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Winter School on Physics with Trapped Charged Particles, Les Houches, France, January 8-19, 2018  LINK
LEAP2018 – Conference on Low Energy Antiproton Physics – hosted at UniversitĂ© Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), Paris France from Mars 12th to 16th, 2018.      LINK
ECTI 5  will be held at the Lopatie Conference Center at Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, on November 18-23, 2018.  SAVE THE DATE!!
Please be aware that some deadlines are very close !
Nature Reviews Physics will be launching in January 2019 and is now looking for two editors. Deadline 1 Oct 2017 Link For further information and a rapid contact you can also email the editor-in-chief
Scientist to join the Time and Frequency group at NPL for projects related to optical frequency metrology with femtosecond combs . Link on, look for “Research Scientist or Higher Research Scientist – Optical Frequency Metrology”. Deadline 21 Sept 2017
A postdoc position for “Ultrastable frequency transfer through optical fiber links” in Paris. Please contact Prof. Amy-Klein for further details
Professor at Institut Lumière Matière in Lyon Link. In case of interest, please contact Philippe Dugourd rapidly
PhD position “Laser-cooled ion optical clocks for fundamental physics and redefinition of the second” at NPL (Teddington, UK) and University of Oxford. LINK
University of Nottingham is seeking experimental physicists with interests in cold atoms and ions, quantum optics, (… and many more) for positions from assistant to full professor. LINK
Two open PhD positions at the Institute for Experimental Quantum Metrology at PTB Braunschweig focusing on applying quantum logic spectroscopy to molecular ions and aluminium ions. LINK
Postdoc position available for work on ALPHA at CERN with Swansea University.  LINK
Quantum Control Systems Designer for opticlock: QUARTIQ, Berlin, Germany   LINK
PhD position “Precision tests of fundamental symmetry with trapped antihydrogen” in Swansea University LINK
Postdoc and PhD positions on 1S-2S spectroscopy in He+ (Proton Radius Puzzle) in Amsterdam, LaserLaB Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands LINK
You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrology, cold atoms and quantum information
Please sent informations about your publications to
Atomic lifetime measurements of Ne-like Fe ions in a magnetic field
E.Träbert, P.Beiersdorfer, J.R.Crespo López-Urrutia
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 408, 107-109 (2017)
Autoresonance Cooling of Ions in an Electrostatic Ion Beam Trap
R. K. Gangwar, K. Saha, O. Heber, M. L. Rappaport, and D. Zajfman
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 103202 (2017)
Corrigendum: Two-photon transitions in Ca+, Sr+ and Ba+ ions (2010 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43 074014)
M S Safronova, W R Johnson and U I Safronova
Entanglement-Based dc Magnetometry with Separated Ions
T. Ruster, H. Kaufmann, M. A. Luda, V. Kaushal, C. T. Schmiegelow, F. Schmidt-Kaler, and U. G. Poschinger
Phys. Rev. X 7, 031050 (2017)
Exact sampling hardness of Ising spin models
B. Fefferman, M. Foss-Feig, and A. V. Gorshkov
Phys. Rev. A 96, 032324 (2017)
Measurement of L-shell transitions in M-shell ions in the laboratory and identification in stellar coronae
J.K.Lepson, P.Beiersdorfer, N.Hell, G.V.Brown, E.Träbert, M.P.Bode
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 408, 110-113 (2017)
Mølmer–Sørensen entangling gate for cavity QED systems
Hiroki Takahashi, Pedro Nevado and Matthias Keller
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50 195501 (2017)
Multi-ion sensing of dipolar noise sources in ion traps
F. Galve, J. Alonso, and R. Zambrini
Phys. Rev. A 96, 033409 (2017)
Nonequilibrium dynamics of spin-boson models from phase-space methods
Asier Piñeiro Orioli, Arghavan Safavi-Naini, Michael L. Wall, and Ana Maria Rey
Phys. Rev. A 96, 033607 (2017)
Observation of collisions between cold Li atoms and Yb+ ions
J. Joger, H. FĂĽrst, N. Ewald, T. Feldker, M. Tomza, and R. Gerritsma
Phys. Rev. A 96, 030703(R) (2017)
Optical dipole-force cooling of anions in a Penning trap
Julian Fesel, Sebastian Gerber, Michael Doser, and Daniel Comparat
Phys. Rev. A 96, 031401(R) (2017)
Quantum Spin Lenses in Atomic Arrays
A. W. Glaetzle, K. Ender, D. S. Wild, S. Choi, H. Pichler, M. D. Lukin, and P. Zoller
Phys. Rev. X 7, 031049 (2017)
Residual Phase Noise Measurement of Optical Second Harmonic Generation in PPLN Waveguides
Marion Delehaye, Jacques Millo, Pierre-Yves Bourgeois, Lucas Groult, Rodolphe Boudot, Enrico Rubiola, Emmanuel Bigler, Yann Kersalé, and Clément Lacroûte
IEEE Phot. Tech. Lett., Vol. 29, N0. 19, pp. 1639-1642, October 1, 2017
Single-qubit quantum memory exceeding ten-minute coherence time
Ye Wang, Mark Um, Junhua Zhang, Shuoming An, Ming Lyu, Jing -Ning Zhang, L.-M. Duan, Dahyun Yum, Kihwan Kim
Nature Photonics 11, 646–650 (2017)
Spectroscopy of a Synthetic Trapped Ion Qubit
David Hucul, Justin E. Christensen, Eric R. Hudson, and Wesley C. Campbell
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 100501 (2017)
Synthesis of mixed hypermetallic oxide BaOCa+ from laser-cooled reagents in an atom-ion hybrid trap
Science 07 Sep 2017
Ultrafast Creation of Large Schrödinger Cat States of an Atom
K. G. Johnson, J. D. Wong-Campos, B. Neyenhuis, J. Mizrahi, C. Monroe
Nature Communications 8, 697 (2017)
A Method for Preparation and Readout of Polyatomic Molecules in Single Quantum States
David Patterson
Demonstration of two-atom entanglement with ultrafast optical pulses
J. D. Wong-Campos, S. A. Moses, K. G. Johnson, C. Monroe
Efficient approach for quantum sensing field gradients with trapped ions
Peter A. Ivanov
Efficient polarisation-preserving frequency conversion from a trapped-ion-compatible wavelength to the telecom C band
V. Krutyanskiy, M. Meraner, J. Schupp, B. P. Lanyon
Engineering vibrationally-assisted energy transfer in a trapped-ion quantum simulator
Dylan J Gorman, Boerge Hemmerling, Eli Megidish, Soenke A. Moeller, Philipp Schindler, Mohan Sarovar, Hartmut Haeffner
Experimental Verification of Position-Dependent Angular-Momentum Selection Rules for Absorption of Twisted Light by a Bound Electron
Andrei Afanasev, Carl E. Carlson, Christian T. Schmiegelow, Jonas Schulz, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Maria Solyanik
Fast quantum logic gates with trapped-ion qubits
V. M. Schäfer, C. J. Ballance, K. Thirumalai, L. J. Stephenson, T. G. Ballance, A. M. Steane, D. M. Lucas
Motional studies of one and two laser-cooled trapped ions for electric-field sensing applications
Francisco DomĂnguez, Manuel JesĂşs GutiĂ©rrez, Íñigo Arrazola, JoaquĂn Berrocal, Juan Manuel Cornejo, JesĂşs Javier Del Pozo, RaĂşl Alberto Rica, Stefan Schmidt, Enrique Solano, Daniel RodrĂguez
Nonlinear Quantum Rabi Model in Trapped Ions
Xiao-Hang Cheng, Iñigo Arrazola, Julen S. Pedernales, Lucas Lamata, Xi Chen, Enrique Solano
Protecting quantum memories using coherent parity check codes
Joschka Roffe, David Headley, Nicholas Chancellor, Dominic Horsman, Viv Kendon
Quantum and classical dynamics of a three-mode absorption refrigerator
Stefan Nimmrichter, Jibo Dai, Alexandre Roulet, Valerio Scarani
Rovibrational optical cooling of a molecular beam
A. Cournol, P. Pillet, H. Lignier, D. Comparat
Speeding-up the decision making of a learning agent using an ion trap quantum processor
Theeraphot Sriarunothai, Sabine Wölk, Gouri Shankar Giri, Nicolai Fries, Vedran Dunjko, Hans J. Briegel, Christof Wunderlich
Sympathetic Cooling of Protons and Antiprotons with a Common Endcap Penning Trap
M. Bohman, A. Mooser, G. Schneider, N Schön, M. Wiesinger, J. Harrington, T. Higuchi, H. Nagahama, S. Sellner, C. Smorra, K. Blaum, Y. Matsuda, W. Quint, J. Walz, S. Ulmer
Synthesis of mixed hypermetallic oxide BaOCa+ from laser-cooled reagents in an atom-ion hybrid trap
Prateek Puri, Michael Mills, Christian Schneider, Ionel Simbotin, John A. Montgomery, Jr., Robin Côté, Arthur G. Suits, Eric R. Hudson
Vacuum Friction
Stephen M. Barnett, Matthias Sonnleitner