Dear all,

Ion trapping just got a cousin network: LeviNet Technologies. You’re welcome to join the Levitated Optomechanics Network! It has a a newsletter of recent publications, a slack channel, and offers STSMs. More info at
Your editorial team


Short Term Scientific Missions – apply now !!
Mobility for young and not so young researchers, between 1 week and 3 months, the COST Action can financially support your stay. Details can be found on the website at



CAMEL17 in Nessebar/BG is ongoing from 30 August to 3 September. Link

Cold and Controlled Molecules and Ions (CCMI) 2022 conference will be held at Durham University in the UK from 4-9 September, 2022

13th International Workshop on Non-Neutral Plasmas (originally scheduled for 2020 and postponed due to the pandemic) to be held in Milano, Italy, September 19-22, 2022. LINK

The 8th International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics (TCP 2022) will take place in Glashütten, Germany on September 25-30, 2022.

International Conference on “Quantum sensors and tests of new physics” October 5th-7th 2022 in Hotel Wienecke XI, Hannover (Germany). Details

Joint International Conference of IMEKO TC11 & TC24 (TC11-Technical Committee for Testing, Inspection and Certification, and TC 24-Technical Committee on Chemical Measurements) from 17-20.10.2022 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Details

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, June 2023 Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


PhD and postdoc positions are available in the group of Stefan Willitsch at the University of Basel (Switzerland) on the development of quantum technologies for single trapped molecular ions and their application in precision spectroscopy and controlled molecular and chemical dynamics. Further information can be found HERE

A one-year postdoc position at Imperial College for work on robust quantum gates with trapped ions, with Prof Richard Thompson and Prof Florian Mintert at Imperial College, funded through the Oxford Quantum Computing and Simulation Hub. Details

Various postdoc positions are available at QUEST in the group of Piet Schmidt concerning related to quantum logic spectroscopy of highly charged ionsa transportable Al+ clock and on ion-based quantum computing

A postdoc position working on optical molecular clocks for new physics searches with David Hanneke at Amherst College, Massachusetts, USA. Details

A postdoc position in Waterloo, Canada, to work on the realization of multi-level qudit primitives in Ba+. Please contact Crystal Senko for more information.

A postdoc position in Waterloo, Canada, for the QuantumIon project, to work on the realization of a Ba-133 qubit register in a chip trap with individual optical controls. Please contact Crystal Senko or Rajibul Islam for more information.

A Postdoctoral Research Associate Position for molecular spectroscopy (5 years, starting from 1.10.22 or asap) is available at TU Berlin. For further details, please contact: Otto Dopfer or see details

A PhD position is open in quantum technologies focusing on the design of ion trap quantum processors in the group of Christian Ospelkaus at the Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany. Details
Postdoc position at TRIUMF in Vancouver, Canada, with the francium laser trap facility. Please contact Gerald Gwinner or check for details

A PhD position available in the field of “Numerical methods for open quantum systems with long-range interactions” with Igor Lesanowsky, Univ Tübingen, Germany. Details

Postdoctoral Research Associate and PhD positions are available on quantum simulation and sensing with large beryllium ion crystals at the University of Sydney. For details please contact Robert Wolf Details are here

A postdoctoral position is available in the positron group (, Physics Department, University of California San Diego, to study vortex dynamics in trapped electron plasmas. Please contact Cliff Surko for further details.

A postdoctoral position is available at the University of Liverpool to work on cold and controlled ion-radical collisions. Please contact Brianna Heazlewood for further details.

A postdoc position in Birmingham to work on the realisation of a system for cooling and trapping highly charged ions of Californium. Details or contact Giovanni Barontini

A “junior professor” position (chaire de professeur junior) is opening at ENSMM and FEMTO-ST. It is a 5-year tenure track position leading to a University professor position. The profile is available here (in French), please contact for any question.

PhD position at Imperial College London to develop tabletop dark matter detectors using quantum sensorsDetails

PhD position at University of Sussex in Cavity-QED with multi-species ion crystals in the group of M. Keller. Details

Postdoc position in the Swansea team at CERN at the ALPHA antihydrogen experiment. Details

You can also find different postdoc positions in frequency metrology


Please sent information about your publications to
A universal qudit quantum processor with trapped ions
Martin Ringbauer, Michael Meth, Lukas Postler, Roman Stricker, Rainer Blatt, Philipp Schindler & Thomas Monz
Nature Physics (2022)

An injection-locked 1762 nm laser for trapped barium ion qubits
Tarun Dutta
Applied Physics B volume 128, Article number: 136 (2022)

Characterizing Quantum Instruments: From Nondemolition Measurements to Quantum Error Correction
Roman Stricker, Davide Vodola, Alexander Erhard, Lukas Postler, Michael Meth, Martin Ringbauer, Philipp Schindler, Rainer Blatt, Markus Müller, and Thomas Monz
PRX Quantum 3, 030318 (2022)

Determination of Multimode Motional Quantum States in a Trapped Ion System
Zhubing Jia, Ye Wang, Bichen Zhang, Jacob Whitlow, Chao Fang, Jungsang Kim, and Kenneth R. Brown
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 103602 (2022)

Digital quantum simulation, learning of the Floquet Hamiltonian, and quantum chaos of the kicked top
Tobias Olsacher, Lorenzo Pastori, Christian Kokail, Lukas M Sieberer and Peter Zoller
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 55 334003 (2022)

Direct measurement of the 3He+ magnetic moments
A. Schneider, B. Sikora, S. Dickopf, M. Müller, N. S. Oreshkina, A. Rischka, I. A. Valuev, S. Ulmer, J. Walz, Z. Harman, C. H. Keitel, A. Mooser & K. Blaum
Nature volume 606, pages 878–883 (2022)

Dynamical topological phase realized in a trapped-ion quantum simulator
Philipp T. Dumitrescu, Justin G. Bohnet, John P. Gaebler, Aaron Hankin, David Hayes, Ajesh Kumar, Brian Neyenhuis, Romain Vasseur & Andrew C. Potter
Nature volume 607, pages463–467 (2022)

Effects of rotating magnetic island on the transport of trapped fast ions
Jianhua Zhao, Jinjia Cao, Dong Xiang, Yongzhi Dai, Junhui Yang and Wenjun Yang
Physics of Plasmas 29, 082502 (2022)

Experimental quantum key distribution certified by Bell’s theorem
D. P. Nadlinger, P. Drmota, B. C. Nichol, G. Araneda, D. Main, R. Srinivas, D. M. Lucas, C. J. Ballance, K. Ivanov, E. Y.-Z. Tan, P. Sekatski, R. L. Urbanke, R. Renner, N. Sangouard & J.-D. Bancal
Nature volume 607, pages682–686 (2022)

Evaluation of the systematic shifts of a 40Ca+–27Al+ optical clock
Kaifeng Cui, Sijia Chao, Chenglong Sun, Shaomao Wang, Ping Zhang, Yuanfei Wei, Jinbo Yuan, Jian Cao, Hualin Shu & Xueren Huang
The European Physical Journal D volume 76, Article number: 140 (2022)

Fast multi-qubit global-entangling gates without individual addressing of trapped ions
Kaizhao Wang, Jing-Fan Yu, Pengfei Wang, Chunyang Luan, Jing-Ning Zhang and Kihwan Kim
Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 044005 (2022)

Generating tensor-network states via combination of phonons and qubits in a trapped-ion platform
Si-Jing Tao, Hao-Qing Zhang, Hao Zhang, Zhe Chen, Ran He, Shao-Jun Dong, Yong-Jian Han, Chuan-Feng Li, and Guang-Can Guo
Phys. Rev. A 106, 032403 (2022)

High-Fidelity Ion State Detection Using Trap-Integrated Avalanche Photodiodes
David Reens, Michael Collins, Joseph Ciampi, Dave Kharas, Brian F. Aull, Kevan Donlon, Colin D. Bruzewicz, Bradley Felton, Jules Stuart, Robert J. Niffenegger, Philip Rich, Danielle Braje, Kevin K. Ryu, John Chiaverini, and Robert McConnell
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 100502 (2022)

High frequency properties of a planar ion trap fabricated on a chip
A. J. Uribe, A. Cridland Mathad, J. H. Lacy, J. Pinder, R. Willetts and J. Verdú
Review of Scientific Instruments 93, 083202 (2022)

Holographic dynamics simulations with a trapped-ion quantum computer
Eli Chertkov, Justin Bohnet, David Francois, John Gaebler, Dan Gresh, Aaron Hankin, Kenny Lee, David Hayes, Brian Neyenhuis, Russell Stutz, Andrew C. Potter & Michael Foss-Feig
Nature Physics (2022)

Holographic Simulation of Correlated Electrons on a Trapped-Ion Quantum Processor
Daoheng Niu, Reza Haghshenas, Yuxuan Zhang, Michael Foss-Feig, Garnet Kin-Lic Chan, and Andrew C. Potter
PRX Quantum 3, 030317 (2022)

Ion trap frequency measurement from fluorescence dynamics
K. Saito, R. Saito and T. Mukaiyama
Journal of Applied Physics 132, 094401 (2022)

N-Body Interactions between Trapped Ion Qubits via Spin-Dependent Squeezing
Or Katz, Marko Cetina, and Christopher Monroe
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 063603 (2022)

Optimal simulation of quantum dynamics
Luca Tagliacozzo
Nature Physics (2022)

Picosecond ion-qubit manipulation and spin-phonon entanglement with resonant laser pulses
W.-X. Guo, Y.-K. Wu, Y.-Y. Huang, L. Feng, C.-X. Huang, H.-X. Yang, J.-Y. Ma, L. Yao, Z.-C. Zhou, and L.-M. Duan
Phys. Rev. A 106, 022608 (2022)

Quantum control methods for robust entanglement of trapped ions
Christophe Henri Valahu, Iason Apostolatos, Sebastian Weidt and Winfried Hensinger
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. (2022)

Quantum entanglement provides a key to improved security
Krister Shalm
Nature NEWS AND VIEWS     27 July 2022

Realizing coherently convertible dual-type qubits with the same ion species
H.-X. Yang, J.-Y. Ma, Y.-K. Wu, Y. Wang, M.-M. Cao, W.-X. Guo, Y.-Y. Huang, L. Feng, Z.-C. Zhou & L.-M. Duan
Nature Physics (2022)

Sculpting bosonic states with arithmetic subtractions
Lin Htoo Zaw, Zakarya Lasmar, Chi-Huan Nguyen, Ko-Wei Tseng, Dzmitry Matsukevich, Dagomir Kaszlikowski and Valerio Scarani
New J. Phys. 24 083023 (2022)

Spectroscopy and ion thermometry of C2− using laser-cooling transitions
Markus Nötzold, Robert Wild, Christine Lochmann, and Roland Wester
Phys. Rev. A 106, 023111 (2022)

Surface-Induced Decoherence and Heating of Charged Particles
Lukas Martinetz, Klaus Hornberger, and Benjamin A. Stickler
PRX Quantum 3, 030327 (2022)

The expanding role of National Metrology Institutes in the quantum era
Alexander Tzalenchuk, Nicolas Spethmann, Tim Prior, Jay H. Hendricks, Yijie Pan, Vladimir Bubanja, Guilherme P. Temporão, Dai-Hyuk Yu, Damir Ilić & Barbara L. Goldstein
Nature Physics volume 18, pages724–727 (2022)

Two qubits for the price of one ion
Cornelius Hempel
Nature Physics (2022)

Unified approach to the nonlinear Rabi models
Liwei Duan
New J. Phys. 24 083045 (2022)


Automated Generation of Shuttling Sequences for a Linear Segmented Ion Trap Quantum Computer
Jonathan Durandau, Janis Wagner, Frédéric Mailhot, Charles-Antoine Brunet, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Ulrich Poschinger, Yves Bérubé-Lauzière

A Coupled-Oscillators Model to Analyze the Interaction between a Quartz Resonator and Trapped Ions
Emilio Altozano, Joaquín Berrocal, Steffen Lohse, Francisco Domínguez, Michael Block, Juan José García-Ripoll, Daniel Rodríguez

Batching Circuits to Reduce Compilation in Quantum Control Hardware
Ashlyn D. Burch, Daniel S. Lobser, Christopher G. Yale, Jay W. Van Der Wall, Oliver G. Maupin, Joshua D. Goldberg, Matthew N. H. Chow, Melissa C. Revelle, Susan M. Clark

Continuous Raman sideband cooling beyond the Lamb-Dicke Regime in a trapped ion chain
Qiming Wu, Yue Shi, Jiehang Zhang

Cryogenic ion trap system for high-fidelity near-field microwave-driven quantum logic
M. A. Weber, C. Löschnauer, J. Wolf, M. F. Gely, R. K. Hanley, J. F. Goodwin, C. J. Ballance, T. P. Harty, D. M. Lucas

Demonstration of multi-time quantum statistics without measurement back-action
Pengfei Wang, Hyukjoon Kwon, Chun-Yang Luan, Wentao Chen, Mu Qiao, Zinan Zhou, Kaizhao Wang, M. S. Kim, Kihwan Kim

Detection of DC electric forces with zeptonewton sensitivity by single-ion phonon laser
Ya-Qi Wei, Ying-Zheng Wang, Zhi-Chao Liu, Tai-Hao Cui, Liang Chen, Ji Li, Shuang-Qin Dai, Fei Zhou, Mang Feng

Engineering steady entanglement for trapped ions at finite temperature by dissipation
Xiao-Qiang Shao

Entanglement between a trapped ion qubit and a 780-nm photon via quantum frequency conversion
John Hannegan, James D. Siverns, Qudsia Quraishi

Entanglement of trapped-ion qubits separated by 230 meters
V. Krutyanskiy, M. Galli, V. Krcmarsky, S. Baier, D. A. Fioretto, Y. Pu, A. Mazloom, P. Sekatski, M. Canteri, M. Teller, J. Schupp, J. Bate, M. Meraner, N. Sangouard, B. P. Lanyon, T. E. Northup

Excitation and probing of low-energy nuclear states at high-energy storage rings
Junlan Jin, Hendrik Bekker, Tobias Kirschbaum, Yuri A. Litvinov, Adriana Pálffy, Jonas Sommerfeldt, Andrey Surzhykov, Peter G. Thirolf, Dmitry Budker

Exploring the scaling limitations of the variational quantum eigensolver with the bond dissociation of hydride diatomic molecules
Jacob M. Clary, Eric B. Jones, Derek Vigil-Fowler, Christopher Chang, Peter Graf

High-Accuracy Determination of Paul-Trap Stability Parameters for Electric-Quadrupole-Shift Prediction
T. Lindvall, K. J. Hanhijärvi, T. Fordell, A. E. Wallin

Hyperfine-structure-resolved laser spectroscopy of many-electron highly charged ions
Naoki Kimura, Priti, Yasutaka Kono, Pativate Pipatpakorn, Keigo Soutome, Naoki Numadate, Susuma Kuma, Toshiyuki Azuma, Nobuyuki Nakamura

Identification of a potential ultra-low Q value electron capture decay branch in 75Se via a precise Penning trap measurement of the mass of 75As
M. Horana Gamage, R. Bhandari, G. Bollen, N. D. Gamage, A. Hamaker, D. Puentes, M. Redshaw, R. Ringle, S. Schwarz, C. S. Sumithrarachchi, I. Yandow

Implementing Fault-tolerant Entangling Gates on the Five-qubit Code and the Color Code
C. Ryan-Anderson, N. C. Brown, M. S. Allman, B. Arkin, G. Asa-Attuah, C. Baldwin, J. Berg, J. G. Bohnet, S. Braxton, N. Burdick, J. P. Campora, A. Chernoguzov, J. Esposito, B. Evans, D. Francois, J. P. Gaebler, T. M. Gatterman, J. Gerber, K. Gilmore, D. Gresh, A. Hall, A. Hankin, J. Hostetter, D. Lucchetti, K. Mayer , et al. (12 additional authors not shown)

Integrating a fiber cavity into a wheel trap for strong ion-cavity coupling
Markus Teller, Viktor Messerer, Klemens Schüppert, Yueyang Zou, Dario A. Fioretto, Maria Galli, Philip C. Holz, Jakob Reichel, Tracy E. Northup

Ion trap with gold-plated alumina: substrate and surface characterization
Myunghun Kim, Keumhyun Kim, Jungsoo Hong, Hyegoo Lee, Youngil Moon, Wonchan Lee, Sehyun Kim, Taekyun Ha, Jae-Yoon Sim, Moonjoo Lee

Learning Quantum Systems
Valentin Gebhart, Raffaele Santagati, Antonio Andrea Gentile, Erik Gauger, David Craig, Natalia Ares, Leonardo Banchi, Florian Marquardt, Luca Pezze’, Cristian Bonato

Measurement-based ground state cooling of a trapped ion oscillator
Chungsun Lee, Simon C. Webster, Jacopo Mosca Toba, Ollie Corfield, George Porter, Richard C. Thompson

Non-Gaussian entanglement via splitting of a few thermal quanta
Pradip Laha, Darren W. Moore, Radim Filip

Observation of trap-assisted formation of atom-ion bound states
Meirav Pinkas, Or Katz, Jonathan Wengrowicz, Nitzan Akerman, Roee Ozeri

Para-particle oscillator simulations on a trapped ion quantum computer
C. Huerta Alderete, Alaina M. Green, Nhung H. Nguyen, Yingyue Zhu, Norbert M. Linke, B. M. Rodríguez-Lara

Performant coherent control: bridging the gap between high- and low-level operations on hardware
Daniel Lobser, Jay Van Der Wall, Joshua Goldberg

Periodic Plane-Wave Electronic Structure Calculations on Quantum Computers
Duo Song, Nicholas P. Bauman, Guen Prawiroatmodjo, Bo Peng, Cassandra Granade, Kevin M. Rosso, Guang Hao Low, Martin Roetteler, Karol Kowalski, Eric J. Bylaska

Probing critical behavior of long-range transverse-field Ising model through quantum Kibble-Zurek mechanism
B. -W. Li, Y. -K. Wu, Q. -X. Mei, R. Yao, W. -Q. Lian, M. -L. Cai, Y. Wang, B. -X. Qi, L. Yao, L. He, Z. -C. Zhou, L. -M. Duan

Probing coherent quantum thermodynamics using a trapped ion
O. Onishchenko, G. Guarnieri, P. Rosillo-Rodes, D. Pijn, J. Hilder, U. G. Poschinger, M. Perarnau-Llobet, J. Eisert, F. Schmidt-Kaler

Programmable N-body interactions with trapped ions
Or Katz, Marko Cetina, Christopher Monroe

Programmable quantum simulations of bosonic systems with trapped ions
Or Katz, Christopher Monroe

Quantum Circuit Compiler for a Shuttling-Based Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer
Fabian Kreppel, Christian Melzer, Janis Wagner, Janine Hilder, Ulrich Poschinger, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, André Brinkmann

Quantum Synchronization in quadratically coupled quantum van der Pol oscillators
Niss Thomas, M. Senthilvelan

Realizing two-qubit gates through mode engineering on a trapped-ion quantum computer
Ming Li, Nhung H. Nguyen, Alaina M. Green, Jason Amini, Norbert M. Linke, Yunseong Nam

Reconstructing complex states of a 20-qubit quantum simulator
Murali K. Kurmapu, V. V. Tiunova, E. S. Tiunov, Martin Ringbauer, Christine Maier, Rainer Blatt, Thomas Monz, Aleksey K. Fedorov, A. I. Lvovsky

Robust two-qubit trapped ions gates using spin-dependent squeezing
Yotam Shapira, Sapir Cohen, Nitzan Akerman, Ady Stern, Roee Ozeri

Robust Two-Qubit Gates Using Pulsed Dynamical Decoupling
Patrick Barthel, Patrick H. Huber, Jorge Casanova, Iñigo Arrazola, Dorna Niroomand, Theeraphot Sriarunothai, Martin B. Plenio, Christof Wunderlich

Rotational spectroscopy of a single molecular ion at sub part-per-trillion resolution
Alejandra L. Collopy, Julian Schmidt, Dietrich Leibfried, David R. Leibrandt, Chin-Wen Chou

Rydberg ions in coherent motional states: A new method for determining the polarizability of Rydberg ions
Marie Niederländer, Jonas Vogel, Alexander Schulze-Makuch, Bastien Gély, Arezoo Mokhberi, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler

Scalable and Programmable Phononic Network with Trapped Ions
Wentao Chen, Yao Lu, Shuaining Zhang, Kuan Zhang, Guanhao Huang, Mu Qiao, Xiaolu Su, Jialiang Zhang, Jingning Zhang, Leonardo Banchi, M. S. Kim, Kihwan Kim

Scalable quantum logic spectroscopy
Kaifeng Cui, Jose Valencia, Kevin T. Boyce, David R. Leibrandt, David B. Hume

Synthesis of cold and trappable fully stripped HCI’s via antiproton-induced nuclear fragmentation in traps
G. Kornakov, G. Cerchiari, J. Zieliński, L. Lappo, G. Sadowski, M. Doser

Synthesizing a σ^z spin-dependent force for optical, metastable, and ground state trapped-ion qubits
O. Băzăvan, S. Saner, M. Minder, A. C. Hughes, R. T. Sutherland, D. M. Lucas, R. Srinivas, C. J. Ballance

The effect of fast noise on the fidelity of trapped-ions quantum gates
Haim Nakav, Ran Finkelstein, Lee Peleg, Nitzan Akerman, Roee Ozeri

Trapped Ions as an Architecture for Quantum Computing
Gabriel P. L. M. Fernandes, Alexandre C. Ricardo, Fernando R. Cardoso, Celso J. Villas-Boas

Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulation of Collective Neutrino Oscillations
Valentina Amitrano, Alessandro Roggero, Piero Luchi, Francesco Turro, Luca Vespucci, Francesco Pederiva

tqix.pis: A toolbox for large-scale quantum simulation platforms
Nguyen Tan Viet, Nguyen Thi Chuong, Vu Thi Ngoc Huyen, Le Bin Ho

Verification of the Quantum Jarzynski Equality on Digital Quantum Computers
Dominik Hahn, Maxime Dupont, Markus Schmitt, David J. Luitz, Marin Bukov

Walking with the atoms in a chemical bond : A perspective using quantum phase transition
Sabre Kais