
We’re truly grateful for the ongoing engagement from the iontrap community, who keep the conversation lively by sharing their latest news, events, jobs, publications, and editorials. Your contributions make our newsletter vibrant and enriching.

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Workshop on Quantum Mixtures of Atoms and Ions, Amsterdam will take place rom June 11-13, 2024. The conference aims to bring together experts in the field of cold and ultracold mixtures of atoms and ions and will cover various applications of these systems, including quantum chemistry, quantum impurity physics, ultracold buffer gas cooling, Feshbach resonances, quantum information and spin dynamics. Details

Quantum meets ’24 is a co-created collection of free events presented by Quantum Delta NL from June 11-13, 2024 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Details

YAO2024 (Young Atom Opticians) conference, organised this year by CESQ at the University of Strasbourg, June 30th to July 5th, 2024. Details

Early Career Conference in Trapped Ions (ECCTI) 2024
ECCTI is intended to connect a broad community with very diverse scientific goals with common technical challenges. The event will have a focus on Atomic Clocks, Quantum Information & Computation, Quantum Simulation, Quantum Technologies, Antimatter Physics, Precision & Molecular Spectroscopy, and Nuclear Physics. The event will take place from July 7-12, 2024, at the Viktor-Franz-Hess Haus in Austria. Details

ICAP 2024: The 28th International Conference on Atomic Physics, July 14-19, 2024 at the Imperial College, London. Details

QSim 2024, the 2nd Annual Conference on Quantum Simulation in Rhode Island, USA, August 12-16,  2024. The conference will be preceded by a 3-day summer school from August 9-11 at the same location. The focus of the summer school will be on many-body systems, combining both theoretical and numerical techniques with examples from quantum hardware experiments. Details

ECTI 2025, Save the Date: September 8 – 12, 2025 in the Netherlands. More information to follow.

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


The research group of C. Ospelkaus at the University of Hannover offers a team lead position (postdoc) in the field of surface electrode trap design for quantum computing.
Contact: Dr. Christian Ospelkaus ( )

A fully funded, 3.5-year PhD position is available in the Ion Trap Cavity-QED and Molecular Physics (ITCM) Group in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Sussex. The project is within the Quantum Computing and Simulation Hub.
Contact: Prof Matthias Keller ()
Several PostDoc and PhD positions available at PTB in Braunschweig and Leibniz University Hannover in the Quantum Logic Spectroscopy Group of Piet Schmidt . Topics include laboratory and transportable aluminium ion clocks, multi-ion calcium clock using dynamical decoupling and entanglement, as well as highly charged ion clocks.
Contact: Dr. Piet Schmidt (

PhD positions available at the University of Padova (Italy) for a new trapped ion experiment. Potential research directions include quantum simulations on ion strings, interfacing of ion traps with photonics chips, and development of surface electrode traps with integrated photonics.
Contact: Dr. Carmelo Mordini (

PhD and postdoc positions available in the group of Tanja Mehlstäubler at PTB, working on optical clocks based on trapped ion Coulomb crystals. Topics include new interrogation protocols for multi-ensemble clocks, quantum-enhanced clock operation, ground-state cooling of mixed-species Coulomb crystals and tests of fundamental physics with precision spectroscopy.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Tanja Mehlstäubler (

The research group of C. Ospelkaus at the University of Hannover is looking for a postdoctoral research associate on their Penning trap experiment, which aims to implement quantum logic spectroscopy of (anti-)protons for tests of the fundamental CPT symmetry as part of the BASE collaboration.
Contact: Dr. Christian Ospelkaus (

A postdoc position is available at the Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, USA on a project trapping lutetium ions for precision measurements.
Contact: Dr. Matt Grau (

two openings for PhD positions in the Molecular Systems group headed by Roland Wester at the University of Innsbruck. One position is part of a research project in collaboration with the University of Bordeaux on classical versus quantum effects in three-body collisions of cold trapped ions, funded through the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). The second position is part of a collaborative project on controlling
trapped charged nanoparticles, funded through the Austrian excellence cluster QuantA.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Roland Wester (

Multiple postdoc positions are available in the NIST Ion Storage Group in Colorado, USA. Topics include quantum simulation and sensing in a Penning trap, trapped-ion quantum computing, trapped-ion optical clocks, and quantum state control and precision spectroscopy of single molecular ions.
Contact: John Bollinger or any of the NIST Ion Storage group staff

The Imperial College Particle Physics Group has a postgraduate studentship available to work on laser measurements of cold exotic helium atoms that contain antiprotons at the new ELENA facility of CERN in Geneva. This allows us to probe the matter-antimatter symmetry and determine the mass ratio between an antiproton and electron. We hope to be relatively flexible with regards to the exact PhD topic depending on the candidate’s interests. The studentship covers a maintenance bursary similar to standard STFC studentships.

The Ion trap systems team at Infineon is looking for an ion trap development engineer.  This is a full-time, permanent position in Austria with an entry level of 3-5 years.


Please send information about your publications to

Application of RFSoC-based arbitrary waveform generator for coherent control of atomic qubits
Kazunori Maetani, Akinori Machino, Keisuke Koike, Shinichi Morisaka, Toshiki Kobayashi, Kenji Toyoda, Makoto Negoro, Takefumi Miyoshi and Ryutaro Ohira
2024 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.
Bilayer ion trap design for 2D arrays
Gavin N Nop, Jonathan D H Smith, Daniel Stick and Durga Paudyal
2024 Quantum Sci. Technol. 9 035015

Cooling dynamics of a free ion in a Bose-Einstein condensate
Lorenzo Oghittu, Juliette Simonet, Philipp Wessels-Staarmann, Markus Drescher, Klaus Sengstock, Ludwig Mathey, and Antonio Negretti

Phys. Rev. Research 6, 023024 (2024)CP-violation sensitivity of closed-shell radium-containing polyatomic molecular ions
Konstantin Gaul, Nicholas R. Hutzler, Phelan Yu, Andrew M. Jayich, Miroslav Iliaš, and Anastasia Borschevsky
Phys. Rev. A 109, 042819 (2024)

Criticality-enhanced electric field gradient sensor with single trapped ions
Theodoros Ilias, Dayou Yang, Susana F. Huelga & Martin B. Plenio
npj Quantum Information volume 10, Article number: 36 (2024)

Demonstration of chronometric leveling using transportable optical clocks beyond laser coherence limit
Yi Yuan, Kaifeng Cui, Daoxin Liu, Jinbo Yuan, Jian Cao, Dehao Wang, Sijia Chao, Hualin Shu, and Xueren Huang
Phys. Rev. Applied 21, 044052 (2024)

Dynamic laser ablation loading of a linear Paul trap
Lin Li, Zi Li, Xia Hua and Xin Tong
2024 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.

Further Evidence for Shape Coexistence in 79Znm near Doubly Magic 78Ni
L. Nies et al.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 222503 –

Improved description of trapped ions as a modular electromechanical system
N. Van Horne ; M. Mukherjee
J. Appl. Phys. 135, 154401 (2024)

Energy-Conversion Device Using a Quantum Engine with the Work Medium of Two-Atom Entanglement
J.-W. Zhang, B. Wang, W.-F. Yuan, J.-C. Li, J.-T. Bu, G.-Y. Ding, W.-Q. Ding, L. Chen, F. Zhou, and M. Feng
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 180401 (2024)

Enhanced Interactions Using Quantum Squeezing
Wei Qin and Franco Nori
April 17, 2024• Physics 17, 64

Experimental demonstration of enhanced violations of Leggett-Garg inequalities in a PT-symmetric trapped-ion qubit
Pengfei Lu, Xinxin Rao, Teng Liu, Yang Liu, Ji Bian, Feng Zhu, and Le Luo
Phys. Rev. A 109, 042205 (2024)

Experimental Speedup of Quantum Dynamics through Squeezing
S. C. Burd, H. M. Knaack, R. Srinivas, C. Arenz, A. L. Collopy, L. J. Stephenson, A. C. Wilson, D. J. Wineland, D. Leibfried, J. J. Bollinger, D. T. C. Allcock, and D. H. Slichter
PRX Quantum 5, 020314 (2024)

Experimental realization of entangled coherent states in two-dimensional harmonic oscillators of a trapped ion
Honggi Jeon, Jiyong Kang, Jaeun Kim, Wonhyeong Choi, Kyunghye Kim & Taehyun Kim
Scientific Reports volume 14, Article number: 6847 (2024)

Exploiting Nonclassical Motion of a Trapped Ion Crystal for Quantum-Enhanced Metrology of Global and Differential Spin Rotations
R. J. Lewis-Swan, J. C. Zuñiga Castro, D. Barberena, and A. M. Rey
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 163601 (2024) –

Fast Quantum State Preparation and Bath Dynamics Using Non-Gaussian Variational Ansatz and Quantum Optimal Control
Liam J. Bond, Arghavan Safavi-Naini, and Jiří Minář
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 170401 (2024)

Full Bell-basis measurement of an atom-photon 2-qubit state and its application for quantum networks
Elena Arenskötter, Stephan Kucera, Omar Elshehy, Max Bergerhoff, Matthias Kreis, Léandre Brunel, and Jürgen Eschner
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 023061 (2024)

How to Speed up a Quantum Network
David Ehrenstein , April 10, 2024• Physics 17

Indirect Cooling of Weakly Coupled Trapped-Ion Mechanical Oscillators
Pan-Yu Hou, Jenny J. Wu, Stephen D. Erickson, Giorgio Zarantonello, Adam D. Brandt, Daniel C. Cole, Andrew C. Wilson, Daniel H. Slichter, and Dietrich Leibfried
Phys. Rev. X 14, 021003 (2024)

Laser spectroscopy of triply charged 229Th isomer for a nuclear clock
Atsushi Yamaguchi, Yudai Shigekawa, Hiromitsu Haba, Hidetoshi Kikunaga, Kenji Shirasaki, Michiharu Wada & Hidetoshi Katori
Nature (2024)

Loading and identifying various charged thorium ions in a linear ion trap with a time-of-flight mass spectrometer
Zi Li, Lin Li, Xia Hua, Xin Tong
Journal: Journal of Applied Physics
J. Appl. Phys. 135, 144402 (2024)

Measurement of infrared magic wavelength for an all-optical trapping of 40Ca+ ion clock
Yao Huang, Miao Wang, Zheng Chen, Chengbin Li, Huaqing Zhang, Baolin Zhang, Liyan Tang, Tingyun Shi, Hua Guan and Ke-Lin Gao
2024 New J. Phys. 26 043021

Microgram BaCl2 ablation targets for trapped ion experiments
Noah Greenberg, Akbar Jahangiri Jozani, Collin J. C. Epstein , Xinghe Tan, Rajibul Islam; Crystal Senko
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 045117 (2024)

Multimode Ion-Photon Entanglement over 101 Kilometers
V. Krutyanskiy, M. Canteri, M. Meraner, V. Krcmarsky, and B.P. Lanyon
PRX Quantum 5, 020308 (2024) –

Pulse optimization for high-precision motional-mode characterization in trapped-ion quantum computers
Qiyao Liang, Mingyu Kang, Ming Li and Yunseong Nam
2024 Quantum Sci. Technol. 9 035007

Quantum fidelity kernel with a trapped-ion simulation platform
Rodrigo Martínez-Peña, Miguel C. Soriano, and Roberta Zambrini
Phys. Rev. A 109, 042612 (2024

Quantum-logic-based 25Mg+-27Al+ optical frequency standard for the redefinition of the SI second
Z. Y. Ma, K. Deng, Z. Y. Wang, W. Z. Wei, P. Hao, H. X. Zhang, L. R. Pang, B. Wang, F. F. Wu, H. L. Liu, W. H. Yuan, J. L. Chang, J. X. Zhang, Q. Y. Wu, J. Zhang, and Z. H. Lu
Phys. Rev. Applied 21, 044017 (2024)

Quantum sensing for particle physics
Steven D. Bass & Michael Doser
Nature Reviews Physics (2024)

Quantum thermodynamics of boundary time-crystals
Federico Carollo, Igor Lesanovsky, Mauro Antezza and Gabriele De Chiara
2024 Quantum Sci. Technol.

Self-diffusion in a strongly coupled non-neutral plasma
Marco Baldovin, Grégoire Vallet, Gaëtan Hagel, Emmanuel Trizac, and Caroline Champenois
Phys. Rev. A 109, 043116 (2024) –

The 3d2D5/2−2D3/2 magnetic dipole transition in potassium-like ions
Yuyuan Qian, Chunyu Zhang, Yizhuo Zhang, Jihui Chen, Xiaobin Ding, Liangyu Huang, Yang Yang, Yunqing Fu, Chongyang Chen and Ke Yao
2024 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 57 095002

Trapping Ion Coulomb Crystals in an Optical Lattice
Daniel Hoenig, Fabian Thielemann, Leon Karpa, Thomas Walker, Amir Mohammadi, and Tobias Schaetz
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 133003 (2024)

Trapping Ba+ with Seven-fold Enhanced Efficiency Utilizing an Autoionizing Resonance
Noah Greenberg, Brendan White, Pei Jiang Low and Crystal Senko
2024 Quantum Sci. Technol.

Verifiable Blind Quantum Computing with Trapped Ions and Single Photons
P. Drmota, D. P. Nadlinger, D. Main, B. C. Nichol, E. M. Ainley, D. Leichtle, A. Mantri, E. Kashefi, R. Srinivas, G. Araneda, C. J. Ballance, and D. M. Lucas
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 150604 (2024)


A Comprehensive Study on A Tapered Paul Trap: From Design to Potential Applications
Authors: Bo Deng, Moritz Göb, Max Masuhr, Johannes Roßnagel, Georg Jacob, Daqing Wang, Kilian SingerAn energy efficient quantum-enhanced machine
Authors: Waner Hou, Xingyu Zhao, Kamran Rehan, Yi Li, Yue Li, Eric Lutz, Yiheng Lin, Jiangfeng Du

Arbitrary quantum circuits on a fully integrated two-qubit computation register for a trapped-ion quantum processor
Authors: N. Pulido-Mateo, H. Mendpara, M. Duwe, T. Dubielzig, G. Zarantonello, L. Krinner, C. Ospelkaus

Benchmarking logical three-qubit quantum Fourier transform encoded in the Steane code on a trapped-ion quantum computer
Authors: Karl Mayer, Ciarán Ryan-Anderson, Natalie Brown, Elijah Durso-Sabina, Charles H. Baldwin, David Hayes, Joan M. Dreiling, Cameron Foltz, John P. Gaebler, Thomas M. Gatterman, Justin A. Gerber, Kevin Gilmore, Dan Gresh, Nathan Hewitt, Chandler V. Horst, Jacob Johansen, Tanner Mengle, Michael Mills, Steven A. Moses, Peter E. Siegfried, Brian Neyenhuis, Juan Pino, Russell Stutz

Comparative Study of Quantum-Circuit Scalability in a Financial Problem
Authors: Jaewoong Heo, Moonjoo Lee

Correction formulas for the two-qubit Mølmer-Sørensen gate
Authors: Susanna Kirchhoff, Frank K. Wilhelm, Felix Motzoi

Decoherence of a charged Brownian particle in a magnetic field : an analysis of the roles of coupling via position and momentum variables
Authors: Suraka Bhattacharjee, Koushik Mandal, Supurna Sinha

Demonstration of energy extraction gain from non-classical correlations
Authors: Alexander Stahl, Michael Kewming, John Goold, Janine Hilder, Ulrich G. Poschinger, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler

Demonstration of logical qubits and repeated error correction with better-than-physical error rates
Authors: M. P. da Silva, C. Ryan-Anderson, J. M. Bello-Rivas, A. Chernoguzov, J. M. Dreiling, C. Foltz, F. Frachon, J. P. Gaebler, T. M. Gatterman, L. Grans-Samuelsson, D. Hayes, N. Hewitt, J. Johansen, D. Lucchetti, M. Mills, S. A. Moses, B. Neyenhuis, A. Paz, J. Pino, P. Siegfried, J. Strabley, A. Sundaram, D. Tom, S. J. Wernli, M. Zanne

Detecting entanglement from macroscopic measurements of the electric field and its fluctuations
Authors: Pedro Rosario, Alan C. Santos, Nicola Piovella, Robin Kaiser, André Cidrim, Romain Bachelard

Fast photon-mediated entanglement of continuously-cooled trapped ions for quantum networking
Authors: Jameson O’Reilly, George Toh, Isabella Goetting, Sagnik Saha, Mikhail Shalaev, Allison Carter, Andrew Risinger, Ashish Kalakuntla, Tingguang Li, Ashrit Verma, Christopher Monroe

Generally noise-resilient quantum gates for trapped-ions
Authors: Modesto Orozco-Ruiz, Wasim Rehman, Florian Mintert

High-Dimensional Two-Photon Quantum Controlled Phase-Flip Gate
Authors: Mingyuan Chen, Jiangshan Tang, Miao Cai, Franco Nori, Keyu Xia

High-fidelity and Fault-tolerant Teleportation of a Logical Qubit using Transversal Gates and Lattice Surgery on a Trapped-ion Quantum Computer
Authors: C. Ryan-Anderson, N. C. Brown, C. H. Baldwin, J. M. Dreiling, C. Foltz, J. P. Gaebler, T. M. Gatterman, N. Hewitt, C. Holliman, C. V. Horst, J. Johansen, D. Lucchetti, T. Mengle, M. Matheny, Y. Matsuoka, K. Mayer, M. Mills, S. A. Moses, B. Neyenhuis, J. Pino, P. Siegfried, R. P. Stutz, J. Walker, D. Hayes

High-precision measurement of the atomic mass of 84Sr and implications to isotope shift studies
Authors: Z. Ge, S. W. Bai, T. Eronen, A. Jokinen, A. Kankainen, S. Kujanpää, I. D. Moore, D. A. Nesterenko, M. Reponen

Hyperfine-Resolved Rotational Spectroscopy of HCNH+
Authors: Weslley G. D. P. Silva, Luis Bonah, Philipp C. Schmid, Stephan Schlemmer, Oskar Asvany

Individual-Ion Addressing and Readout in a Penning Trap
Authors: Brian J. McMahon, Kenton R. Brown, Creston D. Herold, Brian C. Sawyer

Lindblad-like quantum tomography for non-Markovian quantum dynamical maps
Authors: Santiago Varona, Markus Müller, Alejandro Bermudez

Measurement-Induced Heating of Trapped Ions
Authors: A. J. Rasmusson, Ilyoung Jung, Frank Schroer, Antonis Kyprianidis, Philip Richerme

Optimal Multiparameter Metrology: The Quantum Compass Solution
Authors: Denis V. Vasilyev, Athreya Shankar, Raphael Kaubruegger, Peter Zoller

Orders of Magnitude Improved Cyclotron-Mode Cooling for Non-Destructive Spin Quantum Transition Spectroscopy with Single Trapped Antiprotons
Authors: B. M. Latacz, M. Fleck, J. I. Jaeger, G. Umbrazunas, B. P. Arndt, S. R. Erlewein, E. J. Wursten, J. A. Devlin, P. Micke, F. Abbass, D. Schweitzer, M. Wiesinger, C. Will, H. Yildiz, K. Blaum, Y. Matsuda, A. Mooser, C. Ospelkaus, A. Soter, W. Quint, J. Walz, Y. Yamazaki, C. Smorra, S. Ulmer

Photoexcitation of the 229Th nuclear clock transition using twisted light
Authors: Tobias Kirschbaum, Thorsten Schumm, Adriana Pálffy

Quantum Computers, Quantum Computing and Quantum Thermodynamics
Authors: Fabrizio Cleri

Quantum Digital Simulation of Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics: Insights from Superconducting and Trapped Ion Quantum Testbeds
Authors: Alex H. Rubin, Brian Marinelli, Victoria A. Norman, Zainab Rizvi, Ashlyn D. Burch, Ravi K. Naik, John Mark Kreikebaum, Matthew N. H. Chow, Daniel S. Lobser, Melissa C. Revelle, Christopher G. Yale, Megan Ivory, David I. Santiago, Christopher Spitzer, Marina Krstic-Marinkovic, Susan M. Clark, Irfan Siddiqi, Marina Radulaski

Scatter-Gather DMA Performance Analysis within an SoC-based Control System for Trapped-Ion Quantum Computing
Authors: Tiamike Dudley, Jim Plusquellic, Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou, Joshua Goldberg, Daniel Stick, Daniel Lobser

Single-Atom Verification of the Optimal Trade-Off Between Speed and Cost in Shortcuts to Adiabaticity
Authors: J. -W. Zhang, J. -T. Bu, J. C. Li, Weiquan Meng, W. -Q. Ding, B. Wang, W. -F. Yuan, H. -J. Du, G. -Y. Ding, W. -J. Chen, L. Chen, F. Zhou, Zhenyu Xu, M. Feng

The impact of noise on the simulation of NMR spectroscopy on NISQ devices
Authors: Andisheh Khedri, Pascal Stadler, Kirsten Bark, Matteo Lodi, Rolando Reiner, Nicolas Vogt, Michael Marthaler, Juha Leppäkangas

Towards Energetic Quantum Advantage in Trapped-Ion Quantum Computation
Authors: Francisca Góis, Marco Pezzutto, Yasser Omar

Optimal quantum sensing of the nonlinear bosonic interactions using Fock states
Authors: Payman Mahmoudi, Atirach Ritboon, Radim Filip