Dear all,

thanks to your interest and contributions this newsletter lives a very healthy live with more than 800 faithful subscribers. The main motivation is to serve as a communication tool for the very dynamic ion trapper community. In the same spirit, a proposal for a new COST project is submitted this week, in order to create (or maintain) even stronger links between our groups. This network, like the previous one, will be very open, and propose various activities with a spotlight on young researchers. Markus Hennrich from Stockholm University (with a tiny working group) is the main proposer. Let’s keep our fingers crossed !

Your editorial team



There are still a few places left for the third Winter School in Les Houches in January 2018.
 Applications are open on the school  web-site at and don’t forget that the registration deadline is September 17.


Winter School on Physics with Trapped Charged Particles, Les Houches, France, January 8-19, 2018  LINK
Registration deadline 17 September 2017


LEAP2018 – Conference on Low Energy Antiproton Physics – hosted at Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), Paris France from Mars 12th to 16th, 2018.      LINK


ECTI 5  will be held at the Lopatie Conference Center at Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, on November 18-23, 2018.  SAVE THE DATE!!


Two open PhD positions at the Institute for Experimental Quantum Metrology at PTB Braunschweig focusing on applying quantum logic spectroscopy to molecular ions and aluminium ions. LINK

The ion trap group at Imperial College London has two vacancies for postdocs (one theory, one experiment).  These positions are associated with a new research grant on optimal control in ion traps, with Richard Thompson and Florian Mintert as co-investigators.
To view the adverts please go to:– click job search and enter NS2017140NT (experimental position) or NS2017151NT (theory position) in “keywords”
. Deadline is 21st September 2017.

Postdoc position available for work on ALPHA at CERN with Swansea University.  LINK

Quantum Control Systems Designer for opticlock: QUARTIQ, Berlin, Germany    LINK


PhD position “Precision tests of fundamental symmetry with trapped antihydrogen” in Swansea University LINK


Postdoc and PhD positions on 1S-2S spectroscopy in He+ (Proton Radius Puzzle) in Amsterdam, LaserLaB Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands LINK


You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to

Cavity-induced anticorrelated photon-emission rates of a single ion
Hiroki Takahashi, Ezra Kassa, Costas Christoforou, and Matthias Keller
Phys. Rev. A 96, 023824 (2017)

Collisional frequency shift of a trapped-ion optical clock
Amar C. Vutha, Tom Kirchner, and Pierre Dubé
Phys. Rev. A 96, 022704 (2017)

Direct Observation of Dynamical Quantum Phase Transitions in an Interacting Many-Body System
P. Jurcevic, H. Shen, P. Hauke, C. Maier, T. Brydges, C. Hempel, B. P. Lanyon, M. Heyl, R. Blatt, and C. F. Roos
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 080501 (2017)

Doppler cooling thermometry of a multilevel ion in the presence of micromotion
Tomas Sikorsky, Ziv Meir, Nitzan Akerman, Ruti Ben-shlomi, and Roee Ozeri
Phys. Rev. A 96, 012519 (2017)

Efficient tomography of a quantum many-body system
B. P. Lanyon, C. Maier, M. Holzäpfel, T. Baumgratz, C. Hempel, P. Jurcevic, I. Dhand, A. S. Buyskikh, A. J. Daley, M. Cramer, M. B. Plenio, R. Blatt & C. F. Roos
Nature Physics (2017)

Improved limit on the directly measured antiproton lifetime
S Sellner, M Besirli, M Bohman, M J Borchert, J Harrington, T Higuchi, A Mooser, H Nagahama, G Schneider, C Smorra, T Tanaka, K Blaum, Y Matsuda, C Ospelkaus, W Quint, J Walz, Y Yamazaki and S Ulmer
New Journal of Physics, Volume 19, August 2017

Measurements of trap dynamics of cold OH molecules using resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization
John M. Gray, Jason A. Bossert, Yomay Shyur, and H. J. Lewandowski
Phys. Rev. A 96, 023416 (2017)

Noninvasive measurement of dynamic correlation functions
Philipp Uhrich, Salvatore Castrignano, Hermann Uys, and Michael Kastner
Phys. Rev. A 96, 022127 (2017)

Note: Single ion imaging and fluorescence collection with a parabolic mirror trap
Chen-Kuan Choua, Carolyn Auchter, Jennifer Lilieholm, Kevin Smith, and Boris Blinov
Review of Scientific Instruments 88, 086101 (2017)

Observation of prethermalization in long-range interacting spin chains
Brian Neyenhuis, Jiehang Zhang, Paul W. Hess, Jacob Smith, Aaron C. Lee, Phil Richerme, Zhe-Xuan Gong, Alexey V. Gorshkov and Christopher Monroe
Science Advances 25 Aug 2017:Vol. 3, no. 8, e1700672

Polarisation-preserving photon frequency conversion from a trapped-ion-compatible wavelength to the telecom C-band
V. Krutyanskiy, M. Meraner, J. Schupp, B. P. Lanyon
Applied Physics B, 2017, 123:228

Prospects for a bad-cavity laser using a large ion crystal
Georgy A. Kazakov, Justin Bohnet, and Thorsten Schumm
Phys. Rev. A 96, 023412 (2017)

Quantum dynamics of trapped ions in a dynamic field gradient using dressed states
Sabine Wölk and Christof Wunderlich
New Journal of Physics, Volume 19, August 2017

Rotationally Cold OH Ions in the Cryogenic Electrostatic Ion-Beam Storage Ring DESIREE
H. T. Schmidt, G. Eklund, K. C. Chartkunchand, E. K. Anderson, M. Kamińska, N. de Ruette, R. D. Thomas, M. K. Kristiansson, M. Gatchell, P. Reinhed, S. Rosén, A. Simonsson, A. Källberg, P. Löfgren, S. Mannervik, H. Zettergren, and H. Cederquist
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 073001 (2017)

Single-ion quantum Otto engine with always-on bath interaction
Suman Chand and Asoka Biswas
EPL (Europhysics Letters), Volume 118, Number 6 (2017)

Single-shot energy measurement of a single atom and the direct reconstruction of its energy distribution
Ziv Meir, Tomas Sikorsky, Nitzan Akerman, Ruti Ben-shlomi, Meirav Pinkas, and Roee Ozeri
Phys. Rev. A 96, 020701(R) (2017)

Spectral properties of single photons from quantum emitters
Philipp Müller, Tristan Tentrup, Marc Bienert, Giovanna Morigi, and Jürgen Eschner
Phys. Rev. A 96, 023861 (2017)

Study of Quasiclassical Dynamics of Trapped Ions Using the Coherent State Formalism and Associated Algebraic Groups
Bogdan M. Mihalcea
Romanian Journal of Physics 62, 113 (2017)

Synchronizing quantum harmonic oscillators through two-level systems
Benedetto Militello, Hiromichi Nakazato, and Anna Napoli
Phys. Rev. A 96, 023862 (2017) – Published 29 August 2017

Universal equilibrium scaling functions at short times after a quench
Markus Karl, Halil Cakir, Jad C. Halimeh, Markus K. Oberthaler, Michael Kastner, and Thomas Gasenzer
Phys. Rev. E 96, 022110 (2017)

Unraveling the Structure of Ultracold Mesoscopic Collinear Molecular Ions
J. M. Schurer, A. Negretti, and P. Schmelcher
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 063001 (2017)




A high repetition deterministic single ion source
Cihan Sahin, Philipp Geppert, Andreas Müllers, Herwig Ott

Chiral spin currents in a trapped-ion quantum simulator using Floquet engineering
Tobias Grass, Alessio Celi, Guido Pagano, Maciej Lewenstein

Coherent control of a single trapped Rydberg ion
Gerard Higgins, Fabian Pokorny, Chi Zhang, Quentin Bodart, Markus Hennrich

Cold hybrid ion-atom systems
Michał Tomza, Krzysztof Jachymski, Rene Gerritsma, Antonio Negretti, Tommaso Calarco, Zbigniew Idziaszek, Paul S. Julienne

Dissipative Phase Transition in the Open Quantum Rabi Model
Myung-Joong Hwang, Peter Rabl, Martin B. Plenio

Generation of high-fidelity quantum control methods for multi-level systems
J. Randall, A. M. Lawrence, S. C. Webster, S. Weidt, N. V. Vitanov, W. K. Hensinger

Ion trap architectures and new directions
James D. Siverns, Qudsia Quraishi

Measuring anomalous heating in a planar ion trap with variable ion-surface separation
Ivan A. Boldin, Alexander Kraft, Christof Wunderlich

Motional studies of one and two laser-cooled trapped ions for electric-field sensing applications
Francisco Domínguez, Manuel Jesús Gutiérrez, Íñigo Arrazola, Joaquín Berrocal, Juan Manuel Cornejo, Jesús Javier Del Pozo, Raúl Alberto Rica, Stefan Schmidt, Enrique Solano, Daniel Rodríguez

Multiparticle entanglement criteria for nonsymmetric collective variances
Oliver Marty, Marcus Cramer, Giuseppe Vitagliano, Geza Toth, Martin B. Plenio

Observation of a Many-Body Dynamical Phase Transition with a 53-Qubit Quantum Simulator
J. Zhang, G. Pagano, P. W. Hess, A. Kyprianidis, P. Becker, H. Kaplan, A. V. Gorshkov, Z.-X. Gong, C. Monroe

Robust two-qubit gates in a linear ion crystal using a frequency-modulated driving force
Pak Hong Leung, Kevin A. Landsman, Caroline Figgatt, Norbert M. Linke, Christopher Monroe, Kenneth R. Brown

Singularities of Floquet Scattering and Tunneling
H. Landa

Sympathetic Cooling of Protons and Antiprotons with a Common Endcap Penning Trap
M. Bohman, A. Mooser, G. Schneider, N Schön, M. Wiesinger, J. Harrington, T. Higuchi, H. Nagahama, S. Sellner, C. Smorra, K. Blaum, Y. Matsuda, W. Quint, J. Walz, S. Ulmer

Verification of the Quantum Nonequilibrium Work Relation in the Presence of Decoherence
Andrew Smith, Yao Lu, Shuoming An, Xiang Zhang, Jing-Ning Zhang, Zongping Gong, H. T. Quan, Christopher Jarzynski, Kihwan Kim