Dear all,
no recent news from the new COST Action which takes the hurdles of administration so that it can live healthily and happily ever after. We’ll have the opportunity to discuss future activities at ECTI. Please bring your ideas about events, international coordination, parity, innovation, and everything else which can be an added value for collaborations !
Best regards,
your editorial team
The European Physical Society, its AMO and QEO Division, and the Institute of Spectroscopy of the Russian Academy of Sciences call for nominations for the 2019 Vladilen Letokhov Medal before 15 December 2018 LINK
Don’t forget to nominate a young researcher for the Young Scientist Prize of the Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Division (AMOPD)of the European Physical Society LINK
GdR IQFA “Quantum Engineering, Fundamental Aspects to Applications”, 9th Colloquium, 14-16 November 2018, Université de Montpellier, France LINK
ECTI 5 will be held at the Lopatie Conference Center at Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, on November 18-22, 2018. Registration and abstract submission are open. All details HERE
International Conference on Quantum Computation, ICoQC 2018, will be held at Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, France from 26-30 November 2018 LINK.
687th WE-Heraeus-Seminar on ‘Scalable Hardware Platforms for Quantum Computing’ – 13 Jan. – 17 Jan., 2019, Bad Honnef, Germany LINK
Faraday Discussion “ Advances in Ion Spectroscopy – From Astrophysics to Biology” which will take place between 8-10 April 2019 in York, UK. LINK
PLATAN International Conference, Merger of the Poznan meeting on Lasers and Trapping Devices in Atomic nuclei Research a,d the Interantional Conference on laser Probing, Mainz 19-24 May 2019 LINK
PhD position at the QUEST Institute for Experimental Quantum Metrology at PTB. The PhD student will join the team performing quantum logic spectroscopy on highly charged ions, and will take a lead role in developing parts of the next-generation apparatus. For details, please contact Steven King or LINK
PhD position at LKB, Paris on high precision spectroscopy of hydrogen. For details please contact François Nez
Lecturer in Physics in the School of Physical Sciences at The Open University LINK
You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrology, cold atoms and quantum information
Please sent informations about your publications to
A self-injection locked DBR laser for laser cooling of beryllium ions
Steven A. King, Tobias Leopold, Premjith Thekkeppatt, Piet O. Schmidt
Applied Physics B
November 2018, 124:214
Analog quantum simulation of extremely sub-Ohmic spin-boson models
Mehdi Abdi and Martin B. Plenio
Phys. Rev. A 98, 040303(R) (2018)
Cooling of many-body systems via selective interactions
R. Grimaudo, L. Lamata, E. Solano, and A. Messina
Phys. Rev. A 98, 042330 (2018)
Cryogenic trapped-ion system for large scale quantum simulation
G Pagano, P W Hess, H B Kaplan, W L Tan, P Richerme, P Becker, A Kyprianidis, J Zhang, E Birckelbaw, M R Hernandez, Y Wu and C Monroe
2019 Quantum Sci. Technol. 4 014004
Dipolar quantum logic for freely rotating trapped molecular ions
Eric R. Hudson and Wesley C. Campbell
Phys. Rev. A 98, 040302(R) (2018)
Engineering steady entanglement for trapped ions at finite temperature by dissipation
Xiao-Qiang Shao
Phys. Rev. A 98, 042310 (2018)
Evaluation of CP violation in HfF+
A. N. Petrov, L. V. Skripnikov, A. V. Titov, and V. V. Flambaum
Phys. Rev. A 98, 042502 (2018)
Generation of high-fidelity quantum control methods for multilevel systems
J. Randall, A. M. Lawrence, S. C. Webster, S. Weidt, N. V. Vitanov, and W. K. Hensinger
Phys. Rev. A 98, 043414 (2018)
Interferometer with a driven trapped ion
S. Martínez-Garaot, A. Rodriguez-Prieto, and J. G. Muga
Phys. Rev. A 98, 043622 (2018)
NOON States of Nine Quantized Vibrations in Two Radial Modes of a Trapped Ion
Junhua Zhang, Mark Um, Dingshun Lv, Jing-Ning Zhang, Lu-Ming Duan, and Kihwan Kim
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 160502 (2018)
Oscillating-magnetic-field effects in high-precision metrology
H. C. J. Gan, G. Maslennikov, K.-W. Tseng, T. R. Tan, R. Kaewuam, K. J. Arnold, D. Matsukevich, and M. D. Barrett
Phys. Rev. A 98, 032514 (2018)
Phase Locking between Different Partial Waves in Atom-Ion Spin-Exchange Collisions
Tomas Sikorsky, Masato Morita, Ziv Meir, Alexei A. Buchachenko, Ruti Ben-shlomi, Nitzan Akerman, Edvardas Narevicius, Timur V. Tscherbul, and Roee Ozeri
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 173402 (2018)
Prospects of reaching the quantum regime in Li–Yb+ mixtures
H A Fürst, N V Ewald, T Secker, J Joger, T Feldker and R Gerritsma
2018 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51 195001
Spectroscopic properties and cold elastic collisions of alkaline-earth Mg + Mg+ system
Nissrin Alharzali, Dibyendu Sardar, Rim Mlika, Bimalendu Deb and Hamid Berriche
2018 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51 195201
Strategies for quantum computing molecular energies using the unitary coupled cluster ansatz
Jonathan Romero, Ryan Babbush, Jarrod R McClean, Cornelius Hempel, Peter J Love and Alán Aspuru-Guzik
2019 Quantum Sci. Technol. 4 014008
Transient non-confining potentials for speeding up a single ion heat pump
E Torrontegui, S T Dawkins, M Göb and K Singer
2018 New J. Phys. 20 105001
Wavelength-scale errors in optical localization due to spin–orbit coupling of light,
G. Araneda, S. Walser, Y. Colombe, D. B. Higginbottom, J. Volz, R. Blatt and A. Rauschenbeutel.
Nature Physics 14, no 11,
Analytical model of an ion cloud cooled by collisions in a Paul trap
Pierre Delahaye
Can a periodically driven particle resist laser cooling and noise?
A. Maitra, D. Leibfried, D. Ullmo, H. Landa
Chip-integrated voltage sources for control of trapped ions
J. Stuart, R. Panock, C. D. Bruzewicz, J. A. Sedlacek, R. McConnell, I. L. Chuang, J. M. Sage, J. Chiaverini
Confined Dynamics in Long-Range Interacting Quantum Spin Chains
Fangli Liu, Rex Lundgren, Paraj Titum, Guido Pagano, Jiehang Zhang, Christopher Monroe, Alexey V. Gorshkov
Engineering SU(1,1)⊗SU(1,1) vibrational states
C. Huerta Alderete, M. P. Morales Rodríguez, B. M. Rodríguez-Lara
Fast and High-Fidelity Readout of Single Trapped-Ion Qubit via Machine Learning Methods
Zi-Han Ding, Jin-Ming Cui, Yun-Feng Huang, Chuan-Feng Li, Tao Tu, Guang-Can Guo
Fault-tolerant protection of near-term trapped-ion topological qubits under realistic noise sources
A. Bermudez, X. Xu, M. Gutiérrez, S. C. Benjamin, M. Müller
Nonreciprocal Quantum Transport at Junctions of Structured Leads
Eduardo Mascarenhas, François Damanet, Stuart Flannigan, Luca Tagliacozzo, Andrew J. Daley, John Goold, Inés de Vega
Quantum Optical Two-Atom Thermal Diode
Cahit Kargi, M. Tahir Naseem, Tomáš Opatrný, Özgür E. Müstecaplıoğlu, Gershon Kurizki
Quasiparticle Origin of Dynamical Quantum Phase Transitions
Jad C. Halimeh, Maarten Van Damme, Valentin Zauner-Stauber, Laurens Vanderstraeten
Self-Verifying Variational Quantum Simulation of the Lattice Schwinger Model
Christian Kokail, Christine Maier, Rick van Bijnen, Tiff Brydges, Manoj K. Joshi, Petar Jurcevic, Christine A. Muschik, Pietro Silvi, Rainer Blatt, Christian F. Roos, Peter Zoller
Stabilizer Slicing: Coherent Error Cancellations in LDPC Codes
Dripto Debroy, Muyuan Li, Michael Newman, Kenneth R. Brown
Stark quenching of rovibrational states of H2+ due to motion in a magnetic field
Jean-Philippe Karr
The open LPC Paul trap for precision measurements in beta decay
P. Delahaye, G. Ban, M. Benali, D. Durand, X. Fabian, X. Fléchard, M. Herbane, E. Liénard, F. Mauger, A. Méry, Y. Merrer, O. Naviliat-Cuncic, G. Quéméner, B. M. Retailleau, D. Rodriguez, J. C. Thomas, P. Ujic
Ultrafast State Preparation via the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm with Long Range Interactions
Wen Wei Ho, Cheryne Jonay, Timothy H. Hsieh
Validation of Quantum Adiabaticity through Non-Inertial Frames and Its Trapped-Ion Realization
Chang-Kang Hu, Jin-Ming Cui, Alan C. Santos, Yun-Feng Huang, Chuan-Feng Li, Guang-Can Guo, Frederico Brito, Marcelo S. Sarandy
vdW-corrected density functional study of electric field noise heating in ion traps caused by electrode surface adsorbates
Keith G. Ray, Brenda M. Rubenstein, Wenze Gu, Vincenzo Lordi
Verification of non-equal-time commutators of a trapped ion
F. Krumm, W. Vogel
Versatile laser-free trapped-ion entangling gates
R. T. Sutherland, R. Srinivas, S. C. Burd, D. Leibfried, A. C. Wilson, D. J. Wineland, D. T. C. Allcock, D. H. Slichter, S. B. Libby