Dear all,

due to the cancellation of many events this year, the organisers of ECTI and NACTI have agreed to shift the calendar by one year, so that ECTI will be held in 2021 and NACTI in 2022. More details soon to come.

Our well-known training school in Les Houches is open for pre-registration (see below). We cross our fingers that January in Les Houches will be on-site and in-snow!

Your editorial team


Special issue ” Trapped Ion Quantum Information“. Guest editor: Erik Torrontegui. Details

Special Issue in Applied Sciences (Open Access Journal): “Optical Trapping of Ions and Atoms 2020: Novel Advances and Prospects“, now open for submissions. Deadline 30 Sept 2020.
Guest Editors:  Tobias Schätz, Vladan Vuletic, Michael Drewsen, Jonathan Home, Leon Karpa        Details

EPJ QT special issue: “Quantum Metrology & Quantum Enhanced Measurement“. Submissions are accepted from now until 30 June 2021. Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries 2020
an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community every Thursday   LINK

The Virtual AMO Seminar ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” ( Thursdays, 5pm


Virtual Workshop on Quantum Programming in Theory, Experiment and the Classroom (QPTEC), Sep. 16-18, 2020.  Details

WInter School on Physics with Trapped Charged Particles, Les Houches (France) from January 25 – February 5th, 2021. Our 4th edition is open for registration ! LINK

The MIAPP program “PARTICLE & AMO PHYSICISTS DISCUSSING QUANTUM SENSORS AND NEW PHYSICS” will be held at the Munich Institute for Astro- and Particle Physics (MIAPP, in Garching, Germany, from 1st to 26th March 2021.

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, 20-25 June 2021

European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI), Djurönäset, Sweden, summer 2021

52nd EGAS conference,  in Zagreb, Croatia, 5-9 July 2021

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) in Toronto, Canada, 17-22 July 2022 LINK


post-doc position is available on “Precision 1S-2S spectroscopy of a single He+ ion for fundamental physics” in the group of Kjeld Eikema at the LaserLaB Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands. More information available here.

postdoc position in ion trap cavity QED for fast networked quantum computing is available in the Ion Trap Quantum Computing Group at the University of Oxford. For details please contact . More information is available here

Postdoctoral Research Associate and PhD positions for projects focused on quantum computing, quantum simulation, and precision metrology with trapped-ions in linear Paul traps are available at the University of Sydney. For details please contact Cornelius Hempel (

Postdoctoral Research Associate and PhD positions are available on quantum simulation with large beryllium ion crystals in a Penning trap at the University of Sydney. For details please contact Robert Wolf (

Postdoc position  in Frequency Metrology for Antihydrogen Physics at Alpha, CERN. LINK
And another postdoc position  for positron accumulation, delivery and preparation, also at Alpha, CERN Details

Research Officer, Frequency and Time, National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada, LINK

An open  post-doc position on an optical frequency transfer project, starting from September 2020 in Besançon, France. Details

Several PhD studentships at Sussex University, Brighton, UK    LINK

PhD position in the group of Tobias Schaetz at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg:
TIAMO: Trapping Ions, Atoms and Molecules Optically – interaction in the ultra-cold quantum regime LINK

An open Ph.D./Postdoc position with Thorium ions experiment in Vienna, for details contact T Sikorsky

PhD position in the group of Tobias Schaetz at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg:
Qsim – Experimental Quantum Simulations based on Arrays of Individually Trapped Ions LINK

post-doc position on 3-photon CPT resonances is available in the ion trapping group in Marseille, France. For more information please contact Caroline Champenois,

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to


A High-Power, Low-Noise, Ultraviolet Laser System for Trapped-Ion Quantum Computing
Tobey, R. I.; Lee, K. W.; Hankin, A. M.; Gresh, D. N.; Francois, D. J.; Bohnet, J. G.; Hayes, D.; Bohn, M. J.
CLEO: Applications and Technology, Paper# AF3K.3 (2020)

A trapped ion in an optomechanical system: entanglement dynamics
Marziyeh Hassani Nadiki, Mohammad Kazem Tavassoly and Navid Yazdanpanah
Eur. Phys. J. D (2018) 72: 110

Analysis of EUV spectra from N-shell tungsten ions observed with an electron beam ion trap
Tapasi Das, Yuri A. Podpaly, Joseph Reader, John D. Gillaspy and Yuri Ralchenko

Benchmarking a High-Fidelity Mixed-Species Entangling Gate
A. C. Hughes, V. M. Schäfer, K. Thirumalai, D. P. Nadlinger, S. R. Woodrow, D. M. Lucas, and C. J. Ballance
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 080504 (2020)

Coherent rotations of qubits within a surface ion-trap quantum computer
Martin W. van Mourik, Esteban A. Martinez, Lukas Gerster, Pavel Hrmo, Thomas Monz, Philipp Schindler, and Rainer Blatt
Phys. Rev. A 102, 022611 (2020)

Defect generation and dynamics during quenching in finite size homogeneous ion chains
J Pedregosa-Gutierrez and M Mukherjee
NJP 22, 073044 (2020)

Efficient Ground-State Cooling of Large Trapped-Ion Chains with an Electromagnetically-Induced-Transparency Tripod Scheme
L. Feng, W. L. Tan, A. De, A. Menon, A. Chu, G. Pagano, and C. Monroe
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 053001 (2020)

Energy localization in an atomic chain with a topological soliton
L. Timm, H. Weimer, L. Santos, and T. E. Mehlstäubler
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033198 (2020)

EO Integration of Planar Ion Trap and Silicon Photonics for Optical Addressing in Quantum Computing
Lim, Yu Dian; Tao, Jing; Zhao, Peng; Li, Hong Yu; Apriyana, Anak Agung Alit; Guidoni, Luca; Tan, Chuan Seng
CLEO: Applications and Technology, Paper# ATh1I.3 (2020)

Experimental investigation of joint measurement uncertainty relations for three incompatible observables at a single-spin level
Rehan, K.; Xiong, T. P.; Yan, L.-L.; Zhou, F.; Zhang, J. W.; Li, J. C.; Chen, L.; Yang, W. L.; Feng, M.
Optics Express 28(18) 25949-25968 (2020)

Investigation of experimental issues concerning successful operation of quantum-logic-based 27Al+ ion optical clock
Z. Y. Ma, H. L. Liu, W. Z. Wei, W. H. Yuan, P. Hao, Z. Deng, H. Che
Applied Physics B (2020)

Fewer Lasers Achieve Higher Fidelity Logic Gate
Katherine Wright
August 18, 2020• Physics 13, s106 (2020)

Hyperfine structure of 173Yb+: Toward resolving the 173Yb nuclear-octupole-moment puzzle
Di Xiao, Jiguang Li (李 冀光), Wesley C. Campbell, Thomas Dellaert, Patrick McMillin, Anthony Ransford, Conrad Roman, and Andrei Derevianko
Phys. Rev. A 102, 022810 (2020)

Hyperfine structure in the H+2 and HD+ molecular ions at order mα6
Vladimir I. Korobov, Jean-Philippe Karr, Mohammad Haidar, and Zhen-Xiang Zhong
Phys. Rev. A 102, 022804 (2020)

Interrogating the Temporal Coherence of EUV Frequency Combs with Highly Charged Ions
Chunhai Lyu, Stefano M. Cavaletto, Christoph H. Keitel, and Zoltán Harman
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 093201 (2020)

Multichannel optomechanical switch and locking system for wavemeters
Ghadimi, Moji; Bridge, Elizabeth M.; Scarabel, Jordan; Connell, Steven; Shimizu, Kenji; Streed, Erik; Lobino, Mirko
Applied Optics 59(17) 5136-5141 (2020)

Optical frequency analysis on dark state of a single trapped ion
Lešundák, Adam; Pham, Tuan M.; Čížek, Martin; Obšil, Petr; Slodička, Lukáš; Číp, Ondřej
Optics Express 28(9) 13091-13103 (2020)

Photodissociation of mono- and di-anionic tin clusters
M. Wolfram, S. Bandelow, A. Jankowski, S. König, G. Marx, L. Schweikhard
Eur. Phys. J. D 74, 135 (2020)

Proton-electron mass ratio from laser spectroscopy of HD+ at the part-per-trillion level
Sayan Patra, M. Germann, J.-Ph. Karr, M. Haidar, L. Hilico, V. I. Korobov, F. M. J. Cozijn, K. S. E. Eikema, W. Ubachs, J. C. J. Koelemeij
Science 30 Jul 2020

Quantum walks and Dirac cellular automata on a programmable trapped-ion quantum computer
C. Huerta Alderete, Shivani Singh, Nhung H. Nguyen, Daiwei Zhu, Radhakrishnan Balu, Christopher Monroe, C. M. Chandrashekar & Norbert M. Linke
Nature Communications 11 , 1–7 (2020)

Radiative cooling dynamics of isolated N2O+ ions in a cryogenic electrostatic ion storage ring
A. Hirota, R. Igosawa, N. Kimura, S. Kuma, K. C. Chartkunchand, P. M. Mishra, M. Lindley, T. Yamaguchi, Y. Nakano, and T. Azuma
Phys. Rev. A 102, 023119 (2020)

Scalable Arrays of Micro-Penning Traps for Quantum Computing and Simulation
S. Jain, J. Alonso, M. Grau, and J. P. Home
Phys. Rev. X 10, 031027 (2020)

Simulating lattice gauge theories within quantum technologies
Mari Carmen Bañuls, Rainer Blatt, Jacopo Catani, Alessio Celi, Juan Ignacio Cirac, Marcello Dalmonte, Leonardo Fallani, Karl Jansen, Maciej Lewenstein, Simone Montangero et al. (10 more)
Eur. Phys. J. D (2020) 74: 165

Single-phase multipole radiofrequency trap
S. S. Rudyi, T. A. Vovk, I. A. Kosternoi, V. V. Rybin and Yu. V. Rozhdestvensky
AIP Advances 10, 085016 (2020)

Strong-field frustrated double ionization of argon atoms
Shi Chen, Jing Chen, Gerhard G. Paulus, and HuiPeng Kang
Phys. Rev. A 102, 023103 (2020)

Studies of thorium and ytterbium ion trap loading from laser ablation for gravity monitoring with nuclear clocks
Piotrowski, Marcin; Scarabel, Jordan; Lobino, Mirko; Streed, Erik; Gensemer, Stephen
OSA Continuum 3(8) 2210-2221 (2020)

Superadiabatic thermalization of a quantum oscillator by engineered dephasing
L. Dupays, I. L. Egusquiza, A. del Campo, and A. Chenu
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033178 (2020)

Three-Dimensional Compensation for Minimizing Heating of the Ion in Surface-Electrode Trap
Ji Li, Liang Chen, Yi-He Chen, Zhi-Chao Liu, Hang Zhang, Mang Feng
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2020, 37 (5): 053701

Threshold Photodetachment Spectroscopy of the Positronium Negative Ion
Koji Michishio, Susumu Kuma, Yugo Nagata, Luca Chiari, Taro Iizuka, Riki Mikami, Toshiyuki Azuma, and Yasuyuki Nagashima
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 063001 (2020)

Towards Photonic Interconnects between Ion Traps for Scalable Quantum Information Processing
Takahashi, Hiroki
QELS Fundamental Science, Paper# FF1D.4 (2020)


Abelian and non-Abelian topological behavior of a neutral spin-1/2 particle in a background magnetic field
B. Zygelman

Analytical Approximate Solution of a Coupled Two Frequency Hill’s Equation
Varun Saxena

Broadening of the drumhead mode spectrum due to in-plane thermal fluctuations of two-dimensional trapped ion crystals in a Penning trap
Athreya Shankar, Chen Tang, Matthew Affolter, Kevin Gilmore, Daniel H. E. Dubin, Scott Parker, Murray J. Holland, John J. Bollinger

Certified quantum gates
Wesley C. Campbell

Dipole-phonon quantum logic with alkaline-earth monoxide and monosulfide cations
Michael Mills, Hao Wu, Evan C. Reed, Lu Qi, Kenneth R. Brown, Christian Schneider, Michael C. Heaven, Wesley C. Campbell, Eric R. Hudson

Dynamical engineering of squeezed thermal states
Léonce Dupays, Aurélia Chenu

Evading Detector Backaction on a Quantum Cyclotron
Xing Fan, Gerald Gabrielse

Experimentally verifying anti-Kibble-Zurek behavior in a quantum system under noisy control field
Ming-Zhong Ai, Jin-Ming Cui, Ran He, Zhong-Hua Qian, Xin-Xia Gao, Yun-Feng Huang, Chuan-Feng Li, Guang-Can Guo

High-precision mass measurement of 168Yb for verification of nonlinear isotope shift
D. A. Nesterenko, R. P. de Groote, T. Eronen, Z. Ge, M. Hukkanen, A. Jokinen, A. Kankainen

Improved readout of qubit-coupled Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill states
Jacob Hastrup, Ulrik Lund Andersen

Measurement of collisions between laser cooled cesium atoms and trapped cesium ions
Sourav Dutta, S. A. Rangwala

Nonperturbative leakage elimination for a logical qubit encoded in a mechanical oscillator
Shasha Zheng, Qiongyi He, Mark S. Byrd, Lian-Ao Wu

Normal Modes, Rotational Inertia, and Thermal Fluctuations of Trapped Ion Crystals
Daniel H. E. Dubin

Phase-adaptive dynamical decoupling methods for robust spin-spin dynamics in trapped ions
Lijuan Dong, Iñigo Arrazola, Xi Chen, Jorge Casanova

Phase-coherent sensing of the center-of-mass motion of trapped-ion crystals
M. Affolter, K. A. Gilmore, J. E. Jordan, J. J. Bollinger

Probing Fundamental Symmetries of Deformed Nuclei in Symmetric Top Molecules
Phelan Yu, Nicholas R. Hutzler

Scalable and Parallel Tweezer Gates for Quantum Computing with Long Ion Strings
Tobias Olsacher, Lukas Postler, Philipp Schindler, Thomas Monz, Peter Zoller, Lukas M. Sieberer

Single ion-qubit exceeding one hour coherence time
Pengfei Wang, Chun-Yang Luan, Mu Qiao, Mark Um, Junhua Zhang, Ye Wang, Xiao Yuan, Mile Gu, Jingning Zhang, Kihwan Kim

Spin dynamics under the influence of elliptically rotating fields: Extracting the field topology from time-averaged quantities
Jesús Casado-Pascual, Lucas Lamata, Andrés A. Reynoso

State Readout of a Trapped Ion Qubit Using a Trap-Integrated Superconducting Photon Detector
S. L. Todaro, V. B. Verma, K. C. McCormick, D. T. C. Allcock, R. P. Mirin, D. J. Wineland, S. W. Nam, A. C. Wilson, D. Leibfried, D. H. Slichter

Structural investigation of doubly-dehydrogenated pyrene cations
Sanjana Panchagnula, Jordy Bouwman, Daniël B. Rap, Pablo Castellanos, Alessandra Candian, Cameron Mackie, Shreyak Banhatti, Sandra Brünken, Harold Linnartz, Alexander G. G. M. Tielens

Sub-kelvin temperature management in ion traps for optical clocks
T. Nordmann, A. Didier, M. Doležal, P. Balling, T. Burgermeister, T. E. Mehlstäubler

Towards simulating 2D effects in lattice gauge theories on a quantum computer
Danny Paulson, Luca Dellantonio, Jan F. Haase, Alessio Celi, Angus Kan, Andrew Jena, Christian Kokail, Rick van Bijnen, Karl Jansen, Peter Zoller, Christine A. Muschik

Ultra-low vibration closed-cycle cryogenic surface-electrode ion trap apparatus
Timko Dubielzig, Sebastian Halama, Henning Hahn, Giorgio Zarantonello, Malte Niemann, Amado Bautista-Salvador, Christian Ospelkaus