Dear all,
confinement (as it is called in France) – isn’t that the optimal state for ion trappers? The situation is difficult, but as physicists we are all aware that only the decrease of the interaction term can halt the growing curve. There are still plenty of things to do, but stay at home !!!
We will be happy to spread news about your virtual seminars, courses and ongoing remote activities, please keep us informed !
Remain healthy!
Your editorial team
Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries 2020
As an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community a virtual seminar will be organized during the COVID-19 shutdown. The seminar will address specific topics of the fields of precision measurements, tests of fundamental symmetries and quantum information. (Poster can be downloaded HERE)
Starting from 31 March 2020, two seminars per week will be offered, which will take place Tuesday and Thursday, for each seminar-slot 90 minutes are allocated. The time slots of the seminars are defined by the speakers and therefore flexible. The preliminary program is attached to this mail, frequent updates are available via the indico-link:
Slides will be provided on INDICO, it is planned to stream the event via “zoom”.
We are looking forward to your participation and many fruitful discussions.
Stefan Ulmer, Christian Ospelkaus, Klaus Blaum
An upcoming topical collection in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics PCCP Quantum Computing and Quantum Information Storage is open until 30 July 2020
Special Issue in Applied Sciences (Open Access Journal): “Optical Trapping of Ions and Atoms 2020: Novel Advances and Prospects“, now open for submissions.
Guest Editors: Tobias Schätz, Vladan Vuletic, Michael Drewsen, Jonathan Home, Leon Karpa Details
EPJ QT special issue: “Quantum Metrology & Quantum Enhanced Measurement“. Submissions are accepted from now until 30 June 2021. Details
Please be aware that there might be last-minute cancellations
26th Young Atom Optician (YAO) conference to be held in Aarhus, Denmark 25-29 May 2020 . LINK
52nd EGAS conference, 6-10 July 2020 in Zagreb, Croatia
European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI), Djurönäset, Sweden, 13-17 July 2020
CANCELLED – 13th International Workshop on Non-Neutral Plasmas, Milano, Italy, 13-16 July 2020 LINK
27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) held in Toronto, Canada, 19-24 July 2020 LINK
CCMI 2020 – Cold and Controlled Molecules and Ions, 6 – 11 September 2020, Durham University, UK, LINK
Fully funded PhD studentships available in Swansea (collaboration work at CERN). LINK
A postdoctoral opening on storage ring technologies for quantum computing. Job id 1989 on the BNL careers site. The job description can be found here. For more information please email Kevin Brown,
Applications are sought for an Assistant Professor (lecturer) academic position at Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Université Paris 13 (newly called Université Sorbonne Paris Nord).
For further information and to apply, contact Benoit Darquié. Deadline 9 April 2020
A vacancy in the Swansea group at ALPHA at CERN to work on the ALPHA antihydrogen experiment with particular focus on sympathetic cooling of positrons. Please find details here
Two postdoctoral research associate positions to produce trapped, ultracold molecules that can be used to measure the electron’s electric dipole moment, at the Centre for Cold Matter at Imperial College London. Details
Two PhD positions are available in the group of Prof. Stefan Willitsch (University of Basel, Switzerland) on cold ion-molecule hybrid systems. See the group’s website for further information.
Multiple postdoc positions are available in the NIST Ion Storage Group in Colorado, USA. Topics include quantum simulations in a Penning trap, trapped-ion quantum computing, and coherent control and precision spectroscopy of single molecular ions. For details please contact John Bollinger.
A PhD position (3 years) is available in the laser molecular spectroscopy group of Otto Dopfer at Technische Universität Berlin, Germany. Details
Two postdoc positions in antihydrogen physics with ALPHA at CERN. LINK
PhD project in machine learning with anti-hydrogen under a CDT in AI, Machine learning and Advanced Computing LINK
A postdoc position on the development of a portable Sr+ ion optical clock is open at NRC, Ottawa, Canada. . Details
Postdoc position in the group of Tobias Schaetz at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg:
Qsim – Experimental Quantum Simulations based on Arrays of Individually Trapped Ions LINK
Postdoc position in the group of Tobias Schaetz at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg:
TIAMO: Trapping Ions, Atoms and Molecules Optically – interaction in the ultra-cold quantum regime LINK
TRIUMF is looking to hire a post-doctoral researcher (in collaboration with MIT), and a research faculty position. More details can be found in the following links: LINK1 and LINK2
A postdoc positions are available at the Stefan Meyer Institute for Subatomic Physics of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna on physics with trapped charged particles for antihydrogen production (ASACUSA collaboration). LINK
Assistant Professor in the Quantum Light and Matter group at Durham University. Further details
Two PhD positions are available on fundamental tests based on precision (frequency comb) spectroscopy of trapped He+ ions, molecular hydrogen and quantum-degenerate meta-stable helium at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands. More information at:
A new PhD position is open at the Physics department of University of Mainz on “Scalable Quantum Computing with Trapped Ions”. More information is available HERE. The successful candidate will work on a cutting-edge experiment aiming at the realization of elementary quantum algorithms based on shuttling trapped-ion qubits in segmented microchip traps. If you are interested, please contact Ulrich Poschinger ( and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler (
LaserLaB VU Amsterdam, the Netherlands, has an open PhD position on Doppler-free laser spectroscopy of trapped molecular hydrogen ions. LINK
A new PhD position is open at the Physics department of University of Mainz on “Rydberg Ions for Quantum Computation and Quantum Sensing”. More information is available HERE. The successful candidate will work on the experiment that combines exciting aspects of Rydberg physics with trapped-ion qubits. If you are interested, please contact Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler (
We are currently seeking to recruit two motivated and enthusiastic postdoctoral research associates to join the ALPHA collaboration at CERN/Switzerland. LINK
You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrology, cold atoms and quantum information
Please sent informations about your publications to
Analytical percolation theory for topological color codes under qubit loss
David Amaro, Jemma Bennett, Davide Vodola, and Markus Müller
Phys. Rev. A 101, 032317 (2020)
A similarity of quantum phase transition and quench dynamics in the Dicke model beyond the thermodynamic limit
Lituo Shen, Zhicheng Shi, Zhenbiao Yang, Huaizhi Wu, Zhirong Zhong and Shibiao Zheng
EPJ Quantum Technol. (2020) 7:1
Discrimination and estimation for dephasing sources of trapped ion qubits
Jie Zhang, Wei Wu, Chun-wang Wu, Jian-guo Miao, Yi Xie, Bao-quan Ou & Ping-xing Chen
Applied Physics B volume 126, Article number: 20 (2020)
Dynamics of entanglement creation between two spins coupled to a chain
Pierre Wendenbaum, Bruno G. Taketani, Endre Kajari, Giovanna Morigi and Dragi Karevski
Eur. Phys. J. Plus (2020) 135: 182
Entanglement and correlations in a one-dimensional quantum spin-1/2 chain with anisotropic power-law long-range interactions
Jie Ren, Wen-Long You, and Xiaoqun Wang
Phys. Rev. B 101, 094410 (2020)
First steps in the development of the Multi Ion Reflection Apparatus for Collinear Laser Spectroscopy,
S. Sels, P. Fischer, H. Heylen, V. Lagaki, S. Lechner, F.M. Maier, P. Plattner, M. Rosenbusch, F. Wienholtz, R.N. Wolf, W. Nörthershäuser, L. Schweikhard, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer,
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 463, 310-314 (2020)
High-Rate, High-Fidelity Entanglement of Qubits Across an Elementary Quantum Network
L. J. Stephenson, D. P. Nadlinger, B. C. Nichol, S. An, P. Drmota, T. G. Ballance, K. Thirumalai, J. F. Goodwin, D. M. Lucas, and C. J. Ballance
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 110501 (2020)
Hyperfine Averaging by Dynamic Decoupling in a Multi-Ion Lutetium Clock
R. Kaewuam, T. R. Tan, K. J. Arnold, S. R. Chanu, Zhiqiang Zhang, and M. D. Barrett
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 083202 (2020)
Improved stability of multi-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometers through passive and active voltage stabilization,
F. Wienholtz, K. Blaum, J. Karthein, D. Lunney, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer, V. Manea, M. Mougeot, L. Schweikhard, T. Steinsberger, R.N. Wolf,
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 463, 348-356 (2020)
Initialization of quantum simulators by sympathetic cooling
Quantum-nondemolition state detection and spectroscopy of single trapped molecules
SCIENCE13 MAR 2020 : 1213-1218
Reading a molecule without destroying it
SCIENCE13 MAR 2020 : 1207-1208
Subspace benchmarking high-fidelity entangling operations with trapped ions
C. H. Baldwin, B. J. Bjork, J. P. Gaebler, D. Hayes, and D. Stack
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013317 (2020)
Temperature evolution of ions in a Paul trap driven by various radio-frequency waveforms
Hüsnü Aksakal and Ali Selçuk Mercanli
Eur. Phys. J. Plus (2020) 135: 76
Theory of robust multiqubit nonadiabatic gates for trapped ions
Yotam Shapira, Ravid Shaniv, Tom Manovitz, Nitzan Akerman, Lee Peleg, Lior Gazit, Roee Ozeri, and Ady Stern
Phys. Rev. A 101, 032330 (2020)
The Performance of the Cryogenic Buffer-Gas Stopping Cell of SHIPTRAP,
O. Kaleja, B. Andjelić, K. Blaum, M.Block, P. Chhetri, C. Droese, Ch.E. Düllmann, M. Eibach, S. Eliseev, J. Even, S. Götz, F. Giacoppo, N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, M. Laatiaoui, E. Minaya Ramirez, A. Mistry, T. Murböck, S.Raeder, L. Schweikhard, P.G. Thirolf,
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 463, 280-285 (2020)
Two-qubit quantum gate and entanglement protected by circulant symmetry
Peter A. Ivanov & Nikolay V. Vitanov
Scientific Reports 10 , 1–11
A high fidelity light-shift gate for clock-state qubits
C. H. Baldwin, B. J. Bjork, M. Foss-Feig, J. P. Gaebler, D. Hayes, M. G. Kokish, C. Langer, J. A. Sedlacek, D. Stack, G. Vittorini
Benchmarking protocols for analog quantum simulators
Ryan Shaffer, Eli Megidish, Joseph Broz, Wei-Ting Chen, Hartmut Häffner
Confinement and retrieval of local phonons in a trapped-ion chain
Ryutaro Ohira, Shota Kume, Kyoichi Takayama, Silpa Muralidharan, Hiroki Takahashi, Kenji Toyoda
Demonstration of the QCCD trapped-ion quantum computer architecture
J. M. Pino, J. M. Dreiling, C. Figgatt, J. P. Gaebler, S. A. Moses, M. S. Allman, C. H. Baldwin, M. Foss-Feig, D. Hayes, K. Mayer, C. Ryan-Anderson, B. Neyenhuis
Direct reconstruction of the quantum master equation dynamics of a trapped ion qubit
Eitan Ben Av, Yotam Shapira, Nitzan Akerman, Roee Ozeri
Double-EIT Ground-State Cooling of Stationary Two-Dimensional Ion Lattices
Mu Qiao, Ye Wang, Zhengyang Cai, Botao Du, Pengfei Wang, Chunyang Luan, Wentao Chen, Heung-Ryoul Noh, Kihwan Kim
Enhanced ion-cavity coupling through cavity cooling in the strong coupling regime
Costas Christoforou, Corentin Pignot, Ezra Kassa, Hiroki Takahashi, Matthias Keller
Ion transport and reordering in a two-dimensional trap array
Y. Wan, R. Jördens, S. D. Erickson, J. J. Wu, R. Bowler, T. R. Tan, P. -Y. Hou, D. J. Wineland, A. C. Wilson, D. Leibfried
Jaqal, the Quantum Assembly Language for QSCOUT
Andrew J. Landahl, Daniel S. Lobser, Benjamin C. A. Morrison, Kenneth M. Rudinger, Antonio E. Russo, Jay W. Van Der Wall, Peter Maunz
Multi-channel Opto-mechanical Switch and Locking System for Wavemeters
Moji Ghadimi, Elizabeth M. Bridge, Jordan Scarabel, Steven Connell, Kenji Shimizu, Erik Streed, Mirko Lobino
Photon-mediated charge-exchange reactions between 39K atoms and 40Ca+ ions in a hybrid trap
Hui Li, S. Jyothi, Ming Li, Jacek Klos, Alexander Petrov, Kenneth R Brown, Svetlana Kotochigova
Trapped Rydberg ions: a new platform for quantum information processing
Arezoo Mokhberi, Markus Hennrich, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
Two-dimensional linear trap array for quantum information processing
Philip C. Holz, Silke Auchter, Gerald Stocker, Marco Valentini, Kirill Lakhmanskiy, Clemens Rössler, Paul Stampfer, Sokratis Sgouridis, Elmar Aschauer, Yves Colombe, Rainer Blatt
VECSEL systems for quantum information processing with trapped beryllium ions
S. C. Burd, J. -P. Penttinen, P. -Y. Hou, H. M. Knaack, S. Ranta, M. Mäki, E. Kantola, M. Guina, D. H. Slichter, D. Leibfried, A. C. Wilson
Versatile Atomic Magnetometry Assisted by Bayesian Inference
R. Puebla, Y. Ban, J. F. Haase, M. B. Plenio, M. Paternostro, J. Casanova