Dear all,

Next week will see the scientific Kickoff Meeting of the new COST Action in beautiful Granada/Spain. This is your opportunity to propose an exciting program for the next year. If you think that Ion Trappers should organize a common approach on a certain topic, either scientific or technological, do not hesitate to propose a subject, a workshop, a meeting or a school. You can send an answer to this newsletter or directly contact the chair of the Action, Markus Hennrich.

Best regards,
Your editorial team



The ion trapping community is large and international. For the 2nd time there will be a North American Meeting on Trapped Ions: The  2nd North American Conference on Trapped Ions
College Park, Maryland, USA , July 22-26 2019,

If you go to DPG Rostock and didn’t book a room, Norbert has a booking to let. Contact


Bad Honnef Physics School on Strongly Coupled Systems 31 March – 5 April 2019 in Bad Honnef, Germany LINK

Faraday Discussion  “ Advances in Ion Spectroscopy – From Astrophysics to Biology”  which will take place between 8-10 April 2019 in York, UK. LINK

13th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP13) in Florence, Italy, April 8-12, 2019 LINK

High Precision Physics using an Optical Fibre Link and Optical Frequency Comb, International Physics School at les Houches School of Physics, France, 22-26th April 2019. LINK

Workshop on  “Engineering a Scalable Quantum Information Processor”, Bad Honnef/Germany, 23-26 April 2019. LINK

PLATAN International Conference, Merger of the Poznan meeting on Lasers and Trapping Devices in Atomic nuclei Research and the International Conference on Laser Probing,  Mainz/Germany 19-24 May 2019 LINK

Workshop on “Compound (atomic) quantum systems”, Lorentz Center, Leiden/NL, 20 – 24 May 2019 LINK

NACTI 2019, the 2nd North American Conference on Trapped Ions, will be held at the University of Maryland in College Park, MD, USA on July 22-26 2019,

ICPEAC XXXI , Deauville/France, 23-30 July 2019 LINK

Electrostatic Storage Devices (ESD8) conference to be held in Tinajin, P.R. China August 25 to 30, 2019. Details


Postdoc position available on the topic “Coherent Control and Precision Spectroscopy of Single Molecular Ions“ in the NIST Ion Storage group in Colorado, USA. For details please contact James Chou.

Assistant professor position opened at ENSMM, in Besançon. Teaching duties will comprise optics and electronics at the ENSMM engineering school; the research profile aims optical frequency standards, including single-ion optical clocks. The full profile can be found on the OHMS team website
Applications are due on March 26, and are managed to the “Galaxie” portal, of the ministry.
Please contact for additional details.

Postdoctoral Research Associate for Trapped-ion Quantum Control Engineering in the group of Michael Biercuk at the University of Sydney (official announcement pending, contact for details in the meantime)

Postdoc positions on new and ongoing projects in Quantum Information and Quantum Networking with trapped ions are available at the University of Maryland, please contact Norbert Linke

PhD postion in the group of Kilian Singer at Kassel University, Germany. Details

 PhD position (3 years) / postdoc position (2 years) is available in the laser spectroscopy group of Otto Dopfer at  Berlin Institute of Technology (TU Berlin), Germany, to study hydrocarbon ions in cryogenic multipole ion traps.  Contact

The W.M. Keck Research Laboratory in Astrochemistry is announcing the opening of a tenured Facility Manager Position (11 months) starting as early as March 15, 2019  []. For details contact Ralf Kaiser

AMOS, the center for AMO Physics at the Weizmann Institute of Science, if offering two competitive postdoc positions for excellent postdocs. These postdoc positions include two-year full scholarship and complete independence within AMOS in selecting a research direction. For more details please visit our website:
Deadline for submission is March 1st 2019.

PhD and postdoc positions in the group of Rene Gerritsma (University of Amsterdam) LINK

Postdoc position with the UC San Diego positron group to work at the Munich intense positron source NEPOMUC to create an electron-positron (“pair”) plasma (APEX collaboration). For details, contact Cliff Surko. and see LINK

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to

Absolute single-ion thermometry
Vincent Tugayé, Jean-Pierre Likforman, Samuel Guibal, and Luca Guidoni
Phys. Rev. A 99, 023412 (2019)

Atomic Bell measurement via two-photon interactions
Carlos A. González-Gutiérrez and Juan Mauricio Torres
Phys. Rev. A 99, 023854 (2019)

Dynamical Topological Transitions in the Massive Schwinger Model with a θ Term
T. V. Zache, N. Mueller, J. T. Schneider, F. Jendrzejewski, J. Berges, and P. Hauke
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 050403 (2019)

Encoding a qubit in a trapped-ion mechanical oscillator
C. Flühmann, T. L. Nguyen, M. Marinelli, V. Negnevitsky, K. Mehta & J. P. Home
Nature volume 566, pages513–517 (2019)

Environment-Assisted Quantum Transport in a 10-qubit Network
Christine Maier, Tiff Brydges, Petar Jurcevic, Nils Trautmann, Cornelius Hempel, Ben P. Lanyon, Philipp Hauke, Rainer Blatt, and Christian F. Roos
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 050501 (2019)

Engineering SU(1, 1) ⊗ SU(1, 1) vibrational states
C. Huerta Alderete, M. P. Morales Rodríguez & B. M. Rodríguez-Lara
Scientific Reports 9 , 1–7 (2019)

Chip-Integrated Voltage Sources for Control of Trapped Ions
J. Stuart, R. Panock, C.D. Bruzewicz, J.A. Sedlacek, R. McConnell, I.L. Chuang, J.M. Sage, and J. Chiaverini
Phys. Rev. Applied 11, 024010 (2019)

Frequency comb spectroscopy
Nathalie Picqué & Theodor W. Hänsch
Nature Photonics volume 13, pages146–157 (2019)

Modeling near ground-state cooling of two-dimensional ion crystals in a Penning trap using electromagnetically induced transparency
Athreya Shankar, Elena Jordan, Kevin A. Gilmore, Arghavan Safavi-Naini, John J. Bollinger, and Murray J. Holland
Phys. Rev. A 99, 023409 (2019)

Near Ground-State Cooling of Two-Dimensional Trapped-Ion Crystals with More than 100 Ions
Elena Jordan, Kevin A. Gilmore, Athreya Shankar, Arghavan Safavi-Naini, Justin G. Bohnet, Murray J. Holland, and John J. Bollinger
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 053603 (2019)

Noise Improves Flow of Energy
Philip Ball
Physics PRL Focus

Observation of superconductivity and surface noise using a single trapped ion as a field probe
K. Lakhmanskiy, P. C. Holz, D. Schärtl, B. Ames, R. Assouly, T. Monz, Y. Colombe, and R. Blatt
Phys. Rev. A 99, 023405 (2019)

Oscillating quadrupole effects in high-precision metrology
K. J. Arnold, R. Kaewuan, T. R. Tan, and M. D. Barrett
Phys. Rev. A 99, 022515 (2019)

Out-of-Time-Ordered-Correlator Quasiprobabilities Robustly Witness Scrambling
José Raúl González Alonso, Nicole Yunger Halpern, and Justin Dressel
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 040404 (2019)

Phase transfer between three visible lasers for coherent population trapping
Mathieu Collombon, Gaëtan Hagel, Cyril Chatou, Didier Guyomarc’h, Didier Ferrand, Marie Houssin, Caroline Champenois, and Martina Knoop
Optics Letters Vol. 44, Issue 4, pp. 859-862 (2019)

Promising ways to encode and manipulate quantum information
A. Ferraro

Quantum simulation of multiphoton and nonlinear dissipative spin-boson models
R. Puebla, J. Casanova, O. Houhou, E. Solano, and M. Paternostro
Phys. Rev. A 99, 032303 (2019)

Spectroscopy of the 1S0−1D2 clock transition in 176 Lu+
R. Kaewuam, T. R. Tan, K. J. Arnold, and M. D. Barrett
Phys. Rev. A 99, 022514 (2019)

Transversality and lattice surgery: Exploring realistic routes toward coupled logical qubits with trapped-ion quantum processors
M. Gutiérrez, M. Müller, and A. Bermúdez
Phys. Rev. A 99, 022330 (2019)

Trapping and sympathetic cooling of single thorium ions for spectroscopy
Karin Groot-Berning, Felix Stopp, Georg Jacob, Dmitry Budker, Raphael Haas, Dennis Renisch, Jörg Runke, Petra Thörle-Pospiech, Christoph E. Düllmann, and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
Phys. Rev. A 99, 023420 (2019)

Universal Dynamics of Inhomogeneous Quantum Phase Transitions: Suppressing Defect Formation
F. J. Gómez-Ruiz and A. del Campo
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 080604 (2019)


A cryogenic radio-frequency ion trap for quantum logic spectroscopy of highly charged ions
Tobias Leopold, Steven A. King, Peter Micke, Amado Bautista-Salvador, Jan C. Heip, Christian Ospelkaus, José R. Crespo López-Urrutia, Piet O. Schmidt

An 27Al+ quantum-logic clock with systematic uncertainty below 10−18
S. M. Brewer, J. -S. Chen, A. M. Hankin, E. R. Clements, C. W. Chou, D. J. Wineland, D. B. Hume, D. R. Leibrandt

Bang-bang shortcut to adiabaticity in the Dicke model as realized in a Penning trap experiment
J. Cohn, A. Safavi-Naini, R. J. Lewis-Swan, J. G. Bohnet, M. Garttner, K. A. Gilmore, E. Jordan, A. M. Rey, J. J. Bollinger, J. K. Freericks

Characterizing large-scale quantum computers via cycle benchmarking
Alexander Erhard, Joel James Wallman, Lukas Postler, Michael Meth, Roman Stricker, Esteban Adrian Martinez, Philipp Schindler, Thomas Monz, Joseph Emerson, Rainer Blatt

Compensation of the trap-induced quadrupole interaction in trapped Rydberg ions
Lachezar S. Simeonov, Nikolay V. Vitanov, Peter A. Ivanov

Determination of quantum defect for the Rydberg P series of Ca II
Arezoo Mokhberi, Jonas Vogel, Justas Andrijauskas, Jochen Walz, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler

Determining temperature and Rabi frequency regarding trapped ions in Doppler cooling: An analytic investigation
Lei-Lei Yan, Shi-Lei Su, Mang Feng

Deterministic ion-photon qubit exchange in realistic ion cavity-QED systems without strong coupling
Adrien Borne, Barak Dayan

Deterministic single ion implantation of rare-earth ions for nanometer resolution colour center generation
Karin Groot-Berning, Thomas Kornher, Georg Jacob, Felix Stopp, Samuel T. Dawkins, Roman Kolesov, Jörg Wrachtrup, Kilian Singer, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler

Electronic level structure of Th+ in the range of the 229mTh isomer energy
David-Marcel Meier, Johannes Thielking, Przemysław Głowacki, Maksim V. Okhapkin, Robert A. Müller, Andrey Surzhykov, Ekkehard Peik

Entanglement of compound atom-ion quantum systems: Effects of finite temperature and ion motion
Mostafa R. Ebgha, Shahpoor Saeidian, Peter Schmelcher, Antonio Negretti

Exploring non-equilibrium phases of the generalized Dicke model with a trapped Rydberg ion quantum simulator
F. M. Gambetta, I. Lesanovsky, W. Li

Ground-state energy estimation of the water molecule on a trapped ion quantum computer Yunseong Nam, Jwo-Sy Chen, Neal C. Pisenti, Kenneth Wright, Conor Delaney, Dmitri Maslov, Kenneth R. Brown, Stewart Allen, Jason M. Amini, Joel Apisdorf, Kristin M. Beck, Aleksey Blinov, Vandiver Chaplin, Mika Chmielewski, Coleman Collins, Shantanu Debnath, Andrew M. Ducore, Kai M. Hudek, Matthew Keesan, Sarah M. Kreikemeier, Jonathan Mizrahi, Phil Solomon, Mike Williams, Jaime David Wong-Campos, Christopher Monroe , et al.

High-Speed, Low-Crosstalk Detection of a Trapped 171Yb+ Ion Ancilla Qubit using Superconducting Nanowire Single Photon Detectors
Stephen Crain, Clinton Cahall, Geert Vrijsen, Emma E. Wollman, Matthew D. Shaw, Varun B. Verma, Sae Woo Nam, Jungsang Kim

Integrated 9Be+ multi-qubit gate device for the ion-trap quantum computer
Henning Hahn, Giorgio Zarantonello, Marius Schulte, Amado Bautista-Salvador, Klemens Hammerer, Christian Ospelkaus

Micromotion-Enhanced Fast Entangling Gates For Trapped Ion Quantum Computing
Alexander K. Ratcliffe, Lachlan M. Oberg, Joseph J. Hope
Multi-functional surface ion trap for effective cooling and large-scale trapping of ions
Xinfang Zhang, Baoquan Ou, Ting Chen, Xie Yi, Wei Wu, Pingxing Chen

Phase protection of Fano-Feshbach resonances
Alexander Blech, Yuval Shagam, Nicolas Hölsch, Prerna Paliwal, Wojciech Skomorowski, John W. Rosenberg, Natan Bibelnik, Oded Heber, Daniel M. Reich, Edvardas Narevicius, Christiane P. Koch

Probing Quantum Fluctuations of Work with a Trapped Ion
Yao Lu, Shuoming An, Jing-Ning Zhang, Kihwan Kim

Quantum gate teleportation between separated zones of a trapped-ion processor
Yong Wan, Daniel Kienzler, Stephen D. Erickson, Karl H. Mayer, Ting Rei Tan, Jenny J. Wu, Hilma M. Vasconcelos, Scott Glancy, Emanuel Knill, David J. Wineland, Andrew C. Wilson, Dietrich Leibfried

Quantum thermodynamics in adiabatic open systems and its trapped-ion experimental realization
Chang-Kang Hu, Alan C. Santos, Jin-Ming Cui, Yun-Feng Huang, D. O. Soares-Pinto, Marcelo S. Sarandy, Chuan-Feng Li, Guang-Can Guo

Randomness expansion secured by quantum contextuality
Mark Um, Qi Zhao, Junhua Zhang, Pengfei Wang, Ye Wang, Mu Qiao, Hongyi Zhou, Xiongfeng Ma, Kihwan Kim

Systematic uncertainty due to background-gas collisions in trapped-ion optical clocks
A. M. Hankin, E. R. Clements, Y. Huang, S. M. Brewer, J. -S. Chen, C. W. Chou, D. B. Hume, D. R. Leibrandt

Ultraviolet Fabry-Perot cavity with stable finesse under ultrahigh vacuum conditions
Jonas Schmitz, Hendrik M. Meyer, Michael Köhl