Dear all,

after 4 and a half year, COST Action TIPICQA has come to an end. With a large impact due to the pandemics, we have not been able to implement the full program as we had discussed at the start. Fortunately there have been many online initiatives, which helped keeping some links and interactions. We even had a full ten-day Les Houches Winter School, which had almost everything, but skiing.

We hope that you have all benefited from this Action, and that there are many fruitful collaborations which have taken off !

Your editorial team



Registration and abstract submission for ECTI is open. You will find all the details  at

Frontiers in Quantum Science and Technology special issue “Micromotion in Trapped Ion Systems”. Submissions are accepted from now until 18th September 2023. Details at


9th Conference on Electrostatic storage devices (ESD 9), 14-18 May in the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot Israel. Details

54 EGAS, Strasbourg/France, 18-22 June 2023 Details

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, 25-30 June 2023 Details

ICPEAC 2023 will be held in Ottawa (Canada), from July 25th to August 1st of 2023 Details

Workshop on Ultracold Molecules (satellite event to BEC 2023 Conference) to be held at the campus of the University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, from 5-8 September, 2023. Details

25-29 September 2023: ECTI in Schlosshotel Bückeburg close to Hannover Germany. Details are HERE

9th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology will be held on 16-20 October 2023 at Kingscliff, New South Wales, Australia. A Summer School will be associated. Details

Already the 5th edition !
Les Houches Winter School on “Physics with Trapped Charged Particles” is scheduled for 15-26 January 2024. Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


Postdoc / PhD student position in precision spectroscopy in In+/Yb+ Coulomb crystals is available in the group of Tanja Mehlstäubler at PTB, Braunschweig, Germany. Further information HERE

PhD position in Cavity-QED with multi-species ion crystals with Prof. M. Keller at Sussex University, Brighton, UK. Details

Open postdoc position in mass spectrometry – cold ion spectroscopy instrumentation at EPFL (Switzerland). For details contact Oleg Boyarkine
A PhD position on quantum state engineering in a laser-cooled ion cloud to
study diffusion in a non-neutral plasma at CNRS/Aix-Marseille University in Marseille. For details contact Caroline Champenois

Postdoc and PhD positions in laser spectroscopy group (Dopfer) at TU Berlin (Germany), Details can be found HERE

Various PhD and postdoc positions are available in the group of Stefan Willitsch at the University of Basel (Switzerland) on the development of quantum technologies for single trapped molecular ions and their application in precision spectroscopy. Further information can be found HERE

A fully funded PhD position is available to work on ion–molecule reaction studies in the Department of Physics at the University of Liverpool. The project is supported by the Leverhulme Trust, providing a stipend for 3.5 years and covering all fees for UK candidates. Details

A PhD position in our group at FEMTO-ST on a surface-electrodes single-ion optical clock. Details

A postdoc position to work on quantum control and precision measurements of single molecular ions in the NIST Ion Storage group at Boulder, Colorado, USA. The position is available starting in summer 2023. Please contact Chin-wen (James) Chou for more information.

PhD position in experimental trapped ion physics at the mass spectrometer Pentatrap in the group of Sergey Eliseev and Klaus Blaum at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg. The PhD project will be aimed at performing high-precision mass measurement for fundamental physics and development of the necessary technical and methodical upgrades. Details

Postdoc position at Stockholm University to work on Experimental Quantum Computing with Trapped Rydberg Ions. Closing date 31 January 2023 or until position is filled. For more information see our webpage, or contact Markus Hennrich.

PhD position to work at ALPHA, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. Details

Postdoctoral Research Associate in Experimental Nuclear Physics to work on the further development of ion trapping techniques for nuclear physics and applications beyond fundamental sciences. Details
A postdoc position is open in the University of California San Diego positron group ( to study vortex dynamics using electron plasmas confined in a Penning-Malmberg trap. The successful candidate will have an opportunity to do both experiments and complementary computer simulations. Details.

Two postdoctoral positions in quantum networking with trapped ions. The primary goal of the postdocs will be to demonstrate the core elements of a quantum repeater in a distributed scenario. Details

Multiple postdoc and PhD positions are available in the newly formed Leibrandt Group at UCLA for experiments on (1) trapped-ion thorium nuclear clocks, (2) quantum control of and searches for new physics with polyatomic molecules, and (3) development of optical atomic clocks for space missions.  More information HERE and/or contact David Leibrandt.


Please sent information about your publications to
2023 roadmap for materials for quantum technologies
Christoph Becher, Weibo Gao, Swastik Kar, Christian D Marciniak, Thomas Monz, John G Bartholomew, Philippe Goldner, Huanqian Loh, Elizabeth Marcellina, Kuan Eng Johnson Goh, Teck Seng Koh, Bent Weber, Zhao Mu, Jeng-Yuan Tsai, Qimin Yan, Tobias Huber-Loyola, Sven Höfling, Samuel Gyger, Stephan Steinhauer and Val ZwillerHide
Mater. Quantum. Technol. 3 012501 (2023)

A high-fidelity quantum matter-link between ion-trap microchip modules
M. Akhtar, F. Bonus, F. R. Lebrun-Gallagher, N. I. Johnson, M. Siegele-Brown, S. Hong, S. J. Hile, S. A. Kulmiya, S. Weidt & W. K. Hensinger
Nature Communications volume 14, Article number: 531 (2023)

Angle-robust two-qubit gates in a linear ion crystal
Zhubing Jia, Shilin Huang, Mingyu Kang, Ke Sun, Robert F. Spivey, Jungsang Kim, and Kenneth R. Brown
Phys. Rev. A 107, 032617 (2023)

Control of an Atomic Quadrupole Transition in a Phase-Stable Standing Wave
Alfredo Ricci Vasquez, Carmelo Mordini, Chloé Vernière, Martin Stadler, Maciej Malinowski, Chi Zhang, Daniel Kienzler, Karan K. Mehta, and Jonathan P. Home
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 133201 (2023)

Chiral-coupling-assisted refrigeration in trapped ions
Chi-Chih Chen, Yi-Cheng Wang, Chun-Che Wang and Hsiang-Hua Jen
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. (2023)

Determination of the 8B neutrino energy spectrum using trapped ions
B. Longfellow, A. T. Gallant, T. Y. Hirsh, M. T. Burkey, G. Savard, N. D. Scielzo, L. Varriano, M. Brodeur, D. P. Burdette, J. A. Clark, D. Lascar, P. Mueller, D. Ray, K. S. Sharma, A. A. Valverde, G. L. Wilson, and X. L. Yan
Phys. Rev. C 107, L032801 (2023)

Dynamics Simulation and Light-Sheet Tomography of Multispecies Ion Coulomb Crystals
Yong Shen, Hongshuo Zhang, Yongzhuang Zhou, He Xie, Hang Cheng and Hongxin Zou
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2470 012034 (2023)

Electric-quadrupole transition-rate measurement of a highly charged ion in an electron-beam ion trap using pulsed laser excitation from a metastable state
Naoki Kimura, Priti, Susumu Kuma, Toshiyuki Azuma, and Nobuyuki Nakamura
Phys. Rev. A 107, 022805 (2023)

Efficient numerical approach to high-fidelity phase-modulated gates in long chains of trapped ions
Sheng-Chen Liu, Lin Cheng, Gui-Zhong Yao, Ying-Xiang Wang, and Liang-You Peng
Phys. Rev. E 107, 035304 (2023)

Efficient motional-mode characterization for high-fidelity trapped-ion quantum computing
Mingyu Kang, Qiyao Liang, Ming Li and Yunseong Nam
Quantum Sci. Technol. 8 024002 (2023)

Engineering Dynamically Decoupled Quantum Simulations with Trapped Ions
W. Morong, K.S. Collins, A. De, E. Stavropoulos, T. You, and C. Monroe
PRX Quantum 4, 010334 (2023)

Fast Single-Shot Imaging of Individual Ions via Homodyne Detection of Rydberg-Blockade-Induced Absorption
Jinjin Du, Thibault Vogt, and Wenhui Li
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 143004 (2023)

Fokker-Planck treatment of nonlinearities in the dispersive coupling of an ion and an optical cavity
Alan Kahan, Leonardo Ermann, Marcos Saraceno, and Cecilia Cormick
Phys. Rev. A 107, 033712 (2023)

FPGA based hardware platform for trapped-ion-based multi-level quantum systems
Ming-Dong Zhu, Lin Yan, Xi Qin, Wen-Zhe Zhang, Yiheng Lin and Jiangfeng Du
Chinese Phys. B (2023)

Heating rate measurement and characterization of a prototype surface-electrode trap for optical frequency metrology
Thomas Lauprêtre, Bachir Achi, Lucas Groult, Émile Carry, Yann Kersalé, Marion Delehaye, Moustafa Abdel Hafiz & Clément Lacroûte
Applied Physics B 129, 37 (2023)

Individual addressing of trapped ion qubits with geometric phase gates
R. T. Sutherland, R. Srinivas, and D. T. C. Allcock
Phys. Rev. A 107, 032604 (2023)

Investigation of spatial structure and sympathetic cooling in the 9Be+–40Ca+ bi-component Coulomb crystals
Min Li, 敏 李, Yong Zhang, 勇 张, Qian-Yu Zhang, 乾 煜 张, Wen-Li Bai, 文 丽 白, Sheng-Guo He, 胜 国 何, Show full author list
Chinese Phys. B 32 036402 (2023)

Narrowband composite two-qubit gates for crosstalk suppression
Boyan T. Torosov and Nikolay V. Vitanov
Phys. Rev. A 107, 032618 (2023)

Let the ions sing
Norbert M. Linke
Nature Physics (2023)

Measurement of the Electron Magnetic Moment
X. Fan, T. G. Myers, B. A. D. Sukra, and G. Gabrielse
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 071801 (2023)

Measurement-based ground-state cooling of a trapped-ion oscillator
Chungsun Lee, Simon C. Webster, Jacopo Mosca Toba, Ollie Corfield, George Porter, and Richard C. Thompson
Phys. Rev. A 107, 033107 (2023)

One-Electron Quantum Cyclotron as a Milli-eV Dark-Photon Detector
Xing Fan, Gerald Gabrielse, Peter W. Graham, Roni Harnik, Thomas G. Myers, Harikrishnan Ramani, Benedict A. D. Sukra, Samuel S. Y. Wong, and Yawen Xiao
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 261801 (2023)

Photon scattering errors during stimulated Raman transitions in trapped-ion qubits
I. D. Moore, W. C. Campbell, E. R. Hudson, M. J. Boguslawski, D. J. Wineland, and D. T. C. Allcock
Phys. Rev. A 107, 032413 (2023)

Quantum chaos and thermalization in the two-mode Dicke model
Aleksandrina V Kirkova and Peter A Ivanov
Phys. Scr. 98 045105 (2023)

Robust Quantum Memory in a Trapped-Ion Quantum Network Node
P. Drmota, D. Main, D. P. Nadlinger, B. C. Nichol, M. A. Weber, E. M. Ainley, A. Agrawal, R. Srinivas, G. Araneda, C. J. Ballance, and D. M. Lucas
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 090803 (2023)

Routing Single Photons from a Trapped Ion Using a Photonic Integrated Circuit
Uday Saha, James D. Siverns, John Hannegan, Mihika Prabhu, Qudsia Quraishi, Dirk Englund, and Edo Waks
Phys. Rev. Applied 19, 034001 (2023)

Scalable and programmable phononic network with trapped ions
Wentao Chen, Yao Lu, Shuaining Zhang, Kuan Zhang, Guanhao Huang, Mu Qiao, Xiaolu Su, Jialiang Zhang, Jing-Ning Zhang, Leonardo Banchi, M. S. Kim & Kihwan Kim
Nature Physics (2023)

Simulation studies of a 30-keV MR-ToF device for highly sensitive collinear laser spectroscopy ,
F.M. Maier, M. Vilen, I. Belosevic, F. Buchinger, C. Kanitz, S. Lechner, E. Leistenschneider, W. Nörtershäuser, P. Plattner, L. Schweikhard, S. Sels, F. Wienholtz, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment,Volume 1048 (2023)

Steady-state entanglement generation for nondegenerate qubits
Murilo H. Oliveira, Gerard Higgins, Chi Zhang, Ana Predojević, Markus Hennrich, Romain Bachelard, and Celso J. Villas-Boas
Phys. Rev. A 107, 023706 (2023)

Synthesizing a σz spin-dependent force for optical, metastable, and ground-state trapped-ion qubits
O. Băzăvan, S. Saner, M. Minder, A. C. Hughes, R. T. Sutherland, D. M. Lucas, R. Srinivas, and C. J. Ballance
Phys. Rev. A 107, 022617 (2023)

Toward improved quantum simulations and sensing with trapped two-dimensional ion crystals via parametric amplification
M. Affolter, W. Ge, B. Bullock, S. C. Burd, K. A. Gilmore, J. F. Lilieholm, A. L. Carter, and J. J. Bollinger
Phys. Rev. A 107, 032425 (2023)

Trap-Assisted Complexes in Cold Atom-Ion Collisions
H. Hirzler, E. Trimby, R. Gerritsma, A. Safavi-Naini, and J. Pérez-Ríos
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 143003 (2023)

Vibration-assisted multiphoton resonance and multi-ion excitation
Wenjun Shao, Xun-Li Feng, Jian Li, and Liang-Liang Wang
Phys. Rev. Research 5, 023005 (2023)


A guided light system for agile individual addressing of Ba+ qubits with 10−4 level intensity crosstalk
Ali Binai-Motlagh, Matthew Day, Nikolay Videnov, Noah Greenberg, Crystal Senko, Rajibul Islam

Ablation loading of barium ions into a surface electrode trap
X. Shi, S. L. Todaro, G. L. Mintzer, C. D. Bruzewicz, J. Chiaverini, I. L. Chuang

Ab initio potential energy curves, scattering lengths, and rovibrational levels of the
He2+ molecular ion in excited electronic states,

J. Gębala, M. Przybytek, M. Gronowski, M. Tomza

Analyses of the viability of automating the quantum circuit construction of Grover Oracle for executing wildcard searches on NISQ processors
Willie Huang

Calculating the many-body density of states on a digital quantum computer
Alessandro Summer, Cecilia Chiaracane, Mark T. Mitchison, John Goold

Charge transfer of polyatomic molecules in ion-atom hybrid traps: Stereodynamics in the millikelvin regime
Alexandre Voute, Alexander Dörfler, Laurent Wiesenfeld, Olivier Dulieu, Fabien Gatti, Daniel Peláez, Stefan Willitsch

Conformational and state-specific effects in reactions of 2,3-dibromobutadiene with Coulomb-crystallized calcium ions
Ardita Kilaj, Silvan Käser, Jia Wang, Patrik Straňák, Max Schwilk, Lei Xu, O. Anatole von Lilienfeld, Jochen Küpper, Markus Meuwly, Stefan Willitsch

Controlling two-dimensional Coulomb crystals of more than 100 ions in a monolithic radio-frequency trap
Dominik Kiesenhofer, Helene Hainzer, Artem Zhdanov, Philip C. Holz, Matthias Bock, Tuomas Ollikainen, Christian F. Roos

Compiling quantum circuits with qubits embedded in trapped-ion quidts
Anastasiia S. Nikolaeva, Evgeniy O. Kiktenko, Aleksey K. Fedorov

Criticality-enhanced Electromagnetic Field Sensor with Single Trapped Ions
Theodoros Ilias, Dayou Yang, Susana F. Huelga, Martin B. Plenio

Development and Evaluation of a Narrow Linewidth Laser System for 171Yb+ E2 Transition
Yani Zuo, Shiying Cao, Shaoyang Dai, Yige Lin, Tao Yang, Baike Lin, Fei Meng, Weiliang Chen, Kun Liu, Fasong Zheng, Tianchu Li, Fang Fang

Efficient site-resolved imaging and spin-state detection in dynamic two-dimensional ion crystals
Robert N. Wolf, Joseph H. Pham, Julian Y. Z. Jee, Alexander Rischka, Michael J. Biercuk

Entangling gates for trapped-ion quantum computation and quantum simulation
Zhengyang Cai, Chunyang Luan, Lingfeng Ou, Hengchao Tu, Zihan Yin, Jing-Ning Zhang, Kihwan Kim

Error-Mitigated Quantum Simulation of Interacting Fermions with Trapped Ions
Wentao Chen, Shuaining Zhang, Jialiang Zhang, Xiaolu Su, Yao Lu, Kuan Zhang, Mu Qiao, Ying Li, Jing-Ning Zhang, Kihwan Kim

Experimental realization of nonunitary multi-qubit operations
Martin W. van Mourik, Elias Zapusek, Pavel Hrmo, Lukas Gerster, Rainer Blatt, Thomas Monz, Philipp Schindler, Florentin Reiter

Generation of rotational ground state HD+ ions in an ion trap using a resonance-enhanced threshold photoionization process
Yong Zhang, Qianyu Zhang, Wenli Bai, Zhiyuan Ao, Wencui Peng, Shengguo He, Xin Tong

Generation of Pseudo-Random Quantum States on Actual Quantum Processors
Gabriele Cenedese, Maria Bondani, Dario Rosa, Giuliano Benenti

Heat rectification, heat fluxes, and spectral matching
Javier Navarro, Juan Gonzalo Muga, Marisa Pons

In-source and in-trap formation of molecular ions in the actinide mass range at CERN-ISOLDE
M. Au, M. Athanasakis-Kaklamanakis, L. Nies, J. Ballof, R. Berger, K. Chrysalidis, P. Fischer, R. Heinke, J. Johnson, U. Köster, D. Leimbach, B. Marsh, M. Mougeot, J. Reilly, E. Reis, M. Schlaich, Ch. Schweiger, L. Schweikhard, S. Stegemann, J. Wessolek, F. Wienholtz, S. G. Wilkins, W. Wojtaczka, Ch. E. Düllmann, S. Rothe

Integrated waveguide-based acousto-optic modulation with near-unity conversion efficiency
Liang Zhang, Chaohan Cui, Pao-Kang Chen, Linran Fan

Large-scale simulations of Floquet physics on near-term quantum computers
Timo Eckstein, Refik Mansuroglu, Piotr Czarnik, Jian-Xin Zhu, Michael J. Hartmann, Lukasz Cincio, Andrew T. Sornborger, Zoë Holmes

Laser-free method for creation of two-mode squeezed state and beam-splitter transformation with trapped ions
Bogomila S. Nikolova, Peter A. Ivanov

Non-Markovian approach to quantum state fluctuations in noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices
Doyeol Ahn, Byeongyong Park

Pairwise-parallel entangling gates on orthogonal modes in a trapped-ion chain
Yingyue Zhu, Alaina M. Green, Nhung H. Nguyen, C. Huerta Alderete, Elijah Mossman, Norbert M. Linke

Precision Measurement of M1 Optical Clock Transition in Ni^(12+)
Shaolong Chen, Zhiqiang Zhou, Jiguang Li, Tingxian Zhang, Chengbin Li, Tingyun Shi, Yao Huang, Hua Guan, Kelin Gao

Probing Complex-energy Topology via Non-Hermitian Absorption Spectroscopy in a Trapped Ion Simulator
Mingming Cao, Kai Li, Wending Zhao, Weixuan Guo, Bingxiag Qi, Xiuying Chang, Zichao Zhou, Yong Xu, Luming Duan

QAOA with N⋅p≥200
Ruslan Shaydulin, Marco Pistoia

Quantum computing with trapped ions: a beginner’s guide
Francesco Bernardini, Abhijit Chakraborty, Carlos Ordóñez

Quantum Deep Hedging
El Amine Cherrat, Snehal Raj, Iordanis Kerenidis, Abhishek Shekhar, Ben Wood, Jon Dee, Shouvanik Chakrabarti, Richard Chen, Dylan Herman, Shaohan Hu, Pierre Minssen, Ruslan Shaydulin, Yue Sun, Romina Yalovetzky, Marco Pistoia

Quantum State Preparation of Normal Distributions using Matrix Product States
Jason Iaconis, Sonika Johri, Elton Yechao Zhu

Reactive ion-atom collisions in cw-laser photoionization of laser-cooled Rb atoms
Wei-Chen Liang, Feng-Dong Jia, Fei Wang, Xi Zhang, Yu-Han Wang, Jing-Yu Qian, Jin-Yu Zhou, Yong Wu, Jian-Guo Wang, Ping Xue, Zhi-Ping Zhong

Real-time hybrid quantum-classical computations for trapped-ions with Python control-flow
Tobias Schmale, Bence Temesi, Niko Trittschanke, Nicolas Pulido-Mateo, Ilya Elenskiy, Ludwig Krinner, Timko Dubielzig, Christian Ospelkaus, Hendrik Weimer, Daniel Borcherding

Realization of quantum signal processing on a noisy quantum computer
Yuta Kikuchi, Conor Mc Keever, Luuk Coopmans, Michael Lubasch, Marcello Benedetti

Robust suppression of noise propagation in GKP error-correction
Christian Siegele, Philippe Campagne-Ibarcq

Single-shot measurements of phonon number states using the Autler-Townes effect Marion Mallweger, Murilo Henrique de Oliveira, Robin Thomm, Harry Parke, Natalia Kuk, Gerard Higggins, Romain Bachelard, Celso Jorge Villas-Boas, Markus Hennrich

The Mechanical Paul Trap: Introducing the Concept of Ion Trapping
Sebastian Kilde Lofgren, Ricardo Méndez Fragoso, Jonathan Weidow, Jonas Enger

Topological Order from Measurements and Feed-Forward on a Trapped Ion Quantum Computer
Mohsin Iqbal, Nathanan Tantivasadakarn, Thomas M. Gatterman, Justin A. Gerber, Kevin Gilmore, Dan Gresh, Aaron Hankin, Nathan Hewitt, Chandler V. Horst, Mitchell Matheny, Tanner Mengle, Brian Neyenhuis, Ashvin Vishwanath, Michael Foss-Feig, Ruben Verresen, Henrik Dreyer

Trap-induced ac Zeeman shift of the thorium-229 nuclear clock frequency
K. Beloy

Tunneling in a very slow ion-molecule reaction
Robert Wild, Markus Nötzold, Malcolm Simpson, Thuy Dung Tran, Roland Wester

Transient fluorescence with a single trapped ion
Nicolás Nuñez Barreto, Lucas Giardino, Carla Crucianelli, Muriel Bonetto, Martin Drechsler, Christian Tomás Schmiegelow

Trap-Integrated Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detectors with Improved RF Tolerance for Trapped-Ion Qubit State Readout
Benedikt Hampel, Daniel H. Slichter, Dietrich Leibfried, Richard P. Mirin, Sae Woo Nam, Varun B. Verma