Dear all,
already a couple of weeks ago, the ion trapper pioneer Hans Dehmelt passed way at the age of 94. Many of us have met him or at least heard different anecdotes about a colourful person. His contributions to the ion trapping field are numerous and still of high interest. Obituaries have been published by his university (LINK) and Peter Toschek in Nature (HERE).
Your editorial team
The deadline for the special issue of the Journal of Modern Optics in memory of Danny Segal has been extended to 30 June 2017. More info
7th International workshop on Electrostatic Storage Devices will be held in Lyon, France, from June 19th to June 22nd, 2017. LINK
International Workshop on Charge Impurities in Cold Atomic and Molecular Systems, which will be hosted by ITAMP in Cambridge, MA from July 19th to 21st, 2017. LINK
ACES workshop: Fundamental and applied science with clocks and cold atoms in space, that will take place on June 29-30 2017 at the University of Zürich in Switzerland. Details
EFTF – IFCS 2017, 9-13 July 2017, Besançon, France Details
12th International Workshop on Non-neutral Plasmas to be held 10-13 July 2017 in Appleton, Wisconsin; LINK
ColdBeams 2017 – Conference on ultracold ion and electron beams, July 10-12, 2017, Eindhoven, the Netherlands Details
49th EGAS at Durham University in the UK, July 17 – 21. LINK
Nordita Workshop on “Topological Phases in Cold Atom Systems” (including trapped ions), July 31 – Aug 18, 2017, Stockholm, Sweden, Details
1st North American Conference on Trapped Ions, August 14-18, 2017, NIST Boulder Campus, Colorado/USA, Registration now OPEN LINK
Winter School on Physics with Trapped Charged Particles, Les Houches, France, January 8-19, 2018 LINK
Postdoc and PhD positions on 1S-2S spectroscopy in He+ (Proton Radius Puzzle) in Amsterdam, LaserLaB Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands LINK
Quantum Algorithm Designer: IonQ, Inc. in College Park, Maryland. Details
1 Post-doc and 4 Ph.D. students on the development of the optical atomic clock mission on the ISS (ISOC), Universität Düsseldorf. Details:
Research Physicist in quantum technology development with trapped ions, ultracold atoms, or Rydberg atoms at ColdQuanta, Inc. in Boulder, Colorado, US. More info here and here.
PhD position in optical frequency metrology – developping an ultra-stable cryogenic Fabry-Perot cavities, Institut FEMTO-ST, Besançon, details can be found at
2 Postdoc positions in experimental physics in the field of optical clocks at PTB Braunschweig LINK1 and LINK2 More information about the group HERE
Research Fellow in Portable Atomic Clocks, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sussex. Details
Postdoctoral researcher in the Metrology, Molecules and Fundamental Tests group (Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Université Paris 13) to work on ultrastable frequency transfer with optical fiber links. Details
Post-Doc in Paris (LNE-SYRTE/Observatoire de Paris) on Nano-mechanical hybrid quantum systems based on rare-earth doped crystals Details
Post-Doc in Paris (LNE-SYRTE/Observatoire de Paris) on Ultra-stable laser based on spectral-hole burning in rare-earthdoped cristal for application to optical lattice clocks Details
Post-doctoral research fellow: At the centre for Quantum Technologies, NUS, Singapore in the group of Manas Mukherjee. Details
You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrology, cold atoms and quantum information
Please sent informations about your publications to
A Study on Fast Gates for Large-Scale Quantum Simulation with Trapped Ions
Richard L. Taylor, Christopher D. B. Bentley, Julen S. Pedernales, Lucas Lamata, Enrique Solano, André R. R. Carvalho, Joseph J. Hope
Scientific Reports 7, (12 April 2017)
Experimental Demonstration of a Cheap and Accurate Phase Estimation
Kenneth Rudinger, Shelby Kimmel, Daniel Lobser, and Peter Maunz
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 190502 (2017)
Experimental quantum compressed sensing for a seven-qubit system
C. A. Riofrío, D. Gross, S. T. Flammia, T. Monz, D. Nigg, R. Blatt, J. Eisert
Nature Communications 8, (17 May 2017)
Fast ion swapping for quantum-information processing
H. Kaufmann, T. Ruster, C. T. Schmiegelow, M. A. Luda, V. Kaushal, J. Schulz, D. von Lindenfels, F. Schmidt-Kaler, and U. G. Poschinger
Phys. Rev. A 95, 052319 (2017)
Fate of a discrete time crystal in an open system
Achilleas Lazarides and Roderich Moessner
Phys. Rev. B 95, 195135 (2017)
Hybrid annealing: Coupling a quantum simulator to a classical computer
Tobias Graß and Maciej Lewenstein
Phys. Rev. A 95, 052309 (2017)
Loading a linear Paul trap to saturation from a magneto-optical trap
J. E. Wells, R. Blümel, J. M. Kwolek, D. S. Goodman, and W. W. Smith
Phys. Rev. A 95, 053416 (2017)
Measuring out-of-time-order correlations and multiple quantum spectra in a trapped-ion quantum magnet
Martin Gärttner, Justin G. Bohnet, Arghavan Safavi-Naini, Michael L. Wall, John J. Bollinger, Ana Maria Rey
Nature Physics (22 May 2017)
Preparation and coherent manipulation of pure quantum states of a single molecular ion
Chin-wen Chou, Christoph Kurz, David B. Hume, Philipp N. Plessow, David R. Leibrandt, Dietrich Leibfried
Nature 545, 203-207 (10 May 2017)
Probing nanofriction and Aubry-type signatures in a finite self-organized system
J. Kiethe, R. Nigmatullin, D. Kalincev, T. Schmirander, T. E. Mehlstäubler
Nature Communications 8, (15 May 2017)
Quantum simulation: Probing information scrambling
Monika Schleier-Smith
Nature Physics (22 May 2017)
The shape of spectral lines of two-electron Rydberg atoms/ions: analytical solution
E Oks
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50 115001
Typical Relaxation of Isolated Many-Body Systems Which Do Not Thermalize
Ben N. Balz and Peter Reimann
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 190601 (2017)
Assessing the progress of trapped-ion processors towards fault-tolerant quantum computation
A. Bermudez, X. Xu, R. Nigmatullin, J. O’Gorman, V. Negnevitsky, P. Schindler, T. Monz, U. G. Poschinger, C. Hempel, J. Home, F. Schmidt-Kaler, M. Biercuk, R. Blatt, S. Benjamin, M. Müller
Cavity-induced anti-correlated photon emission rates of a single ion
Hiroki Takahashi, Ezra Kassa, Costas Christoforou, Matthias Keller
Cooling of trapped ions by resonant charge exchange
Sourav Dutta, S. A. Rangwala
Doppler cooling thermometry of a multi-level ion in the presence of micromotion
Tomas Sikorsky, Ziv Meir, Nitzan Akerman, Ruti Ben-shlomi, Roee Ozeri
Experimental apparatus for overlapping a ground-state cooled ion with ultracold atoms
Ziv Meir, Tomas Sikorsky, Ruti Ben-shlomi, Nitzan Akerman, Meirav Pinkas, Yehonatan Dallal, Roee Ozeri
Measurements of trap dynamics of cold OH molecules using resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization
John M. Gray, Jason Bossert, Yomay Shyur, H. J. Lewandowski
Micromotion-enabled improvement of quantum logic gates with trapped ions
Alejandro Bermudez, Philipp Schindler, Thomas Monz, Rainer Blatt, Markus Müller
Multislip Friction with a Single Ion
Ian Counts, Dorian Gangloff, Alexei Bylinskii, Joonseok Hur, Rajibul Islam, Vladan Vuletic
Nonclassical light from large ensemble of trapped ions
Petr Obšil, Lukáš Lachman, Tuan Pham, Adam Lešundák, V. Hucl, M.Čížek, Jan Hrabina, Ondřej Číp, Lukáš Slodička, Radim Filip
Nonequilibrium dynamics of spin-boson models from phase space methods
A. Piñeiro Orioli, A. Safavi-Naini, M. L. Wall, A. M. Rey
Prethermal Strong Zero Modes and Topological Qubits
Dominic V. Else, Paul Fendley, Jack Kemp, Chetan Nayak
Prospects for a bad cavity laser using a large ion crystal
Georgy A. Kazakov, Justin Bohnet, Thorsten Schumm
Quantum Spin Lenses in Atomic Arrays
A. W. Glaetzle, K. Ender, D. S. Wild, S. Choi, H. Pichler, M. D. Lukin, P. Zoller
Sideband cooling of small ion Coulomb crystals in a Penning trap
G. Stutter, P. Hrmo, V. Jarlaud, M. K. Joshi, J. F. Goodwin, R. C. Thompson
Symmetry breaking in linear multipole traps
J Pedregosa-Gutierrez, C Champenois, MR Kamsap, G Hagel, M Houssin, M Knoop
Typical Relaxation of Isolated Many-Body Systems Which Do Not Thermalize
Ben N. Balz, Peter Reimann