Dear all,

there has been a large variety of online tools and meeting platforms throughout the lockdown, the COST office has shared a number of these tools for online meetings on its webpage, which you might find helpful
Hopefully, we will not need them and can continue to look forward to some face-to-face meetings  !

Your editorial team


Special issue ” Trapped Ion Quantum Information“. Guest editor: Erik Torrontegui. Details

An upcoming topical collection in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics PCCP Quantum Computing and Quantum Information Storage is open until 30 July 2020. Details

Special Issue in Applied Sciences (Open Access Journal): “Optical Trapping of Ions and Atoms 2020: Novel Advances and Prospects“, now open for submissions.
Guest Editors:  Tobias Schätz, Vladan Vuletic, Michael Drewsen, Jonathan Home, Leon Karpa        Details

EPJ QT special issue: “Quantum Metrology & Quantum Enhanced Measurement“. Submissions are accepted from now until 30 June 2021. Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries 2020
an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community every Thursday   LINK

The Virtual AMO Seminar ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” ( Thursdays, 5pm


Please be aware that there might be last-minute cancellations

26th Young Atom Optician (YAO) conference to be held in Aarhus, Denmark POSTPONED to 17-21 August 2020 . LINK

52nd EGAS conference,  in Zagreb, Croatia POSTPONED to 5-9 July 2021

European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI), Djurönäset, Sweden, POSTPONED

CANCELLED – 13th International Workshop on Non-Neutral Plasmas, Milano, Italy, 13-16 July 2020 LINK

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) in Toronto, Canada, POSTPONED to 17-22 July 2022 LINK

CANCELLED – CCMI 2020 – Cold and Controlled Molecules and Ions, 6 – 11 September 2020, Durham University, UK, LINK

WInter School on Physics with Trapped Charged Particles, Les Houches (France) from January 25 – February 5th, 2021. Our 4th edition is open for registration ! LINK

“PARTICLE & AMO PHYSICISTS DISCUSSING QUANTUM SENSORS AND NEW PHYSICS” will be held at the Munich Institute for Astro- and Particle Physics (MIAPP) in Garching, Germany, from 1st to 26th March 2021.

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, 20-25 June 2021


Postdoc position  in Frequency Metrology for Antihydrogen Physics at Alpha, CERN. LINK

Research Officer, Frequency and Time, National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada, LINK

An open  post-doc position on an optical frequency transfer project, starting from September 2020 in Besançon, France. Details

Several PhD studentships at Sussex University, Brighton, UK    LINK

PhD position in the group of Tobias Schaetz at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg:
TIAMO: Trapping Ions, Atoms and Molecules Optically – interaction in the ultra-cold quantum regime LINK

An open Ph.D./Postdoc position with Thorium ions experiment in Vienna, for details contact T Sikorsky

PhD position in the group of Tobias Schaetz at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg:
Qsim – Experimental Quantum Simulations based on Arrays of Individually Trapped Ions LINK

post-doc position on 3-photon CPT resonances is available in the ion trapping group in Marseille, France. For more information please contact Caroline Champenois,

PhD position in precise spectroscopic measurements at Laser Physics Lab, Sorbonne Paris Nord University LINK

postdoc position is available in the group of Stefan Willitsch (University of Basel, Switzerland). The project focuses on the study of cold ion-neutral interactions using hybrid trapping techniques.  Details

A new ion trap experiment is looking for a postdoc! There is an open position in ion trap cavity QED in Okinawa, Japan. Details

postdoc position in quantum metrology with trapped ions is available in the Ion Storage Group (Boulder, Colorado). For details please contact More information available here.

Postdoc position available on “Shortcut-Enhanced Quantum Thermodynamics” in the group of Andreas Ruschhaupt in University College Cork, Cork, Ireland. Details

PhD position available on “Shortcut-Enhanced Quantum Thermodynamics” in the group of Andreas Ruschhaupt in University College Cork, Cork, Ireland. Details

postdoc position on ultrastable lasers is available at SYRTE, Paris. LINK

postdoc position at Rice University in the group of Guido Pagano. LINK

PTB offers new PostDoc and PhD positions for physicists or engineers to develop and produce integrated ion traps within our Quantum Technology Center. Please contact Tanja Mehlstäubler for further details.

A postdoc position in the Ultracold Quantum Molecular Systems Group at the University of Warsaw in Poland Details

A PhD position on spectroscopy of silicon clusters. LINK

Fully funded PhD studentships available in Swansea (collaboration work at CERN). LINK

postdoctoral opening on storage ring technologies for quantum computing. Job id 1989 on the BNL careers site. The job description can be found here. For more information please email Kevin Brown,


You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to


A Speed Test for Ripples in a Quantum System
Marc Cheneau and Laurent Sanchez-Palencia
Physics 13, 109 (2020)

Adaptive characterization of spatially inhomogeneous fields and errors in qubit registers
Riddhi Swaroop Gupta, Claire L. Edmunds, Alistair R. Milne, Cornelius Hempel & Michael J. Biercuk
npj Quantum Information 6 , 1–10 (2020)

Confinement and bound states of bound states in a transverse-field two-leg Ising ladder
Flávia B. Ramos, Máté Lencsés, J. C. Xavier, and Rodrigo G. Pereira
Phys. Rev. B 102, 014426 (2020)

Direct Characteristic-Function Tomography of Quantum States of the Trapped-Ion Motional Oscillator
C. Flühmann and J. P. Home
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 043602 (2020)

Direct observation of a Feshbach resonance by coincidence detection of ions and electrons in Penning ionization collisions
Baruch Margulis, Julia Narevicius & Edvardas Narevicius
Nature Communications 11 , 1–6 (2020)

Generalized excitation of atomic multipole transitions by twisted light modes
S. A.-L. Schulz, A. A. Peshkov, R. A. Müller, R. Lange, N. Huntemann, Chr. Tamm, E. Peik, and A. Surzhykov
Phys. Rev. A 102, 012812 (2020)

Hierarchy of Linear Light Cones with Long-Range Interactions
Minh C. Tran, Chi-Fang Chen, Adam Ehrenberg, Andrew Y. Guo, Abhinav Deshpande, Yifan Hong, Zhe-Xuan Gong, Alexey V. Gorshkov, and Andrew Lucas
Phys. Rev. X 10, 031009 (2020)

Kibble-Zurek scaling in quantum speed limits for shortcuts to adiabaticity
Ricardo Puebla, Sebastian Deffner, and Steve Campbell
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 032020(R) (2020)

Laser spectroscopy of indium Rydberg atom bunches by electric field ionization
A. R. Vernon, C. M. Ricketts, J. Billowes, T. E. Cocolios, B. S. Cooper, K. T. Flanagan, R. F. Garcia Ruiz, F. P. Gustafsson, G. Neyens, H. A. Perrett, B. K. Sahoo, Q. Wang, F. J. Waso & X. F. Yang
Scientific Reports 10 , 1–18 (2020)

Many-body calculations and hyperfine-interaction effect on dynamic polarizabilities at the low-lying energy levels of Y2+
Arghya Das, Anal Bhowmik, Narendra Nath Dutta, and Sonjoy Majumder
Phys. Rev. A 102, 012801 (2020)

Measurements of linear polarization of satellite transitions from Li- and Be-like Ar ions
A C Gall, Dipti, S W Buechele, S Sanders, C I Szabo, R Silwal, Yu Ralchenko, N Brickhouse and E Takacs
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 53 145004 (2020)

Nonequilibrium Criticality in Quench Dynamics of Long-Range Spin Models
Paraj Titum and Mohammad F. Maghrebi
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 040602 (2020)

Optical frequency combs: Coherently uniting the electromagnetic spectrum
Scott A. Diddams, Kerry Vahala, Thomas Udem
Science 17 Jul 2020, Vol. 369, Issue 6501, eaay3676

Optical clocks based on the Cf15+ and Cf17+ ions
S. G. Porsev, U. I. Safronova, M. S. Safronova, P. O. Schmidt, A. I. Bondarev, M. G. Kozlov, I. I. Tupitsyn, and C. Cheung
Phys. Rev. A 102, 012802 (2020)

Practical trapped-ion protocols for universal qudit-based quantum computing
Pei Jiang Low, Brendan M. White, Andrew A. Cox, Matthew L. Day, and Crystal Senko
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033128 (2020)

Quantum phase transitions in a spin-1 antiferromagnetic chain with long-range interactions and modulated single-ion anisotropy
Jie Ren, Wen-Long You, and Andrzej M. Oleś
Phys. Rev. B 102, 024425 (2020)

Quantum walks and Dirac cellular automata on a programmable trapped-ion quantum computer
C. Huerta Alderete, Shivani Singh, Nhung H. Nguyen, Daiwei Zhu, Radhakrishnan Balu, Christopher Monroe, C. M. Chandrashekar & Norbert M. Linke
Nature Communications volume 11, Article number: 3720 (2020) 

Single-atom verification of the information-theoretical bound of irreversibility at the quantum level
J. W. Zhang, K. Rehan, M. Li, J. C. Li, L. Chen, S.-L. Su, L.-L. Yan, F. Zhou, and M. Feng
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033082 (2020)

Strictly Linear Light Cones in Long-Range Interacting Systems of Arbitrary Dimensions
Tomotaka Kuwahara and Keiji Saito
Phys. Rev. X 10, 031010 (2020)

Trapped-ion entangling gates robust against qubit frequency errors
Jake Lishman and Florian Mintert
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033117 (2020)

Real-time dynamics of string breaking in quantum spin chains
Roberto Verdel, Fangli Liu, Seth Whitsitt, Alexey V. Gorshkov, and Markus Heyl
Phys. Rev. B 102, 014308 (2020)

Reliability of Lattice Gauge Theories
Jad C. Halimeh and Philipp Hauke
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 030503 (2020)

Resource Estimation for Quantum Variational Simulations of the Hubbard Model
Zhenyu Cai
Phys. Rev. Applied 14, 014059 (2020)

Scalable quantum computation with fast gates in two-dimensional microtrap arrays of trapped ions
Zain Mehdi, Alexander K. Ratcliffe, and Joseph J. Hope
Phys. Rev. A 102, 012618 (2020)


Coherence properties of highly-excited motional states of a trapped ion
Vincent Jarlaud, Pavel Hrmo, Manoj K. Joshi, Richard C. Thompson

From megahertz to terahertz qubits encoded in molecular ions: theoretical analysis of dipole-forbidden spectroscopic transitions in N+2
Kaveh Najafian, Ziv Meir, Stefan Willitsch

High-Fidelity Simultaneous Detection of Trapped Ion Qubit Register
Liudmila A. Zhukas, Peter Svihra, Andrei Nomerotski, Boris B. Blinov

Laboratory study of the formation of fullerene (from smaller to larger, C44 to C70)/anthracene cluster cations in the gas phase
Deping Zhang, Yuanyuan Yang, Xiaoyi Hu, Junfeng Zhen

Local quench spectroscopy of many-body quantum systems
L. Villa, J. Despres, S. J. Thomson, L. Sanchez-Palencia

Multi-GHz repetition rate, multi-watt average power, ultraviolet laser pulses for fast trapped-ion entanglement operations
M. I. Hussain, D. Heinrich, M. Guevara-Bertsch, E. Torrontegui, J. J. Garcıa-Ripoll, C. F. Roos, R. Blatt

Nonclassicality detection from few Fock-state probabilities
Luca Innocenti, Lukáš Lachman, Radim Filip

Observation of PT-symmetry and exceptional point in ion trap
Wei-Chen Wang, Pin-xing Chen

Optical mass spectrometry of cold RaOH+ and RaOCH3+
M. Fan, C. A. Holliman, X. Shi, H. Zhang, M. W. Straus, X. Li, S. W. Buechele, A. M. Jayich

Optimizing Quantum Search with a Binomial Version of Grover’s Algorithm
Austin Gilliam, Marco Pistoia, Constantin Gonciulea

Photon-mediated entanglement scheme between a ZnO semiconductor defect and a trapped Yb ion
Jennifer F. Lilieholm, Vasilis Niaouris, Alexander Kato, Kai-Mei C. Fu, Boris B. Blinov

Precision measurements with cold atoms and trapped ions
Qiuxin Zhang, Yirong Wang, Chenhao Zhu, Yuxin Wang, Xiang Zhang, Kuiyi Gao, Wei Zhang

Probing eigenstate thermalization with the emergence of fluctuation-dissipation relations in quantum simulators
Alexander Schuckert, Michael Knap

Quantum Fan-out: Circuit Optimizations and Technology Modeling
Pranav Gokhale, Samantha Koretsky, Shilin Huang, Swarnadeep Majumder, Andrew Drucker, Kenneth R. Brown, Frederic T. Chong

Quantum Gates on Individually-Addressed Atomic Qubits Subject to Noisy Transverse Motion
M. Cetina, L. N. Egan, C. A. Noel, M. L. Goldman, A. R. Risinger, D. Zhu, D. Biswas, C. Monroe

Quantum simulations with complex geometries and synthetic gauge fields in a trapped ion chain
Tom Manovitz, Yotam Shapira, Nitzan Akerman, Ady Stern, Roee Ozeri

Recoil Momentum Effects in Quantum Processes Induced by Twisted Photons
Andrei Afanasev, Carl E. Carlson, Asmita Mukherjee

Single-Atom Verification of the Information-Theoretical Bound of Irreversibility at the Quantum Level
J. W. Zhang, K. Rehan, M. Li, J. C. Li, L. Chen, S. -L. Su, L. -L. Yan, F. Zhou, M. Feng

Stabilization of 866 nm laser with Pound-Drever-Hall (PDH) technique for quantum manipulation of Ca+ ion in Paul trap
Siddhant Singh

Tunable transverse spin-motion coupling for quantum information processing
Adam D West, Randall Putnam, Wesley C Campbell, Paul Hamilton

Ultra-fast two-qubit ion gate using sequences of resonant pulses
E. Torrontegui, D. Heinrich, M. I. Hussain, R. Blatt, J. J. García-Ripoll

Vacuum Characterization of a Compact Room-temperature Trapped Ion System
Yuhi Aikyo, Geert Vrijsen, Thomas W. Noel, Alexander Kato, Megan K. Ivory, Jungsang Kim

Verifying the upper bound on the speed of scrambling with the analogue Hawking radiation of trapped ions
Zehua Tian, Yiheng Lin, Uwe R. Fischer, Jiangfeng Du