
The Ion Traps Newsletter lives on!
For over more than a decade the ITN has been very successful in providing important information about news, events, jobs, and publications, thus bringing together the trapped ion community. This success is the result of the dedication of Martina Knoop, initiator and editor of the ITN, and Alejandro Bermudez, responsible for compiling the publications. Martina Knoop has moved on to new responsibilities and therefore announced her retirement as editor in the last newsletter.

Since many appreciated the content of the newsletter, it will be continued in the same format as before. The new editorial team is led by Naz Pourmalek, the CEO of Quantum Valley Lower Saxony (QVLS e.V.), while Alejandro will continue to provide the list of publications.

Please continue to send us your thoughts, events, news, seminars, jobs, and publications to so that we can keep each other informed. In the future, we will strive to provide web forms for the submission of information to streamline the generation of the newsletter.


QCTiP 2024 (Quantum Computing Theory in Practice) conference, organized by the Quantum Software Lab at the University of Edinburgh, is planned for April 16th to 18th, 2024. Details

Young Researchers School on Topological aspects of low-dimensional quantum physics is a meeting for young researchers, designed by young researchers, accessible to PhD students in theoretical physics as well as to exceptional MSc students. April 21-27, 2024, Maynooth University, Ireland. Details

Quantum meets ’24 is a co-created collection of free events presented by Quantum Delta NL from June 11-13, 2024 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Details

ICAP 2024: The 28th International Conference on Atomic Physics, 14.-19.7.2024 at the Imperial College, London. Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


Various positions at ARCNL
ARCNL is a public-private partnership between the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM), the University of Amsterdam (UvA), the VU University Amsterdam (VU) and the semiconductor equipment manufacturer ASML. ARCNL is seeking candidates trained in experimental physics, chemistry, materials science or engineering with an interest in cutting-edge research, combining fundamental and applied aspects. More information can be found here.

Several PostDoc and PhD positions available at PTB in Braunschweig and Leibniz University Hannover in the Quantum Logic Spectroscopy Group of Piet Schmidt . Topics include laboratory and transportable aluminium ion clocks, multi-ion calcium clock using dynamical decoupling and entanglement, as well as highly charged ion clocks. Please contact

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories (LBNL) is seeking a postdoc to join the Quant-NET team to connect a small ion trap node at LBNL with one at UC Berkeley. Photons from the Calcium ion trap nodes will be extracted with a high-finesse cavity system and converted to telecom wavelength to be send over a 5 km telecom fiber. Link
Please contact Dr. Erhan Saglamyrek ( or Hartmut Haeffner ( with inquires.


Please sent information about your publications to

A 22-pole radiofrequency ion trap setup for laboratory astrophysical studies

Nihar Ranjan Behera ; Saurav Dutta ; Roby Chacko ; Saroj Barik; G. Aravind

Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 013201 (2024)

A Race-Track Trapped-Ion Quantum Processor

S. A. Moses et al.

Phys. Rev. X 13, 041052 (2023) –
BASE-STEP: A transportable antiproton reservoir for fundamental interaction studies

C. Smorra, F. Abbass, D. Schweitzer, M. Bohman, J. D. Devine, Y. Dutheil, A. Hobl, B. Arndt, B. B. Bauer, J. A. Devlin, S. Erlewein, M. Fleck, J. I. Jäger, B. M. Latacz, P. Micke, M. Schiffelholz, G. Umbrazunas, M. Wiesinger, C. Will, E. Wursten, H. Yildiz, K. Blaum, Y. Matsuda, A. Mooser, C. Ospelkaus, W. Quint, A. Soter, J. Walz, Y. Yamazaki, S. Ulmer

Journal: Review of Scientific Instruments

Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 113201 (2023)
Breaking the Entangling Gate Speed Limit for Trapped-Ion Qubits Using a Phase-Stable Standing Wave

S. Saner, O. Băzăvan, M. Minder, P. Drmota, D. J. Webb, G. Araneda, R. Srinivas, D. M. Lucas, and C. J. Ballance

Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 220601 (2023)
Classical shadows for quantum process tomography on near-term quantum computers

Ryan Levy, Di Luo, and Bryan K. Clark

Phys. Rev. Research 6, 013029 (2024)
Cooling by quantum pickpocketing

The discovery of dual cooling mechanisms in a mixed ion–atom system

By Sadiq Rangwala
Collinear laser spectroscopy of highly charged ions produced with an electron-beam ion source

P. Imgram, K. König, B. Maaß, P. Müller, and W. Nörtershäuser

Phys. Rev. A 108, 062809 (2023)
Continuous-time quantum harmonic oscillator state engineering

E García Herrera, F Torres-Leal and B M Rodríguez-Lara
Error-mitigated quantum simulation of interacting fermions with trapped ions

Wentao Chen, Shuaining Zhang, Jialiang Zhang, Xiaolu Su, Yao Lu, Kuan Zhang, Mu Qiao, Ying Li, Jing-Ning Zhang & Kihwan Kim

npj Quantum Information volume 9, Article number: 122 (2023)
Experimental Realization of Nonunitary Multiqubit Operations

M. W. van Mourik, E. Zapusek, P. Hrmo, L. Gerster, R. Blatt, T. Monz, P. Schindler, and F. Reiter

Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 040602 (2024)
Fast generation of spin squeezing via resonant spin-boson coupling

Diego Eduardo Barberena, Sean Robert Muleady, Robert James Lewis-Swan, J. J. Bollinger and Ana Maria Rey

2024 Quantum Sci. Technol.

Hoeffding’s independence test for an ion dynamics characterization in the octupole trap

Semyon Rudyi, Dmitrii Shcherbinin, Vadim Rybin and Andrei Ivanov

2024 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2680 012042
Laser cooling and trapping of 224Ra+

M. Fan, Roy A. Ready, H. Li, S. Kofford, R. Kwapisz, C. A. Holliman, M. S. Ladabaum, A. N. Gaiser, J. R. Griswold, and A. M. Jayich

Phys. Rev. Research 5, 043201 (2023)
Laser-free trapped ion entangling gates with AESE: adiabatic elimination of spin-motion entanglement

R Tyler Sutherland and Michael Foss-Feig

2024 New J. Phys. 26 013013
Measurement of the unresolved 9Be+ 2P3/2 hyperfine splittings using quantum-interference-enhanced state-selective repump spectroscopy

D. M. Fairbank, A. L. Banducci, R. W. Gunkelman, J. B. VanArsdale, and S. M. Brewer

Phys. Rev. A 109, 012809 (2024) –
Micromotion compensation of trapped ions by qubit transition and direct scanning of dc voltages

Lee, Woojun; Chung, Daun; Kang, Jiyong; Jeon, Honggi; Jung, Changhyun; Cho, Dong-Il Dan; Kim, Taehyun


Optics Express 31(21) 33787-33798
Nondestructive inelastic recoil spectroscopy of a single molecular ion: A versatile tool toward precision action spectroscopy

Aaron Calvin, Scott Eierman, Zeyun Peng, Merrell Brzeczek, Samuel Kresch, Elijah Lane, Lincoln Satterthwaite, and David Patterson

Phys. Rev. A 108, 062819 (2023) –
Optimized Bayesian system identification in quantum devices

Thomas M. Stace, Jiayin Chen, Li Li, Viktor S. Perunicic, Andre R. R. Carvalho, Michael Hush, Christophe H. Valahu, Ting Rei Tan, and Michael J. Biercuk

Phys. Rev. Applied 21, 014012 (2024)
Penning-trap eigenfrequency measurements with optical radiofrequency detectors

J. Berrocal, A. Hernández, I. Arrazola, F. Domínguez, A. Carrasco-Sanz, F. J. Fernández, M. Block, and D. Rodríguez

Phys. Rev. Research 6, L012001 (2024) –
Precision measurement of M1 optical clock transition in Ni12+

Shaolong Chen, Zhiqiang Zhou, Jiguang Li, Tingxian Zhang, Chengbin Li, Tingyun Shi, Yao Huang, Kelin Gao, and Hua Guan

Phys. Rev. Research 6, 013030 (2024)
Qubit-Reuse Compilation with Mid-Circuit Measurement and Reset

Matthew DeCross, Eli Chertkov, Megan Kohagen, and Michael Foss-Feig

Phys. Rev. X 13, 041057 (2023)
Realization of a crosstalk-avoided quantum network node using dual-type qubits of the same ion species

L. Feng, Y.-Y. Huang, Y.-K. Wu, W.-X. Guo, J.-Y. Ma, H.-X. Yang, L. Zhang, Y. Wang, C.-X. Huang, C. Zhang, L. Yao, B.-X. Qi, Y.-F. Pu, Z.-C. Zhou & L.-M. Duan

Nature Communications volume 15, Article number: 204 (2024)
Realizing quantum speed limit in open system with a -symmetric trapped-ion qubit

Pengfei Lu, Teng Liu, Yang Liu, Xinxin Rao, Qifeng Lao, Hao Wu, Feng Zhu and Le Luo

2024 New J. Phys. 26 013043  
Reconstructing Complex States of a 20-Qubit Quantum Simulator

Murali K. Kurmapu, V.V. Tiunova, E.S. Tiunov, Martin Ringbauer, Christine Maier, Rainer Blatt, Thomas Monz, Aleksey K. Fedorov, and A.I. Lvovsky

PRX Quantum 4, 040345 (2023)
Scaling Up a Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer

Sara Mouradian

Physics 16, 209 (2023)
Sideband cooling of a trapped ion in strong sideband coupling regime

Zhang, Shuo; Huang, Zhuo-Peng; Tian, Tian-Ci; Wu, Zheng-Yang; Zhang, Jian-Qi; Bao, Wan-Su; Guo, Chu

2023 Optics Express 31(26) 44501-44514
Sideband Thermometry of Ion Crystals

Ivan Vybornyi, Laura S. Dreissen, Dominik Kiesenhofer, Helene Hainzer, Matthias Bock, Tuomas Ollikainen, Daniel Vadlejch, Christian F. Roos, Tanja E. Mehlstäubler, and Klemens Hammerer

PRX Quantum 4, 040346 (2023)
Trapped atoms in spatially-structured vector light fields

Maurizio Verde, Christian T. Schmiegelow, Ulrich Poschinger & Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler

Scientific Reports volume 13, Article number: 21283 (2023)
Trap-integrated fluorescence detection with silicon photomultipliers for sympathetic laser cooling in a cryogenic Penning trap

M. Wiesinger, F. Stuhlmann, M. Bohman, P. Micke, C. Will, H. Yildiz, F. Abbass, B. P. Arndt, J. A. Devlin, S. Erlewein, M. Fleck, J. I. Jäger, B. M. Latacz, D. Schweitzer, G. Umbrazunas, E. Wursten, K. Blaum, Y. Matsuda, A. Mooser, W. Quint, A. Soter, J. Walz, C. Smorra, S. Ulmer

Journal: Review of Scientific Instruments

Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 123202 (2023)
Using machine learning to improve multi-qubit state discrimination of trapped ions from uncertain EMCCD measurements

Jeong, Junho; Jung, Changhyun; Kim, Taehyun; Cho, Dongil “Dan”


Optics Express 31(21) 35113-3513


A noise-limiting quantum algorithm using mid-circuit measurements for dynamical correlations at infinite temperature

Authors: Etienne Granet, Henrik Dreyer
A versatile apparatus for simultaneous trapping of multiple species of ultracold atoms and ions to enable studies of low energy collisions and cold chemistry

Authors: Bubai Rahaman, Satyabrata Baidya, Sourav Dutta
An ion trap design for a space-deployable strontium-ion optical clock

Authors: Alessio Spampinato, Jonathan Stacey, Sean Mulholland, Billy I. Robertson, Hugh A. Klein, Guilong Huang, Geoffrey P. Barwood, Patrick Gill
Atomic mass determination of uranium-238

Authors: Kathrin Kromer, Chunhai Lyu, Jacek Bieroń, Menno Door, Lucia Enzmann, Pavel Filianin, Gediminas Gaigalas, Zoltán Harman, Jost Herkenhoff, Wenjia Huang, Christoph H. Keitel, Sergey Eliseev, Klaus Blaum
Bilayer crystals of trapped ions for quantum information processing

Authors: Samarth Hawaldar, Prakriti Shahi, Allison L. Carter, Ana Maria Rey, John J. Bollinger, Athreya Shankar
Comparing Shor and Steane Error Correction Using the Bacon-Shor Code

Authors: Shilin Huang, Kenneth R. Brown, Marko Cetina
Demonstration of fault-tolerant Steane quantum error correction

Authors: Lukas Postler, Friederike Butt, Ivan Pogorelov, Christian D. Marciniak, Sascha Heußen, Rainer Blatt, Philipp Schindler, Manuel Rispler, Markus Müller, Thomas Monz
Dynamics of quantum discommensurations in the Frenkel-Kontorova chain

Authors: Oksana Chelpanova, Shane P. Kelly, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Giovanna Morigi, Jamir Marino
Estimation of electrostatic interaction energies on a trapped-ion quantum computer

Authors: Pauline J. Ollitrault, Matthias Loipersberger, Robert M. Parrish, Alexander Erhard, Christine Maier, Christian Sommer, Juris Ulmanis, Thomas Monz, Christian Gogolin, Christofer S. Tautermann, Gian-Luca R. Anselmetti, Matthias Degroote, Nikolaj Moll, Raffaele Santagati, Michael Streif
Expanding Hardware-Efficiently Manipulable Hilbert Space via Hamiltonian Embedding

Authors: Jiaqi Leng, Joseph Li, Yuxiang Peng, Xiaodi Wu
Integrated photonic structures for photon-mediated entanglement of trapped ions

Authors: F. W. Knollmann, E. Clements, P. T. Callahan, M. Gehl, J. D. Hunker, T. Mahony, R. McConnell, R. Swint, C. Sorace-Agaskar, I. L. Chuang, J. Chiaverini, D. Stick
Multi-parameter quantum metrology with stabilized multi-mode squeezed state

Authors: Yue Li, Xu Cheng, Lingna Wang, Xingyu Zhao, Waner Hou, Yi Li, Kamran Rehan, Mingdong Zhu, Lin Yan, Xi Qin, Xinhua Peng, Haidong Yuan, Yiheng Lin, Jiangfeng Du
Observing Topological Insulator Phases with a Programmable Quantum Simulator

Authors: Or Katz, Lei Feng, Diego Porras, Christopher Monroe
Observing the quantum Mpemba effect in quantum simulations

Authors: Lata Kh Joshi, Johannes Franke, Aniket Rath, Filiberto Ares, Sara Murciano, Florian Kranzl, Rainer Blatt, Peter Zoller, Benoît Vermersch, Pasquale Calabrese, Christian F. Roos, Manoj K. Joshi
Optimized experiment design and analysis for fully randomized benchmarking

Authors: Alex Kwiatkowski, Laurent J. Stephenson, Hannah M. Knaack, Alejandra L. Collopy, Christina M. Bowers, Dietrich Leibfried, Daniel H. Slichter, Scott Glancy, Emanuel Knill
Realization of a chip-based hybrid trapping setup for 87Rb atoms and Yb+ Ion crystals

Authors: Abasalt Bahrami, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
Passive dynamical decoupling of trapped ion qubits and qudits

Authors: R. Tyler Sutherland, Stephen D. Erickson
Photodissociation spectra of single trapped CaOH+ molecular ions

Authors: Zhenlin Wu, Stefan Walser, Verena Podlesnic, Mariano Isaza-Monsalve, Elyas Mattivi, Guanqun Mu, René Nardi, Brandon J. Furey, Philipp Schindler
Production of highly charged ions inside a cryogenic Penning trap by electron-impact ionisation

Authors: Kanika, A Krishnan, J W Klimes, B Reich, K K Anjum, P Baus, G Birkl, W Quint, M Vogel
Quantum repeater node with free-space coupled trapped ions

Authors: Max Bergerhoff, Omar Elshehy, Stephan Kucera, Matthias Kreis, Jürgen Eschner
Quantum state tracking and control of a single molecular ion in a thermal environment

Authors: Yu Liu, Julian Schmidt, Zhimin Liu, David R. Leibrandt, Dietrich Leibfried, Chin-wen Chou
The Mpemba effect demonstrated on a single trapped ion qubit

Authors: Shahaf Aharony Shapira, Yotam Shapira, Jovan Markov, Gianluca Teza, Nitzan Akerman, Oren Raz, Roee Ozeri
Topological superconductors in trapped-ion system and their Floquet engineering

Authors: Ming-Jian Gao, Yu-Peng Ma, Jun-Hong An
Towards large-scale quantum optimization solvers with few qubits

Authors: Marco Sciorilli, Lucas Borges, Taylor L. Patti, Diego García-Martín, Giancarlo Camilo, Anima Anandkumar, Leandro Aolita
Trainability of a quantum-classical machine in the NISQ era

Authors: Tarun Dutta, Alex Jin, Clarence Liu Huihong, J I Latorre, Manas Mukherjee
Tripartite quantum Rabi model with trapped Rydberg ions

Authors: Thomas J. Hamlyn, Chi Zhang, Igor Lesanovsky, Weibin Li
Two-mode squeezing and SU(1,1) interferometry with trapped ions

Authors: J. Metzner, A. Quinn, S. Brudney, I. D. Moore, S. C. Burd, D. J. Wineland, D. T. C Allcock