Dear Colleagues,

as a follow-up of the Winter School in Les Houches last year a book on Trapped Charged Particles has just been published. It is a graduate textbook containing problems and solutions for every chapter, and treats many advanced topics concerning the physics of trapped charged particles. For those interersted, it will be on exposure (and sold with a special reduction) at the ECTI conference. Detailed information can be found here.

Your editorial team



Call for contributions for Special Issue “Perspectives of Atomic Physics with Trapped Highly Charged Ions” LINK


Introductory Course on Quantum Information, Innsbruck, July 12-14, 2016 LINK


European Conference on Trapped Ions, Aug 29 -Sept 2, 2016, Arosa, CH.  LINK


ECAMP, 5-9 September 2016, Frankfurt, D LINK


Italian Quantum Information Science Conference, will be held in Rome (Italy), 20-23 September 2016. LINK

International Conference on Molecular Energy Transfer in Complex Systems iCOMET 2017. It will take place in Innsbruck, Austria from January 15 to 20, 2017. Details HERE



Qubig is looking for a development engineer (physicist) for research and development tasks. You’ll find the detailed (German) description HERE.


PhD position on precision spectroscopy in multipole traps in Marseille. Deadline 10 July 2016. LINK

ESA research fellowship for ACES. Details

Postdoctoral/research assistant position at the University of Freiburg in the group of Frank Stienkemeier. Contact

Postdoc position in experimental nanophotonics, Prague, Czech Republic. LINK

PhD position on the Yb+ clock project in Besançon, France LINK


You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to

Arrays of individually controlled ions suitable for two-dimensional quantum simulations
Manuel Mielenz, Henning Kalis, Matthias Wittemer, Frederick Hakelberg, Ulrich Warring, Roman Schmied, Matthew Blain, Peter Maunz, David L. Moehring, Dietrich Leibfried, and Tobias Schaetz
Nature Communications 7, Article number: ncomms11839 (2016)

Buffer-Gas Cooling of a Single Ion in a Multipole Radio Frequency Trap Beyond the Critical Mass Ratio
Bastian Höltkemeier, Pascal Weckesser, Henry López-Carrera, and Matthias Weidemüller
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 233003 (2016)

Can different quantum state vectors correspond to the same physical state? An experimental test
Daniel Nigg, Thomas Monz, Philipp Schindler, Esteban A Martinez, Markus Hennrich, Rainer Blatt, Matthew F Pusey, Terry Rudolph and Jonathan Barrett
New J. Phys. 18 013007 (2016)

Cooperative Shielding in Many-Body Systems with Long-Range Interaction
Lea F. Santos, Fausto Borgonovi, and Giuseppe Luca Celardo
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 250402 (2016)

Crossover from Classical to Quantum Kibble-Zurek Scaling
Pietro Silvi, Giovanna Morigi, Tommaso Calarco, and Simone Montangero
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 225701 (2016)

Cryogenic resonator design for trapped ion experiments in Paul traps
M. F. Brandl, P. Schindler, T. Monz, R. Blatt
Appl. Phys. B 122: 157 (2016)

Design and performance of an instrument for electron impact tandem mass spectrometry and action spectroscopy of mass/charge selected macromolecular ions stored in RF ion trap
Milos Lj. Ranković, Alexandre Giuliani, and Aleksandar R. Milosavljević,
Eur. Phys. J. D 70: 125 (2016)

Detection of motional ground state population of a trapped ion using delayed pulses
F Gebert, Y Wan, F Wolf, Jan C Heip and Piet O Schmidt
New J. Phys. 18 013037 (2016)

Heat transport through ion crystals
Nahuel Freitas, Esteban A Martinez and Juan Pablo Paz
Phys. Scr. 91 013007 (2016)

Impact of many-body correlations on the dynamics of an ion-controlled bosonic Josephson junction
J. M. Schurer, R. Gerritsma, P. Schmelcher, and A. Negretti
Phys. Rev. A 93, 063602 (2016)

Implementation of chiral quantum optics with Rydberg and trapped-ion setups
Benoît Vermersch, Tomás Ramos, Philipp Hauke, and Peter Zoller
Phys. Rev. A 93, 063830 (2016)

Long-range Ising and Kitaev models: phases, correlations and edge modes
Davide Vodola, Luca Lepori, Elisa Ercolessi and Guido Pupillo
New J. Phys. 18 015001 (2016)

Many-body localization in a quantum simulator with programmable random disorder
J. Smith, A. Lee, P. Richerme, B. Neyenhuis, P. W. Hess, P. Hauke, M. Heyl, D. A. Huse, and C. Monroe
Nature Physics (2016)

Measuring the Second Chern Number from Nonadiabatic Effects
Michael Kolodrubetz
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 015301 (2016)

Nuclear recoil corrections to the Lamb shift of hydrogen and light hydrogenlike ions
V. A. Yerokhin and V. M. Shabaev
Phys. Rev. A 93, 062514 (2016)

Optimized Multi-Ion Cavity Coupling
Stephen Begley, Markus Vogt, Gurpreet Kaur Gulati, Hiroki Takahashi, and Matthias Keller
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 223001 (2016)

Particle physics: Quantum simulation of fundamental physics
Erez Zohar
Nature 534, 480–481(2016)

Programmable atom-photon quantum interface
Christoph Kurz, Pascal Eich, Michael Schug, Philipp Müller, and Jürgen Eschner
Phys. Rev. A 93, 062348 (2016)

Quantum annealing for the number-partitioning problem using a tunable spin glass of ions
Tobias Graß, David Raventós, Bruno Juliá-Díaz, Christian Gogolin, and Maciej Lewenstein
Nature Communications 7, Article number: 11524

Quantum simulation of the dynamical Casimir effect with trapped ions
N Trautmann and P Hauke
New J. Phys. 18 043029 (2016)

Quantum spin dynamics and entanglement generation with hundreds of trapped ions
Justin G. Bohnet, Brian C. Sawyer, Joseph W. Britton, Michael L. Wall, Ana Maria Rey, Michael Foss-Feig, John J. Bollinger
Science 352, 1297-1301 (2016)

Real-time dynamics of lattice gauge theories with a few-qubit quantum computer
Esteban A. Martinez, Christine A. Muschik, Philipp Schindler, Daniel Nigg, Alexander Erhard, Markus Heyl, Philipp Hauke, Marcello Dalmonte, Thomas Monz, Peter Zoller, and Rainer Blatt
Nature 534, 516–519 (2016)

The power of one atom
Alberto Moscatelli
Nature Nanotechnology, 07 June 2016

The power of many
Iulia Georgescu
Nature Physics 12, 631 (2016)

Topological phases of shaken quantum Ising lattices
Samuel Fernández-Lorenzo, Juan José García-Ripoll and Diego Porras
New J. Phys. 18 023030 (2016)


A long-lived Zeeman trapped-ion qubit
Thomas Ruster, Christian T. Schmiegelow, Henning Kaufmann, Claudia Warschburger, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Ulrich G. Poschinger

Force sensors with precision beyond the standard quantum limit
Peter A. Ivanov

Frequency conversion between UV and telecom wavelengths in a lithium niobate waveguide for quantum communication with Yb+ trapped ions
Sachin Kasture, Francesco Lenzini, Ben Haylock, Andreas Boes, Arnan Mitchell, Erik W. Streed, Mirko Lobino

Heisenberg scaling of imaging resolution by coherent enhancement
Robert McConnell, Guang Hao Low, Theodore J. Yoder, Colin D. Bruzewicz, Isaac L. Chuang, John Chiaverini, Jeremy M. Sage

High-fidelity trapped-ion quantum logic using near-field microwaves
T. P. Harty, M. A. Sepiol, D. T. C. Allcock, C. J. Ballance, J. E. Tarlton, D. M. Lucas

Large-scale error-correction protocols using global operations in ion traps
Yannick Seis, Joseph F. Goodwin, Benjamin J. Brown, Terry Rudolph

Ion Crystal Metamorphoses in a Paul trap
V. Ursekar, J. M. Silvester, Y. S. Nam, R. Blümel

Polarization measurement of dielectronic recombination transitions in highly charged krypton ions
Chintan Shah, Holger Jörg, Sven Bernitt, Stepan Dobrodey, René Steinbrügge, Christian Beilmann, Pedro Amaro, Zhimin Hu, Sebastian Weber, Stephan Fritzsche, Andrey Surzhykov, José R. Crespo López-Urrutia, and Stanislav Tashenov

Quantum dynamics of trapped ions in a dynamic field gradient using dressed states
Sabine Wölk, Christof Wunderlich

Simulating generic spin-boson models with matrix product states
Michael L. Wall, Arghavan Safavi-Naini, Ana Maria Rey

Switchable Particle Statistics with an Embedding Quantum Simulator
X.-H. Cheng, I. Arrazola, J. S. Pedernales, L. Lamata, X. Chen, E. Solano

Ultrafast, high repetition rate, ultraviolet, fiber based laser source: application towards Yb+ fast quantum-logic
Mahmood Irtiza Hussain, Matthew Joseph Petrasiunas, Christopher D. B. Bentley, Richard L. Taylor, Andre R. R. Carvalho, Joseph J. Hope, Erik W. Streed, Mirko Lobino, David Kielpinski