Dear all,

every now and then, we ask you for financial contributions to this newsletter which is a real service to the community. It would be very helpful, if the groups with large grants, and who are willing to support with a couple of hundred Euros, could contact Martina. Thanks !
Your editorial team


Nominations are sought for the Early Career Scientist Prize in Atomic, Molecular and Optical (AMO) Physics 2022. Details

From the COST Action: WG4 meeting, and Early Career Conference – see below

Short Term Scientific Missions – apply now !!
Mobility for young and not so young researchers, between 1 week and 3 months, the COST Action can financially support your stay. Details can be found on the website at


The second edition of the training school “From Basics to Applications of Optical Fiber Links and Frequency Combs“, from 18 to 22 April, 2022, in the wonderful School of Physics in Les Houches, close to Chamonix, in the French Alps. Details

4th APTQS (Asian-Pacific Trapped Quantum Systems) ONLINE meeting, on April 21-23 LINK

766. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on High‐Precision Measurements and Searches for New Physics from 9-13 May 2022 at the Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, located near Bonn/Germany. Details

International Conference on Precision Physics of Simple Atomic Systems, 16-20 May 2022, Warsaw/PL LINK

WG4 meeting: Workshop on cold hybrid ion-atom systems 8-10 June 2022, Warsaw/PL, Details

Early Career Conference in Trapped Ions 2022, dates are 26 June – 1 July 2022, at  CERN, Geneva/CH LINK

14th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP14)  in Vilnius, Lithuania, June 27- July 1, 2022 LINK abstract submission before 21 March 2022

Quantum Thermodynamics Conference 2022 (QTD2022), 27 June – 1 July 2022
Registration and submission of abstracts for consideration for contributed talks and posters is now open. The deadline for abstract submission is 25 February 2022. Details

QCMC, the International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement, and Computing, will finally take place in July in Lisbon after a two-year delay: 11-15 July 2022. Details. Deadline for submission 15 March !!

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) in Toronto, Canada, 17-22 July 2022 LINK Registration is OPEN!

Cold and Controlled Molecules and Ions (CCMI) 2022 conference will be held at Durham University in the UK from 4-9 September, 2022

Joint International Conference of IMEKO TC11 & TC24 (TC11-Technical Committee for Testing, Inspection and Certification, and TC 24-Technical Committee on Chemical Measurements) from 17-20.10.2022 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Details

The 8th International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics (TCP 2022) will take place in Glashütten, Germany on September 25-30, 2022. The first circular is available on the website. 25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, June 2023

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


Research fellow in Quantum Technology within the ITCM Group at the University of Sussex, led by Prof Matthias KellerDetails

A 2-year postdoc on Coherent Microwave manipulation of atoms and molecules in cryogenic environments for fundamental studies, in Paris-Villetaneuse with B. Darquié. Details

An Assistant Professor (with Tenure-Track Option) in Experimental Molecular Physics, Universität Innsbruck. Details

A Tenure Track Scientist in Ion Trap Quantum Computing at the ETH Zurich – PSI Quantum Computing Hub. For further details see or write to

Two Postdoc positions at Stockholm University to work on Experimental Quantum Computing with Trapped Rydberg Ions and Cryogenic Quantum Processor with Rydberg Ions. Closing date 31 March 2022. For more information see our webpage, or contact Markus Hennrich.

Two postdoc positions within Ultracold Ion Trap Physics are available from April 1,2022, or as soon as possible hereafter in the Ion Trap Group by Michael Drewsen, Aarhus University, Denmark. LINK1 and LINK2

A Postdoctoral Position in Ion Trap Quantum Computing using surface traps with integrated photonics at the ETH Zurich – PSI Quantum Computing Hub. For further details see or write to Cornelius Hempel.

Research Associate/Fellow in Quantum Simulation of many-body dynamics with Rydberg interactions at University of Nottingham with Weibin Li. Details

A postdoctoral position is available at the University of Washington in Seattle for the development of architectures supporting large-scale QIP with trapped ions. Contact Sara Mouradian for details.

A postdoctoral position in the Theory of Quantum Computing with Trapped Rydberg Ions. Details

Applied Physicist Project Scientist at UC Berkeley. Details

Senior Post-Doctoral position for hybrid quantum network at CQT, Singapore. Details

Junior Permanent Position in Theoretical Quantum Physics at IPhT, CEA, Paris, France. Details

PhD positions are available at M-Labs Ltd, the main developers of the open source ARTIQ system, partnering with the TACO lab at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Details

PhD position is available on explorations of ion clouds in the non-neutral plasma regime in Marseille, France. For details contact Caroline Champenois.

PhD vacancies in the Ion Quantum Technology group with Winfried Hensinger. Details

Permanent trapped ion physicist positions are available at the UK’s National Quantum Computing Centre, see current vacancies or contact Jochen Wolf for details and speculative applications.

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to
Fundamentals of Analysis in Physics
Masatoshi Kajita
Bentham Books 2022

A deterministic single ion fountain
Felix Stopp, Henri Lehec and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
Quantum Sci. Technol.  (2022)

A scalable helium gas cooling system for trapped-ion applications
F R Lebrun-Gallagher, N I Johnson, M Akhtar, S Weidt, D Bretaud, S J Hile, A Owens, F Bonus and W K Hensinger
Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 024002 (2022)

Analytical and experimental study of center-line miscalibrations in Mølmer-Sørensen gates
Fernando Martínez-García, Lukas Gerster, Davide Vodola, Pavel Hrmo, Thomas Monz, Philipp Schindler, and Markus Müller
Phys. Rev. A 105, 032437 (2022)

Any-To-Any Connected Cavity-Mediated Architecture for Quantum Computing with Trapped Ions or Rydberg Arrays
Joshua Ramette, Josiah Sinclair, Zachary Vendeiro, Alyssa Rudelis, Marko Cetina, and Vladan Vuletić
PRX Quantum 3, 010344 (2022)

Asymptotic optimality of twist-untwist protocols for Heisenberg scaling in atom-based sensing
T. J. Volkoff and Michael J. Martin
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 013236 (2022)

Boosting the Performance of Quantum Repeaters
Erika K. Carlson
Physics 15, s29, February 25, (2022)

Buffer gas cooling of ions in radio-frequency traps using ultracold atoms
E Trimby, H Hirzler, H Fürst, A Safavi-Naini, R Gerritsma and R S Lous
New J. Phys. 24 035004 (2022)

Charge-state evolution from W5+ to W7+ at energies below the ionization potentials
C. L. Yan, Q. Lu, Y. M. Xie, B. L. Li, N. Fu, Y. Zou, C. Chen, and J. Xiao
Phys. Rev. A 105, 032820 (2022)

Cold Collisions Get Charged
K. MacCormick
Physics 15, s32, March 10, (2022)

Collision detection with logic
Michał Tomza
Nature Physics (2022)

Detecting Heat Leaks with Trapped Ion Qubits
D. Pijn, O. Onishchenko, J. Hilder, U. G. Poschinger, F. Schmidt-Kaler, and R. Uzdin
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 110601 (2022)

Dispersive optical systems for scalable Raman driving of hyperfine qubits
Harry Levine, Dolev Bluvstein, Alexander Keesling, Tout T. Wang, Sepehr Ebadi, Giulia Semeghini, Ahmed Omran, Markus Greiner, Vladan Vuletić, and Mikhail D. Lukin
Phys. Rev. A 105, 032618 (2022)

Effect of correlated hyperfine theory errors in the determination of rotational and vibrational transition frequencies in HD+
J. C. J. Koelemeij
Molecular Physics, e2058637 (2022)

Engineering an effective three-spin Hamiltonian in trapped-ion systems for applications in quantum simulation
Bárbara Andrade, Zohreh Davoudi, Tobias Grass, Mohammad Hafezi, Guido Pagano and Alireza Seif
Quantum Sci. Technol. (2022)

Heat Leaks from Trapped-Ion Qubits
Rachel Berkowitz
Physics 15, s34 (2022)

Hidden Inverses: Coherent Error Cancellation at the Circuit Level
Bichen Zhang, Swarnadeep Majumder, Pak Hong Leung, Stephen Crain, Ye Wang, Chao Fang, Dripto M. Debroy, Jungsang Kim, and Kenneth R. Brown
Phys. Rev. Applied 17, 034074 (2022)

High efficiency focusing double etched SiN grating coupler for trapped ion qubit manipulation
Mizuki Shirao, Daniel Klawson, Sara Mouradian and Ming Wu
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. (2022)

Isotope-selective laser ablation ion-trap loading of 137Ba+ using a BaCl2 target
Brendan M. White, Pei Jiang Low, Yvette de Sereville, Matthew L. Day, Noah Greenberg, Richard Rademacher, and Crystal Senko
Phys. Rev. A 105, 033102 (2022)

Liquid-Nitrogen-Cooled Ca+ Optical Clock with Systematic Uncertainty of 3×10−18
Yao Huang, Baolin Zhang, Mengyan Zeng, Yanmei Hao, Zixiao Ma, Huaqing Zhang, Hua Guan, Zheng Chen, Miao Wang, and Kelin Gao
Phys. Rev. Applied 17, 034041 (2022)

Measurement and suppression of magnetic field noise of trapped ion qubit
Wenzhe Wei, Peng Hao, Zhiyu Ma, Huixing Zhang, Liren Pang, Fangfei Wu, Ke Deng, Jie Zhang and Zehuang Lu
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. (2022)

Model-Free Quantum Control with Reinforcement Learning
V. V. Sivak, A. Eickbusch, H. Liu, B. Royer, I. Tsioutsios, and M. H. Devoret
Phys. Rev. X 12, 011059 (2022)

Multiplexed quantum repeaters based on dual-species trapped-ion systems
Prajit Dhara, Norbert M. Linke, Edo Waks, Saikat Guha, and Kaushik P. Seshadreesan
Phys. Rev. A 105, 022623 (2022)

Observation of anomalous heat transport in a trapped ion chain
Z.-C. Mao, Y.-Z. Xu, Q.-X. Mei, W.-D. Zhao, Y. Jiang, Z.-J. Cheng, X.-Y. Chang, L. He, L. Yao, Z.-C. Zhou, Y.-K. Wu, and L.-M. Duan
Phys. Rev. A 105, 033107 (2022)

Observation of Chemical Reactions between a Trapped Ion and Ultracold Feshbach Dimers
H. Hirzler, R. S. Lous, E. Trimby, J. Pérez-Ríos, A. Safavi-Naini, and R. Gerritsma
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 103401 (2022)

Optimal metrology with programmable quantum sensors
Christian D. Marciniak, Thomas Feldker, Ivan Pogorelov, Raphael Kaubruegger, Denis V. Vasilyev, Rick van Bijnen, Philipp Schindler, Peter Zoller, Rainer Blatt & Thomas Monz
Nature 603, pages604–609 (2022)

Quantum logic detection of collisions between single atom–ion pairs
Or Katz, Meirav Pinkas, Nitzan Akerman & Roee Ozeri
Nature Physics (2022)

Quantum parameter estimation of nonlinear coupling in a trilinear Hamiltonian with trapped ions
Peter A. Ivanov
Phys. Rev. A 105, 032617 (2022)

Quantum searches for dark matter
Iulia Georgescu
Nature Reviews Physics 4, page216 (2022)

Quantum Technologies for Engineering: the materials challenge
Kuan Eng Johnson Goh, Leonid A Krivitsky and Dennis L Polla
Mater. Quantum. Technol. 2 013002 (2022)

Re-investigation and line identifications for W11+ in the visible range
N Fu, Q Lu, C L Yan, G Q Xu, K Wang, C Y Chen, Y Zou and J Xiao
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 55 045001 (2022)

rf-induced heating dynamics of noncrystallized trapped ions
Martin W. van Mourik, Pavel Hrmo, Lukas Gerster, Benjamin Wilhelm, Rainer Blatt, Philipp Schindler, and Thomas Monz
Phys. Rev. A 105, 033101 (2022)

Robust Polarization Gradient Cooling of Trapped Ions
Wenbing Li, Sebastian Wolf, Lukas Klein, Dmitry Budker, Christoph E. Düllmann and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
New J. Phys (2022)

Schrödinger cat states of a macroscopic charged particle co-trapped with an ion
S. Leontica and C. J. Foot
Phys. Rev. A 105, 033109 (2022)

Spin-Holstein Models in Trapped-Ion Systems
J. Knörzer, T. Shi, E. Demler, and J. I. Cirac
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 120404 (2022)

Sympathetic cooling schemes for separately trapped ions coupled via image currents
C Will, M Bohman, T Driscoll, M Wiesinger, F Abbass, M J Borchert, J A Devlin, S Erlewein, M Fleck, B Latacz, et al.
New J. Phys. 24 033021 (2022)

Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer with Robust Entangling Gates and Quantum Coherent Feedback
Tom Manovitz, Yotam Shapira, Lior Gazit, Nitzan Akerman, and Roee Ozeri
PRX Quantum 3, 010347 (2022)

Z-dependent crossing of excited-state energy levels in highly charged galliumlike lanthanide atomic ions
Fumihiro Koike, Chihiro Suzuki, Izumi Murakami, Daiji Kato, Naoki Tamura, and Nobuyuki Nakamura
Phys. Rev. A 105, 032802 (2022)


A high-fidelity quantum matter-link between ion-trap microchip modules
M. Akhtar, F. Bonus, F. R. Lebrun-Gallagher, N. I. Johnson, M. Siegele-Brown, S. Hong, S. J. Hile, S. A. Kulmiya, S. Weidt, W. K. Hensinger

A single-atom level mechano-optical transducer for ultrasensitive force sensing
Yang Liu, Pengfei Lu, Xinxin Rao, Hao Wu, Kunxu Wang, Qifeng Lao, Ji Bian, Feng Zhu, Le

Chiral-coupling-assisted Refrigeration in Trapped Ions
Chi-Chih Chen, Yi-Cheng Wang, Chun-Che Wang, H. H. Jen

Correlation spectroscopy with multi-qubit-enhanced phase estimation
H. Hainzer, D. Kiesenhofer, T. Ollikainen, M. Bock, F. Kranzl, M. K. Joshi, G. Yoeli, R. Blatt, T. Gefen, C. F. Roos

Formation of Two-Ion Crystals by Injection from a Paul-Trap Source into a High-Magnetic-Field Penning Trap
Joaquín Berrocal, Emilio Altozano, Francisco Domínguez, Manuel Jesús Gutiérrez, Javier Cerrillo, Francisco Javier Fernández, Michael Block, Christian Ospelkaus, Daniel Rodríguez

Frequency stabilization of a 739 nm laser to an I2 spectrum for trapped Ytterbium ions
Hao Wu, PengFei Lu, Yang Liu, JiangYong Hu, QiFeng Lao, XinXin Rao, LunHua Deng, Feng Zhu, Le Luo

High fidelity state preparation and measurement of ion hyperfine qubits with I > 1/2
Fangzhao Alex An, Anthony Ransford, Andrew Schaffer, Lucas R. Sletten, John Gaebler, James Hostetter, Grahame Vittorini

Holographic quantum simulation of entanglement renormalization circuits
Sajant Anand, Johannes Hauschild, Yuxuan Zhang, Andrew C. Potter, Michael P. Zaletel

Individual qubit addressing of rotating ion crystals in a Penning trap
Anthony M. Polloreno, Ana Maria Rey, John J. Bollinger

Ion Coulomb Crystals in Storage Rings for Quantum Information Science
S. Brooks, K. Brown, F. Méot, A. Nomerotski, S. Peggs, M. Palmer, T. Roser, T. Shaftan, G. H. Hoffstaetter, S. Nagaitsev, J. Lykken, J. Jarvis, V. Lebedev, G. Stancari, A. Valishev, A. Taylor, A. Hurd, N. Moody, P. Muggli, A. Aslam, S. G. Biedron, T. Bolin, S. Sosa Guitron, C. Gonzalez-Zacarias, M. Larsson, R. Thomas, B. Huang, T. Robertazzi, J. Cary, B. M. Hegelich, B. B. Blinov, S. Milton

Looped Pipelines Enabling Effective 3D Qubit Lattices in a Strictly 2D Device
Zhenyu Cai, Adam Siegel, Simon Benjamin

Mass-difference measurements on heavy nuclides with at an eV/c2 accuracy level with PENTATRAP
A. Rischka, H. Cakir, M. Door, P. Filianin, Z. Harman, W. J. Huang, P. Indelicato, C. H. Keitel, C. M. Koenig, K. Kromer, M. Mueller, Y. N. Novikov, R. X. Schuessler, Ch. Schweiger, S. Eliseev, K. Blaum

Mediated interactions between ions in quantum degenerate gases
Shanshan Ding, Michael Drewsen, Jan J. Arlt, G. M. Bruun

Penning-trap mass measurements of the deuteron and the HD+ molecular ion
Sascha Rau, Fabian Heiße, Florian Köhler-Langes, Sangeetha Sasidharan, Raphael Haas, Dennis Renisch, Christoph E. Düllmann, Wolfgang Quint, Sven Sturm, Klaus Blaum

Perspectives on testing fundamental physics with highly charged ions in Penning traps
Klaus Blaum, Sergey Eliseev, Sven Sturm

Preserving multi-level quantum coherence by dynamical decoupling
Xinxing Yuan, Yue Li, Mengxiang Zhang, Chang Liu, Mingdong Zhu, Xi Qin, Nikolay V. Vitanov, Yiheng Lin, Jiangfeng Du

Probing phases of quantum matter with an ion-trap tensor-network quantum eigensolver
Michael Meth, Viacheslav Kuzmin, Rick van Bijnen, Lukas Postler, Roman Stricker, Rainer Blatt, Martin Ringbauer, Thomas Monz, Pietro Silvi, Philipp Schindler

Quantum simulation of a general anti-PT-symmetric Hamiltonian with a trapped ion qubit
Ji Bian, Pengfei Lu, Teng Liu, Hao Wu, Xinxin Rao, Kunxu Wang, Qifeng Lao, Yang Liu, Feng Zhu, Le Luo

Routing Single Photons from a Trapped Ion Using a Photonic Integrated Circuit
Uday Saha, James D. Siverns, John Hannegan, Mihika Prabhu, Qudsia Quraishi, Dirk Englund, Edo Waks

Snowmass 2021: Quantum Sensors for HEP Science — Interferometers, Mechanics, Traps, and Clocks
Daniel Carney, Thomas Cecil, John Ellis, R. F. Garcia Ruiz, Andrew A. Geraci, David Hanneke, Jason Hogan, Nicholas R. Hutzler, Andrew Jayich, Shimon Kolkowitz, Gavin W. Morley, Holger Muller, Zachary Pagel, Christian Panda, Marianna S. Safronova

Towards experimental classical verification of quantum computation
Roman Stricker, Jose Carrasco, Martin Ringbauer, Lukas Postler, Michael Meth, Claire Edmunds, Philipp Schindler, Rainer Blatt, Peter Zoller, Barbara Kraus, Thomas Monz