Dear all,

you’ll find a whole bunch of new announcements in the “job section”, please be aware that deadlines might be close !
As a general information for all potential future announcers: we try to send the newsletter in the last days of each month, and normally we also try to avoid sending messages between two monthly issues – except in case of breaking news, extremely urgent annoucements, or our own mistakes 😉

Your editorial team



The deadline for the special issue of the Journal of Modern Optics in memory of Danny Segal has been extended to 30 June 2017. More info

New Journal of Physics Early Career Award—nominations are now open
Why don’t you nominate an ion trapper ???   Details


Precision Physics, Quantum Electrodynamics and Fundamental Interactions, April 30th to May 5th 2017 in Cargese, France. LINK


Spectroscopy, Dynamics and Applications of Cold Molecular Ions, May 28th to June 2d 2017 at Ecole de physique des Houches, Haute-Savoie, France. Details


7th International workshop on Electrostatic Storage Devices  will be held in Lyon, France, from June 19th  to June 22nd, 2017. LINK

International Workshop on  Charge Impurities in Cold Atomic and Molecular Systems, which will be hosted by ITAMP in Cambridge, MA from July 19th to 21st, 2017. LINK

ACES workshop: Fundamental and applied science with clocks and cold atoms in space, that will take place on June 29-30 2017 at the University of Zürich in Switzerland. Details

EFTF – IFCS 2017, 9-13 July 2017, Besançon, France Details


12th International Workshop on Non-neutral Plasmas to be held 10-13 July 2017 in Appleton, Wisconsin; LINK


ColdBeams 2017 – Conference on ultracold ion and electron beams, July 10-12, 2017, Eindhoven, the Netherlands Details


49th EGAS at Durham University in the UK, July 17 – 21. LINK


Nordita Workshop on “Topological Phases in Cold Atom Systems” (including trapped ions), July 31 – Aug 18, 2017, Stockholm, Sweden, Details

1st North American Conference on Trapped Ions, August 14-18, 2017, NIST Boulder Campus, Colorado/USA, LINK



Postdoc position in optical atomic clocks with trapped ions, at the National Physical Laboratory, UK.
Fixed term: 3 years.  The closing date is 6th April 2017.  The advertisement can be seen here For more details, contact


PhD and a postdoc position in precise spectroscopic measurements and tests of fundamental physics with cold polyatomic molecules, and in particular on a test of the parity symmetry using chiral molecules at LPL, Villetaneuse (Paris), France. Ads adverts can be found here (PhD) and there (postdoc).


2 Postdoc positions in experimental physics in the field of optical clocks  at PTB Braunschweig  LINK1 and LINK2  More information about the group HERE


Research Fellow in Portable Atomic Clocks, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sussex. Details

Postdoctoral researcher in the Metrology, Molecules and Fundamental Tests group (Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Université Paris 13) to work on ultrastable frequency transfer with optical fiber links. Details

Post-Doc in Paris (LNE-SYRTE/Observatoire de Paris) on Nano-mechanical hybrid quantum systems based on rare-earth doped crystals  Details


Post-Doc in Paris (LNE-SYRTE/Observatoire de Paris) on Ultra-stable laser based on spectral-hole burning in rare-earthdoped cristal for application to optical lattice clocks Details

Post-doctoral research fellow: At the centre for Quantum Technologies, NUS, Singapore in the group of Manas Mukherjee. Details


Professor in Experimental Quantum Physics, University of Vienna, LINK



You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to


A compact, transportable single-ion optical clock with 7.8 × 10−17 systematic uncertainty
J. Cao, P. Zhang, J. Shang, K. Cui, J. Yuan, S. Chao, S. Wang, H. Shu
Appl. Phys. B (2017) 123: 112.

An in situ trap capacitance measurement and ion-trapping detection scheme for a Penning ion trap facility
Ashif Reza, Kumardeb Banerjee, Parnika Das, Kalyankumar Ray, Subhankar Bandyopadhyay, and Bivas Dam
Review of Scientific Instruments 88, 034705 (2017)

Cavity-induced backaction in Purcell-enhanced photon emission of a single ion in an ultraviolet fiber cavity
T. G. Ballance, H. M. Meyer, P. Kobel, K. Ott, J. Reichel, and M. Köhl
Phys. Rev. A 95, 033812 (2017)

Chained Bell Inequality Experiment with High-Efficiency Measurements
T. R. Tan, Y. Wan, S. Erickson, P. Bierhorst, D. Kienzler, S. Glancy, E. Knill, D. Leibfried, and D. J. Wineland
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 130403 (2017)

Collisional Cooling of Light Ions by Cotrapped Heavy Atoms
Sourav Dutta, Rahul Sawant, and S. A. Rangwala
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 113401 (2017)

Critical phenomena and Kibble–Zurek scaling in the long-range quantum Ising chain
Daniel Jaschke, Kenji Maeda, Joseph D Whalen, Michael L Wall and Lincoln D Carr
2017 New J. Phys. 19 033032

Detecting continuous spontaneous localization with charged bodies in a Paul trap
Ying Li, Andrew M. Steane, Daniel Bedingham, and G. Andrew D. Briggs
Phys. Rev. A 95, 032112 (2017)

Dynamical normal modes for time-dependent Hamiltonians in two dimensions
I. Lizuain, M. Palmero, and J. G. Muga
Phys. Rev. A 95, 022130 (2017)

Electron-impact single and double ionization of the Mn2+, Mn3+ and Mn4+ atomic ions
M S Pindzola and S D Loch
2017 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50 085203

Electron spin resonance from NV centers in diamonds levitating in an ion trap
T Delord, L Nicolas, L Schwab and G Hétet
2017 New J. Phys. 19 033031

Enhancing the fidelity of two-qubit gates by measurements
Tuvia Gefen, Daniel Cohen, Itsik Cohen, and Alex Retzker
Phys. Rev. A 95, 032314 (2017)

Equivalence between spin Hamiltonians and boson sampling
Borja Peropadre, Alán Aspuru-Guzik, and Juan José García-Ripoll
Phys. Rev. A 95, 032327 (2017)

Internal conversion from excited electronic states of 229Th ions
Pavlo V. Bilous, Georgy A. Kazakov, Iain D. Moore, Thorsten Schumm, and Adriana Pálffy
Phys. Rev. A 95, 032503 (2017)

Laser ablation production of Ba, Ca, Dy, Er, La, Lu, and Yb ions
S. Olmschenk, P. Becker
Appl. Phys. B (2017) 123: 99

Measurement-induced operation of two-ion quantum heat machines
Suman Chand and Asoka Biswas
Phys. Rev. E 95, 032111 (2017)

Noncommutative geometry of Zitterbewegung
Michał Eckstein, Nicolas Franco, and Tomasz Miller
Phys. Rev. D 95, 061701(R) (2017)

Observation of a discrete time crystal
J. Zhang, P. W. Hess, A. Kyprianidis, P. Becker, A. Lee, J. Smith, G. Pagano, I.-D. Potirniche, A. C. Potter, A. Vishwanath, N.Y.Yao, and C. Monroe
Nature 543, 217-220 (8 March 2017)

Probing the structure of stretched molecular ions with high-harmonic spectroscopy
W Y Li, S Wang, Y Z Shi, S P Yang and Y J Chen
2017 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50 085003

The quantum game
Nature Materials 16, 391 (2017)

Resolution-enhanced entanglement detection
Manuel Gessner, Luca Pezzè, and Augusto Smerzi
Phys. Rev. A 95, 032326 (2017)

Stimulated Raman adiabatic passage in physics, chemistry, and beyond
Nikolay V. Vitanov, Andon A. Rangelov, Bruce W. Shore, and Klaas Bergmann
Rev. Mod. Phys. 89, 015006 (2017)

Steady-state spin synchronization through the collective motion of trapped ions
Athreya Shankar, John Cooper, Justin G. Bohnet, John J. Bollinger, and Murray Holland
Phys. Rev. A 95, 033423 (2017)


A single-atom 3D sub-attonewton force sensor
V. Blūms, M. Piotrowski, M. I. Hussain, B. G. Norton, S. C. Connell, S. Gensemer, M. Lobino, E. W. Streed

A solvable family of driven-dissipative many-body systems
Michael Foss-Feig, Jeremy T. Young, Victor V. Albert, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Mohammad F. Maghrebi

Amplitude sensing below the zero-point fluctuations with a two-dimensional trapped-ion mechanical oscillator
K. A. Gilmore, J. G. Bohnet, B. C. Sawyer, J. W. Britton, J. J. Bollinger

Anomalous dynamical phase in quantum spin chains with long-range interactions
Ingo Homrighausen, Nils O. Abeling, Valentin Zauner-Stauber, Jad C. Halimeh

Annexing magic and tune-out wavelengths to the clock transitions of the alkaline-earth metal ions
Jasmeet Kaur, Sukhjit Singh, Bindiya Arora, B. K. Sahoo

Autonomous Quantum Error Correction and Application to Quantum Sensing with Trapped Ions

F. Reiter, A. S. Sørensen, P. Zoller, C. A. Muschik

Complete 3-Qubit Grover Search on a Programmable Quantum Computer
C. Figgatt, D. Maslov, K. A. Landsman, N. M. Linke, S. Debnath, C. Monroe

Cross-Kerr nonlinearity for phonon counting
Shiqian Ding, Gleb Maslennikov, Roland Hablutzel, Dzmitry Matsukevich

Entropy production and time-asymmetry in the presence of strong interactions
Harry J. D. Miller, Janet Anders

Frequency measurement of the clock transition of an indium ion sympathetically-cooled in a linear trap
Nozomi Ohtsubo, Ying Li, Kensuke Matsubara, Tetsuya Ido, Kazuhiro Hayasaka

Mass Defect Effects in Atomic Clocks
V. I. Yudin, A. V. Taichenachev

Probing the orientation and spatial correlations of dipole fluctuators on the surfaces of ion traps
F. Galve, J. Alonso, R. Zambrini

Protected ultrastrong coupling regime of the two-photon quantum Rabi model with trapped ions
Ricardo Puebla, Myung-Joong Hwang, Jorge Casanova, Martin B. Plenio

Quantum absorption refrigerator with trapped ions
Gleb Maslennikov, Shiqian Ding, Roland Hablutzel, Jaren Gan, Alexandre Roulet, Stefan Nimmrichter, Jibo Dai, Valerio Scarani, Dzmitry Matsukevich

Quantum stability of an ion in a Paul trap revisited
A. Hashemloo, C. M. Dion

Quantum synchronization blockade: Energy quantization hinders synchronization of identical oscillators
Niels Lörch, Simon E. Nigg, Andreas Nunnenkamp, Rakesh P. Tiwari, Christoph Bruder

Superstatistical energy distributions of an ion in an ultracold buffer gas
I. Rouse, S. Willitsch

Tailored codes for small quantum memories
Alan Robertson, Christopher Granade, Stephen D. Bartlett, Steven T. Flammia

Unraveling the Structure of Ultracold Mesoscopic Molecular Ions
J.M. Schurer, A. Negretti, P. Schmelcher