiter, Jonathan Home
Solving an Industrially Relevant Quantum Chemistry Problem on Quantum Hardware
Authors: Ludwig Nützel, Alexander Gresch, Lukas Hehn, Lucas Marti, Robert Freund, Alex Steiner, Christian D. Marciniak, Timo Eckstein, Nina Stockinger, Stefan Wolf, Thomas Monz, Michael Kühn, Michael J. Hartmann

Strong coherent ion-electron coupling using a wire data bus
Authors: Baiyi Yu, Ralf Betzholz, Jianming Cai

ITN Newsletter – July 2024


Dear Ion Trappers,
we’d like to draw your attention to an exciting opportunity: Frontiers in Quantum Science and Technology has announced a special issue on “Micromotion in Trapped Ion Systems.” Submissions are now open. For more details and submission guidelines, visit Frontiers in Quantum Science and Technology.
We’re truly grateful for the ongoing engagement from the iontrap community, who keep the conversation lively by sharing their latest news, events, jobs, publications, and editorials. Visit the ITN-Website ( where you can download the current and archived issues and send us your submissions and events directly using the forms. Please continue to send us your thoughts; your contributions make our newsletter vibrant and enriching.


YAO2024 (Young Atom Opticians) conference, organised this year by CESQ at the University of Strasbourg, June 30th to July 5th, 2024. Details

28th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO),  July 1st – 5th, 2024, in Olomouc, Czech Republic

European Frequency and Time Seminar, is a nonprofit intensive full-week seminar intended to provide education and training with lectures and lab sessions in Besancon, France, from July 1-5, 2024. Details

Early Career Conference in Trapped Ions (ECCTI) 2024
ECCTI is intended to connect a broad community with very diverse scientific goals with common technical challenges. The event will have a focus on Atomic Clocks, Quantum Information & Computation, Quantum Simulation, Quantum Technologies, Antimatter Physics, Precision & Molecular Spectroscopy, and Nuclear Physics. The event will take place from July 7-12, 2024, at the Viktor-Franz-Hess Haus in Austria. Details

ICAP 2024: The 28th International Conference on Atomic Physics, July 14-19, 2024 at the Imperial College, London. Details

QSim 2024, the 2nd Annual Conference on Quantum Simulation in Rhode Island, USA, August 12-16,  2024. The conference will be preceded by a 3-day summer school from August 9-11 at the same location. The focus of the summer school will be on many-body systems, combining both theoretical and numerical techniques with examples from quantum hardware experiments. Details

NIST Time and Frequency Seminar covers precision clocks and oscillators, atomic frequency standards, rf and optical synchronization, optical oscillators, quantum information, optical cooling and heating; making precise frequency, time, phase-noise, and jitter measurements; and establishing measurement accuracy and traceability. It will be held will be held at the Boulder, CO campus from August 13-15 2024. Details

15th International Symposium on Electron Beam Ion Sources and Traps (EBIST2024) will be held on 27-30 August 2024 at the Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Poland. Details

North American Conference on Trapped Ions (NACTI), UCLA, August 13-16, 2024. Details

IMEKO 2024, 26-29 August 2024, Hamburg. Details

EBIS 2024 in Kielce in the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland) from August 27 to 30, 2024. Details

HCI-21 Sept 1 – Sept 6, 2024 in Amsterdam. Details

QTech 2024: Quantum Technology International conference 2024. This third edition will be held in Berlin, from September 10 to September 12 2024. Detail

ECAMP15 (15th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons), a triennial conference series, will take place in Innsbruck, Austria from June 30th to July 4th, 2025. Details

ECTI 2025, Save the Date: September 8 – 12, 2025 in the Netherlands. More information to follow.

The Greenhorn Meeting is a conference, which targets junior researchers (those who are within the first-half of PhD or in the last year of their masters) working in the research areas of quantum optics, nano optics, atomic physics and ultra-cold atomic gases. It will take place fom September 10th – 12th in Siegen. Details

817 Heraeus seminar on Precision Atomic Physics Experiments to Probe for New Physics“, 23.-27.9.2024 in Bad Honnef. Details

Quantum Physics with Trapped Particles at Monte Verita, close to Ascona, Switzerland, on October 13-18, 2024. Details

Atomic Clock Ensemble in Space (ACES) Workshop, ESTEC, the Netherlands from the 23rd to the 25th of October 2024 Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


A fully funded, 3-year PhD position is available in the laboratory of Metrology, trapped ions and cold molecules at the European Center for Quantum Sciences (CESQ) in Strasbourg, France. This PhD topic concerns the trapping and cooling of dipolar molecular ions as well as their spectroscopic characterization using a frequency-comb laser. More details can be found in attachment or on the Euraxess platform.
Contact: Cyrille Solaro (

Several PostDoc and PhD positions available at PTB in Braunschweig and Leibniz University Hannover in the Quantum Logic Spectroscopy Group of Piet Schmidt . Topics include laboratory and transportable aluminium ion clocks, multi-ion calcium clock using dynamical decoupling and entanglement, as well as highly charged ion clocks.
Contact: Dr. Piet Schmidt (

PhD positions available at the University of Padova (Italy) for a new trapped ion experiment. Potential research directions include quantum simulations on ion strings, interfacing of ion traps with photonics chips, and development of surface electrode traps with integrated photonics.
Contact: Dr. Carmelo Mordini (

PhD and postdoc positions available in the group of Tanja Mehlstäubler at PTB, working on optical clocks based on trapped ion Coulomb crystals. Topics include new interrogation protocols for multi-ensemble clocks, quantum-enhanced clock operation, ground-state cooling of mixed-species Coulomb crystals and tests of fundamental physics with precision spectroscopy.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Tanja Mehlstäubler (

The research group of C. Ospelkaus at the University of Hannover is looking for a postdoctoral research associate on their Penning trap experiment, which aims to implement quantum logic spectroscopy of (anti-)protons for tests of the fundamental CPT symmetry as part of the BASE collaboration.
Contact: Dr. Christian Ospelkaus (

A postdoc position is available at the Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, USA on a project trapping lutetium ions for precision measurements.
Contact: Dr. Matt Grau (

two openings for PhD positions in the Molecular Systems group headed by Roland Wester at the University of Innsbruck. One position is part of a research project in collaboration with the University of Bordeaux on classical versus quantum effects in three-body collisions of cold trapped ions, funded through the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). The second position is part of a collaborative project on controlling
trapped charged nanoparticles, funded through the Austrian excellence cluster QuantA.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Roland Wester (

Multiple postdoc positions are available in the NIST Ion Storage Group in Colorado, USA. Topics include quantum simulation and sensing in a Penning trap, trapped-ion quantum computing, trapped-ion optical clocks, and quantum state control and precision spectroscopy of single molecular ions.
Contact: John Bollinger or any of the NIST Ion Storage group staff

The Imperial College Particle Physics Group has a postgraduate studentship available to work on laser measurements of cold exotic helium atoms that contain antiprotons at the new ELENA facility of CERN in Geneva. This allows us to probe the matter-antimatter symmetry and determine the mass ratio between an antiproton and electron. We hope to be relatively flexible with regards to the exact PhD topic depending on the candidate’s interests. The studentship covers a maintenance bursary similar to standard STFC studentships.

The Ion trap systems team at Infineon is looking for an ion trap development engineer.  This is a full-time, permanent position in Austria with an entry level of 3-5 years.


Please send information about your publications to

A self-referenced optical phase noise analyzer for quantum technologies
R. Freund, Ch. D. Marciniak, T. Monz
Journal: Review of Scientific Instruments
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 063005 (2024)

Bilayer ion trap design for 2D arrays
Gavin N Nop, Jonathan D H Smith, Daniel Stick and Durga Paudyal
2024 Quantum Sci. Technol. 9 035015

Chiral quantum heating and cooling with an optically controlled ion
Jin-Tao Bu, Jian-Qi Zhang, Ge-Yi Ding, Jia-Chong Li, Jia-Wei Zhang, Bin Wang, Wen-Qiang Ding, Wen-Fei Yuan, Liang Chen, Qi Zhong, Ali Keçebaş, Şahin K. Özdemir, Fei Zhou, Hui Jing & Mang Feng Light: Science & Applications volume 13, Article number: 143 (2024)

Comparison of continuous and pulsed sideband cooling on an electric quadrupole transition
Evan C. Reed, Lu Qi, and Kenneth R. Brown
Phys. Rev. A 110, 013123 (2024)

Deterministic preparation of a dual-species two-ion crystal
Maximilian J. Zawierucha, Till Rehmert, Jonas Keller, Tanja E. Mehlstäubler, Piet O. Schmidt, and Fabian Wolf
Phys. Rev. A 110, 013107 (2024)

Electroweak Nuclear Properties from Single Molecular Ions in a Penning Trap
J. Karthein, S. M. Udrescu, S. B. Moroch, I. Belosevic, K. Blaum, A. Borschevsky, Y. Chamorro, D. DeMille, J. Dilling, R. F. Garcia Ruiz, N. R. Hutzler, L. F. Pašteka, and R. Ringle
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 033003 (2024)

Exploring Quantum Mpemba Effects
Ulrich Warring
Physics 17, 105, July 1, 2024

Fault-tolerant one-bit addition with the smallest interesting color code

Image-Current Mediated Sympathetic Laser Cooling of a Single Proton in a Penning Trap Down to 170 mK Axial TemperatureC. Will, M. Wiesinger, P. Micke, H. Yildiz, T. Driscoll, S. Kommu, F. Abbass, B. P. Arndt, B. B. Bauer, S. Erlewein, M. Fleck, J. I. Jäger, B. M. Latacz, A. Mooser, D. Schweitzer, G. Umbrazunas, E. Wursten, K. Blaum, J. A. Devlin, C. Ospelkaus, W. Quint, A. Soter, J. Walz, C. Smorra, and S. Ulmer (BASE Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 023002 (2024) –

Implementing fault-tolerant non-Clifford gates using the [[8,3,2]] color code
Daniel Honciuc Menendez, Annie Ray, and Michael Vasmer
Phys. Rev. A 109, 062438 (2024) –

Individual Addressing and State Readout of Trapped Ions Utilizing Radio-Frequency Micromotion
Nathan K. Lysne, Justin F. Niedermeyer, Andrew C. Wilson, Daniel H. Slichter, and Dietrich Leibfried
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 033201 (2024)

Inverse Mpemba Effect Demonstrated on a Single Trapped Ion Qubit
Shahaf Aharony Shapira, Yotam Shapira, Jovan Markov, Gianluca Teza, Nitzan Akerman, Oren Raz, and Roee Ozeri
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 010403 (2024)

Josephson voltage standards as ultra-stable low-noise voltage sources for precision Penning-trap experiments
A. Kaiser, S. Dickopf, M. Door, R. Behr, U. Beutel, S. Eliseev, A. Kaushik, K. Kromer, M. Müller, L. Palafox, S. Ulmer, A. Mooser, K. Blaum
Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 224002 (2024)

Lift-connected surface codes
Josias Old, Manuel Rispler and Markus Müller
2024 Quantum Sci. Technol. 9 045012

Measurement of infrared magic wavelength for an all-optical trapping of 40Ca+ ion clock
Yao Huang, Miao Wang, Zheng Chen, Chengbin Li, Huaqing Zhang, Baolin Zhang, Liyan Tang, Tingyun Shi, Hua Guan and Ke-Lin Gao
2024 New J. Phys. 26 043021

Multi-ion Frequency Reference Using Dynamical Decoupling
Lennart Pelzer, Kai Dietze, Víctor José Martínez-Lahuerta, Ludwig Krinner, Johannes Kramer, Fabian Dawel, Nicolas C. H. Spethmann, Klemens Hammerer, and Piet O. Schmidt
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 033203 (2024) –

Quantum computation with logical gates between hot systems
Ferran Riera-Sàbat, Pavel Sekatski, and Wolfgang Dür
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 033101 (2024)

Observing the Quantum Mpemba Effect in Quantum Simulations
Lata Kh. Joshi, Johannes Franke, Aniket Rath, Filiberto Ares, Sara Murciano, Florian Kranzl, Rainer Blatt, Peter Zoller, Benoît Vermersch, Pasquale Calabrese, Christian F. Roos, and Manoj K. Joshi
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 010402 (2024)

Programmable XY-type couplings through parallel spin-dependent forces on the same trapped ion motional modes
Nikhil Kotibhaskar, Chung-You Shih, Sainath Motlakunta, Anthony Vogliano, Lewis Hahn, Yu-Ting Chen, and Rajibul Islam
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 033038 (2024)

Prospects of a thousand-ion Sn2+ Coulomb-crystal clock with sub-10−19 inaccuracy
David R. Leibrandt, Sergey G. Porsev, Charles Cheung & Marianna S. Safronova
Nature Communications volume 15, Article number: 5663 (2024)

Prospects of nuclear-coupled-dark-matter detection via correlation spectroscopy of I+2 and Ca+
Eric Madge, Gilad Perez, and Ziv Meir
Phys. Rev. D 110, 015008 (2024) –

Quantum gates simulation by ions trapped in a linear Paul trap
Basem R. Kazem, Mezher B. Saleh
AIP Conf. Proc. 3097, 090014 (2024)

Robust and fast microwave-driven quantum logic for trapped-ion qubits
M. A. Weber, M. F. Gely, R. K. Hanley, T. P. Harty, A. D. Leu, C. M. Löschnauer, D. P. Nadlinger, and D. M. Lucas
Phys. Rev. A 110, L010601 (2024)

Synthetic gauge theories based on parametric excitations of trapped ions
Oana Bǎzǎvan, Sebastian Saner, Emanuelle Tirrito, Gabriel Araneda, Raghavendra Srinivas & Alejandro Bermudez
Communications Physics volume 7, Article number: 229 (2024)


A Nuclear Interferometer for Ultra-Light Dark Matter Detection
Authors: Hannah Banks, Elina Fuchs, Matthew McCullough

Amplitude-noise-resilient entangling gates for trapped ions
Authors: Nguyen H. Le, Modesto Orozco-Ruiz, Sahra A. Kulmiya, James G. Urquhart, Samuel J. Hile, Winfried K. Hensinger, Florian Mintert

Beyond Energy: Teleporting Current, Charge, and More
Authors: Kazuki Ikeda

Distributed Quantum Computing across an Optical Network Link
Authors: D. Main, P. Drmota, D. P. Nadlinger, E. M. Ainley, A. Agrawal, B. C. Nichol, R. Srinivas, G. Araneda, D. M. Lucas

Dressing trapped ions with integrated wires
Authors: R. Tyler Sutherland

Exactly-solved model of light-scattering errors in quantum simulations with metastable trapped-ion qubits
Authors: Phillip C. Lotshaw, Brian C. Sawyer, Creston D. Herold, Gilles Buchs

Hardware-efficient variational quantum algorithm in trapped-ion quantum computer
Authors: J. -Z. Zhuang, Y. -K. Wu, L. -M. Duan

Hybrid Oscillator-Qubit Quantum Processors: Instruction Set Architectures, Abstract Machine Models, and Applications
Authors: Yuan Liu, Shraddha Singh, Kevin C. Smith, Eleanor Crane, John M. Martyn, Alec Eickbusch, Alexander Schuckert, Richard D. Li, Jasmine Sinanan-Singh, Micheline B. Soley, Takahiro Tsunoda, Isaac L. Chuang, Nathan Wiebe, Steven M. Girvin

Implementation of a scalable universal two-qubit quantum processor with electron and nuclear spins in a trapped ion
Authors: Ji Bian, Teng Liu, Qifeng Lao, Min Ding, Huiyi Zhang, Xinxin Rao, Pengfei Lu, Le Luo

Encoded probabilistic imaginary-time evolution on a trapped-ion quantum computer for ground and excited states of spin qubits
Authors: Hirofumi Nishi, Yuki Takei, Taichi Kosugi, Shunsuke Mieda, Yutaka Natsume, Takeshi Aoyagi, Yu-ichiro Matsushita

Laser Cooling of Radium-225 Ions
Authors: Roy Ready, Haoran Li, Spencer Kofford, Robert Kwapisz, Huaxu Dan, Akshay Sawhney, Mingyu Fan, Craig Holliman, Xiaoyang Shi, Luka Sever-Walter, A. N. Gaiser, J. R. Griswold, A. M. Jayich

Lattices, Gates, and Curves: GKP codes as a Rosetta stone
Authors: Jonathan Conrad, Ansgar G. Burchards, Steven T. Flammia

Microscopic parametrizations for gate set tomography under coloured noise
Authors: P. Viñas, A. Bermudez

Observation of Space-Dependent Rotational Doppler Shifts with a Single Ion Probe
Authors: Nicolás Adrián Nuñez Barreto, Muriel Bonetto, Marcelo Alejandro Luda, Cecilia Cormick, Christian Tomás Schmiegelow

Optical pumping through the Liouvillian skin effect
Authors: De-Huan Cai, Wei Yi, Chen-Xiao Dong

Optimized surface ion trap design for tight confinement and separation of ion chains
Authors: Ilya Gerasin, Nikita Zhadnov, Konstantin Kudeyarov, Ksienia Khabarova, Nikolay Kolachevsky, Ilya Semerikov

Phase-Imaging Ion-Cyclotron-Resonance Mass Spectrometry with the Canadian Penning Trap at CARIBU
Authors: D. Ray, A. A. Valverde, M. Brodeur, F. Buchinger, J. A. Clark, B. Liu, G. E. Morgan, R. Orford, W. S. Porter, G. Savard, K. S. Sharma, X. L. Yan

Quantum control of ion-atom collisions beyond the ultracold regime
Authors: Maks Z. Walewski, Matthew D. Frye, Or Katz, Meirav Pinkas, Roee Ozeri, Michał Tomza
Authors: Michael Fromm, Lucas Katschke, Owe Philipsen, Wolfgang Unger

Resource overheads and attainable rates for trapped-ion lattice surgery
Authors: Hudson Leone, Thinh Le, S. Srikara, Simon Devitt

Scalable, high-fidelity all-electronic control of trapped-ion qubits
Authors: C. M. Löschnauer, J. Mosca Toba, A. C. Hughes, S. A. King, M. A. Weber, R. Srinivas, R. Matt, R. Nourshargh, D. T. C. Allcock, C. J. Ballance, C. Matthiesen, M. Malinowski, T. P. Harty

Scalable improvement of the generalized Toffoli gate realization using trapped-ion-based qutrits
Authors: Anastasiia S. Nikolaeva, Ilia V. Zalivako, Alexander S. Borisenko, Nikita V. Semenin, Kristina P. Galstyan, Andrey E. Korolkov, Evgeniy O. Kiktenko, Ksenia Yu. Khabarova, Ilya A. Semerikov, Aleksey K. Fedorov, Nikolay N. Kolachevsky

Superconducting surface trap chips for microwave-driven trapped ions
Authors: Yuta Tsuchimoto, Ippei Nakamura, Shotaro Shirai, Atsushi Noguchi

The Slow Growth of Entanglement in Long-range Interacting Spins Chains due to Destructive Interference between quasi-Particles
Authors: Peyman Azodi, Herschel A. Rabitz

Thermometry of Trapped Ions Based on Bichromatic Driving
Authors: Xie-Qian Li, Yi Tao, Ting Chen, Wei Wu, Yi Xie, Chun-Wang Wu, Ping-Xing Chen

Towards real-world applications of levitated optomechanics
Authors: Yuanbin Jin, Kunhong Shen, Peng Ju, Tongcang Li

Unitary death of Schrödinger’s cat
Authors: Pavel Stránský, Pavel Cejnar, Radim Filip

Utility of virtual qubits in trapped-ion quantum computers
Authors: Saumya Shivam, Fabian Pokorny, Andres Vazquez-Brennan, Ana S. Sotirova, Jamie D. Leppard, Sophie M. Decoppet, C. J. Ballance, S. L. Sondhi

ITN Newsletter – June 2024


We’re truly grateful for the ongoing engagement from the iontrap community, who keep the conversation lively by sharing their latest news, events, jobs, publications, and editorials. Visit the ITN-Website ( ) where you can download the current and archived issues and send us your submissions and events directly using the forms. Please continue to send us your thoughts; your contributions make our newsletter vibrant and enriching.


YAO2024 (Young Atom Opticians) conference, organised this year by CESQ at the University of Strasbourg, June 30th to July 5th, 2024. Details

28th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO),  July 1st – 5th, 2024, in Olomouc, Czech Republic

European Frequency and Time Seminar, is a nonprofit intensive full-week seminar intended to provide education and training with lectures and lab sessions in Besancon, France, from July 1-5, 2024. Details

Early Career Conference in Trapped Ions (ECCTI) 2024
ECCTI is intended to connect a broad community with very diverse scientific goals with common technical challenges. The event will have a focus on Atomic Clocks, Quantum Information & Computation, Quantum Simulation, Quantum Technologies, Antimatter Physics, Precision & Molecular Spectroscopy, and Nuclear Physics. The event will take place from July 7-12, 2024, at the Viktor-Franz-Hess Haus in Austria. Details

ICAP 2024: The 28th International Conference on Atomic Physics, July 14-19, 2024 at the Imperial College, London. Details

QSim 2024, the 2nd Annual Conference on Quantum Simulation in Rhode Island, USA, August 12-16,  2024. The conference will be preceded by a 3-day summer school from August 9-11 at the same location. The focus of the summer school will be on many-body systems, combining both theoretical and numerical techniques with examples from quantum hardware experiments. Details

NIST Time and Frequency Seminar covers precision clocks and oscillators, atomic frequency standards, rf and optical synchronization, optical oscillators, quantum information, optical cooling and heating; making precise frequency, time, phase-noise, and jitter measurements; and establishing measurement accuracy and traceability. It will be held will be held at the Boulder, CO campus from August 13-15 2024. Details

15th International Symposium on Electron Beam Ion Sources and Traps (EBIST2024) will be held on 27-30 August 2024 at the Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Poland. Details

North American Conference on Trapped Ions (NACTI), UCLA, August 13-16, 2024. Details

IMEKO 2024, 26-29 August 2024, Hamburg. Details

EBIS 2024 in Kielce in the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland) from August 27 to 30, 2024. Details

HCI-21 Sept 1 – Sept 6, 2024 in Amsterdam. Details

QTech 2024: Quantum Technology International conference 2024. This third edition will be held in Berlin, from September 6 to September 12 2024. Details

ECTI 2025, Save the Date: September 8 – 12, 2025 in the Netherlands. More information to follow.

The Greenhorn Meeting is a conference, which targets junior researchers (those who are within the first-half of PhD or in the last year of their masters) working in the research areas of quantum optics, nano optics, atomic physics and ultra-cold atomic gases. It will take place fom September 10th – 12th in Siegen. Details

817 Heraeus seminar on Precision Atomic Physics Experiments to Probe for New Physics“, 23.-27.9.2024 in Bad Honnef. Details

Quantum Physics with Trapped Particles at Monte Verita, close to Ascona, Switzerland, on October 13-18, 2024. Details

Atomic Clock Ensemble in Space (ACES) Workshop, ESTEC, the Netherlands from the 23rd to the 25th of October 2024 Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


A fully funded, 3-year PhD position is available in the laboratory of Metrology, trapped ions and cold molecules at the European Center for Quantum Sciences (CESQ) in Strasbourg, France. This PhD topic concerns the trapping and cooling of dipolar molecular ions as well as their spectroscopic characterization using a frequency-comb laser. More details can be found in attachment or on the Euraxess platform.
Contact: Cyrille Solaro (

Several PostDoc and PhD positions available at PTB in Braunschweig and Leibniz University Hannover in the Quantum Logic Spectroscopy Group of Piet Schmidt . Topics include laboratory and transportable aluminium ion clocks, multi-ion calcium clock using dynamical decoupling and entanglement, as well as highly charged ion clocks.
Contact: Dr. Piet Schmidt (

PhD positions available at the University of Padova (Italy) for a new trapped ion experiment. Potential research directions include quantum simulations on ion strings, interfacing of ion traps with photonics chips, and development of surface electrode traps with integrated photonics.
Contact: Dr. Carmelo Mordini (

PhD and postdoc positions available in the group of Tanja Mehlstäubler at PTB, working on optical clocks based on trapped ion Coulomb crystals. Topics include new interrogation protocols for multi-ensemble clocks, quantum-enhanced clock operation, ground-state cooling of mixed-species Coulomb crystals and tests of fundamental physics with precision spectroscopy.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Tanja Mehlstäubler (

The research group of C. Ospelkaus at the University of Hannover is looking for a postdoctoral research associate on their Penning trap experiment, which aims to implement quantum logic spectroscopy of (anti-)protons for tests of the fundamental CPT symmetry as part of the BASE collaboration.
Contact: Dr. Christian Ospelkaus (

A postdoc position is available at the Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, USA on a project trapping lutetium ions for precision measurements.
Contact: Dr. Matt Grau (

two openings for PhD positions in the Molecular Systems group headed by Roland Wester at the University of Innsbruck. One position is part of a research project in collaboration with the University of Bordeaux on classical versus quantum effects in three-body collisions of cold trapped ions, funded through the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). The second position is part of a collaborative project on controlling
trapped charged nanoparticles, funded through the Austrian excellence cluster QuantA.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Roland Wester (

Multiple postdoc positions are available in the NIST Ion Storage Group in Colorado, USA. Topics include quantum simulation and sensing in a Penning trap, trapped-ion quantum computing, trapped-ion optical clocks, and quantum state control and precision spectroscopy of single molecular ions.
Contact: John Bollinger or any of the NIST Ion Storage group staff

The Imperial College Particle Physics Group has a postgraduate studentship available to work on laser measurements of cold exotic helium atoms that contain antiprotons at the new ELENA facility of CERN in Geneva. This allows us to probe the matter-antimatter symmetry and determine the mass ratio between an antiproton and electron. We hope to be relatively flexible with regards to the exact PhD topic depending on the candidate’s interests. The studentship covers a maintenance bursary similar to standard STFC studentships.

The Ion trap systems team at Infineon is looking for an ion trap development engineer.  This is a full-time, permanent position in Austria with an entry level of 3-5 years.


Please send information about your publications to

171Yb+ optical clock with systematic uncertainty and absolute frequency measurements
A Tofful, C F A Baynham, E A Curtis, A O Parsons, B I Robertson, M Schioppo, J Tunesi, H S Margolis, R J Hendricks, J Whale, R C Thompson and R M Godun Hide full author list
2024 Metrologia 61 045001

Arbitrary quantum circuits on a fully integrated two-qubit computation register for a trapped-ion quantum processor
N. Pulido-Mateo, H. Mendpara, M. Duwe, T. Dubielzig, G. Zarantonello, L. Krinner, and C. Ospelkaus
Phys. Rev. Research 6, L022067 (2024)

Chiral quantum heating and cooling with an optically controlled ion
Jin-Tao Bu, Jian-Qi Zhang, Ge-Yi Ding, Jia-Chong Li, Jia-Wei Zhang, Bin Wang, Wen-Qiang Ding, Wen-Fei Yuan, Liang Chen, Qi Zhong, Ali Keçebaş, Şahin K. Özdemir, Fei Zhou, Hui Jing & Mang Feng
Light: Science & Applications volume 13, Article number: 143 (2024)

Dynamics of quantum discommensurations in the Frenkel-Kontorova chain
Oksana Chelpanova, Shane P. Kelly, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Giovanna Morigi, and Jamir Marino
Phys. Rev. B 109, 214107 (2024)

Efficient site-resolved imaging and spin-state detection in dynamic two-dimensional ion crystals
Robert N. Wolf, Joseph H. Pham, Julian Y. Z. Jee, Alexander Rischka, and Michael J. Biercuk
Phys. Rev. Applied 21, 054067 (2024)

Efficient realization of quantum algorithms with qudits
Anastasiia S. Nikolaeva, Evgeniy O. Kiktenko, Aleksey K. Fedorov in EPJ Quantum Technology
Article Open access 26 June 2024

Identification of a natural fieldlike entanglement resource in trapped-ion chains
Natalie Klco and D. H. Beck
Phys. Rev. A 109, 062419 (2024)

Eliminating Qubit-Type Cross-Talk in the 𝑜⁢𝑚⁢𝑔 Protocol
Samuel R. Vizvary, Zachary J. Wall, Matthew J. Boguslawski, Michael Bareian, Andrei Derevianko, Wesley C. Campbell, and Eric R. Hudson
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 263201 (2024) –

Improved description of trapped ions as a modular electromechanical system
N. Van Horne, M. Mukherjee
Journal: Journal of Applied Physics
J. Appl. Phys. 135, 154401 (2024)

Integrated visible-light polarization rotators and splitters for atomic quantum systems
Hattori, Ashton; Sneh, Tal; Notaros, Milica; Corsetti, Sabrina; Callahan, Patrick T.; Kharas, Dave; Mahony, Thomas; McConnell, Robert; Chiaverini, John; Notaros, Jelena
Optics Letters 49(7) 1794-1797

Low phase noise cavity transmission self-injection locked diode laser system for atomic physics experiments
Krinner, L.; Dietze, K.; Pelzer, L.; Spethmann, N.; Schmidt, P. O.
open access Optics Express 32(9) 15912-15922

Mode-resolved thermometry of a trapped ion with deep learning
Yi Tao, Ting Chen, Hongyang Wang, Jie Zhang, Ting Zhang, Yi Xie, Pingxing Chen, and Wei Wu
Phys. Rev. A 109, 062434 (2024)

Non-Hermitian CHSH* Game with a Single Trapped-Ion Qubit
Xiao Song, 潇 宋, Teng Liu, 腾 刘, Ji Bian, 纪 边, Pengfei Lu, 鹏飞 陆, Yang Liu, 泱 刘Show full author list
2024 Chinese Phys. Lett. 41 060301

Partial-transpose-guided entanglement classes and minimum noise filtering in many-body Gaussian quantum systems
Boyu Gao and Natalie Klco
Phys. Rev. A 109, 062413 (2024)

Quantum variational solving of nonlinear and multidimensional partial differential equations
Abhijat Sarma, Thomas W. Watts, Mudassir Moosa, Yilian Liu, and Peter L. McMahon
Phys. Rev. A 109, 062616 (2024)

Quantum gates simulation by ions trapped in a linear Paul trap
Basem R. Kazem, Mezher B. Saleh
Journal: AIP Conference Proceedings
AIP Conf. Proc. 3097, 090014 (2024)

Scalable narrow linewidth high power laser for barium ion optical qubits
Ahmadi, Morteza; Dutta, Tarun; Mukherjee, Manas
open access Optics Express 32(10) 17879-17892

Simulating the spin-boson model with a controllable reservoir in an ion trap
G.-X. Wang, Y.-K. Wu, R. Yao, W.-Q. Lian, Z.-J. Cheng, Y.-L. Xu, C. Zhang, Y. Jiang, Y.-Z. Xu, B.-X. Qi, P.-Y. Hou, Z.-C. Zhou, L. He, and L.-M. Duan
Phys. Rev. A 109, 062402 (2024) –

Tripartite quantum Rabi model with trapped Rydberg ions
Thomas J. Hamlyn, Chi Zhang, Igor Lesanovsky, and Weibin Li
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 023223 (2024)


A photon-interfaced ten qubit quantum network node
Authors: M. Canteri, Z. X. Koong, J. Bate, A. Winkler, V. Krutyanskiy, B. P. Lanyon

Achieving Cooling Without Repump Lasers Through Ion Motional Heating
Authors: Yue Xiao, Yongxu Peng, Linfeng Chen, Chunhui Li, Zongao Song, Xin Wang, Tao Wang, Yurun Xie, Bin Zhao, Tiangang Yang

Alignment and Optimisation of Optical Tweezers on Trapped Ions
Authors: M. Mazzanti, C. Robalo Pereira, N. A. Diepeveen, B. Gerritsen, Z. Wu, Z. E. D. Ackerman, L. P. H. Gallagher, A. Safavi-Naini, R. Gerritsma, R. X. Schüssler

Ambiguity Clustering: an accurate and efficient decoder for qLDPC codes
Authors: Stasiu Wolanski, Ben Barber

Demonstration of two-dimensional connectivity for a scalable error-corrected ion-trap quantum processor architecture
Authors: Marco Valentini, Martin W. van Mourik, Friederike Butt, Jakob Wahl, Matthias Dietl, Michael Pfeifer, Fabian Anmasser, Yves Colombe, Clemens Rössler, Philip Holz, Rainer Blatt, Markus Müller, Thomas Monz, Philipp Schindler

Dynamical topology of chiral and nonreciprocal state transfers in a non-Hermitian quantum system
Authors: Pengfei Lu, Yang Liu, Qifeng Lao, Teng Liu, Xinxin Rao, Ji Bian, Hao Wu, Feng Zhu, Le Luo

Entangling four logical qubits beyond break-even in a nonlocal code
Authors: Yifan Hong, Elijah Durso-Sabina, David Hayes, Andrew Lucas

Fast Ground State to Ground State Separation of Small Ion Crystals
Authors: Tyler H. Guglielmo, Dietrich Leibfried, Stephen B. Libby, Daniel H. Slichter

Genons, Double Covers and Fault-tolerant Clifford Gates
Authors: Simon Burton, Elijah Durso-Sabina, Natalie C. Brown

High-performance in-vacuum optical system for quantum optics experiments in a Penning-trap
Authors: Joaquín Berrocal, Daniel Rodríguez

High-precision measurements of the atomic mass and electron-capture decay Q value of 95Tc
Authors: Zhuang Ge, Tommi Eronen, Vasile Alin Sevestrean, Ovidiu Niţescu, Sabin Stoica, Marlom Ramalho, Jouni Suhonen, Antoine de Roubin, Dmitrii Nesterenko, Anu Kankainen, Pauline Ascher, Samuel Ayet San Andres, Olga Beliuskina, Pierre Delahaye, Mathieu Flayol, Mathias Gerbaux, Stéphane Grévy, Marjut Hukkanen, Arthur Jaries, Ari Jokinen, Audric Husson, Daid Kahl, Joel Kostensalo, Jenni Kotila, Iain Moore , et al.

Individually Addressed Entangling Gates in a Two-Dimensional Ion Crystal
Authors: Y. -H. Hou, Y. -J. Yi, Y. -K. Wu, Y. -Y. Chen, L. Zhang, Y. Wang, Y. -L. Xu, C. Zhang, Q. -X. Mei, H. -X. Yang, J. -Y. Ma, S. -A. Guo, J. Ye, B. -X. Qi, Z. -C. Zhou, P. -Y. Hou, L. -M. Duan

Identification of highly-forbidden optical transitions in highly charged ions
Authors: Shuying Chen, Lukas J. Spieß, Alexander Wilzewski, Malte Wehrheim, Kai Dietze, Ivan Vybornyi, Klemens Hammerer, Jose R. Crespo Lopez-Urrutia, Piet O. Schmidt

Interacting Mathieu equation, synchronization dynamics and collision-induced velocity exchange in trapped ions
Authors: Asma Benbouza, Xiaoshui Lin, Jin Ming Cui, Ming Gong

Low-Crosstalk, Silicon-Fabricated Optical Waveguides for Laser Delivery to Matter Qubits
Authors: Clayton L. Craft, Nicholas J. Barton, Andrew C. Klug, Kenneth Scalzi, Ian Wildemann, Pramod Asagodu, Joseph D. Broz, Nikola L. Porto, Michael Macalik, Anthony Rizzo, Garrett Percevault, Christopher C. Tison, A. Matthew Smith, Michael L. Fanto, James Schneeloch, Erin Sheridan, Dylan Heberle, Andrew Brownell, Vijay S. S. Sundaram, Venkatesh Deenadayalan, Matthew van Niekerk, Evan Manfreda-Schulz, Gregory A. Howland, Stefan F. Preble, Daniel Coleman , et al.

Observation of a non-Hermitian supersonic mode
Authors: Yuxuan Zhang, Juan Carrasquilla, Yong Baek Kim

Phases and phase transition in Grover’s algorithm with systematic noise
Authors: Sasanka Dowarah, Chuanwei Zhang, Vedika Khemani, Michael H. Kolodrubetz

Physical coherent cancellation of optical addressing crosstalk in a trapped-ion experiment
Authors: Jeremy Flannery, Roland Matt, Luca Huber, Kaizhao Wang, Christopher Axline, Robin Oswald, Jonathan P. Home

Polarisation-insensitive state preparation for trapped-ion hyperfine qubits
Authors: A. D. Leu, M. C. Smith, M. F. Gely, D. M. Lucas

Promise of Graph Sparsification and Decomposition for Noise Reduction in QAOA: Analysis for Trapped-Ion Compilations
Authors: Jai Moondra, Philip C. Lotshaw, Greg Mohler, Swati Gupta

Quantum encoder for fixed Hamming-weight subspaces
Authors: Renato M. S. Farias, Thiago O. Maciel, Giancarlo Camilo, Ruge Lin, Sergi Ramos-Calderer, Leandro Aolita

Quantum nuclear dynamics on a distributed set of ion-trap quantum computing systems
Authors: Anurag Dwivedi, A. J. Rasmusson, Philip Richerme, Srinivasan S. Iyengar

Quantum Machine Learning With Canonical Variables
Authors: Jesús Fuentes

Quantum state preparation for multivariate functions
Authors: Matthias Rosenkranz, Eric Brunner, Gabriel Marin-Sanchez, Nathan Fitzpatrick, Silas Dilkes, Yao Tang, Yuta Kikuchi, Marcello Benedetti

Residue Number System (RNS) based Distributed Quantum Addition
Authors: Bhaskar Gaur, Travis S. Humble, Himanshu Thapliyal

Simulation of sympathetic cooling efficiency in a linear Paul trap
Authors: Oskar Sund, Andreas W. Schell

Supervised binary classification of small-scale digits images with a trapped-ion quantum processor
Authors: Ilia V. Zalivako, Alexander I. Gircha, Anastasiia S. Nikolaeva, Denis A. Drozhzhin, Alexander S. Borisenko, Andrei E. Korolkov, Nikita V. Semenin, Kristina P. Galstyan, Pavel A. Kamenskikh, Vasilii N. Smirnov, Mikhail A. Aksenov, Pavel L. Sidorov, Evgeniy O. Kiktenko, Ksenia Yu. Khabarova, Aleksey K. Fedorov, Nikolay N. Kolachevsky, Ilya A. Semerikov

Ultrasensitive single-ion electrometry in a magnetic field gradient
Authors: F. Bonus, C. Knapp, C. H. Valahu, M. Mironiuc, S. Weidt, W. K. Hensinger

Validity of the Lieb-Schultz-Mattis Theorem in Long-Range Interacting Systems
Authors: Yi-Neng Zhou, Xingyu Li


ITN Newsletter – May 2024


We’re truly grateful for the ongoing engagement from the iontrap community, who keep the conversation lively by sharing their latest news, events, jobs, publications, and editorials. We are thrilled to present the new ITN-Website ( ) where you can download the current and archived issues and send us your submissions and events directly using the forms. Please continue to send us your thoughts; your contributions make our newsletter vibrant and enriching.


Workshop on Quantum Mixtures of Atoms and Ions, Amsterdam will take place rom June 11-13, 2024. The conference aims to bring together experts in the field of cold and ultracold mixtures of atoms and ions and will cover various applications of these systems, including quantum chemistry, quantum impurity physics, ultracold buffer gas cooling, Feshbach resonances, quantum information and spin dynamics. Details

Quantum meets ’24 is a co-created collection of free events presented by Quantum Delta NL from June 11-13, 2024 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Details

55th Conference of the European Group on Atomic Systems (EGAS 55) will take place in Granada (Spain) from June 16th to 20th 2024. Details

Optica Quantum 2.0 Conference and Exhibition, 23 – 27 June 2024, Postillion Hotel & Convention Centre WTC Rotterdam, Netherlands. Details

EFTF 2024, an international conference and exhibition, providing information on recent advances and trends of scientific research and industrial development in the fields of Frequency and Tim, will take place on June 25 – 27 2024, in Neuchâtel, Switzerland. Details

YAO2024 (Young Atom Opticians) conference, organised this year by CESQ at the University of Strasbourg, June 30th to July 5th, 2024. Details

28th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO),  July 1st – 5th, 2024, in Olomouc, Czech Republic

European Frequency and Time Seminar, is a nonprofit intensive full-week seminar intended to provide education and training with lectures and lab sessions in Besancon, France, from July 1-5, 2024. Details

Early Career Conference in Trapped Ions (ECCTI) 2024
ECCTI is intended to connect a broad community with very diverse scientific goals with common technical challenges. The event will have a focus on Atomic Clocks, Quantum Information & Computation, Quantum Simulation, Quantum Technologies, Antimatter Physics, Precision & Molecular Spectroscopy, and Nuclear Physics. The event will take place from July 7-12, 2024, at the Viktor-Franz-Hess Haus in Austria. Details

ICAP 2024: The 28th International Conference on Atomic Physics, July 14-19, 2024 at the Imperial College, London. Details

QSim 2024, the 2nd Annual Conference on Quantum Simulation in Rhode Island, USA, August 12-16,  2024. The conference will be preceded by a 3-day summer school from August 9-11 at the same location. The focus of the summer school will be on many-body systems, combining both theoretical and numerical techniques with examples from quantum hardware experiments. Details

NIST Time and Frequency Seminar covers precision clocks and oscillators, atomic frequency standards, rf and optical synchronization, optical oscillators, quantum information, optical cooling and heating; making precise frequency, time, phase-noise, and jitter measurements; and establishing measurement accuracy and traceability. It will be held will be held at the Boulder, CO campus from August 13-15 2024. Details

15th International Symposium on Electron Beam Ion Sources and Traps (EBIST2024) will be held on 27-30 August 2024 at the Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Poland. Details

North American Conference on Trapped Ions (NACTI), UCLA, August 13-16, 2024

IMEKO 2024, 26-29 August 2024, Hamburg. Details

EBIS 2024 in Kielce in the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland) from August 27 to 30, 2024. Details

HCI-21 Sept 1 – Sept 6, 2024 in Amsterdam. Details

QuTech 2024: Quantum Technology International conference 2024. This third edition will be held in Berlin, from September 6 to September 12 2024.

ECTI 2025, Save the Date: September 8 – 12, 2025 in the Netherlands. More information to follow.

The Greenhorn meeting is a conference, which targets junior researchers (those who are within the first-half of PhD or in the last year of their masters) working in the research areas of quantum optics, nano optics, atomic physics and ultra-cold atomic gases. It will take place fom September 10th – 12th in Siegen. Details

817 Heraeus seminar on Precision Atomic Physics Experiments to Probe for New Physics“, 23.-27.9.2024 in Bad Honnef. Details

Quantum Physics with Trapped Particles at Monte Verita, close to Ascona, Switzerland, on October 13-18, 2024. Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


A fully funded, 3.5-year PhD position is available in the Ion Trap Cavity-QED and Molecular Physics (ITCM) Group in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Sussex. The project is within the Quantum Computing and Simulation Hub.
Contact: Prof Matthias Keller ()
Several PostDoc and PhD positions available at PTB in Braunschweig and Leibniz University Hannover in the Quantum Logic Spectroscopy Group of Piet Schmidt . Topics include laboratory and transportable aluminium ion clocks, multi-ion calcium clock using dynamical decoupling and entanglement, as well as highly charged ion clocks.
Contact: Dr. Piet Schmidt (

PhD positions available at the University of Padova (Italy) for a new trapped ion experiment. Potential research directions include quantum simulations on ion strings, interfacing of ion traps with photonics chips, and development of surface electrode traps with integrated photonics.
Contact: Dr. Carmelo Mordini (

PhD and postdoc positions available in the group of Tanja Mehlstäubler at PTB, working on optical clocks based on trapped ion Coulomb crystals. Topics include new interrogation protocols for multi-ensemble clocks, quantum-enhanced clock operation, ground-state cooling of mixed-species Coulomb crystals and tests of fundamental physics with precision spectroscopy.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Tanja Mehlstäubler (

The research group of C. Ospelkaus at the University of Hannover is looking for a postdoctoral research associate on their Penning trap experiment, which aims to implement quantum logic spectroscopy of (anti-)protons for tests of the fundamental CPT symmetry as part of the BASE collaboration.
Contact: Dr. Christian Ospelkaus (

A postdoc position is available at the Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, USA on a project trapping lutetium ions for precision measurements.
Contact: Dr. Matt Grau (

two openings for PhD positions in the Molecular Systems group headed by Roland Wester at the University of Innsbruck. One position is part of a research project in collaboration with the University of Bordeaux on classical versus quantum effects in three-body collisions of cold trapped ions, funded through the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). The second position is part of a collaborative project on controlling
trapped charged nanoparticles, funded through the Austrian excellence cluster QuantA.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Roland Wester (

Multiple postdoc positions are available in the NIST Ion Storage Group in Colorado, USA. Topics include quantum simulation and sensing in a Penning trap, trapped-ion quantum computing, trapped-ion optical clocks, and quantum state control and precision spectroscopy of single molecular ions.
Contact: John Bollinger or any of the NIST Ion Storage group staff

The Imperial College Particle Physics Group has a postgraduate studentship available to work on laser measurements of cold exotic helium atoms that contain antiprotons at the new ELENA facility of CERN in Geneva. This allows us to probe the matter-antimatter symmetry and determine the mass ratio between an antiproton and electron. We hope to be relatively flexible with regards to the exact PhD topic depending on the candidate’s interests. The studentship covers a maintenance bursary similar to standard STFC studentships.

The Ion trap systems team at Infineon is looking for an ion trap development engineer.  This is a full-time, permanent position in Austria with an entry level of 3-5 years.


Please send information about your publications to

A site-resolved two-dimensional quantum simulator with hundreds of trapped ions
S.-A. Guo, Y.-K. Wu, J. Ye, L. Zhang, W.-Q. Lian, R. Yao, Y. Wang, R.-Y. Yan, Y.-J. Yi, Y.-L. Xu, B.-W. Li, Y.-H. Hou, Y.-Z. Xu, W.-X. Guo, C. Zhang, B.-X. Qi, Z.-C. Zhou, L. He & L.-M. Duan
Nature (2024)


Cold trapped molecular ions and hybrid platforms for ions and neutral particles
Markus Deiß, Stefan Willitsch & Johannes Hecker Denschlag
Nature Physics volume 20, pages 713–721 (2024)

Differentiating enantiomers by directional rotation of ions in a mass spectrometer
SCIENCE 8 Feb 2024 Vol 383, Issue 6683 pp. 612-618

Dynamic laser ablation loading of a linear Paul trap
Lin Li, Zi Li, Xia Hua and Xin Tong
2024 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 57 315205

Efficient site-resolved imaging and spin-state detection in dynamic two-dimensional ion crystals
Robert N. Wolf, Joseph H. Pham, Julian Y. Z. Jee, Alexander Rischka, and Michael J. Biercuk
Phys. Rev. Applied 21, 054067 (2024)

Fault-Tolerant Code-Switching Protocols for Near-Term Quantum Processors
Friederike Butt, Sascha Heußen, Manuel Rispler, and Markus Müller
PRX Quantum 5, 020345 (2024)

Improved description of trapped ions as a modular electromechanical system
N. Van Horne, M. Mukherjee
Journal: Journal of Applied Physics
J. Appl. Phys. 135, 154401 (2024)

Microgram BaCl2 ablation targets for trapped ion experiments
Noah Greenberg, Akbar Jahangiri Jozani, Collin J. C. Epstein, Xinghe Tan, Rajibul Islam, Crystal Senko
Journal: Review of Scientific Instruments
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 045117 (2024)

Noise characterization of an ultra-stable laser for optical clocks
Zhiyuan Wang, Zhiyu Ma, Wenzhe Wei, Jialu Chang, Jingxuan Zhang, Qiyue Wu, Wenhao Yuan, Ke Deng, Zehuang Lu, Jie Zhang
Journal: Review of Scientific Instruments
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 053002 (2024)

Quantum gates simulation by ions trapped in a linear Paul trap
Basem R. Kazem, Mezher B. Saleh
Journal: AIP Conference Proceedings
AIP Conf. Proc. 3097, 090014 (2024)

Josephson voltage standards as ultra-stable low-noise voltage sources for precision Penning-trap experiments
Editor’s Pick
Special Collection: Advances in Quantum Metrology
A. Kaiser ; S. Dickopf ; M. Door ; R. Behr ; U. Beutel; S. Eliseev; A. Kaushik; K. Kromer ; M. Müller ; L. Palafox ; S. Ulmer ; A. Mooser ; K. Blaum
Author & Article Information
Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 224002 (2024)

Majorana modes and their Floquet engineering in a trapped-ion system
Ming-Jian Gao, Yu-Peng Ma, and Jun-Hong An
Phys. Rev. B 109, 184518 (2024

Measurement of infrared magic wavelength for an all-optical trapping of 40Ca+ ion clock
Yao Huang, Miao Wang, Zheng Chen, Chengbin Li, Huaqing Zhang, Baolin Zhang, Liyan Tang, Tingyun Shi, Hua Guan and Ke-Lin Gao
2024 New J. Phys. 26 043021

Multi-site integrated optical addressing of trapped ions
Joonhyuk Kwon, William J. Setzer, Michael Gehl, Nicholas Karl, Jay Van Der Wall, Ryan Law, Matthew G. Blain, Daniel Stick & Hayden J. McGuinness
Nature Communications volume 15, Article number: 3709 (2024) Cite

Non-Hermitian CHSH* game with a single trapped-ion qubit
Xiao Song, Teng Liu, Ji Bian, Pengfei Lu, Yang Liu, Feng Zhu and Le Luo
2024 Chinese Phys. Lett.

Phase-stable traveling waves stroboscopically matched for superresolved observation of trapped-ion dynamics
Florian Hasse, Deviprasath Palani, Robin Thomm, Ulrich Warring, and Tobias Schaetz
Phys. Rev. A 109, 053105 (2024)

Photoinduced charge-carrier dynamics in a semiconductor-based ion trap investigated via motion-sensitive qubit transitions
Woojun Lee, Daun Chung, Honggi Jeon, Beomgeun Cho, KwangYeul Choi, SeungWoo Yoo, Changhyun Jung, Junho Jeong, Changsoon Kim, Dong-Il “Dan” Cho, and Taehyun Kim
Phys. Rev. A 109, 043106 – Published 4 April 2024

Quantum-logic-based 25⁢Mg+-27⁢Al+ optical frequency standard for the redefinition of the SI second
[Phys. Rev. Applied 21, 044017 (2024)]
Z.Y. Ma, K. Deng, Z.Y. Wang, W.Z. Wei, P. Hao, H.X. Zhang, L.R. Pang, B. Wang, F.F. Wu, H.L. Liu, W.H. Yuan, J.L. Chang, J.X. Zhang, Q.Y. Wu, J. Zhang, and Z.H. Lu
Phys. Rev. Applied 21, 059901 (2024) – Published 17 May 2024

Quantum thermodynamics of boundary time-crystals
Federico Carollo, Igor Lesanovsky, Mauro Antezza and Gabriele De Chiara
2024 Quantum Sci. Technol. 9 035024

Robustness of the projected squeezed state protocol
B. J. Alexander, J. J. Bollinger, and M. S. Tame
Phys. Rev. A 109, 052614 (2024) –

Self-diffusion in a strongly coupled non-neutral plasma
Marco Baldovin, Grégoire Vallet, Gaëtan Hagel, Emmanuel Trizac, and Caroline Champenois
Phys. Rev. A 109, 043116

Single-shot error correction on toric codes with high-weight stabilizers
Yingjia Lin, Shilin Huang, and Kenneth R. Brown
Phys. Rev. A 109, 052438 (2024) –

Spectral Signatures of Vibronic Coupling in Trapped Cold Ionic Rydberg Systems
Joseph W. P. Wilkinson, Weibin Li, and Igor Lesanovsky
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 223401 (2024)

Table-top ion-trap experiment on the stability of intense short bunches in linear hadron accelerators
M. Kuroda, A. Kasagaki, H. Okamoto, and K. Ito
Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 27, 054201 (2024) –

The CIPM list ‘Recommended values of standard frequencies’: 2021 update
H S Margolis, G Panfilo, G Petit, C Oates, T Ido and S Bize
2024 Metrologia 61 035005

Trapping with seven-fold enhanced efficiency utilizing an autoionizing resonance
Noah Greenberg, Brendan M White, Pei Jiang Low and Crystal Senko

Tripartite quantum Rabi model with trapped Rydberg ions
Thomas J. Hamlyn, Chi Zhang, Igor Lesanovsky, and Weibin Li
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 023223 (2024)

Ultracold chemistry as a testbed for few-body physics
Tijs Karman, Michał Tomza & Jesús Pérez-Ríos
Nature Physics volume 20, pages 722–729 (2024)

Witnessing entanglement in trapped-ion quantum error correction under realistic noise
Andrea Rodriguez-Blanco, Farid Shahandeh, and Alejandro Bermudez
Phys. Rev. A 109, 052417 (2024)


Analysis of ion chain sympathetic cooling and gate dynamics
Authors: Aditya Paul, Crystal Noel

Benchmarking bosonic modes for quantum information with randomized displacements
Authors: Christophe H. Valahu, Tomas Navickas, Michael J. Biercuk, Ting Rei Tan

Bias-field digitized counterdiabatic quantum optimization
Authors: Alejandro Gomez Cadavid, Archismita Dalal, Anton Simen, Enrique Solano, Narendra N. Hegade

Characterization of ion-trap-induced ac-magnetic fields
Authors: Manoj K. Joshi, Milena Guevara-Bertsch, Florian Kranzl, Rainer Blatt, Christian F. Roos

Chiral quantum heating and cooling with an optically controlled ion
Authors: Jin-Tao Bu, Jian-Qi Zhang, Ge-Yi Ding, Jia-Chong Li, Jia-Wei Zhang, Bin Wang, Wen-Qiang Ding, Wen-Fei Yuan, Liang Chen, Qi Zhong, Ali Keçebaş, Şahin K. Özdemir, Fei Zhou, Hui Jing, Mang Feng

Data augmentation experiments with style-based quantum generative adversarial networks on trapped-ion and superconducting-qubit technologies
Authors: Julien Baglio

Digital-Analog Counterdiabatic Quantum Optimization with Trapped Ions
Authors: Shubham Kumar, Narendra N. Hegade, Alejandro Gomez Cadavid, Murilo Henrique de Oliveira, Enrique Solano, F. Albarrán-Arriagada

Digitized Counterdiabatic Quantum Algorithms for Logistics Scheduling
Authors: Archismita Dalal, Iraitz Montalban, Narendra N. Hegade, Alejandro Gomez Cadavid, Enrique Solano, Abhishek Awasthi, Davide Vodola, Caitlin Jones, Horst Weiss, Gernot Füchsel

Femtosecond laser writing of depressed cladding waveguides in sapphire
Authors: Sarah Winkler, Joachim R. Krenn, Jakob Wahl, Alexander Zesar, Yves Colombe, Klemens Schüppert, Clemens Rössler, Christian Sommer, Philipp Hurdax, Philip Lichtenegger, Bernhard Lamprecht

Generating Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen correlations for teleporting collective spin states in a two dimensional trapped ion crystal
Authors: Muhammad Miskeen Khan, Edwin Chaparro, Bhuvanesh Sundar, Allison Carter, John Bollinger, Klaus Molmer, Ana Maria Rey

Heralded arbitrary graph states with inefficient quantum emitters
Authors: Maxwell Gold, Jianlong Lin, Eric Chitambar, Elizabeth A. Goldschmidt

Implementation of Bα Gates
Authors: M. Karthick Selvan, S. Balakrishnan

Ion-Based Quantum Computing Hardware: Performance and End-User Perspective
Authors: Thomas Strohm, Karen Wintersperger, Florian Dommert, Daniel Basilewitsch, Georg Reuber, Andrey Hoursanov, Thomas Ehmer, Davide Vodola, Sebastian Luber

Numerical Simulations of 3D Ion Crystal Dynamics in a Penning Trap using the Fast Multipole Method
Authors: John Zaris, Wes Johnson, Athreya Shankar, John J. Bollinger, Scott E. Parker

Prospects of nuclear-coupled-dark-matter detection via correlation spectroscopy of I+2 and Ca+
Eric Madge, Gilad Perez, Ziv Meir

Protecting quantum gates from arbitrary single- and two-qubit errors
Authors: Chunfeng Wu, Gangcheng Wang, Xun-Li Feng

Quantum Many-Body Scarring in a Non-Abelian Lattice Gauge Theory
Authors: Giuseppe Calajò, Giovanni Cataldi, Marco Rigobello, Darvin Wanisch, Giuseppe Magnifico, Pietro Silvi, Simone Montangero, Jad C. Halimeh

Realization of a crosstalk-free multi-ion node for long-distance quantum networking
Authors: P. -C. Lai, Y. Wang, J. -X. Shi, Z. -B. Cui, Z. -Q. Wang, S. Zhang, P. -Y. Liu, Z. -C. Tian, Y. -D. Sun, X. -Y. Chang, B. -X. Qi, Y. -Y. Huang, Z. -C. Zhou, Y. -K. Wu, Y. Xu, Y. -F. Pu, L. -M. Duan

Scalable Circuit Cutting and Scheduling in a Resource-constrained and Distributed Quantum System
Authors: Shuwen Kan, Zefan Du, Miguel Palma, Samuel A Stein, Chenxu Liu, Wenqi Wei, Juntao Chen, Ang Li, Ying Mao

Simulating Floquet scrambling circuits on trapped-ion quantum computers
Authors: Kazuhiro Seki, Yuta Kikuchi, Tomoya Hayata, Seiji Yunoki

Strategies for implementing quantum error correction in molecular rotation
Authors: Brandon J. Furey, Zhenlin Wu, Mariano Isaza-Monsalve, Stefan Walser, Elyas Mattivi, René Nardi, Philipp Schindler

Temporally multiplexed ion-photon quantum interface via fast ion-chain transport
Authors: Bingran You, Qiming Wu, David Miron, Wenjun Ke, Inder Monga, Erhan Saglamyurek, Hartmut Haeffner

The Algorithm for Solving Quantum Linear Systems of Equations With Coherent Superposition and Its Extended Applications
Authors: Qiqing Xia, Qianru Zhu, Huiqin Xie, Li Yang

The impact of noise on the simulation of NMR spectroscopy on NISQ devices
Authors: Andisheh Khedri, Pascal Stadler, Kirsten Bark, Matteo Lodi, Rolando Reiner, Nicolas Vogt, Michael Marthaler, Juha Leppäkangas

Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulation of Electron Transfer Models with Tunable Dissipation
Authors: Visal So, Midhuna Duraisamy Suganthi, Abhishek Menon, Mingjian Zhu, Roman Zhuravel, Han Pu, Peter G. Wolynes, José N. Onuchic, Guido Pagano

ITN Newsletter – April 2024


We’re truly grateful for the ongoing engagement from the iontrap community, who keep the conversation lively by sharing their latest news, events, jobs, publications, and editorials. Your contributions make our newsletter vibrant and enriching.

Please continue to send us your thoughts to


Workshop on Quantum Mixtures of Atoms and Ions, Amsterdam will take place rom June 11-13, 2024. The conference aims to bring together experts in the field of cold and ultracold mixtures of atoms and ions and will cover various applications of these systems, including quantum chemistry, quantum impurity physics, ultracold buffer gas cooling, Feshbach resonances, quantum information and spin dynamics. Details

Quantum meets ’24 is a co-created collection of free events presented by Quantum Delta NL from June 11-13, 2024 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Details

YAO2024 (Young Atom Opticians) conference, organised this year by CESQ at the University of Strasbourg, June 30th to July 5th, 2024. Details

Early Career Conference in Trapped Ions (ECCTI) 2024
ECCTI is intended to connect a broad community with very diverse scientific goals with common technical challenges. The event will have a focus on Atomic Clocks, Quantum Information & Computation, Quantum Simulation, Quantum Technologies, Antimatter Physics, Precision & Molecular Spectroscopy, and Nuclear Physics. The event will take place from July 7-12, 2024, at the Viktor-Franz-Hess Haus in Austria. Details

ICAP 2024: The 28th International Conference on Atomic Physics, July 14-19, 2024 at the Imperial College, London. Details

QSim 2024, the 2nd Annual Conference on Quantum Simulation in Rhode Island, USA, August 12-16,  2024. The conference will be preceded by a 3-day summer school from August 9-11 at the same location. The focus of the summer school will be on many-body systems, combining both theoretical and numerical techniques with examples from quantum hardware experiments. Details

ECTI 2025, Save the Date: September 8 – 12, 2025 in the Netherlands. More information to follow.

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


The research group of C. Ospelkaus at the University of Hannover offers a team lead position (postdoc) in the field of surface electrode trap design for quantum computing.
Contact: Dr. Christian Ospelkaus ( )

A fully funded, 3.5-year PhD position is available in the Ion Trap Cavity-QED and Molecular Physics (ITCM) Group in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Sussex. The project is within the Quantum Computing and Simulation Hub.
Contact: Prof Matthias Keller ()
Several PostDoc and PhD positions available at PTB in Braunschweig and Leibniz University Hannover in the Quantum Logic Spectroscopy Group of Piet Schmidt . Topics include laboratory and transportable aluminium ion clocks, multi-ion calcium clock using dynamical decoupling and entanglement, as well as highly charged ion clocks.
Contact: Dr. Piet Schmidt (

PhD positions available at the University of Padova (Italy) for a new trapped ion experiment. Potential research directions include quantum simulations on ion strings, interfacing of ion traps with photonics chips, and development of surface electrode traps with integrated photonics.
Contact: Dr. Carmelo Mordini (

PhD and postdoc positions available in the group of Tanja Mehlstäubler at PTB, working on optical clocks based on trapped ion Coulomb crystals. Topics include new interrogation protocols for multi-ensemble clocks, quantum-enhanced clock operation, ground-state cooling of mixed-species Coulomb crystals and tests of fundamental physics with precision spectroscopy.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Tanja Mehlstäubler (

The research group of C. Ospelkaus at the University of Hannover is looking for a postdoctoral research associate on their Penning trap experiment, which aims to implement quantum logic spectroscopy of (anti-)protons for tests of the fundamental CPT symmetry as part of the BASE collaboration.
Contact: Dr. Christian Ospelkaus (

A postdoc position is available at the Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, USA on a project trapping lutetium ions for precision measurements.
Contact: Dr. Matt Grau (

two openings for PhD positions in the Molecular Systems group headed by Roland Wester at the University of Innsbruck. One position is part of a research project in collaboration with the University of Bordeaux on classical versus quantum effects in three-body collisions of cold trapped ions, funded through the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). The second position is part of a collaborative project on controlling
trapped charged nanoparticles, funded through the Austrian excellence cluster QuantA.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Roland Wester (

Multiple postdoc positions are available in the NIST Ion Storage Group in Colorado, USA. Topics include quantum simulation and sensing in a Penning trap, trapped-ion quantum computing, trapped-ion optical clocks, and quantum state control and precision spectroscopy of single molecular ions.
Contact: John Bollinger or any of the NIST Ion Storage group staff

The Imperial College Particle Physics Group has a postgraduate studentship available to work on laser measurements of cold exotic helium atoms that contain antiprotons at the new ELENA facility of CERN in Geneva. This allows us to probe the matter-antimatter symmetry and determine the mass ratio between an antiproton and electron. We hope to be relatively flexible with regards to the exact PhD topic depending on the candidate’s interests. The studentship covers a maintenance bursary similar to standard STFC studentships.

The Ion trap systems team at Infineon is looking for an ion trap development engineer.  This is a full-time, permanent position in Austria with an entry level of 3-5 years.


Please send information about your publications to

Application of RFSoC-based arbitrary waveform generator for coherent control of atomic qubits
Kazunori Maetani, Akinori Machino, Keisuke Koike, Shinichi Morisaka, Toshiki Kobayashi, Kenji Toyoda, Makoto Negoro, Takefumi Miyoshi and Ryutaro Ohira
2024 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.
Bilayer ion trap design for 2D arrays
Gavin N Nop, Jonathan D H Smith, Daniel Stick and Durga Paudyal
2024 Quantum Sci. Technol. 9 035015

Cooling dynamics of a free ion in a Bose-Einstein condensate
Lorenzo Oghittu, Juliette Simonet, Philipp Wessels-Staarmann, Markus Drescher, Klaus Sengstock, Ludwig Mathey, and Antonio Negretti

Phys. Rev. Research 6, 023024 (2024)CP-violation sensitivity of closed-shell radium-containing polyatomic molecular ions
Konstantin Gaul, Nicholas R. Hutzler, Phelan Yu, Andrew M. Jayich, Miroslav Iliaš, and Anastasia Borschevsky
Phys. Rev. A 109, 042819 (2024)

Criticality-enhanced electric field gradient sensor with single trapped ions
Theodoros Ilias, Dayou Yang, Susana F. Huelga & Martin B. Plenio
npj Quantum Information volume 10, Article number: 36 (2024)

Demonstration of chronometric leveling using transportable optical clocks beyond laser coherence limit
Yi Yuan, Kaifeng Cui, Daoxin Liu, Jinbo Yuan, Jian Cao, Dehao Wang, Sijia Chao, Hualin Shu, and Xueren Huang
Phys. Rev. Applied 21, 044052 (2024)

Dynamic laser ablation loading of a linear Paul trap
Lin Li, Zi Li, Xia Hua and Xin Tong
2024 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.

Further Evidence for Shape Coexistence in 79Znm near Doubly Magic 78Ni
L. Nies et al.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 222503 –

Improved description of trapped ions as a modular electromechanical system
N. Van Horne ; M. Mukherjee
J. Appl. Phys. 135, 154401 (2024)

Energy-Conversion Device Using a Quantum Engine with the Work Medium of Two-Atom Entanglement
J.-W. Zhang, B. Wang, W.-F. Yuan, J.-C. Li, J.-T. Bu, G.-Y. Ding, W.-Q. Ding, L. Chen, F. Zhou, and M. Feng
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 180401 (2024)

Enhanced Interactions Using Quantum Squeezing
Wei Qin and Franco Nori
April 17, 2024• Physics 17, 64

Experimental demonstration of enhanced violations of Leggett-Garg inequalities in a PT-symmetric trapped-ion qubit
Pengfei Lu, Xinxin Rao, Teng Liu, Yang Liu, Ji Bian, Feng Zhu, and Le Luo
Phys. Rev. A 109, 042205 (2024)

Experimental Speedup of Quantum Dynamics through Squeezing
S. C. Burd, H. M. Knaack, R. Srinivas, C. Arenz, A. L. Collopy, L. J. Stephenson, A. C. Wilson, D. J. Wineland, D. Leibfried, J. J. Bollinger, D. T. C. Allcock, and D. H. Slichter
PRX Quantum 5, 020314 (2024)

Experimental realization of entangled coherent states in two-dimensional harmonic oscillators of a trapped ion
Honggi Jeon, Jiyong Kang, Jaeun Kim, Wonhyeong Choi, Kyunghye Kim & Taehyun Kim
Scientific Reports volume 14, Article number: 6847 (2024)

Exploiting Nonclassical Motion of a Trapped Ion Crystal for Quantum-Enhanced Metrology of Global and Differential Spin Rotations
R. J. Lewis-Swan, J. C. Zuñiga Castro, D. Barberena, and A. M. Rey
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 163601 (2024) –

Fast Quantum State Preparation and Bath Dynamics Using Non-Gaussian Variational Ansatz and Quantum Optimal Control
Liam J. Bond, Arghavan Safavi-Naini, and Jiří Minář
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 170401 (2024)

Full Bell-basis measurement of an atom-photon 2-qubit state and its application for quantum networks
Elena Arenskötter, Stephan Kucera, Omar Elshehy, Max Bergerhoff, Matthias Kreis, Léandre Brunel, and Jürgen Eschner
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 023061 (2024)

How to Speed up a Quantum Network
David Ehrenstein , April 10, 2024• Physics 17

Indirect Cooling of Weakly Coupled Trapped-Ion Mechanical Oscillators
Pan-Yu Hou, Jenny J. Wu, Stephen D. Erickson, Giorgio Zarantonello, Adam D. Brandt, Daniel C. Cole, Andrew C. Wilson, Daniel H. Slichter, and Dietrich Leibfried
Phys. Rev. X 14, 021003 (2024)

Laser spectroscopy of triply charged 229Th isomer for a nuclear clock
Atsushi Yamaguchi, Yudai Shigekawa, Hiromitsu Haba, Hidetoshi Kikunaga, Kenji Shirasaki, Michiharu Wada & Hidetoshi Katori
Nature (2024)

Loading and identifying various charged thorium ions in a linear ion trap with a time-of-flight mass spectrometer
Zi Li, Lin Li, Xia Hua, Xin Tong
Journal: Journal of Applied Physics
J. Appl. Phys. 135, 144402 (2024)

Measurement of infrared magic wavelength for an all-optical trapping of 40Ca+ ion clock
Yao Huang, Miao Wang, Zheng Chen, Chengbin Li, Huaqing Zhang, Baolin Zhang, Liyan Tang, Tingyun Shi, Hua Guan and Ke-Lin Gao
2024 New J. Phys. 26 043021

Microgram BaCl2 ablation targets for trapped ion experiments
Noah Greenberg, Akbar Jahangiri Jozani, Collin J. C. Epstein , Xinghe Tan, Rajibul Islam; Crystal Senko
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 045117 (2024)

Multimode Ion-Photon Entanglement over 101 Kilometers
V. Krutyanskiy, M. Canteri, M. Meraner, V. Krcmarsky, and B.P. Lanyon
PRX Quantum 5, 020308 (2024) –

Pulse optimization for high-precision motional-mode characterization in trapped-ion quantum computers
Qiyao Liang, Mingyu Kang, Ming Li and Yunseong Nam
2024 Quantum Sci. Technol. 9 035007

Quantum fidelity kernel with a trapped-ion simulation platform
Rodrigo Martínez-Peña, Miguel C. Soriano, and Roberta Zambrini
Phys. Rev. A 109, 042612 (2024

Quantum-logic-based 25Mg+-27Al+ optical frequency standard for the redefinition of the SI second
Z. Y. Ma, K. Deng, Z. Y. Wang, W. Z. Wei, P. Hao, H. X. Zhang, L. R. Pang, B. Wang, F. F. Wu, H. L. Liu, W. H. Yuan, J. L. Chang, J. X. Zhang, Q. Y. Wu, J. Zhang, and Z. H. Lu
Phys. Rev. Applied 21, 044017 (2024)

Quantum sensing for particle physics
Steven D. Bass & Michael Doser
Nature Reviews Physics (2024)

Quantum thermodynamics of boundary time-crystals
Federico Carollo, Igor Lesanovsky, Mauro Antezza and Gabriele De Chiara
2024 Quantum Sci. Technol.

Self-diffusion in a strongly coupled non-neutral plasma
Marco Baldovin, Grégoire Vallet, Gaëtan Hagel, Emmanuel Trizac, and Caroline Champenois
Phys. Rev. A 109, 043116 (2024) –

The 3d2D5/2−2D3/2 magnetic dipole transition in potassium-like ions
Yuyuan Qian, Chunyu Zhang, Yizhuo Zhang, Jihui Chen, Xiaobin Ding, Liangyu Huang, Yang Yang, Yunqing Fu, Chongyang Chen and Ke Yao
2024 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 57 095002

Trapping Ion Coulomb Crystals in an Optical Lattice
Daniel Hoenig, Fabian Thielemann, Leon Karpa, Thomas Walker, Amir Mohammadi, and Tobias Schaetz
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 133003 (2024)

Trapping Ba+ with Seven-fold Enhanced Efficiency Utilizing an Autoionizing Resonance
Noah Greenberg, Brendan White, Pei Jiang Low and Crystal Senko
2024 Quantum Sci. Technol.

Verifiable Blind Quantum Computing with Trapped Ions and Single Photons
P. Drmota, D. P. Nadlinger, D. Main, B. C. Nichol, E. M. Ainley, D. Leichtle, A. Mantri, E. Kashefi, R. Srinivas, G. Araneda, C. J. Ballance, and D. M. Lucas
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 150604 (2024)


A Comprehensive Study on A Tapered Paul Trap: From Design to Potential Applications
Authors: Bo Deng, Moritz Göb, Max Masuhr, Johannes Roßnagel, Georg Jacob, Daqing Wang, Kilian SingerAn energy efficient quantum-enhanced machine
Authors: Waner Hou, Xingyu Zhao, Kamran Rehan, Yi Li, Yue Li, Eric Lutz, Yiheng Lin, Jiangfeng Du

Arbitrary quantum circuits on a fully integrated two-qubit computation register for a trapped-ion quantum processor
Authors: N. Pulido-Mateo, H. Mendpara, M. Duwe, T. Dubielzig, G. Zarantonello, L. Krinner, C. Ospelkaus

Benchmarking logical three-qubit quantum Fourier transform encoded in the Steane code on a trapped-ion quantum computer
Authors: Karl Mayer, Ciarán Ryan-Anderson, Natalie Brown, Elijah Durso-Sabina, Charles H. Baldwin, David Hayes, Joan M. Dreiling, Cameron Foltz, John P. Gaebler, Thomas M. Gatterman, Justin A. Gerber, Kevin Gilmore, Dan Gresh, Nathan Hewitt, Chandler V. Horst, Jacob Johansen, Tanner Mengle, Michael Mills, Steven A. Moses, Peter E. Siegfried, Brian Neyenhuis, Juan Pino, Russell Stutz

Comparative Study of Quantum-Circuit Scalability in a Financial Problem
Authors: Jaewoong Heo, Moonjoo Lee

Correction formulas for the two-qubit Mølmer-Sørensen gate
Authors: Susanna Kirchhoff, Frank K. Wilhelm, Felix Motzoi

Decoherence of a charged Brownian particle in a magnetic field : an analysis of the roles of coupling via position and momentum variables
Authors: Suraka Bhattacharjee, Koushik Mandal, Supurna Sinha

Demonstration of energy extraction gain from non-classical correlations
Authors: Alexander Stahl, Michael Kewming, John Goold, Janine Hilder, Ulrich G. Poschinger, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler

Demonstration of logical qubits and repeated error correction with better-than-physical error rates
Authors: M. P. da Silva, C. Ryan-Anderson, J. M. Bello-Rivas, A. Chernoguzov, J. M. Dreiling, C. Foltz, F. Frachon, J. P. Gaebler, T. M. Gatterman, L. Grans-Samuelsson, D. Hayes, N. Hewitt, J. Johansen, D. Lucchetti, M. Mills, S. A. Moses, B. Neyenhuis, A. Paz, J. Pino, P. Siegfried, J. Strabley, A. Sundaram, D. Tom, S. J. Wernli, M. Zanne

Detecting entanglement from macroscopic measurements of the electric field and its fluctuations
Authors: Pedro Rosario, Alan C. Santos, Nicola Piovella, Robin Kaiser, André Cidrim, Romain Bachelard

Fast photon-mediated entanglement of continuously-cooled trapped ions for quantum networking
Authors: Jameson O’Reilly, George Toh, Isabella Goetting, Sagnik Saha, Mikhail Shalaev, Allison Carter, Andrew Risinger, Ashish Kalakuntla, Tingguang Li, Ashrit Verma, Christopher Monroe

Generally noise-resilient quantum gates for trapped-ions
Authors: Modesto Orozco-Ruiz, Wasim Rehman, Florian Mintert

High-Dimensional Two-Photon Quantum Controlled Phase-Flip Gate
Authors: Mingyuan Chen, Jiangshan Tang, Miao Cai, Franco Nori, Keyu Xia

High-fidelity and Fault-tolerant Teleportation of a Logical Qubit using Transversal Gates and Lattice Surgery on a Trapped-ion Quantum Computer
Authors: C. Ryan-Anderson, N. C. Brown, C. H. Baldwin, J. M. Dreiling, C. Foltz, J. P. Gaebler, T. M. Gatterman, N. Hewitt, C. Holliman, C. V. Horst, J. Johansen, D. Lucchetti, T. Mengle, M. Matheny, Y. Matsuoka, K. Mayer, M. Mills, S. A. Moses, B. Neyenhuis, J. Pino, P. Siegfried, R. P. Stutz, J. Walker, D. Hayes

High-precision measurement of the atomic mass of 84Sr and implications to isotope shift studies
Authors: Z. Ge, S. W. Bai, T. Eronen, A. Jokinen, A. Kankainen, S. Kujanpää, I. D. Moore, D. A. Nesterenko, M. Reponen

Hyperfine-Resolved Rotational Spectroscopy of HCNH+
Authors: Weslley G. D. P. Silva, Luis Bonah, Philipp C. Schmid, Stephan Schlemmer, Oskar Asvany

Individual-Ion Addressing and Readout in a Penning Trap
Authors: Brian J. McMahon, Kenton R. Brown, Creston D. Herold, Brian C. Sawyer

Lindblad-like quantum tomography for non-Markovian quantum dynamical maps
Authors: Santiago Varona, Markus Müller, Alejandro Bermudez

Measurement-Induced Heating of Trapped Ions
Authors: A. J. Rasmusson, Ilyoung Jung, Frank Schroer, Antonis Kyprianidis, Philip Richerme

Optimal Multiparameter Metrology: The Quantum Compass Solution
Authors: Denis V. Vasilyev, Athreya Shankar, Raphael Kaubruegger, Peter Zoller

Orders of Magnitude Improved Cyclotron-Mode Cooling for Non-Destructive Spin Quantum Transition Spectroscopy with Single Trapped Antiprotons
Authors: B. M. Latacz, M. Fleck, J. I. Jaeger, G. Umbrazunas, B. P. Arndt, S. R. Erlewein, E. J. Wursten, J. A. Devlin, P. Micke, F. Abbass, D. Schweitzer, M. Wiesinger, C. Will, H. Yildiz, K. Blaum, Y. Matsuda, A. Mooser, C. Ospelkaus, A. Soter, W. Quint, J. Walz, Y. Yamazaki, C. Smorra, S. Ulmer

Photoexcitation of the 229Th nuclear clock transition using twisted light
Authors: Tobias Kirschbaum, Thorsten Schumm, Adriana Pálffy

Quantum Computers, Quantum Computing and Quantum Thermodynamics
Authors: Fabrizio Cleri

Quantum Digital Simulation of Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics: Insights from Superconducting and Trapped Ion Quantum Testbeds
Authors: Alex H. Rubin, Brian Marinelli, Victoria A. Norman, Zainab Rizvi, Ashlyn D. Burch, Ravi K. Naik, John Mark Kreikebaum, Matthew N. H. Chow, Daniel S. Lobser, Melissa C. Revelle, Christopher G. Yale, Megan Ivory, David I. Santiago, Christopher Spitzer, Marina Krstic-Marinkovic, Susan M. Clark, Irfan Siddiqi, Marina Radulaski

Scatter-Gather DMA Performance Analysis within an SoC-based Control System for Trapped-Ion Quantum Computing
Authors: Tiamike Dudley, Jim Plusquellic, Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou, Joshua Goldberg, Daniel Stick, Daniel Lobser

Single-Atom Verification of the Optimal Trade-Off Between Speed and Cost in Shortcuts to Adiabaticity
Authors: J. -W. Zhang, J. -T. Bu, J. C. Li, Weiquan Meng, W. -Q. Ding, B. Wang, W. -F. Yuan, H. -J. Du, G. -Y. Ding, W. -J. Chen, L. Chen, F. Zhou, Zhenyu Xu, M. Feng

The impact of noise on the simulation of NMR spectroscopy on NISQ devices
Authors: Andisheh Khedri, Pascal Stadler, Kirsten Bark, Matteo Lodi, Rolando Reiner, Nicolas Vogt, Michael Marthaler, Juha Leppäkangas

Towards Energetic Quantum Advantage in Trapped-Ion Quantum Computation
Authors: Francisca Góis, Marco Pezzutto, Yasser Omar

Optimal quantum sensing of the nonlinear bosonic interactions using Fock states
Authors: Payman Mahmoudi, Atirach Ritboon, Radim Filip

ITN Newsletter – March 2024


As we embrace the spirit of Easter, we’re also filled with gratitude for the wonderful community that surrounds us. Since we kicked off our newsletter again in January 2024, we’ve been overwhelmed by the positive feedback and the surge of new subscribers. We’re truly grateful for the ongoing engagement from the iontrap community, who keep the conversation lively by sharing their latest news, events, jobs, publications, and editorials. Your contributions make our newsletter vibrant and enriching.

Please continue to send us your thoughts to


QCTiP 2024 (Quantum Computing Theory in Practice) conference, organized by the Quantum Software Lab at the University of Edinburgh, is planned for April 16th to 18th, 2024. Details

Young Researchers School on Topological aspects of low-dimensional quantum physics is a meeting for young researchers, designed by young researchers, accessible to PhD students in theoretical physics as well as to exceptional MSc students. April 21-27, 2024, Maynooth University, Ireland. Details

Workshop on Quantum Mixtures of Atoms and Ions, Amsterdam will take place rom June 11-13, 2024. The conference aims to bring together experts in the field of cold and ultracold mixtures of atoms and ions and will cover various applications of these systems, including quantum chemistry, quantum impurity physics, ultracold buffer gas cooling, Feshbach resonances, quantum information and spin dynamics. Details

Quantum meets ’24 is a co-created collection of free events presented by Quantum Delta NL from June 11-13, 2024 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Details

YAO2024 (Young Atom Opticians) conference, organised this year by CESQ at the University of Strasbourg, June 30th to July 5th, 2024. Details

Early Career Conference in Trapped Ions (ECCTI) 2024
ECCTI is intended to connect a broad community with very diverse scientific goals with common technical challenges. The event will have a focus on Atomic Clocks, Quantum Information & Computation, Quantum Simulation, Quantum Technologies, Antimatter Physics, Precision & Molecular Spectroscopy, and Nuclear Physics. The event will take place from July 7-12, 2024, at the Viktor-Franz-Hess Haus in Austria. Details

ICAP 2024: The 28th International Conference on Atomic Physics, July 14-19, 2024 at the Imperial College, London. Details

QSim 2024, the 2nd Annual Conference on Quantum Simulation in Rhode Island, USA, August 12-16,  2024. The conference will be preceded by a 3-day summer school from August 9-11 at the same location. The focus of the summer school will be on many-body systems, combining both theoretical and numerical techniques with examples from quantum hardware experiments. Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


PhD position available at VU Amsterdam – Precision measurements of trapped H2+.
This project is about precision measurements of weakly-bound states of H2+ in the THz range to test QED predictions. Molecular ions are selectively prepared using Rydberg states, trapped, and sympathetically cooled using Be+ ions.
Contact: Max Beyer (

The research group of C. Ospelkaus at the University of Hannover offers a team lead position (postdoc) in the field of surface electrode trap design for quantum computing.
Contact: Dr. Christian Ospelkaus ( )

Several PostDoc and PhD positions available at PTB in Braunschweig and Leibniz University Hannover in the Quantum Logic Spectroscopy Group of Piet Schmidt . Topics include laboratory and transportable aluminium ion clocks, multi-ion calcium clock using dynamical decoupling and entanglement, as well as highly charged ion clocks.
Contact: Dr. Piet Schmidt (

PhD and postdoc positions available in the group of Tanja Mehlstäubler at PTB, working on optical clocks based on trapped ion Coulomb crystals. Topics include new interrogation protocols for multi-ensemble clocks, quantum-enhanced clock operation, ground-state cooling of mixed-species Coulomb crystals and tests of fundamental physics with precision spectroscopy.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Tanja Mehlstäubler (

The research group of C. Ospelkaus at the University of Hannover is looking for a postdoctoral research associate on their Penning trap experiment, which aims to implement quantum logic spectroscopy of (anti-)protons for tests of the fundamental CPT symmetry as part of the BASE collaboration.
Contact: Dr. Christian Ospelkaus (

A postdoc position is available at the Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, USA on a project trapping lutetium ions for precision measurements.
Contact: Dr. Matt Grau (

Multiple postdoc positions are available in the NIST Ion Storage Group in Colorado, USA. Topics include quantum simulation and sensing in a Penning trap, trapped-ion quantum computing, trapped-ion optical clocks, and quantum state control and precision spectroscopy of single molecular ions.
Contact: John Bollinger or any of the NIST Ion Storage group staff

The Imperial College Particle Physics Group has a postgraduate studentship available to work on laser measurements of cold exotic helium atoms that contain antiprotons at the new ELENA facility of CERN in Geneva. This allows us to probe the matter-antimatter symmetry and determine the mass ratio between an antiproton and electron. We hope to be relatively flexible with regards to the exact PhD topic depending on the candidate’s interests. The studentship covers a maintenance bursary similar to standard STFC studentships.

PhD position in QUantum-Enhanced Sensing with Trapped IONs (QUESTIONs) at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in the group of Dr. Laura Dreissen. In the project you will develop a trapped-ion system based on Ba+ for quantum sensing and metrology using entangled states.
Contact: Dr. Laura S. Dreissen (

The Ion trap systems team at Infineon is looking for an ion trap development engineer.  This is a full-time, permanent position in Austria with an entry level of 3-5 years.

Various positions at ARCNL
ARCNL is a public-private partnership between the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM), the University of Amsterdam (UvA), the VU University Amsterdam (VU) and the semiconductor equipment manufacturer ASML. ARCNL is seeking candidates trained in experimental physics, chemistry, materials science or engineering with an interest in cutting-edge research, combining fundamental and applied aspects.


Please send information about your publications to

A versatile apparatus for simultaneous trapping of multiple species of ultracold atoms and ions to enable studies of low energy collisions and cold chemistry
Special Collection: 2024 JCP Emerging Investigators Special Collection
Bubai Rahaman , Satyabrata Baidya ,Sourav Dutta
J. Chem. Phys. 160, 064201 (2024)
Competition of the Breit interaction in angular anisotropy of Auger electrons
Z. W. Wu, Y. Li, and S. Fritzsche
Phys. Rev. A 109, 032817 – Published 21 March 2024

Correlation Spectroscopy with Multiqubit-Enhanced Phase Estimation
H. Hainzer, D. Kiesenhofer, T. Ollikainen, M. Bock, F. Kranzl, M. K. Joshi, G. Yoeli, R. Blatt, T. Gefen, and C. F. Roos
Phys. Rev. X 14, 011033 (2024)

Demonstration of a parity-time-symmetry-breaking phase transition using superconducting and trapped-ion qutrits
Alena S. Kazmina, Ilia V. Zalivako, Alexander S. Borisenko, Nikita A. Nemkov, Anastasiia S. Nikolaeva, Ilya A. Simakov, Arina V. Kuznetsova, Elena Yu. Egorova, Kristina P. Galstyan, Nikita V. Semenin, Andrey E. Korolkov, Ilya N. Moskalenko, Nikolay N. Abramov, Ilya S. Besedin, Daria A. Kalacheva, Viktor B. Lubsanov, Aleksey N. Bolgar, Evgeniy O. Kiktenko, Ksenia Yu. Khabarova, Alexey Galda, Ilya A. Semerikov, Nikolay N. Kolachevsky, Nataliya Maleeva, and Aleksey K. Fedorov
Phys. Rev. A 109, 032619 (2024)

Differentiating enantiomers by directional rotation of ions in a mass spectrometer
SCIENCE, 8 Feb 2024, Vol 383, Issue 6683, pp. 612-618

Experimental and theoretical Ritz–Rydberg analysis of the electronic structure of highly charged ions of lead and bismuth by optical spectroscopy
Michael K Rosner, Nils-Holger Rehbehn and José R Crespo López-Urrutia
2024 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 57 055001

Experimental Proposal on non-Hermitian Skin Effect by Two-dimensional Quantum Walk with a Single Trapped Ion
Waner Hou, Hao Tang, Qin Xu and Yiheng Lin
2024 Chinese Phys. Lett.

Experimental verification of quantum contextuality using a weak measurement in a single trapped ion
Chunwang Wu, Han Hu, Jie Zhang, Wenbo Su, Manchao Zhang, Tianxiang Zhan, Qingqing Qin, Wei Wu, and Pingxing Chen
Phys. Rev. A 109, 032211 (2024) –

First-order crosstalk mitigation in parallel quantum gates driven with multi-photon transitions
Matthew N. H. Chow, Christopher G. Yale, Ashlyn D. Burch, Megan Ivory, Daniel S. Lobser, Melissa C. Revelle, Susan M. Clark
Journal: Applied Physics Letters
Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 044002 (2024)

Impulsive spin-motion entanglement for fast quantum computation and sensing
Randall Putnam, Adam D. West, Wesley C. Campbell, and Paul Hamilton
Phys. Rev. A 109, 032614 (2024) –

Laser-type cooling with unfiltered sunlight
Amanda Younes and Wesley C. Campbell
Phys. Rev. E 109, 034109 (2024) –

Levitated Nanoresonator Breaks Quality-Factor Record
M. Rinni, March 27, 2024• Physics 17, s38

Opposite Effects of the Rotational and Translational Energy on the Rates of Ion-Molecule Reactions near 0 K: The D+2+NH3 and D+2+ND3 Reactions
Raphaël Hahn, David Schlander, Valentina Zhelyazkova, and Frédéric Merkt
Phys. Rev. X 14, 011034 (2024)

Passive dynamical decoupling of trapped-ion qubits and qudits
R. T. Sutherland and S. D. Erickson
Phys. Rev. A 109, 022620 (2024) –

Penning micro-trap for quantum computing
Shreyans Jain, Tobias Sägesser, Pavel Hrmo, Celeste Torkzaban, Martin Stadler, Robin Oswald, Chris Axline, Amado Bautista-Salvador, Christian Ospelkaus, Daniel Kienzler & Jonathan Home
Nature volume 627, pages510–514 (2024)

Quantum logic control and precision measurements of molecular ions in a ring trap: An approach for testing fundamental symmetries
Yan Zhou, Joshua O. Island, and Matt Grau
Phys. Rev. A 109, 033107 (2024)

Realizing Synthetic Dimensions and Artificial Magnetic Flux in a Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulator
Y. Wang, Y.-K. Wu, Y. Jiang, M.-L. Cai, B.-W. Li, Q.-X. Mei, B.-X. Qi, Z.-C. Zhou, and L.-M. Duan
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 130601 (2024) –

Resistive cooling of ions’ center-of-mass energy in a Penning trap on millisecond time scales
Markus Kiffer, Stefan Ringleb, Thomas Stöhlker, and Manuel Vogel
Phys. Rev. A 109, 033102 (2024) –

Sympathetic cooling of trapped Th3+ alpha-recoil ions for laser spectroscopy
G. Zitzer, J. Tiedau, M. V. Okhapkin, K. Zhang, C. Mokry, J. Runke, Ch. E. Düllmann, and E. Peik
Phys. Rev. A 109, 033116 (2024) –

Two-dimensional ion crystals in a hybrid optical cavity trap for quantum information processing
Zewen Sun, Yi Hong Teoh, Fereshteh Rajabi, and Rajibul Islam
Phys. Rev. A 109, 032426 (2024) –

Ultrahigh Quality Factor of a Levitated Nanomechanical Oscillator
Lorenzo Dania, Dmitry S. Bykov, Florian Goschin, Markus Teller, Abderrahmane Kassid, and Tracy E. Northup
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 133602 (2024)


A comparison of continuous and pulsed sideband cooling on an electric quadrupole transition
Authors: Evan C. Reed, Lu Qi, Kenneth R. Brown
A nanoparticle stored with an atomic ion in a linear Paul trap
Authors: Dmitry S. Bykov, Lorenzo Dania, Florian Goschin, Tracy E. Northup

An 115In+-172Yb+ Coulomb crystal clock with 2.5×10−18 systematic uncertainty
Authors: H. N. Hausser, J. Keller, T. Nordmann, N. M. Bhatt, J. Kiethe, H. Liu, M. von Boehn, J. Rahm, S. Weyers, E. Benkler, B. Lipphardt, S. Doerscher, K. Stahl, J. Klose, C. Lisdat, M. Filzinger, N. Huntemann, E. Peik, T. E. Mehlstäubler

CETASim: A numerical tool for beam collective effect study in storage rings
Authors: Chao Li, Yong-Chul Chae

Compressed-sensing Lindbladian quantum tomography with trapped ions
Authors: Dmitrii Dobrynin, Lorenzo Cardarelli, Markus Müller, Alejandro Bermudez

Cooling trapped ions with phonon rapid adiabatic passage
Authors: M. I. Fabrikant, P. Lauria, I. S. Madjarov, W. C. Burton, R. T. Sutherland

Determination of principal axes orientation in an ion trap using matter-wave interference
Authors: Ryoichi Saito, Takashi Mukaiyama

Deterministic preparation of a dual-species two-ion crystal
Authors: Maximilian J. Zawierucha, Till Rehmert, Jonas Keller, Tanja E. Mehlstäubler, Piet O. Schmidt, Fabian Wolf

Dynamic laser ablation loading of a linear Paul trap
Authors: Lin Li, Zi Li, Xia Hua, Xin Tong

End-to-end variational quantum sensing
Authors: Benjamin MacLellan, Piotr Roztocki, Stefanie Czischek, Roger G. Melko

Enhanced micromotion compensation using a phase modulated light field
Authors: K. J. Arnold, N. Jayjong, M. L. D. Kang, Qin Qichen, Zhao Zhang, Qi Zhao, M. D. Barrett

Fast, robust and laser-free universal entangling gates for trapped-ion quantum computing
Authors: Markus Nünnerich, Daniel Cohen, Patrick Barthel, Patrick H. Huber, Dorna Niroomand, Alex Retzker, Christof Wunderlich

Fault Localization in a Microfabricated Surface Ion Trap using Diamond Nitrogen-Vacancy Center Magnetometry
Authors: Pauli Kehayias, Matthew A. Delaney, Raymond A. Haltli, Susan M. Clark, Melissa C. Revelle, Andrew M. Mounce

Fractal ground state of ion chains in periodic potentials
Authors: Raphaël Menu, Jorge Yago Malo, Vladan Vuletić, Maria Luisa Chiofalo, Giovanna Morigi

Hamiltonian-reconstruction distance as a success metric for the Variational Quantum Eigensolver
Authors: Leo Joon Il Moon, Mandar M. Sohoni, Michael A. Shimizu, Praveen Viswanathan, Kevin Zhang, Eun-Ah Kim, Peter L. McMahon

Hardware requirements for trapped-ion based verifiable blind quantum computing with a measurement-only client
Authors: Janice van Dam, Guus Avis, Tzula B Propp, Francisco Ferreira da Silva, Joshua A Slater, Tracy E Northup, Stephanie Wehner

High-Fidelity Detection on 171Yb+ Qubit via 2D3/2 Shelving
Authors: Xueying Mai, Liyun Zhang, Yao Lu

Improved performance of the Bacon-Shor code with Steane’s syndrome extraction method
Authors: Guillermo Escobar-Arrieta, Mauricio Gutiérrez

Isomeric states of fission fragments explored via Penning trap mass spectrometry at IGISOL
Authors: A. Jaries, M. Stryjczyk, A. Kankainen, L. Al Ayoubi, O. Beliuskina, L. Canete, R. P. de Groote, C. Delafosse, P. Delahaye, T. Eronen, M. Flayol, Z. Ge, S. Geldhof, W. Gins, M. Hukkanen, P. Imgram, D. Kahl, J. Kostensalo, S. Kujanpää, D. Kumar, I. D. Moore, M. Mougeot, D. A. Nesterenko, S. Nikas, D. Patel , et al. (14 additional authors not shown)

Iterative Confinement of Ions via the Quantum Zeno Effect: Probing Paradoxical Energy Consequences
Authors: Varqa Abyaneh

Ion solvation in atomic baths: from snowballs to polarons
Authors: Saajid Chowdhury, Jesús Pérez-Ríos

Mode-resolved thermometry of trapped ion with Deep Learning
Authors: Yi Tao, Ting Chen, Yi Xie, Hongyang Wang, Jie Zhang, Ting Zhang, Pingxing Chen, Wei Wu

Multi-junction surface ion trap for quantum computing
Authors: J. D. Sterk, M. G. Blain, M. Delaney, R. Haltli, E. Heller, A. L. Holterhoff, T. Jennings, N. Jimenez, A. Kozhanov, Z. Meinelt, E. Ou, J. Van Der Wall, C. Noel, D. Stick

Phononic bright and dark states: Investigating multi-mode light-matter interactions with a single trapped ion
Authors: Harry Parke, Robin Thomm, Alan C. Santos, André Cidrim, Gerard Higgins, Marion Mallweger, Natalia Kuk, Shalina Salim, Romain Bachelard, Celso J. Villas-Boas, Markus Hennrich

Quantum counterdiabatic driving with local control
Authors: Changhao Li, Jiayu Shen, Ruslan Shaydulin, Marco Pistoia

Scalable Multispecies Ion Transport in a Grid Based Surface-Electrode Trap
Authors: Robert D. Delaney, Lucas R. Sletten, Matthew J. Cich, Brian Estey, Maya Fabrikant, David Hayes, Ian M. Hoffman, James Hostetter, Christopher Langer, Steven A. Moses, Abigail R. Perry, Timothy A. Peterson, Andrew Schaffer, Curtis Volin, Grahame Vittorini, William Cody Burton

Sensing Aharonov–Bohm phase using a multiply-orbiting-ion interferometer
Authors: Ryoichi Saito, Takashi Mukaiyama

Simulating Meson Scattering on Spin Quantum Simulators
Authors: Elizabeth R. Bennewitz, Brayden Ware, Alexander Schuckert, Alessio Lerose, Federica M. Surace, Ron Belyansky, William Morong, De Luo, Arinjoy De, Kate S. Collins, Or Katz, Christopher Monroe, Zohreh Davoudi, Alexey V. Gorshkov

Squeezing, trisqueezing, and quadsqueezing in a spin-oscillator system
Authors: O. Băzăvan, S. Saner, D. J. Webb, E. M. Ainley, P. Drmota, D. P. Nadlinger, G. Araneda, D. M. Lucas, C. J. Ballance, R. Srinivas

Technologies for Modulation of Visible and Near-UV Light and their Applications
Authors: Sanghyo Park, Milica Notaros, Aseema Mohanty, Donggyu Kim, Jelena Notaros, Sara Mouradian

Trapped ion qubit and clock operations with a visible wavelength photonic coil resonator stabilized integrated Brillouin laser
Authors: Nitesh Chauhan, Christopher Caron, Jiawei Wang, Andrei Isichenko, Nishat Helaly, Kaikai Liu, Robert J. Niffenegger, Daniel J. Blumenthal

Ultra-high numerical aperture waveguide-integrated meta beam shaper
Authors: Hrishikesh Iyer, Yurii Vlasov

ITN Newsletter – February 2024


Remembering Charlotte Froese Fischer (1929-2024)

It is with heavy hearts that we share the news of Charlotte Fischer’s passing, who was a beloved member of our community.

Charlotte Froese Fischer, born in 1929 in Donetsk (present-day Ukraine) and raised in Canada, passed away on February 8, 2024, at the age of 94. She was a distinguished physicist, known for her groundbreaking work in computational quantum theory. Fischer earned her BA and MA at the University of British Columbia (UBC) before completing her PhD at Cambridge, where she studied under Douglas Hartree and Paul Dirac. She made significant contributions to the development of computer-based Hartree-Fock calculations, pioneering the field during her PhD studies, introducing courses on numerical analysis and computing at UBC and becoming the first female scientist to be awarded an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship at Harvard (1963-1964). Fischer’s research spanned several decades and encompassed over 350 papers, including three most recently in 2023. She leaves behind a legacy of innovation and excellence in the scientific community (Source:;76f7f578.2402).

We extend our deepest condolences to Ms. Fischer’s family and friends during this difficult time. Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you navigate through this period of grief and loss.

Please continue to send us your thoughts, events, news, seminars, jobs, and publications to so that we can keep each other informed.


QCTiP 2024 (Quantum Computing Theory in Practice) conference, organized by the Quantum Software Lab at the University of Edinburgh, is planned for April 16th to 18th, 2024. Details

Young Researchers School on Topological aspects of low-dimensional quantum physics is a meeting for young researchers, designed by young researchers, accessible to PhD students in theoretical physics as well as to exceptional MSc students. April 21-27, 2024, Maynooth University, Ireland. Details

Workshop on Quantum Mixtures of Atoms and Ions, Amsterdam will take place rom June 11-13, 2024. The conference aims to bring together experts in the field of cold and ultracold mixtures of atoms and ions and will cover various applications of these systems, including quantum chemistry, quantum impurity physics, ultracold buffer gas cooling, Feshbach resonances, quantum information and spin dynamics. Details

Quantum meets ’24 is a co-created collection of free events presented by Quantum Delta NL from June 11-13, 2024 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Details

Early Career Conference in Trapped Ions (ECCTI) 2024
ECCTI is intended to connect a broad community with very diverse scientific goals with common technical challenges. The event will have a focus on Atomic Clocks, Quantum Information & Computation, Quantum Simulation, Quantum Technologies, Antimatter Physics, Precision & Molecular Spectroscopy, and Nuclear Physics. The event will take place from July 7-12, 2024, at the Viktor-Franz-Hess Haus in Austria. Details

ICAP 2024: The 28th International Conference on Atomic Physics, 14.-19.7.2024 at the Imperial College, London. Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


A postdoc position is available from April 1st 2024 at Imperial College, London. The project is to use a trapped electron for tabletop astroparticle physics, including the direct detection of dark matter and microwave single photon counting for dark matter axion searches.
Contact: Jack Devlin (

The research group of C. Ospelkaus at the University of Hannover is looking for a postdoctoral research associate on their Penning trap experiment, which aims to implement quantum logic spectroscopy of (anti-)protons for tests of the fundamental CPT symmetry as part of the BASE collaboration.
Contact: Dr. Christian Ospelkaus (

Multiple postdoc positions are available in the NIST Ion Storage Group in Colorado, USA. Topics include quantum simulation and sensing in a Penning trap, trapped-ion quantum computing, trapped-ion optical clocks, and quantum state control and precision spectroscopy of single molecular ions.
Contact: John Bollinger or any of the NIST Ion Storage group staff

The Imperial College Particle Physics Group has a postgraduate studentship available to work on laser measurements of cold exotic helium atoms that contain antiprotons at the new ELENA facility of CERN in Geneva. This allows us to probe the matter-antimatter symmetry and determine the mass ratio between an antiproton and electron. We hope to be relatively flexible with regards to the exact PhD topic depending on the candidate’s interests. The studentship covers a maintenance bursary similar to standard STFC studentships.

The research group of Christian Ospelkaus at Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany, offers a PhD position in the field of surface electrode trap design for quantum computing.
Contact: Dr. Christian Ospelkaus (

PhD position in available at TU Berlin fully funded by the German Science Foundation for 3 years.
The project deals with the vibrational and electronic spectroscopy of diamondoid cation and their clusters in cryogenic ion traps, which are relevant in materials science, astrochemistry, organic chemistry, and theoretical chemistry.
Contact: Dr. Otto Dopfer (
PhD position in QUantum-Enhanced Sensing with Trapped IONs (QUESTIONs) at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in the group of Dr. Laura Dreissen. In the project you will develop a trapped-ion system based on Ba+ for quantum sensing and metrology using entangled states.
Contact: Dr. Laura S. Dreissen (

Several PostDoc and PhD positions available at PTB in Braunschweig and Leibniz University Hannover in the Quantum Logic Spectroscopy Group of Piet Schmidt . Topics include laboratory and transportable aluminium ion clocks, multi-ion calcium clock using dynamical decoupling and entanglement, as well as highly charged ion clocks.
Contact: Dr. Piet Schmidt (

The Ion trap systems team at Infineon is looking for an ion trap development engineer.  This is a full-time, permanent position in Austria with an entry level of 3-5 years.

Various positions at ARCNL
ARCNL is a public-private partnership between the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM), the University of Amsterdam (UvA), the VU University Amsterdam (VU) and the semiconductor equipment manufacturer ASML. ARCNL is seeking candidates trained in experimental physics, chemistry, materials science or engineering with an interest in cutting-edge research, combining fundamental and applied aspects.


Please sent information about your publications to


A simplified Mølmer-Sørensen gate for the trapped ion quantum computer

Hiroo Azuma
2024 Phys. Scr.

Atomic mass determination of uranium-238

Kathrin Kromer, Chunhai Lyu, Jacek Bieroń, Menno Door, Lucia Enzmann, Pavel Filianin, Gediminas Gaigalas, Zoltán Harman, Jost Herkenhoff, Wenjia Huang, Christoph H. Keitel, Sergey Eliseev, and Klaus Blaum
Phys. Rev. C 109, L021301 (2024) –

Construction of two-qubit gates using Gate

M Karthick Selvan and S Balakrishnan
2024 Phys. Scr. 99 035113

Efficient bosonic nonlinear phase gates

Kimin Park & Radim Filip
npj Quantum Information volume 10, Article number: 25 (2024)

Fast generation of spin squeezing via resonant spin-boson coupling

Diego Barberena, Sean R Muleady, John J Bollinger, Robert J Lewis-Swan and Ana Maria Rey
2024 Quantum Sci. Technol. 9 025013

First direct 7Be electron-capture Q-value measurement toward high-precision searches for neutrino physics beyond the Standard Model

R. Bhandari, G. Bollen, T. Brunner, N. D. Gamage, A. Hamaker, Z. Hockenbery, M. Horana Gamage, D. K. Keblbeck, K. G. Leach, D. Puentes, M. Redshaw, R. Ringle, S. Schwarz, C. S. Sumithrarachchi, and I. Yandow
Phys. Rev. C 109, L022501 (2024)

Interaction graph engineering in trapped-ion quantum simulators with global drives

Antonis Kyprianidis, A J Rasmusson and Philip Richerme
2024 New J. Phys. 26 023033

Linear polarization of dielectronic satellite lines of hydrogenlike ions with Z values ranging from 9 to 92

Tianluo Luo, Zhencen He, Zhihao Yang, Shuyu Zhang, and Zhimin Hu
Phys. Rev. A 109, 022815 (2024)

Measurement of the unresolved 9Be+ 2P3/2 hyperfine splittings using quantum-interference-enhanced state-selective repump spectroscopy

D. M. Fairbank, A. L. Banducci, R. W. Gunkelman, J. B. VanArsdale, and S. M. Brewer
Phys. Rev. A 109, 012809 (2024) –

Measurement-Free Fault-Tolerant Quantum Error Correction in Near-Term Devices

Sascha Heußen, David F. Locher, and Markus Müller
PRX Quantum 5, 010333 (2024)

Non-Abelian topological order and anyons on a trapped-ion processor

Mohsin Iqbal, Nathanan Tantivasadakarn, Ruben Verresen, Sara L. Campbell, Joan M. Dreiling, Caroline Figgatt, John P. Gaebler, Jacob Johansen, Michael Mills, Steven A. Moses, Juan M. Pino, Anthony Ransford, Mary Rowe, Peter Siegfried, Russell P. Stutz, Michael Foss-Feig, Ashvin Vishwanath & Henrik Dreyer
Nature volume 626, pages 505–511 (2024)

Optimized Bayesian system identification in quantum devices

Thomas M. Stace, Jiayin Chen, Li Li, Viktor S. Perunicic, Andre R. R. Carvalho, Michael Hush, Christophe H. Valahu, Ting Rei Tan, and Michael J. Biercuk
Phys. Rev. Applied 21, 014012 (2024)

Precision measurement of M1 optical clock transition in Ni12+

Shaolong Chen, Zhiqiang Zhou, Jiguang Li, Tingxian Zhang, Chengbin Li, Tingyun Shi, Yao Huang, Kelin Gao, and Hua Guan
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 013030 (2024) –

Protecting expressive circuits with a quantum error detection code

Chris N. Self, Marcello Benedetti & David Amaro
Nature Physics volume 20, pages 219–224 (2024)

Quantum-parallel vectorized data encodings and computations on trapped-ion and transmon QPUs

Jan Balewski, Mercy G. Amankwah, Roel Van Beeumen, E. Wes Bethel, Talita Perciano & Daan Camps
Scientific Reports volume 14, Article number: 3435 (2024)

Rapid cooling of the in-plane motion of two-dimensional ion crystals in a Penning trap to millikelvin temperatures

Wes Johnson, Athreya Shankar, John Zaris, John J. Bollinger, and Scott E. Parker
Phys. Rev. A 109, L021102 (2024) –

Rapid exchange cooling with trapped ions

Spencer D. Fallek, Vikram S. Sandhu, Ryan A. McGill, John M. Gray, Holly N. Tinkey, Craig R. Clark & Kenton R. Brown
Nature Communications volume 15, Article number: 1089 (2024) Cite this article

Realization of a crosstalk-avoided quantum network node using dual-type qubits of the same ion species

L. Feng, Y.-Y. Huang, Y.-K. Wu, W.-X. Guo, J.-Y. Ma, H.-X. Yang, L. Zhang, Y. Wang, C.-X. Huang, C. Zhang, L. Yao, B.-X. Qi, Y.-F. Pu, Z.-C. Zhou & L.-M. Duan
Nature Communications volume 15, Article number: 204 (2024)

Scheme for Quantum-Logic Based Transfer of Accuracy in Polarizability Measurement for Trapped Ions Using a Moving Optical Lattice

Fabian Wolf
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 083202 (2024)

Surface trap with adjustable ion couplings for scalable and parallel gates

Y. Suleimen, A. Podlesnyy, L. A. Akopyan, N. Sterligov, O. Lakhmanskaya, E. Anikin, A. Matveev, and K. Lakhmanskiy
Phys. Rev. A 109, 022605 (2024) –

Topological matter created on a quantum chip produces quasiparticles with computing power

Nature News and Views, February 2024

Towards experimental classical verification of quantum computation

Roman Stricker, Jose Carrasco, Martin Ringbauer, Lukas Postler, Michael Meth, Claire Edmunds, Philipp Schindler, Rainer Blatt, Peter Zoller, Barbara Kraus and Thomas Monz Hide full author list
2024 Quantum Sci. Technol. 9 02LT01

Trapping and Sympathetic Cooling of Conformationally Selected Molecular Ions

Lei Xu, Jutta Toscano, and Stefan Willitsch
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 083001 (2024)

Tunable quantum simulation of spin models with a two-dimensional ion crystal

Mu Qiao, Zhengyang Cai, Ye Wang, Botao Du, Naijun Jin, Wentao Chen, Pengfei Wang, Chunyang Luan, Erfu Gao, Ximo Sun, Haonan Tian, Jingning Zhang & Kihwan Kim
Nature Physics (2024)

Universal quantum computing with qubits embedded in trapped-ion qudits

Anastasiia S. Nikolaeva, Evgeniy O. Kiktenko, and Aleksey K. Fedorov
Phys. Rev. A 109, 022615 (2024) –

Variational quantum simulation of U(1) lattice gauge theories with qudit systems

Pavel P. Popov, Michael Meth, Maciej Lewestein, Philipp Hauke, Martin Ringbauer, Erez Zohar, and Valentin Kasper
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 013202 (2024)


An architecture for two-qubit encoding in neutral ytterbium-171 atoms

Authors: Zhubing Jia, William Huie, Lintao Li, Won Kyu Calvin Sun, Xiye Hu, Aakash, Healey Kogan, Abhishek Karve, Jong Yeon Lee, Jacob P. Covey

An ion trap design for a space-deployable strontium-ion optical clock

Authors: Alessio Spampinato, Jonathan Stacey, Sean Mulholland, Billy I. Robertson, Hugh A. Klein, Guilong Huang, Geoffrey P. Barwood, Patrick Gill

Building and characterizing a stylus ion-trap system

Tai-Hao Cui, Ya-Qi Wei, Ji Li, Quan Yuan, Shuang-Qing Dai, Pei-Dong Li, Fei Zhou, Jian-Qi Zhang, Zhu-Jun Zheng, Liang ChenShow full author list
2024 Chinese Phys. B

Chaotic scattering in ultracold atom-ion collisions

Authors: Meirav Pinkas, Jonathan Wengrowicz, Nitzan Akerman, Roee Ozeri

Dark resonance spectra of trapped ions under the influence of micromotion

Authors: Nicolás Adrián Nuñez Barreto, Muriel Bonetto, Marcelo Alejandro Luda, Cecilia Cormick, Christian Tomás Schmiegelow

Design and characterization of individual addressing optics based on multi-channel acousto-optic modulator for 171Yb+ qubits

Authors: Sungjoo Lim, Seunghyun Baek, Jacob Withlow, Marissa D’Onofrio, Tianyi Chen, Samuel Phiri, Stphen Crain, Kenneth R. Brown, Jungsang Kim, Junki Kim

Digital quantum simulation of a (1+1)D SU(2) lattice gauge theory with ion qudits

Authors: Giuseppe Calajò, Giuseppe Magnifico, Claire Edmunds, Martin Ringbauer, Simone Montangero, Pietro Silvi

Dynamical quantum maps for single-qubit gates under non-Markovian phase noise

Authors: J. M. Sánchez Velázquez, A. Steiner, R. Freund, M. Guevara-Bertsch, Ch. D. Marciniak, T. Monz, A. Bermudez

Dynamics of quantum discommensurations in the Frenkel-Kontorova chain

Authors: Oksana Chelpanova, Shane P. Kelly, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Giovanna Morigi, Jamir Marino

Electronic structure of ground and low-lying excited states of BaLi+ molecular ion: spin-orbit effect, radiative lifetimes and Franck-Condon factor

Sana Akkari, Wissem Zrafi, Hela Ladjimi, Mohamed Bejaoui, Jamila Dhiflaoui and Hamid Berriche

2024 Phys. Scr. 99 035403

Entanglement-enhanced quantum metrology: from standard quantum limit to Heisenberg limit

Authors: Jiahao Huang, Min Zhuang, Chaohong Lee

Experimental implementation of an efficient test of quantumness

Laura Lewis, Daiwei Zhu, Alexandru Gheorghiu, Crystal Noel, Or Katz, Bahaa Harraz, Qingfeng Wang, Andrew Risinger, Lei Feng, Debopriyo Biswas, Laird Egan, Thomas Vidick, Marko Cetina, and Christopher Monroe
Phys. Rev. A 109, 012610 (2024)

High Resolution Rovibrational and Rotational Spectroscopy of H2CCCH+

Authors: Weslley Guilherme Dias de Paiva Silva, Divita Gupta, Eline Plaar, José Luis Doménech, Stephan Schlemmer, Oskar Asvany

Individual addressing and state readout of trapped ions utilizing rf micromotion

Authors: Nathan K Lysne, Justin F Niedermeyer, Andrew C Wilson, Daniel H Slichter, Dietrich Leibfried

In-situ-tunable spin-spin interactions in a Penning trap with in-bore optomechanics

Authors: Joseph H. Pham, Julian Y. Z. Jee, Alexander Rischka, Michael J. Biercuk, Robert N. Wolf

Harnessing the Quantum Zeno Effect: A New Approach to Ion Trapping

Authors: Varqa Abyaneh

Long-sought isomer turns out to be the ground state of 76Cu

Authors: L. Canete, S. Giraud, A. Kankainen, B. Bastin, F. Nowacki, P. Ascher, T. Eronen, V. Girard Alcindor, A. Jokinen, A. Khanam, I. D. Moore, D. Nesterenko, F. De Oliveira, H. Penttilä, C. Petrone, I. Pohjalainen, A. De Roubin, V. Rubchenyaa, M. Vilen, J. Äystö

Microgram BaCl2 Ablation Targets for Trapped Ion Experiments

Authors: Noah Greenberg, Akbar Jahangiri Jozani, Collin J. C. Epstein, Xinghe Tan, Rajibul Islam, Crystal Senko

Mitigating the Effects of Au-Al Intermetallic Compounds Due to High-Temperature Processing of Surface Electrode Ion Traps

Authors: Raymond A. Haltli, Eric Ou, Christopher D. Nordquist, Susan M. Clark, Melissa C. Revelle

Motional state analysis of a trapped ion by ultra-narrowband composite pulses

Authors: Marion Mallweger, Milena Guevara-Bertsch, Boyan T. Torosov, Robin Thomm, Natalia Kuk, Harry Parke, Christian F. Roos, Gerard Higgins, Markus Hennrich, Nikolay V. Vitanov

Multi-zone trapped-ion qubit control in an integrated photonics QCCD device

Authors: Carmelo Mordini, Alfredo Ricci Vasquez, Yuto Motohashi, Mose Müller, Maciej Malinowski, Chi Zhang, Karan K. Mehta, Daniel Kienzler, Jonathan P. Home

Nanomechanically Induced Transparency

Authors: E. C. Diniz, O. P. de Sá Neto

Non-Abelian vibron dynamics in trapped-ion arrays

Authors: L. Timm, H. Weimer, L. Santos

Observation of quantum strong Mpemba effect

Authors: Jie Zhang, Gang Xia, Chun-Wang Wu, Ting Chen, Qian Zhang, Yi Xie, Wen-Bo Su, Wei Wu, Cheng-Wei Qiu, Ping-xing Chen, Weibin Li, Hui Jing, Yan-Li Zhou

Partial-transpose-guided entanglement classes and minimum noise filtering in many-body Gaussian quantum systems

Authors: Boyu Gao, Natalie Klco

Penning-trap measurement of the Q-value of the electron capture in 163Ho for the determination of the electron neutrino mass

Authors: Christoph Schweiger, Martin Braß, Vincent Debierre, Menno Door, Holger Dorrer, Christoph E. Düllmann, Christian Enss, Pavel Filianin, Loredana Gastaldo, Zoltán Harman, Maurits W. Haverkort, Jost Herkenhoff, Paul Indelicato, Christoph H. Keitel, Kathrin Kromer, Daniel Lange, Yuri N. Novikov, Dennis Renisch, Alexander Rischka, Rima X. Schüssler, Sergey Eliseev, Klaus Blaum

Robust and fast microwave-driven quantum logic for trapped-ion qubits

Authors: M. A. Weber, M. F. Gely, R. K. Hanley, T. P. Harty, A. D. Leu, C. M. Löschnauer, D. P. Nadlinger, D. M. Lucas

Scattering wave packets of hadrons in gauge theories: Preparation on a quantum computer

Authors: Zohreh Davoudi, Chung-Chun Hsieh, Saurabh V. Kadam

Simulating the spin-boson model with a controllable reservoir in an ion trap

Authors: G. -X. Wang, Y. -K. Wu, R. Yao, W. -Q. Lian, Z. -J. Cheng, Y. -L. Xu, C. Zhang, Y. Jiang, Y. -Z. Xu, B. -X. Qi, P. -Y. Hou, Z. -C. Zhou, L. He, L. -M. Duan

Shuttling for Scalable Trapped-Ion Quantum Computers

Authors: Daniel Schoenberger, Stefan Hillmich, Matthias Brandl, Robert Wille

Stressing Out Modern Quantum Hardware: Performance Evaluation and Execution Insights

Authors: Aliza U. Siddiqui, Kaitlin Gili, Chris Ballance

Thermal transport through a single trapped ion under strong laser illumination

Authors: T. Tassis, F. Brito, F. L. Semião

TITAN: A Distributed Large-Scale Trapped-Ion NISQ Computer

Authors: Cheng Chu, Zhenxiao Fu, Yilun Xu, Gang Huang, Hausi Muller, Fan Chen, Lei Jiang

Towards multiqudit quantum processor based on a 171Yb+ ion string: Realizing basic quantum algorithms

Authors: Ilia V. Zalivako, Anastasiia S. Nikolaeva, Alexander S. Borisenko, Andrei E. Korolkov, Pavel L. Sidorov, Kristina P. Galstyan, Nikita V. Semenin, Vasilii N. Smirnov, Mikhail A. Aksenov, Konstantin M. Makushin, Evgeniy O. Kiktenko, Aleksey K. Fedorov, Ilya A. Semerikov, Ksenia Yu. Khabarova, Nikolay N. Kolachevsky

Trapped-ion toolbox to simulate quantum Otto heat engines

Authors: Rogério Jorge de Assis, Ciro Micheletti Diniz, Norton Gomes de Almeida, Celso Jorge Villas-Bôas

ITN Newsletter – January 2024


The Ion Traps Newsletter lives on!
For over more than a decade the ITN has been very successful in providing important information about news, events, jobs, and publications, thus bringing together the trapped ion community. This success is the result of the dedication of Martina Knoop, initiator and editor of the ITN, and Alejandro Bermudez, responsible for compiling the publications. Martina Knoop has moved on to new responsibilities and therefore announced her retirement as editor in the last newsletter.

Since many appreciated the content of the newsletter, it will be continued in the same format as before. The new editorial team is led by Naz Pourmalek, the CEO of Quantum Valley Lower Saxony (QVLS e.V.), while Alejandro will continue to provide the list of publications.

Please continue to send us your thoughts, events, news, seminars, jobs, and publications to so that we can keep each other informed. In the future, we will strive to provide web forms for the submission of information to streamline the generation of the newsletter.


QCTiP 2024 (Quantum Computing Theory in Practice) conference, organized by the Quantum Software Lab at the University of Edinburgh, is planned for April 16th to 18th, 2024. Details

Young Researchers School on Topological aspects of low-dimensional quantum physics is a meeting for young researchers, designed by young researchers, accessible to PhD students in theoretical physics as well as to exceptional MSc students. April 21-27, 2024, Maynooth University, Ireland. Details

Quantum meets ’24 is a co-created collection of free events presented by Quantum Delta NL from June 11-13, 2024 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Details

ICAP 2024: The 28th International Conference on Atomic Physics, 14.-19.7.2024 at the Imperial College, London. Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


Various positions at ARCNL
ARCNL is a public-private partnership between the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM), the University of Amsterdam (UvA), the VU University Amsterdam (VU) and the semiconductor equipment manufacturer ASML. ARCNL is seeking candidates trained in experimental physics, chemistry, materials science or engineering with an interest in cutting-edge research, combining fundamental and applied aspects. More information can be found here.

Several PostDoc and PhD positions available at PTB in Braunschweig and Leibniz University Hannover in the Quantum Logic Spectroscopy Group of Piet Schmidt . Topics include laboratory and transportable aluminium ion clocks, multi-ion calcium clock using dynamical decoupling and entanglement, as well as highly charged ion clocks. Please contact

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories (LBNL) is seeking a postdoc to join the Quant-NET team to connect a small ion trap node at LBNL with one at UC Berkeley. Photons from the Calcium ion trap nodes will be extracted with a high-finesse cavity system and converted to telecom wavelength to be send over a 5 km telecom fiber. Link
Please contact Dr. Erhan Saglamyrek ( or Hartmut Haeffner ( with inquires.


Please sent information about your publications to

A 22-pole radiofrequency ion trap setup for laboratory astrophysical studies

Nihar Ranjan Behera ; Saurav Dutta ; Roby Chacko ; Saroj Barik; G. Aravind

Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 013201 (2024)

A Race-Track Trapped-Ion Quantum Processor

S. A. Moses et al.

Phys. Rev. X 13, 041052 (2023) –
BASE-STEP: A transportable antiproton reservoir for fundamental interaction studies

C. Smorra, F. Abbass, D. Schweitzer, M. Bohman, J. D. Devine, Y. Dutheil, A. Hobl, B. Arndt, B. B. Bauer, J. A. Devlin, S. Erlewein, M. Fleck, J. I. Jäger, B. M. Latacz, P. Micke, M. Schiffelholz, G. Umbrazunas, M. Wiesinger, C. Will, E. Wursten, H. Yildiz, K. Blaum, Y. Matsuda, A. Mooser, C. Ospelkaus, W. Quint, A. Soter, J. Walz, Y. Yamazaki, S. Ulmer

Journal: Review of Scientific Instruments

Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 113201 (2023)
Breaking the Entangling Gate Speed Limit for Trapped-Ion Qubits Using a Phase-Stable Standing Wave

S. Saner, O. Băzăvan, M. Minder, P. Drmota, D. J. Webb, G. Araneda, R. Srinivas, D. M. Lucas, and C. J. Ballance

Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 220601 (2023)
Classical shadows for quantum process tomography on near-term quantum computers

Ryan Levy, Di Luo, and Bryan K. Clark

Phys. Rev. Research 6, 013029 (2024)
Cooling by quantum pickpocketing

The discovery of dual cooling mechanisms in a mixed ion–atom system

By Sadiq Rangwala
Collinear laser spectroscopy of highly charged ions produced with an electron-beam ion source

P. Imgram, K. König, B. Maaß, P. Müller, and W. Nörtershäuser

Phys. Rev. A 108, 062809 (2023)
Continuous-time quantum harmonic oscillator state engineering

E García Herrera, F Torres-Leal and B M Rodríguez-Lara
Error-mitigated quantum simulation of interacting fermions with trapped ions

Wentao Chen, Shuaining Zhang, Jialiang Zhang, Xiaolu Su, Yao Lu, Kuan Zhang, Mu Qiao, Ying Li, Jing-Ning Zhang & Kihwan Kim

npj Quantum Information volume 9, Article number: 122 (2023)
Experimental Realization of Nonunitary Multiqubit Operations

M. W. van Mourik, E. Zapusek, P. Hrmo, L. Gerster, R. Blatt, T. Monz, P. Schindler, and F. Reiter

Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 040602 (2024)
Fast generation of spin squeezing via resonant spin-boson coupling

Diego Eduardo Barberena, Sean Robert Muleady, Robert James Lewis-Swan, J. J. Bollinger and Ana Maria Rey

2024 Quantum Sci. Technol.

Hoeffding’s independence test for an ion dynamics characterization in the octupole trap

Semyon Rudyi, Dmitrii Shcherbinin, Vadim Rybin and Andrei Ivanov

2024 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2680 012042
Laser cooling and trapping of 224Ra+

M. Fan, Roy A. Ready, H. Li, S. Kofford, R. Kwapisz, C. A. Holliman, M. S. Ladabaum, A. N. Gaiser, J. R. Griswold, and A. M. Jayich

Phys. Rev. Research 5, 043201 (2023)
Laser-free trapped ion entangling gates with AESE: adiabatic elimination of spin-motion entanglement

R Tyler Sutherland and Michael Foss-Feig

2024 New J. Phys. 26 013013
Measurement of the unresolved 9Be+ 2P3/2 hyperfine splittings using quantum-interference-enhanced state-selective repump spectroscopy

D. M. Fairbank, A. L. Banducci, R. W. Gunkelman, J. B. VanArsdale, and S. M. Brewer

Phys. Rev. A 109, 012809 (2024) –
Micromotion compensation of trapped ions by qubit transition and direct scanning of dc voltages

Lee, Woojun; Chung, Daun; Kang, Jiyong; Jeon, Honggi; Jung, Changhyun; Cho, Dong-Il Dan; Kim, Taehyun


Optics Express 31(21) 33787-33798
Nondestructive inelastic recoil spectroscopy of a single molecular ion: A versatile tool toward precision action spectroscopy

Aaron Calvin, Scott Eierman, Zeyun Peng, Merrell Brzeczek, Samuel Kresch, Elijah Lane, Lincoln Satterthwaite, and David Patterson

Phys. Rev. A 108, 062819 (2023) –
Optimized Bayesian system identification in quantum devices

Thomas M. Stace, Jiayin Chen, Li Li, Viktor S. Perunicic, Andre R. R. Carvalho, Michael Hush, Christophe H. Valahu, Ting Rei Tan, and Michael J. Biercuk

Phys. Rev. Applied 21, 014012 (2024)
Penning-trap eigenfrequency measurements with optical radiofrequency detectors

J. Berrocal, A. Hernández, I. Arrazola, F. Domínguez, A. Carrasco-Sanz, F. J. Fernández, M. Block, and D. Rodríguez

Phys. Rev. Research 6, L012001 (2024) –
Precision measurement of M1 optical clock transition in Ni12+

Shaolong Chen, Zhiqiang Zhou, Jiguang Li, Tingxian Zhang, Chengbin Li, Tingyun Shi, Yao Huang, Kelin Gao, and Hua Guan

Phys. Rev. Research 6, 013030 (2024)
Qubit-Reuse Compilation with Mid-Circuit Measurement and Reset

Matthew DeCross, Eli Chertkov, Megan Kohagen, and Michael Foss-Feig

Phys. Rev. X 13, 041057 (2023)
Realization of a crosstalk-avoided quantum network node using dual-type qubits of the same ion species

L. Feng, Y.-Y. Huang, Y.-K. Wu, W.-X. Guo, J.-Y. Ma, H.-X. Yang, L. Zhang, Y. Wang, C.-X. Huang, C. Zhang, L. Yao, B.-X. Qi, Y.-F. Pu, Z.-C. Zhou & L.-M. Duan

Nature Communications volume 15, Article number: 204 (2024)
Realizing quantum speed limit in open system with a -symmetric trapped-ion qubit

Pengfei Lu, Teng Liu, Yang Liu, Xinxin Rao, Qifeng Lao, Hao Wu, Feng Zhu and Le Luo

2024 New J. Phys. 26 013043  
Reconstructing Complex States of a 20-Qubit Quantum Simulator

Murali K. Kurmapu, V.V. Tiunova, E.S. Tiunov, Martin Ringbauer, Christine Maier, Rainer Blatt, Thomas Monz, Aleksey K. Fedorov, and A.I. Lvovsky

PRX Quantum 4, 040345 (2023)
Scaling Up a Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer

Sara Mouradian

Physics 16, 209 (2023)
Sideband cooling of a trapped ion in strong sideband coupling regime

Zhang, Shuo; Huang, Zhuo-Peng; Tian, Tian-Ci; Wu, Zheng-Yang; Zhang, Jian-Qi; Bao, Wan-Su; Guo, Chu

2023 Optics Express 31(26) 44501-44514
Sideband Thermometry of Ion Crystals

Ivan Vybornyi, Laura S. Dreissen, Dominik Kiesenhofer, Helene Hainzer, Matthias Bock, Tuomas Ollikainen, Daniel Vadlejch, Christian F. Roos, Tanja E. Mehlstäubler, and Klemens Hammerer

PRX Quantum 4, 040346 (2023)
Trapped atoms in spatially-structured vector light fields

Maurizio Verde, Christian T. Schmiegelow, Ulrich Poschinger & Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler

Scientific Reports volume 13, Article number: 21283 (2023)
Trap-integrated fluorescence detection with silicon photomultipliers for sympathetic laser cooling in a cryogenic Penning trap

M. Wiesinger, F. Stuhlmann, M. Bohman, P. Micke, C. Will, H. Yildiz, F. Abbass, B. P. Arndt, J. A. Devlin, S. Erlewein, M. Fleck, J. I. Jäger, B. M. Latacz, D. Schweitzer, G. Umbrazunas, E. Wursten, K. Blaum, Y. Matsuda, A. Mooser, W. Quint, A. Soter, J. Walz, C. Smorra, S. Ulmer

Journal: Review of Scientific Instruments

Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 123202 (2023)
Using machine learning to improve multi-qubit state discrimination of trapped ions from uncertain EMCCD measurements

Jeong, Junho; Jung, Changhyun; Kim, Taehyun; Cho, Dongil “Dan”


Optics Express 31(21) 35113-3513


A noise-limiting quantum algorithm using mid-circuit measurements for dynamical correlations at infinite temperature

Authors: Etienne Granet, Henrik Dreyer
A versatile apparatus for simultaneous trapping of multiple species of ultracold atoms and ions to enable studies of low energy collisions and cold chemistry

Authors: Bubai Rahaman, Satyabrata Baidya, Sourav Dutta
An ion trap design for a space-deployable strontium-ion optical clock

Authors: Alessio Spampinato, Jonathan Stacey, Sean Mulholland, Billy I. Robertson, Hugh A. Klein, Guilong Huang, Geoffrey P. Barwood, Patrick Gill
Atomic mass determination of uranium-238

Authors: Kathrin Kromer, Chunhai Lyu, Jacek Bieroń, Menno Door, Lucia Enzmann, Pavel Filianin, Gediminas Gaigalas, Zoltán Harman, Jost Herkenhoff, Wenjia Huang, Christoph H. Keitel, Sergey Eliseev, Klaus Blaum
Bilayer crystals of trapped ions for quantum information processing

Authors: Samarth Hawaldar, Prakriti Shahi, Allison L. Carter, Ana Maria Rey, John J. Bollinger, Athreya Shankar
Comparing Shor and Steane Error Correction Using the Bacon-Shor Code

Authors: Shilin Huang, Kenneth R. Brown, Marko Cetina
Demonstration of fault-tolerant Steane quantum error correction

Authors: Lukas Postler, Friederike Butt, Ivan Pogorelov, Christian D. Marciniak, Sascha Heußen, Rainer Blatt, Philipp Schindler, Manuel Rispler, Markus Müller, Thomas Monz
Dynamics of quantum discommensurations in the Frenkel-Kontorova chain

Authors: Oksana Chelpanova, Shane P. Kelly, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Giovanna Morigi, Jamir Marino
Estimation of electrostatic interaction energies on a trapped-ion quantum computer

Authors: Pauline J. Ollitrault, Matthias Loipersberger, Robert M. Parrish, Alexander Erhard, Christine Maier, Christian Sommer, Juris Ulmanis, Thomas Monz, Christian Gogolin, Christofer S. Tautermann, Gian-Luca R. Anselmetti, Matthias Degroote, Nikolaj Moll, Raffaele Santagati, Michael Streif
Expanding Hardware-Efficiently Manipulable Hilbert Space via Hamiltonian Embedding

Authors: Jiaqi Leng, Joseph Li, Yuxiang Peng, Xiaodi Wu
Integrated photonic structures for photon-mediated entanglement of trapped ions

Authors: F. W. Knollmann, E. Clements, P. T. Callahan, M. Gehl, J. D. Hunker, T. Mahony, R. McConnell, R. Swint, C. Sorace-Agaskar, I. L. Chuang, J. Chiaverini, D. Stick
Multi-parameter quantum metrology with stabilized multi-mode squeezed state

Authors: Yue Li, Xu Cheng, Lingna Wang, Xingyu Zhao, Waner Hou, Yi Li, Kamran Rehan, Mingdong Zhu, Lin Yan, Xi Qin, Xinhua Peng, Haidong Yuan, Yiheng Lin, Jiangfeng Du
Observing Topological Insulator Phases with a Programmable Quantum Simulator

Authors: Or Katz, Lei Feng, Diego Porras, Christopher Monroe
Observing the quantum Mpemba effect in quantum simulations

Authors: Lata Kh Joshi, Johannes Franke, Aniket Rath, Filiberto Ares, Sara Murciano, Florian Kranzl, Rainer Blatt, Peter Zoller, Benoît Vermersch, Pasquale Calabrese, Christian F. Roos, Manoj K. Joshi
Optimized experiment design and analysis for fully randomized benchmarking

Authors: Alex Kwiatkowski, Laurent J. Stephenson, Hannah M. Knaack, Alejandra L. Collopy, Christina M. Bowers, Dietrich Leibfried, Daniel H. Slichter, Scott Glancy, Emanuel Knill
Realization of a chip-based hybrid trapping setup for 87Rb atoms and Yb+ Ion crystals

Authors: Abasalt Bahrami, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
Passive dynamical decoupling of trapped ion qubits and qudits

Authors: R. Tyler Sutherland, Stephen D. Erickson
Photodissociation spectra of single trapped CaOH+ molecular ions

Authors: Zhenlin Wu, Stefan Walser, Verena Podlesnic, Mariano Isaza-Monsalve, Elyas Mattivi, Guanqun Mu, René Nardi, Brandon J. Furey, Philipp Schindler
Production of highly charged ions inside a cryogenic Penning trap by electron-impact ionisation

Authors: Kanika, A Krishnan, J W Klimes, B Reich, K K Anjum, P Baus, G Birkl, W Quint, M Vogel
Quantum repeater node with free-space coupled trapped ions

Authors: Max Bergerhoff, Omar Elshehy, Stephan Kucera, Matthias Kreis, Jürgen Eschner
Quantum state tracking and control of a single molecular ion in a thermal environment

Authors: Yu Liu, Julian Schmidt, Zhimin Liu, David R. Leibrandt, Dietrich Leibfried, Chin-wen Chou
The Mpemba effect demonstrated on a single trapped ion qubit

Authors: Shahaf Aharony Shapira, Yotam Shapira, Jovan Markov, Gianluca Teza, Nitzan Akerman, Oren Raz, Roee Ozeri
Topological superconductors in trapped-ion system and their Floquet engineering

Authors: Ming-Jian Gao, Yu-Peng Ma, Jun-Hong An
Towards large-scale quantum optimization solvers with few qubits

Authors: Marco Sciorilli, Lucas Borges, Taylor L. Patti, Diego García-Martín, Giancarlo Camilo, Anima Anandkumar, Leandro Aolita
Trainability of a quantum-classical machine in the NISQ era

Authors: Tarun Dutta, Alex Jin, Clarence Liu Huihong, J I Latorre, Manas Mukherjee
Tripartite quantum Rabi model with trapped Rydberg ions

Authors: Thomas J. Hamlyn, Chi Zhang, Igor Lesanovsky, Weibin Li
Two-mode squeezing and SU(1,1) interferometry with trapped ions

Authors: J. Metzner, A. Quinn, S. Brudney, I. D. Moore, S. C. Burd, D. J. Wineland, D. T. C Allcock

ITN Newsletter – May 2023

Time to say good-bye – last issue of this newsletter

Dear all,

almost 12 years that I have sent the first issue of the Ion Trapper’s Newsletter in the frame of the first COST Action on Trapped Ions. My “most read” publication has seen the announcement of numerous events, jobs, the Nobel prize awarded to one of its readers, and – even if not exhaustive – an amazing number of publications and preprints, demonstrating the incredible dynamics of an ever-growing community. From its first 250 readers, the audience has grown to over 1200 subscribers, and our follow-up shows that 50% of the recipients regularly open the email to look at the contents.

Personally, I have moved on to other responsibilities a while ago, and I do no longer have the time nor can have the necessary commitment to continue the monthly publication. I have therefore taken the decision to stop to send this newsletter.

From your very enthusiastic returns over the last years, I know that many of you consider this newsletter to be very helpful and I am proud of this. The ion trapper community should make an effort to continue a newsletter. I dare hope that there are individuals or groups who are volunteering to continue this work. This might also be an opportunity to refresh contents, format, contributions to this newsletter. I will of course be willing to help to organize the transition.

I will not end before acknowledging people who have supported this newsletter. The most important investment comes from Alejandro Bermudez who has been working on the publication lists for the last 8 years or so. He took over from Kevin Sheridan, who started to help me, when I could not juggle with your abundant scientific production any longer. There have been a couple of sponsors from the larger ion trapping groups who have financially supported this publication, and also Mirjam Bruttin who has coordinated these supports. Many thanks and a vibrant applause to all of them !

Thanks a lot for reading and see you at ECTI !



Registration and abstract submission for the European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI) are open. Please note the earlier deadline for submitting abstracts for Hot Topic Talks, which is 15 July. Only a limited number of places are available – register soon!
You will find all the details at

Frontiers in Quantum Science and Technology special issue “Micromotion in Trapped Ion Systems”. Submissions are accepted from now until 18th September 2023. Details at


54 EGAS, Strasbourg/France, 18-22 June 2023 Details

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, 25-30 June 2023 Details

ICPEAC 2023 will be held in Ottawa (Canada), from July 25th to August 1st of 2023 Details

Impurity Physics with Cold Atoms and Ions, Aarhus, Denmark, 21-23 August 2023 Details

Workshop on Ultracold Molecules (satellite event to BEC 2023 Conference) to be held at the campus of the University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, from 5-8 September, 2023. Details

25-29 September 2023: ECTI in Schlosshotel Bückeburg close to Hannover Germany. Details are HERE

9th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology will be held on 16-20 October 2023 at Kingscliff, New South Wales, Australia. A Summer School will be associated. Details

Already the 5th edition !
Les Houches Winter School on “Physics with Trapped Charged Particles” is scheduled for 15-26 January 2024. Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


Several open PhD and PostDoc positions in the Quantum Logic Spectroscopy group of Piet Schmidt at PTB and LUH in the field of quantum-engineered multi-ion spectroscopy and transportable ion clocks. Details

postdoc/PhD student postion in proton/antiproton precision measurements in the network of the BASE collaboration (HHU Düsseldorf, MPI K Heidelberg, JGU Mainz).
The project deals with developing sympathetic cooling methods for single protons and antiprotons. Details

Vacancies for Research fellows at Sussex Centre for Quantum Technologies. Details can be found herehere and here

Postdoc position / PhD student position to work with the transportable optical ion clock opticlockis available at PTB, Braunschweig, Germany. Details

The BASE collaboration at CERN has several open PhD and Postdoc positions available. BASE uses advanced Penning trap systems to test the Standard Model of particle physics by comparing the fundamental properties of protons and antiprotons with unparalleled resolution. Details or contact Stefan Ulmer
Full-time editorial position – Quantum Information. The editorial teams of PRX Quantum and Physical Review Applied are looking for someone with a deep understanding of the research and academic publishing landscape in quantum, a keen eye for detail, and excellent communication skills. A full job description can be found here.

A Ph.D. position in trapped-ion quantum computing in the group of Christian Ospelkaus at the Leibniz Universität Hannover, in Hannover, Germany. Details can be found here

An open postdoc position in antihydrogen physics with ALPHA at CERN. Details

Postdoc positions in Quantum Chemistry for Ultracold Physics in Warsaw. Details

Postdoc / PhD student position in precision spectroscopy in In+/Yb+ Coulomb crystals is available in the group of Tanja Mehlstäubler at PTB, Braunschweig, Germany. Further information HERE

PhD position in Cavity-QED with multi-species ion crystals with Prof. M. Keller at Sussex University, Brighton, UK. Details

Open postdoc position in mass spectrometry – cold ion spectroscopy instrumentation at EPFL (Switzerland). For details contact Oleg Boyarkine

A PhD position on quantum state engineering in a laser-cooled ion cloud to
study diffusion in a non-neutral plasma at CNRS/Aix-Marseille University in Marseille. For details contact Caroline Champenois

Postdoc and PhD positions in laser spectroscopy group (Dopfer) at TU Berlin (Germany), Details can be found HERE

Various PhD and postdoc positions are available in the group of Stefan Willitsch at the University of Basel (Switzerland) on the development of quantum technologies for single trapped molecular ions and their application in precision spectroscopy. Further information can be found HERE

A fully funded PhD position is available to work on ion–molecule reaction studies in the Department of Physics at the University of Liverpool. The project is supported by the Leverhulme Trust, providing a stipend for 3.5 years and covering all fees for UK candidates. Details


Please sent information about your publications to

Bespoke pulse design for robust rapid two-qubit gates with trapped ions
Seyed Shakib Vedaie, Eduardo J. Páez, Nhung H. Nguyen, Norbert M. Linke, and Barry C. Sanders
Phys. Rev. Research 5, 023098 (2023)

Characterization of fast ion transport via position-dependent optical deshelving
Craig R. Clark, Creston D. Herold, J. True Merrill, Holly N. Tinkey, Wade Rellergert, Robert Clark, Roger Brown, Wesley D. Robertson, Curtis Volin, Kara Maller, Chris Shappert, Brian J. McMahon, Brian C. Sawyer, and Kenton R. Brown
Phys. Rev. A 107, 043119 (2023)

Chiral-coupling-assisted refrigeration in trapped ions
Chi-Chih Chen, Yi-Cheng Wang, Chun-Che Wang and H H Jen
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 56 105502 (2023)

Cold collisions between alkali metals and alkaline-earth metals in the heteronuclear atom-ion system Li+Ba+
Dibyendu Sardar and Somnath Naskar
Phys. Rev. A 107, 043323 (2023)

Controlling Two-Dimensional Coulomb Crystals of More Than 100 Ions in a Monolithic Radio-Frequency Trap
Dominik Kiesenhofer, Helene Hainzer, Artem Zhdanov, Philip C. Holz, Matthias Bock, Tuomas Ollikainen, and Christian F. Roos
PRX Quantum 4, 020317 (2023)

Coupled-oscillator model to analyze the interaction between a quartz resonator and trapped ions
E. Altozano, J. Berrocal, S. Lohse, F. Domínguez, M. Block, J. J. García-Ripoll, and D. Rodríguez
Phys. Rev. A 107, 053116 (2023)

Effects of an Oscillating Electric Field on and Dipole Moment Measurement of a Single Molecular Ion
Alejandra L. Collopy, Julian Schmidt, Dietrich Leibfried, David R. Leibrandt, and Chin-Wen Chou
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 223201 (2023)

Effect of fast noise on the fidelity of trapped-ion quantum gates
Haim Nakav, Ran Finkelstein, Lee Peleg, Nitzan Akerman, and Roee Ozeri
Phys. Rev. A 107, 042622 (2023)

Experimental Observation of Thermalization with Noncommuting Charges
Florian Kranzl, Aleksander Lasek, Manoj K. Joshi, Amir Kalev, Rainer Blatt, Christian F. Roos, and Nicole Yunger Halpern
PRX Quantum 4, 020318 (2023)

High-fidelity transport of trapped-ion qubits in a multilayer array
Deviprasath Palani, Florian Hasse, Philip Kiefer, Frederick Boeckling, Jan-Philipp Schroeder, Ulrich Warring, and Tobias Schaetz
Phys. Rev. A 107, L050601 (2023)

Improving trapped-ion-qubit memories via code-mediated error-channel balancing
Yannick Seis, Benjamin J. Brown, Anders S. Sørensen, and Joseph F. Goodwin
Phys. Rev. A 107, 052417 (2023)

Ion trap long-range XY model for quantum state transfer and optimal spatial search
Dylan Lewis, Leonardo Banchi, Yi Hong Teoh, Rajibul Islam and Sougato Bose
Quantum Sci. Technol. (2023)

Isotope Exchange Reaction of OH− Anion with HD at Temperatures from 15 K up to 300 K: Ion Trap Study
Radek Plašil, Liliia Uvarova, Serhiy Rednyk, Štěpán Roučka, Erik Vanko, Petr Dohnal and Juraj Glosík
ApJ 948 131 (2023)

Modeling noise in global Mølmer-Sørensen interactions applied to quantum approximate optimization
Phillip C. Lotshaw, Kevin D. Battles, Bryan Gard, Gilles Buchs, Travis S. Humble, and Creston D. Herold
Phys. Rev. A 107, 062406 (2023)

Progress in quantum teleportation
Xiao-Min Hu, Yu Guo, Bi-Heng Liu, Chuan-Feng Li & Guang-Can Guo
Nature Reviews Physics volume 5, pages 339–353 (2023)

Prototype of a phonon laser with trapped ions
Chen-Yu Lee, Kuan-Ting Lin, and Guin-Dar Lin
Phys. Rev. Research 5, 023082 (2023)

Quantum Repeater Goes the Distance
Michal Hajdušek
Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University, Fujisawa, Japan
May 22, 2023• Physics 16, 84

Quantum Simulations of Interacting Systems with Broken Time-Reversal Symmetry
Yotam Shapira, Tom Manovitz, Nitzan Akerman, Ady Stern, and Roee Ozeri
Phys. Rev. X 13, 021021 (2023)

Realizing quantum gates with optically addressable 171Yb+ ion qudits
M. A. Aksenov, I. V. Zalivako, I. A. Semerikov, A. S. Borisenko, N. V. Semenin, P. L. Sidorov, A. K. Fedorov, K. Yu. Khabarova, and N. N. Kolachevsky
Phys. Rev. A 107, 052612 (2023)

Robust oscillator-mediated phase gates driven by low-intensity pulses
Iñigo Arrazola & Jorge Casanova
Communications Physics volume 6, Article number: 123 (2023)

Robust Two-Qubit Gates Using Pulsed Dynamical Decoupling
Patrick Barthel, Patrick H. Huber, Jorge Casanova, Inigo Arrazola, Dorna Niroomand, Theeraphot Sriarunothai, Martin Bodo Plenio and Christof Wunderlich
New J. Phys 2023)

Rydberg ions in coherent motional states: a new method for determining the polarizability of Rydberg ions
Marie Niederländer1, Jonas Vogel1, Alexander Schulze-Makuch1, Bastien Gély1, Arezoo Mokhberi3,1 and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler3,1,2
New J. Phys. 25 033020 (2023)

Shuttled” Ions Stay Quantum
May 26, 2023• Physics 16, s75

Systematic study of tunable laser cooling for trapped-ion experiments
A P Kulosa, O N Prudnikov, D Vadlejch, H A Fürst, A A Kirpichnikova, A V Taichenachev, V I Yudin and T E Mehlstäubler
New J. Phys. 25 053008 (2023)

Telecom-Wavelength Quantum Repeater Node Based on a Trapped-Ion Processor
V. Krutyanskiy, M. Canteri, M. Meraner, J. Bate, V. Krcmarsky, J. Schupp, N. Sangouard, and B. P. Lanyon
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 213601 (2023)

Test of Causal Nonlinear Quantum Mechanics by Ramsey Interferometry with a Trapped Ion
Joseph Broz, Bingran You, Sumanta Khan, Hartmut Häffner, David E. Kaplan, and Surjeet Rajendran
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 200201 (2023)

Toward a Transportable Ca+ Optical Clock with a Systematic Uncertainty of 4.8 × 10−18
Mengyan Zeng, Yao Huang, Baolin Zhang, Yanmei Hao, Zixiao Ma, Ruming Hu, Huaqing Zhang, Zheng Chen, Miao Wang, Hua Guan, and Kelin Gao
Phys. Rev. Applied 19, 064004 (2023)

Transport of Multispecies Ion Crystals through a Junction in a Radio-Frequency Paul Trap
William Cody Burton, Brian Estey, Ian M. Hoffman, Abigail R. Perry, Curtis Volin, and Gabriel Price
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 173202 (2023)

Tunneling measured in a very slow ion-molecule reaction
R. Wild, M. Nötzold, M. Simpson, T. D. Tran, R. Wester
Nature 615, 425 (2023)


BASE-STEP: A transportable antiproton reservoir for fundamental interaction studies
C. Smorra, F. Abbass, M. Bohman, Y. Dutheil, A. Hobl, D. Popper, B. Arndt, B. B. Bauer, J. A. Devlin, S. Erlewein, M. Fleck, J. I. Jäger, B. M. Latacz, P. Micke, M. Schiffelholz, G. Umbrazunas, M. Wiesinger, C. Will, E. Wursten, H. Yildiz, K. Blaum, Y. Matsuda, A. Mooser, C. Ospelkaus, W. Quint, A. Soter, J. Walz, Y. Yamazaki, S. Ulmer

How to wire a 1000-qubit trapped ion quantum compute
M. Malinowski, D. T. C. Allcock, C. J. Ballance

Low noise quantum frequency conversion of photons from a trapped barium ion to the telecom O-band
Uday Saha, James D. Siverns, John Hannegan, Qudsia Quraishi, Edo Waks

Non-Markovian cost function for quantum error mitigation with Dirac Gamma matrices representation
Doyeol Ahn

Robust and scalable rf spectroscopy in first-order magnetic sensitive states at second-long coherence time
C. -H. Yeh, K. C. Grensemann, L. S. Dreissen, H. A. Fürst, T. E. Mehlstäubler

Scaling of entangling-gate errors in large ion crystals
Wenhao He, Wenhao Zhang, Xiao Yuan, Yangchao Shen, Xiao-Ming Zhang

Spin-boson model under dephasing: Markovian vs Non-Markovian dynamics
Naushad Ahmad Kamar, Daniel A. Paz, Mohammad F. Maghrebi

Synthetic Z2 gauge theories based on parametric excitations of trapped ions
O. Băzăvan, S. Saner, E. Tirrito, G. Araneda, R. Srinivas, A. Bermudez

Thermal light in confined dimensions for “laser” cooling with unfiltered sunlight
Amanda Younes, Wesley C. Campbell

Trapped-ion quantum simulations for condensed-phase chemical dynamics: seeking a quantum advantage
Mingyu Kang, Kai T. Liu, Sutirtha N. Chowdhury, Jonathon L. Yuly, Ke Sun, Jacob Whitlow, Jesús Valdiviezo, Zhendian Zhang, Peng Zhang, David N. Beratan, Kenneth R. Brown

Universal defects statistics with strong long-range interactions
Stefano Gherardini, Lorenzo Buffoni, Nicolò Defenu

Verifiable blind quantum computing with trapped ions and single photons
P. Drmota, D. P. Nadlinger, D. Main, B. C. Nichol, E. M. Ainley, D. Leichtle, A. Mantri, E. Kashefi, R. Srinivas, G. Araneda, C. J. Ballance, D. M. Lucas

ITN Newsletter – March 2023

Dear all,

after 4 and a half year, COST Action TIPICQA has come to an end. With a large impact due to the pandemics, we have not been able to implement the full program as we had discussed at the start. Fortunately there have been many online initiatives, which helped keeping some links and interactions. We even had a full ten-day Les Houches Winter School, which had almost everything, but skiing.

We hope that you have all benefited from this Action, and that there are many fruitful collaborations which have taken off !

Your editorial team



Registration and abstract submission for ECTI is open. You will find all the details  at

Frontiers in Quantum Science and Technology special issue “Micromotion in Trapped Ion Systems”. Submissions are accepted from now until 18th September 2023. Details at


9th Conference on Electrostatic storage devices (ESD 9), 14-18 May in the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot Israel. Details

54 EGAS, Strasbourg/France, 18-22 June 2023 Details

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, 25-30 June 2023 Details

ICPEAC 2023 will be held in Ottawa (Canada), from July 25th to August 1st of 2023 Details

Workshop on Ultracold Molecules (satellite event to BEC 2023 Conference) to be held at the campus of the University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, from 5-8 September, 2023. Details

25-29 September 2023: ECTI in Schlosshotel Bückeburg close to Hannover Germany. Details are HERE

9th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology will be held on 16-20 October 2023 at Kingscliff, New South Wales, Australia. A Summer School will be associated. Details

Already the 5th edition !
Les Houches Winter School on “Physics with Trapped Charged Particles” is scheduled for 15-26 January 2024. Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


Postdoc / PhD student position in precision spectroscopy in In+/Yb+ Coulomb crystals is available in the group of Tanja Mehlstäubler at PTB, Braunschweig, Germany. Further information HERE

PhD position in Cavity-QED with multi-species ion crystals with Prof. M. Keller at Sussex University, Brighton, UK. Details

Open postdoc position in mass spectrometry – cold ion spectroscopy instrumentation at EPFL (Switzerland). For details contact Oleg Boyarkine
A PhD position on quantum state engineering in a laser-cooled ion cloud to
study diffusion in a non-neutral plasma at CNRS/Aix-Marseille University in Marseille. For details contact Caroline Champenois

Postdoc and PhD positions in laser spectroscopy group (Dopfer) at TU Berlin (Germany), Details can be found HERE

Various PhD and postdoc positions are available in the group of Stefan Willitsch at the University of Basel (Switzerland) on the development of quantum technologies for single trapped molecular ions and their application in precision spectroscopy. Further information can be found HERE

A fully funded PhD position is available to work on ion–molecule reaction studies in the Department of Physics at the University of Liverpool. The project is supported by the Leverhulme Trust, providing a stipend for 3.5 years and covering all fees for UK candidates. Details

A PhD position in our group at FEMTO-ST on a surface-electrodes single-ion optical clock. Details

A postdoc position to work on quantum control and precision measurements of single molecular ions in the NIST Ion Storage group at Boulder, Colorado, USA. The position is available starting in summer 2023. Please contact Chin-wen (James) Chou for more information.

PhD position in experimental trapped ion physics at the mass spectrometer Pentatrap in the group of Sergey Eliseev and Klaus Blaum at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg. The PhD project will be aimed at performing high-precision mass measurement for fundamental physics and development of the necessary technical and methodical upgrades. Details

Postdoc position at Stockholm University to work on Experimental Quantum Computing with Trapped Rydberg Ions. Closing date 31 January 2023 or until position is filled. For more information see our webpage, or contact Markus Hennrich.

PhD position to work at ALPHA, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. Details

Postdoctoral Research Associate in Experimental Nuclear Physics to work on the further development of ion trapping techniques for nuclear physics and applications beyond fundamental sciences. Details
A postdoc position is open in the University of California San Diego positron group ( to study vortex dynamics using electron plasmas confined in a Penning-Malmberg trap. The successful candidate will have an opportunity to do both experiments and complementary computer simulations. Details.

Two postdoctoral positions in quantum networking with trapped ions. The primary goal of the postdocs will be to demonstrate the core elements of a quantum repeater in a distributed scenario. Details

Multiple postdoc and PhD positions are available in the newly formed Leibrandt Group at UCLA for experiments on (1) trapped-ion thorium nuclear clocks, (2) quantum control of and searches for new physics with polyatomic molecules, and (3) development of optical atomic clocks for space missions.  More information HERE and/or contact David Leibrandt.


Please sent information about your publications to
2023 roadmap for materials for quantum technologies
Christoph Becher, Weibo Gao, Swastik Kar, Christian D Marciniak, Thomas Monz, John G Bartholomew, Philippe Goldner, Huanqian Loh, Elizabeth Marcellina, Kuan Eng Johnson Goh, Teck Seng Koh, Bent Weber, Zhao Mu, Jeng-Yuan Tsai, Qimin Yan, Tobias Huber-Loyola, Sven Höfling, Samuel Gyger, Stephan Steinhauer and Val ZwillerHide
Mater. Quantum. Technol. 3 012501 (2023)

A high-fidelity quantum matter-link between ion-trap microchip modules
M. Akhtar, F. Bonus, F. R. Lebrun-Gallagher, N. I. Johnson, M. Siegele-Brown, S. Hong, S. J. Hile, S. A. Kulmiya, S. Weidt & W. K. Hensinger
Nature Communications volume 14, Article number: 531 (2023)

Angle-robust two-qubit gates in a linear ion crystal
Zhubing Jia, Shilin Huang, Mingyu Kang, Ke Sun, Robert F. Spivey, Jungsang Kim, and Kenneth R. Brown
Phys. Rev. A 107, 032617 (2023)

Control of an Atomic Quadrupole Transition in a Phase-Stable Standing Wave
Alfredo Ricci Vasquez, Carmelo Mordini, Chloé Vernière, Martin Stadler, Maciej Malinowski, Chi Zhang, Daniel Kienzler, Karan K. Mehta, and Jonathan P. Home
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 133201 (2023)

Chiral-coupling-assisted refrigeration in trapped ions
Chi-Chih Chen, Yi-Cheng Wang, Chun-Che Wang and Hsiang-Hua Jen
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. (2023)

Determination of the 8B neutrino energy spectrum using trapped ions
B. Longfellow, A. T. Gallant, T. Y. Hirsh, M. T. Burkey, G. Savard, N. D. Scielzo, L. Varriano, M. Brodeur, D. P. Burdette, J. A. Clark, D. Lascar, P. Mueller, D. Ray, K. S. Sharma, A. A. Valverde, G. L. Wilson, and X. L. Yan
Phys. Rev. C 107, L032801 (2023)

Dynamics Simulation and Light-Sheet Tomography of Multispecies Ion Coulomb Crystals
Yong Shen, Hongshuo Zhang, Yongzhuang Zhou, He Xie, Hang Cheng and Hongxin Zou
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2470 012034 (2023)

Electric-quadrupole transition-rate measurement of a highly charged ion in an electron-beam ion trap using pulsed laser excitation from a metastable state
Naoki Kimura, Priti, Susumu Kuma, Toshiyuki Azuma, and Nobuyuki Nakamura
Phys. Rev. A 107, 022805 (2023)

Efficient numerical approach to high-fidelity phase-modulated gates in long chains of trapped ions
Sheng-Chen Liu, Lin Cheng, Gui-Zhong Yao, Ying-Xiang Wang, and Liang-You Peng
Phys. Rev. E 107, 035304 (2023)

Efficient motional-mode characterization for high-fidelity trapped-ion quantum computing
Mingyu Kang, Qiyao Liang, Ming Li and Yunseong Nam
Quantum Sci. Technol. 8 024002 (2023)

Engineering Dynamically Decoupled Quantum Simulations with Trapped Ions
W. Morong, K.S. Collins, A. De, E. Stavropoulos, T. You, and C. Monroe
PRX Quantum 4, 010334 (2023)

Fast Single-Shot Imaging of Individual Ions via Homodyne Detection of Rydberg-Blockade-Induced Absorption
Jinjin Du, Thibault Vogt, and Wenhui Li
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 143004 (2023)

Fokker-Planck treatment of nonlinearities in the dispersive coupling of an ion and an optical cavity
Alan Kahan, Leonardo Ermann, Marcos Saraceno, and Cecilia Cormick
Phys. Rev. A 107, 033712 (2023)

FPGA based hardware platform for trapped-ion-based multi-level quantum systems
Ming-Dong Zhu, Lin Yan, Xi Qin, Wen-Zhe Zhang, Yiheng Lin and Jiangfeng Du
Chinese Phys. B (2023)

Heating rate measurement and characterization of a prototype surface-electrode trap for optical frequency metrology
Thomas Lauprêtre, Bachir Achi, Lucas Groult, Émile Carry, Yann Kersalé, Marion Delehaye, Moustafa Abdel Hafiz & Clément Lacroûte
Applied Physics B 129, 37 (2023)

Individual addressing of trapped ion qubits with geometric phase gates
R. T. Sutherland, R. Srinivas, and D. T. C. Allcock
Phys. Rev. A 107, 032604 (2023)

Investigation of spatial structure and sympathetic cooling in the 9Be+–40Ca+ bi-component Coulomb crystals
Min Li, 敏 李, Yong Zhang, 勇 张, Qian-Yu Zhang, 乾 煜 张, Wen-Li Bai, 文 丽 白, Sheng-Guo He, 胜 国 何, Show full author list
Chinese Phys. B 32 036402 (2023)

Narrowband composite two-qubit gates for crosstalk suppression
Boyan T. Torosov and Nikolay V. Vitanov
Phys. Rev. A 107, 032618 (2023)

Let the ions sing
Norbert M. Linke
Nature Physics (2023)

Measurement of the Electron Magnetic Moment
X. Fan, T. G. Myers, B. A. D. Sukra, and G. Gabrielse
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 071801 (2023)

Measurement-based ground-state cooling of a trapped-ion oscillator
Chungsun Lee, Simon C. Webster, Jacopo Mosca Toba, Ollie Corfield, George Porter, and Richard C. Thompson
Phys. Rev. A 107, 033107 (2023)

One-Electron Quantum Cyclotron as a Milli-eV Dark-Photon Detector
Xing Fan, Gerald Gabrielse, Peter W. Graham, Roni Harnik, Thomas G. Myers, Harikrishnan Ramani, Benedict A. D. Sukra, Samuel S. Y. Wong, and Yawen Xiao
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 261801 (2023)

Photon scattering errors during stimulated Raman transitions in trapped-ion qubits
I. D. Moore, W. C. Campbell, E. R. Hudson, M. J. Boguslawski, D. J. Wineland, and D. T. C. Allcock
Phys. Rev. A 107, 032413 (2023)

Quantum chaos and thermalization in the two-mode Dicke model
Aleksandrina V Kirkova and Peter A Ivanov
Phys. Scr. 98 045105 (2023)

Robust Quantum Memory in a Trapped-Ion Quantum Network Node
P. Drmota, D. Main, D. P. Nadlinger, B. C. Nichol, M. A. Weber, E. M. Ainley, A. Agrawal, R. Srinivas, G. Araneda, C. J. Ballance, and D. M. Lucas
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 090803 (2023)

Routing Single Photons from a Trapped Ion Using a Photonic Integrated Circuit
Uday Saha, James D. Siverns, John Hannegan, Mihika Prabhu, Qudsia Quraishi, Dirk Englund, and Edo Waks
Phys. Rev. Applied 19, 034001 (2023)

Scalable and programmable phononic network with trapped ions
Wentao Chen, Yao Lu, Shuaining Zhang, Kuan Zhang, Guanhao Huang, Mu Qiao, Xiaolu Su, Jialiang Zhang, Jing-Ning Zhang, Leonardo Banchi, M. S. Kim & Kihwan Kim
Nature Physics (2023)

Simulation studies of a 30-keV MR-ToF device for highly sensitive collinear laser spectroscopy ,
F.M. Maier, M. Vilen, I. Belosevic, F. Buchinger, C. Kanitz, S. Lechner, E. Leistenschneider, W. Nörtershäuser, P. Plattner, L. Schweikhard, S. Sels, F. Wienholtz, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment,Volume 1048 (2023)

Steady-state entanglement generation for nondegenerate qubits
Murilo H. Oliveira, Gerard Higgins, Chi Zhang, Ana Predojević, Markus Hennrich, Romain Bachelard, and Celso J. Villas-Boas
Phys. Rev. A 107, 023706 (2023)

Synthesizing a σz spin-dependent force for optical, metastable, and ground-state trapped-ion qubits
O. Băzăvan, S. Saner, M. Minder, A. C. Hughes, R. T. Sutherland, D. M. Lucas, R. Srinivas, and C. J. Ballance
Phys. Rev. A 107, 022617 (2023)

Toward improved quantum simulations and sensing with trapped two-dimensional ion crystals via parametric amplification
M. Affolter, W. Ge, B. Bullock, S. C. Burd, K. A. Gilmore, J. F. Lilieholm, A. L. Carter, and J. J. Bollinger
Phys. Rev. A 107, 032425 (2023)

Trap-Assisted Complexes in Cold Atom-Ion Collisions
H. Hirzler, E. Trimby, R. Gerritsma, A. Safavi-Naini, and J. Pérez-Ríos
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 143003 (2023)

Vibration-assisted multiphoton resonance and multi-ion excitation
Wenjun Shao, Xun-Li Feng, Jian Li, and Liang-Liang Wang
Phys. Rev. Research 5, 023005 (2023)


A guided light system for agile individual addressing of Ba+ qubits with 10−4 level intensity crosstalk
Ali Binai-Motlagh, Matthew Day, Nikolay Videnov, Noah Greenberg, Crystal Senko, Rajibul Islam

Ablation loading of barium ions into a surface electrode trap
X. Shi, S. L. Todaro, G. L. Mintzer, C. D. Bruzewicz, J. Chiaverini, I. L. Chuang

Ab initio potential energy curves, scattering lengths, and rovibrational levels of the
He2+ molecular ion in excited electronic states,

J. Gębala, M. Przybytek, M. Gronowski, M. Tomza

Analyses of the viability of automating the quantum circuit construction of Grover Oracle for executing wildcard searches on NISQ processors
Willie Huang

Calculating the many-body density of states on a digital quantum computer
Alessandro Summer, Cecilia Chiaracane, Mark T. Mitchison, John Goold

Charge transfer of polyatomic molecules in ion-atom hybrid traps: Stereodynamics in the millikelvin regime
Alexandre Voute, Alexander Dörfler, Laurent Wiesenfeld, Olivier Dulieu, Fabien Gatti, Daniel Peláez, Stefan Willitsch

Conformational and state-specific effects in reactions of 2,3-dibromobutadiene with Coulomb-crystallized calcium ions
Ardita Kilaj, Silvan Käser, Jia Wang, Patrik Straňák, Max Schwilk, Lei Xu, O. Anatole von Lilienfeld, Jochen Küpper, Markus Meuwly, Stefan Willitsch

Controlling two-dimensional Coulomb crystals of more than 100 ions in a monolithic radio-frequency trap
Dominik Kiesenhofer, Helene Hainzer, Artem Zhdanov, Philip C. Holz, Matthias Bock, Tuomas Ollikainen, Christian F. Roos

Compiling quantum circuits with qubits embedded in trapped-ion quidts
Anastasiia S. Nikolaeva, Evgeniy O. Kiktenko, Aleksey K. Fedorov

Criticality-enhanced Electromagnetic Field Sensor with Single Trapped Ions
Theodoros Ilias, Dayou Yang, Susana F. Huelga, Martin B. Plenio

Development and Evaluation of a Narrow Linewidth Laser System for 171Yb+ E2 Transition
Yani Zuo, Shiying Cao, Shaoyang Dai, Yige Lin, Tao Yang, Baike Lin, Fei Meng, Weiliang Chen, Kun Liu, Fasong Zheng, Tianchu Li, Fang Fang

Efficient site-resolved imaging and spin-state detection in dynamic two-dimensional ion crystals
Robert N. Wolf, Joseph H. Pham, Julian Y. Z. Jee, Alexander Rischka, Michael J. Biercuk

Entangling gates for trapped-ion quantum computation and quantum simulation
Zhengyang Cai, Chunyang Luan, Lingfeng Ou, Hengchao Tu, Zihan Yin, Jing-Ning Zhang, Kihwan Kim

Error-Mitigated Quantum Simulation of Interacting Fermions with Trapped Ions
Wentao Chen, Shuaining Zhang, Jialiang Zhang, Xiaolu Su, Yao Lu, Kuan Zhang, Mu Qiao, Ying Li, Jing-Ning Zhang, Kihwan Kim

Experimental realization of nonunitary multi-qubit operations
Martin W. van Mourik, Elias Zapusek, Pavel Hrmo, Lukas Gerster, Rainer Blatt, Thomas Monz, Philipp Schindler, Florentin Reiter

Generation of rotational ground state HD+ ions in an ion trap using a resonance-enhanced threshold photoionization process
Yong Zhang, Qianyu Zhang, Wenli Bai, Zhiyuan Ao, Wencui Peng, Shengguo He, Xin Tong

Generation of Pseudo-Random Quantum States on Actual Quantum Processors
Gabriele Cenedese, Maria Bondani, Dario Rosa, Giuliano Benenti

Heat rectification, heat fluxes, and spectral matching
Javier Navarro, Juan Gonzalo Muga, Marisa Pons

In-source and in-trap formation of molecular ions in the actinide mass range at CERN-ISOLDE
M. Au, M. Athanasakis-Kaklamanakis, L. Nies, J. Ballof, R. Berger, K. Chrysalidis, P. Fischer, R. Heinke, J. Johnson, U. Köster, D. Leimbach, B. Marsh, M. Mougeot, J. Reilly, E. Reis, M. Schlaich, Ch. Schweiger, L. Schweikhard, S. Stegemann, J. Wessolek, F. Wienholtz, S. G. Wilkins, W. Wojtaczka, Ch. E. Düllmann, S. Rothe

Integrated waveguide-based acousto-optic modulation with near-unity conversion efficiency
Liang Zhang, Chaohan Cui, Pao-Kang Chen, Linran Fan

Large-scale simulations of Floquet physics on near-term quantum computers
Timo Eckstein, Refik Mansuroglu, Piotr Czarnik, Jian-Xin Zhu, Michael J. Hartmann, Lukasz Cincio, Andrew T. Sornborger, Zoë Holmes

Laser-free method for creation of two-mode squeezed state and beam-splitter transformation with trapped ions
Bogomila S. Nikolova, Peter A. Ivanov

Non-Markovian approach to quantum state fluctuations in noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices
Doyeol Ahn, Byeongyong Park

Pairwise-parallel entangling gates on orthogonal modes in a trapped-ion chain
Yingyue Zhu, Alaina M. Green, Nhung H. Nguyen, C. Huerta Alderete, Elijah Mossman, Norbert M. Linke

Precision Measurement of M1 Optical Clock Transition in Ni^(12+)
Shaolong Chen, Zhiqiang Zhou, Jiguang Li, Tingxian Zhang, Chengbin Li, Tingyun Shi, Yao Huang, Hua Guan, Kelin Gao

Probing Complex-energy Topology via Non-Hermitian Absorption Spectroscopy in a Trapped Ion Simulator
Mingming Cao, Kai Li, Wending Zhao, Weixuan Guo, Bingxiag Qi, Xiuying Chang, Zichao Zhou, Yong Xu, Luming Duan

QAOA with N⋅p≥200
Ruslan Shaydulin, Marco Pistoia

Quantum computing with trapped ions: a beginner’s guide
Francesco Bernardini, Abhijit Chakraborty, Carlos Ordóñez

Quantum Deep Hedging
El Amine Cherrat, Snehal Raj, Iordanis Kerenidis, Abhishek Shekhar, Ben Wood, Jon Dee, Shouvanik Chakrabarti, Richard Chen, Dylan Herman, Shaohan Hu, Pierre Minssen, Ruslan Shaydulin, Yue Sun, Romina Yalovetzky, Marco Pistoia

Quantum State Preparation of Normal Distributions using Matrix Product States
Jason Iaconis, Sonika Johri, Elton Yechao Zhu

Reactive ion-atom collisions in cw-laser photoionization of laser-cooled Rb atoms
Wei-Chen Liang, Feng-Dong Jia, Fei Wang, Xi Zhang, Yu-Han Wang, Jing-Yu Qian, Jin-Yu Zhou, Yong Wu, Jian-Guo Wang, Ping Xue, Zhi-Ping Zhong

Real-time hybrid quantum-classical computations for trapped-ions with Python control-flow
Tobias Schmale, Bence Temesi, Niko Trittschanke, Nicolas Pulido-Mateo, Ilya Elenskiy, Ludwig Krinner, Timko Dubielzig, Christian Ospelkaus, Hendrik Weimer, Daniel Borcherding

Realization of quantum signal processing on a noisy quantum computer
Yuta Kikuchi, Conor Mc Keever, Luuk Coopmans, Michael Lubasch, Marcello Benedetti

Robust suppression of noise propagation in GKP error-correction
Christian Siegele, Philippe Campagne-Ibarcq

Single-shot measurements of phonon number states using the Autler-Townes effect Marion Mallweger, Murilo Henrique de Oliveira, Robin Thomm, Harry Parke, Natalia Kuk, Gerard Higggins, Romain Bachelard, Celso Jorge Villas-Boas, Markus Hennrich

The Mechanical Paul Trap: Introducing the Concept of Ion Trapping
Sebastian Kilde Lofgren, Ricardo Méndez Fragoso, Jonathan Weidow, Jonas Enger

Topological Order from Measurements and Feed-Forward on a Trapped Ion Quantum Computer
Mohsin Iqbal, Nathanan Tantivasadakarn, Thomas M. Gatterman, Justin A. Gerber, Kevin Gilmore, Dan Gresh, Aaron Hankin, Nathan Hewitt, Chandler V. Horst, Mitchell Matheny, Tanner Mengle, Brian Neyenhuis, Ashvin Vishwanath, Michael Foss-Feig, Ruben Verresen, Henrik Dreyer

Trap-induced ac Zeeman shift of the thorium-229 nuclear clock frequency
K. Beloy

Tunneling in a very slow ion-molecule reaction
Robert Wild, Markus Nötzold, Malcolm Simpson, Thuy Dung Tran, Roland Wester

Transient fluorescence with a single trapped ion
Nicolás Nuñez Barreto, Lucas Giardino, Carla Crucianelli, Muriel Bonetto, Martin Drechsler, Christian Tomás Schmiegelow

Trap-Integrated Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detectors with Improved RF Tolerance for Trapped-Ion Qubit State Readout
Benedikt Hampel, Daniel H. Slichter, Dietrich Leibfried, Richard P. Mirin, Sae Woo Nam, Varun B. Verma

ITN Newsletter – January 2023

Dear all,

ECTI will be back for a new edition in 2023: 25-29 September in a castle close to Hannover in Germany. More details can be found HERE . Don’t forget to SAVE the DATE!

Your editorial team



COST Action CONFINED MOLECULAR SYSTEMS: FROM A NEW GENERATION OF MATERIALS TO THE STARS (COSY), started in fall 2022, and might be interesting to some of you. (Attention, they are confined NOT trapped !). Details can be found here and the announcement of the first General Meeting, 1-3 March 2023 in Cadiz, is here


9th Conference on Electrostatic storage devices (ESD 9), 14-18 May in the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot Israel. Details

54 EGAS, Strasbourg/France, 18-22 June 2023 Details

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, 25-30 June 2023 Details

ICPEAC 2023 will be held in Ottawa (Canada), from July 25th to August 1st of 2023 Details

Workshop on Ultracold Molecules (satellite event to BEC 2023 Conference) to be held at the campus of the University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, from 5-8 September, 2023. Details

25-29 September 2023: ECTI in Schlosshotel Bückeburg close to Hannover Germany. Details

9th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology will be held on 16-20 October 2023 at Kingscliff, New South Wales, Australia. A Summer School will be associated. Details

Already the 5th edition !
Les Houches Winter School on “Physics with Trapped Charged Particles” is scheduled for 15-26 January 2024. Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


PhD position in experimental trapped ion physics at the mass spectrometer Pentatrap in the group of Sergey Eliseev and Klaus Blaum at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg. The PhD project will be aimed at performing high-precision mass measurement for fundamental physics and development of the necessary technical and methodical upgrades. Details

Postdoc position at Stockholm University to work on Experimental Quantum Computing with Trapped Rydberg Ions. Closing date 31 January 2023 or until position is filled. For more information see our webpage, or contact Markus Hennrich.

An associate professor permanent position (maître de conference) is opening at Université Paris Cité to develop integrated ion – telecom photon interfaces.
The job description is available here please contact for any question.

PhD position to work at ALPHA, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. Details

Postdoctoral Research Associate in Experimental Nuclear Physics to work on the further development of ion trapping techniques for nuclear physics and applications beyond fundamental sciences. Details
A postdoc position is open in the University of California San Diego positron group ( to study vortex dynamics using electron plasmas confined in a Penning-Malmberg trap. The successful candidate will have an opportunity to do both experiments and complementary computer simulations. Details.

Two postdoctoral positions in quantum networking with trapped ions. The primary goal of the postdocs will be to demonstrate the core elements of a quantum repeater in a distributed scenario. Details

Multiple postdoc and PhD positions are available in the newly formed Leibrandt Group at UCLA for experiments on (1) trapped-ion thorium nuclear clocks, (2) quantum control of and searches for new physics with polyatomic molecules, and (3) development of optical atomic clocks for space missions.  More information HERE and/or contact David Leibrandt.

PhD position in the Oxford Ion Trap Group, on entanglement-enhanced metrology with a quantum network of optical atomic clocks. More information
Permanent trapped ion physicist positions are available at the UK’s National Quantum Computing Centre, see current vacancies or contact Cameron Deans for details

Postdoctoral position at UCLouvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium): Merged-beam laboratory astrophysics experiments with Prof Xavier Urbain

Several PhD and postdoc positions are available in Amsterdam to develop quantum-enhanced methods for the next generation of fundamental physics tests with trapped ions. More information can be found at

2-year Post-doctoral position for the GPIB and PIPERADE setups at LP2i-Bordeaux. Details

The University of Sussex in Brighton/UK announces two vacancies: a professor of quantum optics and technology and a Lecturer/Reader in Quantum Optics and Technology

A post-doc position and a Ph.D. student position (both 4 years) on lattice optical clocks and relativistic geodesy. The activities concern the further development and subsequent operation of the strontium clock “SOC2” in the geodetic station Wettzell. During the ISS mission ACES the clock shall perform laser and microwave time transfer experiments between Wettzell and PTB Braunschweig. Details HERE. Apply to Prof. S. Schiller.

A Postdoc position is open in quantum technologies focusing on integrated microwave electronics for ion traps within the QuMIC project in the group of Christian Ospelkaus at the Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany. Details

Cold Molecular Physics Postdoc at University of Colorado/JILA, Boulder, CO. Contact Prof. Heather Lewandowski for further details.

Postdoctoral Research Associate and PhD positions are available on quantum simulation and sensing with large beryllium ion crystals at the University of Sydney. For details please contact Robert Wolf Details are here

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrology


Please sent information about your publications to
An optical atomic clock based on a highly charged ion
Steven A. King, Lukas J. Spieß, Peter Micke, Alexander Wilzewski, Tobias Leopold, Erik Benkler, Richard Lange, Nils Huntemann, Andrey Surzhykov, Vladimir A. Yerokhin, José R. Crespo López-Urrutia & Piet O. Schmidt
Nature 2 nov 2022

Boson sampling for generalized bosons
En-Jui Kuo, Yijia Xu, Dominik Hangleiter, Andrey Grankin, and Mohammad Hafezi
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 043096 (2022)

Coherent control of a local phonon in trapped ions using dynamical decoupling
Ryutaro Ohira, Shota Kume, and Kenji Toyoda
Phys. Rev. A 106, 042603 (2022)

Crosstalk Suppression in Individually Addressed Two-Qubit Gates in a Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer
Chao Fang, Ye Wang, Shilin Huang, Kenneth R. Brown, and Jungsang Kim
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 240504 (2022)

Disentangling polycationic fullerenes produced from glassy carbon with multireflection time-of-flight mass spectrometry
Paul Fischer and Lutz Schweikhard
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 043187 (2022)

Dynamical Hadron Formation in Long-Range Interacting Quantum Spin Chains
Joseph Vovrosh, Rick Mukherjee, Alvise Bastianello, and Johannes Knolle
PRX Quantum 3, 040309 (2022)

Effect of micromotion and local stress in quantum simulations with trapped ions in optical tweezers
Liam Bond, Lisa Lenstra, Rene Gerritsma, and Arghavan Safavi-Naini
Phys. Rev. A 106, 042612 (2022)

Effects of cavity birefringence in polarisation-encoded quantum networks
E Kassa, W Hughes, S Gao and J F Goodwin
New J. Phys. 25 013004 (2023)

Entanglement between a trapped-ion qubit and a 780-nm photon via quantum frequency conversion
John Hannegan, James D. Siverns, and Qudsia Quraishi
Phys. Rev. A 106, 042441 (2022)

Entanglement-enhanced optical atomic clocks
Simone Colombo, Edwin Pedrozo-Peñafiel and Vladan Vuletić
Appl. Phys. Lett. 121, 210502 (2022)

Feasibility study on ground-state cooling and single-phonon readout of trapped electrons using hybrid quantum systems
Alto Osada, Kento Taniguchi, Masato Shigefuji, and Atsushi Noguchi
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 033245 (2022)

Generative quantum learning of joint probability distribution functions
Elton Yechao Zhu, Sonika Johri, Dave Bacon, Mert Esencan, Jungsang Kim, Mark Muir, Nikhil Murgai, Jason Nguyen, Neal Pisenti, Adam Schouela, Ksenia Sosnova, and Ken Wright
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 043092 (2022)

Highly charged ion used in a new class of optical clock
02 November 2022

Improved bounds on Lorentz violation from composite pulse Ramsey spectroscopy in a trapped ion
Laura S. Dreissen, Chih-Han Yeh, Henning A. Fürst, Kai C. Grensemann & Tanja E. Mehlstäubler
Nature Communications volume 13, Article number: 7314 (2022)

Inline cryogenically cooled radio-frequency ion trap as a universal injector for cold ions into an electrostatic ion-beam storage ring: Probing and modeling the dynamics of rotational cooling of OH−
H. B. Pedersen, H. Juul, F. K. Mikkelsen, A. P. Rasmussen, and L. H. Andersen
Phys. Rev. A 106, 053111 (2022)

Leak-Out Spectroscopy, A Universal Method of Action Spectroscopy in Cold Ion Traps
Philipp C. Schmid, Oskar Asvany, Thomas Salomon, Sven Thorwirth, and Stephan Schlemmer
J. Phys. Chem. A, 126, 43, 8111–8117 (2022)

Mediated Interaction between Ions in Quantum Degenerate Gases
Shanshan Ding, Michael Drewsen, Jan J. Arlt, and G. M. Bruun
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 153401 (2022)

Multi-round QAOA and advanced mixers on a trapped-ion quantum computer
Yingyue Zhu, Zewen Zhang, Bhuvanesh Sundar, Alaina M Green, C Huerta Alderete, Nhung H Nguyen, Kaden R A Hazzard and Norbert M Linke
Quantum Sci. Technol. 8 015007 (2023)

Number-resolved detection of dark ions in Coulomb crystals
Fabian Schmid, Johannes Weitenberg, Jorge Moreno, Theodor W. Hänsch, Thomas Udem, and Akira Ozawa
Phys. Rev. A 106, L041101 (2022)

Resolved-sideband micromotion sensing in Yb+ on the 935 nm repump transition
Connor J. B. Goham and Joseph W. Britton
AIP Advances 12, 115315 (2022)

Scalable Quantum Logic Spectroscopy
Kaifeng Cui, Jose Valencia, Kevin T. Boyce, Ethan R. Clements, David R. Leibrandt, and David B. Hume
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 193603 (2022)

Simulating Dynamical Phases of Chiral p+ip Superconductors with a Trapped ion Magnet
Athreya Shankar, Emil A. Yuzbashyan, Victor Gurarie, Peter Zoller, John J. Bollinger, and Ana Maria Rey
PRX Quantum 3, 040324 (2022)

Testing standard-model extensions with isotope shifts in few-electron ions
V. Debierre, N. S. Oreshkina, I. A. Valuev, Z. Harman, and C. H. Keitel
Phys. Rev. A 106, 062801 (2022)

The General Purpose Ion Buncher: A radiofrequency quadrupole cooler-buncher for DESIR at SPIRAL2,
M. Gerbaux, P. Ascher, A. Husson, A. de Roubin, P. Alfaurt, M. Aouadi, B. Blank, L. Daudin, S. El Abbeir, M. Flayol, H. Guérin, S. Grévy, M. Hukkanen, B. Lachacinski, D. Lunney, S. Perard, B. Thomas.
Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A 1046 , 167631 

The randomized measurement toolbox
Andreas Elben, Steven T. Flammia, Hsin-Yuan Huang, Richard Kueng, John Preskill, Benoît Vermersch & Peter Zoller
Nature Reviews Physics (2022)

Three-laser coherent population trapping in a multi-Λ system: Theory, experiment, and applications
Nicolás A. Nuñez Barreto, Martín Drechsler, and Christian T. Schmiegelow
Phys. Rev. A 106, 053708 (2022)


A phonon laser in the quantum regime
T. Behrle, T. L. Nguyen, F. Reiter, D. Baur, B. de Neeve, M. Stadler, M. Marinelli, F. Lancellotti, S. F. Yelin, J. P. Home

Anomalous diffusion in the Long-Range Haken-Strobl-Reineker model
Alberto Catalano, Francesco Mattiotti, Jérôme Dubail, David Hagenmüller, Fabio Franchini, Guido Pupillo

Characterization of Fast Ion Transport via Position-Dependent Optical Deshelving
Craig R. Clark, Creston D. Herold, James T. Merrill, Holly N. Tinkey, Wade Rellergert, Robert Clark, Roger Brown, Wesley D. Robertson, Curtis Volin, Kara Maller, Chris Shappert, Brian J. McMahon, Brian C. Sawyer, Kenton R. Brown

Digitized-counterdiabatic quantum factorization
Narendra N. Hegade, Enrique Solano

Digitized-Counterdiabatic Quantum Algorithm for Protein Folding
Pranav Chandarana, Narendra N. Hegade, Iraitz Montalban, Enrique Solano, Xi Chen

Enhanced tripartite interactions in spin-magnon-mechanical hybrid systems
Xin-Lei Hei, Peng-Bo Li, Xue-Feng Pan, Franco Nori

Enhancing quantum computer performance via symmetrization
Andrii Maksymov, Jason Nguyen, Yunseong Nam, Igor Markov

Extraction of spin-averaged rovibrational transition frequencies in HD+
Jean-Philippe Karr, Jeroen C. J. Koelemeij

Hybrid Trapping of 87Rb Atoms and Yb+ Ions in a Chip-Based Experimental Setup
Abasalt Bahrami, Matthias Müller, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler

Individual addressing of ion qubits with counter-propagating optical frequency combs
Evgeny Anikin, Lianna A. Akopyan, Mikhail Popov, Yelnury Suleimen, Olga Lakhmanskaya, Kirill Lakhmanskiy

Laser Cooling of Trapped Ions in Strongly Inhomogeneous Magnetic Fields
Richard Karl, Yanning Yin, Stefan Willitsch

Optimal control with a multidimensional quantum invariant
Modesto Orozco-Ruiz, Selwyn Simsek, Sahra A. Kulmiya, Samuel J. Hile, Winfried K. Hensinger, Florian Mintert

Oscillating nuclear charge radii as sensors for ultralight dark matter
Abhishek Banerjee, Dmitry Budker, Melina Filzinger, Nils Huntemann, Gil Paz, Gilad Perez, Sergey Porsev, Marianna Safronova

Precisely Modeling the Potential of a Surface Electrode Ion Trap
Qingqing Qin, Ting Chen, Xinfang Zhang, Baoquan Ou, Jie Zhang, Chunwang Wu, Yi Xie, Wei Wu, Pingxing Chen

Probing The Unitarity of Quantum Evolution Through Periodic Driving
Alaina M. Green, Tanmoy Pandit, C. Huerta Alderete, Norbert M. Linke, Raam Uzdin

Quadrupole transitions and quantum gates protected by continuous dynamic decoupling
V. J. Martínez-Lahuerta, L. Pelzer, K. Dietze, L. Krinner, P. O. Schmidt, K. Hammerer

Quantum-parallel vectorized data encodings and computations on trapped-ions and transmons QPUs
Jan Balewski, Mercy G. Amankwah, Roel Van Beeumen, E. Wes Bethel, Talita Perciano, Daan Camps

Quantum teleportation with full Bell-basis detection between a 40Ca+ ion and a single photon
Elena Arenskötter, Stephan Kucera, Omar Elshehy, Max Bergerhoff, Matthias Kreis, Jürgen Eschner

Realization of Scalable Cirac-Zoller Multi-Qubit Gates
Chao Fang, Ye Wang, Ke Sun, Jungsang Kim

Spatiotemporal Quenches in Long-Range Hamiltonians
Simon Bernier, Kartiek Agarwal

Strategies for practical advantage of fault-tolerant circuit design in noisy trapped-ion quantum computers
Sascha Heußen, Lukas Postler, Manuel Rispler, Ivan Pogorelov, Christian D. Marciniak, Thomas Monz, Philipp Schindler, Markus Müller

Systematic study of tunable laser cooling for trapped-ion experiments
A. P. Kulosa, O. N. Prudnikov, D. Vadlejch, H. A. Fürst, A. A. Kirpichnikova, A. V. Taichenachev, V. I. Yudin, T. E. Mehlstäubler

Thermal bistability in laser-cooled trapped ions
Adrien Poindron, Jofre Pedregosa-Gutierrez, Caroline Champenois

Towards Improved Quantum Simulations and Sensing with Trapped 2D Ion Crystals via Parametric Amplification
Matt Affolter, Wenchao Ge, Bryce Bullock, Shaun C. Burd, Kevin A. Gilmore, Jennifer F. Lilieholm, Alison L. Carter, John J. Bollinger

Trapped ions beyond carrier and sideband interactions
T. Tassis, F. L. Semião

Trapped Ion Quantum Computing using Optical Tweezers and the Magnus Effect
M. Mazzanti, R. Gerritsma, R. J. C. Spreeuw, A. Safavi-Naini

Trapping and ground-state cooling of H+2
N. Schwegler, D. Holzapfel, M. Stadler, A. Mitjans, I. Sergachev, J. P. Home, D. Kienzler

Witnessing entanglement in trapped-ion quantum error correction under realistic noise
Andrea Rodriguez-Blanco, Farid Shahandeh, Alejandro Bermudez

ITN Newsletter – November 2022

Dear all,

ECTI will be back for a new (and hopefully real) edition in 2023: 25-29 September in a castle close to Hannover in Germany. SAVE the DATE!

Your editorial team


Short Term Scientific Missions – you can still apply !!
Mobility for young and not so young researchers, between 1 week and 3 months, the COST Action can financially support your stay. Details can be found on the website at

Applications for the IQOQI Prize Postdoctoral Fellowship in Quantum Science are open until 31 Dec 2022. Details

Rainer Blatt has been awarded the Herbert-Walther Preis 2022. Details

Discover Masatoshi Kajita’s new book “Ion Traps: A gentle introduction” published by IOP Books. Link


54 EGAS, Strasbourg/France, 18-22 June 2023 Details

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, 25-30 June 2023 Details

ICPEAC 2023 will be held in Ottawa (Canada), from July 25th to August 1st of 2023 Details

25-29 September 2023: ECTI in Schlosshotel Bückeburg close to Hannover Germany. Details soon to come

9th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology will be held on 16-20 October 2023 at Kingscliff, New South Wales, Australia. A Summer School will be associated. Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


Several PhD and postdoc positions are available in Amsterdam to develop quantum-enhanced methods for the next generation of fundamental physics tests with trapped ions. More information can be found at

2-year Post-doctoral position for the GPIB and PIPERADE setups at LP2i-Bordeaux. Details

The University of Sussex in Brighton/UK announces two vacancies: a professor of quantum optics and technology and a Lecturer/Reader in Quantum Optics and Technology

A post-doc position and a Ph.D. student position (both 4 years) on lattice optical clocks and relativistic geodesy. The activities concern the further development and subsequent operation of the strontium clock “SOC2” in the geodetic station Wettzell. During the ISS mission ACES the clock shall perform laser and microwave time transfer experiments between Wettzell and PTB Braunschweig. Details HERE. Apply to Prof. S. Schiller.

A Postdoc position is open in quantum technologies focusing on integrated microwave electronics for ion traps within the QuMIC project in the group of Christian Ospelkaus at the Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany. Details

Cold Molecular Physics Postdoc at University of Colorado/JILA, Boulder, CO. Contact Prof. Heather Lewandowski for further details.

A postdoc position to work on quantum control and isomer identification of single molecular ions in a collaboration between the University of Colorado/JILA Lewandowski group and the NIST Ion Storage group at Boulder, Colorado, USA. The position is available starting in January 2023. Please contact Heather Lewandowski or Chin-wen (James) Chou for more information.

2 PhD positions in Experimental Molecular Physics at the University of Innsbruck in the Molecular Systems group headed by Roland WesterDetails
PhD and postdoc positions are available in the group of Stefan Willitsch at the University of Basel (Switzerland) on the development of quantum technologies for single trapped molecular ions and their application in precision spectroscopy and controlled molecular and chemical dynamics. Further information can be found HERE

Postdoctoral Research Associate and PhD positions are available on quantum simulation and sensing with large beryllium ion crystals at the University of Sydney. For details please contact Robert Wolf Details are here


Please sent information about your publications to
An optical atomic clock based on a highly charged ion
Steven A. King, Lukas J. Spieß, Peter Micke, Alexander Wilzewski, Tobias Leopold, Erik Benkler, Richard Lange, Nils Huntemann, Andrey Surzhykov, Vladimir A. Yerokhin, José R. Crespo López-Urrutia & Piet O. Schmidt
Nature 2 nov 2022

Boson sampling for generalized bosons
En-Jui Kuo, Yijia Xu, Dominik Hangleiter, Andrey Grankin, and Mohammad Hafezi
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 043096 (2022)

Coherent control of a local phonon in trapped ions using dynamical decoupling
Ryutaro Ohira, Shota Kume, and Kenji Toyoda
Phys. Rev. A 106, 042603 (2022)

Crosstalk Suppression in Individually Addressed Two-Qubit Gates in a Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer
Chao Fang, Ye Wang, Shilin Huang, Kenneth R. Brown, and Jungsang Kim
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 240504 (2022)

Dynamical Hadron Formation in Long-Range Interacting Quantum Spin Chains
Joseph Vovrosh, Rick Mukherjee, Alvise Bastianello, and Johannes Knolle
PRX Quantum 3, 040309 (2022)

Effect of micromotion and local stress in quantum simulations with trapped ions in optical tweezers
Liam Bond, Lisa Lenstra, Rene Gerritsma, and Arghavan Safavi-Naini
Phys. Rev. A 106, 042612 (2022)

Entanglement between a trapped-ion qubit and a 780-nm photon via quantum frequency conversion
John Hannegan, James D. Siverns, and Qudsia Quraishi
Phys. Rev. A 106, 042441 (2022)

Entanglement-enhanced optical atomic clocks
Simone Colombo, Edwin Pedrozo-Peñafiel and Vladan Vuletić
Appl. Phys. Lett. 121, 210502 (2022)

Feasibility study on ground-state cooling and single-phonon readout of trapped electrons using hybrid quantum systems
Alto Osada, Kento Taniguchi, Masato Shigefuji, and Atsushi Noguchi
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 033245 (2022)

Generative quantum learning of joint probability distribution functions
Elton Yechao Zhu, Sonika Johri, Dave Bacon, Mert Esencan, Jungsang Kim, Mark Muir, Nikhil Murgai, Jason Nguyen, Neal Pisenti, Adam Schouela, Ksenia Sosnova, and Ken Wright
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 043092 (2022)

Highly charged ion used in a new class of optical clock
02 November 2022

Improved bounds on Lorentz violation from composite pulse Ramsey spectroscopy in a trapped ion
Laura S. Dreissen, Chih-Han Yeh, Henning A. Fürst, Kai C. Grensemann & Tanja E. Mehlstäubler
Nature Communications volume 13, Article number: 7314 (2022)

Inline cryogenically cooled radio-frequency ion trap as a universal injector for cold ions into an electrostatic ion-beam storage ring: Probing and modeling the dynamics of rotational cooling of OH−
H. B. Pedersen, H. Juul, F. K. Mikkelsen, A. P. Rasmussen, and L. H. Andersen
Phys. Rev. A 106, 053111 (2022)

Leak-Out Spectroscopy, A Universal Method of Action Spectroscopy in Cold Ion Traps
Philipp C. Schmid, Oskar Asvany, Thomas Salomon, Sven Thorwirth, and Stephan Schlemmer
J. Phys. Chem. A, 126, 43, 8111–8117 (2022)

Mediated Interaction between Ions in Quantum Degenerate Gases
Shanshan Ding, Michael Drewsen, Jan J. Arlt, and G. M. Bruun
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 153401 (2022)

Multi-round QAOA and advanced mixers on a trapped-ion quantum computer
Yingyue Zhu, Zewen Zhang, Bhuvanesh Sundar, Alaina M Green, C Huerta Alderete, Nhung H Nguyen, Kaden R A Hazzard and Norbert M Linke
Quantum Sci. Technol. 8 015007 (2023)

Number-resolved detection of dark ions in Coulomb crystals
Fabian Schmid, Johannes Weitenberg, Jorge Moreno, Theodor W. Hänsch, Thomas Udem, and Akira Ozawa
Phys. Rev. A 106, L041101 (2022)

Resolved-sideband micromotion sensing in Yb+ on the 935 nm repump transition
Connor J. B. Goham and Joseph W. Britton
AIP Advances 12, 115315 (2022)

Scalable Quantum Logic Spectroscopy
Kaifeng Cui, Jose Valencia, Kevin T. Boyce, Ethan R. Clements, David R. Leibrandt, and David B. Hume
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 193603 (2022)

Simulating Dynamical Phases of Chiral p+ip Superconductors with a Trapped ion Magnet
Athreya Shankar, Emil A. Yuzbashyan, Victor Gurarie, Peter Zoller, John J. Bollinger, and Ana Maria Rey
PRX Quantum 3, 040324 (2022)

Testing standard-model extensions with isotope shifts in few-electron ions
V. Debierre, N. S. Oreshkina, I. A. Valuev, Z. Harman, and C. H. Keitel
Phys. Rev. A 106, 062801 (2022)

The General Purpose Ion Buncher: A radiofrequency quadrupole cooler-buncher for DESIR at SPIRAL2,
M. Gerbaux, P. Ascher, A. Husson, A. de Roubin, P. Alfaurt, M. Aouadi, B. Blank, L. Daudin, S. El Abbeir, M. Flayol, H. Guérin, S. Grévy, M. Hukkanen, B. Lachacinski, D. Lunney, S. Perard, B. Thomas.
Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A 1046 , 167631 

The randomized measurement toolbox
Andreas Elben, Steven T. Flammia, Hsin-Yuan Huang, Richard Kueng, John Preskill, Benoît Vermersch & Peter Zoller
Nature Reviews Physics (2022)

Three-laser coherent population trapping in a multi-Λ system: Theory, experiment, and applications
Nicolás A. Nuñez Barreto, Martín Drechsler, and Christian T. Schmiegelow
Phys. Rev. A 106, 053708 (2022)


An exponentially-growing family of universal quantum circuits
Mohammad Kordzanganeh, Pavel Sekatski, Leonid Fedichkin, Alexey Melnikov

Bespoke Pulse Design for Robust Rapid Two-Qubit Gates with Trapped Ions
Seyed Shakib Vedaie, Eduardo J. Páez, Nhung H. Nguyen, Norbert M. Linke, Barry C. Sanders

Coherent Control of Trapped Ion Qubits with Localized Electric Fields
R. Srinivas, C. M. Löschnauer, M. Malinowski, A. C. Hughes, R. Nourshargh, V. Negnevitsky, D. T. C. Allcock, S. A. King, C. Matthiesen, T. P. Harty, C. J. Ballance

Continuous Symmetry Breaking in a Trapped-Ion Spin Chain
Lei Feng, Or Katz, Casey Haack, Mohammad Maghrebi, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Zhexuan Gong, Marko Cetina, Christopher Monroe

Injection and nucleation of topological defects in the quench dynamics of the Frenkel-Kontorova model
Oksana Chelpanova, Shane P. Kelly, Giovanna Morigi, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Jamir Marino

Manipulating growth and propagation of correlations in dipolar multilayers: From pair production to bosonic Kitaev models
Thomas Bilitewski, Ana Maria Rey

Modelling noise in global Molmer-Sorensen interactions applied to quantum approximate optimization
Phillip C. Lotshaw, Kevin D. Battles, Bryan Gard, Gilles Buchs, Travis S. Humble, Creston D. Herold

Orbital-optimized pair-correlated electron simulations on trapped-ion quantum computers
Luning Zhao, Joshua Goings, Kenneth Wright, Jason Nguyen, Jungsang Kim, Sonika Johri, Kyujin Shin, Woomin Kyoung, Johanna I. Fuks, June-Koo Kevin Rhee, Young Min Rhee

Parallel coupling of trapped ions in multiple individual wells
Artem Podlesnyy, Yelnury Suleimen, Lianna A. Akopyan, Kirill Lakhmanskiy

Photon scattering errors during stimulated Raman transitions in trapped-ion qubits
I. D. Moore, W. C. Campbell, E. R. Hudson, M. J. Boguslawski, D. J. Wineland, D. T. C. Allcock

Protecting Expressive Circuits with a Quantum Error Detection Code
Chris N. Self, Marcello Benedetti, David Amaro

Quantum error correction with metastable states of trapped ions using erasure conversion
Mingyu Kang, Wesley C. Campbell, Kenneth R. Brown

Robust quantum control for higher order coupling term in trapped ions
Jing-Bo Wang

Sideband Cooling of a Trapped Ion in Strong Sideband Coupling Regime
Shuo Zhang, Zhuo-Peng Huang, Tian-Ci Tian, Zheng-Yang Wu, Jian-Qi Zhang, Wan-Su Bao, Chu Guo

Simulating conical intersections with trapped ions
Jacob Whitlow, Zhubing Jia, Ye Wang, Chao Fang, Jungsang Kim, Kenneth R. Brown

Site-dependent control of polaritons in the Jaynes Cummings Hubbard model with trapped ions
Silpa Muralidharan, Kenji Toyoda

Three-level ion optical clocks
C. A. Holliman, M. Fan, A. M. Jayich

ITN Newsletter – October 2022

Dear all,
last chance to apply for a Short Term Scientific Mission in the frame of the COST Action. You proposal should be submitted by the end of the (civil) year. Mobility for young and not so young researchers, between 1 week and 3 months, the COST Action can financially support your stay. Details can be found on the website at
Your editorial team


The very last ! IQFA’13 colloquium “Quantum Engineering, from Fundamental Aspects to Applications”- Nov. 16-18 2022 @Palaiseau Details

54 EGAS, Strasbourg/France, 18-22 June 2023 Details

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, 25-30 June 2023 Details

ICPEAC 2023 will be held in Ottawa (Canada), from July 25th to August 1st of 2023 Details9th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology will be held on 16-20 October 2023 at Kingscliff, New South Wales, Australia. A Summer School will be associated.

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


Team leader position in precision molecular spectroscopy in ion traps (temporary, up to 6 years). Universität Düsseldorf (Germany). Contact: Prof. Stephan Schiller

A post-doc position and a Ph.D. student position (both 4 years) on lattice optical clocks and relativistic geodesy. The activities concern the further development and subsequent operation of the strontium clock “SOC2” in the geodetic station Wettzell. During the ISS mission ACES the clock shall perform laser and microwave time transfer experiments between Wettzell and PTB Braunschweig. Details HERE. Apply to Prof. S. Schiller.

A Postdoc position is open in quantum technologies focusing on integrated microwave electronics for ion traps within the QuMIC project in the group of Christian Ospelkaus at the Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany. Details

Cold Molecular Physics Postdoc at University of Colorado/JILA, Boulder, CO. Contact Prof. Heather Lewandowski for further details.

A postdoc position to work on quantum control and isomer identification of single molecular ions in a collaboration between the University of Colorado/JILA Lewandowski group and the NIST Ion Storage group at Boulder, Colorado, USA. The position is available starting in January 2023. Please contact Heather Lewandowski or Chin-wen (James) Chou for more information.

2 PhD positions in Experimental Molecular Physics at the University of Innsbruck in the Molecular Systems group headed by Roland WesterDetails
PhD and postdoc positions are available in the group of Stefan Willitsch at the University of Basel (Switzerland) on the development of quantum technologies for single trapped molecular ions and their application in precision spectroscopy and controlled molecular and chemical dynamics. Further information can be found HERE

A one-year postdoc position at Imperial College for work on robust quantum gates with trapped ions, with Prof Richard Thompson and Prof Florian Mintert at Imperial College, funded through the Oxford Quantum Computing and Simulation Hub. Details

Various postdoc positions are available at QUEST in the group of Piet Schmidt concerning related to quantum logic spectroscopy of highly charged ionsa transportable Al+ clock and on ion-based quantum computing

A postdoc position working on optical molecular clocks for new physics searches with David Hanneke at Amherst College, Massachusetts, USA. Details

A postdoc position in Waterloo, Canada, to work on the realization of multi-level qudit primitives in Ba+. Please contact Crystal Senko for more information.

A postdoc position in Waterloo, Canada, for the QuantumIon project, to work on the realization of a Ba-133 qubit register in a chip trap with individual optical controls. Please contact Crystal Senko or Rajibul Islam for more information.

Postdoctoral Research Associate and PhD positions are available on quantum simulation and sensing with large beryllium ion crystals at the University of Sydney. For details please contact Robert Wolf Details are here


Please sent information about your publications to
Coherent control of a local phonon in trapped ions using dynamical decoupling
Ryutaro Ohira, Shota Kume, and Kenji Toyoda
Phys. Rev. A 106, 042603 (2022)

Determination of the 2s22p5−2s2p6 transition energy in fluorine-like nickel utilizing a low-lying dielectronic resonance
S. X. Wang et al.
Phys. Rev. A 106, 042808 (2022)

Dynamical Hadron Formation in Long-Range Interacting Quantum Spin Chains
Joseph Vovrosh, Rick Mukherjee, Alvise Bastianello, and Johannes Knolle
PRX Quantum 3, 040309 (2022)

Effect of micromotion and local stress in quantum simulations with trapped ions in optical tweezers
Liam Bond, Lisa Lenstra, Rene Gerritsma, and Arghavan Safavi-Naini
Phys. Rev. A 106, 042612 (2022)

Entanglement between a trapped-ion qubit and a 780-nm photon via quantum frequency conversion
John Hannegan, James D. Siverns, and Qudsia Quraishi
Phys. Rev. A 106, 042441 (2022)

Experimental Single-Setting Quantum State Tomography
Roman Stricker, Michael Meth, Lukas Postler, Claire Edmunds, Chris Ferrie, Rainer Blatt, Philipp Schindler, Thomas Monz, Richard Kueng, and Martin Ringbauer
PRX Quantum 3, 040310 (2022)

Feasibility study on ground-state cooling and single-phonon readout of trapped electrons using hybrid quantum systems
Alto Osada, Kento Taniguchi, Masato Shigefuji, and Atsushi Noguchi
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 033245 (2022)

Mediated Interaction between Ions in Quantum Degenerate Gases
Shanshan Ding, Michael Drewsen, Jan J. Arlt, and G. M. Bruun
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 153401 (2022)

Number-resolved detection of dark ions in Coulomb crystals
Fabian Schmid, Johannes Weitenberg, Jorge Moreno, Theodor W. Hänsch, Thomas Udem, and Akira Ozawa
Phys. Rev. A 106, L041101 (2022)

Quantum control methods for robust entanglement of trapped ions
C H Valahu, I Apostolatos, S Weidt and W K Hensinger
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 55 204003 (2022)

Qubit-efficient simulation of thermal states with quantum tensor networks
Yuxuan Zhang, Shahin Jahanbani, Daoheng Niu, Reza Haghshenas, and Andrew C. Potter
Phys. Rev. B 106, 165126 (2022)

Second-order Doppler frequency shifts of trapped ions in a linear Paul trap
S. N. Miao, J. W. Zhang, Y. Zheng, H. R. Qin, N. C. Xin, Y. T. Chen, J. Z. Han, and L. J. Wang
Phys. Rev. A 106, 033121 (2022)


A Model without Higgs Potential for Quantum Simulation of Radiative Mass-Enhancement in SUSY Breaking
Masao Hirokawa

A Probabilistic Imaginary Time Evolution Algorithm Based on Non-unitary Quantum Circuit
Hao-Nan Xie, Shi-Jie Wei, Fan Yang, Zheng-An Wang, Chi-Tong Chen, Heng Fan, Gui-Lu Long

A telecom-wavelength quantum repeater node based on a trapped-ion processor
Victor Krutyanskiy, Marco Canteri, Martin Meraner, James Bate, Vojtech Krcmarsky, Josef Schupp, Nicolas Sangouard, Ben P. Lanyon

Angle-robust Two-Qubit Gates in a Linear Ion Crystal
Zhubing Jia, Shilin Huang, Mingyu Kang, Ke Sun, Robert F. Spivey, Jungsang Kim, Kenneth R. Brown

Autonomous quantum error correction and fault-tolerant quantum computation with squeezed cat qubits
Qian Xu, Guo Zheng, Yu-Xin Wang, Peter Zoller, Aashish A. Clerk, Liang Jiang

Classical Half-Adder using Trapped-ion Quantum Bits: Towards Energy-efficient Computation
Sagar Silva Pratapsi, Patrick H. Huber, Patrick Barthel, Sougato Bose, Christof Wunderlich, Yasser Omar

Coherent Control of Trapped Ion Qubits with Localized Electric Fields
R. Srinivas, C. M. Löschnauer, M. Malinowski, A. C. Hughes, R. Nourshargh, V. Negnevitsky, D. T. C. Allcock, S. A. King, C. Matthiesen, T. P. Harty, C. J. Ballance

Collision-Induced Dissociation at TRIUMF’s Ion Trap for Atomic and Nuclear science
A. Jacobs, C. Andreoiu, J. Bergmann, T. Brunner, T. Dickel, I. Dillmann, E. Dunling, J. Flowerdew, L. Graham, G. Gwinner, Z. Hockenbery, B. Kootte, Y. Lan, K. G. Leach, E. Leistenschneider, E. M. Lykiardopoulou, V. Monier, I. Mukul, S. F. Paul, W. R. Plaß, M. P. Reiter, C. Scheidenberger, R. Thompson, J. L Tracy, C. Will , et al. (4 additional authors not shown)

Control of an atomic quadrupole transition in a phase-stable standing wave
Alfredo Ricci Vasquez, Carmelo Mordini, Chloé Vérnière, Martin Stadler, Maciej Malinowski, Chi Zhang, Daniel Kienzler, Karan K. Mehta, Jonathan P. Home

Design and analysis of digital communication within an SoC-based control system for trapped-ion quantum computing
Nafis Irtija, Jim Plusquellic, Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou, Joshua Goldberg, Daniel Lobser, Daniel Stick

Experimental realization of a 218-ion multi-qubit quantum memory
R. Yao, W. -Q. Lian, Y. -K. Wu, G. -X. Wang, B. -W. Li, Q. -X. Mei, B. -X. Qi, L. Yao, Z. -C. Zhou, L. He, L. -M. Duan

Frequency-robust Mølmer-Sørensen gates via balanced contributions of multiple motional modes
Brandon P. Ruzic, Matthew N. H. Chow, Ashlyn D. Burch, Daniel Lobser, Melissa C. Revelle, Joshua M. Wilson, Christopher G. Yale, Susan M. Clark

High-fidelity trapped-ion qubit operations with scalable photonic modulators
Craig W. Hogle, Daniel Dominguez, Mark Dong, Andrew Leenheer, Hayden J. McGuinness, Brandon P. Ruzic, Matthew Eichenfield, Daniel Stick

Injection and nucleation of topological defects in the quench dynamics of the Frenkel-Kontorova model
Oksana Chelpanova, Shane P. Kelly, Giovanna Morigi, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Jamir Marino

Micromotion-Synchronized Pulsed Doppler Cooling of Trapped Ions
Alexander Kato, Andrei Nomerotski, Boris B. Blinov

Modular Software for Real-Time Quantum Control Systems
Leon Riesebos, Brad Bondurant, Jacob Whitlow, Junki Kim, Mark Kuzyk, Tianyi Chen, Samuel Phiri, Ye Wang, Chao Fang, Andrew Van Horn, Jungsang Kim, Kenneth R. Brown

Multi-Neutrino Entanglement and Correlations in Dense Neutrino Systems
Marc Illa, Martin J. Savage

Number-Resolved Detection of Dark Ions in Coulomb Crystals
Fabian Schmid, Johannes Weitenberg, Jorge Moreno, Theodor W. Hänsch, Thomas Udem, Akira Ozawa

Odd-odd neutron-rich rhodium isotopes studied with the double Penning trap JYFLTRAP
M. Hukkanen, W. Ryssens, P. Ascher, M. Bender, T. Eronen, S. Grévy, A. Kankainen, M. Stryjczyk, L. Al Ayoubi, S. Ayet, O. Beliuskina, C. Delafosse, W. Gins, M. Gerbaux, A. Husson, A. Jokinen, D. A. Nesterenko, I. Pohjalainen, M. Reponen, S. Rinta-Antila, A. de Roubin, A. P. Weaver

Probe field ellipticity-induced shift in an atomic clock
V. I. Yudin, A. V. Taichenachev, O. N. Prudnikov, M. Yu. Basalaev, V. G. Pal’chikov, M. von Boehn, T. E. Mehlstäubler, S. N. Bagayev

Quantum computation of dynamical quantum phase transitions and entanglement tomography in a lattice gauge theory
Niklas Mueller, Joseph A. Carolan, Andrew Connelly, Zohreh Davoudi, Eugene F. Dumitrescu, Kübra Yeter-Aydeniz

Quantum error correction with metastable states of trapped ions using erasure conversion
Mingyu Kang, Wesley C. Campbell, Kenneth R. Brown

Quantum logic control and precision measurements of molecular ions in a ring trap — a new approach for testing fundamental symmetries
Trevor N. Taylor, Joshua O. Island, Yan Zhou

Qubit-reuse compilation with mid-circuit measurement and reset
Matthew DeCross, Eli Chertkov, Megan Kohagen, Michael Foss-Feig

Realizing quantum gates with optically-addressable 171Yb+ ion qudits
M. A. Aksenov, I. V. Zalivako, I. A. Semerikov, A. S. Borisenko, N. V. Semenin, P. L. Sidorov, A. K. Fedorov, K. Yu. Khabarova, N. N. Kolachevsky

Robust Quantum Memory in a Trapped-Ion Quantum Network Node
P. Drmota, D. Main, D. P. Nadlinger, B. C. Nichol, M. A. Weber, E. M. Ainley, A. Agrawal, R. Srinivas, G. Araneda, C. J. Ballance, D. M. Lucas

Scalable Experimental Bounds for Entangled Quantum State Fidelities
Shamminuj Aktar, Andreas Bärtschi, Abdel-Hameed A. Badawy, Stephan Eidenbenz

Stabilization of ion-trap secular frequencies for a quantum phase transition study
Jie Zhang, B. T. Chow, P. C. Haljan

State Preparation in the Heisenberg Model through Adiabatic Spiraling
Anthony N. Ciavarella, Stephan Caspar, Marc Illa, Martin J. Savage

ITN Newsletter – September 2022

Dear all,
we sincerely congratulate Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser and Anton Zeilinger to the 2022 Nobel prize in physics, awarded “for experiments with entangled photons, establishing the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering quantum information science”. Hooray to the three of them !

Your editorial team


Short Term Scientific Missions – apply now !!
Mobility for young and not so young researchers, between 1 week and 3 months, the COST Action can financially support your stay. Details can be found on the website at



International Conference on “Quantum sensors and tests of new physics” October 5th-7th 2022 in Hotel Wienecke XI, Hannover (Germany). Details

Joint International Conference of IMEKO TC11 & TC24 (TC11-Technical Committee for Testing, Inspection and Certification, and TC 24-Technical Committee on Chemical Measurements) from 17-20.10.2022 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Details

2-day online workshop on “Optical clocks for international timekeeping”, which the ROCIT consortium are hosting on the 19th and 20th of October 2022 Details

The very last ! IQFA’13 colloquium “Quantum Engineering, from Fundamental Aspects to Applications”- Nov. 16-18 2022 @Palaiseau Details

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, June 2023 Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


A PhD position to make an ion trap source of cold atomic hydrogen at the University of Groningen Details

2 PhD positions in Experimental Molecular Physics at the University of Innsbruck in the Molecular Systems group headed by Roland WesterDetails
PhD and postdoc positions are available in the group of Stefan Willitsch at the University of Basel (Switzerland) on the development of quantum technologies for single trapped molecular ions and their application in precision spectroscopy and controlled molecular and chemical dynamics. Further information can be found HERE

A one-year postdoc position at Imperial College for work on robust quantum gates with trapped ions, with Prof Richard Thompson and Prof Florian Mintert at Imperial College, funded through the Oxford Quantum Computing and Simulation Hub. Details

Various postdoc positions are available at QUEST in the group of Piet Schmidt concerning related to quantum logic spectroscopy of highly charged ionsa transportable Al+ clock and on ion-based quantum computing

A postdoc position working on optical molecular clocks for new physics searches with David Hanneke at Amherst College, Massachusetts, USA. Details

A postdoc position in Waterloo, Canada, to work on the realization of multi-level qudit primitives in Ba+. Please contact Crystal Senko for more information.

A postdoc position in Waterloo, Canada, for the QuantumIon project, to work on the realization of a Ba-133 qubit register in a chip trap with individual optical controls. Please contact Crystal Senko or Rajibul Islam for more information.

A Postdoctoral Research Associate Position for molecular spectroscopy (5 years, starting from 1.10.22 or asap) is available at TU Berlin. For further details, please contact: Otto Dopfer or see details

A PhD position is open in quantum technologies focusing on the design of ion trap quantum processors in the group of Christian Ospelkaus at the Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany. Details

Postdoc position at TRIUMF in Vancouver, Canada, with the francium laser trap facility. Please contact Gerald Gwinner or check for details

A PhD position available in the field of “Numerical methods for open quantum systems with long-range interactions” with Igor Lesanowsky, Univ Tübingen, Germany. Details

Postdoctoral Research Associate and PhD positions are available on quantum simulation and sensing with large beryllium ion crystals at the University of Sydney. For details please contact Robert Wolf Details are here

You can also find different postdoc positions in frequency metrology


Please sent information about your publications to
Ab initio quantum theory of mass defect and time dilation in trapped-ion optical clocks
V. J. Martínez-Lahuerta, S. Eilers, T. E. Mehlstäubler, P. O. Schmidt, and K. Hammerer
Phys. Rev. A 106, 032803 (2022)

An elementary quantum network of entangled optical atomic clocks
B. C. Nichol, R. Srinivas, D. P. Nadlinger, P. Drmota, D. Main, G. Araneda, C. J. Ballance & D. M. Lucas
Nature volume 609, pages 689–694 (2022)

Demonstration of a quantum advantage by a joint detection receiver for optical communication using quantum belief propagation on a trapped-ion device
Conor Delaney, Kaushik P. Seshadreesan, Ian MacCormack, Alexey Galda, Saikat Guha, and Prineha Narang
Phys. Rev. A 106, 032613 (2022)

Doppler and sympathetic cooling for the investigation of short-lived radioactive ions
S. Sels, F. M. Maier, M. Au, P. Fischer, C. Kanitz, V. Lagaki, S. Lechner, E. Leistenschneider, D. Leimbach, E. M. Lykiardopoulou, A. A. Kwiatkowski, T. Manovitz, Y. N. Vila Gracia, G. Neyens, P. Plattner, S. Rothe, L. Schweikhard, M. Vilen, R. N. Wolf, and S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 033229 (2022)

High-Fidelity Ion State Detection Using Trap-Integrated Avalanche Photodiodes
David Reens, Michael Collins, Joseph Ciampi, Dave Kharas, Brian F. Aull, Kevan Donlon, Colin D. Bruzewicz, Bradley Felton, Jules Stuart, Robert J. Niffenegger, Philip Rich, Danielle Braje, Kevin K. Ryu, John Chiaverini, and Robert McConnell
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 100502 (2022)

Embedding the Yang-Lee quantum criticality in open quantum systems
Norifumi Matsumoto, Masaya Nakagawa, and Masahito Ueda
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 033250 (2022)

Experimental Demonstration of Swift Analytical Universal Control Over Nearby Transitions
Yue Li, Zhi-Cheng He, Xinxing Yuan, Mengxiang Zhang, Chang Liu, Yi-Xuan Wu, Mingdong Zhu, Xi Qin, Zheng-Yuan Xue, Yiheng Lin, and Jiangfeng Du
Phys. Rev. Applied 18, 034047 (2022)

Feasibility study on ground-state cooling and single-phonon readout of trapped electrons using hybrid quantum systems
Alto Osada, Kento Taniguchi, Masato Shigefuji, and Atsushi Noguchi
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 033245 (2022)

Fluorescence calorimetry of an ion crystal
Marvin Gajewski, Wenbing Li, Sebastian Wolf, Walter Hahn, Christoph E. Düllmann, Dmitry Budker, Giovanna Morigi, and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
Phys. Rev. A 106, 033108 (2022)

High Fidelity State Preparation and Measurement of Ion Hyperfine Qubits with I>1/2
Fangzhao Alex An, Anthony Ransford, Andrew Schaffer, Lucas R. Sletten, John Gaebler, James Hostetter, and Grahame Vittorini
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 130501 (2022)

Ion-native variational ansatz for quantum approximate optimization
Daniil Rabinovich, Soumik Adhikary, Ernesto Campos, Vishwanathan Akshay, Evgeny Anikin, Richik Sengupta, Olga Lakhmanskaya, Kirill Lakhmanskiy, and Jacob Biamonte
Phys. Rev. A 106, 032418 (2022)

Multi-round QAOA and advanced mixers on a trapped-ion quantum computer
Yingyue Zhu, Zewen Zhang, Bhuvanesh Sundar, Alaina M. Green, Cinthia Huerta Alderete, Nhung H. Nguyen, Kaden Hazzard and Norbert M Linke
2022 Quantum Sci. Technol.

Observation of Non-Markovian Spin Dynamics in a Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard Model Using a Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulator
B.-W. Li, Q.-X. Mei, Y.-K. Wu, M.-L. Cai, Y. Wang, L. Yao, Z.-C. Zhou, and L.-M. Duan
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 140501 (2022)

Quantum control methods for robust entanglement of trapped ions
C H Valahu, I Apostolatos, S Weidt and W K Hensinger
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 55 204003 (2022)

Quantum simulation and quantum computation of noisy-intermediate scale
Kai Xu, Heng Fan
Chinese Phys. B 31 100304 (2022)

Quantum simulation for topological Euler insulators
Wending Zhao, Yan-Bin Yang, Yue Jiang, Zhichao Mao, Weixuan Guo, Liyuan Qiu, Gangxi Wang, Lin Yao, Li He, Zichao Zhou, Yong Xu & Luming Duan
Communications Physics volume 5, Article number: 223 (2022)

Rescaling decoder for two-dimensional topological quantum color codes on 4.8.8 lattices
Pedro Parrado-Rodríguez, Manuel Rispler, and Markus Müller
Phys. Rev. A 106, 032431 (2022)

Second-order Doppler frequency shifts of trapped ions in a linear Paul trap
S. N. Miao, J. W. Zhang, Y. Zheng, H. R. Qin, N. C. Xin, Y. T. Chen, J. Z. Han, and L. J. Wang
Phys. Rev. A 106, 033121 (2022)

Tuning between Continuous Time Crystals and Many-Body Scars in Long-Range XYZ Spin Chains
Kieran Bull, Andrew Hallam, Zlatko Papić, and Ivar Martin
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 140602 (2022)


Black-body radiation induced photodissociation and population redistribution of weakly bound states in H+2
A. D. Ochoa Franco, M. Beyer

Demonstration of three- and four-body interactions between trapped-ion spins
Or Katz, Lei Feng, Andrew Risinger, Christopher Monroe, Marko Cetina

Design and analysis of digital communication within an SoC-based control system for trapped-ion quantum computing
Nafis Irtija, Jim Plusquellic, Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou, Joshua Goldberg, Daniel Lobser, Daniel Stick

Can quantum Rabi model with A^2-term avoid no-go theorem for spontaneous SUSY breaking?
Masao Hirokawa

Emergence of super-Poissonian light from indistinguishable single-photon emitters
A. Kovalenko, D. Babjak, A. Lešundák, L. Podhora, L. Lachman, P. Obšil, T. Pham, O. Číp, R. Filip, L. Slodička

Engineering dynamically decoupled quantum simulations with trapped ions
W. Morong, K. S. Collins, A. De, E. Stavropoulos, T. You, C. Monroe

Experimental realization of a 218-ion multi-qubit quantum memory
R. Yao, W. -Q. Lian, Y. -K. Wu, G. -X. Wang, B. -W. Li, Q. -X. Mei, B. -X. Qi, L. Yao, Z. -C. Zhou, L. He, L. -M. Duan

Experimental Implementation of an Efficient Test of Quantumness
Laura Lewis, Daiwei Zhu, Alexandru Gheorghiu, Crystal Noel, Or Katz, Bahaa Harraz, Qingfeng Wang, Andrew Risinger, Lei Feng, Debopriyo Biswas, Laird Egan, Thomas Vidick, Marko Cetina, Christopher Monroe

Experimental violation of Leggett-Garg inequality in a three-level trapped-ion system
Tianxiang Zhan, Chunwang Wu, Manchao Zhang, Qingqing Qin, Xueying Yang, Han Hu, Wenbo Su, Jie Zhang, Ting Chen, Yi Xie, Wei Wu, Pingxing Chen

Fast Ion Gates Outside the Lamb-Dicke Regime by Robust Quantum Optimal Control
Xiaodong Yang, Yiheng Lin, Yao Lu, Jun Li

High-Accuracy Determination of Paul-Trap Stability Parameters for Electric-Quadrupole-Shift Prediction
T. Lindvall, K. J. Hanhijärvi, T. Fordell, A. E. Wallin

Ion loss events in a cold Rb-Ca+ hybrid trap: photodissociation, black-body radiation and non-radiative charge exchange
Xiaodong Xing, Humberto da Silva Jr, Romain Vexiau, Nadia Bouloufa-Maafa, Stefan Willitsch, Olivier Dulieu

Leak-out Spectroscopy, a universal method of action spectroscopy in cold ion traps
Philipp C. Schmid, Oskar Asvany, Thomas Salomon, Sven Thorwirth, Stephan Schlemmer

Measurement of the Electron Magnetic Moment
X. Fan, T. G. Myers, B. A. D. Sukra, G. Gabrielse

Non-Hermitian skin effect in a single trapped ion
Ziguang Lin, Yiheng Lin, Wei Yi

On the role of entanglement in qudit-based circuit compression
Xiaoqin Gao, Paul Appel, Nicolai Friis, Martin Ringbauer, Marcus Huber

One-Electron Quantum Cyclotron as a Milli-eV Dark-Photon Detector
Xing Fan, Gerald Gabrielse, Peter W. Graham, Roni Harnik, Thomas G. Myers, Harikrishnan Ramani, Benedict A. D. Sukra, Samuel S. Y. Wong, Yawen Xiao

Portfolio Optimization via Quantum Zeno Dynamics on a Quantum Processor
Dylan Herman, Ruslan Shaydulin, Yue Sun, Shouvanik Chakrabarti, Shaohan Hu, Pierre Minssen, Arthur Rattew, Romina Yalovetzky, Marco Pistoia

Predicting molecular vibronic spectra using time-domain analog quantum simulation
Ryan J. MacDonell, Tomas Navickas, Tim F. Wohlers-Reichel, Christophe H. Valahu, Arjun D. Rao, Maverick J. Millican, Michael A. Currington, Michael J. Biercuk, Ting Rei Tan, Cornelius Hempel, Ivan Kassal

Preparations for Quantum Simulations of Quantum Chromodynamics in 1+1 Dimensions: (II) Single-Baryon β-Decay in Real Time
Roland C. Farrell, Ivan A. Chernyshev, Sarah J. M. Powell, Nikita A. Zemlevskiy, Marc Illa, Martin J. Savage

Robust Oscillator-Mediated Phase Gates Driven by Low-Intensity Pulses
I. Arrazola, J. Casanova

Rotational control of reactivity: Reaction of SiO+ ions in extreme rotational states
Sruthi Venkataramanababu, Anyang Li, Ivan Antonov, James Dragan, Patrick R. Stollenwerk, Hua Guo, Brian C. Odom

Suppressing Amplitude Damping in Trapped Ions: Discrete Weak Measurements for a Non-unitary Probabilistic Noise Filter
Andrea Rodriguez-Blanco, K. Birgitta Whaley, Alejandro Bermudez

Thermodynamics and Fluctuations in Quantum Heat Engines under Reservoir Squeezing
Yang Xiao, Dehua Liu, Jizhou He, Wu-Ming Liu, L. -L. Yan, Jianhui Wang

Trap-assisted complexes in cold atom-ion collisions
H. Hirzler, E. Trimby, R. Gerritsma, A. Safavi-Naini, J. Pérez-Ríos

Unitary matrix integrals, symmetric polynomials, and long-range random walk models
Ward L. Vleeshouwers, Vladimir Gritsev

ITN Newsletter – August 2022

Dear all,

Ion trapping just got a cousin network: LeviNet Technologies. You’re welcome to join the Levitated Optomechanics Network! It has a a newsletter of recent publications, a slack channel, and offers STSMs. More info at
Your editorial team


Short Term Scientific Missions – apply now !!
Mobility for young and not so young researchers, between 1 week and 3 months, the COST Action can financially support your stay. Details can be found on the website at



CAMEL17 in Nessebar/BG is ongoing from 30 August to 3 September. Link

Cold and Controlled Molecules and Ions (CCMI) 2022 conference will be held at Durham University in the UK from 4-9 September, 2022

13th International Workshop on Non-Neutral Plasmas (originally scheduled for 2020 and postponed due to the pandemic) to be held in Milano, Italy, September 19-22, 2022. LINK

The 8th International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics (TCP 2022) will take place in Glashütten, Germany on September 25-30, 2022.

International Conference on “Quantum sensors and tests of new physics” October 5th-7th 2022 in Hotel Wienecke XI, Hannover (Germany). Details

Joint International Conference of IMEKO TC11 & TC24 (TC11-Technical Committee for Testing, Inspection and Certification, and TC 24-Technical Committee on Chemical Measurements) from 17-20.10.2022 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Details

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, June 2023 Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


PhD and postdoc positions are available in the group of Stefan Willitsch at the University of Basel (Switzerland) on the development of quantum technologies for single trapped molecular ions and their application in precision spectroscopy and controlled molecular and chemical dynamics. Further information can be found HERE

A one-year postdoc position at Imperial College for work on robust quantum gates with trapped ions, with Prof Richard Thompson and Prof Florian Mintert at Imperial College, funded through the Oxford Quantum Computing and Simulation Hub. Details

Various postdoc positions are available at QUEST in the group of Piet Schmidt concerning related to quantum logic spectroscopy of highly charged ionsa transportable Al+ clock and on ion-based quantum computing

A postdoc position working on optical molecular clocks for new physics searches with David Hanneke at Amherst College, Massachusetts, USA. Details

A postdoc position in Waterloo, Canada, to work on the realization of multi-level qudit primitives in Ba+. Please contact Crystal Senko for more information.

A postdoc position in Waterloo, Canada, for the QuantumIon project, to work on the realization of a Ba-133 qubit register in a chip trap with individual optical controls. Please contact Crystal Senko or Rajibul Islam for more information.

A Postdoctoral Research Associate Position for molecular spectroscopy (5 years, starting from 1.10.22 or asap) is available at TU Berlin. For further details, please contact: Otto Dopfer or see details

A PhD position is open in quantum technologies focusing on the design of ion trap quantum processors in the group of Christian Ospelkaus at the Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany. Details
Postdoc position at TRIUMF in Vancouver, Canada, with the francium laser trap facility. Please contact Gerald Gwinner or check for details

A PhD position available in the field of “Numerical methods for open quantum systems with long-range interactions” with Igor Lesanowsky, Univ Tübingen, Germany. Details

Postdoctoral Research Associate and PhD positions are available on quantum simulation and sensing with large beryllium ion crystals at the University of Sydney. For details please contact Robert Wolf Details are here

A postdoctoral position is available in the positron group (, Physics Department, University of California San Diego, to study vortex dynamics in trapped electron plasmas. Please contact Cliff Surko for further details.

A postdoctoral position is available at the University of Liverpool to work on cold and controlled ion-radical collisions. Please contact Brianna Heazlewood for further details.

A postdoc position in Birmingham to work on the realisation of a system for cooling and trapping highly charged ions of Californium. Details or contact Giovanni Barontini

A “junior professor” position (chaire de professeur junior) is opening at ENSMM and FEMTO-ST. It is a 5-year tenure track position leading to a University professor position. The profile is available here (in French), please contact for any question.

PhD position at Imperial College London to develop tabletop dark matter detectors using quantum sensorsDetails

PhD position at University of Sussex in Cavity-QED with multi-species ion crystals in the group of M. Keller. Details

Postdoc position in the Swansea team at CERN at the ALPHA antihydrogen experiment. Details

You can also find different postdoc positions in frequency metrology


Please sent information about your publications to
A universal qudit quantum processor with trapped ions
Martin Ringbauer, Michael Meth, Lukas Postler, Roman Stricker, Rainer Blatt, Philipp Schindler & Thomas Monz
Nature Physics (2022)

An injection-locked 1762 nm laser for trapped barium ion qubits
Tarun Dutta
Applied Physics B volume 128, Article number: 136 (2022)

Characterizing Quantum Instruments: From Nondemolition Measurements to Quantum Error Correction
Roman Stricker, Davide Vodola, Alexander Erhard, Lukas Postler, Michael Meth, Martin Ringbauer, Philipp Schindler, Rainer Blatt, Markus Müller, and Thomas Monz
PRX Quantum 3, 030318 (2022)

Determination of Multimode Motional Quantum States in a Trapped Ion System
Zhubing Jia, Ye Wang, Bichen Zhang, Jacob Whitlow, Chao Fang, Jungsang Kim, and Kenneth R. Brown
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 103602 (2022)

Digital quantum simulation, learning of the Floquet Hamiltonian, and quantum chaos of the kicked top
Tobias Olsacher, Lorenzo Pastori, Christian Kokail, Lukas M Sieberer and Peter Zoller
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 55 334003 (2022)

Direct measurement of the 3He+ magnetic moments
A. Schneider, B. Sikora, S. Dickopf, M. Müller, N. S. Oreshkina, A. Rischka, I. A. Valuev, S. Ulmer, J. Walz, Z. Harman, C. H. Keitel, A. Mooser & K. Blaum
Nature volume 606, pages 878–883 (2022)

Dynamical topological phase realized in a trapped-ion quantum simulator
Philipp T. Dumitrescu, Justin G. Bohnet, John P. Gaebler, Aaron Hankin, David Hayes, Ajesh Kumar, Brian Neyenhuis, Romain Vasseur & Andrew C. Potter
Nature volume 607, pages463–467 (2022)

Effects of rotating magnetic island on the transport of trapped fast ions
Jianhua Zhao, Jinjia Cao, Dong Xiang, Yongzhi Dai, Junhui Yang and Wenjun Yang
Physics of Plasmas 29, 082502 (2022)

Experimental quantum key distribution certified by Bell’s theorem
D. P. Nadlinger, P. Drmota, B. C. Nichol, G. Araneda, D. Main, R. Srinivas, D. M. Lucas, C. J. Ballance, K. Ivanov, E. Y.-Z. Tan, P. Sekatski, R. L. Urbanke, R. Renner, N. Sangouard & J.-D. Bancal
Nature volume 607, pages682–686 (2022)

Evaluation of the systematic shifts of a 40Ca+–27Al+ optical clock
Kaifeng Cui, Sijia Chao, Chenglong Sun, Shaomao Wang, Ping Zhang, Yuanfei Wei, Jinbo Yuan, Jian Cao, Hualin Shu & Xueren Huang
The European Physical Journal D volume 76, Article number: 140 (2022)

Fast multi-qubit global-entangling gates without individual addressing of trapped ions
Kaizhao Wang, Jing-Fan Yu, Pengfei Wang, Chunyang Luan, Jing-Ning Zhang and Kihwan Kim
Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 044005 (2022)

Generating tensor-network states via combination of phonons and qubits in a trapped-ion platform
Si-Jing Tao, Hao-Qing Zhang, Hao Zhang, Zhe Chen, Ran He, Shao-Jun Dong, Yong-Jian Han, Chuan-Feng Li, and Guang-Can Guo
Phys. Rev. A 106, 032403 (2022)

High-Fidelity Ion State Detection Using Trap-Integrated Avalanche Photodiodes
David Reens, Michael Collins, Joseph Ciampi, Dave Kharas, Brian F. Aull, Kevan Donlon, Colin D. Bruzewicz, Bradley Felton, Jules Stuart, Robert J. Niffenegger, Philip Rich, Danielle Braje, Kevin K. Ryu, John Chiaverini, and Robert McConnell
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 100502 (2022)

High frequency properties of a planar ion trap fabricated on a chip
A. J. Uribe, A. Cridland Mathad, J. H. Lacy, J. Pinder, R. Willetts and J. Verdú
Review of Scientific Instruments 93, 083202 (2022)

Holographic dynamics simulations with a trapped-ion quantum computer
Eli Chertkov, Justin Bohnet, David Francois, John Gaebler, Dan Gresh, Aaron Hankin, Kenny Lee, David Hayes, Brian Neyenhuis, Russell Stutz, Andrew C. Potter & Michael Foss-Feig
Nature Physics (2022)

Holographic Simulation of Correlated Electrons on a Trapped-Ion Quantum Processor
Daoheng Niu, Reza Haghshenas, Yuxuan Zhang, Michael Foss-Feig, Garnet Kin-Lic Chan, and Andrew C. Potter
PRX Quantum 3, 030317 (2022)

Ion trap frequency measurement from fluorescence dynamics
K. Saito, R. Saito and T. Mukaiyama
Journal of Applied Physics 132, 094401 (2022)

N-Body Interactions between Trapped Ion Qubits via Spin-Dependent Squeezing
Or Katz, Marko Cetina, and Christopher Monroe
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 063603 (2022)

Optimal simulation of quantum dynamics
Luca Tagliacozzo
Nature Physics (2022)

Picosecond ion-qubit manipulation and spin-phonon entanglement with resonant laser pulses
W.-X. Guo, Y.-K. Wu, Y.-Y. Huang, L. Feng, C.-X. Huang, H.-X. Yang, J.-Y. Ma, L. Yao, Z.-C. Zhou, and L.-M. Duan
Phys. Rev. A 106, 022608 (2022)

Quantum control methods for robust entanglement of trapped ions
Christophe Henri Valahu, Iason Apostolatos, Sebastian Weidt and Winfried Hensinger
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. (2022)

Quantum entanglement provides a key to improved security
Krister Shalm
Nature NEWS AND VIEWS     27 July 2022

Realizing coherently convertible dual-type qubits with the same ion species
H.-X. Yang, J.-Y. Ma, Y.-K. Wu, Y. Wang, M.-M. Cao, W.-X. Guo, Y.-Y. Huang, L. Feng, Z.-C. Zhou & L.-M. Duan
Nature Physics (2022)

Sculpting bosonic states with arithmetic subtractions
Lin Htoo Zaw, Zakarya Lasmar, Chi-Huan Nguyen, Ko-Wei Tseng, Dzmitry Matsukevich, Dagomir Kaszlikowski and Valerio Scarani
New J. Phys. 24 083023 (2022)

Spectroscopy and ion thermometry of C2− using laser-cooling transitions
Markus Nötzold, Robert Wild, Christine Lochmann, and Roland Wester
Phys. Rev. A 106, 023111 (2022)

Surface-Induced Decoherence and Heating of Charged Particles
Lukas Martinetz, Klaus Hornberger, and Benjamin A. Stickler
PRX Quantum 3, 030327 (2022)

The expanding role of National Metrology Institutes in the quantum era
Alexander Tzalenchuk, Nicolas Spethmann, Tim Prior, Jay H. Hendricks, Yijie Pan, Vladimir Bubanja, Guilherme P. Temporão, Dai-Hyuk Yu, Damir Ilić & Barbara L. Goldstein
Nature Physics volume 18, pages724–727 (2022)

Two qubits for the price of one ion
Cornelius Hempel
Nature Physics (2022)

Unified approach to the nonlinear Rabi models
Liwei Duan
New J. Phys. 24 083045 (2022)


Automated Generation of Shuttling Sequences for a Linear Segmented Ion Trap Quantum Computer
Jonathan Durandau, Janis Wagner, Frédéric Mailhot, Charles-Antoine Brunet, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Ulrich Poschinger, Yves Bérubé-Lauzière

A Coupled-Oscillators Model to Analyze the Interaction between a Quartz Resonator and Trapped Ions
Emilio Altozano, Joaquín Berrocal, Steffen Lohse, Francisco Domínguez, Michael Block, Juan José García-Ripoll, Daniel Rodríguez

Batching Circuits to Reduce Compilation in Quantum Control Hardware
Ashlyn D. Burch, Daniel S. Lobser, Christopher G. Yale, Jay W. Van Der Wall, Oliver G. Maupin, Joshua D. Goldberg, Matthew N. H. Chow, Melissa C. Revelle, Susan M. Clark

Continuous Raman sideband cooling beyond the Lamb-Dicke Regime in a trapped ion chain
Qiming Wu, Yue Shi, Jiehang Zhang

Cryogenic ion trap system for high-fidelity near-field microwave-driven quantum logic
M. A. Weber, C. Löschnauer, J. Wolf, M. F. Gely, R. K. Hanley, J. F. Goodwin, C. J. Ballance, T. P. Harty, D. M. Lucas

Demonstration of multi-time quantum statistics without measurement back-action
Pengfei Wang, Hyukjoon Kwon, Chun-Yang Luan, Wentao Chen, Mu Qiao, Zinan Zhou, Kaizhao Wang, M. S. Kim, Kihwan Kim

Detection of DC electric forces with zeptonewton sensitivity by single-ion phonon laser
Ya-Qi Wei, Ying-Zheng Wang, Zhi-Chao Liu, Tai-Hao Cui, Liang Chen, Ji Li, Shuang-Qin Dai, Fei Zhou, Mang Feng

Engineering steady entanglement for trapped ions at finite temperature by dissipation
Xiao-Qiang Shao

Entanglement between a trapped ion qubit and a 780-nm photon via quantum frequency conversion
John Hannegan, James D. Siverns, Qudsia Quraishi

Entanglement of trapped-ion qubits separated by 230 meters
V. Krutyanskiy, M. Galli, V. Krcmarsky, S. Baier, D. A. Fioretto, Y. Pu, A. Mazloom, P. Sekatski, M. Canteri, M. Teller, J. Schupp, J. Bate, M. Meraner, N. Sangouard, B. P. Lanyon, T. E. Northup

Excitation and probing of low-energy nuclear states at high-energy storage rings
Junlan Jin, Hendrik Bekker, Tobias Kirschbaum, Yuri A. Litvinov, Adriana Pálffy, Jonas Sommerfeldt, Andrey Surzhykov, Peter G. Thirolf, Dmitry Budker

Exploring the scaling limitations of the variational quantum eigensolver with the bond dissociation of hydride diatomic molecules
Jacob M. Clary, Eric B. Jones, Derek Vigil-Fowler, Christopher Chang, Peter Graf

High-Accuracy Determination of Paul-Trap Stability Parameters for Electric-Quadrupole-Shift Prediction
T. Lindvall, K. J. Hanhijärvi, T. Fordell, A. E. Wallin

Hyperfine-structure-resolved laser spectroscopy of many-electron highly charged ions
Naoki Kimura, Priti, Yasutaka Kono, Pativate Pipatpakorn, Keigo Soutome, Naoki Numadate, Susuma Kuma, Toshiyuki Azuma, Nobuyuki Nakamura

Identification of a potential ultra-low Q value electron capture decay branch in 75Se via a precise Penning trap measurement of the mass of 75As
M. Horana Gamage, R. Bhandari, G. Bollen, N. D. Gamage, A. Hamaker, D. Puentes, M. Redshaw, R. Ringle, S. Schwarz, C. S. Sumithrarachchi, I. Yandow

Implementing Fault-tolerant Entangling Gates on the Five-qubit Code and the Color Code
C. Ryan-Anderson, N. C. Brown, M. S. Allman, B. Arkin, G. Asa-Attuah, C. Baldwin, J. Berg, J. G. Bohnet, S. Braxton, N. Burdick, J. P. Campora, A. Chernoguzov, J. Esposito, B. Evans, D. Francois, J. P. Gaebler, T. M. Gatterman, J. Gerber, K. Gilmore, D. Gresh, A. Hall, A. Hankin, J. Hostetter, D. Lucchetti, K. Mayer , et al. (12 additional authors not shown)

Integrating a fiber cavity into a wheel trap for strong ion-cavity coupling
Markus Teller, Viktor Messerer, Klemens Schüppert, Yueyang Zou, Dario A. Fioretto, Maria Galli, Philip C. Holz, Jakob Reichel, Tracy E. Northup

Ion trap with gold-plated alumina: substrate and surface characterization
Myunghun Kim, Keumhyun Kim, Jungsoo Hong, Hyegoo Lee, Youngil Moon, Wonchan Lee, Sehyun Kim, Taekyun Ha, Jae-Yoon Sim, Moonjoo Lee

Learning Quantum Systems
Valentin Gebhart, Raffaele Santagati, Antonio Andrea Gentile, Erik Gauger, David Craig, Natalia Ares, Leonardo Banchi, Florian Marquardt, Luca Pezze’, Cristian Bonato

Measurement-based ground state cooling of a trapped ion oscillator
Chungsun Lee, Simon C. Webster, Jacopo Mosca Toba, Ollie Corfield, George Porter, Richard C. Thompson

Non-Gaussian entanglement via splitting of a few thermal quanta
Pradip Laha, Darren W. Moore, Radim Filip

Observation of trap-assisted formation of atom-ion bound states
Meirav Pinkas, Or Katz, Jonathan Wengrowicz, Nitzan Akerman, Roee Ozeri

Para-particle oscillator simulations on a trapped ion quantum computer
C. Huerta Alderete, Alaina M. Green, Nhung H. Nguyen, Yingyue Zhu, Norbert M. Linke, B. M. Rodríguez-Lara

Performant coherent control: bridging the gap between high- and low-level operations on hardware
Daniel Lobser, Jay Van Der Wall, Joshua Goldberg

Periodic Plane-Wave Electronic Structure Calculations on Quantum Computers
Duo Song, Nicholas P. Bauman, Guen Prawiroatmodjo, Bo Peng, Cassandra Granade, Kevin M. Rosso, Guang Hao Low, Martin Roetteler, Karol Kowalski, Eric J. Bylaska

Probing critical behavior of long-range transverse-field Ising model through quantum Kibble-Zurek mechanism
B. -W. Li, Y. -K. Wu, Q. -X. Mei, R. Yao, W. -Q. Lian, M. -L. Cai, Y. Wang, B. -X. Qi, L. Yao, L. He, Z. -C. Zhou, L. -M. Duan

Probing coherent quantum thermodynamics using a trapped ion
O. Onishchenko, G. Guarnieri, P. Rosillo-Rodes, D. Pijn, J. Hilder, U. G. Poschinger, M. Perarnau-Llobet, J. Eisert, F. Schmidt-Kaler

Programmable N-body interactions with trapped ions
Or Katz, Marko Cetina, Christopher Monroe

Programmable quantum simulations of bosonic systems with trapped ions
Or Katz, Christopher Monroe

Quantum Circuit Compiler for a Shuttling-Based Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer
Fabian Kreppel, Christian Melzer, Janis Wagner, Janine Hilder, Ulrich Poschinger, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, André Brinkmann

Quantum Synchronization in quadratically coupled quantum van der Pol oscillators
Niss Thomas, M. Senthilvelan

Realizing two-qubit gates through mode engineering on a trapped-ion quantum computer
Ming Li, Nhung H. Nguyen, Alaina M. Green, Jason Amini, Norbert M. Linke, Yunseong Nam

Reconstructing complex states of a 20-qubit quantum simulator
Murali K. Kurmapu, V. V. Tiunova, E. S. Tiunov, Martin Ringbauer, Christine Maier, Rainer Blatt, Thomas Monz, Aleksey K. Fedorov, A. I. Lvovsky

Robust two-qubit trapped ions gates using spin-dependent squeezing
Yotam Shapira, Sapir Cohen, Nitzan Akerman, Ady Stern, Roee Ozeri

Robust Two-Qubit Gates Using Pulsed Dynamical Decoupling
Patrick Barthel, Patrick H. Huber, Jorge Casanova, Iñigo Arrazola, Dorna Niroomand, Theeraphot Sriarunothai, Martin B. Plenio, Christof Wunderlich

Rotational spectroscopy of a single molecular ion at sub part-per-trillion resolution
Alejandra L. Collopy, Julian Schmidt, Dietrich Leibfried, David R. Leibrandt, Chin-Wen Chou

Rydberg ions in coherent motional states: A new method for determining the polarizability of Rydberg ions
Marie Niederländer, Jonas Vogel, Alexander Schulze-Makuch, Bastien Gély, Arezoo Mokhberi, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler

Scalable and Programmable Phononic Network with Trapped Ions
Wentao Chen, Yao Lu, Shuaining Zhang, Kuan Zhang, Guanhao Huang, Mu Qiao, Xiaolu Su, Jialiang Zhang, Jingning Zhang, Leonardo Banchi, M. S. Kim, Kihwan Kim

Scalable quantum logic spectroscopy
Kaifeng Cui, Jose Valencia, Kevin T. Boyce, David R. Leibrandt, David B. Hume

Synthesis of cold and trappable fully stripped HCI’s via antiproton-induced nuclear fragmentation in traps
G. Kornakov, G. Cerchiari, J. Zieliński, L. Lappo, G. Sadowski, M. Doser

Synthesizing a σ^z spin-dependent force for optical, metastable, and ground state trapped-ion qubits
O. Băzăvan, S. Saner, M. Minder, A. C. Hughes, R. T. Sutherland, D. M. Lucas, R. Srinivas, C. J. Ballance

The effect of fast noise on the fidelity of trapped-ions quantum gates
Haim Nakav, Ran Finkelstein, Lee Peleg, Nitzan Akerman, Roee Ozeri

Trapped Ions as an Architecture for Quantum Computing
Gabriel P. L. M. Fernandes, Alexandre C. Ricardo, Fernando R. Cardoso, Celso J. Villas-Boas

Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulation of Collective Neutrino Oscillations
Valentina Amitrano, Alessandro Roggero, Piero Luchi, Francesco Turro, Luca Vespucci, Francesco Pederiva

tqix.pis: A toolbox for large-scale quantum simulation platforms
Nguyen Tan Viet, Nguyen Thi Chuong, Vu Thi Ngoc Huyen, Le Bin Ho

Verification of the Quantum Jarzynski Equality on Digital Quantum Computers
Dominik Hahn, Maxime Dupont, Markus Schmitt, David J. Luitz, Marin Bukov

Walking with the atoms in a chemical bond : A perspective using quantum phase transition
Sabre Kais

ITN Newsletter – June 2022

Dear all,

there has been an extension of the COST Action for 6 months. So to all of you who always wanted to apply for an STSM but were always too late: this is your chance !

There is a change in dates for NACTI this summer: 1-4 August 2022.

The newsletter is on holiday and will only return at the end of August. Have a nice summer.
Your editorial team


Short Term Scientific Missions – apply now !!
Mobility for young and not so young researchers, between 1 week and 3 months, the COST Action can financially support your stay. Details can be found on the website at



QCMC, the International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement, and Computing, will finally take place in July in Lisbon after a two-year delay: 11-15 July 2022. Details.

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) in Toronto, Canada, 17-22 July 2022 LINK Registration is OPEN!

Nacti 2022 will be held from 1-4 August at Duke University. Registration details coming soon. LINK

Cold and Controlled Molecules and Ions (CCMI) 2022 conference will be held at Durham University in the UK from 4-9 September, 2022

13th International Workshop on Non-Neutral Plasmas (originally scheduled for 2020 and postponed due to the pandemic) to be held in Milano, Italy, September 19-22, 2022. LINK

The 8th International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics (TCP 2022) will take place in Glashütten, Germany on September 25-30, 2022.

International Conference on “Quantum sensors and tests of new physics” October 5th-7th 2022 in Hotel Wienecke XI, Hannover (Germany). Details

Joint International Conference of IMEKO TC11 & TC24 (TC11-Technical Committee for Testing, Inspection and Certification, and TC 24-Technical Committee on Chemical Measurements) from 17-20.10.2022 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Details

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, June 2023

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


A postdoc position in Waterloo, Canada, to work on the realization of multi-level qudit primitives in Ba+. Please contact Crystal Senko for more information.

A postdoc position in Waterloo, Canada, for the QuantumIon project, to work on the realization of a Ba-133 qubit register in a chip trap with individual optical controls. Please contact Crystal Senko or Rajibul Islam for more information.

A PhD position is open in quantum technologies focusing on the design of ion trap quantum processors in the group of Christian Ospelkaus at the Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany. Details

Postdoc position at TRIUMF in Vancouver, Canada, with the francium laser trap facility. Please contact Gerald Gwinner or check for details

A PhD position available in the field of “Numerical methods for open quantum systems with long-range interactions” with Igor Lesanowsky, Univ Tübingen, Germany. Details

Postdoctoral Research Associate and PhD positions are available on quantum simulation and sensing with large beryllium ion crystals at the University of Sydney. For details please contact Robert Wolf Details are here

A postdoctoral position is available in the positron group (, Physics Department, University of California San Diego, to study vortex dynamics in trapped electron plasmas. Please contact Cliff Surko for further details.

A postdoctoral position is available at the University of Liverpool to work on cold and controlled ion-radical collisions. Please contact Brianna Heazlewood for further details.

A postdoc position in Birmingham to work on the realisation of a system for cooling and trapping highly charged ions of Californium. Details or contact Giovanni Barontini

A “junior professor” position (chaire de professeur junior) is opening at ENSMM and FEMTO-ST. It is a 5-year tenure track position leading to a University professor position. The profile is available here (in French), please contact for any question.

PhD position at Imperial College London to develop tabletop dark matter detectors using quantum sensorsDetails

PhD position at University of Sussex in Cavity-QED with multi-species ion crystals in the group of M. Keller. Details

Postdoc position in the Swansea team at CERN at the ALPHA antihydrogen experiment. Details

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent information about your publications to
A deterministic single ion fountain
Felix Stopp, Henri Lehec and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 034002 (2022)

Changes in electric field noise due to thermal transformation of a surface ion trap
Maya Berlin-Udi, Clemens Matthiesen, P. N. Thomas Lloyd, Alberto M. Alonso, Crystal Noel, Benjamin Saarel, Christine A. Orme, Chang-Eun Kim, Art J. Nelson, Keith G. Ray, Vincenzo Lordi, and Hartmut Häffner
Phys. Rev. B 106, 035409 (2022)

Characterizing topological excitations of a long-range Heisenberg model with trapped ions
Stefan Birnkammer, Annabelle Bohrdt, Fabian Grusdt, and Michael Knap
Phys. Rev. B 105, L241103 (2022)

Closed-loop optimization of fast trapped-ion shuttling with sub-quanta excitation
Jonathan D. Sterk, Henry Coakley, Joshua Goldberg, Vincent Hietala, Jason Lechtenberg, Hayden McGuinness, Daniel McMurtrey, L. Paul Parazzoli, Jay Van Der Wall & Daniel Stick
npj Quantum Information volume 8, Article number: 68 (2022)

Engineering an effective three-spin Hamiltonian in trapped-ion systems for applications in quantum simulation
Bárbara Andrade, Zohreh Davoudi, Tobias Graß, Mohammad Hafezi, Guido Pagano and Alireza Seif
Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 034001 (2022)

Experimental Bayesian Calibration of Trapped-Ion Entangling Operations
Lukas Gerster, Fernando Martínez-García, Pavel Hrmo, Martin W. van Mourik, Benjamin Wilhelm, Davide Vodola, Markus Müller, Rainer Blatt, Philipp Schindler, and Thomas Monz
PRX Quantum 3, 020350 (2022)

Fabrication of surface ion traps with integrated current carrying wires enabling high magnetic field gradients
Martin Siegele-Brown, Seokjun Hong, Foni Raphaël Lebrun-Gallagher, Samuel James Hile, Sebastian Weidt and Winfried Karl Hensinger
Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 034003 (2022)

High efficiency focusing double-etched SiN grating coupler for trapped ion qubit manipulation
Mizuki Shirao, Daniel Klawson, Sara Mouradian and Ming C. Wu
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 61 SK1002 (2022)

High-intensity laser experiments with highly charged ions in a Penning trap
S Ringleb, M Kiffer, N Stallkamp, S Kumar, J Hofbrucker, B Reich, B Arndt, G Brenner, M Ruiz-Lopéz, S Düsterer, Show full author list
Phys. Scr. 97 084002 (2022)

Homonuclear ion-atom collisions: Application to Li+−Li
N. Joshi, M. Niranjan, A. Pandey, Olivier Dulieu, Robin Côté, and S. A. Rangwala
Phys. Rev. A 105, 063311 (2022)

Industrially microfabricated ion trap with 1 eV trap depth
S Auchter, C Axline, C Decaroli, M Valentini, L Purwin, R Oswald, R Matt, E Aschauer, Y Colombe, P Holz, T Monz, R Blatt, P Schindler, C Rössler and J Home
Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 035015 (2022)

Limits on atomic qubit control from laser noise
Matthew L. Day, Pei Jiang Low, Brendan White, Rajibul Islam & Crystal Senko
npj Quantum Information volume 8, Article number: 72 (2022)

Long-Range Ising Interactions Mediated by λϕ4 Fields: Probing the Renormalization of Sound in Crystals of Trapped Ions
G. Martín-Vázquez, G. Aarts, M. Müller, and A. Bermudez
PRX Quantum 3, 020352 (2022)

Low-overhead fault-tolerant quantum computing using long-range connectivity
SCIENCE ADVANCES 20 May 2022, Vol 8, Issue 20 (2022)

Measurement of the bound-electron g-factor difference in coupled ions
Tim Sailer, Vincent Debierre, Zoltán Harman, Fabian Heiße, Charlotte König, Jonathan Morgner, Bingsheng Tu, Andrey V. Volotka, Christoph H. Keitel, Klaus Blaum & Sven Sturm
Nature volume 606, pages 479–483 (2022)

Mirror Image Pinpoints a Nanoparticle’s Position
Rachel Berkowitz
June 28, 2022• Physics 15, s89 (2022)

Numerical optimization of amplitude-modulated pulses in microwave-driven entanglement generation
M Duwe, G Zarantonello, N Pulido-Mateo, H Mendpara, L Krinner, A Bautista-Salvador, N V Vitanov, K Hammerer, R F Werner and C Ospelkaus
Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 045005 (2022)

Observation of supersymmetry and its spontaneous breaking in a trapped ion quantum simulator
M.-L. Cai, Y.-K. Wu, Q.-X. Mei, W.-D. Zhao, Y. Jiang, L. Yao, L. He, Z.-C. Zhou & L.-M. Duan
Nature Communications volume 13, Article number: 3412 (2022)

Optimization and implementation of a surface-electrode ion trap junction
Chi Zhang, Karan Mehta and Jonathan P Home
New J. Phys. (2022)

Parallel Electromagnetically Induced Transparency near Ground-State Cooling of a Trapped-Ion Crystal
Jie Zhang, Man-Chao Zhang, Yi Xie, Chun-Wang Wu, Bao-Quan Ou, Ting Chen, Wan-Su Bao, Paul Haljan, Wei Wu, Shuo Zhang, and Ping-Xing Chen
Phys. Rev. Applied 18, 014022 (2022)

Position Measurement of a Levitated Nanoparticle via Interference with Its Mirror Image
Lorenzo Dania, Katharina Heidegger, Dmitry S. Bykov, Giovanni Cerchiari, Gabriel Araneda, and Tracy E. Northup
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 013601 (2022)

Quantum Non-Gaussianity of Multiphonon States of a Single Atom
L. Podhora, L. Lachman, T. Pham, A. Lešundák, O. Číp, L. Slodička, and R. Filip
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 013602 (2022)

Quantum Technologies Need a Quantum Energy Initiative
Alexia Auffèves
PRX Quantum 3, 020101 (2022

Robust polarization gradient cooling of trapped ions
Wenbing Li, Sebastian Wolf, Lukas Klein, Dmitry Budker, Christoph E Düllmann and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
New J. Phys. 24 043028 (2022)

Single-qubit universal classifier implemented on an ion-trap quantum device
Tarun Dutta, Adrián Pérez-Salinas, Jasper Phua Sing Cheng, José Ignacio Latorre, and Manas Mukherjee
Phys. Rev. A 106, 012411 (2022)

Tensor-network discriminator architecture for classification of quantum data on quantum computers
Michael L. Wall, Paraj Titum, Gregory Quiroz, Michael Foss-Feig, and Kaden R. A. Hazzard
Phys. Rev. A 105, 062439 (2022)

Tiny isotopic difference tests standard model of particle physics
Gerald Gwinner & Roshani Silwal
15 June 2022

Unresolved sideband photon recoil spectroscopy of molecular ions
Emilie H. Clausen, Vincent Jarlaud, Karin Fisher, Steffen Meyer, Cyrille Solaro, and Michael Drewsen
Phys. Rev. A 105, 063709 (2022)


Backend compiler phases for trapped-ion quantum computers
Tobias Schmale, Bence Temesi, Alakesh Baishya, Nicolas Pulido-Mateo, Ludwig Krinner, Timko Dubielzig, Christian Ospelkaus, Hendrik Weimer, Daniel Borcherding

Coherent states for trapped ions. Applications in quantum optics and precision measurements
Bogdan M. Mihalcea

Coherent transfer of the transverse momentum of an optical vortex beam to the motion of a single trapped ion
Felix Stopp, Maurizio Verde, Milton Katz, Martin Drechsler, Christian T. Schmiegelow, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler

Constrained Quantum Optimization for Extractive Summarization on a Trapped-ion Quantum Computer
Pradeep Niroula, Ruslan Shaydulin, Romina Yalovetzky, Pierre Minssen, Dylan Herman, Shaohan Hu, Marco Pistoia

Copula-based Risk Aggregation with Trapped Ion Quantum Computers
Daiwei Zhu, Weiwei Shen, Annarita Giani, Saikat Ray Majumder, Bogdan Neculaes, Sonika Johri

Crosstalk Suppression in Individually Addressed Two-Qubit Gates in a Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer
Chao Fang, Ye Wang, Shilin Huang, Kenneth R. Brown, Jungsang Kim

Designing Filter Functions of Frequency-Modulated Pulses for High-Fidelity Two-Qubit Gates in Ion chains
Mingyu Kang, Ye Wang, Chao Fang, Bichen Zhang, Omid Khosravani, Jungsang Kim, Kenneth R. Brown

Efficient motional-mode characterization for high-fidelity trapped-ion quantum computing
Mingyu Kang, Qiyao Liang, Ming Li, Yunseong Nam

Experimental single-setting quantum state tomography
Roman Stricker, Michael Meth, Lukas Postler, Claire Edmunds, Chris Ferrie, Rainer Blatt, Philipp Schindler, Thomas Monz, Richard Kueng, Martin Ringbauer

Fast and high-yield fabrication of axially symmetric ion-trap needle electrodes via two step electrochemical etching
Nikhil Kotibhaskar, Noah Greenberg, Sainath Motlakunta, Chung-You Shih, Rajibul Islam

Geometries and fabrication methods for 3D printing ion traps
A. Quinn, M. Brown, T. J. Gardner, D. T. C. Allcock

Heating rate measurement and characterization of a prototype surface-electrode trap for optical frequency metrology
Thomas Lauprêtre, Bachir Achi, Lucas Groult, Yann Kersalé, Marion Delehaye, Moustafa Abdel Hafiz, Clément Lacroûte

Ion Trap Long-Range XY Model for Quantum State Transfer and Optimal Spatial Search
Dylan Lewis, Leonardo Banchi, Yi Hong Teoh, Rajibul Islam, Sougato Bose

Individual addressing of trapped ion qubits with geometric phase gates
R. T. Sutherland, R. Srinivas, D. T. C. Allcock

Laser-Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy (LIFS) of Trapped Molecular Ions in Gas-phase
Hemanth Dinesan, S. Sunil Kumar

Learning Quantum Systems
Valentin Gebhart, Raffaele Santagati, Antonio Andrea Gentile, Erik Gauger, David Craig, Natalia Ares, Leonardo Banchi, Florian Marquardt, Luca Pezze’, Cristian Bonato

Multi-programming Cross Platform Benchmarking for Quantum Computing Hardware
Siyuan Niu, Aida Todri-Sanial

Native qudit entanglement in a trapped ion quantum processor
Pavel Hrmo, Benjamin Wilhelm, Lukas Gerster, Martin W. van Mourik, Marcus Huber, Rainer Blatt, Philipp Schindler, Thomas Monz, Martin Ringbauer

New bounds on Lorentz violation from a composite pulse method in a trapped ion
Laura S. Dreissen, Chih-Han Yeh, Henning A. Fürst, Kai C. Grensemann, Tanja E. Mehlstäubler

>b>Observation of Non-Markovian Spin Dynamics in a Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard Model using a Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulator
B. -W. Li, Q. -X. Mei, Y. -K. Wu, M. -L. Cai, Y. Wang, L. Yao, Z. -C. Zhou, L. -M. Duan

Probing finite-temperature observables in quantum simulators with short-time dynamics
Alexander Schuckert, Annabelle Bohrdt, Eleanor Crane, Michael Knap

Prospects of a thousand-ion Sn2+ Coulomb-crystal clock with sub-10−19 inaccuracy
David R. Leibrandt, Sergey G. Porsev, Charles Cheung, Marianna S. Safronova

Quantum control methods for robust entanglement of trapped ions
Christophe H. Valahu, Iason Apostolatos, Sebastian Weidt, Winfried K. Hensinger

Quantum non-Gaussianity of light and atoms
Lukáš Lachman, Radim Filip

Realizing quantum speed limit in open system with a PT-symmetric trapped-ion qubit
Pengfei Lu, Teng liu, Yang Liu, Xinxin Rao, Qifeng Lao, Hao Wu, Feng Zhu, Le Luo

Second-order Doppler frequency shifts of trapped ions in a linear Paul trap
S. N. Miao, J. W. Zhang, Y. Zheng, H. R. Qin, N. C. Xin, Y. T. Chen, J. Z. Han, L. J. Wang

Simulations of Frustrated Ising Hamiltonians with Quantum Approximate Optimization
Phillip C. Lotshaw, Hanjing Xu, Bilal Khalid, Gilles Buchs, Travis S. Humble, Arnab Banerjee

Spectroscopy and ion thermometry of C−2 using laser-cooling transitions
Markus Nötzold, Robert Wild, Christine Lochmann, Roland Wester

Spectroscopic Characterization of the Quantum Linear-Zigzag Transition in Trapped Ions
J. Zhang, B. T. Chow, S. Ejtemaee, P. C. Haljan

Synthesis of and compilation with time-optimal multi-qubit gates
Pascal Baßler, Matthias Zipper, Christopher Cedzich, Markus Heinrich, Patrick Huber, Michael Johanning, Martin Kliesch

Test of Causal Non-Linear Quantum Mechanics by Ramsey Interferometry on the Vibrational Mode of a Trapped Ion
Joseph Broz, Bingran You, Sumanta Khan, Hartmut Haeffner, David E. Kaplan, Surjeet Rajendran

Three-laser coherent population trapping in a multi-lambda system: theory, experiment and applications
Nicolás Nuñez Barreto, Martin Drechsler, Christian Tomás Schmiegelow

Transport of multispecies ion crystals through a junction in an RF Paul trap
William Cody Burton, Brian Estey, Ian M. Hoffman, Abigail R. Perry, Curtis Volin, Gabriel Price

Ultracold ion-atom experiments: cooling, chemistry, and quantum effects
Rianne S. Lous, Rene Gerritsma

ITN Newsletter – May 2022

Dear all,
last chances to apply for Short Term Scientific Missions in the frame of the COST action which will end in September 2022. Until then you should apply, leave, stay, research, exchange, discuss, have new ideas, write your report and come back to your home lab again. So get started right now!

There is a change in dates for NACTI this summer: 1-4 August 2022.
Your editorial team


From the COST Action: Microtraps day on 20 June 2022  see details below

Rainer Blatt has been awarded the highest distinction of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz: the Gutenberg Research Award. (more) Congratulations !

Short Term Scientific Missions – apply now !!
Mobility for young and not so young researchers, between 1 week and 3 months, the COST Action can financially support your stay. Details can be found on the website at


WG4 meeting: Workshop on cold hybrid ion-atom systems 8-10 June 2022, Warsaw/PL, Details

Microtraps Day on 20 June 2022 – online event Details

Early Career Conference in Trapped Ions 2022, dates are 26 June – 1 July 2022, at  CERN, Geneva/CH LINK

14th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP14)  in Vilnius, Lithuania, June 27- July 1, 2022 LINK abstract submission before 21 March 2022

Quantum Thermodynamics Conference 2022 (QTD2022), 27 June – 1 July 2022
Registration and submission of abstracts for consideration for contributed talks and posters is now open. The deadline for abstract submission is 25 February 2022. Details

QCMC, the International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement, and Computing, will finally take place in July in Lisbon after a two-year delay: 11-15 July 2022. Details.

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) in Toronto, Canada, 17-22 July 2022 LINK Registration is OPEN!

Nacti 2022 will be held from 1-4 August at Duke University. Registration details coming soon. LINK

Cold and Controlled Molecules and Ions (CCMI) 2022 conference will be held at Durham University in the UK from 4-9 September, 2022

13th International Workshop on Non-Neutral Plasmas (originally scheduled for 2020 and postponed due to the pandemic) to be held in Milano, Italy, September 19-22, 2022. LINK    Submission deadline 1 July

The 8th International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics (TCP 2022) will take place in Glashütten, Germany on September 25-30, 2022.

International Conference on “Quantum sensors and tests of new physics” October 5th-7th 2022 in Hotel Wienecke XI, Hannover (Germany). Details

Joint International Conference of IMEKO TC11 & TC24 (TC11-Technical Committee for Testing, Inspection and Certification, and TC 24-Technical Committee on Chemical Measurements) from 17-20.10.2022 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Details

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, June 2022

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


A postdoctoral position is available at the University of Liverpool to work on cold and controlled ion-radical collisions. Please contact Brianna Heazlewood for further details.

A postdoc position in Birmingham to work on the realisation of a system for cooling and trapping highly charged ions of Californium. Details or contact Giovanni Barontini

A “junior professor” position (chaire de professeur junior) is opening at ENSMM and FEMTO-ST. It is a 5-year tenure track position leading to a University professor position. The profile is available here (in French), please contact for any question.

PhD position at Imperial College London to develop tabletop dark matter detectors using quantum sensorsDetails

PhD position at University of Sussex in Cavity-QED with multi-species ion crystals in the group of M. Keller. Details

Postdoc position in the Swansea team at CERN at the ALPHA antihydrogen experiment. Details

2y-postdoc position  in Theoretical Quantum Metrology at the University of Warsaw. Details

Research fellow in Quantum Technology within the ITCM Group at the University of Sussex, led by Prof Matthias KellerDetails

A 2-year postdoc on Coherent Microwave manipulation of atoms and molecules in cryogenic environments for fundamental studies, in Paris-Villetaneuse with B. Darquié. Details

An Assistant Professor (with Tenure-Track Option) in Experimental Molecular Physics, Universität Innsbruck. Details

A Tenure Track Scientist in Ion Trap Quantum Computing at the ETH Zurich – PSI Quantum Computing Hub. For further details see or write to


Please sent information about your publications to
A Taxonomy of Small Markovian Errors
Robin Blume-Kohout, Marcus P. da Silva, Erik Nielsen, Timothy Proctor, Kenneth Rudinger, Mohan Sarovar, and Kevin Young
PRX Quantum 3, 020335 (2022)

Completely localized solitons and their stabilities in magnetized dusty plasma of trapped ions
Juan Zhang, Xueping Ren, Xiaohuan Wan, Yushan Zhou, Xiaobei Fan, Jing Wang and Yuren Shi
Physics of Plasmas 29, 053702 (2022)

Controlling long ion strings for quantum simulation and precision measurements
Florian Kranzl, Manoj K. Joshi, Christine Maier, Tiff Brydges, Johannes Franke, Rainer Blatt, and Christian F. Roos
Phys. Rev. A 105, 052426 (2022)

Critical quantum metrology with fully-connected models: from Heisenberg to Kibble–Zurek scaling
Louis Garbe, Obinna Abah, Simone Felicetti and Ricardo Puebla
Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 035010 (2022)

Demonstration of fault-tolerant universal quantum gate operations
Lukas Postler, Sascha Heuβen, Ivan Pogorelov, Manuel Rispler, Thomas Feldker, Michael Meth, Christian D. Marciniak, Roman Stricker, Martin Ringbauer, Rainer Blatt, Philipp Schindler, Markus Müller & Thomas Monz
Nature volume 605, pages675–680 (2022)

Digital Quantum Simulation of the Schwinger Model and Symmetry Protection with Trapped Ions
Nhung H. Nguyen, Minh C. Tran, Yingyue Zhu, Alaina M. Green, C. Huerta Alderete, Zohreh Davoudi, and Norbert M. Linke
PRX Quantum 3, 020324 (2022)

Entangling-gate error from coherently displaced motional modes of trapped ions
B. P. Ruzic, T. A. Barrick, J. D. Hunker, R. J. Law, B. K. McFarland, H. J. McGuinness, L. P. Parazzoli, J. D. Sterk, J. W. Van Der Wall, and D. Stick
Phys. Rev. A 105, 052409 (2022)

Fabrication of surface ion traps with integrated current carrying wires enabling high magnetic field gradients
Martin Siegele-Brown, Seokjun Hong, Foni Raphaël Lebrun-Gallagher, Samuel James Hile, Sebastian Weidt and Winfried Karl Hensinger
Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 034003 (2022)

Formation of two-ion crystals by injection from a Paul-trap source into a high-magnetic-field Penning trap
J. Berrocal, E. Altozano, F. Domínguez, M. J. Gutiérrez, J. Cerrillo, F. J. Fernández, M. Block, C. Ospelkaus, and D. Rodríguez
Phys. Rev. A 105, 052603 (2022)

Improving quantum state detection with adaptive sequential observations
Shawn Geller, Daniel C Cole, Scott Glancy and Emanuel Knill
Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 034004 (2022)

Industrially microfabricated ion trap with 1 eV trap depth
S Auchter, C Axline, C Decaroli, M Valentini, L Purwin, R Oswald, R Matt, E Aschauer, Y Colombe, P Holz, T Monz, R Blatt, P Schindler, C Rössler and J Home
Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 035015 (2022)

In situ detection of RF breakdown on microfabricated surface ion traps
Joshua M. Wilson, Julia N. Tilles, Raymond A. Haltli, Eric Ou, Matthew G. Blain, Susan M. Clark and Melissa C. Revelle
Journal of Applied Physics 131, 134401 (2022)

Low-overhead fault-tolerant quantum computing using long-range connectivity

Ising machines as hardware solvers of combinatorial optimization problems
Naeimeh Mohseni, Peter L. McMahon & Tim Byrnes
Nature Reviews Physics volume 4, pages363–379 (2022)

Precision determination of the ground-state hyperfine splitting of trapped 113Cd+ ions
Miao, S. N.; Zhang, J. W.; Qin, H. R.; Xin, N. C.; Han, J. Z.; Wang, L. J.
Optics Letters 46(23) 5882-5885 (2022)

Quantum Simulation of the Two-Dimensional Weyl Equation in a Magnetic Field
Y. Jiang, M.-L. Cai, Y.-K. Wu, Q.-X. Mei, W.-D. Zhao, X.-Y. Chang, L. Yao, L. He, Z.-C. Zhou, and L.-M. Duan
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 200502 (2022)

Quasienergy operators and generalized squeezed states for systems of trapped ions
Bogdan M.Mihalcea
Annals of Physics 442, 168926 (2022)

Thermally induced entanglement of atomic oscillators
Laha, Pradip; Slodička, Lukáš; Moore, Darren W.; Filip, Radim
Optics Express 30(6) 8814-8828 (2022)


A digital quantum simulation of an extended Agassi model assisted by machine learning
Authors: Álvaro Sáiz, José-Enrique García-Ramos, José Miguel Arias, Lucas Lamata, Pedro Pérez-Fernández

Approaching optimal entangling collective measurements on quantum computing platforms
Authors: Lorcan O. Conlon, Tobias Vogl, Christian D. Marciniak, Ivan Pogorelov, Simon K. Yung, Falk Eilenberger, Dominic W. Berry, Fabiana S. Santana, Rainer Blatt, Thomas Monz, Ping Koy Lam, Syed M. Assad

Benchmarking Quantum Simulators using Quantum Chaos
Authors: Daniel K. Mark, Joonhee Choi, Adam L. Shaw, Manuel Endres, Soonwon Choi

Characterizing and mitigating coherent errors in a trapped ion quantum processor using hidden inverses
Authors: Swarnadeep Majumder, Christopher G. Yale, Titus D. Morris, Daniel S. Lobser, Ashlyn D. Burch, Matthew N. H. Chow, Melissa C. Revelle, Susan M. Clark, Raphael C. Pooser

Coherently Coupled Mechanical Oscillators in the Quantum Regime
Authors: Pan-Yu Hou, Jenny J. Wu, Stephen D. Erickson, Daniel C. Cole, Giorgio Zarantonello, Adam D. Brandt, Andrew C. Wilson, Daniel H. Slichter, Dietrich Leibfried

Computational Characteristics of Random Field Ising Model with Long-Range Interaction
Authors: Fangxuan Liu, L. -M. Duan

Critical localization with Van der Waals interactions
Authors: Rahul Nandkishore

Determination of Multi-mode Motional Quantum States in a Trapped Ion System
Authors: Zhubing Jia, Ye Wang, Bichen Zhang, Jacob Whitlow, Chao Fang, Jungsang Kim, Kenneth R. Brown

Efficient verification of continuously-parameterized quantum gates
Authors: Ryan Shaffer, Hang Ren, Emiliia Dyrenkova, Christopher G. Yale, Daniel S. Lobser, Ashlyn D. Burch, Matthew N. H. Chow, Melissa C. Revelle, Susan M. Clark, Hartmut Häffner

Geometries and fabrication methods for 3D printing ion traps
Authors: A. Quinn, M. Brown, T. J. Gardner, D. T. C. Allcock

Improved Limit on Tensor Currents in the Weak Interaction from 8Li β Decay
Authors: M. T. Burkey, G. Savard, A. T. Gallant, N. D. Scielzo, T. Y. Hirsh, L. Varriano, G. H. Sargsyan, K. D. Launey, M. Brodeur, D. P. Burdette, E. Heckmaier, K. Joerres, J. W. Klimes, K. Kolos, A. Laminack, K. G. Leach, A. F. Levand, B. Longfellow, B. Maaß, S. T. Marley, G. E. Morgan, P. Mueller, R. Orford, S. W. Padgett, A. Pérez Galván , et al. (6 additional authors not shown)

Late-time critical behavior of local string-like observables under quantum quenches
Authors: Souvik Bandyopadhyay, Anatoli Polkovnikov, Amit Dutta

Observation of Non-Markovian Spin Dynamics in a Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard Model using a Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulator
Authors: B. -W. Li, Q. -X. Mei, Y. -K. Wu, M. -L. Cai, Y. Wang, L. Yao, Z. -C. Zhou, L. -M. Duan

Prospects of a thousand-ion Sn2+ Coulomb-crystal clock with sub-10−19 inaccuracy
Authors: David R. Leibrandt, Sergey G. Porsev, Charles Cheung, Marianna S. Safronova

Quantum Simulation of the Two-Dimensional Weyl Equation in a Magnetic Field
Authors: Y. Jiang, M. -L. Cai, Y. -K. Wu, Q. -X. Mei, W. -D. Zhao, X. -Y. Chang, L. Yao, L. He, Z. -C. Zhou, L. -M. Duan

Observation of Supersymmetry and its Spontaneous Breaking in a Trapped Ion Quantum Simulator
Authors: M. -L. Cai, Y. -K. Wu, Q. -X. Mei, W. -D. Zhao, Y. Jiang, L. Yao, L. He, Z. -C. Zhou, L. -M. Duan

Observing Quantum Synchronization of a Single Trapped-Ion Qubit
Authors: Liyun Zhang, Zhao Wang, Yucheng Wang, Junhua Zhang, Zhigang Wu, Jianwen Jie, Yao Lu

Positron accumulation in the GBAR experiment
Authors: P. Blumer, M. Charlton, M. Chung, P. Clade, P. Comini, P. Crivelli, O. Dalkarov, P. Debu, L. Dodd, A. Douillet, S. Guellati, P. -A Hervieux, L. Hilico, P. Indelicato, G. Janka, S. Jonsell, J. -P. Karr, B. H. Kim, E. S. Kim, S. K. Kim, Y. Ko, T. Kosinski, N. Kuroda, B. M. Latacz, B. Lee , et al. (45 additional authors not shown)

Provably Optimal Control for Multiplicative Amplitude Control Noise
Authors: Colin J. Trout, Kevin Schultz, Paraj Titum, Leigh Norris, Gregory Quiroz, and B. David Clader

Quantum simulations of interacting systems with broken time-reversal symmetry
Authors: Yotam Shapira, Tom Manovitz, Nitzan Akerman, Ady Stern, Roee Ozeri

Qubit-efficient simulation of thermal states with quantum tensor networks
Authors: Yuxuan Zhang, Shahin Jahanbani, Daoheng Niu, Reza Haghshenas, Andrew C. Potter

The dynamics of a single trapped ion in a high density media: a stochastic approach
Authors: Mateo Londoño, Javier Madroñero, Jesús Pérez Ríos

The general approach of weak-to-strong measurement transition for Fock state based pointers
Authors: Yusuf Turek, Qiang Hu, Janarbek Yuanbek, Ahmad Abliz

Towards Quantum Gravity in the Lab on Quantum Processors
Authors: Illya Shapoval, Vincent Paul Su, Wibe de Jong, Miro Urbanek, Brian Swingle

ITN Newsletter – April 2022

Dear all,

COST Action TIPICQA will end in autumn 2022. Do not hesitate to contribute to the last events, and in particular apply to STSMs, which have to be terminated by mid-September.
Your editorial team


From the COST Action: WG4 meeting, and Early Career Conference – see below

The COST Action ends in September 2022 – you can still apply for Short Term Scientific Missions  !!
Mobility for young and not so young researchers, between 1 week and 3 months, the COST Action can financially support your stay. Details can be found on the website at


766. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on High‐Precision Measurements and Searches for New Physics from 9-13 May 2022 at the Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, located near Bonn/Germany. Details

International Conference on Precision Physics of Simple Atomic Systems, 16-20 May 2022, Warsaw/PL LINK

WG4 meeting: Workshop on cold hybrid ion-atom systems 8-10 June 2022, Warsaw/PL, Details

Early Career Conference in Trapped Ions 2022, dates are 26 June – 1 July 2022, at  CERN, Geneva/CH LINK

14th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP14)  in Vilnius, Lithuania, June 27- July 1, 2022 LINK abstract submission before 21 March 2022

Quantum Thermodynamics Conference 2022 (QTD2022), 27 June – 1 July 2022
Registration and submission of abstracts for consideration for contributed talks and posters is now open. The deadline for abstract submission is 25 February 2022. Details

QCMC, the International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement, and Computing, will finally take place in July in Lisbon after a two-year delay: 11-15 July 2022. Details.

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) in Toronto, Canada, 17-22 July 2022 LINK Registration is OPEN!

Nacti 2022 will be held from 8-12 August at Duke University. Registration details coming soon. LINK

Cold and Controlled Molecules and Ions (CCMI) 2022 conference will be held at Durham University in the UK from 4-9 September, 2022

Joint International Conference of IMEKO TC11 & TC24 (TC11-Technical Committee for Testing, Inspection and Certification, and TC 24-Technical Committee on Chemical Measurements) from 17-20.10.2022 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Details

13th International Workshop on Non-Neutral Plasmas (originally scheduled for 2020 and postponed due to the pandemic) to be held in Milano, Italy, September 19-22, 2022. LINK

The 8th International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics (TCP 2022) will take place in Glashütten, Germany on September 25-30, 2022. Call for Abstracts Submission is extended until May 15th

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, June 2023

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


PhD position at Imperial College London to develop tabletop dark matter detectors using quantum sensorsDetails

PhD position at University of Sussex in Cavity-QED with multi-species ion crystals in the group of M. Keller. Details

Postdoc position in the Swansea team at CERN at the ALPHA antihydrogen experiment. Details

2y-postdoc position  in Theoretical Quantum Metrology at the University of Warsaw. Details

Research fellow in Quantum Technology within the ITCM Group at the University of Sussex, led by Prof Matthias KellerDetails

A 2-year postdoc on Coherent Microwave manipulation of atoms and molecules in cryogenic environments for fundamental studies, in Paris-Villetaneuse with B. Darquié. Details

An Assistant Professor (with Tenure-Track Option) in Experimental Molecular Physics, Universität Innsbruck. Details

A Tenure Track Scientist in Ion Trap Quantum Computing at the ETH Zurich – PSI Quantum Computing Hub. For further details see or write to

Two Postdoc positions at Stockholm University to work on Experimental Quantum Computing with Trapped Rydberg Ions and Cryogenic Quantum Processor with Rydberg Ions. Closing date 31 March 2022. For more information see our webpage, or contact Markus Hennrich.

Two postdoc positions within Ultracold Ion Trap Physics are available from April 1,2022, or as soon as possible hereafter in the Ion Trap Group by Michael Drewsen, Aarhus University, Denmark. LINK1 and LINK2

A Postdoctoral Position in Ion Trap Quantum Computing using surface traps with integrated photonics at the ETH Zurich – PSI Quantum Computing Hub. For further details see or write to Cornelius Hempel.

Research Associate/Fellow in Quantum Simulation of many-body dynamics with Rydberg interactions at University of Nottingham with Weibin Li. Details

A postdoctoral position is available at the University of Washington in Seattle for the development of architectures supporting large-scale QIP with trapped ions. Contact Sara Mouradian for details.

A postdoctoral position in the Theory of Quantum Computing with Trapped Rydberg Ions. Details

Applied Physicist Project Scientist at UC Berkeley. Details

Senior Post-Doctoral position for hybrid quantum network at CQT, Singapore. Details

PhD vacancies in the Ion Quantum Technology group with Winfried Hensinger. Details

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent information about your publications to
A deterministic single ion fountain
Felix Stopp, Henri Lehec and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 034002 

A scalable helium gas cooling system for trapped-ion applications
F R Lebrun-Gallagher, N I Johnson, M Akhtar, S Weidt, D Bretaud, S J Hile, A Owens, F Bonus and W K Hensinger
Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 024002 (2022)

An ion mobility mass spectrometer coupled with a cryogenic ion trap for recording electronic spectra of charged, isomer-selected clusters
Jack T. Buntine, Eduardo Carrascosa, James N. Bull, Ugo Jacovella, Mariah I. Cotter, Patrick Watkins, Chang Liu, Michael S. Scholz, Brian D. Adamson, Samuel J. P. Marlton and Evan J. Bieske
Review of Scientific Instruments 93, 043201 (2022)

Bias in Error-Corrected Quantum Sensing
Ivan Rojkov, David Layden, Paola Cappellaro, Jonathan Home, and Florentin Reiter
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 140503 (2022)

Doubly ionized lanthanum as a qubit candidate for quantum networks
S. Olmschenk
Phys. Rev. A 105, 042617 (2022)

Dynamic compensation of stray electric fields in an ion trap using machine learning and adaptive algorithm
Moji Ghadimi, Alexander Zappacosta, Jordan Scarabel, Kenji Shimizu, Erik W. Streed & Mirko Lobino
Scientific Reports volume 12, Article number: 7067 (2022)

Engineering an effective three-spin Hamiltonian in trapped-ion systems for applications in quantum simulation
Bárbara Andrade, Zohreh Davoudi, Tobias Graß, Mohammad Hafezi, Guido Pagano and Alireza Seif
Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 034001 (2022)

Entanglement from Tensor Networks on a Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer
Michael Foss-Feig, Stephen Ragole, Andrew Potter, Joan Dreiling, Caroline Figgatt, John Gaebler, Alex Hall, Steven Moses, Juan Pino, Ben Spaun, Brian Neyenhuis, and David Hayes
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 150504 (2022)

Experimental Measurement of Out-of-Time-Ordered Correlators at Finite Temperature
Alaina M. Green, A. Elben, C. Huerta Alderete, Lata Kh Joshi, Nhung H. Nguyen, Torsten V. Zache, Yingyue Zhu, Bhuvanesh Sundar, and Norbert M. Linke
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 140601 (2022)

Experimental Realization of the Rabi-Hubbard Model with Trapped Ions
Q.-X. Mei, B.-W. Li, Y.-K. Wu, M.-L. Cai, Y. Wang, L. Yao, Z.-C. Zhou, and L.-M. Duan
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 160504 (2022)

Fabrication of surface ion traps with integrated current carrying wires enabling high magnetic field gradients
Martin Siegele-Brown, Seokjun Hong, Foni Raphaël Lebrun-Gallagher, Samuel James Hile, Sebastian Weidt and Winfried Hensinger
Quantum Sci. Technol. (2022)

High-Fidelity Indirect Readout of Trapped-Ion Hyperfine Qubits
Stephen D. Erickson, Jenny J. Wu, Pan-Yu Hou, Daniel C. Cole, Shawn Geller, Alex Kwiatkowski, Scott Glancy, Emanuel Knill, Daniel H. Slichter, Andrew C. Wilson, and Dietrich Leibfried
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 160503 (2022)

In situ detection of RF breakdown on microfabricated surface ion traps
Joshua M. Wilson, Julia N. Tilles, Raymond A. Haltli, Eric Ou, Matthew G. Blain, Susan M. Clark and Melissa C. Revelle
Journal of Applied Physics 131, 134401 (2022)

Measurement and suppression of magnetic field noise of trapped ion qubit
Wenzhe Wei, Peng Hao, Zhiyu Ma, Huixing Zhang, Liren Pang, Fangfei Wu, Ke Deng, Jie Zhang and Zehuang Lu
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 55 075001 (2022)

Measurement of the Ra+ 7p2P3/2 state lifetime
M. Fan, C. A. Holliman, A. Contractor, C. Zhang, S. F. Gebretsadken, and A. M. Jayich
Phys. Rev. A 105, 042801 (2022)

Robust polarization gradient cooling of trapped ions
Wenbing Li, Sebastian Wolf, Lukas Klein, Dmitry Budker, Christoph E Düllmann and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
New J. Phys. 24 043028 (2022)

Simulating superluminal propagation of Dirac particles using trapped ions
Qianqian Chen, Yaoming Chu, and Jianming Cai
Phys. Rev. A 105, 042609 (2022)

Solution of the two-center Dirac equation with 20-digit precision using the finite-element technique
O. Kullie and S. Schiller
Phys. Rev. A 105, 052801 (2022)

Temperature estimation of a pair of trapped ions
O. P. de Sá Neto, H. A. S. Costa, G. A. Prataviera & M. C. de Oliveira
Scientific Reports volume 12, Article number: 6697 (2022)

The QICK (Quantum Instrumentation Control Kit): Readout and control for qubits and detectors featured
Leandro Stefanazzi, Kenneth Treptow, Neal Wilcer, Chris Stoughton, Collin Bradford, Sho Uemura, Silvia Zorzetti, Salvatore Montella, Gustavo Cancelo, Sara Sussman, Andrew Houck, Shefali Saxena, Horacio Arnaldi, Ankur Agrawal, Helin Zhang, Chunyang Ding, and David I. Schuster
Review of Scientific Instruments 93, 044709 (2022)


A quantum generative model for multi-dimensional time series using Hamiltonian learning
Authors: Haim Horowitz, Pooja Rao, Santosh Kumar Radha

A Shuttle-Efficient Qubit Mapper for Trapped-Ion Quantum Computers
Authors: Suryansh Upadhyay, Abdullah Ash Saki, Rasit Onur Topaloglu, Swaroop Ghosh

Accelerating the approach of dissipative quantum spin systems towards stationarity through global spin rotations
Authors: Simon Kochsiek, Federico Carollo, Igor Lesanovsky

Boson Sampling for Generalized Bosons
Authors: En-Jui Kuo, Yijia Xu, Dominik Hangleiter, Andrey Grankin, Mohammad Hafezi

Characterizing Error Mitigation by Symmetry Verification in QAOA
Authors: Ashish Kakkar, Jeffrey Larson, Alexey Galda, Ruslan Shaydulin

Classical dissipative cost of quantum control
Authors: Anthony Kiely, Steve Campbell, Gabriel T. Landi

Direct Bound-Electron g factor Difference Measurement with Coupled Ions
Authors: Tim Sailer, Vincent Debierre, Zoltán Harman, Fabian Heiße, Charlotte König, Jonathan Morgner, Bingsheng Tu, Andrey V. Volotka, Christoph H. Keitel, Klaus Blaum, Sven Sturm

Dynamical hadron formation in long-range interacting quantum spin chains
Authors: Joseph Vovrosh, Rick Mukherjee, Alvise Bastianello, Johannes Knolle

Feasibility study on ground-state cooling and single-phonon readout of trapped electrons using hybrid quantum systems
Authors: Alto Osada, Kento Taniguchi, Masato Shigefuji, Atsushi Noguchi

High-Performance Microwave Frequency Standard Based on Sympathetically Cooled Ions
Authors: Hao-Ran Qin, Sheng-Nan Miao, Ji-Ze Han, Nong-Chao Xin, Yi-Ting Chen, J. W. Zhang, L. J. Wang

Molecular-ion quantum technologies
Authors: Mudit Sinhal, Stefan Willitsch

Observing frustrated quantum magnetism in two-dimensional ion crystals
Authors: Mu Qiao, Zhengyang Cai, Ye Wang, Botao Du, Naijun Jin, Wentao Chen, Pengfei Wang, Chunyang Luan, Erfu Gao, Ximo Sun, Haonan Tian, Jingning Zhang, Kihwan Kim

Propagation of errors and quantitative quantum simulation with quantum advantage
Authors: S. Flannigan, N. Pearson, G. H. Low, A. Buyskikh, I. Bloch, P. Zoller, M. Troyer, A. J. Daley

Proton-Electron Mass Ratio from Laser Spectroscopy of HD+ at the Part-Per-Trillion Level
Authors: Sayan Patra, M. Germann, J. -Ph. Karr, M. Haidar, L. Hilico, V. I. Korobov, F. M. J. Cozijn, K. S. E. Eikema, W. Ubachs, J. C. J. Koelemeij

Quantum approximate optimization algorithm for qudit systems with long-range interactions
Authors: Yannick Deller, Sebastian Schmitt, Maciej Lewenstein, Steve Lenk, Marika Federer, Fred Jendrzejewski, Philipp Hauke, Valentin Kasper

Quantum Computation of Hydrogen Bond Dynamics and Vibrational Spectra
Authors: Philip Richerme, Melissa C. Revelle, Debadrita Saha, Sam A. Norrell, Christopher G. Yale, Daniel Lobser, Ashlyn D. Burch, Susan M. Clark, Jeremy M. Smith, Amr Sabry, Srinivasan S. Iyengar

Quantum Rabi interferometry of motion and radiation
Authors: Kimin Park, Jacob Hastrup, Petr Marek, Ulrik L. Andersen, Radim Filip

Real-time capable CCD-based individual trapped-ion qubit measurement
Authors: S. Halama, T. Dubielzig, N. Orlowski, C. Torkzaban, C. Ospelkau

Simulating dynamical phases of chiral p+ip superconductors with a trapped ion magnet
Authors: Athreya Shankar, Emil A. Yuzbashyan, Victor Gurarie, Peter Zoller, John J. Bollinger, Ana Maria Rey

Summit of the N=40 Island of Inversion: precision mass measurements and ab initio calculations of neutron-rich chromium isotopes
Authors: R. Silwal, C. Andreoiu, B. Ashrafkhani, J. Bergmann, T. Brunner, J. Cardona, K. Dietrich, E. Dunling, G. Gwinner, Z. Hockenbery, J. D. Holt, C. Izzo, A. Jacobs, A. Javaji, B. Kootte, Y. Lan, D. Lunney, E. M. Lykiardopoulou, T. Miyagi, M. Mougeot, I. Mukul, T. Murbock, W. S. Porter, M. Reiter, J. Ringuette , et al.

Total absorption γ-ray spectroscopy of the β decays of 96gs,mY
Authors: V. Guadilla, L. Le Meur, M. Fallot, J. A. Briz, M. Estienne, L. Giot, A. Porta, A. Cucoanes, T. Shiba, A. -A. Zakari-Issoufou, A. Algora, J. L. Tain, J. Agramunt, D. Jordan, M. Monserrate, A. Montaner-Pizá, E. Nácher, S. E. A. Orrigo, B. Rubio, E. Valencia, J. Äystö, T. Eronen, D. Gorelov, J. Hakala, A. Jokinen , et al.

ITN Newsletter – March 2022

Dear all,

every now and then, we ask you for financial contributions to this newsletter which is a real service to the community. It would be very helpful, if the groups with large grants, and who are willing to support with a couple of hundred Euros, could contact Martina. Thanks !
Your editorial team


Nominations are sought for the Early Career Scientist Prize in Atomic, Molecular and Optical (AMO) Physics 2022. Details

From the COST Action: WG4 meeting, and Early Career Conference – see below

Short Term Scientific Missions – apply now !!
Mobility for young and not so young researchers, between 1 week and 3 months, the COST Action can financially support your stay. Details can be found on the website at


The second edition of the training school “From Basics to Applications of Optical Fiber Links and Frequency Combs“, from 18 to 22 April, 2022, in the wonderful School of Physics in Les Houches, close to Chamonix, in the French Alps. Details

4th APTQS (Asian-Pacific Trapped Quantum Systems) ONLINE meeting, on April 21-23 LINK

766. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on High‐Precision Measurements and Searches for New Physics from 9-13 May 2022 at the Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, located near Bonn/Germany. Details

International Conference on Precision Physics of Simple Atomic Systems, 16-20 May 2022, Warsaw/PL LINK

WG4 meeting: Workshop on cold hybrid ion-atom systems 8-10 June 2022, Warsaw/PL, Details

Early Career Conference in Trapped Ions 2022, dates are 26 June – 1 July 2022, at  CERN, Geneva/CH LINK

14th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP14)  in Vilnius, Lithuania, June 27- July 1, 2022 LINK abstract submission before 21 March 2022

Quantum Thermodynamics Conference 2022 (QTD2022), 27 June – 1 July 2022
Registration and submission of abstracts for consideration for contributed talks and posters is now open. The deadline for abstract submission is 25 February 2022. Details

QCMC, the International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement, and Computing, will finally take place in July in Lisbon after a two-year delay: 11-15 July 2022. Details. Deadline for submission 15 March !!

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) in Toronto, Canada, 17-22 July 2022 LINK Registration is OPEN!

Cold and Controlled Molecules and Ions (CCMI) 2022 conference will be held at Durham University in the UK from 4-9 September, 2022

Joint International Conference of IMEKO TC11 & TC24 (TC11-Technical Committee for Testing, Inspection and Certification, and TC 24-Technical Committee on Chemical Measurements) from 17-20.10.2022 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Details

The 8th International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics (TCP 2022) will take place in Glashütten, Germany on September 25-30, 2022. The first circular is available on the website. 25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, June 2023

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


Research fellow in Quantum Technology within the ITCM Group at the University of Sussex, led by Prof Matthias KellerDetails

A 2-year postdoc on Coherent Microwave manipulation of atoms and molecules in cryogenic environments for fundamental studies, in Paris-Villetaneuse with B. Darquié. Details

An Assistant Professor (with Tenure-Track Option) in Experimental Molecular Physics, Universität Innsbruck. Details

A Tenure Track Scientist in Ion Trap Quantum Computing at the ETH Zurich – PSI Quantum Computing Hub. For further details see or write to

Two Postdoc positions at Stockholm University to work on Experimental Quantum Computing with Trapped Rydberg Ions and Cryogenic Quantum Processor with Rydberg Ions. Closing date 31 March 2022. For more information see our webpage, or contact Markus Hennrich.

Two postdoc positions within Ultracold Ion Trap Physics are available from April 1,2022, or as soon as possible hereafter in the Ion Trap Group by Michael Drewsen, Aarhus University, Denmark. LINK1 and LINK2

A Postdoctoral Position in Ion Trap Quantum Computing using surface traps with integrated photonics at the ETH Zurich – PSI Quantum Computing Hub. For further details see or write to Cornelius Hempel.

Research Associate/Fellow in Quantum Simulation of many-body dynamics with Rydberg interactions at University of Nottingham with Weibin Li. Details

A postdoctoral position is available at the University of Washington in Seattle for the development of architectures supporting large-scale QIP with trapped ions. Contact Sara Mouradian for details.

A postdoctoral position in the Theory of Quantum Computing with Trapped Rydberg Ions. Details

Applied Physicist Project Scientist at UC Berkeley. Details

Senior Post-Doctoral position for hybrid quantum network at CQT, Singapore. Details

Junior Permanent Position in Theoretical Quantum Physics at IPhT, CEA, Paris, France. Details

PhD positions are available at M-Labs Ltd, the main developers of the open source ARTIQ system, partnering with the TACO lab at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Details

PhD position is available on explorations of ion clouds in the non-neutral plasma regime in Marseille, France. For details contact Caroline Champenois.

PhD vacancies in the Ion Quantum Technology group with Winfried Hensinger. Details

Permanent trapped ion physicist positions are available at the UK’s National Quantum Computing Centre, see current vacancies or contact Jochen Wolf for details and speculative applications.

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to
Fundamentals of Analysis in Physics
Masatoshi Kajita
Bentham Books 2022

A deterministic single ion fountain
Felix Stopp, Henri Lehec and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
Quantum Sci. Technol.  (2022)

A scalable helium gas cooling system for trapped-ion applications
F R Lebrun-Gallagher, N I Johnson, M Akhtar, S Weidt, D Bretaud, S J Hile, A Owens, F Bonus and W K Hensinger
Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 024002 (2022)

Analytical and experimental study of center-line miscalibrations in Mølmer-Sørensen gates
Fernando Martínez-García, Lukas Gerster, Davide Vodola, Pavel Hrmo, Thomas Monz, Philipp Schindler, and Markus Müller
Phys. Rev. A 105, 032437 (2022)

Any-To-Any Connected Cavity-Mediated Architecture for Quantum Computing with Trapped Ions or Rydberg Arrays
Joshua Ramette, Josiah Sinclair, Zachary Vendeiro, Alyssa Rudelis, Marko Cetina, and Vladan Vuletić
PRX Quantum 3, 010344 (2022)

Asymptotic optimality of twist-untwist protocols for Heisenberg scaling in atom-based sensing
T. J. Volkoff and Michael J. Martin
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 013236 (2022)

Boosting the Performance of Quantum Repeaters
Erika K. Carlson
Physics 15, s29, February 25, (2022)

Buffer gas cooling of ions in radio-frequency traps using ultracold atoms
E Trimby, H Hirzler, H Fürst, A Safavi-Naini, R Gerritsma and R S Lous
New J. Phys. 24 035004 (2022)

Charge-state evolution from W5+ to W7+ at energies below the ionization potentials
C. L. Yan, Q. Lu, Y. M. Xie, B. L. Li, N. Fu, Y. Zou, C. Chen, and J. Xiao
Phys. Rev. A 105, 032820 (2022)

Cold Collisions Get Charged
K. MacCormick
Physics 15, s32, March 10, (2022)

Collision detection with logic
Michał Tomza
Nature Physics (2022)

Detecting Heat Leaks with Trapped Ion Qubits
D. Pijn, O. Onishchenko, J. Hilder, U. G. Poschinger, F. Schmidt-Kaler, and R. Uzdin
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 110601 (2022)

Dispersive optical systems for scalable Raman driving of hyperfine qubits
Harry Levine, Dolev Bluvstein, Alexander Keesling, Tout T. Wang, Sepehr Ebadi, Giulia Semeghini, Ahmed Omran, Markus Greiner, Vladan Vuletić, and Mikhail D. Lukin
Phys. Rev. A 105, 032618 (2022)

Effect of correlated hyperfine theory errors in the determination of rotational and vibrational transition frequencies in HD+
J. C. J. Koelemeij
Molecular Physics, e2058637 (2022)

Engineering an effective three-spin Hamiltonian in trapped-ion systems for applications in quantum simulation
Bárbara Andrade, Zohreh Davoudi, Tobias Grass, Mohammad Hafezi, Guido Pagano and Alireza Seif
Quantum Sci. Technol. (2022)

Heat Leaks from Trapped-Ion Qubits
Rachel Berkowitz
Physics 15, s34 (2022)

Hidden Inverses: Coherent Error Cancellation at the Circuit Level
Bichen Zhang, Swarnadeep Majumder, Pak Hong Leung, Stephen Crain, Ye Wang, Chao Fang, Dripto M. Debroy, Jungsang Kim, and Kenneth R. Brown
Phys. Rev. Applied 17, 034074 (2022)

High efficiency focusing double etched SiN grating coupler for trapped ion qubit manipulation
Mizuki Shirao, Daniel Klawson, Sara Mouradian and Ming Wu
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. (2022)

Isotope-selective laser ablation ion-trap loading of 137Ba+ using a BaCl2 target
Brendan M. White, Pei Jiang Low, Yvette de Sereville, Matthew L. Day, Noah Greenberg, Richard Rademacher, and Crystal Senko
Phys. Rev. A 105, 033102 (2022)

Liquid-Nitrogen-Cooled Ca+ Optical Clock with Systematic Uncertainty of 3×10−18
Yao Huang, Baolin Zhang, Mengyan Zeng, Yanmei Hao, Zixiao Ma, Huaqing Zhang, Hua Guan, Zheng Chen, Miao Wang, and Kelin Gao
Phys. Rev. Applied 17, 034041 (2022)

Measurement and suppression of magnetic field noise of trapped ion qubit
Wenzhe Wei, Peng Hao, Zhiyu Ma, Huixing Zhang, Liren Pang, Fangfei Wu, Ke Deng, Jie Zhang and Zehuang Lu
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. (2022)

Model-Free Quantum Control with Reinforcement Learning
V. V. Sivak, A. Eickbusch, H. Liu, B. Royer, I. Tsioutsios, and M. H. Devoret
Phys. Rev. X 12, 011059 (2022)

Multiplexed quantum repeaters based on dual-species trapped-ion systems
Prajit Dhara, Norbert M. Linke, Edo Waks, Saikat Guha, and Kaushik P. Seshadreesan
Phys. Rev. A 105, 022623 (2022)

Observation of anomalous heat transport in a trapped ion chain
Z.-C. Mao, Y.-Z. Xu, Q.-X. Mei, W.-D. Zhao, Y. Jiang, Z.-J. Cheng, X.-Y. Chang, L. He, L. Yao, Z.-C. Zhou, Y.-K. Wu, and L.-M. Duan
Phys. Rev. A 105, 033107 (2022)

Observation of Chemical Reactions between a Trapped Ion and Ultracold Feshbach Dimers
H. Hirzler, R. S. Lous, E. Trimby, J. Pérez-Ríos, A. Safavi-Naini, and R. Gerritsma
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 103401 (2022)

Optimal metrology with programmable quantum sensors
Christian D. Marciniak, Thomas Feldker, Ivan Pogorelov, Raphael Kaubruegger, Denis V. Vasilyev, Rick van Bijnen, Philipp Schindler, Peter Zoller, Rainer Blatt & Thomas Monz
Nature 603, pages604–609 (2022)

Quantum logic detection of collisions between single atom–ion pairs
Or Katz, Meirav Pinkas, Nitzan Akerman & Roee Ozeri
Nature Physics (2022)

Quantum parameter estimation of nonlinear coupling in a trilinear Hamiltonian with trapped ions
Peter A. Ivanov
Phys. Rev. A 105, 032617 (2022)

Quantum searches for dark matter
Iulia Georgescu
Nature Reviews Physics 4, page216 (2022)

Quantum Technologies for Engineering: the materials challenge
Kuan Eng Johnson Goh, Leonid A Krivitsky and Dennis L Polla
Mater. Quantum. Technol. 2 013002 (2022)

Re-investigation and line identifications for W11+ in the visible range
N Fu, Q Lu, C L Yan, G Q Xu, K Wang, C Y Chen, Y Zou and J Xiao
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 55 045001 (2022)

rf-induced heating dynamics of noncrystallized trapped ions
Martin W. van Mourik, Pavel Hrmo, Lukas Gerster, Benjamin Wilhelm, Rainer Blatt, Philipp Schindler, and Thomas Monz
Phys. Rev. A 105, 033101 (2022)

Robust Polarization Gradient Cooling of Trapped Ions
Wenbing Li, Sebastian Wolf, Lukas Klein, Dmitry Budker, Christoph E. Düllmann and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
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Schrödinger cat states of a macroscopic charged particle co-trapped with an ion
S. Leontica and C. J. Foot
Phys. Rev. A 105, 033109 (2022)

Spin-Holstein Models in Trapped-Ion Systems
J. Knörzer, T. Shi, E. Demler, and J. I. Cirac
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 120404 (2022)

Sympathetic cooling schemes for separately trapped ions coupled via image currents
C Will, M Bohman, T Driscoll, M Wiesinger, F Abbass, M J Borchert, J A Devlin, S Erlewein, M Fleck, B Latacz, et al.
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Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer with Robust Entangling Gates and Quantum Coherent Feedback
Tom Manovitz, Yotam Shapira, Lior Gazit, Nitzan Akerman, and Roee Ozeri
PRX Quantum 3, 010347 (2022)

Z-dependent crossing of excited-state energy levels in highly charged galliumlike lanthanide atomic ions
Fumihiro Koike, Chihiro Suzuki, Izumi Murakami, Daiji Kato, Naoki Tamura, and Nobuyuki Nakamura
Phys. Rev. A 105, 032802 (2022)


A high-fidelity quantum matter-link between ion-trap microchip modules
M. Akhtar, F. Bonus, F. R. Lebrun-Gallagher, N. I. Johnson, M. Siegele-Brown, S. Hong, S. J. Hile, S. A. Kulmiya, S. Weidt, W. K. Hensinger

A single-atom level mechano-optical transducer for ultrasensitive force sensing
Yang Liu, Pengfei Lu, Xinxin Rao, Hao Wu, Kunxu Wang, Qifeng Lao, Ji Bian, Feng Zhu, Le

Chiral-coupling-assisted Refrigeration in Trapped Ions
Chi-Chih Chen, Yi-Cheng Wang, Chun-Che Wang, H. H. Jen

Correlation spectroscopy with multi-qubit-enhanced phase estimation
H. Hainzer, D. Kiesenhofer, T. Ollikainen, M. Bock, F. Kranzl, M. K. Joshi, G. Yoeli, R. Blatt, T. Gefen, C. F. Roos

Formation of Two-Ion Crystals by Injection from a Paul-Trap Source into a High-Magnetic-Field Penning Trap
Joaquín Berrocal, Emilio Altozano, Francisco Domínguez, Manuel Jesús Gutiérrez, Javier Cerrillo, Francisco Javier Fernández, Michael Block, Christian Ospelkaus, Daniel Rodríguez

Frequency stabilization of a 739 nm laser to an I2 spectrum for trapped Ytterbium ions
Hao Wu, PengFei Lu, Yang Liu, JiangYong Hu, QiFeng Lao, XinXin Rao, LunHua Deng, Feng Zhu, Le Luo

High fidelity state preparation and measurement of ion hyperfine qubits with I > 1/2
Fangzhao Alex An, Anthony Ransford, Andrew Schaffer, Lucas R. Sletten, John Gaebler, James Hostetter, Grahame Vittorini

Holographic quantum simulation of entanglement renormalization circuits
Sajant Anand, Johannes Hauschild, Yuxuan Zhang, Andrew C. Potter, Michael P. Zaletel

Individual qubit addressing of rotating ion crystals in a Penning trap
Anthony M. Polloreno, Ana Maria Rey, John J. Bollinger

Ion Coulomb Crystals in Storage Rings for Quantum Information Science
S. Brooks, K. Brown, F. Méot, A. Nomerotski, S. Peggs, M. Palmer, T. Roser, T. Shaftan, G. H. Hoffstaetter, S. Nagaitsev, J. Lykken, J. Jarvis, V. Lebedev, G. Stancari, A. Valishev, A. Taylor, A. Hurd, N. Moody, P. Muggli, A. Aslam, S. G. Biedron, T. Bolin, S. Sosa Guitron, C. Gonzalez-Zacarias, M. Larsson, R. Thomas, B. Huang, T. Robertazzi, J. Cary, B. M. Hegelich, B. B. Blinov, S. Milton

Looped Pipelines Enabling Effective 3D Qubit Lattices in a Strictly 2D Device
Zhenyu Cai, Adam Siegel, Simon Benjamin

Mass-difference measurements on heavy nuclides with at an eV/c2 accuracy level with PENTATRAP