Dear all,

two months at home and we are craving to get back to our trapped friends. We hope that you still benefit from the offer of webconferences and seminars.

In view of the exceptional circumstances, the ECTI conference will NOT take place in July 2020. Alternatives are being discussed and more information is to come soon.

Stay at home!
Your editorial team


An upcoming topical collection in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics PCCP Quantum Computing and Quantum Information Storage is open until 30 July 2020

Special Issue in Applied Sciences (Open Access Journal): “Optical Trapping of Ions and Atoms 2020: Novel Advances and Prospects“, now open for submissions.
Guest Editors:  Tobias Schätz, Vladan Vuletic, Michael Drewsen, Jonathan Home, Leon Karpa        Details

EPJ QT special issue: “Quantum Metrology & Quantum Enhanced Measurement“. Submissions are accepted from now until 30 June 2021. Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries 2020
an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community
every Tuesday and Thursday   LINK

The Virtual AMO Seminar ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” ( Thursdays, 3pm (UTC)


Please be aware that there might be last-minute cancellations

The CLEO conference (May 11-15) has been moved online this year and will be free to attend (registration is necessary). LINK

26th Young Atom Optician (YAO) conference to be held in Aarhus, Denmark POSTPONED to 17-21 August 2020 . LINK

52nd EGAS conference,  in Zagreb, Croatia POSTPONED to 5-9 July 2021

European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI), Djurönäset, Sweden, POSTPONED

CANCELLED – 13th International Workshop on Non-Neutral Plasmas, Milano, Italy, 13-16 July 2020 LINK

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) in Toronto, Canada, POSTPONED to 17-22 July 2022 LINK

CCMI 2020 – Cold and Controlled Molecules and Ions, 6 – 11 September 2020, Durham University, UK, LINK


Postdoc position in the ion trapping group of Rene Gerritsma (University of Amsterdam) LINK

Fully funded PhD studentships available in Swansea (collaboration work at CERN). LINK

postdoctoral opening on storage ring technologies for quantum computing. Job id 1989 on the BNL careers site. The job description can be found here. For more information please email Kevin Brown,

Applications are sought for an Assistant Professor (lecturer) academic position at Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Université Paris 13 (newly called Université Sorbonne Paris Nord).
For further information and to apply, contact Benoit Darquié.  Deadline 9 April 2020

A vacancy in the Swansea group at ALPHA at CERN to work on the ALPHA antihydrogen experiment with particular focus on sympathetic cooling of positrons. Please find details here

Two postdoctoral research associate positions to produce trapped, ultracold molecules that can be used to measure the electron’s electric dipole moment, at the Centre for Cold Matter at Imperial College London. Details
Two PhD positions are available in the group of Prof. Stefan Willitsch (University of Basel, Switzerland) on cold ion-molecule hybrid systems. See the group’s website for further information.

Multiple postdoc positions are available in the NIST Ion Storage Group in Colorado, USA.  Topics include quantum simulations in a Penning trap, trapped-ion quantum computing, and coherent control and precision spectroscopy of single molecular ions.  For details please contact John Bollinger.

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to



Anomalous Diffusion and Localization in a Positionally Disordered Quantum Spin Array
Raphaël Menu and Tommaso Roscilde
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 130604 (2020)

Attainable accuracies of QH+ rotational transition frequencies (Q: 40Ca, 24Mg, 202Hg)
Masatoshi Kajita, Renu Bala and Minori Abe
J. Phys.B 53, 085401 (2020)

Efficient ion-photon qubit SWAP gate in realistic ion cavity-QED systems without strong coupling,
Adrien Borne, Tracy E. Northup, Rainer Blatt, and Barak Dayan,
Optics Express 28, 11822 (2020)

Eliminating Leakage Errors in Hyperfine Qubits
D. Hayes, D. Stack, B. Bjork, A. C. Potter, C. H. Baldwin, and R. P. Stutz
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 170501 (2020)

Frequency-comb spectroscopy on pure quantum states of a single molecular ion
SCIENCE27 MAR 2020 : 1458-1461

Ground-state energy estimation of the water molecule on a trapped-ion quantum computer
Yunseong Nam, Jwo-Sy Chen, Neal C. Pisenti, Kenneth Wright, Conor Delaney, Dmitri Maslov, Kenneth R. Brown, Stewart Allen, Jason M. Amini, Joel Apisdorf, Kristin M. Beck, Aleksey Blinov, Vandiver Chaplin, Mika Chmielewski, Coleman Collins, Shantanu Debnath, Kai M. Hudek, Andrew M. Ducore, Matthew Keesan, Sarah M. Kreikemeier, Jonathan Mizrahi, Phil Solomon, Mike Williams, Jaime David Wong-Campos, David Moehring, Christopher Monroe & Jungsang Kim
npj Quantum Information 6 , 1–6 (2020)

High-fidelity manipulation of a qubit enabled by a manufactured nucleus
Justin E. Christensen, David Hucul, Wesley C. Campbell & Eric R. Hudson
npj Quantum Information 6 , 1–5 (2020)

Hybrid Quantum Computing with Conditional Beam Splitter Gate in Trapped Ion System
H. C. J. Gan, Gleb Maslennikov, Ko-Wei Tseng, Chihuan Nguyen, and Dzmitry Matsukevich
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 170502 (2020)

Identifying the Riemann zeros by periodically driving a single qubit
Ran He, Ming-Zhong Ai, Jin-Ming Cui, Yun-Feng Huang, Yong-Jian Han, Chuan-Feng Li, Tao Tu, C. E. Creffield, G. Sierra, and Guang-Can Guo
Phys. Rev. A 101, 043402 (2020)

Logical performance of 9 qubit compass codes in ion traps with crosstalk errors
Dripto M Debroy, Muyuan Li, Shilin Huang and Kenneth R Brown
Quantum Sci. Technol. 5 034002 (2020)

Magic wavelength of the 138Ba+ 6s 2S1/2–5d 2D5/2 clock transition
S. R. Chanu, V. P. W. Koh, K. J. Arnold, R. Kaewuam, T. R. Tan, Zhiqiang Zhang, M. S. Safronova, and M. D. Barrett
Phys. Rev. A 101, 042507 (2020)

Many-body topological invariants from randomized measurements in synthetic quantum matter

Precision spectroscopy with single ions
SCIENCE27 MAR 2020 : 1438-1440

Properties of phonon modes of an ion-trap quantum computer in the Aubry phase
Justin Loye, José Lages, and Dima L. Shepelyansky
Phys. Rev. A 101, 032349 (2020)

Protective measurement of a qubit by a qubit probe
Maximilian Schlosshauer
Phys. Rev. A 101, 042113 (2020)

Quantum computational chemistry
Sam McArdle, Suguru Endo, Alán Aspuru-Guzik, Simon C. Benjamin, and Xiao Yuan
Rev. Mod. Phys. 92, 015003 (2020)

Quantum Logic Spectroscopy with Ions in Thermal Motion
D. Kienzler, Y. Wan, S. D. Erickson, J. J. Wu, A. C. Wilson, D. J. Wineland, and D. Leibfried
Phys. Rev. X 10, 021012 (2020)

Selective interactions in the quantum Rabi model
L. Cong, S. Felicetti, J. Casanova, L. Lamata, E. Solano, and I. Arrazola
Phys. Rev. A 101, 032350 (2020)

Spectroscopic, structural and lifetime calculations of the ground and low-lying excited states of the BeNa+, BeK+, and BeRb+ molecular ions
Hela Ladjimi, Mohamed Farjallah and Hamid Berriche
Phys. Scr. 95 055404 (2020)

Submicrosecond entangling gate between trapped ions via Rydberg interaction
Chi Zhang, Fabian Pokorny, Weibin Li, Gerard Higgins, Andreas Pöschl, Igor Lesanovsky & Markus Hennrich
Nature 580 , 345–349 (2020)




A two-dimensional architecture for fast large-scale trapped-ion quantum computing
Y. -K. Wu, L. -M. Duan

Ab initio electronic structure and prospects for the formation of ultracold calcium–alkali-metal-atom molecular ions
Wissem Zrafi, Hela Ladjimi, Halima Said, Hamid Berriche, Michał Tomza

Architecting Noisy Intermediate-Scale Trapped Ion Quantum Computers
Prakash Murali, Dripto M. Debroy, Kenneth R. Brown, Margaret Martonosi

Continuously parametrized quantum simulation of molecular electron transfer reactions
Frank Schlawin, Manuel Gessner, Andreas Buchleitner, Tobias Schaetz, Spiros S Skourtis

Design of a novel monolithic parabolic-mirror ion-trap to precisely align the RF null point with the optical focus
Zhao Wang, Ben-Ran Wang, Qing-Lin Ma, Jia-Yu Guo, Ming-Shen Li, Yu Wang, Xin-Xin Rao, Zhi-Qi Huang, Le Luo

Efficient ground-state cooling of large trapped-ion chains with an EIT tripod scheme
L. Feng, W. L. Tan, A. De, A. Menon, A. Chu, G. Pagano, C. Monroe

Geometry optimisation of a transparent axisymmetric ion trap for the MORA project
M. Benali, G. Quéméner, P. Delahaye, X. Fléchard, E. Liénard, B. M. Retailleau

High-fidelity Two-qubit Gates Using a MEMS-based Beam Steering System for Individual Qubit Addressing
Ye Wang, Stephen Crain, Chao Fang, Bichen Zhang, Shilin Huang, Qiyao Liang, Pak Hong Leung, Kenneth R. Brown, Jungsang Kim

High-performance frequency stabilization of ultraviolet diode lasers by using dichroic atomic vapor spectroscopy and transfer cavity
Danna Shen, Liangyu Ding, Qiuxin Zhang, Chenhao Zhu, Yuxin Wang, Wei Zhang, Xiang Zhang

Identification of molecular quantum states using phase-sensitive forces
Kaveh Najafian, Ziv Meir, Mudit Sinhal, Stefan Willitsch

Optical clocks based on the Cf15+ and Cf17+ ions
S. G. Porsev, U. I. Safronova, M. S. Safronova, P. O. Schmidt, A. I. Bondarev, M. G. Kozlov, I. I. Tupitsyn

Protective measurement of a qubit by a qubit probe
Maximilian Schlosshauer

Static kinks in chains of interacting atoms
Haggai Landa, Cecilia Cormick, Giovanna Morigi

Strong-coupling quantum logic of trapped ions
Mahdi Sameti, Jake Lishman, Florian Mintert

Synthesizing quantum circuits via numerical optimization
Timothée Goubault de Brugière, Marc Baboulin, Benoît Valiron, Cyril Allouche

The Character of Motional Modes for Entanglement and Sympathetic Cooling of Mixed-Species Trapped Ion Chains
Ksenia Sosnova, Allison Carter, Christopher Monroe

Trapped-Ion Entangling Gates Robust Against Qubit Frequency Errors
Jake Lishman, Florian Mintert

Two-dimensional partial covariance mass spectrometry for the top-down analysis of intact proteins
Taran Driver, Vitali Averbukh, Leszek J. Frasinski, Jon P. Marangos, Marina Edelson-Averbukh

Unconditional accumulation of nonclassicality in a single-atom mechanical oscillator
L. Podhora, T. Pham, A. Lešundák, P. Obšil, M. Čížek, O. Číp, P. Marek, L. Slodička, R. Filip

Unresolved sideband photon recoil spectroscopy of molecular ions
Emilie H. Clausen, Vincent Jarlaud, Karin Fisher, Steffen Meyer, Cyrille Solaro, Michael Drewsen