
Remembering Charlotte Froese Fischer (1929-2024)

It is with heavy hearts that we share the news of Charlotte Fischer’s passing, who was a beloved member of our community.

Charlotte Froese Fischer, born in 1929 in Donetsk (present-day Ukraine) and raised in Canada, passed away on February 8, 2024, at the age of 94. She was a distinguished physicist, known for her groundbreaking work in computational quantum theory. Fischer earned her BA and MA at the University of British Columbia (UBC) before completing her PhD at Cambridge, where she studied under Douglas Hartree and Paul Dirac. She made significant contributions to the development of computer-based Hartree-Fock calculations, pioneering the field during her PhD studies, introducing courses on numerical analysis and computing at UBC and becoming the first female scientist to be awarded an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship at Harvard (1963-1964). Fischer’s research spanned several decades and encompassed over 350 papers, including three most recently in 2023. She leaves behind a legacy of innovation and excellence in the scientific community (Source:;76f7f578.2402).

We extend our deepest condolences to Ms. Fischer’s family and friends during this difficult time. Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you navigate through this period of grief and loss.

Please continue to send us your thoughts, events, news, seminars, jobs, and publications to so that we can keep each other informed.


QCTiP 2024 (Quantum Computing Theory in Practice) conference, organized by the Quantum Software Lab at the University of Edinburgh, is planned for April 16th to 18th, 2024. Details

Young Researchers School on Topological aspects of low-dimensional quantum physics is a meeting for young researchers, designed by young researchers, accessible to PhD students in theoretical physics as well as to exceptional MSc students. April 21-27, 2024, Maynooth University, Ireland. Details

Workshop on Quantum Mixtures of Atoms and Ions, Amsterdam will take place rom June 11-13, 2024. The conference aims to bring together experts in the field of cold and ultracold mixtures of atoms and ions and will cover various applications of these systems, including quantum chemistry, quantum impurity physics, ultracold buffer gas cooling, Feshbach resonances, quantum information and spin dynamics. Details

Quantum meets ’24 is a co-created collection of free events presented by Quantum Delta NL from June 11-13, 2024 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Details

Early Career Conference in Trapped Ions (ECCTI) 2024
ECCTI is intended to connect a broad community with very diverse scientific goals with common technical challenges. The event will have a focus on Atomic Clocks, Quantum Information & Computation, Quantum Simulation, Quantum Technologies, Antimatter Physics, Precision & Molecular Spectroscopy, and Nuclear Physics. The event will take place from July 7-12, 2024, at the Viktor-Franz-Hess Haus in Austria. Details

ICAP 2024: The 28th International Conference on Atomic Physics, 14.-19.7.2024 at the Imperial College, London. Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


A postdoc position is available from April 1st 2024 at Imperial College, London. The project is to use a trapped electron for tabletop astroparticle physics, including the direct detection of dark matter and microwave single photon counting for dark matter axion searches.
Contact: Jack Devlin (

The research group of C. Ospelkaus at the University of Hannover is looking for a postdoctoral research associate on their Penning trap experiment, which aims to implement quantum logic spectroscopy of (anti-)protons for tests of the fundamental CPT symmetry as part of the BASE collaboration.
Contact: Dr. Christian Ospelkaus (

Multiple postdoc positions are available in the NIST Ion Storage Group in Colorado, USA. Topics include quantum simulation and sensing in a Penning trap, trapped-ion quantum computing, trapped-ion optical clocks, and quantum state control and precision spectroscopy of single molecular ions.
Contact: John Bollinger or any of the NIST Ion Storage group staff

The Imperial College Particle Physics Group has a postgraduate studentship available to work on laser measurements of cold exotic helium atoms that contain antiprotons at the new ELENA facility of CERN in Geneva. This allows us to probe the matter-antimatter symmetry and determine the mass ratio between an antiproton and electron. We hope to be relatively flexible with regards to the exact PhD topic depending on the candidate’s interests. The studentship covers a maintenance bursary similar to standard STFC studentships.

The research group of Christian Ospelkaus at Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany, offers a PhD position in the field of surface electrode trap design for quantum computing.
Contact: Dr. Christian Ospelkaus (

PhD position in available at TU Berlin fully funded by the German Science Foundation for 3 years.
The project deals with the vibrational and electronic spectroscopy of diamondoid cation and their clusters in cryogenic ion traps, which are relevant in materials science, astrochemistry, organic chemistry, and theoretical chemistry.
Contact: Dr. Otto Dopfer (
PhD position in QUantum-Enhanced Sensing with Trapped IONs (QUESTIONs) at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in the group of Dr. Laura Dreissen. In the project you will develop a trapped-ion system based on Ba+ for quantum sensing and metrology using entangled states.
Contact: Dr. Laura S. Dreissen (

Several PostDoc and PhD positions available at PTB in Braunschweig and Leibniz University Hannover in the Quantum Logic Spectroscopy Group of Piet Schmidt . Topics include laboratory and transportable aluminium ion clocks, multi-ion calcium clock using dynamical decoupling and entanglement, as well as highly charged ion clocks.
Contact: Dr. Piet Schmidt (

The Ion trap systems team at Infineon is looking for an ion trap development engineer.  This is a full-time, permanent position in Austria with an entry level of 3-5 years.

Various positions at ARCNL
ARCNL is a public-private partnership between the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM), the University of Amsterdam (UvA), the VU University Amsterdam (VU) and the semiconductor equipment manufacturer ASML. ARCNL is seeking candidates trained in experimental physics, chemistry, materials science or engineering with an interest in cutting-edge research, combining fundamental and applied aspects.


Please sent information about your publications to


A simplified Mølmer-Sørensen gate for the trapped ion quantum computer

Hiroo Azuma
2024 Phys. Scr.

Atomic mass determination of uranium-238

Kathrin Kromer, Chunhai Lyu, Jacek Bieroń, Menno Door, Lucia Enzmann, Pavel Filianin, Gediminas Gaigalas, Zoltán Harman, Jost Herkenhoff, Wenjia Huang, Christoph H. Keitel, Sergey Eliseev, and Klaus Blaum
Phys. Rev. C 109, L021301 (2024) –

Construction of two-qubit gates using Gate

M Karthick Selvan and S Balakrishnan
2024 Phys. Scr. 99 035113

Efficient bosonic nonlinear phase gates

Kimin Park & Radim Filip
npj Quantum Information volume 10, Article number: 25 (2024)

Fast generation of spin squeezing via resonant spin-boson coupling

Diego Barberena, Sean R Muleady, John J Bollinger, Robert J Lewis-Swan and Ana Maria Rey
2024 Quantum Sci. Technol. 9 025013

First direct 7Be electron-capture Q-value measurement toward high-precision searches for neutrino physics beyond the Standard Model

R. Bhandari, G. Bollen, T. Brunner, N. D. Gamage, A. Hamaker, Z. Hockenbery, M. Horana Gamage, D. K. Keblbeck, K. G. Leach, D. Puentes, M. Redshaw, R. Ringle, S. Schwarz, C. S. Sumithrarachchi, and I. Yandow
Phys. Rev. C 109, L022501 (2024)

Interaction graph engineering in trapped-ion quantum simulators with global drives

Antonis Kyprianidis, A J Rasmusson and Philip Richerme
2024 New J. Phys. 26 023033

Linear polarization of dielectronic satellite lines of hydrogenlike ions with Z values ranging from 9 to 92

Tianluo Luo, Zhencen He, Zhihao Yang, Shuyu Zhang, and Zhimin Hu
Phys. Rev. A 109, 022815 (2024)

Measurement of the unresolved 9Be+ 2P3/2 hyperfine splittings using quantum-interference-enhanced state-selective repump spectroscopy

D. M. Fairbank, A. L. Banducci, R. W. Gunkelman, J. B. VanArsdale, and S. M. Brewer
Phys. Rev. A 109, 012809 (2024) –

Measurement-Free Fault-Tolerant Quantum Error Correction in Near-Term Devices

Sascha Heußen, David F. Locher, and Markus Müller
PRX Quantum 5, 010333 (2024)

Non-Abelian topological order and anyons on a trapped-ion processor

Mohsin Iqbal, Nathanan Tantivasadakarn, Ruben Verresen, Sara L. Campbell, Joan M. Dreiling, Caroline Figgatt, John P. Gaebler, Jacob Johansen, Michael Mills, Steven A. Moses, Juan M. Pino, Anthony Ransford, Mary Rowe, Peter Siegfried, Russell P. Stutz, Michael Foss-Feig, Ashvin Vishwanath & Henrik Dreyer
Nature volume 626, pages 505–511 (2024)

Optimized Bayesian system identification in quantum devices

Thomas M. Stace, Jiayin Chen, Li Li, Viktor S. Perunicic, Andre R. R. Carvalho, Michael Hush, Christophe H. Valahu, Ting Rei Tan, and Michael J. Biercuk
Phys. Rev. Applied 21, 014012 (2024)

Precision measurement of M1 optical clock transition in Ni12+

Shaolong Chen, Zhiqiang Zhou, Jiguang Li, Tingxian Zhang, Chengbin Li, Tingyun Shi, Yao Huang, Kelin Gao, and Hua Guan
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 013030 (2024) –

Protecting expressive circuits with a quantum error detection code

Chris N. Self, Marcello Benedetti & David Amaro
Nature Physics volume 20, pages 219–224 (2024)

Quantum-parallel vectorized data encodings and computations on trapped-ion and transmon QPUs

Jan Balewski, Mercy G. Amankwah, Roel Van Beeumen, E. Wes Bethel, Talita Perciano & Daan Camps
Scientific Reports volume 14, Article number: 3435 (2024)

Rapid cooling of the in-plane motion of two-dimensional ion crystals in a Penning trap to millikelvin temperatures

Wes Johnson, Athreya Shankar, John Zaris, John J. Bollinger, and Scott E. Parker
Phys. Rev. A 109, L021102 (2024) –

Rapid exchange cooling with trapped ions

Spencer D. Fallek, Vikram S. Sandhu, Ryan A. McGill, John M. Gray, Holly N. Tinkey, Craig R. Clark & Kenton R. Brown
Nature Communications volume 15, Article number: 1089 (2024) Cite this article

Realization of a crosstalk-avoided quantum network node using dual-type qubits of the same ion species

L. Feng, Y.-Y. Huang, Y.-K. Wu, W.-X. Guo, J.-Y. Ma, H.-X. Yang, L. Zhang, Y. Wang, C.-X. Huang, C. Zhang, L. Yao, B.-X. Qi, Y.-F. Pu, Z.-C. Zhou & L.-M. Duan
Nature Communications volume 15, Article number: 204 (2024)

Scheme for Quantum-Logic Based Transfer of Accuracy in Polarizability Measurement for Trapped Ions Using a Moving Optical Lattice

Fabian Wolf
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 083202 (2024)

Surface trap with adjustable ion couplings for scalable and parallel gates

Y. Suleimen, A. Podlesnyy, L. A. Akopyan, N. Sterligov, O. Lakhmanskaya, E. Anikin, A. Matveev, and K. Lakhmanskiy
Phys. Rev. A 109, 022605 (2024) –

Topological matter created on a quantum chip produces quasiparticles with computing power

Nature News and Views, February 2024

Towards experimental classical verification of quantum computation

Roman Stricker, Jose Carrasco, Martin Ringbauer, Lukas Postler, Michael Meth, Claire Edmunds, Philipp Schindler, Rainer Blatt, Peter Zoller, Barbara Kraus and Thomas Monz Hide full author list
2024 Quantum Sci. Technol. 9 02LT01

Trapping and Sympathetic Cooling of Conformationally Selected Molecular Ions

Lei Xu, Jutta Toscano, and Stefan Willitsch
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 083001 (2024)

Tunable quantum simulation of spin models with a two-dimensional ion crystal

Mu Qiao, Zhengyang Cai, Ye Wang, Botao Du, Naijun Jin, Wentao Chen, Pengfei Wang, Chunyang Luan, Erfu Gao, Ximo Sun, Haonan Tian, Jingning Zhang & Kihwan Kim
Nature Physics (2024)

Universal quantum computing with qubits embedded in trapped-ion qudits

Anastasiia S. Nikolaeva, Evgeniy O. Kiktenko, and Aleksey K. Fedorov
Phys. Rev. A 109, 022615 (2024) –

Variational quantum simulation of U(1) lattice gauge theories with qudit systems

Pavel P. Popov, Michael Meth, Maciej Lewestein, Philipp Hauke, Martin Ringbauer, Erez Zohar, and Valentin Kasper
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 013202 (2024)


An architecture for two-qubit encoding in neutral ytterbium-171 atoms

Authors: Zhubing Jia, William Huie, Lintao Li, Won Kyu Calvin Sun, Xiye Hu, Aakash, Healey Kogan, Abhishek Karve, Jong Yeon Lee, Jacob P. Covey

An ion trap design for a space-deployable strontium-ion optical clock

Authors: Alessio Spampinato, Jonathan Stacey, Sean Mulholland, Billy I. Robertson, Hugh A. Klein, Guilong Huang, Geoffrey P. Barwood, Patrick Gill

Building and characterizing a stylus ion-trap system

Tai-Hao Cui, Ya-Qi Wei, Ji Li, Quan Yuan, Shuang-Qing Dai, Pei-Dong Li, Fei Zhou, Jian-Qi Zhang, Zhu-Jun Zheng, Liang ChenShow full author list
2024 Chinese Phys. B

Chaotic scattering in ultracold atom-ion collisions

Authors: Meirav Pinkas, Jonathan Wengrowicz, Nitzan Akerman, Roee Ozeri

Dark resonance spectra of trapped ions under the influence of micromotion

Authors: Nicolás Adrián Nuñez Barreto, Muriel Bonetto, Marcelo Alejandro Luda, Cecilia Cormick, Christian Tomás Schmiegelow

Design and characterization of individual addressing optics based on multi-channel acousto-optic modulator for 171Yb+ qubits

Authors: Sungjoo Lim, Seunghyun Baek, Jacob Withlow, Marissa D’Onofrio, Tianyi Chen, Samuel Phiri, Stphen Crain, Kenneth R. Brown, Jungsang Kim, Junki Kim

Digital quantum simulation of a (1+1)D SU(2) lattice gauge theory with ion qudits

Authors: Giuseppe Calajò, Giuseppe Magnifico, Claire Edmunds, Martin Ringbauer, Simone Montangero, Pietro Silvi

Dynamical quantum maps for single-qubit gates under non-Markovian phase noise

Authors: J. M. Sánchez Velázquez, A. Steiner, R. Freund, M. Guevara-Bertsch, Ch. D. Marciniak, T. Monz, A. Bermudez

Dynamics of quantum discommensurations in the Frenkel-Kontorova chain

Authors: Oksana Chelpanova, Shane P. Kelly, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Giovanna Morigi, Jamir Marino

Electronic structure of ground and low-lying excited states of BaLi+ molecular ion: spin-orbit effect, radiative lifetimes and Franck-Condon factor

Sana Akkari, Wissem Zrafi, Hela Ladjimi, Mohamed Bejaoui, Jamila Dhiflaoui and Hamid Berriche

2024 Phys. Scr. 99 035403

Entanglement-enhanced quantum metrology: from standard quantum limit to Heisenberg limit

Authors: Jiahao Huang, Min Zhuang, Chaohong Lee

Experimental implementation of an efficient test of quantumness

Laura Lewis, Daiwei Zhu, Alexandru Gheorghiu, Crystal Noel, Or Katz, Bahaa Harraz, Qingfeng Wang, Andrew Risinger, Lei Feng, Debopriyo Biswas, Laird Egan, Thomas Vidick, Marko Cetina, and Christopher Monroe
Phys. Rev. A 109, 012610 (2024)

High Resolution Rovibrational and Rotational Spectroscopy of H2CCCH+

Authors: Weslley Guilherme Dias de Paiva Silva, Divita Gupta, Eline Plaar, José Luis Doménech, Stephan Schlemmer, Oskar Asvany

Individual addressing and state readout of trapped ions utilizing rf micromotion

Authors: Nathan K Lysne, Justin F Niedermeyer, Andrew C Wilson, Daniel H Slichter, Dietrich Leibfried

In-situ-tunable spin-spin interactions in a Penning trap with in-bore optomechanics

Authors: Joseph H. Pham, Julian Y. Z. Jee, Alexander Rischka, Michael J. Biercuk, Robert N. Wolf

Harnessing the Quantum Zeno Effect: A New Approach to Ion Trapping

Authors: Varqa Abyaneh

Long-sought isomer turns out to be the ground state of 76Cu

Authors: L. Canete, S. Giraud, A. Kankainen, B. Bastin, F. Nowacki, P. Ascher, T. Eronen, V. Girard Alcindor, A. Jokinen, A. Khanam, I. D. Moore, D. Nesterenko, F. De Oliveira, H. Penttilä, C. Petrone, I. Pohjalainen, A. De Roubin, V. Rubchenyaa, M. Vilen, J. Äystö

Microgram BaCl2 Ablation Targets for Trapped Ion Experiments

Authors: Noah Greenberg, Akbar Jahangiri Jozani, Collin J. C. Epstein, Xinghe Tan, Rajibul Islam, Crystal Senko

Mitigating the Effects of Au-Al Intermetallic Compounds Due to High-Temperature Processing of Surface Electrode Ion Traps

Authors: Raymond A. Haltli, Eric Ou, Christopher D. Nordquist, Susan M. Clark, Melissa C. Revelle

Motional state analysis of a trapped ion by ultra-narrowband composite pulses

Authors: Marion Mallweger, Milena Guevara-Bertsch, Boyan T. Torosov, Robin Thomm, Natalia Kuk, Harry Parke, Christian F. Roos, Gerard Higgins, Markus Hennrich, Nikolay V. Vitanov

Multi-zone trapped-ion qubit control in an integrated photonics QCCD device

Authors: Carmelo Mordini, Alfredo Ricci Vasquez, Yuto Motohashi, Mose Müller, Maciej Malinowski, Chi Zhang, Karan K. Mehta, Daniel Kienzler, Jonathan P. Home

Nanomechanically Induced Transparency

Authors: E. C. Diniz, O. P. de Sá Neto

Non-Abelian vibron dynamics in trapped-ion arrays

Authors: L. Timm, H. Weimer, L. Santos

Observation of quantum strong Mpemba effect

Authors: Jie Zhang, Gang Xia, Chun-Wang Wu, Ting Chen, Qian Zhang, Yi Xie, Wen-Bo Su, Wei Wu, Cheng-Wei Qiu, Ping-xing Chen, Weibin Li, Hui Jing, Yan-Li Zhou

Partial-transpose-guided entanglement classes and minimum noise filtering in many-body Gaussian quantum systems

Authors: Boyu Gao, Natalie Klco

Penning-trap measurement of the Q-value of the electron capture in 163Ho for the determination of the electron neutrino mass

Authors: Christoph Schweiger, Martin Braß, Vincent Debierre, Menno Door, Holger Dorrer, Christoph E. Düllmann, Christian Enss, Pavel Filianin, Loredana Gastaldo, Zoltán Harman, Maurits W. Haverkort, Jost Herkenhoff, Paul Indelicato, Christoph H. Keitel, Kathrin Kromer, Daniel Lange, Yuri N. Novikov, Dennis Renisch, Alexander Rischka, Rima X. Schüssler, Sergey Eliseev, Klaus Blaum

Robust and fast microwave-driven quantum logic for trapped-ion qubits

Authors: M. A. Weber, M. F. Gely, R. K. Hanley, T. P. Harty, A. D. Leu, C. M. Löschnauer, D. P. Nadlinger, D. M. Lucas

Scattering wave packets of hadrons in gauge theories: Preparation on a quantum computer

Authors: Zohreh Davoudi, Chung-Chun Hsieh, Saurabh V. Kadam

Simulating the spin-boson model with a controllable reservoir in an ion trap

Authors: G. -X. Wang, Y. -K. Wu, R. Yao, W. -Q. Lian, Z. -J. Cheng, Y. -L. Xu, C. Zhang, Y. Jiang, Y. -Z. Xu, B. -X. Qi, P. -Y. Hou, Z. -C. Zhou, L. He, L. -M. Duan

Shuttling for Scalable Trapped-Ion Quantum Computers

Authors: Daniel Schoenberger, Stefan Hillmich, Matthias Brandl, Robert Wille

Stressing Out Modern Quantum Hardware: Performance Evaluation and Execution Insights

Authors: Aliza U. Siddiqui, Kaitlin Gili, Chris Ballance

Thermal transport through a single trapped ion under strong laser illumination

Authors: T. Tassis, F. Brito, F. L. Semião

TITAN: A Distributed Large-Scale Trapped-Ion NISQ Computer

Authors: Cheng Chu, Zhenxiao Fu, Yilun Xu, Gang Huang, Hausi Muller, Fan Chen, Lei Jiang

Towards multiqudit quantum processor based on a 171Yb+ ion string: Realizing basic quantum algorithms

Authors: Ilia V. Zalivako, Anastasiia S. Nikolaeva, Alexander S. Borisenko, Andrei E. Korolkov, Pavel L. Sidorov, Kristina P. Galstyan, Nikita V. Semenin, Vasilii N. Smirnov, Mikhail A. Aksenov, Konstantin M. Makushin, Evgeniy O. Kiktenko, Aleksey K. Fedorov, Ilya A. Semerikov, Ksenia Yu. Khabarova, Nikolay N. Kolachevsky

Trapped-ion toolbox to simulate quantum Otto heat engines

Authors: Rogério Jorge de Assis, Ciro Micheletti Diniz, Norton Gomes de Almeida, Celso Jorge Villas-Bôas