Dear all,
we are happy to announce that the first Early Career Conference on Trapped Ions will be held in January 2020. Proposed and organized by young researchers for young researchers, this event is exclusively dedicated to PhD students and young postdocs, in order to give them a platform to discuss, exchange and network. The location will be CERN, and the program will mix talks, posters, discussions, and a CERN visit. The outline of the program will be made over summer, and registration is planned for autumn. This event is part of the COST Action, and registration and lodging are announced to be quite inexpensive.
SAVE THE DATE : 13-17 January 2020.

Best regards,
Your editorial team


CERN has issued a call for proposals for projects at the CERN Antiproton Decelerator after the long shutdown (LS2). The deadline is 1 October 2019 and details of the call can be found at

On 22 June 2019, NASA has launched its Deep Space Atomic Clock based on an ensemble of rf trapped mercury ions developped by JPL. LINK


NACTI 2019, the 2nd North American Conference on Trapped Ions, will be held at the University of Maryland in College Park, MD, USA on July 22-26 2019,

ICPEAC XXXI , Deauville/France, 23-30 July 2019 LINK

Electrostatic Storage Devices (ESD8) conference to be held in Tinajin, P.R. China August 25 to 30, 2019. Details

8th Conference on Quantum Information and Quantum Control (August 26 – 30 2019) at the Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada Details

Early Career Conference on Trapped Ions, to be held at CERN, Geneva 13-17 January 2020. LINK


TU Berlin invites female applicants for four IPODI fellowships (International Postdoc Initiative) lasting two years. Details
PhD position in antimatter physics to join the Alpha antihydrogen collaboration at CERN LINKpostdoc position at LKB, Paris, France on “Measuring a Doppler free two-photon transition in H2+ for electron to proton mass ratio metrology”. For details contact Laurent Hilico

Opening of multiple postdoc positions at JPL in the area of trapped ion clocks, cold atom in space, and atomic (atom interferometer) sensors. The opportunity details can be found at LINK.

PhD and PostDoc positions available at the Max-Planck-Institute for the Science of Light and the University of Erlangen in the group working on interaction of ions and light focused from full solid angle. Please contact Markus Sondermann (

Postdoc positions on new and ongoing projects in Quantum Information and Quantum Networking with trapped ions are available at the University of Maryland, please contact Norbert Linke

PhD position within the Time and Frequency department at FEMTO-ST, with a grant from Bourgogne Franche-Comté University. The project aims at realizing an ultra-compact, transportable ULE Fabry-Perot cavity. More information on the group webpage,

PhD position funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG) is available in the laser molecular spectroscopy group of Otto Dopfer at  Berlin Institute of Technology (TU Berlin), Germany.

PhD student position for Quantum Simulation with large beryllium ion crystals in a Penning trap. Interested students should please contact Michael Biercuk and Robert Wolf

Postdoc position in the ion trapping group of Rene Gerritsma (University of Amsterdam) LINK

2 PhD student positions for a  Paul trap experiments with ytterbium ions on Quantum Control and Quantum Simulation, please contact Michael Biercuk ( and Cornelius Hempel (

Swansea University’s Department of Physics has a call for EPSRC-funded PhD scholarships in 2019 in areas spanning the research interests of the Atomic Molecular and Quantum Physics (AMQP) group, they contain a number of subjects interesting for antimatter and/or ion trappers. LINK

Postdoc position: Join an effort with the long-term goal of exploring the physics and technology required to enable high-performance quantum computing, simulation, and sensing with trapped ions.  Near-term research is focused on novel quantum information processing techniques and encodings in trapped ions, and methods to enhance the fidelity and speed of quantum operations through use of trap-integrated technologies and novel protocols.  This research, which will be performed primarily in the MIT laboratory of Isaac Chuang, will be part of the newly-developed MIT Center for Quantum Engineering and is an opportunity to work with a diverse, tightly integrated team of physicists and engineers from both MIT and MIT Lincoln Laboratory.  Please contact Isaac Chuang ( and/or Jeremy Sage ( for more details.

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to

A quartz amplifier for high-sensitivity Fourier-transform ion-cyclotron-resonance measurements with trapped ions
S. Lohse, J. Berrocal, M. Block, S. Chenmarev, J. M. Cornejo, J. G. Ramírez, and D. Rodríguez.
Review of Scientific Instruments 90, 063202 (2019)

Accessing the non-equal-time commutators of a trapped ion
F. Krumm and W. Vogel
Phys. Rev. A 99, 063816 (2019)

Effect of long-range interactions on multipartite entanglement in Heisenberg chains
Sudipto Singha Roy and Himadri Shekhar Dhar
Phys. Rev. A 99, 062318 (2019)

Electronic level structure of Th+ in the range of the 229mTh isomer energy
D.-M. Meier, J. Thielking, P. Głowacki, M. V. Okhapkin, R. A. Müller, A. Surzhykov, and E. Peik
Phys. Rev. A 99, 052514 (2019)

Environment mediated multipartite and multidimensional entanglement
Chee Kong Lee, Mojdeh S. Najafabadi, Daniel Schumayer, Leong Chuan Kwek & David A. W. Hutchinson
Scientific Reports 9 , 1–9 (2019)

Excitation-assisted nonadiabatic charge-transfer reaction in a mixed atom-ion system
Ming Li, Michael Mills, Prateek Puri, Alexander Petrov, Eric R. Hudson, and Svetlana Kotochigova
Phys. Rev. A 99, 062706 (2019)

Delocalization and heat transport in multidimensional trapped ion systems
A. Ruiz-García, J. J. Fernández, and D. Alonso
Phys. Rev. E 99, 062105 (2019)

Focus: How to Guide Each Ion in a Beam
P. Weiss
Physics 12, 70, June 21, 2019

Ion-crystal demonstration of a temperature-driven structural phase transition
J. Li, L. L. Yan, L. Chen, Z. C. Liu, F. Zhou, J. Q. Zhang, W. L. Yang, and M. Feng
Phys. Rev. A 99, 063402 (2019)

Laser Cooling of Radium Ions
M. Fan, C. A. Holliman, A. L. Wang, and A. M. Jayich
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 223001 (2019)

Many-body localization in the presence of long-range interactions and long-range hopping
Sabyasachi Nag and Arti Garg
Phys. Rev. B 99, 224203 (2019)

Measurement of charge exchange between Na and Ca+ in a hybrid trap
J. M. Kwolek, D. S. Goodman, B. Slayton, R. Blümel, J. E. Wells, F. A. Narducci, and W. W. Smith
Phys. Rev. A 99, 052703 (2019)

Minimizing rf-induced excess micromotion of a trapped ion with the help of ultracold atoms
Amir Mohammadi, Joschka Wolf, Artjom Krükow, Markus Deiß, Johannes Hecker Denschlag
Appl. Phys. B (2019) 125: 122

Nonreciprocal quantum transport at junctions of structured leads
Eduardo Mascarenhas, François Damanet, Stuart Flannigan, Luca Tagliacozzo, Andrew J. Daley, John Goold, and Inés de Vega
Phys. Rev. B 99, 245134 (2019)

Quadrupole Shift Cancellation Using Dynamic Decoupling
Ravid Shaniv, Nitzan Akerman, Tom Manovitz, Yotam Shapira, and Roee Ozeri
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 223204 (2019)

Quantum amplification of mechanical oscillator motion
S. C. Burd, R. Srinivas, J. J. Bollinger, A. C. Wilson, D. J. Wineland, D. Leibfried, D. H. Slichter, D. T. C. Allcock
Science  Vol. 364, Issue 6446, pp. 1163-1165 (2019)

Quantum gate teleportation between separated qubits in a trapped-ion processor
Yong Wan, Daniel Kienzler, Stephen D. Erickson, Karl H. Mayer, Ting Rei Tan, Jenny J. Wu, Hilma M. Vasconcelos, Scott Glancy, Emanuel Knill, David J. Wineland, Andrew C. Wilson, Dietrich Leibfried
Science Vol. 364, Issue 6443, pp. 875-878 (2019)

Quantum simulation of long-range XY quantum spin glass with strong area-law violation using trapped ions
Nilanjan Roy, Auditya Sharma, and Rick Mukherjee
Phys. Rev. A 99, 052342 (2019)

Reaction blockading in a reaction between an excited atom and a charged molecule at low collision energy
Prateek Puri, Michael Mills, Ionel Simbotin, John A. Montgomery Jr, Robin Côté, Christian Schneider, Arthur G. Suits & Eric R. Hudson
Nature Chemistry, volume 11, pp.615–621 (2019)

Real-Time Trajectory Control of Deterministically Produced Ions
C. Lopez, A. Trimeche, D. Comparat, and Y.J. Picard
Phys. Rev. Applied 11, 064049 (2019)

Squeezing out higher precision
Monika Schleier-Smith
Science  Vol. 364, Issue 6446, pp. 1137-1138 (2019)

Thermalization in the quantum Ising model—approximations, limits, and beyond
Daniel Jaschke, Lincoln D Carr and Inés de Vega
Quantum Sci. Technol. 4 034002 (2019)

Too slow to be activated
Roland Wester
Nature Chemistry 11 , 600–601 (2019)



Asymmetric Heat Transport in Ion Crystals
M. A. Simón, S. Martínez-Garaot, M. Pons, J. G. Muga

Cryogenic 9Be+ Penning trap for precision measurements with (anti-)protons
Malte Niemann, Teresa Meiners, Johannes Mielke, Matthias Joachim Borchert, Juan Manuel Cornejo, Stefan Ulmer, Christian Ospelkaus

Distance scaling and polarization of electric-field noise in a surface ion trap
Da An, Clemens Matthiesen, Erik Urban, Hartmut Häffner

Dual-Species, Multi-Qubit Logic Primitives for Ca+/Sr+ Trapped-Ion Crystals
C. D. Bruzewicz, R. McConnell, J. Stuart, J. M. Sage, J. Chiaverini

Full-Stack, Real-System Quantum Computer Studies: Architectural Comparisons and Design Insights
Prakash Murali, Norbert Matthias Linke, Margaret Martonosi, Ali Javadi Abhari, Nhung Hong Nguyen, Cinthia Huerta Alderete

g-factor of Boronlike Argon 40Ar13+
I. Arapoglou, A. Egl, M. Höcker, T. Sailer, B. Tu, A. Weigel, R. Wolf, H. Cakir, V. A. Yerokhin, N. S. Oreshkina, V. A. Agababaev, A. V. Volotka, D. V. Zinenko, D. A. Glazov, Z. Harman, C. H. Keitel, S. Sturm, K. Blaum

Noise reduction using past causal cones in variational quantum algorithms
Omar Shehab, Isaac H. Kim, Nhung H. Nguyen, Kevin Landsman, Cinthia H. Alderete, Daiwei Zhu, C. Monroe, Norbert M. Linke

Part-per-billion measurement of the 42S1/2→32D5/2 electric quadrupole transition isotope shifts between 42,44,48Ca+ and 40Ca+
Felix W. Knollmann, Ashay N. Patel, S. Charles Doret

Physical implementation of quantum nonparametric learning with trapped ions
Dan-Bo Zhang, Shi-Liang Zhu, Z. D. Wang

Precision measurement of atomic isotope shifts using a two-isotope entangled state
Tom Manovitz, Ravid Shaniv, Yotam Shapira, Roee Ozeri, Nitzan Akerman

Quantum Approximate Optimization with a Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulator
G. Pagano, A. Bapat, P. Becker, K. S. Collins, A. De, P. W. Hess, H. B. Kaplan, A. Kyprianidis, W. L. Tan, C. Baldwin, L. T. Brady, A. Deshpande, F. Liu, S. Jordan, A. V. Gorshkov, C. Monroe

Quantum Kibble-Zurek physics in long-range transverse-field Ising models
Ricardo Puebla, Oliver Marty, Martin B. Plenio

Shuttling of Rydberg ions for fast entangling operations
Jonas Vogel, Weibin Li, Arezoo Mokhberi, Igor Lesanovsky, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler

Simulate Hawking radiation and fastest quantum scrambling of black holes by quantum many-body systems
Run-Qiu Yang, Hui Liu, Shining Zhu, Le Luo, Rong-Gen Cai

Spin-Cooling of the Motion of a Trapped Diamond
T Delord, P Huillery, L Nicolas, G Hétet

Spin-mechanics with levitating ferromagnetic particles
P Huillery, T Delord, L Nicolas, M Bossche, M Perdriat, G Hétet

Structural study of analogues of Titan s haze by trapped ion mobility coupled with a Fourier transform ion cyclotron mass spectrometer
Christopher P. Rueger, Julien Maillard, Johann Le Maitre, Mark Ridgeway, Christopher J. Thompson, Isabelle Schmitz-Afonso, Thomas Gautier, Nathalie Carrasco, Melvin A. Park, Pierre Giusti, Carlos Afonso

Vanishing efficiency of speeded-up quantum Otto engines
Ander Tobalina, Ion Lizuain, J. Gonzalo Muga

Variational Generation of Thermofield Double States and Critical Ground States with a Quantum Computer
D. Zhu, S. Johri, N. M. Linke, K. A. Landsman, N. H. Nguyen, C. H. Alderete, A. Y. Matsuura, T. H. Hsieh, C. Monroe