Dear all,
last chances to apply for Short Term Scientific Missions in the frame of the COST action which will end in September 2022. Until then you should apply, leave, stay, research, exchange, discuss, have new ideas, write your report and come back to your home lab again. So get started right now!
There is a change in dates for NACTI this summer: 1-4 August 2022.
Your editorial team
From the COST Action: Microtraps day on 20 June 2022 see details below
Rainer Blatt has been awarded the highest distinction of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz: the Gutenberg Research Award. (more) Congratulations !
Short Term Scientific Missions – apply now !!
Mobility for young and not so young researchers, between 1 week and 3 months, the COST Action can financially support your stay. Details can be found on the website at
WG4 meeting: Workshop on cold hybrid ion-atom systems 8-10 June 2022, Warsaw/PL, Details
Microtraps Day on 20 June 2022 – online event Details
Early Career Conference in Trapped Ions 2022, dates are 26 June – 1 July 2022, at CERN, Geneva/CH LINK
14th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP14) in Vilnius, Lithuania, June 27- July 1, 2022 LINK abstract submission before 21 March 2022
Quantum Thermodynamics Conference 2022 (QTD2022), 27 June – 1 July 2022
Registration and submission of abstracts for consideration for contributed talks and posters is now open. The deadline for abstract submission is 25 February 2022. Details
QCMC, the International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement, and Computing, will finally take place in July in Lisbon after a two-year delay: 11-15 July 2022. Details.
27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) in Toronto, Canada, 17-22 July 2022 LINK Registration is OPEN!
Nacti 2022 will be held from 1-4 August at Duke University. Registration details coming soon. LINK
Cold and Controlled Molecules and Ions (CCMI) 2022 conference will be held at Durham University in the UK from 4-9 September, 2022
13th International Workshop on Non-Neutral Plasmas (originally scheduled for 2020 and postponed due to the pandemic) to be held in Milano, Italy, September 19-22, 2022. LINK Submission deadline 1 July
The 8th International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics (TCP 2022) will take place in Glashütten, Germany on September 25-30, 2022.
International Conference on “Quantum sensors and tests of new physics” October 5th-7th 2022 in Hotel Wienecke XI, Hannover (Germany). Details
Joint International Conference of IMEKO TC11 & TC24 (TC11-Technical Committee for Testing, Inspection and Certification, and TC 24-Technical Committee on Chemical Measurements) from 17-20.10.2022 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Details
25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, June 2022
Online seminars
Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community, every Thursday LINK
The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)
The “Quantum Science Seminar” ( on Thursdays, 5 pm
A postdoctoral position is available at the University of Liverpool to work on cold and controlled ion-radical collisions. Please contact Brianna Heazlewood for further details.
A postdoc position in Birmingham to work on the realisation of a system for cooling and trapping highly charged ions of Californium. Details or contact Giovanni Barontini
A “junior professor” position (chaire de professeur junior) is opening at ENSMM and FEMTO-ST. It is a 5-year tenure track position leading to a University professor position. The profile is available here (in French), please contact for any question.
PhD position at Imperial College London to develop tabletop dark matter detectors using quantum sensors. Details
PhD position at University of Sussex in Cavity-QED with multi-species ion crystals in the group of M. Keller. Details
Postdoc position in the Swansea team at CERN at the ALPHA antihydrogen experiment. Details
2y-postdoc position in Theoretical Quantum Metrology at the University of Warsaw. Details
Research fellow in Quantum Technology within the ITCM Group at the University of Sussex, led by Prof Matthias Keller. Details
A 2-year postdoc on Coherent Microwave manipulation of atoms and molecules in cryogenic environments for fundamental studies, in Paris-Villetaneuse with B. Darquié. Details
An Assistant Professor (with Tenure-Track Option) in Experimental Molecular Physics, Universität Innsbruck. Details
A Tenure Track Scientist in Ion Trap Quantum Computing at the ETH Zurich – PSI Quantum Computing Hub. For further details see or write to
Please sent information about your publications to
A Taxonomy of Small Markovian Errors
Robin Blume-Kohout, Marcus P. da Silva, Erik Nielsen, Timothy Proctor, Kenneth Rudinger, Mohan Sarovar, and Kevin Young
PRX Quantum 3, 020335 (2022)
Completely localized solitons and their stabilities in magnetized dusty plasma of trapped ions
Juan Zhang, Xueping Ren, Xiaohuan Wan, Yushan Zhou, Xiaobei Fan, Jing Wang and Yuren Shi
Physics of Plasmas 29, 053702 (2022)
Controlling long ion strings for quantum simulation and precision measurements
Florian Kranzl, Manoj K. Joshi, Christine Maier, Tiff Brydges, Johannes Franke, Rainer Blatt, and Christian F. Roos
Phys. Rev. A 105, 052426 (2022)
Critical quantum metrology with fully-connected models: from Heisenberg to Kibble–Zurek scaling
Louis Garbe, Obinna Abah, Simone Felicetti and Ricardo Puebla
Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 035010 (2022)
Demonstration of fault-tolerant universal quantum gate operations
Lukas Postler, Sascha Heuβen, Ivan Pogorelov, Manuel Rispler, Thomas Feldker, Michael Meth, Christian D. Marciniak, Roman Stricker, Martin Ringbauer, Rainer Blatt, Philipp Schindler, Markus Müller & Thomas Monz
Nature volume 605, pages675–680 (2022)
Digital Quantum Simulation of the Schwinger Model and Symmetry Protection with Trapped Ions
Nhung H. Nguyen, Minh C. Tran, Yingyue Zhu, Alaina M. Green, C. Huerta Alderete, Zohreh Davoudi, and Norbert M. Linke
PRX Quantum 3, 020324 (2022)
Entangling-gate error from coherently displaced motional modes of trapped ions
B. P. Ruzic, T. A. Barrick, J. D. Hunker, R. J. Law, B. K. McFarland, H. J. McGuinness, L. P. Parazzoli, J. D. Sterk, J. W. Van Der Wall, and D. Stick
Phys. Rev. A 105, 052409 (2022)
Fabrication of surface ion traps with integrated current carrying wires enabling high magnetic field gradients
Martin Siegele-Brown, Seokjun Hong, Foni Raphaël Lebrun-Gallagher, Samuel James Hile, Sebastian Weidt and Winfried Karl Hensinger
Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 034003 (2022)
Formation of two-ion crystals by injection from a Paul-trap source into a high-magnetic-field Penning trap
J. Berrocal, E. Altozano, F. Domínguez, M. J. Gutiérrez, J. Cerrillo, F. J. Fernández, M. Block, C. Ospelkaus, and D. Rodríguez
Phys. Rev. A 105, 052603 (2022)
Improving quantum state detection with adaptive sequential observations
Shawn Geller, Daniel C Cole, Scott Glancy and Emanuel Knill
Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 034004 (2022)
Industrially microfabricated ion trap with 1 eV trap depth
S Auchter, C Axline, C Decaroli, M Valentini, L Purwin, R Oswald, R Matt, E Aschauer, Y Colombe, P Holz, T Monz, R Blatt, P Schindler, C Rössler and J Home
Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 035015 (2022)
In situ detection of RF breakdown on microfabricated surface ion traps
Joshua M. Wilson, Julia N. Tilles, Raymond A. Haltli, Eric Ou, Matthew G. Blain, Susan M. Clark and Melissa C. Revelle
Journal of Applied Physics 131, 134401 (2022)
Low-overhead fault-tolerant quantum computing using long-range connectivity
Ising machines as hardware solvers of combinatorial optimization problems
Naeimeh Mohseni, Peter L. McMahon & Tim Byrnes
Nature Reviews Physics volume 4, pages363–379 (2022)
Precision determination of the ground-state hyperfine splitting of trapped 113Cd+ ions
Miao, S. N.; Zhang, J. W.; Qin, H. R.; Xin, N. C.; Han, J. Z.; Wang, L. J.
Optics Letters 46(23) 5882-5885 (2022)
Quantum Simulation of the Two-Dimensional Weyl Equation in a Magnetic Field
Y. Jiang, M.-L. Cai, Y.-K. Wu, Q.-X. Mei, W.-D. Zhao, X.-Y. Chang, L. Yao, L. He, Z.-C. Zhou, and L.-M. Duan
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 200502 (2022)
Quasienergy operators and generalized squeezed states for systems of trapped ions
Bogdan M.Mihalcea
Annals of Physics 442, 168926 (2022)
Thermally induced entanglement of atomic oscillators
Laha, Pradip; Slodička, Lukáš; Moore, Darren W.; Filip, Radim
Optics Express 30(6) 8814-8828 (2022)
A digital quantum simulation of an extended Agassi model assisted by machine learning
Authors: Álvaro Sáiz, José-Enrique García-Ramos, José Miguel Arias, Lucas Lamata, Pedro Pérez-Fernández
Approaching optimal entangling collective measurements on quantum computing platforms
Authors: Lorcan O. Conlon, Tobias Vogl, Christian D. Marciniak, Ivan Pogorelov, Simon K. Yung, Falk Eilenberger, Dominic W. Berry, Fabiana S. Santana, Rainer Blatt, Thomas Monz, Ping Koy Lam, Syed M. Assad
Benchmarking Quantum Simulators using Quantum Chaos
Authors: Daniel K. Mark, Joonhee Choi, Adam L. Shaw, Manuel Endres, Soonwon Choi
Characterizing and mitigating coherent errors in a trapped ion quantum processor using hidden inverses
Authors: Swarnadeep Majumder, Christopher G. Yale, Titus D. Morris, Daniel S. Lobser, Ashlyn D. Burch, Matthew N. H. Chow, Melissa C. Revelle, Susan M. Clark, Raphael C. Pooser
Coherently Coupled Mechanical Oscillators in the Quantum Regime
Authors: Pan-Yu Hou, Jenny J. Wu, Stephen D. Erickson, Daniel C. Cole, Giorgio Zarantonello, Adam D. Brandt, Andrew C. Wilson, Daniel H. Slichter, Dietrich Leibfried
Computational Characteristics of Random Field Ising Model with Long-Range Interaction
Authors: Fangxuan Liu, L. -M. Duan
Critical localization with Van der Waals interactions
Authors: Rahul Nandkishore
Determination of Multi-mode Motional Quantum States in a Trapped Ion System
Authors: Zhubing Jia, Ye Wang, Bichen Zhang, Jacob Whitlow, Chao Fang, Jungsang Kim, Kenneth R. Brown
Efficient verification of continuously-parameterized quantum gates
Authors: Ryan Shaffer, Hang Ren, Emiliia Dyrenkova, Christopher G. Yale, Daniel S. Lobser, Ashlyn D. Burch, Matthew N. H. Chow, Melissa C. Revelle, Susan M. Clark, Hartmut Häffner
Geometries and fabrication methods for 3D printing ion traps
Authors: A. Quinn, M. Brown, T. J. Gardner, D. T. C. Allcock
Improved Limit on Tensor Currents in the Weak Interaction from 8Li β Decay
Authors: M. T. Burkey, G. Savard, A. T. Gallant, N. D. Scielzo, T. Y. Hirsh, L. Varriano, G. H. Sargsyan, K. D. Launey, M. Brodeur, D. P. Burdette, E. Heckmaier, K. Joerres, J. W. Klimes, K. Kolos, A. Laminack, K. G. Leach, A. F. Levand, B. Longfellow, B. Maaß, S. T. Marley, G. E. Morgan, P. Mueller, R. Orford, S. W. Padgett, A. Pérez Galván , et al. (6 additional authors not shown)
Late-time critical behavior of local string-like observables under quantum quenches
Authors: Souvik Bandyopadhyay, Anatoli Polkovnikov, Amit Dutta
Observation of Non-Markovian Spin Dynamics in a Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard Model using a Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulator
Authors: B. -W. Li, Q. -X. Mei, Y. -K. Wu, M. -L. Cai, Y. Wang, L. Yao, Z. -C. Zhou, L. -M. Duan
Prospects of a thousand-ion Sn2+ Coulomb-crystal clock with sub-10−19 inaccuracy
Authors: David R. Leibrandt, Sergey G. Porsev, Charles Cheung, Marianna S. Safronova
Quantum Simulation of the Two-Dimensional Weyl Equation in a Magnetic Field
Authors: Y. Jiang, M. -L. Cai, Y. -K. Wu, Q. -X. Mei, W. -D. Zhao, X. -Y. Chang, L. Yao, L. He, Z. -C. Zhou, L. -M. Duan
Observation of Supersymmetry and its Spontaneous Breaking in a Trapped Ion Quantum Simulator
Authors: M. -L. Cai, Y. -K. Wu, Q. -X. Mei, W. -D. Zhao, Y. Jiang, L. Yao, L. He, Z. -C. Zhou, L. -M. Duan
Observing Quantum Synchronization of a Single Trapped-Ion Qubit
Authors: Liyun Zhang, Zhao Wang, Yucheng Wang, Junhua Zhang, Zhigang Wu, Jianwen Jie, Yao Lu
Positron accumulation in the GBAR experiment
Authors: P. Blumer, M. Charlton, M. Chung, P. Clade, P. Comini, P. Crivelli, O. Dalkarov, P. Debu, L. Dodd, A. Douillet, S. Guellati, P. -A Hervieux, L. Hilico, P. Indelicato, G. Janka, S. Jonsell, J. -P. Karr, B. H. Kim, E. S. Kim, S. K. Kim, Y. Ko, T. Kosinski, N. Kuroda, B. M. Latacz, B. Lee , et al. (45 additional authors not shown)
Provably Optimal Control for Multiplicative Amplitude Control Noise
Authors: Colin J. Trout, Kevin Schultz, Paraj Titum, Leigh Norris, Gregory Quiroz, and B. David Clader
Quantum simulations of interacting systems with broken time-reversal symmetry
Authors: Yotam Shapira, Tom Manovitz, Nitzan Akerman, Ady Stern, Roee Ozeri
Qubit-efficient simulation of thermal states with quantum tensor networks
Authors: Yuxuan Zhang, Shahin Jahanbani, Daoheng Niu, Reza Haghshenas, Andrew C. Potter
The dynamics of a single trapped ion in a high density media: a stochastic approach
Authors: Mateo Londoño, Javier Madroñero, Jesús Pérez Ríos
The general approach of weak-to-strong measurement transition for Fock state based pointers
Authors: Yusuf Turek, Qiang Hu, Janarbek Yuanbek, Ahmad Abliz
Towards Quantum Gravity in the Lab on Quantum Processors
Authors: Illya Shapoval, Vincent Paul Su, Wibe de Jong, Miro Urbanek, Brian Swingle