Dear all,
happy to annonce that our project “Trapped Ions: Progress in classical and quantum applications” is among the 39 out of 422 proposals that have been approved by the COST Association (LINK). This Action lead by Markus Hennrich, and prepared by a small WG of M Keller, J Hecker Denschlag and myself, has received full score in the evaluation !
This is exciting news for all Ion Trappers as it will allow us to ramp up our activity and propose more workshops and training events, along with more collaboration actions in particular for young colleagues. We hope that the adminstrative phase for this new COST Action will settle over summer so that we can already announce activitiés during the ECTI conference. Stay tuned !
Best regards,
Ion Trappers Stefan Ulmer of RIKEN and Chloé Malbrunot of CERN have been elected chairperson and deputy chairperson, respectively, of the Antiproton Decelerator (AD) user community. LINK
EQLIPS – Exploring the Quantum limit with Laser-cooled Ions in Penning TrapS, 2-3 July 2018, Hannover, Germany Details
Novel optical clocks in atoms and nuclei, 676. WE-Heraeus-Seminar, 9 – 12 July 2018, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany LINK
Three-day introductory course on quantum information held at the University of Innsbruck from 10-12 July 2018 LINK
BAD HONNEF PHYSICS SCHOOL ON QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIES, 5-10 August 2018, Physikzentrum, Bad Honnef, Germany
7th International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics (TCP-2018) September 30 – October 5 in Traverse City, Michigan, USA.
ECTI 5 will be held at the Lopatie Conference Center at Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, on November 18-23, 2018. SAVE THE DATE!!
PhD position in the group of Rene Gerritsma (University of Amsterdam): LINK
Postdoctoral Fellow at McGill University for Ba-tagging with nEXO. Information about the group HERE Interested in the job ? Please contact Thomas Brunner
The ion trap group at Imperial College London is seeking an experimental Research Associate to work on the project “Optimal Control for Robust Ion Trap Quantum Logic”. This project is part of a close collaboration between experiment and theory, led by Professor Richard Thompson and Dr Florian Mintert. Details HERE and HERE
PhD position “Laser-cooled ion optical clocks for fundamental physics and redefinition of the second” with Rachel Godun, NPL (Teddington, UK) and Christopher Foot, University of Oxford. Closing date for applications is 31st July 2018. LINK
A postdoctoral position is available in the group of Prof. Thomas Rizzo at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. Details
A Postdoc position is available at MIT Lincoln Laboratory in development of integrated technologies and methods for high-fidelity operations toward large-scale trapped-ion quantum information processing. US citizenship is required. LINK
PhD position “Miniature Trapped Ion Optical Clock” in the Time and Frequency department of the FEMTO-ST institute in Besançon, France. More details can be found HERE
A postdoc position in the Theory of Quantum Simulation with Rydberg Systems supported by a recently funded QuantERA grant. DETAILS
Postdoctoral researcher position on precision mass measurements of radioactive isotopes using ion trapping methods in the ERC Consolidator Grant project MAIDEN “Masses, Isomers and Decay studies for Elemental Nucleosynthesis” at the University of Jyväskylä. Deadline for applications: 31.3.2018. More information: LINK
A post-doctoral position “Miniature Trapped Ion Optical Clock” in the Time and Frequency department of the FEMTO-ST institute in Besançon, France. Details can be found here
Experimental PhD position in Trapped Ion Quantum Technologies at Stockholm University. Closing date for application is 24 April 2018. For more information please contact Markus Hennrich and see here.
You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrology, cold atoms and quantum information
Please sent informations about your publications to
Analog quantum simulation of generalized Dicke models in trapped ions
Ibai Aedo and Lucas Lamata
Phys. Rev. A 97, 042317 (2018)
Atomic clocks for geodesy
Tanja E Mehlstäubler, Gesine Grosche, Christian Lisdat, Piet O Schmidt and Heiner Denker
2018 Rep. Prog. Phys. 81 064401
Blackbody radiation shift assessment for a lutetium ion clock
K. J. Arnold, R. Kaewuam, A. Roy, T. R. Tan & M. D. Barrett
Nature Communications vol 9, Article number: 1650 (2018)
Cooling of trapped ions by resonant charge exchange
Sourav Dutta and S. A. Rangwala
Phys. Rev. A 97, 041401(R) (2018)
Dirac Equation in (1+1)-Dimensional Curved Spacetime and the Multiphoton Quantum Rabi Model
J. S. Pedernales, M. Beau, S. M. Pittman, I. L. Egusquiza, L. Lamata, E. Solano, and A. del Campo
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 160403 (2018)
Dynamical quantum phase transitions: a review
Markus Heyl
2018 Rep. Prog. Phys. 81 054001
Heralded ions via ionization coincidence
A. J. McCulloch, R. W. Speirs, S. H. Wissenberg, R. P. M. Tielen, B. M. Sparkes, and R. E. Scholten
Phys. Rev. A 97, 043423 (2018)
Influence of electron correlation on the cross section and linear polarization of radiation emitted by electron-impact excitation of Ca+ and Ba+ ions
Zhan-Bin Chen
Eur. Phys. J. D (2018) 72: 67
Laser spectroscopic characterization of the nuclear-clock isomer 229mTh
Johannes Thielking, Maxim V. Okhapkin, Przemysław Głowacki, David M. Meier, Lars von der Wense, Benedict Seiferle, Christoph E. Düllmann, Peter G. Thirolf & Ekkehard Peik
Nature 556, 321–325 (2018)
Linking phase transitions and quantum entanglement at arbitrary temperature
Bo-Bo Wei
Phys. Rev. A 97, 042115 (2018)
Observation of Entangled States of a Fully Controlled 20-Qubit System
Nicolai Friis, Oliver Marty, Christine Maier, Cornelius Hempel, Milan Holzäpfel, Petar Jurcevic, Martin B. Plenio, Marcus Huber, Christian Roos, Rainer Blatt, and Ben Lanyon
Phys. Rev. X 8, 021012 (2018)
Phase diagram of the quantum Ising model with long-range interactions on an infinite-cylinder triangular lattice
S. N. Saadatmand, S. D. Bartlett, and I. P. McCulloch
Phys. Rev. B 97, 155116 (2018)
Photon scattering from a system of multilevel quantum emitters. II. Application to emitters coupled to a one-dimensional waveguide
Sumanta Das, Vincent E. Elfving, Florentin Reiter, and Anders S. Sørensen
Phys. Rev. A 97, 043838 (2018)
Rotational Energy as Mass in H3+ and Lower Limits on the Atomic Masses of D and 3He
J. A. Smith, S. Hamzeloui, D. J. Fink, and E. G. Myers
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 143002 (2018)
Selected highly charged ions as prospective candidates for optical clocks with quality factors larger than 10-15
Yan-mei Yu and B. K. Sahoo
Phys. Rev. A 97, 041403(R) (2018)
Sequential Modular Position and Momentum Measurements of a Trapped Ion Mechanical Oscillator
C. Flühmann, V. Negnevitsky, M. Marinelli, and J. P. Home
Phys. Rev. X 8, 021001 (2018)
Simulating the performance of a distance-3 surface code in a linear ion trap
Colin J Trout, Muyuan Li, Mauricio Gutiérrez, Yukai Wu, Sheng-Tao Wang, Luming Duan and Kenneth R Brown
2018 New J. Phys. 20 043038
Singularities of Floquet scattering and tunneling
H. Landa
Phys. Rev. A 97, 042705 (2018)
Time-dependent nonlinear Jaynes-Cummings dynamics of a trapped ion
F. Krumm and W. Vogel
Phys. Rev. A 97, 043806 (2018)
Energy distributions of an ion in a radiofrequency trap immersed in a buffer gas under the influence of additional external forces
I Rouse, S Willitsch
Non-equilibrium dynamics of many body quantum systems
Loïc Henriet
Phase space study of surface electrode Paul traps: Integrable, chaotic, and mixed motion
V Roberdel, D Leibfried, D Ullmo, H Landa
Prospects of reaching the quantum regime in Li-Yb+ mixtures
H A Fürst, N V Ewald, T Secker, J Joger, T Feldker, R Gerritsma
Quantum chemistry calculations on a trapped-ion quantum simulator
Cornelius Hempel, Christine Maier, Jonathan Romero, Jarrod McClean, Thomas Monz, Heng Shen, Petar Jurcevic, Ben Lanyon, Peter Love, Ryan Babbush, Alan Aspuru-Guzik, Rainer Blatt, Christian Roos
Scalable phase interference from trapped ion chains
Petr Obšil, Adam Lešundák, Tuan Pham, Gabriel Araneda, Ondřej Číp, Radim Filip, Lukáš Slodička
Single-ion, transportable optical atomic clocks
Marion Delehaye, Clément Lacroûte