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ITN Newsletter – December 2024


Dear Ion Trappers,
As we wrap up 2024, we’d like to thank all our members for staying in touch and sharing their news, events, publications, and opportunities with us throughout the year. Your contributions are what make this newsletter a vibrant hub for our community. Looking ahead, 2025 has been officially declared the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology by the United Nations, marking the centenary of quantum mechanics and celebrating its transformative impact. We’re eager to hear about your projects and events—keep writing to us! You can visit the ITN website ( to download current and archived issues and send us your submissions directly using the provided forms. Wishing all the ion trappers a joyful holiday season and an exciting start to the new year!


The International Conference on Quantum Technology for High-Energy Physics (QT4HEP 2025), will be held at CERN Main Auditorium and Science Gateway from January 20 to 24, 2025. Details

The TII Quantum Technology Symposium will take place at the Hilton Abu Dhabi Yas Island from January 27 to 29, 2025. Details

The Multiparameter Quantum Sensing and Metrology Seminar will be held at the Physics Center in Bad Honnef, Germany, from February 3 to 6, 2025. Detail

The Winter School for Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ions will take place in Hannover, Germany from February 24 to 28, 2025. Send your application mit optional letter of recommendation from a supervisor/teacher/professor to by January 19th, 2025. Speakers to include Klemens Hammerer, Tobias Osborne, Christian Ospelkaus and Robert Raußendorf.

The 88th Annual Conference of the DPG and DPG Spring Meeting (SAMOP) will take place on the campus of the University of Bonn from March 9 to 14, 2025. Details

The 26th International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy (ICAPS March Meeting) will be held as a hybrid event online and in Anaheim, California from March 16 to 21, 2025. Details

The Joint Conference of the IEEE, IFCS & EFTF will be held in Querétaro, Mexico, from May 12 to 16, 2025. Details

The 10th International Conference on Precision Physics and Fundamental Physical Constants (FFK2025) will be held at the University of Warsaw in Poland from May 26 to 30, 2025. Details

The 26th International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy (ICOLS 2025) will take place on the Elba Island in Tuscany, Italy, from June 2 to 7, 2025. Details

The 56th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP) will be held in Portland, Oregon from June 16 to 20, 2025. Details

The 27th Laser World of Photonics will take place in Munich, Germany from June 24 to 27, 2025. Details

The 15th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP15) will take place in Innsbruck, Austria from June 30 to July 4 2025. Details

The Summer School on Quantum Matter out of Equilibrium will be held in Granada (Spain) from September 1st to 5th 2025. Details

European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI) will be held in the Netherlands from 8 to 12 September 2025. Details to follow.

The 2nd DPG Fall Meeting on Quantum Physics will take place in Göttingen, Germany from September 8 to 12, 2025. Details

Online Seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental SymmetriesLINK: Thursdays

The “Virtual AMO Seminar”LINK: Fridays, 7 pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” LINK: Thursdays, 5 pm


IonQ is seeking an experienced ion trapper to work on ion trap technology in our College Park, MD, USA office. The position requires being on site in Maryland and authorization to work in the USA.
Contact: David Scherer at

Highly motivated PhD students and postdoctoral researchers are sought to join the experiments and theory team of the ERC Synergy project “Open 2D Quantum Simulator (OPEN-2QS)”, with the project starting on May 1st, 2025.Trapped ions excited to Rydberg states will be used to build a quantum simulator for open system quantum dynamics, enabling the study of novel states of matter like quantum glasses through fast interactions and long-time stability.
Contacts: Mainz (experiment), Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler (
Stockholm (experiment), Markus Hennrich (
Tübingen (theory), Igor Lesanovsky (

Senior Theoretical Scientist (QEC) – A full-time position with Oxford Ionics, either based in Oxford or remotely in Europe. Play a key role in developing and refining the QEC strategies for our cutting-edge trapped-ion quantum computing systems.
Contact: Elliot Dower (

A 12-month post-doctoral position is available at the Time and Frequency department at FEMTO-ST in Besançon.
Contact: Clément Lacroûte,

The Trapped Ion Quantum Information group at ETH Zürich is seeking for post-doctoral and PhD researchers across a range of topics in the group, but focussed particularly in the areas of Penning Trap Quantum Computing, Quantum Metrology of Hydrogen Molecular Ions, and Multi-Zone Trapped Ion Quantum Information. The TIQI group welcomes applications from underrepresented groups, as well as from a diverse range of backgrounds, in particular from outside the direct realm of trapped ions.

A 3-year postdoc position available in collaboration with Prof. Steve Worm’s group at the DESYin Zeuthen to work on optical clocks
Contact: Steven Worm (

For a 3-year postdoc opportunity at MIT & Texas A&M, the NEPTUNE project [PRL 133, 033003 (2024)] seeks candidates with hands-on experience in Penning traps.
Contact: Jonas Karthein (

Several PostDoc and PhD positions available at PTB in Braunschweig and Leibniz University Hannover in the Quantum Logic Spectroscopy Group of Piet Schmidt . Topics include laboratory and transportable aluminium ion clocks, multi-ion calcium clock using dynamical decoupling and entanglement, as well as highly charged ion clocks.
Contact: Dr. Piet Schmidt (

PhD and postdoc positions available at the University of Basel (Switzerland) on the topics of developing molecular-ion quantum technologies for precision measurements as well as cold ion-neutral interactions and collisions.

PhD and postdoc positions available in the group of Tanja Mehlstäubler at PTB, working on optical clocks based on trapped ion Coulomb crystals. Topics include new interrogation protocols for multi-ensemble clocks, quantum-enhanced clock operation, ground-state cooling of mixed-species Coulomb crystals and tests of fundamental physics with precision spectroscopy.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Tanja Mehlstäubler (

Multiple postdoc positions are available in the NIST Ion Storage Group in Colorado, USA. Topics include quantum simulation and sensing in a Penning trap, trapped-ion quantum computing, trapped-ion optical clocks, and quantum state control and precision spectroscopy of single molecular ions.
Contact: John Bollinger or any of the NIST Ion Storage group staff

The research group of C. Ospelkaus at the University of Hannover is looking for a postdoctoral research associate on their Penning trap experiment, which aims to implement quantum logic spectroscopy of (anti-) protons for tests of the fundamental CPT symmetry as part of the BASE collaboration.
Contact: Dr. Christian Ospelkaus (

A postdoc position is available at the Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, USA on a project trapping lutetium ions for precision measurements.
Contact: Dr. Matt Grau (

two openings for PhD positions in the Molecular Systems group headed by Roland Wester at the University of Innsbruck. One position is part of a research project in collaboration with the University of Bordeaux on classical versus quantum effects in three-body collisions of cold trapped ions, funded through the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). The second position is part of a collaborative project on controlling
trapped charged nanoparticles, funded through the Austrian excellence cluster QuantA.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Roland Wester (

The Imperial College Particle Physics Group has a postgraduate studentship available to work on laser measurements of cold exotic helium atoms that contain antiprotons at the new ELENA facility of CERN in Geneva. This allows us to probe the matter-antimatter symmetry and determine the mass ratio between an antiproton and electron. We hope to be relatively flexible with regards to the exact PhD topic depending on the candidate’s interests. The studentship covers a maintenance bursary similar to standard STFC studentships.


Benchmarking Bosonic Modes for Quantum Information with Randomized Displacements
Christophe H. Valahu, Tomas Navickas, Michael J. Biercuk, and Ting Rei Tan
PRX Quantum 5, 040337 (2024)

Characterization of ion-trap-induced ac magnetic fields
Manoj K. Joshi, Milena Guevara-Bertsch, Florian Kranzl, Rainer Blatt, and Christian F. Roos
Phys. Rev. A 110, 063101 (2024)

Domain formation and structural stabilities in mixed-species Coulomb crystals induced by sympathetically cooled highly charged ions
L.-A. Rüffert, E. A. Dijck, L. Timm, J. R. Crespo López-Urrutia, and T. E. Mehlstäubler
Phys. Rev. A 110, 063110 (2024)

Experiments with the four-dimensional surface code on a quantum charge-coupled device quantum computer
Noah Berthusen, Joan Dreiling, Cameron Foltz, John P. Gaebler, Thomas M. Gatterman, Dan Gresh, Nathan Hewitt, Michael Mills, Steven A. Moses, Brian Neyenhuis, Peter Siegfried, and David Hayes
Phys. Rev. A 110, 062413 (2024)

Fermi Polaron in Atom-Ion Hybrid Systems
Renato Pessoa, S. A. Vitiello, and L. A. Peña Ardila
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 233002 (2024)

Fractal ground state of mesoscopic ion chains in periodic potentials
Raphaël Menu, Jorge Yago Malo, Vladan Vuletić, Maria Luisa Chiofalo, and Giovanna Morigi
Phys. Rev. B 110, 224103 (2024)

Hardware-efficient variational quantum algorithm in a trapped-ion quantum computer
J.-Z. Zhuang, Y.-K. Wu, and L.-M. Duan
Phys. Rev. A 110, 062414 (2024)

Ion-mediated interaction and controlled-phase-gate operation between two atomic qubits
Subhra Mudli, Subhanka Mal, Sinchan Snigdha Rej, Anushree Dey, and Bimalendu Deb
Phys. Rev. A 110, 062618 (2024)

Laser-assisted motional-mode spectroscopy in a Penning trap and the generalized invariance theorem
J. Berrocal, A. Hernández, D. Porras, and D. Rodríguez
Phys. Rev. A 110, 063107 (2024) –

Phonon-mediated quantum gates in trapped ions coupled to an ultracold atomic gas
Lorenzo Oghittu, Arghavan Safavi-Naini, Antonio Negretti, and Rene Gerritsma
Phys. Rev. A 110, 063307 (2024) –

Precision determination of the oscillating-magnetic-field-induced second-order Zeeman shift of a single- 40 Ca + -ion optical clock
Zixiao Ma, Baolin Zhang, Yao Huang, Ruming Hu, Mengyan Zeng, Kelin Gao, and Hua Guan
Phys. Rev. A 110, 063102 (2024)

Probing Critical States of Matter on a Digital Quantum Computer
Reza Haghshenas, Eli Chertkov, Matthew DeCross, Thomas M. Gatterman, Justin A. Gerber, Kevin Gilmore, Dan Gresh, Nathan Hewitt, Chandler V. Horst, Mitchell Matheny, Tanner Mengle, Brian Neyenhuis, David Hayes, and Michael Foss-Feig
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 266502 (2024)

Solving an Industrially Relevant Quantum Chemistry Problem on Quantum Hardware
Ludwig Nützel, Alexander Gresch, Lukas Hehn, Lucas Marti, Robert Freund, Alex Steiner, Christian Marciniak, Timo Eckstein, Nina Stockinger, Stefan WolfShow full author list
2024 Quantum Sci. Technol.

Thermometry of trapped ions based on bichromatic driving
Xie-Qian Li, Yi Tao, Ting Chen, Wei Wu, Yi Xie, Chun-Wang Wu, and Ping-Xing Chen
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 064022 (2024)

Trapped-ion quantum simulation of electron transfer models with tunable dissipation
SCIENCE ADVANCES 20 Dec 2024 Vol 10, Issue 51


A 3-dimensional scanning trapped-ion probe
Authors: Tobias Sägesser, Shreyans Jain, Pavel Hrmo, Alexander Ferk, Matteo Simoni, Yingying Cui, Carmelo Mordini, Daniel Kienzler, Jonathan Home

An Optical Interconnect for Modular Quantum Computers
Authors: Daisuke Sakuma, Amin Taherkhani, Tomoki Tsuno, Toshihiko Sasaki, Hikaru Shimizu, Kentaro Teramoto, Andrew Todd, Yosuke Ueno, Michal Hajdušek, Rikizo Ikuta, Rodney Van Meter, Shota Nagayama

BOSS: Blocking algorithm for optimizing shuttling scheduling in Ion Trap
Authors: Xian Wu, Chenghong Zhu, Jingbo Wang, Xin Wang

Coherent enhancement of collection of light from linear ion crystals
Authors: T. D. Tran, D. Babjak, A. Kovalenko, K. Singh, M. T. Pham, P. Obšil, A. Lešundák, O. Číp, L. Slodička

Complete Rabi oscillations in the ion-laser interaction
Authors: M. A. García-Márquez, H. M. Moya-Cessa, I. Ramos-Prieto, F. Soto-Eguibar

Detection states of ions in a Paul trap via conventional and quantum machine learning algorithms
Authors: Ilia Khomchenko, Andrei Fionov, Artem Alekseev, Daniil Volkov, Ilya A. Semerikov, Nikolay N. Kolachevsky, Aleksey K. Fedorov

Development of a High-Voltage Output DAC System for Fast Ion-Shuttling
Authors: T. Oshio, R. Nishimoto, T. Higuchi, K. Hayasaka, K. Koike, S. Morisaka, T. Miyoshi, R. Ohira, U. Tanaka

Dynamical Aharonov-Bohm cages and tight meson confinement in a Z2-loop gauge theory
Authors: Enrico C. Domanti, Alejandro Bermudez, Luigi Amico

Fast mixed-species quantum logic gates for trapped-ion quantum networks
Authors: Zain Mehdi, Varun D. Vaidya, Isabelle Savill-Brown, Phoebe Grosser, Alexander K. Ratcliffe, Haonan Liu, Simon A. Haine, Joseph J. Hope, C. Ricardo Viteri

Fault-Tolerant Implementation of the Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm
Authors: Divyanshu Singh, Shiroman Prakash

Measurements and simulations of rate coefficients for the deuterated forms of the H2 + + H2 and H3 + + H2 reactive systems at low temperature
Authors: Miguel Jiménez-Redondo, Olli Sipilä, Pavol Jusko, Paola Caselli

Observing dynamical localization on a trapped-ion qudit quantum processor
Authors: Gonzalo Camacho, Claire L. Edmunds, Michael Meth, Martin Ringbauer, Benedikt Fauseweh

Perfect revivals of Rabi oscillations and hybrid Bell states in a trapped ion
Authors: Juan Mauricio Torres, Christian Ventura-Velázquez, Ivan Arellano-Melendez

Power-optimized amplitude modulation for robust trapped-ion entangling gates: a study of gate-timing errors
Authors: Luke Ellert-Beck, Wenchao Ge

Precise Determination of Excited State Rotational Constants and Black-Body Thermometry in Coulomb Crystals of Ca+ and CaH+
Authors: Swapnil Patel, Kenneth R. Brown

Probing Entanglement Scaling Across a Quantum Phase Transition on a Quantum Computer
Authors: Qiang Miao, Tianyi Wang, Kenneth R. Brown, Thomas Barthel, Marko Cetina

Programmable simulation of high-order exceptional point with a trapped ion
Authors: Yue Li, Yang Wu, Yuqi Zhou, Mengxiang Zhang, Xingyu Zhao, Yibo Yuan, Xu Cheng, Yi Li, Xi Qin, Xing Rong, Yiheng Lin, Jiangfeng Du

Quantum circuit and mapping algorithms for wavepacket dynamics: case study of anharmonic hydrogen bonds in protonated and hydroxide water clusters
Authors: Debadrita Saha, Philip Richerme, Srinivasan S. Iyengar

Quantum computation over the vibrational modes of a single trapped ion
Authors: Alexandre C. Ricardo, Gubio G. de Lima, Amanda G. Valério, Tiago de S. Farias, Celso J. Villas-Boas

Quantum computing architecture with Rydberg gates in trapped ions
Authors: Han Bao, Jonas Vogel, Ulrich Poschinger, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler

Quantum-Enhanced Multi-Parameter Sensing in a Single Mode
Authors: Christophe H. Valahu, Matthew P. Stafford, Zixin Huang, Vassili G. Matsos, Maverick J. Millican, Teerawat Chalermpusitarak, Nicolas C. Menicucci, Joshua Combes, Ben Q. Baragiola, Ting Rei Tan

Quantum Frequency Conversion of μs-long Photons from the Visible to the Telecom-C-Band
Authors: Soeren Wengerowsky, Stefano Duranti, Lukas Heller, Hugues de Riedmatten

Quantum tomography of a third-order exceptional point in a dissipative trapped ion
Authors: Y. -Y. Chen, K. Li, L. Zhang, Y. -K. Wu, J. -Y. Ma, H. -X. Yang, C. Zhang, B. -X. Qi, Z. -C. Zhou, P. -Y. Hou, Y. Xu, L. -M. Duan

Single-qubit gates with errors at the 10−7 level
Authors: M. C. Smith, A. D. Leu, K. Miyanishi, M. F. Gely, D. M. Lucas

Spin Phonon Relaxation Dynamics from a Conical Intersection of Trapped Rydberg Ions
Authors: Manish Chaudhary, Rejish Nath, Weibin Li

Two-qubit gate protocols with microwave-dressed Rydberg ions in a linear Paul trap
Authors: Joseph W. P. Wilkinson, Katrin Bolsmann, Thiago L. M. Guedes, Markus Müller, Igor Lesanovsky

ITN Newsletter – November 2024


Dear Ion Trappers,
We’re truly grateful for the ongoing engagement from the iontrap community, who keep the conversation lively by sharing their latest news, events, jobs, publications, and editorials. Visit the ITN-Website ( where you can download the current and archived issues and send us your submissions and events directly using the forms. Please continue to send us your thoughts; your contributions make our newsletter vibrant and enriching.


15th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP15) will take place in Innsbruck, Austria from June 30 to July 4 2025. Details

The Summer School on Quantum Matter out of Equilibrium will be held in Granada (Spain) from September 1st to 5th 2025. Details

European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI) will be held in the Netherlands from 8 to 12 September 2025. Details to follow.

Online Seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental SymmetriesLINK: Thursdays

The “Virtual AMO Seminar”LINK: Fridays, 7 pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” LINK: Thursdays, 5 pm


Highly motivated PhD students and postdoctoral researchers are sought to join the experiments and theory team of the ERC Synergy project “Open 2D Quantum Simulator (OPEN-2QS)”, with the project starting on May 1st, 2025.Trapped ions excited to Rydberg states will be used to build a quantum simulator for open system quantum dynamics, enabling the study of novel states of matter like quantum glasses through fast interactions and long-time stability.
Contacts: Mainz (experiment), Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler (
Stockholm (experiment), Markus Hennrich (
Tübingen (theory), Igor Lesanovsky (

Senior Theoretical Scientist (QEC) – A full-time position with Oxford Ionics, either based in Oxford or remotely in Europe. Play a key role in developing and refining the QEC strategies for our cutting-edge trapped-ion quantum computing systems.

Contact: Elliot Dower (

A 12-month post-doctoral position is available at the Time and Frequency department at FEMTO-ST in Besançon.
Contact: Clément Lacroûte,

The Trapped Ion Quantum Information group at ETH Zürich is seeking for post-doctoral and PhD researchers across a range of topics in the group, but focussed particularly in the areas of Penning Trap Quantum Computing, Quantum Metrology of Hydrogen Molecular Ions, and Multi-Zone Trapped Ion Quantum Information. The TIQI group welcomes applications from underrepresented groups, as well as from a diverse range of backgrounds, in particular from outside the direct realm of trapped ions.

A fully funded, 3.5-year PhD position is available in the Ion Trap Cavity-QED and Molecular Physics (ITCM) Group in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Sussex.
Contact: Prof Matthias Keller (

A 3-year postdoc position available in collaboration with Prof. Steve Worm’s group at the DESYin Zeuthen to work on optical clocks.
Contact: Steven Worm (

For a 3-year postdoc opportunity at MIT & Texas A&M, the NEPTUNE project [PRL 133, 033003 (2024)] seeks candidates with hands-on experience in Penning traps.
Contact: Jonas Karthein (

Several PostDoc and PhD positions available at PTB in Braunschweig and Leibniz University Hannover in the Quantum Logic Spectroscopy Group of Piet Schmidt . Topics include laboratory and transportable aluminium ion clocks, multi-ion calcium clock using dynamical decoupling and entanglement, as well as highly charged ion clocks.
Contact: Dr. Piet Schmidt (

PhD and postdoc positions available at the University of Basel (Switzerland) on the topics of developing molecular-ion quantum technologies for precision measurements as well as cold ion-neutral interactions and collisions.

PhD and postdoc positions available in the group of Tanja Mehlstäubler at PTB, working on optical clocks based on trapped ion Coulomb crystals. Topics include new interrogation protocols for multi-ensemble clocks, quantum-enhanced clock operation, ground-state cooling of mixed-species Coulomb crystals and tests of fundamental physics with precision spectroscopy.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Tanja Mehlstäubler (

Multiple postdoc positions are available in the NIST Ion Storage Group in Colorado, USA. Topics include quantum simulation and sensing in a Penning trap, trapped-ion quantum computing, trapped-ion optical clocks, and quantum state control and precision spectroscopy of single molecular ions.
Contact: John Bollinger or any of the NIST Ion Storage group staff

The research group of C. Ospelkaus at the University of Hannover is looking for a postdoctoral research associate on their Penning trap experiment, which aims to implement quantum logic spectroscopy of (anti-) protons for tests of the fundamental CPT symmetry as part of the BASE collaboration.
Contact: Dr. Christian Ospelkaus (

A postdoc position is available at the Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, USA on a project trapping lutetium ions for precision measurements.
Contact: Dr. Matt Grau (

two openings for PhD positions in the Molecular Systems group headed by Roland Wester at the University of Innsbruck. One position is part of a research project in collaboration with the University of Bordeaux on classical versus quantum effects in three-body collisions of cold trapped ions, funded through the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). The second position is part of a collaborative project on controlling
trapped charged nanoparticles, funded through the Austrian excellence cluster QuantA.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Roland Wester (

The Imperial College Particle Physics Group has a postgraduate studentship available to work on laser measurements of cold exotic helium atoms that contain antiprotons at the new ELENA facility of CERN in Geneva. This allows us to probe the matter-antimatter symmetry and determine the mass ratio between an antiproton and electron. We hope to be relatively flexible with regards to the exact PhD topic depending on the candidate’s interests. The studentship covers a maintenance bursary similar to standard STFC studentships.


Comparing Shor and Steane error correction using the Bacon-Shor code
6 Nov 2024
Vol 10, Issue 45

Coriolis forces modify magnetostatic ponderomotive potentials
E. J. Kolmes, N. J. Fisch
Journal: Physics of Plasmas
Phys. Plasmas 31, 112107 (2024)

Cooling Trapped Ions with Phonon Rapid Adiabatic Passage
M. I. Fabrikant, P. Lauria, I. S. Madjarov, W. C. Burton, and R. T. Sutherland
Phys. Rev. X 14, 041046 (2024)

Coupling Trapped Ions to a Nanomechanical Oscillator
Moritz Weegen, Martino Poggio, and Stefan Willitsch
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 223201 (2024)

Digital-analog counterdiabatic quantum optimization with trapped ions
Shubham Kumar, Narendra N Hegade, Murilo Henrique de Oliveira, Enrique Solano, Alejandro Gomez Cadavid and F Albarrán-Arriagada
2025 Quantum Sci. Technol. 10 015023

Efficient digitized counterdiabatic quantum optimization algorithm within the impulse regime for portfolio optimization
Alejandro Gomez Cadavid, Iraitz Montalban, Archismita Dalal, Enrique Solano, and Narendra N. Hegade
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 054037 (2024)

Enhancement of nonclassical properties of the two-mode squeezed vacuum state with a postselected von Neumann measurement
Janarbek Yuanbek, Yi-Fang Ren, Ahmad Abliz, and Yusuf Turek
Phys. Rev. A 110, 052611 (2024) –

How to Move Multiple Ions in Two Dimensions
Mark Buchanan
Physics 17, 159, November 1, 2024•

Individually addressed entangling gates in a two-dimensional ion crystal
Y.-H. Hou, Y.-J. Yi, Y.-K. Wu, Y.-Y. Chen, L. Zhang, Y. Wang, Y.-L. Xu, C. Zhang, Q.-X. Mei, H.-X. Yang, J.-Y. Ma, S.-A. Guo, J. Ye, B.-X. Qi, Z.-C. Zhou, P.-Y. Hou & L.-M. Duan
Nature Communications volume 15, Article number: 9710 (2024)

Low-crosstalk optical addressing system for atomic qubits based on multiple objectives and acoustooptic deflectors
Yi-Long Chen (陈一龙), Rui-Rui Li (李睿睿), Ran He (贺冉), Shu-Qian Chen (陈树谦), Wen-Hao Qi (亓文昊), Jin-Ming Cui (崔金明), Yun-Feng Huang (黄运锋), Chuan-Feng Li (李传锋), and Guang-Can Guo (郭光灿)
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 054003 (2024)

Motional-state analysis of a trapped ion by ultranarrowband composite pulses
Marion Mallweger, Milena Guevara-Bertsch, Boyan T. Torosov, Robin Thomm, Natalia Kuk, Harry Parke, Christan F. Roos, Gerard Higgins, Markus Hennrich, and Nikolay V. Vitanov
Phys. Rev. A 110, 053103 (2024)

Open quantum dynamics with variational non-Gaussian states and the truncated Wigner approximation
Liam J. Bond, Bas Gerritsen, Jiří Minář, Jeremy T. Young, Johannes Schachenmayer, Arghavan Safavi-Naini
Journal: The Journal of Chemical Physics
J. Chem. Phys. 161, 184113 (2024)

Optimal quantum sensing of the nonlinear bosonic interactions using Fock states
Payman Mahmoudi, Atirach Ritboon, and Radim Filip
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 043215 (2024)

Quadratic Zeeman and electric quadrupole shifts in highly charged ions
Jan Gilles, Stephan Fritzsche, Lukas J. Spieß, Piet O. Schmidt, and Andrey Surzhykov
Phys. Rev. A 110, 052812 (2024)

Scalable Multispecies Ion Transport in a Grid-Based Surface-Electrode Trap
Robert D. Delaney, Lucas R. Sletten, Matthew J. Cich, Brian Estey, Maya I. Fabrikant, David Hayes, Ian M. Hoffman, James Hostetter, Christopher Langer, Steven A. Moses, Abigail R. Perry, Timothy A. Peterson, Andrew Schaffer, Curtis Volin, Grahame Vittorini, and William Cody Burton
Phys. Rev. X 14, 041028 (2024)

The behavior of a string of trapped 40Ca+ ions in a linear Paul system
Basem R. Kazem, Mezher B. Saleh
Journal: AIP Conference Proceedings
AIP Conf. Proc. 3219, 060003 (2024)


A silicon-based ion trap chip protected from semiconductor charging
Authors: Daun Chung, Kwangyeul Choi, Woojun Lee, Chiyoon Kim, Hosung Shon, Jeonghyun Park, Beomgeun Cho, Kyungmin Lee, Suhan Kim, Seungwoo Yoo, Eui Hwan Jung, Changhyun Jung, Jiyong Kang, Kyunghye Kim, Roberts Berkis, Tracy Northup, Dong-Il “Dan” Cho, Taehyun Kim

Analysis of the confinement string in (2 + 1)-dimensional Quantum Electrodynamics with a trapped-ion quantum computer
Authors: Arianna Crippa, Karl Jansen, Enrico Rinaldi

Anomalous velocity distributions in slow quantum-tunneling chemical reactions
Authors: Christian Beck, Constantino Tsallis

Associative ionization in a dilute ultracold 7Li gas probed with a hybrid trap
Authors: N. Joshi, Vaibhav Mahendrakar, M. Niranjan, Raghuveer Singh Yadav, E Krishnakumar, A. Pandey, R Vexiau, O. Dulieu, S. A. Rangwala

Cooperative engineering the multiple radio-frequency fields to reduce the X-junction barrier for ion trap chips
Authors: Yarui Liu, Zhao Wang, Zixuan Xiang, Qikun Wang, Tianyang Hu, Xu Wang

Enhancing non-destructive mass identification via Fourier-transform fluorescence analysis
Authors: F. Domínguez, D. Yousaf, J. Berrocal, M. J. Gutiérrez, J.
Sánchez, M. Block, and D. Rodríguez.

Entanglement teleportation along a regenerating hamster-wheel graph state
Authors: Haiyue Kang, John F. Kam, Gary J. Mooney, Lloyd C. L. Hollenberg

Experimental evidence for dipole-phonon quantum logic in a trapped calcium monoxide and calcium ion chain
Authors: Lu Qi, Evan C. Reed, Boyan Yu, Kenneth R. Brown

High-fidelity entanglement of metastable trapped-ion qubits with integrated erasure conversion
Authors: A. Quinn, G. J. Gregory, I. D. Moore, S. Brudney, J. Metzner, E. R. Ritchie, J. O’Reilly, D. J. Wineland, D. T. C. Allcock

Impact of micromotion on the excitation of Rydberg states of ions in a Paul trap
Authors: Wilson S. Martins, Joseph W. P. Wilkinson, Markus Hennrich, Igor Lesanovsky

Integrated-Photonics-Based Systems for Polarization-Gradient Cooling of Trapped Ions
Authors: Sabrina M. Corsetti, Ashton Hattori, Ethan R. Clements, Felix W. Knollmann, Milica Notaros, Reuel Swint, Tal Sneh, Patrick T. Callahan, Gavin N. West, Dave Kharas, Thomas Mahony, Colin D. Bruzewicz, Cheryl Sorace-Agaskar, Robert McConnell, Isaac L. Chuang, John Chiaverini, Jelena Notaros

Multiplexed bi-layered realization of fault-tolerant quantum computation over optically networked trapped-ion modules
Authors: Nitish K. Chandra, Saikat Guha, Kaushik P. Seshadreesan

Non-Classicality and Non-adiabaticity in a Single Trapped Ion
Authors: C. F. P. Avalos, M. C. de Oliveira

Noise-Aware Circuit Compilations for a Continuously Parameterized Two-Qubit Gateset
Authors: Christopher G. Yale, Rich Rines, Victory Omole, Bharath Thotakura, Ashlyn D. Burch, Matthew N. H. Chow, Megan Ivory, Daniel Lobser, Brian K. McFarland, Melissa C. Revelle, Susan M. Clark, Pranav Gokhale

On-Chip Verified Quantum Computation with an Ion-Trap Quantum Processing Unit
Authors: Cica Gustiani, Dominik Leichtle, Daniel Mills, Jonathan Miller, Ross Grassie, Elham Kashefi

Quadratic Zeeman and Electric Quadrupole Shifts in Highly Charged Ions
Authors: Jan Gilles, Stephan Fritzsche, Lukas J. Spieß, Piet O. Schmidt, Andrey Surzhykov

Quantum metrology with a continuous-variable system
Authors: Matteo Fadel, Noah Roux, Manuel Gessner

Qutrit Toric Code and Parafermions in Trapped Ions
Authors: Mohsin Iqbal, Anasuya Lyons, Chiu Fan Bowen Lo, Nathanan Tantivasadakarn, Joan Dreiling, Cameron Foltz, Thomas M. Gatterman, Dan Gresh, Nathan Hewitt, Craig A. Holliman, Jacob Johansen, Brian Neyenhuis, Yohei Matsuoka, Michael Mills, Steven A. Moses, Peter Siegfried, Ashvin Vishwanath, Ruben Verresen, Henrik Dreyer

Reshaping quantum device noise via quantum error correction
Authors: Yue Ma, Michael Hanks, Evdokia Gneusheva, M. S. Kim

State-dependent control of the motional modes of trapped ions using an integrated optical lattice
Authors: Alfredo Ricci Vasquez, Carmelo Mordini, Daniel Kienzler, Jonathan Home

Sub-Doppler cooling of a trapped ion in a phase-stable polarization gradient
Authors: Ethan Clements, Felix W. Knollmann, Sabrina Corsetti, Zhaoyi Li, Ashton Hattori, Milica Notaros, Reuel Swint, Tal Sneh, May E. Kim, Aaron D. Leu, Patrick Callahan, Thomas Mahony, Gavin N. West, Cheryl Sorace-Agaskar, Dave Kharas, Robert McConnell, Colin D. Bruzewicz, Isaac L. Chuang, Jelena Notaros, John Chiaverini

Study of decoherence in radial local phonon hopping within trapped-ion string
Authors: Yu-Xuan Chen, Takumi Yuri, Kenji Toyoda

Super-Heisenberg scaling of the quantum Fisher information using spin-motion states
Authors: Venelin P. Pavlov, Peter A. Ivanov

Towards quantum computing Feynman diagrams in hybrid qubit-oscillator devices
Authors: S. Varona, S. Saner, O. Băzăvan, G. Araneda, G. Aarts, A. Bermudez

Trapped-ion laser cooling in structured light fields
Authors: Zhenzhong Xing, Karan K. Mehta

Trapped-ion quantum simulation of the Fermi-Hubbard model as a lattice gauge theory using hardware-aware native gates
Authors: Dhruv Srinivasan, Alex Beyer, Daiwei Zhu, Spencer Churchill, Kushagra Mehta, Sashank Kaushik Sridhar, Kushal Chakrabarti, David W. Steuerman, Nikhil Chopra, Avik Dutt

Ultracold Interactions between Ions and Polar Molecules
Authors: Leon Karpa, Olivier Dulieu

Unsupervised Quantum Anomaly Detection on Noisy Quantum Processors
Authors: Daniel Pranjić, Florian Knäble, Philipp Kunst, Damian Kutzias, Dennis Klau, Christian Tutschku, Lars Simon, Micha Kraus, Ali Abedi

Warehouse optimization using a trapped-ion quantum processor
Authors: Alexandre C. Ricardo, Gabriel P. L. M. Fernandes, Amanda G. Valério, Tiago de S. Farias, Matheus da S. Fonseca, Nicolás A. C. Carpio, Paulo C. C. Bezerra, Christine Maier, Juris Ulmanis, Thomas Monz, Celso J. Villas-Boas

ITN Newsletter – October 2024


Dear Ion Trappers,
We’re truly grateful for the ongoing engagement from the iontrap community, who keep the conversation lively by sharing their latest news, events, jobs, publications, and editorials. Visit the ITN-Website ( where you can download the current and archived issues and send us your submissions and events directly using the forms. Please continue to send us your thoughts; your contributions make our newsletter vibrant and enriching.


European Quantum Technologies Conference (EQTC 2024) will be held in Lisbon, Portugal, from 18 to 20 November. Details

Online Seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental SymmetriesLINK: Thursdays

The “Virtual AMO Seminar”LINK: Fridays, 7 pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” LINK: Thursdays, 5 pm


The Trapped Ion Quantum Information group at ETH Zürich is seeking for post-doctoral and PhD researchers across a range of topics in the group, but focussed particularly in the areas of Penning Trap Quantum Computing, Quantum Metrology of Hydrogen Molecular Ions, and Multi-Zone Trapped Ion Quantum Information. The TIQI group welcomes applications from underrepresented groups, as well as from a diverse range of backgrounds, in particular from outside the direct realm of trapped ions.

A fully funded, 3.5-year PhD position is available in the Ion Trap Cavity-QED and Molecular Physics (ITCM) Group in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Sussex.
Contact: Prof Matthias Keller (

A 3-year postdoc position available in collaboration with Prof. Steve Worm’s group at the DESYin Zeuthen to work on optical clocks.
Contact: Steven Worm (

For a 3-year postdoc opportunity at MIT & Texas A&M, the NEPTUNE project [PRL 133, 033003 (2024)] seeks candidates with hands-on experience in Penning traps.
Contact: Jonas Karthein (

Several PostDoc and PhD positions available at PTB in Braunschweig and Leibniz University Hannover in the Quantum Logic Spectroscopy Group of Piet Schmidt . Topics include laboratory and transportable aluminium ion clocks, multi-ion calcium clock using dynamical decoupling and entanglement, as well as highly charged ion clocks.
Contact: Dr. Piet Schmidt (

PhD and postdoc positions available at the University of Basel (Switzerland) on the topics of developing molecular-ion quantum technologies for precision measurements as well as cold ion-neutral interactions and collisions.

PhD and postdoc positions available in the group of Tanja Mehlstäubler at PTB, working on optical clocks based on trapped ion Coulomb crystals. Topics include new interrogation protocols for multi-ensemble clocks, quantum-enhanced clock operation, ground-state cooling of mixed-species Coulomb crystals and tests of fundamental physics with precision spectroscopy.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Tanja Mehlstäubler (

Multiple postdoc positions are available in the NIST Ion Storage Group in Colorado, USA. Topics include quantum simulation and sensing in a Penning trap, trapped-ion quantum computing, trapped-ion optical clocks, and quantum state control and precision spectroscopy of single molecular ions.
Contact: John Bollinger or any of the NIST Ion Storage group staff

The research group of C. Ospelkaus at the University of Hannover is looking for a postdoctoral research associate on their Penning trap experiment, which aims to implement quantum logic spectroscopy of (anti-) protons for tests of the fundamental CPT symmetry as part of the BASE collaboration.
Contact: Dr. Christian Ospelkaus (

A postdoc position is available at the Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, USA on a project trapping lutetium ions for precision measurements.
Contact: Dr. Matt Grau (

two openings for PhD positions in the Molecular Systems group headed by Roland Wester at the University of Innsbruck. One position is part of a research project in collaboration with the University of Bordeaux on classical versus quantum effects in three-body collisions of cold trapped ions, funded through the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). The second position is part of a collaborative project on controlling
trapped charged nanoparticles, funded through the Austrian excellence cluster QuantA.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Roland Wester (

The Imperial College Particle Physics Group has a postgraduate studentship available to work on laser measurements of cold exotic helium atoms that contain antiprotons at the new ELENA facility of CERN in Geneva. This allows us to probe the matter-antimatter symmetry and determine the mass ratio between an antiproton and electron. We hope to be relatively flexible with regards to the exact PhD topic depending on the candidate’s interests. The studentship covers a maintenance bursary similar to standard STFC studentships.


A comprehensive study on a tapered Paul trap: from design to potential applications
Bo Deng, Moritz Göb, Max Masuhr, Johannes Roßnagel, Georg Jacob, Daqing Wang and Kilian Singer
2025 Quantum Sci. Technol. 10 015017

Alignment and optimization of optical tweezers on trapped ions
M. Mazzanti, C. Robalo Pereira, N. A. Diepeveen, B. Gerritsen, Z. Wu, Z. E. D. Ackerman, L. P. H. Gallagher,
A. Safavi-Naini, R. Gerritsma, and R. X. Schüssler
Phys. Rev. A 110, 043105 (2024)

Digital-Analog Counterdiabatic Quantum Optimization with Trapped Ions
Shubham Kumar, Narendra N. Hegade, Alejandro Gomez-Cadavid, Murilo Henrique de Oliveira, Enrique Solano and Francisco Albarrán-Arriagada
2024 Quantum Sci. Technol.

Digital Quantum Simulation of a (1+1)D SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory with Ion Qudits
Giuseppe Calajó, Giuseppe Magnifico, Claire Edmunds, Martin Ringbauer, Simone Montangero, and Pietro
PRX Quantum 5, 040309 (2024)

Entangling Four Logical Qubits Beyond Break-even in a Nonlocal Code
Yifan Hong, Elijah Durso-Sabina, David Hayes, and Andrew Lucas
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 180601 (2024)

Fast ground-state-to-ground-state separation of small ion crystals
Tyler H. Guglielmo, Dietrich Leibfried, Stephen B. Libby, and Daniel H. Slichter
Phys. Rev. A 110, 042610 (2024) –

Generalized theory for optical cooling of a trapped atom with spin
Saumitra S. Phatak, Karl N. Blodgett, David Peana, Meng Raymond Chen, and Jonathan D. Hood
Phys. Rev. A 110, 043116 (2024)

GHZ protocols enhance frequency metrology despite spontaneous decay
23 Oct 2024
Vol 10, Issue 43

Individual-Ion Addressing and Readout in a Penning Trap
Brian J. McMahon, Kenton R. Brown, Creston D. Herold, and Brian C. Sawyer
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 173201 (2024) – Published 23 October 2024

Ion-chain sympathetic cooling and gate dynamics
A. Paul and C. Noel
Pays. Rev. Applied 22, 044033 (2024)

Long-lifetime optical trapping of a 40Ca+ ion
Zheng Chen, Miao Wang, Baolin Zhang, Huaqing Zhang, Zixiao Ma, Ruming Hu, Yao Huang, Kelin Gao and Hua Guan
2024 Chinese Phys. Lett.

Measurement-induced heating of a trapped ion
A J Rasmusson, Ilyoung Jung, Frank G Schroer, Antonis Kyprianidis and Philip Richerme
2024 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 57 225002

Observation of quantum superposition of topological defects in a trapped-ion quantum simulator

Observation of Space-Dependent Rotational Doppler Shifts with a Single Ion Probe
Nicolás A. Nuñez Barreto, Muriel Bonetto, Marcelo A. Luda, Cecilia Cormick, and Christian T. Schmiegelow
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 183601 (2024)

Onset of quantum thermalization in the Jahn-Teller model
Yoana R. Chorbadzhiyska and Peter A. Ivanov
Phys. Rev. E 110, 044127 (2024)

Physical coherent cancellation of optical addressing crosstalk in a trapped-ion experiment
Jeremy Flannery, Roland Matt, Luca I Huber, Kaizhao Wang, Christopher Axline, Robin Oswald and Jonathan P Home
2025 Quantum Sci. Technol. 10 015012

Polarization-insensitive state preparation for trapped-ion hyperfine qubits
A. D. Leu, M. C. Smith, M. F. Gely, and D. M. Lucas
Phys. Rev. A 110, L040402 (2024)

Probing the 𝑁=104 midshell region for the 𝑟 process via precision mass spectrometry of neutron-rich rare-earth isotopes with the JYFLTRAP double Penning trap
A. Jaries, S. Nikas, A. Kankainen, T. Eronen, O. Beliuskina, T. Dickel, M. Flayol, Z. Ge, M. Hukkanen, M. Mougeot, I. Pohjalainen, A. Raggio, M. Reponen, J. Ruotsalainen, M. Stryjczyk, and V. Virtanen
Phys. Rev. C 110, 045809 (2024)

Probing the Rotational Doppler Effect with a Single Ion
Charles Day
Physics 17, s133,October 29, 2024•

Pr10+ as a candidate for a high-accuracy optical clock for tests of fundamental physics
S. G. Porsev, C. Cheung, M. S. Safronova, H. Bekker, N.-H. Rehbehn, J. R. Crespo López-Urrutia, and S. M. Brewer
Phys. Rev. A 110, 042823 (2024)

𝒫𝒯-symmetry-breaking transition in a chain of trapped interacting ions
Zhenxin Hu and Zhenhua Yu
Phys. Rev. A 110, 043103 (2024) –

Qubits Manipulated on the Fly
Christian Roos
Physics 17, 152 (2024)

Scalable Architecture for Trapped-Ion Quantum Computing Using rf Traps and Dynamic Optical Potentials
David Schwerdt, Lee Peleg, Yotam Shapira, Nadav Priel, Yanay Florshaim, Avram Gross, Ayelet Zalic, Gadi Afek, Nitzan Akerman, Ady Stern, Amit Ben Kish, and Roee Ozeri
Phys. Rev. X 14, 041017 (2024)

Sensing Aharonov-Bohm Phase Using a Multiply-Orbiting-Ion Interferometer
Ryoichi Saito and Takashi Mukaiyama
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 143402 (2024)

Single-ion spectroscopy of four metastable-state clear-out transitions in Yb+: Isotope shifts and hyperfine structure
N. A. Diepeveen, C. Robalo Pereira, M. Mazzanti, Z. E. D. Ackerman, L. P. H. Gallagher, T. Timmerman, R. Gerritsma, and R. X. Schüssler
Phys. Rev. A 110, 042809 (2024)

The Peregrine Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer (PITMS) Investigation Development and Preflight Planning
Barbara A. Cohen, Simeon J. Barber, Phillip A. Driggers, David Heather, Christopher Howe, Peter Landsberg, Thomas Morse, Roland Trautner, Feargus Abernethy, Emma-May ButroidShow full author list
2024 Planet. Sci. J. 5 212

Zeeman decoherence effect of trapped 199Hg+ ion Ramsey spectra
Ge Liu, 格 刘, Hao Liu, 浩 柳, Yihe Chen, 义和 陈, Jian Wang, 健 王, Shuhong Huang, 书泓 黄Show full author list
2024 Chinese Phys. B 33 113702


An Accessible Planar Ion Trap for Experiential Learning in Quantum Technologies
Authors: Robert E. Thomas, Cole E. Wolfram, Noah B. Warren, Isaac J. Fouch, Boris B. Blinov, Maxwell F. Parsons

Cancellation of phonon hopping in trapped ions by modulation of the trap potential
Authors: Takanori Nishi, Ryoichi Saito, Takashi Mukaiyama, Kaoru Yamanouchi

Coherent Control of Photon Correlations in Trapped Ion Crystals
Authors: K. Singh, A. Cidrim, A. Kovalenko, T. Pham, O. Číp, L. Slodička, R. Bachelard

Condensation phenomena of ions in an electrostatic logarithmic trap
Authors: Loris Ferrari

Efficient Hamiltonian engineering
Authors: Pascal Baßler, Markus Heinrich, Martin Kliesch

Entanglement-induced provable and robust quantum learning advantages
Authors: Haimeng Zhao, Dong-Ling Deng

Experimental realization of direct entangling gates between dual-type qubits
Authors: Chenxi Wang, Chuanxin Huang, Hongxuan Zhang, Hongyuan Hu, Zhichao Mao, Panyu Hou, Yukai Wu, Zichao Zhou, Luming Duan

Harnessing quantum chaos in spin-boson models for all-purpose quantum-enhanced sensing
Authors: Yicheng Zhang, Juan Zuniga Castro, Robert J. Lewis-Swan

High-precision mass measurement of 103Sn restores smoothness of the mass surface
Authors: C. M. Ireland, F. M. Maier, G. Bollen, S. E. Campbell, X. Chen, H. Erington, N. D. Gamage, M. J. Gutiérrez, C. Izzo, E. Leistenschneider, E. M. Lykiardopoulou, R. Orford, W. S. Porter, D. Puentes, M. Redshaw, R. Ringle, S. Rogers, S. Schwarz, L. Stackable, C. S. Sumithrarachchi, A. A. Valverde, A. C. C. Villari, I. T. Yandow

Integrating Window-Based Correlated Decoding with Constant-Time Logical Gates for Large-Scale Quantum Computation
Authors: Jiaxuan Zhang, Zhao-Yun Chen, Jia-Ning Li, Tian-Hao Wei, Huan-Yu Liu, Xi-Ning Zhuang, Qing-Song Li, Yu-Chun Wu, Guo-Ping Guo

Measuring error rates of mid-circuit measurements
Authors: Daniel Hothem, Jordan Hines, Charles Baldwin, Dan Gresh, Robin Blume-Kohout, Timothy Proctor

Molecular Quantum Control Algorithm Design by Reinforcement Learning
Authors: Anastasia Pipi, Xuecheng Tao, Prineha Narang, David R. Leibrandt

Observation of quantum superposition of topological defects in a trapped ion quantum simulator
Authors: Zhijie Cheng, Yukai Wu, Shijiao Li, Quanxin Mei, Bowen Li, Gangxi Wang, Yue Jiang, Binxiang Qi, Zichao Zhou, Panyu Hou, Luming Duan
Observation of string-breaking dynamics in a quantum simulator
Authors: Arinjoy De, Alessio Lerose, De Luo, Federica M. Surace, Alexander Schuckert, Elizabeth R. Bennewitz, Brayden Ware, William Morong, Kate S. Collins, Zohreh Davoudi, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Or Katz, Christopher Monroe

Preliminary characterization of a surface electrode Paul trap for frequency metrology
Authors: Josipa Madunic, Lucas Groult, Bachir Achi, Thomas Lauprêtre, Alan Boudrias, Pierre Roset, Valérie Soumann, Yann Kersalé, Moustafa Abdel Hafiz, Clément Lacroûte

Preparing topological states with finite depth simultaneous commuting gates
Authors: Yarden Sheffer, Erez Berg, Ady Stern

Quantum logic control of a transition metal ion
Authors: Till Rehmert, Maximilian J. Zawierucha, Kai Dietze, Piet O. Schmidt, Fabian Wolf

Quantum spatial search with multiple excitations
Authors: Dylan Lewis, Leonardo Banchi, Sougato Bose

Ring-exchange physics in a chain of three-level ions
Authors: Sourav Biswas, E. Rico, Tobias Grass

Robustness of near-thermal dynamics on digital quantum computers
Authors: Eli Chertkov, Yi-Hsiang Chen, Michael Lubasch, David Hayes, Michael Foss-Feig

State Selective Preparation and Nondestructive Detection of Trapped O+2
Authors: Ambesh Pratik Singh, Michael Mitchell, Will Henshon, Addison Hartman, Annika Lunstad, Boran Kuzhan, David Hanneke

The PT-symmetry-breaking transition in a chain of trapped interacting ions
Authors: Zhenxin Hu, Zhenhua Yu

Toward hybrid quantum simulations with qubits and qumodes on trapped-ion platforms
Authors: Jack Y. Araz, Matt Grau, Jake Montgomery, Felix Ringer

ITN Newsletter – September 2024


Dear Ion Trappers,
as mentioned in our last issue, Frontiers in Quantum Science and Technology has announced a special issue on “Micromotion in Trapped Ion Systems.” Submissions are now open. For more details and submission guidelines, visit Frontiers in Quantum Science and Technology.
We’re truly grateful for the ongoing engagement from the iontrap community, who keep the conversation lively by sharing their latest news, events, jobs, publications, and editorials. Visit the ITN-Website ( where you can download the current and archived issues and send us your submissions and events directly using the forms. Please continue to send us your thoughts; your contributions make our newsletter vibrant and enriching.


Quantum Physics with Trapped Particles at Monte Verita, close to Ascona, Switzerland, on October 13-18, 2024. Details

Atomic Clock Ensemble in Space (ACES) Workshop, ESTEC, the Netherlands from the 23rd to the 25th of October 2024 Details

Online Seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental SymmetriesLINK: Thursdays

The “Virtual AMO Seminar”LINK: Fridays, 7 pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” LINK: Thursdays, 5 pm


A fully funded, 3.5-year PhD position is available in the Ion Trap Cavity-QED and Molecular Physics (ITCM) Group in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Sussex.
Contact: Prof Matthias Keller (

A 3-year postdoc position available in collaboration with Prof. Steve Worm’s group at the DESYin Zeuthen to work on optical clocks.
Contact: Steven Worm (

For a 3-year postdoc opportunity at MIT & Texas A&M, the NEPTUNE project [PRL 133, 033003 (2024)] seeks candidates with hands-on experience in Penning traps.
Contact: Jonas Karthein (

Several PostDoc and PhD positions available at PTB in Braunschweig and Leibniz University Hannover in the Quantum Logic Spectroscopy Group of Piet Schmidt . Topics include laboratory and transportable aluminium ion clocks, multi-ion calcium clock using dynamical decoupling and entanglement, as well as highly charged ion clocks.
Contact: Dr. Piet Schmidt (

PhD and postdoc positions available at the University of Basel (Switzerland) on the topics of developing molecular-ion quantum technologies for precision measurements as well as cold ion-neutral interactions and collisions.

PhD and postdoc positions available in the group of Tanja Mehlstäubler at PTB, working on optical clocks based on trapped ion Coulomb crystals. Topics include new interrogation protocols for multi-ensemble clocks, quantum-enhanced clock operation, ground-state cooling of mixed-species Coulomb crystals and tests of fundamental physics with precision spectroscopy.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Tanja Mehlstäubler (

Multiple postdoc positions are available in the NIST Ion Storage Group in Colorado, USA. Topics include quantum simulation and sensing in a Penning trap, trapped-ion quantum computing, trapped-ion optical clocks, and quantum state control and precision spectroscopy of single molecular ions.
Contact: John Bollinger or any of the NIST Ion Storage group staff

The research group of C. Ospelkaus at the University of Hannover is looking for a postdoctoral research associate on their Penning trap experiment, which aims to implement quantum logic spectroscopy of (anti-) protons for tests of the fundamental CPT symmetry as part of the BASE collaboration.
Contact: Dr. Christian Ospelkaus (

A postdoc position is available at the Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, USA on a project trapping lutetium ions for precision measurements.
Contact: Dr. Matt Grau (

two openings for PhD positions in the Molecular Systems group headed by Roland Wester at the University of Innsbruck. One position is part of a research project in collaboration with the University of Bordeaux on classical versus quantum effects in three-body collisions of cold trapped ions, funded through the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). The second position is part of a collaborative project on controlling
trapped charged nanoparticles, funded through the Austrian excellence cluster QuantA.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Roland Wester (

The Imperial College Particle Physics Group has a postgraduate studentship available to work on laser measurements of cold exotic helium atoms that contain antiprotons at the new ELENA facility of CERN in Geneva. This allows us to probe the matter-antimatter symmetry and determine the mass ratio between an antiproton and electron. We hope to be relatively flexible with regards to the exact PhD topic depending on the candidate’s interests. The studentship covers a maintenance bursary similar to standard STFC studentships.


AC Zeeman effect in microfabricated surface traps
M. Ivory, C. D. Nordquist, K. Young, C. W. Hogle, S. M. Clark, M. C. Revelle
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 093202 (2024)

Concatenated Steane code with single-flag syndrome checks
Balint Pato, Theerapat Tansuwannont, and Kenneth R. Brown
Phys. Rev. A 110, 032411 (2024)

Crosstalk suppression of parallel gates for fault-tolerant quantum computation with trapped ions via optical tweezers
Lin Cheng, Sheng-Chen Liu, Liang-You Peng, and Qihuang Gong
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 034021 (2024) –

Dressing trapped ions with integrated wires
R. T. Sutherland
Phys. Rev. A 110, 033116 (2024) – Published 24 September 2024

Elastic splitting of x-ray photon by an atomic ion
A N Hopersky, A M Nadolinsky and S A Novikov
2024 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 57 215601

Electromagnetically Induced Transparency Cooling of High-Nuclear-Spin Ions
Chuanxin Huang, Chenxi Wang, Hongxuan Zhang, Hongyuan Hu, Zuqing Wang, Zhichao Mao, Shijiao Li,
Panyu Hou, Yukai Wu, Zichao Zhou, and Luming Duan
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 113204 (2024) –

Enhanced micromotion compensation using a phase-modulated light field
K. J. Arnold, N. Jayjong, M. L. D. Kang, Qin Qichen, Zhao Zhang, Qi Zhao, and M. D. Barrett
Phys. Rev. A 110, 033115 (2024)

Error mitigation, optimization, and extrapolation on a trapped-ion testbed
Oliver G. Maupin, Ashlyn D. Burch, Brandon Ruzic, Christopher G. Yale, Antonio Russo, Daniel S. Lobser, Melissa C. Revelle, Matthew N. Chow, Susan M. Clark, Andrew J. Landahl, and Peter J. Love
Phys. Rev. A 110, 032416 (2024)

Exactly solvable model of light-scattering errors in quantum simulations with metastable trapped-ion qubits
Phillip C. Lotshaw, Brian C. Sawyer, Creston D. Herold, and Gilles Buchs
Phys. Rev. A 110, L030803 (2024) –

Fast Photon-Mediated Entanglement of Continuously Cooled Trapped Ions for Quantum Networking
Jameson O’Reilly, George Toh, Isabella Goetting, Sagnik Saha, Mikhail Shalaev, Allison L. Carter, Andrew Risinger, Ashish Kalakuntla, Tingguang Li, Ashrit Verma, and Christopher Monroe
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 090802 (2024) –

Fundamental physics and other applications using nonneutral plasma,
G. Maero, E. D. Hunter, D. J. Murtagh and E. V. Stenson,
Adv. Phys: X 9, 1 (2024)

High-accuracy measurements of core-excited transitions in light Li-like ions
Moto Togawa, Steffen Kühn, Chintan Shah, Vladimir A. Zaytsev, Natalia S. Oreshkina, Jens Buck, Sonja Bernitt, René Steinbrügge, Jörn Seltmann, Moritz Hoesch, Christoph H. Keitel, Thomas Pfeifer, Maurice A. Leutenegger, and José R. Crespo López-Urrutia
Phys. Rev. A 110, L030802 (2024)

High-fidelity teleportation of a logical qubit using transversal gates and lattice surgery
C. Ryan-Anderson*, N. C. Brown, C. H. Baldwin, J. M. Dreiling, C. Foltz, J. P. Gaebler, T. M. Gatterman,
N. Hewitt, C. Holliman, C. V. Horst, J. Johansen, D. Lucchetti, T. Mengle, M. Matheny, Y. Matsuoka,
K. Mayer, M. Mills, S. A. Moses, B. Neyenhuis, J. Pino, P. Siegfried, R. P. Stutz, J. Walker, D. Hayes
SCIENCE, Vol 385, Issue 6715 pp. 1327-1331, 19 Sep 2024

Homodyne quadrature laser interferometry for the characterization of low-frequency residual vibrational noise in cryogenic trapped-ion systems
Qin, Qingqing; Ou, Baoquan; Wu, Wei; Xie, Yi; Chen, Ting; Wu, Chunwang; Chen, Pingxing
open access Optics Express 32(21) 36586-36599

Integrated photonic structures for photon-mediated entanglement of trapped ions
Knollmann, F. W.; Clements, E.; Callahan, P. T.; Gehl, M.; Hunker, J. D.; Mahony, T.; McConnell, R.; Swint, R.; Sorace-Agaskar, C.; Chuang, I. L.; Chiaverini, J.; Stick, D.
open access Optica Quantum 2(4) 230-244

Large-scale simulations of Floquet physics on near-term quantum computers
Timo Eckstein, Refik Mansuroglu, Piotr Czarnik, Jian-Xin Zhu, Michael J. Hartmann, Lukasz Cincio, Andrew T. Sornborger & Zoë Holmes
npj Quantum Information volume 10, Article number: 84 (2024)

Logical quantum circuits protected by the Steane code for specific noises in trapped ions
Sheng-Chen Liu, Lin Cheng, Liang-You Peng, and Qihuang Gong
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 034020 (2024

Low-excitation transport and separation of high-mass-ratio mixed-species ion chains
F. Lancellotti, S. Welte, M. Simoni, C. Mordini, T. Behrle, B. de Neeve, M. Marinelli, V. Negnevitsky, and J. P. Home
Phys. Rev. Research 6, L032059 (2024) –

Long-lifetime optical trapping of a 40Ca+ ion
Zheng Chen, Miao Wang, Baolin Zhang, Huaqing Zhang, Zixiao Ma, Ruming Hu, Yao Huang, Kelin Gao and Hua Guan
2024 Chinese Phys. Lett.

Nonlinear dynamics as a ground-state solution on quantum computers
Albert J. Pool, Alejandro D. Somoza, Conor Mc Keever, Michael Lubasch, and Birger Horstmann
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 033257 (2024) –

Noise-Aware Variational Eigensolvers: A Dissipative Route for Lattice Gauge Theories
Jesús Cobos, David F. Locher, Alejandro Bermudez, Markus Müller, and Enrique Rico
PRX Quantum 5, 030340 (2024)

Quantum repeater node with free-space coupled trapped ions
Max Bergerhoff, Omar Elshehy, Stephan Kucera, Matthias Kreis, and Jürgen Eschner
Phys. Rev. A 110, 032603 (2024)

Relativistic effects on entangled single-electron traps
Marko Toroš, Patrick Andriolo, Martine Schut, Sougato Bose, and Anupam Mazumdar
Phys. Rev. D 110, 056031 (2024) –

Resolved-sideband cooling of a single 9 Be + ion in a cryogenic multi-Penning-trap for discrete symmetry tests with (anti-)protons
Juan M. Cornejo, Johannes Brombacher, Julia A. Coenders, Moritz von Boehn, Teresa Meiners, Malte Niemann, Stefan Ulmer, and Christian Ospelkaus
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 033233 (2024)

Scalable electronic control of trapped-ion qubits
Malinowski, Maciej; Allcock, David T. C.; Srinivas, Raghavendra; Löschnauer, Clemens M.; Hughes, Amy C.; Nourshargh, Rustin; Negnevitsky, Vlad; King, Steven A.; Matthiesen, Clemens; Harty, Thomas P.; Ballance, Christopher J.
Quantum 2.0, Paper# QM3A.4

Scaling of entangling-gate errors in large ion crystals
Wenhao He, Wenhao Zhang, Xiao Yuan, Yangchao Shen and Xiao-Ming Zhang
2024 J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 57 375306

Stochastic resonance via single-ion phonon laser
Q. Yuan, S.-Q. Dai, P.-D. Li, Y.-Q. Wei, J. Li, F. Zhou, J.-Q. Zhang, L. Chen, M. Feng
Journal: Applied Physics Letters
Appl. Phys. Lett. 125, 102201 (2024)

Toward a Mølmer Sørensen gate with .9999 fidelity
Reinhold Blümel, Andrii Maksymov and Ming Li
2024 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 57 205501

Trapped-atom Otto engine with light-induced dipole–dipole interactions
Chimdessa Gashu Feyisa and H H Jen
2024 New J. Phys. 26 093039

Two-Qubit Operations for Finite-Energy Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill Encodings
Ivan Rojkov, Paul Moser Röggla, Martin Wagener, Moritz Fontboté-Schmidt, Stephan Welte, Jonathan Home, and Florentin Reiter
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 100601 (2024) –

Unitary collapse of Schrödinger’s cat state
Pavel Stránský, Pavel Cejnar, and Radim Filip
Phys. Rev. A 110, L030202 (2024)


Coherent dynamics of a nuclear-spin-isomer superposition
Tamar Levin, Ziv Meir

Competing excitation quenching and charge exchange in ultracold Li-Ba+ collisions
Xiaodong Xing, Pascal Weckesser, Fabian Thielemann, Tibor Jónás, Romain Vexiau, Nadia Bouloufa-Maafa, Eliane Luc-Koenig, Kirk W. Madison, Andrea Orbán, Ting Xie, Tobias Schaetz, Olivier Dulieu

Contributions to the study of time dependent oscillators in Paul traps. Semiclassical approach
Authors: Bogdan M. Mihalcea

Demonstration of quantum computation and error correction with a tesseract code
Authors: Ben W. Reichardt, David Aasen, Rui Chao, Alex Chernoguzov, Wim van Dam, John P. Gaebler, Dan Gresh, Dominic Lucchetti, Michael Mills, Steven A. Moses, Brian Neyenhuis, Adam Paetznick, Andres Paz, Peter E. Siegfried, Marcus P. da Silva, Krysta M. Svore, Zhenghan Wang, Matt Zanner

Experimental measurement and a physical interpretation of quantum shadow enumerators
Authors: Daniel Miller, Kyano Levi, Lukas Postler, Alex Steiner, Lennart Bittel, Gregory A. L. White, Yifan Tang, Eric J. Kuehnke, Antonio A. Mele, Sumeet Khatri, Lorenzo Leone, Jose Carrasco, Christian D. Marciniak, Ivan Pogorelov, Milena Guevara-Bertsch, Robert Freund, Rainer Blatt, Philipp Schindler, Thomas Monz, Martin Ringbauer, Jens Eisert

Experimental Quantum Simulation of Chemical Dynamics
Authors: T. Navickas, R. J. MacDonell, C. H. Valahu, V. C. Olaya-Agudelo, F. Scuccimarra, M. J. Millican, V. G. Matsos, H. L. Nourse, A. D. Rao, M. J. Biercuk, C. Hempel, I. Kassal, T. R. Tan

Discovery of a new long-lived isomer in 114Rh via Penning-trap mass spectrometry
Authors: M. Stryjczyk, A. Jaries, W. Ryssens, M. Bender, A. Kankainen, T. Eronen, Z. Ge, I. D. Moore, M. Mougeot, A. Raggio, J. Ruotsalainen

Entanglement-enhanced quantum sensing via optimal global control
Authors: Vineesha Srivastava, Sven Jandura, Gavin K Brennen, Guido Pupillo

Efficient fault-tolerant code switching via one-way transversal CNOT gates
Authors: Sascha Heußen, Janine Hilder

Entanglemons: Cross-platform protected qubits from entanglement
Authors: Nilotpal Chakraborty, Roderich Moessner, Benoit Doucot

Experimental Demonstration of Break-Even for the Compact Fermionic Encoding
Authors: Ramil Nigmatullin, Kevin Hemery, Khaldoon Ghanem, Steven Moses, Dan Gresh, Peter Siegfried, Michael Mills, Thomas Gatterman, Nathan Hewitt, Etienne Granet, Henrik Dreyer

Generating arbitrary superpositions of nonclassical quantum harmonic oscillator states
Authors: S. Saner, O. Băzăvan, D. J. Webb, G. Araneda, D. M. Lucas, C. J. Ballance, R. Srinivas

Graph-Based Pulse Representation for Diverse Quantum Control Hardware
Authors: Aniket S. Dalvi, Leon Riesebos, Jacob Whitlow, Kenneth R. Brown

High-fidelity heralded quantum state preparation and measurement
Authors: A. S. Sotirova, J. D. Leppard, A. Vazquez-Brennan, S. M. Decoppet, F. Pokorny, M. Malinowski, C. J. Ballance

How to integrate a miniature optical cavity in a linear ion trap: shielding dielectrics and trap symmetry
Authors: Ezra Kassa, Shaobo Gao, Soon Teh, Dyon van Dinter, Hiroki Takahashi

Hybrid Oscillator-Qubit Quantum Processors: Simulating Fermions, Bosons, and Gauge Fields
Authors: Eleanor Crane, Kevin C. Smith, Teague Tomesh, Alec Eickbusch, John M. Martyn, Stefan Kühn, Lena Funcke, Michael Austin DeMarco, Isaac L. Chuang, Nathan Wiebe, Alexander Schuckert, Steven M. Girvin

Investigating the effects of precise mass measurements of Ru and Pd isotopes on machine learning mass modeling
Authors: W. S. Porter, B. Liu, D. Ray, A. A. Valverde, M. Li, M. R. Mumpower, M. Brodeur, D. P. Burdette, N. Callahan, A. Cannon, J. A. Clark, D. E. M. Hoff, A. M. Houff, F. G. Kondev, A. E. Lovell, A. T. Mohan, G. E. Morgan, C. Quick, G. Savard, K. S. Sharma, T. M. Sprouse, L. Varriano

Ion-mediated interaction and controlled phase gate operation between two atomic qubits
Authors: Subhra Mudli, Subhanka Mal, Sinchan Snigdha Rej, Anushree Dey, Bimalendu Deb

Ion Trapping with a Laser-written 3D Miniaturized Monolithic Linear Paul Trap for Microcavity Integration
Authors: Soon Teh, Ezra Kassa, Shaobo Gao, Shuma Oya, Hiroki Takahashi

Loop Algorithm for Quantum Transverse Ising Model in a Longitudinal Field
Authors: Wei Xu, Xue-Feng Zhang

Measuring Correlation and Entanglement between Molecular Orbitals on a Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer
Authors: Gabriel Greene-Diniz, Chris N. Self, Michal Krompiec, Luuk Coopmans, Marcello Benedetti, David Muñoz Ramo, Matthias Rosenkranz

Modular variable laser cooling for efficient entropy extraction
Authors: Brennan de Neeve, Thanh-Long Nguyen, Alexander Ferk, Tanja Behrle, Francesco Lancellotti, Matteo Simoni, Stephan Welte, Jonathan Home

Observing Time-Dependent Energy Level Renormalisation in an Ultrastrongly Coupled Open System
Authors: Alessandra Colla, Florian Hasse, Deviprasath Palani, Tobias Schaetz, Heinz-Peter Breuer, Ulrich Warring

Optimizing Qubit Control Pulses for State Preparation
Authors: Annika S. Wiening, Joern Bergendahl, Vicente Leyton-Ortega, Peter Nalbach

Performance of Quantum Approximate Optimization with Quantum Error Detection
Authors: Zichang He, David Amaro, Ruslan Shaydulin, Marco Pistoia

Phonon-mediated quantum gates in trapped ions coupled to an ultracold atomic gas
Authors: Lorenzo Oghittu, Arghavan Safavi-Naini, Antonio Negretti, Rene Gerritsma

Progress in Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulation
Authors: Michael Foss-Feig, Guido Pagano, Andrew C. Potter, Norman Y. Yao

Quantum control of a single H+2 molecular ion
Authors: David Holzapfel, Fabian Schmid, Nick Schwegler, Oliver Stadler, Martin Stadler, Alexander Ferk, Jonathan P. Home, Daniel Kienzler

Quantum entanglement in phase space
Authors: Shuheng Liu, Jiajie Guo, Qiongyi He, Matteo Fadel

Scalable and interpretable quantum natural language processing: an implementation on trapped ions
Authors: Tiffany Duneau, Saskia Bruhn, Gabriel Matos, Tuomas Laakkonen, Katerina Saiti, Anna Pearson, Konstantinos Meichanetzidis, Bob Coecke

Spontaneous symmetry breaking in a SO(3) non-Abelian lattice gauge theory in 2+1D with quantum algorithms
Authors: Sandip Maiti, Debasish Banerjee, Bipasha Chakraborty, Emilie Huffman

The role of higher-order terms in trapped-ion quantum computing with magnetic gradient induced coupling
Authors: Sebastian Nagies, Kevin T. Geier, Javed Akram, Junichi Okamoto, Dimitris Badounas, Christof Wunderlich, Michael Johanning, Philipp Hauke

Towards Scalable Quantum Networks
Authors: Connor Howe, Mohsin Aziz, Ali Anwar

Ultracold charged atom-dimer collisions: state-selective charge exchange and three-body recombination
Amrendra Pandey, Romain Vexiau, Luis Gustavo Marcassa, Olivier Dulieu,
Nadia Bouloufa-Maafa

Ultra-low Qβ value for the allowed decay of 110Agm confirmed via mass measurements
Authors: J. Ruotsalainen, M. Stryjczyk, M. Ramalho, T. Eronen, Z. Ge, A. Kankainen, M. Mougeot, J. Suhonen

Universal Quantum Gate Set for Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill Logical Qubits
Authors: V. G. Matsos, C. H. Valahu, M. J. Millican, T. Navickas, X. C. Kolesnikow, M. J. Biercuk, T. R. Tan

Vibrationally coupled Rydberg atom-ion molecules
Authors: Ilango Maran, Liam J. Bond, Jeremy T. Young, Arghavan Safavi-Naini, Rene Gerritsma

Weaver: A Retargetable Compiler Framework for FPQA Quantum Architectures
Authors: Oğuzcan Kırmemiş, Francisco Romão, Emmanouil Giortamis, Pramod Bhatotia

ITN Newsletter – August 2024


Dear Ion Trappers,
we’d like to remind you of an exciting opportunity: Frontiers in Quantum Science and Technology has announced a special issue on “Micromotion in Trapped Ion Systems.” Submissions are now open. For more details and submission guidelines, visit Frontiers in Quantum Science and Technology.
We’re truly grateful for the ongoing engagement from the iontrap community, who keep the conversation lively by sharing their latest news, events, jobs, publications, and editorials. Visit the ITN-Website ( where you can download the current and archived issues and send us your submissions and events directly using the forms. Please continue to send us your thoughts; your contributions make our newsletter vibrant and enriching.


HCI-21 Sept 1 – Sept 6, 2024 in Amsterdam. Details

QTech 2024: Quantum Technology International conference 2024. This third edition will be held in Berlin, from September 10 to September 12 2024. Detail

ECAMP15 (15th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons), a triennial conference series, will take place in Innsbruck, Austria from June 30th to July 4th, 2025. Details

ECTI 2025, Save the Date: September 8 – 12, 2025 in the Netherlands. More information to follow.

The Greenhorn Meeting is a conference, which targets junior researchers (those who are within the first-half of PhD or in the last year of their masters) working in the research areas of quantum optics, nano optics, atomic physics and ultra-cold atomic gases. It will take place fom September 10th – 12th in Siegen. Details

817 Heraeus seminar on Precision Atomic Physics Experiments to Probe for New Physics“, 23.-27.9.2024 in Bad Honnef. Details

Quantum Physics with Trapped Particles at Monte Verita, close to Ascona, Switzerland, on October 13-18, 2024. Details

Atomic Clock Ensemble in Space (ACES) Workshop, ESTEC, the Netherlands from the 23rd to the 25th of October 2024 Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


Several PostDoc and PhD positions available at PTB in Braunschweig and Leibniz University Hannover in the Quantum Logic Spectroscopy Group of Piet Schmidt . Topics include laboratory and transportable aluminium ion clocks, multi-ion calcium clock using dynamical decoupling and entanglement, as well as highly charged ion clocks.
Contact: Dr. Piet Schmidt (

PhD positions available at the University of Padova (Italy) for a new trapped ion experiment. Potential research directions include quantum simulations on ion strings, interfacing of ion traps with photonics chips, and development of surface electrode traps with integrated photonics.
Contact: Dr. Carmelo Mordini (

PhD and postdoc positions available in the group of Tanja Mehlstäubler at PTB, working on optical clocks based on trapped ion Coulomb crystals. Topics include new interrogation protocols for multi-ensemble clocks, quantum-enhanced clock operation, ground-state cooling of mixed-species Coulomb crystals and tests of fundamental physics with precision spectroscopy.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Tanja Mehlstäubler (

Multiple postdoc positions are available in the NIST Ion Storage Group in Colorado, USA. Topics include quantum simulation and sensing in a Penning trap, trapped-ion quantum computing, trapped-ion optical clocks, and quantum state control and precision spectroscopy of single molecular ions.
Contact: John Bollinger or any of the NIST Ion Storage group staff

The research group of C. Ospelkaus at the University of Hannover is looking for a postdoctoral research associate on their Penning trap experiment, which aims to implement quantum logic spectroscopy of (anti-)protons for tests of the fundamental CPT symmetry as part of the BASE collaboration.
Contact: Dr. Christian Ospelkaus (

A postdoc position is available at the Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, USA on a project trapping lutetium ions for precision measurements.
Contact: Dr. Matt Grau (

two openings for PhD positions in the Molecular Systems group headed by Roland Wester at the University of Innsbruck. One position is part of a research project in collaboration with the University of Bordeaux on classical versus quantum effects in three-body collisions of cold trapped ions, funded through the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). The second position is part of a collaborative project on controlling
trapped charged nanoparticles, funded through the Austrian excellence cluster QuantA.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Roland Wester (

The Imperial College Particle Physics Group has a postgraduate studentship available to work on laser measurements of cold exotic helium atoms that contain antiprotons at the new ELENA facility of CERN in Geneva. This allows us to probe the matter-antimatter symmetry and determine the mass ratio between an antiproton and electron. We hope to be relatively flexible with regards to the exact PhD topic depending on the candidate’s interests. The studentship covers a maintenance bursary similar to standard STFC studentships.


Bilayer Crystals of Trapped Ions for Quantum Information Processing
Samarth Hawaldar, Prakriti Shahi, Allison L. Carter, Ana Maria Rey, John J. Bollinger, and Athreya Shankar
Phys. Rev. X 14, 031030 (2024)

Coherent coupling and non-destructive measurement of trapped-ion mechanical oscillators
Pan-Yu Hou, Jenny J. Wu, Stephen D. Erickson, Daniel C. Cole, Giorgio Zarantonello, Adam D. Brandt, Shawn Geller, Alex Kwiatkowski, Scott Glancy, Emanuel Knill, Andrew C. Wilson, Daniel H. Slichter & Dietrich Leibfried
Nature Physics (2024)

Demonstration of Fault-Tolerant Steane Quantum Error Correction
Lukas Postler, Friederike Butt, Ivan Pogorelov, Christian D. Marciniak, Sascha Heußen, Rainer Blatt, Philipp Schindler, Manuel Rispler, Markus Müller, and Thomas Monz
PRX Quantum 5, 030326 (2024)

Determination of the ground-state hyperfine splitting of trapped 171Yb+ ions
Editor’s Pick
J. Z. Han, N. C. Xin, J. W. Zhang, Y. M. Yu, J. G. Li, L. Qian, L. J. Wang
Journal: Applied Physics Letters
Appl. Phys. Lett. 125, 084002 (2024)

Electroweak Nuclear Properties from Single Molecular Ions in a Penning Trap
J. Karthein, S. M. Udrescu, S. B. Moroch, I. Belosevic, K. Blaum, A. Borschevsky, Y. Chamorro, D. DeMille, J. Dilling, R. F. Garcia Ruiz, N. R. Hutzler, L. F. Pašteka, and R. Ringle
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 033003 – Published 19 July 2024

Enhancing the electron pair approximation with measurements on trapped-ion quantum computers
Luning Zhao, Qingfeng Wang, Joshua J. Goings, Kyujin Shin, Woomin Kyoung, Seunghyo Noh, Young Min Rhee & Kyungmin Kim
npj Quantum Information volume 10, Article number: 76 (2024)

Individually Addressed Quantum Gate Interactions Using Dynamical Decoupling
M.C. Smith, A.D. Leu, M.F. Gely, and D.M. Lucas
PRX Quantum 5, 030321 (2024)

In situ characterization of qubit-drive phase distortions
M.F. Gely, J.M.A. Litarowicz, A.D. Leu, and D.M. Lucas
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 024001 (2024)

Integrated photonic structures for photon-mediated entanglement of trapped ions
Knollmann, F. W.; Clements, E.; Callahan, P. T.; Gehl, M.; Hunker, J. D.; Mahony, T.; McConnell, R.; Swint, R.; Sorace-Agaskar, C.; Chuang, I. L.; Chiaverini, J.; Stick, D.
open access Optica Quantum 2(4) 230-244

Lift-connected surface codes
Josias Old, Manuel Rispler and Markus Müller
2024 Quantum Sci. Technol. 9 045012

Long-range-enhanced surface codes
Yifan Hong, Matteo Marinelli, Adam M. Kaufman, and Andrew Lucas
Phys. Rev. A 110, 022607 (2024)

Low cross-talk optical addressing of trapped-ion qubits using a novel integrated photonic chip
Ana S. Sotirova, Bangshan Sun, Jamie D. Leppard, Andong Wang, Mohan Wang, Andres Vazquez-Brennan, David P. Nadlinger, Simon Moser, Alexander Jesacher, Chao He, Fabian Pokorny, Martin J. Booth & Christopher J. Ballance
Light: Science & Applications volume 13, Article number: 199 (2024)

Measuring the Loschmidt Amplitude for Finite-Energy Properties of the Fermi-Hubbard Model on an Ion-Trap Quantum Computer
Kévin Hémery, Khaldoon Ghanem, Eleanor Crane, Sara L. Campbell, Joan M. Dreiling, Caroline Figgatt, Cameron Foltz, John P. Gaebler, Jacob Johansen, Michael Mills, Steven A. Moses, Juan M. Pino, Anthony Ransford, Mary Rowe, Peter Siegfried, Russell P. Stutz, Henrik Dreyer, Alexander Schuckert, and Ramil Nigmatullin
PRX Quantum 5, 030323 (2024)

Noise-Aware Variational Eigensolvers: A Dissipative Route for Lattice Gauge Theories
Jesús Cobos, David F. Locher, Alejandro Bermudez, Markus Müller, and Enrique Rico
PRX Quantum 5, 030340 (2024) –

Photodissociation spectra of single trapped CaOH+ molecular ions
Zhenlin Wu, Stefan Walser, Verena Podlesnic, Mariano Isaza-Monsalve, Elyas Mattivi, Guanqun Mu, René Nardi, Piotr Gniewek, Michał Tomza, Brandon J. Furey, Philipp Schindler
Journal: The Journal of Chemical Physics
J. Chem. Phys. 161, 044304 (2024)

Precise control and non-destructive readout of quantum states of ion motion
Research Briefing
Published: 29 July 2024
Nature Physics (2024)

Preparing pure Ca samples in an ion trap with photoionization and parametric excitations
C.-H. Kuo, Y.-C. Hsiao, C.-Y. Jhang, Y.-D. Chen & S. Tung
Scientific Reports volume 14, Article number: 18524 (2024)

Preserving a qubit during state-destroying operations on an adjacent qubit at a few micrometers distance
Sainath Motlakunta, Nikhil Kotibhaskar, Chung-You Shih, Anthony Vogliano, Darian McLaren, Lewis Hahn, Jingwen Zhu, Roland Hablützel & Rajibul Islam
Nature Communications volume 15, Article number: 6575 (2024)

Prospects of nuclear-coupled-dark-matter detection via correlation spectroscopy of I+2 and Ca+
Eric Madge, Gilad Perez, and Ziv Meir
Phys. Rev. D 110, 015008 – Published 8 July 2024

Randomised benchmarking for universal qudit gates
David Amaro-Alcalá1,2,3, Barry C Sanders1 and Hubert de Guise1,2
New Journal of Physics, Volume 26, July 2024

Realization of a chip-based hybrid trapping setup for 87Rb atoms and Yb+ ion crystals
A. Bahrami, F. Schmidt-Kaler
Journal: Review of Scientific Instruments
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 083201 (2024)

Robust and Deterministic Preparation of Bosonic Logical States in a Trapped Ion
V. G. Matsos, C. H. Valahu, T. Navickas, A. D. Rao, M. J. Millican, X. C. Kolesnikow, M. J. Biercuk, and T. R. Tan
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 050602 (2024) –

Spin-boson model under dephasing: Markovian versus non-Markovian dynamics
Naushad Ahmad Kamar, Daniel A. Paz, and Mohammad F. Maghrebi
Phys. Rev. B 110, 075126 (2024)

Two-mode squeezing and SU(1,1) interferometry with trapped ions
J. Metzner, A. Quinn, S. Brudney, I. D. Moore, S. C. Burd, D. J. Wineland, and D. T. C. Allcock
Phys. Rev. A 110, 022613 (2024)


A Single-Ion Information Engine for Charging Quantum Battery
Authors: Jialiang Zhang, Pengfei Wang, Wentao Chen, Zhengyang Cai, Mu Qiao, Riling Li, Yingye Huang, Haonan Tian, Henchao Tu, Kaifeng Cui, Leilei Yan, Junhua Zhang, Jingning Zhang, Manhong Yung, Kihwan Kim

An iterative transversal CNOT decoder
Authors: Kwok Ho Wan, Mark Webber, Austin G. Fowler, Winfried K. Hensinger

Atomic fluorescence collection into planar photonic devices
Authors: Orion Smedley, Vighnesh Natarajan, Oscar Jaramillo, Hamim Mahmud Rivy, Karan K. Mehta

Constructing the spin-1 Haldane phase on a qudit quantum processor
Authors: C. L. Edmunds, E. Rico, I. Arrazola, G. K. Brennen, M. Meth, R. Blatt, M. Ringbauer

Demonstration of a CAFQA-bootstrapped Variational
Quantum Eigensolver on a Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer
Authors: Qingfeng Wang, Liudmila Zhukas, Qiang Miao, Aniket S. Dalvi, Peter J. Love, Christopher Monroe, Frederic T. Chong, Gokul Subramanian Ravi

Design and demonstration of an operating system for executing applications on quantum network nodes
Authors: Carlo Delle Donne, Mariagrazia Iuliano, Bart van der Vecht, Guilherme Maciel Ferreira, Hana Jirovská, Thom van der Steenhoven, Axel Dahlberg, Matt Skrzypczyk, Dario Fioretto, Markus Teller, Pavel Filippov, Alejandro Rodríguez-Pardo Montblanch, Julius Fischer, Benjamin van Ommen, Nicolas Demetriou, Dominik Leichtle, Luka Music, Harold Ollivier, Ingmar te Raa, Wojciech Kozlowski, Tim Taminiau, Przemysław Pawełczak, Tracy Northup, Ronald Hanson, Stephanie Wehner

Dipolar ordering transitions in many-body quantum optics: Analytical diagrammatic approach to equilibrium quantum spins
Authors: Benedikt Schneider, Ruben Burkard, Beatriz Olmos, Igor Lesanovsky, Björn Sbierski

Electromagnetically-Induced-Transparency Cooling with a Tripod Structure in a Hyperfine Trapped Ion with Mixed-Species Crystals
Authors: J. J. Wu, P. -Y. Hou, S. D. Erickson, A. D. Brandt, Y. Wan, G. Zarantonello, D. C. Cole, A. C. Wilson, D. H. Slichter, D. Leibfried

Electromagnetically-Induced-Transparency Cooling of High-Nuclear-Spin Ions
Authors: Chuanxin Huang, Chenxi Wang, Hongxuan Zhang, Hongyuan Hu, Zuqing Wang, Zhichao Mao, Shijiao Li, Panyu Hou, Yukai Wu, Zichao Zhou, Luming Duan

End-to-End Protocol for High-Quality QAOA Parameters with Few Shots
Authors: Tianyi Hao, Zichang He, Ruslan Shaydulin, Jeffrey Larson, Marco Pistoia

Experiments with the 4D Surface Code on a QCCD Quantum Computer
Authors: Noah Berthusen, Joan Dreiling, Cameron Foltz, John P. Gaebler, Thomas M. Gatterman, Dan Gresh, Nathan Hewitt, Michael Mills, Steven A. Moses, Brian Neyenhuis, Peter Siegfried, David Hayes

Exploring atom-ion Feshbach resonances below the s-wave limit
Fabian Thielemann, Joachim Siemund, Daniel von Schoenfeld, Wei Wu, Pascal Weckesser, Krzysztof Jachymski, Thomas Walker, Tobias Schaetz

Few-Shot, Robust Calibration of Single Qubit Gates Using Bayesian Robust Phase Estimation
Authors: Travis Hurant, Ke Sun, Zhubing Jia, Jungsang Kim, Kenneth R. Brown

Hamiltonian learning for 300 trapped ion qubits with long-range couplings
Authors: S. -A. Guo, Y. -K. Wu, J. Ye, L. Zhang, Y. Wang, W. -Q. Lian, R. Yao, Y. -L. Xu, C. Zhang, Y. -Z. Xu, B. -X. Qi, P. -Y. Hou, L. He, Z. -C. Zhou, L. -M. Duan

High-precision mass measurements of the ground and isomeric states in 124,125Ag
J. Ruotsalainen, D. A. Nesterenko, M. Stryjczyk, A. Kankainen, L. Al Ayoubi, O. Beliuskina, L. Canete, P. Chauveau, R. P. de Groote, P. Delahaye, T. Eronen, M. Flayol, Z. Ge, S. Geldhof, W. Gins, M. Hukkanen, A. Jaries, D. Kahl, D. Kumar, I. D. Moore, S. Nikas, H. Penttilä, D. Pitman-Weymouth, A. Raggio, S. Rinta-Antila, A. de Roubin, M. Vilen, V. Virtanen, M. Winter

Learning symmetry-protected topological order from trapped-ion experiments
Authors: Nicolas Sadoune, Ivan Pogorelov, Claire L. Edmunds, Giuliano Giudici, Giacomo Giudice, Christian D. Marciniak, Martin Ringbauer, Thomas Monz, Lode Pollet

Long-lived metastable-qubit memory
Authors: Xiaoyang Shi, Jasmine Sinanan-Singh, Kyle DeBry, Susanna L. Todaro, Isaac L. Chuang, John Chiaverini

Measuring a single atom’s position with extreme sub-wavelength resolution and force measurements in the yoctonewton range
Authors: P. H. Huber, P. Barthel, Th. Sriarunothai, G. S. Giri, S. Wölk, Ch. Wunderlich

Quantum Computing Universal Thermalization Dynamics in a (2+1)D Lattice Gauge Theory
Authors: Niklas Mueller, Tianyi Wang, Or Katz, Zohreh Davoudi, Marko Cetina

Recoil-free Quantum Gates with Optical Qubits
Authors: Zhao Zhang, Léo Van Damme, Marco Rossignolo, Lorenzo Festa, Max Melchner, Robin Eberhard, Dimitrios Tsevas, Kevin Mours, Eran Reches, Johannes Zeiher, Sebastian Blatt, Immanuel Bloch, Steffen J. Glaser, Andrea Alberti

Scalable High-Dimensional Multipartite Entanglement with Trapped Ions
Authors: Harsh Vardhan Upadhyay, Sanket Kumar Tripathy, Ting Rei Tan, Baladitya Suri, Athreya Shankar

Scaling and assigning resources on ion trap QCCD architectures
Authors: Anabel Ovide, Daniele Cuomo, Carmen G. Almudever

Simulating open-system molecular dynamics on analog quantum computers
Authors: V. C. Olaya-Agudelo, B. Stewart, C. H. Valahu, R. J. MacDonell, M. J. Millican, V. G. Matsos, F. Scuccimarra, T. R. Tan, I. Kassal

Stabilization of cat-state manifolds using nonlinear reservoir engineering
Authors: Ivan Rojkov, Matteo Simoni, Elias Zapusek, Florentin Reiter, Jonathan Home
Solving an Industrially Relevant Quantum Chemistry Problem on Quantum Hardware
Authors: Ludwig Nützel, Alexander Gresch, Lukas Hehn, Lucas Marti, Robert Freund, Alex Steiner, Christian D. Marciniak, Timo Eckstein, Nina Stockinger, Stefan Wolf, Thomas Monz, Michael Kühn, Michael J. Hartmann

Strong coherent ion-electron coupling using a wire data bus
Authors: Baiyi Yu, Ralf Betzholz, Jianming Cai

ITN Newsletter – July 2024


Dear Ion Trappers,
we’d like to draw your attention to an exciting opportunity: Frontiers in Quantum Science and Technology has announced a special issue on “Micromotion in Trapped Ion Systems.” Submissions are now open. For more details and submission guidelines, visit Frontiers in Quantum Science and Technology.
We’re truly grateful for the ongoing engagement from the iontrap community, who keep the conversation lively by sharing their latest news, events, jobs, publications, and editorials. Visit the ITN-Website ( where you can download the current and archived issues and send us your submissions and events directly using the forms. Please continue to send us your thoughts; your contributions make our newsletter vibrant and enriching.


YAO2024 (Young Atom Opticians) conference, organised this year by CESQ at the University of Strasbourg, June 30th to July 5th, 2024. Details

28th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO),  July 1st – 5th, 2024, in Olomouc, Czech Republic

European Frequency and Time Seminar, is a nonprofit intensive full-week seminar intended to provide education and training with lectures and lab sessions in Besancon, France, from July 1-5, 2024. Details

Early Career Conference in Trapped Ions (ECCTI) 2024
ECCTI is intended to connect a broad community with very diverse scientific goals with common technical challenges. The event will have a focus on Atomic Clocks, Quantum Information & Computation, Quantum Simulation, Quantum Technologies, Antimatter Physics, Precision & Molecular Spectroscopy, and Nuclear Physics. The event will take place from July 7-12, 2024, at the Viktor-Franz-Hess Haus in Austria. Details

ICAP 2024: The 28th International Conference on Atomic Physics, July 14-19, 2024 at the Imperial College, London. Details

QSim 2024, the 2nd Annual Conference on Quantum Simulation in Rhode Island, USA, August 12-16,  2024. The conference will be preceded by a 3-day summer school from August 9-11 at the same location. The focus of the summer school will be on many-body systems, combining both theoretical and numerical techniques with examples from quantum hardware experiments. Details

NIST Time and Frequency Seminar covers precision clocks and oscillators, atomic frequency standards, rf and optical synchronization, optical oscillators, quantum information, optical cooling and heating; making precise frequency, time, phase-noise, and jitter measurements; and establishing measurement accuracy and traceability. It will be held will be held at the Boulder, CO campus from August 13-15 2024. Details

15th International Symposium on Electron Beam Ion Sources and Traps (EBIST2024) will be held on 27-30 August 2024 at the Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Poland. Details

North American Conference on Trapped Ions (NACTI), UCLA, August 13-16, 2024. Details

IMEKO 2024, 26-29 August 2024, Hamburg. Details

EBIS 2024 in Kielce in the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland) from August 27 to 30, 2024. Details

HCI-21 Sept 1 – Sept 6, 2024 in Amsterdam. Details

QTech 2024: Quantum Technology International conference 2024. This third edition will be held in Berlin, from September 10 to September 12 2024. Detail

ECAMP15 (15th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons), a triennial conference series, will take place in Innsbruck, Austria from June 30th to July 4th, 2025. Details

ECTI 2025, Save the Date: September 8 – 12, 2025 in the Netherlands. More information to follow.

The Greenhorn Meeting is a conference, which targets junior researchers (those who are within the first-half of PhD or in the last year of their masters) working in the research areas of quantum optics, nano optics, atomic physics and ultra-cold atomic gases. It will take place fom September 10th – 12th in Siegen. Details

817 Heraeus seminar on Precision Atomic Physics Experiments to Probe for New Physics“, 23.-27.9.2024 in Bad Honnef. Details

Quantum Physics with Trapped Particles at Monte Verita, close to Ascona, Switzerland, on October 13-18, 2024. Details

Atomic Clock Ensemble in Space (ACES) Workshop, ESTEC, the Netherlands from the 23rd to the 25th of October 2024 Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


A fully funded, 3-year PhD position is available in the laboratory of Metrology, trapped ions and cold molecules at the European Center for Quantum Sciences (CESQ) in Strasbourg, France. This PhD topic concerns the trapping and cooling of dipolar molecular ions as well as their spectroscopic characterization using a frequency-comb laser. More details can be found in attachment or on the Euraxess platform.
Contact: Cyrille Solaro (

Several PostDoc and PhD positions available at PTB in Braunschweig and Leibniz University Hannover in the Quantum Logic Spectroscopy Group of Piet Schmidt . Topics include laboratory and transportable aluminium ion clocks, multi-ion calcium clock using dynamical decoupling and entanglement, as well as highly charged ion clocks.
Contact: Dr. Piet Schmidt (

PhD positions available at the University of Padova (Italy) for a new trapped ion experiment. Potential research directions include quantum simulations on ion strings, interfacing of ion traps with photonics chips, and development of surface electrode traps with integrated photonics.
Contact: Dr. Carmelo Mordini (

PhD and postdoc positions available in the group of Tanja Mehlstäubler at PTB, working on optical clocks based on trapped ion Coulomb crystals. Topics include new interrogation protocols for multi-ensemble clocks, quantum-enhanced clock operation, ground-state cooling of mixed-species Coulomb crystals and tests of fundamental physics with precision spectroscopy.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Tanja Mehlstäubler (

The research group of C. Ospelkaus at the University of Hannover is looking for a postdoctoral research associate on their Penning trap experiment, which aims to implement quantum logic spectroscopy of (anti-)protons for tests of the fundamental CPT symmetry as part of the BASE collaboration.
Contact: Dr. Christian Ospelkaus (

A postdoc position is available at the Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, USA on a project trapping lutetium ions for precision measurements.
Contact: Dr. Matt Grau (

two openings for PhD positions in the Molecular Systems group headed by Roland Wester at the University of Innsbruck. One position is part of a research project in collaboration with the University of Bordeaux on classical versus quantum effects in three-body collisions of cold trapped ions, funded through the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). The second position is part of a collaborative project on controlling
trapped charged nanoparticles, funded through the Austrian excellence cluster QuantA.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Roland Wester (

Multiple postdoc positions are available in the NIST Ion Storage Group in Colorado, USA. Topics include quantum simulation and sensing in a Penning trap, trapped-ion quantum computing, trapped-ion optical clocks, and quantum state control and precision spectroscopy of single molecular ions.
Contact: John Bollinger or any of the NIST Ion Storage group staff

The Imperial College Particle Physics Group has a postgraduate studentship available to work on laser measurements of cold exotic helium atoms that contain antiprotons at the new ELENA facility of CERN in Geneva. This allows us to probe the matter-antimatter symmetry and determine the mass ratio between an antiproton and electron. We hope to be relatively flexible with regards to the exact PhD topic depending on the candidate’s interests. The studentship covers a maintenance bursary similar to standard STFC studentships.

The Ion trap systems team at Infineon is looking for an ion trap development engineer.  This is a full-time, permanent position in Austria with an entry level of 3-5 years.


Please send information about your publications to

A self-referenced optical phase noise analyzer for quantum technologies
R. Freund, Ch. D. Marciniak, T. Monz
Journal: Review of Scientific Instruments
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 063005 (2024)

Bilayer ion trap design for 2D arrays
Gavin N Nop, Jonathan D H Smith, Daniel Stick and Durga Paudyal
2024 Quantum Sci. Technol. 9 035015

Chiral quantum heating and cooling with an optically controlled ion
Jin-Tao Bu, Jian-Qi Zhang, Ge-Yi Ding, Jia-Chong Li, Jia-Wei Zhang, Bin Wang, Wen-Qiang Ding, Wen-Fei Yuan, Liang Chen, Qi Zhong, Ali Keçebaş, Şahin K. Özdemir, Fei Zhou, Hui Jing & Mang Feng Light: Science & Applications volume 13, Article number: 143 (2024)

Comparison of continuous and pulsed sideband cooling on an electric quadrupole transition
Evan C. Reed, Lu Qi, and Kenneth R. Brown
Phys. Rev. A 110, 013123 (2024)

Deterministic preparation of a dual-species two-ion crystal
Maximilian J. Zawierucha, Till Rehmert, Jonas Keller, Tanja E. Mehlstäubler, Piet O. Schmidt, and Fabian Wolf
Phys. Rev. A 110, 013107 (2024)

Electroweak Nuclear Properties from Single Molecular Ions in a Penning Trap
J. Karthein, S. M. Udrescu, S. B. Moroch, I. Belosevic, K. Blaum, A. Borschevsky, Y. Chamorro, D. DeMille, J. Dilling, R. F. Garcia Ruiz, N. R. Hutzler, L. F. Pašteka, and R. Ringle
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 033003 (2024)

Exploring Quantum Mpemba Effects
Ulrich Warring
Physics 17, 105, July 1, 2024

Fault-tolerant one-bit addition with the smallest interesting color code

Image-Current Mediated Sympathetic Laser Cooling of a Single Proton in a Penning Trap Down to 170 mK Axial TemperatureC. Will, M. Wiesinger, P. Micke, H. Yildiz, T. Driscoll, S. Kommu, F. Abbass, B. P. Arndt, B. B. Bauer, S. Erlewein, M. Fleck, J. I. Jäger, B. M. Latacz, A. Mooser, D. Schweitzer, G. Umbrazunas, E. Wursten, K. Blaum, J. A. Devlin, C. Ospelkaus, W. Quint, A. Soter, J. Walz, C. Smorra, and S. Ulmer (BASE Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 023002 (2024) –

Implementing fault-tolerant non-Clifford gates using the [[8,3,2]] color code
Daniel Honciuc Menendez, Annie Ray, and Michael Vasmer
Phys. Rev. A 109, 062438 (2024) –

Individual Addressing and State Readout of Trapped Ions Utilizing Radio-Frequency Micromotion
Nathan K. Lysne, Justin F. Niedermeyer, Andrew C. Wilson, Daniel H. Slichter, and Dietrich Leibfried
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 033201 (2024)

Inverse Mpemba Effect Demonstrated on a Single Trapped Ion Qubit
Shahaf Aharony Shapira, Yotam Shapira, Jovan Markov, Gianluca Teza, Nitzan Akerman, Oren Raz, and Roee Ozeri
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 010403 (2024)

Josephson voltage standards as ultra-stable low-noise voltage sources for precision Penning-trap experiments
A. Kaiser, S. Dickopf, M. Door, R. Behr, U. Beutel, S. Eliseev, A. Kaushik, K. Kromer, M. Müller, L. Palafox, S. Ulmer, A. Mooser, K. Blaum
Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 224002 (2024)

Lift-connected surface codes
Josias Old, Manuel Rispler and Markus Müller
2024 Quantum Sci. Technol. 9 045012

Measurement of infrared magic wavelength for an all-optical trapping of 40Ca+ ion clock
Yao Huang, Miao Wang, Zheng Chen, Chengbin Li, Huaqing Zhang, Baolin Zhang, Liyan Tang, Tingyun Shi, Hua Guan and Ke-Lin Gao
2024 New J. Phys. 26 043021

Multi-ion Frequency Reference Using Dynamical Decoupling
Lennart Pelzer, Kai Dietze, Víctor José Martínez-Lahuerta, Ludwig Krinner, Johannes Kramer, Fabian Dawel, Nicolas C. H. Spethmann, Klemens Hammerer, and Piet O. Schmidt
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 033203 (2024) –

Quantum computation with logical gates between hot systems
Ferran Riera-Sàbat, Pavel Sekatski, and Wolfgang Dür
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 033101 (2024)

Observing the Quantum Mpemba Effect in Quantum Simulations
Lata Kh. Joshi, Johannes Franke, Aniket Rath, Filiberto Ares, Sara Murciano, Florian Kranzl, Rainer Blatt, Peter Zoller, Benoît Vermersch, Pasquale Calabrese, Christian F. Roos, and Manoj K. Joshi
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 010402 (2024)

Programmable XY-type couplings through parallel spin-dependent forces on the same trapped ion motional modes
Nikhil Kotibhaskar, Chung-You Shih, Sainath Motlakunta, Anthony Vogliano, Lewis Hahn, Yu-Ting Chen, and Rajibul Islam
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 033038 (2024)

Prospects of a thousand-ion Sn2+ Coulomb-crystal clock with sub-10−19 inaccuracy
David R. Leibrandt, Sergey G. Porsev, Charles Cheung & Marianna S. Safronova
Nature Communications volume 15, Article number: 5663 (2024)

Prospects of nuclear-coupled-dark-matter detection via correlation spectroscopy of I+2 and Ca+
Eric Madge, Gilad Perez, and Ziv Meir
Phys. Rev. D 110, 015008 (2024) –

Quantum gates simulation by ions trapped in a linear Paul trap
Basem R. Kazem, Mezher B. Saleh
AIP Conf. Proc. 3097, 090014 (2024)

Robust and fast microwave-driven quantum logic for trapped-ion qubits
M. A. Weber, M. F. Gely, R. K. Hanley, T. P. Harty, A. D. Leu, C. M. Löschnauer, D. P. Nadlinger, and D. M. Lucas
Phys. Rev. A 110, L010601 (2024)

Synthetic gauge theories based on parametric excitations of trapped ions
Oana Bǎzǎvan, Sebastian Saner, Emanuelle Tirrito, Gabriel Araneda, Raghavendra Srinivas & Alejandro Bermudez
Communications Physics volume 7, Article number: 229 (2024)


A Nuclear Interferometer for Ultra-Light Dark Matter Detection
Authors: Hannah Banks, Elina Fuchs, Matthew McCullough

Amplitude-noise-resilient entangling gates for trapped ions
Authors: Nguyen H. Le, Modesto Orozco-Ruiz, Sahra A. Kulmiya, James G. Urquhart, Samuel J. Hile, Winfried K. Hensinger, Florian Mintert

Beyond Energy: Teleporting Current, Charge, and More
Authors: Kazuki Ikeda

Distributed Quantum Computing across an Optical Network Link
Authors: D. Main, P. Drmota, D. P. Nadlinger, E. M. Ainley, A. Agrawal, B. C. Nichol, R. Srinivas, G. Araneda, D. M. Lucas

Dressing trapped ions with integrated wires
Authors: R. Tyler Sutherland

Exactly-solved model of light-scattering errors in quantum simulations with metastable trapped-ion qubits
Authors: Phillip C. Lotshaw, Brian C. Sawyer, Creston D. Herold, Gilles Buchs

Hardware-efficient variational quantum algorithm in trapped-ion quantum computer
Authors: J. -Z. Zhuang, Y. -K. Wu, L. -M. Duan

Hybrid Oscillator-Qubit Quantum Processors: Instruction Set Architectures, Abstract Machine Models, and Applications
Authors: Yuan Liu, Shraddha Singh, Kevin C. Smith, Eleanor Crane, John M. Martyn, Alec Eickbusch, Alexander Schuckert, Richard D. Li, Jasmine Sinanan-Singh, Micheline B. Soley, Takahiro Tsunoda, Isaac L. Chuang, Nathan Wiebe, Steven M. Girvin

Implementation of a scalable universal two-qubit quantum processor with electron and nuclear spins in a trapped ion
Authors: Ji Bian, Teng Liu, Qifeng Lao, Min Ding, Huiyi Zhang, Xinxin Rao, Pengfei Lu, Le Luo

Encoded probabilistic imaginary-time evolution on a trapped-ion quantum computer for ground and excited states of spin qubits
Authors: Hirofumi Nishi, Yuki Takei, Taichi Kosugi, Shunsuke Mieda, Yutaka Natsume, Takeshi Aoyagi, Yu-ichiro Matsushita

Laser Cooling of Radium-225 Ions
Authors: Roy Ready, Haoran Li, Spencer Kofford, Robert Kwapisz, Huaxu Dan, Akshay Sawhney, Mingyu Fan, Craig Holliman, Xiaoyang Shi, Luka Sever-Walter, A. N. Gaiser, J. R. Griswold, A. M. Jayich

Lattices, Gates, and Curves: GKP codes as a Rosetta stone
Authors: Jonathan Conrad, Ansgar G. Burchards, Steven T. Flammia

Microscopic parametrizations for gate set tomography under coloured noise
Authors: P. Viñas, A. Bermudez

Observation of Space-Dependent Rotational Doppler Shifts with a Single Ion Probe
Authors: Nicolás Adrián Nuñez Barreto, Muriel Bonetto, Marcelo Alejandro Luda, Cecilia Cormick, Christian Tomás Schmiegelow

Optical pumping through the Liouvillian skin effect
Authors: De-Huan Cai, Wei Yi, Chen-Xiao Dong

Optimized surface ion trap design for tight confinement and separation of ion chains
Authors: Ilya Gerasin, Nikita Zhadnov, Konstantin Kudeyarov, Ksienia Khabarova, Nikolay Kolachevsky, Ilya Semerikov

Phase-Imaging Ion-Cyclotron-Resonance Mass Spectrometry with the Canadian Penning Trap at CARIBU
Authors: D. Ray, A. A. Valverde, M. Brodeur, F. Buchinger, J. A. Clark, B. Liu, G. E. Morgan, R. Orford, W. S. Porter, G. Savard, K. S. Sharma, X. L. Yan

Quantum control of ion-atom collisions beyond the ultracold regime
Authors: Maks Z. Walewski, Matthew D. Frye, Or Katz, Meirav Pinkas, Roee Ozeri, Michał Tomza
Authors: Michael Fromm, Lucas Katschke, Owe Philipsen, Wolfgang Unger

Resource overheads and attainable rates for trapped-ion lattice surgery
Authors: Hudson Leone, Thinh Le, S. Srikara, Simon Devitt

Scalable, high-fidelity all-electronic control of trapped-ion qubits
Authors: C. M. Löschnauer, J. Mosca Toba, A. C. Hughes, S. A. King, M. A. Weber, R. Srinivas, R. Matt, R. Nourshargh, D. T. C. Allcock, C. J. Ballance, C. Matthiesen, M. Malinowski, T. P. Harty

Scalable improvement of the generalized Toffoli gate realization using trapped-ion-based qutrits
Authors: Anastasiia S. Nikolaeva, Ilia V. Zalivako, Alexander S. Borisenko, Nikita V. Semenin, Kristina P. Galstyan, Andrey E. Korolkov, Evgeniy O. Kiktenko, Ksenia Yu. Khabarova, Ilya A. Semerikov, Aleksey K. Fedorov, Nikolay N. Kolachevsky

Superconducting surface trap chips for microwave-driven trapped ions
Authors: Yuta Tsuchimoto, Ippei Nakamura, Shotaro Shirai, Atsushi Noguchi

The Slow Growth of Entanglement in Long-range Interacting Spins Chains due to Destructive Interference between quasi-Particles
Authors: Peyman Azodi, Herschel A. Rabitz

Thermometry of Trapped Ions Based on Bichromatic Driving
Authors: Xie-Qian Li, Yi Tao, Ting Chen, Wei Wu, Yi Xie, Chun-Wang Wu, Ping-Xing Chen

Towards real-world applications of levitated optomechanics
Authors: Yuanbin Jin, Kunhong Shen, Peng Ju, Tongcang Li

Unitary death of Schrödinger’s cat
Authors: Pavel Stránský, Pavel Cejnar, Radim Filip

Utility of virtual qubits in trapped-ion quantum computers
Authors: Saumya Shivam, Fabian Pokorny, Andres Vazquez-Brennan, Ana S. Sotirova, Jamie D. Leppard, Sophie M. Decoppet, C. J. Ballance, S. L. Sondhi

ITN Newsletter – June 2024


We’re truly grateful for the ongoing engagement from the iontrap community, who keep the conversation lively by sharing their latest news, events, jobs, publications, and editorials. Visit the ITN-Website ( ) where you can download the current and archived issues and send us your submissions and events directly using the forms. Please continue to send us your thoughts; your contributions make our newsletter vibrant and enriching.


YAO2024 (Young Atom Opticians) conference, organised this year by CESQ at the University of Strasbourg, June 30th to July 5th, 2024. Details

28th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO),  July 1st – 5th, 2024, in Olomouc, Czech Republic

European Frequency and Time Seminar, is a nonprofit intensive full-week seminar intended to provide education and training with lectures and lab sessions in Besancon, France, from July 1-5, 2024. Details

Early Career Conference in Trapped Ions (ECCTI) 2024
ECCTI is intended to connect a broad community with very diverse scientific goals with common technical challenges. The event will have a focus on Atomic Clocks, Quantum Information & Computation, Quantum Simulation, Quantum Technologies, Antimatter Physics, Precision & Molecular Spectroscopy, and Nuclear Physics. The event will take place from July 7-12, 2024, at the Viktor-Franz-Hess Haus in Austria. Details

ICAP 2024: The 28th International Conference on Atomic Physics, July 14-19, 2024 at the Imperial College, London. Details

QSim 2024, the 2nd Annual Conference on Quantum Simulation in Rhode Island, USA, August 12-16,  2024. The conference will be preceded by a 3-day summer school from August 9-11 at the same location. The focus of the summer school will be on many-body systems, combining both theoretical and numerical techniques with examples from quantum hardware experiments. Details

NIST Time and Frequency Seminar covers precision clocks and oscillators, atomic frequency standards, rf and optical synchronization, optical oscillators, quantum information, optical cooling and heating; making precise frequency, time, phase-noise, and jitter measurements; and establishing measurement accuracy and traceability. It will be held will be held at the Boulder, CO campus from August 13-15 2024. Details

15th International Symposium on Electron Beam Ion Sources and Traps (EBIST2024) will be held on 27-30 August 2024 at the Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Poland. Details

North American Conference on Trapped Ions (NACTI), UCLA, August 13-16, 2024. Details

IMEKO 2024, 26-29 August 2024, Hamburg. Details

EBIS 2024 in Kielce in the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland) from August 27 to 30, 2024. Details

HCI-21 Sept 1 – Sept 6, 2024 in Amsterdam. Details

QTech 2024: Quantum Technology International conference 2024. This third edition will be held in Berlin, from September 6 to September 12 2024. Details

ECTI 2025, Save the Date: September 8 – 12, 2025 in the Netherlands. More information to follow.

The Greenhorn Meeting is a conference, which targets junior researchers (those who are within the first-half of PhD or in the last year of their masters) working in the research areas of quantum optics, nano optics, atomic physics and ultra-cold atomic gases. It will take place fom September 10th – 12th in Siegen. Details

817 Heraeus seminar on Precision Atomic Physics Experiments to Probe for New Physics“, 23.-27.9.2024 in Bad Honnef. Details

Quantum Physics with Trapped Particles at Monte Verita, close to Ascona, Switzerland, on October 13-18, 2024. Details

Atomic Clock Ensemble in Space (ACES) Workshop, ESTEC, the Netherlands from the 23rd to the 25th of October 2024 Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


A fully funded, 3-year PhD position is available in the laboratory of Metrology, trapped ions and cold molecules at the European Center for Quantum Sciences (CESQ) in Strasbourg, France. This PhD topic concerns the trapping and cooling of dipolar molecular ions as well as their spectroscopic characterization using a frequency-comb laser. More details can be found in attachment or on the Euraxess platform.
Contact: Cyrille Solaro (

Several PostDoc and PhD positions available at PTB in Braunschweig and Leibniz University Hannover in the Quantum Logic Spectroscopy Group of Piet Schmidt . Topics include laboratory and transportable aluminium ion clocks, multi-ion calcium clock using dynamical decoupling and entanglement, as well as highly charged ion clocks.
Contact: Dr. Piet Schmidt (

PhD positions available at the University of Padova (Italy) for a new trapped ion experiment. Potential research directions include quantum simulations on ion strings, interfacing of ion traps with photonics chips, and development of surface electrode traps with integrated photonics.
Contact: Dr. Carmelo Mordini (

PhD and postdoc positions available in the group of Tanja Mehlstäubler at PTB, working on optical clocks based on trapped ion Coulomb crystals. Topics include new interrogation protocols for multi-ensemble clocks, quantum-enhanced clock operation, ground-state cooling of mixed-species Coulomb crystals and tests of fundamental physics with precision spectroscopy.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Tanja Mehlstäubler (

The research group of C. Ospelkaus at the University of Hannover is looking for a postdoctoral research associate on their Penning trap experiment, which aims to implement quantum logic spectroscopy of (anti-)protons for tests of the fundamental CPT symmetry as part of the BASE collaboration.
Contact: Dr. Christian Ospelkaus (

A postdoc position is available at the Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, USA on a project trapping lutetium ions for precision measurements.
Contact: Dr. Matt Grau (

two openings for PhD positions in the Molecular Systems group headed by Roland Wester at the University of Innsbruck. One position is part of a research project in collaboration with the University of Bordeaux on classical versus quantum effects in three-body collisions of cold trapped ions, funded through the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). The second position is part of a collaborative project on controlling
trapped charged nanoparticles, funded through the Austrian excellence cluster QuantA.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Roland Wester (

Multiple postdoc positions are available in the NIST Ion Storage Group in Colorado, USA. Topics include quantum simulation and sensing in a Penning trap, trapped-ion quantum computing, trapped-ion optical clocks, and quantum state control and precision spectroscopy of single molecular ions.
Contact: John Bollinger or any of the NIST Ion Storage group staff

The Imperial College Particle Physics Group has a postgraduate studentship available to work on laser measurements of cold exotic helium atoms that contain antiprotons at the new ELENA facility of CERN in Geneva. This allows us to probe the matter-antimatter symmetry and determine the mass ratio between an antiproton and electron. We hope to be relatively flexible with regards to the exact PhD topic depending on the candidate’s interests. The studentship covers a maintenance bursary similar to standard STFC studentships.

The Ion trap systems team at Infineon is looking for an ion trap development engineer.  This is a full-time, permanent position in Austria with an entry level of 3-5 years.


Please send information about your publications to

171Yb+ optical clock with systematic uncertainty and absolute frequency measurements
A Tofful, C F A Baynham, E A Curtis, A O Parsons, B I Robertson, M Schioppo, J Tunesi, H S Margolis, R J Hendricks, J Whale, R C Thompson and R M Godun Hide full author list
2024 Metrologia 61 045001

Arbitrary quantum circuits on a fully integrated two-qubit computation register for a trapped-ion quantum processor
N. Pulido-Mateo, H. Mendpara, M. Duwe, T. Dubielzig, G. Zarantonello, L. Krinner, and C. Ospelkaus
Phys. Rev. Research 6, L022067 (2024)

Chiral quantum heating and cooling with an optically controlled ion
Jin-Tao Bu, Jian-Qi Zhang, Ge-Yi Ding, Jia-Chong Li, Jia-Wei Zhang, Bin Wang, Wen-Qiang Ding, Wen-Fei Yuan, Liang Chen, Qi Zhong, Ali Keçebaş, Şahin K. Özdemir, Fei Zhou, Hui Jing & Mang Feng
Light: Science & Applications volume 13, Article number: 143 (2024)

Dynamics of quantum discommensurations in the Frenkel-Kontorova chain
Oksana Chelpanova, Shane P. Kelly, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Giovanna Morigi, and Jamir Marino
Phys. Rev. B 109, 214107 (2024)

Efficient site-resolved imaging and spin-state detection in dynamic two-dimensional ion crystals
Robert N. Wolf, Joseph H. Pham, Julian Y. Z. Jee, Alexander Rischka, and Michael J. Biercuk
Phys. Rev. Applied 21, 054067 (2024)

Efficient realization of quantum algorithms with qudits
Anastasiia S. Nikolaeva, Evgeniy O. Kiktenko, Aleksey K. Fedorov in EPJ Quantum Technology
Article Open access 26 June 2024

Identification of a natural fieldlike entanglement resource in trapped-ion chains
Natalie Klco and D. H. Beck
Phys. Rev. A 109, 062419 (2024)

Eliminating Qubit-Type Cross-Talk in the 𝑜⁢𝑚⁢𝑔 Protocol
Samuel R. Vizvary, Zachary J. Wall, Matthew J. Boguslawski, Michael Bareian, Andrei Derevianko, Wesley C. Campbell, and Eric R. Hudson
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 263201 (2024) –

Improved description of trapped ions as a modular electromechanical system
N. Van Horne, M. Mukherjee
Journal: Journal of Applied Physics
J. Appl. Phys. 135, 154401 (2024)

Integrated visible-light polarization rotators and splitters for atomic quantum systems
Hattori, Ashton; Sneh, Tal; Notaros, Milica; Corsetti, Sabrina; Callahan, Patrick T.; Kharas, Dave; Mahony, Thomas; McConnell, Robert; Chiaverini, John; Notaros, Jelena
Optics Letters 49(7) 1794-1797

Low phase noise cavity transmission self-injection locked diode laser system for atomic physics experiments
Krinner, L.; Dietze, K.; Pelzer, L.; Spethmann, N.; Schmidt, P. O.
open access Optics Express 32(9) 15912-15922

Mode-resolved thermometry of a trapped ion with deep learning
Yi Tao, Ting Chen, Hongyang Wang, Jie Zhang, Ting Zhang, Yi Xie, Pingxing Chen, and Wei Wu
Phys. Rev. A 109, 062434 (2024)

Non-Hermitian CHSH* Game with a Single Trapped-Ion Qubit
Xiao Song, 潇 宋, Teng Liu, 腾 刘, Ji Bian, 纪 边, Pengfei Lu, 鹏飞 陆, Yang Liu, 泱 刘Show full author list
2024 Chinese Phys. Lett. 41 060301

Partial-transpose-guided entanglement classes and minimum noise filtering in many-body Gaussian quantum systems
Boyu Gao and Natalie Klco
Phys. Rev. A 109, 062413 (2024)

Quantum variational solving of nonlinear and multidimensional partial differential equations
Abhijat Sarma, Thomas W. Watts, Mudassir Moosa, Yilian Liu, and Peter L. McMahon
Phys. Rev. A 109, 062616 (2024)

Quantum gates simulation by ions trapped in a linear Paul trap
Basem R. Kazem, Mezher B. Saleh
Journal: AIP Conference Proceedings
AIP Conf. Proc. 3097, 090014 (2024)

Scalable narrow linewidth high power laser for barium ion optical qubits
Ahmadi, Morteza; Dutta, Tarun; Mukherjee, Manas
open access Optics Express 32(10) 17879-17892

Simulating the spin-boson model with a controllable reservoir in an ion trap
G.-X. Wang, Y.-K. Wu, R. Yao, W.-Q. Lian, Z.-J. Cheng, Y.-L. Xu, C. Zhang, Y. Jiang, Y.-Z. Xu, B.-X. Qi, P.-Y. Hou, Z.-C. Zhou, L. He, and L.-M. Duan
Phys. Rev. A 109, 062402 (2024) –

Tripartite quantum Rabi model with trapped Rydberg ions
Thomas J. Hamlyn, Chi Zhang, Igor Lesanovsky, and Weibin Li
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 023223 (2024)


A photon-interfaced ten qubit quantum network node
Authors: M. Canteri, Z. X. Koong, J. Bate, A. Winkler, V. Krutyanskiy, B. P. Lanyon

Achieving Cooling Without Repump Lasers Through Ion Motional Heating
Authors: Yue Xiao, Yongxu Peng, Linfeng Chen, Chunhui Li, Zongao Song, Xin Wang, Tao Wang, Yurun Xie, Bin Zhao, Tiangang Yang

Alignment and Optimisation of Optical Tweezers on Trapped Ions
Authors: M. Mazzanti, C. Robalo Pereira, N. A. Diepeveen, B. Gerritsen, Z. Wu, Z. E. D. Ackerman, L. P. H. Gallagher, A. Safavi-Naini, R. Gerritsma, R. X. Schüssler

Ambiguity Clustering: an accurate and efficient decoder for qLDPC codes
Authors: Stasiu Wolanski, Ben Barber

Demonstration of two-dimensional connectivity for a scalable error-corrected ion-trap quantum processor architecture
Authors: Marco Valentini, Martin W. van Mourik, Friederike Butt, Jakob Wahl, Matthias Dietl, Michael Pfeifer, Fabian Anmasser, Yves Colombe, Clemens Rössler, Philip Holz, Rainer Blatt, Markus Müller, Thomas Monz, Philipp Schindler

Dynamical topology of chiral and nonreciprocal state transfers in a non-Hermitian quantum system
Authors: Pengfei Lu, Yang Liu, Qifeng Lao, Teng Liu, Xinxin Rao, Ji Bian, Hao Wu, Feng Zhu, Le Luo

Entangling four logical qubits beyond break-even in a nonlocal code
Authors: Yifan Hong, Elijah Durso-Sabina, David Hayes, Andrew Lucas

Fast Ground State to Ground State Separation of Small Ion Crystals
Authors: Tyler H. Guglielmo, Dietrich Leibfried, Stephen B. Libby, Daniel H. Slichter

Genons, Double Covers and Fault-tolerant Clifford Gates
Authors: Simon Burton, Elijah Durso-Sabina, Natalie C. Brown

High-performance in-vacuum optical system for quantum optics experiments in a Penning-trap
Authors: Joaquín Berrocal, Daniel Rodríguez

High-precision measurements of the atomic mass and electron-capture decay Q value of 95Tc
Authors: Zhuang Ge, Tommi Eronen, Vasile Alin Sevestrean, Ovidiu Niţescu, Sabin Stoica, Marlom Ramalho, Jouni Suhonen, Antoine de Roubin, Dmitrii Nesterenko, Anu Kankainen, Pauline Ascher, Samuel Ayet San Andres, Olga Beliuskina, Pierre Delahaye, Mathieu Flayol, Mathias Gerbaux, Stéphane Grévy, Marjut Hukkanen, Arthur Jaries, Ari Jokinen, Audric Husson, Daid Kahl, Joel Kostensalo, Jenni Kotila, Iain Moore , et al.

Individually Addressed Entangling Gates in a Two-Dimensional Ion Crystal
Authors: Y. -H. Hou, Y. -J. Yi, Y. -K. Wu, Y. -Y. Chen, L. Zhang, Y. Wang, Y. -L. Xu, C. Zhang, Q. -X. Mei, H. -X. Yang, J. -Y. Ma, S. -A. Guo, J. Ye, B. -X. Qi, Z. -C. Zhou, P. -Y. Hou, L. -M. Duan

Identification of highly-forbidden optical transitions in highly charged ions
Authors: Shuying Chen, Lukas J. Spieß, Alexander Wilzewski, Malte Wehrheim, Kai Dietze, Ivan Vybornyi, Klemens Hammerer, Jose R. Crespo Lopez-Urrutia, Piet O. Schmidt

Interacting Mathieu equation, synchronization dynamics and collision-induced velocity exchange in trapped ions
Authors: Asma Benbouza, Xiaoshui Lin, Jin Ming Cui, Ming Gong

Low-Crosstalk, Silicon-Fabricated Optical Waveguides for Laser Delivery to Matter Qubits
Authors: Clayton L. Craft, Nicholas J. Barton, Andrew C. Klug, Kenneth Scalzi, Ian Wildemann, Pramod Asagodu, Joseph D. Broz, Nikola L. Porto, Michael Macalik, Anthony Rizzo, Garrett Percevault, Christopher C. Tison, A. Matthew Smith, Michael L. Fanto, James Schneeloch, Erin Sheridan, Dylan Heberle, Andrew Brownell, Vijay S. S. Sundaram, Venkatesh Deenadayalan, Matthew van Niekerk, Evan Manfreda-Schulz, Gregory A. Howland, Stefan F. Preble, Daniel Coleman , et al.

Observation of a non-Hermitian supersonic mode
Authors: Yuxuan Zhang, Juan Carrasquilla, Yong Baek Kim

Phases and phase transition in Grover’s algorithm with systematic noise
Authors: Sasanka Dowarah, Chuanwei Zhang, Vedika Khemani, Michael H. Kolodrubetz

Physical coherent cancellation of optical addressing crosstalk in a trapped-ion experiment
Authors: Jeremy Flannery, Roland Matt, Luca Huber, Kaizhao Wang, Christopher Axline, Robin Oswald, Jonathan P. Home

Polarisation-insensitive state preparation for trapped-ion hyperfine qubits
Authors: A. D. Leu, M. C. Smith, M. F. Gely, D. M. Lucas

Promise of Graph Sparsification and Decomposition for Noise Reduction in QAOA: Analysis for Trapped-Ion Compilations
Authors: Jai Moondra, Philip C. Lotshaw, Greg Mohler, Swati Gupta

Quantum encoder for fixed Hamming-weight subspaces
Authors: Renato M. S. Farias, Thiago O. Maciel, Giancarlo Camilo, Ruge Lin, Sergi Ramos-Calderer, Leandro Aolita

Quantum nuclear dynamics on a distributed set of ion-trap quantum computing systems
Authors: Anurag Dwivedi, A. J. Rasmusson, Philip Richerme, Srinivasan S. Iyengar

Quantum Machine Learning With Canonical Variables
Authors: Jesús Fuentes

Quantum state preparation for multivariate functions
Authors: Matthias Rosenkranz, Eric Brunner, Gabriel Marin-Sanchez, Nathan Fitzpatrick, Silas Dilkes, Yao Tang, Yuta Kikuchi, Marcello Benedetti

Residue Number System (RNS) based Distributed Quantum Addition
Authors: Bhaskar Gaur, Travis S. Humble, Himanshu Thapliyal

Simulation of sympathetic cooling efficiency in a linear Paul trap
Authors: Oskar Sund, Andreas W. Schell

Supervised binary classification of small-scale digits images with a trapped-ion quantum processor
Authors: Ilia V. Zalivako, Alexander I. Gircha, Anastasiia S. Nikolaeva, Denis A. Drozhzhin, Alexander S. Borisenko, Andrei E. Korolkov, Nikita V. Semenin, Kristina P. Galstyan, Pavel A. Kamenskikh, Vasilii N. Smirnov, Mikhail A. Aksenov, Pavel L. Sidorov, Evgeniy O. Kiktenko, Ksenia Yu. Khabarova, Aleksey K. Fedorov, Nikolay N. Kolachevsky, Ilya A. Semerikov

Ultrasensitive single-ion electrometry in a magnetic field gradient
Authors: F. Bonus, C. Knapp, C. H. Valahu, M. Mironiuc, S. Weidt, W. K. Hensinger

Validity of the Lieb-Schultz-Mattis Theorem in Long-Range Interacting Systems
Authors: Yi-Neng Zhou, Xingyu Li


ITN Newsletter – May 2024


We’re truly grateful for the ongoing engagement from the iontrap community, who keep the conversation lively by sharing their latest news, events, jobs, publications, and editorials. We are thrilled to present the new ITN-Website ( ) where you can download the current and archived issues and send us your submissions and events directly using the forms. Please continue to send us your thoughts; your contributions make our newsletter vibrant and enriching.


Workshop on Quantum Mixtures of Atoms and Ions, Amsterdam will take place rom June 11-13, 2024. The conference aims to bring together experts in the field of cold and ultracold mixtures of atoms and ions and will cover various applications of these systems, including quantum chemistry, quantum impurity physics, ultracold buffer gas cooling, Feshbach resonances, quantum information and spin dynamics. Details

Quantum meets ’24 is a co-created collection of free events presented by Quantum Delta NL from June 11-13, 2024 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Details

55th Conference of the European Group on Atomic Systems (EGAS 55) will take place in Granada (Spain) from June 16th to 20th 2024. Details

Optica Quantum 2.0 Conference and Exhibition, 23 – 27 June 2024, Postillion Hotel & Convention Centre WTC Rotterdam, Netherlands. Details

EFTF 2024, an international conference and exhibition, providing information on recent advances and trends of scientific research and industrial development in the fields of Frequency and Tim, will take place on June 25 – 27 2024, in Neuchâtel, Switzerland. Details

YAO2024 (Young Atom Opticians) conference, organised this year by CESQ at the University of Strasbourg, June 30th to July 5th, 2024. Details

28th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO),  July 1st – 5th, 2024, in Olomouc, Czech Republic

European Frequency and Time Seminar, is a nonprofit intensive full-week seminar intended to provide education and training with lectures and lab sessions in Besancon, France, from July 1-5, 2024. Details

Early Career Conference in Trapped Ions (ECCTI) 2024
ECCTI is intended to connect a broad community with very diverse scientific goals with common technical challenges. The event will have a focus on Atomic Clocks, Quantum Information & Computation, Quantum Simulation, Quantum Technologies, Antimatter Physics, Precision & Molecular Spectroscopy, and Nuclear Physics. The event will take place from July 7-12, 2024, at the Viktor-Franz-Hess Haus in Austria. Details

ICAP 2024: The 28th International Conference on Atomic Physics, July 14-19, 2024 at the Imperial College, London. Details

QSim 2024, the 2nd Annual Conference on Quantum Simulation in Rhode Island, USA, August 12-16,  2024. The conference will be preceded by a 3-day summer school from August 9-11 at the same location. The focus of the summer school will be on many-body systems, combining both theoretical and numerical techniques with examples from quantum hardware experiments. Details

NIST Time and Frequency Seminar covers precision clocks and oscillators, atomic frequency standards, rf and optical synchronization, optical oscillators, quantum information, optical cooling and heating; making precise frequency, time, phase-noise, and jitter measurements; and establishing measurement accuracy and traceability. It will be held will be held at the Boulder, CO campus from August 13-15 2024. Details

15th International Symposium on Electron Beam Ion Sources and Traps (EBIST2024) will be held on 27-30 August 2024 at the Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Poland. Details

North American Conference on Trapped Ions (NACTI), UCLA, August 13-16, 2024

IMEKO 2024, 26-29 August 2024, Hamburg. Details

EBIS 2024 in Kielce in the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland) from August 27 to 30, 2024. Details

HCI-21 Sept 1 – Sept 6, 2024 in Amsterdam. Details

QuTech 2024: Quantum Technology International conference 2024. This third edition will be held in Berlin, from September 6 to September 12 2024.

ECTI 2025, Save the Date: September 8 – 12, 2025 in the Netherlands. More information to follow.

The Greenhorn meeting is a conference, which targets junior researchers (those who are within the first-half of PhD or in the last year of their masters) working in the research areas of quantum optics, nano optics, atomic physics and ultra-cold atomic gases. It will take place fom September 10th – 12th in Siegen. Details

817 Heraeus seminar on Precision Atomic Physics Experiments to Probe for New Physics“, 23.-27.9.2024 in Bad Honnef. Details

Quantum Physics with Trapped Particles at Monte Verita, close to Ascona, Switzerland, on October 13-18, 2024. Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


A fully funded, 3.5-year PhD position is available in the Ion Trap Cavity-QED and Molecular Physics (ITCM) Group in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Sussex. The project is within the Quantum Computing and Simulation Hub.
Contact: Prof Matthias Keller ()
Several PostDoc and PhD positions available at PTB in Braunschweig and Leibniz University Hannover in the Quantum Logic Spectroscopy Group of Piet Schmidt . Topics include laboratory and transportable aluminium ion clocks, multi-ion calcium clock using dynamical decoupling and entanglement, as well as highly charged ion clocks.
Contact: Dr. Piet Schmidt (

PhD positions available at the University of Padova (Italy) for a new trapped ion experiment. Potential research directions include quantum simulations on ion strings, interfacing of ion traps with photonics chips, and development of surface electrode traps with integrated photonics.
Contact: Dr. Carmelo Mordini (

PhD and postdoc positions available in the group of Tanja Mehlstäubler at PTB, working on optical clocks based on trapped ion Coulomb crystals. Topics include new interrogation protocols for multi-ensemble clocks, quantum-enhanced clock operation, ground-state cooling of mixed-species Coulomb crystals and tests of fundamental physics with precision spectroscopy.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Tanja Mehlstäubler (

The research group of C. Ospelkaus at the University of Hannover is looking for a postdoctoral research associate on their Penning trap experiment, which aims to implement quantum logic spectroscopy of (anti-)protons for tests of the fundamental CPT symmetry as part of the BASE collaboration.
Contact: Dr. Christian Ospelkaus (

A postdoc position is available at the Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, USA on a project trapping lutetium ions for precision measurements.
Contact: Dr. Matt Grau (

two openings for PhD positions in the Molecular Systems group headed by Roland Wester at the University of Innsbruck. One position is part of a research project in collaboration with the University of Bordeaux on classical versus quantum effects in three-body collisions of cold trapped ions, funded through the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). The second position is part of a collaborative project on controlling
trapped charged nanoparticles, funded through the Austrian excellence cluster QuantA.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Roland Wester (

Multiple postdoc positions are available in the NIST Ion Storage Group in Colorado, USA. Topics include quantum simulation and sensing in a Penning trap, trapped-ion quantum computing, trapped-ion optical clocks, and quantum state control and precision spectroscopy of single molecular ions.
Contact: John Bollinger or any of the NIST Ion Storage group staff

The Imperial College Particle Physics Group has a postgraduate studentship available to work on laser measurements of cold exotic helium atoms that contain antiprotons at the new ELENA facility of CERN in Geneva. This allows us to probe the matter-antimatter symmetry and determine the mass ratio between an antiproton and electron. We hope to be relatively flexible with regards to the exact PhD topic depending on the candidate’s interests. The studentship covers a maintenance bursary similar to standard STFC studentships.

The Ion trap systems team at Infineon is looking for an ion trap development engineer.  This is a full-time, permanent position in Austria with an entry level of 3-5 years.


Please send information about your publications to

A site-resolved two-dimensional quantum simulator with hundreds of trapped ions
S.-A. Guo, Y.-K. Wu, J. Ye, L. Zhang, W.-Q. Lian, R. Yao, Y. Wang, R.-Y. Yan, Y.-J. Yi, Y.-L. Xu, B.-W. Li, Y.-H. Hou, Y.-Z. Xu, W.-X. Guo, C. Zhang, B.-X. Qi, Z.-C. Zhou, L. He & L.-M. Duan
Nature (2024)


Cold trapped molecular ions and hybrid platforms for ions and neutral particles
Markus Deiß, Stefan Willitsch & Johannes Hecker Denschlag
Nature Physics volume 20, pages 713–721 (2024)

Differentiating enantiomers by directional rotation of ions in a mass spectrometer
SCIENCE 8 Feb 2024 Vol 383, Issue 6683 pp. 612-618

Dynamic laser ablation loading of a linear Paul trap
Lin Li, Zi Li, Xia Hua and Xin Tong
2024 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 57 315205

Efficient site-resolved imaging and spin-state detection in dynamic two-dimensional ion crystals
Robert N. Wolf, Joseph H. Pham, Julian Y. Z. Jee, Alexander Rischka, and Michael J. Biercuk
Phys. Rev. Applied 21, 054067 (2024)

Fault-Tolerant Code-Switching Protocols for Near-Term Quantum Processors
Friederike Butt, Sascha Heußen, Manuel Rispler, and Markus Müller
PRX Quantum 5, 020345 (2024)

Improved description of trapped ions as a modular electromechanical system
N. Van Horne, M. Mukherjee
Journal: Journal of Applied Physics
J. Appl. Phys. 135, 154401 (2024)

Microgram BaCl2 ablation targets for trapped ion experiments
Noah Greenberg, Akbar Jahangiri Jozani, Collin J. C. Epstein, Xinghe Tan, Rajibul Islam, Crystal Senko
Journal: Review of Scientific Instruments
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 045117 (2024)

Noise characterization of an ultra-stable laser for optical clocks
Zhiyuan Wang, Zhiyu Ma, Wenzhe Wei, Jialu Chang, Jingxuan Zhang, Qiyue Wu, Wenhao Yuan, Ke Deng, Zehuang Lu, Jie Zhang
Journal: Review of Scientific Instruments
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 053002 (2024)

Quantum gates simulation by ions trapped in a linear Paul trap
Basem R. Kazem, Mezher B. Saleh
Journal: AIP Conference Proceedings
AIP Conf. Proc. 3097, 090014 (2024)

Josephson voltage standards as ultra-stable low-noise voltage sources for precision Penning-trap experiments
Editor’s Pick
Special Collection: Advances in Quantum Metrology
A. Kaiser ; S. Dickopf ; M. Door ; R. Behr ; U. Beutel; S. Eliseev; A. Kaushik; K. Kromer ; M. Müller ; L. Palafox ; S. Ulmer ; A. Mooser ; K. Blaum
Author & Article Information
Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 224002 (2024)

Majorana modes and their Floquet engineering in a trapped-ion system
Ming-Jian Gao, Yu-Peng Ma, and Jun-Hong An
Phys. Rev. B 109, 184518 (2024

Measurement of infrared magic wavelength for an all-optical trapping of 40Ca+ ion clock
Yao Huang, Miao Wang, Zheng Chen, Chengbin Li, Huaqing Zhang, Baolin Zhang, Liyan Tang, Tingyun Shi, Hua Guan and Ke-Lin Gao
2024 New J. Phys. 26 043021

Multi-site integrated optical addressing of trapped ions
Joonhyuk Kwon, William J. Setzer, Michael Gehl, Nicholas Karl, Jay Van Der Wall, Ryan Law, Matthew G. Blain, Daniel Stick & Hayden J. McGuinness
Nature Communications volume 15, Article number: 3709 (2024) Cite

Non-Hermitian CHSH* game with a single trapped-ion qubit
Xiao Song, Teng Liu, Ji Bian, Pengfei Lu, Yang Liu, Feng Zhu and Le Luo
2024 Chinese Phys. Lett.

Phase-stable traveling waves stroboscopically matched for superresolved observation of trapped-ion dynamics
Florian Hasse, Deviprasath Palani, Robin Thomm, Ulrich Warring, and Tobias Schaetz
Phys. Rev. A 109, 053105 (2024)

Photoinduced charge-carrier dynamics in a semiconductor-based ion trap investigated via motion-sensitive qubit transitions
Woojun Lee, Daun Chung, Honggi Jeon, Beomgeun Cho, KwangYeul Choi, SeungWoo Yoo, Changhyun Jung, Junho Jeong, Changsoon Kim, Dong-Il “Dan” Cho, and Taehyun Kim
Phys. Rev. A 109, 043106 – Published 4 April 2024

Quantum-logic-based 25⁢Mg+-27⁢Al+ optical frequency standard for the redefinition of the SI second
[Phys. Rev. Applied 21, 044017 (2024)]
Z.Y. Ma, K. Deng, Z.Y. Wang, W.Z. Wei, P. Hao, H.X. Zhang, L.R. Pang, B. Wang, F.F. Wu, H.L. Liu, W.H. Yuan, J.L. Chang, J.X. Zhang, Q.Y. Wu, J. Zhang, and Z.H. Lu
Phys. Rev. Applied 21, 059901 (2024) – Published 17 May 2024

Quantum thermodynamics of boundary time-crystals
Federico Carollo, Igor Lesanovsky, Mauro Antezza and Gabriele De Chiara
2024 Quantum Sci. Technol. 9 035024

Robustness of the projected squeezed state protocol
B. J. Alexander, J. J. Bollinger, and M. S. Tame
Phys. Rev. A 109, 052614 (2024) –

Self-diffusion in a strongly coupled non-neutral plasma
Marco Baldovin, Grégoire Vallet, Gaëtan Hagel, Emmanuel Trizac, and Caroline Champenois
Phys. Rev. A 109, 043116

Single-shot error correction on toric codes with high-weight stabilizers
Yingjia Lin, Shilin Huang, and Kenneth R. Brown
Phys. Rev. A 109, 052438 (2024) –

Spectral Signatures of Vibronic Coupling in Trapped Cold Ionic Rydberg Systems
Joseph W. P. Wilkinson, Weibin Li, and Igor Lesanovsky
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 223401 (2024)

Table-top ion-trap experiment on the stability of intense short bunches in linear hadron accelerators
M. Kuroda, A. Kasagaki, H. Okamoto, and K. Ito
Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 27, 054201 (2024) –

The CIPM list ‘Recommended values of standard frequencies’: 2021 update
H S Margolis, G Panfilo, G Petit, C Oates, T Ido and S Bize
2024 Metrologia 61 035005

Trapping with seven-fold enhanced efficiency utilizing an autoionizing resonance
Noah Greenberg, Brendan M White, Pei Jiang Low and Crystal Senko

Tripartite quantum Rabi model with trapped Rydberg ions
Thomas J. Hamlyn, Chi Zhang, Igor Lesanovsky, and Weibin Li
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 023223 (2024)

Ultracold chemistry as a testbed for few-body physics
Tijs Karman, Michał Tomza & Jesús Pérez-Ríos
Nature Physics volume 20, pages 722–729 (2024)

Witnessing entanglement in trapped-ion quantum error correction under realistic noise
Andrea Rodriguez-Blanco, Farid Shahandeh, and Alejandro Bermudez
Phys. Rev. A 109, 052417 (2024)


Analysis of ion chain sympathetic cooling and gate dynamics
Authors: Aditya Paul, Crystal Noel

Benchmarking bosonic modes for quantum information with randomized displacements
Authors: Christophe H. Valahu, Tomas Navickas, Michael J. Biercuk, Ting Rei Tan

Bias-field digitized counterdiabatic quantum optimization
Authors: Alejandro Gomez Cadavid, Archismita Dalal, Anton Simen, Enrique Solano, Narendra N. Hegade

Characterization of ion-trap-induced ac-magnetic fields
Authors: Manoj K. Joshi, Milena Guevara-Bertsch, Florian Kranzl, Rainer Blatt, Christian F. Roos

Chiral quantum heating and cooling with an optically controlled ion
Authors: Jin-Tao Bu, Jian-Qi Zhang, Ge-Yi Ding, Jia-Chong Li, Jia-Wei Zhang, Bin Wang, Wen-Qiang Ding, Wen-Fei Yuan, Liang Chen, Qi Zhong, Ali Keçebaş, Şahin K. Özdemir, Fei Zhou, Hui Jing, Mang Feng

Data augmentation experiments with style-based quantum generative adversarial networks on trapped-ion and superconducting-qubit technologies
Authors: Julien Baglio

Digital-Analog Counterdiabatic Quantum Optimization with Trapped Ions
Authors: Shubham Kumar, Narendra N. Hegade, Alejandro Gomez Cadavid, Murilo Henrique de Oliveira, Enrique Solano, F. Albarrán-Arriagada

Digitized Counterdiabatic Quantum Algorithms for Logistics Scheduling
Authors: Archismita Dalal, Iraitz Montalban, Narendra N. Hegade, Alejandro Gomez Cadavid, Enrique Solano, Abhishek Awasthi, Davide Vodola, Caitlin Jones, Horst Weiss, Gernot Füchsel

Femtosecond laser writing of depressed cladding waveguides in sapphire
Authors: Sarah Winkler, Joachim R. Krenn, Jakob Wahl, Alexander Zesar, Yves Colombe, Klemens Schüppert, Clemens Rössler, Christian Sommer, Philipp Hurdax, Philip Lichtenegger, Bernhard Lamprecht

Generating Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen correlations for teleporting collective spin states in a two dimensional trapped ion crystal
Authors: Muhammad Miskeen Khan, Edwin Chaparro, Bhuvanesh Sundar, Allison Carter, John Bollinger, Klaus Molmer, Ana Maria Rey

Heralded arbitrary graph states with inefficient quantum emitters
Authors: Maxwell Gold, Jianlong Lin, Eric Chitambar, Elizabeth A. Goldschmidt

Implementation of Bα Gates
Authors: M. Karthick Selvan, S. Balakrishnan

Ion-Based Quantum Computing Hardware: Performance and End-User Perspective
Authors: Thomas Strohm, Karen Wintersperger, Florian Dommert, Daniel Basilewitsch, Georg Reuber, Andrey Hoursanov, Thomas Ehmer, Davide Vodola, Sebastian Luber

Numerical Simulations of 3D Ion Crystal Dynamics in a Penning Trap using the Fast Multipole Method
Authors: John Zaris, Wes Johnson, Athreya Shankar, John J. Bollinger, Scott E. Parker

Prospects of nuclear-coupled-dark-matter detection via correlation spectroscopy of I+2 and Ca+
Eric Madge, Gilad Perez, Ziv Meir

Protecting quantum gates from arbitrary single- and two-qubit errors
Authors: Chunfeng Wu, Gangcheng Wang, Xun-Li Feng

Quantum Many-Body Scarring in a Non-Abelian Lattice Gauge Theory
Authors: Giuseppe Calajò, Giovanni Cataldi, Marco Rigobello, Darvin Wanisch, Giuseppe Magnifico, Pietro Silvi, Simone Montangero, Jad C. Halimeh

Realization of a crosstalk-free multi-ion node for long-distance quantum networking
Authors: P. -C. Lai, Y. Wang, J. -X. Shi, Z. -B. Cui, Z. -Q. Wang, S. Zhang, P. -Y. Liu, Z. -C. Tian, Y. -D. Sun, X. -Y. Chang, B. -X. Qi, Y. -Y. Huang, Z. -C. Zhou, Y. -K. Wu, Y. Xu, Y. -F. Pu, L. -M. Duan

Scalable Circuit Cutting and Scheduling in a Resource-constrained and Distributed Quantum System
Authors: Shuwen Kan, Zefan Du, Miguel Palma, Samuel A Stein, Chenxu Liu, Wenqi Wei, Juntao Chen, Ang Li, Ying Mao

Simulating Floquet scrambling circuits on trapped-ion quantum computers
Authors: Kazuhiro Seki, Yuta Kikuchi, Tomoya Hayata, Seiji Yunoki

Strategies for implementing quantum error correction in molecular rotation
Authors: Brandon J. Furey, Zhenlin Wu, Mariano Isaza-Monsalve, Stefan Walser, Elyas Mattivi, René Nardi, Philipp Schindler

Temporally multiplexed ion-photon quantum interface via fast ion-chain transport
Authors: Bingran You, Qiming Wu, David Miron, Wenjun Ke, Inder Monga, Erhan Saglamyurek, Hartmut Haeffner

The Algorithm for Solving Quantum Linear Systems of Equations With Coherent Superposition and Its Extended Applications
Authors: Qiqing Xia, Qianru Zhu, Huiqin Xie, Li Yang

The impact of noise on the simulation of NMR spectroscopy on NISQ devices
Authors: Andisheh Khedri, Pascal Stadler, Kirsten Bark, Matteo Lodi, Rolando Reiner, Nicolas Vogt, Michael Marthaler, Juha Leppäkangas

Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulation of Electron Transfer Models with Tunable Dissipation
Authors: Visal So, Midhuna Duraisamy Suganthi, Abhishek Menon, Mingjian Zhu, Roman Zhuravel, Han Pu, Peter G. Wolynes, José N. Onuchic, Guido Pagano

ITN Newsletter – April 2024


We’re truly grateful for the ongoing engagement from the iontrap community, who keep the conversation lively by sharing their latest news, events, jobs, publications, and editorials. Your contributions make our newsletter vibrant and enriching.

Please continue to send us your thoughts to


Workshop on Quantum Mixtures of Atoms and Ions, Amsterdam will take place rom June 11-13, 2024. The conference aims to bring together experts in the field of cold and ultracold mixtures of atoms and ions and will cover various applications of these systems, including quantum chemistry, quantum impurity physics, ultracold buffer gas cooling, Feshbach resonances, quantum information and spin dynamics. Details

Quantum meets ’24 is a co-created collection of free events presented by Quantum Delta NL from June 11-13, 2024 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Details

YAO2024 (Young Atom Opticians) conference, organised this year by CESQ at the University of Strasbourg, June 30th to July 5th, 2024. Details

Early Career Conference in Trapped Ions (ECCTI) 2024
ECCTI is intended to connect a broad community with very diverse scientific goals with common technical challenges. The event will have a focus on Atomic Clocks, Quantum Information & Computation, Quantum Simulation, Quantum Technologies, Antimatter Physics, Precision & Molecular Spectroscopy, and Nuclear Physics. The event will take place from July 7-12, 2024, at the Viktor-Franz-Hess Haus in Austria. Details

ICAP 2024: The 28th International Conference on Atomic Physics, July 14-19, 2024 at the Imperial College, London. Details

QSim 2024, the 2nd Annual Conference on Quantum Simulation in Rhode Island, USA, August 12-16,  2024. The conference will be preceded by a 3-day summer school from August 9-11 at the same location. The focus of the summer school will be on many-body systems, combining both theoretical and numerical techniques with examples from quantum hardware experiments. Details

ECTI 2025, Save the Date: September 8 – 12, 2025 in the Netherlands. More information to follow.

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


The research group of C. Ospelkaus at the University of Hannover offers a team lead position (postdoc) in the field of surface electrode trap design for quantum computing.
Contact: Dr. Christian Ospelkaus ( )

A fully funded, 3.5-year PhD position is available in the Ion Trap Cavity-QED and Molecular Physics (ITCM) Group in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Sussex. The project is within the Quantum Computing and Simulation Hub.
Contact: Prof Matthias Keller ()
Several PostDoc and PhD positions available at PTB in Braunschweig and Leibniz University Hannover in the Quantum Logic Spectroscopy Group of Piet Schmidt . Topics include laboratory and transportable aluminium ion clocks, multi-ion calcium clock using dynamical decoupling and entanglement, as well as highly charged ion clocks.
Contact: Dr. Piet Schmidt (

PhD positions available at the University of Padova (Italy) for a new trapped ion experiment. Potential research directions include quantum simulations on ion strings, interfacing of ion traps with photonics chips, and development of surface electrode traps with integrated photonics.
Contact: Dr. Carmelo Mordini (

PhD and postdoc positions available in the group of Tanja Mehlstäubler at PTB, working on optical clocks based on trapped ion Coulomb crystals. Topics include new interrogation protocols for multi-ensemble clocks, quantum-enhanced clock operation, ground-state cooling of mixed-species Coulomb crystals and tests of fundamental physics with precision spectroscopy.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Tanja Mehlstäubler (

The research group of C. Ospelkaus at the University of Hannover is looking for a postdoctoral research associate on their Penning trap experiment, which aims to implement quantum logic spectroscopy of (anti-)protons for tests of the fundamental CPT symmetry as part of the BASE collaboration.
Contact: Dr. Christian Ospelkaus (

A postdoc position is available at the Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, USA on a project trapping lutetium ions for precision measurements.
Contact: Dr. Matt Grau (

two openings for PhD positions in the Molecular Systems group headed by Roland Wester at the University of Innsbruck. One position is part of a research project in collaboration with the University of Bordeaux on classical versus quantum effects in three-body collisions of cold trapped ions, funded through the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). The second position is part of a collaborative project on controlling
trapped charged nanoparticles, funded through the Austrian excellence cluster QuantA.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Roland Wester (

Multiple postdoc positions are available in the NIST Ion Storage Group in Colorado, USA. Topics include quantum simulation and sensing in a Penning trap, trapped-ion quantum computing, trapped-ion optical clocks, and quantum state control and precision spectroscopy of single molecular ions.
Contact: John Bollinger or any of the NIST Ion Storage group staff

The Imperial College Particle Physics Group has a postgraduate studentship available to work on laser measurements of cold exotic helium atoms that contain antiprotons at the new ELENA facility of CERN in Geneva. This allows us to probe the matter-antimatter symmetry and determine the mass ratio between an antiproton and electron. We hope to be relatively flexible with regards to the exact PhD topic depending on the candidate’s interests. The studentship covers a maintenance bursary similar to standard STFC studentships.

The Ion trap systems team at Infineon is looking for an ion trap development engineer.  This is a full-time, permanent position in Austria with an entry level of 3-5 years.


Please send information about your publications to

Application of RFSoC-based arbitrary waveform generator for coherent control of atomic qubits
Kazunori Maetani, Akinori Machino, Keisuke Koike, Shinichi Morisaka, Toshiki Kobayashi, Kenji Toyoda, Makoto Negoro, Takefumi Miyoshi and Ryutaro Ohira
2024 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.
Bilayer ion trap design for 2D arrays
Gavin N Nop, Jonathan D H Smith, Daniel Stick and Durga Paudyal
2024 Quantum Sci. Technol. 9 035015

Cooling dynamics of a free ion in a Bose-Einstein condensate
Lorenzo Oghittu, Juliette Simonet, Philipp Wessels-Staarmann, Markus Drescher, Klaus Sengstock, Ludwig Mathey, and Antonio Negretti

Phys. Rev. Research 6, 023024 (2024)CP-violation sensitivity of closed-shell radium-containing polyatomic molecular ions
Konstantin Gaul, Nicholas R. Hutzler, Phelan Yu, Andrew M. Jayich, Miroslav Iliaš, and Anastasia Borschevsky
Phys. Rev. A 109, 042819 (2024)

Criticality-enhanced electric field gradient sensor with single trapped ions
Theodoros Ilias, Dayou Yang, Susana F. Huelga & Martin B. Plenio
npj Quantum Information volume 10, Article number: 36 (2024)

Demonstration of chronometric leveling using transportable optical clocks beyond laser coherence limit
Yi Yuan, Kaifeng Cui, Daoxin Liu, Jinbo Yuan, Jian Cao, Dehao Wang, Sijia Chao, Hualin Shu, and Xueren Huang
Phys. Rev. Applied 21, 044052 (2024)

Dynamic laser ablation loading of a linear Paul trap
Lin Li, Zi Li, Xia Hua and Xin Tong
2024 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.

Further Evidence for Shape Coexistence in 79Znm near Doubly Magic 78Ni
L. Nies et al.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 222503 –

Improved description of trapped ions as a modular electromechanical system
N. Van Horne ; M. Mukherjee
J. Appl. Phys. 135, 154401 (2024)

Energy-Conversion Device Using a Quantum Engine with the Work Medium of Two-Atom Entanglement
J.-W. Zhang, B. Wang, W.-F. Yuan, J.-C. Li, J.-T. Bu, G.-Y. Ding, W.-Q. Ding, L. Chen, F. Zhou, and M. Feng
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 180401 (2024)

Enhanced Interactions Using Quantum Squeezing
Wei Qin and Franco Nori
April 17, 2024• Physics 17, 64

Experimental demonstration of enhanced violations of Leggett-Garg inequalities in a PT-symmetric trapped-ion qubit
Pengfei Lu, Xinxin Rao, Teng Liu, Yang Liu, Ji Bian, Feng Zhu, and Le Luo
Phys. Rev. A 109, 042205 (2024)

Experimental Speedup of Quantum Dynamics through Squeezing
S. C. Burd, H. M. Knaack, R. Srinivas, C. Arenz, A. L. Collopy, L. J. Stephenson, A. C. Wilson, D. J. Wineland, D. Leibfried, J. J. Bollinger, D. T. C. Allcock, and D. H. Slichter
PRX Quantum 5, 020314 (2024)

Experimental realization of entangled coherent states in two-dimensional harmonic oscillators of a trapped ion
Honggi Jeon, Jiyong Kang, Jaeun Kim, Wonhyeong Choi, Kyunghye Kim & Taehyun Kim
Scientific Reports volume 14, Article number: 6847 (2024)

Exploiting Nonclassical Motion of a Trapped Ion Crystal for Quantum-Enhanced Metrology of Global and Differential Spin Rotations
R. J. Lewis-Swan, J. C. Zuñiga Castro, D. Barberena, and A. M. Rey
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 163601 (2024) –

Fast Quantum State Preparation and Bath Dynamics Using Non-Gaussian Variational Ansatz and Quantum Optimal Control
Liam J. Bond, Arghavan Safavi-Naini, and Jiří Minář
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 170401 (2024)

Full Bell-basis measurement of an atom-photon 2-qubit state and its application for quantum networks
Elena Arenskötter, Stephan Kucera, Omar Elshehy, Max Bergerhoff, Matthias Kreis, Léandre Brunel, and Jürgen Eschner
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 023061 (2024)

How to Speed up a Quantum Network
David Ehrenstein , April 10, 2024• Physics 17

Indirect Cooling of Weakly Coupled Trapped-Ion Mechanical Oscillators
Pan-Yu Hou, Jenny J. Wu, Stephen D. Erickson, Giorgio Zarantonello, Adam D. Brandt, Daniel C. Cole, Andrew C. Wilson, Daniel H. Slichter, and Dietrich Leibfried
Phys. Rev. X 14, 021003 (2024)

Laser spectroscopy of triply charged 229Th isomer for a nuclear clock
Atsushi Yamaguchi, Yudai Shigekawa, Hiromitsu Haba, Hidetoshi Kikunaga, Kenji Shirasaki, Michiharu Wada & Hidetoshi Katori
Nature (2024)

Loading and identifying various charged thorium ions in a linear ion trap with a time-of-flight mass spectrometer
Zi Li, Lin Li, Xia Hua, Xin Tong
Journal: Journal of Applied Physics
J. Appl. Phys. 135, 144402 (2024)

Measurement of infrared magic wavelength for an all-optical trapping of 40Ca+ ion clock
Yao Huang, Miao Wang, Zheng Chen, Chengbin Li, Huaqing Zhang, Baolin Zhang, Liyan Tang, Tingyun Shi, Hua Guan and Ke-Lin Gao
2024 New J. Phys. 26 043021

Microgram BaCl2 ablation targets for trapped ion experiments
Noah Greenberg, Akbar Jahangiri Jozani, Collin J. C. Epstein , Xinghe Tan, Rajibul Islam; Crystal Senko
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 045117 (2024)

Multimode Ion-Photon Entanglement over 101 Kilometers
V. Krutyanskiy, M. Canteri, M. Meraner, V. Krcmarsky, and B.P. Lanyon
PRX Quantum 5, 020308 (2024) –

Pulse optimization for high-precision motional-mode characterization in trapped-ion quantum computers
Qiyao Liang, Mingyu Kang, Ming Li and Yunseong Nam
2024 Quantum Sci. Technol. 9 035007

Quantum fidelity kernel with a trapped-ion simulation platform
Rodrigo Martínez-Peña, Miguel C. Soriano, and Roberta Zambrini
Phys. Rev. A 109, 042612 (2024

Quantum-logic-based 25Mg+-27Al+ optical frequency standard for the redefinition of the SI second
Z. Y. Ma, K. Deng, Z. Y. Wang, W. Z. Wei, P. Hao, H. X. Zhang, L. R. Pang, B. Wang, F. F. Wu, H. L. Liu, W. H. Yuan, J. L. Chang, J. X. Zhang, Q. Y. Wu, J. Zhang, and Z. H. Lu
Phys. Rev. Applied 21, 044017 (2024)

Quantum sensing for particle physics
Steven D. Bass & Michael Doser
Nature Reviews Physics (2024)

Quantum thermodynamics of boundary time-crystals
Federico Carollo, Igor Lesanovsky, Mauro Antezza and Gabriele De Chiara
2024 Quantum Sci. Technol.

Self-diffusion in a strongly coupled non-neutral plasma
Marco Baldovin, Grégoire Vallet, Gaëtan Hagel, Emmanuel Trizac, and Caroline Champenois
Phys. Rev. A 109, 043116 (2024) –

The 3d2D5/2−2D3/2 magnetic dipole transition in potassium-like ions
Yuyuan Qian, Chunyu Zhang, Yizhuo Zhang, Jihui Chen, Xiaobin Ding, Liangyu Huang, Yang Yang, Yunqing Fu, Chongyang Chen and Ke Yao
2024 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 57 095002

Trapping Ion Coulomb Crystals in an Optical Lattice
Daniel Hoenig, Fabian Thielemann, Leon Karpa, Thomas Walker, Amir Mohammadi, and Tobias Schaetz
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 133003 (2024)

Trapping Ba+ with Seven-fold Enhanced Efficiency Utilizing an Autoionizing Resonance
Noah Greenberg, Brendan White, Pei Jiang Low and Crystal Senko
2024 Quantum Sci. Technol.

Verifiable Blind Quantum Computing with Trapped Ions and Single Photons
P. Drmota, D. P. Nadlinger, D. Main, B. C. Nichol, E. M. Ainley, D. Leichtle, A. Mantri, E. Kashefi, R. Srinivas, G. Araneda, C. J. Ballance, and D. M. Lucas
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 150604 (2024)


A Comprehensive Study on A Tapered Paul Trap: From Design to Potential Applications
Authors: Bo Deng, Moritz Göb, Max Masuhr, Johannes Roßnagel, Georg Jacob, Daqing Wang, Kilian SingerAn energy efficient quantum-enhanced machine
Authors: Waner Hou, Xingyu Zhao, Kamran Rehan, Yi Li, Yue Li, Eric Lutz, Yiheng Lin, Jiangfeng Du

Arbitrary quantum circuits on a fully integrated two-qubit computation register for a trapped-ion quantum processor
Authors: N. Pulido-Mateo, H. Mendpara, M. Duwe, T. Dubielzig, G. Zarantonello, L. Krinner, C. Ospelkaus

Benchmarking logical three-qubit quantum Fourier transform encoded in the Steane code on a trapped-ion quantum computer
Authors: Karl Mayer, Ciarán Ryan-Anderson, Natalie Brown, Elijah Durso-Sabina, Charles H. Baldwin, David Hayes, Joan M. Dreiling, Cameron Foltz, John P. Gaebler, Thomas M. Gatterman, Justin A. Gerber, Kevin Gilmore, Dan Gresh, Nathan Hewitt, Chandler V. Horst, Jacob Johansen, Tanner Mengle, Michael Mills, Steven A. Moses, Peter E. Siegfried, Brian Neyenhuis, Juan Pino, Russell Stutz

Comparative Study of Quantum-Circuit Scalability in a Financial Problem
Authors: Jaewoong Heo, Moonjoo Lee

Correction formulas for the two-qubit Mølmer-Sørensen gate
Authors: Susanna Kirchhoff, Frank K. Wilhelm, Felix Motzoi

Decoherence of a charged Brownian particle in a magnetic field : an analysis of the roles of coupling via position and momentum variables
Authors: Suraka Bhattacharjee, Koushik Mandal, Supurna Sinha

Demonstration of energy extraction gain from non-classical correlations
Authors: Alexander Stahl, Michael Kewming, John Goold, Janine Hilder, Ulrich G. Poschinger, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler

Demonstration of logical qubits and repeated error correction with better-than-physical error rates
Authors: M. P. da Silva, C. Ryan-Anderson, J. M. Bello-Rivas, A. Chernoguzov, J. M. Dreiling, C. Foltz, F. Frachon, J. P. Gaebler, T. M. Gatterman, L. Grans-Samuelsson, D. Hayes, N. Hewitt, J. Johansen, D. Lucchetti, M. Mills, S. A. Moses, B. Neyenhuis, A. Paz, J. Pino, P. Siegfried, J. Strabley, A. Sundaram, D. Tom, S. J. Wernli, M. Zanne

Detecting entanglement from macroscopic measurements of the electric field and its fluctuations
Authors: Pedro Rosario, Alan C. Santos, Nicola Piovella, Robin Kaiser, André Cidrim, Romain Bachelard

Fast photon-mediated entanglement of continuously-cooled trapped ions for quantum networking
Authors: Jameson O’Reilly, George Toh, Isabella Goetting, Sagnik Saha, Mikhail Shalaev, Allison Carter, Andrew Risinger, Ashish Kalakuntla, Tingguang Li, Ashrit Verma, Christopher Monroe

Generally noise-resilient quantum gates for trapped-ions
Authors: Modesto Orozco-Ruiz, Wasim Rehman, Florian Mintert

High-Dimensional Two-Photon Quantum Controlled Phase-Flip Gate
Authors: Mingyuan Chen, Jiangshan Tang, Miao Cai, Franco Nori, Keyu Xia

High-fidelity and Fault-tolerant Teleportation of a Logical Qubit using Transversal Gates and Lattice Surgery on a Trapped-ion Quantum Computer
Authors: C. Ryan-Anderson, N. C. Brown, C. H. Baldwin, J. M. Dreiling, C. Foltz, J. P. Gaebler, T. M. Gatterman, N. Hewitt, C. Holliman, C. V. Horst, J. Johansen, D. Lucchetti, T. Mengle, M. Matheny, Y. Matsuoka, K. Mayer, M. Mills, S. A. Moses, B. Neyenhuis, J. Pino, P. Siegfried, R. P. Stutz, J. Walker, D. Hayes

High-precision measurement of the atomic mass of 84Sr and implications to isotope shift studies
Authors: Z. Ge, S. W. Bai, T. Eronen, A. Jokinen, A. Kankainen, S. Kujanpää, I. D. Moore, D. A. Nesterenko, M. Reponen

Hyperfine-Resolved Rotational Spectroscopy of HCNH+
Authors: Weslley G. D. P. Silva, Luis Bonah, Philipp C. Schmid, Stephan Schlemmer, Oskar Asvany

Individual-Ion Addressing and Readout in a Penning Trap
Authors: Brian J. McMahon, Kenton R. Brown, Creston D. Herold, Brian C. Sawyer

Lindblad-like quantum tomography for non-Markovian quantum dynamical maps
Authors: Santiago Varona, Markus Müller, Alejandro Bermudez

Measurement-Induced Heating of Trapped Ions
Authors: A. J. Rasmusson, Ilyoung Jung, Frank Schroer, Antonis Kyprianidis, Philip Richerme

Optimal Multiparameter Metrology: The Quantum Compass Solution
Authors: Denis V. Vasilyev, Athreya Shankar, Raphael Kaubruegger, Peter Zoller

Orders of Magnitude Improved Cyclotron-Mode Cooling for Non-Destructive Spin Quantum Transition Spectroscopy with Single Trapped Antiprotons
Authors: B. M. Latacz, M. Fleck, J. I. Jaeger, G. Umbrazunas, B. P. Arndt, S. R. Erlewein, E. J. Wursten, J. A. Devlin, P. Micke, F. Abbass, D. Schweitzer, M. Wiesinger, C. Will, H. Yildiz, K. Blaum, Y. Matsuda, A. Mooser, C. Ospelkaus, A. Soter, W. Quint, J. Walz, Y. Yamazaki, C. Smorra, S. Ulmer

Photoexcitation of the 229Th nuclear clock transition using twisted light
Authors: Tobias Kirschbaum, Thorsten Schumm, Adriana Pálffy

Quantum Computers, Quantum Computing and Quantum Thermodynamics
Authors: Fabrizio Cleri

Quantum Digital Simulation of Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics: Insights from Superconducting and Trapped Ion Quantum Testbeds
Authors: Alex H. Rubin, Brian Marinelli, Victoria A. Norman, Zainab Rizvi, Ashlyn D. Burch, Ravi K. Naik, John Mark Kreikebaum, Matthew N. H. Chow, Daniel S. Lobser, Melissa C. Revelle, Christopher G. Yale, Megan Ivory, David I. Santiago, Christopher Spitzer, Marina Krstic-Marinkovic, Susan M. Clark, Irfan Siddiqi, Marina Radulaski

Scatter-Gather DMA Performance Analysis within an SoC-based Control System for Trapped-Ion Quantum Computing
Authors: Tiamike Dudley, Jim Plusquellic, Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou, Joshua Goldberg, Daniel Stick, Daniel Lobser

Single-Atom Verification of the Optimal Trade-Off Between Speed and Cost in Shortcuts to Adiabaticity
Authors: J. -W. Zhang, J. -T. Bu, J. C. Li, Weiquan Meng, W. -Q. Ding, B. Wang, W. -F. Yuan, H. -J. Du, G. -Y. Ding, W. -J. Chen, L. Chen, F. Zhou, Zhenyu Xu, M. Feng

The impact of noise on the simulation of NMR spectroscopy on NISQ devices
Authors: Andisheh Khedri, Pascal Stadler, Kirsten Bark, Matteo Lodi, Rolando Reiner, Nicolas Vogt, Michael Marthaler, Juha Leppäkangas

Towards Energetic Quantum Advantage in Trapped-Ion Quantum Computation
Authors: Francisca Góis, Marco Pezzutto, Yasser Omar

Optimal quantum sensing of the nonlinear bosonic interactions using Fock states
Authors: Payman Mahmoudi, Atirach Ritboon, Radim Filip

ITN Newsletter – March 2024


As we embrace the spirit of Easter, we’re also filled with gratitude for the wonderful community that surrounds us. Since we kicked off our newsletter again in January 2024, we’ve been overwhelmed by the positive feedback and the surge of new subscribers. We’re truly grateful for the ongoing engagement from the iontrap community, who keep the conversation lively by sharing their latest news, events, jobs, publications, and editorials. Your contributions make our newsletter vibrant and enriching.

Please continue to send us your thoughts to


QCTiP 2024 (Quantum Computing Theory in Practice) conference, organized by the Quantum Software Lab at the University of Edinburgh, is planned for April 16th to 18th, 2024. Details

Young Researchers School on Topological aspects of low-dimensional quantum physics is a meeting for young researchers, designed by young researchers, accessible to PhD students in theoretical physics as well as to exceptional MSc students. April 21-27, 2024, Maynooth University, Ireland. Details

Workshop on Quantum Mixtures of Atoms and Ions, Amsterdam will take place rom June 11-13, 2024. The conference aims to bring together experts in the field of cold and ultracold mixtures of atoms and ions and will cover various applications of these systems, including quantum chemistry, quantum impurity physics, ultracold buffer gas cooling, Feshbach resonances, quantum information and spin dynamics. Details

Quantum meets ’24 is a co-created collection of free events presented by Quantum Delta NL from June 11-13, 2024 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Details

YAO2024 (Young Atom Opticians) conference, organised this year by CESQ at the University of Strasbourg, June 30th to July 5th, 2024. Details

Early Career Conference in Trapped Ions (ECCTI) 2024
ECCTI is intended to connect a broad community with very diverse scientific goals with common technical challenges. The event will have a focus on Atomic Clocks, Quantum Information & Computation, Quantum Simulation, Quantum Technologies, Antimatter Physics, Precision & Molecular Spectroscopy, and Nuclear Physics. The event will take place from July 7-12, 2024, at the Viktor-Franz-Hess Haus in Austria. Details

ICAP 2024: The 28th International Conference on Atomic Physics, July 14-19, 2024 at the Imperial College, London. Details

QSim 2024, the 2nd Annual Conference on Quantum Simulation in Rhode Island, USA, August 12-16,  2024. The conference will be preceded by a 3-day summer school from August 9-11 at the same location. The focus of the summer school will be on many-body systems, combining both theoretical and numerical techniques with examples from quantum hardware experiments. Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


PhD position available at VU Amsterdam – Precision measurements of trapped H2+.
This project is about precision measurements of weakly-bound states of H2+ in the THz range to test QED predictions. Molecular ions are selectively prepared using Rydberg states, trapped, and sympathetically cooled using Be+ ions.
Contact: Max Beyer (

The research group of C. Ospelkaus at the University of Hannover offers a team lead position (postdoc) in the field of surface electrode trap design for quantum computing.
Contact: Dr. Christian Ospelkaus ( )

Several PostDoc and PhD positions available at PTB in Braunschweig and Leibniz University Hannover in the Quantum Logic Spectroscopy Group of Piet Schmidt . Topics include laboratory and transportable aluminium ion clocks, multi-ion calcium clock using dynamical decoupling and entanglement, as well as highly charged ion clocks.
Contact: Dr. Piet Schmidt (

PhD and postdoc positions available in the group of Tanja Mehlstäubler at PTB, working on optical clocks based on trapped ion Coulomb crystals. Topics include new interrogation protocols for multi-ensemble clocks, quantum-enhanced clock operation, ground-state cooling of mixed-species Coulomb crystals and tests of fundamental physics with precision spectroscopy.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Tanja Mehlstäubler (

The research group of C. Ospelkaus at the University of Hannover is looking for a postdoctoral research associate on their Penning trap experiment, which aims to implement quantum logic spectroscopy of (anti-)protons for tests of the fundamental CPT symmetry as part of the BASE collaboration.
Contact: Dr. Christian Ospelkaus (

A postdoc position is available at the Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, USA on a project trapping lutetium ions for precision measurements.
Contact: Dr. Matt Grau (

Multiple postdoc positions are available in the NIST Ion Storage Group in Colorado, USA. Topics include quantum simulation and sensing in a Penning trap, trapped-ion quantum computing, trapped-ion optical clocks, and quantum state control and precision spectroscopy of single molecular ions.
Contact: John Bollinger or any of the NIST Ion Storage group staff

The Imperial College Particle Physics Group has a postgraduate studentship available to work on laser measurements of cold exotic helium atoms that contain antiprotons at the new ELENA facility of CERN in Geneva. This allows us to probe the matter-antimatter symmetry and determine the mass ratio between an antiproton and electron. We hope to be relatively flexible with regards to the exact PhD topic depending on the candidate’s interests. The studentship covers a maintenance bursary similar to standard STFC studentships.

PhD position in QUantum-Enhanced Sensing with Trapped IONs (QUESTIONs) at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in the group of Dr. Laura Dreissen. In the project you will develop a trapped-ion system based on Ba+ for quantum sensing and metrology using entangled states.
Contact: Dr. Laura S. Dreissen (

The Ion trap systems team at Infineon is looking for an ion trap development engineer.  This is a full-time, permanent position in Austria with an entry level of 3-5 years.

Various positions at ARCNL
ARCNL is a public-private partnership between the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM), the University of Amsterdam (UvA), the VU University Amsterdam (VU) and the semiconductor equipment manufacturer ASML. ARCNL is seeking candidates trained in experimental physics, chemistry, materials science or engineering with an interest in cutting-edge research, combining fundamental and applied aspects.


Please send information about your publications to

A versatile apparatus for simultaneous trapping of multiple species of ultracold atoms and ions to enable studies of low energy collisions and cold chemistry
Special Collection: 2024 JCP Emerging Investigators Special Collection
Bubai Rahaman , Satyabrata Baidya ,Sourav Dutta
J. Chem. Phys. 160, 064201 (2024)
Competition of the Breit interaction in angular anisotropy of Auger electrons
Z. W. Wu, Y. Li, and S. Fritzsche
Phys. Rev. A 109, 032817 – Published 21 March 2024

Correlation Spectroscopy with Multiqubit-Enhanced Phase Estimation
H. Hainzer, D. Kiesenhofer, T. Ollikainen, M. Bock, F. Kranzl, M. K. Joshi, G. Yoeli, R. Blatt, T. Gefen, and C. F. Roos
Phys. Rev. X 14, 011033 (2024)

Demonstration of a parity-time-symmetry-breaking phase transition using superconducting and trapped-ion qutrits
Alena S. Kazmina, Ilia V. Zalivako, Alexander S. Borisenko, Nikita A. Nemkov, Anastasiia S. Nikolaeva, Ilya A. Simakov, Arina V. Kuznetsova, Elena Yu. Egorova, Kristina P. Galstyan, Nikita V. Semenin, Andrey E. Korolkov, Ilya N. Moskalenko, Nikolay N. Abramov, Ilya S. Besedin, Daria A. Kalacheva, Viktor B. Lubsanov, Aleksey N. Bolgar, Evgeniy O. Kiktenko, Ksenia Yu. Khabarova, Alexey Galda, Ilya A. Semerikov, Nikolay N. Kolachevsky, Nataliya Maleeva, and Aleksey K. Fedorov
Phys. Rev. A 109, 032619 (2024)

Differentiating enantiomers by directional rotation of ions in a mass spectrometer
SCIENCE, 8 Feb 2024, Vol 383, Issue 6683, pp. 612-618

Experimental and theoretical Ritz–Rydberg analysis of the electronic structure of highly charged ions of lead and bismuth by optical spectroscopy
Michael K Rosner, Nils-Holger Rehbehn and José R Crespo López-Urrutia
2024 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 57 055001

Experimental Proposal on non-Hermitian Skin Effect by Two-dimensional Quantum Walk with a Single Trapped Ion
Waner Hou, Hao Tang, Qin Xu and Yiheng Lin
2024 Chinese Phys. Lett.

Experimental verification of quantum contextuality using a weak measurement in a single trapped ion
Chunwang Wu, Han Hu, Jie Zhang, Wenbo Su, Manchao Zhang, Tianxiang Zhan, Qingqing Qin, Wei Wu, and Pingxing Chen
Phys. Rev. A 109, 032211 (2024) –

First-order crosstalk mitigation in parallel quantum gates driven with multi-photon transitions
Matthew N. H. Chow, Christopher G. Yale, Ashlyn D. Burch, Megan Ivory, Daniel S. Lobser, Melissa C. Revelle, Susan M. Clark
Journal: Applied Physics Letters
Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 044002 (2024)

Impulsive spin-motion entanglement for fast quantum computation and sensing
Randall Putnam, Adam D. West, Wesley C. Campbell, and Paul Hamilton
Phys. Rev. A 109, 032614 (2024) –

Laser-type cooling with unfiltered sunlight
Amanda Younes and Wesley C. Campbell
Phys. Rev. E 109, 034109 (2024) –

Levitated Nanoresonator Breaks Quality-Factor Record
M. Rinni, March 27, 2024• Physics 17, s38

Opposite Effects of the Rotational and Translational Energy on the Rates of Ion-Molecule Reactions near 0 K: The D+2+NH3 and D+2+ND3 Reactions
Raphaël Hahn, David Schlander, Valentina Zhelyazkova, and Frédéric Merkt
Phys. Rev. X 14, 011034 (2024)

Passive dynamical decoupling of trapped-ion qubits and qudits
R. T. Sutherland and S. D. Erickson
Phys. Rev. A 109, 022620 (2024) –

Penning micro-trap for quantum computing
Shreyans Jain, Tobias Sägesser, Pavel Hrmo, Celeste Torkzaban, Martin Stadler, Robin Oswald, Chris Axline, Amado Bautista-Salvador, Christian Ospelkaus, Daniel Kienzler & Jonathan Home
Nature volume 627, pages510–514 (2024)

Quantum logic control and precision measurements of molecular ions in a ring trap: An approach for testing fundamental symmetries
Yan Zhou, Joshua O. Island, and Matt Grau
Phys. Rev. A 109, 033107 (2024)

Realizing Synthetic Dimensions and Artificial Magnetic Flux in a Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulator
Y. Wang, Y.-K. Wu, Y. Jiang, M.-L. Cai, B.-W. Li, Q.-X. Mei, B.-X. Qi, Z.-C. Zhou, and L.-M. Duan
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 130601 (2024) –

Resistive cooling of ions’ center-of-mass energy in a Penning trap on millisecond time scales
Markus Kiffer, Stefan Ringleb, Thomas Stöhlker, and Manuel Vogel
Phys. Rev. A 109, 033102 (2024) –

Sympathetic cooling of trapped Th3+ alpha-recoil ions for laser spectroscopy
G. Zitzer, J. Tiedau, M. V. Okhapkin, K. Zhang, C. Mokry, J. Runke, Ch. E. Düllmann, and E. Peik
Phys. Rev. A 109, 033116 (2024) –

Two-dimensional ion crystals in a hybrid optical cavity trap for quantum information processing
Zewen Sun, Yi Hong Teoh, Fereshteh Rajabi, and Rajibul Islam
Phys. Rev. A 109, 032426 (2024) –

Ultrahigh Quality Factor of a Levitated Nanomechanical Oscillator
Lorenzo Dania, Dmitry S. Bykov, Florian Goschin, Markus Teller, Abderrahmane Kassid, and Tracy E. Northup
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 133602 (2024)


A comparison of continuous and pulsed sideband cooling on an electric quadrupole transition
Authors: Evan C. Reed, Lu Qi, Kenneth R. Brown
A nanoparticle stored with an atomic ion in a linear Paul trap
Authors: Dmitry S. Bykov, Lorenzo Dania, Florian Goschin, Tracy E. Northup

An 115In+-172Yb+ Coulomb crystal clock with 2.5×10−18 systematic uncertainty
Authors: H. N. Hausser, J. Keller, T. Nordmann, N. M. Bhatt, J. Kiethe, H. Liu, M. von Boehn, J. Rahm, S. Weyers, E. Benkler, B. Lipphardt, S. Doerscher, K. Stahl, J. Klose, C. Lisdat, M. Filzinger, N. Huntemann, E. Peik, T. E. Mehlstäubler

CETASim: A numerical tool for beam collective effect study in storage rings
Authors: Chao Li, Yong-Chul Chae

Compressed-sensing Lindbladian quantum tomography with trapped ions
Authors: Dmitrii Dobrynin, Lorenzo Cardarelli, Markus Müller, Alejandro Bermudez

Cooling trapped ions with phonon rapid adiabatic passage
Authors: M. I. Fabrikant, P. Lauria, I. S. Madjarov, W. C. Burton, R. T. Sutherland

Determination of principal axes orientation in an ion trap using matter-wave interference
Authors: Ryoichi Saito, Takashi Mukaiyama

Deterministic preparation of a dual-species two-ion crystal
Authors: Maximilian J. Zawierucha, Till Rehmert, Jonas Keller, Tanja E. Mehlstäubler, Piet O. Schmidt, Fabian Wolf

Dynamic laser ablation loading of a linear Paul trap
Authors: Lin Li, Zi Li, Xia Hua, Xin Tong

End-to-end variational quantum sensing
Authors: Benjamin MacLellan, Piotr Roztocki, Stefanie Czischek, Roger G. Melko

Enhanced micromotion compensation using a phase modulated light field
Authors: K. J. Arnold, N. Jayjong, M. L. D. Kang, Qin Qichen, Zhao Zhang, Qi Zhao, M. D. Barrett

Fast, robust and laser-free universal entangling gates for trapped-ion quantum computing
Authors: Markus Nünnerich, Daniel Cohen, Patrick Barthel, Patrick H. Huber, Dorna Niroomand, Alex Retzker, Christof Wunderlich

Fault Localization in a Microfabricated Surface Ion Trap using Diamond Nitrogen-Vacancy Center Magnetometry
Authors: Pauli Kehayias, Matthew A. Delaney, Raymond A. Haltli, Susan M. Clark, Melissa C. Revelle, Andrew M. Mounce

Fractal ground state of ion chains in periodic potentials
Authors: Raphaël Menu, Jorge Yago Malo, Vladan Vuletić, Maria Luisa Chiofalo, Giovanna Morigi

Hamiltonian-reconstruction distance as a success metric for the Variational Quantum Eigensolver
Authors: Leo Joon Il Moon, Mandar M. Sohoni, Michael A. Shimizu, Praveen Viswanathan, Kevin Zhang, Eun-Ah Kim, Peter L. McMahon

Hardware requirements for trapped-ion based verifiable blind quantum computing with a measurement-only client
Authors: Janice van Dam, Guus Avis, Tzula B Propp, Francisco Ferreira da Silva, Joshua A Slater, Tracy E Northup, Stephanie Wehner

High-Fidelity Detection on 171Yb+ Qubit via 2D3/2 Shelving
Authors: Xueying Mai, Liyun Zhang, Yao Lu

Improved performance of the Bacon-Shor code with Steane’s syndrome extraction method
Authors: Guillermo Escobar-Arrieta, Mauricio Gutiérrez

Isomeric states of fission fragments explored via Penning trap mass spectrometry at IGISOL
Authors: A. Jaries, M. Stryjczyk, A. Kankainen, L. Al Ayoubi, O. Beliuskina, L. Canete, R. P. de Groote, C. Delafosse, P. Delahaye, T. Eronen, M. Flayol, Z. Ge, S. Geldhof, W. Gins, M. Hukkanen, P. Imgram, D. Kahl, J. Kostensalo, S. Kujanpää, D. Kumar, I. D. Moore, M. Mougeot, D. A. Nesterenko, S. Nikas, D. Patel , et al. (14 additional authors not shown)

Iterative Confinement of Ions via the Quantum Zeno Effect: Probing Paradoxical Energy Consequences
Authors: Varqa Abyaneh

Ion solvation in atomic baths: from snowballs to polarons
Authors: Saajid Chowdhury, Jesús Pérez-Ríos

Mode-resolved thermometry of trapped ion with Deep Learning
Authors: Yi Tao, Ting Chen, Yi Xie, Hongyang Wang, Jie Zhang, Ting Zhang, Pingxing Chen, Wei Wu

Multi-junction surface ion trap for quantum computing
Authors: J. D. Sterk, M. G. Blain, M. Delaney, R. Haltli, E. Heller, A. L. Holterhoff, T. Jennings, N. Jimenez, A. Kozhanov, Z. Meinelt, E. Ou, J. Van Der Wall, C. Noel, D. Stick

Phononic bright and dark states: Investigating multi-mode light-matter interactions with a single trapped ion
Authors: Harry Parke, Robin Thomm, Alan C. Santos, André Cidrim, Gerard Higgins, Marion Mallweger, Natalia Kuk, Shalina Salim, Romain Bachelard, Celso J. Villas-Boas, Markus Hennrich

Quantum counterdiabatic driving with local control
Authors: Changhao Li, Jiayu Shen, Ruslan Shaydulin, Marco Pistoia

Scalable Multispecies Ion Transport in a Grid Based Surface-Electrode Trap
Authors: Robert D. Delaney, Lucas R. Sletten, Matthew J. Cich, Brian Estey, Maya Fabrikant, David Hayes, Ian M. Hoffman, James Hostetter, Christopher Langer, Steven A. Moses, Abigail R. Perry, Timothy A. Peterson, Andrew Schaffer, Curtis Volin, Grahame Vittorini, William Cody Burton

Sensing Aharonov–Bohm phase using a multiply-orbiting-ion interferometer
Authors: Ryoichi Saito, Takashi Mukaiyama

Simulating Meson Scattering on Spin Quantum Simulators
Authors: Elizabeth R. Bennewitz, Brayden Ware, Alexander Schuckert, Alessio Lerose, Federica M. Surace, Ron Belyansky, William Morong, De Luo, Arinjoy De, Kate S. Collins, Or Katz, Christopher Monroe, Zohreh Davoudi, Alexey V. Gorshkov

Squeezing, trisqueezing, and quadsqueezing in a spin-oscillator system
Authors: O. Băzăvan, S. Saner, D. J. Webb, E. M. Ainley, P. Drmota, D. P. Nadlinger, G. Araneda, D. M. Lucas, C. J. Ballance, R. Srinivas

Technologies for Modulation of Visible and Near-UV Light and their Applications
Authors: Sanghyo Park, Milica Notaros, Aseema Mohanty, Donggyu Kim, Jelena Notaros, Sara Mouradian

Trapped ion qubit and clock operations with a visible wavelength photonic coil resonator stabilized integrated Brillouin laser
Authors: Nitesh Chauhan, Christopher Caron, Jiawei Wang, Andrei Isichenko, Nishat Helaly, Kaikai Liu, Robert J. Niffenegger, Daniel J. Blumenthal

Ultra-high numerical aperture waveguide-integrated meta beam shaper
Authors: Hrishikesh Iyer, Yurii Vlasov

ITN Newsletter – February 2024


Remembering Charlotte Froese Fischer (1929-2024)

It is with heavy hearts that we share the news of Charlotte Fischer’s passing, who was a beloved member of our community.

Charlotte Froese Fischer, born in 1929 in Donetsk (present-day Ukraine) and raised in Canada, passed away on February 8, 2024, at the age of 94. She was a distinguished physicist, known for her groundbreaking work in computational quantum theory. Fischer earned her BA and MA at the University of British Columbia (UBC) before completing her PhD at Cambridge, where she studied under Douglas Hartree and Paul Dirac. She made significant contributions to the development of computer-based Hartree-Fock calculations, pioneering the field during her PhD studies, introducing courses on numerical analysis and computing at UBC and becoming the first female scientist to be awarded an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship at Harvard (1963-1964). Fischer’s research spanned several decades and encompassed over 350 papers, including three most recently in 2023. She leaves behind a legacy of innovation and excellence in the scientific community (Source:;76f7f578.2402).

We extend our deepest condolences to Ms. Fischer’s family and friends during this difficult time. Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you navigate through this period of grief and loss.

Please continue to send us your thoughts, events, news, seminars, jobs, and publications to so that we can keep each other informed.


QCTiP 2024 (Quantum Computing Theory in Practice) conference, organized by the Quantum Software Lab at the University of Edinburgh, is planned for April 16th to 18th, 2024. Details

Young Researchers School on Topological aspects of low-dimensional quantum physics is a meeting for young researchers, designed by young researchers, accessible to PhD students in theoretical physics as well as to exceptional MSc students. April 21-27, 2024, Maynooth University, Ireland. Details

Workshop on Quantum Mixtures of Atoms and Ions, Amsterdam will take place rom June 11-13, 2024. The conference aims to bring together experts in the field of cold and ultracold mixtures of atoms and ions and will cover various applications of these systems, including quantum chemistry, quantum impurity physics, ultracold buffer gas cooling, Feshbach resonances, quantum information and spin dynamics. Details

Quantum meets ’24 is a co-created collection of free events presented by Quantum Delta NL from June 11-13, 2024 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Details

Early Career Conference in Trapped Ions (ECCTI) 2024
ECCTI is intended to connect a broad community with very diverse scientific goals with common technical challenges. The event will have a focus on Atomic Clocks, Quantum Information & Computation, Quantum Simulation, Quantum Technologies, Antimatter Physics, Precision & Molecular Spectroscopy, and Nuclear Physics. The event will take place from July 7-12, 2024, at the Viktor-Franz-Hess Haus in Austria. Details

ICAP 2024: The 28th International Conference on Atomic Physics, 14.-19.7.2024 at the Imperial College, London. Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


A postdoc position is available from April 1st 2024 at Imperial College, London. The project is to use a trapped electron for tabletop astroparticle physics, including the direct detection of dark matter and microwave single photon counting for dark matter axion searches.
Contact: Jack Devlin (

The research group of C. Ospelkaus at the University of Hannover is looking for a postdoctoral research associate on their Penning trap experiment, which aims to implement quantum logic spectroscopy of (anti-)protons for tests of the fundamental CPT symmetry as part of the BASE collaboration.
Contact: Dr. Christian Ospelkaus (

Multiple postdoc positions are available in the NIST Ion Storage Group in Colorado, USA. Topics include quantum simulation and sensing in a Penning trap, trapped-ion quantum computing, trapped-ion optical clocks, and quantum state control and precision spectroscopy of single molecular ions.
Contact: John Bollinger or any of the NIST Ion Storage group staff

The Imperial College Particle Physics Group has a postgraduate studentship available to work on laser measurements of cold exotic helium atoms that contain antiprotons at the new ELENA facility of CERN in Geneva. This allows us to probe the matter-antimatter symmetry and determine the mass ratio between an antiproton and electron. We hope to be relatively flexible with regards to the exact PhD topic depending on the candidate’s interests. The studentship covers a maintenance bursary similar to standard STFC studentships.

The research group of Christian Ospelkaus at Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany, offers a PhD position in the field of surface electrode trap design for quantum computing.
Contact: Dr. Christian Ospelkaus (

PhD position in available at TU Berlin fully funded by the German Science Foundation for 3 years.
The project deals with the vibrational and electronic spectroscopy of diamondoid cation and their clusters in cryogenic ion traps, which are relevant in materials science, astrochemistry, organic chemistry, and theoretical chemistry.
Contact: Dr. Otto Dopfer (
PhD position in QUantum-Enhanced Sensing with Trapped IONs (QUESTIONs) at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in the group of Dr. Laura Dreissen. In the project you will develop a trapped-ion system based on Ba+ for quantum sensing and metrology using entangled states.
Contact: Dr. Laura S. Dreissen (

Several PostDoc and PhD positions available at PTB in Braunschweig and Leibniz University Hannover in the Quantum Logic Spectroscopy Group of Piet Schmidt . Topics include laboratory and transportable aluminium ion clocks, multi-ion calcium clock using dynamical decoupling and entanglement, as well as highly charged ion clocks.
Contact: Dr. Piet Schmidt (

The Ion trap systems team at Infineon is looking for an ion trap development engineer.  This is a full-time, permanent position in Austria with an entry level of 3-5 years.

Various positions at ARCNL
ARCNL is a public-private partnership between the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM), the University of Amsterdam (UvA), the VU University Amsterdam (VU) and the semiconductor equipment manufacturer ASML. ARCNL is seeking candidates trained in experimental physics, chemistry, materials science or engineering with an interest in cutting-edge research, combining fundamental and applied aspects.


Please sent information about your publications to


A simplified Mølmer-Sørensen gate for the trapped ion quantum computer

Hiroo Azuma
2024 Phys. Scr.

Atomic mass determination of uranium-238

Kathrin Kromer, Chunhai Lyu, Jacek Bieroń, Menno Door, Lucia Enzmann, Pavel Filianin, Gediminas Gaigalas, Zoltán Harman, Jost Herkenhoff, Wenjia Huang, Christoph H. Keitel, Sergey Eliseev, and Klaus Blaum
Phys. Rev. C 109, L021301 (2024) –

Construction of two-qubit gates using Gate

M Karthick Selvan and S Balakrishnan
2024 Phys. Scr. 99 035113

Efficient bosonic nonlinear phase gates

Kimin Park & Radim Filip
npj Quantum Information volume 10, Article number: 25 (2024)

Fast generation of spin squeezing via resonant spin-boson coupling

Diego Barberena, Sean R Muleady, John J Bollinger, Robert J Lewis-Swan and Ana Maria Rey
2024 Quantum Sci. Technol. 9 025013

First direct 7Be electron-capture Q-value measurement toward high-precision searches for neutrino physics beyond the Standard Model

R. Bhandari, G. Bollen, T. Brunner, N. D. Gamage, A. Hamaker, Z. Hockenbery, M. Horana Gamage, D. K. Keblbeck, K. G. Leach, D. Puentes, M. Redshaw, R. Ringle, S. Schwarz, C. S. Sumithrarachchi, and I. Yandow
Phys. Rev. C 109, L022501 (2024)

Interaction graph engineering in trapped-ion quantum simulators with global drives

Antonis Kyprianidis, A J Rasmusson and Philip Richerme
2024 New J. Phys. 26 023033

Linear polarization of dielectronic satellite lines of hydrogenlike ions with Z values ranging from 9 to 92

Tianluo Luo, Zhencen He, Zhihao Yang, Shuyu Zhang, and Zhimin Hu
Phys. Rev. A 109, 022815 (2024)

Measurement of the unresolved 9Be+ 2P3/2 hyperfine splittings using quantum-interference-enhanced state-selective repump spectroscopy

D. M. Fairbank, A. L. Banducci, R. W. Gunkelman, J. B. VanArsdale, and S. M. Brewer
Phys. Rev. A 109, 012809 (2024) –

Measurement-Free Fault-Tolerant Quantum Error Correction in Near-Term Devices

Sascha Heußen, David F. Locher, and Markus Müller
PRX Quantum 5, 010333 (2024)

Non-Abelian topological order and anyons on a trapped-ion processor

Mohsin Iqbal, Nathanan Tantivasadakarn, Ruben Verresen, Sara L. Campbell, Joan M. Dreiling, Caroline Figgatt, John P. Gaebler, Jacob Johansen, Michael Mills, Steven A. Moses, Juan M. Pino, Anthony Ransford, Mary Rowe, Peter Siegfried, Russell P. Stutz, Michael Foss-Feig, Ashvin Vishwanath & Henrik Dreyer
Nature volume 626, pages 505–511 (2024)

Optimized Bayesian system identification in quantum devices

Thomas M. Stace, Jiayin Chen, Li Li, Viktor S. Perunicic, Andre R. R. Carvalho, Michael Hush, Christophe H. Valahu, Ting Rei Tan, and Michael J. Biercuk
Phys. Rev. Applied 21, 014012 (2024)

Precision measurement of M1 optical clock transition in Ni12+

Shaolong Chen, Zhiqiang Zhou, Jiguang Li, Tingxian Zhang, Chengbin Li, Tingyun Shi, Yao Huang, Kelin Gao, and Hua Guan
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 013030 (2024) –

Protecting expressive circuits with a quantum error detection code

Chris N. Self, Marcello Benedetti & David Amaro
Nature Physics volume 20, pages 219–224 (2024)

Quantum-parallel vectorized data encodings and computations on trapped-ion and transmon QPUs

Jan Balewski, Mercy G. Amankwah, Roel Van Beeumen, E. Wes Bethel, Talita Perciano & Daan Camps
Scientific Reports volume 14, Article number: 3435 (2024)

Rapid cooling of the in-plane motion of two-dimensional ion crystals in a Penning trap to millikelvin temperatures

Wes Johnson, Athreya Shankar, John Zaris, John J. Bollinger, and Scott E. Parker
Phys. Rev. A 109, L021102 (2024) –

Rapid exchange cooling with trapped ions

Spencer D. Fallek, Vikram S. Sandhu, Ryan A. McGill, John M. Gray, Holly N. Tinkey, Craig R. Clark & Kenton R. Brown
Nature Communications volume 15, Article number: 1089 (2024) Cite this article

Realization of a crosstalk-avoided quantum network node using dual-type qubits of the same ion species

L. Feng, Y.-Y. Huang, Y.-K. Wu, W.-X. Guo, J.-Y. Ma, H.-X. Yang, L. Zhang, Y. Wang, C.-X. Huang, C. Zhang, L. Yao, B.-X. Qi, Y.-F. Pu, Z.-C. Zhou & L.-M. Duan
Nature Communications volume 15, Article number: 204 (2024)

Scheme for Quantum-Logic Based Transfer of Accuracy in Polarizability Measurement for Trapped Ions Using a Moving Optical Lattice

Fabian Wolf
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 083202 (2024)

Surface trap with adjustable ion couplings for scalable and parallel gates

Y. Suleimen, A. Podlesnyy, L. A. Akopyan, N. Sterligov, O. Lakhmanskaya, E. Anikin, A. Matveev, and K. Lakhmanskiy
Phys. Rev. A 109, 022605 (2024) –

Topological matter created on a quantum chip produces quasiparticles with computing power

Nature News and Views, February 2024

Towards experimental classical verification of quantum computation

Roman Stricker, Jose Carrasco, Martin Ringbauer, Lukas Postler, Michael Meth, Claire Edmunds, Philipp Schindler, Rainer Blatt, Peter Zoller, Barbara Kraus and Thomas Monz Hide full author list
2024 Quantum Sci. Technol. 9 02LT01

Trapping and Sympathetic Cooling of Conformationally Selected Molecular Ions

Lei Xu, Jutta Toscano, and Stefan Willitsch
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 083001 (2024)

Tunable quantum simulation of spin models with a two-dimensional ion crystal

Mu Qiao, Zhengyang Cai, Ye Wang, Botao Du, Naijun Jin, Wentao Chen, Pengfei Wang, Chunyang Luan, Erfu Gao, Ximo Sun, Haonan Tian, Jingning Zhang & Kihwan Kim
Nature Physics (2024)

Universal quantum computing with qubits embedded in trapped-ion qudits

Anastasiia S. Nikolaeva, Evgeniy O. Kiktenko, and Aleksey K. Fedorov
Phys. Rev. A 109, 022615 (2024) –

Variational quantum simulation of U(1) lattice gauge theories with qudit systems

Pavel P. Popov, Michael Meth, Maciej Lewestein, Philipp Hauke, Martin Ringbauer, Erez Zohar, and Valentin Kasper
Phys. Rev. Research 6, 013202 (2024)


An architecture for two-qubit encoding in neutral ytterbium-171 atoms

Authors: Zhubing Jia, William Huie, Lintao Li, Won Kyu Calvin Sun, Xiye Hu, Aakash, Healey Kogan, Abhishek Karve, Jong Yeon Lee, Jacob P. Covey

An ion trap design for a space-deployable strontium-ion optical clock

Authors: Alessio Spampinato, Jonathan Stacey, Sean Mulholland, Billy I. Robertson, Hugh A. Klein, Guilong Huang, Geoffrey P. Barwood, Patrick Gill

Building and characterizing a stylus ion-trap system

Tai-Hao Cui, Ya-Qi Wei, Ji Li, Quan Yuan, Shuang-Qing Dai, Pei-Dong Li, Fei Zhou, Jian-Qi Zhang, Zhu-Jun Zheng, Liang ChenShow full author list
2024 Chinese Phys. B

Chaotic scattering in ultracold atom-ion collisions

Authors: Meirav Pinkas, Jonathan Wengrowicz, Nitzan Akerman, Roee Ozeri

Dark resonance spectra of trapped ions under the influence of micromotion

Authors: Nicolás Adrián Nuñez Barreto, Muriel Bonetto, Marcelo Alejandro Luda, Cecilia Cormick, Christian Tomás Schmiegelow

Design and characterization of individual addressing optics based on multi-channel acousto-optic modulator for 171Yb+ qubits

Authors: Sungjoo Lim, Seunghyun Baek, Jacob Withlow, Marissa D’Onofrio, Tianyi Chen, Samuel Phiri, Stphen Crain, Kenneth R. Brown, Jungsang Kim, Junki Kim

Digital quantum simulation of a (1+1)D SU(2) lattice gauge theory with ion qudits

Authors: Giuseppe Calajò, Giuseppe Magnifico, Claire Edmunds, Martin Ringbauer, Simone Montangero, Pietro Silvi

Dynamical quantum maps for single-qubit gates under non-Markovian phase noise

Authors: J. M. Sánchez Velázquez, A. Steiner, R. Freund, M. Guevara-Bertsch, Ch. D. Marciniak, T. Monz, A. Bermudez

Dynamics of quantum discommensurations in the Frenkel-Kontorova chain

Authors: Oksana Chelpanova, Shane P. Kelly, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Giovanna Morigi, Jamir Marino

Electronic structure of ground and low-lying excited states of BaLi+ molecular ion: spin-orbit effect, radiative lifetimes and Franck-Condon factor

Sana Akkari, Wissem Zrafi, Hela Ladjimi, Mohamed Bejaoui, Jamila Dhiflaoui and Hamid Berriche

2024 Phys. Scr. 99 035403

Entanglement-enhanced quantum metrology: from standard quantum limit to Heisenberg limit

Authors: Jiahao Huang, Min Zhuang, Chaohong Lee

Experimental implementation of an efficient test of quantumness

Laura Lewis, Daiwei Zhu, Alexandru Gheorghiu, Crystal Noel, Or Katz, Bahaa Harraz, Qingfeng Wang, Andrew Risinger, Lei Feng, Debopriyo Biswas, Laird Egan, Thomas Vidick, Marko Cetina, and Christopher Monroe
Phys. Rev. A 109, 012610 (2024)

High Resolution Rovibrational and Rotational Spectroscopy of H2CCCH+

Authors: Weslley Guilherme Dias de Paiva Silva, Divita Gupta, Eline Plaar, José Luis Doménech, Stephan Schlemmer, Oskar Asvany

Individual addressing and state readout of trapped ions utilizing rf micromotion

Authors: Nathan K Lysne, Justin F Niedermeyer, Andrew C Wilson, Daniel H Slichter, Dietrich Leibfried

In-situ-tunable spin-spin interactions in a Penning trap with in-bore optomechanics

Authors: Joseph H. Pham, Julian Y. Z. Jee, Alexander Rischka, Michael J. Biercuk, Robert N. Wolf

Harnessing the Quantum Zeno Effect: A New Approach to Ion Trapping

Authors: Varqa Abyaneh

Long-sought isomer turns out to be the ground state of 76Cu

Authors: L. Canete, S. Giraud, A. Kankainen, B. Bastin, F. Nowacki, P. Ascher, T. Eronen, V. Girard Alcindor, A. Jokinen, A. Khanam, I. D. Moore, D. Nesterenko, F. De Oliveira, H. Penttilä, C. Petrone, I. Pohjalainen, A. De Roubin, V. Rubchenyaa, M. Vilen, J. Äystö

Microgram BaCl2 Ablation Targets for Trapped Ion Experiments

Authors: Noah Greenberg, Akbar Jahangiri Jozani, Collin J. C. Epstein, Xinghe Tan, Rajibul Islam, Crystal Senko

Mitigating the Effects of Au-Al Intermetallic Compounds Due to High-Temperature Processing of Surface Electrode Ion Traps

Authors: Raymond A. Haltli, Eric Ou, Christopher D. Nordquist, Susan M. Clark, Melissa C. Revelle

Motional state analysis of a trapped ion by ultra-narrowband composite pulses

Authors: Marion Mallweger, Milena Guevara-Bertsch, Boyan T. Torosov, Robin Thomm, Natalia Kuk, Harry Parke, Christian F. Roos, Gerard Higgins, Markus Hennrich, Nikolay V. Vitanov

Multi-zone trapped-ion qubit control in an integrated photonics QCCD device

Authors: Carmelo Mordini, Alfredo Ricci Vasquez, Yuto Motohashi, Mose Müller, Maciej Malinowski, Chi Zhang, Karan K. Mehta, Daniel Kienzler, Jonathan P. Home

Nanomechanically Induced Transparency

Authors: E. C. Diniz, O. P. de Sá Neto

Non-Abelian vibron dynamics in trapped-ion arrays

Authors: L. Timm, H. Weimer, L. Santos

Observation of quantum strong Mpemba effect

Authors: Jie Zhang, Gang Xia, Chun-Wang Wu, Ting Chen, Qian Zhang, Yi Xie, Wen-Bo Su, Wei Wu, Cheng-Wei Qiu, Ping-xing Chen, Weibin Li, Hui Jing, Yan-Li Zhou

Partial-transpose-guided entanglement classes and minimum noise filtering in many-body Gaussian quantum systems

Authors: Boyu Gao, Natalie Klco

Penning-trap measurement of the Q-value of the electron capture in 163Ho for the determination of the electron neutrino mass

Authors: Christoph Schweiger, Martin Braß, Vincent Debierre, Menno Door, Holger Dorrer, Christoph E. Düllmann, Christian Enss, Pavel Filianin, Loredana Gastaldo, Zoltán Harman, Maurits W. Haverkort, Jost Herkenhoff, Paul Indelicato, Christoph H. Keitel, Kathrin Kromer, Daniel Lange, Yuri N. Novikov, Dennis Renisch, Alexander Rischka, Rima X. Schüssler, Sergey Eliseev, Klaus Blaum

Robust and fast microwave-driven quantum logic for trapped-ion qubits

Authors: M. A. Weber, M. F. Gely, R. K. Hanley, T. P. Harty, A. D. Leu, C. M. Löschnauer, D. P. Nadlinger, D. M. Lucas

Scattering wave packets of hadrons in gauge theories: Preparation on a quantum computer

Authors: Zohreh Davoudi, Chung-Chun Hsieh, Saurabh V. Kadam

Simulating the spin-boson model with a controllable reservoir in an ion trap

Authors: G. -X. Wang, Y. -K. Wu, R. Yao, W. -Q. Lian, Z. -J. Cheng, Y. -L. Xu, C. Zhang, Y. Jiang, Y. -Z. Xu, B. -X. Qi, P. -Y. Hou, Z. -C. Zhou, L. He, L. -M. Duan

Shuttling for Scalable Trapped-Ion Quantum Computers

Authors: Daniel Schoenberger, Stefan Hillmich, Matthias Brandl, Robert Wille

Stressing Out Modern Quantum Hardware: Performance Evaluation and Execution Insights

Authors: Aliza U. Siddiqui, Kaitlin Gili, Chris Ballance

Thermal transport through a single trapped ion under strong laser illumination

Authors: T. Tassis, F. Brito, F. L. Semião

TITAN: A Distributed Large-Scale Trapped-Ion NISQ Computer

Authors: Cheng Chu, Zhenxiao Fu, Yilun Xu, Gang Huang, Hausi Muller, Fan Chen, Lei Jiang

Towards multiqudit quantum processor based on a 171Yb+ ion string: Realizing basic quantum algorithms

Authors: Ilia V. Zalivako, Anastasiia S. Nikolaeva, Alexander S. Borisenko, Andrei E. Korolkov, Pavel L. Sidorov, Kristina P. Galstyan, Nikita V. Semenin, Vasilii N. Smirnov, Mikhail A. Aksenov, Konstantin M. Makushin, Evgeniy O. Kiktenko, Aleksey K. Fedorov, Ilya A. Semerikov, Ksenia Yu. Khabarova, Nikolay N. Kolachevsky

Trapped-ion toolbox to simulate quantum Otto heat engines

Authors: Rogério Jorge de Assis, Ciro Micheletti Diniz, Norton Gomes de Almeida, Celso Jorge Villas-Bôas

ITN Newsletter – January 2024


The Ion Traps Newsletter lives on!
For over more than a decade the ITN has been very successful in providing important information about news, events, jobs, and publications, thus bringing together the trapped ion community. This success is the result of the dedication of Martina Knoop, initiator and editor of the ITN, and Alejandro Bermudez, responsible for compiling the publications. Martina Knoop has moved on to new responsibilities and therefore announced her retirement as editor in the last newsletter.

Since many appreciated the content of the newsletter, it will be continued in the same format as before. The new editorial team is led by Naz Pourmalek, the CEO of Quantum Valley Lower Saxony (QVLS e.V.), while Alejandro will continue to provide the list of publications.

Please continue to send us your thoughts, events, news, seminars, jobs, and publications to so that we can keep each other informed. In the future, we will strive to provide web forms for the submission of information to streamline the generation of the newsletter.


QCTiP 2024 (Quantum Computing Theory in Practice) conference, organized by the Quantum Software Lab at the University of Edinburgh, is planned for April 16th to 18th, 2024. Details

Young Researchers School on Topological aspects of low-dimensional quantum physics is a meeting for young researchers, designed by young researchers, accessible to PhD students in theoretical physics as well as to exceptional MSc students. April 21-27, 2024, Maynooth University, Ireland. Details

Quantum meets ’24 is a co-created collection of free events presented by Quantum Delta NL from June 11-13, 2024 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Details

ICAP 2024: The 28th International Conference on Atomic Physics, 14.-19.7.2024 at the Imperial College, London. Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


Various positions at ARCNL
ARCNL is a public-private partnership between the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM), the University of Amsterdam (UvA), the VU University Amsterdam (VU) and the semiconductor equipment manufacturer ASML. ARCNL is seeking candidates trained in experimental physics, chemistry, materials science or engineering with an interest in cutting-edge research, combining fundamental and applied aspects. More information can be found here.

Several PostDoc and PhD positions available at PTB in Braunschweig and Leibniz University Hannover in the Quantum Logic Spectroscopy Group of Piet Schmidt . Topics include laboratory and transportable aluminium ion clocks, multi-ion calcium clock using dynamical decoupling and entanglement, as well as highly charged ion clocks. Please contact

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories (LBNL) is seeking a postdoc to join the Quant-NET team to connect a small ion trap node at LBNL with one at UC Berkeley. Photons from the Calcium ion trap nodes will be extracted with a high-finesse cavity system and converted to telecom wavelength to be send over a 5 km telecom fiber. Link
Please contact Dr. Erhan Saglamyrek ( or Hartmut Haeffner ( with inquires.


Please sent information about your publications to

A 22-pole radiofrequency ion trap setup for laboratory astrophysical studies

Nihar Ranjan Behera ; Saurav Dutta ; Roby Chacko ; Saroj Barik; G. Aravind

Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95, 013201 (2024)

A Race-Track Trapped-Ion Quantum Processor

S. A. Moses et al.

Phys. Rev. X 13, 041052 (2023) –
BASE-STEP: A transportable antiproton reservoir for fundamental interaction studies

C. Smorra, F. Abbass, D. Schweitzer, M. Bohman, J. D. Devine, Y. Dutheil, A. Hobl, B. Arndt, B. B. Bauer, J. A. Devlin, S. Erlewein, M. Fleck, J. I. Jäger, B. M. Latacz, P. Micke, M. Schiffelholz, G. Umbrazunas, M. Wiesinger, C. Will, E. Wursten, H. Yildiz, K. Blaum, Y. Matsuda, A. Mooser, C. Ospelkaus, W. Quint, A. Soter, J. Walz, Y. Yamazaki, S. Ulmer

Journal: Review of Scientific Instruments

Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 113201 (2023)
Breaking the Entangling Gate Speed Limit for Trapped-Ion Qubits Using a Phase-Stable Standing Wave

S. Saner, O. Băzăvan, M. Minder, P. Drmota, D. J. Webb, G. Araneda, R. Srinivas, D. M. Lucas, and C. J. Ballance

Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 220601 (2023)
Classical shadows for quantum process tomography on near-term quantum computers

Ryan Levy, Di Luo, and Bryan K. Clark

Phys. Rev. Research 6, 013029 (2024)
Cooling by quantum pickpocketing

The discovery of dual cooling mechanisms in a mixed ion–atom system

By Sadiq Rangwala
Collinear laser spectroscopy of highly charged ions produced with an electron-beam ion source

P. Imgram, K. König, B. Maaß, P. Müller, and W. Nörtershäuser

Phys. Rev. A 108, 062809 (2023)
Continuous-time quantum harmonic oscillator state engineering

E García Herrera, F Torres-Leal and B M Rodríguez-Lara
Error-mitigated quantum simulation of interacting fermions with trapped ions

Wentao Chen, Shuaining Zhang, Jialiang Zhang, Xiaolu Su, Yao Lu, Kuan Zhang, Mu Qiao, Ying Li, Jing-Ning Zhang & Kihwan Kim

npj Quantum Information volume 9, Article number: 122 (2023)
Experimental Realization of Nonunitary Multiqubit Operations

M. W. van Mourik, E. Zapusek, P. Hrmo, L. Gerster, R. Blatt, T. Monz, P. Schindler, and F. Reiter

Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 040602 (2024)
Fast generation of spin squeezing via resonant spin-boson coupling

Diego Eduardo Barberena, Sean Robert Muleady, Robert James Lewis-Swan, J. J. Bollinger and Ana Maria Rey

2024 Quantum Sci. Technol.

Hoeffding’s independence test for an ion dynamics characterization in the octupole trap

Semyon Rudyi, Dmitrii Shcherbinin, Vadim Rybin and Andrei Ivanov

2024 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2680 012042
Laser cooling and trapping of 224Ra+

M. Fan, Roy A. Ready, H. Li, S. Kofford, R. Kwapisz, C. A. Holliman, M. S. Ladabaum, A. N. Gaiser, J. R. Griswold, and A. M. Jayich

Phys. Rev. Research 5, 043201 (2023)
Laser-free trapped ion entangling gates with AESE: adiabatic elimination of spin-motion entanglement

R Tyler Sutherland and Michael Foss-Feig

2024 New J. Phys. 26 013013
Measurement of the unresolved 9Be+ 2P3/2 hyperfine splittings using quantum-interference-enhanced state-selective repump spectroscopy

D. M. Fairbank, A. L. Banducci, R. W. Gunkelman, J. B. VanArsdale, and S. M. Brewer

Phys. Rev. A 109, 012809 (2024) –
Micromotion compensation of trapped ions by qubit transition and direct scanning of dc voltages

Lee, Woojun; Chung, Daun; Kang, Jiyong; Jeon, Honggi; Jung, Changhyun; Cho, Dong-Il Dan; Kim, Taehyun


Optics Express 31(21) 33787-33798
Nondestructive inelastic recoil spectroscopy of a single molecular ion: A versatile tool toward precision action spectroscopy

Aaron Calvin, Scott Eierman, Zeyun Peng, Merrell Brzeczek, Samuel Kresch, Elijah Lane, Lincoln Satterthwaite, and David Patterson

Phys. Rev. A 108, 062819 (2023) –
Optimized Bayesian system identification in quantum devices

Thomas M. Stace, Jiayin Chen, Li Li, Viktor S. Perunicic, Andre R. R. Carvalho, Michael Hush, Christophe H. Valahu, Ting Rei Tan, and Michael J. Biercuk

Phys. Rev. Applied 21, 014012 (2024)
Penning-trap eigenfrequency measurements with optical radiofrequency detectors

J. Berrocal, A. Hernández, I. Arrazola, F. Domínguez, A. Carrasco-Sanz, F. J. Fernández, M. Block, and D. Rodríguez

Phys. Rev. Research 6, L012001 (2024) –
Precision measurement of M1 optical clock transition in Ni12+

Shaolong Chen, Zhiqiang Zhou, Jiguang Li, Tingxian Zhang, Chengbin Li, Tingyun Shi, Yao Huang, Kelin Gao, and Hua Guan

Phys. Rev. Research 6, 013030 (2024)
Qubit-Reuse Compilation with Mid-Circuit Measurement and Reset

Matthew DeCross, Eli Chertkov, Megan Kohagen, and Michael Foss-Feig

Phys. Rev. X 13, 041057 (2023)
Realization of a crosstalk-avoided quantum network node using dual-type qubits of the same ion species

L. Feng, Y.-Y. Huang, Y.-K. Wu, W.-X. Guo, J.-Y. Ma, H.-X. Yang, L. Zhang, Y. Wang, C.-X. Huang, C. Zhang, L. Yao, B.-X. Qi, Y.-F. Pu, Z.-C. Zhou & L.-M. Duan

Nature Communications volume 15, Article number: 204 (2024)
Realizing quantum speed limit in open system with a -symmetric trapped-ion qubit

Pengfei Lu, Teng Liu, Yang Liu, Xinxin Rao, Qifeng Lao, Hao Wu, Feng Zhu and Le Luo

2024 New J. Phys. 26 013043  
Reconstructing Complex States of a 20-Qubit Quantum Simulator

Murali K. Kurmapu, V.V. Tiunova, E.S. Tiunov, Martin Ringbauer, Christine Maier, Rainer Blatt, Thomas Monz, Aleksey K. Fedorov, and A.I. Lvovsky

PRX Quantum 4, 040345 (2023)
Scaling Up a Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer

Sara Mouradian

Physics 16, 209 (2023)
Sideband cooling of a trapped ion in strong sideband coupling regime

Zhang, Shuo; Huang, Zhuo-Peng; Tian, Tian-Ci; Wu, Zheng-Yang; Zhang, Jian-Qi; Bao, Wan-Su; Guo, Chu

2023 Optics Express 31(26) 44501-44514
Sideband Thermometry of Ion Crystals

Ivan Vybornyi, Laura S. Dreissen, Dominik Kiesenhofer, Helene Hainzer, Matthias Bock, Tuomas Ollikainen, Daniel Vadlejch, Christian F. Roos, Tanja E. Mehlstäubler, and Klemens Hammerer

PRX Quantum 4, 040346 (2023)
Trapped atoms in spatially-structured vector light fields

Maurizio Verde, Christian T. Schmiegelow, Ulrich Poschinger & Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler

Scientific Reports volume 13, Article number: 21283 (2023)
Trap-integrated fluorescence detection with silicon photomultipliers for sympathetic laser cooling in a cryogenic Penning trap

M. Wiesinger, F. Stuhlmann, M. Bohman, P. Micke, C. Will, H. Yildiz, F. Abbass, B. P. Arndt, J. A. Devlin, S. Erlewein, M. Fleck, J. I. Jäger, B. M. Latacz, D. Schweitzer, G. Umbrazunas, E. Wursten, K. Blaum, Y. Matsuda, A. Mooser, W. Quint, A. Soter, J. Walz, C. Smorra, S. Ulmer

Journal: Review of Scientific Instruments

Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 123202 (2023)
Using machine learning to improve multi-qubit state discrimination of trapped ions from uncertain EMCCD measurements

Jeong, Junho; Jung, Changhyun; Kim, Taehyun; Cho, Dongil “Dan”


Optics Express 31(21) 35113-3513


A noise-limiting quantum algorithm using mid-circuit measurements for dynamical correlations at infinite temperature

Authors: Etienne Granet, Henrik Dreyer
A versatile apparatus for simultaneous trapping of multiple species of ultracold atoms and ions to enable studies of low energy collisions and cold chemistry

Authors: Bubai Rahaman, Satyabrata Baidya, Sourav Dutta
An ion trap design for a space-deployable strontium-ion optical clock

Authors: Alessio Spampinato, Jonathan Stacey, Sean Mulholland, Billy I. Robertson, Hugh A. Klein, Guilong Huang, Geoffrey P. Barwood, Patrick Gill
Atomic mass determination of uranium-238

Authors: Kathrin Kromer, Chunhai Lyu, Jacek Bieroń, Menno Door, Lucia Enzmann, Pavel Filianin, Gediminas Gaigalas, Zoltán Harman, Jost Herkenhoff, Wenjia Huang, Christoph H. Keitel, Sergey Eliseev, Klaus Blaum
Bilayer crystals of trapped ions for quantum information processing

Authors: Samarth Hawaldar, Prakriti Shahi, Allison L. Carter, Ana Maria Rey, John J. Bollinger, Athreya Shankar
Comparing Shor and Steane Error Correction Using the Bacon-Shor Code

Authors: Shilin Huang, Kenneth R. Brown, Marko Cetina
Demonstration of fault-tolerant Steane quantum error correction

Authors: Lukas Postler, Friederike Butt, Ivan Pogorelov, Christian D. Marciniak, Sascha Heußen, Rainer Blatt, Philipp Schindler, Manuel Rispler, Markus Müller, Thomas Monz
Dynamics of quantum discommensurations in the Frenkel-Kontorova chain

Authors: Oksana Chelpanova, Shane P. Kelly, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Giovanna Morigi, Jamir Marino
Estimation of electrostatic interaction energies on a trapped-ion quantum computer

Authors: Pauline J. Ollitrault, Matthias Loipersberger, Robert M. Parrish, Alexander Erhard, Christine Maier, Christian Sommer, Juris Ulmanis, Thomas Monz, Christian Gogolin, Christofer S. Tautermann, Gian-Luca R. Anselmetti, Matthias Degroote, Nikolaj Moll, Raffaele Santagati, Michael Streif
Expanding Hardware-Efficiently Manipulable Hilbert Space via Hamiltonian Embedding

Authors: Jiaqi Leng, Joseph Li, Yuxiang Peng, Xiaodi Wu
Integrated photonic structures for photon-mediated entanglement of trapped ions

Authors: F. W. Knollmann, E. Clements, P. T. Callahan, M. Gehl, J. D. Hunker, T. Mahony, R. McConnell, R. Swint, C. Sorace-Agaskar, I. L. Chuang, J. Chiaverini, D. Stick
Multi-parameter quantum metrology with stabilized multi-mode squeezed state

Authors: Yue Li, Xu Cheng, Lingna Wang, Xingyu Zhao, Waner Hou, Yi Li, Kamran Rehan, Mingdong Zhu, Lin Yan, Xi Qin, Xinhua Peng, Haidong Yuan, Yiheng Lin, Jiangfeng Du
Observing Topological Insulator Phases with a Programmable Quantum Simulator

Authors: Or Katz, Lei Feng, Diego Porras, Christopher Monroe
Observing the quantum Mpemba effect in quantum simulations

Authors: Lata Kh Joshi, Johannes Franke, Aniket Rath, Filiberto Ares, Sara Murciano, Florian Kranzl, Rainer Blatt, Peter Zoller, Benoît Vermersch, Pasquale Calabrese, Christian F. Roos, Manoj K. Joshi
Optimized experiment design and analysis for fully randomized benchmarking

Authors: Alex Kwiatkowski, Laurent J. Stephenson, Hannah M. Knaack, Alejandra L. Collopy, Christina M. Bowers, Dietrich Leibfried, Daniel H. Slichter, Scott Glancy, Emanuel Knill
Realization of a chip-based hybrid trapping setup for 87Rb atoms and Yb+ Ion crystals

Authors: Abasalt Bahrami, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
Passive dynamical decoupling of trapped ion qubits and qudits

Authors: R. Tyler Sutherland, Stephen D. Erickson
Photodissociation spectra of single trapped CaOH+ molecular ions

Authors: Zhenlin Wu, Stefan Walser, Verena Podlesnic, Mariano Isaza-Monsalve, Elyas Mattivi, Guanqun Mu, René Nardi, Brandon J. Furey, Philipp Schindler
Production of highly charged ions inside a cryogenic Penning trap by electron-impact ionisation

Authors: Kanika, A Krishnan, J W Klimes, B Reich, K K Anjum, P Baus, G Birkl, W Quint, M Vogel
Quantum repeater node with free-space coupled trapped ions

Authors: Max Bergerhoff, Omar Elshehy, Stephan Kucera, Matthias Kreis, Jürgen Eschner
Quantum state tracking and control of a single molecular ion in a thermal environment

Authors: Yu Liu, Julian Schmidt, Zhimin Liu, David R. Leibrandt, Dietrich Leibfried, Chin-wen Chou
The Mpemba effect demonstrated on a single trapped ion qubit

Authors: Shahaf Aharony Shapira, Yotam Shapira, Jovan Markov, Gianluca Teza, Nitzan Akerman, Oren Raz, Roee Ozeri
Topological superconductors in trapped-ion system and their Floquet engineering

Authors: Ming-Jian Gao, Yu-Peng Ma, Jun-Hong An
Towards large-scale quantum optimization solvers with few qubits

Authors: Marco Sciorilli, Lucas Borges, Taylor L. Patti, Diego García-Martín, Giancarlo Camilo, Anima Anandkumar, Leandro Aolita
Trainability of a quantum-classical machine in the NISQ era

Authors: Tarun Dutta, Alex Jin, Clarence Liu Huihong, J I Latorre, Manas Mukherjee
Tripartite quantum Rabi model with trapped Rydberg ions

Authors: Thomas J. Hamlyn, Chi Zhang, Igor Lesanovsky, Weibin Li
Two-mode squeezing and SU(1,1) interferometry with trapped ions

Authors: J. Metzner, A. Quinn, S. Brudney, I. D. Moore, S. C. Burd, D. J. Wineland, D. T. C Allcock

ITN Newsletter – May 2023

Time to say good-bye – last issue of this newsletter

Dear all,

almost 12 years that I have sent the first issue of the Ion Trapper’s Newsletter in the frame of the first COST Action on Trapped Ions. My “most read” publication has seen the announcement of numerous events, jobs, the Nobel prize awarded to one of its readers, and – even if not exhaustive – an amazing number of publications and preprints, demonstrating the incredible dynamics of an ever-growing community. From its first 250 readers, the audience has grown to over 1200 subscribers, and our follow-up shows that 50% of the recipients regularly open the email to look at the contents.

Personally, I have moved on to other responsibilities a while ago, and I do no longer have the time nor can have the necessary commitment to continue the monthly publication. I have therefore taken the decision to stop to send this newsletter.

From your very enthusiastic returns over the last years, I know that many of you consider this newsletter to be very helpful and I am proud of this. The ion trapper community should make an effort to continue a newsletter. I dare hope that there are individuals or groups who are volunteering to continue this work. This might also be an opportunity to refresh contents, format, contributions to this newsletter. I will of course be willing to help to organize the transition.

I will not end before acknowledging people who have supported this newsletter. The most important investment comes from Alejandro Bermudez who has been working on the publication lists for the last 8 years or so. He took over from Kevin Sheridan, who started to help me, when I could not juggle with your abundant scientific production any longer. There have been a couple of sponsors from the larger ion trapping groups who have financially supported this publication, and also Mirjam Bruttin who has coordinated these supports. Many thanks and a vibrant applause to all of them !

Thanks a lot for reading and see you at ECTI !



Registration and abstract submission for the European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI) are open. Please note the earlier deadline for submitting abstracts for Hot Topic Talks, which is 15 July. Only a limited number of places are available – register soon!
You will find all the details at

Frontiers in Quantum Science and Technology special issue “Micromotion in Trapped Ion Systems”. Submissions are accepted from now until 18th September 2023. Details at


54 EGAS, Strasbourg/France, 18-22 June 2023 Details

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, 25-30 June 2023 Details

ICPEAC 2023 will be held in Ottawa (Canada), from July 25th to August 1st of 2023 Details

Impurity Physics with Cold Atoms and Ions, Aarhus, Denmark, 21-23 August 2023 Details

Workshop on Ultracold Molecules (satellite event to BEC 2023 Conference) to be held at the campus of the University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, from 5-8 September, 2023. Details

25-29 September 2023: ECTI in Schlosshotel Bückeburg close to Hannover Germany. Details are HERE

9th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology will be held on 16-20 October 2023 at Kingscliff, New South Wales, Australia. A Summer School will be associated. Details

Already the 5th edition !
Les Houches Winter School on “Physics with Trapped Charged Particles” is scheduled for 15-26 January 2024. Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


Several open PhD and PostDoc positions in the Quantum Logic Spectroscopy group of Piet Schmidt at PTB and LUH in the field of quantum-engineered multi-ion spectroscopy and transportable ion clocks. Details

postdoc/PhD student postion in proton/antiproton precision measurements in the network of the BASE collaboration (HHU Düsseldorf, MPI K Heidelberg, JGU Mainz).
The project deals with developing sympathetic cooling methods for single protons and antiprotons. Details

Vacancies for Research fellows at Sussex Centre for Quantum Technologies. Details can be found herehere and here

Postdoc position / PhD student position to work with the transportable optical ion clock opticlockis available at PTB, Braunschweig, Germany. Details

The BASE collaboration at CERN has several open PhD and Postdoc positions available. BASE uses advanced Penning trap systems to test the Standard Model of particle physics by comparing the fundamental properties of protons and antiprotons with unparalleled resolution. Details or contact Stefan Ulmer
Full-time editorial position – Quantum Information. The editorial teams of PRX Quantum and Physical Review Applied are looking for someone with a deep understanding of the research and academic publishing landscape in quantum, a keen eye for detail, and excellent communication skills. A full job description can be found here.

A Ph.D. position in trapped-ion quantum computing in the group of Christian Ospelkaus at the Leibniz Universität Hannover, in Hannover, Germany. Details can be found here

An open postdoc position in antihydrogen physics with ALPHA at CERN. Details

Postdoc positions in Quantum Chemistry for Ultracold Physics in Warsaw. Details

Postdoc / PhD student position in precision spectroscopy in In+/Yb+ Coulomb crystals is available in the group of Tanja Mehlstäubler at PTB, Braunschweig, Germany. Further information HERE

PhD position in Cavity-QED with multi-species ion crystals with Prof. M. Keller at Sussex University, Brighton, UK. Details

Open postdoc position in mass spectrometry – cold ion spectroscopy instrumentation at EPFL (Switzerland). For details contact Oleg Boyarkine

A PhD position on quantum state engineering in a laser-cooled ion cloud to
study diffusion in a non-neutral plasma at CNRS/Aix-Marseille University in Marseille. For details contact Caroline Champenois

Postdoc and PhD positions in laser spectroscopy group (Dopfer) at TU Berlin (Germany), Details can be found HERE

Various PhD and postdoc positions are available in the group of Stefan Willitsch at the University of Basel (Switzerland) on the development of quantum technologies for single trapped molecular ions and their application in precision spectroscopy. Further information can be found HERE

A fully funded PhD position is available to work on ion–molecule reaction studies in the Department of Physics at the University of Liverpool. The project is supported by the Leverhulme Trust, providing a stipend for 3.5 years and covering all fees for UK candidates. Details


Please sent information about your publications to

Bespoke pulse design for robust rapid two-qubit gates with trapped ions
Seyed Shakib Vedaie, Eduardo J. Páez, Nhung H. Nguyen, Norbert M. Linke, and Barry C. Sanders
Phys. Rev. Research 5, 023098 (2023)

Characterization of fast ion transport via position-dependent optical deshelving
Craig R. Clark, Creston D. Herold, J. True Merrill, Holly N. Tinkey, Wade Rellergert, Robert Clark, Roger Brown, Wesley D. Robertson, Curtis Volin, Kara Maller, Chris Shappert, Brian J. McMahon, Brian C. Sawyer, and Kenton R. Brown
Phys. Rev. A 107, 043119 (2023)

Chiral-coupling-assisted refrigeration in trapped ions
Chi-Chih Chen, Yi-Cheng Wang, Chun-Che Wang and H H Jen
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 56 105502 (2023)

Cold collisions between alkali metals and alkaline-earth metals in the heteronuclear atom-ion system Li+Ba+
Dibyendu Sardar and Somnath Naskar
Phys. Rev. A 107, 043323 (2023)

Controlling Two-Dimensional Coulomb Crystals of More Than 100 Ions in a Monolithic Radio-Frequency Trap
Dominik Kiesenhofer, Helene Hainzer, Artem Zhdanov, Philip C. Holz, Matthias Bock, Tuomas Ollikainen, and Christian F. Roos
PRX Quantum 4, 020317 (2023)

Coupled-oscillator model to analyze the interaction between a quartz resonator and trapped ions
E. Altozano, J. Berrocal, S. Lohse, F. Domínguez, M. Block, J. J. García-Ripoll, and D. Rodríguez
Phys. Rev. A 107, 053116 (2023)

Effects of an Oscillating Electric Field on and Dipole Moment Measurement of a Single Molecular Ion
Alejandra L. Collopy, Julian Schmidt, Dietrich Leibfried, David R. Leibrandt, and Chin-Wen Chou
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 223201 (2023)

Effect of fast noise on the fidelity of trapped-ion quantum gates
Haim Nakav, Ran Finkelstein, Lee Peleg, Nitzan Akerman, and Roee Ozeri
Phys. Rev. A 107, 042622 (2023)

Experimental Observation of Thermalization with Noncommuting Charges
Florian Kranzl, Aleksander Lasek, Manoj K. Joshi, Amir Kalev, Rainer Blatt, Christian F. Roos, and Nicole Yunger Halpern
PRX Quantum 4, 020318 (2023)

High-fidelity transport of trapped-ion qubits in a multilayer array
Deviprasath Palani, Florian Hasse, Philip Kiefer, Frederick Boeckling, Jan-Philipp Schroeder, Ulrich Warring, and Tobias Schaetz
Phys. Rev. A 107, L050601 (2023)

Improving trapped-ion-qubit memories via code-mediated error-channel balancing
Yannick Seis, Benjamin J. Brown, Anders S. Sørensen, and Joseph F. Goodwin
Phys. Rev. A 107, 052417 (2023)

Ion trap long-range XY model for quantum state transfer and optimal spatial search
Dylan Lewis, Leonardo Banchi, Yi Hong Teoh, Rajibul Islam and Sougato Bose
Quantum Sci. Technol. (2023)

Isotope Exchange Reaction of OH− Anion with HD at Temperatures from 15 K up to 300 K: Ion Trap Study
Radek Plašil, Liliia Uvarova, Serhiy Rednyk, Štěpán Roučka, Erik Vanko, Petr Dohnal and Juraj Glosík
ApJ 948 131 (2023)

Modeling noise in global Mølmer-Sørensen interactions applied to quantum approximate optimization
Phillip C. Lotshaw, Kevin D. Battles, Bryan Gard, Gilles Buchs, Travis S. Humble, and Creston D. Herold
Phys. Rev. A 107, 062406 (2023)

Progress in quantum teleportation
Xiao-Min Hu, Yu Guo, Bi-Heng Liu, Chuan-Feng Li & Guang-Can Guo
Nature Reviews Physics volume 5, pages 339–353 (2023)

Prototype of a phonon laser with trapped ions
Chen-Yu Lee, Kuan-Ting Lin, and Guin-Dar Lin
Phys. Rev. Research 5, 023082 (2023)

Quantum Repeater Goes the Distance
Michal Hajdušek
Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University, Fujisawa, Japan
May 22, 2023• Physics 16, 84

Quantum Simulations of Interacting Systems with Broken Time-Reversal Symmetry
Yotam Shapira, Tom Manovitz, Nitzan Akerman, Ady Stern, and Roee Ozeri
Phys. Rev. X 13, 021021 (2023)

Realizing quantum gates with optically addressable 171Yb+ ion qudits
M. A. Aksenov, I. V. Zalivako, I. A. Semerikov, A. S. Borisenko, N. V. Semenin, P. L. Sidorov, A. K. Fedorov, K. Yu. Khabarova, and N. N. Kolachevsky
Phys. Rev. A 107, 052612 (2023)

Robust oscillator-mediated phase gates driven by low-intensity pulses
Iñigo Arrazola & Jorge Casanova
Communications Physics volume 6, Article number: 123 (2023)

Robust Two-Qubit Gates Using Pulsed Dynamical Decoupling
Patrick Barthel, Patrick H. Huber, Jorge Casanova, Inigo Arrazola, Dorna Niroomand, Theeraphot Sriarunothai, Martin Bodo Plenio and Christof Wunderlich
New J. Phys 2023)

Rydberg ions in coherent motional states: a new method for determining the polarizability of Rydberg ions
Marie Niederländer1, Jonas Vogel1, Alexander Schulze-Makuch1, Bastien Gély1, Arezoo Mokhberi3,1 and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler3,1,2
New J. Phys. 25 033020 (2023)

Shuttled” Ions Stay Quantum
May 26, 2023• Physics 16, s75

Systematic study of tunable laser cooling for trapped-ion experiments
A P Kulosa, O N Prudnikov, D Vadlejch, H A Fürst, A A Kirpichnikova, A V Taichenachev, V I Yudin and T E Mehlstäubler
New J. Phys. 25 053008 (2023)

Telecom-Wavelength Quantum Repeater Node Based on a Trapped-Ion Processor
V. Krutyanskiy, M. Canteri, M. Meraner, J. Bate, V. Krcmarsky, J. Schupp, N. Sangouard, and B. P. Lanyon
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 213601 (2023)

Test of Causal Nonlinear Quantum Mechanics by Ramsey Interferometry with a Trapped Ion
Joseph Broz, Bingran You, Sumanta Khan, Hartmut Häffner, David E. Kaplan, and Surjeet Rajendran
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 200201 (2023)

Toward a Transportable Ca+ Optical Clock with a Systematic Uncertainty of 4.8 × 10−18
Mengyan Zeng, Yao Huang, Baolin Zhang, Yanmei Hao, Zixiao Ma, Ruming Hu, Huaqing Zhang, Zheng Chen, Miao Wang, Hua Guan, and Kelin Gao
Phys. Rev. Applied 19, 064004 (2023)

Transport of Multispecies Ion Crystals through a Junction in a Radio-Frequency Paul Trap
William Cody Burton, Brian Estey, Ian M. Hoffman, Abigail R. Perry, Curtis Volin, and Gabriel Price
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 173202 (2023)

Tunneling measured in a very slow ion-molecule reaction
R. Wild, M. Nötzold, M. Simpson, T. D. Tran, R. Wester
Nature 615, 425 (2023)


BASE-STEP: A transportable antiproton reservoir for fundamental interaction studies
C. Smorra, F. Abbass, M. Bohman, Y. Dutheil, A. Hobl, D. Popper, B. Arndt, B. B. Bauer, J. A. Devlin, S. Erlewein, M. Fleck, J. I. Jäger, B. M. Latacz, P. Micke, M. Schiffelholz, G. Umbrazunas, M. Wiesinger, C. Will, E. Wursten, H. Yildiz, K. Blaum, Y. Matsuda, A. Mooser, C. Ospelkaus, W. Quint, A. Soter, J. Walz, Y. Yamazaki, S. Ulmer

How to wire a 1000-qubit trapped ion quantum compute
M. Malinowski, D. T. C. Allcock, C. J. Ballance

Low noise quantum frequency conversion of photons from a trapped barium ion to the telecom O-band
Uday Saha, James D. Siverns, John Hannegan, Qudsia Quraishi, Edo Waks

Non-Markovian cost function for quantum error mitigation with Dirac Gamma matrices representation
Doyeol Ahn

Robust and scalable rf spectroscopy in first-order magnetic sensitive states at second-long coherence time
C. -H. Yeh, K. C. Grensemann, L. S. Dreissen, H. A. Fürst, T. E. Mehlstäubler

Scaling of entangling-gate errors in large ion crystals
Wenhao He, Wenhao Zhang, Xiao Yuan, Yangchao Shen, Xiao-Ming Zhang

Spin-boson model under dephasing: Markovian vs Non-Markovian dynamics
Naushad Ahmad Kamar, Daniel A. Paz, Mohammad F. Maghrebi

Synthetic Z2 gauge theories based on parametric excitations of trapped ions
O. Băzăvan, S. Saner, E. Tirrito, G. Araneda, R. Srinivas, A. Bermudez

Thermal light in confined dimensions for “laser” cooling with unfiltered sunlight
Amanda Younes, Wesley C. Campbell

Trapped-ion quantum simulations for condensed-phase chemical dynamics: seeking a quantum advantage
Mingyu Kang, Kai T. Liu, Sutirtha N. Chowdhury, Jonathon L. Yuly, Ke Sun, Jacob Whitlow, Jesús Valdiviezo, Zhendian Zhang, Peng Zhang, David N. Beratan, Kenneth R. Brown

Universal defects statistics with strong long-range interactions
Stefano Gherardini, Lorenzo Buffoni, Nicolò Defenu

Verifiable blind quantum computing with trapped ions and single photons
P. Drmota, D. P. Nadlinger, D. Main, B. C. Nichol, E. M. Ainley, D. Leichtle, A. Mantri, E. Kashefi, R. Srinivas, G. Araneda, C. J. Ballance, D. M. Lucas

ITN Newsletter – March 2023

Dear all,

after 4 and a half year, COST Action TIPICQA has come to an end. With a large impact due to the pandemics, we have not been able to implement the full program as we had discussed at the start. Fortunately there have been many online initiatives, which helped keeping some links and interactions. We even had a full ten-day Les Houches Winter School, which had almost everything, but skiing.

We hope that you have all benefited from this Action, and that there are many fruitful collaborations which have taken off !

Your editorial team



Registration and abstract submission for ECTI is open. You will find all the details  at

Frontiers in Quantum Science and Technology special issue “Micromotion in Trapped Ion Systems”. Submissions are accepted from now until 18th September 2023. Details at


9th Conference on Electrostatic storage devices (ESD 9), 14-18 May in the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot Israel. Details

54 EGAS, Strasbourg/France, 18-22 June 2023 Details

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, 25-30 June 2023 Details

ICPEAC 2023 will be held in Ottawa (Canada), from July 25th to August 1st of 2023 Details

Workshop on Ultracold Molecules (satellite event to BEC 2023 Conference) to be held at the campus of the University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, from 5-8 September, 2023. Details

25-29 September 2023: ECTI in Schlosshotel Bückeburg close to Hannover Germany. Details are HERE

9th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology will be held on 16-20 October 2023 at Kingscliff, New South Wales, Australia. A Summer School will be associated. Details

Already the 5th edition !
Les Houches Winter School on “Physics with Trapped Charged Particles” is scheduled for 15-26 January 2024. Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


Postdoc / PhD student position in precision spectroscopy in In+/Yb+ Coulomb crystals is available in the group of Tanja Mehlstäubler at PTB, Braunschweig, Germany. Further information HERE

PhD position in Cavity-QED with multi-species ion crystals with Prof. M. Keller at Sussex University, Brighton, UK. Details

Open postdoc position in mass spectrometry – cold ion spectroscopy instrumentation at EPFL (Switzerland). For details contact Oleg Boyarkine
A PhD position on quantum state engineering in a laser-cooled ion cloud to
study diffusion in a non-neutral plasma at CNRS/Aix-Marseille University in Marseille. For details contact Caroline Champenois

Postdoc and PhD positions in laser spectroscopy group (Dopfer) at TU Berlin (Germany), Details can be found HERE

Various PhD and postdoc positions are available in the group of Stefan Willitsch at the University of Basel (Switzerland) on the development of quantum technologies for single trapped molecular ions and their application in precision spectroscopy. Further information can be found HERE

A fully funded PhD position is available to work on ion–molecule reaction studies in the Department of Physics at the University of Liverpool. The project is supported by the Leverhulme Trust, providing a stipend for 3.5 years and covering all fees for UK candidates. Details

A PhD position in our group at FEMTO-ST on a surface-electrodes single-ion optical clock. Details

A postdoc position to work on quantum control and precision measurements of single molecular ions in the NIST Ion Storage group at Boulder, Colorado, USA. The position is available starting in summer 2023. Please contact Chin-wen (James) Chou for more information.

PhD position in experimental trapped ion physics at the mass spectrometer Pentatrap in the group of Sergey Eliseev and Klaus Blaum at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg. The PhD project will be aimed at performing high-precision mass measurement for fundamental physics and development of the necessary technical and methodical upgrades. Details

Postdoc position at Stockholm University to work on Experimental Quantum Computing with Trapped Rydberg Ions. Closing date 31 January 2023 or until position is filled. For more information see our webpage, or contact Markus Hennrich.

PhD position to work at ALPHA, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. Details

Postdoctoral Research Associate in Experimental Nuclear Physics to work on the further development of ion trapping techniques for nuclear physics and applications beyond fundamental sciences. Details
A postdoc position is open in the University of California San Diego positron group ( to study vortex dynamics using electron plasmas confined in a Penning-Malmberg trap. The successful candidate will have an opportunity to do both experiments and complementary computer simulations. Details.

Two postdoctoral positions in quantum networking with trapped ions. The primary goal of the postdocs will be to demonstrate the core elements of a quantum repeater in a distributed scenario. Details

Multiple postdoc and PhD positions are available in the newly formed Leibrandt Group at UCLA for experiments on (1) trapped-ion thorium nuclear clocks, (2) quantum control of and searches for new physics with polyatomic molecules, and (3) development of optical atomic clocks for space missions.  More information HERE and/or contact David Leibrandt.


Please sent information about your publications to
2023 roadmap for materials for quantum technologies
Christoph Becher, Weibo Gao, Swastik Kar, Christian D Marciniak, Thomas Monz, John G Bartholomew, Philippe Goldner, Huanqian Loh, Elizabeth Marcellina, Kuan Eng Johnson Goh, Teck Seng Koh, Bent Weber, Zhao Mu, Jeng-Yuan Tsai, Qimin Yan, Tobias Huber-Loyola, Sven Höfling, Samuel Gyger, Stephan Steinhauer and Val ZwillerHide
Mater. Quantum. Technol. 3 012501 (2023)

A high-fidelity quantum matter-link between ion-trap microchip modules
M. Akhtar, F. Bonus, F. R. Lebrun-Gallagher, N. I. Johnson, M. Siegele-Brown, S. Hong, S. J. Hile, S. A. Kulmiya, S. Weidt & W. K. Hensinger
Nature Communications volume 14, Article number: 531 (2023)

Angle-robust two-qubit gates in a linear ion crystal
Zhubing Jia, Shilin Huang, Mingyu Kang, Ke Sun, Robert F. Spivey, Jungsang Kim, and Kenneth R. Brown
Phys. Rev. A 107, 032617 (2023)

Control of an Atomic Quadrupole Transition in a Phase-Stable Standing Wave
Alfredo Ricci Vasquez, Carmelo Mordini, Chloé Vernière, Martin Stadler, Maciej Malinowski, Chi Zhang, Daniel Kienzler, Karan K. Mehta, and Jonathan P. Home
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 133201 (2023)

Chiral-coupling-assisted refrigeration in trapped ions
Chi-Chih Chen, Yi-Cheng Wang, Chun-Che Wang and Hsiang-Hua Jen
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. (2023)

Determination of the 8B neutrino energy spectrum using trapped ions
B. Longfellow, A. T. Gallant, T. Y. Hirsh, M. T. Burkey, G. Savard, N. D. Scielzo, L. Varriano, M. Brodeur, D. P. Burdette, J. A. Clark, D. Lascar, P. Mueller, D. Ray, K. S. Sharma, A. A. Valverde, G. L. Wilson, and X. L. Yan
Phys. Rev. C 107, L032801 (2023)

Dynamics Simulation and Light-Sheet Tomography of Multispecies Ion Coulomb Crystals
Yong Shen, Hongshuo Zhang, Yongzhuang Zhou, He Xie, Hang Cheng and Hongxin Zou
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2470 012034 (2023)

Electric-quadrupole transition-rate measurement of a highly charged ion in an electron-beam ion trap using pulsed laser excitation from a metastable state
Naoki Kimura, Priti, Susumu Kuma, Toshiyuki Azuma, and Nobuyuki Nakamura
Phys. Rev. A 107, 022805 (2023)

Efficient numerical approach to high-fidelity phase-modulated gates in long chains of trapped ions
Sheng-Chen Liu, Lin Cheng, Gui-Zhong Yao, Ying-Xiang Wang, and Liang-You Peng
Phys. Rev. E 107, 035304 (2023)

Efficient motional-mode characterization for high-fidelity trapped-ion quantum computing
Mingyu Kang, Qiyao Liang, Ming Li and Yunseong Nam
Quantum Sci. Technol. 8 024002 (2023)

Engineering Dynamically Decoupled Quantum Simulations with Trapped Ions
W. Morong, K.S. Collins, A. De, E. Stavropoulos, T. You, and C. Monroe
PRX Quantum 4, 010334 (2023)

Fast Single-Shot Imaging of Individual Ions via Homodyne Detection of Rydberg-Blockade-Induced Absorption
Jinjin Du, Thibault Vogt, and Wenhui Li
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 143004 (2023)

Fokker-Planck treatment of nonlinearities in the dispersive coupling of an ion and an optical cavity
Alan Kahan, Leonardo Ermann, Marcos Saraceno, and Cecilia Cormick
Phys. Rev. A 107, 033712 (2023)

FPGA based hardware platform for trapped-ion-based multi-level quantum systems
Ming-Dong Zhu, Lin Yan, Xi Qin, Wen-Zhe Zhang, Yiheng Lin and Jiangfeng Du
Chinese Phys. B (2023)

Heating rate measurement and characterization of a prototype surface-electrode trap for optical frequency metrology
Thomas Lauprêtre, Bachir Achi, Lucas Groult, Émile Carry, Yann Kersalé, Marion Delehaye, Moustafa Abdel Hafiz & Clément Lacroûte
Applied Physics B 129, 37 (2023)

Individual addressing of trapped ion qubits with geometric phase gates
R. T. Sutherland, R. Srinivas, and D. T. C. Allcock
Phys. Rev. A 107, 032604 (2023)

Investigation of spatial structure and sympathetic cooling in the 9Be+–40Ca+ bi-component Coulomb crystals
Min Li, 敏 李, Yong Zhang, 勇 张, Qian-Yu Zhang, 乾 煜 张, Wen-Li Bai, 文 丽 白, Sheng-Guo He, 胜 国 何, Show full author list
Chinese Phys. B 32 036402 (2023)

Narrowband composite two-qubit gates for crosstalk suppression
Boyan T. Torosov and Nikolay V. Vitanov
Phys. Rev. A 107, 032618 (2023)

Let the ions sing
Norbert M. Linke
Nature Physics (2023)

Measurement of the Electron Magnetic Moment
X. Fan, T. G. Myers, B. A. D. Sukra, and G. Gabrielse
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 071801 (2023)

Measurement-based ground-state cooling of a trapped-ion oscillator
Chungsun Lee, Simon C. Webster, Jacopo Mosca Toba, Ollie Corfield, George Porter, and Richard C. Thompson
Phys. Rev. A 107, 033107 (2023)

One-Electron Quantum Cyclotron as a Milli-eV Dark-Photon Detector
Xing Fan, Gerald Gabrielse, Peter W. Graham, Roni Harnik, Thomas G. Myers, Harikrishnan Ramani, Benedict A. D. Sukra, Samuel S. Y. Wong, and Yawen Xiao
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 261801 (2023)

Photon scattering errors during stimulated Raman transitions in trapped-ion qubits
I. D. Moore, W. C. Campbell, E. R. Hudson, M. J. Boguslawski, D. J. Wineland, and D. T. C. Allcock
Phys. Rev. A 107, 032413 (2023)

Quantum chaos and thermalization in the two-mode Dicke model
Aleksandrina V Kirkova and Peter A Ivanov
Phys. Scr. 98 045105 (2023)

Robust Quantum Memory in a Trapped-Ion Quantum Network Node
P. Drmota, D. Main, D. P. Nadlinger, B. C. Nichol, M. A. Weber, E. M. Ainley, A. Agrawal, R. Srinivas, G. Araneda, C. J. Ballance, and D. M. Lucas
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 090803 (2023)

Routing Single Photons from a Trapped Ion Using a Photonic Integrated Circuit
Uday Saha, James D. Siverns, John Hannegan, Mihika Prabhu, Qudsia Quraishi, Dirk Englund, and Edo Waks
Phys. Rev. Applied 19, 034001 (2023)

Scalable and programmable phononic network with trapped ions
Wentao Chen, Yao Lu, Shuaining Zhang, Kuan Zhang, Guanhao Huang, Mu Qiao, Xiaolu Su, Jialiang Zhang, Jing-Ning Zhang, Leonardo Banchi, M. S. Kim & Kihwan Kim
Nature Physics (2023)

Simulation studies of a 30-keV MR-ToF device for highly sensitive collinear laser spectroscopy ,
F.M. Maier, M. Vilen, I. Belosevic, F. Buchinger, C. Kanitz, S. Lechner, E. Leistenschneider, W. Nörtershäuser, P. Plattner, L. Schweikhard, S. Sels, F. Wienholtz, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment,Volume 1048 (2023)

Steady-state entanglement generation for nondegenerate qubits
Murilo H. Oliveira, Gerard Higgins, Chi Zhang, Ana Predojević, Markus Hennrich, Romain Bachelard, and Celso J. Villas-Boas
Phys. Rev. A 107, 023706 (2023)

Synthesizing a σz spin-dependent force for optical, metastable, and ground-state trapped-ion qubits
O. Băzăvan, S. Saner, M. Minder, A. C. Hughes, R. T. Sutherland, D. M. Lucas, R. Srinivas, and C. J. Ballance
Phys. Rev. A 107, 022617 (2023)

Toward improved quantum simulations and sensing with trapped two-dimensional ion crystals via parametric amplification
M. Affolter, W. Ge, B. Bullock, S. C. Burd, K. A. Gilmore, J. F. Lilieholm, A. L. Carter, and J. J. Bollinger
Phys. Rev. A 107, 032425 (2023)

Trap-Assisted Complexes in Cold Atom-Ion Collisions
H. Hirzler, E. Trimby, R. Gerritsma, A. Safavi-Naini, and J. Pérez-Ríos
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 143003 (2023)

Vibration-assisted multiphoton resonance and multi-ion excitation
Wenjun Shao, Xun-Li Feng, Jian Li, and Liang-Liang Wang
Phys. Rev. Research 5, 023005 (2023)


A guided light system for agile individual addressing of Ba+ qubits with 10−4 level intensity crosstalk
Ali Binai-Motlagh, Matthew Day, Nikolay Videnov, Noah Greenberg, Crystal Senko, Rajibul Islam

Ablation loading of barium ions into a surface electrode trap
X. Shi, S. L. Todaro, G. L. Mintzer, C. D. Bruzewicz, J. Chiaverini, I. L. Chuang

Ab initio potential energy curves, scattering lengths, and rovibrational levels of the
He2+ molecular ion in excited electronic states,

J. Gębala, M. Przybytek, M. Gronowski, M. Tomza

Analyses of the viability of automating the quantum circuit construction of Grover Oracle for executing wildcard searches on NISQ processors
Willie Huang

Calculating the many-body density of states on a digital quantum computer
Alessandro Summer, Cecilia Chiaracane, Mark T. Mitchison, John Goold

Charge transfer of polyatomic molecules in ion-atom hybrid traps: Stereodynamics in the millikelvin regime
Alexandre Voute, Alexander Dörfler, Laurent Wiesenfeld, Olivier Dulieu, Fabien Gatti, Daniel Peláez, Stefan Willitsch

Conformational and state-specific effects in reactions of 2,3-dibromobutadiene with Coulomb-crystallized calcium ions
Ardita Kilaj, Silvan Käser, Jia Wang, Patrik Straňák, Max Schwilk, Lei Xu, O. Anatole von Lilienfeld, Jochen Küpper, Markus Meuwly, Stefan Willitsch

Controlling two-dimensional Coulomb crystals of more than 100 ions in a monolithic radio-frequency trap
Dominik Kiesenhofer, Helene Hainzer, Artem Zhdanov, Philip C. Holz, Matthias Bock, Tuomas Ollikainen, Christian F. Roos

Compiling quantum circuits with qubits embedded in trapped-ion quidts
Anastasiia S. Nikolaeva, Evgeniy O. Kiktenko, Aleksey K. Fedorov

Criticality-enhanced Electromagnetic Field Sensor with Single Trapped Ions
Theodoros Ilias, Dayou Yang, Susana F. Huelga, Martin B. Plenio

Development and Evaluation of a Narrow Linewidth Laser System for 171Yb+ E2 Transition
Yani Zuo, Shiying Cao, Shaoyang Dai, Yige Lin, Tao Yang, Baike Lin, Fei Meng, Weiliang Chen, Kun Liu, Fasong Zheng, Tianchu Li, Fang Fang

Efficient site-resolved imaging and spin-state detection in dynamic two-dimensional ion crystals
Robert N. Wolf, Joseph H. Pham, Julian Y. Z. Jee, Alexander Rischka, Michael J. Biercuk

Entangling gates for trapped-ion quantum computation and quantum simulation
Zhengyang Cai, Chunyang Luan, Lingfeng Ou, Hengchao Tu, Zihan Yin, Jing-Ning Zhang, Kihwan Kim

Error-Mitigated Quantum Simulation of Interacting Fermions with Trapped Ions
Wentao Chen, Shuaining Zhang, Jialiang Zhang, Xiaolu Su, Yao Lu, Kuan Zhang, Mu Qiao, Ying Li, Jing-Ning Zhang, Kihwan Kim

Experimental realization of nonunitary multi-qubit operations
Martin W. van Mourik, Elias Zapusek, Pavel Hrmo, Lukas Gerster, Rainer Blatt, Thomas Monz, Philipp Schindler, Florentin Reiter

Generation of rotational ground state HD+ ions in an ion trap using a resonance-enhanced threshold photoionization process
Yong Zhang, Qianyu Zhang, Wenli Bai, Zhiyuan Ao, Wencui Peng, Shengguo He, Xin Tong

Generation of Pseudo-Random Quantum States on Actual Quantum Processors
Gabriele Cenedese, Maria Bondani, Dario Rosa, Giuliano Benenti

Heat rectification, heat fluxes, and spectral matching
Javier Navarro, Juan Gonzalo Muga, Marisa Pons

In-source and in-trap formation of molecular ions in the actinide mass range at CERN-ISOLDE
M. Au, M. Athanasakis-Kaklamanakis, L. Nies, J. Ballof, R. Berger, K. Chrysalidis, P. Fischer, R. Heinke, J. Johnson, U. Köster, D. Leimbach, B. Marsh, M. Mougeot, J. Reilly, E. Reis, M. Schlaich, Ch. Schweiger, L. Schweikhard, S. Stegemann, J. Wessolek, F. Wienholtz, S. G. Wilkins, W. Wojtaczka, Ch. E. Düllmann, S. Rothe

Integrated waveguide-based acousto-optic modulation with near-unity conversion efficiency
Liang Zhang, Chaohan Cui, Pao-Kang Chen, Linran Fan

Large-scale simulations of Floquet physics on near-term quantum computers
Timo Eckstein, Refik Mansuroglu, Piotr Czarnik, Jian-Xin Zhu, Michael J. Hartmann, Lukasz Cincio, Andrew T. Sornborger, Zoë Holmes

Laser-free method for creation of two-mode squeezed state and beam-splitter transformation with trapped ions
Bogomila S. Nikolova, Peter A. Ivanov

Non-Markovian approach to quantum state fluctuations in noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices
Doyeol Ahn, Byeongyong Park

Pairwise-parallel entangling gates on orthogonal modes in a trapped-ion chain
Yingyue Zhu, Alaina M. Green, Nhung H. Nguyen, C. Huerta Alderete, Elijah Mossman, Norbert M. Linke

Precision Measurement of M1 Optical Clock Transition in Ni^(12+)
Shaolong Chen, Zhiqiang Zhou, Jiguang Li, Tingxian Zhang, Chengbin Li, Tingyun Shi, Yao Huang, Hua Guan, Kelin Gao

Probing Complex-energy Topology via Non-Hermitian Absorption Spectroscopy in a Trapped Ion Simulator
Mingming Cao, Kai Li, Wending Zhao, Weixuan Guo, Bingxiag Qi, Xiuying Chang, Zichao Zhou, Yong Xu, Luming Duan

QAOA with N⋅p≥200
Ruslan Shaydulin, Marco Pistoia

Quantum computing with trapped ions: a beginner’s guide
Francesco Bernardini, Abhijit Chakraborty, Carlos Ordóñez

Quantum Deep Hedging
El Amine Cherrat, Snehal Raj, Iordanis Kerenidis, Abhishek Shekhar, Ben Wood, Jon Dee, Shouvanik Chakrabarti, Richard Chen, Dylan Herman, Shaohan Hu, Pierre Minssen, Ruslan Shaydulin, Yue Sun, Romina Yalovetzky, Marco Pistoia

Quantum State Preparation of Normal Distributions using Matrix Product States
Jason Iaconis, Sonika Johri, Elton Yechao Zhu

Reactive ion-atom collisions in cw-laser photoionization of laser-cooled Rb atoms
Wei-Chen Liang, Feng-Dong Jia, Fei Wang, Xi Zhang, Yu-Han Wang, Jing-Yu Qian, Jin-Yu Zhou, Yong Wu, Jian-Guo Wang, Ping Xue, Zhi-Ping Zhong

Real-time hybrid quantum-classical computations for trapped-ions with Python control-flow
Tobias Schmale, Bence Temesi, Niko Trittschanke, Nicolas Pulido-Mateo, Ilya Elenskiy, Ludwig Krinner, Timko Dubielzig, Christian Ospelkaus, Hendrik Weimer, Daniel Borcherding

Realization of quantum signal processing on a noisy quantum computer
Yuta Kikuchi, Conor Mc Keever, Luuk Coopmans, Michael Lubasch, Marcello Benedetti

Robust suppression of noise propagation in GKP error-correction
Christian Siegele, Philippe Campagne-Ibarcq

Single-shot measurements of phonon number states using the Autler-Townes effect Marion Mallweger, Murilo Henrique de Oliveira, Robin Thomm, Harry Parke, Natalia Kuk, Gerard Higggins, Romain Bachelard, Celso Jorge Villas-Boas, Markus Hennrich

The Mechanical Paul Trap: Introducing the Concept of Ion Trapping
Sebastian Kilde Lofgren, Ricardo Méndez Fragoso, Jonathan Weidow, Jonas Enger

Topological Order from Measurements and Feed-Forward on a Trapped Ion Quantum Computer
Mohsin Iqbal, Nathanan Tantivasadakarn, Thomas M. Gatterman, Justin A. Gerber, Kevin Gilmore, Dan Gresh, Aaron Hankin, Nathan Hewitt, Chandler V. Horst, Mitchell Matheny, Tanner Mengle, Brian Neyenhuis, Ashvin Vishwanath, Michael Foss-Feig, Ruben Verresen, Henrik Dreyer

Trap-induced ac Zeeman shift of the thorium-229 nuclear clock frequency
K. Beloy

Tunneling in a very slow ion-molecule reaction
Robert Wild, Markus Nötzold, Malcolm Simpson, Thuy Dung Tran, Roland Wester

Transient fluorescence with a single trapped ion
Nicolás Nuñez Barreto, Lucas Giardino, Carla Crucianelli, Muriel Bonetto, Martin Drechsler, Christian Tomás Schmiegelow

Trap-Integrated Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detectors with Improved RF Tolerance for Trapped-Ion Qubit State Readout
Benedikt Hampel, Daniel H. Slichter, Dietrich Leibfried, Richard P. Mirin, Sae Woo Nam, Varun B. Verma

ITN Newsletter – January 2023

Dear all,

ECTI will be back for a new edition in 2023: 25-29 September in a castle close to Hannover in Germany. More details can be found HERE . Don’t forget to SAVE the DATE!

Your editorial team



COST Action CONFINED MOLECULAR SYSTEMS: FROM A NEW GENERATION OF MATERIALS TO THE STARS (COSY), started in fall 2022, and might be interesting to some of you. (Attention, they are confined NOT trapped !). Details can be found here and the announcement of the first General Meeting, 1-3 March 2023 in Cadiz, is here


9th Conference on Electrostatic storage devices (ESD 9), 14-18 May in the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot Israel. Details

54 EGAS, Strasbourg/France, 18-22 June 2023 Details

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, 25-30 June 2023 Details

ICPEAC 2023 will be held in Ottawa (Canada), from July 25th to August 1st of 2023 Details

Workshop on Ultracold Molecules (satellite event to BEC 2023 Conference) to be held at the campus of the University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, from 5-8 September, 2023. Details

25-29 September 2023: ECTI in Schlosshotel Bückeburg close to Hannover Germany. Details

9th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology will be held on 16-20 October 2023 at Kingscliff, New South Wales, Australia. A Summer School will be associated. Details

Already the 5th edition !
Les Houches Winter School on “Physics with Trapped Charged Particles” is scheduled for 15-26 January 2024. Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


PhD position in experimental trapped ion physics at the mass spectrometer Pentatrap in the group of Sergey Eliseev and Klaus Blaum at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg. The PhD project will be aimed at performing high-precision mass measurement for fundamental physics and development of the necessary technical and methodical upgrades. Details

Postdoc position at Stockholm University to work on Experimental Quantum Computing with Trapped Rydberg Ions. Closing date 31 January 2023 or until position is filled. For more information see our webpage, or contact Markus Hennrich.

An associate professor permanent position (maître de conference) is opening at Université Paris Cité to develop integrated ion – telecom photon interfaces.
The job description is available here please contact for any question.

PhD position to work at ALPHA, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. Details

Postdoctoral Research Associate in Experimental Nuclear Physics to work on the further development of ion trapping techniques for nuclear physics and applications beyond fundamental sciences. Details
A postdoc position is open in the University of California San Diego positron group ( to study vortex dynamics using electron plasmas confined in a Penning-Malmberg trap. The successful candidate will have an opportunity to do both experiments and complementary computer simulations. Details.

Two postdoctoral positions in quantum networking with trapped ions. The primary goal of the postdocs will be to demonstrate the core elements of a quantum repeater in a distributed scenario. Details

Multiple postdoc and PhD positions are available in the newly formed Leibrandt Group at UCLA for experiments on (1) trapped-ion thorium nuclear clocks, (2) quantum control of and searches for new physics with polyatomic molecules, and (3) development of optical atomic clocks for space missions.  More information HERE and/or contact David Leibrandt.

PhD position in the Oxford Ion Trap Group, on entanglement-enhanced metrology with a quantum network of optical atomic clocks. More information
Permanent trapped ion physicist positions are available at the UK’s National Quantum Computing Centre, see current vacancies or contact Cameron Deans for details

Postdoctoral position at UCLouvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium): Merged-beam laboratory astrophysics experiments with Prof Xavier Urbain

Several PhD and postdoc positions are available in Amsterdam to develop quantum-enhanced methods for the next generation of fundamental physics tests with trapped ions. More information can be found at

2-year Post-doctoral position for the GPIB and PIPERADE setups at LP2i-Bordeaux. Details

The University of Sussex in Brighton/UK announces two vacancies: a professor of quantum optics and technology and a Lecturer/Reader in Quantum Optics and Technology

A post-doc position and a Ph.D. student position (both 4 years) on lattice optical clocks and relativistic geodesy. The activities concern the further development and subsequent operation of the strontium clock “SOC2” in the geodetic station Wettzell. During the ISS mission ACES the clock shall perform laser and microwave time transfer experiments between Wettzell and PTB Braunschweig. Details HERE. Apply to Prof. S. Schiller.

A Postdoc position is open in quantum technologies focusing on integrated microwave electronics for ion traps within the QuMIC project in the group of Christian Ospelkaus at the Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany. Details

Cold Molecular Physics Postdoc at University of Colorado/JILA, Boulder, CO. Contact Prof. Heather Lewandowski for further details.

Postdoctoral Research Associate and PhD positions are available on quantum simulation and sensing with large beryllium ion crystals at the University of Sydney. For details please contact Robert Wolf Details are here

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrology


Please sent information about your publications to
An optical atomic clock based on a highly charged ion
Steven A. King, Lukas J. Spieß, Peter Micke, Alexander Wilzewski, Tobias Leopold, Erik Benkler, Richard Lange, Nils Huntemann, Andrey Surzhykov, Vladimir A. Yerokhin, José R. Crespo López-Urrutia & Piet O. Schmidt
Nature 2 nov 2022

Boson sampling for generalized bosons
En-Jui Kuo, Yijia Xu, Dominik Hangleiter, Andrey Grankin, and Mohammad Hafezi
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 043096 (2022)

Coherent control of a local phonon in trapped ions using dynamical decoupling
Ryutaro Ohira, Shota Kume, and Kenji Toyoda
Phys. Rev. A 106, 042603 (2022)

Crosstalk Suppression in Individually Addressed Two-Qubit Gates in a Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer
Chao Fang, Ye Wang, Shilin Huang, Kenneth R. Brown, and Jungsang Kim
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 240504 (2022)

Disentangling polycationic fullerenes produced from glassy carbon with multireflection time-of-flight mass spectrometry
Paul Fischer and Lutz Schweikhard
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 043187 (2022)

Dynamical Hadron Formation in Long-Range Interacting Quantum Spin Chains
Joseph Vovrosh, Rick Mukherjee, Alvise Bastianello, and Johannes Knolle
PRX Quantum 3, 040309 (2022)

Effect of micromotion and local stress in quantum simulations with trapped ions in optical tweezers
Liam Bond, Lisa Lenstra, Rene Gerritsma, and Arghavan Safavi-Naini
Phys. Rev. A 106, 042612 (2022)

Effects of cavity birefringence in polarisation-encoded quantum networks
E Kassa, W Hughes, S Gao and J F Goodwin
New J. Phys. 25 013004 (2023)

Entanglement between a trapped-ion qubit and a 780-nm photon via quantum frequency conversion
John Hannegan, James D. Siverns, and Qudsia Quraishi
Phys. Rev. A 106, 042441 (2022)

Entanglement-enhanced optical atomic clocks
Simone Colombo, Edwin Pedrozo-Peñafiel and Vladan Vuletić
Appl. Phys. Lett. 121, 210502 (2022)

Feasibility study on ground-state cooling and single-phonon readout of trapped electrons using hybrid quantum systems
Alto Osada, Kento Taniguchi, Masato Shigefuji, and Atsushi Noguchi
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 033245 (2022)

Generative quantum learning of joint probability distribution functions
Elton Yechao Zhu, Sonika Johri, Dave Bacon, Mert Esencan, Jungsang Kim, Mark Muir, Nikhil Murgai, Jason Nguyen, Neal Pisenti, Adam Schouela, Ksenia Sosnova, and Ken Wright
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 043092 (2022)

Highly charged ion used in a new class of optical clock
02 November 2022

Improved bounds on Lorentz violation from composite pulse Ramsey spectroscopy in a trapped ion
Laura S. Dreissen, Chih-Han Yeh, Henning A. Fürst, Kai C. Grensemann & Tanja E. Mehlstäubler
Nature Communications volume 13, Article number: 7314 (2022)

Inline cryogenically cooled radio-frequency ion trap as a universal injector for cold ions into an electrostatic ion-beam storage ring: Probing and modeling the dynamics of rotational cooling of OH−
H. B. Pedersen, H. Juul, F. K. Mikkelsen, A. P. Rasmussen, and L. H. Andersen
Phys. Rev. A 106, 053111 (2022)

Leak-Out Spectroscopy, A Universal Method of Action Spectroscopy in Cold Ion Traps
Philipp C. Schmid, Oskar Asvany, Thomas Salomon, Sven Thorwirth, and Stephan Schlemmer
J. Phys. Chem. A, 126, 43, 8111–8117 (2022)

Mediated Interaction between Ions in Quantum Degenerate Gases
Shanshan Ding, Michael Drewsen, Jan J. Arlt, and G. M. Bruun
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 153401 (2022)

Multi-round QAOA and advanced mixers on a trapped-ion quantum computer
Yingyue Zhu, Zewen Zhang, Bhuvanesh Sundar, Alaina M Green, C Huerta Alderete, Nhung H Nguyen, Kaden R A Hazzard and Norbert M Linke
Quantum Sci. Technol. 8 015007 (2023)

Number-resolved detection of dark ions in Coulomb crystals
Fabian Schmid, Johannes Weitenberg, Jorge Moreno, Theodor W. Hänsch, Thomas Udem, and Akira Ozawa
Phys. Rev. A 106, L041101 (2022)

Resolved-sideband micromotion sensing in Yb+ on the 935 nm repump transition
Connor J. B. Goham and Joseph W. Britton
AIP Advances 12, 115315 (2022)

Scalable Quantum Logic Spectroscopy
Kaifeng Cui, Jose Valencia, Kevin T. Boyce, Ethan R. Clements, David R. Leibrandt, and David B. Hume
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 193603 (2022)

Simulating Dynamical Phases of Chiral p+ip Superconductors with a Trapped ion Magnet
Athreya Shankar, Emil A. Yuzbashyan, Victor Gurarie, Peter Zoller, John J. Bollinger, and Ana Maria Rey
PRX Quantum 3, 040324 (2022)

Testing standard-model extensions with isotope shifts in few-electron ions
V. Debierre, N. S. Oreshkina, I. A. Valuev, Z. Harman, and C. H. Keitel
Phys. Rev. A 106, 062801 (2022)

The General Purpose Ion Buncher: A radiofrequency quadrupole cooler-buncher for DESIR at SPIRAL2,
M. Gerbaux, P. Ascher, A. Husson, A. de Roubin, P. Alfaurt, M. Aouadi, B. Blank, L. Daudin, S. El Abbeir, M. Flayol, H. Guérin, S. Grévy, M. Hukkanen, B. Lachacinski, D. Lunney, S. Perard, B. Thomas.
Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A 1046 , 167631 

The randomized measurement toolbox
Andreas Elben, Steven T. Flammia, Hsin-Yuan Huang, Richard Kueng, John Preskill, Benoît Vermersch & Peter Zoller
Nature Reviews Physics (2022)

Three-laser coherent population trapping in a multi-Λ system: Theory, experiment, and applications
Nicolás A. Nuñez Barreto, Martín Drechsler, and Christian T. Schmiegelow
Phys. Rev. A 106, 053708 (2022)


A phonon laser in the quantum regime
T. Behrle, T. L. Nguyen, F. Reiter, D. Baur, B. de Neeve, M. Stadler, M. Marinelli, F. Lancellotti, S. F. Yelin, J. P. Home

Anomalous diffusion in the Long-Range Haken-Strobl-Reineker model
Alberto Catalano, Francesco Mattiotti, Jérôme Dubail, David Hagenmüller, Fabio Franchini, Guido Pupillo

Characterization of Fast Ion Transport via Position-Dependent Optical Deshelving
Craig R. Clark, Creston D. Herold, James T. Merrill, Holly N. Tinkey, Wade Rellergert, Robert Clark, Roger Brown, Wesley D. Robertson, Curtis Volin, Kara Maller, Chris Shappert, Brian J. McMahon, Brian C. Sawyer, Kenton R. Brown

Digitized-counterdiabatic quantum factorization
Narendra N. Hegade, Enrique Solano

Digitized-Counterdiabatic Quantum Algorithm for Protein Folding
Pranav Chandarana, Narendra N. Hegade, Iraitz Montalban, Enrique Solano, Xi Chen

Enhanced tripartite interactions in spin-magnon-mechanical hybrid systems
Xin-Lei Hei, Peng-Bo Li, Xue-Feng Pan, Franco Nori

Enhancing quantum computer performance via symmetrization
Andrii Maksymov, Jason Nguyen, Yunseong Nam, Igor Markov

Extraction of spin-averaged rovibrational transition frequencies in HD+
Jean-Philippe Karr, Jeroen C. J. Koelemeij

Hybrid Trapping of 87Rb Atoms and Yb+ Ions in a Chip-Based Experimental Setup
Abasalt Bahrami, Matthias Müller, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler

Individual addressing of ion qubits with counter-propagating optical frequency combs
Evgeny Anikin, Lianna A. Akopyan, Mikhail Popov, Yelnury Suleimen, Olga Lakhmanskaya, Kirill Lakhmanskiy

Laser Cooling of Trapped Ions in Strongly Inhomogeneous Magnetic Fields
Richard Karl, Yanning Yin, Stefan Willitsch

Optimal control with a multidimensional quantum invariant
Modesto Orozco-Ruiz, Selwyn Simsek, Sahra A. Kulmiya, Samuel J. Hile, Winfried K. Hensinger, Florian Mintert

Oscillating nuclear charge radii as sensors for ultralight dark matter
Abhishek Banerjee, Dmitry Budker, Melina Filzinger, Nils Huntemann, Gil Paz, Gilad Perez, Sergey Porsev, Marianna Safronova

Precisely Modeling the Potential of a Surface Electrode Ion Trap
Qingqing Qin, Ting Chen, Xinfang Zhang, Baoquan Ou, Jie Zhang, Chunwang Wu, Yi Xie, Wei Wu, Pingxing Chen

Probing The Unitarity of Quantum Evolution Through Periodic Driving
Alaina M. Green, Tanmoy Pandit, C. Huerta Alderete, Norbert M. Linke, Raam Uzdin

Quadrupole transitions and quantum gates protected by continuous dynamic decoupling
V. J. Martínez-Lahuerta, L. Pelzer, K. Dietze, L. Krinner, P. O. Schmidt, K. Hammerer

Quantum-parallel vectorized data encodings and computations on trapped-ions and transmons QPUs
Jan Balewski, Mercy G. Amankwah, Roel Van Beeumen, E. Wes Bethel, Talita Perciano, Daan Camps

Quantum teleportation with full Bell-basis detection between a 40Ca+ ion and a single photon
Elena Arenskötter, Stephan Kucera, Omar Elshehy, Max Bergerhoff, Matthias Kreis, Jürgen Eschner

Realization of Scalable Cirac-Zoller Multi-Qubit Gates
Chao Fang, Ye Wang, Ke Sun, Jungsang Kim

Spatiotemporal Quenches in Long-Range Hamiltonians
Simon Bernier, Kartiek Agarwal

Strategies for practical advantage of fault-tolerant circuit design in noisy trapped-ion quantum computers
Sascha Heußen, Lukas Postler, Manuel Rispler, Ivan Pogorelov, Christian D. Marciniak, Thomas Monz, Philipp Schindler, Markus Müller

Systematic study of tunable laser cooling for trapped-ion experiments
A. P. Kulosa, O. N. Prudnikov, D. Vadlejch, H. A. Fürst, A. A. Kirpichnikova, A. V. Taichenachev, V. I. Yudin, T. E. Mehlstäubler

Thermal bistability in laser-cooled trapped ions
Adrien Poindron, Jofre Pedregosa-Gutierrez, Caroline Champenois

Towards Improved Quantum Simulations and Sensing with Trapped 2D Ion Crystals via Parametric Amplification
Matt Affolter, Wenchao Ge, Bryce Bullock, Shaun C. Burd, Kevin A. Gilmore, Jennifer F. Lilieholm, Alison L. Carter, John J. Bollinger

Trapped ions beyond carrier and sideband interactions
T. Tassis, F. L. Semião

Trapped Ion Quantum Computing using Optical Tweezers and the Magnus Effect
M. Mazzanti, R. Gerritsma, R. J. C. Spreeuw, A. Safavi-Naini

Trapping and ground-state cooling of H+2
N. Schwegler, D. Holzapfel, M. Stadler, A. Mitjans, I. Sergachev, J. P. Home, D. Kienzler

Witnessing entanglement in trapped-ion quantum error correction under realistic noise
Andrea Rodriguez-Blanco, Farid Shahandeh, Alejandro Bermudez

ITN Newsletter – November 2022

Dear all,

ECTI will be back for a new (and hopefully real) edition in 2023: 25-29 September in a castle close to Hannover in Germany. SAVE the DATE!

Your editorial team


Short Term Scientific Missions – you can still apply !!
Mobility for young and not so young researchers, between 1 week and 3 months, the COST Action can financially support your stay. Details can be found on the website at

Applications for the IQOQI Prize Postdoctoral Fellowship in Quantum Science are open until 31 Dec 2022. Details

Rainer Blatt has been awarded the Herbert-Walther Preis 2022. Details

Discover Masatoshi Kajita’s new book “Ion Traps: A gentle introduction” published by IOP Books. Link


54 EGAS, Strasbourg/France, 18-22 June 2023 Details

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, 25-30 June 2023 Details

ICPEAC 2023 will be held in Ottawa (Canada), from July 25th to August 1st of 2023 Details

25-29 September 2023: ECTI in Schlosshotel Bückeburg close to Hannover Germany. Details soon to come

9th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology will be held on 16-20 October 2023 at Kingscliff, New South Wales, Australia. A Summer School will be associated. Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


Several PhD and postdoc positions are available in Amsterdam to develop quantum-enhanced methods for the next generation of fundamental physics tests with trapped ions. More information can be found at

2-year Post-doctoral position for the GPIB and PIPERADE setups at LP2i-Bordeaux. Details

The University of Sussex in Brighton/UK announces two vacancies: a professor of quantum optics and technology and a Lecturer/Reader in Quantum Optics and Technology

A post-doc position and a Ph.D. student position (both 4 years) on lattice optical clocks and relativistic geodesy. The activities concern the further development and subsequent operation of the strontium clock “SOC2” in the geodetic station Wettzell. During the ISS mission ACES the clock shall perform laser and microwave time transfer experiments between Wettzell and PTB Braunschweig. Details HERE. Apply to Prof. S. Schiller.

A Postdoc position is open in quantum technologies focusing on integrated microwave electronics for ion traps within the QuMIC project in the group of Christian Ospelkaus at the Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany. Details

Cold Molecular Physics Postdoc at University of Colorado/JILA, Boulder, CO. Contact Prof. Heather Lewandowski for further details.

A postdoc position to work on quantum control and isomer identification of single molecular ions in a collaboration between the University of Colorado/JILA Lewandowski group and the NIST Ion Storage group at Boulder, Colorado, USA. The position is available starting in January 2023. Please contact Heather Lewandowski or Chin-wen (James) Chou for more information.

2 PhD positions in Experimental Molecular Physics at the University of Innsbruck in the Molecular Systems group headed by Roland WesterDetails
PhD and postdoc positions are available in the group of Stefan Willitsch at the University of Basel (Switzerland) on the development of quantum technologies for single trapped molecular ions and their application in precision spectroscopy and controlled molecular and chemical dynamics. Further information can be found HERE

Postdoctoral Research Associate and PhD positions are available on quantum simulation and sensing with large beryllium ion crystals at the University of Sydney. For details please contact Robert Wolf Details are here


Please sent information about your publications to
An optical atomic clock based on a highly charged ion
Steven A. King, Lukas J. Spieß, Peter Micke, Alexander Wilzewski, Tobias Leopold, Erik Benkler, Richard Lange, Nils Huntemann, Andrey Surzhykov, Vladimir A. Yerokhin, José R. Crespo López-Urrutia & Piet O. Schmidt
Nature 2 nov 2022

Boson sampling for generalized bosons
En-Jui Kuo, Yijia Xu, Dominik Hangleiter, Andrey Grankin, and Mohammad Hafezi
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 043096 (2022)

Coherent control of a local phonon in trapped ions using dynamical decoupling
Ryutaro Ohira, Shota Kume, and Kenji Toyoda
Phys. Rev. A 106, 042603 (2022)

Crosstalk Suppression in Individually Addressed Two-Qubit Gates in a Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer
Chao Fang, Ye Wang, Shilin Huang, Kenneth R. Brown, and Jungsang Kim
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 240504 (2022)

Dynamical Hadron Formation in Long-Range Interacting Quantum Spin Chains
Joseph Vovrosh, Rick Mukherjee, Alvise Bastianello, and Johannes Knolle
PRX Quantum 3, 040309 (2022)

Effect of micromotion and local stress in quantum simulations with trapped ions in optical tweezers
Liam Bond, Lisa Lenstra, Rene Gerritsma, and Arghavan Safavi-Naini
Phys. Rev. A 106, 042612 (2022)

Entanglement between a trapped-ion qubit and a 780-nm photon via quantum frequency conversion
John Hannegan, James D. Siverns, and Qudsia Quraishi
Phys. Rev. A 106, 042441 (2022)

Entanglement-enhanced optical atomic clocks
Simone Colombo, Edwin Pedrozo-Peñafiel and Vladan Vuletić
Appl. Phys. Lett. 121, 210502 (2022)

Feasibility study on ground-state cooling and single-phonon readout of trapped electrons using hybrid quantum systems
Alto Osada, Kento Taniguchi, Masato Shigefuji, and Atsushi Noguchi
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 033245 (2022)

Generative quantum learning of joint probability distribution functions
Elton Yechao Zhu, Sonika Johri, Dave Bacon, Mert Esencan, Jungsang Kim, Mark Muir, Nikhil Murgai, Jason Nguyen, Neal Pisenti, Adam Schouela, Ksenia Sosnova, and Ken Wright
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 043092 (2022)

Highly charged ion used in a new class of optical clock
02 November 2022

Improved bounds on Lorentz violation from composite pulse Ramsey spectroscopy in a trapped ion
Laura S. Dreissen, Chih-Han Yeh, Henning A. Fürst, Kai C. Grensemann & Tanja E. Mehlstäubler
Nature Communications volume 13, Article number: 7314 (2022)

Inline cryogenically cooled radio-frequency ion trap as a universal injector for cold ions into an electrostatic ion-beam storage ring: Probing and modeling the dynamics of rotational cooling of OH−
H. B. Pedersen, H. Juul, F. K. Mikkelsen, A. P. Rasmussen, and L. H. Andersen
Phys. Rev. A 106, 053111 (2022)

Leak-Out Spectroscopy, A Universal Method of Action Spectroscopy in Cold Ion Traps
Philipp C. Schmid, Oskar Asvany, Thomas Salomon, Sven Thorwirth, and Stephan Schlemmer
J. Phys. Chem. A, 126, 43, 8111–8117 (2022)

Mediated Interaction between Ions in Quantum Degenerate Gases
Shanshan Ding, Michael Drewsen, Jan J. Arlt, and G. M. Bruun
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 153401 (2022)

Multi-round QAOA and advanced mixers on a trapped-ion quantum computer
Yingyue Zhu, Zewen Zhang, Bhuvanesh Sundar, Alaina M Green, C Huerta Alderete, Nhung H Nguyen, Kaden R A Hazzard and Norbert M Linke
Quantum Sci. Technol. 8 015007 (2023)

Number-resolved detection of dark ions in Coulomb crystals
Fabian Schmid, Johannes Weitenberg, Jorge Moreno, Theodor W. Hänsch, Thomas Udem, and Akira Ozawa
Phys. Rev. A 106, L041101 (2022)

Resolved-sideband micromotion sensing in Yb+ on the 935 nm repump transition
Connor J. B. Goham and Joseph W. Britton
AIP Advances 12, 115315 (2022)

Scalable Quantum Logic Spectroscopy
Kaifeng Cui, Jose Valencia, Kevin T. Boyce, Ethan R. Clements, David R. Leibrandt, and David B. Hume
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 193603 (2022)

Simulating Dynamical Phases of Chiral p+ip Superconductors with a Trapped ion Magnet
Athreya Shankar, Emil A. Yuzbashyan, Victor Gurarie, Peter Zoller, John J. Bollinger, and Ana Maria Rey
PRX Quantum 3, 040324 (2022)

Testing standard-model extensions with isotope shifts in few-electron ions
V. Debierre, N. S. Oreshkina, I. A. Valuev, Z. Harman, and C. H. Keitel
Phys. Rev. A 106, 062801 (2022)

The General Purpose Ion Buncher: A radiofrequency quadrupole cooler-buncher for DESIR at SPIRAL2,
M. Gerbaux, P. Ascher, A. Husson, A. de Roubin, P. Alfaurt, M. Aouadi, B. Blank, L. Daudin, S. El Abbeir, M. Flayol, H. Guérin, S. Grévy, M. Hukkanen, B. Lachacinski, D. Lunney, S. Perard, B. Thomas.
Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A 1046 , 167631 

The randomized measurement toolbox
Andreas Elben, Steven T. Flammia, Hsin-Yuan Huang, Richard Kueng, John Preskill, Benoît Vermersch & Peter Zoller
Nature Reviews Physics (2022)

Three-laser coherent population trapping in a multi-Λ system: Theory, experiment, and applications
Nicolás A. Nuñez Barreto, Martín Drechsler, and Christian T. Schmiegelow
Phys. Rev. A 106, 053708 (2022)


An exponentially-growing family of universal quantum circuits
Mohammad Kordzanganeh, Pavel Sekatski, Leonid Fedichkin, Alexey Melnikov

Bespoke Pulse Design for Robust Rapid Two-Qubit Gates with Trapped Ions
Seyed Shakib Vedaie, Eduardo J. Páez, Nhung H. Nguyen, Norbert M. Linke, Barry C. Sanders

Coherent Control of Trapped Ion Qubits with Localized Electric Fields
R. Srinivas, C. M. Löschnauer, M. Malinowski, A. C. Hughes, R. Nourshargh, V. Negnevitsky, D. T. C. Allcock, S. A. King, C. Matthiesen, T. P. Harty, C. J. Ballance

Continuous Symmetry Breaking in a Trapped-Ion Spin Chain
Lei Feng, Or Katz, Casey Haack, Mohammad Maghrebi, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Zhexuan Gong, Marko Cetina, Christopher Monroe

Injection and nucleation of topological defects in the quench dynamics of the Frenkel-Kontorova model
Oksana Chelpanova, Shane P. Kelly, Giovanna Morigi, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Jamir Marino

Manipulating growth and propagation of correlations in dipolar multilayers: From pair production to bosonic Kitaev models
Thomas Bilitewski, Ana Maria Rey

Modelling noise in global Molmer-Sorensen interactions applied to quantum approximate optimization
Phillip C. Lotshaw, Kevin D. Battles, Bryan Gard, Gilles Buchs, Travis S. Humble, Creston D. Herold

Orbital-optimized pair-correlated electron simulations on trapped-ion quantum computers
Luning Zhao, Joshua Goings, Kenneth Wright, Jason Nguyen, Jungsang Kim, Sonika Johri, Kyujin Shin, Woomin Kyoung, Johanna I. Fuks, June-Koo Kevin Rhee, Young Min Rhee

Parallel coupling of trapped ions in multiple individual wells
Artem Podlesnyy, Yelnury Suleimen, Lianna A. Akopyan, Kirill Lakhmanskiy

Photon scattering errors during stimulated Raman transitions in trapped-ion qubits
I. D. Moore, W. C. Campbell, E. R. Hudson, M. J. Boguslawski, D. J. Wineland, D. T. C. Allcock

Protecting Expressive Circuits with a Quantum Error Detection Code
Chris N. Self, Marcello Benedetti, David Amaro

Quantum error correction with metastable states of trapped ions using erasure conversion
Mingyu Kang, Wesley C. Campbell, Kenneth R. Brown

Robust quantum control for higher order coupling term in trapped ions
Jing-Bo Wang

Sideband Cooling of a Trapped Ion in Strong Sideband Coupling Regime
Shuo Zhang, Zhuo-Peng Huang, Tian-Ci Tian, Zheng-Yang Wu, Jian-Qi Zhang, Wan-Su Bao, Chu Guo

Simulating conical intersections with trapped ions
Jacob Whitlow, Zhubing Jia, Ye Wang, Chao Fang, Jungsang Kim, Kenneth R. Brown

Site-dependent control of polaritons in the Jaynes Cummings Hubbard model with trapped ions
Silpa Muralidharan, Kenji Toyoda

Three-level ion optical clocks
C. A. Holliman, M. Fan, A. M. Jayich

ITN Newsletter – October 2022

Dear all,
last chance to apply for a Short Term Scientific Mission in the frame of the COST Action. You proposal should be submitted by the end of the (civil) year. Mobility for young and not so young researchers, between 1 week and 3 months, the COST Action can financially support your stay. Details can be found on the website at
Your editorial team


The very last ! IQFA’13 colloquium “Quantum Engineering, from Fundamental Aspects to Applications”- Nov. 16-18 2022 @Palaiseau Details

54 EGAS, Strasbourg/France, 18-22 June 2023 Details

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, 25-30 June 2023 Details

ICPEAC 2023 will be held in Ottawa (Canada), from July 25th to August 1st of 2023 Details9th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology will be held on 16-20 October 2023 at Kingscliff, New South Wales, Australia. A Summer School will be associated.

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


Team leader position in precision molecular spectroscopy in ion traps (temporary, up to 6 years). Universität Düsseldorf (Germany). Contact: Prof. Stephan Schiller

A post-doc position and a Ph.D. student position (both 4 years) on lattice optical clocks and relativistic geodesy. The activities concern the further development and subsequent operation of the strontium clock “SOC2” in the geodetic station Wettzell. During the ISS mission ACES the clock shall perform laser and microwave time transfer experiments between Wettzell and PTB Braunschweig. Details HERE. Apply to Prof. S. Schiller.

A Postdoc position is open in quantum technologies focusing on integrated microwave electronics for ion traps within the QuMIC project in the group of Christian Ospelkaus at the Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany. Details

Cold Molecular Physics Postdoc at University of Colorado/JILA, Boulder, CO. Contact Prof. Heather Lewandowski for further details.

A postdoc position to work on quantum control and isomer identification of single molecular ions in a collaboration between the University of Colorado/JILA Lewandowski group and the NIST Ion Storage group at Boulder, Colorado, USA. The position is available starting in January 2023. Please contact Heather Lewandowski or Chin-wen (James) Chou for more information.

2 PhD positions in Experimental Molecular Physics at the University of Innsbruck in the Molecular Systems group headed by Roland WesterDetails
PhD and postdoc positions are available in the group of Stefan Willitsch at the University of Basel (Switzerland) on the development of quantum technologies for single trapped molecular ions and their application in precision spectroscopy and controlled molecular and chemical dynamics. Further information can be found HERE

A one-year postdoc position at Imperial College for work on robust quantum gates with trapped ions, with Prof Richard Thompson and Prof Florian Mintert at Imperial College, funded through the Oxford Quantum Computing and Simulation Hub. Details

Various postdoc positions are available at QUEST in the group of Piet Schmidt concerning related to quantum logic spectroscopy of highly charged ionsa transportable Al+ clock and on ion-based quantum computing

A postdoc position working on optical molecular clocks for new physics searches with David Hanneke at Amherst College, Massachusetts, USA. Details

A postdoc position in Waterloo, Canada, to work on the realization of multi-level qudit primitives in Ba+. Please contact Crystal Senko for more information.

A postdoc position in Waterloo, Canada, for the QuantumIon project, to work on the realization of a Ba-133 qubit register in a chip trap with individual optical controls. Please contact Crystal Senko or Rajibul Islam for more information.

Postdoctoral Research Associate and PhD positions are available on quantum simulation and sensing with large beryllium ion crystals at the University of Sydney. For details please contact Robert Wolf Details are here


Please sent information about your publications to
Coherent control of a local phonon in trapped ions using dynamical decoupling
Ryutaro Ohira, Shota Kume, and Kenji Toyoda
Phys. Rev. A 106, 042603 (2022)

Determination of the 2s22p5−2s2p6 transition energy in fluorine-like nickel utilizing a low-lying dielectronic resonance
S. X. Wang et al.
Phys. Rev. A 106, 042808 (2022)

Dynamical Hadron Formation in Long-Range Interacting Quantum Spin Chains
Joseph Vovrosh, Rick Mukherjee, Alvise Bastianello, and Johannes Knolle
PRX Quantum 3, 040309 (2022)

Effect of micromotion and local stress in quantum simulations with trapped ions in optical tweezers
Liam Bond, Lisa Lenstra, Rene Gerritsma, and Arghavan Safavi-Naini
Phys. Rev. A 106, 042612 (2022)

Entanglement between a trapped-ion qubit and a 780-nm photon via quantum frequency conversion
John Hannegan, James D. Siverns, and Qudsia Quraishi
Phys. Rev. A 106, 042441 (2022)

Experimental Single-Setting Quantum State Tomography
Roman Stricker, Michael Meth, Lukas Postler, Claire Edmunds, Chris Ferrie, Rainer Blatt, Philipp Schindler, Thomas Monz, Richard Kueng, and Martin Ringbauer
PRX Quantum 3, 040310 (2022)

Feasibility study on ground-state cooling and single-phonon readout of trapped electrons using hybrid quantum systems
Alto Osada, Kento Taniguchi, Masato Shigefuji, and Atsushi Noguchi
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 033245 (2022)

Mediated Interaction between Ions in Quantum Degenerate Gases
Shanshan Ding, Michael Drewsen, Jan J. Arlt, and G. M. Bruun
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 153401 (2022)

Number-resolved detection of dark ions in Coulomb crystals
Fabian Schmid, Johannes Weitenberg, Jorge Moreno, Theodor W. Hänsch, Thomas Udem, and Akira Ozawa
Phys. Rev. A 106, L041101 (2022)

Quantum control methods for robust entanglement of trapped ions
C H Valahu, I Apostolatos, S Weidt and W K Hensinger
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 55 204003 (2022)

Qubit-efficient simulation of thermal states with quantum tensor networks
Yuxuan Zhang, Shahin Jahanbani, Daoheng Niu, Reza Haghshenas, and Andrew C. Potter
Phys. Rev. B 106, 165126 (2022)

Second-order Doppler frequency shifts of trapped ions in a linear Paul trap
S. N. Miao, J. W. Zhang, Y. Zheng, H. R. Qin, N. C. Xin, Y. T. Chen, J. Z. Han, and L. J. Wang
Phys. Rev. A 106, 033121 (2022)


A Model without Higgs Potential for Quantum Simulation of Radiative Mass-Enhancement in SUSY Breaking
Masao Hirokawa

A Probabilistic Imaginary Time Evolution Algorithm Based on Non-unitary Quantum Circuit
Hao-Nan Xie, Shi-Jie Wei, Fan Yang, Zheng-An Wang, Chi-Tong Chen, Heng Fan, Gui-Lu Long

A telecom-wavelength quantum repeater node based on a trapped-ion processor
Victor Krutyanskiy, Marco Canteri, Martin Meraner, James Bate, Vojtech Krcmarsky, Josef Schupp, Nicolas Sangouard, Ben P. Lanyon

Angle-robust Two-Qubit Gates in a Linear Ion Crystal
Zhubing Jia, Shilin Huang, Mingyu Kang, Ke Sun, Robert F. Spivey, Jungsang Kim, Kenneth R. Brown

Autonomous quantum error correction and fault-tolerant quantum computation with squeezed cat qubits
Qian Xu, Guo Zheng, Yu-Xin Wang, Peter Zoller, Aashish A. Clerk, Liang Jiang

Classical Half-Adder using Trapped-ion Quantum Bits: Towards Energy-efficient Computation
Sagar Silva Pratapsi, Patrick H. Huber, Patrick Barthel, Sougato Bose, Christof Wunderlich, Yasser Omar

Coherent Control of Trapped Ion Qubits with Localized Electric Fields
R. Srinivas, C. M. Löschnauer, M. Malinowski, A. C. Hughes, R. Nourshargh, V. Negnevitsky, D. T. C. Allcock, S. A. King, C. Matthiesen, T. P. Harty, C. J. Ballance

Collision-Induced Dissociation at TRIUMF’s Ion Trap for Atomic and Nuclear science
A. Jacobs, C. Andreoiu, J. Bergmann, T. Brunner, T. Dickel, I. Dillmann, E. Dunling, J. Flowerdew, L. Graham, G. Gwinner, Z. Hockenbery, B. Kootte, Y. Lan, K. G. Leach, E. Leistenschneider, E. M. Lykiardopoulou, V. Monier, I. Mukul, S. F. Paul, W. R. Plaß, M. P. Reiter, C. Scheidenberger, R. Thompson, J. L Tracy, C. Will , et al. (4 additional authors not shown)

Control of an atomic quadrupole transition in a phase-stable standing wave
Alfredo Ricci Vasquez, Carmelo Mordini, Chloé Vérnière, Martin Stadler, Maciej Malinowski, Chi Zhang, Daniel Kienzler, Karan K. Mehta, Jonathan P. Home

Design and analysis of digital communication within an SoC-based control system for trapped-ion quantum computing
Nafis Irtija, Jim Plusquellic, Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou, Joshua Goldberg, Daniel Lobser, Daniel Stick

Experimental realization of a 218-ion multi-qubit quantum memory
R. Yao, W. -Q. Lian, Y. -K. Wu, G. -X. Wang, B. -W. Li, Q. -X. Mei, B. -X. Qi, L. Yao, Z. -C. Zhou, L. He, L. -M. Duan

Frequency-robust Mølmer-Sørensen gates via balanced contributions of multiple motional modes
Brandon P. Ruzic, Matthew N. H. Chow, Ashlyn D. Burch, Daniel Lobser, Melissa C. Revelle, Joshua M. Wilson, Christopher G. Yale, Susan M. Clark

High-fidelity trapped-ion qubit operations with scalable photonic modulators
Craig W. Hogle, Daniel Dominguez, Mark Dong, Andrew Leenheer, Hayden J. McGuinness, Brandon P. Ruzic, Matthew Eichenfield, Daniel Stick

Injection and nucleation of topological defects in the quench dynamics of the Frenkel-Kontorova model
Oksana Chelpanova, Shane P. Kelly, Giovanna Morigi, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Jamir Marino

Micromotion-Synchronized Pulsed Doppler Cooling of Trapped Ions
Alexander Kato, Andrei Nomerotski, Boris B. Blinov

Modular Software for Real-Time Quantum Control Systems
Leon Riesebos, Brad Bondurant, Jacob Whitlow, Junki Kim, Mark Kuzyk, Tianyi Chen, Samuel Phiri, Ye Wang, Chao Fang, Andrew Van Horn, Jungsang Kim, Kenneth R. Brown

Multi-Neutrino Entanglement and Correlations in Dense Neutrino Systems
Marc Illa, Martin J. Savage

Number-Resolved Detection of Dark Ions in Coulomb Crystals
Fabian Schmid, Johannes Weitenberg, Jorge Moreno, Theodor W. Hänsch, Thomas Udem, Akira Ozawa

Odd-odd neutron-rich rhodium isotopes studied with the double Penning trap JYFLTRAP
M. Hukkanen, W. Ryssens, P. Ascher, M. Bender, T. Eronen, S. Grévy, A. Kankainen, M. Stryjczyk, L. Al Ayoubi, S. Ayet, O. Beliuskina, C. Delafosse, W. Gins, M. Gerbaux, A. Husson, A. Jokinen, D. A. Nesterenko, I. Pohjalainen, M. Reponen, S. Rinta-Antila, A. de Roubin, A. P. Weaver

Probe field ellipticity-induced shift in an atomic clock
V. I. Yudin, A. V. Taichenachev, O. N. Prudnikov, M. Yu. Basalaev, V. G. Pal’chikov, M. von Boehn, T. E. Mehlstäubler, S. N. Bagayev

Quantum computation of dynamical quantum phase transitions and entanglement tomography in a lattice gauge theory
Niklas Mueller, Joseph A. Carolan, Andrew Connelly, Zohreh Davoudi, Eugene F. Dumitrescu, Kübra Yeter-Aydeniz

Quantum error correction with metastable states of trapped ions using erasure conversion
Mingyu Kang, Wesley C. Campbell, Kenneth R. Brown

Quantum logic control and precision measurements of molecular ions in a ring trap — a new approach for testing fundamental symmetries
Trevor N. Taylor, Joshua O. Island, Yan Zhou

Qubit-reuse compilation with mid-circuit measurement and reset
Matthew DeCross, Eli Chertkov, Megan Kohagen, Michael Foss-Feig

Realizing quantum gates with optically-addressable 171Yb+ ion qudits
M. A. Aksenov, I. V. Zalivako, I. A. Semerikov, A. S. Borisenko, N. V. Semenin, P. L. Sidorov, A. K. Fedorov, K. Yu. Khabarova, N. N. Kolachevsky

Robust Quantum Memory in a Trapped-Ion Quantum Network Node
P. Drmota, D. Main, D. P. Nadlinger, B. C. Nichol, M. A. Weber, E. M. Ainley, A. Agrawal, R. Srinivas, G. Araneda, C. J. Ballance, D. M. Lucas

Scalable Experimental Bounds for Entangled Quantum State Fidelities
Shamminuj Aktar, Andreas Bärtschi, Abdel-Hameed A. Badawy, Stephan Eidenbenz

Stabilization of ion-trap secular frequencies for a quantum phase transition study
Jie Zhang, B. T. Chow, P. C. Haljan

State Preparation in the Heisenberg Model through Adiabatic Spiraling
Anthony N. Ciavarella, Stephan Caspar, Marc Illa, Martin J. Savage

ITN Newsletter – September 2022

Dear all,
we sincerely congratulate Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser and Anton Zeilinger to the 2022 Nobel prize in physics, awarded “for experiments with entangled photons, establishing the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering quantum information science”. Hooray to the three of them !

Your editorial team


Short Term Scientific Missions – apply now !!
Mobility for young and not so young researchers, between 1 week and 3 months, the COST Action can financially support your stay. Details can be found on the website at



International Conference on “Quantum sensors and tests of new physics” October 5th-7th 2022 in Hotel Wienecke XI, Hannover (Germany). Details

Joint International Conference of IMEKO TC11 & TC24 (TC11-Technical Committee for Testing, Inspection and Certification, and TC 24-Technical Committee on Chemical Measurements) from 17-20.10.2022 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Details

2-day online workshop on “Optical clocks for international timekeeping”, which the ROCIT consortium are hosting on the 19th and 20th of October 2022 Details

The very last ! IQFA’13 colloquium “Quantum Engineering, from Fundamental Aspects to Applications”- Nov. 16-18 2022 @Palaiseau Details

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, June 2023 Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


A PhD position to make an ion trap source of cold atomic hydrogen at the University of Groningen Details

2 PhD positions in Experimental Molecular Physics at the University of Innsbruck in the Molecular Systems group headed by Roland WesterDetails
PhD and postdoc positions are available in the group of Stefan Willitsch at the University of Basel (Switzerland) on the development of quantum technologies for single trapped molecular ions and their application in precision spectroscopy and controlled molecular and chemical dynamics. Further information can be found HERE

A one-year postdoc position at Imperial College for work on robust quantum gates with trapped ions, with Prof Richard Thompson and Prof Florian Mintert at Imperial College, funded through the Oxford Quantum Computing and Simulation Hub. Details

Various postdoc positions are available at QUEST in the group of Piet Schmidt concerning related to quantum logic spectroscopy of highly charged ionsa transportable Al+ clock and on ion-based quantum computing

A postdoc position working on optical molecular clocks for new physics searches with David Hanneke at Amherst College, Massachusetts, USA. Details

A postdoc position in Waterloo, Canada, to work on the realization of multi-level qudit primitives in Ba+. Please contact Crystal Senko for more information.

A postdoc position in Waterloo, Canada, for the QuantumIon project, to work on the realization of a Ba-133 qubit register in a chip trap with individual optical controls. Please contact Crystal Senko or Rajibul Islam for more information.

A Postdoctoral Research Associate Position for molecular spectroscopy (5 years, starting from 1.10.22 or asap) is available at TU Berlin. For further details, please contact: Otto Dopfer or see details

A PhD position is open in quantum technologies focusing on the design of ion trap quantum processors in the group of Christian Ospelkaus at the Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany. Details

Postdoc position at TRIUMF in Vancouver, Canada, with the francium laser trap facility. Please contact Gerald Gwinner or check for details

A PhD position available in the field of “Numerical methods for open quantum systems with long-range interactions” with Igor Lesanowsky, Univ Tübingen, Germany. Details

Postdoctoral Research Associate and PhD positions are available on quantum simulation and sensing with large beryllium ion crystals at the University of Sydney. For details please contact Robert Wolf Details are here

You can also find different postdoc positions in frequency metrology


Please sent information about your publications to
Ab initio quantum theory of mass defect and time dilation in trapped-ion optical clocks
V. J. Martínez-Lahuerta, S. Eilers, T. E. Mehlstäubler, P. O. Schmidt, and K. Hammerer
Phys. Rev. A 106, 032803 (2022)

An elementary quantum network of entangled optical atomic clocks
B. C. Nichol, R. Srinivas, D. P. Nadlinger, P. Drmota, D. Main, G. Araneda, C. J. Ballance & D. M. Lucas
Nature volume 609, pages 689–694 (2022)

Demonstration of a quantum advantage by a joint detection receiver for optical communication using quantum belief propagation on a trapped-ion device
Conor Delaney, Kaushik P. Seshadreesan, Ian MacCormack, Alexey Galda, Saikat Guha, and Prineha Narang
Phys. Rev. A 106, 032613 (2022)

Doppler and sympathetic cooling for the investigation of short-lived radioactive ions
S. Sels, F. M. Maier, M. Au, P. Fischer, C. Kanitz, V. Lagaki, S. Lechner, E. Leistenschneider, D. Leimbach, E. M. Lykiardopoulou, A. A. Kwiatkowski, T. Manovitz, Y. N. Vila Gracia, G. Neyens, P. Plattner, S. Rothe, L. Schweikhard, M. Vilen, R. N. Wolf, and S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 033229 (2022)

High-Fidelity Ion State Detection Using Trap-Integrated Avalanche Photodiodes
David Reens, Michael Collins, Joseph Ciampi, Dave Kharas, Brian F. Aull, Kevan Donlon, Colin D. Bruzewicz, Bradley Felton, Jules Stuart, Robert J. Niffenegger, Philip Rich, Danielle Braje, Kevin K. Ryu, John Chiaverini, and Robert McConnell
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 100502 (2022)

Embedding the Yang-Lee quantum criticality in open quantum systems
Norifumi Matsumoto, Masaya Nakagawa, and Masahito Ueda
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 033250 (2022)

Experimental Demonstration of Swift Analytical Universal Control Over Nearby Transitions
Yue Li, Zhi-Cheng He, Xinxing Yuan, Mengxiang Zhang, Chang Liu, Yi-Xuan Wu, Mingdong Zhu, Xi Qin, Zheng-Yuan Xue, Yiheng Lin, and Jiangfeng Du
Phys. Rev. Applied 18, 034047 (2022)

Feasibility study on ground-state cooling and single-phonon readout of trapped electrons using hybrid quantum systems
Alto Osada, Kento Taniguchi, Masato Shigefuji, and Atsushi Noguchi
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 033245 (2022)

Fluorescence calorimetry of an ion crystal
Marvin Gajewski, Wenbing Li, Sebastian Wolf, Walter Hahn, Christoph E. Düllmann, Dmitry Budker, Giovanna Morigi, and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
Phys. Rev. A 106, 033108 (2022)

High Fidelity State Preparation and Measurement of Ion Hyperfine Qubits with I>1/2
Fangzhao Alex An, Anthony Ransford, Andrew Schaffer, Lucas R. Sletten, John Gaebler, James Hostetter, and Grahame Vittorini
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 130501 (2022)

Ion-native variational ansatz for quantum approximate optimization
Daniil Rabinovich, Soumik Adhikary, Ernesto Campos, Vishwanathan Akshay, Evgeny Anikin, Richik Sengupta, Olga Lakhmanskaya, Kirill Lakhmanskiy, and Jacob Biamonte
Phys. Rev. A 106, 032418 (2022)

Multi-round QAOA and advanced mixers on a trapped-ion quantum computer
Yingyue Zhu, Zewen Zhang, Bhuvanesh Sundar, Alaina M. Green, Cinthia Huerta Alderete, Nhung H. Nguyen, Kaden Hazzard and Norbert M Linke
2022 Quantum Sci. Technol.

Observation of Non-Markovian Spin Dynamics in a Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard Model Using a Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulator
B.-W. Li, Q.-X. Mei, Y.-K. Wu, M.-L. Cai, Y. Wang, L. Yao, Z.-C. Zhou, and L.-M. Duan
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 140501 (2022)

Quantum control methods for robust entanglement of trapped ions
C H Valahu, I Apostolatos, S Weidt and W K Hensinger
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 55 204003 (2022)

Quantum simulation and quantum computation of noisy-intermediate scale
Kai Xu, Heng Fan
Chinese Phys. B 31 100304 (2022)

Quantum simulation for topological Euler insulators
Wending Zhao, Yan-Bin Yang, Yue Jiang, Zhichao Mao, Weixuan Guo, Liyuan Qiu, Gangxi Wang, Lin Yao, Li He, Zichao Zhou, Yong Xu & Luming Duan
Communications Physics volume 5, Article number: 223 (2022)

Rescaling decoder for two-dimensional topological quantum color codes on 4.8.8 lattices
Pedro Parrado-Rodríguez, Manuel Rispler, and Markus Müller
Phys. Rev. A 106, 032431 (2022)

Second-order Doppler frequency shifts of trapped ions in a linear Paul trap
S. N. Miao, J. W. Zhang, Y. Zheng, H. R. Qin, N. C. Xin, Y. T. Chen, J. Z. Han, and L. J. Wang
Phys. Rev. A 106, 033121 (2022)

Tuning between Continuous Time Crystals and Many-Body Scars in Long-Range XYZ Spin Chains
Kieran Bull, Andrew Hallam, Zlatko Papić, and Ivar Martin
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 140602 (2022)


Black-body radiation induced photodissociation and population redistribution of weakly bound states in H+2
A. D. Ochoa Franco, M. Beyer

Demonstration of three- and four-body interactions between trapped-ion spins
Or Katz, Lei Feng, Andrew Risinger, Christopher Monroe, Marko Cetina

Design and analysis of digital communication within an SoC-based control system for trapped-ion quantum computing
Nafis Irtija, Jim Plusquellic, Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou, Joshua Goldberg, Daniel Lobser, Daniel Stick

Can quantum Rabi model with A^2-term avoid no-go theorem for spontaneous SUSY breaking?
Masao Hirokawa

Emergence of super-Poissonian light from indistinguishable single-photon emitters
A. Kovalenko, D. Babjak, A. Lešundák, L. Podhora, L. Lachman, P. Obšil, T. Pham, O. Číp, R. Filip, L. Slodička

Engineering dynamically decoupled quantum simulations with trapped ions
W. Morong, K. S. Collins, A. De, E. Stavropoulos, T. You, C. Monroe

Experimental realization of a 218-ion multi-qubit quantum memory
R. Yao, W. -Q. Lian, Y. -K. Wu, G. -X. Wang, B. -W. Li, Q. -X. Mei, B. -X. Qi, L. Yao, Z. -C. Zhou, L. He, L. -M. Duan

Experimental Implementation of an Efficient Test of Quantumness
Laura Lewis, Daiwei Zhu, Alexandru Gheorghiu, Crystal Noel, Or Katz, Bahaa Harraz, Qingfeng Wang, Andrew Risinger, Lei Feng, Debopriyo Biswas, Laird Egan, Thomas Vidick, Marko Cetina, Christopher Monroe

Experimental violation of Leggett-Garg inequality in a three-level trapped-ion system
Tianxiang Zhan, Chunwang Wu, Manchao Zhang, Qingqing Qin, Xueying Yang, Han Hu, Wenbo Su, Jie Zhang, Ting Chen, Yi Xie, Wei Wu, Pingxing Chen

Fast Ion Gates Outside the Lamb-Dicke Regime by Robust Quantum Optimal Control
Xiaodong Yang, Yiheng Lin, Yao Lu, Jun Li

High-Accuracy Determination of Paul-Trap Stability Parameters for Electric-Quadrupole-Shift Prediction
T. Lindvall, K. J. Hanhijärvi, T. Fordell, A. E. Wallin

Ion loss events in a cold Rb-Ca+ hybrid trap: photodissociation, black-body radiation and non-radiative charge exchange
Xiaodong Xing, Humberto da Silva Jr, Romain Vexiau, Nadia Bouloufa-Maafa, Stefan Willitsch, Olivier Dulieu

Leak-out Spectroscopy, a universal method of action spectroscopy in cold ion traps
Philipp C. Schmid, Oskar Asvany, Thomas Salomon, Sven Thorwirth, Stephan Schlemmer

Measurement of the Electron Magnetic Moment
X. Fan, T. G. Myers, B. A. D. Sukra, G. Gabrielse

Non-Hermitian skin effect in a single trapped ion
Ziguang Lin, Yiheng Lin, Wei Yi

On the role of entanglement in qudit-based circuit compression
Xiaoqin Gao, Paul Appel, Nicolai Friis, Martin Ringbauer, Marcus Huber

One-Electron Quantum Cyclotron as a Milli-eV Dark-Photon Detector
Xing Fan, Gerald Gabrielse, Peter W. Graham, Roni Harnik, Thomas G. Myers, Harikrishnan Ramani, Benedict A. D. Sukra, Samuel S. Y. Wong, Yawen Xiao

Portfolio Optimization via Quantum Zeno Dynamics on a Quantum Processor
Dylan Herman, Ruslan Shaydulin, Yue Sun, Shouvanik Chakrabarti, Shaohan Hu, Pierre Minssen, Arthur Rattew, Romina Yalovetzky, Marco Pistoia

Predicting molecular vibronic spectra using time-domain analog quantum simulation
Ryan J. MacDonell, Tomas Navickas, Tim F. Wohlers-Reichel, Christophe H. Valahu, Arjun D. Rao, Maverick J. Millican, Michael A. Currington, Michael J. Biercuk, Ting Rei Tan, Cornelius Hempel, Ivan Kassal

Preparations for Quantum Simulations of Quantum Chromodynamics in 1+1 Dimensions: (II) Single-Baryon β-Decay in Real Time
Roland C. Farrell, Ivan A. Chernyshev, Sarah J. M. Powell, Nikita A. Zemlevskiy, Marc Illa, Martin J. Savage

Robust Oscillator-Mediated Phase Gates Driven by Low-Intensity Pulses
I. Arrazola, J. Casanova

Rotational control of reactivity: Reaction of SiO+ ions in extreme rotational states
Sruthi Venkataramanababu, Anyang Li, Ivan Antonov, James Dragan, Patrick R. Stollenwerk, Hua Guo, Brian C. Odom

Suppressing Amplitude Damping in Trapped Ions: Discrete Weak Measurements for a Non-unitary Probabilistic Noise Filter
Andrea Rodriguez-Blanco, K. Birgitta Whaley, Alejandro Bermudez

Thermodynamics and Fluctuations in Quantum Heat Engines under Reservoir Squeezing
Yang Xiao, Dehua Liu, Jizhou He, Wu-Ming Liu, L. -L. Yan, Jianhui Wang

Trap-assisted complexes in cold atom-ion collisions
H. Hirzler, E. Trimby, R. Gerritsma, A. Safavi-Naini, J. Pérez-Ríos

Unitary matrix integrals, symmetric polynomials, and long-range random walk models
Ward L. Vleeshouwers, Vladimir Gritsev

ITN Newsletter – August 2022

Dear all,

Ion trapping just got a cousin network: LeviNet Technologies. You’re welcome to join the Levitated Optomechanics Network! It has a a newsletter of recent publications, a slack channel, and offers STSMs. More info at
Your editorial team


Short Term Scientific Missions – apply now !!
Mobility for young and not so young researchers, between 1 week and 3 months, the COST Action can financially support your stay. Details can be found on the website at



CAMEL17 in Nessebar/BG is ongoing from 30 August to 3 September. Link

Cold and Controlled Molecules and Ions (CCMI) 2022 conference will be held at Durham University in the UK from 4-9 September, 2022

13th International Workshop on Non-Neutral Plasmas (originally scheduled for 2020 and postponed due to the pandemic) to be held in Milano, Italy, September 19-22, 2022. LINK

The 8th International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics (TCP 2022) will take place in Glashütten, Germany on September 25-30, 2022.

International Conference on “Quantum sensors and tests of new physics” October 5th-7th 2022 in Hotel Wienecke XI, Hannover (Germany). Details

Joint International Conference of IMEKO TC11 & TC24 (TC11-Technical Committee for Testing, Inspection and Certification, and TC 24-Technical Committee on Chemical Measurements) from 17-20.10.2022 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Details

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, June 2023 Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


PhD and postdoc positions are available in the group of Stefan Willitsch at the University of Basel (Switzerland) on the development of quantum technologies for single trapped molecular ions and their application in precision spectroscopy and controlled molecular and chemical dynamics. Further information can be found HERE

A one-year postdoc position at Imperial College for work on robust quantum gates with trapped ions, with Prof Richard Thompson and Prof Florian Mintert at Imperial College, funded through the Oxford Quantum Computing and Simulation Hub. Details

Various postdoc positions are available at QUEST in the group of Piet Schmidt concerning related to quantum logic spectroscopy of highly charged ionsa transportable Al+ clock and on ion-based quantum computing

A postdoc position working on optical molecular clocks for new physics searches with David Hanneke at Amherst College, Massachusetts, USA. Details

A postdoc position in Waterloo, Canada, to work on the realization of multi-level qudit primitives in Ba+. Please contact Crystal Senko for more information.

A postdoc position in Waterloo, Canada, for the QuantumIon project, to work on the realization of a Ba-133 qubit register in a chip trap with individual optical controls. Please contact Crystal Senko or Rajibul Islam for more information.

A Postdoctoral Research Associate Position for molecular spectroscopy (5 years, starting from 1.10.22 or asap) is available at TU Berlin. For further details, please contact: Otto Dopfer or see details

A PhD position is open in quantum technologies focusing on the design of ion trap quantum processors in the group of Christian Ospelkaus at the Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany. Details
Postdoc position at TRIUMF in Vancouver, Canada, with the francium laser trap facility. Please contact Gerald Gwinner or check for details

A PhD position available in the field of “Numerical methods for open quantum systems with long-range interactions” with Igor Lesanowsky, Univ Tübingen, Germany. Details

Postdoctoral Research Associate and PhD positions are available on quantum simulation and sensing with large beryllium ion crystals at the University of Sydney. For details please contact Robert Wolf Details are here

A postdoctoral position is available in the positron group (, Physics Department, University of California San Diego, to study vortex dynamics in trapped electron plasmas. Please contact Cliff Surko for further details.

A postdoctoral position is available at the University of Liverpool to work on cold and controlled ion-radical collisions. Please contact Brianna Heazlewood for further details.

A postdoc position in Birmingham to work on the realisation of a system for cooling and trapping highly charged ions of Californium. Details or contact Giovanni Barontini

A “junior professor” position (chaire de professeur junior) is opening at ENSMM and FEMTO-ST. It is a 5-year tenure track position leading to a University professor position. The profile is available here (in French), please contact for any question.

PhD position at Imperial College London to develop tabletop dark matter detectors using quantum sensorsDetails

PhD position at University of Sussex in Cavity-QED with multi-species ion crystals in the group of M. Keller. Details

Postdoc position in the Swansea team at CERN at the ALPHA antihydrogen experiment. Details

You can also find different postdoc positions in frequency metrology


Please sent information about your publications to
A universal qudit quantum processor with trapped ions
Martin Ringbauer, Michael Meth, Lukas Postler, Roman Stricker, Rainer Blatt, Philipp Schindler & Thomas Monz
Nature Physics (2022)

An injection-locked 1762 nm laser for trapped barium ion qubits
Tarun Dutta
Applied Physics B volume 128, Article number: 136 (2022)

Characterizing Quantum Instruments: From Nondemolition Measurements to Quantum Error Correction
Roman Stricker, Davide Vodola, Alexander Erhard, Lukas Postler, Michael Meth, Martin Ringbauer, Philipp Schindler, Rainer Blatt, Markus Müller, and Thomas Monz
PRX Quantum 3, 030318 (2022)

Determination of Multimode Motional Quantum States in a Trapped Ion System
Zhubing Jia, Ye Wang, Bichen Zhang, Jacob Whitlow, Chao Fang, Jungsang Kim, and Kenneth R. Brown
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 103602 (2022)

Digital quantum simulation, learning of the Floquet Hamiltonian, and quantum chaos of the kicked top
Tobias Olsacher, Lorenzo Pastori, Christian Kokail, Lukas M Sieberer and Peter Zoller
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 55 334003 (2022)

Direct measurement of the 3He+ magnetic moments
A. Schneider, B. Sikora, S. Dickopf, M. Müller, N. S. Oreshkina, A. Rischka, I. A. Valuev, S. Ulmer, J. Walz, Z. Harman, C. H. Keitel, A. Mooser & K. Blaum
Nature volume 606, pages 878–883 (2022)

Dynamical topological phase realized in a trapped-ion quantum simulator
Philipp T. Dumitrescu, Justin G. Bohnet, John P. Gaebler, Aaron Hankin, David Hayes, Ajesh Kumar, Brian Neyenhuis, Romain Vasseur & Andrew C. Potter
Nature volume 607, pages463–467 (2022)

Effects of rotating magnetic island on the transport of trapped fast ions
Jianhua Zhao, Jinjia Cao, Dong Xiang, Yongzhi Dai, Junhui Yang and Wenjun Yang
Physics of Plasmas 29, 082502 (2022)

Experimental quantum key distribution certified by Bell’s theorem
D. P. Nadlinger, P. Drmota, B. C. Nichol, G. Araneda, D. Main, R. Srinivas, D. M. Lucas, C. J. Ballance, K. Ivanov, E. Y.-Z. Tan, P. Sekatski, R. L. Urbanke, R. Renner, N. Sangouard & J.-D. Bancal
Nature volume 607, pages682–686 (2022)

Evaluation of the systematic shifts of a 40Ca+–27Al+ optical clock
Kaifeng Cui, Sijia Chao, Chenglong Sun, Shaomao Wang, Ping Zhang, Yuanfei Wei, Jinbo Yuan, Jian Cao, Hualin Shu & Xueren Huang
The European Physical Journal D volume 76, Article number: 140 (2022)

Fast multi-qubit global-entangling gates without individual addressing of trapped ions
Kaizhao Wang, Jing-Fan Yu, Pengfei Wang, Chunyang Luan, Jing-Ning Zhang and Kihwan Kim
Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 044005 (2022)

Generating tensor-network states via combination of phonons and qubits in a trapped-ion platform
Si-Jing Tao, Hao-Qing Zhang, Hao Zhang, Zhe Chen, Ran He, Shao-Jun Dong, Yong-Jian Han, Chuan-Feng Li, and Guang-Can Guo
Phys. Rev. A 106, 032403 (2022)

High-Fidelity Ion State Detection Using Trap-Integrated Avalanche Photodiodes
David Reens, Michael Collins, Joseph Ciampi, Dave Kharas, Brian F. Aull, Kevan Donlon, Colin D. Bruzewicz, Bradley Felton, Jules Stuart, Robert J. Niffenegger, Philip Rich, Danielle Braje, Kevin K. Ryu, John Chiaverini, and Robert McConnell
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 100502 (2022)

High frequency properties of a planar ion trap fabricated on a chip
A. J. Uribe, A. Cridland Mathad, J. H. Lacy, J. Pinder, R. Willetts and J. Verdú
Review of Scientific Instruments 93, 083202 (2022)

Holographic dynamics simulations with a trapped-ion quantum computer
Eli Chertkov, Justin Bohnet, David Francois, John Gaebler, Dan Gresh, Aaron Hankin, Kenny Lee, David Hayes, Brian Neyenhuis, Russell Stutz, Andrew C. Potter & Michael Foss-Feig
Nature Physics (2022)

Holographic Simulation of Correlated Electrons on a Trapped-Ion Quantum Processor
Daoheng Niu, Reza Haghshenas, Yuxuan Zhang, Michael Foss-Feig, Garnet Kin-Lic Chan, and Andrew C. Potter
PRX Quantum 3, 030317 (2022)

Ion trap frequency measurement from fluorescence dynamics
K. Saito, R. Saito and T. Mukaiyama
Journal of Applied Physics 132, 094401 (2022)

N-Body Interactions between Trapped Ion Qubits via Spin-Dependent Squeezing
Or Katz, Marko Cetina, and Christopher Monroe
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 063603 (2022)

Optimal simulation of quantum dynamics
Luca Tagliacozzo
Nature Physics (2022)

Picosecond ion-qubit manipulation and spin-phonon entanglement with resonant laser pulses
W.-X. Guo, Y.-K. Wu, Y.-Y. Huang, L. Feng, C.-X. Huang, H.-X. Yang, J.-Y. Ma, L. Yao, Z.-C. Zhou, and L.-M. Duan
Phys. Rev. A 106, 022608 (2022)

Quantum control methods for robust entanglement of trapped ions
Christophe Henri Valahu, Iason Apostolatos, Sebastian Weidt and Winfried Hensinger
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. (2022)

Quantum entanglement provides a key to improved security
Krister Shalm
Nature NEWS AND VIEWS     27 July 2022

Realizing coherently convertible dual-type qubits with the same ion species
H.-X. Yang, J.-Y. Ma, Y.-K. Wu, Y. Wang, M.-M. Cao, W.-X. Guo, Y.-Y. Huang, L. Feng, Z.-C. Zhou & L.-M. Duan
Nature Physics (2022)

Sculpting bosonic states with arithmetic subtractions
Lin Htoo Zaw, Zakarya Lasmar, Chi-Huan Nguyen, Ko-Wei Tseng, Dzmitry Matsukevich, Dagomir Kaszlikowski and Valerio Scarani
New J. Phys. 24 083023 (2022)

Spectroscopy and ion thermometry of C2− using laser-cooling transitions
Markus Nötzold, Robert Wild, Christine Lochmann, and Roland Wester
Phys. Rev. A 106, 023111 (2022)

Surface-Induced Decoherence and Heating of Charged Particles
Lukas Martinetz, Klaus Hornberger, and Benjamin A. Stickler
PRX Quantum 3, 030327 (2022)

The expanding role of National Metrology Institutes in the quantum era
Alexander Tzalenchuk, Nicolas Spethmann, Tim Prior, Jay H. Hendricks, Yijie Pan, Vladimir Bubanja, Guilherme P. Temporão, Dai-Hyuk Yu, Damir Ilić & Barbara L. Goldstein
Nature Physics volume 18, pages724–727 (2022)

Two qubits for the price of one ion
Cornelius Hempel
Nature Physics (2022)

Unified approach to the nonlinear Rabi models
Liwei Duan
New J. Phys. 24 083045 (2022)


Automated Generation of Shuttling Sequences for a Linear Segmented Ion Trap Quantum Computer
Jonathan Durandau, Janis Wagner, Frédéric Mailhot, Charles-Antoine Brunet, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Ulrich Poschinger, Yves Bérubé-Lauzière

A Coupled-Oscillators Model to Analyze the Interaction between a Quartz Resonator and Trapped Ions
Emilio Altozano, Joaquín Berrocal, Steffen Lohse, Francisco Domínguez, Michael Block, Juan José García-Ripoll, Daniel Rodríguez

Batching Circuits to Reduce Compilation in Quantum Control Hardware
Ashlyn D. Burch, Daniel S. Lobser, Christopher G. Yale, Jay W. Van Der Wall, Oliver G. Maupin, Joshua D. Goldberg, Matthew N. H. Chow, Melissa C. Revelle, Susan M. Clark

Continuous Raman sideband cooling beyond the Lamb-Dicke Regime in a trapped ion chain
Qiming Wu, Yue Shi, Jiehang Zhang

Cryogenic ion trap system for high-fidelity near-field microwave-driven quantum logic
M. A. Weber, C. Löschnauer, J. Wolf, M. F. Gely, R. K. Hanley, J. F. Goodwin, C. J. Ballance, T. P. Harty, D. M. Lucas

Demonstration of multi-time quantum statistics without measurement back-action
Pengfei Wang, Hyukjoon Kwon, Chun-Yang Luan, Wentao Chen, Mu Qiao, Zinan Zhou, Kaizhao Wang, M. S. Kim, Kihwan Kim

Detection of DC electric forces with zeptonewton sensitivity by single-ion phonon laser
Ya-Qi Wei, Ying-Zheng Wang, Zhi-Chao Liu, Tai-Hao Cui, Liang Chen, Ji Li, Shuang-Qin Dai, Fei Zhou, Mang Feng

Engineering steady entanglement for trapped ions at finite temperature by dissipation
Xiao-Qiang Shao

Entanglement between a trapped ion qubit and a 780-nm photon via quantum frequency conversion
John Hannegan, James D. Siverns, Qudsia Quraishi

Entanglement of trapped-ion qubits separated by 230 meters
V. Krutyanskiy, M. Galli, V. Krcmarsky, S. Baier, D. A. Fioretto, Y. Pu, A. Mazloom, P. Sekatski, M. Canteri, M. Teller, J. Schupp, J. Bate, M. Meraner, N. Sangouard, B. P. Lanyon, T. E. Northup

Excitation and probing of low-energy nuclear states at high-energy storage rings
Junlan Jin, Hendrik Bekker, Tobias Kirschbaum, Yuri A. Litvinov, Adriana Pálffy, Jonas Sommerfeldt, Andrey Surzhykov, Peter G. Thirolf, Dmitry Budker

Exploring the scaling limitations of the variational quantum eigensolver with the bond dissociation of hydride diatomic molecules
Jacob M. Clary, Eric B. Jones, Derek Vigil-Fowler, Christopher Chang, Peter Graf

High-Accuracy Determination of Paul-Trap Stability Parameters for Electric-Quadrupole-Shift Prediction
T. Lindvall, K. J. Hanhijärvi, T. Fordell, A. E. Wallin

Hyperfine-structure-resolved laser spectroscopy of many-electron highly charged ions
Naoki Kimura, Priti, Yasutaka Kono, Pativate Pipatpakorn, Keigo Soutome, Naoki Numadate, Susuma Kuma, Toshiyuki Azuma, Nobuyuki Nakamura

Identification of a potential ultra-low Q value electron capture decay branch in 75Se via a precise Penning trap measurement of the mass of 75As
M. Horana Gamage, R. Bhandari, G. Bollen, N. D. Gamage, A. Hamaker, D. Puentes, M. Redshaw, R. Ringle, S. Schwarz, C. S. Sumithrarachchi, I. Yandow

Implementing Fault-tolerant Entangling Gates on the Five-qubit Code and the Color Code
C. Ryan-Anderson, N. C. Brown, M. S. Allman, B. Arkin, G. Asa-Attuah, C. Baldwin, J. Berg, J. G. Bohnet, S. Braxton, N. Burdick, J. P. Campora, A. Chernoguzov, J. Esposito, B. Evans, D. Francois, J. P. Gaebler, T. M. Gatterman, J. Gerber, K. Gilmore, D. Gresh, A. Hall, A. Hankin, J. Hostetter, D. Lucchetti, K. Mayer , et al. (12 additional authors not shown)

Integrating a fiber cavity into a wheel trap for strong ion-cavity coupling
Markus Teller, Viktor Messerer, Klemens Schüppert, Yueyang Zou, Dario A. Fioretto, Maria Galli, Philip C. Holz, Jakob Reichel, Tracy E. Northup

Ion trap with gold-plated alumina: substrate and surface characterization
Myunghun Kim, Keumhyun Kim, Jungsoo Hong, Hyegoo Lee, Youngil Moon, Wonchan Lee, Sehyun Kim, Taekyun Ha, Jae-Yoon Sim, Moonjoo Lee

Learning Quantum Systems
Valentin Gebhart, Raffaele Santagati, Antonio Andrea Gentile, Erik Gauger, David Craig, Natalia Ares, Leonardo Banchi, Florian Marquardt, Luca Pezze’, Cristian Bonato

Measurement-based ground state cooling of a trapped ion oscillator
Chungsun Lee, Simon C. Webster, Jacopo Mosca Toba, Ollie Corfield, George Porter, Richard C. Thompson

Non-Gaussian entanglement via splitting of a few thermal quanta
Pradip Laha, Darren W. Moore, Radim Filip

Observation of trap-assisted formation of atom-ion bound states
Meirav Pinkas, Or Katz, Jonathan Wengrowicz, Nitzan Akerman, Roee Ozeri

Para-particle oscillator simulations on a trapped ion quantum computer
C. Huerta Alderete, Alaina M. Green, Nhung H. Nguyen, Yingyue Zhu, Norbert M. Linke, B. M. Rodríguez-Lara

Performant coherent control: bridging the gap between high- and low-level operations on hardware
Daniel Lobser, Jay Van Der Wall, Joshua Goldberg

Periodic Plane-Wave Electronic Structure Calculations on Quantum Computers
Duo Song, Nicholas P. Bauman, Guen Prawiroatmodjo, Bo Peng, Cassandra Granade, Kevin M. Rosso, Guang Hao Low, Martin Roetteler, Karol Kowalski, Eric J. Bylaska

Probing critical behavior of long-range transverse-field Ising model through quantum Kibble-Zurek mechanism
B. -W. Li, Y. -K. Wu, Q. -X. Mei, R. Yao, W. -Q. Lian, M. -L. Cai, Y. Wang, B. -X. Qi, L. Yao, L. He, Z. -C. Zhou, L. -M. Duan

Probing coherent quantum thermodynamics using a trapped ion
O. Onishchenko, G. Guarnieri, P. Rosillo-Rodes, D. Pijn, J. Hilder, U. G. Poschinger, M. Perarnau-Llobet, J. Eisert, F. Schmidt-Kaler

Programmable N-body interactions with trapped ions
Or Katz, Marko Cetina, Christopher Monroe

Programmable quantum simulations of bosonic systems with trapped ions
Or Katz, Christopher Monroe

Quantum Circuit Compiler for a Shuttling-Based Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer
Fabian Kreppel, Christian Melzer, Janis Wagner, Janine Hilder, Ulrich Poschinger, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, André Brinkmann

Quantum Synchronization in quadratically coupled quantum van der Pol oscillators
Niss Thomas, M. Senthilvelan

Realizing two-qubit gates through mode engineering on a trapped-ion quantum computer
Ming Li, Nhung H. Nguyen, Alaina M. Green, Jason Amini, Norbert M. Linke, Yunseong Nam

Reconstructing complex states of a 20-qubit quantum simulator
Murali K. Kurmapu, V. V. Tiunova, E. S. Tiunov, Martin Ringbauer, Christine Maier, Rainer Blatt, Thomas Monz, Aleksey K. Fedorov, A. I. Lvovsky

Robust two-qubit trapped ions gates using spin-dependent squeezing
Yotam Shapira, Sapir Cohen, Nitzan Akerman, Ady Stern, Roee Ozeri

Robust Two-Qubit Gates Using Pulsed Dynamical Decoupling
Patrick Barthel, Patrick H. Huber, Jorge Casanova, Iñigo Arrazola, Dorna Niroomand, Theeraphot Sriarunothai, Martin B. Plenio, Christof Wunderlich

Rotational spectroscopy of a single molecular ion at sub part-per-trillion resolution
Alejandra L. Collopy, Julian Schmidt, Dietrich Leibfried, David R. Leibrandt, Chin-Wen Chou

Rydberg ions in coherent motional states: A new method for determining the polarizability of Rydberg ions
Marie Niederländer, Jonas Vogel, Alexander Schulze-Makuch, Bastien Gély, Arezoo Mokhberi, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler

Scalable and Programmable Phononic Network with Trapped Ions
Wentao Chen, Yao Lu, Shuaining Zhang, Kuan Zhang, Guanhao Huang, Mu Qiao, Xiaolu Su, Jialiang Zhang, Jingning Zhang, Leonardo Banchi, M. S. Kim, Kihwan Kim

Scalable quantum logic spectroscopy
Kaifeng Cui, Jose Valencia, Kevin T. Boyce, David R. Leibrandt, David B. Hume

Synthesis of cold and trappable fully stripped HCI’s via antiproton-induced nuclear fragmentation in traps
G. Kornakov, G. Cerchiari, J. Zieliński, L. Lappo, G. Sadowski, M. Doser

Synthesizing a σ^z spin-dependent force for optical, metastable, and ground state trapped-ion qubits
O. Băzăvan, S. Saner, M. Minder, A. C. Hughes, R. T. Sutherland, D. M. Lucas, R. Srinivas, C. J. Ballance

The effect of fast noise on the fidelity of trapped-ions quantum gates
Haim Nakav, Ran Finkelstein, Lee Peleg, Nitzan Akerman, Roee Ozeri

Trapped Ions as an Architecture for Quantum Computing
Gabriel P. L. M. Fernandes, Alexandre C. Ricardo, Fernando R. Cardoso, Celso J. Villas-Boas

Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulation of Collective Neutrino Oscillations
Valentina Amitrano, Alessandro Roggero, Piero Luchi, Francesco Turro, Luca Vespucci, Francesco Pederiva

tqix.pis: A toolbox for large-scale quantum simulation platforms
Nguyen Tan Viet, Nguyen Thi Chuong, Vu Thi Ngoc Huyen, Le Bin Ho

Verification of the Quantum Jarzynski Equality on Digital Quantum Computers
Dominik Hahn, Maxime Dupont, Markus Schmitt, David J. Luitz, Marin Bukov

Walking with the atoms in a chemical bond : A perspective using quantum phase transition
Sabre Kais

ITN Newsletter – June 2022

Dear all,

there has been an extension of the COST Action for 6 months. So to all of you who always wanted to apply for an STSM but were always too late: this is your chance !

There is a change in dates for NACTI this summer: 1-4 August 2022.

The newsletter is on holiday and will only return at the end of August. Have a nice summer.
Your editorial team


Short Term Scientific Missions – apply now !!
Mobility for young and not so young researchers, between 1 week and 3 months, the COST Action can financially support your stay. Details can be found on the website at



QCMC, the International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement, and Computing, will finally take place in July in Lisbon after a two-year delay: 11-15 July 2022. Details.

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) in Toronto, Canada, 17-22 July 2022 LINK Registration is OPEN!

Nacti 2022 will be held from 1-4 August at Duke University. Registration details coming soon. LINK

Cold and Controlled Molecules and Ions (CCMI) 2022 conference will be held at Durham University in the UK from 4-9 September, 2022

13th International Workshop on Non-Neutral Plasmas (originally scheduled for 2020 and postponed due to the pandemic) to be held in Milano, Italy, September 19-22, 2022. LINK

The 8th International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics (TCP 2022) will take place in Glashütten, Germany on September 25-30, 2022.

International Conference on “Quantum sensors and tests of new physics” October 5th-7th 2022 in Hotel Wienecke XI, Hannover (Germany). Details

Joint International Conference of IMEKO TC11 & TC24 (TC11-Technical Committee for Testing, Inspection and Certification, and TC 24-Technical Committee on Chemical Measurements) from 17-20.10.2022 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Details

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, June 2023

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


A postdoc position in Waterloo, Canada, to work on the realization of multi-level qudit primitives in Ba+. Please contact Crystal Senko for more information.

A postdoc position in Waterloo, Canada, for the QuantumIon project, to work on the realization of a Ba-133 qubit register in a chip trap with individual optical controls. Please contact Crystal Senko or Rajibul Islam for more information.

A PhD position is open in quantum technologies focusing on the design of ion trap quantum processors in the group of Christian Ospelkaus at the Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany. Details

Postdoc position at TRIUMF in Vancouver, Canada, with the francium laser trap facility. Please contact Gerald Gwinner or check for details

A PhD position available in the field of “Numerical methods for open quantum systems with long-range interactions” with Igor Lesanowsky, Univ Tübingen, Germany. Details

Postdoctoral Research Associate and PhD positions are available on quantum simulation and sensing with large beryllium ion crystals at the University of Sydney. For details please contact Robert Wolf Details are here

A postdoctoral position is available in the positron group (, Physics Department, University of California San Diego, to study vortex dynamics in trapped electron plasmas. Please contact Cliff Surko for further details.

A postdoctoral position is available at the University of Liverpool to work on cold and controlled ion-radical collisions. Please contact Brianna Heazlewood for further details.

A postdoc position in Birmingham to work on the realisation of a system for cooling and trapping highly charged ions of Californium. Details or contact Giovanni Barontini

A “junior professor” position (chaire de professeur junior) is opening at ENSMM and FEMTO-ST. It is a 5-year tenure track position leading to a University professor position. The profile is available here (in French), please contact for any question.

PhD position at Imperial College London to develop tabletop dark matter detectors using quantum sensorsDetails

PhD position at University of Sussex in Cavity-QED with multi-species ion crystals in the group of M. Keller. Details

Postdoc position in the Swansea team at CERN at the ALPHA antihydrogen experiment. Details

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent information about your publications to
A deterministic single ion fountain
Felix Stopp, Henri Lehec and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 034002 (2022)

Changes in electric field noise due to thermal transformation of a surface ion trap
Maya Berlin-Udi, Clemens Matthiesen, P. N. Thomas Lloyd, Alberto M. Alonso, Crystal Noel, Benjamin Saarel, Christine A. Orme, Chang-Eun Kim, Art J. Nelson, Keith G. Ray, Vincenzo Lordi, and Hartmut Häffner
Phys. Rev. B 106, 035409 (2022)

Characterizing topological excitations of a long-range Heisenberg model with trapped ions
Stefan Birnkammer, Annabelle Bohrdt, Fabian Grusdt, and Michael Knap
Phys. Rev. B 105, L241103 (2022)

Closed-loop optimization of fast trapped-ion shuttling with sub-quanta excitation
Jonathan D. Sterk, Henry Coakley, Joshua Goldberg, Vincent Hietala, Jason Lechtenberg, Hayden McGuinness, Daniel McMurtrey, L. Paul Parazzoli, Jay Van Der Wall & Daniel Stick
npj Quantum Information volume 8, Article number: 68 (2022)

Engineering an effective three-spin Hamiltonian in trapped-ion systems for applications in quantum simulation
Bárbara Andrade, Zohreh Davoudi, Tobias Graß, Mohammad Hafezi, Guido Pagano and Alireza Seif
Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 034001 (2022)

Experimental Bayesian Calibration of Trapped-Ion Entangling Operations
Lukas Gerster, Fernando Martínez-García, Pavel Hrmo, Martin W. van Mourik, Benjamin Wilhelm, Davide Vodola, Markus Müller, Rainer Blatt, Philipp Schindler, and Thomas Monz
PRX Quantum 3, 020350 (2022)

Fabrication of surface ion traps with integrated current carrying wires enabling high magnetic field gradients
Martin Siegele-Brown, Seokjun Hong, Foni Raphaël Lebrun-Gallagher, Samuel James Hile, Sebastian Weidt and Winfried Karl Hensinger
Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 034003 (2022)

High efficiency focusing double-etched SiN grating coupler for trapped ion qubit manipulation
Mizuki Shirao, Daniel Klawson, Sara Mouradian and Ming C. Wu
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 61 SK1002 (2022)

High-intensity laser experiments with highly charged ions in a Penning trap
S Ringleb, M Kiffer, N Stallkamp, S Kumar, J Hofbrucker, B Reich, B Arndt, G Brenner, M Ruiz-Lopéz, S Düsterer, Show full author list
Phys. Scr. 97 084002 (2022)

Homonuclear ion-atom collisions: Application to Li+−Li
N. Joshi, M. Niranjan, A. Pandey, Olivier Dulieu, Robin Côté, and S. A. Rangwala
Phys. Rev. A 105, 063311 (2022)

Industrially microfabricated ion trap with 1 eV trap depth
S Auchter, C Axline, C Decaroli, M Valentini, L Purwin, R Oswald, R Matt, E Aschauer, Y Colombe, P Holz, T Monz, R Blatt, P Schindler, C Rössler and J Home
Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 035015 (2022)

Limits on atomic qubit control from laser noise
Matthew L. Day, Pei Jiang Low, Brendan White, Rajibul Islam & Crystal Senko
npj Quantum Information volume 8, Article number: 72 (2022)

Long-Range Ising Interactions Mediated by λϕ4 Fields: Probing the Renormalization of Sound in Crystals of Trapped Ions
G. Martín-Vázquez, G. Aarts, M. Müller, and A. Bermudez
PRX Quantum 3, 020352 (2022)

Low-overhead fault-tolerant quantum computing using long-range connectivity
SCIENCE ADVANCES 20 May 2022, Vol 8, Issue 20 (2022)

Measurement of the bound-electron g-factor difference in coupled ions
Tim Sailer, Vincent Debierre, Zoltán Harman, Fabian Heiße, Charlotte König, Jonathan Morgner, Bingsheng Tu, Andrey V. Volotka, Christoph H. Keitel, Klaus Blaum & Sven Sturm
Nature volume 606, pages 479–483 (2022)

Mirror Image Pinpoints a Nanoparticle’s Position
Rachel Berkowitz
June 28, 2022• Physics 15, s89 (2022)

Numerical optimization of amplitude-modulated pulses in microwave-driven entanglement generation
M Duwe, G Zarantonello, N Pulido-Mateo, H Mendpara, L Krinner, A Bautista-Salvador, N V Vitanov, K Hammerer, R F Werner and C Ospelkaus
Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 045005 (2022)

Observation of supersymmetry and its spontaneous breaking in a trapped ion quantum simulator
M.-L. Cai, Y.-K. Wu, Q.-X. Mei, W.-D. Zhao, Y. Jiang, L. Yao, L. He, Z.-C. Zhou & L.-M. Duan
Nature Communications volume 13, Article number: 3412 (2022)

Optimization and implementation of a surface-electrode ion trap junction
Chi Zhang, Karan Mehta and Jonathan P Home
New J. Phys. (2022)

Parallel Electromagnetically Induced Transparency near Ground-State Cooling of a Trapped-Ion Crystal
Jie Zhang, Man-Chao Zhang, Yi Xie, Chun-Wang Wu, Bao-Quan Ou, Ting Chen, Wan-Su Bao, Paul Haljan, Wei Wu, Shuo Zhang, and Ping-Xing Chen
Phys. Rev. Applied 18, 014022 (2022)

Position Measurement of a Levitated Nanoparticle via Interference with Its Mirror Image
Lorenzo Dania, Katharina Heidegger, Dmitry S. Bykov, Giovanni Cerchiari, Gabriel Araneda, and Tracy E. Northup
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 013601 (2022)

Quantum Non-Gaussianity of Multiphonon States of a Single Atom
L. Podhora, L. Lachman, T. Pham, A. Lešundák, O. Číp, L. Slodička, and R. Filip
Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 013602 (2022)

Quantum Technologies Need a Quantum Energy Initiative
Alexia Auffèves
PRX Quantum 3, 020101 (2022

Robust polarization gradient cooling of trapped ions
Wenbing Li, Sebastian Wolf, Lukas Klein, Dmitry Budker, Christoph E Düllmann and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
New J. Phys. 24 043028 (2022)

Single-qubit universal classifier implemented on an ion-trap quantum device
Tarun Dutta, Adrián Pérez-Salinas, Jasper Phua Sing Cheng, José Ignacio Latorre, and Manas Mukherjee
Phys. Rev. A 106, 012411 (2022)

Tensor-network discriminator architecture for classification of quantum data on quantum computers
Michael L. Wall, Paraj Titum, Gregory Quiroz, Michael Foss-Feig, and Kaden R. A. Hazzard
Phys. Rev. A 105, 062439 (2022)

Tiny isotopic difference tests standard model of particle physics
Gerald Gwinner & Roshani Silwal
15 June 2022

Unresolved sideband photon recoil spectroscopy of molecular ions
Emilie H. Clausen, Vincent Jarlaud, Karin Fisher, Steffen Meyer, Cyrille Solaro, and Michael Drewsen
Phys. Rev. A 105, 063709 (2022)


Backend compiler phases for trapped-ion quantum computers
Tobias Schmale, Bence Temesi, Alakesh Baishya, Nicolas Pulido-Mateo, Ludwig Krinner, Timko Dubielzig, Christian Ospelkaus, Hendrik Weimer, Daniel Borcherding

Coherent states for trapped ions. Applications in quantum optics and precision measurements
Bogdan M. Mihalcea

Coherent transfer of the transverse momentum of an optical vortex beam to the motion of a single trapped ion
Felix Stopp, Maurizio Verde, Milton Katz, Martin Drechsler, Christian T. Schmiegelow, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler

Constrained Quantum Optimization for Extractive Summarization on a Trapped-ion Quantum Computer
Pradeep Niroula, Ruslan Shaydulin, Romina Yalovetzky, Pierre Minssen, Dylan Herman, Shaohan Hu, Marco Pistoia

Copula-based Risk Aggregation with Trapped Ion Quantum Computers
Daiwei Zhu, Weiwei Shen, Annarita Giani, Saikat Ray Majumder, Bogdan Neculaes, Sonika Johri

Crosstalk Suppression in Individually Addressed Two-Qubit Gates in a Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer
Chao Fang, Ye Wang, Shilin Huang, Kenneth R. Brown, Jungsang Kim

Designing Filter Functions of Frequency-Modulated Pulses for High-Fidelity Two-Qubit Gates in Ion chains
Mingyu Kang, Ye Wang, Chao Fang, Bichen Zhang, Omid Khosravani, Jungsang Kim, Kenneth R. Brown

Efficient motional-mode characterization for high-fidelity trapped-ion quantum computing
Mingyu Kang, Qiyao Liang, Ming Li, Yunseong Nam

Experimental single-setting quantum state tomography
Roman Stricker, Michael Meth, Lukas Postler, Claire Edmunds, Chris Ferrie, Rainer Blatt, Philipp Schindler, Thomas Monz, Richard Kueng, Martin Ringbauer

Fast and high-yield fabrication of axially symmetric ion-trap needle electrodes via two step electrochemical etching
Nikhil Kotibhaskar, Noah Greenberg, Sainath Motlakunta, Chung-You Shih, Rajibul Islam

Geometries and fabrication methods for 3D printing ion traps
A. Quinn, M. Brown, T. J. Gardner, D. T. C. Allcock

Heating rate measurement and characterization of a prototype surface-electrode trap for optical frequency metrology
Thomas Lauprêtre, Bachir Achi, Lucas Groult, Yann Kersalé, Marion Delehaye, Moustafa Abdel Hafiz, Clément Lacroûte

Ion Trap Long-Range XY Model for Quantum State Transfer and Optimal Spatial Search
Dylan Lewis, Leonardo Banchi, Yi Hong Teoh, Rajibul Islam, Sougato Bose

Individual addressing of trapped ion qubits with geometric phase gates
R. T. Sutherland, R. Srinivas, D. T. C. Allcock

Laser-Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy (LIFS) of Trapped Molecular Ions in Gas-phase
Hemanth Dinesan, S. Sunil Kumar

Learning Quantum Systems
Valentin Gebhart, Raffaele Santagati, Antonio Andrea Gentile, Erik Gauger, David Craig, Natalia Ares, Leonardo Banchi, Florian Marquardt, Luca Pezze’, Cristian Bonato

Multi-programming Cross Platform Benchmarking for Quantum Computing Hardware
Siyuan Niu, Aida Todri-Sanial

Native qudit entanglement in a trapped ion quantum processor
Pavel Hrmo, Benjamin Wilhelm, Lukas Gerster, Martin W. van Mourik, Marcus Huber, Rainer Blatt, Philipp Schindler, Thomas Monz, Martin Ringbauer

New bounds on Lorentz violation from a composite pulse method in a trapped ion
Laura S. Dreissen, Chih-Han Yeh, Henning A. Fürst, Kai C. Grensemann, Tanja E. Mehlstäubler

>b>Observation of Non-Markovian Spin Dynamics in a Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard Model using a Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulator
B. -W. Li, Q. -X. Mei, Y. -K. Wu, M. -L. Cai, Y. Wang, L. Yao, Z. -C. Zhou, L. -M. Duan

Probing finite-temperature observables in quantum simulators with short-time dynamics
Alexander Schuckert, Annabelle Bohrdt, Eleanor Crane, Michael Knap

Prospects of a thousand-ion Sn2+ Coulomb-crystal clock with sub-10−19 inaccuracy
David R. Leibrandt, Sergey G. Porsev, Charles Cheung, Marianna S. Safronova

Quantum control methods for robust entanglement of trapped ions
Christophe H. Valahu, Iason Apostolatos, Sebastian Weidt, Winfried K. Hensinger

Quantum non-Gaussianity of light and atoms
Lukáš Lachman, Radim Filip

Realizing quantum speed limit in open system with a PT-symmetric trapped-ion qubit
Pengfei Lu, Teng liu, Yang Liu, Xinxin Rao, Qifeng Lao, Hao Wu, Feng Zhu, Le Luo

Second-order Doppler frequency shifts of trapped ions in a linear Paul trap
S. N. Miao, J. W. Zhang, Y. Zheng, H. R. Qin, N. C. Xin, Y. T. Chen, J. Z. Han, L. J. Wang

Simulations of Frustrated Ising Hamiltonians with Quantum Approximate Optimization
Phillip C. Lotshaw, Hanjing Xu, Bilal Khalid, Gilles Buchs, Travis S. Humble, Arnab Banerjee

Spectroscopy and ion thermometry of C−2 using laser-cooling transitions
Markus Nötzold, Robert Wild, Christine Lochmann, Roland Wester

Spectroscopic Characterization of the Quantum Linear-Zigzag Transition in Trapped Ions
J. Zhang, B. T. Chow, S. Ejtemaee, P. C. Haljan

Synthesis of and compilation with time-optimal multi-qubit gates
Pascal Baßler, Matthias Zipper, Christopher Cedzich, Markus Heinrich, Patrick Huber, Michael Johanning, Martin Kliesch

Test of Causal Non-Linear Quantum Mechanics by Ramsey Interferometry on the Vibrational Mode of a Trapped Ion
Joseph Broz, Bingran You, Sumanta Khan, Hartmut Haeffner, David E. Kaplan, Surjeet Rajendran

Three-laser coherent population trapping in a multi-lambda system: theory, experiment and applications
Nicolás Nuñez Barreto, Martin Drechsler, Christian Tomás Schmiegelow

Transport of multispecies ion crystals through a junction in an RF Paul trap
William Cody Burton, Brian Estey, Ian M. Hoffman, Abigail R. Perry, Curtis Volin, Gabriel Price

Ultracold ion-atom experiments: cooling, chemistry, and quantum effects
Rianne S. Lous, Rene Gerritsma

ITN Newsletter – May 2022

Dear all,
last chances to apply for Short Term Scientific Missions in the frame of the COST action which will end in September 2022. Until then you should apply, leave, stay, research, exchange, discuss, have new ideas, write your report and come back to your home lab again. So get started right now!

There is a change in dates for NACTI this summer: 1-4 August 2022.
Your editorial team


From the COST Action: Microtraps day on 20 June 2022  see details below

Rainer Blatt has been awarded the highest distinction of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz: the Gutenberg Research Award. (more) Congratulations !

Short Term Scientific Missions – apply now !!
Mobility for young and not so young researchers, between 1 week and 3 months, the COST Action can financially support your stay. Details can be found on the website at


WG4 meeting: Workshop on cold hybrid ion-atom systems 8-10 June 2022, Warsaw/PL, Details

Microtraps Day on 20 June 2022 – online event Details

Early Career Conference in Trapped Ions 2022, dates are 26 June – 1 July 2022, at  CERN, Geneva/CH LINK

14th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP14)  in Vilnius, Lithuania, June 27- July 1, 2022 LINK abstract submission before 21 March 2022

Quantum Thermodynamics Conference 2022 (QTD2022), 27 June – 1 July 2022
Registration and submission of abstracts for consideration for contributed talks and posters is now open. The deadline for abstract submission is 25 February 2022. Details

QCMC, the International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement, and Computing, will finally take place in July in Lisbon after a two-year delay: 11-15 July 2022. Details.

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) in Toronto, Canada, 17-22 July 2022 LINK Registration is OPEN!

Nacti 2022 will be held from 1-4 August at Duke University. Registration details coming soon. LINK

Cold and Controlled Molecules and Ions (CCMI) 2022 conference will be held at Durham University in the UK from 4-9 September, 2022

13th International Workshop on Non-Neutral Plasmas (originally scheduled for 2020 and postponed due to the pandemic) to be held in Milano, Italy, September 19-22, 2022. LINK    Submission deadline 1 July

The 8th International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics (TCP 2022) will take place in Glashütten, Germany on September 25-30, 2022.

International Conference on “Quantum sensors and tests of new physics” October 5th-7th 2022 in Hotel Wienecke XI, Hannover (Germany). Details

Joint International Conference of IMEKO TC11 & TC24 (TC11-Technical Committee for Testing, Inspection and Certification, and TC 24-Technical Committee on Chemical Measurements) from 17-20.10.2022 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Details

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, June 2022

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


A postdoctoral position is available at the University of Liverpool to work on cold and controlled ion-radical collisions. Please contact Brianna Heazlewood for further details.

A postdoc position in Birmingham to work on the realisation of a system for cooling and trapping highly charged ions of Californium. Details or contact Giovanni Barontini

A “junior professor” position (chaire de professeur junior) is opening at ENSMM and FEMTO-ST. It is a 5-year tenure track position leading to a University professor position. The profile is available here (in French), please contact for any question.

PhD position at Imperial College London to develop tabletop dark matter detectors using quantum sensorsDetails

PhD position at University of Sussex in Cavity-QED with multi-species ion crystals in the group of M. Keller. Details

Postdoc position in the Swansea team at CERN at the ALPHA antihydrogen experiment. Details

2y-postdoc position  in Theoretical Quantum Metrology at the University of Warsaw. Details

Research fellow in Quantum Technology within the ITCM Group at the University of Sussex, led by Prof Matthias KellerDetails

A 2-year postdoc on Coherent Microwave manipulation of atoms and molecules in cryogenic environments for fundamental studies, in Paris-Villetaneuse with B. Darquié. Details

An Assistant Professor (with Tenure-Track Option) in Experimental Molecular Physics, Universität Innsbruck. Details

A Tenure Track Scientist in Ion Trap Quantum Computing at the ETH Zurich – PSI Quantum Computing Hub. For further details see or write to


Please sent information about your publications to
A Taxonomy of Small Markovian Errors
Robin Blume-Kohout, Marcus P. da Silva, Erik Nielsen, Timothy Proctor, Kenneth Rudinger, Mohan Sarovar, and Kevin Young
PRX Quantum 3, 020335 (2022)

Completely localized solitons and their stabilities in magnetized dusty plasma of trapped ions
Juan Zhang, Xueping Ren, Xiaohuan Wan, Yushan Zhou, Xiaobei Fan, Jing Wang and Yuren Shi
Physics of Plasmas 29, 053702 (2022)

Controlling long ion strings for quantum simulation and precision measurements
Florian Kranzl, Manoj K. Joshi, Christine Maier, Tiff Brydges, Johannes Franke, Rainer Blatt, and Christian F. Roos
Phys. Rev. A 105, 052426 (2022)

Critical quantum metrology with fully-connected models: from Heisenberg to Kibble–Zurek scaling
Louis Garbe, Obinna Abah, Simone Felicetti and Ricardo Puebla
Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 035010 (2022)

Demonstration of fault-tolerant universal quantum gate operations
Lukas Postler, Sascha Heuβen, Ivan Pogorelov, Manuel Rispler, Thomas Feldker, Michael Meth, Christian D. Marciniak, Roman Stricker, Martin Ringbauer, Rainer Blatt, Philipp Schindler, Markus Müller & Thomas Monz
Nature volume 605, pages675–680 (2022)

Digital Quantum Simulation of the Schwinger Model and Symmetry Protection with Trapped Ions
Nhung H. Nguyen, Minh C. Tran, Yingyue Zhu, Alaina M. Green, C. Huerta Alderete, Zohreh Davoudi, and Norbert M. Linke
PRX Quantum 3, 020324 (2022)

Entangling-gate error from coherently displaced motional modes of trapped ions
B. P. Ruzic, T. A. Barrick, J. D. Hunker, R. J. Law, B. K. McFarland, H. J. McGuinness, L. P. Parazzoli, J. D. Sterk, J. W. Van Der Wall, and D. Stick
Phys. Rev. A 105, 052409 (2022)

Fabrication of surface ion traps with integrated current carrying wires enabling high magnetic field gradients
Martin Siegele-Brown, Seokjun Hong, Foni Raphaël Lebrun-Gallagher, Samuel James Hile, Sebastian Weidt and Winfried Karl Hensinger
Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 034003 (2022)

Formation of two-ion crystals by injection from a Paul-trap source into a high-magnetic-field Penning trap
J. Berrocal, E. Altozano, F. Domínguez, M. J. Gutiérrez, J. Cerrillo, F. J. Fernández, M. Block, C. Ospelkaus, and D. Rodríguez
Phys. Rev. A 105, 052603 (2022)

Improving quantum state detection with adaptive sequential observations
Shawn Geller, Daniel C Cole, Scott Glancy and Emanuel Knill
Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 034004 (2022)

Industrially microfabricated ion trap with 1 eV trap depth
S Auchter, C Axline, C Decaroli, M Valentini, L Purwin, R Oswald, R Matt, E Aschauer, Y Colombe, P Holz, T Monz, R Blatt, P Schindler, C Rössler and J Home
Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 035015 (2022)

In situ detection of RF breakdown on microfabricated surface ion traps
Joshua M. Wilson, Julia N. Tilles, Raymond A. Haltli, Eric Ou, Matthew G. Blain, Susan M. Clark and Melissa C. Revelle
Journal of Applied Physics 131, 134401 (2022)

Low-overhead fault-tolerant quantum computing using long-range connectivity

Ising machines as hardware solvers of combinatorial optimization problems
Naeimeh Mohseni, Peter L. McMahon & Tim Byrnes
Nature Reviews Physics volume 4, pages363–379 (2022)

Precision determination of the ground-state hyperfine splitting of trapped 113Cd+ ions
Miao, S. N.; Zhang, J. W.; Qin, H. R.; Xin, N. C.; Han, J. Z.; Wang, L. J.
Optics Letters 46(23) 5882-5885 (2022)

Quantum Simulation of the Two-Dimensional Weyl Equation in a Magnetic Field
Y. Jiang, M.-L. Cai, Y.-K. Wu, Q.-X. Mei, W.-D. Zhao, X.-Y. Chang, L. Yao, L. He, Z.-C. Zhou, and L.-M. Duan
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 200502 (2022)

Quasienergy operators and generalized squeezed states for systems of trapped ions
Bogdan M.Mihalcea
Annals of Physics 442, 168926 (2022)

Thermally induced entanglement of atomic oscillators
Laha, Pradip; Slodička, Lukáš; Moore, Darren W.; Filip, Radim
Optics Express 30(6) 8814-8828 (2022)


A digital quantum simulation of an extended Agassi model assisted by machine learning
Authors: Álvaro Sáiz, José-Enrique García-Ramos, José Miguel Arias, Lucas Lamata, Pedro Pérez-Fernández

Approaching optimal entangling collective measurements on quantum computing platforms
Authors: Lorcan O. Conlon, Tobias Vogl, Christian D. Marciniak, Ivan Pogorelov, Simon K. Yung, Falk Eilenberger, Dominic W. Berry, Fabiana S. Santana, Rainer Blatt, Thomas Monz, Ping Koy Lam, Syed M. Assad

Benchmarking Quantum Simulators using Quantum Chaos
Authors: Daniel K. Mark, Joonhee Choi, Adam L. Shaw, Manuel Endres, Soonwon Choi

Characterizing and mitigating coherent errors in a trapped ion quantum processor using hidden inverses
Authors: Swarnadeep Majumder, Christopher G. Yale, Titus D. Morris, Daniel S. Lobser, Ashlyn D. Burch, Matthew N. H. Chow, Melissa C. Revelle, Susan M. Clark, Raphael C. Pooser

Coherently Coupled Mechanical Oscillators in the Quantum Regime
Authors: Pan-Yu Hou, Jenny J. Wu, Stephen D. Erickson, Daniel C. Cole, Giorgio Zarantonello, Adam D. Brandt, Andrew C. Wilson, Daniel H. Slichter, Dietrich Leibfried

Computational Characteristics of Random Field Ising Model with Long-Range Interaction
Authors: Fangxuan Liu, L. -M. Duan

Critical localization with Van der Waals interactions
Authors: Rahul Nandkishore

Determination of Multi-mode Motional Quantum States in a Trapped Ion System
Authors: Zhubing Jia, Ye Wang, Bichen Zhang, Jacob Whitlow, Chao Fang, Jungsang Kim, Kenneth R. Brown

Efficient verification of continuously-parameterized quantum gates
Authors: Ryan Shaffer, Hang Ren, Emiliia Dyrenkova, Christopher G. Yale, Daniel S. Lobser, Ashlyn D. Burch, Matthew N. H. Chow, Melissa C. Revelle, Susan M. Clark, Hartmut Häffner

Geometries and fabrication methods for 3D printing ion traps
Authors: A. Quinn, M. Brown, T. J. Gardner, D. T. C. Allcock

Improved Limit on Tensor Currents in the Weak Interaction from 8Li β Decay
Authors: M. T. Burkey, G. Savard, A. T. Gallant, N. D. Scielzo, T. Y. Hirsh, L. Varriano, G. H. Sargsyan, K. D. Launey, M. Brodeur, D. P. Burdette, E. Heckmaier, K. Joerres, J. W. Klimes, K. Kolos, A. Laminack, K. G. Leach, A. F. Levand, B. Longfellow, B. Maaß, S. T. Marley, G. E. Morgan, P. Mueller, R. Orford, S. W. Padgett, A. Pérez Galván , et al. (6 additional authors not shown)

Late-time critical behavior of local string-like observables under quantum quenches
Authors: Souvik Bandyopadhyay, Anatoli Polkovnikov, Amit Dutta

Observation of Non-Markovian Spin Dynamics in a Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard Model using a Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulator
Authors: B. -W. Li, Q. -X. Mei, Y. -K. Wu, M. -L. Cai, Y. Wang, L. Yao, Z. -C. Zhou, L. -M. Duan

Prospects of a thousand-ion Sn2+ Coulomb-crystal clock with sub-10−19 inaccuracy
Authors: David R. Leibrandt, Sergey G. Porsev, Charles Cheung, Marianna S. Safronova

Quantum Simulation of the Two-Dimensional Weyl Equation in a Magnetic Field
Authors: Y. Jiang, M. -L. Cai, Y. -K. Wu, Q. -X. Mei, W. -D. Zhao, X. -Y. Chang, L. Yao, L. He, Z. -C. Zhou, L. -M. Duan

Observation of Supersymmetry and its Spontaneous Breaking in a Trapped Ion Quantum Simulator
Authors: M. -L. Cai, Y. -K. Wu, Q. -X. Mei, W. -D. Zhao, Y. Jiang, L. Yao, L. He, Z. -C. Zhou, L. -M. Duan

Observing Quantum Synchronization of a Single Trapped-Ion Qubit
Authors: Liyun Zhang, Zhao Wang, Yucheng Wang, Junhua Zhang, Zhigang Wu, Jianwen Jie, Yao Lu

Positron accumulation in the GBAR experiment
Authors: P. Blumer, M. Charlton, M. Chung, P. Clade, P. Comini, P. Crivelli, O. Dalkarov, P. Debu, L. Dodd, A. Douillet, S. Guellati, P. -A Hervieux, L. Hilico, P. Indelicato, G. Janka, S. Jonsell, J. -P. Karr, B. H. Kim, E. S. Kim, S. K. Kim, Y. Ko, T. Kosinski, N. Kuroda, B. M. Latacz, B. Lee , et al. (45 additional authors not shown)

Provably Optimal Control for Multiplicative Amplitude Control Noise
Authors: Colin J. Trout, Kevin Schultz, Paraj Titum, Leigh Norris, Gregory Quiroz, and B. David Clader

Quantum simulations of interacting systems with broken time-reversal symmetry
Authors: Yotam Shapira, Tom Manovitz, Nitzan Akerman, Ady Stern, Roee Ozeri

Qubit-efficient simulation of thermal states with quantum tensor networks
Authors: Yuxuan Zhang, Shahin Jahanbani, Daoheng Niu, Reza Haghshenas, Andrew C. Potter

The dynamics of a single trapped ion in a high density media: a stochastic approach
Authors: Mateo Londoño, Javier Madroñero, Jesús Pérez Ríos

The general approach of weak-to-strong measurement transition for Fock state based pointers
Authors: Yusuf Turek, Qiang Hu, Janarbek Yuanbek, Ahmad Abliz

Towards Quantum Gravity in the Lab on Quantum Processors
Authors: Illya Shapoval, Vincent Paul Su, Wibe de Jong, Miro Urbanek, Brian Swingle

ITN Newsletter – April 2022

Dear all,

COST Action TIPICQA will end in autumn 2022. Do not hesitate to contribute to the last events, and in particular apply to STSMs, which have to be terminated by mid-September.
Your editorial team


From the COST Action: WG4 meeting, and Early Career Conference – see below

The COST Action ends in September 2022 – you can still apply for Short Term Scientific Missions  !!
Mobility for young and not so young researchers, between 1 week and 3 months, the COST Action can financially support your stay. Details can be found on the website at


766. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on High‐Precision Measurements and Searches for New Physics from 9-13 May 2022 at the Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, located near Bonn/Germany. Details

International Conference on Precision Physics of Simple Atomic Systems, 16-20 May 2022, Warsaw/PL LINK

WG4 meeting: Workshop on cold hybrid ion-atom systems 8-10 June 2022, Warsaw/PL, Details

Early Career Conference in Trapped Ions 2022, dates are 26 June – 1 July 2022, at  CERN, Geneva/CH LINK

14th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP14)  in Vilnius, Lithuania, June 27- July 1, 2022 LINK abstract submission before 21 March 2022

Quantum Thermodynamics Conference 2022 (QTD2022), 27 June – 1 July 2022
Registration and submission of abstracts for consideration for contributed talks and posters is now open. The deadline for abstract submission is 25 February 2022. Details

QCMC, the International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement, and Computing, will finally take place in July in Lisbon after a two-year delay: 11-15 July 2022. Details.

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) in Toronto, Canada, 17-22 July 2022 LINK Registration is OPEN!

Nacti 2022 will be held from 8-12 August at Duke University. Registration details coming soon. LINK

Cold and Controlled Molecules and Ions (CCMI) 2022 conference will be held at Durham University in the UK from 4-9 September, 2022

Joint International Conference of IMEKO TC11 & TC24 (TC11-Technical Committee for Testing, Inspection and Certification, and TC 24-Technical Committee on Chemical Measurements) from 17-20.10.2022 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Details

13th International Workshop on Non-Neutral Plasmas (originally scheduled for 2020 and postponed due to the pandemic) to be held in Milano, Italy, September 19-22, 2022. LINK

The 8th International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics (TCP 2022) will take place in Glashütten, Germany on September 25-30, 2022. Call for Abstracts Submission is extended until May 15th

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, June 2023

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


PhD position at Imperial College London to develop tabletop dark matter detectors using quantum sensorsDetails

PhD position at University of Sussex in Cavity-QED with multi-species ion crystals in the group of M. Keller. Details

Postdoc position in the Swansea team at CERN at the ALPHA antihydrogen experiment. Details

2y-postdoc position  in Theoretical Quantum Metrology at the University of Warsaw. Details

Research fellow in Quantum Technology within the ITCM Group at the University of Sussex, led by Prof Matthias KellerDetails

A 2-year postdoc on Coherent Microwave manipulation of atoms and molecules in cryogenic environments for fundamental studies, in Paris-Villetaneuse with B. Darquié. Details

An Assistant Professor (with Tenure-Track Option) in Experimental Molecular Physics, Universität Innsbruck. Details

A Tenure Track Scientist in Ion Trap Quantum Computing at the ETH Zurich – PSI Quantum Computing Hub. For further details see or write to

Two Postdoc positions at Stockholm University to work on Experimental Quantum Computing with Trapped Rydberg Ions and Cryogenic Quantum Processor with Rydberg Ions. Closing date 31 March 2022. For more information see our webpage, or contact Markus Hennrich.

Two postdoc positions within Ultracold Ion Trap Physics are available from April 1,2022, or as soon as possible hereafter in the Ion Trap Group by Michael Drewsen, Aarhus University, Denmark. LINK1 and LINK2

A Postdoctoral Position in Ion Trap Quantum Computing using surface traps with integrated photonics at the ETH Zurich – PSI Quantum Computing Hub. For further details see or write to Cornelius Hempel.

Research Associate/Fellow in Quantum Simulation of many-body dynamics with Rydberg interactions at University of Nottingham with Weibin Li. Details

A postdoctoral position is available at the University of Washington in Seattle for the development of architectures supporting large-scale QIP with trapped ions. Contact Sara Mouradian for details.

A postdoctoral position in the Theory of Quantum Computing with Trapped Rydberg Ions. Details

Applied Physicist Project Scientist at UC Berkeley. Details

Senior Post-Doctoral position for hybrid quantum network at CQT, Singapore. Details

PhD vacancies in the Ion Quantum Technology group with Winfried Hensinger. Details

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent information about your publications to
A deterministic single ion fountain
Felix Stopp, Henri Lehec and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 034002 

A scalable helium gas cooling system for trapped-ion applications
F R Lebrun-Gallagher, N I Johnson, M Akhtar, S Weidt, D Bretaud, S J Hile, A Owens, F Bonus and W K Hensinger
Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 024002 (2022)

An ion mobility mass spectrometer coupled with a cryogenic ion trap for recording electronic spectra of charged, isomer-selected clusters
Jack T. Buntine, Eduardo Carrascosa, James N. Bull, Ugo Jacovella, Mariah I. Cotter, Patrick Watkins, Chang Liu, Michael S. Scholz, Brian D. Adamson, Samuel J. P. Marlton and Evan J. Bieske
Review of Scientific Instruments 93, 043201 (2022)

Bias in Error-Corrected Quantum Sensing
Ivan Rojkov, David Layden, Paola Cappellaro, Jonathan Home, and Florentin Reiter
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 140503 (2022)

Doubly ionized lanthanum as a qubit candidate for quantum networks
S. Olmschenk
Phys. Rev. A 105, 042617 (2022)

Dynamic compensation of stray electric fields in an ion trap using machine learning and adaptive algorithm
Moji Ghadimi, Alexander Zappacosta, Jordan Scarabel, Kenji Shimizu, Erik W. Streed & Mirko Lobino
Scientific Reports volume 12, Article number: 7067 (2022)

Engineering an effective three-spin Hamiltonian in trapped-ion systems for applications in quantum simulation
Bárbara Andrade, Zohreh Davoudi, Tobias Graß, Mohammad Hafezi, Guido Pagano and Alireza Seif
Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 034001 (2022)

Entanglement from Tensor Networks on a Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer
Michael Foss-Feig, Stephen Ragole, Andrew Potter, Joan Dreiling, Caroline Figgatt, John Gaebler, Alex Hall, Steven Moses, Juan Pino, Ben Spaun, Brian Neyenhuis, and David Hayes
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 150504 (2022)

Experimental Measurement of Out-of-Time-Ordered Correlators at Finite Temperature
Alaina M. Green, A. Elben, C. Huerta Alderete, Lata Kh Joshi, Nhung H. Nguyen, Torsten V. Zache, Yingyue Zhu, Bhuvanesh Sundar, and Norbert M. Linke
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 140601 (2022)

Experimental Realization of the Rabi-Hubbard Model with Trapped Ions
Q.-X. Mei, B.-W. Li, Y.-K. Wu, M.-L. Cai, Y. Wang, L. Yao, Z.-C. Zhou, and L.-M. Duan
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 160504 (2022)

Fabrication of surface ion traps with integrated current carrying wires enabling high magnetic field gradients
Martin Siegele-Brown, Seokjun Hong, Foni Raphaël Lebrun-Gallagher, Samuel James Hile, Sebastian Weidt and Winfried Hensinger
Quantum Sci. Technol. (2022)

High-Fidelity Indirect Readout of Trapped-Ion Hyperfine Qubits
Stephen D. Erickson, Jenny J. Wu, Pan-Yu Hou, Daniel C. Cole, Shawn Geller, Alex Kwiatkowski, Scott Glancy, Emanuel Knill, Daniel H. Slichter, Andrew C. Wilson, and Dietrich Leibfried
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 160503 (2022)

In situ detection of RF breakdown on microfabricated surface ion traps
Joshua M. Wilson, Julia N. Tilles, Raymond A. Haltli, Eric Ou, Matthew G. Blain, Susan M. Clark and Melissa C. Revelle
Journal of Applied Physics 131, 134401 (2022)

Measurement and suppression of magnetic field noise of trapped ion qubit
Wenzhe Wei, Peng Hao, Zhiyu Ma, Huixing Zhang, Liren Pang, Fangfei Wu, Ke Deng, Jie Zhang and Zehuang Lu
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 55 075001 (2022)

Measurement of the Ra+ 7p2P3/2 state lifetime
M. Fan, C. A. Holliman, A. Contractor, C. Zhang, S. F. Gebretsadken, and A. M. Jayich
Phys. Rev. A 105, 042801 (2022)

Robust polarization gradient cooling of trapped ions
Wenbing Li, Sebastian Wolf, Lukas Klein, Dmitry Budker, Christoph E Düllmann and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
New J. Phys. 24 043028 (2022)

Simulating superluminal propagation of Dirac particles using trapped ions
Qianqian Chen, Yaoming Chu, and Jianming Cai
Phys. Rev. A 105, 042609 (2022)

Solution of the two-center Dirac equation with 20-digit precision using the finite-element technique
O. Kullie and S. Schiller
Phys. Rev. A 105, 052801 (2022)

Temperature estimation of a pair of trapped ions
O. P. de Sá Neto, H. A. S. Costa, G. A. Prataviera & M. C. de Oliveira
Scientific Reports volume 12, Article number: 6697 (2022)

The QICK (Quantum Instrumentation Control Kit): Readout and control for qubits and detectors featured
Leandro Stefanazzi, Kenneth Treptow, Neal Wilcer, Chris Stoughton, Collin Bradford, Sho Uemura, Silvia Zorzetti, Salvatore Montella, Gustavo Cancelo, Sara Sussman, Andrew Houck, Shefali Saxena, Horacio Arnaldi, Ankur Agrawal, Helin Zhang, Chunyang Ding, and David I. Schuster
Review of Scientific Instruments 93, 044709 (2022)


A quantum generative model for multi-dimensional time series using Hamiltonian learning
Authors: Haim Horowitz, Pooja Rao, Santosh Kumar Radha

A Shuttle-Efficient Qubit Mapper for Trapped-Ion Quantum Computers
Authors: Suryansh Upadhyay, Abdullah Ash Saki, Rasit Onur Topaloglu, Swaroop Ghosh

Accelerating the approach of dissipative quantum spin systems towards stationarity through global spin rotations
Authors: Simon Kochsiek, Federico Carollo, Igor Lesanovsky

Boson Sampling for Generalized Bosons
Authors: En-Jui Kuo, Yijia Xu, Dominik Hangleiter, Andrey Grankin, Mohammad Hafezi

Characterizing Error Mitigation by Symmetry Verification in QAOA
Authors: Ashish Kakkar, Jeffrey Larson, Alexey Galda, Ruslan Shaydulin

Classical dissipative cost of quantum control
Authors: Anthony Kiely, Steve Campbell, Gabriel T. Landi

Direct Bound-Electron g factor Difference Measurement with Coupled Ions
Authors: Tim Sailer, Vincent Debierre, Zoltán Harman, Fabian Heiße, Charlotte König, Jonathan Morgner, Bingsheng Tu, Andrey V. Volotka, Christoph H. Keitel, Klaus Blaum, Sven Sturm

Dynamical hadron formation in long-range interacting quantum spin chains
Authors: Joseph Vovrosh, Rick Mukherjee, Alvise Bastianello, Johannes Knolle

Feasibility study on ground-state cooling and single-phonon readout of trapped electrons using hybrid quantum systems
Authors: Alto Osada, Kento Taniguchi, Masato Shigefuji, Atsushi Noguchi

High-Performance Microwave Frequency Standard Based on Sympathetically Cooled Ions
Authors: Hao-Ran Qin, Sheng-Nan Miao, Ji-Ze Han, Nong-Chao Xin, Yi-Ting Chen, J. W. Zhang, L. J. Wang

Molecular-ion quantum technologies
Authors: Mudit Sinhal, Stefan Willitsch

Observing frustrated quantum magnetism in two-dimensional ion crystals
Authors: Mu Qiao, Zhengyang Cai, Ye Wang, Botao Du, Naijun Jin, Wentao Chen, Pengfei Wang, Chunyang Luan, Erfu Gao, Ximo Sun, Haonan Tian, Jingning Zhang, Kihwan Kim

Propagation of errors and quantitative quantum simulation with quantum advantage
Authors: S. Flannigan, N. Pearson, G. H. Low, A. Buyskikh, I. Bloch, P. Zoller, M. Troyer, A. J. Daley

Proton-Electron Mass Ratio from Laser Spectroscopy of HD+ at the Part-Per-Trillion Level
Authors: Sayan Patra, M. Germann, J. -Ph. Karr, M. Haidar, L. Hilico, V. I. Korobov, F. M. J. Cozijn, K. S. E. Eikema, W. Ubachs, J. C. J. Koelemeij

Quantum approximate optimization algorithm for qudit systems with long-range interactions
Authors: Yannick Deller, Sebastian Schmitt, Maciej Lewenstein, Steve Lenk, Marika Federer, Fred Jendrzejewski, Philipp Hauke, Valentin Kasper

Quantum Computation of Hydrogen Bond Dynamics and Vibrational Spectra
Authors: Philip Richerme, Melissa C. Revelle, Debadrita Saha, Sam A. Norrell, Christopher G. Yale, Daniel Lobser, Ashlyn D. Burch, Susan M. Clark, Jeremy M. Smith, Amr Sabry, Srinivasan S. Iyengar

Quantum Rabi interferometry of motion and radiation
Authors: Kimin Park, Jacob Hastrup, Petr Marek, Ulrik L. Andersen, Radim Filip

Real-time capable CCD-based individual trapped-ion qubit measurement
Authors: S. Halama, T. Dubielzig, N. Orlowski, C. Torkzaban, C. Ospelkau

Simulating dynamical phases of chiral p+ip superconductors with a trapped ion magnet
Authors: Athreya Shankar, Emil A. Yuzbashyan, Victor Gurarie, Peter Zoller, John J. Bollinger, Ana Maria Rey

Summit of the N=40 Island of Inversion: precision mass measurements and ab initio calculations of neutron-rich chromium isotopes
Authors: R. Silwal, C. Andreoiu, B. Ashrafkhani, J. Bergmann, T. Brunner, J. Cardona, K. Dietrich, E. Dunling, G. Gwinner, Z. Hockenbery, J. D. Holt, C. Izzo, A. Jacobs, A. Javaji, B. Kootte, Y. Lan, D. Lunney, E. M. Lykiardopoulou, T. Miyagi, M. Mougeot, I. Mukul, T. Murbock, W. S. Porter, M. Reiter, J. Ringuette , et al.

Total absorption γ-ray spectroscopy of the β decays of 96gs,mY
Authors: V. Guadilla, L. Le Meur, M. Fallot, J. A. Briz, M. Estienne, L. Giot, A. Porta, A. Cucoanes, T. Shiba, A. -A. Zakari-Issoufou, A. Algora, J. L. Tain, J. Agramunt, D. Jordan, M. Monserrate, A. Montaner-Pizá, E. Nácher, S. E. A. Orrigo, B. Rubio, E. Valencia, J. Äystö, T. Eronen, D. Gorelov, J. Hakala, A. Jokinen , et al.

ITN Newsletter – March 2022

Dear all,

every now and then, we ask you for financial contributions to this newsletter which is a real service to the community. It would be very helpful, if the groups with large grants, and who are willing to support with a couple of hundred Euros, could contact Martina. Thanks !
Your editorial team


Nominations are sought for the Early Career Scientist Prize in Atomic, Molecular and Optical (AMO) Physics 2022. Details

From the COST Action: WG4 meeting, and Early Career Conference – see below

Short Term Scientific Missions – apply now !!
Mobility for young and not so young researchers, between 1 week and 3 months, the COST Action can financially support your stay. Details can be found on the website at


The second edition of the training school “From Basics to Applications of Optical Fiber Links and Frequency Combs“, from 18 to 22 April, 2022, in the wonderful School of Physics in Les Houches, close to Chamonix, in the French Alps. Details

4th APTQS (Asian-Pacific Trapped Quantum Systems) ONLINE meeting, on April 21-23 LINK

766. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on High‐Precision Measurements and Searches for New Physics from 9-13 May 2022 at the Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, located near Bonn/Germany. Details

International Conference on Precision Physics of Simple Atomic Systems, 16-20 May 2022, Warsaw/PL LINK

WG4 meeting: Workshop on cold hybrid ion-atom systems 8-10 June 2022, Warsaw/PL, Details

Early Career Conference in Trapped Ions 2022, dates are 26 June – 1 July 2022, at  CERN, Geneva/CH LINK

14th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP14)  in Vilnius, Lithuania, June 27- July 1, 2022 LINK abstract submission before 21 March 2022

Quantum Thermodynamics Conference 2022 (QTD2022), 27 June – 1 July 2022
Registration and submission of abstracts for consideration for contributed talks and posters is now open. The deadline for abstract submission is 25 February 2022. Details

QCMC, the International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement, and Computing, will finally take place in July in Lisbon after a two-year delay: 11-15 July 2022. Details. Deadline for submission 15 March !!

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) in Toronto, Canada, 17-22 July 2022 LINK Registration is OPEN!

Cold and Controlled Molecules and Ions (CCMI) 2022 conference will be held at Durham University in the UK from 4-9 September, 2022

Joint International Conference of IMEKO TC11 & TC24 (TC11-Technical Committee for Testing, Inspection and Certification, and TC 24-Technical Committee on Chemical Measurements) from 17-20.10.2022 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Details

The 8th International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics (TCP 2022) will take place in Glashütten, Germany on September 25-30, 2022. The first circular is available on the website. 25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, June 2023

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


Research fellow in Quantum Technology within the ITCM Group at the University of Sussex, led by Prof Matthias KellerDetails

A 2-year postdoc on Coherent Microwave manipulation of atoms and molecules in cryogenic environments for fundamental studies, in Paris-Villetaneuse with B. Darquié. Details

An Assistant Professor (with Tenure-Track Option) in Experimental Molecular Physics, Universität Innsbruck. Details

A Tenure Track Scientist in Ion Trap Quantum Computing at the ETH Zurich – PSI Quantum Computing Hub. For further details see or write to

Two Postdoc positions at Stockholm University to work on Experimental Quantum Computing with Trapped Rydberg Ions and Cryogenic Quantum Processor with Rydberg Ions. Closing date 31 March 2022. For more information see our webpage, or contact Markus Hennrich.

Two postdoc positions within Ultracold Ion Trap Physics are available from April 1,2022, or as soon as possible hereafter in the Ion Trap Group by Michael Drewsen, Aarhus University, Denmark. LINK1 and LINK2

A Postdoctoral Position in Ion Trap Quantum Computing using surface traps with integrated photonics at the ETH Zurich – PSI Quantum Computing Hub. For further details see or write to Cornelius Hempel.

Research Associate/Fellow in Quantum Simulation of many-body dynamics with Rydberg interactions at University of Nottingham with Weibin Li. Details

A postdoctoral position is available at the University of Washington in Seattle for the development of architectures supporting large-scale QIP with trapped ions. Contact Sara Mouradian for details.

A postdoctoral position in the Theory of Quantum Computing with Trapped Rydberg Ions. Details

Applied Physicist Project Scientist at UC Berkeley. Details

Senior Post-Doctoral position for hybrid quantum network at CQT, Singapore. Details

Junior Permanent Position in Theoretical Quantum Physics at IPhT, CEA, Paris, France. Details

PhD positions are available at M-Labs Ltd, the main developers of the open source ARTIQ system, partnering with the TACO lab at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Details

PhD position is available on explorations of ion clouds in the non-neutral plasma regime in Marseille, France. For details contact Caroline Champenois.

PhD vacancies in the Ion Quantum Technology group with Winfried Hensinger. Details

Permanent trapped ion physicist positions are available at the UK’s National Quantum Computing Centre, see current vacancies or contact Jochen Wolf for details and speculative applications.

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to
Fundamentals of Analysis in Physics
Masatoshi Kajita
Bentham Books 2022

A deterministic single ion fountain
Felix Stopp, Henri Lehec and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
Quantum Sci. Technol.  (2022)

A scalable helium gas cooling system for trapped-ion applications
F R Lebrun-Gallagher, N I Johnson, M Akhtar, S Weidt, D Bretaud, S J Hile, A Owens, F Bonus and W K Hensinger
Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 024002 (2022)

Analytical and experimental study of center-line miscalibrations in Mølmer-Sørensen gates
Fernando Martínez-García, Lukas Gerster, Davide Vodola, Pavel Hrmo, Thomas Monz, Philipp Schindler, and Markus Müller
Phys. Rev. A 105, 032437 (2022)

Any-To-Any Connected Cavity-Mediated Architecture for Quantum Computing with Trapped Ions or Rydberg Arrays
Joshua Ramette, Josiah Sinclair, Zachary Vendeiro, Alyssa Rudelis, Marko Cetina, and Vladan Vuletić
PRX Quantum 3, 010344 (2022)

Asymptotic optimality of twist-untwist protocols for Heisenberg scaling in atom-based sensing
T. J. Volkoff and Michael J. Martin
Phys. Rev. Research 4, 013236 (2022)

Boosting the Performance of Quantum Repeaters
Erika K. Carlson
Physics 15, s29, February 25, (2022)

Buffer gas cooling of ions in radio-frequency traps using ultracold atoms
E Trimby, H Hirzler, H Fürst, A Safavi-Naini, R Gerritsma and R S Lous
New J. Phys. 24 035004 (2022)

Charge-state evolution from W5+ to W7+ at energies below the ionization potentials
C. L. Yan, Q. Lu, Y. M. Xie, B. L. Li, N. Fu, Y. Zou, C. Chen, and J. Xiao
Phys. Rev. A 105, 032820 (2022)

Cold Collisions Get Charged
K. MacCormick
Physics 15, s32, March 10, (2022)

Collision detection with logic
Michał Tomza
Nature Physics (2022)

Detecting Heat Leaks with Trapped Ion Qubits
D. Pijn, O. Onishchenko, J. Hilder, U. G. Poschinger, F. Schmidt-Kaler, and R. Uzdin
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 110601 (2022)

Dispersive optical systems for scalable Raman driving of hyperfine qubits
Harry Levine, Dolev Bluvstein, Alexander Keesling, Tout T. Wang, Sepehr Ebadi, Giulia Semeghini, Ahmed Omran, Markus Greiner, Vladan Vuletić, and Mikhail D. Lukin
Phys. Rev. A 105, 032618 (2022)

Effect of correlated hyperfine theory errors in the determination of rotational and vibrational transition frequencies in HD+
J. C. J. Koelemeij
Molecular Physics, e2058637 (2022)

Engineering an effective three-spin Hamiltonian in trapped-ion systems for applications in quantum simulation
Bárbara Andrade, Zohreh Davoudi, Tobias Grass, Mohammad Hafezi, Guido Pagano and Alireza Seif
Quantum Sci. Technol. (2022)

Heat Leaks from Trapped-Ion Qubits
Rachel Berkowitz
Physics 15, s34 (2022)

Hidden Inverses: Coherent Error Cancellation at the Circuit Level
Bichen Zhang, Swarnadeep Majumder, Pak Hong Leung, Stephen Crain, Ye Wang, Chao Fang, Dripto M. Debroy, Jungsang Kim, and Kenneth R. Brown
Phys. Rev. Applied 17, 034074 (2022)

High efficiency focusing double etched SiN grating coupler for trapped ion qubit manipulation
Mizuki Shirao, Daniel Klawson, Sara Mouradian and Ming Wu
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. (2022)

Isotope-selective laser ablation ion-trap loading of 137Ba+ using a BaCl2 target
Brendan M. White, Pei Jiang Low, Yvette de Sereville, Matthew L. Day, Noah Greenberg, Richard Rademacher, and Crystal Senko
Phys. Rev. A 105, 033102 (2022)

Liquid-Nitrogen-Cooled Ca+ Optical Clock with Systematic Uncertainty of 3×10−18
Yao Huang, Baolin Zhang, Mengyan Zeng, Yanmei Hao, Zixiao Ma, Huaqing Zhang, Hua Guan, Zheng Chen, Miao Wang, and Kelin Gao
Phys. Rev. Applied 17, 034041 (2022)

Measurement and suppression of magnetic field noise of trapped ion qubit
Wenzhe Wei, Peng Hao, Zhiyu Ma, Huixing Zhang, Liren Pang, Fangfei Wu, Ke Deng, Jie Zhang and Zehuang Lu
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. (2022)

Model-Free Quantum Control with Reinforcement Learning
V. V. Sivak, A. Eickbusch, H. Liu, B. Royer, I. Tsioutsios, and M. H. Devoret
Phys. Rev. X 12, 011059 (2022)

Multiplexed quantum repeaters based on dual-species trapped-ion systems
Prajit Dhara, Norbert M. Linke, Edo Waks, Saikat Guha, and Kaushik P. Seshadreesan
Phys. Rev. A 105, 022623 (2022)

Observation of anomalous heat transport in a trapped ion chain
Z.-C. Mao, Y.-Z. Xu, Q.-X. Mei, W.-D. Zhao, Y. Jiang, Z.-J. Cheng, X.-Y. Chang, L. He, L. Yao, Z.-C. Zhou, Y.-K. Wu, and L.-M. Duan
Phys. Rev. A 105, 033107 (2022)

Observation of Chemical Reactions between a Trapped Ion and Ultracold Feshbach Dimers
H. Hirzler, R. S. Lous, E. Trimby, J. Pérez-Ríos, A. Safavi-Naini, and R. Gerritsma
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 103401 (2022)

Optimal metrology with programmable quantum sensors
Christian D. Marciniak, Thomas Feldker, Ivan Pogorelov, Raphael Kaubruegger, Denis V. Vasilyev, Rick van Bijnen, Philipp Schindler, Peter Zoller, Rainer Blatt & Thomas Monz
Nature 603, pages604–609 (2022)

Quantum logic detection of collisions between single atom–ion pairs
Or Katz, Meirav Pinkas, Nitzan Akerman & Roee Ozeri
Nature Physics (2022)

Quantum parameter estimation of nonlinear coupling in a trilinear Hamiltonian with trapped ions
Peter A. Ivanov
Phys. Rev. A 105, 032617 (2022)

Quantum searches for dark matter
Iulia Georgescu
Nature Reviews Physics 4, page216 (2022)

Quantum Technologies for Engineering: the materials challenge
Kuan Eng Johnson Goh, Leonid A Krivitsky and Dennis L Polla
Mater. Quantum. Technol. 2 013002 (2022)

Re-investigation and line identifications for W11+ in the visible range
N Fu, Q Lu, C L Yan, G Q Xu, K Wang, C Y Chen, Y Zou and J Xiao
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 55 045001 (2022)

rf-induced heating dynamics of noncrystallized trapped ions
Martin W. van Mourik, Pavel Hrmo, Lukas Gerster, Benjamin Wilhelm, Rainer Blatt, Philipp Schindler, and Thomas Monz
Phys. Rev. A 105, 033101 (2022)

Robust Polarization Gradient Cooling of Trapped Ions
Wenbing Li, Sebastian Wolf, Lukas Klein, Dmitry Budker, Christoph E. Düllmann and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
New J. Phys (2022)

Schrödinger cat states of a macroscopic charged particle co-trapped with an ion
S. Leontica and C. J. Foot
Phys. Rev. A 105, 033109 (2022)

Spin-Holstein Models in Trapped-Ion Systems
J. Knörzer, T. Shi, E. Demler, and J. I. Cirac
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 120404 (2022)

Sympathetic cooling schemes for separately trapped ions coupled via image currents
C Will, M Bohman, T Driscoll, M Wiesinger, F Abbass, M J Borchert, J A Devlin, S Erlewein, M Fleck, B Latacz, et al.
New J. Phys. 24 033021 (2022)

Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer with Robust Entangling Gates and Quantum Coherent Feedback
Tom Manovitz, Yotam Shapira, Lior Gazit, Nitzan Akerman, and Roee Ozeri
PRX Quantum 3, 010347 (2022)

Z-dependent crossing of excited-state energy levels in highly charged galliumlike lanthanide atomic ions
Fumihiro Koike, Chihiro Suzuki, Izumi Murakami, Daiji Kato, Naoki Tamura, and Nobuyuki Nakamura
Phys. Rev. A 105, 032802 (2022)


A high-fidelity quantum matter-link between ion-trap microchip modules
M. Akhtar, F. Bonus, F. R. Lebrun-Gallagher, N. I. Johnson, M. Siegele-Brown, S. Hong, S. J. Hile, S. A. Kulmiya, S. Weidt, W. K. Hensinger

A single-atom level mechano-optical transducer for ultrasensitive force sensing
Yang Liu, Pengfei Lu, Xinxin Rao, Hao Wu, Kunxu Wang, Qifeng Lao, Ji Bian, Feng Zhu, Le

Chiral-coupling-assisted Refrigeration in Trapped Ions
Chi-Chih Chen, Yi-Cheng Wang, Chun-Che Wang, H. H. Jen

Correlation spectroscopy with multi-qubit-enhanced phase estimation
H. Hainzer, D. Kiesenhofer, T. Ollikainen, M. Bock, F. Kranzl, M. K. Joshi, G. Yoeli, R. Blatt, T. Gefen, C. F. Roos

Formation of Two-Ion Crystals by Injection from a Paul-Trap Source into a High-Magnetic-Field Penning Trap
Joaquín Berrocal, Emilio Altozano, Francisco Domínguez, Manuel Jesús Gutiérrez, Javier Cerrillo, Francisco Javier Fernández, Michael Block, Christian Ospelkaus, Daniel Rodríguez

Frequency stabilization of a 739 nm laser to an I2 spectrum for trapped Ytterbium ions
Hao Wu, PengFei Lu, Yang Liu, JiangYong Hu, QiFeng Lao, XinXin Rao, LunHua Deng, Feng Zhu, Le Luo

High fidelity state preparation and measurement of ion hyperfine qubits with I > 1/2
Fangzhao Alex An, Anthony Ransford, Andrew Schaffer, Lucas R. Sletten, John Gaebler, James Hostetter, Grahame Vittorini

Holographic quantum simulation of entanglement renormalization circuits
Sajant Anand, Johannes Hauschild, Yuxuan Zhang, Andrew C. Potter, Michael P. Zaletel

Individual qubit addressing of rotating ion crystals in a Penning trap
Anthony M. Polloreno, Ana Maria Rey, John J. Bollinger

Ion Coulomb Crystals in Storage Rings for Quantum Information Science
S. Brooks, K. Brown, F. Méot, A. Nomerotski, S. Peggs, M. Palmer, T. Roser, T. Shaftan, G. H. Hoffstaetter, S. Nagaitsev, J. Lykken, J. Jarvis, V. Lebedev, G. Stancari, A. Valishev, A. Taylor, A. Hurd, N. Moody, P. Muggli, A. Aslam, S. G. Biedron, T. Bolin, S. Sosa Guitron, C. Gonzalez-Zacarias, M. Larsson, R. Thomas, B. Huang, T. Robertazzi, J. Cary, B. M. Hegelich, B. B. Blinov, S. Milton

Looped Pipelines Enabling Effective 3D Qubit Lattices in a Strictly 2D Device
Zhenyu Cai, Adam Siegel, Simon Benjamin

Mass-difference measurements on heavy nuclides with at an eV/c2 accuracy level with PENTATRAP
A. Rischka, H. Cakir, M. Door, P. Filianin, Z. Harman, W. J. Huang, P. Indelicato, C. H. Keitel, C. M. Koenig, K. Kromer, M. Mueller, Y. N. Novikov, R. X. Schuessler, Ch. Schweiger, S. Eliseev, K. Blaum

Mediated interactions between ions in quantum degenerate gases
Shanshan Ding, Michael Drewsen, Jan J. Arlt, G. M. Bruun

Penning-trap mass measurements of the deuteron and the HD+ molecular ion
Sascha Rau, Fabian Heiße, Florian Köhler-Langes, Sangeetha Sasidharan, Raphael Haas, Dennis Renisch, Christoph E. Düllmann, Wolfgang Quint, Sven Sturm, Klaus Blaum

Perspectives on testing fundamental physics with highly charged ions in Penning traps
Klaus Blaum, Sergey Eliseev, Sven Sturm

Preserving multi-level quantum coherence by dynamical decoupling
Xinxing Yuan, Yue Li, Mengxiang Zhang, Chang Liu, Mingdong Zhu, Xi Qin, Nikolay V. Vitanov, Yiheng Lin, Jiangfeng Du

Probing phases of quantum matter with an ion-trap tensor-network quantum eigensolver
Michael Meth, Viacheslav Kuzmin, Rick van Bijnen, Lukas Postler, Roman Stricker, Rainer Blatt, Martin Ringbauer, Thomas Monz, Pietro Silvi, Philipp Schindler

Quantum simulation of a general anti-PT-symmetric Hamiltonian with a trapped ion qubit
Ji Bian, Pengfei Lu, Teng Liu, Hao Wu, Xinxin Rao, Kunxu Wang, Qifeng Lao, Yang Liu, Feng Zhu, Le Luo

Routing Single Photons from a Trapped Ion Using a Photonic Integrated Circuit
Uday Saha, James D. Siverns, John Hannegan, Mihika Prabhu, Qudsia Quraishi, Dirk Englund, Edo Waks

Snowmass 2021: Quantum Sensors for HEP Science — Interferometers, Mechanics, Traps, and Clocks
Daniel Carney, Thomas Cecil, John Ellis, R. F. Garcia Ruiz, Andrew A. Geraci, David Hanneke, Jason Hogan, Nicholas R. Hutzler, Andrew Jayich, Shimon Kolkowitz, Gavin W. Morley, Holger Muller, Zachary Pagel, Christian Panda, Marianna S. Safronova

Towards experimental classical verification of quantum computation
Roman Stricker, Jose Carrasco, Martin Ringbauer, Lukas Postler, Michael Meth, Claire Edmunds, Philipp Schindler, Rainer Blatt, Peter Zoller, Barbara Kraus, Thomas Monz

ITN Newsletter – February 2022

Dear all,
There are many actions of solidarity and support for our colleagues from Ukraine. The COST Action cannot directly intervene, but we can promote existing actions, like the one organized in Poland, which proposes employment or scholarships for researchers and accommodation for them and their close families under the address

If you have other proposals, please send them to us, so that we can advertise them.

Your editorial team


Nominations are sought for the Early Career Scientist Prize in Atomic, Molecular and Optical (AMO) Physics 2022. Details

From the COST Action: WG4 meeting, and Early Career Conference – see below

Short Term Scientific Missions – apply now !!
Mobility for young and not so young researchers, between 1 week and 3 months, the COST Action can financially support your stay. Details can be found on the website at


The second edition of the training school “From Basics to Applications of Optical Fiber Links and Frequency Combs“, from 18 to 22 April, 2022, in the wonderful School of Physics in Les Houches, close to Chamonix, in the French Alps. Details

766. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on High‐Precision Measurements and Searches for New Physics from 9-13 May 2022 at the Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, located near Bonn/Germany. Details

International Conference on Precision Physics of Simple Atomic Systems, 16-20 May 2022, Warsaw/PL LINK

WG4 meeting: Workshop on cold hybrid ion-atom systems 8-10 June 2022, Warsaw/PL, Details

Early Career Conference in Trapped Ions 2022, dates are 26 June – 1 July 2022, at  CERN, Geneva/CH LINK

14th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP14)  in Vilnius, Lithuania, June 27- July 1, 2022 LINK abstract submission before 21 March 2022

Quantum Thermodynamics Conference 2022 (QTD2022), 27 June – 1 July 2022
Registration and submission of abstracts for consideration for contributed talks and posters is now open. The deadline for abstract submission is 25 February 2022. Details

QCMC, the International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement, and Computing, will finally take place in July in Lisbon after a two-year delay: 11-15 July 2022. Details. Deadline for submission 15 March !!

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) in Toronto, Canada, 17-22 July 2022 LINK Registration is OPEN!

Joint International Conference of IMEKO TC11 & TC24 (TC11-Technical Committee for Testing, Inspection and Certification, and TC 24-Technical Committee on Chemical Measurements) from 17-20.10.2022 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. Details

The 8th International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics (TCP 2022) will take place in Glashütten, Germany on September 25-30, 2022. The first circular is available on the website. 25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, June 2023

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries – an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community,  every Thursday   LINK

The “Virtual AMO Seminar” ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” (  on Thursdays, 5 pm


A Tenure Track Scientist in Ion Trap Quantum Computing at the ETH Zurich – PSI Quantum Computing Hub. For further details see or write to

Two Postdoc positions at Stockholm University to work on Experimental Quantum Computing with Trapped Rydberg Ions and Cryogenic Quantum Processor with Rydberg Ions. Closing date 31 March 2022. For more information see our webpage, or contact Markus Hennrich.

Two postdoc positions within Ultracold Ion Trap Physics are available from April 1,2022, or as soon as possible hereafter in the Ion Trap Group by Michael Drewsen, Aarhus University, Denmark. LINK1 and LINK2

A Postdoctoral Position in Ion Trap Quantum Computing using surface traps with integrated photonics at the ETH Zurich – PSI Quantum Computing Hub. For further details see or write to Cornelius Hempel.

Research Associate/Fellow in Quantum Simulation of many-body dynamics with Rydberg interactions at University of Nottingham with Weibin Li. Details

A postdoctoral position is available at the University of Washington in Seattle for the development of architectures supporting large-scale QIP with trapped ions. Contact Sara Mouradian for details.

A postdoctoral position in the Theory of Quantum Computing with Trapped Rydberg Ions. Details

Applied Physicist Project Scientist at UC Berkeley. Details

Senior Post-Doctoral position for hybrid quantum network at CQT, Singapore. Details

Junior Permanent Position in Theoretical Quantum Physics at IPhT, CEA, Paris, France. Details

PhD positions are available at M-Labs Ltd, the main developers of the open source ARTIQ system, partnering with the TACO lab at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Details

PhD position is available on explorations of ion clouds in the non-neutral plasma regime in Marseille, France. For details contact Caroline Champenois.

senior postdoc position in the group of Knut Asmis at Leipzig University. Details

permanent experimental scientist positions available at the UK’s National Physical Laboratory, to work on applications of ion microtraps in quantum technology. Further details from Alastair Sinclair or apply here.

Postdoc and PhD positions for research in the area of quantum information processing in the group of Markus Müller, RWTH Aachen, Germany

Postdoc position is available in the group of Rene Gerritsma in Amsterdam: LINK

PhD vacancies in the Ion Quantum Technology group with Winfried Hensinger. Details

Permanent trapped ion physicist positions are available at the UK’s National Quantum Computing Centre, see current vacancies or contact Jochen Wolf for details and speculative applications.

Two Postdoc positions are available at the University of Oxford, one focussing on the development of ion-traps with integrated optics, and one on quantum control and quantum computation with trapped ions. Please contact Chris Ballance for details.

A full-time postdoctoral position in Quantum Technology within the ITCM Group at the University of Sussex, led by Prof Matthias KellerDetails

PhD position on the “Theory of many-body quantum engines” at University of Tübingen. Review of the applications will begin on 31 Jan 2021 until the position is filled. For enquiries please send an email to Prof. Dr. Igor Lesanovsky  or Dr. Federico CarolloDetails

We’re looking to fill two postdoctoral positions for our new projects with trapped ion quantum computers (ATIQ project). Please contact Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler ( or visit

The Highly Charged Ion Dynamics group (Crespo lab) at the Pfeifer Division of the Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik (MPIK) in Heidelberg is seeking a postdoctoral research associate (2 years) starting as soon as possibleLINK

Postdoctoral Research Associate and PhD positions are available on quantum simulation and sensing with large beryllium ion crystals at the University of Sydney. For details please contact Robert Wolf or LINK

A postdoc position is open at LENS, Florence/IT. Details can be found here, or by contacting Carlo Sias

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to
16-parts-per-trillion measurement of the antiproton-to-proton charge–mass ratio
M. J. Borchert, J. A. Devlin, S. R. Erlewein, M. Fleck, J. A. Harrington, T. Higuchi, B. M. Latacz, F. Voelksen, E. J. Wursten, F. Abbass, M. A. Bohman, A. H. Mooser, D. Popper, M. Wiesinger, C. Will, K. Blaum, Y. Matsuda, C. Ospelkaus, W. Quint, J. Walz, Y. Yamazaki, C. Smorra & S. Ulmer
Nature volume 601, pages 53–57 (2022)

Boosting the Performance of Quantum Repeaters
February 25, 2022• Physics 15, s29
Erika K. Carlson

Comparing two-qubit and multiqubit gates within the toric code
David Schwerdt, Yotam Shapira, Tom Manovitz, and Roee Ozeri
Phys. Rev. A 105, 022612 (2022)

Coupling Two Laser-Cooled Ions via a Room-Temperature Conductor
Da An, Alberto M. Alonso, Clemens Matthiesen, and Hartmut Häffner
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 063201 (2022)

Error correction of a logical grid state qubit by dissipative pumping
Brennan de Neeve, Thanh-Long Nguyen, Tanja Behrle & Jonathan P. Home
Nature Physics (2022)

Experimental Verification of Dissipation-Time Uncertainty Relation
L.-L. Yan, J.-W. Zhang, M.-R. Yun, J.-C. Li, G.-Y. Ding, J.-F. Wei, J.-T. Bu, B. Wang, L. Chen, S.-L. Su, F. Zhou, Y. Jia, E.-J. Liang, and M. Feng
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 050603 (2022)

Fault-Tolerant Parity Readout on a Shuttling-Based Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer
J. Hilder, D. Pijn, O. Onishchenko, A. Stahl, M. Orth, B. Lekitsch, A. Rodriguez-Blanco, M. Müller, F. Schmidt-Kaler, and U. G. Poschinger
Phys. Rev. X 12, 011032 (2022)

Generation of a Maximally Entangled State Using Collective Optical Pumping
M. Malinowski, C. Zhang, V. Negnevitsky, I. Rojkov, F. Reiter, T.-L. Nguyen, M. Stadler, D. Kienzler, K. K. Mehta, and J. P. Home
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 080503 (2022)

Laser-coolable AcOH+ ion for CP-violation searches
Alexander V. Oleynichenko, Leonid V. Skripnikov, Andréi V. Zaitsevskii, and Victor V. Flambaum
Phys. Rev. A 105, 022825 (2022)

Millicharged Dark Matter Detection with Ion Traps
Dmitry Budker, Peter W. Graham, Harikrishnan Ramani, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Christian Smorra, and Stefan Ulmer
PRX Quantum 3, 010330 (2022)

Multiplexed quantum repeaters based on dual-species trapped-ion systems
Prajit Dhara, Norbert M. Linke, Edo Waks, Saikat Guha, and Kaushik P. Seshadreesan
Phys. Rev. A 105, 022623 (2022) – Published 25 February 2022

Noise phased out
Shruti Puri
Nature Physics (2022)

One- and two-qubit gate infidelities due to motional errors in trapped ions and electrons
R. Tyler Sutherland, Qian Yu, Kristin M. Beck, and Hartmut Häffner
Phys. Rev. A 105, 022437 (2022) –

Quantifying quantum-amplified metrology via Fisher information
G. S. Agarwal and L. Davidovich
Phys. Rev. Research 4, L012014 (2022)

Relativistic meson spectra on ion-trap quantum simulators
Johannes Knaute and Philipp Hauke
Phys. Rev. A 105, 022616 (2022)

Resource-Efficient Dissipative Entanglement of Two Trapped-Ion Qubits
Daniel C. Cole, Stephen D. Erickson, Giorgio Zarantonello, Karl P. Horn, Pan-Yu Hou, Jenny J. Wu, Daniel H. Slichter, Florentin Reiter, Christiane P. Koch, and Dietrich Leibfried
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 080502 (2022)

Significant loophole-free test of Kochen-Specker contextuality using two species of atomic ions

Speed Limit on Change
February 4, 2022• Physics 15, 17
Philip Ball

Tin-Can Telephone” Connects Two Ions
Christian Tomás Schmiegelow
February 7, 2022• Physics 15, 16

Transport-Enabled Entangling Gate for Trapped Ions
Holly N. Tinkey, Craig R. Clark, Brian C. Sawyer, and Kenton R. Brown
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 050502 (2022)

Two-tone Doppler cooling of radial two-dimensional crystals in a radio-frequency ion trap
Alexander Kato, Apurva Goel, Raymond Lee, Zeyu Ye, Samip Karki, Jian Jun Liu, Andrei Nomerotski, and Boris B. Blinov
Phys. Rev. A 105, 023101 (2022)


2022 Roadmap for Materials for Quantum Technologies
Christoph Becher, Weibo Gao, Swastik Kar, Christian Marciniak, Thomas Monz, John G. Bartholomew, Philippe Goldner, Huanqian Loh, Elizabeth Marcellina, Kuan Eng Johnson Goh, Teck Seng Koh, Bent Weber, Zhao Mu, Jeng-Yuan Tsai, Qimin Yan, Samuel Gyger, Stephan Steinhauer, Val Zwiller

A tensor network discriminator architecture for classification of quantum data on quantum computers
Michael L. Wall, Paraj Titum, Gregory Quiroz, Michael Foss-Feig, Kaden R. A. Hazzard

Ab initio quantum theory of mass defect and time dilation in trapped-ion optical clocks
V. J. Martínez-Lahuerta, S. Eilers, T. E. Mehlstäubler, P. O. Schmidt, K. Hammerer

Amplifying quantum correlations with quench dynamics in a quantum spin chain: Steady-states versus ground-states
Sasan Kheiri, Hadi Cheraghi, Saeed Mahdavifar

N-body interactions between trapped ion qubits via spin-dependent squeezing
Or Katz, Marko Cetina, Christopher Monroe

Collective photon emission patterns from two atoms in free space
Stefan Richter, Sebastian Wolf, Joachim von Zanthier, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler

Direct determination of the atomic mass difference of the pairs 76As-76Se and 155Tb-155Gd rules out 76As and 155Tb as possible candidates for electron (anti)neutrino mass measurements
Z. Ge, T. Eronen, A. de Roubin, J. Kostensalo, J. Suhonen, D. A. Nesterenko, O. Beliuskina, R. de Groote, C. Delafosse, S. Geldhof, W. Gins, M. Hukkanen, A. Jokinen, A. Kankainen, J. Kotila, Á. Koszorús, I. D. Moore, A. Raggio, S. Rinta-Antila, V. Virtanen, A. P. Weaver, A. Zadvornaya

Experimental observation of thermalisation with noncommuting charges
Florian Kranzl, Aleksander Lasek, Manoj K. Joshi, Amir Kalev, Rainer Blatt, Christian F. Roos, Nicole Yunger Halpern

Fabrication of Surface Ion Traps with Integrated Current Carrying Wires enabling High Magnetic Field Gradients
Martin Siegele-Brown, Seokjun Hong, Foni R. Lebrun-Gallagher, Samuel J. Hile, Sebastian Weidt, Winfried K. Hensinger

High-Fidelity Ion State Detection Using Trap-Integrated Avalanche Photodiodes
David Reens, Michael Collins, Joseph Ciampi, Dave Kharas, Brian F. Aull, Kevan Donlon, Colin D. Bruzewicz, Bradley Felton, Jules Stuart, Robert J. Niffenegger, Philip Rich, Danielle Braje, Kevin K. Ryu, John Chiaverini, Robert McConnell

Industrially Microfabricated Ion Trap with 1 eV Trap Depth
S. Auchter, C. Axline, C. Decaroli, M. Valentini, L. Purwin, R. Oswald, R. Matt, E. Aschauer, Y. Colombe, P. Holz, T. Monz, R. Blatt, P. Schindler, C. Rössler, J. Home

Measurement of infrared magic wavelength for an all-optical trapping of 40Ca+ ion clock
Yao Huang, Hua Guan, Chengbin Li, Huaqing Zhang, Baolin Zhang, Miao Wang, Liyan Tang, Tingyun Shi, Kelin Gao

Numerical investigation of a segmented-blade ion trap with biasing rods
Jungsoo Hong, Myunghun Kim, Hyegoo Lee, Moonjoo Lee

Optimization and implementation of a surface-electrode ion trap junction
Chi Zhang, Karan K Mehta, Jonathan P Home

Passive verification protocol for thermal graph states
Kazuki Akimoto, Shunji Tsuchiya, Ryosuke Yoshii, Yuki Takeuchi

Precise Q value measurements of 112,113Ag and 115Cd with the Canadian Penning trap for evaluation of potential ultra-low Q value β-decays
Nadeesha D. Gamage, Rachel Sandler, Fritz Buchinger, Jason A. Clark, Dwaipayan Ray, Rodney Orford, William S. Porter, Matthew Redshaw, Guy Savard, Kumar S. Sharma, Adrian A. Valverde

Probing a dissipative phase transition with a trapped ion through reservoir engineering
M. -L. Cai, Z. -D. Liu, Y. Jiang, Y. -K. Wu, Q. -X. Mei, W. -D. Zhao, L. He, X. Zhang, Z. -C. Zhou, L. -M. Duan

Production of Fock Mixtures in Trapped Ions for Motional Metrology
Antonis Delakouras, Daniel Rodríguez, Javier Cerrillo

Quantum-limited thermometry of a Fermi gas with a charged spin particle
Lorenzo Oghittu, Antonio Negretti

The Effect of Micromotion and Local Stress in Quantum simulation with Trapped Ions in Optical Tweezers
Liam Bond, Lisa Lenstra, Rene Gerritsma, Arghavan Safavi-Naini

Wasserstein Solution Quality and the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm: A Portfolio Optimization Case Study
Jack S. Baker, Santosh Kumar Radha

ITN Newsletter – January 2022

Dear all,

as I have unfortunately mixed up things in the last newsletter, the December preprints have been omitted. A single person (out of 1200 recipients) had read to the end to the newsletter to remark this problem, so I conclude that you all had a lazy Christmas holiday ! You will find a double share of preprints this time to take a healthy start in 2022.


Short Term Scientific Missions – apply now !!
Mobility for young and not so young researchers, between 1 week and 3 months, the COST Action can financially support your stay. Details can be found on the website at


SOLVAY WORKSHOP ON “Quantum Simulation – 2021” Brussels, February 7 – 9, 2022
The Workshop is organized in the context of the 2021 International Jacques Solvay Chair in Physics attributed to Prof. Jean Dalibard. LINK

XXIIIrd Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics, 13-17 February 2022 in Obergurgl/Austria LINK

“FRIAS Junior Researcher Conference – Cold and ultracold chemistry” in Freiburg, Germany, February 20 – 22, 2022. Details

766. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on High‐Precision Measurements and Searches for New Physics from 9-13 May 2022 at the Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, located near Bonn/Germany. Details

The second edition of the training school “From Basics to Applications of Optical Fiber Links and Frequency Combs”, from 18 to 22 April, 2022, in the wonderful School of Physics in Les Houches, close to Chamonix, in the French Alps. Details

Early Career Conference in Trapped Ions 2022, new dates are 26 June – 1 July 2022, at  CERN, Geneva LINK

14th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP14)  in Vilnius, Lithuania, June 27- July 1, 2022 LINK abstract submission before 21 March 2022

Quantum Thermodynamics Conference 2022 (QTD2022), 27 June – 1 July 2022
Registration and submission of abstracts for consideration for contributed talks and posters is now open. The deadline for abstract submission is 25 February 2022. Details

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) in Toronto, Canada, 17-22 July 2022 LINK

The 8th International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics (TCP 2022) will take place in Glashütten, Germany on September 25-30, 2022. The first circular is available on the website.

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, June 2023

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries 2020
an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community every Thursday   LINK

The Virtual AMO Seminar ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” ( Thursdays, 5pm


PhD position is available on explorations of ion clouds in the non-neutral plasma regime in Marseille, France. For details contact Caroline Champenois.

senior postdoc position in the group of Knut Asmis at Leipzig University. Details

permanent experimental scientist positions available at the UK’s National Physical Laboratory, to work on applications of ion microtraps in quantum technology. Further details from Alastair Sinclair or apply here.

Postdoc and PhD positions for research in the area of quantum information processing in the group of Markus Müller, RWTH Aachen, Germany

Postdoc position is available in Bordeaux (France) to develop and use an ultralow noise laser for nanoparticle trapping and cooling. For details please contact Giorgio Santarelli or Adèle Hilico

Postdoc position is available in the group of Rene Gerritsma in Amsterdam: LINK

PhD vacancies in the Ion Quantum Technology group with Winfried Hensinger. Details

Permanent trapped ion physicist positions are available at the UK’s National Quantum Computing Centre, see current vacancies or contact Jochen Wolf for details and speculative applications.

Two Postdoc positions are available at the University of Oxford, one focussing on the development of ion-traps with integrated optics, and one on quantum control and quantum computation with trapped ions. Please contact Chris Ballance for details.
A full-time postdoctoral position in Quantum Technology within the ITCM Group at the University of Sussex, led by Prof Matthias KellerDetails

PhD position on the “Theory of many-body quantum engines” at University of Tübingen. Review of the applications will begin on 31 Jan 2021 until the position is filled. For enquiries please send an email to Prof. Dr. Igor Lesanovsky  or Dr. Federico CarolloDetails

We’re looking to fill two postdoctoral positions for our new projects with trapped ion quantum computers (ATIQ project). Please contact Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler ( or visit

The Highly Charged Ion Dynamics group (Crespo lab) at the Pfeifer Division of the Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik (MPIK) in Heidelberg is seeking a postdoctoral research associate (2 years) starting as soon as possibleLINK
A postdoctoral position is available at the University of Washington in Seattle for the development of architectures supporting large-scale QIP with trapped ions. Contact Sara Mouradian for details.

Postdoctoral Research Associate and PhD positions are available on quantum simulation and sensing with large beryllium ion crystals at the University of Sydney. For details please contact Robert Wolf or LINK

A postdoc position is open at LENS, Florence/IT. Details can be found here, or by contacting Carlo Sias

A PhD position in quantum cellular automata and quantum neural networks at the University of Tübingen (Germany) Details HERE or contact Igor Lesanowsky

A Postdoctoral Research Position to study positron interactions with atoms and molecules is available in the Physics Department, University of California San Diego positron group ( Contact Cliff Surko for details

Several PhD and postdoctoral positions offered for new projects with trapped ion quantum computers (IQuAn), collective properties of light scattering, heat transport in ion crystals (QuCoLiMa) and Rydberg ions. Please contact Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler ( or visit

PhD position in the group of Rene Gerritsma in Amsterdam. Details

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to

1/ω electric-field noise in surface ion traps from correlated adsorbate dynamics
Benjamin L. Foulon, Keith G. Ray, Chang-Eun Kim, Yuan Liu, Brenda M. Rubenstein, and Vincenzo Lordi
Phys. Rev. A 105, 013107 (2022)

An efficient method for producing 9Be+ ions using a 2+1 resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization process
Min Li, Yong Zhang, Qianyu Zhang, Wenli Bai, Shengguo He, Wencui Peng and Xin Tong
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. (2022)

An ion trap source of cold atomic hydrogen via photodissociation of the BaH+ molecular ion
Steven Armstrong Jones
New J. Phys. (2022)

Correlated many-body noise and emergent 1/f behavior
P. N. Thomas Lloyd, Valentin Walther, and H. R. Sadeghpour
Phys. Rev. A 105, L010402 (2022)

Deterministic loading of a single strontium ion into a surface electrode trap using pulsed laser ablation
Alto Osada and Atsushi Noguchi
J. Phys. Commun. 6 015007 (2022)

Dielectronic recombination along high Rydberg states of Mg+ and Si11+ ions
Yueming Li
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 54 215202 (2022)

Ground-State g Factor of Highly Charged 229Th Ions: An Access to the M1 Transition Probability between the Isomeric and Ground Nuclear States
V. M. Shabaev, D. A. Glazov, A. M. Ryzhkov, C. Brandau, G. Plunien, W. Quint, A. M. Volchkova, and D. V. Zinenko
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 043001 (2022)

Dynamical effects of Pauli blocking on resonant multielectron ionization
D. D. Su, Y. T. Li, Q. Su, and R. Grobe
Phys. Rev. A 105, 013110 (2022)

Glassy quantum dynamics of disordered Ising spins
P. Schultzen, T. Franz, S. Geier, A. Salzinger, A. Tebben, C. Hainaut, G. Zürn, M. Weidemüller, and M. Gärttner
Phys. Rev. B 105, L020201 (2022)

Ion energy distribution in an electron beam ion trap inferred from simulations of the trapped ion cloud
Michael Hahn, Thusitha Arthanayaka, Peter Beiersdorfer, Gregory V. Brown, and Daniel W. Savin
Phys. Rev. E 105, 015204 (2022)

Measurement-Induced Transition in Long-Range Interacting Quantum Circuits
Maxwell Block, Yimu Bao, Soonwon Choi, Ehud Altman, and Norman Y. Yao
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 010604 (2022)

Nonadiabatic decay of Rydberg-atom–ion molecules
A. Duspayev and G. Raithel
Phys. Rev. A 105, 012810 (2022)

Radium Ion Optical Clock
C. A. Holliman, M. Fan, A. Contractor, S. M. Brewer, and A. M. Jayich
Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 033202 (2022)

Realistic simulations of spin squeezing and cooperative coupling effects in large ensembles of interacting two-level systems
Julian Huber, Ana Maria Rey, and Peter Rabl
Phys. Rev. A 105, 013716 (2022)

Second-Scale 9Be+ Spin Coherence in a Compact Penning Trap
Brian J. McMahon and Brian C. Sawyer
Phys. Rev. Applied 17, 014005 (2022)

Spectroscopic analysis of M- and N-intrashell transitions in Co-like to Na-like Yb ions
Roshani Silwal, Dipti Dipti, Endre Takacs, Joan M. Dreiling, Samuel C Sanders, Amy Christina Gall, Hemalatha Rudramadevi B, John D Gillaspy and Yuri Ralchenko
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. (2021)

Surface science motivated by heating of trapped ions from the quantum ground state
D A Hite, K S McKay and D P Pappas
New J. Phys. 23 103028 (2021)

Thermal corrections to the bound-electron g factor
T. Zalialiutdinov, D. Glazov, and D. Solovyev
Phys. Rev. A 105, 012804 (2022)

Weak dissipation for high-fidelity qubit-state preparation and measurement
Anthony Ransford, Conrad Roman, Thomas Dellaert, Patrick McMillin, and Wesley C. Campbell
Phys. Rev. A 104, L060402 (2021)


A Fully Fiber-Integrated Ion Trap for Portable Optical Atomic Clocks
Xavier Fernandez-Gonzalvo, Matthias Keller

A New Mechanism for Sympathetic Cooling of Atoms and Ions in Atomic and Ion-Atomic Traps
V. S. Melezhik

Analytical and experimental study of center line miscalibrations in Mølmer-Sørensen gates
Fernando Martínez-García, Lukas Gerster, Davide Vodola, Pavel Hrmo, Thomas Monz, Philipp Schindler, Markus Müller

Bright and Dark States of Light: The Quantum Origin of Classical Interference
Carlos E. Máximo, Paulo P. de Souza, Christopher Ianzano, Gerhard Rempe, Romain Bachelard, Celso J. Villas-Boas

CNOT-count optimized quantum circuit of the Shor’s algorithm
Xia Liu, Huan Yang, Li Yang

Coherent control of a local phonon in trapped ions using dynamical decoupling
Ryutaro Ohira, Shota Kume, Kenji Toyoda

Coherent effects contribution to a fast gate fidelity in ion quantum computer
Pavel Sidorov, Mikhail Aksenov, Ilia Zalivako, Alexander Borisenko, Ilya Semerikov, Ksenia Khabarova, Nikolai Kolachevsky

Controlling long ion strings for quantum simulation and precision measurements
Florian Kranzl, Manoj K. Joshi, Christine Maier, Tiff Brydges, Johannes Franke, Rainer Blatt, Christian F. Roos

Coupling the motional quantum states of spatially distant ions using a conducting wire
N. Van Horne, M. Mukherjee

Digital Quantum Simulation of the Schwinger Model and Symmetry Protection with Trapped Ions
Nhung H. Nguyen, Minh C. Tran, Yingyue Zhu, Alaina M. Green, C. Huerta Alderete, Zohreh Davoudi, Norbert M. Linke

Generation of entanglement for two trapped ions in thermal motion with an extended Jonathan–Plenio–Knight method
Hiroo Azuma

Experimental Bayesian calibration of trapped ion entangling operations
Lukas Gerster, Fernando Martínez-García, Pavel Hrmo, Martin van Mourik, Benjamin Wilhelm, Davide Vodola, Markus Müller, Rainer Blatt, Philipp Schindler, Thomas Monz

High-fidelity indirect readout of trapped-ion hyperfine qubits
Stephen D. Erickson, Jenny J. Wu, Pan-Yu Hou, Daniel C. Cole, Shawn Geller, Alex Kwiatkowski, Scott Glancy, Emanuel Knill, Daniel H. Slichter, Andrew C. Wilson, Dietrich Leibfried

Holographic simulation of correlated electrons on a trapped ion quantum processor
Daoheng Niu, Reza Haghshenas, Yuxuan Zhang, Michael Foss-Feig, Garnet Kin-Lic Chan, Andrew C. Potter

In situ detection of RF breakdown on microfabricated surface ion traps
Joshua M. Wilson, Julia N. Tilles, Raymond A. Haltli, Eric Ou, Matthew G. Blain, Susan M. Clark, Melissa C. Revelle

Interactive Protocols for Classically-Verifiable Quantum Advantage
Daiwei Zhu, Gregory D. Kahanamoku-Meyer, Laura Lewis, Crystal Noel, Or Katz, Bahaa Harraz, Qingfeng Wang, Andrew Risinger, Lei Feng, Debopriyo Biswas, Laird Egan, Alexandru Gheorghiu, Yunseong Nam, Thomas Vidick, Umesh Vazirani, Norman Y. Yao, Marko Cetina, Christopher Monroe

Laser-coolable AcOH+ ion for CP-violation searches
Alexander V. Oleynichenko, Leonid V. Skripnikov, Andréi V. Zaitsevskii, Victor V. Flambaum

Numerical optimization of amplitude-modulated pulses in microwave-driven entanglement generation
M. Duwe, G. Zarantonello, N. Pulido-Mateo, H. Mendpara, L. Krinner, A. Bautista-Salvador, N. V. Vitanov, K. Hammerer, R. F. Werner, C. Ospelkaus

Optimisation of Scalable Ion-Cavity Interfaces for Quantum Photonic Networks
Shaobo Gao, Jacob A. Blackmore, William J. Hughes, Joseph F. Goodwin

Parallel-Electromagnetically-Induced-Transparency Near Ground-State Cooling of a Trapped-ion Crystal
Jie Zhang, Man-Chao Zhang, Yi Xie, Chun-Wang Wu, Bao-Quan Ou, Ting Chen, Wan-Su Bao, Paul Haljan, Wei Wu, Shuo Zhang, Ping-Xing Chen

Quantum Circuit Transformations with a Multi-Level Intermediate Representation Compiler
Thien Nguyen, Dmitry Lyakh, Raphael C. Pooser, Travis S. Humble, Timothy Proctor, Mohan Sarovar

Quantum invariant-based control of interacting trapped ions
Selwyn Simsek, Florian Mintert

Quantum parameter estimation of nonlinear coupling in trilinear Hamiltonian with trapped ions
Peter A. Ivanov

Quantum portfolio value forecasting
Cristina Sanz-Fernandez, Rodrigo Hernandez, Christian D. Marciniak, Ivan Pogorelov, Thomas Monz, Francesco Benfenati, Samuel Mugel, Roman Orus

Quantum simulation of weak-field light-matter interactions
Steve M. Young, Mohan Sarovar

Realizations of Measurement Based Quantum Computing
Swapnil Nitin Shah

Significant-loophole-free test of Kochen-Specker contextuality using two species of atomic-ions
Pengfei Wang, Junhua Zhang, Chun-Yang Luan, Mark Um, Ye Wang, Mu Qiao, Tian Xie, Jing-Ning Zhang, Adán Cabello, Kihwan Kim

Simulation of Motion of Many Ions in a Linear Paul Trap
Martin Oral, Lukáš Slodička, Ondřej Číp

Sympathetic cooling schemes for separately trapped ions coupled via image currents
C. Will, M. Bohman, T. Driscoll, M. Wiesinger, F. Abbass, M. J. Borchert, J. A. Devlin, S. Erlewein, M. Fleck, B. Latacz, R. Moller, A. Mooser, D. Popper, E. Wursten, K. Blaum, Y. Matsuda, C. Ospelkaus, W. Quint, J. Walz, C. Smorra, S. Ulmer

Versatile fidelity estimation with confidence
Akshay Seshadri, Martin Ringbauer, Rainer Blatt, Thomas Monz, Stephen Becker

Closed-loop optimization of fast trapped-ion shuttling with sub-quanta excitation
Jonathan D. Sterk, Henry Coakley, Joshua Goldberg, Vincent Hietala, Jason Lechtenberg, Hayden McGuinness, Daniel McMurtrey, L. Paul Parazzoli, Jay Van Der Wall, Daniel Stick

Coherent control of a local phonon in trapped ions using dynamical decoupling
Ryutaro Ohira, Shota Kume, Kenji Toyoda

Construction of Entangled Many-body States via the Higgs Mechanism
Pureum Noh, Eun-Gook Moon

Determination of hyperfine splittings and Landé gJ factors of 5s 2S1/2 and 5p 2P1/2,3/2 states of 111,113Cd+ for a microwave frequency standard
J. Z. Han, R. Si, H. R. Qin, N. C. Xin, Y. T. Chen, S. N. Miao, C. Y. Chen, J. W. Zhang, L. J. Wang

Digital Quantum Simulation of the Schwinger Model and Symmetry Protection with Trapped Ions
Nhung H. Nguyen, Minh C. Tran, Yingyue Zhu, Alaina M. Green, C. Huerta Alderete, Zohreh Davoudi, Norbert M. Linke

Evidence of Two-Source King Plot Nonlinearity in Spectroscopic Search for New Boson
Joonseok Hur, Diana P. L. Aude Craik, Eugene Knyazev, Ian Counts, Luke Caldwell, Calvin Leung, Swadha Pandey, Julian C. Berengut, Amy Geddes, Witold Nazarewicz, Paul-Gerhard Reinhard, Akio Kawasaki, Honggi Jeon, Wonho Jhe, Vladan Vuletić

Experimental Demonstration of Swift Analytical Universal Control over Nearby Transitions
Yue Li, Zhi-Cheng He, Xinxing Yuan, Mengxiang Zhang, Chang Liu, Yi-Xuan Wu, Mingdong Zhu, Xi Qin, Zheng-Yuan Xue, Yiheng Lin, Jiangfeng Du

Fast generation of spin squeezing via resonant spin-boson coupling
Diego Barberena, Sean R. Muleady, John J. Bollinger, Robert J. Lewis-Swan, Ana Maria Rey

Fast ion shuttling which is robust versus oscillatory perturbations
Hilario Espinós, Javier Echanobe, Xiao-Jing Lu, Juan Gonzalo Muga

Multi-round QAOA and advanced mixers on a trapped-ion quantum computer
Yingyue Zhu, Zewen Zhang, Bhuvanesh Sundar, Alaina M. Green, C. Huerta Alderete, Nhung H. Nguyen, Kaden R. A. Hazzard, Norbert M. Linke

Observation of spin-tensor induced topological phase transitions of triply degenerate points with a trapped ion
Mengxiang Zhang, Xinxing Yuan, Xi-Wang Luo, Chang Liu, Yue Li, Mingdong Zhu, Xi Qin, Yiheng Lin, Jiangfeng Du

Observation of topological Euler insulators with a trapped-ion quantum simulator
W. -D. Zhao, Y. -B. Yang, Y. Jiang, Z. -C. Mao, W. -X. Guo, L. -Y. Qiu, G. -X. Wang, L. Yao, L. He, Z. -C. Zhou, Y. Xu, L. -M. Duan

Observation of undercooling in a levitated nanoscale liquid Au droplet
Joyce Coppock, Quinn Waxter, Robert Wolle, B. E. Kane

Probing Majorana Modes via Local Spin Dynamics
Johannes Bjerlin, Anders S. Sørensen, Stephan Haas

Progress toward a microwave frequency standard based on laser-cooled large scale 171Yb+ ion crystal
N. C. Xin, H. R. Qin, S. N. Miao, Y. T. Chen, J. Z. Han, J. W. Zhang, L. J. Wang

Quantum invariant-based control of interacting trapped ions
Selwyn Simsek, Florian Mintert

Quantum parameter estimation of nonlinear coupling in trilinear Hamiltonian with trapped ions
Peter A. Ivanov

Quantum Rabi dynamics of trapped atoms far in the deep strong coupling regime
Johannes Koch, Geram Hunanyan, Till Ockenfels, Enrique Rico, Enrique Solano, Martin Weitz

Radium Ion Optical Clock
C. A. Holliman, M. Fan, A. Contractor, S. M. Brewer, A. M. Jayich

Realizations of Measurement Based Quantum Computing
Swapnil Nitin Shah

Sculpting bosonic states with arithmetic subtractions
Zaw Lin Htoo, Zakarya Lasmar, Chihuan Nguyen, Tseng Ko-Wei, Dzmitry Matsukevich, Dagomir Kaszlikowski, Valerio Scarani

Significant-loophole-free test of Kochen-Specker contextuality using two species of atomic-ions
Pengfei Wang, Junhua Zhang, Chun-Yang Luan, Mark Um, Ye Wang, Mu Qiao, Tian Xie, Jing-Ning Zhang, Adán Cabello, Kihwan Kim

Sympathetic cooling of a large 113Cd+ ion crystal with 40Ca+ in a linear Paul trap
S. N. Miao, H. R. Qin, N. C. Xin, Y. T. Chen, J. W. Zhang, L. J. Wang

Sympathetic cooling schemes for separately trapped ions coupled via image currents
C. Will, M. Bohman, T. Driscoll, M. Wiesinger, F. Abbass, M. J. Borchert, J. A. Devlin, S. Erlewein, M. Fleck, B. Latacz, R. Moller, A. Mooser, D. Popper, E. Wursten, K. Blaum, Y. Matsuda, C. Ospelkaus, W. Quint, J. Walz, C. Smorra, S. Ulmer

Towards real-world quantum networks: a review
Shi-Hai Wei, Bo Jing, Xue-Ying Zhang, Jin-Yu Liao, Chen-Zhi Yuan, Bo-Yu Fan, Chen Lyu, Dian-Li Zhou, You Wang, Guang-Wei Deng, Hai-Zhi Song, Daniel Oblak, Guang-Can Guo, Qiang Zhou

Ultra-fast multi-qubit global-entangling gates without individual addressing of trapped ions
Kaizhao Wang, Jing-Fan Yu, Pengfei Wang, Chunyang Luan, Jing-Ning Zhang, Kihwan Kim

ITN Newsletter – December 2021

Dear all,

Due to travel and other restrictions, ECCTI (the Early Career Conference on Trapped Ions) is postponed to 26 June – 1 July 2022  in order to guarantee a face-to-face event.

We wish you a fabulous New Year 2022, which will hopefully bring us back to the ground state with a high degree of control of external perturbations. Stay positive, ion trappers !
Your editorial team


Short Term Scientific Missions – apply now !!
Mobility for young and not so young researchers, between 1 week and 3 months, the COST Action can financially support your stay. Details can be found on the website at


Early Career Conference in Trapped Ions 2022, at  CERN, Geneva postponed to 26 June-1 July 2022 ! LINK

SOLVAY WORKSHOP ON “Quantum Simulation – 2021” Brussels, February 7 – 9, 2022
The Workshop is organized in the context of the 2021 International Jacques Solvay Chair in Physics attributed to Prof. Jean Dalibard. LINK

XXIIIrd Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics, 13-17 February 2022 in Obergurgl/Austria LINK

“FRIAS Junior Researcher Conference – Cold and ultracold chemistry” in Freiburg, Germany, February 20 – 22, 2022. Details

The second edition of the training school “From Basics to Applications of Optical Fiber Links and Frequency Combs”, from 18 to 22 April, 2022, in the wonderful School of Physics in Les Houches, close to Chamonix, in the French Alps. Details

14th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP14)  in Vilnius, Lithuania, June 27- July 1, 2022 LINK

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) in Toronto, Canada, 17-22 July 2022 LINK

The 8th International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics (TCP 2022) will take place in Glashütten, Germany on September 25-30, 2022. The first circular is available on the website.

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, June 2023

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries 2020
an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community every Thursday   LINK

The Virtual AMO Seminar ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” ( Thursdays, 5pm


A full-time postdoctoral position in Quantum Technology within the ITCM Group at the University of Sussex, led by Prof Matthias KellerDetails

PhD position on the “Theory of many-body quantum engines” at University of Tübingen. Review of the applications will begin on 31 Jan 2021 until the position is filled. For enquiries please send an email to Prof. Dr. Igor Lesanovsky  or Dr. Federico CarolloDetails

We’re looking to fill two postdoctoral positions for our new projects with trapped ion quantum computers (ATIQ project). Please contact Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler ( or visit

The Highly Charged Ion Dynamics group (Crespo lab) at the Pfeifer Division of the Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik (MPIK) in Heidelberg is seeking a postdoctoral research associate (2 years) starting as soon as possibleLINK
A postdoctoral position is available at the University of Washington in Seattle for the development of architectures supporting large-scale QIP with trapped ions. Contact Sara Mouradian for details.

Postdoctoral Research Associate and PhD positions are available on quantum simulation and sensing with large beryllium ion crystals at the University of Sydney. For details please contact Robert Wolf or LINK

A postdoc position is open at LENS, Florence/IT. Details can be found here, or by contacting Carlo Sias

A PhD position in quantum cellular automata and quantum neural networks at the University of Tübingen (Germany) Details HERE or contact Igor Lesanowsky

A Postdoctoral Research Position to study positron interactions with atoms and molecules is available in the Physics Department, University of California San Diego positron group ( Contact Cliff Surko for details

Several PhD and postdoctoral positions offered for new projects with trapped ion quantum computers (IQuAn), collective properties of light scattering, heat transport in ion crystals (QuCoLiMa) and Rydberg ions. Please contact Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler ( or visit

PhD position in the group of Rene Gerritsma in Amsterdam. Details

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to

A digital feedback system for advanced ion manipulation techniques in Penning traps
Jost Herkenhoff, Menno Door, Pavel Filianin, Wenjia Huang, Kathrin Kromer, Daniel Lange, Rima X. Schüssler, Christoph Schweiger, Sergey Eliseev and Klaus Blaum
Review of Scientific Instruments 92, 103201 (2021)

A proposed architecture for single-species qubits in trapped-ion systems
Avery Thompson
Scilight 2021, 521104 (2021)

A sub-4 Kelvin radio frequency linear multipole wire trap
Katharina Geistlinger, Moritz Fischer, Steffen Spieler, Lena Remmers, Felix Duensing, Franziska Dahlmann, Eric Endres and Roland Wester
Review of Scientific Instruments 92, 023204 (2021)

A survey on advances of quantum repeater
Pei-Shun Yan, Lan Zhou, Wei Zhong and Yu-Bo Sheng
EPL 136 14001 (2021)

Algorithmic Ground-State Cooling of Weakly Coupled Oscillators Using Quantum Logic
Steven A. King, Lukas J. Spieß, Peter Micke, Alexander Wilzewski, Tobias Leopold, José R. Crespo López-Urrutia, and Piet O. Schmidt
Phys. Rev. X 11, 041049 (2021)

Bound state dynamics in the long-range spin-12 XXZ model
T. Macrì, L. Lepori, G. Pagano, M. Lewenstein, and L. Barbiero
Phys. Rev. B 104, 214309 (2021)

Certifying Multilevel Coherence in the Motional State of a Trapped Ion
Ollie Corfield, Jake Lishman, Chungsun Lee, Jacopo Mosca Toba, George Porter, Johannes M. Heinrich, Simon C. Webster, Florian Mintert, and Richard C. Thompson
PRX Quantum 2, 040359 (2021)

Chaos in the monopole ion trap
Edgar Perez and John Essick
American Journal of Physics 89, 84 (2021)

Design and Fabrication of Silicon Gratings for the Optical Addressing of Trapped Ion Qubits
Lim, Yu Dian; Li, Hong Yu; Zhao, Peng; Tao, Jing; Guidoni, Luca; Tan, Chuan Seng
CLEO: Science and Innovations, Paper# JF2G.3 (2021)

Deuteron-to-Proton Mass Ratio from Simultaneous Measurement of the Cyclotron Frequencies of H+2 and D+
David J. Fink and Edmund G. Myers
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 243001 (2021)

Direct observation of trapped ion micromotion and multi-qubits state with a TimePix3cam single-photon sensitive camera.
Zhukas, Liudmila A.; Millican, Maverick J.; Svihra, Peter; Nomerotski, Andrei; Blinov, Boris B.
CLEO: Applications and Technology, Paper# JF2G.2 (2021)

Evaluating states in trapped ions with local correlation between internal and motional degrees of freedom
Silpa Muralidharan, Ryutaro Ohira, Shota Kume, and Kenji Toyoda
Phys. Rev. A 104, 062410 (2021)

Filtering variational quantum algorithms for combinatorial optimization
David Amaro, Carlo Modica, Matthias Rosenkranz, Mattia Fiorentini, Marcello Benedetti and Michael Lubasch
Quantum Sci. Technol. (2021)

Fluorescence detection of a trapped ion with a monolithically integrated single-photon-counting avalanche diode
W. J. Setzer, M. Ivory, O. Slobodyan, J. W. Van Der Wall, L. P. Parazzoli, D. Stick, M. Gehl, M. G. Blain, R. R. Kay and H. J. McGuinness
Appl. Phys. Lett. 119, 154002 (2021);

Improved Determination of Fundamental Constants and Test of Fundamental Physics with Doppler-Free THz Spectroscopy of HD+
Alighanbari, S.; Giri, G. S.; Constantin, F. L.; Korobov, V.; Schiller, S.
European Quantum Electronics Conference, Paper# ed_1_1 (2021)

Increase of the barium ion-trap lifetime via photodissociation
Hao Wu, Michael Mills, Elizabeth West, Michael C. Heaven, and Eric R. Hudson
Phys. Rev. A 104, 063103 (2021)

Integrated Photonic Circuits and Platform Development for Trapped-Ion Quantum Computing and Sensing
Sorace-Agaskar, Cheryl; Aull, Brian; Braje, Danielle; Bruzewicz, Colin; Callahan, Patrick T.; Chiaverini, John; Ciampi, Joe; Collins, Michael; Donlon, Kevan; Felton, Bradley; Juodawlkis, Paul W.; Kharas, Dave; Loh, William; McConnell, Robert; Morgan, Rachel; Niffenegger, Robert; Purcell-Schuldt, Meghan; Reens, David; Ryu, Kevin; Sage, Jeremy; Stuart, Jules; West, Gavin N.
Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics, Paper# ITh2A.2 (2021)

Integrated Technologies for Portable Optical Clocks
McConnell, Robert; Aull, Brian; Braje, Danielle; Bruzewicz, Colin; Callahan, Patrick; Chiaverini, John; Collins, Michael; Donlon, Kevan; Felton, Bradley; Juodawlkis, Paul; Kharas, David; Loh, William; Niffenegger, Robert; Reens, David; Ryu, Kevin; Sage, Jeremy; Sorace-Agaskar, Cheryl; Stuart, Jules; West, Gavin
Optical Sensors, Paper# SW4I.1 (2021)

Micromotion minimization using Ramsey interferometry
Gerard Higgins, Shalina Salim, Chi Zhang, Harry Parke, Fabian Pokorny and Markus Hennrich
New J. Phys. 23 123028 (2021)

Multimode quantum networking with trapped ions
Krutyanskiy, Victor; Krcmarsky, Vojtech; Canteri, Marco; Meraner, Martin; Schupp, Josef; Lanyon, Ben
European Quantum Electronics Conference, Paper# eb_5_3 V (2021)

Non-destructive detection of large molecules without mass limitation
A. Poindron, J. Pedregosa-Gutierrez, C. Jouvet, M. Knoop and C. Champenois
J. Chem. Phys. 154, 184203 (2021)

Observation of Feshbach resonances between a single ion and ultracold atoms
Pascal Weckesser, Fabian Thielemann, Dariusz Wiater, Agata Wojciechowska, Leon Karpa, Krzysztof Jachymski, Michał Tomza, Thomas Walker & Tobias Schaetz
Nature, 600, 429-433 (2021)

omg blueprint for trapped ion quantum computing with metastable states
D. T. C. Allcock, W. C. Campbell, J. Chiaverini, I. L. Chuang, E. R. Hudson, I. D. Moore, A. Ransford, C. Roman, J. M. Sage and D. J. Wineland
Appl. Phys. Lett. 119, 214002 (2021)

Optimal Frobenius light cone in spin chains with power-law interactions
Chi-Fang Chen and Andrew Lucas
Phys. Rev. A 104, 062420 (2021)

Optimizing Stabilizer Parities for Improved Logical Qubit Memories
Dripto M. Debroy, Laird Egan, Crystal Noel, Andrew Risinger, Daiwei Zhu, Debopriyo Biswas, Marko Cetina, Chris Monroe, and Kenneth R. Brown
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 240501 (2021)

Precision measurements of the 2P1/2−2P3/2 fine-structure splitting in B-like S11+ and Cl12+
X. Liu, X. P. Zhou, W. Q. Wen, Q. F. Lu, C. L. Yan, G. Q. Xu, J. Xiao, A. V. Volotka, Y. S. Kozhedub, M. Y. Kaygorodov, Z. K. Huang, W. L. Ma, S. X. Wang, and X. Ma
Phys. Rev. A 104, 062804 (2021)

Pushing the Limits of Quantum Sensing with Variational Quantum Circuits
Patrick Coles
December 6, 2021• Physics 14, 172

Quantum circuits for the realization of equivalent forms of one-dimensional discrete-time quantum walks on near-term quantum hardware
Shivani Singh, C. Huerta Alderete, Radhakrishnan Balu, Christopher Monroe, Norbert M. Linke, and C. M. Chandrashekar
Phys. Rev. A 104, 062401 (2021)

Quantum amplitude-amplification operators
Hyeokjea Kwon and Joonwoo Bae
Phys. Rev. A 104, 062438 (2021)

Quantum gates robust to secular amplitude drifts
Qile David Su, Robijn Bruinsma, and Wesley C. Campbell
Phys. Rev. A 104, 052625 (2021)

Quantum Variational Optimization of Ramsey Interferometry and Atomic Clocks
Raphael Kaubruegger, Denis V. Vasilyev, Marius Schulte, Klemens Hammerer, and Peter Zoller
Phys. Rev. X 11, 041045 (2021)

Realization of Real-Time Fault-Tolerant Quantum Error Correction
C. Ryan-Anderson, J. G. Bohnet, K. Lee, D. Gresh, A. Hankin, J. P. Gaebler, D. Francois, A. Chernoguzov, D. Lucchetti, N. C. Brown, T. M. Gatterman, S. K. Halit, K. Gilmore, J. A. Gerber, B. Neyenhuis, D. Hayes, and R. P. Stutz
Phys. Rev. X 11, 041058 (2021)

Real-Time Error Correction for Quantum Computing
Philip Ball
Physics 14, 184 (2021)

Sensing a THz Electric Field with Cold and Trapped Molecular Ions
Constantin, F.L.
European Quantum Electronics Conference, Paper# eb_p_21 (2021)

Simulating a measurement-induced phase transition for trapped-ion circuits
Stefanie Czischek, Giacomo Torlai, Sayonee Ray, Rajibul Islam, and Roger G. Melko
Phys. Rev. A 104, 062405 (2021)

Simulation of incoherent ion effects in electron storage rings
J. Calvey and M. Borland
Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 24, 124401 (2021)

Super-resolved Imaging of a Single Cold Atom on a Nanosecond Timescale
Zhong-Hua Qian, Jin-Ming Cui, Xi-Wang Luo, Yong-Xiang Zheng, Yun-Feng Huang, Ming-Zhong Ai, Ran He, Chuan-Feng Li, and Guang-Can Guo
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 263603 (2021)

Surface ion trap
Noriaki Horiuchi
Nature Photonics (2021)

Suppression of midcircuit measurement crosstalk errors with micromotion
J. P. Gaebler, C. H. Baldwin, S. A. Moses, J. M. Dreiling, C. Figgatt, M. Foss-Feig, D. Hayes, and J. M. Pino
Phys. Rev. A 104, 062440 (2021)

Tick tock goes the mercury trapped ion clock
Anashe Bandari
Scilight 2021, 311107 (2021)

Trapped Ion Quantum Computing Using Optical Tweezers and Electric Fields
M. Mazzanti, R. X. Schüssler, J. D. Arias Espinoza, Z. Wu, R. Gerritsma, and A. Safavi-Naini
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 260502 (2021)

Trapped ions
Jonas Larson and Themistoklis Mavrogordatos
Pages 4-1 to 4-23
Chapter 4 from The Jaynes–Cummings Model and Its Descendants (2021)

Ultrafast coherent excitation of an ytterbium ion with single laser pulses
Kenji Shimizu, Jordan Scarabel, Elizabeth Bridge, Steven Connell, Moji Ghadimi, Ben Haylock, Mahmood Irtiza Hussain, Erik Streed and Mirko Lobino
Appl. Phys. Lett. 119, 214003 (2021)

Weak dissipation for high-fidelity qubit-state preparation and measurement
Anthony Ransford, Conrad Roman, Thomas Dellaert, Patrick McMillin, and Wesley C. Campbell
Phys. Rev. A 104, L060402 (2021)

Ytterbium ion trap quantum computing: The current state-of-the-art
Gavin N. Nop, Durga Paudyal and Jonathan D. H. Smith
AVS Quantum Sci. 3, 044101 (2021)


A digital feedback system for advanced ion manipulation techniques in Penning traps
Jost Herkenhoff, Menno Door, Pavel Filianin, Wenjia Huang, Kathrin Kromer, Daniel Lange, Rima X. Schüssler, Christoph Schweiger, Sergey Eliseev and Klaus Blaum
Review of Scientific Instruments 92, 103201 (2021)

A proposed architecture for single-species qubits in trapped-ion systems
Avery Thompson
Scilight 2021, 521104 (2021)

A sub-4 Kelvin radio frequency linear multipole wire trap
Katharina Geistlinger, Moritz Fischer, Steffen Spieler, Lena Remmers, Felix Duensing, Franziska Dahlmann, Eric Endres and Roland Wester
Review of Scientific Instruments 92, 023204 (2021)

A survey on advances of quantum repeater
Pei-Shun Yan, Lan Zhou, Wei Zhong and Yu-Bo Sheng
EPL 136 14001 (2021)

Algorithmic Ground-State Cooling of Weakly Coupled Oscillators Using Quantum Logic
Steven A. King, Lukas J. Spieß, Peter Micke, Alexander Wilzewski, Tobias Leopold, José R. Crespo López-Urrutia, and Piet O. Schmidt
Phys. Rev. X 11, 041049 (2021)

Bound state dynamics in the long-range spin-12 XXZ model
T. Macrì, L. Lepori, G. Pagano, M. Lewenstein, and L. Barbiero
Phys. Rev. B 104, 214309 (2021)

Certifying Multilevel Coherence in the Motional State of a Trapped Ion
Ollie Corfield, Jake Lishman, Chungsun Lee, Jacopo Mosca Toba, George Porter, Johannes M. Heinrich, Simon C. Webster, Florian Mintert, and Richard C. Thompson
PRX Quantum 2, 040359 (2021)

Chaos in the monopole ion trap
Edgar Perez and John Essick
American Journal of Physics 89, 84 (2021)

Design and Fabrication of Silicon Gratings for the Optical Addressing of Trapped Ion Qubits
Lim, Yu Dian; Li, Hong Yu; Zhao, Peng; Tao, Jing; Guidoni, Luca; Tan, Chuan Seng
CLEO: Science and Innovations, Paper# JF2G.3 (2021)

Deuteron-to-Proton Mass Ratio from Simultaneous Measurement of the Cyclotron Frequencies of H+2 and D+
David J. Fink and Edmund G. Myers
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 243001 (2021)

Direct observation of trapped ion micromotion and multi-qubits state with a TimePix3cam single-photon sensitive camera.
Zhukas, Liudmila A.; Millican, Maverick J.; Svihra, Peter; Nomerotski, Andrei; Blinov, Boris B.
CLEO: Applications and Technology, Paper# JF2G.2 (2021)

Evaluating states in trapped ions with local correlation between internal and motional degrees of freedom
Silpa Muralidharan, Ryutaro Ohira, Shota Kume, and Kenji Toyoda
Phys. Rev. A 104, 062410 (2021)

Filtering variational quantum algorithms for combinatorial optimization
David Amaro, Carlo Modica, Matthias Rosenkranz, Mattia Fiorentini, Marcello Benedetti and Michael Lubasch
Quantum Sci. Technol. (2021)

Fluorescence detection of a trapped ion with a monolithically integrated single-photon-counting avalanche diode
W. J. Setzer, M. Ivory, O. Slobodyan, J. W. Van Der Wall, L. P. Parazzoli, D. Stick, M. Gehl, M. G. Blain, R. R. Kay and H. J. McGuinness
Appl. Phys. Lett. 119, 154002 (2021);

Improved Determination of Fundamental Constants and Test of Fundamental Physics with Doppler-Free THz Spectroscopy of HD+
Alighanbari, S.; Giri, G. S.; Constantin, F. L.; Korobov, V.; Schiller, S.
European Quantum Electronics Conference, Paper# ed_1_1 (2021)

Increase of the barium ion-trap lifetime via photodissociation
Hao Wu, Michael Mills, Elizabeth West, Michael C. Heaven, and Eric R. Hudson
Phys. Rev. A 104, 063103 (2021)

Integrated Photonic Circuits and Platform Development for Trapped-Ion Quantum Computing and Sensing
Sorace-Agaskar, Cheryl; Aull, Brian; Braje, Danielle; Bruzewicz, Colin; Callahan, Patrick T.; Chiaverini, John; Ciampi, Joe; Collins, Michael; Donlon, Kevan; Felton, Bradley; Juodawlkis, Paul W.; Kharas, Dave; Loh, William; McConnell, Robert; Morgan, Rachel; Niffenegger, Robert; Purcell-Schuldt, Meghan; Reens, David; Ryu, Kevin; Sage, Jeremy; Stuart, Jules; West, Gavin N.
Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics, Paper# ITh2A.2 (2021)

Integrated Technologies for Portable Optical Clocks
McConnell, Robert; Aull, Brian; Braje, Danielle; Bruzewicz, Colin; Callahan, Patrick; Chiaverini, John; Collins, Michael; Donlon, Kevan; Felton, Bradley; Juodawlkis, Paul; Kharas, David; Loh, William; Niffenegger, Robert; Reens, David; Ryu, Kevin; Sage, Jeremy; Sorace-Agaskar, Cheryl; Stuart, Jules; West, Gavin
Optical Sensors, Paper# SW4I.1 (2021)

Micromotion minimization using Ramsey interferometry
Gerard Higgins, Shalina Salim, Chi Zhang, Harry Parke, Fabian Pokorny and Markus Hennrich
New J. Phys. 23 123028 (2021)

Multimode quantum networking with trapped ions
Krutyanskiy, Victor; Krcmarsky, Vojtech; Canteri, Marco; Meraner, Martin; Schupp, Josef; Lanyon, Ben
European Quantum Electronics Conference, Paper# eb_5_3 V (2021)

Non-destructive detection of large molecules without mass limitation
A. Poindron, J. Pedregosa-Gutierrez, C. Jouvet, M. Knoop and C. Champenois
J. Chem. Phys. 154, 184203 (2021)

Observation of Feshbach resonances between a single ion and ultracold atoms
Pascal Weckesser, Fabian Thielemann, Dariusz Wiater, Agata Wojciechowska, Leon Karpa, Krzysztof Jachymski, Michał Tomza, Thomas Walker & Tobias Schaetz
Nature, 600, 429-433 

omg blueprint for trapped ion quantum computing with metastable states
D. T. C. Allcock, W. C. Campbell, J. Chiaverini, I. L. Chuang, E. R. Hudson, I. D. Moore, A. Ransford, C. Roman, J. M. Sage and D. J. Wineland
Appl. Phys. Lett. 119, 214002 (2021)

Optimal Frobenius light cone in spin chains with power-law interactions
Chi-Fang Chen and Andrew Lucas
Phys. Rev. A 104, 062420 (2021)

Optimizing Stabilizer Parities for Improved Logical Qubit Memories
Dripto M. Debroy, Laird Egan, Crystal Noel, Andrew Risinger, Daiwei Zhu, Debopriyo Biswas, Marko Cetina, Chris Monroe, and Kenneth R. Brown
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 240501 (2021)

Precision measurements of the 2P1/2−2P3/2 fine-structure splitting in B-like S11+ and Cl12+
X. Liu, X. P. Zhou, W. Q. Wen, Q. F. Lu, C. L. Yan, G. Q. Xu, J. Xiao, A. V. Volotka, Y. S. Kozhedub, M. Y. Kaygorodov, Z. K. Huang, W. L. Ma, S. X. Wang, and X. Ma
Phys. Rev. A 104, 062804 (2021)

Pushing the Limits of Quantum Sensing with Variational Quantum Circuits
Patrick Coles
December 6, 2021• Physics 14, 172

Quantum circuits for the realization of equivalent forms of one-dimensional discrete-time quantum walks on near-term quantum hardware
Shivani Singh, C. Huerta Alderete, Radhakrishnan Balu, Christopher Monroe, Norbert M. Linke, and C. M. Chandrashekar
Phys. Rev. A 104, 062401 (2021)

Quantum amplitude-amplification operators
Hyeokjea Kwon and Joonwoo Bae
Phys. Rev. A 104, 062438 (2021)

Quantum gates robust to secular amplitude drifts
Qile David Su, Robijn Bruinsma, and Wesley C. Campbell
Phys. Rev. A 104, 052625 (2021)

Quantum Variational Optimization of Ramsey Interferometry and Atomic Clocks
Raphael Kaubruegger, Denis V. Vasilyev, Marius Schulte, Klemens Hammerer, and Peter Zoller
Phys. Rev. X 11, 041045 (2021)

Realization of Real-Time Fault-Tolerant Quantum Error Correction
C. Ryan-Anderson, J. G. Bohnet, K. Lee, D. Gresh, A. Hankin, J. P. Gaebler, D. Francois, A. Chernoguzov, D. Lucchetti, N. C. Brown, T. M. Gatterman, S. K. Halit, K. Gilmore, J. A. Gerber, B. Neyenhuis, D. Hayes, and R. P. Stutz
Phys. Rev. X 11, 041058 (2021)

Real-Time Error Correction for Quantum Computing
Philip Ball
Physics 14, 184 (2021)

Sensing a THz Electric Field with Cold and Trapped Molecular Ions
Constantin, F.L.
European Quantum Electronics Conference, Paper# eb_p_21 (2021)

Simulating a measurement-induced phase transition for trapped-ion circuits
Stefanie Czischek, Giacomo Torlai, Sayonee Ray, Rajibul Islam, and Roger G. Melko
Phys. Rev. A 104, 062405 (2021)

Simulation of incoherent ion effects in electron storage rings
J. Calvey and M. Borland
Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 24, 124401 (2021)

Super-resolved Imaging of a Single Cold Atom on a Nanosecond Timescale
Zhong-Hua Qian, Jin-Ming Cui, Xi-Wang Luo, Yong-Xiang Zheng, Yun-Feng Huang, Ming-Zhong Ai, Ran He, Chuan-Feng Li, and Guang-Can Guo
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 263603 (2021)

Surface ion trap
Noriaki Horiuchi
Nature Photonics (2021)

Suppression of midcircuit measurement crosstalk errors with micromotion
J. P. Gaebler, C. H. Baldwin, S. A. Moses, J. M. Dreiling, C. Figgatt, M. Foss-Feig, D. Hayes, and J. M. Pino
Phys. Rev. A 104, 062440 (2021)

Tick tock goes the mercury trapped ion clock
Anashe Bandari
Scilight 2021, 311107 (2021)

Trapped Ion Quantum Computing Using Optical Tweezers and Electric Fields
M. Mazzanti, R. X. Schüssler, J. D. Arias Espinoza, Z. Wu, R. Gerritsma, and A. Safavi-Naini
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 260502 (2021)

Trapped ions
Jonas Larson and Themistoklis Mavrogordatos
Pages 4-1 to 4-23
Chapter 4 from The Jaynes–Cummings Model and Its Descendants (2021)

Ultrafast coherent excitation of an ytterbium ion with single laser pulses
Kenji Shimizu, Jordan Scarabel, Elizabeth Bridge, Steven Connell, Moji Ghadimi, Ben Haylock, Mahmood Irtiza Hussain, Erik Streed and Mirko Lobino
Appl. Phys. Lett. 119, 214003 (2021)

Weak dissipation for high-fidelity qubit-state preparation and measurement
Anthony Ransford, Conrad Roman, Thomas Dellaert, Patrick McMillin, and Wesley C. Campbell
Phys. Rev. A 104, L060402 (2021)

Ytterbium ion trap quantum computing: The current state-of-the-art
Gavin N. Nop, Durga Paudyal and Jonathan D. H. Smith
AVS Quantum Sci. 3, 044101 (2021)

ITN Newsletter – November 2021

Dear all,

after a very successful ECTI in different locations and online, our next event is ECCTI (the Early Career Conference on Trapped Ions) initially planned for January 2022 at CERN. Due to the rapidly evolving situation in Europe, the organisers will take a decision in the upcoming days about the format and/or change of date of the conference. Please consult the website regularly!
Your editorial team


Short Term Scientific Missions – apply now !!
Mobility for young and not so young researchers, between 1 week and 3 months, the COST Action can financially support your stay. Details can be found on the website at

Among the distinctions of the German Physical Society, we note the Herbert-Walther-Award to Jun Ye (JILA University of Colorado at Boulder, USA) and the Robert-Wichard-Pohl-Award to Klaus D. A. Wendt (Institut für Physik der Universität Mainz). Congratulations!


Early Career Conference in Trapped Ions 2022, 10th – 14th January 2022, at  CERN, Geneva LINK
The call for abstracts is still open. Decision about format and date soon to come!!

“FRIAS Junior Researcher Conference – Cold and ultracold chemistry” in Freiburg, Germany, February 20 – 22, 2022. Details

The second edition of the training school “From Basics to Applications of Optical Fiber Links and Frequency Combs”, from 18 to 22 April, 2022, in the wonderful School of Physics in Les Houches, close to Chamonix, in the French Alps. Details

14th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP14)  in Vilnius, Lithuania, June 27- July 1, 2022 LINK

SOLVAY WORKSHOP ON “Quantum Simulation – 2021” Brussels, February 7 – 9, 2022
The Workshop is organized in the context of the 2021 International Jacques Solvay Chair in Physics attributed to Prof. Jean Dalibard. LINK

XXIIIrd Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics, 13-17 February 2022 in Obergurgl/Austria LINK

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) in Toronto, Canada, 17-22 July 2022 LINK

The 8th International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics (TCP 2022) will take place in Glashütten, Germany on September 25-30, 2022. The first circular is available on the website.

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, June 2023

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries 2020
an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community every Thursday   LINK

The Virtual AMO Seminar ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” ( Thursdays, 5pm


A postdoctoral position is available at the University of Washington in Seattle for the development of architectures supporting large-scale QIP with trapped ions. Contact Sara Mouradian for details.

Postdoctoral Research Associate and PhD positions are available on quantum simulation and sensing with large beryllium ion crystals at the University of Sydney. For details please contact Robert Wolf or LINK

A postdoc position is open at LENS, Florence/IT. Details can be found here, or by contacting Carlo Sias

A PhD position in quantum cellular automata and quantum neural networks at the University of Tübingen (Germany) Details HERE or contact Igor Lesanowsky

A Postdoctoral Research Position to study positron interactions with atoms and molecules is available in the Physics Department, University of California San Diego positron group ( Contact Cliff Surko for details

Several PhD and postdoctoral positions offered for new projects with trapped ion quantum computers (IQuAn), collective properties of light scattering, heat transport in ion crystals (QuCoLiMa) and Rydberg ions. Please contact Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler ( or visit

PhD position in the group of Rene Gerritsma in Amsterdam. Details

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to

Sympathetic cooling of positrons to cryogenic temperatures for antihydrogen production
C.J. Baker et al. (ALPHA collaboration)
Nature Communications 12, 6139 (2021

Dynamics of a trapped ion in a quantum gas: Effects of particle statistics
Lorenzo Oghittu, Melf Johannsen, Antonio Negretti, and Rene Gerritsma
Phys. Rev. A 104, 053314 (2021)

Generation of a single-ion large oscillator
Ryoichi Saito and Takashi Mukaiyama
Phys. Rev. A 104, 053114 (2021)

Importance Sampling of Randomized Measurements for Probing Entanglement
Aniket Rath, Rick van Bijnen, Andreas Elben, Peter Zoller, and Benoît Vermersch
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 200503 (2021)

Integrated Optical Addressing of a Trapped Ytterbium Ion
M. Ivory, W. J. Setzer, N. Karl, H. McGuinness, C. DeRose, M. Blain, D. Stick, M. Gehl, and L. P. Parazzoli
Phys. Rev. X 11, 041033 (2021)

Lifetime of the 2F7/2 Level in Yb+ for Spontaneous Emission of Electric Octupole Radiation
R. Lange, A. A. Peshkov, N. Huntemann, Chr. Tamm, A. Surzhykov, and E. Peik
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 213001 (2021)

Optimizing electronic structure simulations on a trapped-ion quantum computer using problem decomposition
Yukio Kawashima, Erika Lloyd, Marc P. Coons, Yunseong Nam, Shunji Matsuura, Alejandro J. Garza, Sonika Johri, Lee Huntington, Valentin Senicourt, Andrii O. Maksymov, Jason H. V. Nguyen, Jungsang Kim, Nima Alidoust, Arman Zaribafiyan & Takeshi Yamazaki
Communications Physics, 4, 245 (2021)

Measurement of electric-field noise from interchangeable samples with a trapped-ion sensor
Kyle S. McKay, Dustin A. Hite, Philip D. Kent, Shlomi Kotler, Dietrich Leibfried, Daniel H. Slichter, Andrew C. Wilson, and David P. Pappas
Phys. Rev. A 104, 052610 (2021)

omg blueprint for trapped ion quantum computing with metastable states featured
D. T. C. Allcock, W. C. Campbell, J. Chiaverini, I. L. Chuang, E. R. Hudson, I. D. Moore, A. Ransford, C. Roman, J. M. Sage, and D. J. Wineland
Appl. Phys. Lett. 119, 214002 (2021)

Precision measurement of the 43Ca+ nuclear magnetic moment
R. K. Hanley, D. T. C. Allcock, T. P. Harty, M. A. Sepiol, and D. M. Lucas
Phys. Rev. A 104, 052804 (2021)

Precision determination of the ground-state hyperfine splitting of trapped 113Cd+ ions
Miao, S. N.; Zhang, J. W.; Qin, H. R.; Xin, N. C.; Han, J. Z.; Wang, L. J.
Optics Letters 46(23) 5882-5885 (2021)

Quantum gates robust to secular amplitude drifts
Qile David Su, Robijn Bruinsma, and Wesley C. Campbell
Phys. Rev. A 104, 052625 (2021)

Quantum nanofriction in trapped ion chains with a topological defect
L. Timm, L. A. Rüffert, H. Weimer, L. Santos, and T. E. Mehlstäubler
Phys. Rev. Research 3, 043141 (2021)

Rapid prototyping of grating magneto-optical traps using a focused ion beam
Sun, Xiao; Rickard, William D. A.; Sparkes, Ben M.; White, Ben R.; Offer, Rachel F.; Luiten, Andre N.; Ironside, Charlie N.
Optics Express 29(23) 37733-37746 (2021)

Rydberg Series Excitation of a Single Trapped 40Ca+ Ion for Precision Measurements and Principal Quantum Number Scalings
J. Andrijauskas, J. Vogel, A. Mokhberi, and F. Schmidt-Kaler
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 203001 (2021)


A Classically Efficient Quantum Scalable Fermi-Hubbard Benchmark
Bryan T. Gard, Adam M. Meier

A quantum network of entangled optical atomic clocks
B. C. Nichol, R. Srinivas, D. P. Nadlinger, P. Drmota, D. Main, G. Araneda, C. J. Ballance, D. M. Lucas

A trapped ion quantum computer with robust entangling gates and quantum coherent feedback
Tom Manovitz, Yotam Shapira, Lior Gazit, Nitzan Akerman, Roee Ozeri

Analysis of the timing of freely falling antihydrogen
Olivier Rousselle, Pierre Cladé, Saïda Guellati-Khélifa, Romain Guérout, Serge Reynaud

Comparing Two-Qubit and Multi-Qubit Gates within the Toric Code
David Schwerdt, Yotam Shapira, Tom Manovitz, Roee Ozeri

Demonstration of fault-tolerant universal quantum gate operations
Lukas Postler, Sascha Heußen, Ivan Pogorelov, Manuel Rispler, Thomas Feldker, Michael Meth, Christian D. Marciniak, Roman Stricker, Martin Ringbauer, Rainer Blatt, Philipp Schindler, Markus Müller, Thomas Monz

Dispersive optical systems for scalable Raman driving of hyperfine qubits
Harry Levine, Dolev Bluvstein, Alexander Keesling, Tout T. Wang, Sepehr Ebadi, Giulia Semeghini, Ahmed Omran, Markus Greiner, Vladan Vuletić, Mikhail D. Lukin

Enabling a Programming Environment for an Experimental Ion Trap Quantum Testbed
Austin Adams, Elton Pinto, Jeffrey Young, Creston Herold, Alex McCaskey, Eugene Dumitrescu, Thomas M. Conte

Muzzle the Shuttle: Efficient Compilation for Multi-Trap Trapped-Ion Quantum Computers
Abdullah Ash Saki, Rasit Onur Topaloglu, Swaroop Ghosh

NISQ-HHL: Portfolio Optimization for Near-Term Quantum Hardware
Romina Yalovetzky, Pierre Minssen, Dylan Herman, Marco Pistoia

One- and two-qubit gate infidelities due to motional errors in trapped ions and electrons
R. Tyler Sutherland, Qian Yu, Kristin M. Beck, Hartmut Häffner

Platform tailored co-design of gate-based quantum simulation
Kushal Seetharam, Dries Sels, Eugene Demler

Pulsed multireservoir engineering for a trapped ion with applications to state synthesis and quantum Otto cycles
Wallace S. Teixeira, Matthias K. Keller, Fernando L. Semião

Quantum non-Gaussianity of multi-phonon states of a single atom
Lukas Podhora, Lukas Lachman, Tuan Pham, Adam Lesundak, Ondrej Cip, Lukas Slodicka, Radim Filip

Quench dynamics of Rényi negativities and the quasiparticle picture
Sara Murciano, Vincenzo Alba, Pasquale Calabrese

Realization of a quantum perceptron gate with trapped ions
P. Huber, J. Haber, P. Barthel, J. J. García-Ripoll, E. Torrontegui, C. Wunderlich

Resolved-sideband Micromotion Sensing in Yb+ on the 935 nm Repump Transition
C. J. B. Goham, J. W. Britton

Schrödinger cat states of a macroscopic charged particle co-trapped with an ion
Sebastian Leontica, Christopher Foot

Two-tone Doppler cooling of radial two-dimensional crystals in a radiofrequency ion trap
Alexander Kato, Apurva Goel, Raymond Lee, Zeyu Ye, Samip Karki, Jian Jun Liu, Andrei Nomerotski, Boris B. Blinov


REMINDER for ECTI conference
Dear Ion Trappers,

As you might know, the European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI will be held as a hybrid event on November 22-26, 2021. Besides an all online attendance option, during this week it is planned to have in-person satellite meetings organized and held by the University of Mainz (on Thursday 25 November, details below) and by the University of Oxford (BrECTI, on Monday 22 November, see BrECTI website).

We need your feedback now concerning the Mainz satellite meeting: For the Mainz satellite meeting to happen we need to know before how many people are planning to attend in person. The Mainz satellite meeting will give you the opportunity to attend a “normal” conference day, with real-world speakers, and coffee breaks for discussions. Below a list of invited speakers who confirmed that they could give their talk in Mainz in person.
Invited speakers in Mainz (to be confirmed):

  • Christian Schiegelow (Buenos Aires – squeezing of ion motion)
  • Daniel Kienzler (ETH Zürich – Be+-H2+ ion chains)
  • Elena Jordan (NIST/PTB – EIT cooling of 2d crystals)
  • Klemens Hammerer (Hannover – ion clocks theory)
  • Roland Wester (Innsbruck – THz spectroscopy of trapped ions)
  • Sergey Eliseev (Heidelberg – PENTATRAP precision measurements)
  • Ulrich Poschinger (Mainz – heat engine)

We have extended the registration deadline on the ECTI website deadline to register for the Mainz satellite meeting is Wednesday 10 November at 12:00h CET. So please if you plan to attend, please register asap.
Please note, attendance of the Mainz meeting is everyone’s own decision. The Mainz satellite meeting will be held under 2G+ conditions (which means vaccinated and recovered people can participate plus a limited number of people tested negative for Covid-19). Also, most of the restaurants in Mainz now require 2G (only vaccinated and recovered guests). Please check the conditions of your university for travel and current travel restrictions between countries before registering for the satellite meeting.
We will inform everybody by Thursday 11 November 2021 this week if the Mainz satellite meeting takes place, so please book your trip only after we sent out this information. Also, with the rising Covid numbers we might need to revise our decision just before the meeting.
Concerning the Oxford satellite meeting, we have a good number of registrations and the satellite meeting will likely take place.
Invited speakers in Oxford:

  • Mariam Akhtar (Sussex – chip-to-chip ion shuttling)
  • David Nadlinger (Oxford – device-independent QKD)
  • Andriana Tsikritea (Liverpool – cold ion chemistry)
  • Graham Stutter (Sussex – ion/cavity experiment)
  • April Cridland (Swansea – anti-hydrogen)

So, if Covid stays stable in UK, BrECTI will likely happen.
We would appreciate if you could forward this e-mail to other people in your group so that the information reaches all ion trappers. Thank you for your help!
We are looking forward to meeting you at hybrid ECTI!
Best regards,
Markus and Michael

Markus Hennrich <>
Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Stockholm University

ITN Newsletter – October 2021

Dear all,

a hybrid ECTI in three weeks, in a very unusual format: a central online event and some local in-person meeting. Don’t forget to sign up before 7 November 2021 !!
Your editorial team


Short Term Scientific Missions – apply now !!
Mobility for young and not so young researchers, between 1 week and 3 months, the COST Action can financially support your stay. Details can be found on the website at


European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI), hybrid conference with connected local sites. Dates are 22-26 November 2021, with some local satellite meetings. Details can be found HERE

Early Career Conference in Trapped Ions 2022, 10th – 14th January 2022, at  CERN, Geneva LINK
The call for abstracts is still open. Deadline 1st October 2021.

“FRIAS Junior Researcher Conference – Cold and ultracold chemistry” in Freiburg, Germany, February 20 – 22, 2022. Details

The second edition of the training school “From Basics to Applications of Optical Fiber Links and Frequency Combs”, from 18 to 22 April, 2022, in the wonderful School of Physics in Les Houches, close to Chamonix, in the French Alps. Details

14th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP14)  in Vilnius, Lithuania, June 27- July 1, 2022 LINK

SOLVAY WORKSHOP ON “Quantum Simulation – 2021” Brussels, February 7 – 9, 2022
The Workshop is organized in the context of the 2021 International Jacques Solvay Chair in Physics attributed to Prof. Jean Dalibard. LINK

XXIIIrd Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics, 13-17 February 2022 in Obergurgl/Austria LINK

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) in Toronto, Canada, 17-22 July 2022 LINK

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, June 2023

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries 2020
an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community every Thursday   LINK

The Virtual AMO Seminar ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” ( Thursdays, 5pm


Several PhD and postdoctoral positions offered for new projects with trapped ion quantum computers (IQuAn), collective properties of light scattering, heat transport in ion crystals (QuCoLiMa) and Rydberg ions. Please contact Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler ( or visit

PhD position in the group of Rene Gerritsma in Amsterdam. Details

The Quantum Molecular Systems Group led by Dr Michał Tomza at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw in Poland is looking for postdoctoral researchers. Details

Tenure-track assistant professor position in physical chemistry at the University of Basel, Switzerland. More details and the guide for application are HERE

Two Post-doc positions are available at the Center for Quantum Technologies in Singapore for the development of portable optical clocks and chip scale ion traps.  Please contact Murray Barrett for details

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to

Conformer-specific polar cycloaddition of dibromobutadiene with trapped propene ions
A. Kilaj, J. Wang, P. Straňák, M. Schwilk, U. Rivero, L. Xu, O. A v. Lilienfeld, J. Küpper, and S. Willitsch,
Nat. Commun. 12 (2021), 6047

Delocalization of quantum information in long-range interacting systems
Darvin Wanisch and Stephan Fritzsche
Phys. Rev. A 104, 042409 (2021)

Dynamically Corrected Nonadiabatic Holonomic Quantum Gates
Sai Li and Zheng-Yuan Xue
Phys. Rev. Applied 16, 044005 (2021)

Experimental accreditation of outputs of noisy quantum computers
Samuele Ferracin, Seth T. Merkel, David McKay, and Animesh Datta
Phys. Rev. A 104, 042603 (2021)

Fast laser cooling using optimal quantum control
Xie-Qian Li, Shuo Zhang, Jie Zhang, Wei Wu, Chu Guo, and Ping-Xing Chen
Phys. Rev. A 104, 043106 (2021)

Fault-tolerant control of an error-corrected qubit
Laird Egan, Dripto M. Debroy, Crystal Noel, Andrew Risinger, Daiwei Zhu, Debopriyo Biswas, Michael Newman, Muyuan Li, Kenneth R. Brown, Marko Cetina & Christopher Monroe
Nature volume 598, pages 281–286 (2021)

False signals of chaos from quantum probes
W. Kirkby, D. H. J. O’Dell, and J. Mumford
Phys. Rev. A 104, 043308 (2021)

Fluorescence detection of a trapped ion with a monolithically integrated single-photon-counting avalanche diode
W. J. Setzer, M. Ivory, O. Slobodyan, J. W. Van Der Wall, L. P. Parazzoli, D. Stick, M. Gehl, M. G. Blain, R. R. Kay and H. J. McGuinness
Appl. Phys. Lett. 119, 154002 (2021)
see also

Trapped ion fluorescence detection at room temperature enhances quantum scalability
Ben Ikenson, AIP Scilight 15 Oct 2021

Laserless quantum gates for electric dipoles in thermal motion
Eric R. Hudson and Wesley C. Campbell
Phys. Rev. A 104, 042605 (2021)

Optical Superresolution Sensing of a Trapped Ion’s Wave Packet Size
Martín Drechsler, Sebastian Wolf, Christian T. Schmiegelow, and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 143602 (2021)

Optimized pulsed sideband cooling and enhanced thermometry of trapped ions
A. J. Rasmusson, Marissa D’Onofrio, Yuanheng Xie, Jiafeng Cui, and Philip Richerme
Phys. Rev. A 104, 043108 (2021)

Phonon-Laser Ultrasensitive Force Sensor
Zhichao Liu, Yaqi Wei, Liang Chen, Ji Li, Shuangqing Dai, Fei Zhou, and Mang Feng
Phys. Rev. Applied 16, 044007 (2021)

Physicists take a key step in correcting quantum computer errors
News Science
doi: 10.1126/science.acx9287

Power-optimal, stabilized entangling gate between trapped-ion qubits
Reinhold Blümel, Nikodem Grzesiak, Neal Pisenti, Kenneth Wright & Yunseong Nam
npj Quantum Information volume 7, Article number: 147 (2021)

Qubits meet materials science
Nature Reviews Materials volume 6, page 869 (2021)

Scaling Laws for the Sensitivity Enhancement of Non-Gaussian Spin States
Youcef Baamara, Alice Sinatra, and Manuel Gessner
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 160501 (2021)

Simulating quantum materials with digital quantum computers
Lindsay Bassman, Miroslav Urbanek, Mekena Metcalf, Jonathan Carter, Alexander F Kemper and Wibe A de Jong
Quantum Sci. Technol. 6 043002 (2021)

Spin squeezing from bilinear spin-spin interactions: Two simple theorems
Tommaso Roscilde, Fabio Mezzacapo, and Tommaso Comparin
Phys. Rev. A 104, L040601 (2021)

Toward simulating quantum field theories with controlled phonon-ion dynamics: A hybrid analog-digital approach
Zohreh Davoudi, Norbert M. Linke, and Guido Pagano
Phys. Rev. Research 3, 043072 (2021)

Universal dynamics of the superradiant phase transition in the anisotropic quantum Rabi model
Xunda Jiang, Bo Lu, Chengyin Han, Ruihuan Fang, Minhua Zhao, Zhu Ma, Tian Guo, and Chaohong Lee
Phys. Rev. A 104, 043307 (2021)


A Digital Feedback System for Advanced Ion Manipulation Techniques in Penning Traps
Jost Herkenhoff, Menno Door, Pavel Filianin, Wenjia Huang, Kathrin Kromer, Daniel Lange, Rima X. Schüssler, Christoph Schweiger, Sergey Eliseev, Klaus Blaum

A trapped ion in an optical cavity: numerical study of an optomechanical transition in the few-photon regime
Alan Kahan, Leonardo Ermann, Cecilia Cormick

Bound state dynamics in the long-range spin-12 XXZ model
T. Macrì, L. Lepori, G. Pagano, M. Lewenstein, L. Barbiero

Cavities with Non-Spherical Mirrors for Enhanced Quantum Emitter-Cavity Photon Interaction
Denis V. Karpov, Peter Horak

Classical Shadows for Quantum Process Tomography on Near-term Quantum Computers
Ryan Levy, Di Luo, Bryan K. Clark

Detecting heat leaks with trapped ion qubits
Daniel Pijn, Oleksiy Onishchenko, Janine Hilder, Ulrich G. Poschinger, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Raam Uzdin

Deterministic photon storage and readout in a semimagnetic quantum-dot–cavity system doped with a single Mn ion
M. Cosacchi, T. Seidelmann, A. Mielnik-Pyszczorski, M. Neumann, T. K. Bracht, M. Cygorek, A. Vagov, D. E. Reiter, V. M. Axt

Dispersive optical systems for scalable Raman driving of hyperfine qubits
Harry Levine, Dolev Bluvstein, Alexander Keesling, Tout T. Wang, Sepehr Ebadi, Giulia Semeghini, Ahmed Omran, Markus Greiner, Vladan Vuletić, Mikhail D. Lukin

Experimental Realization of Rabi-Hubbard Model with Trapped Ions
Quanxin Mei, Bowen Li, Yukai Wu, Minglei Cai, Ye Wang, Lin Yao, Zichao Zhou, Luming Duan

Isotope-Selective Laser Ablation Ion-Trap Loading of 137Ba+ using a BaCl2 Target
Brendan M. White, Pei Jiang Low, Yvette de Sereville, Matthew L. Day, Noah Greenberg, Richard Rademacher, Crystal Senko

Observation of Chemical Reactions between a Trapped Ion and Ultracold Feshbach Dimers
H. Hirzler, R. S. Lous, E. Trimby, J. Pérez-Ríos, A. Safavi-Naini, R. Gerritsma

Phonon-laser ultrasensitive force sensor
Zhichao Liu, Yaqi Wei, Liang Chen, Ji Li, Shuangqing Dai, Fei Zhou, Mang Feng

Precision determination of the ground-state hyperfine splitting of trapped 113Cd+ ions
S. N. Miao, J. W. Zhang, H. R. Qin, N. C. Xin, J. Z. Han, L. J. Wang

Provable quantum computational advantage with the cyclic cluster state
Austin K. Daniel, Yinyue Zhu, C. Huerta Alderete, Vikas Buchemmavari, Alaina M. Green, Nhung H. Nguyen, Tyler G. Thurtell, Andrew Zhao, Norbert M. Linke, Akimasa Miyake

Quantum Computational Quantification of Protein-Ligand Interactions
Josh John Mellor Kirsopp, Cono Di Paola, David Zsolt Manrique, Michal Krompiec, Gabriel Greene-Diniz, Wolfgang Guba, Agnes Meyder, Detlef Wolf, Martin Strahm, David Muñoz Ramo

Quench dynamics of Rényi negativities and the quasiparticle picture
Sara Murciano, Vincenzo Alba, Pasquale Calabrese

Second-Scale 9Be+ Spin Coherence in a Compact Penning Trap
Brian J. McMahon, Brian C. Sawyer

Simulating Large PEPs Tensor Networks on Small Quantum Devices
Ian MacCormack, Alexey Galda, Adam L. Lyon

Simulating superluminal propagation of Dirac particles using trapped ions
Qianqian Chen, Yaoming Chu, Jianming Cai

Style-based quantum generative adversarial networks for Monte Carlo events
Carlos Bravo-Prieto, Julien Baglio, Marco Cè, Anthony Francis, Dorota M. Grabowska, Stefano Carrazza

ITN Newsletter – September 2021

Dear all,

two new events in the frame of the COST Action will tackle different aspects of ion trapping. The Cryogenic Ion Trapping Day focuses on technical aspects of low-temperature devices, while the 2nd edition of ECCTI is dedicated to young ion trappers, and gives them a unique opportunity to gather and discuss. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 1 October 2021 – hurry up !

Your editorial team


Cryogenic ion trapping day on 19 October 2021 via Zoom
Ions like their traps cold. Therefore, more and more ion trapping experiments make use of cryogenic environments. However, designing and operating a cryogenic setup is still challenging. This technical meeting within the COST action CA17113 is intended to connect the community interested in trapping ions in cryogenic environments. Different speakers will introduce their cryogenic setups, discussing their design, performance, and limitations. Ample time is reserved for technical discussion and exchange of experiences. The announcement is HERE including the meeting schedule
Register at LINK   before the deadline: 17 October 2021

Discussions are ongoing about the organisation of a hybrid ECTI conference with connected local sites. There will soon be more information, you can already SAVE THE DATE 22-26 November 2022

The Otto Hahn Prize 2021 is awarded to Klaus Blaum of the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg. Details


European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI), hybrid, various sites, 22-26 November 2022

Early Career Conference in Trapped Ions 2022, 10th – 14th January 2022, at  CERN, Geneva LINK
The call for abstracts is still open. Deadline 1st October 2021.

14th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP14)  in Vilnius, Lithuania, June 27- July 1, 2022 LINK

SOLVAY WORKSHOP ON “Quantum Simulation – 2021” Brussels, February 7 – 9, 2022
The Workshop is organized in the context of the 2021 International Jacques Solvay Chair in Physics attributed to Prof. Jean Dalibard. LINK

XXIIIrd Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics, 13-17 February 2022 in Obergurgl/Austria LINK

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) in Toronto, Canada, 17-22 July 2022 LINK

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, June 2023

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries 2020
an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community every Thursday   LINK

The Virtual AMO Seminar ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” ( Thursdays, 5pm


A tenure-track assistant professor position in physical chemistry at the University of Basel, Switzerland. More details and the guide for application are HERE

Two Post-doc positions are available at the Center for Quantum Technologies in Singapore for the development of portable optical clocks and chip scale ion traps.  Please contact Murray Barrett for details

post-doctoral researcher to work on a cryogenic Silicon cavity project below 1 K in Besançon, France (project funded by EURAMET). Details

Postdoctoral positions available to set up the ion trap nodes for a  quantum network between UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories. Details  and contact Hartmut Haeffner

Postdoc position at Stockholm University to work on Experimental Quantum Computing with trapped Rydberg Ions. Application deadline 20 September. For more information see the announcement, our webpage, or contact Markus Hennrich.

A PhD position in the group “Quantum Clocks and Complex Systems” at PTB in Braunschweig, Germany, Details or contact

The Highly Charged Ion Dynamics group (Crespo lab) at the Pfeifer Division of the Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik (MPIK) in Heidelberg is seeking a postdoctoral research associate (2 years) starting as soon as possible. Contact: Prof. Dr. José R. Crespo López-Urrutia; Dr. Elwin Dijck

Postdoctoral Research Associate Position for molecular spectroscopy (up to 5 years, starting from 1.2.22) is available at TU Berlin. For further details, see here, or contact: Otto Dopfer

Postdoctoral Research Associate and PhD positions are available on quantum simulation and sensing with large beryllium ion crystals at the University of Sydney. For details please contact Robert Wolf (  LINK

Postdoctoral Research Associate and PhD positions are available on quantum control and quantum computation with trapped ion at the University of Sydney. For details please contact Ting Rei Tan ( LINK

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to


Cold ion beam in a storage ring as a platform for large-scale quantum computers and simulators: Challenges and directions for research and development
T. Shaftan and Boris B. Blinov
Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 24, 094701 (2021)

Constructing qudits from infinite-dimensional oscillators by coupling to qubits
Yuan Liu, Jasmine Sinanan-Singh, Matthew T. Kearney, Gabriel Mintzer, and Isaac L. Chuang
Phys. Rev. A 104, 032605 (2021)

Cross-Verification of Independent Quantum Devices
C. Greganti, T. F. Demarie, M. Ringbauer, J. A. Jones, V. Saggio, I. Alonso Calafell, L. A. Rozema, A. Erhard, M. Meth, L. Postler, R. Stricker, P. Schindler, R. Blatt, T. Monz, P. Walther, and J. F. Fitzsimons
Phys. Rev. X 11, 031049 (2021)

Demonstration of Shor Encoding on a Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer
Nhung H. Nguyen, Muyuan Li, Alaina M. Green, C. Huerta Alderete, Yingyue Zhu, Daiwei Zhu, Kenneth R. Brown, and Norbert M. Linke
Phys. Rev. Applied 16, 024057 (2021)

Design, fabrication and characterization of a micro-fabricated stacked-wafer segmented ion trap with two X-junctions
Chiara Decaroli, Roland Matt, Robin Oswald, Christopher Axline, Maryse Ernzer, Jeremy Flannery, Simon Ragg and Jonathan P Home
Quantum Science and Technology, 6 044001 (2021)

Dynamical phase transitions in quantum spin models with antiferromagnetic long-range interactions
Jad C. Halimeh, Maarten Van Damme, Lingzhen Guo, Johannes Lang, and Philipp Hauke
Phys. Rev. B 104, 115133 (2021)

Enhanced transport of two interacting quantum walkers in a one-dimensional quasicrystal with power-law hopping
G. A. Domínguez-Castro and R. Paredes
Phys. Rev. A 104, 033306 (2021)

Equilibration of the planar modes of ultracold two-dimensional ion crystals in a Penning trap
Chen Tang, Athreya Shankar, Dominic Meiser, Daniel H. E. Dubin, John J. Bollinger, and Scott E. Parker
Phys. Rev. A 104, 023325 (2021) –

Experimental Realization of Multi-ion Sympathetic Cooling on a Trapped Ion Crystal
Z.-C. Mao, Y.-Z. Xu, Q.-X. Mei, W.-D. Zhao, Y. Jiang, Y. Wang, X.-Y. Chang, L. He, L. Yao, Z.-C. Zhou, Y.-K. Wu, and L.-M. Duan
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 143201 (2021)

High-Fidelity Bell-State Preparation with 40Ca+ Optical Qubits
Craig R. Clark, Holly N. Tinkey, Brian C. Sawyer, Adam M. Meier, Karl A. Burkhardt, Christopher M. Seck, Christopher M. Shappert, Nicholas D. Guise, Curtis E. Volin, Spencer D. Fallek, Harley T. Hayden, Wade G. Rellergert, and Kenton R. Brown
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 130505 (2021)

High-fidelity laser-free universal control of trapped ion qubits
R. Srinivas, S. C. Burd, H. M. Knaack, R. T. Sutherland, A. Kwiatkowski, S. Glancy, E. Knill, D. J. Wineland, D. Leibfried, A. C. Wilson, D. T. C. Allcock & D. H. Slichter
Nature volume 597, pages 209–213 (2021)

Large-tuning-range frequency stabilization of an ultraviolet laser by an open-loop piezoelectric ceramic controlled Fabry–Pérot cavity
Zheng, Yong-Xiang; Cui, Jin-Ming; Ai, Ming-Zhong; Qian, Zhong-hua; Cao, Huan; Huang, Yun-Feng; Jia, Xiao-Jun; Li, Chuan-Feng; Guo, Guang-Can
Optics Express 29(16) 24674-24683 (2021)

Laser-free qubit control
Giulia Pacchioni
Nature Reviews Materials volume 6, page874 (2021)

Minimization of the micromotion of trapped ions with artificial neural networks
Yang Liu, Qi-feng Lao, Peng-fei Lu, Xin-xin Rao, Hao Wu, Teng Liu, Kun-xu Wang, Zhao Wang, Ming-shen Li, Feng Zhu and Le Luo
Appl. Phys. Lett. 119, 134002 (2021)

Optical Superresolution Sensing of a Trapped Ion’s Wave Packet Size
Martín Drechsler, Sebastian Wolf, Christian T. Schmiegelow, and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 143602 (2021)

Parameter-dependent unitary transformation approach for quantum Rabi model
Degang Zhang
New J. Phys. 23 093014 (2021)

Quantum transfer through small networks coupled to phonons: Effects of topology versus phonons
B. Hou and R. V. Krems
Phys. Rev. E 104, 045302 (2021)

Reinforcement Learning for Digital Quantum Simulation
Adrien Bolens and Markus Heyl
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 110502 (2021)

Rovibrational spin-averaged transitions in the hydrogen molecular ions
Vladimir I. Korobov and J.-Ph. Karr
Phys. Rev. A 104, 032806 (2021)

Shortcuts to adiabatic rotation of a two-ion chain
Ander Tobalina, Juan Gonzalo Muga, Ion Lizuain and Mikel Palmero
Quantum Science and Technology, Volume 6, 045023 (2021)

Simulating quantum materials with digital quantum computers
Lindsay Bassman, Miroslav Urbanek, Mekena Metcalf, Jonathan Carter, Alexander F Kemper and Wibe A de Jong
Quantum Sci. Technol. 6, 043002 (2021)

Susceptibility of trapped-ion qubits to low-dose radiation sources
Jiafeng Cui, A J Rasmusson, Marissa D’Onofrio, Yuanheng Xie, Evangeline Wolanski and Philip Richerme
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Volume 54, 13LT01 (2021)

Universal hybrid quantum computing in trapped ions
R. T. Sutherland and R. Srinivas
Phys. Rev. A 104, 032609 (2021)


A comment on “Discrete time crystals: rigidity, criticality, and realizations”
Vedika Khemani, Roderich Moessner, S. L. Sondhi

A universal qudit quantum processor with trapped ions
Martin Ringbauer, Michael Meth, Lukas Postler, Roman Stricker, Rainer Blatt, Philipp Schindler, Thomas Monz

Any-to-any connected cavity-mediated architecture for quantum computing with trapped ions or Rydberg arrays
Joshua Ramette, Josiah Sinclair, Zachary Vendeiro, Alyssa Rudelis, Marko Cetina, Vladan Vuletić

Blueprint for trapped ion quantum computing with metastable states
D. T. C. Allcock, W. C. Campbell, J. Chiaverini, I. L. Chuang, E. R. Hudson, I. D. Moore, A. Ransford, C. Roman, J. M. Sage, D. J. Wineland

Buffer gas cooling of ions in time-dependent traps using ultracold atoms
E. Trimby, H. Hirzler, H. Fürst, A. Safavi-Naini, R. Gerritsma, R. S. Lous

Deterministic loading of a single strontium ion into a surface electrode trap using pulsed laser ablation
Alto Osada, Atsushi Noguchi

Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution
D. P. Nadlinger, P. Drmota, B. C. Nichol, G. Araneda, D. Main, R. Srinivas, D. M. Lucas, C. J. Ballance, K. Ivanov, E. Y-Z. Tan, P. Sekatski, R. L. Urbanke, R. Renner, N. Sangouard, J-D. Bancal

Digital quantum simulation of NMR experiments
Kushal Seetharam, Debopriyo Biswas, Crystal Noel, Andrew Risinger, Daiwei Zhu, Or Katz, Sambuddha Chattopadhyay, Marko Cetina, Christopher Monroe, Eugene Demler, Dries Sels

Doubly-ionized lanthanum as a qubit candidate for quantum networks
S. Olmschenk

Dynamics of a trapped ion in a quantum gas: effects of particle statistics
Lorenzo Oghittu, Melf Johannsen, Rene Gerritsma, Antonio Negretti

Entangling-gate error from coherently displaced motional modes of trapped ions
B. P. Ruzic, T. A. Barrick, J. D. Hunker, R. J. Law, B. K. McFarland, H. M. McGuinness, L. P. Parazzoli, J. D. Sterk, J. W. Van Der Wall, D. Stick

Generative Quantum Learning of Joint Probability Distribution Functions
Elton Yechao Zhu, Sonika Johri, Dave Bacon, Mert Esencan, Jungsang Kim, Mark Muir, Nikhil Murgai, Jason Nguyen, Neal Pisenti, Adam Schouela, Ksenia Sosnova, Ken Wright

Increase of barium ion-trap lifetime via photodissociation
Hao Wu, Michael Mills, Elizabeth West, Michael C. Heaven, Eric R. Hudson

Integrated scalable metalens array for optical addressing
Tie Hu, Yunxuan Wei, Zhihao Zhou, Ming Zhao, Zhenyu Yang

Long-range interacting quantum systems
Nicolò Defenu, Tobias Donner, Tommaso Macrì, Guido Pagano, Stefano Ruffo, Andrea Trombettoni

Low depth amplitude estimation on a trapped ion quantum computer
Tudor Giurgica-Tiron, Sonika Johri, Iordanis Kerenidis, Jason Nguyen, Neal Pisenti, Anupam Prakash, Ksenia Sosnova, Ken Wright, William Zeng

Noise-Aware Quantum Amplitude Estimation
Steven Herbert, Roland Guichard, Darren Ng

Preparing Renormalization Group Fixed Points on NISQ Hardware
Troy J. Sewell, Stephen P. Jordan

Robust Polarization Gradient Cooling of Trapped Ions
Wenbing Li, Sebastian Wolf, Lukas Klein, Dmitry Budker, Christoph E. Düllmann, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler

Spin-Holstein models in trapped-ion systems
Johannes Knörzer, Tao Shi, Eugene Demler, J. Ignacio Cirac

Temperature estimation of an entangled pair of trapped ions
O. P. de Sá Neto, H. A. S. Costa, G. A. Prataviera, M. C. de Oliveira

Transport-enabled entangling gate for trapped ions
Holly N. Tinkey, Craig R. Clark, Brian C. Sawyer, Kenton R. Brown

Ultrafast coherent excitation of an Ytterbium ion with single laser pulses
Kenji Shimizu, Jordan Scarabel, Elizabeth Bridge, Steven Connell, Mojtaba Ghadimi, Ben Haylock, Mahmood Irtiza Hussain, Erik Streed, Mirko Lobino

ITN Newsletter – August 2021

Dear all,

some updated information about this ever-growing newsletter, which has now 1184 subscribers. The statistics says that half of them regularly open the newsletter (and probably even read it !). Do not hesitate to tell interested ion trappers how to subscribe: there is an automated procedure on the website of the COST Action at

Your editorial team


Portal for High-Precision Atomic Data and Computation has been released at University of Delaware and is accessible via:


Quantum Optics X Conference, Toruń, Poland, 5 – 11 September 2021

European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI), Djurönäset, Sweden, probably October/November 2021 (information coming soon)

Early Career Conference in Trapped Ions 2022, 10th – 14th January 2022, at  CERN, Geneva LINK
The call for abstracts is still open. Deadline 1st October 2021.

14th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP14)  in Vilnius, Lithuania, June 27- July 1, 2022 LINK

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) in Toronto, Canada, 17-22 July 2022 LINK

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, June 2023

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries 2020
an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community every Thursday   LINK

The Virtual AMO Seminar ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” ( Thursdays, 5pm


Postdoc position at Stockholm University to work on Experimental Quantum Computing with trapped Rydberg Ions. Application deadline 20 September. For more information see the announcement, our webpage, or contact Markus Hennrich.

A PhD position in the group “Quantum Clocks and Complex Systems” at PTB in Braunschweig, Germany, Details or contact

The Highly Charged Ion Dynamics group (Crespo lab) at the Pfeifer Division of the Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik (MPIK) in Heidelberg is seeking a postdoctoral research associate (2 years) starting as soon as possible. Contact: Prof. Dr. José R. Crespo López-Urrutia; Dr. Elwin Dijck

Postdoctoral Research Associate Position for molecular spectroscopy (up to 5 years, starting from 1.2.22) is available at TU Berlin. For further details, see here, or contact: Otto Dopfer

Two postdoctoral positions in theoretical or experimental AMO Physics at the Centre of AMO Physics – at the University of Warsaw/PL. Deadline of application: September 30, 2021. Details

Postdoc position in Experimental Chemical Physics at JILA and the University of Colorado-Boulder in the group of Heather Lewandowski. Details

Lecturer in the Centre for Cold Matter at Imperial College London. Closing Date 26 Sept 2021. Details

postdoctoral position at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Boulder, CO developing compact, autonomous, transportable optical atomic clocks for timescale, astronomy, geodesy, and fundamental physics applications.  For details, contact: David Leibrandt.

Postdoctoral Research Associate and PhD positions are available on quantum simulation and sensing with large beryllium ion crystals at the University of Sydney. For details please contact Robert Wolf (  LINK

Postdoctoral Research Associate and PhD positions are available on quantum control and quantum computation with trapped ion at the University of Sydney. For details please contact Ting Rei Tan ( LINK

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to


An ion trap apparatus with high optical access in multiple directions
Ran He, Jin-Ming Cui, Rui-Rui Li, Zhong-Hua Qian, Yan Chen, Ming-Zhong Ai, Yun-Feng Huang, Chuan-Feng Li and Guang-Can Guo
Review of Scientific Instruments 92, 073201 (2021)

An ultralow-noise superconducting radio-frequency ion trap for frequency metrology with highly charged ions
J. Stark, C. Warnecke, S. Bogen, S. Chen, E. A. Dijck, S. Kühn, M. K. Rosner, A. Graf, J. Nauta, J.-H. Oelmann, L. Schmöger, M. Schwarz, D. Liebert, L. J. Spieß, S. A. King, T. Leopold, P. Micke, P. O. Schmidt, T. Pfeifer and J. R. Crespo López-Urrutia
Review of Scientific Instruments 92, 083203 (2021)

Batch Optimization of Frequency-Modulated Pulses for Robust Two-Qubit Gates in Ion Chains
Mingyu Kang, Qiyao Liang, Bichen Zhang, Shilin Huang, Ye Wang, Chao Fang, Jungsang Kim, and Kenneth R. Brown
Phys. Rev. Applied 16, 024039 (2021)

Benchmarking machine learning algorithms for adaptive quantum phase estimation with noisy intermediate-scale quantum sensors
Nelson Filipe Costa, Yasser Omar, Aidar Sultanov and Gheorghe Sorin Paraoanu
EPJ Quantum Technol.  8: 16 (2021)

C-band single photons from a trapped ion via two-stage frequency conversion
J. Hannegan, U. Saha, J. D. Siverns, J. Cassell, E. Waks and Q. Quraishi
Appl. Phys. Lett. 119, 084001 (2021)

Cross-beam energy transfer saturation by ion trapping-induced detuning
K. L. Nguyen, L. Yin, B. J. Albright, A. M. Hansen, D. H. Froula, D. Turnbull, R. K. Follett and J. P. Palastro
Physics of Plasmas 28, 082705 (2021)

Design and Fabrication of Silicon Gratings for the Optical Addressing of Trapped Ion Qubits
Lim, Yu Dian; Li, Hong Yu; Zhao, Peng; Tao, Jing; Guidoni, Luca; Tan, Chuan Seng
CLEO: Applications and Technology, Paper# JF2G.3 (2021)

Direct observation of trapped ion micromotion and multi-qubits state with a TimePix3cam single-photon sensitive camera
Zhukas, Liudmila A.; Millican, Maverick J.; Svihra, Peter; Nomerotski, Andrei; Blinov, Boris B.
CLEO: Applications and Technology, Paper# JF2G.2 (2021)

Electric-field noise in a high-temperature superconducting surface ion trap
P. C. Holz, K. Lakhmanskiy, D. Rathje, P. Schindler, Y. Colombe, and R. Blatt
Phys. Rev. B 104, 064513 (2021)

Engineering generalized Gibbs ensembles with trapped ions
Florentin Reiter, Florian Lange, Shreyans Jain, Matt Grau, Jonathan P. Home, and Zala Lenarčič
Phys. Rev. Research 3, 033142 (2021)

Equilibration of the planar modes of ultracold two-dimensional ion crystals in a Penning trap
Chen Tang, Athreya Shankar, Dominic Meiser, Daniel H. E. Dubin, John J. Bollinger, and Scott E. Parker
Phys. Rev. A 104, 023325 (2021)

Integrated physics package of micromercury trapped ion clock with 10−14-level frequency stability
Thai M. Hoang, Sang K. Chung, Thanh Le, John D. Prestage, Lin Yi, Robert L. Tjoelker, Sehyun Park, Sung-Jin Park, J. Gary Eden, Christopher Holland and Nan Yu
Appl. Phys. Lett. 119, 044001 (2021)

Investigating the quench dynamics of the bound states in a spin-orbital-coupling system using a trapped ion
Hao-Qing Zhang, Ming-Zhong Ai, Jin-Ming Cui, Yong-Jian Han, Chuan-Feng Li, and Guang-Can Guo
Phys. Rev. A 104, 022213 (2021)

Local measures of dynamical quantum phase transitions
Jad C. Halimeh, Daniele Trapin, Maarten Van Damme, and Markus Heyl
Phys. Rev. B 104, 075130 (2021)

Manipulating phonons of a trapped-ion system using optical tweezers
Yi Hong Teoh, Manas Sajjan, Zewen Sun, Fereshteh Rajabi, and Rajibul Islam
Phys. Rev. A 104, 022420 (2021)

Many-body thermodynamics on quantum computers via partition function zeros
SCIENCE ADVANCES 18 AUG 2021 : EABF2447 (2021)

Measuring Ion Oscillations at the Quantum Level with Fluorescence Light
G. Cerchiari, G. Araneda, L. Podhora, L. Slodička, Y. Colombe, and R. Blatt
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 063603 (2021)

Motion analysis of a trapped ion chain by single photon self-interference
G. Cerchiari, G. Araneda, L. Podhora, L. Slodička, Y. Colombe and R. Blatt
Appl. Phys. Lett. 119, 024003 (2021)

Motional Squeezing for Trapped Ion Transport and Separation
R. T. Sutherland, S. C. Burd, D. H. Slichter, S. B. Libby, and D. Leibfried
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 083201 (2021)

Nearest centroid classification on a trapped ion quantum computer
Sonika Johri, Shantanu Debnath, Avinash Mocherla, Alexandros SINGK, Anupam Prakash, Jungsang Kim & Iordanis Kerenidis
npj Quantum Information volume 7, Article number: 122 (2021)

New superconducting radio-frequency trap keeps ions ultra-stable
Jaimee-Ian Rodriguez
Scilight 2021, 341106 (2021);

Observation of second- and higher-order electric quadrupole interactions with an atomic ion
Gerard Higgins, Chi Zhang, Fabian Pokorny, Harry Parke, Erik Jansson, Shalina Salim, and Markus Hennrich
Phys. Rev. Research 3, L032032 (2021)

Quantum-enhanced sensing of displacements and electric fields with two-dimensional trapped-ion crystals
SCIENCE 06 AUG 2021 : 673-67 (2021)

Quantum enhanced sensing
SCIENCE 06 AUG 2021 : 637-638 (2021)

Quantum simulation of light-front parton correlators
M. G. Echevarria, I. L. Egusquiza, E. Rico, and G. Schnell
Phys. Rev. D 104, 014512 (2021)

Scalable hyperfine qubit state detection via electron shelving in the 2D5/2 and 2F7/2 manifolds in 171Yb+
C. L. Edmunds, T. R. Tan, A. R. Milne, A. Singh, M. J. Biercuk, and C. Hempel
Phys. Rev. A 104, 012606 (2021)

Simulating 2D Effects in Lattice Gauge Theories on a Quantum Computer
Danny Paulson, Luca Dellantonio, Jan F. Haase, Alessio Celi, Angus Kan, Andrew Jena, Christian Kokail, Rick van Bijnen, Karl Jansen, Peter Zoller, and Christine A. Muschik
PRX Quantum 2, 030334 (2021)

Single proton cooled by distant ions
Manas Mukherjee,
Nature 596, 490-491 (2021)

Steady-state phonon occupation of electromagnetically-induced-transparency cooling: Higher-order calculations
Shuo Zhang, Tian-Ci Tian, Zheng-Yang Wu, Zong-Sheng Zhang, Xin-Hai Wang, Wei Wu, Wan-Su Bao, and Chu Guo
Phys. Rev. A 104, 013117 (2021)

Sympathetic cooling of a trapped proton mediated by an LC circuit
M. Bohman, V. Grunhofer, C. Smorra, M. Wiesinger, C. Will, M. J. Borchert, J. A. Devlin, S. Erlewein, M. Fleck, S. Gavranovic, J. Harrington, B. Latacz, A. Mooser, D. Popper, E. Wursten, K. Blaum, Y. Matsuda, C. Ospelkaus, W. Quint, J. Walz, S. Ulmer & BASE Collaboration
Nature 596, 514–518 (2021)

Testing CPT violation, entanglement and gravitational interactions in particle mixing with trapped ions
Antonio Capolupo, Salvatore Marco Giampaolo and Aniello Quaranta
Eur. Phys. J. C 81: 410 (2021)

Trapped Electrons and Ions as Particle Detectors
Daniel Carney, Hartmut Häffner, David C. Moore, and Jacob M. Taylor
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 061804 (2021)

Underlying SUSY in a generalized Jaynes–Cummings model
F. H. Maldonado-Villamizar, C. A. González-Gutiérrez, L. Villanueva-Vergara & B. M. Rodríguez-Lara
Scientific Reports volume 11, 16467 (2021)

Versatile Atomic Magnetometry Assisted by Bayesian Inference
R. Puebla, Y. Ban, J.F. Haase, M.B. Plenio, M. Paternostro, and J. Casanova
Phys. Rev. Applied 16, 024044 (2021)


A Deterministic Single Ion Fountain
Felix Stopp, Henri Lehec, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler

Adiabatic Dynamics and Shortcuts to Adiabaticity: Fundamentals and Applications
Alan C. Santos

Asymmetric Transport in Long-Range Interacting Chiral Spin Chains
Javad Vahedi

Benchmarking Machine Learning Algorithms for Adaptive Quantum Phase Estimation with Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum Sensors
Nelson Filipe Costa, Yasser Omar, Aidar Sultanov, Gheorghe Sorin Paraoanu

Conformer-specific polar cycloaddition of dibromobutadiene with trapped propene ions
Ardita Kilaj, Jia Wang, Patrik Stranak, Max Schwilk, Uxia Rivero, Lei Xu, O. Anatole von Lilienfeld, Jochen Küpper, Stefan Willitsch

Detecting Qubit-coupling Faults in Ion-trap Quantum Computers
Andrii O. Maksymov, Jason Nguyen, Vandiver Chaplin, Yunseong Nam, Igor L. Markov

Direct Q-Value Determination of the β− Decay of 187Re
P. Filianin, C. Lyu, M. Door, K. Blaum, W. J. Huang, M. Haverkort, P. Indelicato, C. H. Keitel, K. Kromer, D. Lange, Y. N. Novikov, A. Rischka, R. X. Schüssler, Ch. Schweiger, S. Sturm, S. Ulmer, Z. Harman, S. Eliseev

Determining Reaction Pathways at Low Temperatures by Isotopic Substitution: The Case of BeD+ + H2O
Tiangang Yang, Bin Zhao, Gary K. Chen, Hua Guo, Wesley C. Campbell, Eric R. Hudson

Engineering an Effective Three-spin Hamiltonian in Trapped-ion Systems for Applications in Quantum Simulation
Bárbara Andrade, Zohreh Davoudi, Tobias Graß, Mohammad Hafezi, Guido Pagano, Alireza Seif

Entangling operations in nolinear two-atom Tavis-Cummings models
Rocío Gómez-Rosas, Carlos A. González-Gutiérrez, Juan Mauricio Torres

Experimental realization of para-particle oscillators
C. Huerta Alderete, Alaina M. Green, Nhung H. Nguyen, Yingyue Zhu, B. M. Rodríguez-Lara, Norbert M. Linke

Gaussian mixture model clustering algorithms for the analysis of high-precision mass measurements
Colin M. Weber, Dwaipayan Ray, Adrian A. Valverde, Jason A. Clark, Kumar S. Sharma

Generation of Spin Cat States in an Engineered Dicke Model
Caspar Groiseau, Stuart J. Masson, Scott Parkins

High stability cryogenic system for quantum computing with compact packaged ion traps
Robert F. Spivey, Ismail V. Inlek, Zhubing Jia, Stephen Crain, Ke Sun, Junki Kim, Geert Vrijsen, Chao Fang, Colin Fitzgerald, Steffen Kross, Tom Noel, Jungsang Kim

Lifetime of the 2F7/2 level in Yb+ for spontaneous emission of electric octupole radiation
R. Lange, A. A. Peshkov, N. Huntemann, Chr. Tamm, A. Surzhykov, E. Peik

Millicharged dark matter detection with ion traps
Dmitry Budker, Peter W. Graham, Harikrishnan Ramani, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Christian Smorra, Stefan Ulmer

Observing emergent hydrodynamics in a long-range quantum magnet
M. K. Joshi, F. Kranzl, A. Schuckert, I. Lovas, C. Maier, R. Blatt, M. Knap, C. F. Roos

Optimized sideband cooling and enhanced thermometry of trapped ions
A. J. Rasmusson, Marissa D’Onofrio, Yuanheng Xie, Jiafeng Cui, Philip Richerme

Quantum kernels with squeezed-state encoding for machine learning
Long Hin Li, Dan-Bo Zhang, Z. D. Wang

Quantum nanofriction in trapped ion chains with a topological defect
L. Timm, L. A. Rüffert, H. Weimer, L. Santos, T. E. Mehlstäubler

Quasienergy operators and general squeezed states for systems of trapped ions
Bogdan M. Mihalcea

Resource-efficient dissipative entanglement of two trapped-ion qubits
Daniel C. Cole, Stephen D. Erickson, Giorgio Zarantonello, Karl P. Horn, Pan-Yu Hou, Jenny J. Wu, Daniel H. Slichter, Florentin Reiter, Christiane P. Koch, Dietrich Leibfried

Robust entanglement by continuous dynamical decoupling of the J-coupling interaction
C. H. Valahu, A. M. Lawrence, S. Weidt, W. K. Hensinger

Shuttle-Exploiting Attacks and Their Defenses in Trapped-Ion Quantum Computers
Abdullah Ash Saki, Rasit Onur Topaloglu, Swaroop Ghosh

Suppression of mid-circuit measurement crosstalk errors with micromotion
J. P. Gaebler, C. H. Baldwin, S. A. Moses, J. M. Dreiling, C. Figgatt, M. Foss-Feig, D. Hayes, J. M. Pino

Unifying and benchmarking state-of-the-art quantum error mitigation techniques
Daniel Bultrini, Max Hunter Gordon, Piotr Czarnik, Andrew Arrasmith, Patrick J. Coles, Lukasz Cincio

ITN Newsletter – July 2021

Dear all,

the call for abstracts for the second edition of ECCTI  – the Early Career Conference in Trapped Ions – which will take place in January in Geneva is open until 1st September 2021 !!

Your editorial team


Portal for High-Precision Atomic Data and Computation has been released at University of Delaware and is accessible via:


Summer School: Machine Learning in Quantum Physics and Chemistry will be held in Warsaw (Poland) at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw, 24 August – 3 September 2021 Details

Quantum Optics X Conference, Toruń, Poland, 5 – 11 September 2021

European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI), Djurönäset, Sweden, probably October/November 2021 (information coming soon)

Early Career Conference in Trapped Ions 2022, 10th – 14th January 2022, at  CERN, Geneva LINK
The call for abstracts will open on the 1st June 2021.

14th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP14)  in Vilnius, Lithuania, June 27- July 1, 2022 LINK

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) in Toronto, Canada, 17-22 July 2022 LINK

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, June 2023

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries 2020
an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community every Thursday   LINK

The Virtual AMO Seminar ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” ( Thursdays, 5pm


Postdoctoral Research Associate and PhD positions are available on quantum simulation and sensing with large beryllium ion crystals at the University of Sydney. For details please contact Robert Wolf (  LINK

Postdoctoral Research Associate and PhD positions are available on quantum control and quantum computation with trapped ion at the University of Sydney. For details please contact Ting Rei Tan ( LINK

The Infineon trapped-ion team is looking for a full-time engineer to accelerate our trapped-ion quantum processor development. Details

Infineon is offering a doctoral thesis in the field of trapped-ion quantum computing, focusing on material aspects of trapped-ion quantum processors. Details

The Institute of Quantum Optics (U Hannover) is inviting applications for a PhD student position on sympathetic cooling and quantum logic spectroscopy of (anti-)protons by laser-cooled ions. We are part of the BASE collaboration. Contact: Christian Ospelkaus

A permanent position (at postdoc level) is available in the Yb+ optical clock team at the UK’s National Physical Laboratory. LINK. Contact: Rachel Godun

A postdoctoral position and a PhD position are open in quantum technologies focusing on the design of ion trap quantum processors at the Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany. Details  HERE and HERE

postdoctoral position at the QUEST Institute for Experimental Quantum Metrology at PTB, to perform precision tests of fundamental physics via quantum logic spectroscopy of highly charged ions. Details and contact Steven King

PhD position at the QUEST Institute for Experimental Quantum Metrology at PTB, to further develop our quantum logic clock based on aluminum ions. Details and contact: Nicolas Spethmann

A PhD position at the QUEST Institute for Experimental Quantum Metrology at PTB (based at our Hannover site), to develop a transportable optical clock based on aluminum ions for applications such as relativistic geodesy. Details and contact : Stephan Hannig

A PhD position at the QUEST Institute for Experimental Quantum Metrology at PTB, to use entanglement and dynamic decoupling techniques to enhance our calcium-based multi-ion experiment. Details and contact Nicolas Spethmann

Two PhD positions in the Ultra-Cold Plasma Laboratory (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University). Project: Quantum control of electron-Ion recombination. Details. Please contact the group leader (Michal Hejduk) for more information.

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to


A compact electron beam ion trap in support of high-temperature plasma diagnostics based on conduction-cooled superconducting coils
B. Bin, B. Lyu, Y. Yang, H. M. Zhang, Q. W. Hao, F. D. Wang, C. Dai, X. W. Du, J. Fu, Y. Y. Li, J. Li and Q. P. Wang
Review of Scientific Instruments 92, 063512 (2021)

A trapped ion atomic clock in space
Iulia Georgescu
Nature Reviews Physics volume 3, page460 (2021)

An ion trap apparatus with high optical access in multiple directions
Ran He, Jin-Ming Cui, Rui-Rui Li, Zhong-Hua Qian, Yan Chen, Ming-Zhong Ai, Yun-Feng Huang, Chuan-Feng Li and Guang-Can Guo
Review of Scientific Instruments 92, 073201 (2021)

Benchmarking machine learning algorithms for adaptive quantum phase estimation with noisy intermediate-scale quantum sensors
Nelson Filipe Costa, Yasser Omar, Aidar Sultanov and Gheorghe Sorin Paraoanu
EPJ Quantum Technol. 8, 16 (2021)

Compact Ion-Trap Quantum Computing Demonstrator
I. Pogorelov, T. Feldker, Ch. D. Marciniak, L. Postler, G. Jacob, O. Krieglsteiner, V. Podlesnic, M. Meth, V. Negnevitsky, M. Stadler, B. Höfer, C. Wächter, K. Lakhmanskiy, R. Blatt, P. Schindler, and T. Monz
PRX Quantum 2, 020343 (2021)

Demonstration of a trapped-ion atomic clock in space
E. A. Burt, J. D. Prestage, R. L. Tjoelker, D. G. Enzer, D. Kuang, D. W. Murphy, D. E. Robison, J. M. Seubert, R. T. Wang & T. A. Ely
Nature 595, pages 43–47 (2021)

Engineering spin-spin interactions with optical tweezers in trapped ions
J. D. Arias Espinoza, M. Mazzanti, K. Fouka, R. X. Schüssler, Z. Wu, P. Corboz, R. Gerritsma, and A. Safavi-Naini
Phys. Rev. A 104, 013302 (2021)

Entanglement Hamiltonian tomography in quantum simulation
Christian Kokail, Rick van Bijnen, Andreas Elben, Benoît Vermersch & Peter Zoller
Nature Physics (2021)

GSA and ESA dual-wavelength pumped 2.3 μm Tm:YLF laser on the 3H4→3H5 transition
Wang, Fei; Huang, Haitao; Chen, Haiwei; Bao, Yushuo; Li, Zihan; Shen, Deyuan
Chinese Optics Letters 19(9) 091405 (2021)

Heating of a Trapped Ion Induced by Dielectric Materials
Markus Teller, Dario A. Fioretto, Philip C. Holz, Philipp Schindler, Viktor Messerer, Klemens Schüppert, Yueyang Zou, Rainer Blatt, John Chiaverini, Jeremy Sage, and Tracy E. Northup
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 230505 (2021)

High power 739 nm VECSELs for future Yb+ ion cooling
Woods, Jonathan R. C.; Kahle, Hermann; Gray, Alan C.; Daykin, Jake; Tropper, Anne C.; Gawith, Corin; Guina, Mircea; Apostolopoulos, Vasilis
Applied Optics 60(3) 676-680 (2021)

Holographic quantum algorithms for simulating correlated spin systems
Michael Foss-Feig, David Hayes, Joan M. Dreiling, Caroline Figgatt, John P. Gaebler, Steven A. Moses, Juan M. Pino, and Andrew C. Potter
Phys. Rev. Research 3, 033002 (2021)

Ion Clock Makes Maiden Space Voyage
Rachel Berkowitz
Physics 14, 99 (2021)

Motion analysis of a trapped ion chain by single photon self-interference
G. Cerchiari, G. Araneda, L. Podhora, L. Slodička, Y. Colombe and R. Blatt
Appl. Phys. Lett. 119, 024003 (2021)

Motional quantum metrology in a Penning trap
Javier Cerrillo and Daniel Rodríguez
Europhysics Letters- perspective  134, 38001 (2021)

Non-equilibrium coupling of a quartz resonator to ions for Penning-trap fast resonant detection
Joaquín Berrocal, Steffen Lohse, Francisco Domínguez, Manuel J Gutiérrez, Francisco J Fernández, Michael Block, Juan J García-Ripoll and Daniel Rodríguez
Quantum Science and Technology 6, 044002 (2021)

Pulsed characteristic-function measurement of a thermalizing harmonic oscillator
Ralf Betzholz, Yu Liu, and Jianming Cai
Phys. Rev. A 104, 012421 (2021)

Phase-dependent fluctuations of resonance fluorescence near the coherent population trapping condition
O de los Santos-Sánchez and H M Castro-Beltrán
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 54 055002 (2021)

Photodissociation of [Ar–N2]+ induced by near-IR femtosecond laser fields by ion-trap time-of-flight mass spectrometry
Takahiro Suzuki, Reika Kanya and Kaoru Yamanouchi
J. Chem. Phys. 154, 174303 (2021)

Prospects of a Pb2+ Ion Clock
K. Beloy
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 013201 (2021)

Quantum Oscillator Noise Spectroscopy via Displaced Cat States
Alistair R. Milne, Cornelius Hempel, Li Li, Claire L. Edmunds, Harry J. Slatyer, Harrison Ball, Michael R. Hush, and Michael J. Biercuk
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 250506 (2021)

Quantum Harmonic Oscillator Spectrum Analyzers
Jonas Keller, Pan-Yu Hou, Katherine C. McCormick, Daniel C. Cole, Stephen D. Erickson, Jenny J. Wu, Andrew C. Wilson, and Dietrich Leibfried
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 250507 (2021)

Radial Two-Dimensional Ion Crystals in a Linear Paul Trap
Marissa D’Onofrio, Yuanheng Xie, A. J. Rasmusson, Evangeline Wolanski, Jiafeng Cui, and Philip Richerme
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 020503 (2021)

Scalable hyperfine qubit state detection via electron shelving in the 2D5/2 and 2F7/2 manifolds in 171Yb+
C. L. Edmunds, T. R. Tan, A. R. Milne, A. Singh, M. J. Biercuk, and C. Hempel
Phys. Rev. A 104, 012606 (2021)

Single-Atom Verification of the Noise-Resilient and Fast Characteristics of Universal Nonadiabatic Noncyclic Geometric Quantum Gates
J. W. Zhang, L.-L. Yan, J. C. Li, G. Y. Ding, J. T. Bu, L. Chen, S.-L. Su, F. Zhou, and M. Feng
Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 030502 (2021)

Study on the high-efficiency sympathetic cooling of mixed ion system with a large mass-to-charge ratio difference in a dual radio-frequency field by numerical simulations
Yansong Meng and Lijun Du
Eur. Phys. J. D 75, 19 (2021)

Testing CPT violation, entanglement and gravitational interactions in particle mixing with trapped ions
Antonio Capolupo, Salvatore Marco Giampaolo and Aniello Quaranta
Eur. Phys. J. C 81, 410 (2021)

Three-body QED test and fifth-force constraint from vibrations and rotations of HD+
M. Germann, S. Patra, J.-Ph. Karr, L. Hilico, V. I. Korobov, E. J. Salumbides, K. S. E. Eikema, W. Ubachs, and J. C. J. Koelemeij
Phys. Rev. Research 3, L022028 (2021)


139 GHz UV phase-locked Raman laser system for thermometry and sideband cooling of 9Be+ ions in a Penning trap
Johannes Mielke, Julian Pick, Julia A. Coenders, Teresa Meiners, Malte Niemann, Juan M. Cornejo, Stefan Ulmer, Christian Ospelkaus

A Quantum Dot Plot Generation Algorithm for Pairwise Sequence Alignment
Joseph Clapis

Advancing Hybrid Quantum-Classical Algorithms via Mean-Operators
Donggyu Kim, Pureum Noh, Hyun-Yong Lee, Eun-Gook Moon

An open-endcap blade trap for radial-2D ion crystals
Yuanheng Xie, Jiafeng Cui, Marissa D’Onofrio, A. J. Rasmusson, Stephen W. Howell, Philip Richerme

CPT test with (anti-)proton magnetic moments based on quantum logic cooling and readout
M. Niemann, A. -G. Paschke, T. Dubielzig, S. Ulmer, C. Ospelkaus

Classical Shadow Tomography with Locally Scrambled Quantum Dynamics
Hong-Ye Hu, Soonwon Choi, Yi-Zhuang You

Coupling two laser-cooled ions via a room-temperature conductor
Da An, Alberto M. Alonso, Clemens Matthiesen, Hartmut Häffner

Cryogenic Penning-Trap Apparatus for Precision Experiments with Sympathetically Cooled (anti)protons
M. Niemann, T. Meiners, J. Mielke, N. Pulido, J. Schaper, M. J. Borchert, J. M. Cornejo, A. -G. Paschke, G. Zarantonello, H. Hahn, T. Lang, C. Manzoni, M. Marangoni, G. Cerullo, U. Morgner, J. -A. Fenske, A. Bautista-Salvador, R. Lehnert, S. Ulmer, C. Ospelkaus

Dissipative Floquet Dynamics: from Steady State to Measurement Induced Criticality in Trapped-ion Chains
Piotr Sierant, Giuliano Chiriacò, Federica M. Surace, Shraddha Sharma, Xhek Turkeshi, Marcello Dalmonte, Rosario Fazio, Guido Pagano

Efficient quantum programming using EASE gates on a trapped-ion quantum computer
Nikodem Grzesiak, Andrii Maksymov, Pradeep Niroula, Yunseong Nam

Fault-tolerant parity readout on a shuttling-based trapped-ion quantum computer
Janine Hilder, Daniel Pijn, Oleksiy Onishchenko, Alexander Stahl, Maximilian Orth, Björn Lekitsch, Andrea Rodriguez-Blanco, Markus Müller, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Ulrich Poschinger

Generation of a maximally entangled state using collective optical pumping
M. Malinowski, C. Zhang, V. Negnevitsky, I. Rojkov, F. Reiter, T. -L. Nguyen, M. Stadler, D. Kienzler, K. K. Mehta, J. P. Home

How Correlated Adsorbate Dynamics on Realistic Substrates Can Give Rise to 1/ω Electric-Field Noise in Surface Ion Traps
Benjamin Foulon, Keith G. Ray, Chang-Eun Kim, Yuan Liu, Brenda M. Rubenstein, Vincenzo Lordi

Micromotion minimization using Ramsey interferometry
Gerard Higgins, Shalina Salim, Chi Zhang, Harry Parke, Fabian Pokorny, Markus Hennrich

Micromotion minimisation by synchronous detection of parametrically excited motion
D. P. Nadlinger, P. Drmota, D. Main, B. C. Nichol, G. Araneda, R. Srinivas, L. J. Stephenson, C. J. Ballance, D. M. Lucas

Optimal metrology with variational quantum circuits on trapped ions
Christian D. Marciniak, Thomas Feldker, Ivan Pogorelov, Raphael Kaubruegger, Denis V. Vasilyev, Rick van Bijnen, Philipp Schindler, Peter Zoller, Rainer Blatt, Thomas Monz

Prospects for single photon sideband cooling of optically trapped neutral atoms
Federico Berto, Elia Perego, Lucia Duca, Carlo Sias

Quantum Zeno effect in self-sustaining systems: suppressing phase diffusion via repeated measurements
Wenlin Li, Najmeh Es’haqi-Sani, Wen-Zhao Zhang, David Vitali

Realization of real-time fault-tolerant quantum error correction
C. Ryan-Anderson, J. G. Bohnet, K. Lee, D. Gresh, A. Hankin, J. P. Gaebler, D. Francois, A. Chernoguzov, D. Lucchetti, N. C. Brown, T. M. Gatterman, S. K. Halit, K. Gilmore, J. Gerber, B. Neyenhuis, D. Hayes, R. P. Stutz

Realizing a dynamical topological phase in a trapped-ion quantum simulator
Philipp T. Dumitrescu, Justin Bohnet, John Gaebler, Aaron Hankin, David Hayes, Ajesh Kumar, Brian Neyenhuis, Romain Vasseur, Andrew C. Potter

Realizing coherently convertible dual-type qubits with the same ion species
H. -X. Yang, J. -Y. Ma, Y. -K. Wu, Y. Wang, M. -M. Cao, W. -X. Guo, Y. -Y. Huang, L. Feng, Z. -C. Zhou, L. -M. Duan

Realisation of homogeneous ion chain using surface traps
J. Pedregosa-Gutierrez, M. Mukherjee

Realization of an ion trap quantum classifier
Tarun Dutta, Adrián Pérez-Salinas, Jasper Phua Sing Cheng, José Ignacio Latorre, Manas Mukherjee

Relativistic meson spectra on ion-trap quantum simulators
Johannes Knaute, Philipp Hauke

Study of radial motion phase advance during motion excitations in a Penning trap and accuracy of JYFLTRAP mass spectrometer
D. A. Nesterenko, T. Eronen, Z. Ge, A. Kankainen, M. Vilen

Tailored Ion Beam for Precise Color Center Creation
A. Tobalina, C. Munuera-Javaloy, E. Torrontegui, J. G. Muga, J. Casanova

Thermally induced entanglement of atomic oscillators
Pradip Laha, Lukáš Slodička, Darren Moore, Radim Filip

Towards Sympathetic Cooling of Single (Anti-)Protons
T. Meiners, M. Niemann, J. Mielke, M. Borchert, N. Pulido, J. M. Cornejo, S. Ulmer, C. Ospelkaus

ITN Newsletter – June 2021

Dear all,

let us attract your attention to a number of very interesting job adverts in the section below, some with very close deadlines !!

Your editorial team


Portal for High-Precision Atomic Data and Computation has been released at University of Delaware and is accessible via:


52nd EGAS conference, online event, 6-8 July 2021

Summer School: Machine Learning in Quantum Physics and Chemistry will be held in Warsaw (Poland) at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw, 24 August – 3 September 2021 Details

Quantum Optics X Conference, Toruń, Poland, 5 – 11 September 2021

European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI), Djurönäset, Sweden, probably October/November 2021 (information coming soon)

Early Career Conference in Trapped Ions 2022, 10th – 14th January 2022, at  CERN, Geneva LINK
The call for abstracts will open on the 1st June 2021.

14th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP14)  in Vilnius, Lithuania, June 27- July 1, 2022 LINK

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) in Toronto, Canada, 17-22 July 2022 LINK

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, June 2023

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries 2020
an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community every Thursday   LINK

The Virtual AMO Seminar ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” ( Thursdays, 5pm


A postdoctoral position is available at the University of Liverpool to work on cold ion-radical collisions. Link:

Full (W3) Professor in Experimental Physics: Quantum Technology with focus on Fundamental Physics, at the The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Heinrich Heine University (HHU) Düsseldorf, Germany DEADLINE 6 JULY !  For details please contact Stephan Schiller

The Infineon trapped-ion team is looking for a full-time engineer to accelerate our trapped-ion quantum processor development. Details

Infineon is offering a doctoral thesis in the field of trapped-ion quantum computing, focusing on material aspects of trapped-ion quantum processors. Details

The Institute of Quantum Optics (U Hannover) is inviting applications for a PhD student position on sympathetic cooling and quantum logic spectroscopy of (anti-)protons by laser-cooled ions. We are part of the BASE collaboration. Contact: Christian Ospelkaus

A permanent position (at postdoc level) is available in the Yb+ optical clock team at the UK’s National Physical Laboratory. LINK. Contact: Rachel Godun

A postdoctoral position and a PhD position are open in quantum technologies focusing on the design of ion trap quantum processors at the Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany. Details  HERE and HERE

postdoctoral position at the QUEST Institute for Experimental Quantum Metrology at PTB, to perform precision tests of fundamental physics via quantum logic spectroscopy of highly charged ions. Details and contact Steven King

PhD position at the QUEST Institute for Experimental Quantum Metrology at PTB, to further develop our quantum logic clock based on aluminum ions. Details and contact: Nicolas Spethmann

A PhD position at the QUEST Institute for Experimental Quantum Metrology at PTB (based at our Hannover site), to develop a transportable optical clock based on aluminum ions for applications such as relativistic geodesy. Details and contact : Stephan Hannig

A PhD position at the QUEST Institute for Experimental Quantum Metrology at PTB, to use entanglement and dynamic decoupling techniques to enhance our calcium-based multi-ion experiment. Details and contact Nicolas Spethmann

Two PhD positions in the Ultra-Cold Plasma Laboratory (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University). Project: Quantum control of electron-Ion recombination. Details. Please contact the group leader (Michal Hejduk) for more information.

The Trapped-Ion Quantum Information (TIQI) group at ETH Zürich has a 1 year postdoctoral level position focusing on developing an interactive exhibit around ions visible to the naked eye, and communicating quantum science to the general public. For details please contact Jonathan Home

Postdoc positions in Ultracold Quantum Molecular Systems Group at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw in Poland. LINK

PhD position on the “Yb+ single-ion clock” project, starting fall 2021, in laboratoire FEMTO-ST, Besançon, France. Details ; contact Clément Lacroute

A postdoctoral position is open for the QuantumION project at University of Waterloo, Canada. QuantumION is an open-access, remote-controlled quantum simulator/computer for the academic community. We are looking for postdoctoral candidates who have an engineering mindset. We anticipate the completion of the first phase of the project (trapping ions and initial gates characterization) in early 2022. Please reach out to Rajibul Islam or Crystal Senko

PhD position in the Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Université Sorbonne Paris to work on precise spectroscopic measurements and tests of fundamental physics with cold molecules. The project is a collaboration with the Centre of Cold Matter (Imperial College London) at the forefront of frequency metrology and cold molecule research. LINK

Research Fellow in Quantum Technology for Fundamental Physics, 24 months, University Sussex LINK

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to


Compact Ion-Trap Quantum Computing Demonstrator
I. Pogorelov, T. Feldker, Ch. D. Marciniak, L. Postler, G. Jacob, O. Krieglsteiner, V. Podlesnic, M. Meth, V. Negnevitsky, M. Stadler, B. Höfer, C. Wächter, K. Lakhmanskiy, R. Blatt, P. Schindler, and T. Monz
PRX Quantum 2, 020343 (2021)

Characterizing the dynamical phase diagram of the Dicke model via classical and quantum probes
R. J. Lewis-Swan, S. R. Muleady, D. Barberena, J. J. Bollinger, and A. M. Rey
Phys. Rev. Research 3, L022020 (2021)

Direct observation of swap cooling in atom–ion collisions
Amir Mahdian, Artjom Krükow and Johannes Hecker Denschlag
New J. Phys. 23 065008 (2021)

Efficient Stabilized Two-Qubit Gates on a Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer
Reinhold Blümel, Nikodem Grzesiak, Nhung H. Nguyen, Alaina M. Green, Ming Li, Andrii Maksymov, Norbert M. Linke, and Yunseong Nam
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 220503 (2021)

Entanglement Hamiltonian tomography in quantum simulation
Christian Kokail, Rick van Bijnen, Andreas Elben, Benoît Vermersch & Peter Zoller
Nature Physics (2021)

Fabrication of 15NV− centers in diamond using a deterministic single ion implanter
Karin Groot-Berning, Georg Jacob, Christian Osterkamp, Fedor Jelezko and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
New J. Phys. 23 063067 (2021)

High-fidelity simultaneous detection of a trapped-ion qubit register
Liudmila A. Zhukas, Peter Svihra, Andrei Nomerotski, and Boris B. Blinov
Phys. Rev. A 103, 062614 (2021)

Interface between Trapped-Ion Qubits and Traveling Photons with Close-to-Optimal Efficiency
J. Schupp, V. Krcmarsky, V. Krutyanskiy, M. Meraner, T.E. Northup, and B.P. Lanyon
PRX Quantum 2, 020331 (2021)

Multiple active voltage stabilizations for multi-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometry,
P. Fischer, L. Schweikhard,
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 92, 063203 (2021)

Observation of a prethermal discrete time crystal
SCIENCE11 JUN 2021 : 1192-1196 (2021)

On the formation of antihydrogen beams using travelling optical lattices
N Madsen and M Charlton
New J. Phys. 23 073003 (2021)

Optimal calibration of gates in trapped-ion quantum computers
Andrii Maksymov, Pradeep Niroula and Yunseong Nam
Quantum Sci. Technol. 6 034009 (2021)

Prethermal time crystal
SCIENCE11 JUN 2021 : 1162-1164 (2021)

Quantisation of the elliptical Penning trap
Frances Crimin, Barry M Garraway and José L Verdú
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 54 115501 (2021)

Quantum-critical properties of the long-range transverse-field Ising model from quantum Monte Carlo simulations
Jan Alexander Koziol, Anja Langheld, Sebastian C. Kapfer, and Kai Phillip Schmidt
Phys. Rev. B 103, 245135 (2021)

Quantum Harmonic Oscillator Spectrum Analyzers
Jonas Keller, Pan-Yu Hou, Katherine C. McCormick, Daniel C. Cole, Stephen D. Erickson, Jenny J. Wu, Andrew C. Wilson, and Dietrich Leibfried
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 250507 (2021)

Quantum Oscillator Noise Spectroscopy via Displaced Cat States
Alistair R. Milne, Cornelius Hempel, Li Li, Claire L. Edmunds, Harry J. Slatyer, Harrison Ball, Michael R. Hush, and Michael J. Biercuk
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 250506 (2021)

Quantum sensing of weak electric and magnetic fields by coherent amplification of energy-level-shift effects
Nikolay V. Vitanov
Phys. Rev. A 103, 063104 (2021)

Rydberg atom-ion collisions in cold environments
Henrik Hirzler and Jesús Pérez-Ríos
PHYSICAL REVIEW A 103, 043323 (2021)

Saturation of the ion drift instability in collisional complex plasmas by ion trapping
Victoria V. Yaroshenko
Phys. Rev. E 103, 063209 (2021)

The internet goes quantum
Gabriel Popkin
Science 04 Jun 2021: Vol. 372, Issue 6546, pp. 1026-1029 (2021)

Three-body QED test and fifth-force constraint from vibrations and rotations of HD+
M. Germann, S. Patra, J.-Ph. Karr, L. Hilico, V. I. Korobov, E. J. Salumbides, K. S. E. Eikema, W. Ubachs, and J. C. J. Koelemeij
Phys. Rev. Research 3, L022028 (2021)

The Smallest Quantum Computer Yet
Rachel Berkowitz,
Physics 14, s73, June 17, (2021)


A scalable helium gas cooling system for trapped-ion applications
Foni R. Lebrun-Gallagher, Nicholas Johnson, Mariam Akhtar, Sebastian Weidt, David Bretaud, Samuel J. Hile, Alexander Owens, Winfried K. Hensinger

Certifying Multilevel Coherence in the Motional State of a Trapped Ion
Ollie Corfield, Jake Lishman, Chungsun Lee, Jacopo Mosca Toba, George Porter, Johannes M. Heinrich, Simon C. Webster, Florian Mintert, Richard C. Thompson

Direct N-Body problem optimisation using the AVS-512 instruction set
J. Pedregosa-Gutierrez, J. Dempsey

Distributing entangled state using quantum repeater protocol: Trapped atomic ions in optomechanical cavities
M Ghasemi, M K Tavassoly

Dynamical phase transitions in quantum spin models with antiferromagnetic long-range interactions
Jad C. Halimeh, Maarten Van Damme, Lingzhen Guo, Johannes Lang, Philipp Hauke

Electric field noise in a high-temperature superconducting surface ion trap
Philip C. Holz, Kirill Lakhmanskiy, Dominic Rathje, Philipp Schindler, Yves Colombe, Rainer Blatt

Equilibration of the planar modes of ultracold two dimensional ion crystals in a Penning trap
Chen Tang, Athreya Shankar, Dominic Meiser, Daniel H. E. Dubin, John J. Bollinger, Scott E. Parker

Fast Laser Cooling Using Optimal Quantum Control
Xie-Qian Li, Shuo Zhang, Jie Zhang, Wei Wu, Chu Guo, Ping-Xing Chen

Filtering variational quantum algorithms for combinatorial optimization
David Amaro, Carlo Modica, Matthias Rosenkranz, Mattia Fiorentini, Marcello Benedetti, Michael Lubasch

Finite-time performance of a single-ion quantum Otto engine
Suman Chand, Shubhrangshu Dasgupta, Asoka Biswas

Interactions of ions and ultracold neutral atom ensembles in composite optical dipole traps: developments and perspectives
Leon Karpa

Non-invasive measurement of currents in analog quantum simulators
Kevin T. Geier, Janika Reichstetter, Philipp Hauke

Observation of measurement-induced quantum phases in a trapped-ion quantum computer
Crystal Noel, Pradeep Niroula, Daiwei Zhu, Andrew Risinger, Laird Egan, Debopriyo Biswas, Marko Cetina, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Michael J. Gullans, David A. Huse, Christopher Monroe

Quantum logic inspired techniques for spacetime-symmetry tests with (anti-)protons
Juan M. Cornejo, Ralf Lehnert, Malte Niemann, Johannes Mielke, Teresa Meiners, Amado Bautista-Salvador, Marius Schulte, Diana Nitzschke, Matthias J. Borchert, Klemens Hammerer, Stefan Ulmer, Christian Ospelkaus

Realisation of homogeneous ion chain using surface traps
J. Pedregosa-Gutierrez, M. Mukherjee

Shortcuts to adiabatic rotation of a two-ion chain
Ander Tobalina, Juan Gonzalo Muga, Ion Lizuain, Mikel Palmero

Simulating a measurement-induced phase transition for trapped ion circuits
Stefanie Czischek, Giacomo Torlai, Sayonee Ray, Rajibul Islam, Roger G. Melko

Single-atom verification of the noise-resilient and fast characteristics of universal nonadiabatic noncyclic geometric quantum gates
J. W. Zhang, L. -L. Yan, J. C. Li, G. Y. Ding, J. T. Bu, L. Chen, S. -L. Su, F. Zhou, M. Feng

Trapped Ion Quantum Computing using Optical Tweezers and Electric Fields
M. Mazzanti, R. X. Schüssler, J. D. Arias Espinoza, Z. Wu, R. Gerritsma, A. Safavi-Naini

Universal unitary transfer of continuous-variable quantum states into a few qubits
Jacob Hastrup, Kimin Park, Jonatan Bohr Brask, Radim Filip, Ulrik Lund Andersen

ITN Newsletter – May 2021

Dear all,

the second edition of ECCTI is scheduled for January 2022 ! This one-week conference organised by young ion trappers for young ion trappers, is an important event to present, interact, learn, discuss, with other researchers in the field. The COST Action happily supports this initiative. For details see the link below.
Your editorial team


It is still time to apply or propose a colleague to the Nature Research Awards for Inspiring Women in Science in the categories Science Outreach and Scientific Achievement. LINK  Deadline is 20 June 2021

This summer would be the 25th International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy, a conference with a 50 year legacy of fostering incredible scientific achievement, a collaborative community, and friendships spanning the globe. To celebrate the history of ICOLS and to provide a chance for both old and new friends to reconnect, a 2h Zoom event is organized on Monday June 21, 2021 13:00 to 15:00 GMT
Registration required at

As follow-up on the Artiq-day on 28 April, please reply to the 2021 Artiq USER survey HERE
Surveys of the ARTIQ/Sinara user community were last collected in 2017 and 2018. The questions were developed with feedback from NIST, Oxford, Oregon, M-Labs and Warsaw. The survey results are public.

Portal for High-Precision Atomic Data and Computation has been released at University of Delaware and is accessible via:

EPJ QT special issue: “Quantum Metrology & Quantum Enhanced Measurement“. Submissions are accepted from now until 30 June 2021. Details


724. WE-Heraeus-Seminar: Collective Effects and Non‐Equilibrium Quantum Dynamics 2021
June 27, 2021 to June 30, 2021 LINK

52nd EGAS conference, online event, 6-8 July 2021

Summer School: Machine Learning in Quantum Physics and Chemistry will be held in Warsaw (Poland) at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw, 24 August – 3 September 2021 Details

Quantum Optics X Conference, Toruń, Poland, 5 – 11 September 2021

European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI), Djurönäset, Sweden, probably October/November 2021 (information coming soon)

Early Career Conference in Trapped Ions 2022, 10th – 14th January 2022, at  CERN, Geneva LINK
The call for abstracts will open on the 1st June 2021.

14th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP14)  in Vilnius, Lithuania, June 27- July 1, 2022 LINK

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) in Toronto, Canada, 17-22 July 2022 LINK

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, June 2023

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries 2020
an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community every Thursday   LINK

The Virtual AMO Seminar ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” ( Thursdays, 5pm


The Trapped-Ion Quantum Information (TIQI) group at ETH Zürich has a 1 year postdoctoral level position focusing on developing an interactive exhibit around ions visible to the naked eye, and communicating quantum science to the general public. For details please contact Jonathan Home

Postdoc positions in Ultracold Quantum Molecular Systems Group at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw in Poland. LINK

PhD position on the “Yb+ single-ion clock” project, starting fall 2021, in laboratoire FEMTO-ST, Besançon, France. Details ; contact Clément Lacroute

A postdoctoral position is open for the QuantumION project at University of Waterloo, Canada. QuantumION is an open-access, remote-controlled quantum simulator/computer for the academic community. We are looking for postdoctoral candidates who have an engineering mindset. We anticipate the completion of the first phase of the project (trapping ions and initial gates characterization) in early 2022. Please reach out to Rajibul Islam or Crystal Senko

PhD position in the Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Université Sorbonne Paris to work on precise spectroscopic measurements and tests of fundamental physics with cold molecules. The project is a collaboration with the Centre of Cold Matter (Imperial College London) at the forefront of frequency metrology and cold molecule research. LINK

Research Fellow in Quantum Technology for Fundamental Physics, 24 months, University Sussex LINK

A postdoc position in theoretical many-body quantum physics with Rydberg atoms at the University of Tübingen  For details please contact I Lesanowsky

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to


Circular dichroism in atomic resonance-enhanced few-photon ionization
A. H. N. C. De Silva, T. Moon, K. L. Romans, B. P. Acharya, S. Dubey, K. Foster, O. Russ, C. Rischbieter, N. Douguet, K. Bartschat, and D. Fischer
Phys. Rev. A 103, 053125 (2021

Coherent-control mechanisms of Penning and associative ionization in cold He∗(2 3S)−He∗(2 3S) reactive scattering
Juan J. Omiste, Timur V. Tscherbul, and Paul Brumer
Phys. Rev. A 103, 052809 (2021)

Cresting the Coulomb Barrier of Polyanionic Metal Clusters
F. Martinez, N. Iwe, M. Müller, K. Raspe, L. Schweikhard, J. Tiggesbäumker, K.-H. Meiwes-Broer
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 133001 (2021)

Digital-Analog Quantum Simulations Using the Cross-Resonance Effect
Tasio Gonzalez-Raya, Rodrigo Asensio-Perea, Ana Martin, Lucas C. Céleri, Mikel Sanz, Pavel Lougovski, and Eugene F. Dumitrescu
PRX Quantum 2, 020328 (2021)

Efficient entanglement generation and detection of generalized stabilizer states
Yihong Zhang, Yifan Tang, You Zhou, and Xiongfeng Ma
Phys. Rev. A 103, 052426 (2021)

Floquet Gauge Pumps as Sensors for Spectral Degeneracies Protected by Symmetry or Topology
Abhishek Kumar, Gerardo Ortiz, Philip Richerme, and Babak Seradjeh
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 206602 (2021)

High-fidelity method for a single-step N-bit Toffoli gate in trapped ions
Juan Diego Arias Espinoza, Koen Groenland, Matteo Mazzanti, Kareljan Schoutens, and Rene Gerritsma
Phys. Rev. A 103, 052437 (2021)

Harmonic chains and the thermal diode effect
Na’im Kalantar, Bijay Kumar Agarwalla, and Dvira Segal
Phys. Rev. E 103, 052130 (2021)

Improving efficiency of sympathetic cooling in atom-ion and atom-atom confined collisions
Vladimir S. Melezhik
Phys. Rev. A 103, 053109 (2021)

Ionic polaron in a Bose-Einstein condensate
Grigory E. Astrakharchik, Luis A. Peña Ardila, Richard Schmidt, Krzysztof Jachymski & Antonio Negretti
Communications Physics 4 , 1–8 (2021)

Long-range Rydberg-atom–ion molecules of Rb and Cs
A. Duspayev, X. Han, M. A. Viray, L. Ma, J. Zhao, and G. Raithel
Phys. Rev. Research 3, 023114 (2021)

More speed out of the quantum gate
Klaus Mølmer
Nature Physics , 1–2 (2021)

Motional heating of spatially extended ion crystals
D Kalincev, L S Dreissen, A P Kulosa, C-H Yeh, H A Fürst and T E Mehlstäubler
Quantum Sci. Technol. 6 034003 (2021)

Non-destructive detection of large molecules without mass limitation
A. Poindron, J. Pedregosa-Gutierrez, C. Jouvet, M. Knoop, and C. Champenois
J. Chem. Phys. 154, 184203 (2021)

Nuclear clocks for testing fundamental physics
E Peik, T Schumm, M S Safronova, A Pálffy, J Weitenberg and P G Thirolf
Quantum Sci. Technol. 6 034002 (2021)

Quantum amplification of boson-mediated interactions
S. C. Burd, R. Srinivas, H. M. Knaack, W. Ge, A. C. Wilson, D. J. Wineland, D. Leibfried, J. J. Bollinger, D. T. C. Allcock & D. H. Slichter
Nature Physics , 1–5 (2021)

Strong-coupling quantum logic of trapped ions
Mahdi Sameti, Jake Lishman, and Florian Mintert
Phys. Rev. A 103, 052603 (2021)

Temperature-dependent rotationally inelastic collisions of OH− and He
Eric S. Endres, Steve Ndengué, Olga Lakhmanskaya, Seunghyun Lee, Francesco A. Gianturco, Richard Dawes, and Roland Wester
Phys. Rev. A 103, 052807 (2021)


An Integrated Bell-State Analyzer on a Thin Film Lithium Niobate Platform
Uday Saha, Edo Waks

Bounds on the survival probability in periodically driven quantum systems
Tanmoy Pandit, Alaina M. Green, C. Huerta Alderete, Norbert M. Linke, Raam Uzdin

Correlated many-body noise and emergent 1/f behavior in an anharmonic fluctuator model
P N Thomas Lloyd, Valentin Walther, Hossein Sadeghpour

Distributing entangled state using quantum repeater protocol: Trapped atomic ions in optomechanical cavities
M Ghasemi, M K Tavassoly

Dynamics of vortex defect formation in two dimensional Coulomb crystals
Michael Arnold, Ramil Nigmatullin

Electric field dissociation of weakly bound molecular ions
Jesús Pérez-Ríos

Electric trapping and circuit cooling of charged nanorotors
Lukas Martinetz, Klaus Hornberger, Benjamin A. Stickler

Evaluating states in trapped ions with local correlation between internal and motional degrees of freedom
Silpa Muralidharan, Ryutaro Ohira, Shota Kume, Kenji Toyoda

Finite-temperature critical behavior of long-range quantum Ising models
E. Gonzalez-Lazo, M. Heyl, M. Dalmonte, A. Angelone

Fluorescence Detection of a Trapped Ion with a Monolithically Integrated Single-Photon-Counting Avalanche Diode
W. J. Setzer, M. Ivory, O. Slobodyan, J. W. Van Der Wall, L. P. Parazzoli, D. Stick, M. Gehl, M. Blain, R. R. Kay, H. McGuinness

Holographic dynamics simulations with a trapped ion quantum computer
Eli Chertkov, Justin Bohnet, David Francois, John Gaebler, Dan Gresh, Aaron Hankin, Kenny Lee, Ra’anan Tobey, David Hayes, Brian Neyenhuis, Russell Stutz, Andrew C. Potter, Michael Foss-Feig

High-fidelity Bell-state preparation with 40Ca+ optical qubits
Craig R. Clark, Holly N. Tinkey, Brian C. Sawyer, Adam M. Meier, Karl A. Burkhardt, Christopher M. Seck, Christopher M. Shappert, Nicholas D. Guise, Curtis E. Volin, Spencer D. Fallek, Harley T. Hayden, Wade G. Rellergert, Kenton R. Brown

Integrable quantum many-body sensors for AC field sensing
Utkarsh Mishra, Abolfazl Bayat

Long-range Ising interactions mediated by λφ4 fields: probing the renormalisation of sound in crystals of trapped ions
G. Martín-Vázquez, G. Aarts, M. Müller, A. Bermudez

Multiplexed quantum repeaters based on dual-species trapped-ion systems
Prajit Dhara, Norbert M. Linke, Edo Waks, Saikat Guha, Kaushik P. Seshadreesan

Observation of Feshbach resonances between a single ion and ultracold atoms
Pascal Weckesser, Fabian Thielemann, Dariusz Wiater, Agata Wojciechowska, Leon Karpa, Krzysztof Jachymski, Michał Tomza, Thomas Walker, Tobias Schaetz

Optimizing Stabilizer Parities for Improved Logical Qubit Memories
Dripto M. Debroy, Laird Egan, Crystal Noel, Andrew Risinger, Daiwei Zhu, Debopriyo Biswas, Marko Cetina, Chris Monroe, Kenneth R. Brown

Precision measurement of the 43Ca+ nuclear magnetic moment
R. K. Hanley, D. T. C. Allcock, T. P. Harty, M. A. Sepiol, D. M. Lucas

Quantum Simulation of the Agassi Model in Trapped Ions
Pedro Pérez-Fernández, José Miguel Arias, José Enrique García-Ramos, Lucas Lamata

Susceptibility of Trapped-Ion Qubits to Low-Dose Radiation Sources
Jiafeng Cui, A. J. Rasmusson, Marissa D’Onofrio, Yuanheng Xie, Evangeline Wolanski, Philip Richerme

Tangent Vector Variational Quantum Eigensolver: A Robust Variational Quantum Eigensolver against the inaccuracy of derivative
Hikaru Wakaura, Andriyan Bayu Suksmono

Towards a deterministic interface between trapped-ion qubits and travelling photons
Josef Schupp, Vojtech Krcmarsky, Victor Krutyanskiy, Martin Meraner, Tracy E. Northup, Ben P. Lanyon

Trapping Ions and Atoms Optically
Tobias Schaetz

Universal hybrid quantum computing in trapped ions
R. T. Sutherland, R. Srinivas

ITN Newsletter – April 2021

Dear all,

version 1 of the Portal for High-Precision Atomic Data and Computation has been released by our colleagues at University of Delaware and is accessible via:
The portal provides transition matrix elements, transition rates, radiative lifetimes, branching ratios, and polarizabilities for atoms and ions. The team seeks community input, and all comments and suggestions are welcome and can be addressed to Marianna Safronova.
Applause for this great initiative, which provides all properties of our favourite ions at one glance, with many more still to come !

Your editorial team


As follow-up on the Artiq-day on 28 April, please reply to the 2021 Artiq USER survey HERE
Surveys of the ARTIQ/Sinara user community were last collected in 2017 and 2018. The questions were developed with feedback from NIST, Oxford, Oregon, M-Labs and Warsaw. The survey results are public.

Portal for High-Precision Atomic Data and Computation has been released at University of Delaware and is accessible via:

EPJ QT special issue: “Quantum Metrology & Quantum Enhanced Measurement“. Submissions are accepted from now until 30 June 2021. Details


724. WE-Heraeus-Seminar: Collective Effects and Non‐Equilibrium Quantum Dynamics 2021
June 27, 2021 to June 30, 2021 LINK

European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI), Djurönäset, Sweden, summer 2021

52nd EGAS conference, online event, 6-8 July 2021   DEADLINE 8 MAY!

Summer School: Machine Learning in Quantum Physics and Chemistry will be held in Warsaw (Poland) at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw, 24 August – 3 September 2021 Details

Quantum Optics X Conference, Toruń, Poland, 5 – 11 September 2021

14th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP14)  in Vilnius, Lithuania, June 27- July 1, 2022 LINK

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) in Toronto, Canada, 17-22 July 2022 LINK

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, June 2023

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries 2020
an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community every Thursday   LINK

The Virtual AMO Seminar ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” ( Thursdays, 5pm


A permanent research and teaching assistant position is currently offered at the Physics Department of University of Liège, Belgium. Deadline is 1 May (with a possibility for extension. Please contact Thierry Bastin ASAP for details.

A postdoc position in theoretical many-body quantum physics with Rydberg atoms at the University of Tübingen  For details please contact I Lesanowsky

2 PhD positions in Experimental Quantum Technology with Trapped Rydberg Ions at Stockholm University, Sweden Details or contact

PhD Studentship at University of Sussex in implementing quantum illumination with trapped electrons LINK

A postdoc position at the Centre for Cold Matter at Imperial College London, to work on a new project aimed at cooling molecules to quantum degeneracy  LINK

A postdoc position available at Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic) on Quantum Control of Ion-Electron Recombination. More information HERE  or contact

4 Postdoc positions in Ultracold Quantum Molecular Systems Group at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw in Poland. LINK

PhD, postdoc and a research assistant position at the University of Amsterdam (UvA), the Free University of Amsterdam (VU) and the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Details and contacts can be found HERE or at

PhD studentship: Developing and Operating a Trapped Ion Quantum computer Prototype at University of Sussex (

PhD studentship: Developing Silicon Microchips for Ion Trap Quantum Computers at University of Sussex (

PhD positions for the new IQuAn project on trapped-ion quantum computing in combination with a super computer at the University of Mainz, see, and please contact Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler (

Two PhD positions for new projects in the SFB on collective properties of light scattering and heat transport in ion crystals, please contact Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler (

Postdoctoral Research Associate and PhD positions are available on quantum simulation and sensing with large beryllium ion crystals at the University of Sydney (LINK). For details please contact Robert Wolf (

The UC Berkeley ion trap group has postdoctoral positions available to work on quantum information with trapped ions or electrons as well as on rotating ion crystals. For more information, please visit our homepage  and/or contact Hartmut Haeffner via

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to


A micro-optical module for multi-wavelength addressing of trapped ions
Matthew L Day, Kaushal Choonee, Zachary Chaboyer, Simon Gross, Michael J Withford, Alastair G Sinclair and Graham D Marshall
Quantum Sci. Technol. 6, 024007 (2021)

An optically heated atomic source for compact ion trap vacuum systems
S. Gao, W. J. Hughes, D. M. Lucas, T. G. Ballance and J. F. Goodwin
Review of Scientific Instruments 92, 033205 (2021)

An analytical approach to symmetry breaking in multipole RF-traps
M Marchenay, J Pedregosa-Gutierrez, M Knoop, M Houssin and C Champenois
Quantum Sci. Technol. 6, 024016 (2021)

Constraining rapidly oscillating scalar dark matter using dynamic decoupling
Shahaf Aharony, Nitzan Akerman, Roee Ozeri, Gilad Perez, Inbar Savoray, and Ravid Shaniv
Phys. Rev. D 103, 075017 (2021)

Constructing quantum circuits with global gates
John van de Wetering
New J. Phys. 23, 043015 (2021)

Creation of double-well potentials in a surface-electrode trap towards a nanofriction model emulator
U Tanaka, M Nakamura, K Hayasaka, A Bautista-Salvador, C Ospelkaus and T E Mehlstäubler
Quantum Sci. Technol. 6, 024010 (2021)

Demonstration of the trapped-ion quantum CCD computer architecture
J. M. Pino, J. M. Dreiling, C. Figgatt, J. P. Gaebler, S. A. Moses, M. S. Allman, C. H. Baldwin, M. Foss-Feig, D. Hayes, K. Mayer, C. Ryan-Anderson & B. Neyenhuis
Nature 592 , 209–213 (2021)

Dielectric microcylinder makes a nanocylindrical trap for atoms and ions
V. Klimov, R. Heydarian, and C. Simovski
Phys. Rev. B 103, 165405 (2021)

Efficient and Robust Certification of Genuine Multipartite Entanglement in Noisy Quantum Error Correction Circuits
Andrea Rodriguez-Blanco, Alejandro Bermudez, Markus Müller, and Farid Shahandeh
PRX Quantum 2, 020304 (2021)

Higher-order and fractional discrete time crystals in clean long-range interacting systems
Andrea Pizzi, Johannes Knolle & Andreas Nunnenkamp
Nature Communications 12 , 1–7 (2021)

Imaging Trapped Ion Structures via Fluorescence Cross-Correlation Detection
Stefan Richter, Sebastian Wolf, Joachim von Zanthier, and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 173602 (2021)

Materials challenges and opportunities for quantum computing hardware
Nathalie P. de Leon, Kohei M. Itoh, Dohun Kim, Karan K. Mehta, Tracy E. Northup, Hanhee Paik, B. S. Palmer, N. Samarth, Sorawis Sangtawesin, D. W. Steuerman
SCIENCE Vol. 372, Issue 6539, eabb2823 (2021)

Materials challenges for trapped-ion quantum computers
Kenneth R. Brown, John Chiaverini, Jeremy M. Sage & Hartmut Häffner
Nature Reviews Materials , 1–14 (2021)

Measurement of the principal quantum number distribution in a beam of antihydrogen atoms
B. Kolbinger, C. Amsler, S. Arguedas Cuendis, H. Breuker, A. Capon, G. Costantini, P. Dupré, M. Fleck, A. Gligorova, H. Higaki, Y. Kanai, V. Kletzl, N. Kuroda, A. Lanz, M. Leali, V. Mäckel, C. Malbrunot, V. Mascagna, O. Massiczek, Y. Matsuda, D. J. Murtagh, Y. Nagata, A. Nanda, L. Nowak, B. Radics, C. Sauerzopf, M. C. Simon, M. Tajima, H. A. Torii, U. Uggerhøj, S. Ulmer, L. Venturelli, A. Weiser, M. Wiesinger, E. Widmann, T. Wolz, Y. Yamazaki & J. Zmeskal
The European Physical Journal D volume 75, Article number: 91 (2021)

Nuclear clocks for testing fundamental physics
E Peik, T Schumm, M S Safronova, A Pálffy, J Weitenberg and P G Thirolf
Quantum Sci. Technol. 6, 034002 (2021)

Observation of electric-dipole transitions in the laser-cooling candidate Th− and its application for cooling antiprotons
Rulin Tang, Ran Si, Zejie Fei, Xiaoxi Fu, Yuzhu Lu, Tomas Brage, Hongtao Liu, Chongyang Chen, and Chuangang Ning
Phys. Rev. A 103, 042817 (2021)

Polariton blockade in the Jaynes–Cummings–Hubbard model with trapped ions
R Ohira, S Kume, H Takahashi and K Toyoda
Quantum Sci. Technol. 6, 024015 (2021)

Programmable quantum simulations of spin systems with trapped ions
C. Monroe, W. C. Campbell, L.-M. Duan, Z.-X. Gong, A. V. Gorshkov, P. W. Hess, R. Islam, K. Kim, N. M. Linke, G. Pagano, P. Richerme, C. Senko, and N. Y. Yao
Rev. Mod. Phys. 93, 025001 (2021)

Quantum computer based on shuttling trapped ions
Winfried K. Hensinger
Nature 592 , 190–191 (2021)

Rydberg atom-ion collisions in cold environments
Henrik Hirzler and Jesús Pérez-Ríos
Phys. Rev. A 103, 043323 (2021)

Sensitivity to new physics of isotope-shift studies using the coronal lines of highly charged calcium ions
Nils-Holger Rehbehn, Michael K. Rosner, Hendrik Bekker, Julian C. Berengut, Piet O. Schmidt, Steven A. King, Peter Micke, Ming Feng Gu, Robert Müller, Andrey Surzhykov, and José R. Crespo López-Urrutia
Phys. Rev. A 103, L040801 (2021)

Tunable transverse spin–motion coupling for quantum information processing
Adam D West, Randall Putnam, Wesley C Campbell and Paul Hamilton
Quantum Sci. Technol. 6, 024003 (2021)

Ultra-low-vibration closed-cycle cryogenic surface-electrode ion trap apparatus
T. Dubielzig, S. Halama, H. Hahn, G. Zarantonello, M. Niemann, A. Bautista-Salvador and C. Ospelkaus
Review of Scientific Instruments 92, 043201 (2021)


Approximate solutions for the ion-laser interaction in the high intensity regime: Matrix method perturbative analysis
B. M. Villegas-Martínez, H. M. Moya-Cessa, F. Soto-Eguibar

Asymptotic optimality of twist-untwist protocols for Heisenberg scaling in atomic interferometry
T. J. Volkoff, Michael J. Martin

Batch Optimization of Frequency-Modulated Pulse for Robust Two-qubit Gates in Ion Chains
Mingyu Kang, Qiyao Liang, Bichen Zhang, Shilin Huang, Ye Wang, Chao Fang, Jungsang Kim, Kenneth R. Brown

C-band single photons from a trapped ion via two-stage frequency conversion
John Hannegan, Uday Saha, James D. Siverns, Jake Cassell, Edo Waks, Qudsia Quraishi

Cross-beam energy transfer saturation by ion trapping-induced detuning
K. L. Nguyen, L. Yin, B. J. Albright, A. M. Hansen, D. H. Froula, D. Turnbull, R. K. Follett, J. P. Palastro

Demonstration of Shor encoding on a trapped-ion quantum computer
Nhung H. Nguyen, Muyuan Li, Alaina M. Green, Cinthia Huerta Alderete, Yingyue Zhu, Daiwei Zhu, Kenneth R. Brown, Norbert M. Linke

Engineering the Quantum Scientific Computing Open User Testbed (QSCOUT): Design details and user guide
Susan M. Clark, Daniel Lobser, Melissa Revelle, Christopher G. Yale, David Bossert, Ashlyn D. Burch, Matthew N. Chow, Craig W. Hogle, Megan Ivory, Jessica Pehr, Bradley Salzbrenner, Daniel Stick, William Sweatt, Joshua M. Wilson, Edward Winrow, Peter Maunz

Entanglement from tensor networks on a trapped-ion QCCD quantum computer
Michael Foss-Feig, Stephen Ragole, Andrew Potter, Joan Dreiling, Caroline Figgatt, John Gaebler, Alex Hall, Steven Moses, Juan Pino, Ben Spaun, Brian Neyenhuis, David Hayes

Experimental estimation of the quantum Fisher information from randomized measurements
Min Yu, Dongxiao Li, Jingcheng Wang, Yaoming Chu, Pengcheng Yang, Musang Gong, Nathan Goldman, Jianming Cai

Generation of a single ion large oscillator
Ryoichi Saito, Takashi Mukaiyama

Hidden Inverses: Coherent Error Cancellation at the Circuit Level
Bichen Zhang, Swarnadeep Majumder, Pak Hong Leung, Stephen Crain, Ye Wang, Chao Fang, Dripto M. Debroy, Jungsang Kim, Kenneth R. Brown

Ion-Photonic Frequency Qubit Correlations for Quantum Networks
Steven C. Connell, Jordan Scarabel, Elizabeth M. Bridge, Kenji Shimizu, Valdis Blums, Mojtaba Ghadimi, Mirko Lobino, Erik W. Streed

Motion analysis of a trapped ion chain by single photon self-interference
G. Cerchiari, G. Araneda, L. Podhora, L. Slodička, Y. Colombe, R. Blatt

Nanosecond super-resolved imaging of a single cold atom by stimulated emission depletion microscopy
Zhong-Hua Qian, Jin-Ming Cui, Xi-Wang Luo, Yong-Xiang Zheng, Yun-Feng Huang, Ming-Zhong Ai, Ran He, Chuan-Feng Li, Guang-Can Guo

Optical super-resolution sensing of a trapped ion’s wave packet size
Martin Drechsler, Sebastian Wolf, Christian T. Schmiegelow, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler

Quantum computation and simulation with vibrational modes of trapped ions
Wentao Chen, Jaren Gan, Jing-Ning Zhang, Dzmitry Matuskevich, Kihwan Kim

Quantum-enhanced bosonic learning machine
Chi-Huan Nguyen, Ko-Wei Tseng, Gleb Maslennikov, H. C. J. Gan, Dzmitry Matsukevich

Reservoir-engineered spin squeezing: macroscopic even-odd effects and hybrid-systems implementations
Peter Groszkowski, Martin Koppenhöfer, Hoi-Kwan Lau, A. A. Clerk

RF-induced heating dynamics of non-crystallized trapped ions
Martin W. van Mourik, Pavel Hrmo, Lukas Gerster, Benjamin Wilhelm, Rainer Blatt, Philipp Schindler, Thomas Monz

Steady state phonon occupation of EIT cooling: higher order calculations
Shuo Zhang, Tian-Ci Tian, Zheng-Yang Wu, Zong-Sheng Zhang, Xin-Hai Wang, Wei Wu, Wan-Su Bao, Chu Guo

Surface science motivated by heating of trapped ions from the quantum ground state
D. A. Hite, K. S. McKay, D. P. Pappas

Tank-Circuit Assisted Coupling Method for Sympathetic Laser Cooling
Bingsheng Tu, Felix Hahne, Ioanna Arapoglou, Alexander Egl, Fabian Heiße, Martin Höcker, Charlotte König, Jonathan Morgner, Tim Sailer, Andreas Weigel, Robert Wolf, Sven Sturm

Time periodicity from randomness in quantum systems
Giacomo Guarnieri, Mark T. Mitchison, Archak Purkayastha, Dieter Jaksch, Berislav Buča, John Goold

Toward simulating quantum field theories with controlled phonon-ion dynamics: A hybrid analog-digital approach
Zohreh Davoudi, Norbert M. Linke, Guido Pagano

Trapped electrons and ions as particle detectors
Daniel Carney, Hartmut Häffner, David C. Moore, Jacob M. Taylor

Two-qubit gates in a trapped-ion quantum computer by engineering motional modes
Ming Li, Jason Amini, Yunseong Nam

ITN Newsletter – March 2021

Dear all,

the COST Action organizes a technical event regarding the use and implementation of ARTIQ software with the objective to promote the interaction or collaboration between different groups with common goals or applications. This ARTIQ day is planned on 28 April 2021, the detailed program will be published soon.

Your editorial team


Submit proposals for the Lethokov medal of the EPS Quantum Electronics and Optics division before 13 April 2021. LINK

EPJ QT special issue: “Quantum Metrology & Quantum Enhanced Measurement“. Submissions are accepted from now until 30 June 2021. Details


ARTIQ day: 28 April 2021, detailed program soon to come, contact Daniel Rodriguez

724. WE-Heraeus-Seminar: Collective Effects and Non‐Equilibrium Quantum Dynamics 2021
June 27, 2021 to June 30, 2021 LINK

European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI), Djurönäset, Sweden, summer 2021

52nd EGAS conference, online event, 6-8 July 2021

Summer School: Machine Learning in Quantum Physics and Chemistry will be held in Warsaw (Poland) at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw, 24 August – 3 September 2021 Details

Quantum Optics X Conference, Toruń, Poland, 5 – 11 September 2021

14th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP14)  in Vilnius, Lithuania, June 27- July 1, 2022 LINK

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) in Toronto, Canada, 17-22 July 2022 LINK

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, June 2023

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries 2020
an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community every Thursday   LINK

The Virtual AMO Seminar ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” ( Thursdays, 5pm


2 PhD positions in Experimental Quantum Technology with Trapped Rydberg Ions at Stockholm University, Sweden Details or contact

PhD Studentship at University of Sussex in implementing quantum illumination with trapped electrons LINK

A postdoc position at the Centre for Cold Matter at Imperial College London, to work on a new project aimed at cooling molecules to quantum degeneracy  LINK

A postdoc position available at Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic) on Quantum Control of Ion-Electron Recombination. More information HERE  or contact

4 Postdoc positions in Ultracold Quantum Molecular Systems Group at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw in Poland. LINK

PhD, postdoc and a research assistant position at the University of Amsterdam (UvA), the Free University of Amsterdam (VU) and the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Details and contacts can be found HERE or at

PhD studentship: Developing and Operating a Trapped Ion Quantum computer Prototype at University of Sussex (

PhD studentship: Developing Silicon Microchips for Ion Trap Quantum Computers at University of Sussex (
PhD positions for the new IQuAn project on trapped-ion quantum computing in combination with a super computer at the University of Mainz, see, and please contact Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler (

Two PhD positions for new projects in the SFB on collective properties of light scattering and heat transport in ion crystals, please contact Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler (

Postdoctoral Research Associate and PhD positions are available on quantum simulation and sensing with large beryllium ion crystals at the University of Sydney (LINK). For details please contact Robert Wolf (

The UC Berkeley ion trap group has postdoctoral positions available to work on quantum information with trapped ions or electrons as well as on rotating ion crystals. For more information, please visit our homepage  and/or contact Hartmut Haeffner via

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to


A sub-4 Kelvin radio frequency linear multipole wire trap
Katharina Geistlinger, Moritz Fischer, Steffen Spieler, Lena Remmers, Felix Duensing, Franziska Dahlmann, Eric Endres, and Roland Wester
Review of Scientific Instruments 92, 023204 (2021)

A micro-optical module for multi-wavelength addressing of trapped ions
Matthew L Day, Kaushal Choonee, Zachary Chaboyer, Simon Gross, Michael J Withford, Alastair G Sinclair and Graham D Marshall
Quantum Sci. Technol. 6 024007 (2021)

Adiabatic sensing technique for optimal temperature estimation using trapped ions
Aleksandrina V. Kirkova, Weibin Li, and Peter A. Ivanov
Phys. Rev. Research 3, 013244 (2021)

Coarse-grained quantum cellular automata
O. Duranthon and Giuseppe Di Molfetta
Phys. Rev. A 103, 032224 (2021)

Concatenated multi-reflection time-of-flight spectra for wide-band mass spectrometry
Paul Fischer, Stephan König, Lutz Schweikhard
IJMS 463, 116546 (2021)

Creation of double-well potentials in a surface-electrode trap towards a nanofriction model emulator
U Tanaka, M Nakamura, K Hayasaka, A Bautista-Salvador, C Ospelkaus and T E Mehlstäubler
Quantum Sci. Technol. 6 024010 (2021)

Domain-wall confinement and dynamics in a quantum simulator
W. L. Tan, P. Becker, F. Liu, G. Pagano, K. S. Collins, A. De, L. Feng, H. B. Kaplan, A. Kyprianidis, R. Lundgren, W. Morong, S. Whitsitt, A. V. Gorshkov & C. Monroe
Nature Physics , 1–6 (2021)

Finite-time performance of a single-ion quantum Otto engine
Suman Chand, Shubhrangshu Dasgupta, and Asoka Biswas
Phys. Rev. E 103, 032144 (2021)

Finite-temperature spectrum at the symmetry-breaking linear to zigzag transition
Jan Kiethe, Lars Timm, Haggai Landa, Dimitri Kalincev, Giovanna Morigi, and Tanja E. Mehlstäubler
Phys. Rev. B 103, 104106 (2021)

Frustrated double ionization of atoms in circularly polarized laser fields
HuiPeng Kang, Shi Chen, Jing Chen and Gerhard G Paulus
New J. Phys. 23 033041 (2021)

High-energy-resolution measurements of an ultracold-atom–ion collisional cross section
Ruti Ben-shlomi, Meirav Pinkas, Ziv Meir, Tomas Sikorsky, Or Katz, Nitzan Akerman, and Roee Ozeri
Phys. Rev. A 103, 032805 (2021)

Investigations on Dynamical Stability in 3D Quadrupole Ion Traps
Bogdan M. Mihalcea and Stephen Lynch
Appl. Sci. 11(7), 2938 (2021)

Laser cooling of antihydrogen atoms
C.J. Baker et al. (ALPHA collaboration)
Nature 592, 35–42(2021)
Antimatter cooled by laser light
Masaki Hori
Nature 592, 27-28 (2021)

Life and death of a cold BaRb+ molecule inside an ultracold cloud of Rb atoms
Amir Mohammadi, Artjom Krükow, Amir Mahdian, Markus Deiß, Jesús Pérez-Ríos, Humberto da Silva, Jr., Maurice Raoult, Olivier Dulieu, and Johannes Hecker Denschlag
Phys. Rev. Research 3, 013196 (2021)

Materials challenges for trapped-ion quantum computers
Kenneth R. Brown, John Chiaverini, Jeremy M. Sage & Hartmut Häffner
Nature Reviews Materials , 1–14 

Mitigating Realistic Noise in Practical Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum Devices
Jinzhao Sun, Xiao Yuan, Takahiro Tsunoda, Vlatko Vedral, Simon C. Benjamin, and Suguru Endo
Phys. Rev. Applied 15, 034026 (2021)

Perturbative tomography of small errors in quantum gates
Ruyu Yang and Ying Li
Phys. Rev. A 103, 032421 (2021)

Practical verification protocols for analog quantum simulators
Ryan Shaffer, Eli Megidish, Joseph Broz, Wei-Ting Chen & Hartmut Häffner
npj Quantum Information 7 , 1–12 (2021)

Polariton blockade in the Jaynes–Cummings–Hubbard model with trapped ions
R Ohira, S Kume, H Takahashi and K Toyoda
Quantum Sci. Technol. 6 024015 (2021) 

Probing many-body localization on a noisy quantum computer
D. Zhu, S. Johri, N. H. Nguyen, C. Huerta Alderete, K. A. Landsman, N. M. Linke, C. Monroe, and A. Y. Matsuura
Phys. Rev. A 103, 032606 (2021)

Pure Rotational Spectrum of CCl +
O. Asvany, C. R. Markus, K. Nagamori, H. Kohguchi, J. Furuta, K. Kobayashi, S. Schlemmer and S. Thorwirth
ApJ 910, 15 (2021)

Quantum coherence confined
Robert Konik
Nature Physics , 1–2 (2021)

Spectral properties of a three-body atom-ion hybrid system
Daniel J. Bosworth, Maxim Pyzh, and Peter Schmelcher
Phys. Rev. A 103, 033303 (2021)

Spreading of correlations and entanglement in the long-range transverse Ising chain
J. T. Schneider, J. Despres, S. J. Thomson, L. Tagliacozzo, and L. Sanchez-Palencia
Phys. Rev. Research 3, L012022 (2021)

Theoretical and Experimental Perspectives of Quantum Verification
Jose Carrasco, Andreas Elben, Christian Kokail, Barbara Kraus, and Peter Zoller
PRX Quantum 2, 010102 (2021)

Tunable transverse spin–motion coupling for quantum information processing
Adam D West, Randall Putnam, Wesley C Campbell and Paul Hamilton
Quantum Sci. Technol. 6 024003 (2021)

Tune-out and magic wavelengths of Ba+ ions
Jun Jiang, Yun Ma, Xia Wang, Chen-Zhong Dong, and Z. W. Wu
Phys. Rev. A 103, 032803 (2021)

Two-loop virtual light-by-light scattering corrections to the bound-electron g factor
V. Debierre, B. Sikora, H. Cakir, N. S. Oreshkina, V. A. Yerokhin, C. H. Keitel, and Z. Harman
Phys. Rev. A 103, L030802 (2021)


A liquid nitrogen-cooled Ca^+ optical clock with systematic uncertainty of 3*10^-18
Yao Huang, Baolin Zhang, Mengyan Zeng, Yanmei Hao, Huaqing Zhang, Hua Guan, Zheng Chen, Miao Wang, Kelin Gao

Changes in electric-field noise due to thermal transformation of a surface ion trap
Maya Berlin-Udi, Clemens Matthiesen, P. N. Thomas Lloyd, Alberto Alonso, Crystal Noel, Chris Orme, Chang-Eun Kim, Vincenzo Lordi, Hartmut Häffner

Demonstration of quantum advantage by a joint detection receiver for optical communications using quantum belief propagation on a trapped-ion device
Conor Delaney, Kaushik P. Seshadreesan, Ian MacCormack, Alexey Galda, Saikat Guha, Prineha Narang

Design, fabrication and characterisation of a micro-fabricated double-junction segmented ion trap
Chiara Decaroli, Roland Matt, Robin Oswald, Maryse Ernzer, Jeremy Flannery, Simon Ragg, Jonathan P. Home

Dissipative preparation of W states in trapped ion systems
Daniel C. Cole, Jenny J. Wu, Stephen D. Erickson, Pan-Yu Hou, Andrew C. Wilson, Dietrich Leibfried, Florentin Reiter

Engineering spin-spin interactions with optical tweezers in trapped ions
Juan Diego Arias Espinoza, Matteo Mazzanti, Katya Fouka, Rima X. Schüssler, Zhenlin Wu, Philippe Corboz, Rene Gerritsma, Arghavan Safavi-Naini

Experimental SWAP test of infinite dimensional quantum states
Chi-Huan Nguyen, Ko-Wei Tseng, Gleb Maslennikov, H. C. J. Gan, Dzmitry Matsukevich

Harmonic chains and the thermal diode effect
Na’im Kalantar, Bijay Kumar Agarwalla, Dvira Segal

Heating of a trapped ion induced by dielectric materials
Markus Teller, Dario A. Fioretto, Philip C. Holz, Philipp Schindler, Viktor Messerer, Klemens Schüppert, Yueyang Zou, Rainer Blatt, John Chiaverini, Jeremy Sage, Tracy E. Northup

High-resolution infrared action spectroscopy of the fundamental vibrational band of CN+
Jose L. Domenech, Oskar Asvany, Charles R. Markus, Stephan Schlemmer, Sven Thorwirth

How to build Hamiltonians that transport noncommuting charges in quantum thermodynamics
Nicole Yunger Halpern, Shayan Majidy

Manipulating phonons of a trapped-ion system using optical tweezers
Yi Hong Teoh, Manas Sajjan, Zewen Sun, Fereshteh Rajabi, Rajibul Islam

Minimization of ion micromotion with artificial neural network
Yang Liu, Qi-feng Lao, Peng-fei Lu, Xin-xin Rao, Hao Wu, Teng Liu, Kun-xu Wang, Zhao Wang, Ming-shen Li, Feng Zhu, Le Luo

Motional squeezing for trapped ion transport and separation
R. T. Sutherland, S. C. Burd, D. H. Slichter, S. B. Libby, D. Leibfried

Native multiqubit Toffoli gates on ion trap quantum computers
Nilesh Goel, J. K. Freericks

Non-equilibrium Coupling of a Quartz Resonator to Ions for Penning-Trap Fast Resonant Detection
Joaquín Berrocal, Steffen Lohse, Francisco Domínguez, Manuel J. Gutiérrez, Francisco J. Fernández, Michael Block, Juan J. García-Ripoll, Daniel Rodríguez

Polariton blockade in the Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard model with trapped ions
Ryutaro Ohira, Shota Kume, Hiroki Takahashi, Kenji Toyoda

Position measurement of a dipolar scatterer via self-homodyne detection
G. Cerchiari, L. Dania, D. S. Bykov, R. Blatt, T. Northup

Quantum computation and simulation with vibrational modes of trapped ions
Wentao Chen, Jaren Gan, Jing-Ning Zhang, Dzmitry Matuskevich, Kihwan Kim

Quantum-enhanced sensing of displacements and electric fields with large trapped-ion crystals
Kevin A. Gilmore, Matthew Affolter, Robert J. Lewis-Swan, Diego Barberena, Elena Jordan, Ana Maria Rey, John J. Bollinger

Real-time quantum calculations of phase shifts using wave packet time delays
Erik Gustafson, Yingyue Zhu, Patrick Dreher, Norbert M. Linke, Yannick Meurice

Rovibrational spectroscopy of the CH+-He and CH+-He4 complexes
Thomas Salomon, José L. Doménech, Philipp C. Schmid, Ernest A. Michael, Stephan Schlemmer, Oskar Asvany

Ultra-high-resolution spectroscopy of trapped ion ensembles in the Lamb-Dicke regime: demonstration and determination of the proton-electron mass ratio
I. V. Kortunov, S. Alighanbari, M. G. Hansen, G. S. Giri, V. I. Korobov, S. Schiller

ITN Newsletter – February 2021

Dear all,

Virtual Les Houches was a great School. Over 60 extremely motivated young ion trappers have followed two weeks of lectures, tutorials, working groups, poster session with a lot of enthusiasm and many interesting questions. They have transformed the event into a really special school with poster discussion til late after midnight, and real-time visits of the experiments. Thanks to all for their contributions, participants and lecturers, and an additional mention to the “technical” helpers who have supported the logistics !



AQT launches the Pine ion trap

EPJ QT special issue: “Quantum Metrology & Quantum Enhanced Measurement“. Submissions are accepted from now until 30 June 2021. Details

Online seminars

On Tuesday 9 March 2021 from 9-12h, Max Planck, RIKEN, PTB Center for Time, Constants, and Fundamental Symmetries is organizing a workshop on recent advances in trap and clock spectroscopy, details can be found HERE

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries 2020
an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community every Thursday   LINK

The Virtual AMO Seminar ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” ( Thursdays, 5pm


European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI), Djurönäset, Sweden, summer 2021

52nd EGAS conference, in Zagreb, Croatia, 5-9 July 2021

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) in Toronto, Canada, 17-22 July 2022 LINK

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, June 2023


PhD, postdoc and a research assistant position at the University of Amsterdam (UvA), the Free University of Amsterdam (VU) and the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Details and contacts can be found HERE or at

PhD studentship: Developing and Operating a Trapped Ion Quantum computer Prototype at University of Sussex (

PhD studentship: Developing Silicon Microchips for Ion Trap Quantum Computers at University of Sussex (

PhD positions for the new IQuAn project on trapped-ion quantum computing in combination with a super computer at the University of Mainz, see, and please contact Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler (

Two PhD positions for new projects in the SFB on collective properties of light scattering and heat transport in ion crystals, please contact Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler (

Postdoctoral Research Associate and PhD positions are available on quantum simulation and sensing with large beryllium ion crystals at the University of Sydney (LINK). For details please contact Robert Wolf (

The UC Berkeley ion trap group has postdoctoral positions available to work on quantum information with trapped ions or electrons as well as on rotating ion crystals. For more information, please visit our homepage  and/or contact Hartmut Haeffner via

Postdoc position available at Stockholm University on Experimental Quantum Computation with Trapped Rydberg Ions. For more information see or contact

Oxford Ionics is a UK-based start-up building trapped-ion quantum computers. We are hiring ion trappers for a range of positions. If this could be a fit for you, we’d love to hear from you at

2 PhD studentships at Sussex University are available. Details can be found HERE and HERE

The Trapped Ion Quantum Information group at ETH Zürich, Switzerland, seeks a postdoc for the ERC funded IONPEN project. This experiment aims to realize a novel platform for quantum computation and simulation using trapped ions in 2-dimensional arrays of Penning microtraps. For further details please see the job advert  or contact the group (

A PhD position in theoretical quantum many-body physics at the University of Tübingen. For details, please contact Igor Lesanowsky.

Postdoc and PhD positions are available at LaserLaB of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (The Netherlands) at several projects that focus on fundamental physics through laser precision measurements of He+, HD+, H2+, HD and HT. For more information see: LINK

Postdoctoral and PhD positions at RWTH Aachen and Forschungszentrum Jülich in the theoretical quantum technology group in the area of quantum information processing, with a focus on quantum error correction, fault-tolerant quantum computing and physical implementations. Please contact

Permanent positions (at postdoc level) are available to develop optical and microwave atomic clocks at the UK’s National Physical Laboratory. Contact: Details. 

2 Research Fellow Positions 
in Quantum Technology for Fundamental Physics at in the ITCM-Group at the University of Sussex. The research project is part of the UK ‘Network of clocks for measuring the stability of fundamental constants’ consortium. The consortium aims to build a network of dissimilar clocks to search for spatio-temporal changes in fundamental constants. The team at Sussex investigate transitions in molecular nitrogen ions to measure changes in the proton-to-electron mass ratio. Our partners in the network are the National Physical Laboratory, Imperial College London, the University of Birmingham and the University of Sussex. More information here or contact Matthias Keller (

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to


A micro-optical module for multi-wavelength addressing of trapped ions
Matthew L Day, Kaushal Choonee, Zachary Chaboyer, Simon Gross, Michael J Withford, Alastair G Sinclair and Graham D Marshall
Quantum Sci. Technol. 6 024007 (2021)

Blockade of phonon hopping in trapped ions in the presence of multiple local phonons
Ryutaro Ohira, Shota Kume, Kyoichi Takayama, Silpa Muralidharan, Hiroki Takahashi, and Kenji Toyoda
Phys. Rev. A 103, 012612 (2021)

Character of motional modes for entanglement and sympathetic cooling of mixed-species trapped-ion chains
K. Sosnova, A. Carter, and C. Monroe
Phys. Rev. A 103, 012610 (2021)

Circumventing Detector Backaction on a Quantum Cyclotron
X. Fan and G. Gabrielse,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 070402 (2021)

Combined atomic clock with blackbody-radiation-shift-induced instability below 10−19 under natural environment conditions
V I Yudin, A V Taichenachev, M Yu Basalaev, O N Prudnikov, H A Fürst, T E Mehlstäubler and S N Bagayev
New J. Phys. 23 023032 (2021)

Cross-Beam Energy Transfer Saturation by Ion Heating
A.  M. Hansen, K. L. Nguyen, D. Turnbull, B. J. Albright, R. K. Follett, R. Huff, J. Katz, D. Mastrosimone, A. L. Milder, L. Yin, J. P. Palastro, and D. H. Froula
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 075002 (2021)

Direct observation of ion micromotion in a linear Paul trap
Liudmila A. Zhukas, Maverick J. Millican, Peter Svihra, Andrei Nomerotski, and Boris B. Blinov
Phys. Rev. A 103, 023105 (2021)

Driven one-particle quantum cyclotron
X. Fan and G. Gabrielse
Phys. Rev. A 103, 022824 (2021)

Experimental Determination of PT-Symmetric Exceptional Points in a Single Trapped Ion
Liangyu Ding, Kaiye Shi, Qiuxin Zhang, Danna Shen, Xiang Zhang, and Wei Zhang
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 083604 (2021)

Fast cooling of trapped ion in strong sideband coupling regime
Shuo Zhang, Jian-Qi Zhang, Wei Wu, Wan-Su Bao and Chu Guo
New J. Phys. 23 023018 (2021)

First Penning trap mass measurement of 36Ca
J. Surbrook, G. Bollen, M. Brodeur, A. Hamaker, D. Pérez-Loureiro, D. Puentes, C. Nicoloff, M. Redshaw, R. Ringle, S. Schwarz, C. S. Sumithrarachchi, L. J. Sun, A. A. Valverde, A. C. C. Villari, C. Wrede, and I. T. Yandow
Phys. Rev. C 103, 014323 (2021)

High-fidelity entangling gates in a three-dimensional ion crystal under micromotion
Y.-K. Wu, Z.-D. Liu, W.-D. Zhao, and L.-M. Duan
Phys. Rev. A 103, 022419 (2021)

Life and death of a cold BaRb+ molecule inside an ultracold cloud of Rb atoms
Amir Mohammadi, Artjom Krükow, Amir Mahdian, Markus Deiß, Jesús Pérez-Ríos, Humberto da Silva, Jr., Maurice Raoult, Olivier Dulieu, and Johannes Hecker Denschlag
Phys. Rev. Research 3, 013196 (2021)

New Electron Trap Might Help Quantum Computers
Philip Ball,Physics 14, 16 (2021)

Observation of a quantum phase transition in the quantum Rabi model with a single trapped ion
M.-L. Cai, Z.-D. Liu, W.-D. Zhao, Y.-K. Wu, Q.-X. Mei, Y. Jiang, L. He, X. Zhang, Z.-C. Zhou & L.-M. Duan
Nature Communications 12 , 1–8 (2021)

Observation of line emissions from Ni-like W46 + ions in wavelength range of 7–8 Å in the Large Helical Device
Tetsutarou Oishi, Shigeru Morita, Daiji Kato, Izumi Murakami, Hiroyuki A Sakaue, Yasuko Kawamoto and Motoshi Goto
Phys. Scr. 96 025602 (2021)

Optical frequency ratio of a 171Yb+ single-ion clock and a 87Sr lattice clock
S Dörscher, N Huntemann, R Schwarz, R Lange, E Benkler, B Lipphardt, U Sterr, E Peik and C Lisdat
Metrologia 58 015005 (2021)

Probing multiple electric-dipole-forbidden optical transitions in highly charged nickel ions
Shi-Yong Liang, Ting-Xian Zhang, Hua Guan, Qi-Feng Lu, Jun Xiao, Shao-Long Chen, Yao Huang, Yong-Hui Zhang, Cheng-Bin Li, Ya-Ming Zou, Ji-Guang Li, Zong-Chao Yan, Andrei Derevianko, Ming-Sheng Zhan, Ting-Yun Shi, and Ke-Lin Gao
Phys. Rev. A 103, 022804 (2021)

Proton–electron mass ratio by high-resolution optical spectroscopy of ion ensembles in the resolved-carrier regime
I. V. Kortunov, S. Alighanbari, M. G. Hansen, G. S. Giri, V. I. Korobov & S. Schiller – Show fewer authors
Nature Physics , 1–5 (2021)

Pulsed Ion Microscope to Probe Quantum Gases
C. Veit, N. Zuber, O. A. Herrera-Sancho, V. S. V. Anasuri, T. Schmid, F. Meinert, R. Löw, and T. Pfau
Phys. Rev. X 11, 011036 (2021)

Quantum Computer Systems for Scientific Discovery
Yuri Alexeev, Dave Bacon, Kenneth R. Brown, Robert Calderbank, Lincoln D. Carr, Frederic T. Chong, Brian DeMarco, Dirk Englund, Edward Farhi, Bill Fefferman, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Andrew Houck, Jungsang Kim, Shelby Kimmel, Michael Lange, Seth Lloyd, Mikhail D. Lukin, Dmitri Maslov, Peter Maunz, Christopher Monroe, John Preskill, Martin Roetteler, Martin J. Savage, and Jeff Thompson
PRX Quantum 2, 017001 (2021)

Quantum reactive scattering in the long-range ion-dipole potential
Tomasz Wasak and Zbigniew Idziaszek
Phys. Rev. A 103, 023324 (2021)

Quantum Simulators: Architectures and Opportunities
Ehud Altman et al.
PRX Quantum 2, 017003 (2021)

Switchable Damping for a One-Particle Oscillator
X. Fan, S. E. Fayer, T. G. Myers, B. A. D. Sukra, G. Nahal, and G. Gabrielse,
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 92, 023201 (2021)

The thorium-229 low-energy isomer and the nuclear clock
Kjeld Beeks, Tomas Sikorsky, Thorsten Schumm, Johannes Thielking, Maxim V. Okhapkin & Ekkehard Peik
Nature Reviews Physics , 1–11 (2021)

Towards chemistry at absolute zero
Brianna R. Heazlewood, and Timothy P. Softley
Nature Reviews Chemistry volume 5, 125–140 (2021)

Tunable transverse spin–motion coupling for quantum information processing
Adam D West, Randall Putnam, Wesley C Campbell and Paul Hamilton
Quantum Sci. Technol. 6 024003 (2021)

Ultraviolet Laser Pulses with Multigigahertz Repetition Rate and Multiwatt Average Power for Fast Trapped-Ion Entanglement Operations
M.I. Hussain, D. Heinrich, M. Guevara-Bertsch, E. Torrontegui, J.J. García-Ripoll, C.F. Roos, and R. Blatt
Phys. Rev. Applied 15, 024054 (2021)

Visible spectra of W8+ in an electron-beam ion trap
Q. Lu (陆祺峰), C. L. Yan (严成龙), J. Meng (孟举), G. Q. Xu (许帼芹), Y. Yang (杨洋), C. Y. Chen (陈重阳), J. Xiao (肖君), J. G. Li (李冀光), J. G. Wang (王建国), and Y. Zou (邹亚明)
Phys. Rev. A 103, 022808 (2021)

Wavelength-insensitive, multispecies entangling gate for group-2 atomic ions
Brian C. Sawyer and Kenton R. Brown
Phys. Rev. A 103, 022427 (2021)


Algorithmic Ground-state Cooling of Weakly-Coupled Oscillators using Quantum Logic
Steven A. King, Lukas J. Spieß, Peter Micke, Alexander Wilzewski, Tobias Leopold, José R. Crespo López-Urrutia, Piet O. Schmidt

Characterizing the dynamical phase diagram of the Dicke model via classical and quantum probes
R. J. Lewis-Swan, S. R. Muleady, D. Barberena, J. J. Bollinger, A. M. Rey

Charge exchange radiation diagnostic with gas jet target for measurement of plasma flow velocity in the linear magnetic trap
A. Lizunov

Comparison of Cloud-Based Ion Trap and Superconducting Quantum Computer Architectures
S. Blinov, B. Wu, C. Monroe

Demonstration of quantum advantage by a joint detection receiver for optical communications using quantum belief propagation on a trapped-ion device
Conor Delaney, Kaushik P. Seshadreesan, Ian MacCormack, Alexey Galda, Saikat Guha, Prineha Narang

Design of Light-Matter Interactions for Quantum Technologies
I. Arrazola

Dynamic compensation of stray electric fields in an ion trap using machine learning and adaptive algorithm
Moji Ghadimi, Alexander Zappacosta, Jordan Scarabel, Kenji Shimizu, Erik W Streed, Mirko Lobino

Efficient and Accurate Electronic Structure Simulation Demonstrated on a Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer
Yukio Kawashima, Marc P. Coons, Yunseong Nam, Erika Lloyd, Shunji Matsuura, Alejandro J. Garza, Sonika Johri, Lee Huntington, Valentin Senicourt, Andrii O. Maksymov, Jason H. V. Nguyen, Jungsang Kim, Nima Alidoust, Arman Zaribafiyan, Takeshi Yamazaki

Ground-state and decay properties of neutron-rich 106Nb
A. J. Mitchell, R. Orford, G. J. Lane, C. J. Lister, P. Copp, J. A. Clark, G. Savard, J. M. Allmond, A. D. Ayangeakaa, S. Bottoni, M. P. Carpenter, P. Chowdhury, D. A. Gorelov, R. V. F. Janssens, F. G. Kondev, U. Patel, D. Seweryniak, M. L. Smith, Y. Y. Zhong, S. Zhu

High-fidelity laser-free universal control of two trapped ion qubits
R. Srinivas, S. C. Burd, H. M. Knaack, R. T. Sutherland, A. Kwiatkowski, S. Glancy, E. Knill, D. J. Wineland, D. Leibfried, A. C. Wilson, D. T. C. Allcock, D. H. Slichter

Infrared action spectroscopy of doubly charged PAHs and their contribution to the aromatic infrared bands
Shreyak Banhatti, Julianna Palotás, Pavol Jusko, Britta Redlich, Jos Oomens, Stephan Schlemmer, Sandra Brünken

Many-body quantum teleportation via operator spreading in the traversable wormhole protocol
Thomas Schuster, Bryce Kobrin, Ping Gao, Iris Cong, Emil T. Khabiboulline, Norbert M. Linke, Mikhail D. Lukin, Christopher Monroe, Beni Yoshida, Norman Y. Yao

Measurement of electric-field noise from interchangeable samples with a trapped-ion sensor
Kyle S. McKay, Dustin A. Hite, Philip D. Kent, Shlomi Kotler, Dietrich Leibfried, Daniel H. Slichter, Andrew C. Wilson, David P. Pappas

Measurement of ion displacement via RF power variation for excess micromotion compensation
Ryoichi Saito, Kota Saito, Takashi Mukaiyama

Motional resonances of three-dimensional dual-species Coulomb crystals
Byoung-moo Ann, Fabian Schmid, Jonas Krause, Theodor W. Hänsch, Thomas Udem, Akira Ozawa

Non-destructive detection of large molecules without mass limitation
Adrien Poindron, Jofre Pedregosa-Gutierrez, Christophe Jouvet, Martina Knoop, Caroline Champenois

Observation of a prethermal discrete time crystal
Antonis Kyprianidis, Francisco Machado, William Morong, Patrick Becker, Kate S. Collins, Dominic V. Else, Lei Feng, Paul W. Hess, Chetan Nayak, Guido Pagano, Norman Y. Yao, Christopher Monroe

Observation of a quantum phase transition in the quantum Rabi model with a single trapped ion
M. -L. Cai, Z. -D. Liu, W. -D. Zhao, Y. -K. Wu, Q. -X. Mei, Y. Jiang, L. He, X. Zhang, Z. -C. Zhou, L. -M. Duan

Observation of Stark many-body localization without disorder
W. Morong, F. Liu, P. Becker, K. S. Collins, L. Feng, A. Kyprianidis, G. Pagano, T. You, A. V. Gorshkov, C. Monroe

Quantum computing hardware in the cloud: Should a computational chemist care?
A. Rossi, P. G. Baity, V. M. Schäfer, M. Weides

Quantum Variational Optimization of Ramsey Interferometry and Atomic Clocks
Raphael Kaubruegger, Denis V. Vasilyev, Marius Schulte, Klemens Hammerer, Peter Zoller

Qubit-efficient exponential suppression of errors
Piotr Czarnik, Andrew Arrasmith, Lukasz Cincio, Patrick J. Coles

Riemann zeros from a periodically-driven trapped ion
Ran He, Ming-Zhong Ai, Jin-Ming Cui, Yun-Feng Huang, Yong-Jian Han, Chuan-Feng Li, Guang-Can Guo, G. Sierra, C. E. Creffield

Single Ion Thermal Wave Packet Analyzed Via Time-Of-Flight Detection
Felix Stopp, Luis Ortiz-Gutiérrez, Henri Lehec, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler

Superposition of two-mode squeezed states for quantum information processing and quantum sensing
Fernando R. Cardoso, Daniel Z. Rossatto, Gabriel P. L. M. Fernandes, Gerard Higgins, Celso J. Villas-Boas

The rigorous criteria for the phase transitions in Coulomb crystals
A. V. Romanova, S. S. Rudyi, Y. V. Rozhdestvensky

An ultralow-noise superconducting radio-frequency ion trap for frequency metrology with highly charged ions
J. Stark, C. Warnecke, S. Bogen, S. Chen, E. A. Dijck, S. Kühn, M. K. Rosner, A. Graf, J. Nauta, J. -H. Oelmann, L. Schmöger, M. Schwarz, D. Liebert, L. J. Spieß, S. A. King, T. Leopold, P. Micke, P. O. Schmidt, T. Pfeifer, J. R. Crespo López-Urrutia

ITN Newsletter – January 2021

Dear all,

CERN has made a video to promote the  recent paper of the BASE collaboration on axion detection using Penning trap single particle detection systems…
If you have other examples of promotional media, podcasts, movies, we would be happy to announce and include them in the COST action website. We can also take up your twitter announcements. Just let us know !

Your editorial team


Special issue ” Trapped Ion Quantum Information“. Guest editor: Erik Torrontegui. Details

EPJ QT special issue: “Quantum Metrology & Quantum Enhanced Measurement“. Submissions are accepted from now until 30 June 2021. Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries 2020
an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community every Thursday   LINK

The Virtual AMO Seminar ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” ( Thursdays, 5pm


WInter School on Physics with Trapped Charged Particles, Les Houches (France) from January 25 – February 5th, 2021.  LINK

The MIAPP program “PARTICLE & AMO PHYSICISTS DISCUSSING QUANTUM SENSORS AND NEW PHYSICS” will be held at the Munich Institute for Astro- and Particle Physics (MIAPP, in Garching, Germany, from 1st to 26th March 2021.

European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI), Djurönäset, Sweden, summer 2021

52nd EGAS conference, in Zagreb, Croatia, 5-9 July 2021

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) in Toronto, Canada, 17-22 July 2022 LINK

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, June 2023


Postdoc position available at Stockholm University on Experimental Quantum Computation with Trapped Rydberg Ions. For more information see or contact

Oxford Ionics is a UK-based start-up building trapped-ion quantum computers. We are hiring ion trappers for a range of positions. If this could be a fit for you, we’d love to hear from you at

2 PhD studentships at Sussex University are available. Details can be found HERE and HERE

The Trapped Ion Quantum Information group at ETH Zürich, Switzerland, seeks a postdoc for the ERC funded IONPEN project. This experiment aims to realize a novel platform for quantum computation and simulation using trapped ions in 2-dimensional arrays of Penning microtraps. For further details please see the job advert  or contact the group (

A PhD position in theoretical quantum many-body physics at the University of Tübingen. For details, please contact Igor Lesanowsky.

Postdoc and PhD positions are available at LaserLaB of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (The Netherlands) at several projects that focus on fundamental physics through laser precision measurements of He+, HD+, H2+, HD and HT. For more information see: LINK

Postdoctoral and PhD positions at RWTH Aachen and Forschungszentrum Jülich in the theoretical quantum technology group in the area of quantum information processing, with a focus on quantum error correction, fault-tolerant quantum computing and physical implementations. Please contact

Permanent positions (at postdoc level) are available to develop optical and microwave atomic clocks at the UK’s National Physical Laboratory. Contact: Details. 

2 Research Fellow Positions 
in Quantum Technology for Fundamental Physics at in the ITCM-Group at the University of Sussex. The research project is part of the UK ‘Network of clocks for measuring the stability of fundamental constants’ consortium. The consortium aims to build a network of dissimilar clocks to search for spatio-temporal changes in fundamental constants. The team at Sussex investigate transitions in molecular nitrogen ions to measure changes in the proton-to-electron mass ratio. Our partners in the network are the National Physical Laboratory, Imperial College London, the University of Birmingham and the University of Sussex. More information here or contact Matthias Keller (

A PhD position at Infineon on 1k Qubit Ion Traps. Details

The TITAN collaboration seeks 3 Postdoctoral Fellows to support its high-precision experiments at TRIUMF. Four on-line ion traps (a linear Paul trap, MR-TOF, EBIT, and Penning trap) are used to prepare and measure radioactive ion beams to study nuclear structure, nuclear astrophysics, and fundamental interactions. Please read here or contact Ania Kwiatkowski,, for more information.

A postdoctoral research associate to work on an electron electric dipole moment measurement using ultracold molecules. Details

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to


Continuously Parametrized Quantum Simulation of Molecular Electron-Transfer Reactions
Frank Schlawin, Manuel Gessner, Andreas Buchleitner, Tobias Schätz, and Spiros S. Skourtis
PRX Quantum 2, 010314 (2021)

Constraints on the Coupling between Axionlike Dark Matter and Photons Using an Antiproton Superconducting Tuned Detection Circuit in a Cryogenic Penning Trap
Jack A. Devlin, Matthias J. Borchert, Stefan Erlewein, Markus Fleck, James A. Harrington, Barbara Latacz, Jan Warncke, Elise Wursten, Matthew A. Bohman, Andreas H. Mooser, Christian Smorra, Markus Wiesinger, Christian Will, Klaus Blaum, Yasuyuki Matsuda, Christian Ospelkaus, Wolfgang Quint, Jochen Walz, Yasunori Yamazaki, and Stefan Ulmer
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 041301 (2021)

Deterministic spin-photon entanglement from a trapped ion in a fiber Fabry–Perot cavity
Pascal Kobel, Moritz Breyer & Michael Köhl
npj Quantum Information 7 , 1–7 (2021)

Designer Molecules for Fundamental-Symmetry Tests
Ronald F. Garcia Ruiz
Physics 14, 3 (2021)

Double-Electromagnetically-Induced-Transparency Ground-State Cooling of Stationary Two-Dimensional Ion Crystals
Mu Qiao, Ye Wang, Zhengyang Cai, Botao Du, Pengfei Wang, Chunyang Luan, Wentao Chen, Heung-Ryoul Noh, and Kihwan Kim
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 023604 (2021)

Dynamic Framework for Criticality-Enhanced Quantum Sensing
Yaoming Chu, Shaoliang Zhang, Baiyi Yu, and Jianming Cai
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 010502 (2021)

Entangling logical qubits with lattice surgery
Alexander Erhard, Hendrik Poulsen Nautrup, Michael Meth, Lukas Postler, Roman Stricker, Martin Stadler, Vlad Negnevitsky, Martin Ringbauer, Philipp Schindler, Hans J. Briegel, Rainer Blatt, Nicolai Friis & Thomas Monz
Nature 589 , 220–224 (2021)

Experimental verification of anti–Kibble-Zurek behavior in a quantum system under a noisy control field
Ming-Zhong Ai, Jin-Ming Cui, Ran He, Zhong-Hua Qian, Xin-Xia Gao, Yun-Feng Huang, Chuan-Feng Li, and Guang-Can Guo
Phys. Rev. A 103, 012608 (2021)

Generalized Hamiltonian to describe imperfections in ion-light interaction
Ming Li, Kenneth Wright, Neal C. Pisenti, Kristin M. Beck, Jason H. V. Nguyen, and Yunseong Nam
Phys. Rev. A 102, 062616 (2020)

Ground-state gj factors of the Cd+, Yb+, and Hg+ ions
Y. M. Yu, B. K. Sahoo, and B. B. Suo
Phys. Rev. A 102, 062824 (2020)

Improved Limits for Violations of Local Position Invariance from Atomic Clock Comparisons
R. Lange, N. Huntemann, J. M. Rahm, C. Sanner, H. Shao, B. Lipphardt, Chr. Tamm, S. Weyers, and E. Peik
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 011102 (2021)

Fast entangling gates in long ion chains
Zain Mehdi, Alexander K. Ratcliffe, and Joseph J. Hope
Phys. Rev. Research 3, 013026 (2021)

Heat rectification with a minimal model of two harmonic oscillators
M. A. Simón, A. Alaña, M. Pons, A. Ruiz-García, and J. G. Muga
Phys. Rev. E 103, 012134 (2021)

High-fidelity light-shift gate for clock-state qubits
C. H. Baldwin, B. J. Bjork, M. Foss-Feig, J. P. Gaebler, D. Hayes, M. G. Kokish, C. Langer, J. A. Sedlacek, D. Stack, and G. Vittorini
Phys. Rev. A 103, 012603 (2021)

Hyperfine structure and electric quadrupole transitions in the deuterium molecular ion
P. Danev, D. Bakalov, V. I. Korobov, and S. Schiller
Phys. Rev. A 103, 012805 (2021)

Nonlinear Bell inequality for macroscopic measurements
Adam Bene Watts, Nicole Yunger Halpern, and Aram Harrow
Phys. Rev. A 103, L010202 (2021)

Observation of Hong-Ou-Mandel interference with scalable Yb+-photon interfaces
Kim, Junki; Jeong, Junho; Jung, Changhyun; Lee, Minjae; Park, Yunjae; Dan Cho, Dong-il; Kim, Taehyun
Optics Express 28(26) 39727-39738 (2020)

Optical and electrical feedback cooling of a silica nanoparticle levitated in a Paul trap
Lorenzo Dania, Dmitry S. Bykov, Matthias Knoll, Pau Mestres, and Tracy E. Northup
Phys. Rev. Research 3, 013018 (2021)

Optical Mass Spectrometry of Cold RaOH+ and RaOCH3+
M. Fan, C. A. Holliman, X. Shi, H. Zhang, M. W. Straus, X. Li, S. W. Buechele, and A. M. Jayich
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 023002 (2021)

Penning ionization processes involving cold Rydberg alkali metal atoms
Alaa Abo Zalam, Milan S. Dimitrijević, Vladimir A. Srećković, Nikolai N. Bezuglov, Kaspars Miculis, Andrey N. Klyucharev and Aigars Ekers
Eur. Phys. J. D (2020) 74: 237

Performance evaluation of the discrete truncated Wigner approximation for quench dynamics of quantum spin systems with long-range interactions
Masaya Kunimi, Kazuma Nagao, Shimpei Goto, and Ippei Danshita
Phys. Rev. Research 3, 013060 (2021)

Precise Spectroscopy of High-Frequency Oscillating Fields with a Single-Qubit Sensor
Yaoming Chu, Pengcheng Yang, Musang Gong, Min Yu, Baiyi Yu, Martin B. Plenio, Alex Retzker, and Jianming Cai
Phys. Rev. Applied 15, 014031 (2021)

Probing Fundamental Symmetries of Deformed Nuclei in Symmetric Top Molecules
Phelan Yu and Nicholas R. Hutzler
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 023003 (2021)

Quantum effects in the Aubry transition
Pietro Maria Bonetti, Andrea Rucci, Maria Luisa Chiofalo, and Vladan Vuletić
Phys. Rev. Research 3, 013031 (2021)

Single ion qubit with estimated coherence time exceeding one hour
Pengfei Wang, Chun-Yang Luan, Mu Qiao, Mark Um, Junhua Zhang, Ye Wang, Xiao Yuan, Mile Gu, Jingning Zhang & Kihwan Kim
Nature Communications 12 , 1–8 (2021)

State Readout of a Trapped Ion Qubit Using a Trap-Integrated Superconducting Photon Detector
S. L. Todaro, V. B. Verma, K. C. McCormick, D. T. C. Allcock, R. P. Mirin, D. J. Wineland, S. W. Nam, A. C. Wilson, D. Leibfried, and D. H. Slichter
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 010501 (2021)

Thermodynamics of precision in quantum nanomachines
Antoine Rignon-Bret, Giacomo Guarnieri, John Goold, and Mark T. Mitchison
Phys. Rev. E 103, 012133 (2021)

Transport of a Single Cold Ion Immersed in a Bose-Einstein Condensate
T. Dieterle, M. Berngruber, C. Hölzl, R. Löw, K. Jachymski, T. Pfau, and F. Meinert
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 033401 (2021)

Tracking a Single Ion in an Ultracold Gas
Johannes Hecker Denschlag
Physics 14, 3 (2021)

Trapping, shaping, and isolating of an ion Coulomb crystal via state-selective optical potentials
Pascal Weckesser, Fabian Thielemann, Daniel Hoenig, Alexander Lambrecht, Leon Karpa, and Tobias Schaetz
Phys. Rev. A 103, 013112 (2021)


A compact ion-trap quantum computing demonstrator
Ivan Pogorelov, Thomas Feldker, Christian D. Marciniak, Georg Jacob, Verena Podlesnic, Michael Meth, Vlad Negnevitsky, Martin Stadler, Kirill Lakhmanskiy, Rainer Blatt, Philipp Schindler, Thomas Monz

A micro-optical module for multi-wavelength addressing of trapped ions
M. L. Day, K. Choonee, Z. Chaboyer, S. Gross, M. J. Withford, A. G. Sinclair, G. D. Marshall

Branching Quantum Convolutional Neural Networks
Ian MacCormack, Conor Delaney, Alexey Galda, Nidhi Aggarwal, Prineha Narang

Cold ion beam in a storage ring as a platform for large-scale quantum computers and simulators: challenges and directions for research and development
Timur Shaftan, Boris B. Blinov

Creation of double-well potentials in a surface-electrode trap towards a nanofriction model emulator
U. Tanaka, M. Nakamura, K. Hayasaka, A. Bautista-Salvadora, C. Ospelkaus, T. E. Mehlstäubler

Efficient, stabilized two-qubit gates on a trapped-ion quantum computer
Reinhold Blümel, Nikodem Grzesiak, Nhung H. Nguyen, Alaina M. Green, Ming Li, Andrii Maksymov, Norbert M. Linke, Yunseong Nam

Energy-transfer Quantum Dynamics of HeH+ with He atoms: Rotationally Inelastic Cross Sections and Rate Coefficients
Franco Gianturco, Kousik Giri, Lola Gonzalez-Sanchez, Ersin Yurtsever, Narayanasami Sathyamurthy, Roland Wester

Experimental Realization of Nonadiabatic Holonomic Single-Qubit Quantum Gates with Two Dark Paths in a Trapped Ion
Ming-Zhong Ai, Sai Li, Ran He, Zheng-Yuan Xue, Jin-Ming Cui, Yun-Feng Huang, Chuan-Feng Li, Guang-Can Guo

Experimentally Realizing Efficient Quantum Control with Reinforcement Learning
Ming-Zhong Ai, Yongcheng Ding, Yue Ban, José D. Martín-Guerrero, Jorge Casanova, Jin-Ming Cui, Yun-Feng Huang, Xi Chen, Chuan-Feng Li, Guang-Can Guo

Fabrication of 15NV− centers in diamond using a deterministic single ion implanter
K. Groot-Berning, G. Jacob, C. Osterkamp, F. Jelezko, F. Schmidt-Kaler

Improving Efficiency of Sympathetic Cooling in Atom-Ion and Atom-Atom Confined Collisions
Vladimir S. Melezhik

Improving entanglement generation rates in trapped ion quantum networks using nondestructive photon measurement and storage
John Hannegan, James D. Siverns, Jake Cassell, Qudsia Quraishi

Probing Multiple Electric Dipole Forbidden Optical Transitions in Highly Charged Nickel Ions
Shi-Yong Liang, Ting-Xian Zhang, Hua Guan, Qi-Feng Lu, Jun Xiao, Shao-Long Chen, Yao Huang, Yong-Hui Zhang, Cheng-Bin Li, Ya-Ming Zou, Ji-Guang Li, Zong-Chao Yan, Andrei Derevianko, Ming-Sheng Zhan, Ting-Yun Shi, Ke-Lin Gao

Quantum process tomography of a Mølmer-Sørensen gate via a global beam
Holly N Tinkey, Adam M Meier, Craig R Clark, Christopher M Seck, Kenton R Brown

Rapid production of defect-free beryllium ion Coulomb crystals
Qiming Wu, Melina Filzinger, Yue Shi, Zhihui Wang, Jiehang Zhang

Scalable hyperfine qubit state detection via electron shelving in the 2D5/2 and 2F7/2 manifolds in 171Yb+
C. L. Edmunds, T. R. Tan, A. R. Milne, A. Singh, M. J. Biercuk, C. Hempel

Spectral properties of a three body atom-ion hybrid system
D. J. Bosworth, M. Pyzh, P. Schmelcher

Symmetry-resolved dynamical purification in synthetic quantum matter
Vittorio Vitale, Andreas Elben, Richard Kueng, Antoine Neven, Jose Carrasco, Barbara Kraus, Peter Zoller, Pasquale Calabrese, Benoit Vermersch, Marcello Dalmonte

Testing CPT violation, entanglement and gravitational interactions in particle mixing with trapped ions
Antonio Capolupo, Salvatore Marco Giampaolo, Aniello Quaranta

TSV-integrated Surface Electrode Ion Trap for Scalable Quantum Information Processing
P. Zhao, J. -P. Likforman, H. Y. Li, J. Tao, T. Henner, Y. D. Lim, W. W. Seit, C. S. Tan, Luca Guidoni

Vibrational Quenching of CN- in Collisions with He and Ar
Barry Mant, Ersin Yurtsever, Lola González-Sánchez, Roland Wester, Franco A. Gianturco

Visible spectra of W8+ in an electron-beam ion trap
Q. Lu, C. L. Yan, J. Meng, G. Q. Xu, Y. Yang, C. Y. Chen, J. Xiao, J. G. Li, J. G. Wang, Y. Zou

ITN Newsletter – December 2020

Dear all,

here is 2021 ! We wish you an exciting New Year, far away from all viruses, full of new ideas, with lots of success in your experiments, theories and other projects, and we are looking forward to meet again in the not too far future!

Your editorial team


Special issue ” Trapped Ion Quantum Information“. Guest editor: Erik Torrontegui. Details

EPJ QT special issue: “Quantum Metrology & Quantum Enhanced Measurement“. Submissions are accepted from now until 30 June 2021. Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries 2020
an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community every Thursday   LINK

The Virtual AMO Seminar ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” ( Thursdays, 5pm


WInter School on Physics with Trapped Charged Particles, Les Houches (France) from January 25 – February 5th, 2021.  LINK

The MIAPP program “PARTICLE & AMO PHYSICISTS DISCUSSING QUANTUM SENSORS AND NEW PHYSICS” will be held at the Munich Institute for Astro- and Particle Physics (MIAPP, in Garching, Germany, from 1st to 26th March 2021.

European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI), Djurönäset, Sweden, summer 2021

52nd EGAS conference, in Zagreb, Croatia, 5-9 July 2021

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) in Toronto, Canada, 17-22 July 2022 LINK

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, June 2023


Postdoc and PhD positions are available at LaserLaB of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (The Netherlands) at several projects that focus on fundamental physics through laser precision measurements of He+, HD+, H2+, HD and HT. For more information see: LINK

Postdoctoral and PhD positions at RWTH Aachen and Forschungszentrum Jülich in the theoretical quantum technology group in the area of quantum information processing, with a focus on quantum error correction, fault-tolerant quantum computing and physical implementations. Please contact

Permanent positions (at postdoc level) are available to develop optical and microwave atomic clocks at the UK’s National Physical Laboratory. Contact: Details. 

2 Research Fellow Positions 
in Quantum Technology for Fundamental Physics at in the ITCM-Group at the University of Sussex. The research project is part of the UK ‘Network of clocks for measuring the stability of fundamental constants’ consortium. The consortium aims to build a network of dissimilar clocks to search for spatio-temporal changes in fundamental constants. The team at Sussex investigate transitions in molecular nitrogen ions to measure changes in the proton-to-electron mass ratio. Our partners in the network are the National Physical Laboratory, Imperial College London, the University of Birmingham and the University of Sussex. More information here or contact Matthias Keller (

A PhD position at Infineon on 1k Qubit Ion Traps. Details

The TITAN collaboration seeks 3 Postdoctoral Fellows to support its high-precision experiments at TRIUMF. Four on-line ion traps (a linear Paul trap, MR-TOF, EBIT, and Penning trap) are used to prepare and measure radioactive ion beams to study nuclear structure, nuclear astrophysics, and fundamental interactions. Please read here or contact Ania Kwiatkowski,, for more information.

A postdoctoral research associate to work on an electron electric dipole moment measurement using ultracold molecules. Details

postdoc position is available in the Patterson group at the University of California, Santa Barbara.  We are a relatively new group, developing new techniques for action spectroscopy in molecular ions.  A near-term goal of the research is realizing non-destructive spectroscopic identification of single polyatomic ions. Contact for more information. Postdoc and PhD positions for projects focussed on quantum computing with trapped ions are available at the University of Oxford, please contact Chris Ballance (

Postdoctoral Research Associate and PhD positions are available on quantum simulation with large beryllium ion crystals in a Penning trap at the University of Sydney. For details see HERE or contact Robert Wolf (

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to


Collinear laser spectroscopy of Ca+: Solving the field-shift puzzle of the 4s2S1/2→4p2P1/2,3/2 transitions
Patrick Müller, Kristian König, Phillip Imgram, Jörg Krämer, and Wilfried Nörtershäuser
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043351 (2020)

Controlled melting of a Wigner ion crystal with atomic resolution
Y.-Z. Xu, W.-D. Zhao, Y.-H. Hou, Q.-X. Mei, J.-Y. Ma, J. Wang, L. He, Z.-C. Zhou, Y.-K. Wu, and L.-M. Duan
Phys. Rev. A 102, 063121 (2020)

Cooperative Breakdown of the Oscillator Blockade in the Dicke Model
Florentin Reiter, Thanh Long Nguyen, Jonathan P. Home, and Susanne F. Yelin
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 233602 (2020)

Decay-rate power-law exponent as a link between dissociation energy and temperature
Paul Fischer and Lutz Schweikhard
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043177

Detecting Out-of-Time-Order Correlations via Quasiadiabatic Echoes as a Tool to Reveal Quantum Coherence in Equilibrium Quantum Phase Transitions
R. J. Lewis-Swan, S. R. Muleady, and A. M. Rey
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 240605 (2020)

Experimental Realization of Nonadiabatic Holonomic Single-Qubit Quantum Gates with Optimal Control in a Trapped Ion
Ming-Zhong Ai, Sai Li, Zhibo Hou, Ran He, Zhong-Hua Qian, Zheng-Yuan Xue, Jin-Ming Cui, Yun-Feng Huang, Chuan-Feng Li, and Guang-Can Guo
Phys. Rev. Applied 14, 054062 (2020)

Ground-state gj factors of the Cd+, Yb+, and Hg+ ions
Y. M. Yu, B. K. Sahoo, and B. B. Suo
Phys. Rev. A 102, 062824 (2020)

Heat rectification on the XX chain
Saulo H. S. Silva, Gabriel T. Landi, Raphael C. Drumond, and Emmanuel Pereira
Phys. Rev. E 102, 062146 (2020)

Hyperfine-mediated effects in a Lu+ optical clock
Zhang Zhiqiang, K. J. Arnold, R. Kaewuam, M. S. Safronova, and M. D. Barrett
Phys. Rev. A 102, 052834 (2020)

Ion-Molecule Reactions below 1 K: Strong Enhancement of the Reaction Rate of the Ion-Dipole Reaction He++CH3F
Valentina Zhelyazkova, Fernanda B. V. Martins, Josef A. Agner, Hansjürg Schmutz, and Frédéric Merkt
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 263401 (2020)

Lifetime-Limited Interrogation of Two Independent 27Al+Clocks Using Correlation Spectroscopy
Ethan R. Clements, May E. Kim, Kaifeng Cui, Aaron M. Hankin, Samuel M. Brewer, Jose Valencia, Jwo-Sy Chen, Chin-Wen Chou, David R. Leibrandt, and David B. Hume
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 243602 (2020)

Operation of an optical atomic clock with a Brillouin laser subsystem
William Loh, Jules Stuart, David Reens, Colin D. Bruzewicz, Danielle Braje, John Chiaverini, Paul W. Juodawlkis, Jeremy M. Sage & Robert McConnell
Nature volume 588, pages 244–249 (2020)

Radio frequency field-induced electron mobility in an ultracold plasma state of arrested relaxation
R. Wang, M. Aghigh, K. L. Marroquín, K. M. Grant, J. Sous, F. B. V. Martins, J. S. Keller, and E. R. Grant
Phys. Rev. A 102, 063122 (2020)

Relativistic ionization dynamics of hydrogenlike ions in strong electromagnetic fields: Generalized pseudospectral method for the time-dependent Dirac equation
Dmitry A. Telnov and Shih-I Chu
Phys. Rev. A 102, 063109 (2020)

Rovibrational quenching of C2− anions in collisions with He, Ne, and Ar atoms
Barry P. Mant, Franco A. Gianturco, Roland Wester, Ersin Yurtsever, and Lola González-Sánchez
Phys. Rev. A 102, 062810 (2020)

Scalable and Parallel Tweezer Gates for Quantum Computing with Long Ion Strings
Tobias Olsacher, Lukas Postler, Philipp Schindler, Thomas Monz, Peter Zoller, and Lukas M. Sieberer
PRX Quantum 1, 020316 (2020)

Slow Nonthermalizing Dynamics in a Quantum Spin Glass
Louk Rademaker and Dmitry A. Abanin
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 260405 (2020)


A dielectric microcylinder makes a nanocylindrical trap for atoms and ions
Vasily Klimov, Reza Heydarian, Constantin Simovski

Adiabatic Sensing Technique for Optimal Temperature Estimation using Trapped Ions
Aleksandrina V. Kirkova, Weibin Li, Peter A. Ivanov

An analytical approach to symmetry breaking in multipole RF-traps
Marylise Marchenay, Jofre Pedregosa-Gutierrez, Martina Knoop, Marie Houssin, Caroline Champenois

Analog quantum simulation of chemical dynamics
Ryan J. MacDonell, Claire E. Dickerson, Clare J. T. Birch, Alok Kumar, Claire L. Edmunds, Michael J. Biercuk, Cornelius Hempel, Ivan Kassal

Characterizing Topological Excitations of a Long-Range Heisenberg Model with Trapped Ions
Stefan Birnkammer, Annabelle Bohrdt, Fabian Grusdt, Michael Knap

Constructing quantum circuits with global gates
John van de Wetering

Crosstalk Suppression for Fault-tolerant Quantum Error Correction with Trapped Ions
Pedro Parrado-Rodríguez, Ciarán Ryan-Anderson, Alejandro Bermudez, Markus Müller

Efficient entanglement generation and detection of generalized stabilizer states
Yihong Zhang, Yifan Tang, You Zhou, Xiongfeng Ma

Exploring the many-body dynamics near a conical intersection with trapped Rydberg ions
Filippo Maria Gambetta, Chi Zhang, Markus Hennrich, Igor Lesanovsky, Weibin Li

Fabrication of 15NV− centers in diamond using a deterministic single ion implanter
K. Groot-Berning, G. Jacob, C. Osterkamp, F. Jelezko, F. Schmidt-Kaler

Finite temperature spectrum at the symmetry-breaking linear-zigzag transition
Jan Kiethe, Lars Timm, Haggai Landa, Dimitri Kalincev, Giovanna Morigi, Tanja E. Mehlstäubler

Floquet Gauge Pump
Abhishek Kumar, Gerardo Ortiz, Philip Richerme, Babak Seradjeh

Generation of High-Resolution Handwritten Digits with an Ion-Trap Quantum Computer
Manuel S. Rudolph, Ntwali Bashige Toussaint, Amara Katabarwa, Sonika Johri, Borja Peropadre, Alejandro Perdomo-Ortiz

High-precision measurements of krypton and xenon isotopes with a new static-mode Quadrupole Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer
G. Avice, A. Belousov, K. A. Farley, S. M. Madzunkov, J. Simcic, D. Nikolić, M. R. Darrach, C. Sotin

Imaging trapped ion structures via fluorescence cross-correlation detection
Stefan Richter, Sebastian Wolf, Joachim von Zanthier, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler

Integrated optical addressing of a trapped ytterbium ion
M. Ivory, W. J. Setzer, N. Karl, H. McGuinness, C. DeRose, M. Blain, D. Stick, M. Gehl, L. P. Parazzoli

Long-range Ising chains: eigenstate thermalization and symmetry breaking of excited states
Angelo Russomanno, Michele Fava, Markus Heyl

Motional heating of spatially extended ion crystals
D. Kalincev, L. S. Dreissen, A. P. Kulosa, C-H. Yeh, H. A. Fürst, T. E. Mehlstäubler

Nearest Centroid Classification on a Trapped Ion Quantum Computer
Sonika Johri, Shantanu Debnath, Avinash Mocherla, Alexandros Singh, Anupam Prakash, Jungsang Kim, Iordanis Kerenidis

Nuclear clocks for testing fundamental physics
E. Peik, T. Schumm, M. S. Safronova, A. Pálffy, J. Weitenberg, P. G. Thirolf

Numerical investigations of the minimum-B effect in Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source
V. Mironov, S. Bogomolov, A. Bondarchenko, A. Efremov, V. Loginov, D. Pugachev

Radial two-dimensional ion crystals in a linear Paul trap
Marissa D’Onofrio, Yuanheng Xie, A. J. Rasmusson, Evangeline Wolanski, Jiafeng Cui, Philip Richerme

The effect of active photons on dynamical frustration in cavity QED
Shane P. Kelly, Ana Maria Rey, Jamir Marino

Time-rescaling of Dirac dynamics: shortcuts to adiabaticity in ion traps and Weyl semimetals
Agniva Roychowdhury, Sebastian Deffner

ITN Newsletter – November 2020

Dear all,
the COST office is taking a survey on virtual networking. If you have any bright ideas what and how we can implement interactions between Ion Trappers in the next months, you are very welcome to reply to this newsletter message. Some “technical” coffee breaks or virtual  literature clubs could allow to spread information more widely. And of course you are all invited to the Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries seminar (see below).

Your editorial team


Klaus Blaum, Björn Jonnson and Piet Van Duppen have been awarded of the Lise-Meitner Prize 2020 (details). Congratulations!

The German Physical Society has published its 2021 awards and you will find many well-known faces from the Ion Trapping community and friends. Details on the (German) website.

The Physical Review Journal Club discusses latest research outcomes, as for example  HERE on “Benchmarking a High-Fidelity Mixed-Species Entangling Gate”.

Special issue ” Trapped Ion Quantum Information“. Guest editor: Erik Torrontegui. Details

EPJ QT special issue: “Quantum Metrology & Quantum Enhanced Measurement“. Submissions are accepted from now until 30 June 2021. Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries 2020
an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community every Thursday   LINK

The Virtual AMO Seminar ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” ( Thursdays, 5pm


WInter School on Physics with Trapped Charged Particles, Les Houches (France) from January 25 – February 5th, 2021. Our 4th edition is open for registration ! LINK

The MIAPP program “PARTICLE & AMO PHYSICISTS DISCUSSING QUANTUM SENSORS AND NEW PHYSICS” will be held at the Munich Institute for Astro- and Particle Physics (MIAPP, in Garching, Germany, from 1st to 26th March 2021.

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, 20-25 June 2021

European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI), Djurönäset, Sweden, summer 2021

52nd EGAS conference,  in Zagreb, Croatia, 5-9 July 2021

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) in Toronto, Canada, 17-22 July 2022 LINK


A PhD position at Infineon on 1k Qubit Ion Traps. Details

The TITAN collaboration seeks 3 Postdoctoral Fellows to support its high-precision experiments at TRIUMF. Four on-line ion traps (a linear Paul trap, MR-TOF, EBIT, and Penning trap) are used to prepare and measure radioactive ion beams to study nuclear structure, nuclear astrophysics, and fundamental interactions. Please read here or contact Ania Kwiatkowski,, for more information.

A postdoctoral research associate to work on an electron electric dipole moment measurement using ultracold molecules. Details

postdoc position is available in the Patterson group at the University of California, Santa Barbara.  We are a relatively new group, developing new techniques for action spectroscopy in molecular ions.  A near-term goal of the research is realizing non-destructive spectroscopic identification of single polyatomic ions. Contact for more information. Postdoc and PhD positions for projects focussed on quantum computing with trapped ions are available at the University of Oxford, please contact Chris Ballance (

Postdoctoral Research Associate and PhD positions are available on quantum simulation with large beryllium ion crystals in a Penning trap at the University of Sydney. For details see HERE or contact Robert Wolf (

Postdoctoral Research Associate and PhD positions for projects focused on quantum computing, quantum simulation, and precision metrology with trapped-ions in linear Paul traps are available at the University of Sydney. Closing date: 9 November 2020 (AEST). For further details please see the job advert or contact Michael Biercuk (

tenure-track position in AMO physics with a focus on quantum technologies at UC Louvain. Details are found HERE

The BASE-Mainz team seeks to fill a post-doc position and two PhD positions on antimatter experiments until the end of the year. Details on website, or contact Christian Smorra (

An open Ph.D./Postdoc position in the group of prof. Thorsten Schumm at the Vienna University of Technology: solid-state nuclear Thorium-229 clock development, for details, see ​

post-doc position is available in co-development of the ultimate monolithic 3D Paul-trap and Sr-ion quantum networking. Contact linke@umd.eduDetails

postdoc position is available in the group of Sourav Dutta (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India). The projects in the lab focus on trapped ions and ultracold molecules. For details please contact     Details

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to


Broadening of the drumhead-mode spectrum due to in-plane thermal fluctuations of two-dimensional trapped ion crystals in a Penning trap
Athreya Shankar, Chen Tang, Matthew Affolter, Kevin Gilmore, Daniel H. E. Dubin, Scott Parker, Murray J. Holland, and John J. Bollinger
Phys. Rev. A 102, 053106 (2020)

Confinement in the spectrum of a Heisenberg–Ising spin ladder
Gianluca Lagnese, Federica Maria Surace, Márton Kormos and Pasquale Calabrese
J. Stat. Mech. 2020 093106 (2020)

Control of N2+ air lasing
Mathew Britton, Marianna Lytova, Dong Hyuk Ko, Abdulaziz Alqasem, Peng Peng, D. M. Villeneuve, Chunmei Zhang, Ladan Arissian, and P. B. Corkum
Phys. Rev. A 102, 053110 (2020)

Doubly-magic character of 132Sn studied via electromagnetic moments of 133Sn
L. V. Rodríguez et al.
Phys. Rev. C 102, 051301(R) (2020)

Enhanced two-parameter phase-space-displacement estimation close to a dissipative phase transition
Peter A. Ivanov
Phys. Rev. A 102, 052611 (2020)

Experimental Realization of Nonadiabatic Holonomic Single-Qubit Quantum Gates with Optimal Control in a Trapped Ion
Ming-Zhong Ai, Sai Li, Zhibo Hou, Ran He, Zhong-Hua Qian, Zheng-Yuan Xue, Jin-Ming Cui, Yun-Feng Huang, Chuan-Feng Li, and Guang-Can Guo
Phys. Rev. Applied 14, 054062 (2020)

Facilitating spin squeezing generated by collective dynamics with single-particle decoherence
K. Tucker, D. Barberena, R. J. Lewis-Swan, J. K. Thompson, J. G. Restrepo, and A. M. Rey
Phys. Rev. A 102, 051701(R) (2020)

Geopotential measurement with a robust, transportable Ca+ optical clock
Yao Huang, Huaqing Zhang, Baolin Zhang, Yanmei Hao, Hua Guan, Mengyan Zeng, Qunfeng Chen, Yige Lin, Yuzhuo Wang, Shiying Cao, Kun Liang, Fang Fang, Zhanjun Fang, Tianchu Li, and Kelin Gao
Phys. Rev. A 102, 050802(R) (2020)

Integrated optical multi-ion quantum logic
Karan K. Mehta, Chi Zhang, Maciej Malinowski, Thanh-Long Nguyen, Martin Stadler, Jonathan P. Home
Nature 586, 533-537 (2020)

Mass measurements for the Tz=−2f p-shell nuclei 40Ti, 44Cr, 46Mn, 48Fe, 50Co, and 52Ni
C. Y. Fu et al.
Phys. Rev. C 102, 054311 (2020)

Mass-selective removal of ions from Paul traps using parametric excitation
Julian Schmidt, Daniel Hönig, Pascal Weckesser, Fabian Thielemann, Tobias Schaetz & Leon Karpa
Applied Physics B volume 126, Article number: 176 (2020)

Observation of strong two-electron–one-photon transitions in few-electron ions
M. Togawa, S. Kühn, C. Shah, P. Amaro, R. Steinbrügge, J. Stierhof, N. Hell, M. Rosner, K. Fujii, M. Bissinger, R. Ballhausen, M. Hoesch, J. Seltmann, S. Park, F. Grilo, F. S. Porter, J. P. Santos, M. Chung, T. Stöhlker, J. Wilms, T. Pfeifer, G. V. Brown, M. A. Leutenegger, S. Bernitt, and J. R. Crespo López-Urrutia
Phys. Rev. A 102, 052831 (2020)

Phase-coherent sensing of the center-of-mass motion of trapped-ion crystals
M. Affolter, K. A. Gilmore, J. E. Jordan, and J. J. Bollinger
Phys. Rev. A 102, 052609 (2020)

Prospects and challenges for squeezing-enhanced optical atomic clocks
Marius Schulte, Christian Lisdat, Piet O. Schmidt, Uwe Sterr & Klemens Hammerer
Nature Communications 11 , 1–10 (2020)

Quantum computer race intensifies as alternative technology gains steam
Elizabeth Gibney
Nature 587 , 342–343 (2020)

Radioactive ion beam manipulation at the IGISOL-4 facility
Heikki Penttilä, Olga Beliuskina, Laetitia Canete, Antoine de Roubin, Tommi Eronen, Marjut Hukkanen, Anu Kankainen, Iain Moore, Dmitrii Nesterenko, Philippos Papadakis, Ilkka Pohjalainen, Mikael Reponen, Sami Rinta-Antila, Jan Sarén, Juha Uusitalo, Markus Vilén and Ville Virtanen
EPJ Web of Conferences 239, 17002 (2020)

Randomized benchmarking in the analogue setting
E Derbyshire, J Yago Malo, A J Daley, E Kashefi and P Wallden
Quantum Sci. Technol. 5 034001 (2020)

Robust control of an ensemble of springs: Application to ion cyclotron resonance and two-level quantum systems
V. Martikyan, A. Devra, D. Guéry-Odelin, S. J. Glaser, and D. Sugny
Phys. Rev. A 102, 053104 (2020)

Sub-kelvin temperature management in ion traps for optical clocks
T. Nordmann, A. Didier, M. Doležal, P. Balling, T. Burgermeister and T. E. Mehlstäubler
Review of Scientific Instruments 91, 111301 (2020)

The new SI and the fundamental constants of nature
Miguel A. Martin-Delgado
Eur. J. Phys. 41 063003 (2020)

The Panopticon device: An integrated Paul-trap–hemispherical mirror system for quantum optics
G. Araneda, G. Cerchiari, D. B. Higginbottom, P. C. Holz, K. Lakhmanskiy, P. Obšil, Y. Colombe, and R. Blatt
Review of Scientific Instruments 91, 113201 (2020)

The 229 Th isomer: prospects for a nuclear optical clock
Lars von der Wense and Benedict Seiferle
Eur. Phys. J. A  56,: 277 (2020)


A high-fidelity method for a single-step N-bit Toffoli gate in trapped ions
Juan Diego Arias Espinoza, Koen Groenland, Matteo Mazzanti, Kareljan Schoutens, Rene Gerritsma

Approximate Unitary 3-Designs from Transvection Markov Chains
Xinyu Tan, Narayanan Rengaswamy, Robert Calderbank

Beating classical heuristics for the binary paint shop problem with the quantum approximate optimization algorithm
Michael Streif, Sheir Yarkoni, Andrea Skolik, Florian Neukart, Martin Leib

Coherent laser spectroscopy of highly charged ions using quantum logic
P. Micke, T. Leopold, S. A. King, E. Benkler, L. J. Spieß, L. Schmöger, M. Schwarz, J. R. Crespo López-Urrutia, P. O. Schmidt

Cold chemistry: a few-body perspective on impurity physics of a single ion in an ultracold bath
Jesús Pérez-Ríos

Controlled turbulence regime of electron cyclotron resonance ion source for improved multicharged ion performance
V. A. Skalyga, I. V. Izotov, A. G. Shalashov, E. D. Gospodchikov, E. M. Kiseleva, O. Tarvainen, H. Koivisto, V. Toivanen

Generating Target Graph Couplings for QAOA from Native Quantum Hardware Couplings
Joel Rajakumar, Jai Moondra, Swati Gupta, Creston D. Herold

Inelastic collision dynamics of a single cold ion immersed in a Bose-Einstein condensate
Thomas Dieterle, Moritz Berngruber, Christian Hölzl, Robert Löw, Krzysztof Jachymski, Tilman Pfau, Florian Meinert

Isotope-specific reactions of acetonitrile (CH3CN) with trapped, translationally cold CCl+
Olivia A. Krohn, Katherine J. Catani, James Greenberg, Srivathsan P. Sundar, Gabriel da Silva, Heather J. Lewandowski

Fast Cooling of Trapped Ion in Strong Sideband Coupling Regime
Shuo Zhang, Jian-Qi Zhang, Wei Wu, Wan-Su Bao, Chu Guo

Goldilock rules, Quantum cellular automata and coarse-graining
O. Duranthon, Giuseppe Di Molfetta

Integrated optical addressing of a trapped ytterbium ion
M. Ivory, W. J. Setzer, N. Karl, H. McGuinness, C. DeRose, M. Blain, D. Stick, M. Gehl, L. P. Parazzoli

Laserless quantum gates for electric dipoles in thermal motion
Eric R. Hudson, Wesley C. Campbell

Microwaves in Quantum Computing
Joseph C. Bardin, Daniel H. Slichter, David J. Reilly

Prototype of a phonon laser with trapped ions
Chen-Yu Lee, Kuan-Ting Lin, Guin-Dar Lin

Quantum Simulation of Light-Front Parton Correlators
M. G. Echevarria, I. L. Egusquiza, E. Rico, G. Schnell

Quantum simulations of light-matter interactions in arbitrary coupling regimes
L. Lamata

The Heidelberg compact electron beam ion traps
P. Micke, S. Kühn, L. Buchauer, J. R. Harries, T. M. Bücking, K. Blaum, A. Cieluch, A. Egl, D. Hollain, S. Kraemer, T. Pfeifer, P. O. Schmidt, R. X. Schüssler, Ch. Schweiger, T. Stöhlker, S. Sturm, R. N. Wolf, S. Bernitt, J. R. Crespo López-Urrutia

Three-dimensional matter-wave interferometry of trapped single ion
Ami Shinjo, Masato Baba, Koya Higashiyama, Ryoichi Saito, Takashi Mukaiyama

Trapping, Shaping and Isolating of Ion Coulomb Crystals via State-selective Optical Potentials
Pascal Weckesser, Fabian Thielemann, Daniel Hoenig, Alexander Lambrecht, Leon Karpa, Tobias Schaetz

ITN Newsletter – September 2020

Dear all,

due to the cancellation of many events this year, the organisers of ECTI and NACTI have agreed to shift the calendar by one year, so that ECTI will be held in 2021 and NACTI in 2022. More details soon to come.

Our well-known training school in Les Houches is open for pre-registration (see below). We cross our fingers that January in Les Houches will be on-site and in-snow!

Your editorial team


Special issue ” Trapped Ion Quantum Information“. Guest editor: Erik Torrontegui. Details

EPJ QT special issue: “Quantum Metrology & Quantum Enhanced Measurement“. Submissions are accepted from now until 30 June 2021. Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries 2020
an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community every Thursday   LINK

The Virtual AMO Seminar ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” ( Thursdays, 5pm


3rd Asia-Pacific Workshop on Trapped Quantum Systems (APTQS 2020) – Online Conference, Oct. 28–30, 2020. Details:

WInter School on Physics with Trapped Charged Particles, Les Houches (France) from January 25 – February 5th, 2021. Our 4th edition is open for registration ! LINK

The MIAPP program “PARTICLE & AMO PHYSICISTS DISCUSSING QUANTUM SENSORS AND NEW PHYSICS” will be held at the Munich Institute for Astro- and Particle Physics (MIAPP, in Garching, Germany, from 1st to 26th March 2021.

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, 20-25 June 2021

European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI), Djurönäset, Sweden, summer 2021

52nd EGAS conference,  in Zagreb, Croatia, 5-9 July 2021

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) in Toronto, Canada, 17-22 July 2022 LINK


Postdoctoral Research Associate and PhD positions for projects focused on quantum computing, quantum simulation, and precision metrology with trapped-ions in linear Paul traps are available at the University of Sydney. Closing date: 18 October 2020 (AEST) . For further details please see the job advert or contact Michael Biercuk (

The BASE-Mainz team seeks to fill a post-doc position and two PhD positions on antimatter experiments until the end of the year. Details on website, or contact Christian Smorra (

An open Ph.D./Postdoc position in the group of prof. Thorsten Schumm at the Vienna University of Technology: solid-state nuclear Thorium-229 clock development, for details, see​

post-doc position is available in co-development of the ultimate monolithic 3D Paul-trap and Sr-ion quantum networking. Contact linke@umd.eduDetails

postdoc position is available in the group of Sourav Dutta (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India). The projects in the lab focus on trapped ions and ultracold molecules. For details please contact     Details

A postdoc position in the Ultracold Quantum Molecular Systems Group at the University of Warsaw in Poland Details

Staff positions in trapped-ion quantum information processing at MIT Lincoln Laboratory; link ; contact:  John Chiaverini (

Postdoc job offer at the Ion Trapping group in Granada, to work on “Single-trapped-ion detection techniques for (super)heavy ions, precision experiments based on optical sensing and quartz amplifiers”. Details

post-doc position is available on “Precision 1S-2S spectroscopy of a single He+ ion for fundamental physics” in the group of Kjeld Eikema at the LaserLaB Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands. More information available here.

postdoc position in ion trap cavity QED for fast networked quantum computing is available in the Ion Trap Quantum Computing Group at the University of Oxford. For details please contact . More information is available here

Postdoctoral Research Associate and PhD positions for projects focused on quantum computing, quantum simulation, and precision metrology with trapped-ions in linear Paul traps are available at the University of Sydney. For details please contact Cornelius Hempel (

Postdoctoral Research Associate and PhD positions are available on quantum simulation with large beryllium ion crystals in a Penning trap at the University of Sydney. For details please contact Robert Wolf (

Postdoc position  in Frequency Metrology for Antihydrogen Physics at Alpha, CERN. LINK
And another postdoc position  for positron accumulation, delivery and preparation, also at Alpha, CERN Details


You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to


A very precise ratio
SCIENCE04 SEP 2020 : 1203-1205

Calculation of the energy-level structure of the HfF+ cation to search for parity-nonconservation effects
I. P. Kurchavov and A. N. Petrov
Phys. Rev. A 102, 032805 (2020)

Certified quantum gates
Wesley C. Campbell
Phys. Rev. A 102, 022426 (2020)

Charge-sharing dynamics of dissociating highly charged ions
J. Matsumoto, Y. Iwasaki, H. Shiromaru, and G. Veshapidze
Phys. Rev. A 102, 022819 (2020)

Cooling of a Zero-Nuclear-Spin Molecular Ion to a Selected Rotational State
Patrick R. Stollenwerk, Ivan O. Antonov, Sruthi Venkataramanababu, Yen-Wei Lin, and Brian C. Odom
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 113201 (2020)

Dipole-Phonon Quantum Logic with Trapped Polar Molecular Ions
Wesley C. Campbell and Eric R. Hudson
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 120501 (2020)

Direct observation of ultracold atom-ion excitation exchange
Ruti Ben-shlomi, Romain Vexiau, Ziv Meir, Tomas Sikorsky, Nitzan Akerman, Meirav Pinkas, Olivier Dulieu, and Roee Ozeri
Phys. Rev. A 102, 031301(R) (2020)

Enhanced ion–cavity coupling through cavity cooling in the strong coupling regime
Costas Christoforou, Corentin Pignot, Ezra Kassa, Hiroki Takahashi & Matthias Keller
Scientific Reports 10 , 1–7 (2020)

Evidence for Nonlinear Isotope Shift in Yb+ Search for New Boson
Ian Counts, Joonseok Hur, Diana P. L. Aude Craik, Honggi Jeon, Calvin Leung, Julian C. Berengut, Amy Geddes, Akio Kawasaki, Wonho Jhe, and Vladan Vuletić
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 123002 (2020)

Experimental deterministic correction of qubit loss
Roman Stricker, Davide Vodola, Alexander Erhard, Lukas Postler, Michael Meth, Martin Ringbauer, Philipp Schindler, Thomas Monz, Markus Müller & Rainer Blatt
Nature 585 , 207–210 (2020)

Experimental setup for studying an ultracold mixture of trapped Yb+–6Li
H. Hirzler, T. Feldker, H. Fürst, N. V. Ewald, E. Trimby, R. S. Lous, J. D. Arias Espinoza, M. Mazzanti, J. Joger, and R. Gerritsma
Phys. Rev. A 102, 033109 (2020)

High-precision molecular measurement
SCIENCE 04 SEP 2020 : 1160-1161 (2020)

Hints of Dark Bosons
Katherine Wright
Physics 13, s115, September 15 (2020)

Identification of molecular quantum states using phase-sensitive forces
Kaveh Najafian, Ziv Meir, Mudit Sinhal & Stefan Willitsch
Nature Communications 11 , 1–10 (2020)

Improved Isotope-Shift-Based Bounds on Bosons beyond the Standard Model through Measurements of the 2D3/2−2D5/2 Interval in Ca+
Cyrille Solaro, Steffen Meyer, Karin Fisher, Julian C. Berengut, Elina Fuchs, and Michael Drewsen
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 123003 (2020)

Improving the indistinguishability of single photons from an ion-cavity system
Thomas Walker, Samir Vartabi Kashanian, Travers Ward, and Matthias Keller
Phys. Rev. A 102, 032616 (2020)

Long-Range Multibody Interactions and Three-Body Antiblockade in a Trapped Rydberg Ion Chain
Filippo M. Gambetta, Chi Zhang, Markus Hennrich, Igor Lesanovsky, and Weibin Li
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 133602 (2020)

Lorentz and CPT tests with charge-to-mass ratio comparisons in Penning traps
Yunhua Ding and Mohammad Farhan Rawnak
Phys. Rev. D 102, 056009 (2020)

Many-Body Dephasing in a Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulator
Harvey B. Kaplan, Lingzhen Guo, Wen Lin Tan, Arinjoy De, Florian Marquardt, Guido Pagano, and Christopher Monroe
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 120605 (2020)

Nanoscale ion implantation using focussed highly charged ions
Paul Räcke, Ralf Wunderlich, Jürgen W Gerlach, Jan Meijer and Daniel Spemann
New J. Phys. 22 083028 (2020)

Nonadiabatic effects in the double ionization of atoms driven by a circularly polarized laser pulse
J. Dubois, C. Chandre, and T. Uzer
Phys. Rev. E 102, 032218 (2020)

Nonperturbative leakage elimination for a logical qubit encoded in a mechanical oscillator
Shasha Zheng, Qiongyi He, Mark S. Byrd, and Lian-Ao Wu
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033378 (2020)

Penning trap mass measurements of the deuteron and the HD+ molecular ion
Sascha Rau, Fabian Heiße, Florian Köhler-Langes, Sangeetha Sasidharan, Raphael Haas, Dennis Renisch, Christoph E. Düllmann, Wolfgang Quint, Sven Sturm & Klaus Blaum
Nature 585 , 43–47 (2020)

Proton-electron mass ratio from laser spectroscopy of HD+ at the part-per-trillion level
SCIENCE-04 SEP 2020 : 1238-1241 (2020)

Quantum simulation of extended polaron models using compound atom-ion systems
Krzysztof Jachymski and Antonio Negretti
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033326 (2020)

Quantum thermodynamics in adiabatic open systems and its trapped-ion experimental realization
Chang-Kang Hu, Alan C. Santos, Jin-Ming Cui, Yun-Feng Huang, Diogo O. Soares-Pinto, Marcelo S. Sarandy, Chuan-Feng Li & Guang-Can Guo
npj Quantum Information 6 , 1–11 (2020)

Quartz resonators for Penning traps toward mass spectrometry on the heaviest elements
S. Lohse, J. Berrocal, S. Böhland, J. van de Laar, M. Block, S. Chenmarev, Ch. E. Düllmann, Sz. Nagy, J. G. Ramírez, and D. Rodríguez
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 91, 093202 (2020).

Radiative cooling dynamics of isolated N2O+ ions in a cryogenic electrostatic ion storage ring
A. Hirota, R. Igosawa, N. Kimura, S. Kuma, K. C. Chartkunchand, P. M. Mishra, M. Lindley, T. Yamaguchi, Y. Nakano, and T. Azuma
Phys. Rev. A 102, 023119 (2020)

Single-atom heat engine as a sensitive thermal probe
Amikam Levy, Moritz Göb, Bo Deng, Kilian Singer, E Torrontegui and Daqing Wang
New J. Phys. 22 093020 (2020)

Significantly Improving the Escape Time of a Single 40Ca+ Ion in a Linear Paul Trap by Fast Switching of the Endcap Voltage
Peng-Peng Zhou (周朋朋), Shao-Long Chen (陈邵龙), Shi-Yong Liang (梁世勇), Wei Sun (孙伟), Huan-Yao Sun (孙焕尧), Yao Huang (黄垚), Hua Guan (管桦) and Ke-Lin Gao (高克林)
Chinese Phys. Lett. 37 093701 (2020)

Superconducting Flux Pump for a Planar Magnetic Field Source
J. H. Lacy, A. Cridland, J. Pinder, A. Uribe, R. Willetts and J. Verdú
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, vol. 30, no. 8, pp. 1-12, Dec. 2020, Art no. 4902412,

Three-Dimensional Compensation for Minimizing Heating of the Ion in Surface-Electrode Trap
Ji Li, Liang Chen, Yi-He Chen, Zhi-Chao Liu, Hang Zhang, Mang Feng
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2020, 37 (5): 053701

Weak-to-strong transition of quantum measurement in a trapped-ion system
Yiming Pan, Jie Zhang, Eliahu Cohen, Chun-wang Wu, Ping-Xing Chen & Nir Davidson
Nature Physics , 1–5 (2020)


Effects of cavity birefringence on remote entanglement generation
Ezra Kassa, William Hughes, Shaobo Gao, Joseph F Goodwin

Fault-Tolerant Operation of a Quantum Error-Correction Code
Laird Egan, Dripto M. Debroy, Crystal Noel, Andrew Risinger, Daiwei Zhu, Debopriyo Biswas, Michael Newman, Muyuan Li, Kenneth R. Brown, Marko Cetina, Christopher Monroe

High-energy-resolution measurement of ultracold atom-ion collisional cross section
Ruti Ben-shlomi, Meirav Pinkas, Ziv Meir, Tomas Sikorsky, Or Katz, Nitzan Akerman, Roee Ozeri

Investigating the quench dynamics of the bound states in a spin-orbital coupling system using a trapped ion
Hao-Qing Zhang, Ming-Zhong Ai, Jin-Ming Cui, Yong-Jian Han, Chuan-Feng Li, Guang-Can Guo

Many Body Thermodynamics on Quantum Computers via Partition Function Zeros
Akhil Francis, D. Zhu, C. Huerta Alderete, Sonika Johri, Xiao Xiao, J. K. Freericks, C. Monroe, N. M. Linke, A. F. Kemper

Materials Challenges for Trapped-Ion Quantum Computers
Kenneth R. Brown, John Chiaverini, Jeremy Sage, Hartmut Häffner

Measuring ion oscillations at the quantum level with fluorescence light
G. Cerchiari, G. Araneda, L. Podhora, L. Slodička, Y. Colombe, R. Blatt

Phoenix and Peregrine Ion Traps
Melissa C. Revelle

Precision measurement of the ionization energy of a single trapped 40Ca+ ion by Rydberg series excitation
Justas Andrijauskas, Jonas Vogel, Arezoo Mokhberi, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler

Quantum Effects in the Aubry Transition
Pietro Maria Bonetti, Andrea Rucci, Vladan Vuletic, Maria Luisa Chiofalo

Scalable and Parallel Tweezer Gates for Quantum Computing with Long Ion Strings
Tobias Olsacher, Lukas Postler, Philipp Schindler, Thomas Monz, Peter Zoller, Lukas M. Sieberer

Trapping, cooling, and photodissociation analysis of state-selected H_2+ ions produced by (3+1) multiphoton ionization
Julian Schmidt, Thomas Louvradoux, Johannes Heinrich, Nicolas Sillitoe, Malcolm Simpson, Jean-Philippe Karr, Laurent Hilico

ITN Newsletter – August 2020

Dear all,

due to the cancellation of many events this year, the organisers of ECTI and NACTI have agreed to shift the calendar by one year, so that ECTI will be held in 2021 and NACTI in 2022. More details soon to come.

Our well-known training school in Les Houches is open for pre-registration (see below). We cross our fingers that January in Les Houches will be on-site and in-snow!

Your editorial team


Special issue ” Trapped Ion Quantum Information“. Guest editor: Erik Torrontegui. Details

Special Issue in Applied Sciences (Open Access Journal): “Optical Trapping of Ions and Atoms 2020: Novel Advances and Prospects“, now open for submissions. Deadline 30 Sept 2020.
Guest Editors:  Tobias Schätz, Vladan Vuletic, Michael Drewsen, Jonathan Home, Leon Karpa        Details

EPJ QT special issue: “Quantum Metrology & Quantum Enhanced Measurement“. Submissions are accepted from now until 30 June 2021. Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries 2020
an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community every Thursday   LINK

The Virtual AMO Seminar ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” ( Thursdays, 5pm


Virtual Workshop on Quantum Programming in Theory, Experiment and the Classroom (QPTEC), Sep. 16-18, 2020.  Details

WInter School on Physics with Trapped Charged Particles, Les Houches (France) from January 25 – February 5th, 2021. Our 4th edition is open for registration ! LINK

The MIAPP program “PARTICLE & AMO PHYSICISTS DISCUSSING QUANTUM SENSORS AND NEW PHYSICS” will be held at the Munich Institute for Astro- and Particle Physics (MIAPP, in Garching, Germany, from 1st to 26th March 2021.

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, 20-25 June 2021

European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI), Djurönäset, Sweden, summer 2021

52nd EGAS conference,  in Zagreb, Croatia, 5-9 July 2021

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) in Toronto, Canada, 17-22 July 2022 LINK


post-doc position is available on “Precision 1S-2S spectroscopy of a single He+ ion for fundamental physics” in the group of Kjeld Eikema at the LaserLaB Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands. More information available here.

postdoc position in ion trap cavity QED for fast networked quantum computing is available in the Ion Trap Quantum Computing Group at the University of Oxford. For details please contact . More information is available here

Postdoctoral Research Associate and PhD positions for projects focused on quantum computing, quantum simulation, and precision metrology with trapped-ions in linear Paul traps are available at the University of Sydney. For details please contact Cornelius Hempel (

Postdoctoral Research Associate and PhD positions are available on quantum simulation with large beryllium ion crystals in a Penning trap at the University of Sydney. For details please contact Robert Wolf (

Postdoc position  in Frequency Metrology for Antihydrogen Physics at Alpha, CERN. LINK
And another postdoc position  for positron accumulation, delivery and preparation, also at Alpha, CERN Details

Research Officer, Frequency and Time, National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada, LINK

An open  post-doc position on an optical frequency transfer project, starting from September 2020 in Besançon, France. Details

Several PhD studentships at Sussex University, Brighton, UK    LINK

PhD position in the group of Tobias Schaetz at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg:
TIAMO: Trapping Ions, Atoms and Molecules Optically – interaction in the ultra-cold quantum regime LINK

An open Ph.D./Postdoc position with Thorium ions experiment in Vienna, for details contact T Sikorsky

PhD position in the group of Tobias Schaetz at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg:
Qsim – Experimental Quantum Simulations based on Arrays of Individually Trapped Ions LINK

post-doc position on 3-photon CPT resonances is available in the ion trapping group in Marseille, France. For more information please contact Caroline Champenois,

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to


A High-Power, Low-Noise, Ultraviolet Laser System for Trapped-Ion Quantum Computing
Tobey, R. I.; Lee, K. W.; Hankin, A. M.; Gresh, D. N.; Francois, D. J.; Bohnet, J. G.; Hayes, D.; Bohn, M. J.
CLEO: Applications and Technology, Paper# AF3K.3 (2020)

A trapped ion in an optomechanical system: entanglement dynamics
Marziyeh Hassani Nadiki, Mohammad Kazem Tavassoly and Navid Yazdanpanah
Eur. Phys. J. D (2018) 72: 110

Analysis of EUV spectra from N-shell tungsten ions observed with an electron beam ion trap
Tapasi Das, Yuri A. Podpaly, Joseph Reader, John D. Gillaspy and Yuri Ralchenko

Benchmarking a High-Fidelity Mixed-Species Entangling Gate
A. C. Hughes, V. M. Schäfer, K. Thirumalai, D. P. Nadlinger, S. R. Woodrow, D. M. Lucas, and C. J. Ballance
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 080504 (2020)

Coherent rotations of qubits within a surface ion-trap quantum computer
Martin W. van Mourik, Esteban A. Martinez, Lukas Gerster, Pavel Hrmo, Thomas Monz, Philipp Schindler, and Rainer Blatt
Phys. Rev. A 102, 022611 (2020)

Defect generation and dynamics during quenching in finite size homogeneous ion chains
J Pedregosa-Gutierrez and M Mukherjee
NJP 22, 073044 (2020)

Efficient Ground-State Cooling of Large Trapped-Ion Chains with an Electromagnetically-Induced-Transparency Tripod Scheme
L. Feng, W. L. Tan, A. De, A. Menon, A. Chu, G. Pagano, and C. Monroe
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 053001 (2020)

Energy localization in an atomic chain with a topological soliton
L. Timm, H. Weimer, L. Santos, and T. E. Mehlstäubler
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033198 (2020)

EO Integration of Planar Ion Trap and Silicon Photonics for Optical Addressing in Quantum Computing
Lim, Yu Dian; Tao, Jing; Zhao, Peng; Li, Hong Yu; Apriyana, Anak Agung Alit; Guidoni, Luca; Tan, Chuan Seng
CLEO: Applications and Technology, Paper# ATh1I.3 (2020)

Experimental investigation of joint measurement uncertainty relations for three incompatible observables at a single-spin level
Rehan, K.; Xiong, T. P.; Yan, L.-L.; Zhou, F.; Zhang, J. W.; Li, J. C.; Chen, L.; Yang, W. L.; Feng, M.
Optics Express 28(18) 25949-25968 (2020)

Investigation of experimental issues concerning successful operation of quantum-logic-based 27Al+ ion optical clock
Z. Y. Ma, H. L. Liu, W. Z. Wei, W. H. Yuan, P. Hao, Z. Deng, H. Che
Applied Physics B (2020)

Fewer Lasers Achieve Higher Fidelity Logic Gate
Katherine Wright
August 18, 2020• Physics 13, s106 (2020)

Hyperfine structure of 173Yb+: Toward resolving the 173Yb nuclear-octupole-moment puzzle
Di Xiao, Jiguang Li (李 冀光), Wesley C. Campbell, Thomas Dellaert, Patrick McMillin, Anthony Ransford, Conrad Roman, and Andrei Derevianko
Phys. Rev. A 102, 022810 (2020)

Hyperfine structure in the H+2 and HD+ molecular ions at order mα6
Vladimir I. Korobov, Jean-Philippe Karr, Mohammad Haidar, and Zhen-Xiang Zhong
Phys. Rev. A 102, 022804 (2020)

Interrogating the Temporal Coherence of EUV Frequency Combs with Highly Charged Ions
Chunhai Lyu, Stefano M. Cavaletto, Christoph H. Keitel, and Zoltán Harman
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 093201 (2020)

Multichannel optomechanical switch and locking system for wavemeters
Ghadimi, Moji; Bridge, Elizabeth M.; Scarabel, Jordan; Connell, Steven; Shimizu, Kenji; Streed, Erik; Lobino, Mirko
Applied Optics 59(17) 5136-5141 (2020)

Optical frequency analysis on dark state of a single trapped ion
Lešundák, Adam; Pham, Tuan M.; Čížek, Martin; Obšil, Petr; Slodička, Lukáš; Číp, Ondřej
Optics Express 28(9) 13091-13103 (2020)

Photodissociation of mono- and di-anionic tin clusters
M. Wolfram, S. Bandelow, A. Jankowski, S. König, G. Marx, L. Schweikhard
Eur. Phys. J. D 74, 135 (2020)

Proton-electron mass ratio from laser spectroscopy of HD+ at the part-per-trillion level
Sayan Patra, M. Germann, J.-Ph. Karr, M. Haidar, L. Hilico, V. I. Korobov, F. M. J. Cozijn, K. S. E. Eikema, W. Ubachs, J. C. J. Koelemeij
Science 30 Jul 2020

Quantum walks and Dirac cellular automata on a programmable trapped-ion quantum computer
C. Huerta Alderete, Shivani Singh, Nhung H. Nguyen, Daiwei Zhu, Radhakrishnan Balu, Christopher Monroe, C. M. Chandrashekar & Norbert M. Linke
Nature Communications 11 , 1–7 (2020)

Radiative cooling dynamics of isolated N2O+ ions in a cryogenic electrostatic ion storage ring
A. Hirota, R. Igosawa, N. Kimura, S. Kuma, K. C. Chartkunchand, P. M. Mishra, M. Lindley, T. Yamaguchi, Y. Nakano, and T. Azuma
Phys. Rev. A 102, 023119 (2020)

Scalable Arrays of Micro-Penning Traps for Quantum Computing and Simulation
S. Jain, J. Alonso, M. Grau, and J. P. Home
Phys. Rev. X 10, 031027 (2020)

Simulating lattice gauge theories within quantum technologies
Mari Carmen Bañuls, Rainer Blatt, Jacopo Catani, Alessio Celi, Juan Ignacio Cirac, Marcello Dalmonte, Leonardo Fallani, Karl Jansen, Maciej Lewenstein, Simone Montangero et al. (10 more)
Eur. Phys. J. D (2020) 74: 165

Single-phase multipole radiofrequency trap
S. S. Rudyi, T. A. Vovk, I. A. Kosternoi, V. V. Rybin and Yu. V. Rozhdestvensky
AIP Advances 10, 085016 (2020)

Strong-field frustrated double ionization of argon atoms
Shi Chen, Jing Chen, Gerhard G. Paulus, and HuiPeng Kang
Phys. Rev. A 102, 023103 (2020)

Studies of thorium and ytterbium ion trap loading from laser ablation for gravity monitoring with nuclear clocks
Piotrowski, Marcin; Scarabel, Jordan; Lobino, Mirko; Streed, Erik; Gensemer, Stephen
OSA Continuum 3(8) 2210-2221 (2020)

Superadiabatic thermalization of a quantum oscillator by engineered dephasing
L. Dupays, I. L. Egusquiza, A. del Campo, and A. Chenu
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033178 (2020)

Three-Dimensional Compensation for Minimizing Heating of the Ion in Surface-Electrode Trap
Ji Li, Liang Chen, Yi-He Chen, Zhi-Chao Liu, Hang Zhang, Mang Feng
Chin. Phys. Lett. 2020, 37 (5): 053701

Threshold Photodetachment Spectroscopy of the Positronium Negative Ion
Koji Michishio, Susumu Kuma, Yugo Nagata, Luca Chiari, Taro Iizuka, Riki Mikami, Toshiyuki Azuma, and Yasuyuki Nagashima
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 063001 (2020)

Towards Photonic Interconnects between Ion Traps for Scalable Quantum Information Processing
Takahashi, Hiroki
QELS Fundamental Science, Paper# FF1D.4 (2020)


Abelian and non-Abelian topological behavior of a neutral spin-1/2 particle in a background magnetic field
B. Zygelman

Analytical Approximate Solution of a Coupled Two Frequency Hill’s Equation
Varun Saxena

Broadening of the drumhead mode spectrum due to in-plane thermal fluctuations of two-dimensional trapped ion crystals in a Penning trap
Athreya Shankar, Chen Tang, Matthew Affolter, Kevin Gilmore, Daniel H. E. Dubin, Scott Parker, Murray J. Holland, John J. Bollinger

Certified quantum gates
Wesley C. Campbell

Dipole-phonon quantum logic with alkaline-earth monoxide and monosulfide cations
Michael Mills, Hao Wu, Evan C. Reed, Lu Qi, Kenneth R. Brown, Christian Schneider, Michael C. Heaven, Wesley C. Campbell, Eric R. Hudson

Dynamical engineering of squeezed thermal states
Léonce Dupays, Aurélia Chenu

Evading Detector Backaction on a Quantum Cyclotron
Xing Fan, Gerald Gabrielse

Experimentally verifying anti-Kibble-Zurek behavior in a quantum system under noisy control field
Ming-Zhong Ai, Jin-Ming Cui, Ran He, Zhong-Hua Qian, Xin-Xia Gao, Yun-Feng Huang, Chuan-Feng Li, Guang-Can Guo

High-precision mass measurement of 168Yb for verification of nonlinear isotope shift
D. A. Nesterenko, R. P. de Groote, T. Eronen, Z. Ge, M. Hukkanen, A. Jokinen, A. Kankainen

Improved readout of qubit-coupled Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill states
Jacob Hastrup, Ulrik Lund Andersen

Measurement of collisions between laser cooled cesium atoms and trapped cesium ions
Sourav Dutta, S. A. Rangwala

Nonperturbative leakage elimination for a logical qubit encoded in a mechanical oscillator
Shasha Zheng, Qiongyi He, Mark S. Byrd, Lian-Ao Wu

Normal Modes, Rotational Inertia, and Thermal Fluctuations of Trapped Ion Crystals
Daniel H. E. Dubin

Phase-adaptive dynamical decoupling methods for robust spin-spin dynamics in trapped ions
Lijuan Dong, Iñigo Arrazola, Xi Chen, Jorge Casanova

Phase-coherent sensing of the center-of-mass motion of trapped-ion crystals
M. Affolter, K. A. Gilmore, J. E. Jordan, J. J. Bollinger

Probing Fundamental Symmetries of Deformed Nuclei in Symmetric Top Molecules
Phelan Yu, Nicholas R. Hutzler

Scalable and Parallel Tweezer Gates for Quantum Computing with Long Ion Strings
Tobias Olsacher, Lukas Postler, Philipp Schindler, Thomas Monz, Peter Zoller, Lukas M. Sieberer

Single ion-qubit exceeding one hour coherence time
Pengfei Wang, Chun-Yang Luan, Mu Qiao, Mark Um, Junhua Zhang, Ye Wang, Xiao Yuan, Mile Gu, Jingning Zhang, Kihwan Kim

Spin dynamics under the influence of elliptically rotating fields: Extracting the field topology from time-averaged quantities
Jesús Casado-Pascual, Lucas Lamata, Andrés A. Reynoso

State Readout of a Trapped Ion Qubit Using a Trap-Integrated Superconducting Photon Detector
S. L. Todaro, V. B. Verma, K. C. McCormick, D. T. C. Allcock, R. P. Mirin, D. J. Wineland, S. W. Nam, A. C. Wilson, D. Leibfried, D. H. Slichter

Structural investigation of doubly-dehydrogenated pyrene cations
Sanjana Panchagnula, Jordy Bouwman, Daniël B. Rap, Pablo Castellanos, Alessandra Candian, Cameron Mackie, Shreyak Banhatti, Sandra Brünken, Harold Linnartz, Alexander G. G. M. Tielens

Sub-kelvin temperature management in ion traps for optical clocks
T. Nordmann, A. Didier, M. Doležal, P. Balling, T. Burgermeister, T. E. Mehlstäubler

Towards simulating 2D effects in lattice gauge theories on a quantum computer
Danny Paulson, Luca Dellantonio, Jan F. Haase, Alessio Celi, Angus Kan, Andrew Jena, Christian Kokail, Rick van Bijnen, Karl Jansen, Peter Zoller, Christine A. Muschik

Ultra-low vibration closed-cycle cryogenic surface-electrode ion trap apparatus
Timko Dubielzig, Sebastian Halama, Henning Hahn, Giorgio Zarantonello, Malte Niemann, Amado Bautista-Salvador, Christian Ospelkaus

TN Newsletter – July 2020

Dear all,

there has been a large variety of online tools and meeting platforms throughout the lockdown, the COST office has shared a number of these tools for online meetings on its webpage, which you might find helpful
Hopefully, we will not need them and can continue to look forward to some face-to-face meetings  !

Your editorial team


Special issue ” Trapped Ion Quantum Information“. Guest editor: Erik Torrontegui. Details

An upcoming topical collection in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics PCCP Quantum Computing and Quantum Information Storage is open until 30 July 2020. Details

Special Issue in Applied Sciences (Open Access Journal): “Optical Trapping of Ions and Atoms 2020: Novel Advances and Prospects“, now open for submissions.
Guest Editors:  Tobias Schätz, Vladan Vuletic, Michael Drewsen, Jonathan Home, Leon Karpa        Details

EPJ QT special issue: “Quantum Metrology & Quantum Enhanced Measurement“. Submissions are accepted from now until 30 June 2021. Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries 2020
an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community every Thursday   LINK

The Virtual AMO Seminar ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” ( Thursdays, 5pm


Please be aware that there might be last-minute cancellations

26th Young Atom Optician (YAO) conference to be held in Aarhus, Denmark POSTPONED to 17-21 August 2020 . LINK

52nd EGAS conference,  in Zagreb, Croatia POSTPONED to 5-9 July 2021

European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI), Djurönäset, Sweden, POSTPONED

CANCELLED – 13th International Workshop on Non-Neutral Plasmas, Milano, Italy, 13-16 July 2020 LINK

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) in Toronto, Canada, POSTPONED to 17-22 July 2022 LINK

CANCELLED – CCMI 2020 – Cold and Controlled Molecules and Ions, 6 – 11 September 2020, Durham University, UK, LINK

WInter School on Physics with Trapped Charged Particles, Les Houches (France) from January 25 – February 5th, 2021. Our 4th edition is open for registration ! LINK

“PARTICLE & AMO PHYSICISTS DISCUSSING QUANTUM SENSORS AND NEW PHYSICS” will be held at the Munich Institute for Astro- and Particle Physics (MIAPP) in Garching, Germany, from 1st to 26th March 2021.

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, 20-25 June 2021


Postdoc position  in Frequency Metrology for Antihydrogen Physics at Alpha, CERN. LINK

Research Officer, Frequency and Time, National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada, LINK

An open  post-doc position on an optical frequency transfer project, starting from September 2020 in Besançon, France. Details

Several PhD studentships at Sussex University, Brighton, UK    LINK

PhD position in the group of Tobias Schaetz at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg:
TIAMO: Trapping Ions, Atoms and Molecules Optically – interaction in the ultra-cold quantum regime LINK

An open Ph.D./Postdoc position with Thorium ions experiment in Vienna, for details contact T Sikorsky

PhD position in the group of Tobias Schaetz at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg:
Qsim – Experimental Quantum Simulations based on Arrays of Individually Trapped Ions LINK

post-doc position on 3-photon CPT resonances is available in the ion trapping group in Marseille, France. For more information please contact Caroline Champenois,

PhD position in precise spectroscopic measurements at Laser Physics Lab, Sorbonne Paris Nord University LINK

postdoc position is available in the group of Stefan Willitsch (University of Basel, Switzerland). The project focuses on the study of cold ion-neutral interactions using hybrid trapping techniques.  Details

A new ion trap experiment is looking for a postdoc! There is an open position in ion trap cavity QED in Okinawa, Japan. Details

postdoc position in quantum metrology with trapped ions is available in the Ion Storage Group (Boulder, Colorado). For details please contact More information available here.

Postdoc position available on “Shortcut-Enhanced Quantum Thermodynamics” in the group of Andreas Ruschhaupt in University College Cork, Cork, Ireland. Details

PhD position available on “Shortcut-Enhanced Quantum Thermodynamics” in the group of Andreas Ruschhaupt in University College Cork, Cork, Ireland. Details

postdoc position on ultrastable lasers is available at SYRTE, Paris. LINK

postdoc position at Rice University in the group of Guido Pagano. LINK

PTB offers new PostDoc and PhD positions for physicists or engineers to develop and produce integrated ion traps within our Quantum Technology Center. Please contact Tanja Mehlstäubler for further details.

A postdoc position in the Ultracold Quantum Molecular Systems Group at the University of Warsaw in Poland Details

A PhD position on spectroscopy of silicon clusters. LINK

Fully funded PhD studentships available in Swansea (collaboration work at CERN). LINK

postdoctoral opening on storage ring technologies for quantum computing. Job id 1989 on the BNL careers site. The job description can be found here. For more information please email Kevin Brown,


You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to


A Speed Test for Ripples in a Quantum System
Marc Cheneau and Laurent Sanchez-Palencia
Physics 13, 109 (2020)

Adaptive characterization of spatially inhomogeneous fields and errors in qubit registers
Riddhi Swaroop Gupta, Claire L. Edmunds, Alistair R. Milne, Cornelius Hempel & Michael J. Biercuk
npj Quantum Information 6 , 1–10 (2020)

Confinement and bound states of bound states in a transverse-field two-leg Ising ladder
Flávia B. Ramos, Máté Lencsés, J. C. Xavier, and Rodrigo G. Pereira
Phys. Rev. B 102, 014426 (2020)

Direct Characteristic-Function Tomography of Quantum States of the Trapped-Ion Motional Oscillator
C. Flühmann and J. P. Home
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 043602 (2020)

Direct observation of a Feshbach resonance by coincidence detection of ions and electrons in Penning ionization collisions
Baruch Margulis, Julia Narevicius & Edvardas Narevicius
Nature Communications 11 , 1–6 (2020)

Generalized excitation of atomic multipole transitions by twisted light modes
S. A.-L. Schulz, A. A. Peshkov, R. A. Müller, R. Lange, N. Huntemann, Chr. Tamm, E. Peik, and A. Surzhykov
Phys. Rev. A 102, 012812 (2020)

Hierarchy of Linear Light Cones with Long-Range Interactions
Minh C. Tran, Chi-Fang Chen, Adam Ehrenberg, Andrew Y. Guo, Abhinav Deshpande, Yifan Hong, Zhe-Xuan Gong, Alexey V. Gorshkov, and Andrew Lucas
Phys. Rev. X 10, 031009 (2020)

Kibble-Zurek scaling in quantum speed limits for shortcuts to adiabaticity
Ricardo Puebla, Sebastian Deffner, and Steve Campbell
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 032020(R) (2020)

Laser spectroscopy of indium Rydberg atom bunches by electric field ionization
A. R. Vernon, C. M. Ricketts, J. Billowes, T. E. Cocolios, B. S. Cooper, K. T. Flanagan, R. F. Garcia Ruiz, F. P. Gustafsson, G. Neyens, H. A. Perrett, B. K. Sahoo, Q. Wang, F. J. Waso & X. F. Yang
Scientific Reports 10 , 1–18 (2020)

Many-body calculations and hyperfine-interaction effect on dynamic polarizabilities at the low-lying energy levels of Y2+
Arghya Das, Anal Bhowmik, Narendra Nath Dutta, and Sonjoy Majumder
Phys. Rev. A 102, 012801 (2020)

Measurements of linear polarization of satellite transitions from Li- and Be-like Ar ions
A C Gall, Dipti, S W Buechele, S Sanders, C I Szabo, R Silwal, Yu Ralchenko, N Brickhouse and E Takacs
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 53 145004 (2020)

Nonequilibrium Criticality in Quench Dynamics of Long-Range Spin Models
Paraj Titum and Mohammad F. Maghrebi
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 040602 (2020)

Optical frequency combs: Coherently uniting the electromagnetic spectrum
Scott A. Diddams, Kerry Vahala, Thomas Udem
Science 17 Jul 2020, Vol. 369, Issue 6501, eaay3676

Optical clocks based on the Cf15+ and Cf17+ ions
S. G. Porsev, U. I. Safronova, M. S. Safronova, P. O. Schmidt, A. I. Bondarev, M. G. Kozlov, I. I. Tupitsyn, and C. Cheung
Phys. Rev. A 102, 012802 (2020)

Practical trapped-ion protocols for universal qudit-based quantum computing
Pei Jiang Low, Brendan M. White, Andrew A. Cox, Matthew L. Day, and Crystal Senko
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033128 (2020)

Quantum phase transitions in a spin-1 antiferromagnetic chain with long-range interactions and modulated single-ion anisotropy
Jie Ren, Wen-Long You, and Andrzej M. Oleś
Phys. Rev. B 102, 024425 (2020)

Quantum walks and Dirac cellular automata on a programmable trapped-ion quantum computer
C. Huerta Alderete, Shivani Singh, Nhung H. Nguyen, Daiwei Zhu, Radhakrishnan Balu, Christopher Monroe, C. M. Chandrashekar & Norbert M. Linke
Nature Communications volume 11, Article number: 3720 (2020) 

Single-atom verification of the information-theoretical bound of irreversibility at the quantum level
J. W. Zhang, K. Rehan, M. Li, J. C. Li, L. Chen, S.-L. Su, L.-L. Yan, F. Zhou, and M. Feng
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033082 (2020)

Strictly Linear Light Cones in Long-Range Interacting Systems of Arbitrary Dimensions
Tomotaka Kuwahara and Keiji Saito
Phys. Rev. X 10, 031010 (2020)

Trapped-ion entangling gates robust against qubit frequency errors
Jake Lishman and Florian Mintert
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033117 (2020)

Real-time dynamics of string breaking in quantum spin chains
Roberto Verdel, Fangli Liu, Seth Whitsitt, Alexey V. Gorshkov, and Markus Heyl
Phys. Rev. B 102, 014308 (2020)

Reliability of Lattice Gauge Theories
Jad C. Halimeh and Philipp Hauke
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 030503 (2020)

Resource Estimation for Quantum Variational Simulations of the Hubbard Model
Zhenyu Cai
Phys. Rev. Applied 14, 014059 (2020)

Scalable quantum computation with fast gates in two-dimensional microtrap arrays of trapped ions
Zain Mehdi, Alexander K. Ratcliffe, and Joseph J. Hope
Phys. Rev. A 102, 012618 (2020)


Coherence properties of highly-excited motional states of a trapped ion
Vincent Jarlaud, Pavel Hrmo, Manoj K. Joshi, Richard C. Thompson

From megahertz to terahertz qubits encoded in molecular ions: theoretical analysis of dipole-forbidden spectroscopic transitions in N+2
Kaveh Najafian, Ziv Meir, Stefan Willitsch

High-Fidelity Simultaneous Detection of Trapped Ion Qubit Register
Liudmila A. Zhukas, Peter Svihra, Andrei Nomerotski, Boris B. Blinov

Laboratory study of the formation of fullerene (from smaller to larger, C44 to C70)/anthracene cluster cations in the gas phase
Deping Zhang, Yuanyuan Yang, Xiaoyi Hu, Junfeng Zhen

Local quench spectroscopy of many-body quantum systems
L. Villa, J. Despres, S. J. Thomson, L. Sanchez-Palencia

Multi-GHz repetition rate, multi-watt average power, ultraviolet laser pulses for fast trapped-ion entanglement operations
M. I. Hussain, D. Heinrich, M. Guevara-Bertsch, E. Torrontegui, J. J. Garcıa-Ripoll, C. F. Roos, R. Blatt

Nonclassicality detection from few Fock-state probabilities
Luca Innocenti, Lukáš Lachman, Radim Filip

Observation of PT-symmetry and exceptional point in ion trap
Wei-Chen Wang, Pin-xing Chen

Optical mass spectrometry of cold RaOH+ and RaOCH3+
M. Fan, C. A. Holliman, X. Shi, H. Zhang, M. W. Straus, X. Li, S. W. Buechele, A. M. Jayich

Optimizing Quantum Search with a Binomial Version of Grover’s Algorithm
Austin Gilliam, Marco Pistoia, Constantin Gonciulea

Photon-mediated entanglement scheme between a ZnO semiconductor defect and a trapped Yb ion
Jennifer F. Lilieholm, Vasilis Niaouris, Alexander Kato, Kai-Mei C. Fu, Boris B. Blinov

Precision measurements with cold atoms and trapped ions
Qiuxin Zhang, Yirong Wang, Chenhao Zhu, Yuxin Wang, Xiang Zhang, Kuiyi Gao, Wei Zhang

Probing eigenstate thermalization with the emergence of fluctuation-dissipation relations in quantum simulators
Alexander Schuckert, Michael Knap

Quantum Fan-out: Circuit Optimizations and Technology Modeling
Pranav Gokhale, Samantha Koretsky, Shilin Huang, Swarnadeep Majumder, Andrew Drucker, Kenneth R. Brown, Frederic T. Chong

Quantum Gates on Individually-Addressed Atomic Qubits Subject to Noisy Transverse Motion
M. Cetina, L. N. Egan, C. A. Noel, M. L. Goldman, A. R. Risinger, D. Zhu, D. Biswas, C. Monroe

Quantum simulations with complex geometries and synthetic gauge fields in a trapped ion chain
Tom Manovitz, Yotam Shapira, Nitzan Akerman, Ady Stern, Roee Ozeri

Recoil Momentum Effects in Quantum Processes Induced by Twisted Photons
Andrei Afanasev, Carl E. Carlson, Asmita Mukherjee

Single-Atom Verification of the Information-Theoretical Bound of Irreversibility at the Quantum Level
J. W. Zhang, K. Rehan, M. Li, J. C. Li, L. Chen, S. -L. Su, L. -L. Yan, F. Zhou, M. Feng

Stabilization of 866 nm laser with Pound-Drever-Hall (PDH) technique for quantum manipulation of Ca+ ion in Paul trap
Siddhant Singh

Tunable transverse spin-motion coupling for quantum information processing
Adam D West, Randall Putnam, Wesley C Campbell, Paul Hamilton

Ultra-fast two-qubit ion gate using sequences of resonant pulses
E. Torrontegui, D. Heinrich, M. I. Hussain, R. Blatt, J. J. García-Ripoll

Vacuum Characterization of a Compact Room-temperature Trapped Ion System
Yuhi Aikyo, Geert Vrijsen, Thomas W. Noel, Alexander Kato, Megan K. Ivory, Jungsang Kim

Verifying the upper bound on the speed of scrambling with the analogue Hawking radiation of trapped ions
Zehua Tian, Yiheng Lin, Uwe R. Fischer, Jiangfeng Du

ITN Newsletter – June 2020

Dear all,

The last few months have been challenging, with not many news from the labs. However, the ever-growing international ion trap company population has been very successful in funding, awards and press coverage. We’ll try to follow this rapid evolution, but for those who need their information faster, do not hesitate to subscribe to our Twitter account @tipicqa which closely follows @Ion_busters and other fore-front ion trappers.

Your editorial team


On Thursday, 25 June 2020, Peter Toschek, one of the pioneers of ion trapping, has passed way. Peter Toschek has demonstrated laser cooling of ions in 1978, and observed the first individual ions in 1980. He has been very present in the ion trapping community for many decades. For his many important contributions, Peter Toschek was awarded the Herbert-Walther Award in 2015. More

Special issue ” Trapped Ion Quantum Information“. Guest editor: Erik Torrontegui. Details

An upcoming topical collection in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics PCCP Quantum Computing and Quantum Information Storage is open until 30 July 2020. Details

Special Issue in Applied Sciences (Open Access Journal): “Optical Trapping of Ions and Atoms 2020: Novel Advances and Prospects“, now open for submissions.
Guest Editors:  Tobias Schätz, Vladan Vuletic, Michael Drewsen, Jonathan Home, Leon Karpa        Details

EPJ QT special issue: “Quantum Metrology & Quantum Enhanced Measurement“. Submissions are accepted from now until 30 June 2021. Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries 2020
an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community every Thursday   LINK

The Virtual AMO Seminar ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” ( Thursdays, 5pm


Please be aware that there might be last-minute cancellations

26th Young Atom Optician (YAO) conference to be held in Aarhus, Denmark POSTPONED to 17-21 August 2020 . LINK

52nd EGAS conference,  in Zagreb, Croatia POSTPONED to 5-9 July 2021

European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI), Djurönäset, Sweden, POSTPONED

CANCELLED – 13th International Workshop on Non-Neutral Plasmas, Milano, Italy, 13-16 July 2020 LINK

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) in Toronto, Canada, POSTPONED to 17-22 July 2022 LINK

CANCELLED – CCMI 2020 – Cold and Controlled Molecules and Ions, 6 – 11 September 2020, Durham University, UK, LINK

WInter School on Physics with Trapped Charged Particles, Les Houches (France) from January 25 – February 5th, 2021. Our 4th edition is open for registration ! LINK

“PARTICLE & AMO PHYSICISTS DISCUSSING QUANTUM SENSORS AND NEW PHYSICS” will be held at the Munich Institute for Astro- and Particle Physics (MIAPP) in Garching, Germany, from 1st to 26th March 2021.

25th ICOLS, Estes Park, Colorado/USA, 20-25 June 2021


post-doc position on 3-photon CPT resonances is available in the ion trapping group in Marseille, France. For more information please contact Caroline Champenois,

postdoc position is available in the group of Stefan Willitsch (University of Basel, Switzerland). The project focuses on the study of cold ion-neutral interactions using hybrid trapping techniques.  Details

A new ion trap experiment is looking for a postdoc! There is an open position in ion trap cavity QED in Okinawa, Japan. Details

postdoc position in quantum metrology with trapped ions is available in the Ion Storage Group (Boulder, Colorado). For details please contact More information available here.

Postdoc position available on “Shortcut-Enhanced Quantum Thermodynamics” in the groupof Andreas Ruschhaupt in University College Cork, Cork, Ireland. Details

PhD position available on “Shortcut-Enhanced Quantum Thermodynamics” in the groupof Andreas Ruschhaupt in University College Cork, Cork, Ireland. Details

postdoc position on ultrastable lasers is available at SYRTE, Paris. LINK

postdoc position at Rice University in the group of Guido Pagano. LINK

PTB offers new PostDoc and PhD positions for physicists or engineers to develop and produce integrated ion traps within our Quantum Technology Center. Please contact Tanja Mehlstäubler for further details.

A postdoc position in the Ultracold Quantum Molecular Systems Group at the University of Warsaw in Poland Details

A PhD position on spectroscopy of silicon clusters. LINK

Fully funded PhD studentships available in Swansea (collaboration work at CERN). LINK

postdoctoral opening on storage ring technologies for quantum computing. Job id 1989 on the BNL careers site. The job description can be found here. For more information please email Kevin Brown,


You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to


A Paul trap with sectored ring electrodes for experiments with two-dimensional ion crystals
M. K. Ivory, A. Kato, A. Hasanzadeh, and B. B. Blinov
Review of Scientific Instruments 91, 053201 (2020)

Ab initio electronic structure of the Sr2 + molecular ion
Michał Śmiałkowski, Tatiana Korona and Michał Tomza
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 53 135303 (2020)

Action spectra of chiral secondary structure
Perdita Barran
Science 26 Jun 2020 : 1426-1427

Adaptive characterization of spatially inhomogeneous fields and errors in qubit registers
Riddhi Swaroop Gupta, Claire L. Edmunds, Alistair R. Milne, Cornelius Hempel & Michael J. Biercuk –
npj Quantum Information 6 , 1–10 (2020)

Branching fractions for P3/2 decays in Ba+
Zhiqiang Zhang, K. J. Arnold, S. R. Chanu, R. Kaewuam, M. S. Safronova, and M. D. Barrett
Phys. Rev. A 101, 062515 (2020)

Cold Atoms and Molecules
a BOOK by Masatoshi Kajita
IOP Science June 2020

Controlling the rf phase error induced micromotion in Paul trap
Ting Chen, Wei Wu, Yi Xie, Jie Zhang, Baoquan Ou, Chunwang Wu & Pingxing Chen
Applied Physics B volume 126, Article number: 102 (2020)

Direct reconstruction of the quantum-master-equation dynamics of a trapped-ion qubit
Eitan Ben Av, Yotam Shapira, Nitzan Akerman, and Roee Ozeri
Phys. Rev. A 101, 062305 (2020)

Double-ionization mechanisms of magnesium driven by electron impact
S. Mittal, J. Dubois, C. Chandre, and T. Uzer
Phys. Rev. A 101, 062707 (2020)

Efficient arbitrary simultaneously entangling gates on a trapped-ion quantum computer
Nikodem Grzesiak, Reinhold Blümel, Kenneth Wright, Kristin M. Beck, Neal C. Pisenti, Ming Li, Vandiver Chaplin, Jason M. Amini, Shantanu Debnath, Jwo-Sy Chen & Yunseong Nam – Show fewer authors
Nature Communications 11 , 1–6 (2020)

Electron-impact recombination and excitation rates for charge-state-selected highly charged Si ions
E. Lindroth, I. Orban, S. Trotsenko, and R. Schuch
Phys. Rev. A 101, 062706 (2020)

Envelope-Driven Recollisions Triggered by an Elliptically Polarized Pulse
J. Dubois, C. Chandre, and T. Uzer
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 253203 (2020)

EUV spectroscopy of highly charged Sn13+−Sn15+ ions in an electron-beam ion trap
J. Scheers, C. Shah, A. Ryabtsev, H. Bekker, F. Torretti, J. Sheil, D. A. Czapski, J. C. Berengut, W. Ubachs, J. R. Crespo López-Urrutia, R. Hoekstra, and O. O. Versolato
Phys. Rev. A 101, 062511 (2020)

Fabrication of optical nanofibre-based cavities using focussed ion-beam milling: a review
Priscila Romagnoli, Maki Maeda, Jonathan M. Ward, Viet Giang Truong & Síle Nic Chormaic
Applied Physics B volume 126, Article number: 111 (2020)

Heat-flow reversal in a trapped-ion simulator
P. U. Medina González, I. Ramos-Prieto, and B. M. Rodríguez-Lara
Phys. Rev. A 101, 062108 (2020)

Mass-resolved electronic circular dichroism ion spectroscopy
Steven Daly, Frédéric Rosu, Valérie Gabelica
Science 26 Jun 2020 : 1465-1468

Measurements of linear polarization of satellite transitions from Li- and Be-like Ar ions
A C Gall, Dipti, S W Buechele, S Sanders, C I Szabo, R Silwal, Yu Ralchenko, N Brickhouse and E Takacs
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 53 145004 (2020)

Narrow-band hard-x-ray lasing with highly charged ions
Chunhai Lyu, Stefano M. Cavaletto, Christoph H. Keitel & Zoltán Harman
Scientific Reports 10 , 1–14 (2020)

Optical control of atom-ion collisions using a Rydberg state
Limei Wang, Markus Deiß, Georg Raithel and Johannes Hecker Denschlag
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 53 134005 (2020)

Prospects in rare-gas hydride ions for terahertz frequency standards
Masatoshi Kajita and Naoki Kimura
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 53 135401 (2020)

Quantum Information Scrambling in a Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulator with Tunable Range Interactions
Manoj K. Joshi, Andreas Elben, Benoît Vermersch, Tiff Brydges, Christine Maier, Peter Zoller, Rainer Blatt, and Christian F. Roos
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 240505 (2020)

Robust dynamical exchange cooling with trapped ions
Tobias Sägesser, Roland Matt, Robin Oswald and Jonathan P. Home
New Journal of Physics (2020)

Spectroscopic analysis of N-intrashell transitions in Rb-like to Ni-like Yb ions
Dipti , R Silwal, J M Dreiling, S C Sanders, E Takacs and Yu Ralchenko
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 53 145002 (2020)

Spectroscopy of short-lived radioactive molecules
R. F. Garcia Ruiz, R. Berger, J. Billowes, C. L. Binnersley, M. L. Bissell, A. A. Breier, A. J. Brinson, K. Chrysalidis, T. E. Cocolios, B. S. Cooper, K. T. Flanagan, T. F. Giesen, R. P. de Groote, S. Franchoo, F. P. Gustafsson, T. A. Isaev, Á. Koszorús, G. Neyens, H. A. Perrett, C. M. Ricketts, S. Rothe, L. Schweikhard, A. R. Vernon, K. D. A. Wendt, F. Wienholtz, S. G. Wilkins & X. F. Yang
Nature 581 , 396–400 (2020)

Trapped-ion Fock-state preparation by potential deformation
M. A. Simón, M. Palmero, S. Martínez-Garaot, and J. G. Muga
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 023372 (2020)

Vibrational Excitation Hindering an Ion-Molecule Reaction: The c−C3H2+−H2 Collision Complex
Charles R. Markus, Oskar Asvany, Thomas Salomon, Philipp C. Schmid, Sandra Brünken, Filippo Lipparini, Jürgen Gauss, and Stephan Schlemmer
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 233401 (2020)


Canonical Construction of Quantum Oracles
Austin Gilliam, Marco Pistoia, Constantin Gonciulea

Charged particle guiding and beam splitting with auto-ponderomotive potentials on a chip
Robert Zimmermann, Michael Seidling, Peter Hommelhoff

Coherent excitation of the highly forbidden electric octupole transition in 172Yb+
Henning A. Fürst, Chih-Han Yeh, Dimitri Kalincev, André P. Kulosa, Laura S. Dreissen, Richard Lange, Erik Benkler, Nils Huntemann, Ekkehard Peik, Tanja E. Mehlstäubler

Coherent suppression of tensor frequency shifts through magnetic field rotation
R. Lange, N. Huntemann, C. Sanner, H. Shao, B. Lipphardt, Chr. Tamm, E. Peik

Continuous-variable assisted thermal quantum simulation
Dan-Bo Zhang, Guo-Qing Zhang, Zheng-Yuan Xue, Shi-Liang Zhu, Z. D. Wang

Controlling the nature of a charged impurity in a bath of Feshbach dimers
Henrik Hirzler, Eleanor Trimby, Rianne S. Lous, Gerrit C. Groenenboom, Rene Gerritsma, Jesús Pérez-Ríos

Cold collisions of C−2 anions with Li and Rb atoms in hybrid traps
M. Kas, J. Liévin, N. Vaeck, J. Loreau

Entangling logical qubits with lattice surgery
Alexander Erhard, Hendrik Poulsen Nautrup, Michael Meth, Lukas Postler, Roman Stricker, Martin Ringbauer, Philipp Schindler, Hans J. Briegel, Rainer Blatt, Nicolai Friis, Thomas Monz

Experimental Realization of Nonadiabatic Holonomic Single-qubit Quantum Gates with Optimal Control in a Trapped Ion
Ming-Zhong Ai, Sai Li, Zhibo Hou, Ran He, Zhong-Hua Qian, Zheng-Yuan Xue, Jin-Ming Cui, Yun-Feng Huang, Chuan-Feng Li, Guang-Can Guo

Gigahertz acousto-optic modulation and frequency shifting on etchless lithium niobate integrated platform
Zejie Yu, Xiankai Sun

High-Fidelity Simultaneous Detection of Trapped Ion Qubit Register
Liudmila A. Zhukas, Peter Svihra, Andrei Nomerotski, Boris B. Blinov

Ion getter pumps
C. Maccarrone, P. Manassero, C. Paolini

Laser stabilisation to neutral Yb in a discharge with polarization enhanced frequency modulation spectroscopy
Valdis Blums, Jordan Scarabel, Kenji Shimizu, Moji Ghadimi, Steven C. Connell, Sylvi Händel, Benjamin G. Norton, Elizabeth M. Bridge, David Kielpinski, Mirko Lobino, Erik W. Streed

Improved access to the fine-structure constant with the simplest atomic systems
H. Cakir, N. S. Oreshkina, I. A. Valuev, V. Debierre, V. A. Yerokhin, C. H. Keitel, Z. Harman

Photon-mediated entanglement scheme between a ZnO semiconductor defect and a trapped Yb ion
Jennifer F. Lilieholm, Vasilis Niaouris, Alexander Kato, Kai-Mei C. Fu, Boris B. Blinov

Polarization-gradient cooling of 1D and 2D ion Coulomb crystals
M. K. Joshi, A. Fabre, C. Maier, T. Brydges, D. Kiesenhofer, H. Hainzer, R. Blatt, C. F. Roos

Probing many-body localization on a noisy quantum computer
D. Zhu, S. Johri, N. H. Nguyen, C. Huerta Alderete, K. A. Landsman, N. M. Linke, C. Monroe, A. Y. Matsuura

Rydberg spectrum of a single trapped Ca+ ion: A Floquet analysis
Mariusz Pawlak, H. R. Sadeghpour

Semi-device-dependent blind quantum tomography
Ingo Roth, Jadwiga Wilkens, Dominik Hangleiter, Jens Eisert

Studies of thorium and ytterbium ion trap loading from laser ablation for gravity monitoring with nuclear clocks
Marcin Piotrowski, Jordan Scarabel, Mirko Lobino, Erik Streed, Stephen Gensemer

The Panopticon device: an integrated Paul-trap-hemispherical mirror system for quantum optics
Gabriel Araneda, Giovanni Cerchiari, Daniel B. Higginbottom, Philip Holz, Kirill Lakhmanskiy, Petr Obšil, Yves Colombe, Rainer Blatt

ITN Newsletter – May 2020

Dear all,

25 years of the Cirac-Zoller controlled-NOT gate have changed the landscape in ion trapping, putting stored ions at the heart of quantum information processing. Read Iulia Georgescu’s review of this ground-breaking work HERE.

Your editorial team


Special issue ” Trapped Ion Quantum Information“. Guest editor: Erik Torrontegui. Details

An upcoming topical collection in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics PCCP Quantum Computing and Quantum Information Storage is open until 30 July 2020. Details

Special Issue in Applied Sciences (Open Access Journal): “Optical Trapping of Ions and Atoms 2020: Novel Advances and Prospects“, now open for submissions.
Guest Editors:  Tobias Schätz, Vladan Vuletic, Michael Drewsen, Jonathan Home, Leon Karpa        Details

EPJ QT special issue: “Quantum Metrology & Quantum Enhanced Measurement“. Submissions are accepted from now until 30 June 2021. Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries 2020
an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community
every Tuesday and Thursday   LINK

The Virtual AMO Seminar ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” ( Thursdays, 3pm (UTC)


Please be aware that there might be last-minute cancellations

26th Young Atom Optician (YAO) conference to be held in Aarhus, Denmark POSTPONED to 17-21 August 2020 . LINK

52nd EGAS conference,  in Zagreb, Croatia POSTPONED to 5-9 July 2021

European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI), Djurönäset, Sweden, POSTPONED

CANCELLED – 13th International Workshop on Non-Neutral Plasmas, Milano, Italy, 13-16 July 2020 LINK

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) in Toronto, Canada, POSTPONED to 17-22 July 2022 LINK

CANCELLED – CCMI 2020 – Cold and Controlled Molecules and Ions, 6 – 11 September 2020, Durham University, UK, LINK


Postdoc position available in the Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulation Lab at Rice University (Texas, USA). For details, please contact Guido Pagano.

PTB offers new PostDoc and PhD positions for physicists or engineers to develop and produce integrated ion traps within our Quantum Technology Center. Please contact Tanja Mehlstäubler for further details.

A postdoc position in the Ultracold Quantum Molecular Systems Group at the University of Warsaw in Poland Details

A PhD position on spectroscopy of silicon clusters. LINK

Fully funded PhD studentships available in Swansea (collaboration work at CERN). LINK

postdoctoral opening on storage ring technologies for quantum computing. Job id 1989 on the BNL careers site. The job description can be found here. For more information please email Kevin Brown,

Applications are sought for an Assistant Professor (lecturer) academic position at Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Université Paris 13 (newly called Université Sorbonne Paris Nord).
For further information and to apply, contact Benoit Darquié.  Deadline 9 April 2020

A vacancy in the Swansea group at ALPHA at CERN to work on the ALPHA antihydrogen experiment with particular focus on sympathetic cooling of positrons. Please find details here

Two postdoctoral research associate positions to produce trapped, ultracold molecules that can be used to measure the electron’s electric dipole moment, at the Centre for Cold Matter at Imperial College London. Details

Two PhD positions are available in the group of Prof. Stefan Willitsch (University of Basel, Switzerland) on cold ion-molecule hybrid systems. See the group’s website for further information.

Multiple postdoc positions are available in the NIST Ion Storage Group in Colorado, USA.  Topics include quantum simulations in a Penning trap, trapped-ion quantum computing, and coherent control and precision spectroscopy of single molecular ions.  For details please contact John Bollinger.

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to


A Laboratory Astrophysics Problem: The Lifetime of Very Long-Lived Levels in Low-Charge Ions
Elmar Träbert
Atoms 8, 21 (2020)

Detection of metastable electronic states by Penning trap mass spectrometry
R. X. Schüssler, H. Bekker, M. Braß, H. Cakir, J. R. Crespo López-Urrutia, M. Door, P. Filianin, Z. Harman, M. W. Haverkort, W. J. Huang, P. Indelicato, C. H. Keitel, C. M. König, K. Kromer, M. Müller, Y. N. Novikov, A. Rischka, C. Schweiger, S. Sturm, S. Ulmer, S. Eliseev & K. Blaum – Show fewer authors
Nature 581 , 42–46

Electronic Bridge Excitation in Highly Charged 229Th Ions
Pavlo V. Bilous, Hendrik Bekker, Julian C. Berengut, Benedict Seiferle, Lars von der Wense, Peter G. Thirolf, Thomas Pfeifer, José R. Crespo López-Urrutia, and Adriana Pálffy
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 192502 (2020)

Engineered thermalization and cooling of quantum many-body systems
Mekena Metcalf, Jonathan E. Moussa, Wibe A. de Jong, and Mohan Sarovar
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 023214 (2020)

Engineering of microfabricated ion traps and integration of advanced on-chip features
Zak David Romaszko, Seokjun Hong, Martin Siegele, Reuben Kahan Puddy, Foni Raphaël Lebrun-Gallagher, Sebastian Weidt & Winfried Karl Hensinger
Nature Reviews Physics , 1–15

Interaction potentials and ultracold scattering cross sections for the 7Li+–7Li ion-atom system
A. Pandey, M. Niranjan, N. Joshi, S. A. Rangwala, R. Vexiau, and O. Dulieu
Phys. Rev. A 101, 052702 (2020)

Ising model in a light-induced quantized transverse field
Jonas Rohn, Max Hörmann, Claudiu Genes, and Kai Phillip Schmidt
Pays. Rev. Research 2, 023131 (2020)

Laser-free trapped-ion entangling gates with simultaneous insensitivity to qubit and motional decoherence
R. T. Sutherland, R. Srinivas, S. C. Burd, H. M. Knaack, A. C. Wilson, D. J. Wineland, D. Leibfried, D. T. C. Allcock, D. H. Slichter, and S. B. Libby
Phys. Rev. A 101, 042334 (2020)

Many-body quantum heat engines with shortcuts to adiabaticity
Andreas Hartmann, Victor Mukherjee, Wolfgang Niedenzu, and Wolfgang Lechner
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 023145 (2020)

Mass spectrometry for future atomic clocks
Marianna S. Safronova
Nature 581 , 35–36

Micromotion-enhanced fast entangling gates for trapped-ion quantum computing
Alexander K. Ratcliffe, Lachlan M. Oberg, and Joseph J. Hope
Phys. Rev. A 101, 052332 (2020)

Nd+ isotope shift measurements in a cryogenically cooled neutral plasma
Nishant Bhatt, Kosuke Kato, and Amar C. Vutha
Phys. Rev. A 101, 052505 (2020)

Optimized fast gates for quantum computing with trapped ions
Evan P. G. Gale, Zain Mehdi, Lachlan M. Oberg, Alexander K. Ratcliffe, Simon A. Haine, and Joseph J. Hope
Phys. Rev. A 101, 052328 (2020)

Overdamped dynamics of a Brownian particle levitated in a Paul trap
Gerard P. Conangla, Dwight Nwaigwe, Jan Wehr, and Raúl A. Rica
Phys. Rev. A 101, 053823 (2020)

Precise test of quantum electrodynamics and determination of fundamental constants with HD+ ions
S. Alighanbari, G. S. Giri, F. L. Constantin, V. I. Korobov & S. Schiller
Nature 581 , 152–158

Precision Measurements of the 138Ba+ 6s2S1/2−5d2D5/2 Clock Transition
K. J. Arnold, R. Kaewuam, S. R. Chanu, T. R. Tan, Zhiqiang Zhang, and M. D. Barrett
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 193001 (2020)

Probabilistic eigensolver with a trapped-ion quantum processor
Jing-Ning Zhang, Iñigo Arrazola, Jorge Casanova, Lucas Lamata, Kihwan Kim, and Enrique Solano
Phys. Rev. A 101, 052333 (2020)

Quantum entanglement between an atom and a molecule
Yiheng Lin, David R. Leibrandt, Dietrich Leibfried & Chin-wen Chou
Nature 581 , 273–277

Quantum State Engineering by Shortcuts to Adiabaticity in Interacting Spin-Boson Systems
Obinna Abah, Ricardo Puebla, and Mauro Paternostro
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 180401 (2020)

Quantum Walks of a Phonon in Trapped Ions
Masaya Tamura, Takashi Mukaiyama, and Kenji Toyoda
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 200501 (2020)

Randomized benchmarking in the analogue setting
E Derbyshire, J Yago Malo, A J Daley, E Kashefi and P Wallden
2020 Quantum Sci. Technol. 5 034001

Rydberg spectrum of a single trapped Ca+ ion: A Floquet analysis
Mariusz Pawlak and H. R. Sadeghpour
Phys. Rev. A 101, 052510 (2020)

Shortcut-to-adiabaticity quantum Otto refrigerator
Obinna Abah, Mauro Paternostro, and Eric Lutz
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 023120 (2020)

Simulating quantum field theory in curved spacetime with quantum many-body systems
Run-Qiu Yang, Hui Liu, Shining Zhu, Le Luo, and Rong-Gen Cai
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 023107 (2020)

Single-atom energy-conversion device with a quantum load
Noah Van Horne, Dahyun Yum, Tarun Dutta, Peter Hänggi, Jiangbin Gong, Dario Poletti & Manas Mukherjee
npj Quantum Information 6 , 1–9

State-dependent motional squeezing of a trapped ion: Proposed method and applications
Martín Drechsler, M. Belén Farías, Nahuel Freitas, Christian T. Schmiegelow, and Juan Pablo Paz
Phys. Rev. A 101, 052331 (2020)

Towards storage rings as quantum computers
K. A. Brown and T. Roser
Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 23, 054701 (2020)

Trapped ion quantum computing turns 25
Iulia Georgescu
Nature Reviews Physics (2020)

X-Ray Absorption Spectrum of the N+2 Molecular Ion
R. Lindblad, L. Kjellsson, R. C. Couto, M. Timm, C. Bülow, V. Zamudio-Bayer, M. Lundberg, B. von Issendorff, J. T. Lau, S. L. Sorensen, V. Carravetta, H. Ågren, and J.-E. Rubensson
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 203001 (2020)




A Transition-edge Sensor-based X-ray Spectrometer for the Study of Highly Charged Ions at the National Institute of Standards and Technology Electron Beam Ion Trap
P. Szypryt, G. C. O’Neil, E. Takacs, J. N. Tan, S. W. Buechele, A. S. Naing, D. A. Bennett, W. B. Doriese, M. Durkin, J. W. Fowler, J. D. Gard, G. C. Hilton, K. M. Morgan, C. D. Reintsema, D. R. Schmidt, D. S. Swetz, J. N. Ullom, Yu. Ralchenko

Bound on quantum scrambling with all-to-all interactions
Chao Yin, Andrew Lucas

Coulomb Expansion of Cold Non-Neutral Rubidium Plasma
Michael A. Viray, Stephanie A. Miller, Georg Raithel

Descendant of the X-ogen carrier and a “mass of 69”: Infrared action spectroscopic detection of HC3O+ and HC3S+
S. Thorwirth, M. E. Harding, O. Asvany, S. Brünken, P. Jusko, K. L. K. Lee, T. Salomon, M. C. McCarthy, S. Schlemmer

Detection of metastable electronic states by Penning trap mass spectrometry
Rima Xenia Schüssler, Hendrik Bekker, Martin Braß, Halil Cakir, José R. Crespo López-Urrutia, Menno Door, Pavel Filianin, Zoltan Harman, Maurits W. Haverkort, Wen Jia Huang, Paul Indelicato, Christoph Helmut Keitel, Charlotte Maria König, Kathrin Kromer, Marius Müller, Yuri N. Novikov, Alexander Rischka, Christoph Schweiger, Sven Sturm, Stefan Ulmer, Ssergey Eliseev, Klaus Blaum

Deterministic spin-photon entanglement from a trapped ion in a fiber Fabry-Perot cavity
Pascal Kobel, Moritz Breyer, Michael Köhl

Effects of disorder and interactions on environment assisted quantum transport
Elinor Zerah-Harush, Yonatan Dubi

Entangled quantum cellular automata, physical complexity, and Goldilocks rules
Logan E. Hillberry, Matthew T. Jones, David L. Vargas, Patrick Rall, Nicole Yunger Halpern, Ning Bao, Simone Notarnicola, Simone Montangero, Lincoln D. Carr

Experimental setup for studying an utracold mixture of trapped Yb+-6Li
 H. Hirzler, T. Feldker, H. Fürst, N. V. Ewald, E. Trimby, R. S. Lous, J. Arias Espinoza, M. Mazzanti, J. Joger, R. Gerritsma

Exponentially improved detection and correction of errors in experimental systems using neural networks
Pascal Kobel, Martin Link, Michael Köhl

First Penning trap mass measurement of 36Ca
J. Surbrook, G. Bollen, M. Brodeur, A. Hamaker, D. Pérez-Loureiro, D. Puentes, C. Nicoloff, M. Redshaw, R. Ringle, S. Schwarz, C. S. Sumithrarachchi, L. J. Sun, A. A. Valverde, A. C. C. Villari, C. Wrede, I. T. Yandow

Holographic quantum algorithms for simulating correlated spin systems
Michael Foss-Feig, David Hayes, Joan M. Dreiling, Caroline Figgatt, John P. Gaebler, Steven A. Moses, Juan M. Pino, Andrew C. Potter

Long-range multi-body interactions and three-body anti-blockade in a trapped Rydberg ion chain
Filippo Maria Gambetta, Chi Zhang, Markus Hennrich, Igor Lesanovsky, Weibin Li

Magic trapping of a Rydberg ion with a diminished static polarizability
Fabian Pokorny, Chi Zhang, Gerard Higgins, Markus Hennrich

Mass-selective removal of ions from Paul traps using parametric excitation
Julian Schmidt, Daniel Hönig, Pascal Weckesser, Fabian Thielemann, Tobias Schaetz, Leon Karpa

Novel Penning-trap techniques reveal isomeric states in 128In and 130In for the first time
D. A. Nesterenko, A. Kankainen, J. Kostensalo, C. R. Nobs, A. M. Bruce, O. Beliuskina, L. Canete, T. Eronen, E. R. Gamba, S. Geldhof, R. de Groote, A. Jokinen, J. Kurpeta, I. D. Moore, L. Morrison, Zs. Podolyák, I. Pohjalainen, S. Rinta-Antila, A. de Roubin, M. Rudigier, J. Suhonen, M. Vilén, V. Virtanen, J. Äystö

Numeric optimization for configurable, parallel, error-robust entangling gates in large ion registers
Christopher D. B. Bentley, Harrison Ball, Michael J. Biercuk, Andre R. R. Carvalho, Michael R. Hush, Harry J. Slatyer

Observation of effects due to an atom’s electric quadrupole polarizability
Gerard Higgins, Chi Zhang, Fabian Pokorny, Harry Parke, Erik Jansson, Shalina Salim, Markus Hennrich

Optical frequency analysis on dark state of a single trapped ion
Adam Lešundák, Tuan M. Pham, Martin Čížek, Petr Obšil, Lukáš Slodička, Ondřej Číp

Quantum simulation of extended polaron models using compound atom-ion systems
Krzysztof Jachymski, Antonio Negretti

Scalable quantum computation with fast gates in two-dimensional microtrap arrays of trapped ions
Zain Mehdi, Alexander K. Ratcliffe, Joseph J. Hope

ITN Newsletter – April 2020

Dear all,

two months at home and we are craving to get back to our trapped friends. We hope that you still benefit from the offer of webconferences and seminars.

In view of the exceptional circumstances, the ECTI conference will NOT take place in July 2020. Alternatives are being discussed and more information is to come soon.

Stay at home!
Your editorial team


An upcoming topical collection in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics PCCP Quantum Computing and Quantum Information Storage is open until 30 July 2020

Special Issue in Applied Sciences (Open Access Journal): “Optical Trapping of Ions and Atoms 2020: Novel Advances and Prospects“, now open for submissions.
Guest Editors:  Tobias Schätz, Vladan Vuletic, Michael Drewsen, Jonathan Home, Leon Karpa        Details

EPJ QT special issue: “Quantum Metrology & Quantum Enhanced Measurement“. Submissions are accepted from now until 30 June 2021. Details

Online seminars

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries 2020
an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community
every Tuesday and Thursday   LINK

The Virtual AMO Seminar ( Fridays, 7pm (UTC)

The “Quantum Science Seminar” ( Thursdays, 3pm (UTC)


Please be aware that there might be last-minute cancellations

The CLEO conference (May 11-15) has been moved online this year and will be free to attend (registration is necessary). LINK

26th Young Atom Optician (YAO) conference to be held in Aarhus, Denmark POSTPONED to 17-21 August 2020 . LINK

52nd EGAS conference,  in Zagreb, Croatia POSTPONED to 5-9 July 2021

European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI), Djurönäset, Sweden, POSTPONED

CANCELLED – 13th International Workshop on Non-Neutral Plasmas, Milano, Italy, 13-16 July 2020 LINK

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) in Toronto, Canada, POSTPONED to 17-22 July 2022 LINK

CCMI 2020 – Cold and Controlled Molecules and Ions, 6 – 11 September 2020, Durham University, UK, LINK


Postdoc position in the ion trapping group of Rene Gerritsma (University of Amsterdam) LINK

Fully funded PhD studentships available in Swansea (collaboration work at CERN). LINK

postdoctoral opening on storage ring technologies for quantum computing. Job id 1989 on the BNL careers site. The job description can be found here. For more information please email Kevin Brown,

Applications are sought for an Assistant Professor (lecturer) academic position at Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Université Paris 13 (newly called Université Sorbonne Paris Nord).
For further information and to apply, contact Benoit Darquié.  Deadline 9 April 2020

A vacancy in the Swansea group at ALPHA at CERN to work on the ALPHA antihydrogen experiment with particular focus on sympathetic cooling of positrons. Please find details here

Two postdoctoral research associate positions to produce trapped, ultracold molecules that can be used to measure the electron’s electric dipole moment, at the Centre for Cold Matter at Imperial College London. Details
Two PhD positions are available in the group of Prof. Stefan Willitsch (University of Basel, Switzerland) on cold ion-molecule hybrid systems. See the group’s website for further information.

Multiple postdoc positions are available in the NIST Ion Storage Group in Colorado, USA.  Topics include quantum simulations in a Penning trap, trapped-ion quantum computing, and coherent control and precision spectroscopy of single molecular ions.  For details please contact John Bollinger.

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to



Anomalous Diffusion and Localization in a Positionally Disordered Quantum Spin Array
Raphaël Menu and Tommaso Roscilde
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 130604 (2020)

Attainable accuracies of QH+ rotational transition frequencies (Q: 40Ca, 24Mg, 202Hg)
Masatoshi Kajita, Renu Bala and Minori Abe
J. Phys.B 53, 085401 (2020)

Efficient ion-photon qubit SWAP gate in realistic ion cavity-QED systems without strong coupling,
Adrien Borne, Tracy E. Northup, Rainer Blatt, and Barak Dayan,
Optics Express 28, 11822 (2020)

Eliminating Leakage Errors in Hyperfine Qubits
D. Hayes, D. Stack, B. Bjork, A. C. Potter, C. H. Baldwin, and R. P. Stutz
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 170501 (2020)

Frequency-comb spectroscopy on pure quantum states of a single molecular ion
SCIENCE27 MAR 2020 : 1458-1461

Ground-state energy estimation of the water molecule on a trapped-ion quantum computer
Yunseong Nam, Jwo-Sy Chen, Neal C. Pisenti, Kenneth Wright, Conor Delaney, Dmitri Maslov, Kenneth R. Brown, Stewart Allen, Jason M. Amini, Joel Apisdorf, Kristin M. Beck, Aleksey Blinov, Vandiver Chaplin, Mika Chmielewski, Coleman Collins, Shantanu Debnath, Kai M. Hudek, Andrew M. Ducore, Matthew Keesan, Sarah M. Kreikemeier, Jonathan Mizrahi, Phil Solomon, Mike Williams, Jaime David Wong-Campos, David Moehring, Christopher Monroe & Jungsang Kim
npj Quantum Information 6 , 1–6 (2020)

High-fidelity manipulation of a qubit enabled by a manufactured nucleus
Justin E. Christensen, David Hucul, Wesley C. Campbell & Eric R. Hudson
npj Quantum Information 6 , 1–5 (2020)

Hybrid Quantum Computing with Conditional Beam Splitter Gate in Trapped Ion System
H. C. J. Gan, Gleb Maslennikov, Ko-Wei Tseng, Chihuan Nguyen, and Dzmitry Matsukevich
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 170502 (2020)

Identifying the Riemann zeros by periodically driving a single qubit
Ran He, Ming-Zhong Ai, Jin-Ming Cui, Yun-Feng Huang, Yong-Jian Han, Chuan-Feng Li, Tao Tu, C. E. Creffield, G. Sierra, and Guang-Can Guo
Phys. Rev. A 101, 043402 (2020)

Logical performance of 9 qubit compass codes in ion traps with crosstalk errors
Dripto M Debroy, Muyuan Li, Shilin Huang and Kenneth R Brown
Quantum Sci. Technol. 5 034002 (2020)

Magic wavelength of the 138Ba+ 6s 2S1/2–5d 2D5/2 clock transition
S. R. Chanu, V. P. W. Koh, K. J. Arnold, R. Kaewuam, T. R. Tan, Zhiqiang Zhang, M. S. Safronova, and M. D. Barrett
Phys. Rev. A 101, 042507 (2020)

Many-body topological invariants from randomized measurements in synthetic quantum matter

Precision spectroscopy with single ions
SCIENCE27 MAR 2020 : 1438-1440

Properties of phonon modes of an ion-trap quantum computer in the Aubry phase
Justin Loye, José Lages, and Dima L. Shepelyansky
Phys. Rev. A 101, 032349 (2020)

Protective measurement of a qubit by a qubit probe
Maximilian Schlosshauer
Phys. Rev. A 101, 042113 (2020)

Quantum computational chemistry
Sam McArdle, Suguru Endo, Alán Aspuru-Guzik, Simon C. Benjamin, and Xiao Yuan
Rev. Mod. Phys. 92, 015003 (2020)

Quantum Logic Spectroscopy with Ions in Thermal Motion
D. Kienzler, Y. Wan, S. D. Erickson, J. J. Wu, A. C. Wilson, D. J. Wineland, and D. Leibfried
Phys. Rev. X 10, 021012 (2020)

Selective interactions in the quantum Rabi model
L. Cong, S. Felicetti, J. Casanova, L. Lamata, E. Solano, and I. Arrazola
Phys. Rev. A 101, 032350 (2020)

Spectroscopic, structural and lifetime calculations of the ground and low-lying excited states of the BeNa+, BeK+, and BeRb+ molecular ions
Hela Ladjimi, Mohamed Farjallah and Hamid Berriche
Phys. Scr. 95 055404 (2020)

Submicrosecond entangling gate between trapped ions via Rydberg interaction
Chi Zhang, Fabian Pokorny, Weibin Li, Gerard Higgins, Andreas Pöschl, Igor Lesanovsky & Markus Hennrich
Nature 580 , 345–349 (2020)




A two-dimensional architecture for fast large-scale trapped-ion quantum computing
Y. -K. Wu, L. -M. Duan

Ab initio electronic structure and prospects for the formation of ultracold calcium–alkali-metal-atom molecular ions
Wissem Zrafi, Hela Ladjimi, Halima Said, Hamid Berriche, Michał Tomza

Architecting Noisy Intermediate-Scale Trapped Ion Quantum Computers
Prakash Murali, Dripto M. Debroy, Kenneth R. Brown, Margaret Martonosi

Continuously parametrized quantum simulation of molecular electron transfer reactions
Frank Schlawin, Manuel Gessner, Andreas Buchleitner, Tobias Schaetz, Spiros S Skourtis

Design of a novel monolithic parabolic-mirror ion-trap to precisely align the RF null point with the optical focus
Zhao Wang, Ben-Ran Wang, Qing-Lin Ma, Jia-Yu Guo, Ming-Shen Li, Yu Wang, Xin-Xin Rao, Zhi-Qi Huang, Le Luo

Efficient ground-state cooling of large trapped-ion chains with an EIT tripod scheme
L. Feng, W. L. Tan, A. De, A. Menon, A. Chu, G. Pagano, C. Monroe

Geometry optimisation of a transparent axisymmetric ion trap for the MORA project
M. Benali, G. Quéméner, P. Delahaye, X. Fléchard, E. Liénard, B. M. Retailleau

High-fidelity Two-qubit Gates Using a MEMS-based Beam Steering System for Individual Qubit Addressing
Ye Wang, Stephen Crain, Chao Fang, Bichen Zhang, Shilin Huang, Qiyao Liang, Pak Hong Leung, Kenneth R. Brown, Jungsang Kim

High-performance frequency stabilization of ultraviolet diode lasers by using dichroic atomic vapor spectroscopy and transfer cavity
Danna Shen, Liangyu Ding, Qiuxin Zhang, Chenhao Zhu, Yuxin Wang, Wei Zhang, Xiang Zhang

Identification of molecular quantum states using phase-sensitive forces
Kaveh Najafian, Ziv Meir, Mudit Sinhal, Stefan Willitsch

Optical clocks based on the Cf15+ and Cf17+ ions
S. G. Porsev, U. I. Safronova, M. S. Safronova, P. O. Schmidt, A. I. Bondarev, M. G. Kozlov, I. I. Tupitsyn

Protective measurement of a qubit by a qubit probe
Maximilian Schlosshauer

Static kinks in chains of interacting atoms
Haggai Landa, Cecilia Cormick, Giovanna Morigi

Strong-coupling quantum logic of trapped ions
Mahdi Sameti, Jake Lishman, Florian Mintert

Synthesizing quantum circuits via numerical optimization
Timothée Goubault de Brugière, Marc Baboulin, Benoît Valiron, Cyril Allouche

The Character of Motional Modes for Entanglement and Sympathetic Cooling of Mixed-Species Trapped Ion Chains
Ksenia Sosnova, Allison Carter, Christopher Monroe

Trapped-Ion Entangling Gates Robust Against Qubit Frequency Errors
Jake Lishman, Florian Mintert

Two-dimensional partial covariance mass spectrometry for the top-down analysis of intact proteins
Taran Driver, Vitali Averbukh, Leszek J. Frasinski, Jon P. Marangos, Marina Edelson-Averbukh

Unconditional accumulation of nonclassicality in a single-atom mechanical oscillator
L. Podhora, T. Pham, A. Lešundák, P. Obšil, M. Čížek, O. Číp, P. Marek, L. Slodička, R. Filip

Unresolved sideband photon recoil spectroscopy of molecular ions
Emilie H. Clausen, Vincent Jarlaud, Karin Fisher, Steffen Meyer, Cyrille Solaro, Michael Drewsen

ITN Newsletter – March 2020

Dear all,

confinement (as it is called in France) – isn’t that the optimal state for ion trappers? The situation is difficult, but as physicists we are all aware that only the decrease of the interaction term can halt the growing curve. There are still plenty of things to do, but stay at home !!!
We will be happy to spread news about your virtual seminars, courses and ongoing remote activities, please keep us informed !

Remain healthy!
Your editorial team


Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries 2020

As an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community a virtual seminar will be organized during the COVID-19 shutdown. The seminar will address specific topics of the fields of precision measurements, tests of fundamental symmetries and quantum information. (Poster can be downloaded HERE)

Starting from 31 March 2020, two seminars per week will be offered, which will take place Tuesday and Thursday, for each seminar-slot 90 minutes are allocated. The time slots of the seminars are defined by the speakers and therefore flexible. The preliminary program is attached to this mail, frequent updates are available via the indico-link:

Slides will be provided on INDICO, it is planned to stream the event via “zoom”.
We are looking forward to your participation and many fruitful discussions.
Stefan Ulmer, Christian Ospelkaus, Klaus Blaum
An upcoming topical collection in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics PCCP Quantum Computing and Quantum Information Storage is open until 30 July 2020

Special Issue in Applied Sciences (Open Access Journal): “Optical Trapping of Ions and Atoms 2020: Novel Advances and Prospects“, now open for submissions.
Guest Editors:  Tobias Schätz, Vladan Vuletic, Michael Drewsen, Jonathan Home, Leon Karpa        Details

EPJ QT special issue: “Quantum Metrology & Quantum Enhanced Measurement“. Submissions are accepted from now until 30 June 2021. Details


Please be aware that there might be last-minute cancellations

26th Young Atom Optician (YAO) conference to be held in Aarhus, Denmark 25-29 May 2020 . LINK

52nd EGAS conference, 6-10 July 2020 in Zagreb, Croatia

European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI), Djurönäset, Sweden, 13-17 July 2020

CANCELLED – 13th International Workshop on Non-Neutral Plasmas, Milano, Italy, 13-16 July 2020 LINK

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) held in Toronto, Canada, 19-24 July 2020 LINK

CCMI 2020 – Cold and Controlled Molecules and Ions, 6 – 11 September 2020, Durham University, UK, LINK


Fully funded PhD studentships available in Swansea (collaboration work at CERN). LINK

postdoctoral opening on storage ring technologies for quantum computing. Job id 1989 on the BNL careers site. The job description can be found here. For more information please email Kevin Brown,

Applications are sought for an Assistant Professor (lecturer) academic position at Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Université Paris 13 (newly called Université Sorbonne Paris Nord).
For further information and to apply, contact Benoit Darquié.  Deadline 9 April 2020

A vacancy in the Swansea group at ALPHA at CERN to work on the ALPHA antihydrogen experiment with particular focus on sympathetic cooling of positrons. Please find details here

Two postdoctoral research associate positions to produce trapped, ultracold molecules that can be used to measure the electron’s electric dipole moment, at the Centre for Cold Matter at Imperial College London. Details
Two PhD positions are available in the group of Prof. Stefan Willitsch (University of Basel, Switzerland) on cold ion-molecule hybrid systems. See the group’s website for further information.

Multiple postdoc positions are available in the NIST Ion Storage Group in Colorado, USA.  Topics include quantum simulations in a Penning trap, trapped-ion quantum computing, and coherent control and precision spectroscopy of single molecular ions.  For details please contact John Bollinger.

A PhD position (3 years) is available in the laser molecular spectroscopy group of Otto Dopfer at Technische Universität Berlin, Germany. Details
Two postdoc positions in antihydrogen physics with ALPHA at CERN. LINK
PhD project in machine learning with anti-hydrogen under a CDT in AI, Machine learning and Advanced Computing LINK

A postdoc position on the development of a portable Sr+ ion optical clock is open at NRC, Ottawa, Canada. . Details

Postdoc position in the group of Tobias Schaetz at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg:
Qsim – Experimental Quantum Simulations based on Arrays of Individually Trapped Ions  LINK

Postdoc position in the group of Tobias Schaetz at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg:
TIAMO: Trapping Ions, Atoms and Molecules Optically – interaction in the ultra-cold quantum regime LINK

TRIUMF is looking to hire a post-doctoral researcher (in collaboration with MIT), and a research faculty position.  More details can be found in the following links:  LINK1   and LINK2

A postdoc positions are available at the Stefan Meyer Institute for Subatomic Physics of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna on physics with trapped charged particles for antihydrogen production (ASACUSA collaboration).  LINK

Assistant Professor in the Quantum Light and Matter group at Durham University. Further details

Two PhD positions are available on fundamental tests based on precision (frequency comb) spectroscopy of trapped He+ ions, molecular hydrogen and quantum-degenerate meta-stable helium at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands. More information at:

A new PhD position is open at the Physics department of University of Mainz on “Scalable Quantum Computing with Trapped Ions”. More information is available HERE. The successful candidate will work on a cutting-edge experiment aiming at the realization of elementary quantum algorithms based on shuttling trapped-ion qubits in segmented microchip traps. If you are interested, please contact Ulrich Poschinger ( and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler (

LaserLaB VU Amsterdam, the Netherlands, has an open PhD position on Doppler-free laser spectroscopy of trapped molecular hydrogen ions. LINK

A new PhD position is open at the Physics department of University of Mainz on “Rydberg Ions for Quantum Computation and Quantum Sensing”. More information is available HERE. The successful candidate will work on the experiment that combines exciting aspects of Rydberg physics with trapped-ion qubits. If you are interested, please contact Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler (

We are currently seeking to recruit two motivated and enthusiastic postdoctoral research associates to join the ALPHA collaboration at CERN/Switzerland. LINK

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to



Analytical percolation theory for topological color codes under qubit loss
David Amaro, Jemma Bennett, Davide Vodola, and Markus Müller
Phys. Rev. A 101, 032317 (2020)

A similarity of quantum phase transition and quench dynamics in the Dicke model beyond the thermodynamic limit
Lituo Shen, Zhicheng Shi, Zhenbiao Yang, Huaizhi Wu, Zhirong Zhong and Shibiao Zheng
EPJ Quantum Technol. (2020) 7:1

Discrimination and estimation for dephasing sources of trapped ion qubits
Jie Zhang, Wei Wu, Chun-wang Wu, Jian-guo Miao, Yi Xie, Bao-quan Ou & Ping-xing Chen
Applied Physics B volume 126, Article number: 20 (2020)

Dynamics of entanglement creation between two spins coupled to a chain
Pierre Wendenbaum, Bruno G. Taketani, Endre Kajari, Giovanna Morigi and Dragi Karevski
Eur. Phys. J. Plus (2020) 135: 182

Entanglement and correlations in a one-dimensional quantum spin-1/2 chain with anisotropic power-law long-range interactions
Jie Ren, Wen-Long You, and Xiaoqun Wang
Phys. Rev. B 101, 094410 (2020)

First steps in the development of the Multi Ion Reflection Apparatus for Collinear Laser Spectroscopy,
S. Sels, P. Fischer, H. Heylen, V. Lagaki, S. Lechner, F.M. Maier, P. Plattner, M. Rosenbusch, F. Wienholtz, R.N. Wolf, W. Nörthershäuser, L. Schweikhard, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer,
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 463, 310-314 (2020)

High-Rate, High-Fidelity Entanglement of Qubits Across an Elementary Quantum Network
L. J. Stephenson, D. P. Nadlinger, B. C. Nichol, S. An, P. Drmota, T. G. Ballance, K. Thirumalai, J. F. Goodwin, D. M. Lucas, and C. J. Ballance
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 110501 (2020)

Hyperfine Averaging by Dynamic Decoupling in a Multi-Ion Lutetium Clock
R. Kaewuam, T. R. Tan, K. J. Arnold, S. R. Chanu, Zhiqiang Zhang, and M. D. Barrett
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 083202 (2020)

Improved stability of multi-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometers through passive and active voltage stabilization,
F. Wienholtz, K. Blaum, J. Karthein, D. Lunney, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer, V. Manea, M. Mougeot, L. Schweikhard, T. Steinsberger, R.N. Wolf,
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 463, 348-356 (2020)

Initialization of quantum simulators by sympathetic cooling

Quantum-nondemolition state detection and spectroscopy of single trapped molecules
SCIENCE13 MAR 2020 : 1213-1218

Reading a molecule without destroying it
SCIENCE13 MAR 2020 : 1207-1208

Subspace benchmarking high-fidelity entangling operations with trapped ions
C. H. Baldwin, B. J. Bjork, J. P. Gaebler, D. Hayes, and D. Stack
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013317 (2020)

Temperature evolution of ions in a Paul trap driven by various radio-frequency waveforms
Hüsnü Aksakal and Ali Selçuk Mercanli
Eur. Phys. J. Plus (2020) 135: 76

Theory of robust multiqubit nonadiabatic gates for trapped ions
Yotam Shapira, Ravid Shaniv, Tom Manovitz, Nitzan Akerman, Lee Peleg, Lior Gazit, Roee Ozeri, and Ady Stern
Phys. Rev. A 101, 032330 (2020)

The Performance of the Cryogenic Buffer-Gas Stopping Cell of SHIPTRAP,
O. Kaleja, B. Andjelić, K. Blaum, M.Block, P. Chhetri, C. Droese, Ch.E. Düllmann, M. Eibach, S. Eliseev, J. Even, S. Götz, F. Giacoppo, N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, M. Laatiaoui, E. Minaya Ramirez, A. Mistry, T. Murböck, S.Raeder, L. Schweikhard, P.G. Thirolf,
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 463, 280-285 (2020)

Two-qubit quantum gate and entanglement protected by circulant symmetry
Peter A. Ivanov & Nikolay V. Vitanov
Scientific Reports 10 , 1–11




A high fidelity light-shift gate for clock-state qubits
C. H. Baldwin, B. J. Bjork, M. Foss-Feig, J. P. Gaebler, D. Hayes, M. G. Kokish, C. Langer, J. A. Sedlacek, D. Stack, G. Vittorini

Benchmarking protocols for analog quantum simulators
Ryan Shaffer, Eli Megidish, Joseph Broz, Wei-Ting Chen, Hartmut Häffner

Confinement and retrieval of local phonons in a trapped-ion chain
Ryutaro Ohira, Shota Kume, Kyoichi Takayama, Silpa Muralidharan, Hiroki Takahashi, Kenji Toyoda

Demonstration of the QCCD trapped-ion quantum computer architecture
J. M. Pino, J. M. Dreiling, C. Figgatt, J. P. Gaebler, S. A. Moses, M. S. Allman, C. H. Baldwin, M. Foss-Feig, D. Hayes, K. Mayer, C. Ryan-Anderson, B. Neyenhuis

Direct reconstruction of the quantum master equation dynamics of a trapped ion qubit
Eitan Ben Av, Yotam Shapira, Nitzan Akerman, Roee Ozeri

Double-EIT Ground-State Cooling of Stationary Two-Dimensional Ion Lattices
Mu Qiao, Ye Wang, Zhengyang Cai, Botao Du, Pengfei Wang, Chunyang Luan, Wentao Chen, Heung-Ryoul Noh, Kihwan Kim

Enhanced ion-cavity coupling through cavity cooling in the strong coupling regime
Costas Christoforou, Corentin Pignot, Ezra Kassa, Hiroki Takahashi, Matthias Keller

Ion transport and reordering in a two-dimensional trap array
Y. Wan, R. Jördens, S. D. Erickson, J. J. Wu, R. Bowler, T. R. Tan, P. -Y. Hou, D. J. Wineland, A. C. Wilson, D. Leibfried

Jaqal, the Quantum Assembly Language for QSCOUT
Andrew J. Landahl, Daniel S. Lobser, Benjamin C. A. Morrison, Kenneth M. Rudinger, Antonio E. Russo, Jay W. Van Der Wall, Peter Maunz

Multi-channel Opto-mechanical Switch and Locking System for Wavemeters
Moji Ghadimi, Elizabeth M. Bridge, Jordan Scarabel, Steven Connell, Kenji Shimizu, Erik Streed, Mirko Lobino

Photon-mediated charge-exchange reactions between 39K atoms and 40Ca+ ions in a hybrid trap
Hui Li, S. Jyothi, Ming Li, Jacek Klos, Alexander Petrov, Kenneth R Brown, Svetlana Kotochigova

Trapped Rydberg ions: a new platform for quantum information processing
Arezoo Mokhberi, Markus Hennrich, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler

Two-dimensional linear trap array for quantum information processing
Philip C. Holz, Silke Auchter, Gerald Stocker, Marco Valentini, Kirill Lakhmanskiy, Clemens Rössler, Paul Stampfer, Sokratis Sgouridis, Elmar Aschauer, Yves Colombe, Rainer Blatt

VECSEL systems for quantum information processing with trapped beryllium ions
S. C. Burd, J. -P. Penttinen, P. -Y. Hou, H. M. Knaack, S. Ranta, M. Mäki, E. Kantola, M. Guina, D. H. Slichter, D. Leibfried, A. C. Wilson

Versatile Atomic Magnetometry Assisted by Bayesian Inference
R. Puebla, Y. Ban, J. F. Haase, M. B. Plenio, M. Paternostro, J. Casanova

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries 2020

Dear all,

Labs are shut-down throughout all continents. Creating links through other channels is a great idea, and we will be happy to share all your initiatives in this newsletter. The next regular edition is planned for next week .

Best regards,
Your editorial team

Virtual Seminar on Precision Physics and Fundamental Symmetries 2020

As an initiative for the precision physics and quantum information community a virtual seminar will be organized during the COVID-19 shutdown. The seminar will address specific topics of the fields of precision measurements, tests of fundamental symmetries and quantum information.

Starting from 31 March 2020, two seminars per week will be offered, which will take place Tuesday and Thursday, for each seminar-slot 90 minutes are allocated. The time slots of the seminars are defined by the speakers and therefore flexible. The preliminary program is attached to this mail, frequent updates are available via the indico-link:

Slides will be provided on INDICO, it is planned to stream the event via “zoom”.

We are looking forward to your participation and many fruitful discussions.

Stefan Ulmer, Christian Ospelkaus, Klaus Blaum

ITN Newsletter – February 2020

Dear all,

The COST Action is preparing the program for the period May 2020 until April 2021. If you think, that there is an important workshop/meeting/event/outreach/conference missing for the ion trapper community, do not hesitate to contact Markus Hennrich, the Action chair.

Best regards,
Your editorial team


Precision measurements and traps are among the driving forces of the new Max Planck-RIKEN-PTB Center for Time, Constants and Fundamental SymmetriesMore details about this new Center are described HERE. Have a look at the website for a detailed description, job offers, and recent publications!
Regarding our colleagues from the UK, COST informs us that: Brexit Update: UK government has extended the Underwrite Guarantee of Horizon 2020 to COST.  The UK government has committed to provide funding for eligible UK participation in COST Actions until the end of 2020 in case of a no-deal Brexit.

Special Issue in Applied Sciences (Open Access Journal): “Optical Trapping of Ions and Atoms 2020: Novel Advances and Prospects“, now open for submissions.
Guest Editors:  Tobias Schätz, Vladan Vuletic, Michael Drewsen, Jonathan Home, Leon Karpa        Details

EPJ QT special issue: “Quantum Metrology & Quantum Enhanced Measurement“. Submissions are accepted from now until 30 June 2021. Details


DPG Spring Meeting “Atomic Physics” 9 – 13 March 2020 in Hannover LINK

CAMEL 16, 15-19 March 2020, Bansko, BG

26th Young Atom Optician (YAO) conference to be held in Aarhus, Denmark 25-29 May 2020 . LINK

52nd EGAS conference, 6-10 July 2020 in Zagreb, Croatia

European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI), Djurönäset, Sweden, 13-17 July 2020

13th International Workshop on Non-Neutral Plasmas, Milano, Italy, 13-16 July 2020 LINK

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) held in Toronto, Canada, 19-24 July 2020 LINK

CCMI 2020 – Cold and Controlled Molecules and Ions, 6 – 11 September 2020, Durham University, UK, LINK


PhD position on the development of a THz reference based on coherent  multiphoton spectroscopy in Marseille. Please contact Caroline Champenois before 8 March 2020.

Two postdoctoral research associate positions to produce trapped, ultracold molecules that can be used to measure the electron’s electric dipole moment, at the Centre for Cold Matter at Imperial College London. Details
Two PhD positions are available in the group of Prof. Stefan Willitsch (University of Basel, Switzerland) on cold ion-molecule hybrid systems. See the group’s website for further information.

Multiple postdoc positions are available in the NIST Ion Storage Group in Colorado, USA.  Topics include quantum simulations in a Penning trap, trapped-ion quantum computing, and coherent control and precision spectroscopy of single molecular ions.  For details please contact John Bollinger.
PhD position (3 years) is available in the laser molecular spectroscopy group of Otto Dopfer at Technische Universität Berlin, Germany. Details
Two postdoc positions in antihydrogen physics with ALPHA at CERN. LINK
PhD project in machine learning with anti-hydrogen under a CDT in AI, Machine learning and Advanced Computing LINK

A postdoc position on the development of a portable Sr+ ion optical clock is open at NRC, Ottawa, Canada. Details

Postdoc position in the group of Tobias Schaetz at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg:
Qsim – Experimental Quantum Simulations based on Arrays of Individually Trapped Ions  LINK

Postdoc position in the group of Tobias Schaetz at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg:
TIAMO: Trapping Ions, Atoms and Molecules Optically – interaction in the ultra-cold quantum regime LINK

TRIUMF is looking to hire a post-doctoral researcher (in collaboration with MIT), and a research faculty position.  More details can be found in the following links:  LINK1   and LINK2

A postdoc positions are available at the Stefan Meyer Institute for Subatomic Physics of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna on physics with trapped charged particles for antihydrogen production (ASACUSA collaboration).  LINK

Assistant Professor in the Quantum Light and Matter group at Durham University. Further details

Two PhD positions are available on fundamental tests based on precision (frequency comb) spectroscopy of trapped He+ ions, molecular hydrogen and quantum-degenerate meta-stable helium at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands. More information at:

A new PhD position is open at the Physics department of University of Mainz on “Scalable Quantum Computing with Trapped Ions”. More information is available HERE. The successful candidate will work on a cutting-edge experiment aiming at the realization of elementary quantum algorithms based on shuttling trapped-ion qubits in segmented microchip traps. If you are interested, please contact Ulrich Poschinger ( and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler (

LaserLaB VU Amsterdam, the Netherlands, has an open PhD position on Doppler-free laser spectroscopy of trapped molecular hydrogen ions. LINK

A new PhD position is open at the Physics department of University of Mainz on “Rydberg Ions for Quantum Computation and Quantum Sensing”. More information is available HERE. The successful candidate will work on the experiment that combines exciting aspects of Rydberg physics with trapped-ion qubits. If you are interested, please contact Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler (

We are currently seeking to recruit two motivated and enthusiastic postdoctoral research associates to join the ALPHA collaboration at CERN/Switzerland. LINK

The Department of Physics at Yale University is inviting applications for a faculty appointment in the area of experimental quantum science. The position is open at all levels. DETAILS

Postdoc and PhD positions on projects in Quantum Computing and Error Correction as well as Quantum Neural Networks with Trapped Ions are available in the Theoretical Quantum Technology Group of Markus Müller at RWTH Aachen and Forschungszentrum Jülich. Please contact Markus Müller for details.

PhD position in theoretical many-body physics with Rydberg atoms at University Tübingen with Igor Lesanowsky. Please contact directly at

We are looking for a PhD student from a European country for an ITN network. The person will work on one of the coolest QT-Flagship projects ever, building a laser system for a transportable optical Sr-clock. Details. In 10 years optical clocks will be all over the place.

PhD position in theoretical quantum physics in Quantum dynamics of impurities with long-range impurity-bath interactions. Details

PhD Position, Scientist and Developer at Swabian Instruments. Details

postdoc position on Ultra-stable frequency laser development for ground tests of the payload of LISA mission at SYRTE, Paris,France. Please contact

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to



β-delayed neutron emission studies of 137,138 I and 144,145 Cs performed with trapped ions
A. Czeszumska, N. D. Scielzo, S. A. Caldwell, J. A. Clark, G. Savard, B. S. Wang, A. Aprahamian, M. T. Burkey, C. J. Chiara, J. Harker, A. F. Levand, S. T. Marley, G. Morgan, J. M. Munson, E. B. Norman, A. Nystrom, R. Orford, S. W. Padgett, A. Pérez Galván, K. S. Sharma, K. Siegl, and S. Y. Strauss
Phys. Rev. C 101, 024312 (2020)β-delayed-neutron studies of 135,136 Sb and 140I performed with trapped ions
B. S. Wang, S. A. Caldwell, N. D. Scielzo, A. Czeszumska, J. A. Clark, G. Savard, A. Aprahamian, M. T. Burkey, C. J. Chiara, J. Harker, A. F. Levand, S. T. Marley, G. E. Morgan, J. M. Munson, E. B. Norman, A. Nystrom, R. Orford, S. W. Padgett, A. Pérez Galván, K. S. Sharma, K. Siegl, and S. Y. Strauss
Phys. Rev. C 101, 025806 (2020)

Breaking rotational symmetry in a trapped-ion quantum tunneling rotor
Ryutaro Ohira, Takashi Mukaiyama, and Kenji Toyoda
Phys. Rev. A 101, 022106 (2020)

Buffer gas cooling of a trapped ion to the quantum regime
T. Feldker, H. Fürst, H. Hirzler, N. V. Ewald, M. Mazzanti, D. Wiater, M. Tomza & R. Gerritsma
Nature Physics , 1–4, (2020)

Dynamically corrected gates suppressing spatiotemporal error correlations as measured by randomized benchmarking
C. L. Edmunds, C. Hempel, R. J. Harris, V. Frey, T. M. Stace, and M. J. Biercuk
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013156 (2020)

Dynamics of strongly coupled disordered dissipative spin-boson systems
Eliana Fiorelli, Pietro Rotondo, Federico Carollo, Matteo Marcuzzi, and Igor Lesanovsky
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013198 (2020)

First steps in the development of the Multi Ion Reflection Apparatus for Collinear Laser Spectroscopy
S. Sels, P. Fischer, H. Heylen, V. Lagaki, S. Lechner, F.M. Maier, P. Plattner, M. Rosenbusch, F. Wienholtz, R.N. Wolf, W. Nörthershäuser, L. Schweikhard, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 463, 310-314 (2020)

Formation of ultracold ion pairs through long-range Rydberg molecules
Michael Peper and Johannes Deiglmayr
2020 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 53 064001

Generation of quasi-rectangle-states of the vibrational motion of an ion
Irán Ramos-Prieto, Iván Rincón, Víctor Arrizon and Héctor M Moya-Cessa
2020 Phys. Scr. 95 054002

Hybrid Microwave-Radiation Patterns for High-Fidelity Quantum Gates with Trapped Ions
I. Arrazola, M.B. Plenio, E. Solano, and J. Casanova
Phys. Rev. Applied 13, 024068 (2020)

Hyperfine Averaging by Dynamic Decoupling in a Multi-Ion Lutetium Clock
R. Kaewuam, T. R. Tan, K. J. Arnold, S. R. Chanu, Zhiqiang Zhang, and M. D. Barrett
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 083202 (2020)

Improved Lieb-Robinson bound for many-body Hamiltonians with power-law interactions
Dominic V. Else, Francisco Machado, Chetan Nayak, and Norman Y. Yao
Phys. Rev. A 101, 022333 (2020)

Improved stability of multi-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometers through passive and active voltage stabilization
F. Wienholtz, K. Blaum, J. Karthein, D. Lunney, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer, V. Manea, M. Mougeot, L. Schweikhard, T. Steinsberger, R.N. Wolf
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 463, 348-356 (2020)

Ion Imaging via Long-Range Interaction with Rydberg Atoms
Christian Gross, Thibault Vogt, and Wenhui Li
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 053401 (2020)

Light of Two Atoms in Free Space: Bunching or Antibunching?
Sebastian Wolf, Stefan Richter, Joachim von Zanthier, and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 063603 (2020)

Machine-Designed Sensor to Make Optimal Use of Entanglement-Generating Dynamics for Quantum Sensing
Simon A. Haine and Joseph J. Hope
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 060402 (2020)

Machine learning design of a trapped-ion quantum spin simulator
Yi Hong Teoh, Marina Drygala, Roger G Melko and Rajibul Islam
2020 Quantum Sci. Technol. 5 024001

Making ions cooler
Carlo Sias
Nature Physics , 1–2

Optical Traps for Sympathetic Cooling of Ions with Ultracold Neutral Atoms
J. Schmidt, P. Weckesser, F. Thielemann, T. Schaetz, and L. Karpa
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 053402 (2020)

Origin of the slow growth of entanglement entropy in long-range interacting spin systems
Alessio Lerose and Silvia Pappalardi
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 012041(R) (2020)

Phase-Modulated Entangling Gates Robust to Static and Time-Varying Errors
Alistair R. Milne, Claire L. Edmunds, Cornelius Hempel, Federico Roy, Sandeep Mavadia, and Michael J. Biercuk
Phys. Rev. Applied 13, 024022 (2020)

Phase protection of Fano-Feshbach resonances
Alexander Blech, Yuval Shagam, Nicolas Hölsch, Prerna Paliwal, Wojciech Skomorowski, John W. Rosenberg, Natan Bibelnik, Oded Heber, Daniel M. Reich, Edvardas Narevicius & Christiane P. Koch
Nature Communications 11 , 1–7

Quantum collapse-revival effect in a supersymmetric Jaynes–Cummings model and its possible application in supersymmetric qubits
Shi Yao Chong and Jian Qi Shen
2020 Phys. Scr. 95 055104

Quantum close encounters of an ultra-cooled ion
Research Highlights
Nature 578 , 194–194

Real-time calibration with spectator qubits
Swarnadeep Majumder, Leonardo Andreta de Castro & Kenneth R. Brown
npj Quantum Information 6 , 1–9

Second-Scale Coherence Measured at the Quantum Projection Noise Limit with Hundreds of Molecular Ions
Yan Zhou, Yuval Shagam, William B. Cairncross, Kia Boon Ng, Tanya S. Roussy, Tanner Grogan, Kevin Boyce, Antonio Vigil, Madeline Pettine, Tanya Zelevinsky, Jun Ye, and Eric A. Cornell
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 053201 (2020)

Short-time expansion of Heisenberg operators in open collective quantum spin systems
Michael A. Perlin and Ana Maria Rey
Phys. Rev. A 101, 023601 (2020)

The Performance of the Cryogenic Buffer-Gas Stopping Cell of SHIPTRAP
O. Kaleja, B. Andjelić, K. Blaum, M.Block, P. Chhetri, C. Droese, Ch.E. Düllmann, M. Eibach, S. Eliseev, J. Even, S. Götz, F. Giacoppo, N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, M. Laatiaoui, E. Minaya Ramirez, A. Mistry, T. Murböck, S.Raeder, L. Schweikhard, P.G. Thirolf,
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 463, 280-285 (2020)

Tracking the Dynamics of an Ideal Quantum Measurement
Fabian Pokorny, Chi Zhang, Gerard Higgins, Adán Cabello, Matthias Kleinmann, and Markus Hennrich
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 080401 (2020)

Versatile surface ion trap with fork junction for effective cooling
Xinfang Zhang, Baoquan Ou, Ting Chen, Yi Xie, Wei Wu and Pingxing Chen
2020 Phys. Scr. 95 045103

YbH+ formation in an ytterbium ion trap
Thai M. Hoang, Yuan-Yu Jau, Richard Overstreet, and Peter D. D. Schwindt
Phys. Rev. A 101, 022705 (2020)






Quantum entanglement between an atom and a molecule,
Yiheng Lin, David R. Leibrandt, Dietrich Leibfried, Chin-wen Chou

Concept notes on an experiment to tackle an astrophysical problem, requiring an ion trap and several lasers: Measurement of few-thousand second lifetimes in S II
Elmar Träbert

Overdamped dynamics of a Brownian particle levitated in a Paul trap
Conangla, G. P., Nwaigwe, D., Wehr, J., & Rica, R. A.

A high fidelity light-shift gate for clock-state qubits
C. H. Baldwin, B. J. Bjork, M. Foss-Feig, J. P. Gaebler, D. Hayes, M. G. Kokish, C. Langer, J. A. Sedlacek, D. Stack, G. Vittorini

Anisotropy-mediated reentrant localization
Xiaolong Deng, Alexander L. Burin, Ivan M. Khaymovich

Deterministic correction of qubit loss
Roman Stricker, Davide Vodola, Alexander Erhard, Lukas Postler, Michael Meth, Martin Ringbauer, Philipp Schindler, Thomas Monz, Markus Müller, Rainer Blatt

Efficient Qubit Routing for a Globally Connected Trapped Ion Quantum Computer
Mark Webber, Steven Herbert, Sebastian Weidt, Winfried Hensinger

Efficient sideband cooling protocol for long trapped-ion chains
J. -S. Chen, K. Wright, N. C. Pisenti, D. Murphy, K. M. Beck, K. Landsman, J. M. Amini, Y. Nam

Electro-optical ion trap for experiments with atom-ion quantum hybrid systems
Elia Perego, Lucia Duca, Carlo Sias

Fast dynamical exchange cooling with trapped ions
Tobias Sägesser, Roland Matt, Robin Oswald, Jonathan P. Home

Finite-system Multicriticality at the Superradiant Quantum Phase Transition
Han-Jie Zhu, Kai Xu, Guo-Feng Zhang, Wu-Ming Liu

Functional surface ion traps on a 12-inch glass wafer for quantum applications
J Tao, J Likforman, P Zhao, H. Li, T Henner, Y Lim, W Seit, Luca Guidoni, C Tan

High-precision Q-value measurement confirms the potential of 135Cs for antineutrino-mass detection
A. de Roubin, J. Kostensalo, T. Eronen, L. Canete, R. P. de Groote, A. Jokinen, A. Kankainen, D. A. Nesterenko, I. D. Moore, S. Rinta-Antila, J. Suhonen, M. Vilén

Heat flow reversal in a trapped-ion simulator
P. U. Medina González, I. Ramos Prieto, B. M. Rodríguez-Lara

High-precision mass spectrometer for light ions
Fabian Heiße, Sascha Rau, Florian Köhler-Langes, Wolfgang Quint, Günter Werth, Sven Sturm, Klaus Blaum

Integrated optical multi-ion quantum logic
Karan K. Mehta, Chi Zhang, Maciej Malinowski, Thanh-Long Nguyen, Martin Stadler, Jonathan P. Home

Multi-channel Opto-mechanical Switch and LockingSystem for Wavemeters
Moji Ghadimi, Elizabeth M. Bridge, Jordan Scarabel, Steven Connell, Kenji Shimizu, Erik Streed, Mirko Lobino

Precision measurements of the fundamental properties of the proton and antiproton
Christian Smorra, Andreas Mooser

Probing surface charge densities on optical fibers with a trapped ion
Florian R. Ong, Klemens Schüppert, Pierre Jobez, Markus Teller, Ben Ames, Dario A. Fioretto, Konstantin Friebe, Moonjoo Lee, Yves Colombe, Rainer Blatt, Tracy E. Northup

Properties of phonon modes of ion trap quantum computer in the Aubry phase
Justin Loye, José Lages, Dima L. Shepelyansky

Prospect for precision quantum logic spectroscopy of vibrational overtone transitions in molecular oxygen ions
Fabian Wolf, Jan C. Heip, Maximilian J. Zawierucha, Chunyan Shi, Silke Ospelkaus, Piet O. Schmidt

Quantum scrambling and the growth of mutual information
Akram Touil, Sebastian Deffner

Quantum walks and Dirac cellular automata on a programmable trapped-ion quantum computer
C. Huerta Alderete, Shivani Singh, Nhung H. Nguyen, Daiwei Zhu, Radhakrishnan Balu, Christopher Monroe, C. M. Chandrashekar, Norbert M. Linke

Relating relative Rényi entropies and Wigner-Yanase-Dyson skew information to generalized multiple quantum coherences
Diego Paiva Pires, Augusto Smerzi, Tommaso Macrì

Smooth bang-bang shortcuts to adiabaticity for atomic transport in a moving harmonic trap
Yongcheng Ding, Tangyou Huang, Minjia Hao, Xi Chen

Sympathetic cooling of 113Cd+ by laser-cooled 40Ca+ in a linear Paul trap for Microwave Ion Clocks
J. Z. Han, H. R. Qin, L. M. Guo, N. C. Xin, H. X. Hu, Y. M. Yu, V. A. Dzuba, J. W. Zhang, L. J. Wang


ITN Newsletter – January 2020

Dear all,

Brexit or not Brexit, let our UK-based colleagues be assured that there is always a place for them in the heart of the ion trapping community !!

Best regards,
Your editorial team


Precision measurements and traps are among the driving forces of the new Max Planck-RIKEN-PTB Center for Time, Constants and Fundamental SymmetriesMore details about this new Center are described HERE. Have a look at the website for a detailed description, job offers, and recent publications!

Regarding our colleagues from the UK, COST informs us that: Brexit Update: UK government has extended the Underwrite Guarantee of Horizon 2020 to COST.  The UK government has committed to provide funding for eligible UK participation in COST Actions until the end of 2020 in case of a no-deal Brexit.

Special Issue in Applied Sciences (Open Access Journal): “Optical Trapping of Ions and Atoms 2020: Novel Advances and Prospects“, now open for submissions.
Guest Editors:  Tobias Schätz, Vladan Vuletic, Michael Drewsen, Jonathan Home, Leon Karpa        Details

EPJ QT special issue: “Quantum Metrology & Quantum Enhanced Measurement“. Submissions are accepted from now until 30 June 2021. Details


Early Career Conference on Trapped Ions, to be held at CERN, Geneva 13-17 January 2020. LINK

DPG Spring Meeting “Atomic Physics” 9 – 13 March 2020 in Hannover LINK

CAMEL 16, 15-19 March 2020, Bansko, BG

26th Young Atom Optician (YAO) conference to be held in Aarhus, Denmark 25-29 May 2020 . LINK

52nd EGAS conference, 6-10 July 2020 in Zagreb, Croatia

European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI), Djurönäset, Sweden, 13-17 July 2020

13th International Workshop on Non-Neutral Plasmas, Milano, Italy, 13-16 July 2020 LINK

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) held in Toronto, Canada, 19-24 July 2020 LINK

CCMI 2020 – Cold and Controlled Molecules and Ions, 6 – 11 September 2020, Durham University, UK, LINK


PhD project in machine learning with anti-hydrogen under a CDT in AI, Machine learning and Advanced Computing LINK

A postdoc position on the development of a portable Sr+ ion optical clock will be opened at NRC, Ottawa, Canada. Details

Postdoc position in the group of Tobias Schaetz at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg:
Qsim – Experimental Quantum Simulations based on Arrays of Individually Trapped Ions  LINK

Postdoc position in the group of Tobias Schaetz at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg:
TIAMO: Trapping Ions, Atoms and Molecules Optically – interaction in the ultra-cold quantum regime LINK

TRIUMF is looking to hire a post-doctoral researcher (in collaboration with MIT), and a research faculty position.  More details can be found in the following links:  LINK1   and LINK2

A postdoc positions are available at the Stefan Meyer Institute for Subatomic Physics of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna on physics with trapped charged particles for antihydrogen production (ASACUSA collaboration).  LINK

Assistant Professor in the Quantum Light and Matter group at Durham University. Further details

PhD position is available in the group of Prof. Stefan Willitsch (University of Basel, Switzerland) on cold ion-molecule hybrid systems. See the group’s website for further information.

Two PhD positions are available on fundamental tests based on precision (frequency comb) spectroscopy of trapped He+ ions, molecular hydrogen and quantum-degenerate meta-stable helium at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands. More information at:

A new PhD position is open at the Physics department of University of Mainz on “Scalable Quantum Computing with Trapped Ions”. More information is available HERE. The successful candidate will work on a cutting-edge experiment aiming at the realization of elementary quantum algorithms based on shuttling trapped-ion qubits in segmented microchip traps. If you are interested, please contact Ulrich Poschinger ( and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler (

LaserLaB VU Amsterdam, the Netherlands, has an open PhD position on Doppler-free laser spectroscopy of trapped molecular hydrogen ions. LINK

A new PhD position is open at the Physics department of University of Mainz on “Rydberg Ions for Quantum Computation and Quantum Sensing”. More information is available HERE. The successful candidate will work on the experiment that combines exciting aspects of Rydberg physics with trapped-ion qubits. If you are interested, please contact Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler (

We are currently seeking to recruit two motivated and enthusiastic postdoctoral research associates to join the ALPHA collaboration at CERN/Switzerland. LINK

PhD position (3 years), fully funded by  the German Science Foundation (DFG), is available in the
laser molecular spectroscopy group of Otto Dopfer at Technische Universität Berlin, Germany. Details

The Department of Physics at Yale University is inviting applications for a faculty appointment in the area of experimental quantum science. The position is open at all levels. DETAILS

Postdoc and PhD positions on projects in Quantum Computing and Error Correction as well as Quantum Neural Networks with Trapped Ions are available in the Theoretical Quantum Technology Group of Markus Müller at RWTH Aachen and Forschungszentrum Jülich. Please contact Markus Müller for details.

PhD position in theoretical many-body physics with Rydberg atoms at University Tübingen with Igor Lesanowsky. Please contact directly at

We are looking for a PhD student from a European country for an ITN network. The person will work on one of the coolest QT-Flagship projects ever, building a laser system for a transportable optical Sr-clock. Details. In 10 years optical clocks will be all over the place.

PhD position in theoretical quantum physics in Quantum dynamics of impurities with long-range impurity-bath interactions. Details

PhD Position, Scientist and Developer at Swabian Instruments. Details

postdoc position on Ultra-stable frequency laser development for ground tests of the payload of LISA mission at SYRTE, Paris,France. Please contact

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to



Coherent laser spectroscopy of highly charged ions using quantum logic
P. Micke, T. Leopold, S. A. King, E. Benkler, L. J. Spieß, L. Schmöger, M. Schwarz, J.R. Crespo Lopez-Urrutia & P. O. Schmidt,
Nature, 29 jan 2020

Design and experimental performance of local entanglement witness operators
David Amaro and Markus Müller
Phys. Rev. A 101, 012317 (2020)

Doppler-cooled ions in a compact reconfigurable Penning trap
Brian J. McMahon, Curtis Volin, Wade G. Rellergert, and Brian C. Sawyer
Phys. Rev. A 101, 013408 (2020)

Efficient isotope-selective pulsed laser ablation loading of 174Yb+ ions in a surface electrode trap
Vrijsen, Geert; Aikyo, Yuhi; Spivey, Robert F.; Inlek, I. Volkan; Kim, Jungsang
Optics Express 27(23) 33907-33914 (2019)

Error-mitigated quantum gates exceeding physical fidelities in a trapped-ion system
Shuaining Zhang, Yao Lu, Kuan Zhang, Wentao Chen, Ying Li, Jing-Ning Zhang & Kihwan Kim
Nature Communications volume 11, Article number: 587 (2020)

Feasibility of the ion-trap simulation of a class of non-equilibrium phase transitions
Alba Ramos and Cecilia Cormick
Eur. Phys. J. D (2019) 73: 237

Generation of arbitrary qubit states by adiabatic evolution split by a phase jump
Kaloyan N. Zlatanov and Nikolay V. Vitanov
Phys. Rev. A 101, 013426 (2020)

Interactions and charge-transfer dynamics of an Al+ ion immersed in ultracold Rb and Sr atoms
Michał Tomza and Mateusz Lisaj
Phys. Rev. A 101, 012705 (2020)

Machine learning design of a trapped-ion quantum spin simulator
Yi Hong Teoh, Marina Drygala, Roger G Melko and Rajibul Islam
2020 Quantum Sci. Technol. 5 024001  

Multistability of Driven-Dissipative Quantum Spins
Haggai Landa, Marco Schiró, and Grégoire Misguich
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 043601 (2020)

Nonlocal emergent hydrodynamics in a long-range quantum spin system
Alexander Schuckert, Izabella Lovas, and Michael Knap
Phys. Rev. B 101, 020416(R) (2020)

Rotational-state-changing collisions between N+2 and Rb at low energies
A. D. Dörfler, E. Yurtsever, P. Villarreal, T. González-Lezana, F. A. Gianturco, and S. Willitsch
Phys. Rev. A 101, 012706 (2020)

Spatial configurations and temperature profiles in nonequilibrium steady state of two-species trapped ion systems
A. Ruiz-García and D. Alonso
Phys. Rev. E 101, 012129 (2020)

Steady-state force sensing with single trapped ion
Peter A Ivanov
2020 Phys. Scr. 95 025103

Temperature evolution of ions in a Paul trap driven by various radio-frequency waveforms
Hüsnü Aksakal and Ali Selçuk Mercanli
Eur. Phys. J. Plus (2020) 135: 76








A Paul Trap with Sectored Ring Electrodes for Experiments with Two-Dimensional Ion Crystals
M. K. Ivory, A. Kato, A. Hasanzadeh, B. Blinov

Coherent rotations of qubits within a multi-species ion-trap quantum computer
Martin W. van Mourik, Esteban A. Martinez, Lukas Gerster, Pavel Hrmo, Thomas Monz, Philipp Schindler, Rainer Blatt

Context-Sensitive and Duration-Aware Qubit Mapping for Various NISQ Devices
Yu Zhang, Haowei Deng, Quanxi Li

Defect generation and dynamics during quenching in finite size homogeneous ion chains
J. Pedregosa-Gutierrez, M. Mukherjee

Electronic bridge excitation in highly charged Th-229 ions
Pavlo V. Bilous, Hendrik Bekker, Julian Berengut, Benedict Seiferle, Lars von der Wense, Peter G. Thirolf, Thomas Pfeifer, José R. Crespo López-Urrutia, Adriana Pálffy

Integrated optical control and enhanced coherence of ion qubits via multi-wavelength photonics
Robert J. Niffenegger, Jules Stuart, Cheryl Sorace-Agaskar, Dave Kharas, Suraj Bramhavar, Colin D. Bruzewicz, William Loh, Robert McConnell, David Reens, Gavin N. West, Jeremy M. Sage, John Chiaverini

Many-Body Dephasing in a Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulator
Harvey B. Kaplan, Lingzhen Guo, Wen Lin Tan, Arinjoy De, Florian Marquardt, Guido Pagano, Christopher Monroe

Quantum information scrambling in a trapped-ion quantum simulator with tunable range interactions
Manoj K. Joshi, Andreas Elben, Benoît Vermersch, Tiff Brydges, Christine Maier, Peter Zoller, Rainer Blatt, Christian F. Roos

Quantum entanglement between an atom and a molecule,
Yiheng Lin, David R. Leibrandt, Dietrich Leibfried, Chin-wen Chou

Sequences of Molmer-Sorensen gates can implement controlled rotations using quantum signal processing techniques
Koen Groenland, Freek Witteveen, Kareljan Schoutens, Rene Gerritsma

Software tools for quantum control: Improving quantum computer performance through noise and error suppression
Harrison Ball, Michael J. Biercuk, Andre Carvalho, Rajib Chakravorty, Jiayin Chen, Leonardo A. de Castro, Steven Gore, David Hover, Michael Hush, Per J. Liebermann, Robert Love, Kevin Nguyen, Viktor S. Perunicic, Harry J. Slatyer, Claire Edmunds, Virginia Frey, Cornelius Hempel, Alistair Milne

Two-qubit quantum Fourier transform and entanglement protected by circulant symmetry
Peter A. Ivanov, Nikolay V. Vitanov

Trapped-ion Fock state preparation by potential deformation
M. A. Simón, M. Palmero, S. Martínez-Garaot, J. G. Muga

ITN Newsletter – December 2019

Dear all,

New Year, new website: You’ll find all information regarding the COST Action and its events and calls at There is alos the posibility to subscribe to this newsletter. Do not hesitate to forward this address to anyone intrested.

We wish you a wonderful and exciting New Year with many well-behaved  ions !

Best regards,
Your editorial team


Precision measurements and traps are among the driving forces of the new Max Planck-RIKEN-PTB Center for Time, Constants and Fundamental SymmetriesMore details about this new Center are described HERE. Have a look at the website for a detailed description, job offers, and recent publications!
Regarding our colleagues from the UK, COST informs us that: Brexit Update: UK government has extended the Underwrite Guarantee of Horizon 2020 to COST.  The UK government has committed to provide funding for eligible UK participation in COST Actions until the end of 2020 in case of a no-deal Brexit.

Special Issue in Applied Sciences (Open Access Journal): “Optical Trapping of Ions and Atoms 2020: Novel Advances and Prospects“, now open for submissions.
Guest Editors:  Tobias Schätz, Vladan Vuletic, Michael Drewsen, Jonathan Home, Leon Karpa        Details

EPJ QT special issue: “Quantum Metrology & Quantum Enhanced Measurement“. Submissions are accepted from now until 30 June 2021. Details


Early Career Conference on Trapped Ions, to be held at CERN, Geneva 13-17 January 2020. LINK

DPG Spring Meeting “Atomic Physics” 9 – 13 March 2020 in Hannover LINK

CAMEL 16, 15-19 March 2020, Bansko, BG

52nd EGAS conference, 6-10 July 2020 in Zagreb, Croatia

European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI), Djurönäset, Sweden, 13-17 July 2020

13th International Workshop on Non-Neutral Plasmas, Milano, Italy, 13-16 July 2020 LINK

27th International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) held in Toronto, Canada, 19-24 July 2020 LINK

CCMI 2020 – Cold and Controlled Molecules and Ions, 6 – 11 September 2020, Durham University, UK, LINK


PhD project in machine learning with anti-hydrogen under a CDT in AI, Machine learning and Advanced Computing LINK

A postdoc position on the development of a portable Sr+ ion optical clock will be opened at NRC, Ottawa, Canada. Details will be published on 22 Jan.

Postdoc position in the group of Tobias Schaetz at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg:
Qsim – Experimental Quantum Simulations based on Arrays of Individually Trapped Ions  LINK

Postdoc position in the group of Tobias Schaetz at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg:
TIAMO: Trapping Ions, Atoms and Molecules Optically – interaction in the ultra-cold quantum regime LINK

TRIUMF is looking to hire a post-doctoral researcher (in collaboration with MIT), and a research faculty position.  More details can be found in the following links:  LINK1   and LINK2

A postdoc positions are available at the Stefan Meyer Institute for Subatomic Physics of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna on physics with trapped charged particles for antihydrogen production (ASACUSA collaboration).  LINK

Assistant Professor in the Quantum Light and Matter group at Durham University. Further details
PhD position is available in the group of Prof. Stefan Willitsch (University of Basel, Switzerland) on cold ion-molecule hybrid systems. See the group’s website for further information.

Two PhD positions are available on fundamental tests based on precision (frequency comb) spectroscopy of trapped He+ ions, molecular hydrogen and quantum-degenerate meta-stable helium at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands. More information at:

A new PhD position is open at the Physics department of University of Mainz on “Scalable Quantum Computing with Trapped Ions”. More information is available HERE. The successful candidate will work on a cutting-edge experiment aiming at the realization of elementary quantum algorithms based on shuttling trapped-ion qubits in segmented microchip traps. If you are interested, please contact Ulrich Poschinger ( and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler (

LaserLaB VU Amsterdam, the Netherlands, has an open PhD position on Doppler-free laser spectroscopy of trapped molecular hydrogen ions. LINK

A new PhD position is open at the Physics department of University of Mainz on “Rydberg Ions for Quantum Computation and Quantum Sensing”. More information is available HERE. The successful candidate will work on the experiment that combines exciting aspects of Rydberg physics with trapped-ion qubits. If you are interested, please contact Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler (

We are currently seeking to recruit two motivated and enthusiastic postdoctoral research associates to join the ALPHA collaboration at CERN/Switzerland. LINK

PhD position (3 years), fully funded by  the German Science Foundation (DFG), is available in the
laser molecular spectroscopy group of Otto Dopfer at Technische Universität Berlin, Germany. Details

The Department of Physics at Yale University is inviting applications for a faculty appointment in the area of experimental quantum science. The position is open at all levels. DETAILS

Postdoc and PhD positions on projects in Quantum Computing and Error Correction as well as Quantum Neural Networks with Trapped Ions are available in the Theoretical Quantum Technology Group of Markus Müller at RWTH Aachen and Forschungszentrum Jülich. Please contact Markus Müller for details.

PhD position in theoretical many-body physics with Rydberg atoms at University Tübingen with Igor Lesanowsky. Please contact directly at

We are looking for a PhD student from a European country for an ITN network. The person will work on one of the coolest QT-Flagship projects ever, building a laser system for a transportable optical Sr-clock. Details. In 10 years optical clocks will be all over the place.

PhD position in theoretical quantum physics in Quantum dynamics of impurities with long-range impurity-bath interactions. Details

PhD Position, Scientist and Developer at Swabian Instruments. Details

postdoc position on Ultra-stable frequency laser development for ground tests of the payload of LISA mission at SYRTE, Paris,France. Please contact

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to



A single atom noise probe operating beyond the Heisenberg limit
T. Dutta & M. Mukherjee
npj Quantum Information volume 6, Article number: 3 (2020)

Adaptive Bayesian phase estimation for quantum error correcting codes
F Martínez-García, D Vodola and M Müller
2019 New J. Phys. 21 123027

Analog quantum simulation of superradiance and subradiance in trapped ions
R. T. Sutherland
Phys. Rev. A 100, 061405(R) (2019)

Critical Response of a Quantum van der Pol Oscillator
Shovan Dutta and Nigel R. Cooper
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 250401 (2019)

Cross-Platform Verification of Intermediate Scale Quantum Devices
Andreas Elben, Benoît Vermersch, Rick van Bijnen, Christian Kokail, Tiff Brydges, Christine Maier, Manoj K. Joshi, Rainer Blatt, Christian F. Roos, and Peter Zoller
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 010504 (2020)

Deuteron-to-Proton Mass Ratio from the Cyclotron Frequency Ratio of H+2 to D+ with H+2 in a Resolved Vibrational State
David J. Fink and Edmund G. Myers
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 013001 (2020)

Digital-analog quantum algorithm for the quantum Fourier transform
Ana Martin, Lucas Lamata, Enrique Solano, and Mikel Sanz
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013012 (2020)

Direct decay-energy measurement as a route to the neutrino mass,
J. Karthein, D. Atanasov, K. Blaum, S. Eliseev, P. Filianin, D. Lunney, V. Manea, M. Mougeot, D. Neidherr, Y. Novikov, L. Schweikhard, A.Welker, F. Wienholtz, K. Zuber,
Hyperfine Interact. 240, 61 (2019)

Distance scaling and polarization of electric-field noise in a surface ion trap
Da An, Clemens Matthiesen, Erik Urban, and Hartmut Häffner
Phys. Rev. A 100, 063405 (2019)

Doppler-cooled ions in a compact reconfigurable Penning trap
Brian J. McMahon, Curtis Volin, Wade G. Rellergert, and Brian C. Sawyer
Phys. Rev. A 101, 013408 (2020)

Dual-species, multi-qubit logic primitives for Ca+/Sr+ trapped-ion crystals
C. D. Bruzewicz, R. McConnell, J. Stuart, J. M. Sage & J. Chiaverini
npj Quantum Information volume 5, Article number: 102 (2019)

Dynamics of an unbalanced two-ion crystal in a Penning trap for application in optical mass spectrometry
M. J. Gutiérrez, J. Berrocal, F. Domínguez, I. Arrazola, M. Block, E. Solano, and D. Rodríguez
Phys. Rev. A 100, 063415 (2019)

Electron-impact ionization of W5+
V. Jonauskas, A. Kynienė, S. Kučas, S. Pakalka, Š. Masys, A. Prancikevičius, A. Borovik, Jr., M. F. Gharaibeh, S. Schippers, and A. Müller
Phys. Rev. A 100, 062701 (2019)

Fault-tolerant protection of near-term trapped-ion topological qubits under realistic noise sources
A. Bermudez, X. Xu, M. Gutiérrez, S. C. Benjamin, and M. Müller
Phys. Rev. A 100, 062307 (2019)

Fluorescence Detection as a new Diagnostics Tool for Electrostatic Ion Beam Traps,
S. Lechner, P. Fischer, H. Heylen, V. Lagaki, F.M. Maier, P. Plattner, M. Rosenbusch, S. Sels, F. Wienholtz, R.N. Wolf, W. Nörthershäuser, L. Schweikhard, S. Malbrunot-Ettenauer, Hyperfine Interact. 240, 95 (2019)

Frustrated double ionization of argon atoms in strong laser fields
Seyedreza Larimian, Sonia Erattupuzha, Andrius Baltuška, Markus Kitzler-Zeiler, and Xinhua Xie (
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013021 (2020)

Hyperfine Magnetic Substate Resolved State-to-State Chemistry
Joschka Wolf, Markus Deiß, and Johannes Hecker Denschlag
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 253401 (2019)

Impact of ion motion on atom-ion confinement-induced resonances in hybrid traps
Vladimir S. Melezhik, Zbigniew Idziaszek, and Antonio Negretti
Phys. Rev. A 100, 063406 (2019)

Improved estimate of the collisional frequency shift in Al+ optical clocks
Jack Davis, Pierre Dubé, and Amar C. Vutha
Phys. Rev. Research 1, 033137 (2019)

Ion generation and loading of a Penning trap using pulsed laser ablation
Muhammed Sameed, Daniel Maxwell and Niels Madsen
New Journal of Physics, Volume 22, January 2020

Many-body localization in spin chains with long-range transverse interactions: Scaling of critical disorder with system size
Andrii O. Maksymov and Alexander L. Burin
Phys. Rev. B 101, 024201 (2020)

Many-body localization in XY spin chains with long-range interactions: An exact-diagonalization study
Sebastian Schiffer, Jia Wang, Xia-Ji Liu, and Hui Hu
Phys. Rev. A 100, 063619 (2019)

Mass measurements of neutron-rich isotopes near N = 20 by in-trap decay with the ISOLTRAP spectrometer,
P. Ascher, N. Althubiti, D. Atanasov, K. Blaum, B. Cakirli, S. Grévy, F. Herfurth, S. Kreim, D. Lunney, V. Manea, D. Neidherr, M. Rosenbusch, L. Schweikhard, A. Welker, F. Wienholtz, R.N. Wolf, K. Zuber,
Phys. Rev. C 100, 014304 (2019)

Measurements of electric quadrupole transition frequencies in 226Ra+
C. A. Holliman, M. Fan, and A. M. Jayich
Phys. Rev. A 100, 062512 (2019)

Off-axis parabolic mirror relay microscope for experiments with ultra-cold matter
Michael Hejduk and Brianna R. Heazlewood
Review of Scientific Instruments 90, 123701 (2019)One-dimensional quantum many body systems with long-range interactions
Somnath Maity, Utso Bhattacharya and Amit Dutta
2020 J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 53 013001

Phonon-number-resolving detection of multiple local phonon modes in trapped ions
Ryutaro Ohira, Takashi Mukaiyama, and Kenji Toyoda
Phys. Rev. A 100, 060301(R) (2019)

Protocol for Implementing Quantum Nonparametric Learning with Trapped Ions
Dan-Bo Zhang, Shi-Liang Zhu, and Z. D. Wang
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 010506 (2020)

Pulsed production of cold protonium in Penning traps
Sebastian Gerber, Michael Doser, and Daniel Comparat
Phys. Rev. A 100, 063418 (2019)

QEC-value determination for 21Na → 21Ne and 23Mg → 23Na mirror-nuclei decays using high-precision mass spectrometry with ISOLTRAP at the CERN ISOLDE facility,
J. Karthein, D. Atanasov, Blaum, M. Breitenfeldt, V. Bondar, S. George, L. Hayen, D. Lunney, V. Manea, M. Mougeot, D. Neidherr, L. Schweikhard, N. Severijns, A. Welker, F. Wienholtz, R.N. Wolf, K. Zuber,
Phys. Rev. C 100, 015502 (2019)

QED tests with highly charged ions
P Indelicato
2019 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 52 232001

Quantum bridges in phase space: interference and nonclassicality in strong-field enhanced ionisation
H Chomet, D Sarkar and C Figueira de Morisson Faria
2019 New J. Phys. 21 123004

Robust and Resource-Efficient Microwave Near-Field Entangling 9Be+ Gate
G. Zarantonello, H. Hahn, J. Morgner, M. Schulte, A. Bautista-Salvador, R. F. Werner, K. Hammerer, and C. Ospelkaus
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 260503 (2019)

Rotationally inelastic processes of ${{\rm{C}}}_{2}^{-}$ (${}^{2}{{\rm{\Sigma }}}_{g}^{+}$) colliding with He (1 S) at low temperatures: ab initio interaction potential, state changing rates and kinetic modelling
B P Mant, F A Gianturco, L González-Sánchez, E Yurtsever and R Wester
2020 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 53 025201

Shortcuts to adiabaticity: Concepts, methods, and applications
D. Guéry-Odelin, A. Ruschhaupt, A. Kiely, E. Torrontegui, S. Martínez-Garaot, and J. G. Muga
Rev. Mod. Phys. 91, 045001

Steady-state force sensing with single trapped ion
Peter A Ivanov
2020 Phys. Scr. 95 025103

Strong Coupling of a Single Ion to an Optical Cavity
Hiroki Takahashi, Ezra Kassa, Costas Christoforou, and Matthias Keller
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 013602 (2020)

The mixed quantum Rabi model
Liwei Duan, You-Fei Xie & Qing-Hu Chen
Scientific Reports volume 9, Article number: 18353 (2019)

Toward convergence of effective-field-theory simulations on digital quantum computers
O. Shehab, K. Landsman, Y. Nam, D. Zhu, N. M. Linke, M. Keesan, R. C. Pooser, and C. Monroe
Phys. Rev. A 100, 062319 (2019)

Viewpoint: Quantum Computer Crosscheck
Steven Flammia, Centre for Engineered Quantum Systems, School of Physics, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
January 6, 2020• Physics 13, 3







Coherent rotations of qubits within a multi-species ion-trap quantum computer
Martin W. van Mourik, Esteban A. Martinez, Lukas Gerster, Pavel Hrmo, Thomas Monz, Philipp Schindler, Rainer Blatt

Collisional-radiative modeling of the 5p−5s spectrum of W XIV – W XVI ions
Xiaobin Ding, Fengling Zhang, Yang Yang, Ling Zhang, Fumihiro Koike, Izumi Murakami, Daiji Kato, Hiroyuki A Sakaue, Nobuyuki Nakamura, Chenzhong Dong

Eliminating Leakage Errors in Hyperfine Qubits
D. Hayes, D. Stack, B. Bjork, A. C. Potter, C. H. Baldwin, R. P. Stutz

Feasibility of the ion-trap simulation of a class of non-equilibrium phase transitions
Alba Ramos, Cecilia Cormick

Indistinguishable photons from a trapped-ion quantum network node
M. Meraner, A. Mazloom, V. Krutyanskiy, V. Krcmarsky, J. Schupp, D. Fioretto, P. Sekatski, T. E. Northup, N. Sangouard, B. P. Lanyon

Many-Body Dephasing in a Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulator
Harvey B. Kaplan, Lingzhen Guo, Wen Lin Tan, Arinjoy De, Florian Marquardt, Guido Pagano, Christopher Monroe

Measurement-free preparation of grid states
Jacob Hastrup, Kimin Park, Jonatan Bohr Brask, Radim Filip, Ulrik Lund Andersen

Observation of Domain Wall Confinement and Dynamics in a Quantum Simulator
W. L. Tan, P. Becker, F. Liu, G. Pagano, K. S. Collins, A. De, L. Feng, H. B. Kaplan, A. Kyprianidis, R. Lundgren, W. Morong, S. Whitsitt, A. V. Gorshkov, C. Monroe

Optimised fast gates for quantum computing with trapped ions
Evan P. G. Gale, Zain Mehdi, Lachlan M. Oberg, Alexander K. Ratcliffe, Simon A. Haine, Joseph J. Hope

Programmable Quantum Simulations of Spin Systems with Trapped Ions
C. Monroe, W. C. Campbell, L. -M. Duan, Z. -X. Gong, A. V. Gorshkov, P. Hess, R. Islam, K. Kim, G. Pagano, P. Richerme, C. Senko, N. Y. Yao

Quantum Control via Enhanced Shortcuts to Adiabaticity
Chris Whitty, Anthony Kiely, Andreas Ruschhaupt

Quantum information scrambling in a trapped-ion quantum simulator with tunable range interactions
Manoj K. Joshi, Andreas Elben, Benoît Vermersch, Tiff Brydges, Christine Maier, Peter Zoller, Rainer Blatt, Christian F. Roos

Realization of two-dimensional crystal of ions in a monolithic Paul trap
Ye Wang, Mu Qiao, Zhengyang Cai, Kuan Zhang, Naijun Jin, Pengfei Wang, Wentao Chen, Chunyang Luan, Haiyan Wang, Yipu Song, Dahyun Yum, Kihwan Kim

Shuttling-Based Trapped-Ion Quantum Information Processing
V. Kaushal, B. Lekitsch, A. Stahl, J. Hilder, D. Pijn, C. Schmiegelow, A. Bermudez, M. Müller, F. Schmidt-Kaler, U. Poschinger

Variational quantum state preparation via quantum data buses
V. V. Kuzmin, P. Silvi

Weak-value magnetometry for precision tests of fundamental physics
Sounok Ghosh, Leong-Chuan Kwek, Daniel R. Terno, Sai Vinjanampathy

ITN Newsletter – November 2019

Dear all,

you are more than 1000 ion trappers to receive this newsletter every month, and we see an enthusiastic evolution of subscribers. In order to make this happen, Alejandro Bermudez and I work on this and we need every year a small budget to keep going. There have been a number of generous donors to support us financially, and we wish to thank – in your name – very warmly the following people and their groups:

Klaus Blaum, Heidelberg; Rainer Blatt, Innsbruck; Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Mainz; Piet O. Schmidt, Braunschweig; and Stephan Schiller, Düsseldorf;  as well as Jonathan Home and Mirjam Bruttin from Zürich who provide an important logistics support.

If you would like to also support this newsletter (and the community), please do not hesitate to contact me. Everyone is welcome to do so 😉

Best regards,
Martina Knoop


Finally we can announce the winner of the logo contest!  We thank all the participants for their original and funny proposals. Eventually the victory went to … Chiara Decaroli from ETH Zuerich, her logo perfectly blends art and design with ion trapping!  You will soon discover it on our new Action website !! Congratulations!!
Regarding our colleagues from the UK, COST informs us that: Brexit Update: UK government has extended the Underwrite Guarantee of Horizon 2020 to COST.  The UK government has committed to provide funding for eligible UK participation in COST Actions until the end of 2020 in case of a no-deal Brexit.

Special Issue in Applied Sciences (Open Access Journal): “Optical Trapping of Ions and Atoms 2020: Novel Advances and Prospects“, now open for submissions.
Guest Editors:  Tobias Schätz, Vladan Vuletic, Michael Drewsen, Jonathan Home, Leon Karpa        Details

EPJ QT special issue: “Quantum Metrology & Quantum Enhanced Measurement“. Submissions are accepted from now until 30 June 2021. Details


IQuMS 2019 -the “International conference on quantum Metrology and Sensing”  will be held in Paris, France from 9 to 13 December 2019. LINK

Early Career Conference on Trapped Ions, to be held at CERN, Geneva 13-17 January 2020. LINK

DPG Spring Meeting “Atomic Physics” 9 – 13 March 2020 in Hannover LINK

European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI), Djurönäset, Sweden, 13-17 July 2020

CCMI 2020 – Cold and Controlled Molecules and Ions, 6 – 11 September 2020, Durham University, UK, LINK


PhD position is available in the group of Prof. Stefan Willitsch (University of Basel, Switzerland) on cold ion-molecule hybrid systems. See the group’s website for further information.

Two PhD positions are available on fundamental tests based on precision (frequency comb) spectroscopy of trapped He+ ions, molecular hydrogen and quantum-degenerate meta-stable helium at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands. More information at:

A new PhD position is open at the Physics department of University of Mainz on “Scalable Quantum Computing with Trapped Ions”. More information is available HERE. The successful candidate will work on a cutting-edge experiment aiming at the realization of elementary quantum algorithms based on shuttling trapped-ion qubits in segmented microchip traps. If you are interested, please contact Ulrich Poschinger ( and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler (

LaserLaB VU Amsterdam, the Netherlands, has an open PhD position on Doppler-free laser spectroscopy of trapped molecular hydrogen ions. LINK

A new PhD position is open at the Physics department of University of Mainz on “Rydberg Ions for Quantum Computation and Quantum Sensing”. More information is available HERE. The successful candidate will work on the experiment that combines exciting aspects of Rydberg physics with trapped-ion qubits. If you are interested, please contact Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler (

We are currently seeking to recruit two motivated and enthusiastic postdoctoral research associates to join the ALPHA collaboration at CERN/Switzerland. LINK

PhD position (3 years), fully funded by  the German Science Foundation (DFG), is available in the
laser molecular spectroscopy group of Otto Dopfer at Technische Universität Berlin, Germany. Details

The Department of Physics at Yale University is inviting applications for a faculty appointment in the area of experimental quantum science. The position is open at all levels. DETAILS

Postdoc and PhD positions on projects in Quantum Computing and Error Correction as well as Quantum Neural Networks with Trapped Ions are available in the Theoretical Quantum Technology Group of Markus Müller at RWTH Aachen and Forschungszentrum Jülich. Please contact Markus Müller for details.

PhD position in theoretical many-body physics with Rydberg atoms at University Tübingen with Igor Lesanowsky. Please contact directly at

We are looking for a PhD student from a European country for an ITN network. The person will work on one of the coolest QT-Flagship projects ever, building a laser system for a transportable optical Sr-clock. Details. In 10 years optical clocks will be all over the place.

PhD position in theoretical quantum physics in Quantum dynamics of impurities with long-range impurity-bath interactions. Details

PhD Position, Scientist and Developer at Swabian Instruments. Details

postdoc position on Ultra-stable frequency laser development for ground tests of the payload of LISA mission at SYRTE, Paris,France. Please contact

Two postdoc positions are available at the Stefan Meyer Institute for Subatomic Physics of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna on physics with trapped charged particles for antihydrogen production (ASACUSA collaboration). LINK1 and LINK2

postdoc position at Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers (Villetaneuse, close to Paris) on Ultrastable frequency transfer through optical fiber links in a Euramet project. Details

One open PhD position would be for Quantum Simulation with large beryllium ion crystals in a Penning trap. Interested students should please contact Robert Wolf ( and Michael Biercuk (

Furthermore, we have two open PhD positions at our Paul trap experiments with ytterbium ions on Quantum Control and Quantum Simulation, please contact Cornelius Hempel ( and Michael Biercuk (

Ultracold Quantum Molecular Systems Group at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw in Poland - – is looking for two postdoctoral researchers in the field of theoretical AMO physics / quantum chemistry. Please contact Michał Tomza (

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to



Benchmarking an 11-qubit quantum computer
K. Wright, K. M. Beck, S. Debnath, J. M. Amini, Y. Nam, N. Grzesiak, J.-S. Chen, N. C. Pisenti, M. Chmielewski, C. Collins, K. M. Hudek, J. Mizrahi, J. D. Wong-Campos, S. Allen, J. Apisdorf, P. Solomon, M. Williams, A. M. Ducore, A. Blinov, S. M. Kreikemeier, V. Chaplin, M. Keesan, C. Monroe & J. Kim
Nature Communications volume 10, Article number: 5464 (2019)

Coherent coupling between the motional fluctuation of a mirror and a trapped ion inside an optical cavity: Memory, state transfer, and entanglement
Devender Garg and Asoka Biswas
Phys. Rev. A 100, 053822 (2019)

Combined experimental and theoretical probe of the branching fractions of the 4P3/2 state in 40Ca+
Hong-Fang Song, Yong-Bo Tang, Shao-Long Chen, Li-Jun Du, Yao Huang, Hua Guan, and Ke-Lin Gao
Phys. Rev. A 100, 052505 (2019)

Direct determination of the energy of the first excited fine-structure level in Ba6+
N. Kimura, R. Kodama, K. Suzuki, S. Oishi, M. Wada, K. Okada, N. Ohmae, H. Katori, and N. Nakamura
Phys. Rev. A 100, 052508 (2019)

Direct limits on the interaction of antiprotons with axion-like dark matter
C. Smorra, Y. V. Stadnik, P. E. Blessing, M. Bohman, M. J. Borchert, J. A. Devlin, S. Erlewein, J. A. Harrington, T. Higuchi, A. Mooser, G. Schneider, M. Wiesinger, E. Wursten, K. Blaum, Y. Matsuda, C. Ospelkaus, W. Quint, J. Walz, Y. Yamazaki, D. Budker & S. Ulmer
Nature volume 575, pages 310–314 (2019)

Dynamical phase diagram of a quantum Ising chain with long-range interactions
Giulia Piccitto, Bojan Žunkovič, and Alessandro Silva
Phys. Rev. B 100, 180402(R) (2019) 

Dual-species, multi-qubit logic primitives for Ca+/Sr+ trapped-ion crystals
C. D. Bruzewicz, R. McConnell, J. Stuart, J. M. Sage & J. Chiaverini
npj Quantum Information volume 5, Article number: 102 (2019)

Efficient isotope-selective pulsed laser ablation loading of 174Yb+ ions in a surface electrode trap
Vrijsen, Geert; Aikyo, Yuhi; Spivey, Robert F.; Inlek, I. Volkan; Kim, Jungsang
Optics Express 27(23) 33907-33914, 2019

Erratum: Quantum simulation of long-range
XY quantum spin glass with strong area-law violation using trapped ions [Phys. Rev. A 99, 052342 (2019)]
Nilanjan Roy, Auditya Sharma, and Rick Mukherjee
Phys. Rev. A 100, 059902 (2019)

Fast state and trap rotation of a particle in an anisotropic potential
I Lizuain, A Tobalina, A Rodriguez-Prieto and J G Muga
2019 J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 52 465301

Floquet-Engineered Vibrational Dynamics in a Two-Dimensional Array of Trapped Ions
Philip Kiefer, Frederick Hakelberg, Matthias Wittemer, Alejandro Bermúdez, Diego Porras, Ulrich Warring, and Tobias Schaetz
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 213605 (2019)

Ion-induced interactions in a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid
A. B. Michelsen, M. Valiente, N. T. Zinner, and A. Negretti
Phys. Rev. B 100, 205427 (2019)

Isotope-resolved photodissociation pathways of lead-doped bismuth clusters from tandem multi-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometry
P. Fischer, L. Schweikhard
Phys. Rev. Research 1, 033050 (2019)

Locality and heating in periodically driven, power-law-interacting systems
Minh C. Tran, Adam Ehrenberg, Andrew Y. Guo, Paraj Titum, Dmitry A. Abanin, and Alexey V. Gorshkov
Phys. Rev. A 100, 052103 (2019)

Long-range versus short-range effects in cold molecular ion-neutral collisions
Alexander D. Dörfler, Pascal Eberle, Debasish Koner, Michał Tomza, Markus Meuwly & Stefan Willitsch
Nature Communications volume 10, Article number: 5429 (2019)

Multiple ion capture and separation in an electrostatic storage device
P. Fischer, G. Marx, L. Schweikhard
Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 435, 305-314 (2019)

Observation of electric octupole emission lines strongly enhanced by the anomalous behavior of a cascading contribution
Hiroyuki A. Sakaue, Daiji Kato, Izumi Murakami, Hayato Ohashi, and Nobuyuki Nakamura
Phys. Rev. A 100, 052515 (2019)

Phonon Pair Creation by Inflating Quantum Fluctuations in an Ion Trap
Matthias Wittemer, Frederick Hakelberg, Philip Kiefer, Jan-Philipp Schröder, Christian Fey, Ralf Schützhold, Ulrich Warring, and Tobias Schaetz
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 180502 (2019)

Photofragmentation of Bin+/- clusters (n=2-19) in an electrostatic ion beam trap
P. Fischer, L. Schweikhard
Eur. Phys. J. D 73, 105 (2019)

Precision Measurement of Atomic Isotope Shifts Using a Two-Isotope Entangled State
Tom Manovitz, Ravid Shaniv, Yotam Shapira, Roee Ozeri, and Nitzan Akerman
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 203001 (2019)

QED tests with highly charged ions
P Indelicato
2019 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 52 232001

Quantum Time Crystals from Hamiltonians with Long-Range Interactions
Valerii K. Kozin and Oleksandr Kyriienko
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 210602 (2019)

Quantum Interference between Photons from an Atomic Ensemble and a Remote Atomic Ion
A. N. Craddock, J. Hannegan, D. P. Ornelas-Huerta, J. D. Siverns, A. J. Hachtel, E. A. Goldschmidt, J. V. Porto, Q. Quraishi, and S. L. Rolston
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 213601 (2019)

Trapping of C2 − in a digital ion trap
Alexander Hinterberger, Sebastian Gerber, Emanuel Oswald, Christan Zimmer, Julian Fesel and Michael Doser
2019 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 52 225003  







Coherent control for qubit state readout
Conrad Roman, Anthony Ransford, Michael Ip, Wesley C. Campbell

Convenient real time monitor of the contamination of surface ion trap
Xinfang Zhang, Yizhu Hou, Ting Chen, Wei Wu, Pingxing Chen

Development of a recoil ion source providing slow Th ions including 229(m)Th in a broad charge state distribution
Raphael Haas, Tom Kieck, Dmitry Budker, Christoph E. Düllmann, Karin Groot-Berning, Wenbing Li, Dennis Renisch, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Felix Stopp, Anna Viatkina

Eigenstate extraction with neural-network tomography
Abhijeet Melkani, Clemens Gneiting, Franco Nori

Expansion Dynamics of Cold Non-Neutral Plasma
Michael A. Viray, Stephanie A. Miller, Georg Raithel

High-rate, high-fidelity entanglement of qubits across an elementary quantum network
L J Stephenson, D P Nadlinger, B C Nichol, S An, P Drmota, T G Ballance, K Thirumalai, J F Goodwin, D M Lucas, C J Ballance

Hybrid Microwave Radiation Patterns for High-Fidelity Quantum Gates with Trapped Ions
I. Arrazola, M. B. Plenio, E. Solano, J. Casanova

Improving the Indistinguishability of Single Photons from an Ion-Cavity System
Thomas Walker, Samir Vartabi Kashanian, Travers Ward, Matthias Keller

Laser-free trapped-ion entangling gates with simultaneous insensitivity to qubit and motional decoherence
R. T. Sutherland, R. Srinivas, S. C. Burd, H. M. Knaack, A. C. Wilson, D. J. Wineland, D. Leibfried, D. T. C. Allcock, D. H. Slichter, S. B. Libby

Light from an ion crystal: bunching or antibunching?
Sebastian Wolf, Stefan Richter, Joachim von Zanthier, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler

Nonlinear Bell inequality for macroscopic measurements
Adam Bene Watts, Nicole Yunger Halpern, Aram Harrow

Optimally band-limited controls for quantum multi-axis spectral estimation
Virginia Frey, Leigh M. Norris, Lorenza Viola, Michael J. Biercuk

Precision frequency-comb terahertz spectroscopy on pure quantum states of a single molecular ion
Chin-wen Chou, Alejandra L. Collopy, Christoph Kurz, Yiheng Lin, Michael E. Harding, Philipp N. Plessow, Tara Fortier, Scott Diddams, Dietrich Leibfried, David. R. Leibrandt

Production of highly charged ions of rare species by laser-induced desorption inside an electron beam ion trap
Christoph Schweiger, Charlotte König, José R. Crespo López-Urrutia, Menno Door, Holger Dorrer, Christoph E. Düllmann, Sergey Eliseev, Pavel Filianin, Wenjia Huang, Kathrin Kromer, Peter Micke, Marius Müller, Dennis Renisch, Alexander Rischka, Rima X. Schüssler, Klaus Blaum

Quantum Gravity in the Lab: Teleportation by Size and Traversable Wormholes
Adam R. Brown, Hrant Gharibyan, Stefan Leichenauer, Henry W. Lin, Sepehr Nezami, Grant Salton, Leonard Susskind, Brian Swingle, Michael Walter

Quantum Simulation of Non-perturbative Cavity QED with Trapped Ions
Tuomas Jaako, Juan José Garcia-Ripoll, Peter Rabl

Real-time dynamics of string breaking in quantum spin chains
Roberto Verdel, Fangli Liu, Seth Whitsitt, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Markus Heyl

Robust and resource-efficient microwave near-field entangling 9Be+ gate
G. Zarantonello, H. Hahn, J. Morgner, M. Schulte, A. Bautista-Salvador, R. F. Werner, K. Hammerer, C. Ospelkaus

Simulating Lattice Gauge Theories within Quantum Technologies
M. C. Bañuls, R. Blatt, J. Catani, A. Celi, J. I. Cirac, M. Dalmonte, L. Fallani, K. Jansen, M. Lewenstein, S. Montangero, C. A. Muschik, B. Reznik, E. Rico, L. Tagliacozzo, K. Van Acoleyen, F. Verstraete, U. -J. Wiese, M. Wingate, J. Zakrzewski, P. Zoller

Single-ion addressing via trap potential modulation in global optical fields
Christopher M. Seck, Adam M. Meier, J. True Merrill, Harley T. Hayden, Brian C. Sawyer, Curtis E. Volin, Kenton R. Brown

Single-Particle Decoherence Can Improve Spin-Squeezing Generated In Collective Dynamics
K. Tucker, D. Barberena, R. J. Lewis-Swan, J. K. Thompson, J. G. Restrepo, A. M. Rey

State dependent motional squeezing of a trapped ion: new method and applications
Martín Drechsler, María Belén Farías Nahuel Freitas, Christian Tomás Schmiegelow, Juan Pablo Paz

Subspace benchmarking high-fidelity entangling operations with trapped ions
C. H. Baldwin, B. J. Bjork, J. P. Gaebler, D. Hayes, D. Stack

Theory of robust multi-qubit non-adiabatic gates for trapped-ions
Yotam Shapira, Ravid Shaniv, Tom Manovitz, Nitzan Akerman, Lee Peleg, Lior Gazit, Roee Ozeri, Ady Stern

Towards generation of cat states in trapped ions set-ups via FAQUAD protocols and dynamical decoupling
Mikel Palmero, Miguel Ángel Simón, Dario Poletti

ITN Newsletter – October 2019

Dear all,

the COST Action has an ongoing open call for Short term scientific missions (STSMs) which gives support to early career researchers for spending some time (at least one week) in a different lab in order to learn new techniques and methods and discuss mutual approaches. We would  like to particularly invite female ion trappers from all associated countries  and ion trappers from the central and eastern European countries to make use of this tool. Useless to say, that if you are a female ion trapper from central or eastern Europe, the world is at your feet ! Please submit your scientific projects to  or contact the STSM coordinator Lukas Klosowski.

Best regards,
Your editorial team


Regarding our colleagues from the UK, COST informs us that: Brexit Update: UK government has extended the Underwrite Guarantee of Horizon 2020 to COST.  The UK government has committed to provide funding for eligible UK participation in COST Actions until the end of 2020 in case of a no-deal Brexit.

Special Issue in Applied Sciences (Open Access Journal): “Optical Trapping of Ions and Atoms 2020: Novel Advances and Prospects“, now open for submissions.
Guest Editors:  Tobias Schätz, Vladan Vuletic, Michael Drewsen, Jonathan Home, Leon Karpa        Details

EPJ QT special issue: “Quantum Metrology & Quantum Enhanced Measurement“. Submissions are accepted from now until 30 June 2021. Details


IQuMS 2019 -the “International conference on quantum Metrology and Sensing”  will be held in Paris, France from 9 to 13 December 2019. LINK

Early Career Conference on Trapped Ions, to be held at CERN, Geneva 13-17 January 2020. LINK

DPG Spring Meeting “Atomic Physics” 9 – 13 March 2020 in Hannover LINK

European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI), Djurönäset, Sweden, 13-17 July 2020


Two postdoc positions are available at the Stefan Meyer Institute for Subatomic Physics of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna on physics with trapped charged particles for antihydrogen production (ASACUSA collaboration). LINK1 and LINK2

postdoc position at Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers (Villetaneuse, close to Paris) on Ultrastable frequency transfer through optical fiber links in a Euramet project. Details

The University of Sydney invites applications for a Postdoctoral Research Associate to participate in a research programme investigating quantum simulation using the trapped-ion architecture, especially for the simulation of chemical processes. The successful candidate will develop new theoretical techniques for quantum simulation of a range of chemical and physical processes and collaborate with experimentalists to enable the experimental demonstration of new methods.
For details and to apply, visit  Applications close on 14 November 2019.

One open PhD position would be for Quantum Simulation with large beryllium ion crystals in a Penning trap. Interested students should please contact Robert Wolf ( and Michael Biercuk (

Furthermore, we have two open PhD positions at our Paul trap experiments with ytterbium ions on Quantum Control and Quantum Simulation, please contact Cornelius Hempel ( and Michael Biercuk (

Ultracold Quantum Molecular Systems Group at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw in Poland - – is looking for two postdoctoral researchers in the field of theoretical AMO physics / quantum chemistry. Please contact Michał Tomza (

The University of Düsseldorf offers 5-year independent junior research groupsDetails

The European Training Network “MoSaiQC” is looking for a PhD candidate  to become an expert on optical atomic clocks. Based at TOPTICA in Munich, the work will be done in close collaboration with the University of Birmingham. Details

postdoctoral fellowship at Georgetown University is available in the field of reservoir engineering in ion traps in the group of Jim Freericks. E-mail  for further information

Postdoc and PhD positions on projects in Quantum Networking and Quantum Computing with trapped ions are available at the University of Oxford, please contact Chris Ballance 

The University of Kassel, Germany announces an open W2 professorship for Theo­re­ti­cal Ato­mic, Mole­cu­lar and Quan­tum Op­ti­cal Phy­sics – Institute of Physics Details 

PostDoc positions (quantum dynamics of Coulomb crystals controlled by optical fields, and quantum logic spectroscopy of bio-relevant molecular ions) are available in the Ion TRap group at Aarhus University. For details please contact Michael Drewsen

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to


Capture of an external anion beam into a linear Paul trap
G Cerchiari, S Erlewein, P Yzombard, M Zimmermann and A Kellerbauer
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 52 155003  (

Demonstration of slow light in rubidium vapor using single photons from a trapped ion
J. D. Siverns, J. Hannegan and Q. Quraishi
Science Advances 
Vol. 5, no. 10, eaav4651, 04 Oct 2019

Heisenberg-scaling measurement protocol for analytic functions with quantum sensor networks
Kevin Qian, Zachary Eldredge, Wenchao Ge, Guido Pagano, Christopher Monroe, J. V. Porto, and Alexey V. Gorshkov
Phys. Rev. A 100, 042304 (2019)

Highly Polarizable Rydberg Ion in a Paul Trap
Gerard Higgins, Fabian Pokorny, Chi Zhang, and Markus Hennrich
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 153602 (2019)

Laser-driven production of the antihydrogen molecular ion
Mark C. Zammit, Michael Charlton, Svante Jonsell, James Colgan, Jeremy S. Savage, Dmitry V. Fursa, Alisher S. Kadyrov, Igor Bray, Robert C. Forrey, Christopher J. Fontes, Jeffery A. Leiding, David P. Kilcrease, Peter Hakel, and Eddy Timmermans
Phys. Rev. A 100, 042709 (2019)

Microelectromechanical-System-Based Design of a High-Finesse Fiber Cavity Integrated with an Ion Trap
Moonjoo Lee, Minjae Lee, Seokjun Hong, Klemens Schüppert, Yeong-Dae Kwon, Taehyun Kim, Yves Colombe, Tracy E. Northup, Dong-Il “Dan” Cho, and Rainer Blatt
Phys. Rev. Applied 12, 044052 (2019)

Modular quantum computation in a trapped ion system
Kuan Zhang, Jayne Thompson, Xiang Zhang, Yangchao Shen, Yao Lu, Shuaining Zhang, Jiajun Ma, Vlatko Vedral, Mile Gu & Kihwan Kim
Nature Communications volume 10, Article number: 4692 (2019)

Phonon Pair Creation by Inflating Quantum Fluctuations in an Ion Trap
Matthias Wittemer, Frederick Hakelberg, Philip Kiefer, Jan-Philipp Schröder, Christian Fey, Ralf Schützhold, Ulrich Warring, and Tobias Schaetz
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 180502 (2019)

Polarizability assessments of ion-based optical clocks
M. D. Barrett, K. J. Arnold, and M. S. Safronova
Phys. Rev. A 100, 043418 (2019)

Quantum criticality of the transverse-field Ising model with long-range interactions on triangular-lattice cylinders
Jan Koziol, Sebastian Fey, Sebastian C. Kapfer, and Kai Phillip Schmidt
Phys. Rev. B 100, 144411 (2019)

Shuttling of Rydberg Ions for Fast Entangling Operations
J. Vogel, W. Li, A. Mokhberi, I. Lesanovsky, and F. Schmidt-Kaler
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 153603 (2019)

Sideband cooling of the radial modes of motion of a single ion in a Penning trap
P. Hrmo, M. K. Joshi, V. Jarlaud, O. Corfield, and R. C. Thompson
Phys. Rev. A 100, 043414 (2019)

Stroboscopic approach to trapped-ion quantum information processing with squeezed phonons
Wenchao Ge, Brian C. Sawyer, Joseph W. Britton, Kurt Jacobs, Michael Foss-Feig, and John J. Bollinger
Phys. Rev. A 100, 043417 (2019)

Superconducting Solenoid System with Adjustable Shielding Factor for Precision Measurements of the Properties of the Antiproton
Jack A. Devlin, Elise Wursten, James A. Harrington, Takashi Higuchi, Pascal E. Blessing, Matthias J. Borchert, Stefan Erlewein, Jannek J. Hansen, Jonathan Morgner, Matthew A. Bohman, Andreas H. Mooser, Christian Smorra, Markus Wiesinger, Klaus Blaum, Yasuyuki Matsuda, Christian Ospelkaus, Wolfgang Quint, Jochen Walz, Yasunori Yamazaki, and Stefan Ulmer
Phys. Rev. Applied 12, 044012 (2019)

Systematic uncertainty due to background-gas collisions in trapped-ion optical clocks
A. M. Hankin, E. R. Clements, Y. Huang, S. M. Brewer, J.-S. Chen, C. W. Chou, D. B. Hume, and D. R. Leibrandt
Phys. Rev. A 100, 033419 (2019)

Training of quantum circuits on a hybrid quantum computer
D. Zhu, N. M. Linke, M. Benedetti, K. A. Landsman, N. H. Nguyen, C. H. Alderete, A. Perdomo-Ortiz, N. Korda, A. Garfoot, C. Brecque, L. Egan, O. Perdomo and C. Monroe
Science Advances 
Vol. 5, no. 10, eaaw9918, 18 Oct 2019:






Accurately accounting for effects on times-of-flight caused by finite field-transition times during the ejection of ions from a storage trap: A study for TOF and MRTOF mass spectrometry
M. Rosenbusch, P. Schury, M. Wada, S. Iimura, Y. Ito, H. Wollnik

Bridging the Gap Between Many-Body Localization and Quantum Spin Glasses
Louk Rademaker, Dmitry A. Abanin

Detection of the 5p−4f orbital crossing and its optical clock transition in Pr9+
H. Bekker, A. Borschevsky, Z. Harman, C. H. Keitel, T. Pfeifer, P. O. Schmidt, J. R. Crespo López-Urrutia, J. C. Berengut

Dynamical mean field theory algorithm and experiment on quantum computers
I. Rungger, N. Fitzpatrick, H. Chen, C. H. Alderete, H. Apel, A. Cowtan, A. Patterson, D. Munoz Ramo, Y. Zhu, N. H. Nguyen, E. Grant, S. Chretien, L. Wossnig, N. M. Linke, R. Duncan

Engineering generalized Gibbs ensembles with trapped ions
Florentin Reiter, Florian Lange, Zala Lenarčič

Higher-order and fractional discrete time crystals in clean long-range interacting systems
Andrea Pizzi, Johannes Knolle, Andreas Nunnenkamp

Hybrid infinite time-evolving block decimation algorithm for long-range multi-dimensional quantum many-body systems
Tomohiro Hashizume, Jad C. Halimeh, Ian P. McCulloch

Kinks and Nanofriction: Structural Phases in Few-Atom Chains
Dorian A. Gangloff, Alexei Bylinskii, Vladan Vuletić

Large orbital magnetic moments of small, free cobalt cluster ions Co+n with n≤9
V Zamudio-Bayer, K Hirsch, A Langenberg, A Ławicki, A Terasaki, B von Issendorff, J T Lau

Logical Performance of 9 Qubit Compass Codes in Ion Traps with Crosstalk Errors
Dripto M. Debroy, Muyuan Li, Shilin Huang, Kenneth R. Brown

Machine learning design of a trapped-ion quantum spin simulator
Yi Hong Teoh, Marina Drygala, Roger G. Melko, Rajibul Islam

Observation of the weak-to-strong transition of quantum measurement in trapped ions
Yiming Pan, Jie Zhang, Eliahu Cohen, Chun-wang Wu, Ping-Xing Chen, Nir Davidson

Paving the way for fundamental physics tests with singly-ionized helium
J. J. Krauth, L. S. Dreissen, C. Roth, E. L. Gründeman, M. Collombon, M. Favier, K. S. E. Eikema

Quantum non-demolition state detection and spectroscopy of single trapped molecules
Mudit Sinhal, Ziv Meir, Kaveh Najafian, Gregor Hegi, Stefan Willitsch

Rotational state-changing collisions between N+2 and Rb at low energies
A. D. Dörfler, E. Yurtsever, P. Villarreal, T. González-Lezana, F. A. Gianturco, S. Willitsch

Scalable quantum computing stabilised by optical tweezers on an ion crystal
Yu-Ching Shen, Guin-Dar Lin

Steering Zitterbewegung in driven Dirac systems — from persistent modes to echoes
Phillipp Reck, Cosimo Gorini, Klaus Richter

Trapping Single Ions and Coulomb Crystals with Light Fields
Leon Karpa

ITN Newsletter – September 2019

ear all,

the next European Conference on Trapped ions (ECTI) will be held in beautiful Djurönäset in Sweden from 13-17 July 2020. (Where is this?) SAVE THE DATE. !
Let us also attract your attention, that theses are the last days for submission of an abstract for ECCTI , scheduled 13-17 January 2020 at CERN premises (see below).

Best regards,
Your editorial team


The deadline for abstract submission of the Early Career Conference on Trapped Ions (ECCTI) has been extended to 8 October 2019 LINK

Special Issue in Applied Sciences (Open Access Journal): “Optical Trapping of Ions and Atoms 2020: Novel Advances and Prospects“, now open for submissions.
Guest Editors:  Tobias Schätz, Vladan Vuletic, Michael Drewsen, Jonathan Home, Leon Karpa        Details

EPJ QT special issue: “Quantum Metrology & Quantum Enhanced Measurement“. Submissions are accepted from now until 30 June 2021. Details


IQuMS 2019 -the “International conference on quantum Metrology and Sensing”  will be held in Paris, France from 9 to 13 December 2019. LINK

Early Career Conference on Trapped Ions, to be held at CERN, Geneva 13-17 January 2020. LINK

DPG Spring Meeting “Atomic Physics” 9 – 13 March 2020 in Hannover LINK

European Conference on Trapped Ions (ECTI), Djurönäset, Sweden, 13-17 July 2020


postdoctoral fellowship at Georgetown University is available in the field of reservoir engineering in ion traps in the group of Jim Freericks. E-mail  for further information

Postdoc and PhD positions on projects in Quantum Networking and Quantum Computing with trapped ions are available at the University of Oxford, please contact Chris Ballance 

The University of Kassel, Germany announces an open W2 professorship for Theo­re­ti­cal Ato­mic, Mole­cu­lar and Quan­tum Op­ti­cal Phy­sics – Institute of Physics Details 

PostDoc positions (quantum dynamics of Coulomb crystals controlled by optical fields, and quantum logic spectroscopy of bio-relevant molecular ions) are available in the Ion TRap group at Aarhus University. For details please contact Michael Drewsen

University of Sussex is looking for a Research Fellow in Quantum Networking and Quantum Computation. Details

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to


A room-temperature ion trapping apparatus with hydrogen partial pressure below 10−11 mbar
P. Obšil, A. Lešundák, T. Pham, K. Lakhmanskiy, L. Podhora, M. Oral, O. Číp, and L. Slodička
Review of Scientific Instruments 90, 083201 (2019)

Analytical investigation of one-dimensional Doppler cooling of trapped ions with Λ-type configuration
L.-L. Yan, Shi-Lei Su, and Mang Feng
Phys. Rev. A 100, 033418 (2019)

Application of the Continuous Stern-Gerlach Effect for Laser Spectroscopy of the 40Ar13+ Fine Structure in a Penning Trap
Alexander Egl, Ioanna Arapoglou, Martin Höcker, Kristian König, Tim Ratajczyk, Tim Sailer, Bingsheng Tu, Andreas Weigel, Klaus Blaum, Wilfried Nörtershäuser, and Sven Sturm
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 123001 (2019)

Asymmetric heat transport in ion crystals
M. A. Simón, S. Martínez-Garaot, M. Pons, and J. G. Muga
Phys. Rev. E 100, 032109 (2019)

Can a periodically driven particle resist laser cooling and noise?
A. Maitra, D. Leibfried, D. Ullmo, and H. Landa
Phys. Rev. Research 1, 012012(R) – (2019)

Coherent Control of the Rotational Degree of Freedom of a Two-Ion Coulomb Crystal
Erik Urban, Neil Glikin, Sara Mouradian, Kai Krimmel, Boerge Hemmerling, and Hartmut Haeffner
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 133202 (2019)

Compound atom-ion Josephson junction: Effects of finite temperature and ion motion
Mostafa R. Ebgha, Shahpoor Saeidian, Peter Schmelcher, and Antonio Negretti
Phys. Rev. A 100, 033616 (2019) 

Crossover from fast to slow dynamics in a long range interacting Ising chain
Giulia Piccitto and Alessandro Silva
J. Stat. Mech. 2019 094017 (2019)

Deterministic Single-Ion Implantation of Rare-Earth Ions for Nanometer-Resolution Color-Center Generation
Karin Groot-Berning, Thomas Kornher, Georg Jacob, Felix Stopp, Samuel T. Dawkins, Roman Kolesov, Jörg Wrachtrup, Kilian Singer, and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 106802 (2019)

Digital quantum simulation, Trotter errors, and quantum chaos of the kicked top
Lukas M. Sieberer, Tobias Olsacher, Andreas Elben, Markus Heyl, Philipp Hauke, Fritz Haake & Peter Zoller
npj Quantum Information, volume 5, Article number: 78 (2019)

Experimental Demonstration of Three-Photon Coherent Population Trapping in an Ion Cloud
M. Collombon, C. Chatou, G. Hagel, J. Pedregosa-Gutierrez, M. Houssin, M. Knoop, and C. Champenois
Phys. Rev. Applied 12, 034035 (2019)

Focus: Cooling on the Negative Side
Michael Schirber
Physics 12, 98 (2019)

Interference in a Prototype of a Two-Dimensional Ion Trap Array Quantum Simulator
Frederick Hakelberg, Philip Kiefer, Matthias Wittemer, Ulrich Warring, and Tobias Schaetz
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 100504 (2019)

Gravitational effects on geonium and free electron gs-factor measurements in a Penning trap
S. Ulbricht, R. A. Müller, and A. Surzhykov
Phys. Rev. D 100, 064029 (2019)

Laser-Assisted Evaporative Cooling of Anions
G. Cerchiari, P. Yzombard, and A. Kellerbauer
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 103201 (2019)
Leakage mitigation for quantum error correction using a mixed qubit scheme
Natalie C. Brown and Kenneth R. Brown
Phys. Rev. A 100, 032325 (2019)

Lieb–Robinson bounds for open quantum systems with long-ranged interactions
Ryan Sweke, Jens Eisert and Michael Kastner
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 52 424003 

Light-matter entanglement over 50 km of optical fibre
V. Krutyanskiy, M. Meraner, J. Schupp, V. Krcmarsky, H. Hainzer & B. P. Lanyon
npj Quantum Information,volume 5, Article number: 72 (2019)

Many-body localized quantum batteries
Davide Rossini, Gian Marcello Andolina, and Marco Polini
Phys. Rev. B 100, 115142 (2019)

Measurements of the branching ratios for 6P1/2 decays in 138Ba+
K. J. Arnold, S. R. Chanu, R. Kaewuam, T. R. Tan, L. Yeo, Zhiqiang Zhang, M. S. Safronova, and M. D. Barrett
Phys. Rev. A 100, 032503 (2019)

Measuring Magnetic Fields with Magnetic-Field-Insensitive Transitions
Yotam Shapira, Yehonatan Dallal, Roee Ozeri, and Ady Stern
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 133204 (2019)

Multipath interference from large trapped ion chains
P Obšil, A Lešundák, T Pham, G Araneda, M Čížek, O Číp, R Filip and L Slodička
New J. Phys. 21 093039 (2019)

Probing Ground-State Phase Transitions through Quench Dynamics
Paraj Titum, Joseph T. Iosue, James R. Garrison, Alexey V. Gorshkov, and Zhe-Xuan Gong
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 115701 (2019)

Roadmap on STIRAP applications
Klaas Bergmann, Hanns-Christoph Nägerl, Cristian Panda, Gerald Gabrielse, Eduard Miloglyadov, Martin Quack, Georg Seyfang, Gunther Wichmann, Silke Ospelkaus, Axel Kuhn, Stefano Longhi, Alexander Szameit, Philipp Pirro, Burkard Hillebrands, Xue-Feng Zhu, Jie Zhu, Michael Drewsen, Winfried K Hensinger, Sebastian Weidt, Thomas Halfmann, Hai-Lin Wang, Gheorghe Sorin Paraoanu, Nikolay V Vitanov, Jordi Mompart, Thomas Busch, Timothy J Barnum, David D Grimes, Robert W Field, Mark G Raizen, Edvardas Narevicius, Marcis Auzinsh, Dmitry Budker, Adriana Pálffy and Christoph H Keitel
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 52 202001 (

Quantum Annealing with Longitudinal Bias Fields
Tobias Graß
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 120501 (2019)

Quantum control of molecular rotation
Christiane P. Koch, Mikhail Lemeshko, and Dominique Sugny
Rev. Mod. Phys. 91, 035005 (2019)

Quantum Kibble-Zurek physics in long-range transverse-field Ising models
Ricardo Puebla, Oliver Marty, and Martin B. Plenio
Phys. Rev. A 100, 032115 (2019)

Synopsis: Placing Single Impurities into a Crystal
Sophia Chen
Physics Synopsis

Trapping Single Ions and Coulomb Crystals with Light Fields
L. Karpa,
SpringerBriefs in Physics (2019), ISBN 978-3-030-27715-4 and 978-3-030-27716-1




Analogue quantum simulation of superradiance and subradiance in trapped-ions
R. T. Sutherland

Combining experiments and relativistic theory for establishing accurate radiative quantities in atoms: the lifetime of the 2P3/2 state in 40Ca+
Ziv Meir, Mudit Sinhal, Marianna S. Safronova, Stefan Willitsch

Classical versus Quantum Models in Machine Learning: Insights from a Finance Application
Javier Alcazar, Vicente Leyton-Ortega, Alejandro Perdomo-Ortiz

Crossover from fast to slow dynamics in quantum Ising chains with long range interactions
Giulia Piccitto, Alessandro Silva

Cross-Platform Verification of Intermediate Scale Quantum Devices
Andreas Elben, Benoît Vermersch, Rick van Bijnen, Christian Kokail, Tiff Brydges, Christine Maier, Manoj Joshi, Rainer Blatt, Christian F. Roos, Peter Zoller

Dipole-phonon quantum logic with trapped polar molecular ions
Wesley C. Campbell, Eric R. Hudson

Doppler Cooled Ions in a Compact, Reconfigurable Penning Trap
Brian J. McMahon, Curtis Volin, Wade G. Rellergert, Brian C. Sawyer

Dynamically corrected gates suppress spatio-temporal error correlations as measured by randomized benchmarking
C. L. Edmunds, C. Hempel, R. J. Harris, V. M. Frey, T. M. Stace, M. J. Biercuk

Dynamics of quantum information
R. J. Lewis-Swan, A. Safavi-Naini, A. M. Kaufman, A. M. Rey

Non-equilibrium criticality in quench dynamics of infinite-range spin models
Paraj Titum, Mohammad F. Maghrebi

Non-local emergent hydrodynamics in a long-range quantum spin system
Alexander Schuckert, Izabella Lovas, Michael Knap

Optical Traps for sympathetic Cooling of Ions with ultracold neutral Atoms
J. Schmidt, P. Weckesser, F. Thielemann, T. Schaetz, L. Karpa

Phonon-number-resolving Detection of Multiple Local Phonon Modes in Trapped Ions
Ryutaro Ohira, Takashi Mukaiyama, Kenji Toyoda

Positive quantum Lyapunov exponents in classically regular systems
Saúl Pilatowsky-Cameo, Jorge Chávez-Carlos, Miguel A. Bastarrachea-Magnani, Pavel Stránský, Sergio Lerma-Hernández, Lea F. Santos, Jorge G. Hirsch

Quantum walks of a phonon in trapped ions
Masaya Tamura, Takashi Mukaiyama, Kenji Toyoda

State-selective coherent motional excitation as a new approach for the manipulation, spectroscopy and state-to-state chemistry of single molecular ions
Ziv Meir, Gregor Hegi, Kaveh Najafian, Mudit Sinhal, Stefan Willitsch

Sub-microsecond entangling gate between trapped ions via Rydberg interaction
Chi Zhang, Fabian Pokorny, Weibin Li, Gerard Higgins, Andreas Pöschl, Igor Lesanovsky, Markus Hennrich

Vector polarizability of atomic states induced by linearly polarized vortex beam: External control of magic and tune-out wavelengths
Anal Bhowmik, Narendra Nath Dutta, Sonjoy Majumder

Weak interaction studies at SARAF
Ben Ohayon, Joel Chocron, Tsviki Hirsh, Ayala Glick-Magid, Yonatan Mishnayot, Ish Mukul, Hitesh Rahangdale, Sergei Vaintraub, Oded Heber, Doron Gazit, Guy Ron

ITN Newsletter – August 2019

Dear all,
the abstract submission for the first Early Career Conference in Trapped Ions (ECCTI) is already open, and registration process will follow in the next weeks. This conference is for PhD students and young postdocs only, and will be held 13-17 January 2020 at CERN premises.
Best regards,
Your editorial team


CERN has issued a call for proposals for projects at the CERN Antiproton Decelerator after the long shutdown (LS2). The deadline is 1 October 2019 and details of the call can be found at


The iqClock Quantum Flagship consortium is pleased to announce the upcoming Autumn School on “Clocks, Cavities, and Fundamental Physics”, which will take place at the Institute of Physics, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland, 15-20 September 2019. LINK

The First Fall Meeting of the German Physical Society (DPG-Herbsttagung) focussed on Quantum Science and Information technologies will be held  23.-27. September 2019 in Freiburg LINK

IQuMS 2019 -the “International conference on quantum Metrology and Sensing”  will be held in Paris, France from 9 to 13 December 2019. LINK

Early Career Conference on Trapped Ions, to be held at CERN, Geneva 13-17 January 2020. LINK
                                   ABSTRACT submission open!!

DPG Spring Meeting “Atomic Physics” 9 – 13 March 2020 in Hannover LINK


The University of Kassel, Germany announces an open W2 professorship for Theo­re­ti­cal Ato­mic, Mole­cu­lar and Quan­tum Op­ti­cal Phy­sics – Institute of Physics Details 

PostDoc positions (quantum dynamics of Coulomb crystals controlled by optical fields, and quantum logic spectroscopy of bio-relevant molecular ions) are available in the Ion Trap group at Aarhus University. For details please contact Michael Drewsen

University of Sussex is looking for a Research Fellow in Quantum Networking and Quantum Computation. Details

PhD position in the field of theoretical AMO physics and quantum chemistry in the group of M Tomsza at the University of Warsaw (PL)  LINK

Radboud University Nijmegen (NL) offers several Tenure Track positions for talented female scientists, including one position in cold molecules (computational), and one position in physical chemistry/atomic and molecular physics (experimental). LINK

A PhD and a postdoc position are open at LKB, Paris, France on “Measuring a Doppler free two-photon transition in H2+ for electron to proton mass ratio metrology”. For details contact Laurent Hilico

Opening of multiple postdoc positions at JPL in the area of trapped ion clocks, cold atom in space, and atomic (atom interferometer) sensors. The opportunity details can be found at LINK.

PhD and PostDoc positions available at the Max-Planck-Institute for the Science of Light and the University of Erlangen in the group working on interaction of ions and light focused from full solid angle. Please contact Markus Sondermann (

PhD position on theoretical methods in cold and ultracold chemistry at the Fritz-Haber Institute in Berlin. For details, contact Jesus Perez Rios

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to


A cryogenic radio-frequency ion trap for quantum logic spectroscopy of highly charged ions
T. Leopold, S. A. King, P. Micke, A. Bautista-Salvador, J. C. Heip, C. Ospelkaus, J. R. Crespo López-Urrutia and P. O. Schmidt
Review of Scientific Instruments 90, 073201 (2019)

Determination of quantum defect for the Rydberg P series of Ca II
Arezoo Mokhberi, Jonas Vogel, Justas Andrijauskas, Patrick Bachor, Jochen Walz and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
J. Phys. B (2019), accepted

Classification of head-on collisions of ion-acoustic solitary waves in a plasma consisting of cold ions and Boltzmann electrons
Yury Medvedev
Eur. Phys. J. D (2019) 73: 157

Dynamical Ginzburg criterion for the quantum-classical crossover of the Kibble-Zurek mechanism
Matthias Gerster, Benedikt Haggenmiller, Ferdinand Tschirsich, Pietro Silvi, and Simone Montangero
Phys. Rev. B 100, 024311 (2019) 

Excitation of E1-forbidden Atomic Transitions with Electric, Magnetic or Mixed Multipolarity in Light Fields Carrying Orbital and Spin Angular Momentum
M. Solyanik-Gorgone, A. Afanasev, C. Carlson, C. T. Schmiegelow, F. Schmidt-Kaler,
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 36(3), 565 (2019)

Exploring nonequilibrium phases of the generalized Dicke model with a trapped Rydberg-ion quantum simulator
F. M. Gambetta, I. Lesanovsky, and W. Li
Phys. Rev. A 100, 022513 (2019)

Experimental demonstration of three-photon coherent population trapping in an ion cloud
M. Collombon, C. Chatou, G. Hagel, J. Pedregosa-Gutierrez, M. Houssin, M. Knoop, and C. Champenois
Physical Review Applied (2019), accepted

High-precision mass spectrometer for light ions
F. Heiße, S. Rau, F. Köhler-Langes, W. Quint, G. Werth, S. Sturm, and K. Blaum
Phys. Rev. A 100, 022518 (2019)

Image charge shift in high-precision Penning traps
M. Schuh, F. Heiße, T. Eronen, J. Ketter, F. Köhler-Langes, S. Rau, T. Segal, W. Quint, S. Sturm, and K. Blaum
Phys. Rev. A 100, 023411 (2019)

Integrated 9Be+ multi-qubit gate device for the ion-trap quantum computer
H. Hahn, G. Zarantonello, M. Schulte, A. Bautista-Salvador, K. Hammerer & C. Ospelkaus
npj Quantum Information, volume 5, Article number: 70 (2019)

Measuring complex-partition-function zeros of Ising models in quantum simulators
Abijith Krishnan, Markus Schmitt, Roderich Moessner, and Markus Heyl
Phys. Rev. A 100, 022125 (2019)

Phase transfer between three visible lasers for coherent population trapping
Collombon, Mathieu; Hagel, Gaëtan; Chatou, Cyril; Guyomarc’h, Didier; Ferrand, Didier; Houssin, Marie; Champenois, Caroline; Knoop, Martina
Optics Letters 44(4) 859-862 (2019)

Precision Spectroscopy of Negative-Ion Resonances in Ultralong-Range Rydberg Molecules
F. Engel, T. Dieterle, F. Hummel, C. Fey, P. Schmelcher, R. Löw, T. Pfau, and F. Meinert
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 073003 (2019) 

Quantum algorithm for simulating an experiment: Light interference from single ions and their mirror images
Luc Bouten, Gé Vissers, and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
Physical Review A (Vol. 100, No. 2)

Quantum computer with cold ions in the Aubry pinned phase
The European Physical Journal D July 2019, 73:148

Spin Heat Engine Coupled to a Harmonic-Oscillator Flywheel
D. von Lindenfels, O. Gräb, C. T. Schmiegelow, V. Kaushal, J. Schulz, Mark T. Mitchison, John Goold, F. Schmidt-Kaler, and U. G. Poschinger
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 080602

Suppressing Inhomogeneous Broadening in a Lutetium Multi-ion Optical Clock
T. R. Tan, R. Kaewuam, K. J. Arnold, S. R. Chanu, Zhiqiang Zhang, M. S. Safronova, and M. D. Barrett
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 06320

Synopsis: A Heat Engine Made of a Single Ion Spin
Sophia Chen

Thermoelectricity of cold ions in optical lattices
Oleg V. Zhirov, José Lages and Dima L. Shepelyansky
Eur. Phys. J. D (2019) 73: 149

Two-qubit entangling gates within arbitrarily long chains of trapped ions
K. A. Landsman, Y. Wu, P. H. Leung, D. Zhu, N. M. Linke, K. R. Brown, L. Duan, and C. Monroe
Phys. Rev. A 100, 022332 (2019)




An atomic array optical clock with single-atom readout
Ivaylo S. Madjarov, Alexandre Cooper, Adam L. Shaw, Jacob P. Covey, Vladimir Schkolnik, Tai Hyun Yoon, Jason R. Williams, Manuel Endres

Classical versus Quantum Models in Machine Learning: Insights from a Finance Application
Javier Alcazar, Vicente Leyton-Ortega, Alejandro Perdomo-Ortiz

Detecting, tracking, and eliminating drift in quantum information processors
Timothy Proctor, Melissa Revelle, Erik Nielsen, Kenneth Rudinger, Daniel Lobser, Peter Maunz, Robin Blume-Kohout, Kevin Young

Dynamics of quantum information
R. J. Lewis-Swan, A. Safavi-Naini, A. M. Kaufman, A. M. Rey

Effect of ion-trap parameters on energy distributions of ultra-cold atom-ion mixtures
Meirav Pinkas, Ziv Meir, Tomas Sikorsky, Ruti Ben-Shlomi, Nitzan Akerman, Roee Ozeri

Engineering of Microfabricated Ion Traps and Integration of Advanced On-Chip Features
Zak David Romaszko, Seokjun Hong, Martin Siegele, Reuben Kahan Puddy, Foni Raphaël Lebrun-Gallagher, Sebastian Weidt, Winfried Karl Hensinger

Exploring the mass surface near the rare-earth abundance peak via precision mass measurements at JYFLTRAP
M. Vilen, J. M. Kelly, A. Kankainen, M. Brodeur, A. Aprahamian, L. Canete, R. de Groote, A. de Roubin, T. Eronen, A. Jokinen, I. D. Moore, M. R. Mumpower, D. A. Nesterenko, J. O’Brien, A. Pardo Perdomo, H. Penttilä, M. Reponen, S. Rinta-Antila, R. Surman

Fault-tolerant bosonic quantum error correction with the surface-GKP code
Kyungjoo Noh, Christopher Chamberland

Hybrid quantum computation gate with trapped ion system
H. C. J. Gan, Gleb Maslennikov, Ko-Wei Tseng, Chihuan Nguyen, Dzmitry Matsukevich

Impact of ion motion on atom-ion confinement-induced resonances in hybrid traps
Vladimir S. Melezhik, Zbigniew Idziaszek, Antonio Negretti

Modular Quantum Computation in a Trapped Ion System
Kuan Zhang, Jayne Thompson, Xiang Zhang, Yangchao Shen, Yao Lu, Shuaining Zhang, Jiajun Ma, Vlatko Vedral, Mile Gu, Kihwan Kim

Selective Interactions in the Quantum Rabi Model
L. Cong, S. Felicetti, J. Casanova, L. Lamata, E. Solano, I. Arrazola

Shuttling of Rydberg ions for fast entangling operations,
J. Vogel, W.Li, A. Mokhberi, I. Lesanowsky, F. Schmidt-Kaler

Sub-microsecond entangling gate between trapped ions via Rydberg interaction
Chi Zhang, Fabian Pokorny, Weibin Li, Gerard Higgins, Andreas Pöschl, Igor Lesanovsky, Markus Hennrich

Towards analog quantum simulations of lattice gauge theories with trapped ions
Zohreh Davoudi, Mohammad Hafezi, Christopher Monroe, Guido Pagano, Alireza Seif, Andrew Shaw


ITN Newsletter – July 2019

Dear all,
experiments and technical stuff occupy a large fraction of our time, to conceive or choose material, to specify it, to design experiments, to make sure that you will have the right components, that they will match what you want to do, that you can fit your budget to your physics (or vice versa…). In order to save some time for everybody, the Working Group 1 (Tools and Infrastructures) of the COST Action has created a discussion list, where you can ask your technical questions, and where you can also reply to others so that information can be better and more rapidly shared. Those of you interested to become a member of the discussion list, please write an email to
Best regards,
Your editorial team


CERN has issued a call for proposals for projects at the CERN Antiproton Decelerator after the long shutdown (LS2). The deadline is 1 October 2019 and details of the call can be found at

On 22 June 2019, NASA has launched its Deep Space Atomic Clock based on an ensemble of rf trapped mercury ions developped by JPL. LINK


Electrostatic Storage Devices (ESD8) conference to be held in Tinajin, P.R. China August 25 to 30, 2019. Details

8th Conference on Quantum Information and Quantum Control (August 26 – 30 2019) at the Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada Details

The iqClock Quantum Flagship consortium is pleased to announce the upcoming Autumn School on “Clocks, Cavities, and Fundamental Physics”, which will take place at the Institute of Physics, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland, 15-20 September 2019. LINK

The First Fall Meeting of the German Physical Society (DPG-Herbsttagung) focussed on Quantum Science and Information technologies will be held  23.-27. September 2019 in Freiburg LINK

IQuMS 2019 -the “International conference on quantum Metrology and Sensing”  will be held in Paris, France from 9 to 13 December 2019. LINK
Early Career Conference on Trapped Ions, to be held at CERN, Geneva 13-17 January 2020. LINK
                                    CALL FOR ABSTRACTS opens on 29 July !!

DPG Spring Meeting “Atomic Physics” 9 – 13 March 2020 in Hannover LINK


TU Berlin invites female applicants for four IPODI fellowships (International Postdoc Initiative) lasting two years. Details

PhD position in antimatter physics to join the Alpha antihydrogen collaboration at CERN LINK

A PhD and a postdoc position are open at LKB, Paris, France on “Measuring a Doppler free two-photon transition in H2+ for electron to proton mass ratio metrology”. For details contact Laurent Hilico

Opening of multiple postdoc positions at JPL in the area of trapped ion clocks, cold atom in space, and atomic (atom interferometer) sensors. The opportunity details can be found at LINK.

PhD and PostDoc positions available at the Max-Planck-Institute for the Science of Light and the University of Erlangen in the group working on interaction of ions and light focused from full solid angle. Please contact Markus Sondermann (

PhD position on theoretical methods in cold and ultracold chemistry at the Fritz-Haber Institute in Berlin. For details, contact Jesus Perez Rios

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to

27Al+ Quantum-Logic Clock with a Systematic Uncertainty below  10−18
S. M. Brewer, J.-S. Chen, A. M. Hankin, E. R. Clements, C. W. Chou, D. J. Wineland, D. B. Hume, and D. R. Leibrandt
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 033201 (2019)
Analysis of Side-band Inequivalence
Sina Khorasani
Scientific Reports, volume 9, Article number: 9075 (2019)

Capture of an external anion beam into a linear Paul trap
G Cerchiari, S Erlewein, P Yzombard, M Zimmermann and A Kellerbauer
2019 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 52 155003  

Charge dynamics of a molecular ion immersed in a Rydberg-dressed atomic lattice gas
Rick Mukherjee
Phys. Rev. A 100, 013403 (2019)

Closed-cycle, low-vibration 4 K cryostat for ion traps and other applications
P. Micke, J. Stark, S. A. King, T. Leopold, T. Pfeifer, L. Schmöger, M. Schwarz, L. J. Spieß, P. O. Schmidt, and J. R. Crespo López-Urrutia
Review of Scientific Instruments 90, 065104 (2019)

Cold, dense, atomic ion clouds produced by cryogenic buffer-gas cooling
Nishant Bhatt, Kosuke Kato, and Amar C. Vutha
Phys. Rev. A 100, 013401 (2019)

Cold hybrid ion-atom systems
Michał Tomza, Krzysztof Jachymski, Rene Gerritsma, Antonio Negretti, Tommaso Calarco, Zbigniew Idziaszek, and Paul S. Julienne
Rev. Mod. Phys. 91, 035001 (2019)

Entangled pure steady states in harmonic chains with a two-mode squeezed reservoir
Shan Ma and Matthew J Woolley
2019 J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 52 325301

Electric-field noise from thermally activated fluctuators in a surface ion trap
Crystal Noel, Maya Berlin-Udi, Clemens Matthiesen, Jessica Yu, Yi Zhou, Vincenzo Lordi, and Hartmut Häffner
Phys. Rev. A 99, 063427 (2019) 

Fast High-Fidelity Readout of a Single Trapped-Ion Qubit via Machine-Learning Methods
Zi-Han Ding, Jin-Ming Cui, Yun-Feng Huang, Chuan-Feng Li, Tao Tu, and Guang-Can Guo
Phys. Rev. Applied 12, 014038 (2019)

Global entangling gates on arbitrary ion qubits
Yao Lu, Shuaining Zhang, Kuan Zhang, Wentao Chen, Yangchao Shen, Jialiang Zhang, Jing-Ning Zhang & Kihwan Kim
Nature (2019)

Laser cooling with adiabatic transfer on a Raman transition
G P Greve, B Wu and J K Thompson
2019 New J. Phys. 21 073045  

Locality and Digital Quantum Simulation of Power-Law Interactions
Minh C. Tran, Andrew Y. Guo, Yuan Su, James R. Garrison, Zachary Eldredge, Michael Foss-Feig, Andrew M. Childs, and Alexey V. Gorshkov
Phys. Rev. X 9, 031006 (2019)

Low-cost quantum circuits for classically intractable instances of the Hamiltonian dynamics simulation problem
Yunseong Nam & Dmitri Maslov
npj Quantum Informationvolume 5, Article number: 44 (2019)

Measurements of 27Al+ and 25Mg+ magnetic constants for improved ion-clock accuracy
S. M. Brewer, J.-S. Chen, K. Beloy, A. M. Hankin, E. R. Clements, C. W. Chou, W. F. McGrew, X. Zhang, R. J. Fasano, D. Nicolodi, H. Leopardi, T. M. Fortier, S. A. Diddams, A. D. Ludlow, D. J. Wineland, D. R. Leibrandt, and D. B. Hume
Phys. Rev. A 100, 013409 (2019)

Motional Fock states for quantum-enhanced amplitude and phase measurements with trapped ions
Fabian Wolf, Chunyan Shi, Jan C. Heip, Manuel Gessner, Luca Pezzè, Augusto Smerzi, Marius Schulte, Klemens Hammerer & Piet O. Schmidt
Nature Communications, volume 10, Article number: 2929 (2019)

Observation of Interactions between Trapped Ions and Ultracold Rydberg Atoms
N. V. Ewald, T. Feldker, H. Hirzler, H. A. Fürst, and R. Gerritsma
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 253401 (2019)

Parallel entangling operations on a universal ion-trap quantum computer
C. Figgatt, A. Ostrander, N. M. Linke, K. A. Landsman, D. Zhu, D. Maslov & C. Monroe
Nature (2019) 

Precision measurement of the ionization energy and quantum defects of 39K
Michael Peper, Felix Helmrich, Jonas Butscher, Josef Anton Agner, Hansjürg Schmutz, Frédéric Merkt, and Johannes Deiglmayr
Phys. Rev. A 100, 012501 (2019)

Probing Scrambling Using Statistical Correlations between Randomized Measurements
B. Vermersch, A. Elben, L. M. Sieberer, N. Y. Yao, and P. Zoller
Phys. Rev. X 9, 021061 (2019) 

Quantum-enhanced sensing of a single-ion mechanical oscillator
Katherine C. McCormick, Jonas Keller, Shaun C. Burd, David J. Wineland, Andrew C. Wilson & Dietrich Leibfried
Nature (2019)

Quantum repeaters based on two species trapped ions
Siddhartha Santra, Sreraman Muralidharan, Martin Lichtman, Liang Jiang, Christopher Monroe and Vladimir S Malinovsky
2019 New J. Phys. 21 073002

Thermalization in the quantum Ising model—approximations, limits, and beyond
Daniel Jaschke, Lincoln D Carr and Inés de Vega
2019 Quantum Sci. Technol. 4 034002 

Time fractals and discrete scale invariance with trapped ions
Dean Lee, Jacob Watkins, Dillon Frame, Gabriel Given, Rongzheng He, Ning Li, Bing-Nan Lu, and Avik Sarkar
Phys. Rev. A 100, 011403(R) (2019)

Tuning nonthermal distributions to thermal ones in time-dependent Paul traps
H. Landa
Phys. Rev. A 100, 013413 (2019)

Ultrafast coherent excitation of a 40Ca+ ion
D Heinrich, M Guggemos, M Guevara-Bertsch, M I Hussain, C F Roos and R Blatt
2019 New J. Phys. 21 073017

Validation of quantum adiabaticity through non-inertial frames and its trapped-ion realization
Chang-Kang Hu, Jin-Ming Cui, Alan C. Santos, Yun-Feng Huang, Chuan-Feng Li, Guang-Can Guo, Frederico Brito & Marcelo S. Sarandy
Scientific Reportsvolume 9, Article number: 10449 (2019)

Viewpoint: Ion Clock Busts into New Precision Regime
Pierre Dubé,
Physics 12, 79


A hybrid ion-atom trap with integrated high resolution mass spectrometer
S Jyothi, Kisra N Egodapitiya, Brad Bondurant, Zhubing Jia, Eric Pretzsch, Piero Chiappina, Gang Shu, Kenneth R Brown

A low-energy compact Shanghai-Wuhan electron beam ion trap for extraction of highly charged ions
Shiyong Liang, Qifeng Lu, Xincheng Wang, Yang Yang, Ke Yao, Yang Shen, Baoren Wei, Jun Xiao, Shaolong Chen, Pengpeng Zhou, Wei Sun, Yonghui Zhang, Yao Huang, Hua Guan, Chengbin Li, Yaming Zou, Tingyun Shi, Kelin Gao

A stroboscopic approach to trapped-ion quantum information processing with squeezed phonons
Wenchao Ge, Brian C. Sawyer, Joseph W. Britton, Kurt Jacobs, Michael Foss-Feig, John J. Bollinger

Buffer gas cooling of a trapped ion to the quantum regime
T. Feldker, H. Fürst, H. Hirzler, N. V. Ewald, M. Mazzanti, D. Wiater, M. Tomza, R. Gerritsma

Cyclic Quantum Walks using a Trapped-ion Quantum Tunnelling Rotor
Ryutaro Ohira, Takashi Mukaiyama, Kenji Toyoda

Direct characteristic-function tomography of quantum states of the trapped-ion motional oscillator
Christa Flühmann, Jonathan P. Home

Dynamics of an unbalanced two-ion crystal in a Penning trap for application in optical mass spectrometry
Manuel J. Gutiérrez, Joaquín Berrocal, Francisco Domínguez, Iñigo Arrazola, Michael Block, Enrique Solano, Daniel Rodríguez

Floquet-engineered vibrational dynamics in a two-dimensional array of trapped ions
Philip Kiefer, Frederick Hakelberg, Matthias Wittemer, Alejandro Bermúdez, Diego Porras, Ulrich Warring, Tobias Schaetz

MEMS-based design of a high-finesse fiber cavity integrated with an ion trap
Moonjoo Lee, Minjae Lee, Seokjun Hong, Klemens Schüppert, Yeong-Dae Kwon, Taehyun Kim, Yves Colombe, Tracy E. Northup, Dong-Il “Dan” Cho, Rainer Blatt

Practical trapped-ion protocols for universal qudit-based quantum computing
Pei Jiang Low, Brendan M. White, Andrew Cox, Matthew L. Day, Crystal Senko

(py)LIon: a package for simulating trapped ion trajectories
E. Bentine, C. J. Foot, D. Trypogeorgos

Quantum interference between photons from an atomic ensemble and a remote atomic ion
A. N. Craddock, J. Hannegan, D. P. Ornelas-Huerta, J. D. Siverns, A. J. Hachtel, E. A. Goldschmidt, J. V. Porto, Q. Quraishi, S. L. Rolston

Segmented ion-trap fabrication using high precision stacked wafers
Simon Ragg, Chiara Decaroli, Thomas Lutz, Jonathan P. Home

Sideband cooling of the radial modes of motion of a single ion in a Penning trap
P. Hrmo, M. K. Joshi, V. Jarlaud, O. Corfield, R. C. Thompson

ITN Newsletter – June 2019

Dear all,
we are happy to announce that the first Early Career Conference on Trapped Ions will be held in January 2020. Proposed and organized by young researchers for young researchers, this event is exclusively dedicated to PhD students and young postdocs, in order to give them a platform to discuss, exchange and network. The location will be CERN, and the program will mix talks, posters, discussions, and a CERN visit. The outline of the program will be made over summer, and registration is planned for autumn. This event is part of the COST Action, and registration and lodging are announced to be quite inexpensive.
SAVE THE DATE : 13-17 January 2020.

Best regards,
Your editorial team


CERN has issued a call for proposals for projects at the CERN Antiproton Decelerator after the long shutdown (LS2). The deadline is 1 October 2019 and details of the call can be found at

On 22 June 2019, NASA has launched its Deep Space Atomic Clock based on an ensemble of rf trapped mercury ions developped by JPL. LINK


NACTI 2019, the 2nd North American Conference on Trapped Ions, will be held at the University of Maryland in College Park, MD, USA on July 22-26 2019,

ICPEAC XXXI , Deauville/France, 23-30 July 2019 LINK

Electrostatic Storage Devices (ESD8) conference to be held in Tinajin, P.R. China August 25 to 30, 2019. Details

8th Conference on Quantum Information and Quantum Control (August 26 – 30 2019) at the Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada Details

Early Career Conference on Trapped Ions, to be held at CERN, Geneva 13-17 January 2020. LINK


TU Berlin invites female applicants for four IPODI fellowships (International Postdoc Initiative) lasting two years. Details
PhD position in antimatter physics to join the Alpha antihydrogen collaboration at CERN LINKpostdoc position at LKB, Paris, France on “Measuring a Doppler free two-photon transition in H2+ for electron to proton mass ratio metrology”. For details contact Laurent Hilico

Opening of multiple postdoc positions at JPL in the area of trapped ion clocks, cold atom in space, and atomic (atom interferometer) sensors. The opportunity details can be found at LINK.

PhD and PostDoc positions available at the Max-Planck-Institute for the Science of Light and the University of Erlangen in the group working on interaction of ions and light focused from full solid angle. Please contact Markus Sondermann (

Postdoc positions on new and ongoing projects in Quantum Information and Quantum Networking with trapped ions are available at the University of Maryland, please contact Norbert Linke

PhD position within the Time and Frequency department at FEMTO-ST, with a grant from Bourgogne Franche-Comté University. The project aims at realizing an ultra-compact, transportable ULE Fabry-Perot cavity. More information on the group webpage,

PhD position funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG) is available in the laser molecular spectroscopy group of Otto Dopfer at  Berlin Institute of Technology (TU Berlin), Germany.

PhD student position for Quantum Simulation with large beryllium ion crystals in a Penning trap. Interested students should please contact Michael Biercuk and Robert Wolf

Postdoc position in the ion trapping group of Rene Gerritsma (University of Amsterdam) LINK

2 PhD student positions for a  Paul trap experiments with ytterbium ions on Quantum Control and Quantum Simulation, please contact Michael Biercuk ( and Cornelius Hempel (

Swansea University’s Department of Physics has a call for EPSRC-funded PhD scholarships in 2019 in areas spanning the research interests of the Atomic Molecular and Quantum Physics (AMQP) group, they contain a number of subjects interesting for antimatter and/or ion trappers. LINK

Postdoc position: Join an effort with the long-term goal of exploring the physics and technology required to enable high-performance quantum computing, simulation, and sensing with trapped ions.  Near-term research is focused on novel quantum information processing techniques and encodings in trapped ions, and methods to enhance the fidelity and speed of quantum operations through use of trap-integrated technologies and novel protocols.  This research, which will be performed primarily in the MIT laboratory of Isaac Chuang, will be part of the newly-developed MIT Center for Quantum Engineering and is an opportunity to work with a diverse, tightly integrated team of physicists and engineers from both MIT and MIT Lincoln Laboratory.  Please contact Isaac Chuang ( and/or Jeremy Sage ( for more details.

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to

A quartz amplifier for high-sensitivity Fourier-transform ion-cyclotron-resonance measurements with trapped ions
S. Lohse, J. Berrocal, M. Block, S. Chenmarev, J. M. Cornejo, J. G. Ramírez, and D. Rodríguez.
Review of Scientific Instruments 90, 063202 (2019)

Accessing the non-equal-time commutators of a trapped ion
F. Krumm and W. Vogel
Phys. Rev. A 99, 063816 (2019)

Effect of long-range interactions on multipartite entanglement in Heisenberg chains
Sudipto Singha Roy and Himadri Shekhar Dhar
Phys. Rev. A 99, 062318 (2019)

Electronic level structure of Th+ in the range of the 229mTh isomer energy
D.-M. Meier, J. Thielking, P. Głowacki, M. V. Okhapkin, R. A. Müller, A. Surzhykov, and E. Peik
Phys. Rev. A 99, 052514 (2019)

Environment mediated multipartite and multidimensional entanglement
Chee Kong Lee, Mojdeh S. Najafabadi, Daniel Schumayer, Leong Chuan Kwek & David A. W. Hutchinson
Scientific Reports 9 , 1–9 (2019)

Excitation-assisted nonadiabatic charge-transfer reaction in a mixed atom-ion system
Ming Li, Michael Mills, Prateek Puri, Alexander Petrov, Eric R. Hudson, and Svetlana Kotochigova
Phys. Rev. A 99, 062706 (2019)

Delocalization and heat transport in multidimensional trapped ion systems
A. Ruiz-García, J. J. Fernández, and D. Alonso
Phys. Rev. E 99, 062105 (2019)

Focus: How to Guide Each Ion in a Beam
P. Weiss
Physics 12, 70, June 21, 2019

Ion-crystal demonstration of a temperature-driven structural phase transition
J. Li, L. L. Yan, L. Chen, Z. C. Liu, F. Zhou, J. Q. Zhang, W. L. Yang, and M. Feng
Phys. Rev. A 99, 063402 (2019)

Laser Cooling of Radium Ions
M. Fan, C. A. Holliman, A. L. Wang, and A. M. Jayich
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 223001 (2019)

Many-body localization in the presence of long-range interactions and long-range hopping
Sabyasachi Nag and Arti Garg
Phys. Rev. B 99, 224203 (2019)

Measurement of charge exchange between Na and Ca+ in a hybrid trap
J. M. Kwolek, D. S. Goodman, B. Slayton, R. Blümel, J. E. Wells, F. A. Narducci, and W. W. Smith
Phys. Rev. A 99, 052703 (2019)

Minimizing rf-induced excess micromotion of a trapped ion with the help of ultracold atoms
Amir Mohammadi, Joschka Wolf, Artjom Krükow, Markus Deiß, Johannes Hecker Denschlag
Appl. Phys. B (2019) 125: 122

Nonreciprocal quantum transport at junctions of structured leads
Eduardo Mascarenhas, François Damanet, Stuart Flannigan, Luca Tagliacozzo, Andrew J. Daley, John Goold, and Inés de Vega
Phys. Rev. B 99, 245134 (2019)

Quadrupole Shift Cancellation Using Dynamic Decoupling
Ravid Shaniv, Nitzan Akerman, Tom Manovitz, Yotam Shapira, and Roee Ozeri
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 223204 (2019)

Quantum amplification of mechanical oscillator motion
S. C. Burd, R. Srinivas, J. J. Bollinger, A. C. Wilson, D. J. Wineland, D. Leibfried, D. H. Slichter, D. T. C. Allcock
Science  Vol. 364, Issue 6446, pp. 1163-1165 (2019)

Quantum gate teleportation between separated qubits in a trapped-ion processor
Yong Wan, Daniel Kienzler, Stephen D. Erickson, Karl H. Mayer, Ting Rei Tan, Jenny J. Wu, Hilma M. Vasconcelos, Scott Glancy, Emanuel Knill, David J. Wineland, Andrew C. Wilson, Dietrich Leibfried
Science Vol. 364, Issue 6443, pp. 875-878 (2019)

Quantum simulation of long-range XY quantum spin glass with strong area-law violation using trapped ions
Nilanjan Roy, Auditya Sharma, and Rick Mukherjee
Phys. Rev. A 99, 052342 (2019)

Reaction blockading in a reaction between an excited atom and a charged molecule at low collision energy
Prateek Puri, Michael Mills, Ionel Simbotin, John A. Montgomery Jr, Robin Côté, Christian Schneider, Arthur G. Suits & Eric R. Hudson
Nature Chemistry, volume 11, pp.615–621 (2019)

Real-Time Trajectory Control of Deterministically Produced Ions
C. Lopez, A. Trimeche, D. Comparat, and Y.J. Picard
Phys. Rev. Applied 11, 064049 (2019)

Squeezing out higher precision
Monika Schleier-Smith
Science  Vol. 364, Issue 6446, pp. 1137-1138 (2019)

Thermalization in the quantum Ising model—approximations, limits, and beyond
Daniel Jaschke, Lincoln D Carr and Inés de Vega
Quantum Sci. Technol. 4 034002 (2019)

Too slow to be activated
Roland Wester
Nature Chemistry 11 , 600–601 (2019)



Asymmetric Heat Transport in Ion Crystals
M. A. Simón, S. Martínez-Garaot, M. Pons, J. G. Muga

Cryogenic 9Be+ Penning trap for precision measurements with (anti-)protons
Malte Niemann, Teresa Meiners, Johannes Mielke, Matthias Joachim Borchert, Juan Manuel Cornejo, Stefan Ulmer, Christian Ospelkaus

Distance scaling and polarization of electric-field noise in a surface ion trap
Da An, Clemens Matthiesen, Erik Urban, Hartmut Häffner

Dual-Species, Multi-Qubit Logic Primitives for Ca+/Sr+ Trapped-Ion Crystals
C. D. Bruzewicz, R. McConnell, J. Stuart, J. M. Sage, J. Chiaverini

Full-Stack, Real-System Quantum Computer Studies: Architectural Comparisons and Design Insights
Prakash Murali, Norbert Matthias Linke, Margaret Martonosi, Ali Javadi Abhari, Nhung Hong Nguyen, Cinthia Huerta Alderete

g-factor of Boronlike Argon 40Ar13+
I. Arapoglou, A. Egl, M. Höcker, T. Sailer, B. Tu, A. Weigel, R. Wolf, H. Cakir, V. A. Yerokhin, N. S. Oreshkina, V. A. Agababaev, A. V. Volotka, D. V. Zinenko, D. A. Glazov, Z. Harman, C. H. Keitel, S. Sturm, K. Blaum

Noise reduction using past causal cones in variational quantum algorithms
Omar Shehab, Isaac H. Kim, Nhung H. Nguyen, Kevin Landsman, Cinthia H. Alderete, Daiwei Zhu, C. Monroe, Norbert M. Linke

Part-per-billion measurement of the 42S1/2→32D5/2 electric quadrupole transition isotope shifts between 42,44,48Ca+ and 40Ca+
Felix W. Knollmann, Ashay N. Patel, S. Charles Doret

Physical implementation of quantum nonparametric learning with trapped ions
Dan-Bo Zhang, Shi-Liang Zhu, Z. D. Wang

Precision measurement of atomic isotope shifts using a two-isotope entangled state
Tom Manovitz, Ravid Shaniv, Yotam Shapira, Roee Ozeri, Nitzan Akerman

Quantum Approximate Optimization with a Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulator
G. Pagano, A. Bapat, P. Becker, K. S. Collins, A. De, P. W. Hess, H. B. Kaplan, A. Kyprianidis, W. L. Tan, C. Baldwin, L. T. Brady, A. Deshpande, F. Liu, S. Jordan, A. V. Gorshkov, C. Monroe

Quantum Kibble-Zurek physics in long-range transverse-field Ising models
Ricardo Puebla, Oliver Marty, Martin B. Plenio

Shuttling of Rydberg ions for fast entangling operations
Jonas Vogel, Weibin Li, Arezoo Mokhberi, Igor Lesanovsky, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler

Simulate Hawking radiation and fastest quantum scrambling of black holes by quantum many-body systems
Run-Qiu Yang, Hui Liu, Shining Zhu, Le Luo, Rong-Gen Cai

Spin-Cooling of the Motion of a Trapped Diamond
T Delord, P Huillery, L Nicolas, G Hétet

Spin-mechanics with levitating ferromagnetic particles
P Huillery, T Delord, L Nicolas, M Bossche, M Perdriat, G Hétet

Structural study of analogues of Titan s haze by trapped ion mobility coupled with a Fourier transform ion cyclotron mass spectrometer
Christopher P. Rueger, Julien Maillard, Johann Le Maitre, Mark Ridgeway, Christopher J. Thompson, Isabelle Schmitz-Afonso, Thomas Gautier, Nathalie Carrasco, Melvin A. Park, Pierre Giusti, Carlos Afonso

Vanishing efficiency of speeded-up quantum Otto engines
Ander Tobalina, Ion Lizuain, J. Gonzalo Muga

Variational Generation of Thermofield Double States and Critical Ground States with a Quantum Computer
D. Zhu, S. Johri, N. M. Linke, K. A. Landsman, N. H. Nguyen, C. H. Alderete, A. Y. Matsuura, T. H. Hsieh, C. Monroe

TN Newsletter – April 2019

Dear all,

just a quick reminder about the operation of this newsletter:

– it is put together by Alejandro Bermudez for the publication list, and Martina Knoop for the rest.
– we have an excellent and voluntary admin support by the ETH Zürich group in the person of  Mirjam Bruttin.
– many of you appreciate the publication list which is done by screening keywords in several journals. If you want to make sure that your article figures in the list, please send it to the email indicated below, as it can happen that we miss something
– in principle the newsletter is sent in the last days of a month (depending on our respective agendas)
Make sure that you send all information (events job offers, articles etc) around the 25 of a month if you want it to be included in the following edition .

Best regards,
Your editorial team



The Micius Quantum Prizes 2018 are awarded to the field of quantum computation. The laureates are Juan Ignacio Cirac, David Deutsch, Peter Shor, and Peter Zoller, for their seminal theoretical work on quantum algorithms and physical architectures of quantum computers and simulators, and Rainer Blatt and David Wineland for their pioneering experiments that demonstrated fundamental elements of quantum computing with trapped ions. LINK Congratulations !


News from the COST Action

Deadlines reported to 9 May 2019

Please note that the deadlines for submission in the open ion trapper contest to design a logo . is reported by a couple of days. Please send your proposals to the Communication Manager of the Action, Irene Marzoli in a standard graphic format (.jpg, .png, .pdf, …)


Please also be reminded to fill in the form of the updated ion trap group directory at the following LINK.


PLATAN International Conference, Merger of the Poznan meeting on Lasers and Trapping Devices in Atomic nuclei Research and the International Conference on Laser Probing,  Mainz/Germany 19-24 May 2019 LINK


Workshop on “Compound (atomic) quantum systems”, Lorentz Center, Leiden/NL, 20 – 24 May 2019 LINK


The Atomic Physics Gordon Seminar and Conference (GRS/GRC) on Cold Controlled Atoms and Molecules, Ultrafast Spectroscopy and Precision Measurements will be held June 8-9 (GRS) and 9- 14, 2019 (GRC) at Salve Regina University, Rhode Island USA and still has some open slots for participants.

The deadline to apply  and submit poster abstracts is May 11/May 12, 2019 respectively.  LINK GRC   and GRS


NACTI 2019, the 2nd North American Conference on Trapped Ions, will be held at the University of Maryland in College Park, MD, USA on July 22-26 2019,   REGISTRATION is OPEN

ICPEAC XXXI , Deauville/France, 23-30 July 2019 LINK


Electrostatic Storage Devices (ESD8) conference to be held in Tinajin, P.R. China August 25 to 30, 2019. Details



Two Research Fellows at the University of Sussex, Brighton/UK: Scaling A Trapped Ion Qunatum Computer LINK  and High Fidelity Trapped Ion Quantum Computing LINK

A Ph.D. student position is open for working at LENS (Florence, Italy) in a Ba+-Li atom-ion experiment. Deadline May 17th, please contact Carlo Sias for more details:


Postdoc position in the ion trapping group of Rene Gerritsma (University of Amsterdam) LINK

Permanent scientist in quantum electrical metrology – M/F, LNE, Trappes/France LINK


Swansea University’s Department of Physics has a call for EPSRC-funded PhD scholarships in 2019 in areas spanning the research interests of the Atomic Molecular and Quantum Physics (AMQP) group, they contain a number of subjects interesting for antimatter and/or ion trappers. LINK


Postdoctoral Research Associate for Trapped-ion Quantum Control Engineering in the group of Michael Biercuk at the University of Sydney. More details and application at

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to

BOOK Measurement, Uncertainties and Lasers, IOPscience
by Masatoshi KAJITA 

Accessing eigenstate spin-glass order from reduced density matrices
Younes Javanmard, Soumya Bera, and Markus Heyl
Phys. Rev. B 99, 144201 (2019)

An entropic look into entanglement
Jelena Stajic
Science 19 Apr 2019:Vol. 364, Issue 6437, pp. 249-251

Anomalous quantum correlations in the motion of a trapped ion
F Krumm and W Vogel
2019 Phys. Scr. 94 085101  

Cold reactive and nonreactive collisions of Li and Rb with C2−: Implications for hybrid-trap experiments
Milaim Kas, Jérôme Loreau, Jacques Liévin, and Nathalie Vaeck
Phys. Rev. A 99, 042702 (2019)

Confined Quasiparticle Dynamics in Long-Range Interacting Quantum Spin Chains
Fangli Liu, Rex Lundgren, Paraj Titum, Guido Pagano, Jiehang Zhang, Christopher Monroe, and Alexey V. Gorshkov
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 150601 (2019)

Electron-impact single and double ionization of W+
M.S. Pindzola and S.D. Loch
Eur. Phys. J. D (2019) 73: 78

Far-from-equilibrium noise-heating and laser-cooling dynamics in radio-frequency Paul traps
A. Maitra, D. Leibfried, D. Ullmo, and H. Landa
Phys. Rev. A 99, 043421 (2019)

Features of the effective potential formed by multipole ion trap
Semyon S Rudyi, Tatiana A Vovk and Yu V Rozhdestvensky
2019 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 52 095001

Ion-Based Quantum Sensor for Optical Cavity Photon Numbers
Moonjoo Lee, Konstantin Friebe, Dario A. Fioretto, Klemens Schüppert, Florian R. Ong, David Plankensteiner, Valentin Torggler, Helmut Ritsch, Rainer Blatt, and Tracy E. Northup
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 153603 (2019)

Multilayer ion trap technology for scalable quantum computing and quantum simulation
A. Bautista-Salvador, G Zarantonello, H Hahn, A Preciado-Grijalva, J Morgner, M Wahnschaffe and C Ospelkaus
2019 New J. Phys. 21 043011

Observation of indirect ionization of W7+ in an electron-beam ion-trap plasma
Q. Lu, J. He, H. Tian, M. Li, Y. Yang, K. Yao, C. Chen, J. Xiao, J. G. Li, B. Tu, and Y. Zou
Phys. Rev. A 99, 042510 (2019)

Probing Rényi entanglement entropy via randomized measurements
Tiff Brydges, Andreas Elben, Petar Jurcevic, Benoît Vermersch, Christine Maier, Ben P. Lanyon, Peter Zoller, Rainer Blatt, Christian F. Roos
Science 19 Apr 2019: Vol. 364, Issue 6437, pp. 260-263

Quantum localization bounds Trotter errors in digital quantum simulation

Quantum optical two-atom thermal diode
Cahit Kargı, M. Tahir Naseem, Tomáš Opatrný, Özgür E. Müstecaplıoğlu, and Gershon Kurizki
Phys. Rev. E 99, 042121 (2019)

Trapped-Ion Spin-Motion Coupling with Microwaves and a Near-Motional Oscillating Magnetic Field Gradient
R. Srinivas, S. C. Burd, R. T. Sutherland, A. C. Wilson, D. J. Wineland, D. Leibfried, D. T. C. Allcock, and D. H. Slichter
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 163201 (2019)

Transport properties of a Wigner crystal in one- and two-dimensional asymmetric periodic potentials: Wigner crystal diode
Mikhail Y. Zakharov, Denis Demidov, and Dima L. Shepelyansky
Phys. Rev. B 99, 155416 (2019)

Zero-energy proton dissociation of H+2 through stimulated Raman scattering
Xinhua Xie (
谢新华 ), Stefan Roither, Seyedreza Larimian, Sonia Erattupuzha, Li Zhang ( 张丽 ), Daniil Kartashov, Feng He ( 何峰 ), Andrius Baltuška, and Markus Kitzler
Phys. Rev. A 99, 043409 (2019)


Adaptive scheduling of noise characterization in quantum computers
Riddhi Swaroop Gupta, Alistair R. Milne, Claire L. Edmunds, Cornelius Hempel, Michael J. Biercuk

Beta-delayed-neutron studies of 135,136Sb and 140I performed with trapped ions
B. S. Alan, S. A. Caldwell, N. D. Scielzo, A. Czeszumska, J. A. Clark, G. Savard, A. Aprahamian, M. T. Burkey, C. J. Chiara, J. Harker, A. F. Levand, S. T. Marley, G. E. Morgan, J. M. Munson, E. B. Norman, A. Nystrom, R. Orford, S. W. Padgett, A. Perez Galvan, K. S. Sharma, K. Siegl, S. Y. Strauss

Catching, trapping and in-situ-identification of thorium ions inside Coulomb crystals of 40Ca+ ions
Felix Stopp, Karin Groot-Berning, Georg Jacob, Dmitry Budker, Raphael Haas, Dennis Renisch, Jörg Runke, Petra Thörle-Pospiech, Christoph E. Düllmann, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler

Frequency measurement of the 1S0,F=5/2↔3P1,F=7/2 transition of 27Al+ via quantum logic spectroscopy with 40Ca+
Michael Guggemos, Milena Guevara-Bertsch, Daniel Heinrich, Óscar Andrey Herrera-Sancho, Yves Colombe, Rainer Blatt, Christian Felix Roos

Highly-polarizable ion in a Paul trap
Gerard Higgins, Fabian Pokorny, Chi Zhang, Markus Hennrich

Leakage mitigation for quantum error correction using a mixed qubit scheme
Natalie C. Brown, Kenneth R. Brown

Total absorption γ-ray spectroscopy of niobium isomers
V. Guadilla, A. Algora, J. L. Tain, J. Agramunt, J. Äystö, J. A. Briz, A. Cucoanes, T. Eronen, M. Estienne, M. Fallot, L. M. Fraile, E. Ganioğlu, W. Gelletly, D. Gorelov, J. Hakala, A. Jokinen, D. Jordan, A. Kankainen, V. Kolhinen, J. Koponen, M. Lebois, L. Le Meur, T. Martinez, M. Monserrate, A. Montaner-Pizá , et al.

Toward convergence of effective field theory simulations on digital quantum computers
Omar Shehab, Kevin A. Landsman, Yunseong Nam, Daiwei Zhu, Norbert M. Linke, Matthew J. Keesan, Raphael C. Pooser, Christopher R. Monroe

Trapped-Ion Quantum Computing: Progress and Challenges
Colin D. Bruzewicz, John Chiaverini, Robert McConnell, Jeremy M. Sage

ITN Newsletter – March 2019

Dear all,

this newsletter will slowly change in the next months to become the newsletter of the new COST Action. As we are setting up things (i.e. a website, and an ion trapper database) we need your input and feedback to progress. You will find two items in the text below where your input is required:
– we launch an open contest to design a logo for this Action    and
– please fill in the indicated form (one per ion trapper group), so that we can have an up-to-date list           of all groups. This concerns ion trappers world-wide, and not only European groups.

And you can now follow us on Twitter @tipicqa !

Best regards,
Your editorial team


News from the COST Action

Logo contest

A new project clearly needs a new logo. Most of you are very creative, and therefore we are launching an open contest to all ion trappers to design a logo . The only condition: It should have some link to Ion Trapping. Please send your proposals to the Communication Manager of the Action, Irene Marzoli in a standard graphic format (.jpg, .png, .pdf, …).  Deadline is 1 May 2019. There will be a prize for the winner (or the winning team).


Ion Trapping group directory and photos

In order to have an up-to-date list of ion trapping groups and also some nice photos which we can use on the website, we ask you to fill in the form at this LINK. Please only fill in one form per group. Indicating an email will be an information only shared by us, it will not be visible in clear on the website.


Feedback from the Scientific Kick-off in Granada.

If you would like to see what a nice event you have missed, look at the photos avalaible HERE. Thanks again to Daniel and Rosario for having provided such a beautiful location and a perfect organisation!



Hearing the Quantum is a new podcast made for researchers. Each episode features an hour-long discussion with authors of recent papers. We find out not just about their results, but also about the background necessary to understand the work, and how many times the laser broke while taking data.
To listen, search for Hearing the Quantum on your podcast app (Apple Podcasts/Google Podcast/Spotify), or visit  or Facebook.
Feedback welcome to


Faraday Discussion  “ Advances in Ion Spectroscopy – From Astrophysics to Biology”  which will take place between 8-10 April 2019 in York, UK. LINK


13th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP13) in Florence, Italy, April 8-12, 2019 LINK


High Precision Physics using an Optical Fibre Link and Optical Frequency Comb, International Physics School at les Houches School of Physics, France, 22-26th April 2019. LINK


Workshop on  “Engineering a Scalable Quantum Information Processor”, Bad Honnef/Germany, 23-26 April 2019. LINK


PLATAN International Conference, Merger of the Poznan meeting on Lasers and Trapping Devices in Atomic nuclei Research and the International Conference on Laser Probing,  Mainz/Germany 19-24 May 2019 LINK


Workshop on “Compound (atomic) quantum systems”, Lorentz Center, Leiden/NL, 20 – 24 May 2019 LINK

NACTI 2019, the 2nd North American Conference on Trapped Ions, will be held at the University of Maryland in College Park, MD, USA on July 22-26 2019,


ICPEAC XXXI , Deauville/France, 23-30 July 2019 LINK


Electrostatic Storage Devices (ESD8) conference to be held in Tinajin, P.R. China August 25 to 30, 2019. Details



Postdoctoral Research Associate for Trapped-ion Quantum Control Engineering in the group of Michael Biercuk at the University of Sydney.More details and application at


Postdoc positions available on quantum information and quantum computing experiments in the NIST Ion Storage Group in Colorado, USA.  Please contact Daniel Slichter for details or to apply.


Postdoc position available on the topic “Coherent Control and Precision Spectroscopy of Single Molecular Ions“ in the NIST Ion Storage group in Colorado, USA. For details please contact James Chou.


Postdoc positions on new and ongoing projects in Quantum Information and Quantum Networking with trapped ions are available at the University of Maryland, please contact Norbert Linke

PhD postion in the group of Kilian Singer at Kassel University, Germany. Details

A  PhD position (3 years) / postdoc position (2 years) is available in the laser spectroscopy group of Otto Dopfer at  Berlin Institute of Technology (TU Berlin), Germany, to study hydrocarbon ions in cryogenic multipole ion traps.  Contact

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to


The TRAPSENSOR facility: an open-ring 7 tesla Penning trap for laser-based precision experiments
Manuel J Gutiérrez, Joaquín Berrocal, Juan M Cornejo, Francisco Domínguez, Jesús J Del Pozo, Iñigo Arrazola, Javier Bañuelos, Pablo Escobedo, Oliver Kaleja, Lucas Lamata, Raúl A Rica, Stefan Schmidt, Michael Block, Enrique Solano and Daniel Rodríguez.
New J. Phys. 21 023023 (2019)

Angle-dependent magic wavelengths for the 4s1/2→3d5/2,3/2  transitions of Ca+ ions
Jun Jiang, Li Jiang, Z. W. Wu, Deng-Hong Zhang, Lu-You Xie, and Chen-Zhong Dong
Phys. Rev. A 99, 032510 (2019)

Atomic structure and excitation cross section by electron impact of tungsten ions, W38+
A A El-Maaref, M M Abou Halaka, Mahmoud Tammam, E R Shaaban and El Sayed Yousef
2019 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 52 065202

Coherently displaced oscillator quantum states of a single trapped atom
Katherine C McCormick, Jonas Keller, David J Wineland, Andrew C Wilson and Dietrich Leibfried
2019 Quantum Sci. Technol. 4 024010

Controlling error orientation to improve quantum algorithm success rates
Daniel C. Murphy and Kenneth R. Brown
Phys. Rev. A 99, 032318 (2019)

Controlling the potential landscape and normal modes of ion Coulomb crystals by a standing-wave optical potential
Thomas Lauprêtre, Rasmus B. Linnet, Ian D. Leroux, Haggai Landa, Aurélien Dantan, and Michael Drewsen
Phys. Rev. A 99, 031401(R) (2019)

Discrete time crystal in globally driven interacting quantum systems without disorder
Wing Chi Yu, Jirawat Tangpanitanon, Alexander W. Glaetzle, Dieter Jaksch, and Dimitris G. Angelakis
Phys. Rev. A 99, 033618 (2019)

Electronic structure and photoassociation scheme of ultracold (MgK+) molecular ions
Mohamed Farjallah, Dibyendu Sardar, Nayla El-Kork, Bimalendu Deb and Hamid Berriche
2019 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 52 045201

Europe’s Quantum Flagship initiative
Max Riedel, Matyas Kovacs, Peter Zoller, Jürgen Mlynek and Tommaso Calarco
2019 Quantum Sci. Technol. 4 020501

Improved Test of Local Lorentz Invariance from a Deterministic Preparation of Entangled States
Eli Megidish, Joseph Broz, Nicole Greene, and Hartmut Häffner
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 123605 (2019)

Improving the precision of frequency estimation via long-time coherences
A Smirne, A Lemmer, M B Plenio and S F Huelga
2019 Quantum Sci. Technol. 4 025004  

Metrological Nonlinear Squeezing Parameter
Manuel Gessner, Augusto Smerzi, and Luca Pezzè
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 090503 (2019)

Multipartite-entanglement tomography of a quantum simulator
Marco Gabbrielli, Luca Lepori and Luca Pezzè
2019 New J. Phys. 21 033039

Non-Equilibrium Dynamics: quantum systems and foundations of quantum mechanics
Václav Špička, Peter D. Keefe and Theo M. Nieuwenhuizen
Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 227, 1837–1848 (2019)

Optical clock comparison for Lorentz symmetry testing
Christian Sanner, Nils Huntemann, Richard Lange, Christian Tamm, Ekkehard Peik, Marianna S. Safronova & Sergey G. Porsev
Nature volume 567, pages 204–208 (2019)

Phase transfer between three visible lasers for coherent population trapping
Collombon, Mathieu; Hagel, Gaëtan; Chatou, Cyril; Guyomarc’h, Didier; Ferrand, Didier; Houssin, Marie; Champenois, Caroline; Knoop, Martina
2019 Optics Letters 44(4) 859-862

Pulsed Quantum-State Reconstruction of Dark Systems
Yu Liu, Jiazhao Tian, Ralf Betzholz, and Jianming Cai
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 110406 (2019)

Quantum dynamics of disordered spin chains with power-law interactions
A. Safavi-Naini, M. L. Wall, O. L. Acevedo, A. M. Rey, and R. M. Nandkishore
Phys. Rev. A 99, 033610 (2019)

Quantum information science and technology in Japan
Yoshihisa Yamamoto, Masahide Sasaki and Hiroki Takesue
2019 Quantum Sci. Technol. 4 020502

Quantum simulation of multiphoton and nonlinear dissipative spin-boson models
R. Puebla, J. Casanova, O. Houhou, E. Solano, and M. Paternostro
Phys. Rev. A 99, 032303 (2019)

Quasilocalized excitations induced by long-range interactions in translationally invariant quantum spin chains
Alessio Lerose, Bojan Žunkovič, Alessandro Silva, and Andrea Gambassi
Phys. Rev. B 99, 121112(R) (2019)

Radio-frequency microplasmas with energies suited to in situ selective cleaning of surface adsorbates in ion microtraps
Mariam Akhtar, Guido Wilpers, Kaushal Choonee, Erling Riis and Alastair G Sinclair
2019 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 52 055001

The ALPHATRAP experiment
Sven Sturm, Ioanna Arapoglou, Alexander Egl, Martin Höcker, Sandro Kraemer, Tim Sailer, Bingsheng Tu, Andreas Weigel, Robert Wolf, José Crespo López-Urrutia and Klaus Blaum
Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 227, 1425–1491 (2019)

Universal Dynamics of Inhomogeneous Quantum Phase Transitions: Suppressing Defect Formation
F. J. Gómez-Ruiz and A. del Campo
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 080604 (2019)

Verified quantum information scrambling
K. A. Landsman, C. Figgatt, T. Schuster, N. M. Linke, B. Yoshida, N. Y. Yao & C. Monroe
Nature volume 567, pages61–65 (2019)

Versatile Control of 9Be+ Ions Using a Spectrally Tailored UV Frequency Comb
A.-G. Paschke, G. Zarantonello, H. Hahn, T. Lang, C. Manzoni, M. Marangoni, G. Cerullo, U. Morgner, and C. Ospelkaus
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 123606 (2019)

Versatile laser-free trapped-ion entangling gates
R T Sutherland, R Srinivas, S C Burd, D Leibfried, A C Wilson, D J Wineland, D T C Allcock, D H Slichter and S B Libby
2019 New J. Phys. 21 033033


Adiabatic quantum dynamics under decoherence in a controllable trapped-ion setup
Chang-Kang Hu, Alan C. Santos, Jin-Ming Cui, Yun-Feng Huang, Marcelo S. Sarandy, Chuan-Feng Li, Guang-Can Guo

Benchmarking an 11-qubit quantum computer
K. Wright, K. M. Beck, S. Debnath, J. M. Amini, Y. Nam, N. Grzesiak, J. -S. Chen, N. C. Pisenti, M. Chmielewski, C. Collins, K. M. Hudek, J. Mizrahi, J. D. Wong-Campos, S. Allen, J. Apisdorf, P. Solomon, M. Williams, A. M. Ducore, A. Blinov, S. M. Kreikemeier, V. Chaplin, M. Keesan, C. Monroe, J. Kim

Coherent Control of the Rotational Degree of Freedom of a Two-Ion Coulomb Crystal
Erik Urban, Neil Glikin, Sara Mouradian, Kai Krimmel, Boerge Hemmerling, Hartmut Haeffner

Crystallographic orientation dependence of work function: Carbon adsorption on Au surfaces
H. Z. Jooya, X. Fan, K. S. McKay, D. P. Pappas, D. A. Hite, H. R. Sadeghpour

Dynamical quantum phase transitions in many-body localized systems
Jad C. Halimeh, Nikolay Yegovtsev, Victor Gurarie

Experimental Demonstration of a Terahertz Frequency Reference based on Coherent Population Trapping
Mathieu Collombon, Cyril Chatou, Gaétan Hagel, Jofre Pedregosa-Gutierrez, Marie Houssin, M. Knoop, Caroline Champenois

Experimental Verification of the Inertial Theorem
Chang-Kang Hu, Roie Dann, Jin-Ming Cui, Yun-Feng Huang, Chuan-Feng Li, Guang-Can Guo, Alan C. Santos, Ronnie Kosloff

Finding the Riemann zeros by periodically driving a single trapped ion
Ran He, Ming-Zhong Ai, Jin-Ming Cui, Yun-Feng Huang, Yong-Jian Han, Chuan-Feng Li, Guang-Can Guo

First principle simulation of ultra-cold ion crystals in a Penning trap with Doppler cooling and a rotating wall potential
Chen Tang, Dominic Meiser, John J. Bollinger, Scott E. Parker

Handling Leakage with Subsystem Codes
Natalie C. Brown, Michael Newman, Kenneth R. Brown

Particle pair creation by inflation of quantum vacuum fluctuations in an ion trap
Matthias Wittemer, Frederick Hakelberg, Philip Kiefer, Jan-Philipp Schröder, Christian Fey, Ralf Schützhold, Ulrich Warring, Tobias Schaetz

Revealing correlations between a system and an inaccessible environment
Manuel Gessner, Heinz-Peter Breuer

Simulation of Quantum Universe
Sang Pyo Kim

Steady-State Force Sensing with Single Trapped Ion
Peter A. Ivanov

Stern-Gerlach splitting of low-energy ion beams
Carsten Henkel, Georg Jacob, Felix Stopp, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Mark Keil, Yonathan Japha, Ron Folman

Symplectic tomography of nonlinear coherent states of a trapped ion
O. V. Man’ko

Symplectic Tomography of Schrodinger Cat States of a Trapped Ion
O. V. Man’ko

Testing quantum critical dynamics beyond the Kibble-Zurek mechanism with a trapped-ion simulator
Jin-Ming Cui, Fernando Javier Gómez-Ruiz, Yun-Feng Huang, Chuan-Feng Li, Guang-Can Guo, Adolfo del Campo

Tracking the dynamics of an ideal quantum measurement
Fabian Pokorny, Chi Zhang, Gerard Higgins, Adán Cabello, Matthias Kleinmann, Markus Hennrich

Versatile control of 9Be+ ions using a spectrally tailored UV frequency comb
A. -G. Paschke, G. Zarantonello, H. Hahn, T. Lang, C. Manzoni, M. Marangoni, G. Cerullo, U. Morgner, C. Ospelkaus

ITN Newsletter – January 2019

Dear all,

two very close editions of the Newsletter, but there is plenty of new information and also a bunch of fresh publications!

best regards,
Your editorial team



Congratulations to Klaus Blaum, recently elected foreign member in the Class for Physics of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Details

The Centre for Time, Constants and Fundamental Symmetries is a new virtual center on Precision Physics with plenty of ion traps  LINK

The COST Action has still a large number of possibilities for Short Term Scientific Missions.  This important tool of networking will financially support collaboration visits between  5 days and 3 months. It is open to all researchers from participating countries with a priority for younger researchers. Full details about applications are given on this website and in the STSM user guide.

Please submit your project at and choose COST Action CA17133 – Trapped Ions: progress in classical and quantum applications.

The next collection date will be 15 February 2019. If you have further question please contact the STSM chair Łukasz Kłosowski or the Action chair Markus Hennrich


EQTC 2019, the first international conference of the European Quantum Flagship on February 18-22, 2019 in Grenoble, France. Details

IOP 2019 Topical Research Meeting on Time is a multidisciplinary meeting whose aim is to explore the connections between time and physics,  19-20 March 2019 in London/UK LINK

Bad Honnef Physics School on Strongly Coupled Systems 31 March – 5 April 2019 in Bad Honnef , Germany LINK

Faraday Discussion  “ Advances in Ion Spectroscopy – From Astrophysics to Biology”  which will take place between 8-10 April 2019 in York, UK. LINK

13th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP13) in Florence, Italy, April 8-12, 2019 LINK

High Precision Physics using an Optical Fibre Link and Optical Frequency Comb, International Physics School at les Houches School of Physics, France, 22-26th April 2019. LINK

Workshop on  “Engineering a Scalable Quantum Information Processor”, Bad Honnef/Germany, 23-26 April 2019. LINK

PLATAN International Conference, Merger of the Poznan meeting on Lasers and Trapping Devices in Atomic nuclei Research and the International Conference on Laser Probing,  Mainz/Germany 19-24 May 2019 LINK

Workshop on “Compound (atomic) quantum systems”, Lorentz Center, Leiden/NL, 20 – 24 May 2019 LINK

ICPEAC XXXI , Deauville/France, 23-30 July 2019 LINK

Electrostatic Storage Devices (ESD8) conference to be held in Tinajin, P.R. China August 25 to 30, 2019. Details


postdoc position on Quantum Simulation in the group of Michael Biercuk at the University of Sydney LINK

AMOS, the center for AMO Physics at the Weizmann Institute of Science, if offering two competitive postdoc positions for excellent postdocs. These postdoc positions include two-year full scholarship and complete independence within AMOS in selecting a research direction. For more details please see the attached flyer or visit our website:
Deadline for submission is March 1st 2019.

PhD and postdoc positions in the group of Rene Gerritsma (University of Amsterdam) LINK

Postdoc position with the UC San Diego positron group to work at the Munich intense positron source NEPOMUC to create an electron-positron (“pair”) plasma (APEX collaboration). For details, contact Cliff Surko. and see LINK

Two Ph.D. student positions in molecular physics, Innsbruck University  Details

Available postdoc positions at the trapped-ion group at the Weizmann Institute of Science, in the areas of Quantum-Computingultra-cold atom-ion interactions and New-Physics searches with precision spectroscopy. For more details please contact Roee Ozeri

Postdoc and PhD positions available on the topics of “Single-Ion Heat Engine” and “Trapping and Spectroscopy of Single Molecular Ions in a Paul Trap“ in the group of Kilian Singer at the University of Kassel. For details please contact Kilian Singer .

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to

40Ca+ ion optical clock with micromotion-induced shifts below 1×10−18
Y. Huang, H. Guan, M. Zeng, L. Tang, and K. Gao
Phys. Rev. A 99, 011401(R) (2019)

Achieving continuously tunable critical exponents for long-range spin systems simulated with trapped ions
Fan Yang, Shao-Jian Jiang, and Fei Zhou
Phys. Rev. A 99, 012119 (2019)

Collinear laser spectroscopy at ion-trap accuracy: Transition frequencies and isotope shifts in the 6s2S1/2→6p2P1/2,3/2transitions in Ba+
Phillip Imgram, Kristian König, Jörg Krämer, Tim Ratajczyk, Robert A. Müller, Andrey Surzhykov, and Wilfried Nörtershäuser
Phys. Rev. A 99, 012511 (2019)

Dynamic polarizability measurements with 176Lu+
K. J. Arnold, R. Kaewuam, T. R. Tan, S. G. Porsev, M. S. Safronova, and M. D. Barrett
Phys. Rev. A 99, 012510 (2019)

Electronic structure and photoassociation scheme of ultracold (MgK+) molecular ions
Mohamed Farjallah, Dibyendu Sardar, Nayla El-Kork, Bimalendu Deb and Hamid Berriche
2019 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 52 045201

Impact of nonequilibrium fluctuations on prethermal dynamical phase transitions in long-range interacting spin chains
Alessio Lerose, Bojan Žunkovič, Jamir Marino, Andrea Gambassi, and Alessandro Silva
Phys. Rev. B 99, 045128 (2019)

Improving the precision of frequency estimation via long-time coherences
A Smirne, A Lemmer, M B Plenio and S F Huelga
2019 Quantum Sci. Technol. 4 025004

Levitated electromechanics: all-electrical cooling of charged nano- and micro-particles
Daniel Goldwater, Benjamin A Stickler, Lukas Martinetz, Tracy E Northup, Klaus Hornberger and James Millen
2019 Quantum Sci. Technol. 4 024003

Measurement of Ultralow Heating Rates of a Single Antiproton in a Cryogenic Penning Trap
M. J. Borchert, P. E. Blessing, J. A. Devlin, J. A. Harrington, T. Higuchi, J. Morgner, C. Smorra, E. Wursten, M. Bohman, M. Wiesinger, A. Mooser, K. Blaum, Y. Matsuda, C. Ospelkaus, W. Quint, J. Walz, Y. Yamazaki, and S. Ulmer
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 043201 (2019)

Motional resonances of three-dimensional dual-species Coulomb crystals
Byoung-moo Ann, Fabian Schmid, Jonas Krause, Theodor W Hänsch, Thomas Udem and Akira Ozawa
2019 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 52 035002

Neutral-Atom Wavelength-Compatible 780 nm Single Photons from a Trapped Ion via Quantum Frequency Conversion
James D. Siverns, John Hannegan, and Qudsia Quraishi
Phys. Rev. Applied 11, 014044 (2019)

Population dynamics in sideband cooling of trapped ions outside the Lamb-Dicke regime
M. K. Joshi, P. Hrmo, V. Jarlaud, F. Oehl, and R. C. Thompson
Phys. Rev. A 99, 013423 (2019)

Prethermalization in the transverse-field Ising chain with long-range interactions
Takashi Mori
2019 J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 52 054001

Time-dependent multiconfiguration method applied to laser-driven H+2
Erik Lötstedt, Tsuyoshi Kato, and Kaoru Yamanouchi
Phys. Rev. A 99, 013404 (2019)

Trapped Ion Quantum Information Processing with Squeezed Phonons
Wenchao Ge, Brian C. Sawyer, Joseph W. Britton, Kurt Jacobs, John J. Bollinger, and Michael Foss-Feig
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 030501 (2019)


A scalable hardware and software control apparatus for experiments with hybrid quantum systems
Elia Perego, Marco Pomponio, Amelia Detti, Lucia Duca, Carlo Sias, Claudio E. CalossoBroadband lasers for photo-ionization and repumping of trapped ions
T. Fordell, T. Lindvall

Charge dynamics of a molecular ion immersed in a Rydberg-dressed atomic lattice gas
Rick Mukherjee

Closed-cycle, low-vibration 4 K cryostat for ion traps and other applications
P. Micke, J. Stark, S. A. King, T. Leopold, T. Pfeifer, L. Schmöger, M. Schwarz, L. J. Spieß, P. O. Schmidt, J. R. Crespo López-Urrutia

Controlling cold atom-ion collisions using a Rydberg state
Limei Wang, Markus Deiß, Georg Raithel, Johannes Hecker Denschlag

Delocalization and heat transport in multidimensional trapped ion systems
A. Ruiz-García, J. J. Fernández, D. Alonso

Excitation-assisted nonadiabatic charge-transfer reaction in a mixed atom-ion system
Ming Li, Michael Mills, Prateek Puri, Alexander Petrov, Eric R. Hudson, Svetlana Kotochigova

Heisenberg-Scaling Measurement Protocol for Analytic Functions with Quantum Sensor Networks
Kevin Qian, Zachary Eldredge, Wenchao Ge, Guido Pagano, Christopher Monroe, James V. Porto, Alexey V. Gorshkov

Improved estimate of the collisional frequency shift in Al+ optical clocks
Jack Davis, Pierre Dubé, Amar C. Vutha

Initialization of Quantum Simulators by Sympathetic Cooling
Meghana Raghunandan, Fabian Wolf, Christian Ospelkaus, Piet O. Schmidt, Hendrik Weimer

Light-matter entanglement over 50 km of optical fibre
V. Krutyanskiy, M. Meraner, J. Schupp, V. Krcmarsky, H. Hainzer, B. P. Lanyon

Measurement of 7p 2Po1/2 branching fractions with laser-cooled 226Ra+
M. Fan, C. A. Holliman, A. L. Wang, A. M. Jayich

Measurement of ultra-low heating rates of a single antiproton in a cryogenic Penning trap
M. J. Borchert, P. E. Blessing, J. A. Devlin, J. A. Harrington, T. Higuchi, J. Morgner, C. Smorra, E. Wursten, M. Bohman, M. Wiesinger, A. Mooser, K. Blaum, Y. Matsuda, C. Ospelkaus, W. Quint, J. Walz, Y. Yamazaki, S. Ulmer

Multi-functional surface ion trap for effective cooling and large-scale trapping of ions
Xinfang Zhang, Baoquan Ou, Ting Chen, Xie Yi, Wei Wu, Pingxing Chen

Pulsed Quantum-State Reconstruction of Dark Systems
Yu Liu, Jiazhao Tian, Ralf Betzholz, Jianming Cai

Quantum amplification of mechanical oscillator motion
S. C. Burd, R. Srinivas, J. J. Bollinger, A. C. Wilson, D. J. Wineland, D. Leibfried, D. H. Slichter, D. T. C. Allcock

Scalable global entangling gates on arbitrary ion qubits
Yao Lu, Shuaining Zhang, Kuan Zhang, Wentao Chen, Yangchao Shen, Jialiang Zhang, Jing-Ning Zhang, Kihwan Kim

Stark spectroscopy of Rydberg atoms in an atom-ion hybrid trap
Shinsuke Haze, Joschka Wolf, Markus Deiß, Limei Wang, Georg Raithel, Johannes Hecker Denschlag

Thermal Atom-Ion Collisions in K-Yb+ Hybrid System
Thai M. Hoang, Peter D. D. Schwindt, Yuan-Yu Jau

Towards a Transportable Aluminium Ion Quantum Logic Optical Clock
S. Hannig, L. Pelzer, N. Scharnhorst, J. Kramer, M. Stepanova, Z. T. Xu, N. Spethmann, I. D. Leroux, T. E. Mehlstäubler, P. O. Schmidt

ITN Newsletter – December 2018

Dear all,

the scientific kick-off for the new COST Action will be held 6-8 March 2019 in Granada/Spain. The idea is to create the maximum of interaction between all ion trapper groups in Europe and beyond. We strongly encourage every group to be represented at this meeting ! Please rush to register at before the deadline on  27 January 2019.

Happy New Year to all of you !
Your editorial team



The COST Action has still a large number of possibilities for Short Term Scientific Missions.  This important tool of networking will financially support collaboration visits between  5 days and 3 months. It is open to all researchers from participating countries with a priority for younger researchers. Full details about applications are given on this website and in the STSM user guide.

Please submit your project at and choose COST Action CA17133 – Trapped Ions: progress in classical and quantum applications.

The nextt collection date will be 3 February 2019. If you have further question please contact the STSM chair Łukasz Kłosowski or the Action chair Markus Hennrich



687th WE-Heraeus-Seminar on ‘Scalable Hardware Platforms for Quantum Computing’ – 13 Jan. – 17 Jan., 2019, Bad Honnef, Germany LINK


EQTC 2019, the first international conference of the European Quantum Flagship on February 18-22, 2019 in Grenoble, France. Details


IOP 2019 Topical Research Meeting on Time is a multidisciplinary meeting whose aim is to explore the connections between time and physics,  19-20 March 2019 in London/UK LINK


Bad Honnef Physics School on Strongly Coupled Systems 31 March – 5 April 2019 in Bad Honnef , Germany LINK


Faraday Discussion  “ Advances in Ion Spectroscopy – From Astrophysics to Biology”  which will take place between 8-10 April 2019 in York, UK. LINK


13th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP13) in Florence, Italy, April 8-12, 2019 LINK


High Precision Physics using an Optical Fibre Link and Optical Frequency Comb, International Physics School at les Houches School of Physics, France, 22-26th April 2019. LINK

Workshop on  “Engineering a Scalable Quantum Information Processor”, Bad Honnef/Germany, 23-26 April 2019. LINK


PLATAN International Conference, Merger of the Poznan meeting on Lasers and Trapping Devices in Atomic nuclei Research and the International Conference on Laser Probing,  Mainz/Germany 19-24 May 2019 LINK


Workshop on “Compound (atomic) quantum systems”, Lorentz Center, Leiden/NL, 20 – 24 May 2019 LINK


ICPEAC XXXI , Deauville/France, 23-30 July 2019 LINK


Electrostatic Storage Devices (ESD8) conference to be held in Tinajin, P.R. China August 25 to 30, 2019. Details



Available postdoc positions at the trapped-ion group at the Weizmann Institute of Science, in the areas of Quantum-Computingultra-cold atom-ion interactions and New-Physics searches with precision spectroscopy. For more details please contact Roee Ozeri


Postdoc and PhD positions available on the topics of “Single-Ion Heat Engine” and “Trapping and Spectroscopy of Single Molecular Ions in a Paul Trap“ in the group of Kilian Singer at the University of Kassel. For details please contact Kilian Singer .


Postdoc and PhD opportunities in the areas of “Advanced Quantum Computing with Trapped Ions” (EU QT Flagship project) and of “Open Quantum Neural Networks: From Fundamental Concepts to Implementations with Atoms and Photons” (ERC StG) in the Müller group at Swansea University. For details contact M. Müller.


Physical Review A currently has an opening for a new full-time editor LINK


Department of Physics at Durham University seeks to appoint an outstanding individual to the role of Assistant Professor in Quantum  Light & Matter.LINK


4-year PhD position in Molecular Astrophysics at the FELIX Laboratory (Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands) More details


Master internship position, with possibility of pursuing with a PhD thesis, within the Time and Frequency department at FEMTO-ST. The project aims at realizing an ultra-compact, transportable ULE Fabry-Perot cavity. More information on our group webpage


Junior Group Leader Position in Theoretical Quantum Physics at the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) Innsbruck LINK


The Physics of Information and Quantum Technologies Group, at Instituto de Telecomunicacoes (in Lisbon, Portugal), is opening a 6-years Researcher position, available to start in March 2019 (earlier also possible).


A five-year assistant professor (non-tenured) position is open at Department of Physics, Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan. Successful candidates will work on experimental studies of gas-phase atomic and molecular physics in the research group of Prof. Yuji Nakano from April 2019. LINK or contact Prof. Nakano


2 professor positions at the University of Sherbrooke in the domain of quantum physics. LINK


PhD position at the QUEST Institute for Experimental Quantum Metrology at PTB. The PhD student will join the team performing quantum logic spectroscopy on highly charged ions, and will take a lead role in developing parts of the next-generation apparatus. For details, please contact Steven King  or LINK


PhD position at LKB, Paris on high precision spectroscopy of hydrogen. For details please contact François Nez


Lecturer in Physics in the School of Physical Sciences at The Open University LINK


You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to

A cryogenic cylindrical ion trap velocity map imaging spectrometer
Zefeng Hua, Shaowen Feng, Zhengfang Zhou, Hao Liang, Yang Chen, and Dongfeng Zhao
Review of Scientific Instruments 90, 013101 (2019)

Adiabatic preparation of squeezed states of oscillators and large spin systems coupled to a two-level system
Jiabao Chen, Denis Konstantinov, and Klaus Mølmer
Phys. Rev. A 99, 013803 (2019)

Atomic combination clocks
Nitzan Akerman and Roee Ozeri
2018 New J. Phys. 20 123026

Controlling systematic frequency uncertainties at the 10−19 level in linear Coulomb crystals
J. Keller, T. Burgermeister, D. Kalincev, A. Didier, A. P. Kulosa, T. Nordmann, J. Kiethe, and T. E. Mehlstäubler
Phys. Rev. A 99, 013405 (2019) 

Combined error signal in Ramsey spectroscopy of clock transitions
V I Yudin, A V Taichenachev, M Yu Basalaev, T Zanon-Willette, T E Mehlstäubler, R Boudot, J W Pollock, M Shuker, E A Donley and J Kitching
2018 New J. Phys. 20 123016

Cryogenic trapped-ion system for large scale quantum simulation
G Pagano, P W Hess, H B Kaplan, W L Tan, P Richerme, P Becker, A Kyprianidis, J Zhang, E Birckelbaw, M R Hernandez, Y Wu and C Monroe
2019 Quantum Sci. Technol. 4 014004

Dynamical Critical Scaling of Long-Range Interacting Quantum Magnets
Nicolò Defenu, Tilman Enss, Michael Kastner, and Giovanna Morigi
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 240403 (2018)

Evidence for multiple mechanisms underlying surface electric-field noise in ion traps
J. A. Sedlacek, J. Stuart, D. H. Slichter, C. D. Bruzewicz, R. McConnell, J. M. Sage, and J. Chiaverini
Phys. Rev. A 98, 063430 (2018)

Highly charged ions: Optical clocks and applications in fundamental physics
M. G. Kozlov, M. S. Safronova, J. R. Crespo López-Urrutia, and P. O. Schmidt
Rev. Mod. Phys. 90, 045005 (2018)

Laser cooling of ions in a neutral plasma
Thomas K. Langin, Grant M. Gorman, Thomas C. Killian
Science 04 Jan 2019: Vol. 363, Issue 6422, pp. 61-64

Leading-order relativistic corrections to the rovibrational spectrum of H2+ and HD+ molecular ions
D. T. Aznabayev, A. K. Bekbaev, and Vladimir I. Korobov
Phys. Rev. A 99, 012501 (2019)

Method for determination of technical noise contributions to ion motional heating
J. A. Sedlacek, J. Stuart, W. Loh, R. McConnell, C. D. Bruzewicz, J. M. Sage, and J. Chiaverini
Journal of Applied Physics 124, 214904 (2018)

Motional resonances of three-dimensional dual-species Coulomb crystals
Byoung-moo Ann, Fabian Schmid, Jonas Krause, Theodor W Hänsch, Thomas Udem and Akira Ozawa
2019 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 52 035002

Nanofriction and motion of topological defects in self-organized ion Coulomb crystals
J Kiethe, R Nigmatullin, T Schmirander, D Kalincev and T E Mehlstäubler
2018 New J. Phys. 20 123017

Photon-recoil spectroscopy: Systematic shifts and nonclassical enhancements
M. Schulte, N. Lörch, P. O. Schmidt, and K. Hammerer
Phys. Rev. A 98, 063808 (2018)

Precision enhancement in trapped ion rotation sensors
Guolong Li, Bo Liu, Xiao Xiao and Xiaoguang Wang
2018 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51 235501

Prethermalization in the transverse-field Ising chain with long-range interactions
Takashi Mori
2019 J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 52 054001

Probing Time Dilation in Coulomb Crystals in a High-Precision Ion Trap
J. Keller, D. Kalincev, T. Burgermeister, A. P. Kulosa, A. Didier, T. Nordmann, J. Kiethe, and T.E. Mehlstäubler
Phys. Rev. Applied 11, 011002 (2019)

Quantum Criticality of Two-Dimensional Quantum Magnets with Long-Range Interactions
Sebastian Fey, Sebastian C. Kapfer, and Kai Phillip Schmidt
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 017203 (2019)

Quantum optimal control of the dissipative production of a maximally entangled state
Karl P Horn, Florentin Reiter, Yiheng Lin, Dietrich Leibfried and Christiane P Koch
2018 New J. Phys. 20 123010

Resonant Electronic-Bridge Excitation of the 235U
Nuclear Transition in Ions with Chaotic Spectra
J. C. Berengut
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 253002 (2018) –

Speeding-up the decision making of a learning agent using an ion trap quantum processor
Th Sriarunothai, S Wölk, G S Giri, N Friis, V Dunjko, H J Briegel and Ch Wunderlich
2019 Quantum Sci. Technol. 4 015014

Spin and motion dynamics with zigzag ion crystals in transverse magnetic gradients
J Welzel, F Stopp and F Schmidt-Kaler
2019 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 52 025301

Stark quenching of rovibrational states of H+2 due to motion in a magnetic field
Jean-Philippe Karr
Phys. Rev. A 98, 062501 (2018)

Time-dependent multiconfiguration method applied to laser-driven H+2
Erik Lötstedt, Tsuyoshi Kato, and Kaoru Yamanouchi
Phys. Rev. A 99, 013404 (2019)

Time ordering in the classically driven nonlinear Jaynes-Cummings model
Tobias Lipfert, Fabian Krumm, Mikhail I. Kolobov, and Werner Vogel
Phys. Rev. A 98, 063817 (2018)



A compact radiofrequency drive based on interdependent resonant circuits for precise control of ion traps
Amelia Detti, Marco De Pas, Lucia Duca, Elia Perego, Carlo Sias
A cryogenic radio-frequency ion trap for quantum logic spectroscopy of highly charged ions
Tobias Leopold, Steven A. King, Peter Micke, Amado Bautista-Salvador, Jan C. Heip, Christian Ospelkaus, José R. Crespo López-Urrutia, Piet O. Schmidt

Closed-cycle, low-vibration 4 K cryostat for ion traps and other applications
P. Micke, J. Stark, S. A. King, T. Leopold, T. Pfeifer, L. Schmöger, M. Schwarz, L. J. Spieß, P. O. Schmidt, J. R. Crespo López-Urrutia

Doppler and collisional frequency shifts in trapped-atom clocks
Amar Vutha, Tom Kirchner, Pierre Dubé

Interference in a Prototype of a two-dimensional Ion Trap Array Quantum Simulator
Frederick Hakelberg, Philip Kiefer, Matthias Wittemer, Ulrich Warring, Tobias Schätz

Low-Dimensional Few-Body Processes in Confined Geometry of Atomic and Hybrid Atom-Ion Traps
Vladimir S. Melezhik

Minimizing rf-induced excess micromotion of a trapped ion with the help of ultracold atoms
Amir Mohammadi, Joschka Wolf, Artjom Krükow, Markus Deiß, Johannes Hecker Denschlag

Multilayer ion trap technology for scalable quantum computing and quantum simulation
Amado Bautista-Salvador, Giorgio Zarantonello, Henning Hahn, Alan Preciado-Grijalva, Jonathan Morgner, Martina Wahnschaffe, Christian Ospelkaus

Multilayer ion trap with 3-dimensional microwave circuitry for scalable quantum logic applications
Henning Hahn, Giorgio Zarantonello, Amado Bautista-Salvador, Martina Wahnschaffe, Matthias Kohnen, Joerg Schoebel, Piet O. Schmidt, Christian Ospelkaus

Quantum simulation with ions in micro-fabricated Penning traps
Shreyans Jain, Joseba Alonso, Matt Grau, Jonathan P. Home

Simulating the Klein tunneling of pseudospin-one Maxwell particles with trapped ions
Peng He, Xin Shen, Dan-Wei Zhang, Shi-Liang Zhu

Strong area-law violation in long range XY quantum spin glass realisable using trapped ions
Nilanjan Roy, Auditya Sharma, Rick Mukherjee

The energy distribution of an ion in a radiofrequency trap interacting with a nonuniform neutral buffer gas
I. Rouse, S. Willitsch

Time fractals and discrete scale invariance with trapped ions
Dean Lee, Jacob Watkins, Dillon Frame, Gabriel Given, Rongzheng He, Ning Li, Bing-Nan Lu, Avik Sarkar

Training of Quantum Circuits on a Hybrid Quantum Computer
D. Zhu, N. M. Linke, M. Benedetti, K. A. Landsman, N. H. Nguyen, C. H. Alderete, A. Perdomo-Ortiz, N. Korda, A. Garfoot, C. Brecque, L. Egan, O. Perdomo, C. Monroe

Trapped-ion spin-motion coupling with microwaves and a near-motional oscillating magnetic field gradient
R. Srinivas, S. C. Burd, R. T. Sutherland, A. C. Wilson, D. J. Wineland, D. Leibfried, D. T. C. Allcock, D. H. Slichter

ITN Newsletter – November 2018

Dear all,

last week we had a perfect ECTI in a wonderful location with an exciting program –  the Ion Trapper’s highlight of the year. For all participants, and those who could not come, have a look at the Photo Gallery !

The new COST Action is gaining momentum, and the first call for collaboration visits is now open (see below). These STSMs are an important tool for networking and  we have a non-negligible budget to spent before the end of April 2019. We encourage you therefore to candidate as soon as possible. The next budget year (starting 1 May 2019) will – of course – contain a similar call.

Also, please save the date for the scientific kick-off 6-8 March 2019 in Granada/Spain. More information soon to come !

Best regards,
your editorial team



The call for Short Term Scientific Missions is OPEN.  This important tool of networking will financially support collaboration visits between  5 days and 3 months. It is open to all researchers from participating countries with a priority for younger researchers. Full details about applications are given on this website and in the STSM user guide.

Please submit your project at and choose COST Action CA17133 – Trapped Ions: progress in classical and quantum applications.

The first collection date will be 10 December 2018. If you have further question please contact the STSM chair Łukasz Kłosowski or the Action chair Markus Hennrich



687th WE-Heraeus-Seminar on ‘Scalable Hardware Platforms for Quantum Computing’ – 13 Jan. – 17 Jan., 2019, Bad Honnef, Germany LINK


EQTC 2019, the first international conference of the European Quantum Flagship on February 18-22, 2019 in Grenoble, France. Details


Bad Honnef Physics School on Strongly Coupled Systems 31 March – 5 April 2019 in Bad Honnef , Germany LINK


Faraday Discussion  “ Advances in Ion Spectroscopy – From Astrophysics to Biology”  which will take place between 8-10 April 2019 in York, UK. LINK


13th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP13) in Florence, Italy, April 8-12, 2019 LINK


Workshop on  “Engineering a Scalable Quantum Information Processor”, Bad Honnef/Germany, 23-26 April 2019. LINK


PLATAN International Conference, Merger of the Poznan meeting on Lasers and Trapping Devices in Atomic nuclei Research and the International Conference on Laser Probing,  Mainz/Germany 19-24 May 2019 LINK


Workshop on “Compound (atomic) quantum systems”, Lorentz Center, Leiden/NL, 20 – 24 May 2019 LINK

ICPEAC XXXI , Deauville/France, 23-30 July 2019 LINK


Electrostatic Storage Devices (ESD8) conference to be held in Tinajin, P.R. China August 25 to 30, 2019. Details



Postdoc and PhD opportunities in the areas of “Advanced Quantum Computing with Trapped Ions” (EU QT Flagship project) and of “Open Quantum Neural Networks: From Fundamental Concepts to Implementations with Atoms and Photons” (ERC StG) in the Müller group at Swansea University. For details contact M. Müller.

Department of Physics at Durham University seeks to appoint an outstanding individual to the role of Assistant Professor in Quantum Light & Matter.LINK


Junior Group Leader Position in Theoretical Quantum Physics at the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) Innsbruck LINK


The Physics of Information and Quantum Technologies Group, at Instituto de Telecomunicacoes (in Lisbon, Portugal), is opening a 6-years Researcher position, available to start in March 2019 (earlier also possible).


A five-year assistant professor (non-tenured) position is open at Department of Physics, Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan. Successful candidates will work on experimental studies of gas-phase atomic and molecular physics in the research group of Prof. Yuji Nakano from April 2019. LINK or contact Prof. Nakano


2 professor positions at the University of Sherbrooke in the domain of quantum physics. LINK

PhD position at the QUEST Institute for Experimental Quantum Metrology at PTB. The PhD student will join the team performing quantum logic spectroscopy on highly charged ions, and will take a lead role in developing parts of the next-generation apparatus. For details, please contact Steven King  or LINK


PhD position at LKB, Paris on high precision spectroscopy of hydrogen. For details please contact François Nez


Lecturer in Physics in the School of Physical Sciences at The Open University LINK


You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to

Atomic clocks and time keeping in Romania
Cipriana Tomescu, Liviu Giurgiu
Rom. Rep. Phys. 70, 205 (2018)

Bloch-like energy oscillations
Axel Gagge and Jonas Larson
Phys. Rev. A 98, 053820 (2018)

Collisional cooling of internal rotation in MgH+ions trapped with He atoms: Quantum modeling meets experiments in Coulomb crystals
L. González-Sánchez, R. Wester, and F. A. Gianturco
Phys. Rev. A 98, 053423 (2018)

Direct measurement of Bacon-Shor code stabilizers
Muyuan Li, Daniel Miller, and Kenneth R. Brown
Phys. Rev. A 98, 050301(R) (2018)

Europe shows first cards in €1-billion quantum bet
Davide Castelvecchi
Nature 563,14 (2018)

Estimation of the ion-trap assisted electrical loads and resulting BBR shift
Lakhi Sharma, A. Roy, S. Panja, V. N. Ojha & S. De
Scientific Reports, Volume 8, Article number: 16884 (2018)

High-order harmonic generation of the heteronuclear hydrogen molecular ion in strong infrared laser fields
Yu-Ning Yang, Liang Xu, and Feng He
Phys. Rev. A 98, 053409 (2018)

Measuring the Rényi entropy of a two-site Fermi-Hubbard model on a trapped ion quantum computer
N. M. Linke, S. Johri, C. Figgatt, K. A. Landsman, A. Y. Matsuura, and C. Monroe
Phys. Rev. A 98, 052334 (2018)

Observation of Rydberg Blockade Induced by a Single Ion
F. Engel, T. Dieterle, T. Schmid, C. Tomschitz, C. Veit, N. Zuber, R. Löw, T. Pfau, and F. Meinert
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 193401 (2018)

Phase Locking between Different Partial Waves in Atom-Ion Spin-Exchange Collisions
Tomas Sikorsky, Masato Morita, Ziv Meir, Alexei A. Buchachenko, Ruti Ben-shlomi, Nitzan Akerman, Edvardas Narevicius, Timur V. Tscherbul, and Roee Ozeri
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 173402 (2018)

Precision enhancement in trapped ion rotation sensors
Guolong Li, Bo Liu, Xiao Xiao and Xiaoguang Wang
2018 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51 235501

Precision measurement of the light shift of 25Mg+ions
W. H. Yuan, K. Deng, Z. Y. Ma, H. Che, Z. T. Xu, H. L. Liu, J. Zhang, and Z. H. Lu
Phys. Rev. A 98, 052507 (2018)

Probing the limits of correlations in an indivisible quantum system
M. Malinowski, C. Zhang, F. M. Leupold, A. Cabello, J. Alonso, and J. P. Home
Phys. Rev. A 98, 050102(R) (2018)

Quantum autoencoders via quantum adders with genetic algorithms
L Lamata, U Alvarez-Rodriguez, J D Martín-Guerrero, M Sanz and E Solano
2019 Quantum Sci. Technol. 4 014007

Realizing an adiabatic quantum search algorithm with shortcuts to adiabaticity in an ion-trap system
Jie Zhang, Feng-guang Li, Yi Xie, Chun-wang Wu, Bao-quan Ou, Wei Wu, and Ping-xing Chen
Phys. Rev. A 98, 052323 (2018)

Reduced theoretical error for 4He+ spectroscopy
C. P. Burgess, P. Hayman, Markus Rummel, and László Zalavári
Phys. Rev. A 98, 052510 (2018)

Repeated multi-qubit readout and feedback with a mixed-species trapped-ion register
V. Negnevitsky, M. Marinelli, K. K. Mehta, H.-Y. Lo, C. Flühmann & J. P. Home
Nature volume 563, pages 527–531 (2018)

Resilient Entangling Gates for Trapped Ions
A. E. Webb, S. C. Webster, S. Collingbourne, D. Bretaud, A. M. Lawrence, S. Weidt, F. Mintert, and W. K. Hensinger
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 180501 (2018)

Robust Entanglement Gates for Trapped-Ion Qubits
Yotam Shapira, Ravid Shaniv, Tom Manovitz, Nitzan Akerman, and Roee Ozeri
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 180502 (2018)

Strategies for quantum computing molecular energies using the unitary coupled cluster ansatz
Jonathan Romero, Ryan Babbush, Jarrod R McClean, Cornelius Hempel, Peter J Love and Alán Aspuru-Guzik
2019 Quantum Sci. Technol. 4 014008



Atomic Bell measurement via two-photon interactions
Carlos A. González-Gutiérrez, Juan Mauricio Torres

Coherently displaced oscillator quantum states of a single trapped atom
Katherine C. McCormick, Jonas Keller, David J. Wineland, Andrew C. Wilson, Dietrich Leibfried

Compact laser system for a laser-cooled ytterbium ion microwave frequency standard
S. Mulholland, H. A. Klein, G. P. Barwood, S. Donnellan, P. B. R. Nisbet-Jones, G. Huang, G. Walsh, P. E. G. Baird, P. Gill

Deterministic generation of arbitrary all-photonic graph states from quantum emitters
Antonio Russo, Edwin Barnes, Sophia E. Economou

Excitation of E1-forbidden Atomic Transitions with Electric, Magnetic or Mixed Multipolarity in Light Fields Carrying Orbital and Spin Angular Momentum
Maria Solyanik-Gorgone, Andrei Afanasev, Carl E. Carlson, Christian T. Schmiegelow, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler

Experimental demonstration of weak value amplification in trapped ion system
Chun-wang Wu, Jie Zhang, Yi Xie, Bao-quan Ou, Wei Wu, Ping-xing Chen

Ion-based nondestructive sensor for cavity photon numbers
Moonjoo Lee, Konstantin Friebe, Dario A. Fioretto, Klemens Schüppert, Florian R. Ong, David Plankensteiner, Valentin Torggler, Helmut Ritsch, Rainer Blatt, Tracy E. Northup

Isomeric fission yield ratios for odd-mass Cd and In isotopes using the Phase-Imaging Ion-Cyclotron-Resonance technique
V. Rakopoulos, M. Lantz, S. Pomp, A. Solders, A. Al-Adili, L. Canete, T. Eronen, A. Jokinen, A. Kankainen, A. Mattera, I. D. Moore, D. A. Nesterenko, M. Reponen, S. Rinta-Antila, A. de Roubin, M. Vilén, M. Österlund, H. Penttilä

Operation of a Microfabricated Planar Ion-Trap for Studies of a Yb+-Rb Hybrid Quantum System
Abasalt Bahrami, Matthias Müller, Martin Drechsler, Jannis Joger, Rene Gerritsma, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler

Phase transfer between three visible lasers for coherent population trapping
Mathieu Collombon, Gaetan Hagel, Cyril Chatou, Didier Guyomarch, Didier Ferrand, Marie Houssin, Caroline Champenois, Martina Knoop

ITN Newsletter – October 2018

Dear all,

no recent news from the new COST Action which takes the hurdles of administration so that it can live healthily and happily ever after. We’ll have the opportunity to discuss future activities at ECTI. Please bring your ideas about events, international coordination, parity, innovation, and everything else which can be an added value for collaborations !

Best regards,
your editorial team



The European Physical Society, its AMO and QEO Division, and the Institute of Spectroscopy of the Russian Academy of Sciences call for nominations for the 2019 Vladilen Letokhov Medal before 15 December 2018 LINK


Don’t forget to nominate a young researcher for the Young Scientist Prize of the Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Division (AMOPD)of the European Physical Society LINK



GdR IQFA “Quantum Engineering, Fundamental Aspects to Applications”, 9th Colloquium, 14-16 November 2018, Université de Montpellier, France LINK


ECTI 5  will be held at the Lopatie Conference Center at Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, on November 18-22, 2018.  Registration and abstract submission are open. All details HERE


International Conference on Quantum Computation, ICoQC 2018, will be held at Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, France from 26-30 November 2018 LINK.


687th WE-Heraeus-Seminar on ‘Scalable Hardware Platforms for Quantum Computing’ – 13 Jan. – 17 Jan., 2019, Bad Honnef, Germany LINK


Faraday Discussion  “ Advances in Ion Spectroscopy – From Astrophysics to Biology”  which will take place between 8-10 April 2019 in York, UK. LINK

PLATAN International Conference, Merger of the Poznan meeting on Lasers and Trapping Devices in Atomic nuclei Research a,d the Interantional Conference on laser Probing,  Mainz 19-24 May 2019 LINK


PhD position at the QUEST Institute for Experimental Quantum Metrology at PTB. The PhD student will join the team performing quantum logic spectroscopy on highly charged ions, and will take a lead role in developing parts of the next-generation apparatus. For details, please contact Steven King  or LINK

PhD position at LKB, Paris on high precision spectroscopy of hydrogen. For details please contact François Nez

Lecturer in Physics in the School of Physical Sciences at The Open University LINK

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to

A self-injection locked DBR laser for laser cooling of beryllium ions
Steven A. King, Tobias Leopold, Premjith Thekkeppatt, Piet O. Schmidt
Applied Physics B
November 2018, 124:214

Analog quantum simulation of extremely sub-Ohmic spin-boson models
Mehdi Abdi and Martin B. Plenio
Phys. Rev. A 98, 040303(R) (2018)

Cooling of many-body systems via selective interactions
R. Grimaudo, L. Lamata, E. Solano, and A. Messina
Phys. Rev. A 98, 042330 (2018)

Cryogenic trapped-ion system for large scale quantum simulation
G Pagano, P W Hess, H B Kaplan, W L Tan, P Richerme, P Becker, A Kyprianidis, J Zhang, E Birckelbaw, M R Hernandez, Y Wu and C Monroe
2019 Quantum Sci. Technol. 4 014004

Dipolar quantum logic for freely rotating trapped molecular ions
Eric R. Hudson and Wesley C. Campbell
Phys. Rev. A 98, 040302(R) (2018)

Engineering steady entanglement for trapped ions at finite temperature by dissipation
Xiao-Qiang Shao
Phys. Rev. A 98, 042310 (2018)

Evaluation of CP violation in HfF+
A. N. Petrov, L. V. Skripnikov, A. V. Titov, and V. V. Flambaum
Phys. Rev. A 98, 042502 (2018)

Generation of high-fidelity quantum control methods for multilevel systems
J. Randall, A. M. Lawrence, S. C. Webster, S. Weidt, N. V. Vitanov, and W. K. Hensinger
Phys. Rev. A 98, 043414 (2018)

Interferometer with a driven trapped ion
S. Martínez-Garaot, A. Rodriguez-Prieto, and J. G. Muga
Phys. Rev. A 98, 043622 (2018)

NOON States of Nine Quantized Vibrations in Two Radial Modes of a Trapped Ion
Junhua Zhang, Mark Um, Dingshun Lv, Jing-Ning Zhang, Lu-Ming Duan, and Kihwan Kim
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 160502 (2018)

Oscillating-magnetic-field effects in high-precision metrology
H. C. J. Gan, G. Maslennikov, K.-W. Tseng, T. R. Tan, R. Kaewuam, K. J. Arnold, D. Matsukevich, and M. D. Barrett
Phys. Rev. A 98, 032514 (2018)

Phase Locking between Different Partial Waves in Atom-Ion Spin-Exchange Collisions
Tomas Sikorsky, Masato Morita, Ziv Meir, Alexei A. Buchachenko, Ruti Ben-shlomi, Nitzan Akerman, Edvardas Narevicius, Timur V. Tscherbul, and Roee Ozeri
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 173402 (2018)

Prospects of reaching the quantum regime in Li–Yb+ mixtures
H A Fürst, N V Ewald, T Secker, J Joger, T Feldker and R Gerritsma
2018 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51 195001

Spectroscopic properties and cold elastic collisions of alkaline-earth Mg + Mg+ system
Nissrin Alharzali, Dibyendu Sardar, Rim Mlika, Bimalendu Deb and Hamid Berriche
2018 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51 195201

Strategies for quantum computing molecular energies using the unitary coupled cluster ansatz
Jonathan Romero, Ryan Babbush, Jarrod R McClean, Cornelius Hempel, Peter J Love and Alán Aspuru-Guzik
2019 Quantum Sci. Technol. 4 014008

Transient non-confining potentials for speeding up a single ion heat pump
E Torrontegui, S T Dawkins, M Göb and K Singer
2018 New J. Phys. 20 105001

Wavelength-scale errors in optical localization due to spin–orbit coupling of light,
G. Araneda, S. Walser, Y. Colombe, D. B. Higginbottom, J. Volz, R. Blatt and A. Rauschenbeutel.
Nature Physics 14, no 11,



Analytical model of an ion cloud cooled by collisions in a Paul trap
Pierre Delahaye

Can a periodically driven particle resist laser cooling and noise?
A. Maitra, D. Leibfried, D. Ullmo, H. Landa

Chip-integrated voltage sources for control of trapped ions
J. Stuart, R. Panock, C. D. Bruzewicz, J. A. Sedlacek, R. McConnell, I. L. Chuang, J. M. Sage, J. Chiaverini

Confined Dynamics in Long-Range Interacting Quantum Spin Chains
Fangli Liu, Rex Lundgren, Paraj Titum, Guido Pagano, Jiehang Zhang, Christopher Monroe, Alexey V. Gorshkov

Engineering SU(1,1)⊗SU(1,1) vibrational states
C. Huerta Alderete, M. P. Morales Rodríguez, B. M. Rodríguez-Lara

Fast and High-Fidelity Readout of Single Trapped-Ion Qubit via Machine Learning Methods
Zi-Han Ding, Jin-Ming Cui, Yun-Feng Huang, Chuan-Feng Li, Tao Tu, Guang-Can Guo

Fault-tolerant protection of near-term trapped-ion topological qubits under realistic noise sources
A. Bermudez, X. Xu, M. Gutiérrez, S. C. Benjamin, M. Müller

Nonreciprocal Quantum Transport at Junctions of Structured Leads
Eduardo Mascarenhas, François Damanet, Stuart Flannigan, Luca Tagliacozzo, Andrew J. Daley, John Goold, Inés de Vega

Quantum Optical Two-Atom Thermal Diode
Cahit Kargi, M. Tahir Naseem, Tomáš Opatrný, Özgür E. Müstecaplıoğlu, Gershon Kurizki

Quasiparticle Origin of Dynamical Quantum Phase Transitions
Jad C. Halimeh, Maarten Van Damme, Valentin Zauner-Stauber, Laurens Vanderstraeten

Self-Verifying Variational Quantum Simulation of the Lattice Schwinger Model
Christian Kokail, Christine Maier, Rick van Bijnen, Tiff Brydges, Manoj K. Joshi, Petar Jurcevic, Christine A. Muschik, Pietro Silvi, Rainer Blatt, Christian F. Roos, Peter Zoller

Stabilizer Slicing: Coherent Error Cancellations in LDPC Codes
Dripto Debroy, Muyuan Li, Michael Newman, Kenneth R. Brown

Stark quenching of rovibrational states of H2+ due to motion in a magnetic field
Jean-Philippe Karr

The open LPC Paul trap for precision measurements in beta decay
P. Delahaye, G. Ban, M. Benali, D. Durand, X. Fabian, X. Fléchard, M. Herbane, E. Liénard, F. Mauger, A. Méry, Y. Merrer, O. Naviliat-Cuncic, G. Quéméner, B. M. Retailleau, D. Rodriguez, J. C. Thomas, P. Ujic

Ultrafast State Preparation via the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm with Long Range Interactions
Wen Wei Ho, Cheryne Jonay, Timothy H. Hsieh

Validation of Quantum Adiabaticity through Non-Inertial Frames and Its Trapped-Ion Realization
Chang-Kang Hu, Jin-Ming Cui, Alan C. Santos, Yun-Feng Huang, Chuan-Feng Li, Guang-Can Guo, Frederico Brito, Marcelo S. Sarandy

vdW-corrected density functional study of electric field noise heating in ion traps caused by electrode surface adsorbates
Keith G. Ray, Brenda M. Rubenstein, Wenze Gu, Vincenzo Lordi

Verification of non-equal-time commutators of a trapped ion
F. Krumm, W. Vogel

Versatile laser-free trapped-ion entangling gates
R. T. Sutherland, R. Srinivas, S. C. Burd, D. Leibfried, A. C. Wilson, D. J. Wineland, D. T. C. Allcock, D. H. Slichter, S. B. Libby

ITN Newsletter – September 2018

Dear all,

we are happy to announce that the new COST Action “Trapped Ions: Progress in classical and quantum applications” has been kicked-off in September. The Action is chaired by Markus Hennrich from Stockholm University accompanied by a management committee with representatives from more than 20 countries.
Different tools will be implemented in the upcoming weeks and months, and you will be kept informed through this newsletter.

A non-negligible part of our budget will be dedicated to exchange visits between groups for a duration of  5 to 90 days, in particular for early-career researchers. Application forms will only be available in November, but we encourage you already to plan your visits, take contacts and prepare the abstracts of the work you wish to carry out !!

The ECTI conference will be one of the first events of the Action, and we’ll have already more information by then !

Best regards,
your editorial team



Masatoshi Kajita has recently published an eBook: Measuring Time – Frequency measurements and related developments in physics with  IOP Science  LINK


Don’t forget to nominate a young researcher for the Young Scientist Prize of the Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Division (AMOPD)of the European Physical Society LINK



GdR IQFA “Quantum Engineering, Fundamental Aspects to Applications”, 9th Colloquium, 14-16 November 2018, Université de Montpellier, France LINK


ECTI 5  will be held at the Lopatie Conference Center at Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, on November 18-22, 2018.  Registration and abstract submission are open. All details HERE


International Conference on Quantum Computation, ICoQC 2018, will be held at Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, France from 26-30 November 2018 LINK.


687th WE-Heraeus-Seminar on ‘Scalable Hardware Platforms for Quantum Computing’ – 13 Jan. – 17 Jan., 2019, Bad Honnef, Germany LINK

Faraday Discussion  “ Advances in Ion Spectroscopy – From Astrophysics to Biology
which will take place between 8-10 April 2019 in York, UK. LINK


Postdoc opportunities in the areas of “Quantum simulation of energy transfer phenomena, quantum control and computation with large ion crystals and surface science” in the Häffner group at UC Berkeley. For details contact H Haeffner


PhD position at the QUEST institute for Experimental Quantum Metrology at PTB, in close collaboration with Leibniz Universität Hannover. The PhD student will focus on the implementation of entangling
quantum logic gates in surface-electrode ion traps using 9Be+ as a qubit. For details, please contact Christian Ospelkaus


A Postdoc position is available at the Institute for Quantum Optics, Leibniz Universität Hannover. The Postdoc will lead a cryogenic ion trap experiment to implement and simulate quantum many-body Hamiltonians with 9Be+ ions in surface-electrode traps. For details, please contact Christian Ospelkaus


Research fellow in High Precision Spectroscopy, University of Sussex Details


Post-doctoral and PhD positions available on the Lu+ optical atomic clock experiment at the Center for Quantum Technologies in Singapore.  Contact Murray Barrett for more information:


You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to

A double Paul trap system for the electronic coupling of ions
Authors: R. A. Rica, F. Domínguez, M. J. Gutiérrez, J. Bañuelos, J. J. del Pozo and D. Rodríguez.
Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 227, 445-456 (2018).

Demonstration of a Bayesian quantum game on an ion-trap quantum computer
Neal Solmeyer, Norbert M Linke, Caroline Figgatt, Kevin A Landsman, Radhakrishnan Balu, George Siopsis and C Monroe
2018 Quantum Sci. Technol. 3 045002

Entangling an arbitrary pair of qubits in a long ion crystal
Pak Hong Leung and Kenneth R. Brown
Phys. Rev. A 98, 032318 (2018)

Generation and stabilization of entangled coherent states for the vibrational modes of a trapped ion
Zhi-Rong Zhong, Xin-Jie Huang, Zhen-Biao Yang, Li-Tuo Shen, and Shi-Biao Zheng
Phys. Rev. A 98, 032311 (2018)

Ion Coulomb crystal in a polychromatic optical superlattice
I V Krasnov and L P Kamenshchikov
2018 Laser Phys. 28 105701  

Ion-trap analog of particle creation in cosmology
Christian Fey, Tobias Schaetz, and Ralf Schützhold
Phys. Rev. A 98, 033407 (2018)

Lifetime of the metastable 2P1/2 state of F-like Ar9+ isolated in a compact Penning trap
Samuel M. Brewer, Joan M. Dreiling, Nicholas D. Guise, Shannon F. Hoogerheide, Aung S. Naing, and Joseph N. Tan
Phys. Rev. A 98, 032501 (2018)

Machine learning assisted readout of trapped-ion qubits
Alireza Seif, Kevin A Landsman, Norbert M Linke, Caroline Figgatt, C Monroe and Mohammad Hafezi
2018 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51 174006

Noise-robust quantum sensing via optimal multi-probe spectroscopy
Matthias M. Müller, Stefano Gherardini & Filippo Caruso
Scientific Reports 8, 14278 (2018)

Optimally band-limited spectroscopy of control noise using a qubit sensor
Leigh M. Norris, Dennis Lucarelli, Virginia M. Frey, Sandeep Mavadia, Michael J. Biercuk, and Lorenza Viola
Phys. Rev. A 98, 032315 (2018)

Oscillating-magnetic-field effects in high-precision metrology
H. C. J. Gan, G. Maslennikov, K.-W. Tseng, T. R. Tan, R. Kaewuam, K. J. Arnold, D. Matsukevich, and M. D. Barrett
Phys. Rev. A 98, 032514 (2018)

Performance of shortcut-to-adiabaticity quantum engines
Obinna Abah and Eric Lutz
Phys. Rev. E 98, 032121 (2018)

Prospects of reaching the quantum regime in Li–Yb+ mixtures
H A Fürst, N V Ewald, T Secker, J Joger, T Feldker and R Gerritsma
2018 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51 195001

Quantum Simulation with a Trilinear Hamiltonian
Shiqian Ding, Gleb Maslennikov, Roland Hablützel, and Dzmitry Matsukevich
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 130502 (2018)

Quantum-state-controlled reactions between molecular radicals and ions
James Greenberg, Philipp C. Schmid, Mikhail Miller, John F. Stanton, and H. J. Lewandowski
Phys. Rev. A 98, 032702 (2018)

Spectroscopic properties and cold elastic collisions of alkaline-earth Mg + Mg+ system
Nissrin Alharzali, Dibyendu Sardar, Rim Mlika, Bimalendu Deb and Hamid Berriche
2018 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51 195201




Absolute Single Ion Thermometry
Vincent Tugayé, Jean-Pierre Likforman, Samuel Guibal, Luca Guidoni

Accurate rotational rest frequencies for ammonium ion isotopologues
José-Luis Doménech, Stephan Schlemmer, Oskar Asvany

Anomalous Quantum Correlations in the Motion of a Trapped Ion
Fabian Krumm, Werner Vogel

Deterministic generation of hybrid high-N00N states with Rydberg ions trapped in microwave cavities
Naeimeh Mohseni, Shahpoor Saeidian, Jonathan P. Dowling, Carlos Navarrete-Benlloch

Effcient sympathetic cooling in mixed barium and ytterbium ion chains
Tomasz P. Sakrejda, Liudmila Zhukas, Boris B. Blinov

Electric-field noise from thermally-activated fluctuators in a surface ion trap
Crystal Noel, Maya Berlin-Udi, Clemens Matthiesen, Jessica Yu, Yi Zhou, Hartmut Häffner

Entanglement enhanced precision test of local Lorentz invariance
Eli Megidish, Joseph Broz, Nicole Greene, Hartmut Häffner

Environment-assisted quantum transport in a 10-qubit network
Christine Maier, Tiff Brydges, Petar Jurcevic, Nils Trautmann, Cornelius Hempel, Ben P. Lanyon, Philipp Hauke, Rainer Blatt, Christian F. Roos

Evidence for multiple mechanisms underlying surface electric-field noise in ion traps
J. A. Sedlacek, J. Stuart, D. H. Slichter, C. D. Bruzewicz, R. McConnell, J. M. Sage, J. Chiaverini

Laboratory gas-phase infrared spectra of two astronomically relevant PAH cations: diindenoperylene, C32H16+ and dicoronylene, C48H20+
Junfeng Zhen, Alessandra Candian, Pablo Castellanos, Jordy Bouwman, Harold Linnartz, Alexander G. G. M. Tielens

Laboratory photo-chemistry of pyrene clusters: an efficient way to form large PAHs
Junfeng Zhen, Tao Chen, Alexander G. G. M. Tielens

Modeling near ground-state cooling of two-dimensional ion crystals in a Penning trap using electromagnetically induced transparency
Athreya Shankar, Elena Jordan, Kevin A. Gilmore, Arghavan Safavi-Naini, John J. Bollinger, Murray J. Holland

Multipartite-Entanglement Tomography of a Quantum Simulator
Marco Gabbrielli, Luca Lepori, Luca Pezzè

Near ground-state cooling of two-dimensional trapped-ion crystals with more than 100 ions
Elena Jordan, Kevin A. Gilmore, Athreya Shankar, Arghavan Safavi-Naini, Justin G. Bohnet, Murray J. Holland, John J. Bollinger

Non-equilibrium Quantum Langevin dynamics of orbital diamagnetic moment
Urbashi Satpathi, Supurna Sinha

Optical clock comparison test of Lorentz symmetry
Christian Sanner, Nils Huntemann, Richard Lange, Christian Tamm, Ekkehard Peik, Marianna S. Safronova, Sergey G. Porsev

Population dynamics in sideband cooling of trapped ions outside the Lamb-Dicke regime
M. K. Joshi, P. Hrmo, V. Jarlaud, R. C. Thompson

Probabilistic Eigensolver with a Trapped-Ion Quantum Processor
Jing-Ning Zhang, Iñigo Arrazola, Jorge Casanova, Lucas Lamata, Kihwan Kim, Enrique Solano

Probing ground-state phase transitions through quench dynamics
Paraj Titum, Joseph T. Iosue, James R. Garrison, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Zhe-Xuan Gong

Quantum effects of operator time ordering in the nonlinear Jaynes-Cummings model
Tobias Lipfert, Fabian Krumm, Mikhail I. Kolobov, Werner Vogel

Quantum Thermometry with Trapped Ions
Peter A. Ivanov

Resistive cooling of highly charged ions in a Penning trap to a fluid-like state
M. S. Ebrahimi, Z. Guo, M. Vogel, M. Wiesel, G. Birkl, W. Quint

The TRAPSENSOR Facility: an Open-Ring 7-Tesla Penning Trap for Laser-Based Precision Experiments
Manuel J. Gutiérrez, Joaquín Berrocal, Juan Manuel Cornejo, Francisco Domínguez, Jesús J. Del Pozo, Iñigo Arrazola, Javier Bañuelos, Pablo Escobedo, Oliver Kaleja, Lucas Lamata, Raúl A. Rica, Stefan Schmidt, Michael Block, Enrique Solano, Daniel Rodríguez

Trapped ions in an ultracold Rydberg gas
N. V. Ewald, T. Feldker, H. Hirzler, H. Fürst, R. Gerritsma

Transient Non-Confining Potentials for Speeding Up a Single Ion Heat Pump
E. Torrontegui, S. T. Dawkins, M. Göb, K. Singer

Tuning nonthermal to thermal distributions in time-dependent Paul traps
H. Landa

Ultrafast infrared spectroscopy with single molecular ions
Philipp Schindler

TN Newsletter – August 2018

Dear all,

the month of August has been calm, but you’ll find here all recent publications and preprints; Don’t forget to register for ECTI and to submit an abstract for the conference before 15 September 2018.

At the end of this month, the International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles will be held  in Traverse City. The very interesting program is online HERE  and you can still register HERE.

Best regards,
your editorial team



School on Optical Clocks (OCS2018),  will be held in Gressoney la Trinité in the Aosta Valley, Italy, from the 9th September to the 14th September 2018. LINK


7th International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics (TCP-2018)  September 30 – October 5 in Traverse City, Michigan, USA. LINK


GdR IQFA “Quantum Engineering, Fundamental Aspects to Applications”, 9th Colloquium, 14-16 November 2018, Université de Montpellier, France LINK


ECTI 5  will be held at the Lopatie Conference Center at Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, on November 18-22, 2018.  Registration and abstract submission are open. All details HERE


International Conference on Quantum Computation, ICoQC 2018, will be held at Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, France from 26-30 November 2018 LINK.


687th WE-Heraeus-Seminar on ‘Scalable Hardware Platforms for Quantum Computing’ – 13 Jan. – 17 Jan., 2019, Bad Honnef, Germany LINK

Faraday Discussion  “ Advances in Ion Spectroscopy – From Astrophysics to Biology
which will take place between 8-10 April 2019 in York, UK. LINK


Postdoc opportunities in the areas of “Quantum simulation of energy transfer phenomena, quantum control and computation with large ion crystals and surface science” in the Häffner group at UC Berkeley. For details contact H Haeffner

PhD position at the QUEST institute for Experimental Quantum Metrology at PTB, in close collaboration with Leibniz Universität Hannover. The PhD student will focus on the implementation of entangling quantum logic gates in surface-electrode ion traps using 9Be+ as a qubit. For details, please contact Christian Ospelkaus

A Postdoc position is available at the Institute for Quantum Optics, Leibniz Universität Hannover. The Postdoc will lead a cryogenic ion trap experiment to implement and simulate quantum many-body Hamiltonians with 9Be+ ions in surface-electrode traps. For details, please contact Christian Ospelkaus

Research fellow in High Precision Spectroscopy, University of Sussex Details


Post-doctoral and PhD positions available on the Lu+ optical atomic clock experiment at the Center for Quantum Technologies in Singapore.  Contact Murray Barrett for more information:

W1 Junior Professor Position in Experimental Quantum Technologies at PTB and Leibniz Universität Hannover Details

Post-doctoral position to study chemical reactions between sympathetically cooled and trapped molecular ions and cold neutral radicals, Details with Heather Lewandoski


Postdoc position for the NIST Al+ quantum-logic clock. For details contact David Leibrandt


You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to

A trapped ion in an optomechanical system: entanglement dynamics
Marziyeh Hassani Nadiki, Mohammad Kazem Tavassoly and Navid Yazdanpanah
Eur. Phys. J. D (2018) 72: 110

Canceling spin-dependent contributions and systematic shifts in precision spectroscopy of molecular hydrogen ions
S. Schiller and V. I. Korobov
Phys. Rev. A 98, 022511 (2018)

Clock-related properties of Lu+
S. G. Porsev, U. I. Safronova, and M. S. Safronova
Phys. Rev. A 98, 022509 (2018)

Comment on “Experimental Verification of a Jarzynski-Related Information-Theoretic Equality by a Single Trapped Ion”
Michele Campisi and Peter Hänggi
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 088901 (2018)

Controlling the phase diagram of finite spin-1/2 chains by tuning the boundary interactions
Shi-Ju Ran, Cheng Peng, Gang Su, and Maciej Lewenstein
Phys. Rev. B 98, 085111 (2018)

Composite laser-pulses spectroscopy for high-accuracy optical clocks: a review of recent progress and perspectives
Thomas Zanon-Willette, Rémi Lefevre, Rémi Metzdorff, Nicolas Sillitoe, Sylvain Almonacil, Marco Minissale, Emeric de Clercq, Alexey V Taichenachev, Valeriy I Yudin, and Ennio Arimondo
Rep. Prog. Phys. 81 094401  (2018)

Eliminating fermionic matter fields in lattice gauge theories
Erez Zohar and J. Ignacio Cirac
Phys. Rev. B 98, 075119 (2018)

Emergence of antiferromagnetic quantum domain walls
H. Y. Yuan, Man-Hong Yung, and X. R. Wang
Phys. Rev. B 98, 060407(R) (2018)

Experimental implementation of generalized transitionless quantum driving
Hu, Chang-Kang; Cui, Jin-Ming; Santos, Alan C.; Huang, Yun-Feng; Sarandy, Marcelo S.; Li, Chuan-Feng; Guo, Guang-Can
Optics Letters 43(13) 3136-3139 (2018)

Direct Observation of Atom-Ion Nonequilibrium Sympathetic Cooling
Ziv Meir, Meirav Pinkas, Tomas Sikorsky, Ruti Ben-shlomi, Nitzan Akerman, and Roee Ozeri
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 053402 (2018)

Dynamics of a single ion-spin impurity in a spin-polarized atomic bath
H. Fürst, T. Feldker, N. V. Ewald, J. Joger, M. Tomza, and R. Gerritsma
Phys. Rev. A 98, 012713 (2018)

Electron affinity of the hafnium atom
Rulin Tang, Xiaolin Chen, Xiaoxi Fu, Huan Wang, and Chuangang Ning
Phys. Rev. A 98, 020501(R) (2018)

Excitation on the para-Bose states: Nonclassical properties
B. Mojaveri, A. Dehghani and R. Jafarzadeh Bahrbeig
Eur. Phys. J. Plus (2018) 133: 346

Experimental and theoretical investigation of a multimode cooling scheme using multiple electromagnetically-induced-transparency resonances
Nils Scharnhorst, Javier Cerrillo, Johannes Kramer, Ian D. Leroux, Jannes B. Wübbena, Alex Retzker, and Piet O. Schmidt
Phys. Rev. A 98, 023424 (2018)

Fidelity and criticality of a quantum Ising chain with long-range interactions
Zhangqi Zhu, Gaoyong Sun, Wen-Long You, and Da-Ning Shi
Phys. Rev. A 98, 023607 (2018)

Ion traps and the memory effect for periodic gravitational waves
P.-M. Zhang, M. Cariglia, C. Duval, M. Elbistan, G. W. Gibbons, and P. A. Horvathy
Phys. Rev. D 98, 044037 (2018)

Loading of a continuous anion beam into a Penning trap with a view to laser cooling
G. Cerchiari, S. Erlewein, C. König, and A. Kellerbauer
Phys. Rev. A 98, 021402(R) (2018)

Lorentz and CPT tests with clock-comparison experiments
V. Alan Kostelecký and Arnaldo J. Vargas
Phys. Rev. D 98, 036003 (2018)

Machine learning assisted readout of trapped-ion qubits
Alireza Seif, Kevin A Landsman, Norbert M Linke, Caroline Figgatt, C Monroe and Mohammad Hafezi
2018 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51 174006

Phonon Lasing from Optical Frequency Comb Illumination of Trapped Ions
Michael Ip, Anthony Ransford, Andrew M. Jayich, Xueping Long, Conrad Roman, and Wesley C. Campbell
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 043201 (2018)

Prethermalization in an trapped ion spin chain with short interaction range
Ping Zou and Zhi-Ming Zhang
2018 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51 145003

Quasiparticles in Quantum Spin Chains with Long-Range Interactions
Laurens Vanderstraeten, Maarten Van Damme, Hans Peter Büchler, and Frank Verstraete
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 090603 (2018)

Ramsey interferometry in correlated quantum noise environments
Félix Beaudoin, Leigh M. Norris, and Lorenza Viola
Phys. Rev. A 98, 020102(R) (2018)

Resistive cooling of highly charged ions in a Penning trap to a fluidlike state
M. S. Ebrahimi, Z. Guo, M. Vogel, M. Wiesel, G. Birkl, and W. Quint
Phys. Rev. A 98, 023423 (2018)

Simulating para-Fermi oscillators
C. Huerta Alderete & B. M. Rodríguez-Lara
Scientific Reports,volume 8, Article number: 11572 (2018)

Strongly Correlated Bosons on a Dynamical Lattice
Daniel González-Cuadra, Przemysław R. Grzybowski, Alexandre Dauphin, and Maciej Lewenstein
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 090402 (2018)

The quantum technologies roadmap: a European community view
Antonio Acín, Immanuel Bloch, Harry Buhrman, Tommaso Calarco, Christopher Eichler, Jens Eisert, Daniel Esteve, Nicolas Gisin, Steffen J Glaser, Fedor Jelezko, Stefan Kuhr, Maciej Lewenstein, Max F Riedel, Piet O Schmidt, Rob Thew, Andreas Wallraff, Ian Walmsley and Frank K Wilhelm
2018 New J. Phys. 20 080201

Trapped ions tackle chemistry
SCIENCE31 AUG 2018 : 889-890

Twins Percolation for Qubit Losses in Topological Color Codes
Davide Vodola, David Amaro, Miguel Angel Martin-Delgado, and Markus Müller
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 060501 (2018)

Ultracompact reference ultralow expansion glass cavity
A. Didier, J. Millo, B. Marechal, C. Rocher, E. Rubiola, R. Lecomte, M. Ouisse, J. Delporte, C. Lacroûte, and Y. Kersalé
Applied Optics Vol. 57, Issue 22, pp. 6470-6473 (2018)

Verification of a Many-Ion Simulator of the Dicke Model Through Slow Quenches across a Phase Transition
A. Safavi-Naini, R. J. Lewis-Swan, J. G. Bohnet, M. Gärttner, K. A. Gilmore, J. E. Jordan, J. Cohn, J. K. Freericks, A. M. Rey, and J. J. Bollinger
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 040503 (2018)




A spin heat engine coupled to a harmonic-oscillator flywheel
David von Lindenfels, Oliver Gräb, Christian T. Schmiegelow, Vidyut Kaushal, Jonas Schulz, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Ulrich G. Poschinger

Consistency test for quantum process tomography
Sabine Wölk, Theeraphot Sriarunothai, Gouri S. Giri, Christof Wunderlich

Cooling of Many-Body Systems via Selective Interactions
R. Grimaudo, L. Lamata, E. Solano, A. Messina

Correcting symmetry imperfections in linear multipole traps
J. Pedregosa-Gutierrez, C. Champenois, M. Houssin, M. R. Kamsap, M. Knoop

Demonstration of Slow Light in a Rubidium Vapour Using Single Photons from a Trapped Ion
James D. Siverns, John Hannegan, Qudsia Quraishi

Dynamic Hamiltonian engineering of 2D rectangular lattices in a one-dimensional ion chain
Fereshteh Rajabi, Sainath Motlakunta, Chung-You Shih, Nikhil Kotibhaskar, Qudsia Quraishi, Ashok Ajoy, Rajibul Islam

Dynamical quantum phase transitions in U(1) quantum link models
Yi-Ping Huang, Debasish Banerjee, Markus Heyl

Dynamical topological transitions in the massive Schwinger model with a θ-term
T. V. Zache, N. Mueller, J. T. Schneider, F. Jendrzejewski, J. Berges, P. Hauke

Far-from-equilibrium noise heating and laser cooling dynamics in radio-frequency Paul traps
A. Maitra, D. Leibfried, D. Ullmo, H. Landa

High-resolution collision energy control through ion position modulation in atom-ion hybrid systems
Prateek Puri, Michael Mills, Elizabeth P. West, Christian Schneider, Eric. R. Hudson

Improving the precision of frequency estimation via long-time coherences
Andrea Smirne, Andreas Lemmer, Martin B. Plenio, Susana F. Huelga

Magnetic field stabilization system for atomic physics experimets
B. Merkel, K. Thirumalai, J. E. Tarlton, V. M. Schäfer, C. J. Ballance, T. P. Harty, D. M. Lucas

Observation of 4f – 5s Electric Octupole Decays and Their Strong Atomic Number Selectivity
Hiroyuki A. Sakaue, Daiji Kato, Izumi Murakami, Hayato Ohashi, Nobuyuki Nakamura

Quadrupole shift cancellation using dynamic decoupling
Ravid Shaniv, Nitzan Akerman, Tom Manovitz, Yotam Shapira, Roee Ozeri

Quantum-enhanced sensing of a mechanical oscillator
Katherine C. McCormick, Jonas Keller, Shaun C. Burd, David J. Wineland, Andrew C. Wilson, Dietrich Leibfried

Quantum optimal control of the dissipative production of a maximally entangled state
Karl P. Horn, Florentin Reiter, Yiheng Lin, Dietrich Leibfried, Christiane P. Koch

Ramsey Interferometry in Correlated Quantum Noise Environments
Félix Beaudoin, Leigh M. Norris, Lorenza Viola

Reinforcement Learning to Autonomously Prepare Floquet-Engineered States: Inverting the Quantum Kapitza Oscillator
M. Bukov

Slow Extraction of Charged Ion Pulses from the REXEBIS
Niels Bidault, Jose Alberto Rodriguez, Miguel Lozano, Sergey Sadovich

Stability of charged particles inside a Paul trap with spontaneous localization dynamics
Sayantani Bera, Shreya Banerjee

Strong coupling of a single ion to an optical cavity
Hiroki Takahashi, Ezra Kassa, Costas Christoforou, Matthias Keller

Unifying fast scrambling, thermalization and entanglement through the measurement of FOTOCs in the Dicke model
R. J. Lewis-Swan, A. Safavi-Naini, J. J. Bollinger, A. M. Rey

ITN Newsletter – July 2018

Dear all,

congratulations to our colleagues from Sussex University who have won a gold medal for their outreach activities concerning quantum computing (Details). Many groups do have an important public engagement. This is really fun to do, but takes quite some preparation time in order to develop experiments and/or talks which are suitable for a larger public. If you have an outreach acitivity involving ion traps, we would be happy to build a mini-database, in order to allow people to share ideas (and plans for set-ups), which could be helpful for everybody. Just send a short description (or corresponding URL address) mentioning a person to contact to

Best regards,
your editorial team



Hearing at the German parliament about the future of quantum computing (in German) LINK



BAD HONNEF PHYSICS SCHOOL ON QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIES, 5-10 August 2018, Physikzentrum, Bad Honnef, Germany


School on Optical Clocks (OCS2018),  will be held in Gressoney la Trinité in the Aosta Valley, Italy, from the 9th September to the 14th September 2018. LINK

7th International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics (TCP-2018)  September 30 – October 5 in Traverse City, Michigan, USA.


GdR IQFA “Quantum Engineering, Fundamental Aspects to Applications”, 9th Colloquium, 14-16 November 2018, Université de Montpellier, France LINK

ECTI 5  will be held at the Lopatie Conference Center at Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, on November 18-22, 2018.  Registration and abstract submission will open on August 15th, 2018. All details HERE


International Conference on Quantum Computation, ICoQC 2018, will be held at Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, France from 26-30 November 2018 LINK.

Faraday Discussion  “Advances in Ion Spectroscopy – From Astrophysics to Biology
which will take place between 8-10 April 2019 in York, UK. LINK


Research fellow in High Precision Spectroscopy, University of Sussex Details

Post-doctoral and PhD positions available on the Lu+ optical atomic clock experiment at the Center for Quantum Technologies in Singapore.  Contact Murray Barrett for more information:

W1 Junior Professor Position in Experimental Quantum Technologies at PTB and Leibniz Universität Hannover Details

Post-doctoral position to study chemical reactions between sympathetically cooled and trapped molecular ions and cold neutral radicals, Details with Heather Lewandoski


Postdoc position for the NIST Al+ quantum-logic clock. For details contact David Leibrandt


Within the ERC advanced grant (AdG) “PREMOL – At the crossroad of molecular physics, quantum optics and spectroscopy: ultra-high-precision molecular spectroscopy for fundamental physics” 2 post-doc positions and 2 Ph.D. student positions are available starting 1. Sept. 2018. More details HERE


Research scientist/engineer in MEMS ion trap devices at NPL. For additional information, contact Alastair Sinclair.

PhD position in ultracold ion-atom interactions and optical ion trapping, Institute of Physics, University of Freiburg. More info at


Postdoc position at JPL in the area of trapped ion clocks and atomic sensors. Details HERE


PhD position “Laser-cooled ion optical clocks for fundamental physics and redefinition of the second” with Rachel Godun, NPL (Teddington, UK) and Christopher Foot, University of Oxford.  Closing date for applications is 31st July 2018. LINK

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to

CPT tests with the antihydrogen molecular ion
Edmund G. Myers
Phys. Rev. A 98, 010101(R) (2018)

Demonstration of a Bayesian quantum game on an ion-trap quantum computer
Neal Solmeyer, Norbert M Linke, Caroline Figgatt, Kevin A Landsman, Radhakrishnan Balu, George Siopsis and C Monroe
2018 Quantum Sci. Technol. 3 045002

Detecting Equilibrium and Dynamical Quantum Phase Transitions in Ising Chains via Out-of-Time-Ordered Correlators
Markus Heyl, Frank Pollmann, and Balázs Dóra
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 016801 (2018)

Experimental implementation of generalized transitionless quantum driving
Hu, Chang-Kang; Cui, Jin-Ming; Santos, Alan C.; Huang, Yun-Feng; Sarandy, Marcelo S.; Li, Chuan-Feng; Guo, Guang-Can
Optics Letters 43(13) 3136-3139 (2018)

Integrable Trotterization: Local Conservation Laws and Boundary Driving
Matthieu Vanicat, Lenart Zadnik, and Tomaž Prosen
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 030606 (2018)

Phonon localization in an ion chain under irradiation with a Bessel laser beam
Jun Wen, Jian-Qi Zhang, Lei-Lei Yan, Liang Chen, Xiao-Ming Cai, and Mang Feng
Phys. Rev. A 98, 013829 (2018)

A trapped-ion simulator for spin-boson models with structured environments
A Lemmer, C Cormick, D Tamascelli, T Schaetz, S F Huelga and M B Plenio
2018 New J. Phys. 20 073002

Prethermalization in an trapped ion spin chain with short interaction range
Ping Zou and Zhi-Ming Zhang
2018 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51 145003

Protecting quantum memories using coherent parity check codes
Joschka Roffe, David Headley, Nicholas Chancellor, Dominic Horsman and Viv Kendon
2018 Quantum Sci. Technol. 3 035010  

Quantum Chemistry Calculations on a Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulator
C. Hempel, C. Maier, J. Romero, J. McClean, T. Monz, H. Shen, P. Jurcevic, B.P. Lanyon, P. Love, R. Babbush, A. Aspuru-Guzik, R. Blatt, and C. F. Roos
Phys. Rev. X 8, 031022 (2018)

Quantum Zeno Effect assisted Spectroscopy of a single trapped Ion
Akira Ozawa, Josue Davila-Rodriguez, Theodor W. Hänsch & Thomas Udem
Scientific Reports, volume 8, Article number: 10643 (2018)

Search for new physics with atoms and molecules
M. S. Safronova, D. Budker, D. DeMille, Derek F. Jackson Kimball, A. Derevianko, and Charles W. Clark
Rev. Mod. Phys. , 025008 (2018)

The Heidelberg compact electron beam ion traps 
P. Micke, S. Kühn, L. Buchauer, J. R. Harries, T. M. Bücking, K. Blaum, A. Cieluch, A. Egl, D. Hollain, S. Kraemer, T. Pfeifer, P. O. Schmidt, R. X. Schüssler, Ch. Schweiger, T. Stöhlker, S. Sturm, R. N. Wolf, S. Bernitt, and J. R. Crespo López-Urrutia
Review of Scientific Instruments 89, 063109 (2018)

Topological interface states mediated by spontaneous symmetry breaking
Roman S. Savelev, Maxim A. Gorlach, and Alexander N. Poddubny
Phys. Rev. B 98, 045415 (2018)

Two-frequency operation of a Paul trap to optimise confinement of two species of ions
C.J.Foot, D.Trypogeorgos, E.Bentine, A.Gardner, M.Keller
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 430, July 2018, Pages 117-125

Universal scaling laws for correlation spreading in quantum systems with short- and long-range interactions
Lorenzo Cevolani, Julien Despres, Giuseppe Carleo, Luca Tagliacozzo, and Laurent Sanchez-Palencia
Phys. Rev. B 98, 024302 (2018) 




Coherent fluctuation relations: from the abstract to the concrete
Z. Holmes, S. Weidt, D. Jennings, J. Anders, F. Mintert

Cooperative Breakdown of the Oscillator Blockade in the Dicke Model
Florentin Reiter, Thanh Long Nguyen, Jonathan P. Home, Susanne F. Yelin

Correcting symmetry imperfections in linear multipole traps
J. Pedregosa-Gutierrez, C. Champenois, M. Houssin, M.R. Kamsap, M. Knoop

Discrete time crystal in globally driven interacting quantum systems without disorder
Wing Chi Yu, Jirawat Tangpanitanon, Alexander W. Glaetzle, Dieter Jaksch, Dimitris G. Angelakis

Encoding a qubit in a trapped-ion mechanical oscillator
Christa Flühmann, Thanh Long Nguyen, Matteo Marinelli, Vlad Negnevitsky, Karan Mehta, Jonathan Home

Energy transfer in elastic collisions between electrons and trapped ions
Łukasz Kłosowski, Mariusz Piwiński

Interferometer with a driven trapped ion
S. Martínez-Garaot, A. Rodriguez-Prieto, J. G. Muga

Motional Fock states for quantum-enhanced amplitude and phase measurements with trapped ions
Fabian Wolf, Chunyan Shi, Jan C. Heip, Manuel Gessner, Luca Pezzè, Augusto Smerzi, Marius Schulte, Klemens Hammerer, Piet O. Schmidt

Photon Recoil Spectroscopy: Systematic Shifts and Nonclassical Enhancements
Marius Schulte, Niels Lörch, Piet O. Schmidt, Klemens Hammerer

Site-resolved imaging of beryllium ion crystals in a high-optical-access Penning trap with inbore optomechanics
Harrison Ball, Christian D. Marciniak, Robert N. Wolf, Alex T. -H. Hung, Karsten Pyka, Michael J. Biercuk

Small & Big (and in between): Ion Traps and Gravitational Waves
P. -M. Zhang, M. Cariglia, C. Duval, M. Elbistan, G. W. Gibbons, P. A. Horvathy

Surface trap with dc-tunable ion-electrode distance
Da An, Clemens Matthiesen, Ahmed Abdelrahman, Maya Berlin-Udi, Dylan Gorman, Sönke Möller, Erik Urban, Hartmut Häffner

Trapped Ion Quantum Information Processing with Squeezed Phonons
Wenchao Ge, Brian Sawyer, Joe Britton, Kurt Jacobs, John Bollinger, Michael Foss-Feig

Trapping and sympathetic cooling of single thorium ions for spectroscopy
Karin Groot-Berning, Felix Stopp, Georg Jacob, Dmitry Budker, Raphael Haas, Dennis Renisch, Jörg Runke, Petra Thörle-Pospiech, Christoph Düllmann, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler

Verification of a many-ion simulator of the Dicke model through slow quenches across a phase transition
A. Safavi-Naini, R. J. Lewis-Swan, J. G. Bohnet, M. Garttner, K. A. Gilmore, J. E. Jordan, J. Cohn, J. K. Freericks, A. M. Rey, J. J. Bollinger

ITN Newsletter – June 2018

ear all,

wishing you a happy and fruitful summer season !

Best regards,
your editorial team



Congratulations to Peter Zoller who has been awarded the first Norman F. Ramsey Prize in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, and in Precision Tests of Fundamental Laws and Symmetries. Details



EQLIPS – Exploring the Quantum limit with Laser-cooled Ions in Penning TrapS, 2-3 July 2018, Hannover, Germany Details

Novel optical clocks in atoms and nuclei, 676. WE-Heraeus-Seminar, 9 – 12 July 2018, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany   LINK

Three-day introductory course on quantum information held at the University of Innsbruck from 10-12 July 2018 LINK


Few-body and Collective Many-body Behavior with Charge Impurities in Atomic Quantum Gases, Workshop in Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain, from July 17  to July 20, 2018. LINK


BAD HONNEF PHYSICS SCHOOL ON QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIES, 5-10 August 2018, Physikzentrum, Bad Honnef, Germany


7th International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics (TCP-2018)  September 30 – October 5 in Traverse City, Michigan, USA.


ECTI 5  will be held at the Lopatie Conference Center at Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, on November 18-23, 2018.  SAVE THE DATE!!

Faraday Discussion  “Advances in Ion Spectroscopy – From Astrophysics to Biology
which will take place between 8-10 April 2019 in York, UK. LINK


Post-doctoral position to study chemical reactions between sympathetically cooled and trapped molecular ions and cold neutral radicals, Details with Heather Lewandoski


Postdoc position for the NIST Al+ quantum-logic clock. For details contact David Leibrandt


Within the ERC advanced grant (AdG) “PREMOL – At the crossroad of molecular physics, quantum optics and spectroscopy: ultra-high-precision molecular spectroscopy for fundamental physics” 2 post-doc positions and 2 Ph.D. student positions are available starting 1. Sept. 2018. More details HERE


Research scientist/engineer in MEMS ion trap devices at NPL. For additional information, contact Alastair Sinclair.

PhD position in ultracold ion-atom interactions and optical ion trapping, Institute of Physics, University of Freiburg. More info at


Research Fellow in Experimental Quantum Networking, University of Sussex. Details HERE


Research Fellow in High Precision Spectroscopy, University of Sussex. Details HERE


Postdoc position at JPL in the area of trapped ion clocks and atomic sensors. Details HERE


Postdoctoral Fellow on nEXO Experiment at Carleton University. Details HERE


PhD position in the group of Rene Gerritsma (University of Amsterdam): LINK


PhD position “Laser-cooled ion optical clocks for fundamental physics and redefinition of the second” with Rachel Godun, NPL (Teddington, UK) and Christopher Foot, University of Oxford.  Closing date for applications is 31st July 2018. LINK

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to

A unified treatment of polynomial solutions and constraint polynomials of the Rabi models
Alexander Moroz
2018 J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 51 295201

A trapped ion in an optomechanical system: entanglement dynamics
Marziyeh Hassani Nadiki, Mohammad Kazem Tavassolya and Navid Yazdanpanah
Eur. Phys. J. D (2018) 72: 110

Angular distribution and polarization of X-ray radiation in highly charged He-like ions: hyperfine-induced transition
Zhan-Bin Chen1,2,3a and Chen-Zhong Dong2b
Eur. Phys. J. D (2018) 72: 101

Atomic clocks for geodesy
Tanja E Mehlstäubler, Gesine Grosche, Christian Lisdat, Piet O Schmidt and Heiner Denker
2018 Rep. Prog. Phys. 81 064401

Conditions for anti-Zeno-effect observation in free-space atomic radiative decay
Emmanuel Lassalle, Caroline Champenois, Brian Stout, Vincent Debierre, and Thomas Durt
Phys. Rev. A 97, 062122 (2018)

Direct Frequency-Comb-Driven Raman Transitions in the Terahertz Range
C. Solaro, S. Meyer, K. Fisher, M. V. DePalatis, and M. Drewsen
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 253601 (2018)

Energy consumption for ion-transport in a segmented Paul trap
A Tobalina, J Alonso and J G Muga
2018 New J. Phys. 20 065002

Information-entropic measures for non-zero l states of confined hydrogen-like ions
Neetik Mukherjee and Amlan K. Roya
Eur. Phys. J. D (2018) 72: 118

Intensity stabilisation of optical pulse sequences for coherent control of laser‑driven qubits
J. Thom, B. Yuen, G. Wilpers, E. Riis, A. G. Sinclair
Applied Physics B (2018), 124: 90.

Ion string qubits
Noriaki Horiuchi
Nature Photonics 12, 313 (2018)

Long-Term Monitoring of the Internal Energy Distribution of Isolated Cluster Systems
Christian Breitenfeldt, Klaus Blaum, Sebastian George, Jürgen Göck, Gregorio Guzmán-Ramírez, Jonas Karthein, Thomas Kolling, Michael Lange, Sebastian Menk, Christian Meyer, Jennifer Mohrbach, Gereon Niedner-Schatteburg, Dirk Schwalm, Lutz Schweikhard, and Andreas Wolf
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 253001 (2018)

Machine learning & artificial intelligence in the quantum domain: a review of recent progress
Vedran Dunjko and Hans J Briegel
2018 Rep. Prog. Phys. 81 074001

Many-body localization transition with power-law interactions: Statistics of eigenstates
K. S. Tikhonov and A. D. Mirlin
Phys. Rev. B 97, 214205 (2018)

Markovian heat sources with the smallest heat capacity
Raam Uzdin, Simone Gasparinetti, Roee Ozeri and Ronnie Kosloff
2018 New J. Phys. 20 063030  

Noise analysis for high-fidelity quantum entangling gates in an anharmonic linear Paul trap
Yukai Wu, Sheng-Tao Wang, and L.-M. Duan
Phys. Rev. A 97, 062325 (2018)

Nonclassical Light from Large Ensembles of Trapped Ions
P. Obšil, L. Lachman, T. Pham, A. Lešundák, V. Hucl, M. Čížek, J. Hrabina, O. Číp, L. Slodička, and R. Filip
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 253602 (2018)

Phase-space study of surface-electrode Paul traps: Integrable, chaotic, and mixed motions
V. Roberdel, D. Leibfried, D. Ullmo, and H. Landa
Phys. Rev. A 97, 053419 (2018)

Prethermalization in an trapped ion spin chain with short interaction range
Ping Zou and Zhi-Ming Zhang
2018 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51 145003  

Rotational Spectroscopy of a Triatomic Molecular Anion
Olga Lakhmanskaya, Malcolm Simpson, Simon Murauer, Markus Nötzold, Eric Endres, Viatcheslav Kokoouline, and Roland Wester
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 253003 (2018)

Scaling Trapped Ion Quantum Computers Using Fast Gates and Microtraps
Alexander K. Ratcliffe, Richard L. Taylor, Joseph J. Hope, and André R. R. Carvalho
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 220501 (2018) 

Toward Heisenberg-Limited Rabi Spectroscopy
Ravid Shaniv, Tom Manovitz, Yotam Shapira, Nitzan Akerman, and Roee Ozeri
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 243603 (2018)

Two-frequency operation of a Paul trap to optimise confinement of two species of ions
C.J.Foot, D.Trypogeorgos, E.Bentine, A.Gardner, M.Keller
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 430, July 2018, Pages 117-125



Accessing eigenstate spin-glass order from reduced density matrices
Younes Javanmard, Soumya Bera, Markus Heyl

Achieving continuously tunable critical exponents
Fan Yang, Shao-Jian Jiang, Fei Zhou

Dipolar quantum logic for freely-rotating trapped molecular ions
Eric R. Hudson, Wesley C. Campbell

Experimental quantification of spatial correlations in quantum dynamics
Lukas Postler, Ángel Rivas, Philipp Schindler, Alexander Erhard, Roman Stricker, Daniel Nigg, Thomas Monz, Rainer Blatt, Markus Müller

Feasible platform to study negative temperatures
R. J. de Assis, C. J. Villas-Boas, N. G. de Almeida

Introduction to the Dicke model: from equilibrium to nonequilibrium, and vice versa
Peter Kirton, Mor M. Roses, Jonathan Keeling, Emanuele G. Dalla Torre

Method for Determination of Technical Noise Contributions to Ion Motional Heating
J. A. Sedlacek, J. Stuart, W. Loh, R. McConnell, C. D. Bruzewicz, J. M. Sage, J. Chiaverini

Out-of-time-ordered-correlator quasiprobabilities robustly witness scrambling
José Raúl González Alonso, Nicole Yunger Halpern, Justin Dressel

Probing entanglement entropy via randomized measurements
Tiff Brydges, Andreas Elben, Petar Jurcevic, Benoît Vermersch, Christine Maier, Ben P. Lanyon, Peter Zoller, Rainer Blatt, Christian F. Roos

Quantum Simulations with a Trilinear Hamiltonian
Shiqian Ding, Gleb Maslennikov, Roland Hablützel, Dzmitry Matsukevich

Rayleigh scattering of twisted light by hydrogenlike ions
A. A. Peshkov, A. V. Volotka, A. Surzhykov, S. Fritzsche

Verified Quantum Information Scrambling
Kevin A. Landsman, Caroline Figgatt, Thomas Schuster, Norbert M. Linke, Beni Yoshida, Norman Y. Yao, Christopher Monroe

ITN Newsletter – May 2018

Dear all,

We have an increasing amount of job announcements in the newsletter, and we would be happy to have some returns of advertisers and job seekers, if this is helpful (success rate?). Would a dynamic and dedicated platform  (open all the time) be the right means to complete this offer? Thanks for your input in reply to this newsletter.

Best regards,
your editorial team



EQLIPS – Exploring the Quantum limit with Laser-cooled Ions in Penning TrapS, 2-3 July 2018, Hannover, Germany Details

Novel optical clocks in atoms and nuclei, 676. WE-Heraeus-Seminar, 9 – 12 July 2018, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany   LINK

Three-day introductory course on quantum information held at the University of Innsbruck from 10-12 July 2018 LINK


Few-body and Collective Many-body Behavior with Charge Impurities in Atomic Quantum Gases, Workshop in Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain, from July 17 to July 20, 2018. LINK

BAD HONNEF PHYSICS SCHOOL ON QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIES, 5-10 August 2018, Physikzentrum, Bad Honnef, Germany


7th International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics (TCP-2018)  September 30 – October 5 in Traverse City, Michigan, USA.


ECTI 5  will be held at the Lopatie Conference Center at Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, on November 18-23, 2018.  SAVE THE DATE!!

Faraday Discussion  “Advances in Ion Spectroscopy – From Astrophysics to Biology
which will take place between 8-10 April 2019 in York, UK. LINK


PhD position in ultracold ion-atom interactions and optical ion trapping, Institute of Physics, University of Freiburg. More info at

Research Fellow in Experimental Quantum Networking, University of Sussex. Details HERE


Research Fellow in High Precision Spectroscopy, University of Sussex. Details HERE


Postdoc position at JPL in the area of trapped ion clocks and atomic sensors. Details HERE


Postdoctoral Fellow on nEXO Experiment at Carleton University. Details HERE


PhD position in the group of Rene Gerritsma (University of Amsterdam): LINK


PhD position“Laser-cooled ion optical clocks for fundamental physics and redefinition of the second” with Rachel Godun, NPL (Teddington, UK) and Christopher Foot, University of Oxford.  Closing date for applications is 31st July 2018. LINK

The ion trap group at Imperial College London is seeking an experimental Research Associate to work on the project “Optimal Control for Robust Ion Trap Quantum Logic”. This project is part of a close collaboration between experiment and theory, led by Professor Richard Thompson and Dr Florian Mintert. Details HERE and HERE

Postdoctoral Fellow at McGill University for Ba-tagging with nEXO. Information about the group HERE Interested in the job ? Please contact Thomas Brunner

A postdoctoral position is available in the group of Prof. Thomas Rizzo at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. Details

PhD position “Miniature Trapped Ion Optical Clock” in the Time and Frequency department of the FEMTO-ST institute in Besançon, France. More details can be found HERE

A postdoc position in the Theory of Quantum Simulation with Rydberg Systems supported by a recently funded QuantERA grant. DETAILS

Postdoctoral researcher position on precision mass measurements of radioactive isotopes using ion trapping methods in the ERC Consolidator Grant project MAIDEN “Masses, Isomers and Decay studies for Elemental Nucleosynthesis” at the University of Jyväskylä.  Deadline for applications: 31.3.2018.  More information: LINK


A post-doctoral position “Miniature Trapped Ion Optical Clock” in the Time and Frequency department of the FEMTO-ST institute in Besançon, France. Details can be found here

Experimental PhD position in Trapped Ion Quantum Technologies at Stockholm University. Closing date for application is 24 April 2018. For more information please contact Markus Hennrich and see here.


You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to

Blackbody radiation shift assessment for a lutetium ion clock
K. J. Arnold, R. Kaewuam, A. Roy, T. R. Tan & M. D. Barrett
Nature Communications 9, 1650 (2018)

Bounds on Energy Absorption and Prethermalization in Quantum Systems with Long-Range Interactions
Wen Wei Ho, Ivan Protopopov, and Dmitry A. Abanin
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 200601 (2018)

Comparing Zeeman qubits to hyperfine qubits in the context of the surface code: 174Yb+ and 171Yb+
Natalie C. Brown and Kenneth R. Brown
Phys. Rev. A 97, 052301 (2018)

Complex-network description of thermal quantum states in the Ising spin chain
Bhuvanesh Sundar, Marc Andrew Valdez, Lincoln D. Carr, and Kaden R. A. Hazzard
Phys. Rev. A 97, 052320 (2018)

Energy distributions of an ion in a radio-frequency trap immersed in a buffer gas under the influence of additional external forces
I. Rouse and S. Willitsch
Phys. Rev. A 97, 042712 (2018)

Fidelity Witnesses for Fermionic Quantum Simulations
M. Gluza, M. Kliesch, J. Eisert, and L. Aolita
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 190501 (2018)

Generalized Autobalanced Ramsey Spectroscopy of Clock Transitions
V. I. Yudin, A. V. Taichenachev, M. Yu. Basalaev, T. Zanon-Willette, J. W. Pollock, M. Shuker, E. A. Donley, and J. Kitching
Phys. Rev. Applied 9, 054034 (2018)

High-fidelity entanglement between a trapped ion and a telecom photon via quantum frequency conversion
Matthias Bock, Pascal Eich, Stephan Kucera, Matthias Kreis, Andreas Lenhard, Christoph Becher & Jürgen Eschner
Nature Communications 9, 1998 (2018)

Interference of Single Photons Emitted by Entangled Atoms in Free Space
G. Araneda, D. B. Higginbottom, L. Slodička, Y. Colombe, and R. Blatt
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 193603 (2018)

Ionic Impurity in a Bose-Einstein Condensate at Submicrokelvin Temperatures
K. S. Kleinbach, F. Engel, T. Dieterle, R. Löw, T. Pfau, and F. Meinert
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 193401 (2018)

Landauer Principle Stands up to Quantum Test
Massimiliano Esposito
Physics 11, 49 (2018)

Long-Distance Single Photon Transmission from a Trapped Ion via Quantum Frequency Conversion
Thomas Walker, Koichiro Miyanishi, Rikizo Ikuta, Hiroki Takahashi, Samir Vartabi Kashanian, Yoshiaki Tsujimoto, Kazuhiro Hayasaka, Takashi Yamamoto, Nobuyuki Imoto, and Matthias Keller
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 203601 (2018)

Motion control and optical interrogation of a levitating single NV in vacuum
G. P. Conangla, A. W. Schell, R. A. Rica, R. Quidant
Nano Lett., Article ASAP (May 2018)

Observation of Entangled States of a Fully Controlled 20-Qubit System
Nicolai Friis, Oliver Marty, Christine Maier, Cornelius Hempel, Milan Holzäpfel, Petar Jurcevic, Martin B. Plenio, Marcus Huber, Christian Roos, Rainer Blatt, and Ben Lanyon
Phys. Rev. X 8, 021012 – Published 10 April 2018

Optical Trapping of Ion Coulomb Crystals
Julian Schmidt, Alexander Lambrecht, Pascal Weckesser, Markus Debatin, Leon Karpa, and Tobias Schaetz
Phys. Rev. X 8, 021028 (2018)

Perfect Diode in Quantum Spin Chains
Vinitha Balachandran, Giuliano Benenti, Emmanuel Pereira, Giulio Casati, and Dario Poletti
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 200603 (2018)

Pulsed dynamical decoupling for fast and robust two-qubit gates on trapped ions
I. Arrazola, J. Casanova, J. S. Pedernales, Z.-Y. Wang, E. Solano, and M. B. Plenio
Phys. Rev. A 97, 052312 (2018)

Quantum simulation and spectroscopy of entanglement Hamiltonians
M. Dalmonte, B. Vermersch & P. Zoller
Nature Physics, 1–5 (2018)

Quantum Simulation of the Quantum Rabi Model in a Trapped Ion
Dingshun Lv, Shuoming An, Zhenyu Liu, Jing-Ning Zhang, Julen S. Pedernales, Lucas Lamata, Enrique Solano, and Kihwan Kim
Phys. Rev. X 8, 021027 (2018)

Revealing missing charges with generalised quantum fluctuation relations
J. Mur-Petit, A. Relaño, R. A. Molina & D. Jaksch
Nature Communications 9, 2006

Semiclassical approach to finite-temperature quantum annealing with trapped ions
David Raventós, Tobias Graß, Bruno Juliá-Díaz, and Maciej Lewenstein
Phys. Rev. A 97, 052310 (2018)

Single-Atom Demonstration of the Quantum Landauer Principle
L. L. Yan, T. P. Xiong, K. Rehan, F. Zhou, D. F. Liang, L. Chen, J. Q. Zhang, W. L. Yang, Z. H. Ma, and M. Feng
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 210601 (2018) 

Single-Atom Heat Machines Enabled by Energy Quantization
David Gelbwaser-Klimovsky, Alexei Bylinskii, Dorian Gangloff, Rajibul Islam, Alán Aspuru-Guzik, and Vladan Vuletic
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 170601 (2018)

Sustained State-Independent Quantum Contextual Correlations from a Single Ion
F. M. Leupold, M. Malinowski, C. Zhang, V. Negnevitsky, A. Cabello, J. Alonso, and J. P. Home
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 180401 (2018)

Symmetry-protected coherent relaxation of open quantum systems
Moos van Caspel and Vladimir Gritsev
Phys. Rev. A 97, 052106 (2018)

Systematic effects in the HfF+ ion experiment to search for the electron electric dipole moment
A. N. Petrov
Phys. Rev. A 97, 052504 (2018)


Two-frequency operation of a Paul trap to optimise confinement of two species of ions
C.J.Foot, D.Trypogeorgos, E.Bentine, A.Gardner, M.Keller
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 430, July 2018, Pages 117-125



Chip-integrated visible-telecom photon pair sources for quantum communication
Authors: Xiyuan Lu, Qing Li, Daron A. Westly, Gregory Moille, Anshuman Singh, Vikas Anant, Kartik Srinivasan

Ergodicity, Entanglement and Many-Body Localization
Authors: Dmitry A. Abanin, Ehud Altman, Immanuel Bloch, Maksym Serbyn

Feasible platform to study negative temperatures
Authors: R. J. de Assis, C. J. Villas-Boas, N. G. de Almeida

Frequency stabilization of a 650 nm laser to I2 spectrum for trapped 138Ba+ ions
Authors: Tian Xie, Naijun Jin, Ye Wang, Junhua Zhang, Mark Um, Pengfei Wang, Kihwan Kim

Introduction to the Dicke model: from equilibrium to nonequilibrium, and vice versa
Authors: Peter Kirton, Mor M. Roses, Jonathan Keeling, Emanuele G. Dalla Torre

Low cost quantum circuits for classically intractable instances of the Hamiltonian dynamics simulation problem
Authors: Yunseong Nam, Dmitri Maslov

Lorentz and CPT Tests with Clock-Comparison Experiments
Alan Kostelecky, Arnaldo J. Vargas

Machine learning assisted readout of trapped-ion qubits
Authors: Alireza Seif, Kevin A. Landsman, Norbert M. Linke, Caroline Figgatt, C. Monroe, Mohammad Hafezi

Method for Determination of Technical Noise Contributions to Ion Motional Heating
Authors: J. A. Sedlacek, J. Stuart, W. Loh, R. McConnell, C. D. Bruzewicz, J. M. Sage, J. Chiaverini

Observation of superconductivity and surface noise using a single trapped ion as a field probe
Authors: K. Lakhmanskiy, P. C. Holz, D. Schärtl, B. Ames, R. Assouly, T. Monz, Y. Colombe, R. Blatt

Quantum Computing Circuits and Devices
Authors: Travis S. Humble, Himanshu Thapliyal, Edgard Munoz-Coreas, Fahd A. Mohiyaddin, Ryan S. Bennink

Resilient entanglement gates for trapped ions
Authors: A. E. Webb, S. C. Webster, S. Collingbourne, D. Bretaud, A. M. Lawrence, S. Weidt, F. Mintert, W. K. Hensinger

Repeated multi-qubit readout and feedback with a mixed-species trapped-ion register
Authors: Vlad Negnevitsky, Matteo Marinelli, Karan Mehta, Hsiang-Yu Lo, Christa Flühmann, Jonathan P. Home

Robust entanglement gates for trapped-ion qubits
Authors: Yotam Shapira, Ravid Shaniv, Tom Manovitz, Nitzan Akerman, Roee Ozeri

ITN Newsletter – April 2018

Dear all,

happy to annonce that our project “Trapped Ions: Progress in classical and quantum applications” is among the 39 out of 422 proposals that have been approved by the COST Association (LINK). This Action lead by Markus Hennrich, and prepared by a small WG of M Keller, J Hecker Denschlag and myself, has received full score in the evaluation !

This is exciting news for all Ion Trappers as it will allow us to ramp up our activity and propose more workshops and training events, along with more collaboration actions in particular for young colleagues. We hope that the adminstrative  phase for this new COST Action will settle over summer so that we can already announce activitiés during the ECTI conference. Stay tuned !

Best regards,



Ion Trappers Stefan Ulmer of RIKEN and Chloé Malbrunot of CERN have been elected chairperson and deputy chairperson, respectively, of the Antiproton Decelerator (AD) user community. LINK



EQLIPS – Exploring the Quantum limit with Laser-cooled Ions in Penning TrapS, 2-3 July 2018, Hannover, Germany Details

Novel optical clocks in atoms and nuclei, 676. WE-Heraeus-Seminar, 9 – 12 July 2018, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany   LINK

Three-day introductory course on quantum information held at the University of Innsbruck from 10-12 July 2018 LINK


BAD HONNEF PHYSICS SCHOOL ON QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIES, 5-10 August 2018, Physikzentrum, Bad Honnef, Germany


7th International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics (TCP-2018)  September 30 – October 5 in Traverse City, Michigan, USA.


ECTI 5  will be held at the Lopatie Conference Center at Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, on November 18-23, 2018.  SAVE THE DATE!!


PhD position in the group of Rene Gerritsma (University of Amsterdam): LINK

Postdoctoral Fellow at McGill University for Ba-tagging with nEXO. Information about the group HERE Interested in the job ? Please contact Thomas Brunner

The ion trap group at Imperial College London is seeking an experimental Research Associate to work on the project “Optimal Control for Robust Ion Trap Quantum Logic”. This project is part of a close collaboration between experiment and theory, led by Professor Richard Thompson and Dr Florian Mintert. Details HERE and HERE

PhD position “Laser-cooled ion optical clocks for fundamental physics and redefinition of the second” with Rachel Godun, NPL (Teddington, UK) and Christopher Foot, University of Oxford.  Closing date for applications is 31st July 2018. LINK

A postdoctoral position is available in the group of Prof. Thomas Rizzo at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. Details

A Postdoc position is available at MIT Lincoln Laboratory in development of integrated technologies and methods for high-fidelity operations toward large-scale trapped-ion quantum information processing.  US citizenship is required.  LINK

PhD position “Miniature Trapped Ion Optical Clock” in the Time and Frequency department of the FEMTO-ST institute in Besançon, France. More details can be found HERE 

A postdoc position in the Theory of Quantum Simulation with Rydberg Systems supported by a recently funded QuantERA grant. DETAILS

Postdoctoral researcher position on precision mass measurements of radioactive isotopes using ion trapping methods in the ERC Consolidator Grant project MAIDEN “Masses, Isomers and Decay studies for Elemental Nucleosynthesis” at the University of Jyväskylä.  Deadline for applications: 31.3.2018.  More information: LINK

A post-doctoral position “Miniature Trapped Ion Optical Clock” in the Time and Frequency department of the FEMTO-ST institute in Besançon, France. Details can be found here

Experimental PhD position in Trapped Ion Quantum Technologies at Stockholm University. Closing date for application is 24 April 2018. For more information please contact Markus Hennrich and see here.

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to

Analog quantum simulation of generalized Dicke models in trapped ions
Ibai Aedo and Lucas Lamata
Phys. Rev. A 97, 042317 (2018)

Atomic clocks for geodesy
Tanja E Mehlstäubler, Gesine Grosche, Christian Lisdat, Piet O Schmidt and Heiner Denker
2018 Rep. Prog. Phys. 81 064401

Blackbody radiation shift assessment for a lutetium ion clock
K. J. Arnold, R. Kaewuam, A. Roy, T. R. Tan & M. D. Barrett
Nature Communications vol 9, Article number: 1650 (2018)

Cooling of trapped ions by resonant charge exchange
Sourav Dutta and S. A. Rangwala
Phys. Rev. A 97, 041401(R) (2018)

Dirac Equation in (1+1)-Dimensional Curved Spacetime and the Multiphoton Quantum Rabi Model
J. S. Pedernales, M. Beau, S. M. Pittman, I. L. Egusquiza, L. Lamata, E. Solano, and A. del Campo
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 160403 (2018) 

Dynamical quantum phase transitions: a review
Markus Heyl
2018 Rep. Prog. Phys. 81 054001

Heralded ions via ionization coincidence
A. J. McCulloch, R. W. Speirs, S. H. Wissenberg, R. P. M. Tielen, B. M. Sparkes, and R. E. Scholten
Phys. Rev. A 97, 043423 (2018)

Influence of electron correlation on the cross section and linear polarization of radiation emitted by electron-impact excitation of Ca+ and Ba+ ions
Zhan-Bin Chen
Eur. Phys. J. D (2018) 72: 67

Laser spectroscopic characterization of the nuclear-clock isomer 229mTh
Johannes Thielking, Maxim V. Okhapkin, Przemysław Głowacki, David M. Meier, Lars von der Wense, Benedict Seiferle, Christoph E. Düllmann, Peter G. Thirolf & Ekkehard Peik
Nature 556, 321–325 (2018)

Linking phase transitions and quantum entanglement at arbitrary temperature
Bo-Bo Wei
Phys. Rev. A 97, 042115 (2018)

Observation of Entangled States of a Fully Controlled 20-Qubit System
Nicolai Friis, Oliver Marty, Christine Maier, Cornelius Hempel, Milan Holzäpfel, Petar Jurcevic, Martin B. Plenio, Marcus Huber, Christian Roos, Rainer Blatt, and Ben Lanyon
Phys. Rev. X 8, 021012 (2018)

Phase diagram of the quantum Ising model with long-range interactions on an infinite-cylinder triangular lattice
S. N. Saadatmand, S. D. Bartlett, and I. P. McCulloch
Phys. Rev. B 97, 155116 (2018)

Photon scattering from a system of multilevel quantum emitters. II. Application to emitters coupled to a one-dimensional waveguide
Sumanta Das, Vincent E. Elfving, Florentin Reiter, and Anders S. Sørensen
Phys. Rev. A 97, 043838 (2018)

Rotational Energy as Mass in H3+ and Lower Limits on the Atomic Masses of D and 3He
J. A. Smith, S. Hamzeloui, D. J. Fink, and E. G. Myers
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 143002 (2018)

Selected highly charged ions as prospective candidates for optical clocks with quality factors larger than 10-15
Yan-mei Yu and B. K. Sahoo
Phys. Rev. A 97, 041403(R) (2018)

Sequential Modular Position and Momentum Measurements of a Trapped Ion Mechanical Oscillator
C. Flühmann, V. Negnevitsky, M. Marinelli, and J. P. Home
Phys. Rev. X 8, 021001 (2018)

Simulating the performance of a distance-3 surface code in a linear ion trap
Colin J Trout, Muyuan Li, Mauricio Gutiérrez, Yukai Wu, Sheng-Tao Wang, Luming Duan and Kenneth R Brown
2018 New J. Phys. 20 043038

Singularities of Floquet scattering and tunneling
H. Landa
Phys. Rev. A 97, 042705 (2018)

Time-dependent nonlinear Jaynes-Cummings dynamics of a trapped ion
F. Krumm and W. Vogel
Phys. Rev. A 97, 043806 (2018)




Energy distributions of an ion in a radiofrequency trap immersed in a buffer gas under the influence of additional external forces
I Rouse, S Willitsch

Non-equilibrium dynamics of many body quantum systems
Loïc Henriet

Phase space study of surface electrode Paul traps: Integrable, chaotic, and mixed motion
V Roberdel, D Leibfried, D Ullmo, H Landa

Prospects of reaching the quantum regime in Li-Yb+ mixtures
H A Fürst, N V Ewald, T Secker, J Joger, T Feldker, R Gerritsma

Quantum chemistry calculations on a trapped-ion quantum simulator
Cornelius Hempel, Christine Maier, Jonathan Romero, Jarrod McClean, Thomas Monz, Heng Shen, Petar Jurcevic, Ben Lanyon, Peter Love, Ryan Babbush, Alan Aspuru-Guzik, Rainer Blatt, Christian Roos

Scalable phase interference from trapped ion chains
Petr Obšil, Adam Lešundák, Tuan Pham, Gabriel Araneda, Ondřej Číp, Radim Filip, Lukáš Slodička

Single-ion, transportable optical atomic clocks
Marion Delehaye, Clément Lacroûte

ITN Newsletter – March 2018

Dear all,

just a brief reminder that the newsletter is in principle sent in the last days of a month, so if you wish to have your job annoucement to be included, please let us know by 25th. From statistics, we can tell you that the “open” rate of the newsletter has slowly increased from 35 %  to over 50%, which means that over 400 ion trappers will see your annoucement. All other annoucements, events etc. are welcome !

Best regards,
Your editorial team



The special issue in memory of Danny Segal has now been published as a unique collection which you can find


European Quantum Technology Community Meeting on April 19, 2018 at the ZEISS Forum in Oberkochen, Germany. This meeting will serve as a Kick-off to the Quantum Coordination and Support Action (QSA), which was mandated by the EC to prepare the Quantum Flagship Initiative. LINK

Novel optical clocks in atoms and nuclei, 676. WE-Heraeus-Seminar, 9 – 12 July 2018, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany   LINK

7th International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics (TCP-2018)  September 30 – October 5 in Traverse City, Michigan, USA.

ECTI 5  will be held at the Lopatie Conference Center at Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, on November 18-23, 2018.  SAVE THE DATE!!


Postdoc position is available at MIT Lincoln Laboratory in development of integrated technologies and methods for high-fidelity operations toward large-scale trapped-ion quantum information processing.  US citizenship is required.  LINK

PhD position “Miniature Trapped Ion Optical Clock” in the Time and Frequency department of the FEMTO-ST institute in Besançon, France. More details can be found HERE 

postdoc position in the Theory of Quantum Simulation with Rydberg Systems supported by a recently funded QuantERA grant. DETAILS

Postdoctoral researcher position on precision mass measurements of radioactive isotopes using ion trapping methods in the ERC Consolidator Grant project MAIDEN “Masses, Isomers and Decay studies for Elemental Nucleosynthesis” at the University of Jyväskylä.   Deadline for applications: 31.3.2018.  More information:

post-doctoral position “Miniature Trapped Ion Optical Clock” in the Time and Frequency department of the FEMTO-ST institute in Besançon, France. Details can be found here

Experimental PhD position in Trapped Ion Quantum Technologies at Stockholm University. Closing date for application is 24 April 2018. For more information please contact Markus Hennrich and see here.

PhD position “Laser-cooled ion optical clocks for fundamental physics and redefinition of the second” with Rachel Godun, NPL (Teddington, UK) and Christopher Foot, University of Oxford.  Closing date for applications is 9th March 2018. LINK

PhD position in the group of Rene Gerritsma (University of Amsterdam) LINK

postdoc position is available in the group of Prof. Stefan Willitsch, University of Basel, Switzerland. More info at the group website

March is also the season for most of the permanent positions in French Higher Education. LINK

The quantum group at the University of Malta is recruiting a tenure track lecturer. Link for position  and group

Optical clock project leader for the realization of a new atomic optical lattice clock at Ben Gurion University. To request more details and apply please contact:  Filippo Levi and Ron Folman

Several PhD positions (portable atomic clocks, ion-photon entanglement), a research fellow position (portable atomic clocks), and a Marie-Curie ITN PhD position (quantum networks)  are available at the University Sussex in the group of Matthias Keller. Deadline 1 March 2018 LINK

PhD position in ultracold ion-atom interactions and optical ion trapping, Institute of Physics, University of Freiburg. More info at

PhD studentship in microfabricated ion trap chips for atomic quantum technology       and
Research Scientist/Engineer in MEMS devices for ion trapping

Contact Alastair Sinclair for further details on both positions

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to

Coherent and radiative couplings through two-dimensional structured environments
F. Galve and R. Zambrini
Phys. Rev. A 97, 033846 (2018)

Cooling a quantum oscillator: A useful analogy to understand laser cooling as a thermodynamical process
Nahuel Freitas and Juan Pablo Paz
Phys. Rev. A 97, 032104 (2018)

Dynamical Quantum Phase Transitions in Spin Chains with Long-Range Interactions: Merging Different Concepts of Nonequilibrium Criticality
Bojan Žunkovič, Markus Heyl, Michael Knap, and Alessandro Silva
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 130601 (2018)

Engineering Vibrationally Assisted Energy Transfer in a Trapped-Ion Quantum Simulator
Dylan J Gorman, Boerge Hemmerling, Eli Megidish, Soenke A. Moeller, Philipp Schindler, Mohan Sarovar, and Hartmut Haeffner
Phys. Rev. X 8, 011038 (2018)

High-precision measurements of n=2→n=1 transition energies and level widths in He- and Be-like argon ions
J. Machado, C. I. Szabo, J. P. Santos, P. Amaro, M. Guerra, A. Gumberidze, Guojie Bian, J. M. Isac, and P. Indelicato
Phys. Rev. A 97, 032517 (2018)

Hybrid setup for stable magnetic fields enabling robust quantum control
Frederick Hakelberg, Philip Kiefer, Matthias Wittemer, Tobias Schaetz & Ulrich Warring
Scientific Reports, volume 8, Article number: 4404 (2018)

Laser-stimulated electric quadrupole transitions in the molecular hydrogen ion H+2
V. I. Korobov, P. Danev, D. Bakalov, and S. Schiller
Phys. Rev. A 97, 032505 (2018)

Lifetime of the 5d2D5/2 level of 138Ba+ from quantum jumps with single and multiple Ba+ ions
Elwin A. Dijck, Amita Mohanty, Nivedya Valappol, Mayerlin Nuñez Portela, Lorenz Willmann, and Klaus Jungmann
Phys. Rev. A 97, 032508 (2018)

Magnetic coherent population trapping in a single ion
S. Das, P. Liu, B. Grémaud, and M. Mukherjee
Phys. Rev. A 97, 033838 (2018)

New Methods for Testing Lorentz Invariance with Atomic Systems
R. Shaniv, R. Ozeri, M. S. Safronova, S. G. Porsev, V. A. Dzuba, V. V. Flambaum, and H. Häffner
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 103202 (2018)

Nuclear recoil effect on the binding energies in highly charged He-like ions
A V Malyshev, R V Popov, V M Shabaev and N A Zubova
2018 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51 085001

Quantum sensing of the phase-space-displacement parameters using a single trapped ion
Peter A. Ivanov and Nikolay V. Vitanov
Phys. Rev. A 97, 032308 (2018)

Quantum simulation of the integer factorization problem: Bell states in a Penning trap
Jose Luis Rosales and Vicente Martin
Phys. Rev. A 97, 032325 (2018)

Recoil ions from the βdecay of 134Sb confined in a Paul trap
K. Siegl, N. D. Scielzo, A. Czeszumska, J. A. Clark, G. Savard, A. Aprahamian, S. A. Caldwell, B. S. Alan, M. T. Burkey, C. J. Chiara, J. P. Greene, J. Harker, S. T. Marley, G. E. Morgan, J. M. Munson, E. B. Norman, R. Orford, S. Padgett, A. Perez Galván, K. S. Sharma, and S. Y. Strauss
Phys. Rev. C 97, 035504 (2018)

Rotational spectroscopy of cold and trapped molecular ions in the Lamb–Dicke regime
S. Alighanbari, M. G. Hansen, V. I. Korobov & S. Schiller
Nature Physics (2018)  doi:10.1038/s41567-018-0074-3

Sequential Modular Position and Momentum Measurements of a Trapped Ion Mechanical Oscillator
C. Flühmann, V. Negnevitsky, M. Marinelli, and J. P. Home
Phys. Rev. X 8, 021001 (2018)

Spectroscopy of the 2S1/2→2P3/2 transition in Yb ii: Isotope shifts, hyperfine splitting, and branching ratios
T. Feldker, H. Fürst, N. V. Ewald, J. Joger, and R. Gerritsma
Phys. Rev. A 97, 032511 (2018)

Spin-controlled atom–ion chemistry
Tomas Sikorsky, Ziv Meir, Ruti Ben-shlomi, Nitzan Akerman & Roee Ozeri
Nature Communicationsvolume 9, Article number: 920 (2018)

The effect of closed channels on the electron impact excitation of Mg +, Cd + ions
Yueming Li
2018 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51 075001



Collisional radiative model for M1 transition spectrum of the highly-charged W54+ions
Xiaobin Ding, Jiaoxia Yang, Linfan Zhu, Fumihiro Koike, Izumi Murakami, Daiji Kato, Hiroyuki A Sakaue, Nobuyuki Nakamura, Chenzhong Dong

Comparing Zeeman qubits to hyperfine qubits in the context of the surface code: 171Yb+ and 174Yb+
Natalie C. Brown, Kenneth R. Brown

Controlling systematic frequency uncertainties at the 10−19 level in linear Coulomb crystals
J. Keller, T. Burgermeister, D. Kalincev, A. Didier, A. P. Kulosa, T. Nordmann, J. Kiethe, T. E. Mehlstäubler

Highly charged ions: optical clocks and applications in fundamental physics
M. G. Kozlov, M. S. Safronova, J. R. Crespo López-Urrutia, P. O. Schmidt

Joint Quantum State and Measurement Tomography with Incomplete Measurements
Adam C. Keith, Charles H. Baldwin, Scott Glancy, E. Knill

Experimental Implementation of Generalized Transitionless Quantum Driving
Chang-Kang Hu, Jin-Ming Cui, Alan C. Santos, Yun-Feng Huang, Marcelo S. Sarandy, Chuan-Feng Li, Guang-Can Guo

Experimental verification of a Jarzynski-related information-theoretic equality using a single trapped ion
T. P. Xiong, L. L. Yan, F. Zhou, K. Rehan, D. F. Liang, L. Chen, W. L. Yang, Z. H. Ma, M. Feng, V. Vedral

Magic wavelengths for trapping of Sr+ with focused optical vortex
Anal Bhowmik, Sonjoy Majumder

Quantum chemistry calculations on a trapped-ion quantum simulator
Cornelius Hempel, Christine Maier, Jonathan Romero, Jarrod McClean, Thomas Monz, Heng Shen, Petar Jurcevic, Ben Lanyon, Peter Love, Ryan Babbush, Alan Aspuru-Guzik, Rainer Blatt, Christian Roos

Rotationally cold OH− ions in the cryogenic electrostatic ion-beam storage ring DESIREE
H. T. Schmidt, G. Eklund, K. C. Chartkunchand, E. K. Anderson, M. Kamińska, N. de Ruette, R. D. Thomas, M. K. Kristiansson, M. Gatchell, P. Reinhed, S. Rosén, A. Simonsson, A. Källberg, P. Löfgren, S. Mannervik, H. Zettergren, H. Cederquist

Scaling of ion trapping in laser-driven relativistically transparent plasma
B. Liu, J. Meyer-ter-Vehn, H. Ruhl

Single-atom demonstration of quantum Landauer principle
L. L. Yan, T. P. Xiong, K. Rehan, F. Zhou, D. F. Liang, L. Chen, J. Q. Zhang, W. L. Yang, Z. H. Ma, M. Feng

Studying fundamental physics using quantum enabled technologies with trapped molecular ions
D. Segal, V. Lorent (LPL), R. Dubessy (LPL), B. Darquié (LPL)

ITN Newsletter – February 2019

Dear all,

Next week will see the scientific Kickoff Meeting of the new COST Action in beautiful Granada/Spain. This is your opportunity to propose an exciting program for the next year. If you think that Ion Trappers should organize a common approach on a certain topic, either scientific or technological, do not hesitate to propose a subject, a workshop, a meeting or a school. You can send an answer to this newsletter or directly contact the chair of the Action, Markus Hennrich.

Best regards,
Your editorial team



The ion trapping community is large and international. For the 2nd time there will be a North American Meeting on Trapped Ions: The  2nd North American Conference on Trapped Ions
College Park, Maryland, USA , July 22-26 2019,

If you go to DPG Rostock and didn’t book a room, Norbert has a booking to let. Contact


Bad Honnef Physics School on Strongly Coupled Systems 31 March – 5 April 2019 in Bad Honnef, Germany LINK

Faraday Discussion  “ Advances in Ion Spectroscopy – From Astrophysics to Biology”  which will take place between 8-10 April 2019 in York, UK. LINK

13th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons (ECAMP13) in Florence, Italy, April 8-12, 2019 LINK

High Precision Physics using an Optical Fibre Link and Optical Frequency Comb, International Physics School at les Houches School of Physics, France, 22-26th April 2019. LINK

Workshop on  “Engineering a Scalable Quantum Information Processor”, Bad Honnef/Germany, 23-26 April 2019. LINK

PLATAN International Conference, Merger of the Poznan meeting on Lasers and Trapping Devices in Atomic nuclei Research and the International Conference on Laser Probing,  Mainz/Germany 19-24 May 2019 LINK

Workshop on “Compound (atomic) quantum systems”, Lorentz Center, Leiden/NL, 20 – 24 May 2019 LINK

NACTI 2019, the 2nd North American Conference on Trapped Ions, will be held at the University of Maryland in College Park, MD, USA on July 22-26 2019,

ICPEAC XXXI , Deauville/France, 23-30 July 2019 LINK

Electrostatic Storage Devices (ESD8) conference to be held in Tinajin, P.R. China August 25 to 30, 2019. Details


Postdoc position available on the topic “Coherent Control and Precision Spectroscopy of Single Molecular Ions“ in the NIST Ion Storage group in Colorado, USA. For details please contact James Chou.

Assistant professor position opened at ENSMM, in Besançon. Teaching duties will comprise optics and electronics at the ENSMM engineering school; the research profile aims optical frequency standards, including single-ion optical clocks. The full profile can be found on the OHMS team website
Applications are due on March 26, and are managed to the “Galaxie” portal, of the ministry.
Please contact for additional details.

Postdoctoral Research Associate for Trapped-ion Quantum Control Engineering in the group of Michael Biercuk at the University of Sydney (official announcement pending, contact for details in the meantime)

Postdoc positions on new and ongoing projects in Quantum Information and Quantum Networking with trapped ions are available at the University of Maryland, please contact Norbert Linke

PhD postion in the group of Kilian Singer at Kassel University, Germany. Details

 PhD position (3 years) / postdoc position (2 years) is available in the laser spectroscopy group of Otto Dopfer at  Berlin Institute of Technology (TU Berlin), Germany, to study hydrocarbon ions in cryogenic multipole ion traps.  Contact

The W.M. Keck Research Laboratory in Astrochemistry is announcing the opening of a tenured Facility Manager Position (11 months) starting as early as March 15, 2019  []. For details contact Ralf Kaiser

AMOS, the center for AMO Physics at the Weizmann Institute of Science, if offering two competitive postdoc positions for excellent postdocs. These postdoc positions include two-year full scholarship and complete independence within AMOS in selecting a research direction. For more details please visit our website:
Deadline for submission is March 1st 2019.

PhD and postdoc positions in the group of Rene Gerritsma (University of Amsterdam) LINK

Postdoc position with the UC San Diego positron group to work at the Munich intense positron source NEPOMUC to create an electron-positron (“pair”) plasma (APEX collaboration). For details, contact Cliff Surko. and see LINK

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to

Absolute single-ion thermometry
Vincent Tugayé, Jean-Pierre Likforman, Samuel Guibal, and Luca Guidoni
Phys. Rev. A 99, 023412 (2019)

Atomic Bell measurement via two-photon interactions
Carlos A. González-Gutiérrez and Juan Mauricio Torres
Phys. Rev. A 99, 023854 (2019)

Dynamical Topological Transitions in the Massive Schwinger Model with a θ Term
T. V. Zache, N. Mueller, J. T. Schneider, F. Jendrzejewski, J. Berges, and P. Hauke
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 050403 (2019)

Encoding a qubit in a trapped-ion mechanical oscillator
C. Flühmann, T. L. Nguyen, M. Marinelli, V. Negnevitsky, K. Mehta & J. P. Home
Nature volume 566, pages513–517 (2019)

Environment-Assisted Quantum Transport in a 10-qubit Network
Christine Maier, Tiff Brydges, Petar Jurcevic, Nils Trautmann, Cornelius Hempel, Ben P. Lanyon, Philipp Hauke, Rainer Blatt, and Christian F. Roos
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 050501 (2019)

Engineering SU(1, 1) ⊗ SU(1, 1) vibrational states
C. Huerta Alderete, M. P. Morales Rodríguez & B. M. Rodríguez-Lara
Scientific Reports 9 , 1–7 (2019)

Chip-Integrated Voltage Sources for Control of Trapped Ions
J. Stuart, R. Panock, C.D. Bruzewicz, J.A. Sedlacek, R. McConnell, I.L. Chuang, J.M. Sage, and J. Chiaverini
Phys. Rev. Applied 11, 024010 (2019)

Frequency comb spectroscopy
Nathalie Picqué & Theodor W. Hänsch
Nature Photonics volume 13, pages146–157 (2019)

Modeling near ground-state cooling of two-dimensional ion crystals in a Penning trap using electromagnetically induced transparency
Athreya Shankar, Elena Jordan, Kevin A. Gilmore, Arghavan Safavi-Naini, John J. Bollinger, and Murray J. Holland
Phys. Rev. A 99, 023409 (2019)

Near Ground-State Cooling of Two-Dimensional Trapped-Ion Crystals with More than 100 Ions
Elena Jordan, Kevin A. Gilmore, Athreya Shankar, Arghavan Safavi-Naini, Justin G. Bohnet, Murray J. Holland, and John J. Bollinger
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 053603 (2019)

Noise Improves Flow of Energy
Philip Ball
Physics PRL Focus

Observation of superconductivity and surface noise using a single trapped ion as a field probe
K. Lakhmanskiy, P. C. Holz, D. Schärtl, B. Ames, R. Assouly, T. Monz, Y. Colombe, and R. Blatt
Phys. Rev. A 99, 023405 (2019)

Oscillating quadrupole effects in high-precision metrology
K. J. Arnold, R. Kaewuan, T. R. Tan, and M. D. Barrett
Phys. Rev. A 99, 022515 (2019)

Out-of-Time-Ordered-Correlator Quasiprobabilities Robustly Witness Scrambling
José Raúl González Alonso, Nicole Yunger Halpern, and Justin Dressel
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 040404 (2019)

Phase transfer between three visible lasers for coherent population trapping
Mathieu Collombon, Gaëtan Hagel, Cyril Chatou, Didier Guyomarc’h, Didier Ferrand, Marie Houssin, Caroline Champenois, and Martina Knoop
Optics Letters Vol. 44, Issue 4, pp. 859-862 (2019)

Promising ways to encode and manipulate quantum information
A. Ferraro

Quantum simulation of multiphoton and nonlinear dissipative spin-boson models
R. Puebla, J. Casanova, O. Houhou, E. Solano, and M. Paternostro
Phys. Rev. A 99, 032303 (2019)

Spectroscopy of the 1S0−1D2 clock transition in 176 Lu+
R. Kaewuam, T. R. Tan, K. J. Arnold, and M. D. Barrett
Phys. Rev. A 99, 022514 (2019)

Transversality and lattice surgery: Exploring realistic routes toward coupled logical qubits with trapped-ion quantum processors
M. Gutiérrez, M. Müller, and A. Bermúdez
Phys. Rev. A 99, 022330 (2019)

Trapping and sympathetic cooling of single thorium ions for spectroscopy
Karin Groot-Berning, Felix Stopp, Georg Jacob, Dmitry Budker, Raphael Haas, Dennis Renisch, Jörg Runke, Petra Thörle-Pospiech, Christoph E. Düllmann, and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
Phys. Rev. A 99, 023420 (2019)

Universal Dynamics of Inhomogeneous Quantum Phase Transitions: Suppressing Defect Formation
F. J. Gómez-Ruiz and A. del Campo
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 080604 (2019)


A cryogenic radio-frequency ion trap for quantum logic spectroscopy of highly charged ions
Tobias Leopold, Steven A. King, Peter Micke, Amado Bautista-Salvador, Jan C. Heip, Christian Ospelkaus, José R. Crespo López-Urrutia, Piet O. Schmidt

An 27Al+ quantum-logic clock with systematic uncertainty below 10−18
S. M. Brewer, J. -S. Chen, A. M. Hankin, E. R. Clements, C. W. Chou, D. J. Wineland, D. B. Hume, D. R. Leibrandt

Bang-bang shortcut to adiabaticity in the Dicke model as realized in a Penning trap experiment
J. Cohn, A. Safavi-Naini, R. J. Lewis-Swan, J. G. Bohnet, M. Garttner, K. A. Gilmore, E. Jordan, A. M. Rey, J. J. Bollinger, J. K. Freericks

Characterizing large-scale quantum computers via cycle benchmarking
Alexander Erhard, Joel James Wallman, Lukas Postler, Michael Meth, Roman Stricker, Esteban Adrian Martinez, Philipp Schindler, Thomas Monz, Joseph Emerson, Rainer Blatt

Compensation of the trap-induced quadrupole interaction in trapped Rydberg ions
Lachezar S. Simeonov, Nikolay V. Vitanov, Peter A. Ivanov

Determination of quantum defect for the Rydberg P series of Ca II
Arezoo Mokhberi, Jonas Vogel, Justas Andrijauskas, Jochen Walz, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler

Determining temperature and Rabi frequency regarding trapped ions in Doppler cooling: An analytic investigation
Lei-Lei Yan, Shi-Lei Su, Mang Feng

Deterministic ion-photon qubit exchange in realistic ion cavity-QED systems without strong coupling
Adrien Borne, Barak Dayan

Deterministic single ion implantation of rare-earth ions for nanometer resolution colour center generation
Karin Groot-Berning, Thomas Kornher, Georg Jacob, Felix Stopp, Samuel T. Dawkins, Roman Kolesov, Jörg Wrachtrup, Kilian Singer, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler

Electronic level structure of Th+ in the range of the 229mTh isomer energy
David-Marcel Meier, Johannes Thielking, Przemysław Głowacki, Maksim V. Okhapkin, Robert A. Müller, Andrey Surzhykov, Ekkehard Peik

Entanglement of compound atom-ion quantum systems: Effects of finite temperature and ion motion
Mostafa R. Ebgha, Shahpoor Saeidian, Peter Schmelcher, Antonio Negretti

Exploring non-equilibrium phases of the generalized Dicke model with a trapped Rydberg ion quantum simulator
F. M. Gambetta, I. Lesanovsky, W. Li

Ground-state energy estimation of the water molecule on a trapped ion quantum computer Yunseong Nam, Jwo-Sy Chen, Neal C. Pisenti, Kenneth Wright, Conor Delaney, Dmitri Maslov, Kenneth R. Brown, Stewart Allen, Jason M. Amini, Joel Apisdorf, Kristin M. Beck, Aleksey Blinov, Vandiver Chaplin, Mika Chmielewski, Coleman Collins, Shantanu Debnath, Andrew M. Ducore, Kai M. Hudek, Matthew Keesan, Sarah M. Kreikemeier, Jonathan Mizrahi, Phil Solomon, Mike Williams, Jaime David Wong-Campos, Christopher Monroe , et al.

High-Speed, Low-Crosstalk Detection of a Trapped 171Yb+ Ion Ancilla Qubit using Superconducting Nanowire Single Photon Detectors
Stephen Crain, Clinton Cahall, Geert Vrijsen, Emma E. Wollman, Matthew D. Shaw, Varun B. Verma, Sae Woo Nam, Jungsang Kim

Integrated 9Be+ multi-qubit gate device for the ion-trap quantum computer
Henning Hahn, Giorgio Zarantonello, Marius Schulte, Amado Bautista-Salvador, Klemens Hammerer, Christian Ospelkaus

Micromotion-Enhanced Fast Entangling Gates For Trapped Ion Quantum Computing
Alexander K. Ratcliffe, Lachlan M. Oberg, Joseph J. Hope
Multi-functional surface ion trap for effective cooling and large-scale trapping of ions
Xinfang Zhang, Baoquan Ou, Ting Chen, Xie Yi, Wei Wu, Pingxing Chen

Phase protection of Fano-Feshbach resonances
Alexander Blech, Yuval Shagam, Nicolas Hölsch, Prerna Paliwal, Wojciech Skomorowski, John W. Rosenberg, Natan Bibelnik, Oded Heber, Daniel M. Reich, Edvardas Narevicius, Christiane P. Koch

Probing Quantum Fluctuations of Work with a Trapped Ion
Yao Lu, Shuoming An, Jing-Ning Zhang, Kihwan Kim

Quantum gate teleportation between separated zones of a trapped-ion processor
Yong Wan, Daniel Kienzler, Stephen D. Erickson, Karl H. Mayer, Ting Rei Tan, Jenny J. Wu, Hilma M. Vasconcelos, Scott Glancy, Emanuel Knill, David J. Wineland, Andrew C. Wilson, Dietrich Leibfried

Quantum thermodynamics in adiabatic open systems and its trapped-ion experimental realization
Chang-Kang Hu, Alan C. Santos, Jin-Ming Cui, Yun-Feng Huang, D. O. Soares-Pinto, Marcelo S. Sarandy, Chuan-Feng Li, Guang-Can Guo

Randomness expansion secured by quantum contextuality
Mark Um, Qi Zhao, Junhua Zhang, Pengfei Wang, Ye Wang, Mu Qiao, Hongyi Zhou, Xiongfeng Ma, Kihwan Kim

Systematic uncertainty due to background-gas collisions in trapped-ion optical clocks
A. M. Hankin, E. R. Clements, Y. Huang, S. M. Brewer, J. -S. Chen, C. W. Chou, D. B. Hume, D. R. Leibrandt

Ultraviolet Fabry-Perot cavity with stable finesse under ultrahigh vacuum conditions
Jonas Schmitz, Hendrik M. Meyer, Michael Köhl

ITN Newsletter – February 2018

Dear all,

March is #WomensHistoryMonth and a famous opportunity to double your (continuous) efforts in attracting more young women to science subjects and to promote your female colleagues !

The German Max-Planck-Society launches its new, well-funded, tenure track program, the “Lise Meitner Excellence Program”, aimed at recruiting more female scientists (all disciplines). The deadline for applications is 18 April 2018. More info

A concern for everybody all along the year!

Best regards,



A photo of a single trapped ion is awarded the UK’s Science Photography Competition’s top prize. LINK See more information at the group website HERE


LEAP2018 – Conference on Low Energy Antiproton Physics – hosted at Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), Paris France from Mars 12th to 16th, 2018.      LINK

European Quantum Technology Community Meeting on April 19, 2018 at the ZEISS Forum in Oberkochen, Germany. This meeting will serve as a Kick-off to the Quantum Coordination and Support Action (QSA), which was mandated by the EC to prepare the Quantum Flagship Initiative. LINK

Cold and Controlled Molecules and Ions (CCMI), to be held from 25-29 March 2018 at the University of Georgia in Athens, GA, USA.  LINK

7th International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics (TCP-2018)  September 30 – October 5 in Traverse City, Michigan, USA.

ECTI 5  will be held at the Lopatie Conference Center at Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, on November 18-23, 2018.  SAVE THE DATE!!


PhD position “Laser-cooled ion optical clocks for fundamental physics and redefinition of the second” with Rachel Godun, NPL (Teddington, UK) and Christopher Foot, University of Oxford.  Closing date for applications is 9th March 2018. LINK

PhD position in the group of Rene Gerritsma (University of Amsterdam) LINK

postdoc position is available in the group of Prof. Stefan Willitsch, University of Basel, Switzerland. More info at the group website

March is also the season for most of the permanent positions in French Higher Education. LINK

The quantum group at the University of Malta is recruiting a tenure track lecturer. Link for position  and group

PhD position in Quantum Sensing with Trapped Rydberg Ions at Stockholm University. Closing date for application is 2 March 2018. For more information please contact Markus Hennrich and see here.

Postdoc positions available at the University of Basel on the hybrid trapping of cold neutrals and cold ions. More information at

Senior Scientist position (experimental) in the field of ultracold strongly-correlated quantum matter at the University of Innsbruck. For further information and how to apply please contact Hanns-Christoph Nägerl

Optical clock project leader for the realization of a new atomic optical lattice clock at Ben Gurion University. To request more details and apply please contact:  Filippo Levi and Ron Folman

Several PhD positions (portable atomic clocks, ion-photon entanglement), a research fellow position (portable atomic clocks), and a Marie-Curie ITN PhD position (quantum networks)  are available at the University Sussex in the group of Matthias Keller. Deadline 1 March 2018 LINK

PhD position in ultracold ion-atom interactions and optical ion trapping, Institute of Physics, University of Freiburg. More info at

PhD studentship in microfabricated ion trap chips for atomic quantum technology       and
Research Scientist/Engineer in MEMS devices for ion trapping

Contact Alastair Sinclair for further details on both positions

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to

A software methodology for compiling quantum programs
Thomas Häner, Damian S Steiger, Krysta Svore and Matthias Troyer
2018 Quantum Sci. Technol. 3 020501

Atomic spectroscopy with twisted photons: Separation of M1−E2 mixed multipoles
Andrei Afanasev, Carl E. Carlson, and Maria Solyanik
Phys. Rev. A 97, 023422 (2018)

Autobalanced Ramsey Spectroscopy
Christian Sanner, Nils Huntemann, Richard Lange, Christian Tamm, and Ekkehard Peik
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 053602 (2018)

Bang-bang shortcut to adiabaticity in trapped-ion quantum simulators
S. Balasubramanian, Shuyang Han, B. T. Yoshimura, and J. K. Freericks
Phys. Rev. A 97, 022313 (2018)

Correlated formation of the excited states of recoil and scattered ions in multiple electron capture collision of Ar8+ with CO2 and OCS
H Tezuka, K Takahashi, J Matsumoto, R Karimi, J H Sanderson and H Shiromaru
2018 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51 035202

Direct measurement of the  to  lifetime ratio in a single trapped 40Ca+ ion 
H Shao, Y Huang, H Guan and K Gao
2018 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51 045002

Distance scaling of electric-field noise in a surface-electrode ion trap
J. A. Sedlacek, A. Greene, J. Stuart, R. McConnell, C. D. Bruzewicz, J. M. Sage, and J. Chiaverini
Phys. Rev. A 97, 020302(R) (2018)

Electron shakeoff following the β+ decay of 19Ne+ and 35Ar+ trapped ions
X. Fabian, X. Fléchard, B. Pons, E. Liénard, G. Ban, M. Breitenfeldt, C. Couratin, P. Delahaye, D. Durand, P. Finlay, B. Guillon, Y. Lemière, F. Mauger, A. Méry, O. Naviliat-Cuncic, T. Porobic, G. Quéméner, N. Severijns, and J.-C. Thomas
Phys. Rev. A 97, 023402 (2018)
Enhanced Control and Reproducibility of Non-Neutral Plasmas

M. Ahmadi et al. (ALPHA collaboration)
PRL 120, 025001 (2018)

Fast quantum logic gates with trapped-ion qubits
V. M. Schäfer, C. J. Ballance, K. Thirumalai, L. J. Stephenson, T. G. Ballance, A. M. Steane & D. M. Lucas
Nature  555, 75–78 (2018)

Heisenberg scaling with classical long-range correlations
Samuel Fernández-Lorenzo, Jacob A. Dunningham, and Diego Porras
Phys. Rev. A 97, 023843 (2018)

In search of the nuclear clock
Marianna Safronova
Nature Physics 14, 198

Measurement of quantum memory effects and its fundamental limitations
Matthias Wittemer, Govinda Clos, Heinz-Peter Breuer, Ulrich Warring, and Tobias Schaetz
Phys. Rev. A 97, 020102(R) (2018)

Multipolar Polarizabilities and Hyperpolarizabilities in the Sr Optical Lattice Clock
S.G. Porsev, M. S. Safronova, U.I. Safronova, and M.G. Kozlov
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 063204 (2018)

Nonlinear quantum Rabi model in trapped ions
Xiao-Hang Cheng, Iñigo Arrazola, Julen S. Pedernales, Lucas Lamata, Xi Chen, and Enrique Solano
Phys. Rev. A 97, 023624 (2018)

Observation of Hopping and Blockade of Bosons in a Trapped Ion Spin Chain
S. Debnath, N.M. Linke, S.-T. Wang, C. Figgatt, K. A. Landsman, L.-M. Duan, and C. Monroe
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 073001 (2018)

Open quantum generalisation of Hopfield neural networks
P Rotondo, M Marcuzzi, J P Garrahan, I Lesanovsky and M Müller
2018 J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 51 115301

Quantum thermodynamics for driven dissipative bosonic systems

Maicol A. Ochoa, Natalya Zimbovskaya, and Abraham Nitzan
Phys. Rev. B 97, 085434 (2018)

Qubits break the sound barrier
Tobias Schaetz
NEWS AND VIEWS  28 February 2018

Rényi Entropies from Random Quenches in Atomic Hubbard and Spin Models
A. Elben, B. Vermersch, M. Dalmonte, J. I. Cirac, and P. Zoller
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 050406 (2018)

Squeezed Coherent States of Motion for Ions Confined in Quadrupole and Octupole Ion Traps
Bogdan M. Mihalcea
Annals of Physics 388 (1), p. 100-113 (2018)

Sympathetic sideband cooling of a 40Ca+–27Al+ pair toward a quantum logic clock
Kai-feng Cui, Jun-juan Shang, Si-jia Chao, Shao-mao Wang, Jin-bo Yuan, Ping Zhang, Jian Cao, Hua-lin Shu and Xue-ren Huang
2018 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51 045502

Trapped-ion quantum simulation of excitation transport: Disordered, noisy, and long-range connected quantum networks
N. Trautmann and P. Hauke
Phys. Rev. A 97, 023606 (2018)

Unitary n-designs via random quenches in atomic Hubbard and spin models: Application to the measurement of Rényi entropies
B. Vermersch, A. Elben, M. Dalmonte, J. I. Cirac, and P. Zoller
Phys. Rev. A 97, 023604 (2018)


A ‘Few-Atom’ Quantum Optical Antenna
A. Grankin, D. V. Vasilyev, P. O. Guimond, B. Vermersch, P. Zoller

A two-way quantum interface for linking Sr+ transition at 422nm to the telecommunications C-band
Thomas A. Wright, Robert J.A. Francis-Jones, Corin B.E. Gawith, Jonas N. Becker, Patrick M. Ledingham, Peter G.R. Smith, Joshua Nunn, Peter J. Mosley, Benjamin Brecht, Ian A. Walmsley

Analog quantum simulation of generalized Dicke models in trapped ions
Ibai Aedo, Lucas Lamata

Analysis of Short-Term Stability of Miniature 171Yb+ Buffer Gas Cooled Trapped Ion Clock
David R. Scherer, C. Daniel Boschen, Jay Noble, Michael Silveira, Dwayne Taylor, Jonathan Tallant, K. Richard Overstreet, S. R. Stein

Comment on “Experimental Verification of a Jarzynski-Related Information-Theoretic Equality by a Single Trapped Ion” PRL 120 010601 (2018)
Michele Campisi, Peter Hänggi

Reply to comment in arXiv:1802.01382
T. P. Xiong, L. L. Yan, F. Zhou, K. Rehan, D. F. Liang, L. Chen, W. L. Yang, Z. H. Ma, M. Feng, V. Vedral

Cryogenic Trapped-Ion System for Large Scale Quantum Simulation
G. Pagano, P.W. Hess, H. B. Kaplan, W. L. Tan, P. Richerme, P. Becker, A. Kyprianidis, J. Zhang, E. Birckelbaw, M. R. Hernandez, Y. Wu, C. Monroe

CPT tests with the antihydrogen molecular ion
Edmund G. Myers

Demonstration of Bayesian quantum game on an ion trap quantum computer

Neal Solmeyer, Norbert M. Linke, Caroline Figgatt, Kevin A. Landsman, Radhakrishnan Balu, George Siopsis, Christopher Monroe

Electron shakeoff following the \b{eta}+ decay of 19Ne+ and 35Ar+ trapped ions
X. Fabian, X. Fléchard, B. Pons, E. Liénard, G. Ban, M. Breitenfeldt, C. Couratin, P. Delahaye, D. Durand, P. Finlay, B. Guillon, Y. Lemière, F. Mauger, A. Méry, O. Naviliat-Cuncic, T. Porobic, G. Quéméner, N. Severijns, J.-C. Thomas

Energy consumption for ion transport in a segmented Paul trap
A. Tobalina, J. Alonso, J. G. Muga

High-precision measurements of n=2→n=1 transition energies and level widths in He- and Be-like Argon Ions
J. Machado (LIBPhys-UNL), C. I. Szabo (LKB (Jussieu)), J. P. Santos (LIBPhys-UNL), P. Amaro (LIBPhys-UNL), M. Guerra (LIBPhys-UNL), A. Gumberidze, Guojie Bian (LKB (Jussieu)), J. M. Isac (LKB (Lhomond)), P. Indelicato (LKB (Jussieu)), C. Szabó

Ion trapping system using a low-energy, pulsed electron gun
Łukasz Kłosowski, Mariusz Piwiński, Szymon Wójtewicz, Daniel Lisak

Noise Analysis for High-Fidelity Quantum Entangling Gates in an Anharmonic Linear Paul Trap
Yukai Wu, Sheng-Tao Wang, L.-M. Duan

Optically transparent solid electrodes for precision Penning traps
M. Wiesel, G. Birkl, M. S. Ebrahimi, A. Martin, W. Quint, N. Stallkamp, M. Vogel

Phase diagram of the quantum Ising model with long-range interactions on an infinite-cylinder triangular lattice
S. N. Saadatmand, S. D. Bartlett, I. P. McCulloch

Rotational spectroscopy of cold, trapped molecular ions in the Lamb-Dicke regime
Soroosh Alighanbari, Michael Georg Hansen, Vladimir Korobov, Stephan Schiller

Semiclassical approach to finite temperature quantum annealing with trapped ions
David Raventós, Tobias Graß, Bruno Juliá-Díaz, Maciej Lewenstein

Symmetry-protected coherent relaxation of open quantum systems

Moos van Caspel, Vladimir Gritsev

Time-dependent nonlinear Jaynes-Cummings dynamics of a trapped ion
Fabian Krumm, Werner Vogel

ITN Newsletter – Mid February 2018

Dear all,
just some quick job announcements, as  many deadlines are very soon.
Best regards, your editorial team


PhD position in Quantum Sensing with Trapped Rydberg Ions at Stockholm University. Closing date for application is 2 March 2018. For more information please contact Markus Hennrich and see here.

Postdoc positions available at the University of Basel on the hybrid trapping of cold neutrals and cold ions. More information at

Senior Scientist position (experimental) in the field of ultracold strongly-correlated quantum matter at the University of Innsbruck. For further information and how to apply please contact Hanns-Christoph Nägerl

Optical clock project leader for the realization of a new atomic optical lattice clock at Ben Gurion University. To request more details and apply please contact:  Filippo Levi and Ron Folman

Several PhD positions (portable atomic clocks, ion-photon entanglement), a research fellow position (portable atomic clocks), and a Marie-Curie ITN PhD position (quantum networks)  are available at the University Sussex in the group of Matthias Keller. Deadline 1 March 2018 LINK

PhD position in ultracold ion-atom interactions and optical ion trapping, Institute of Physics, University of Freiburg. More info at

PhD studentship in microfabricated ion trap chips for atomic quantum technology       and
Research Scientist/Engineer in MEMS devices for ion trapping

Contact Alastair Sinclair for further details on both positions

Postdoctoral position in the Ion Storage Group at NIST Boulder, to work on quantum information processing experiments involving mixed atomic species and new generation surface-electrode traps.  Please contact Didi Leibfried or Andrew Wilson.

Junior professorship (W1) for theoretical quantum optics at the University Siegen, Germany  LINK

Two open positions in the field of quantum logic spectroscopy with trapped atomic and molecular ions. More info at

Postdoc position on the MORA project (Matter’s Origin from the Radioactivity of trapped and laser-oreinted ions) at GANIL, Caen, France. Contact Etienne Lienard

Postdoc in theoretical quantum technology, specifically, on quantum sensing and quantum computing. Hebrew University Jerusalem. Contact Alex Retzker

AMO Physics staff positions at National Research Council of Canada on ultrafast physics. LINK

Postdoc position in precision spectroscopy of ions trapped in solids, with Amar Vutha at the University of Toronto. Link

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information

ITN Newsletter – January 2018

Dear all,

return from Les Houches where the students have worked and net-worked a lot. We had 55 hours of lectures, a number of beautiful posters, many discussions, and a bit of snow. I have to recognize that the snowman was the most impressive I have ever seen, but I wanted to share the “cold ion trap”, which has for sure some asymmetries, but fitted well the subject

Thanks in particular to the lecturers, the next Les Houches School is scheduled for January 2021 !




The Paris LEAP (Low Energy Antiproton) 2018 second circular has been sent. Conference registration and abstract submission website is open. Student support can be provided.
All deadlines 16 February 2018. 
More details at


LEAP2018 – Conference on Low Energy Antiproton Physics – hosted at Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), Paris France from Mars 12th to 16th, 2018.      LINK

Cold and Controlled Molecules and Ions (CCMI), to be held from 25-29 March 2018 at the University of Georgia in Athens, GA, USA.  LINK

7th International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics (TCP-2018)  September 30 – October 5 in Traverse City, Michigan, USA.

ECTI 5  will be held at the Lopatie Conference Center at Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, on November 18-23, 2018.  SAVE THE DATE!!


Several PhD positions (portable atomic clocks, ion-photon entanglement), a research fellow position (portable atomic clocks), and a Marie-Curie ITN PhD position (quantum networks)  are available at the University Sussex in the group of Matthias Keller.
Deadline 1 March 2018 LINK

PhD position in ultracold ion-atom interactions and optical ion trapping, Institute of Physics, University of Freiburg. More info at

PhD studentship in microfabricated ion trap chips for atomic quantum technology
and Research Scientist/Engineer in MEMS devices for ion trapping
Contact Alastair Sinclair for further details on both positions

Postdoctoral position in the Ion Storage Group at NIST Boulder, to work on quantum information processing experiments involving mixed atomic species and new generation surface-electrode traps.  Please contact Didi Leibfried or Andrew Wilson.

Junior professorship (W1) for theoretical quantum optics at the University Siegen, Germany  LINK

Two open positions in the field of quantum logic spectroscopy with trapped atomic and molecular ions. More info at

Postdoc position on the MORA project (Matter’s Origin from the Radioactivity of trapped and laser-oreinted ions) at GANIL, Caen, France. Contact Etienne Lienard

Postdoc in theoretical quantum technology, specifically, on quantum sensing and quantum computing. Hebrew University Jerusalem. Contact Alex Retzker

AMO Physics staff positions at National Research Council of Canada on ultrafast physics. LINK

Postdoc position in precision spectroscopy of ions trapped in solids, with Amar Vutha at the University of Toronto. Link

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to

A high repetition deterministic single ion source
C Sahin, P Geppert, A Müllers and H Ott
2017 New J. Phys. 19 123005

Autobalanced Ramsey Spectroscopy
Christian Sanner, Nils Huntemann, Richard Lange, Christian Tamm, and Ekkehard Peik
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 053602 (2018)

Chiral spin currents in a trapped-ion quantum simulator using Floquet engineering
Tobias Graß, Alessio Celi, Guido Pagano, and Maciej Lewenstein
Phys. Rev. A 97, 010302(R) (2018)

Continuous-relief diffractive microlenses for laser beam focusing
M. Day, K. Choonee, D. Cox, M. Thompson, G. Marshall, and A. G. Sinclair
Optics Express  Vol. 25, Issue 22, pp. 26987-26999 (2017)

Cooling Dynamics of a Single Trapped Ion via Elastic Collisions with Small-Mass Atoms
Shinsuke Haze, Mizuki Sasakawa, Ryoichi Saito, Ryosuke Nakai, and Takashi Mukaiyama
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 043401 (2018)

Twisted-Light – Ion interaction: The role of longitudinal fields,
G. F. Quinteiro, F. Schmidt-Kaler, C. T. Schmiegelow,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 253203

Direct measurement of the $3d{}^{2}{D}_{3/2}$ to $3d{}^{2}{D}_{5/2}$ lifetime ratio in a single trapped ${}^{40}{{\rm{Ca}}}^{+}$
H Shao, Y Huang, H Guan and K Gao
2018 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51 045002

Dissipative phase transition in the open quantum Rabi model
Myung-Joong Hwang, Peter Rabl, and Martin B. Plenio
Phys. Rev. A 97, 013825 (2018)

Dissipative quantum error correction and application to quantum sensing with trapped ions
F. Reiter, A. S. Sørensen, P. Zoller & C. A. Muschik
Nature Communications 8, 1822 (2017)

Experimental quantum simulation of fermion-antifermion scattering via boson exchange in a trapped ion
Xiang Zhang, Kuan Zhang, Yangchao Shen, Shuaining Zhang, Jing-Ning Zhang, Man-Hong Yung, Jorge Casanova, Julen S. Pedernales, Lucas Lamata, Enrique Solano & Kihwan Kim
Nature Communications 9, 195 (2018)

Experimental Verification of a Jarzynski-Related Information-Theoretic Equality by a Single Trapped Ion
T. P. Xiong, L. L. Yan, F. Zhou, K. Rehan, D. F. Liang, L. Chen, W. L. Yang, Z. H. Ma, M. Feng, and V. Vedral
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 010601 (2018)

Fidelity susceptibility in the quantum Rabi model
Bo-Bo Wei and Xiao-Chen Lv
Phys. Rev. A 97, 013845 (2018)

High-Fidelity Preservation of Quantum Information During Trapped-Ion Transport
Peter Kaufmann, Timm F. Gloger, Delia Kaufmann, Michael Johanning, and Christof Wunderlich
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 010501 (2018)

In-depth study of in-trap high-resolution mass separation by transversal ion ejection from a multi-reflection time-of-flight device
Paul Fischer, Stefan Knauer, Gerrit Marx, and Lutz Schweikhard
Review of Scientific Instruments 89, 015114 (2018)

Many-Body Localization Dynamics from Gauge Invariance
Marlon Brenes, Marcello Dalmonte, Markus Heyl, and Antonello Scardicchio
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 030601 (2018)

Measuring Anomalous Heating in a Planar Ion Trap with Variable Ion-Surface Separation
Ivan A. Boldin, Alexander Kraft, and Christof Wunderlich
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 023201 (2018)

Multispeed Prethermalization in Quantum Spin Models with Power-Law Decaying Interactions
Irénée Frérot, Piero Naldesi, and Tommaso Roscilde
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 050401 (2018)

Precision mass ratio of 3He+ to HD+
S. Hamzeloui, J. A. Smith, D. J. Fink, and E. G. Myers
Phys. Rev. A 96, 060501(R) (2017)

Proton–electron mass ratio from HD+ revisited
Sayan Patra, J-Ph Karr, L Hilico, M Germann, V I Korobov and J C J Koelemeij
2018 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51 024003

Relating Out-of-Time-Order Correlations to Entanglement via Multiple-Quantum Coherences
Martin Gärttner, Philipp Hauke, and Ana Maria Rey
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 040402 (2018)

Robust 2-Qubit Gates in a Linear Ion Crystal Using a Frequency-Modulated Driving Force
Pak Hong Leung, Kevin A. Landsman, Caroline Figgatt, Norbert M. Linke, Christopher Monroe, and Kenneth R. Brown
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 020501 (2018)

Sympathetic sideband cooling of a 40Ca+–27Al+ pair toward a quantum logic clock
Kai-feng Cui, Jun-juan Shang, Si-jia Chao, Shao-mao Wang, Jin-bo Yuan, Ping Zhang, Jian Cao, Hua-lin Shu and Xue-ren Huang
2018 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51 045502

Two-Loop Binding Corrections to the Electron Gyromagnetic Factor
Andrzej Czarnecki, Matthew Dowling, Jan Piclum, and Robert Szafron
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 043203 (2018)

Verification of the quantum nonequilibrium work relation in the presence of decoherence
Andrew Smith, Yao Lu, Shuoming An, Xiang Zhang, Jing-Ning Zhang, Zongping Gong, H T Quan, Christopher Jarzynski and Kihwan Kim
2018 New J. Phys. 20 013008


Atomic Spectroscopy with Twisted Photons: Separation of M1–E2 Mixed Multipoles
Andrei Afanasev, Carl E. Carlson, Maria SolyanikDetecting equilibrium and dynamical quantum phase transitions via out-of-time-ordered correlators
Markus Heyl, Frank Pollmann, Balázs Dóra

Direct frequency-comb-driven Raman transitions in the terahertz range
Cyrille Solaro, Steffen Meyer, Karin Fisher, Michael V. DePalatis, Michael Drewsen

Direct observation of atom-ion non-equilibrium sympathetic cooling
Ziv Meir, Meirav Pinkas, Tomas Sikorky, Ruti Ben-shlomi, Nitzan Akerman, Roee Ozeri

Efficient and robust photo-ionization loading of beryllium ions
S.Wolf, D. Studer, K.Wendt, F. Schmidt-Kaler

Experimental Verification of Position-Dependent Angular-Momentum Selection Rules for Absorption of Twisted Light by a Bound Electron

Andrei Afanasev, Carl E. Carlson, Christian T. Schmiegelow, Jonas Schulz, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler,
Maria Solyanik
Measuring the Renyi entropy of a two-site Fermi-Hubbard model on a trapped ion quantum computer
Norbert M. Linke, Sonika Johri, Caroline Figgatt, Kevin A. Landsman, Anne Y. Matsuura, Christopher Monroe

Neutral atom wavelength compatible 780 nm single photons from a trapped ion via quantum frequency conversion
James D. Siverns, John Hannegan, Qudsia Quraishi

Optical trapping of ion Coulomb crystals
Julian Schmidt, Alexander Lambrecht, Pascal Weckesser, Markus Debatin, Leon Karpa, Tobias Schaetz

Quantum sensing of the phase space displacement parameters using a single trapped ion
Peter A. Ivanov, Nikolay V. Vitanov

Scalable Ion Trap Architecture for Universal Quantum Computation by Collisions
Pengfei Liang, Lingzhen Guo

Spin and motion dynamics with zigzag ion crystals in transverse magnetic field gradients
J. Welzel, F.Stopp, F. Schmidt-Kaler

Transversality and lattice surgery: exploring realistic routes towards coupled logical qubits with trapped-ion quantum processors
M. Gutiérrez, M. Müller, A. Bermudez

Two-frequency operation of a Paul trap to optimise confinement of two species of ions
C. J. Foot, D. Trypogeorgos, E. Bentine, A. Gardner, M. Keller

ITN Newsletter – December 2017

Dear all,

this remains a newsletter for scientific information and not a policy forum. However, the recent decision on net neutrality will also affect our working conditions. Congress can overrule the FCC vote to repeal net neutrality. Please consider to sign one of the ongoing petitions.

Hopefully, 2018 will be nicer, brighter, more successful for everybody. Until then, enjoy the X-mas holidays at home or  the quiet time in the lab ! Happy holidays !!

Your editorial team



Winter School on Physics with Trapped Charged Particles, Les Houches, France, January 8-19, 2018  LINK


LEAP2018 – Conference on Low Energy Antiproton Physics – hosted at Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), Paris France from Mars 12th to 16th, 2018.      LINK


Cold and Controlled Molecules and Ions (CCMI), to be held from 25-29 March 2018 at the University of Georgia in Athens, GA, USA.  LINK


ECTI 5  will be held at the Lopatie Conference Center at Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, on November 18-23, 2018.  SAVE THE DATE!!


Postdoctoral position in the Ion Storage Group at NIST Boulder, to work on quantum information processing experiments involving mixed atomic species and new generation surface-electrode traps.  Please contact Didi Leibfried or Andrew Wilson.


Junior professorship (W1) for theoretical quantum optics at the University Siegen, Germany  LINK


Two open positions in the field of quantum logic spectroscopy with trapped atomic and molecular ions. More info at


Postdoc position on the MORA project (Matter’s Origin from the Radioactivity of trapped and laser-oreinted ions) at GANIL, Caen, France. Contact Etienne Lienard


Postdoc in theoretical quantum technology, specifically, on quantum sensing and quantum computing. Hebrew University Jerusalem. Contact Alex Retzker


AMO Physics staff positions at National Research Council of Canada on ultrafast physics. LINK


Postdoc position in precision spectroscopy of ions trapped in solids, with Amar Vutha at the University of Toronto. Link


You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to

A Single-Ion Reservoir as a High-Sensitive Sensor of Electric Signals.
F. Domínguez, I. Arrazola, J. Doménech, J. S. Pedernales, L. Lamata, E.Solano, D. Rodríguez.
Scientific Reports 7 (2017), 8336.
A high repetition deterministic single ion source
C Sahin, P Geppert, A Müllers and H Ott
2017 New J. Phys. 19 123005

An avalanche transistor-based nanosecond pulse generator with 25 MHz repetition rate
Nikolai Beev, Jonas Keller, and Tanja E. Mehlstäubler
Review of Scientific Instruments 88, 126105 (2017)

An ion trap time-of-flight mass spectrometer with high mass resolution for cold trapped ion experiments
P. C. Schmid, J. Greenberg, M. I. Miller, K. Loeffler, and H. J. Lewandowski
Review of Scientific Instruments 88, 123107 (2017)

Application of optimal band-limited control protocols to quantum noise sensing
V. M. Frey, S. Mavadia, L. M. Norris, W. de Ferranti, D. Lucarelli, L. Viola & M. J. Biercuk
Nature Communications 8, Article number: 2189 (2017)

Assessing the Progress of Trapped-Ion Processors Towards Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation
A. Bermudez, X. Xu, R. Nigmatullin, J. O’Gorman, V. Negnevitsky, P. Schindler, T. Monz, U. G. Poschinger, C. Hempel, J. Home, F. Schmidt-Kaler, M. Biercuk, R. Blatt, S. Benjamin, and M. Müller
Phys. Rev. X 7, 041061 (2017)

Coherent Control of a Single Trapped Rydberg Ion
Gerard Higgins, Fabian Pokorny, Chi Zhang, Quentin Bodart, and Markus Hennrich
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 220501 (2017)

Complete 3-Qubit Grover search on a programmable quantum computer
C. Figgatt, D. Maslov, K. A. Landsman, N. M. Linke, S. Debnath & C. Monroe
Nature Communications 8, Article number: 1918 (2017)

Demonstration of Two-Atom Entanglement with Ultrafast Optical Pulses
J. D. Wong-Campos, S. A. Moses, K. G. Johnson, and C. Monroe
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 230501 (2017)

Development of a low power miniature linear ion trap mass spectrometer with extended mass range
Gang Li, Detian Li, Yongjun Cheng, Xiaoqiang Pei, Huzhong Zhang, Yongjun Wang, Jian Sun, and Meng Dong
Review of Scientific Instruments 88, 123108 (2017)

Dissipative quantum error correction and application to quantum sensing with trapped ions
F. Reiter, A. S. Sørensen, P. Zoller & C. A. Muschik
Nature Communications 8, Article number: 1822 (2017)

Fast Dynamical Decoupling of the Mølmer-Sørensen Entangling Gate
Tom Manovitz, Amit Rotem, Ravid Shaniv, Itsik Cohen, Yotam Shapira, Nitzan Akerman, Alex Retzker, and Roee Ozeri
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 220505 (2017)

Large quantum systems tamed
Christine Muschik
Nature 551, 569–571

Learning time-dependent noise to reduce logical errors: real time error rate estimation in quantum error correction
Ming-Xia Huo and Ying Li
2017 New J. Phys. 19 123032

Microscopic approach to field dissipation in the Jaynes–Cummings model
C A González-Gutiérrez, D Solís-Valles and B M Rodríguez-Lara
2018 J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 51 015301

Observation of a many-body dynamical phase transition with a 53-qubit quantum simulator
J. Zhang, G. Pagano, P. W. Hess, A. Kyprianidis, P. Becker, H. Kaplan, A. V. Gorshkov, Z.-X. Gong & C. Monroe
Nature 551, 601–604 (30 November 2017)

Optically transparent solid electrodes for precision Penning traps
M. Wiesel, G. Birkl, M. S. Ebrahimi, A. Martin, W. Quint, N. Stallkamp, and M. Vogel
Review of Scientific Instruments 88, 123101 (2017)

Quantum gates by inverse engineering of a Hamiltonian
Alan C Santos
2018 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51 015501

Search for the Variation in (mp/me) Using Two Vibrational Transition Frequencies of Molecular Ions
Masatoshi Kajita
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 86, 123301 (2017)

Strong coupling between a single nitrogen-vacancy spin and the rotational mode of diamonds levitating in an ion trap
T. Delord, L. Nicolas, Y. Chassagneux, and G. Hétet
Phys. Rev. A 96, 063810 (2017)

Tailored Codes for Small Quantum Memories
Alan Robertson, Christopher Granade, Stephen D. Bartlett, and Steven T. Flammia
Phys. Rev. Applied 8, 064004 (2017)

Twisted-Light–Ion Interaction: The Role of Longitudinal Fields
G. F. Quinteiro, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, and Christian T. Schmiegelow
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 253203 (2017)

Visible transitions in Ag-like and Cd-like lanthanide ions
Shunichi Murata, Takayuki Nakajima, Marianna S. Safronova, Ulyana I. Safronova, and Nobuyuki Nakamura
Phys. Rev. A 96, 062506 (2017)



Coherent Population Trapping with a controlled dissipation: applications in optical metrology
L. Nicolas, T. Delord, P. Jamonneau, R. Coto, J. Maze, V. Jacques, G. Hétet

Direct frequency-comb-driven Raman transitions in the terahertz range
Cyrille Solaro, Steffen Meyer, Karin Fisher, Michael V. DePalatis, Michael Drewsen

Distance scaling of electric-field noise in a surface-electrode ion trap
J. A. Sedlacek, A. Greene, J. Stuart, R. McConnell, C. D. Bruzewicz, J. M. Sage, J. Chiaverini

From quantum heat engines to laser cooling: Floquet theory beyond the Born-Markov approximation
Sebastian Restrepo, Javier Cerrillo, Philipp Strasberg, Gernot Schaller

Interference of single photons emitted by entangled atoms in free space
Gabriel Araneda, Daniel B. Higginbottom, Lukáš Slodička, Yves Colombe, Rainer Blatt

Long-distance single photon transmission from a trapped ion via quantum frequency conversion
Thomas Walker, Koichiro Miyanishi, Rikizo Ikuta, Hiroki Takahashi, Samir Vartabi Kashanian, Yoshiaki Tsujimoto, Kazuhiro Hayasaka, Takashi Yamamoto, Nobuyuki Imoto, Matthias Keller

Measuring and Suppressing Error Correlations in Quantum Circuits
C. L. Edmunds, C. Hempel, R. Harris, H. Ball, V. Frey, T. M. Stace, M. J. Biercuk

Observation of entangled states of a fully-controlled 20 qubit system
Nicolai Friis, Oliver Marty, Christine Maier, Cornelius Hempel, Milan Holzäpfel, Petar Jurcevic, Martin Plenio, Marcus Huber, Christian Roos, Rainer Blatt, Ben Lanyon

Optical clocks based on linear ion chains with high stability and accuracy
J. Keller, D. Kalincev, T. Burgermeister, A. Kulosa, A. Didier, T. Nordmann, J. Kiethe, T. E. Mehlstäubler

Phonon lasing from optical frequency comb illumination of a trapped ion
Michael Ip, Anthony Ransford, Andrew M. Jayich, Xueping Long, Conrad Roman, Wesley C. Campbell

Precise positioning of an ion in an integrated Paul trap-cavity system using radiofrequency signals
Ezra Kassa, Hiroki Takahashi, Costas Christoforou, Matthias Keller

Probing the limits of correlations in an indivisible quantum system
M. Malinowski, C. Zhang, F. M. Leupold, A. Cabello, J. Alonso, J. P. Home

Quantum simulation of Weyl equation with a trapped ion
De-Sheng Li, Chun-Wang Wu, Lin-Ze He, Wei Wu, Ping-Xing Chen

ITN Newsletter – November 2017

Dear all,

at the beginning of the month we celebrated Marie Curie’s 150th birthday, with a large echo in the press. But looking around our labs, we still must note that we fail to attract and keep as many highly-motivated  young women as men (even though there has been some progress).
If YOU have any bright idea, how to defend gender balance in physics at all levels, and in particular how to increase the number of female ion trappers, we would be happy to share this!

Your editorial team



Prize season at the German Physical Society (DPG) !
J. Ignacio Cirac has been honored with the Max-Planck medal 2018 (the highest DPG distinction for theoretical physics), and Gerd Leuchs has been awarded the Herbert-Walther-prize 2018. All details and recipients can be found HERE
Congratulations !


Winter School on Physics with Trapped Charged Particles, Les Houches, France, January 8-19, 2018  LINK


LEAP2018 – Conference on Low Energy Antiproton Physics – hosted at Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), Paris France from Mars 12th to 16th, 2018.      LINK


Cold and Controlled Molecules and Ions (CCMI), to be held from 25-29 March 2018 at the University of Georgia in Athens, GA, USA.  LINK


ECTI 5  will be held at the Lopatie Conference Center at Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, on November 18-23, 2018.  SAVE THE DATE!!


Postdoc position in precision spectroscopy of ions trapped in solids, with Amar Vutha at the University of Toronto. Link


Postdoc openings in NIST Ion Storage group in quantum information processing involving mixed atomic species and new generation surface-electrode traps.. Details can be found HERE


Postdoctoral Research Associate – Experimental Quantum Control with Michael Biercuk, University of Sydney, Australia

Post-doctoral position  “Single ion source from laser ionization of cesium atoms” located in Orsay, France LINK


A 4 year PhD student position is opened immediately at LCPM, EPFL, Switzerland (group of Dr. O. Boyarkine). Contact

PhD position “Laser-cooled ion optical clocks for fundamental physics and redefinition of the second” at NPL (Teddington, UK) and University of Oxford. LINK


With the impending arrival of David Wineland from NIST, Boulder, onto our faculty, the Center for Optical, Molecular and Quantum Science, and the Department of Physics at the University of Oregon are currently running a search for an additional AMO experimentalist in the area of Quantum Information Physics. The current search is open to all levels, and we are particularly interested in the area of trapped ions and neutrals, and closely allied fields.

Assistant, Associate or Full Professor in Quantum Information Physics
University of Oregon, Application review will begin on November 15, 2017; position open until filled  LINK


You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to

Accurate determination of black-body radiation shift, magic and tune-out wavelengths for the 6S1/2 $ \rightarrow $ 5D3/2 clock transition in Yb+
A Roy, S De, Bindiya Arora and B K Sahoo
2017 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50 205201

Cavity-enhanced photoionization of an ultracold rubidium beam for application in focused ion beams
G. ten Haaf, S. H. W. Wouters, P. H. A. Mutsaers, and E. J. D. Vredenbregt
Phys. Rev. A 96, 053412 (2017)

Cross-Kerr Nonlinearity for Phonon Counting
Shiqian Ding, Gleb Maslennikov, Roland Hablützel, and Dzmitry Matsukevich
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 193602 (2017)

Dissipation in adiabatic quantum computers: lessons from an exactly solvable model
Maximilian Keck, Simone Montangero, Giuseppe E Santoro, Rosario Fazio and Davide Rossini
2017 New J. Phys. 19 113029

Doppler cooling thermometry of a multi-level ion in the presence of micromotion.
Tomas Sikorsky, Ziv Meir, Nitzan Akerman, Ruti Ben-shlomi, Roee Ozeri
Phys. Rev. A. 96:012519 (2017).

Double-trap measurement of the proton magnetic moment at 0.3 parts per billion precision
Georg Schneider, Andreas Mooser, Matthew Bohman, Natalie Schön, James Harrington, Takashi Higuchi, Hiroki Nagahama, Stefan Sellner, Christian Smorra, Klaus Blaum, Yasuyuki Matsuda, Wolfgang Quint, Jochen Walz, Stefan Ulmer
Science 24 Nov 2017: Vol. 358, Issue 6366, pp. 1081-1084

Doubly resonant photoionization of He below the N = 2 ionization threshold
Andrej Mihelič, Matjaž Žitnik and Mateja Hrast
2017 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50 245602

High-accuracy calculations of the rotation-vibration spectrum of ${{\rm{H}}}_{3}^{+}$
Jonathan Tennyson, Oleg L Polyansky, Nikolai F Zobov, Alexander Alijah and Attila G Császár
2017 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50 232001

Ions captured in the spotlight
Dietrich Leibfried
Nature Photonics 11, 688–690

Laser cooling and imaging of individual radioactive 90Sr+ ions
Kyunghun Jung, Yoshihiro Iwata, Masabumi Miyabe, Kazuhiro Yamamoto, Tomohisa Yonezu, Ikuo Wakaida, and Shuichi Hasegawa
Phys. Rev. A 96, 043424 (2017)

Long lifetimes and effective isolation of ions in optical and electrostatic traps
Alexander Lambrecht, Julian Schmidt, Pascal Weckesser, Markus Debatin, Leon Karpa & Tobias Schaetz
Nature Photonics 11, 704–707 (2017)

Nailing down the proton magnetic moment
Jelena Stajic
Science 24 Nov 2017: Vol. 358, Issue 6366, pp. 1015-1016

Precision measurement of the 25Mg+ground-state hyperfine constant
Z. T. Xu, K. Deng, H. Che, W. H. Yuan, J. Zhang, and Z. H. Lu
Phys. Rev. A 96, 052507 (2017)

Quantum lock-in force sensing using optical clock Doppler velocimetry.
Shaniv, R; Ozeri, R (2017).
Nature Communications. 8:14157.

Single-shot energy measurement of a single atom and the direct reconstruction of its energy distribution.
Meir, Z; Sikorsky, T; Akerman, N; Ben-shlomi, R; Pinkas, M; Ozeri, R (2017).
Physical Review A. 96:020701(R).

Solvable Family of Driven-Dissipative Many-Body Systems
Michael Foss-Feig, Jeremy T. Young, Victor V. Albert, Alexey V. Gorshkov, and Mohammad F. Maghrebi
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 190402 (2017)

Squeezed Coherent States of Motion for Ions Confined in Quadrupole and Octupole Ion Traps
Bogdan M. Mihalcea
Annals of Physics 388 (1), p. 100-113 (2018)

Time crystals: a review
Krzysztof Sacha and Jakub Zakrzewski
2018 Rep. Prog. Phys. 81 016401

Topological Edge States in Periodically Driven Trapped-Ion Chains
Pedro Nevado, Samuel Fernández-Lorenzo, and Diego Porras
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 210401 (2017)



High Fidelity Quantum Gates beyond spectral selection
Kwok Chung Matthew Cheung, Florian Mintert

How much can we cool a quantum oscillator? A useful analogy to understand laser cooling as a thermodynamical process
Nahuel Freitas, Juan Pablo Paz

Markovian heat sources with the smallest heat capacity
Raam Uzdin, Simone Gasparinetti, Roee Ozeri, Ronnie Kosloff

Observation of Hopping and Blockade of Bosons in a Trapped Ion Spin Chain
S. Debnath, N. M. Linke, S.-T. Wang, C. Figgatt, K. A. Landsman, L.-M. Duan, C. Monroe

Operational effects of the UNOT gate on classical and quantum correlations
Kuan Zhang, Jiajun Ma, Xiang Zhang, Jayne Thompson, Vlatko Vedral, Kihwan Kim, Mile Gu

Probing new light force-mediators by isotope shift spectroscopy.
Berengut J. C.; Budker D.; Delaunay C.; Flambaum V. V.; Frugiuele C.; Fuchs E.; Grojean C.; Harnik R.; Ozeri R.; Perez G.; Soreq Y.

Quantum simulation of the quantum Rabi model in a trapped ion
Dingshun Lv, Shuoming An, Zhenyu Liu, Jing-Ning Zhang, Julen S. Pedernales, Lucas Lamata, Enrique Solano, Kihwan Kim

Scaling Trapped Ion Quantum Computers Using Fast Gates and Microtraps
Alexander K. Ratcliffe, Richard L. Taylor, André R. R. Carvalho, Joseph J. Hope

Spectroscopy of the 2S1/2→2P3/2 transition in Yb II: Isotope shifts, hyperfine splitting and branching ratios
Thomas Feldker, Henning Fürst, Norman Ewald, Jannis Joger, Rene Gerritsma

Spin controlled atom-ion inelastic collisions.
Tomas Sikorsky, Ziv Meir, Ruti Ben-shlomi, Nitzan Akerman, Roee Ozeri 

Trapped-ion quantum simulation of excitation transport: disordered, noisy, and long-range connected quantum networks
Nils Trautmann, Philipp Hauke

Visible transitions in Ag-like and Cd-like lanthanide ions
Shunichi Murata, Takayuki Nakajima, Marianna S. Safronova, Ulyana I. Safronova, Nobuyuki Nakamura


ITN Newsletter – October 2017

Dear all,

last month we have asked for your feedback about the means of distribution of this newsletter. Quite a few of you have answered, many of them during the first night after the newsletter was sent. To our big surprise, almost everybody preferred to keep the email format, with the exception of one vote for Facebook and one for Twitter. So, nothing will change!
And thanks for all the nice messages that you have sent along – very encouraging !

Your editorial team
Martina and Alejandro


Too much publicity for the Winter School in Les Houches, and due to limited space we could only admit 65 out of 90 applicants. There is clearly a large demand for schools (and maybe for skiing), and we are thinking about the next move!


Winter School on Physics with Trapped Charged Particles, Les Houches, France, January 8-19, 2018  LINK


LEAP2018 – Conference on Low Energy Antiproton Physics – hosted at Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), Paris France from Mars 12th to 16th, 2018.      LINK


Cold and Controlled Molecules and Ions (CCMI), to be held from 25-29 March 2018 at the University of Georgia in Athens, GA, USA.  LINK


ECTI 5  will be held at the Lopatie Conference Center at Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, on November 18-23, 2018.  SAVE THE DATE!!


With the impending arrival of David Wineland from NIST, Boulder, onto our faculty, the Center for Optical, Molecular and Quantum Science, and the Department of Physics at the University of Oregon are currently running a search for an additional AMO experimentalist in the area of Quantum Information Physics. The current search is open to all levels, and we are particularly interested in the area of trapped ions and neutrals, and closely allied fields.

Assistant, Associate or Full Professor in Quantum Information Physics
University of Oregon, Application review will begin on November 15, 2017; position open until filled  LINK


Postdoctoral Research Associate – Experimental Quantum Control  with Michael Biercuk, University of Sydney, Australia

Post-doctoral position in optical frequency metrology – characterization of the ultra-stable REFIMEVE+ fiber link, Institut FEMTO-ST, Besançon, details can be found at


PhD position “Laser-cooled ion optical clocks for fundamental physics and redefinition of the second” at NPL (Teddington, UK) and University of Oxford. LINK


University of Nottingham is seeking experimental physicists with interests in cold atoms and ions, quantum optics, (… and many more) for positions from assistant to full professor. LINK


You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to

A parts-per-billion measurement of the antiproton magnetic moment 
C. Smorra, S. Sellner, M. J. Borchert, J. A. Harrington, T. Higuchi, H. Nagahama, T. Tanaka, A. Mooser, G. Schneider, M. Bohman, K. Blaum, Y. Matsuda, C. Ospelkaus, W. Quint, J. Walz, Y. Yamazaki, and S. Ulmer
Nature 550, 371–374 (19 October 2017)
Estimation of gradients in quantum metrology
Sanah Altenburg, Michał Oszmaniec, Sabine Wölk, and Otfried Gühne
Phys. Rev. A 96, 042319 (2017)

Fault tolerance with bare ancillary qubits for a [[7,1,3]] code
Muyuan Li, Mauricio Gutiérrez, Stanley E. David, Alonzo Hernandez, and Kenneth R. Brown
Phys. Rev. A 96, 032341 (2017)

Fast Quantum State Transfer and Entanglement Renormalization Using Long-Range Interactions
Zachary Eldredge, Zhe-Xuan Gong, Jeremy T. Young, Ali Hamed Moosavian, Michael Foss-Feig, and Alexey V. Gorshkov
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 170503 (2017)

Fault-tolerant quantum error detection
Norbert M. Linke, Mauricio Gutierrez, Kevin A. Landsman, Caroline Figgatt, Shantanu Debnath, Kenneth R. Brown and Christopher Monroe,
Science Advances 20 Oct 2017:Vol. 3, no. 10, e1701074

Frequency measurement of the clock transition of an indium ion sympathetically-cooled in a linear trap
Ohtsubo, Nozomi; Li, Ying; Matsubara, Kensuke; Ido, Tetsuya; Hayasaka, Kazuhiro
Optics Express 25(10) 11725-11735 (2017)

Fidelity susceptibility study of quantum long-range antiferromagnetic Ising chain
Gaoyong Sun
Phys. Rev. A 96, 043621 (2017)

Magic wavelengths of the Ca+ ion for circularly polarized light
Jun Jiang, Li Jiang, Xia Wang, Deng-Hong Zhang, Lu-You Xie, and Chen-Zhong Dong
Phys. Rev. A 96, 042503 (2017)

Precision Measurement of the Electron’s Electric Dipole Moment Using Trapped Molecular Ions
William B. Cairncross, Daniel N. Gresh, Matt Grau, Kevin C. Cossel, Tanya S. Roussy, Yiqi Ni, Yan Zhou, Jun Ye, and Eric A. Cornell
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 153001 (2017)

Quantum entanglement in strong-field ionization
Szilárd Majorosi, Mihály G. Benedict, and Attila Czirják
Phys. Rev. A 96, 043412 (2017)

Quantum Parametric Oscillator with Trapped Ions
Shiqian Ding, Gleb Maslennikov, Roland Hablützel, Huanqian Loh, and Dzmitry Matsukevich
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 150404 (2017)

Quantum Sensors for the Generating Functional of Interacting Quantum Field Theories
A. Bermudez, G. Aarts, and M. Müller
Phys. Rev. X 7, 041012 (2017)

Revealing Quantum Statistics with a Pair of Distant Atoms
C. F. Roos, A. Alberti, D. Meschede, P. Hauke, and H. Häffner
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 160401 (2017)

Scalable Creation of Long-Lived Multipartite Entanglement
H. Kaufmann, T. Ruster, C. T. Schmiegelow, M. A. Luda, V. Kaushal, J. Schulz, D. von Lindenfels, F. Schmidt-Kaler, and U. G. Poschinger
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 150503 (2017)

Spectroscopy and Directed Transport of Topological Solitons in Crystals of Trapped Ions
J. Brox, P. Kiefer, M. Bujak, T. Schaetz, and H. Landa
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 153602 (2017)

Trial wave functions for ring-trapped ions and neutral atoms: Microscopic description of the quantum space-time crystal
Constantine Yannouleas and Uzi Landman
Phys. Rev. A 96, 043610 (2017)

U(1) Wilson lattice gauge theories in digital quantum simulators
Christine Muschik, Markus Heyl, Esteban Martinez, Thomas Monz, Philipp Schindler, Berit Vogell, Marcello Dalmonte, Philipp Hauke, Rainer Blatt and Peter Zoller
New Journal of Physics, Volume 19, October 2017

What Randomized Benchmarking Actually Measures
Timothy Proctor, Kenneth Rudinger, Kevin Young, Mohan Sarovar, and Robin Blume-Kohout
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 130502 (2017)



A short response-time atomic source for trapped ion experiments
Timothy G. Ballance, Joseph F. Goodwin, Bethan Nichol, Laurent J. Stephenson, Christopher J. Ballance, David M. Lucas

Accurate frequency determination of vibration-rotation and rotational transitions of SiH+
José L. Doménech, Stephan Schlemmer, Oskar Asvany

High-fidelity entanglement between a trapped ion and a telecom photon via quantum frequency conversion
Matthias Bock, Pascal Eich, Stephan Kucera, Matthias Kreis, Andreas Lenhard, Christoph Becher, Jürgen Eschner

IP determination and 1+1 REMPI spectrum of SiO at 210-220 nm with implications for SiO+ ion trap loading
Patrick R. Stollenwerk, Ivan O. Antonov, Brian C. Odom

Optical Frequency Trapped Ion Probe for a Varying Proton-to-Electron Mass Ratio
Mark G. Kokish, Patrick R. Stollenwerk, Masatoshi Kajita, Brian C. Odom

Photoionisation of Ca+ ions in the valence-energy region 20∼eV~–~56∼eV : experiment and theory
A Mueller, S Schippers, R A Phaneuf, A M Covington, A Aguilar, G Hinojosa, J Bozek, M M Sant’Anna, A S Schlachter, C Cisneros, B M McLaughlin

Programmable and scalable radio-frequency pulse sequence generator for multi-qubit quantum information experiments
Ben Keitch, Vlad Negnevitsky, Weida Zhang

Radio-frequency sideband cooling and sympathetic cooling of trapped ions in a static magnetic field gradient
Theeraphot Sriarunothai, Gouri Shankar Giri, Sabine Wölk, Christof Wunderlich

Search for New Physics with Atoms and Molecules,
M.S. Safronova, D. Budker, D. DeMille, Derek F. Jackson Kimball, A. Derevianko, C. W. Clark

Sequential modular position and momentum measurements of a trapped ion mechanical oscillator
C. Flühmann, V. Negnevitsky, M. Marinelli, J. P. Home

Simulating the performance of a distance-3 surface code in a linear ion trap
Colin J. Trout, Muyuan Li, Mauricio Gutierrez, Yukai Wu, Sheng-Tao Wang, Luming Duan, Kenneth R Brown

ITN Newsletter – September 2017

Dear all,

as part of our job as physicists we make a (small) measurement campaign on this newsletter. 🙂
Almost half of you open and read the newsletter which we consider as a real success in these times of floods of emails. We would be interested if you would like to also use other means of information. Would you prefer to read the newsletter on a Facebook page? Follow it on a Twitter account? Comment it online? Receive a paper copy?  A quick reply to us would be helpful ! (You can also “reply to” the newsletter.) Thanks for your input.

Your editorial team



Winter School on Physics with Trapped Charged Particles, Les Houches, France, January 8-19, 2018  LINK


LEAP2018 – Conference on Low Energy Antiproton Physics – hosted at Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), Paris France from Mars 12th to 16th, 2018.      LINK


ECTI 5  will be held at the Lopatie Conference Center at Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, on November 18-23, 2018.  SAVE THE DATE!!


Please be aware that some deadlines are very close !

Nature Reviews Physics will be launching in January 2019 and is now looking for two editors. Deadline 1 Oct 2017 Link For further information and a rapid contact you can also email the editor-in-chief


Scientist to join the Time and Frequency group at NPL for projects related to optical frequency metrology with femtosecond combs . Link on, look for “Research Scientist or Higher Research Scientist – Optical Frequency Metrology”. Deadline 21 Sept 2017

A postdoc position for “Ultrastable frequency transfer through optical fiber links” in Paris. Please contact Prof. Amy-Klein for further details


Professor at Institut Lumière Matière in Lyon Link. In case of interest, please contact Philippe Dugourd rapidly


PhD position “Laser-cooled ion optical clocks for fundamental physics and redefinition of the second” at NPL (Teddington, UK) and University of Oxford. LINK


University of Nottingham is seeking experimental physicists with interests in cold atoms and ions, quantum optics, (… and many more) for positions from assistant to full professor. LINK

Two open PhD positions at the Institute for Experimental Quantum Metrology at PTB Braunschweig focusing on applying quantum logic spectroscopy to molecular ions and aluminium ions. LINK


Postdoc position available for work on ALPHA at CERN with Swansea University.  LINK


Quantum Control Systems Designer for opticlock: QUARTIQ, Berlin, Germany    LINK

PhD position “Precision tests of fundamental symmetry with trapped antihydrogen” in Swansea University LINK


Postdoc and PhD positions on 1S-2S spectroscopy in He+ (Proton Radius Puzzle) in Amsterdam, LaserLaB Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands LINK


You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to

Atomic lifetime measurements of Ne-like Fe ions in a magnetic field
E.Träbert, P.Beiersdorfer, J.R.Crespo López-Urrutia
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 408, 107-109 (2017)

Autoresonance Cooling of Ions in an Electrostatic Ion Beam Trap
R. K. Gangwar, K. Saha, O. Heber, M. L. Rappaport, and D. Zajfman
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 103202 (2017)

Corrigendum: Two-photon transitions in Ca+, Sr+ and Ba+ ions (2010 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43 074014)
M S Safronova, W R Johnson and U I Safronova

Entanglement-Based dc Magnetometry with Separated Ions
T. Ruster, H. Kaufmann, M. A. Luda, V. Kaushal, C. T. Schmiegelow, F. Schmidt-Kaler, and U. G. Poschinger
Phys. Rev. X 7, 031050 (2017)

Exact sampling hardness of Ising spin models
B. Fefferman, M. Foss-Feig, and A. V. Gorshkov
Phys. Rev. A 96, 032324 (2017)

Measurement of L-shell transitions in M-shell ions in the laboratory and identification in stellar coronae
J.K.Lepson, P.Beiersdorfer, N.Hell, G.V.Brown, E.Träbert, M.P.Bode
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 408, 110-113 (2017)

Mølmer–Sørensen entangling gate for cavity QED systems
Hiroki Takahashi, Pedro Nevado and Matthias Keller
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50 195501 (2017)

Multi-ion sensing of dipolar noise sources in ion traps
F. Galve, J. Alonso, and R. Zambrini
Phys. Rev. A 96, 033409 (2017)

Nonequilibrium dynamics of spin-boson models from phase-space methods
Asier Piñeiro Orioli, Arghavan Safavi-Naini, Michael L. Wall, and Ana Maria Rey
Phys. Rev. A 96, 033607 (2017)

Observation of collisions between cold Li atoms and Yb+ ions
J. Joger, H. Fürst, N. Ewald, T. Feldker, M. Tomza, and R. Gerritsma
Phys. Rev. A 96, 030703(R) (2017)

Optical dipole-force cooling of anions in a Penning trap
Julian Fesel, Sebastian Gerber, Michael Doser, and Daniel Comparat
Phys. Rev. A 96, 031401(R) (2017)

Quantum Spin Lenses in Atomic Arrays
A. W. Glaetzle, K. Ender, D. S. Wild, S. Choi, H. Pichler, M. D. Lukin, and P. Zoller
Phys. Rev. X 7, 031049 (2017)

Residual Phase Noise Measurement of Optical Second Harmonic Generation in PPLN Waveguides
Marion Delehaye, Jacques Millo, Pierre-Yves Bourgeois, Lucas Groult, Rodolphe Boudot, Enrico Rubiola, Emmanuel Bigler, Yann Kersalé, and Clément Lacroûte
IEEE Phot. Tech. Lett., Vol. 29, N0. 19, pp. 1639-1642, October 1, 2017

Single-qubit quantum memory exceeding ten-minute coherence time
Ye Wang, Mark Um, Junhua Zhang, Shuoming An, Ming Lyu, Jing -Ning Zhang, L.-M. Duan, Dahyun Yum, Kihwan Kim
Nature Photonics 11, 646–650 (2017)

Spectroscopy of a Synthetic Trapped Ion Qubit
David Hucul, Justin E. Christensen, Eric R. Hudson, and Wesley C. Campbell
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 100501 (2017)

Synthesis of mixed hypermetallic oxide BaOCa+ from laser-cooled reagents in an atom-ion hybrid trap
Science 07 Sep 2017

Ultrafast Creation of Large Schrödinger Cat States of an Atom
K. G. Johnson, J. D. Wong-Campos, B. Neyenhuis, J. Mizrahi, C. Monroe
Nature Communications 8, 697 (2017)




A Method for Preparation and Readout of Polyatomic Molecules in Single Quantum States
David Patterson

Demonstration of two-atom entanglement with ultrafast optical pulses
J. D. Wong-Campos, S. A. Moses, K. G. Johnson, C. Monroe

Efficient approach for quantum sensing field gradients with trapped ions
Peter A. Ivanov

Efficient polarisation-preserving frequency conversion from a trapped-ion-compatible wavelength to the telecom C band
V. Krutyanskiy, M. Meraner, J. Schupp, B. P. Lanyon

Engineering vibrationally-assisted energy transfer in a trapped-ion quantum simulator
Dylan J Gorman, Boerge Hemmerling, Eli Megidish, Soenke A. Moeller, Philipp Schindler, Mohan Sarovar, Hartmut Haeffner

Experimental Verification of Position-Dependent Angular-Momentum Selection Rules for Absorption of Twisted Light by a Bound Electron
Andrei Afanasev, Carl E. Carlson, Christian T. Schmiegelow, Jonas Schulz, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Maria Solyanik

Fast quantum logic gates with trapped-ion qubits
V. M. Schäfer, C. J. Ballance, K. Thirumalai, L. J. Stephenson, T. G. Ballance, A. M. Steane, D. M. Lucas

Motional studies of one and two laser-cooled trapped ions for electric-field sensing applications
Francisco Domínguez, Manuel Jesús Gutiérrez, Íñigo Arrazola, Joaquín Berrocal, Juan Manuel Cornejo, Jesús Javier Del Pozo, Raúl Alberto Rica, Stefan Schmidt, Enrique Solano, Daniel Rodríguez

Nonlinear Quantum Rabi Model in Trapped Ions
Xiao-Hang Cheng, Iñigo Arrazola, Julen S. Pedernales, Lucas Lamata, Xi Chen, Enrique Solano

Protecting quantum memories using coherent parity check codes
Joschka Roffe, David Headley, Nicholas Chancellor, Dominic Horsman, Viv Kendon

Quantum and classical dynamics of a three-mode absorption refrigerator
Stefan Nimmrichter, Jibo Dai, Alexandre Roulet, Valerio Scarani

Rovibrational optical cooling of a molecular beam
A. Cournol, P. Pillet, H. Lignier, D. Comparat

Speeding-up the decision making of a learning agent using an ion trap quantum processor
Theeraphot Sriarunothai, Sabine Wölk, Gouri Shankar Giri, Nicolai Fries, Vedran Dunjko, Hans J. Briegel, Christof Wunderlich

Sympathetic Cooling of Protons and Antiprotons with a Common Endcap Penning Trap
M. Bohman, A. Mooser, G. Schneider, N Schön, M. Wiesinger, J. Harrington, T. Higuchi, H. Nagahama, S. Sellner, C. Smorra, K. Blaum, Y. Matsuda, W. Quint, J. Walz, S. Ulmer

Synthesis of mixed hypermetallic oxide BaOCa+ from laser-cooled reagents in an atom-ion hybrid trap
Prateek Puri, Michael Mills, Christian Schneider, Ionel Simbotin, John A. Montgomery, Jr., Robin Côté, Arthur G. Suits, Eric R. Hudson

Vacuum Friction
Stephen M. Barnett, Matthias Sonnleitner

ITN Newsletter – August 2017

Dear all,

thanks to your interest and contributions this newsletter lives a very healthy live with more than 800 faithful subscribers. The main motivation is to serve as a communication tool for the very dynamic ion trapper community. In the same spirit, a proposal for a new COST project is submitted this week, in order to create (or maintain) even stronger links between our groups. This network, like the previous one, will be very open, and propose various activities with a spotlight on young researchers. Markus Hennrich from Stockholm University (with a tiny working group) is the main proposer. Let’s keep our fingers crossed !

Your editorial team



There are still a few places left for the third Winter School in Les Houches in January 2018.
 Applications are open on the school  web-site at and don’t forget that the registration deadline is September 17.


Winter School on Physics with Trapped Charged Particles, Les Houches, France, January 8-19, 2018  LINK
Registration deadline 17 September 2017


LEAP2018 – Conference on Low Energy Antiproton Physics – hosted at Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), Paris France from Mars 12th to 16th, 2018.      LINK


ECTI 5  will be held at the Lopatie Conference Center at Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, on November 18-23, 2018.  SAVE THE DATE!!


Two open PhD positions at the Institute for Experimental Quantum Metrology at PTB Braunschweig focusing on applying quantum logic spectroscopy to molecular ions and aluminium ions. LINK

The ion trap group at Imperial College London has two vacancies for postdocs (one theory, one experiment).  These positions are associated with a new research grant on optimal control in ion traps, with Richard Thompson and Florian Mintert as co-investigators.
To view the adverts please go to:– click job search and enter NS2017140NT (experimental position) or NS2017151NT (theory position) in “keywords”
. Deadline is 21st September 2017.

Postdoc position available for work on ALPHA at CERN with Swansea University.  LINK

Quantum Control Systems Designer for opticlock: QUARTIQ, Berlin, Germany    LINK


PhD position “Precision tests of fundamental symmetry with trapped antihydrogen” in Swansea University LINK


Postdoc and PhD positions on 1S-2S spectroscopy in He+ (Proton Radius Puzzle) in Amsterdam, LaserLaB Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands LINK


You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to

Cavity-induced anticorrelated photon-emission rates of a single ion
Hiroki Takahashi, Ezra Kassa, Costas Christoforou, and Matthias Keller
Phys. Rev. A 96, 023824 (2017)

Collisional frequency shift of a trapped-ion optical clock
Amar C. Vutha, Tom Kirchner, and Pierre Dubé
Phys. Rev. A 96, 022704 (2017)

Direct Observation of Dynamical Quantum Phase Transitions in an Interacting Many-Body System
P. Jurcevic, H. Shen, P. Hauke, C. Maier, T. Brydges, C. Hempel, B. P. Lanyon, M. Heyl, R. Blatt, and C. F. Roos
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 080501 (2017)

Doppler cooling thermometry of a multilevel ion in the presence of micromotion
Tomas Sikorsky, Ziv Meir, Nitzan Akerman, Ruti Ben-shlomi, and Roee Ozeri
Phys. Rev. A 96, 012519 (2017)

Efficient tomography of a quantum many-body system
B. P. Lanyon, C. Maier, M. Holzäpfel, T. Baumgratz, C. Hempel, P. Jurcevic, I. Dhand, A. S. Buyskikh, A. J. Daley, M. Cramer, M. B. Plenio, R. Blatt & C. F. Roos
Nature Physics (2017)

Improved limit on the directly measured antiproton lifetime
S Sellner, M Besirli, M Bohman, M J Borchert, J Harrington, T Higuchi, A Mooser, H Nagahama, G Schneider, C Smorra, T Tanaka, K Blaum, Y Matsuda, C Ospelkaus, W Quint, J Walz, Y Yamazaki and S Ulmer
New Journal of Physics, Volume 19, August 2017

Measurements of trap dynamics of cold OH molecules using resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization
John M. Gray, Jason A. Bossert, Yomay Shyur, and H. J. Lewandowski
Phys. Rev. A 96, 023416 (2017)

Noninvasive measurement of dynamic correlation functions
Philipp Uhrich, Salvatore Castrignano, Hermann Uys, and Michael Kastner
Phys. Rev. A 96, 022127 (2017)

Note: Single ion imaging and fluorescence collection with a parabolic mirror trap
Chen-Kuan Choua, Carolyn Auchter, Jennifer Lilieholm, Kevin Smith, and Boris Blinov
Review of Scientific Instruments 88, 086101 (2017)

Observation of prethermalization in long-range interacting spin chains
Brian Neyenhuis, Jiehang Zhang, Paul W. Hess, Jacob Smith, Aaron C. Lee, Phil Richerme, Zhe-Xuan Gong, Alexey V. Gorshkov and Christopher Monroe
Science Advances 25 Aug 2017:Vol. 3, no. 8, e1700672

Polarisation-preserving photon frequency conversion from a trapped-ion-compatible wavelength to the telecom C-band
V. Krutyanskiy, M. Meraner, J. Schupp, B. P. Lanyon
Applied Physics B, 2017, 123:228

Prospects for a bad-cavity laser using a large ion crystal
Georgy A. Kazakov, Justin Bohnet, and Thorsten Schumm
Phys. Rev. A 96, 023412 (2017)

Quantum dynamics of trapped ions in a dynamic field gradient using dressed states
Sabine Wölk and Christof Wunderlich
New Journal of Physics, Volume 19, August 2017

Rotationally Cold OH Ions in the Cryogenic Electrostatic Ion-Beam Storage Ring DESIREE
H. T. Schmidt, G. Eklund, K. C. Chartkunchand, E. K. Anderson, M. Kamińska, N. de Ruette, R. D. Thomas, M. K. Kristiansson, M. Gatchell, P. Reinhed, S. Rosén, A. Simonsson, A. Källberg, P. Löfgren, S. Mannervik, H. Zettergren, and H. Cederquist
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 073001 (2017)

Single-ion quantum Otto engine with always-on bath interaction
Suman Chand and Asoka Biswas
EPL (Europhysics Letters), Volume 118, Number 6 (2017)

Single-shot energy measurement of a single atom and the direct reconstruction of its energy distribution
Ziv Meir, Tomas Sikorsky, Nitzan Akerman, Ruti Ben-shlomi, Meirav Pinkas, and Roee Ozeri
Phys. Rev. A 96, 020701(R) (2017)

Spectral properties of single photons from quantum emitters
Philipp Müller, Tristan Tentrup, Marc Bienert, Giovanna Morigi, and Jürgen Eschner
Phys. Rev. A 96, 023861 (2017)

Study of Quasiclassical Dynamics of Trapped Ions Using the Coherent State Formalism and Associated Algebraic Groups
Bogdan M. Mihalcea
Romanian Journal of Physics 62, 113 (2017)

Synchronizing quantum harmonic oscillators through two-level systems
Benedetto Militello, Hiromichi Nakazato, and Anna Napoli
Phys. Rev. A 96, 023862 (2017) – Published 29 August 2017

Universal equilibrium scaling functions at short times after a quench
Markus Karl, Halil Cakir, Jad C. Halimeh, Markus K. Oberthaler, Michael Kastner, and Thomas Gasenzer
Phys. Rev. E 96, 022110 (2017)

Unraveling the Structure of Ultracold Mesoscopic Collinear Molecular Ions
J. M. Schurer, A. Negretti, and P. Schmelcher
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 063001 (2017)




A high repetition deterministic single ion source
Cihan Sahin, Philipp Geppert, Andreas Müllers, Herwig Ott

Chiral spin currents in a trapped-ion quantum simulator using Floquet engineering
Tobias Grass, Alessio Celi, Guido Pagano, Maciej Lewenstein

Coherent control of a single trapped Rydberg ion
Gerard Higgins, Fabian Pokorny, Chi Zhang, Quentin Bodart, Markus Hennrich

Cold hybrid ion-atom systems
Michał Tomza, Krzysztof Jachymski, Rene Gerritsma, Antonio Negretti, Tommaso Calarco, Zbigniew Idziaszek, Paul S. Julienne

Dissipative Phase Transition in the Open Quantum Rabi Model
Myung-Joong Hwang, Peter Rabl, Martin B. Plenio

Generation of high-fidelity quantum control methods for multi-level systems
J. Randall, A. M. Lawrence, S. C. Webster, S. Weidt, N. V. Vitanov, W. K. Hensinger

Ion trap architectures and new directions
James D. Siverns, Qudsia Quraishi

Measuring anomalous heating in a planar ion trap with variable ion-surface separation
Ivan A. Boldin, Alexander Kraft, Christof Wunderlich

Motional studies of one and two laser-cooled trapped ions for electric-field sensing applications
Francisco Domínguez, Manuel Jesús Gutiérrez, Íñigo Arrazola, Joaquín Berrocal, Juan Manuel Cornejo, Jesús Javier Del Pozo, Raúl Alberto Rica, Stefan Schmidt, Enrique Solano, Daniel Rodríguez

Multiparticle entanglement criteria for nonsymmetric collective variances
Oliver Marty, Marcus Cramer, Giuseppe Vitagliano, Geza Toth, Martin B. Plenio

Observation of a Many-Body Dynamical Phase Transition with a 53-Qubit Quantum Simulator
J. Zhang, G. Pagano, P. W. Hess, A. Kyprianidis, P. Becker, H. Kaplan, A. V. Gorshkov, Z.-X. Gong, C. Monroe

Robust two-qubit gates in a linear ion crystal using a frequency-modulated driving force
Pak Hong Leung, Kevin A. Landsman, Caroline Figgatt, Norbert M. Linke, Christopher Monroe, Kenneth R. Brown

Singularities of Floquet Scattering and Tunneling
H. Landa

Sympathetic Cooling of Protons and Antiprotons with a Common Endcap Penning Trap
M. Bohman, A. Mooser, G. Schneider, N Schön, M. Wiesinger, J. Harrington, T. Higuchi, H. Nagahama, S. Sellner, C. Smorra, K. Blaum, Y. Matsuda, W. Quint, J. Walz, S. Ulmer

Verification of the Quantum Nonequilibrium Work Relation in the Presence of Decoherence
Andrew Smith, Yao Lu, Shuoming An, Xiang Zhang, Jing-Ning Zhang, Zongping Gong, H. T. Quan, Christopher Jarzynski, Kihwan Kim

ITN Newsletter – July 2017

Dear all,

summer and all its conferences are not yet over and we are happily looking forward to November 2018, when ECTI 5 will be held at the Weizmann Institute in Rehovot. Save the dates 18 – 23 Nov 2018. Hopefully, our new COST application will have been accepted by then!

There are only two choices for August 2017: leave for a holiday or attend NACTI. In both cases : enjoy !

Your editorial team



There are still a few places left for the third Winter School in Les Houches in January 2018.
 Applications are open on the school  web-site at and the registration deadline is September 17.


Nordita Workshop on “Topological Phases in Cold Atom Systems” (including trapped ions), July 31 – Aug 18, 2017, Stockholm, Sweden, Details


1st North American Conference on Trapped Ions, August 14-18, 2017, NIST Boulder Campus, Colorado/USA, Registration deadline 1 August 2017  LINK


Winter School on Physics with Trapped Charged Particles, Les Houches, France, January 8-19, 2018  LINK
Registration deadline 17 September 2017


LEAP2018 – Conference on Low Energy Antiproton Physics – hosted at Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), Paris France from Mars 12th to 16th, 2018.      LINK


ECTI 5  will be held at the Lopatie Conference Center at Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, on November 18-23, 2018.


Quantum Control Systems Designer for opticlock: QUARTIQ, Berlin, Germany    LINK

PhD position “Precision tests of fundamental symmetry with trapped antihydrogen” in Swansea University LINK


Several positions at the QUEST Institute for Experimental Quantum Metrology, Braunschweig/Hannover LINK


Postdoc and PhD positions on 1S-2S spectroscopy in He+ (Proton Radius Puzzle) in Amsterdam, LaserLaB Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands LINK


Quantum Algorithm Designer: IonQ, Inc. in College Park, Maryland.  Details


1 Post-doc and 4 Ph.D. students on the development of the optical atomic clock mission on the ISS (ISOC), Universität Düsseldorf. Details:


PhD position in optical frequency metrology – developping an ultra-stable cryogenic Fabry-Perot cavities, Institut FEMTO-ST, Besançon, details can be found at


Post-doctoral research fellow: At the centre for Quantum Technologies, NUS, Singapore in the group of Manas Mukherjee. Details


You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to

3D Sisyphus Cooling of Trapped Ions
S. Ejtemaee and P. C. Haljan
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 043001 (2017)

Amplitude Sensing below the Zero-Point Fluctuations with a Two-Dimensional Trapped-Ion Mechanical Oscillator
K. A. Gilmore, J. G. Bohnet, B. C. Sawyer, J. W. Britton, and J. J. Bollinger
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 263602 (2017)

Continuous Symmetry Breaking in 1D Long-Range Interacting Quantum Systems
Mohammad F. Maghrebi, Zhe-Xuan Gong, and Alexey V. Gorshkov
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 023001 (2017)

Digital Quantum Simulation of Minimal AdS/CFT
L. García-Álvarez, I. L. Egusquiza, L. Lamata, A. del Campo, J. Sonner, and E. Solano
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 040501 (2017)

Efficient Raman sideband cooling of trapped ions to their motional ground state
H. Che, K. Deng, Z. T. Xu, W. H. Yuan, J. Zhang, and Z. H. Lu
Phys. Rev. A 96, 013417 (2017)

Evolution-Free Hamiltonian Parameter Estimation through Zeeman Markers
Daniel Burgarth and Ashok Ajoy
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 030402 (2017)

Fast atom transport and launching in a nonrigid trap
A. Tobalina, M. Palmero, S. Martínez-Garaot & J. G. Muga
Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 5753 (2017)

High-Precision Measurement of the Proton’s Atomic Mass
F. Heiße, F. Köhler-Langes, S. Rau, J. Hou, S. Junck, A. Kracke, A. Mooser, W. Quint, S. Ulmer, G. Werth, K. Blaum, and S. Sturm
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 033001 (2017)

Multislip Friction with a Single Ion
Ian Counts, Dorian Gangloff, Alexei Bylinskii, Joonseok Hur, Rajibul Islam, and Vladan Vuletić
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 043601 (2017)

Nonlinear Quantum Metrology of Many-Body Open Systems
M. Beau and A. del Campo
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 010403 (2017)

Optical and magnetic measurements of gyroscopically stabilized graphene nanoplatelets levitated in an ion trap
Pavel Nagornykh, Joyce E. Coppock, Jacob P. J. Murphy, and B. E. Kane
Phys. Rev. B 96, 035402 (2017)

Quantum Harmonic Oscillator State Control in a Squeezed Fock Basis
D. Kienzler, H.-Y. Lo, V. Negnevitsky, C. Flühmann, M. Marinelli, and J. P. Home
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 033602 (2017)

Quantum sensing
C. L. Degen, F. Reinhard, and P. Cappellaro
Rev. Mod. Phys. 89, 035002 (2017)

Quantum sensing close to a dissipative phase transition: Symmetry breaking and criticality as metrological resources
Samuel Fernández-Lorenzo and Diego Porras
Phys. Rev. A 96, 013817 (2017)

Spectral classification of coupling regimes in the quantum Rabi model
Daniel Z. Rossatto, Celso J. Villas-Bôas, Mikel Sanz, and Enrique Solano
Phys. Rev. A 96, 013849 (2017)

Shape and strength of dynamical couplings between vibrational levels of the H2+, HD+ and D2+ molecular ions in collision with He as a buffer gas
Ibrokhim Iskandarov, Francesco Antonio Gianturco, Mario Hernandez Vera, Roland Wester, Humberto da Silva Jr.
The European Physical Journal D June 2017, 71:141

Single ion fluorescence excited with a single mode of an UV frequency comb
Akira Ozawa, Josue Davila-Rodriguez, James R. Bounds, Hans A. Schuessler, Theodor W. Hänsch & Thomas Udem
Nature Communications 8, Article number: 44 (2017)

Trapped Ions in Rydberg-Dressed Atomic Gases
T. Secker, N. Ewald, J. Joger, H. Fürst, T. Feldker, and R. Gerritsma
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 263201 (2017)




Cooling and frequency shift of an impurity in a ultracold Bose gas using an open system approach
Paula Ostmann, Walter T. Strunz

Dirac Equation in (1+1)D Curved Spacetime and multi-photon Quantum Rabi Model
J. S. Pedernales, M. Beau, S. M. Pittman, I. L. Egusquiza, L. Lamata, E. Solano, A. del Campo

Efficient eigenvalue determination for arbitrary Pauli products based on generalized spin-spin interactions
D. Leibfried, D.J. Wineland

High-Fidelity, Single-Shot, Quantum-Logic-Assisted Readout in a Mixed-Species Ion Chain
Colin Bruzewicz, Robert McConnell, Jonathon Sedlacek, Jules Stuart, William Loh, Jeremy Sage, John Chiaverini

High resolution ion trap time-of-flight mass spectrometer for cold trapped ion experiments
Philipp C. Schmid, James Greenberg, Mikhail I. Miller, Kevin Loeffler, Heather J. Lewandowski

Many-body localization dynamics from gauge invariance
Marlon Brenes, Marcello Dalmonte, Markus Heyl, Antonello Scardicchio

Nonequilibrium-induced enhancement of dynamical quantum coherence and entanglement of spin arrays
Zhedong Zhang, Hongchen Fu, Jin Wang

Quantum Brownian motion in a magnetic field: Transition from monotonic to oscillatory behaviour
Urbashi Satpathi, Supurna Sinha

Quantum Simulation and Spectroscopy of Entanglement Hamiltonians
Marcello Dalmonte, Benoît Vermersch, Peter Zoller

Scalable creation of long-lived multipartite entanglement
H. Kaufmann, T. Ruster, C. T. Schmiegelow, M. A. Luda, V. Kaushal, J. Schulz, D. von Lindenfels, F. Schmidt-Kaler, U. G. Poschinger

The boundary effects of transverse field Ising model
Yan He, Hao Guo

Trial wave functions for ring-trapped ions and neutral atoms: Microscopic description of the quantum space-time crystal
Constantine Yannouleas, Uzi Landman

ITN Newsletter – June 2017

Dear all,

in continuing the successful Winter School on the Physics with Trapped Charged Particles held in Les Houches (France) in January 2012 and 2015 (lecture notes available) we are happy to announce the third such school to be held this coming January 2018.  The school will take place from January 8-19, 2018 and applications are now open on the school  web-site at Please note that the deadline for applications is September 17th.

Your editorial team



The deadline for the special issue of the Journal of Modern Optics in memory of Danny Segal has been extended to 30 June 2017. More info


EFTF – IFCS 2017, 9-13 July 2017, Besançon, France Details


12th International Workshop on Non-neutral Plasmas to be held 10-13 July 2017 in Appleton, Wisconsin; LINK


ColdBeams 2017 – Conference on ultracold ion and electron beams, July 10-12, 2017, Eindhoven, the Netherlands Details


49th EGAS at Durham University in the UK, July 17 – 21. LINK


International Workshop on  Charge Impurities in Cold Atomic and Molecular Systems, which will be hosted by ITAMP in Cambridge, MA from July 19th to 21st, 2017. LINK

Nordita Workshop on “Topological Phases in Cold Atom Systems” (including trapped ions), July 31 – Aug 18, 2017, Stockholm, Sweden, Details

1st North American Conference on Trapped Ions, August 14-18, 2017, NIST Boulder Campus, Colorado/USA, Registration now OPEN  LINK

Winter School on Physics with Trapped Charged Particles, Les Houches, France, January 8-19, 2018  LINK




PhD position “Precision tests of fundamental symmetry with trapped antihydrogen” in Swansea University LINK

Several positions at the QUEST Institute for Experimental Quantum Metrology, Braunschweig/Hannover LINK

Postdoc and PhD positions on 1S-2S spectroscopy in He+ (Proton Radius Puzzle) in Amsterdam, LaserLaB Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands LINK

Quantum Algorithm Designer: IonQ, Inc. in College Park, Maryland.  Details

1 Post-doc and 4 Ph.D. students on the development of the optical atomic clock mission on the ISS (ISOC), Universität Düsseldorf. Details:


PhD position in optical frequency metrology – developping an ultra-stable cryogenic Fabry-Perot cavities, Institut FEMTO-ST, Besançon, details can be found at


Postdoctoral researcher in the Metrology, Molecules and Fundamental Tests group (Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Université Paris 13) to work on ultrastable frequency transfer with optical fiber links. Details


Post-Doc in Paris (LNE-SYRTE/Observatoire de Paris) on Nano-mechanical hybrid quantum systems based on rare-earth doped crystals  Details


Post-Doc in Paris (LNE-SYRTE/Observatoire de Paris) on Ultra-stable laser based on spectral-hole burning in rare-earthdoped cristal for application to optical lattice clocks Details


Post-doctoral research fellow: At the centre for Quantum Technologies, NUS, Singapore in the group of Manas Mukherjee. Details


You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to


A compact atomic beam based system for Doppler-free laser spectroscopy of strontium atoms
Gunjan Verma, Chetan Vishwakarma, C. V. Dharmadhikari, and Umakant D. Rapol
Review of Scientific Instruments 88, 033103 (2017)

Entanglement and fluctuations in the XXZ model with power-law interactions
Irénée Frérot, Piero Naldesi, and Tommaso Roscilde
Phys. Rev. B 95, 245111 (2017)

Erratum: Discrete Time Crystals: Rigidity, Criticality, and Realizations [Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 030401 (2017)]
N. Y. Yao, A. C. Potter, I.-D. Potirniche, and A. Vishwanath
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 269901 (2017)

Floquet time crystal in the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model
Angelo Russomanno, Fernando Iemini, Marcello Dalmonte, and Rosario Fazio
Phys. Rev. B 95, 214307 (2017)

Frequency measurement of the clock transition of an indium ion sympathetically-cooled in a linear trap
Ohtsubo, Nozomi; Li, Ying; Matsubara, Kensuke; Ido, Tetsuya; Hayasaka, Kazuhiro
Optics Express 25(10) 11725-11735, 2017

Local probe of single phonon dynamics in warm ion crystals
A. Abdelrahman, O. Khosravani, M. Gessner, A. Buchleitner, H. -P. Breuer, D. Gorman, R. Masuda, T. Pruttivarasin, M. Ramm, P. Schindler & H. Häffner
Nature Communications 8, Article number: 15712 (2017)

Multispecies Trapped-Ion Node for Quantum Networking
I. V. Inlek, C. Crocker, M. Lichtman, K. Sosnova, and C. Monroe
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 250502 (2017)

Nonequilibrium quantum thermodynamics in Coulomb crystals
F. Cosco, M. Borrelli, P. Silvi, S. Maniscalco, and G. De Chiara
Phys. Rev. A 95, 063615 (2017)

Nonexponential Decoherence and Subdiffusion in Atom-Optics Kicked Rotor
Sumit Sarkar, Sanku Paul, Chetan Vishwakarma, Sunil Kumar, Gunjan Verma, M. Sainath, Umakant D. Rapol, and M. S. Santhanam
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 174101 (2017)

Optimal joint measurements of complementary observables by a single trapped ion
T P Xiong, L L Yan, Z H Ma, F Zhou, L Chen, W L Yang, M Feng and P Busch
New J. Phys. 19 063032 (2017)

Protected ultrastrong coupling regime of the two-photon quantum Rabi model with trapped ions
Ricardo Puebla, Myung-Joong Hwang, Jorge Casanova, and Martin B. Plenio
Phys. Rev. A 95, 063844 (2017)

Quantum Synchronization Blockade: Energy Quantization Hinders Synchronization of Identical Oscillators
Niels Lörch, Simon E. Nigg, Andreas Nunnenkamp, Rakesh P. Tiwari, and Christoph Bruder
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 243602 (2017)

Single Strontium Rydberg Ion Confined in a Paul Trap
Gerard Higgins, Weibin Li, Fabian Pokorny, Chi Zhang, Florian Kress, Christine Maier, Johannes Haag, Quentin Bodart, Igor Lesanovsky, and Markus Hennrich
Phys. Rev. X 7, 021038 (2017)

Spectral properties of trapped two-level ions interacting with quantized fields
N. Yazdanpanah and M. K. Tavassoly
Phys. Rev. A 95, 063815 (2017)

The shape of spectral lines of two-electron Rydberg atoms/ions: analytical solution
E Oks
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50 115001 (2017)

Third-harmonic-generation of a diode laser for quantum control of beryllium ions
Carollo, Ryan A.; Lane, David A.; Kleiner, Edward K.; Kyaw, Phyo Aung; Teng, Chu C.; Ou, Celia Y.; Qiao, Shenglan; Hanneke, David
Optics Express 25, pp. 7220-7229 (2017)

Trapped Ions in Rydberg-Dressed Atomic Gases
T. Secker, N. Ewald, J. Joger, H. Fürst, T. Feldker, and R. Gerritsma
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 263201 (2017)

Overlapping photo-ionized doubly excited resonance series for Li+ ion
T K Fang, X Gao and T N Chang
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50 115005 (2017)

UV-sensitive superconducting nanowire single photon detectors for integration in an ion trap
Slichter, D. H.; Verma, V. B.; Leibfried, D.; Mirin, R. P.; Nam, S. W.; Wineland, D. J.
Optics Express 25(8) 8705-8720, 2017



Dynamical ion transfer between coupled Coulomb crystals in a double well potential
Andrea Klumpp, Alexandra Zampetaki, Peter Schmelcher
Experimental quantum verification in the presence of temporally correlated noise
S. Mavadia, C. L. Edmunds, C. Hempel, H. Ball, F.Roy, T. M. Stace, M. J. Biercuk

Fast and Robust Two-Qubit Gates with Microwave-Driven Trapped Ions
I. Arrazola, J. Casanova, J. S. Pedernales, Z.-Y. Wang, E. Solano, M. B. Plenio

Fast dynamical decoupling of the Molmer-Sorensen entangling gate
Tom Manovitz, Amit Rotem, Ravid Shaniv, Itsik Cohen, Yotam Shapira, Nitzan Akerman, Alex Retzker, Roee Ozeri

High-Fidelity, Single-Shot, Quantum-Logic-Assisted Readout in a Mixed-Species Ion Chain
Colin Bruzewicz, Robert McConnell, Jonathon Sedlacek, Jules Stuart, William Loh, Jeremy Sage, John Chiaverini

Many-body localization dynamics from gauge invariance
Marlon Brenes, Marcello Dalmonte, Markus Heyl, Antonello Scardicchio

Nonequilibrium quantum dynamics of many-body systems
Lea F. Santos, E. Jonathan Torres-Herrera

Reconstruction of the stochastic quantum entropy production to probe irreversibility and correlations
Stefano Gherardini, Matthias M. Müller, Andrea Trombettoni, Stefano Ruffo, Filippo Caruso

Revealing quantum statistics with a pair of distant atoms
C. F. Roos, A. Alberti, D. Meschede, P. Hauke, H. Häffner

Single-atom heat machines enabled by energy quantization
David Gelbwaser-Klimovsky, Alexei Bylinskii, Dorian Gangloff, Rajibul Islam, Alán Aspuru-Guzik, Vladan Vuletic

Single-shot energy measurement of a single atom and the direct reconstruction of its energy distribution
Ziv Meir, Tomas Sikorsky, Nitzan Akerman, Ruti Ben-shlomi, Meirav Pinkas, Roee Ozeri

Spectroscopy of a synthetic trapped ion qubit
David Hucul, Justin E. Christensen, Eric R. Hudson, Wesley C. Campbell

Sustained state-independent quantum contextual correlations from a single ion
F. M. Leupold, M. Malinowski, C. Zhang, V. Negnevitsky, J. Alonso, A. Cabello, J. P. Home

The collisional frequency shift of a trapped-ion optical clock
Amar C. Vutha, Tom Kirchner, Pierre Dubé

The effect of atomic response time in the theory of Doppler cooling of trapped ions
H. Janacek, A. M. Steane, D. M. Lucas, D. N. Stacey

Topological edge states in periodically-driven trapped-ion chains
Pedro Nevado, Samuel Fernández-Lorenzo, Diego Porras

ITN Newsletter – May 2017

Dear all,

already a couple of weeks ago, the ion trapper pioneer Hans Dehmelt passed way at the age of 94. Many of us have met him or at least heard different anecdotes about a colourful person. His contributions to the ion trapping field are numerous and still of high interest. Obituaries have been published by his university (LINK) and Peter Toschek in Nature (HERE).

Your editorial team



The deadline for the special issue of the Journal of Modern Optics in memory of Danny Segal has been extended to 30 June 2017. More info


7th International workshop on Electrostatic Storage Devices  will be held in Lyon, France, from June 19th  to June 22nd, 2017. LINK

International Workshop on  Charge Impurities in Cold Atomic and Molecular Systems, which will be hosted by ITAMP in Cambridge, MA from July 19th to 21st, 2017. LINK

ACES workshop: Fundamental and applied science with clocks and cold atoms in space, that will take place on June 29-30 2017 at the University of Zürich in Switzerland. Details

EFTF – IFCS 2017, 9-13 July 2017, Besançon, France Details


12th International Workshop on Non-neutral Plasmas to be held 10-13 July 2017 in Appleton, Wisconsin; LINK


ColdBeams 2017 – Conference on ultracold ion and electron beams, July 10-12, 2017, Eindhoven, the Netherlands Details


49th EGAS at Durham University in the UK, July 17 – 21. LINK


Nordita Workshop on “Topological Phases in Cold Atom Systems” (including trapped ions), July 31 – Aug 18, 2017, Stockholm, Sweden, Details

1st North American Conference on Trapped Ions, August 14-18, 2017, NIST Boulder Campus, Colorado/USA, Registration now OPEN  LINK

Winter School on Physics with Trapped Charged Particles, Les Houches, France, January 8-19, 2018  LINK



Postdoc and PhD positions on 1S-2S spectroscopy in He+ (Proton Radius Puzzle) in Amsterdam, LaserLaB Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands LINK

Quantum Algorithm Designer: IonQ, Inc. in College Park, Maryland.  Details

1 Post-doc and 4 Ph.D. students on the development of the optical atomic clock mission on the ISS (ISOC), Universität Düsseldorf. Details:


Research Physicist in quantum technology development with trapped ions, ultracold atoms, or Rydberg atoms at ColdQuanta, Inc. in Boulder, Colorado, US.  More info here and here.


PhD position in optical frequency metrology – developping an ultra-stable cryogenic Fabry-Perot cavities, Institut FEMTO-ST, Besançon, details can be found at


2 Postdoc positions in experimental physics in the field of optical clocks  at PTB Braunschweig  LINK1 and LINK2  More information about the group HERE


Research Fellow in Portable Atomic Clocks, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sussex. Details

Postdoctoral researcher in the Metrology, Molecules and Fundamental Tests group (Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Université Paris 13) to work on ultrastable frequency transfer with optical fiber links. Details


Post-Doc in Paris (LNE-SYRTE/Observatoire de Paris) on Nano-mechanical hybrid quantum systems based on rare-earth doped crystals  Details


Post-Doc in Paris (LNE-SYRTE/Observatoire de Paris) on Ultra-stable laser based on spectral-hole burning in rare-earthdoped cristal for application to optical lattice clocks Details


Post-doctoral research fellow: At the centre for Quantum Technologies, NUS, Singapore in the group of Manas Mukherjee. Details


You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to

A Study on Fast Gates for Large-Scale Quantum Simulation with Trapped Ions
Richard L. Taylor, Christopher D. B. Bentley, Julen S. Pedernales, Lucas Lamata, Enrique Solano, André R. R. Carvalho, Joseph J. Hope
Scientific Reports 7, (12 April 2017)

Experimental Demonstration of a Cheap and Accurate Phase Estimation
Kenneth Rudinger, Shelby Kimmel, Daniel Lobser, and Peter Maunz
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 190502 (2017)

Experimental quantum compressed sensing for a seven-qubit system
C. A. Riofrío, D. Gross, S. T. Flammia, T. Monz, D. Nigg, R. Blatt, J. Eisert
Nature Communications 8, (17 May 2017)

Fast ion swapping for quantum-information processing
H. Kaufmann, T. Ruster, C. T. Schmiegelow, M. A. Luda, V. Kaushal, J. Schulz, D. von Lindenfels, F. Schmidt-Kaler, and U. G. Poschinger
Phys. Rev. A 95, 052319 (2017)

Fate of a discrete time crystal in an open system
Achilleas Lazarides and Roderich Moessner
Phys. Rev. B 95, 195135 (2017)

Hybrid annealing: Coupling a quantum simulator to a classical computer
Tobias Graß and Maciej Lewenstein
Phys. Rev. A 95, 052309 (2017)

Loading a linear Paul trap to saturation from a magneto-optical trap
J. E. Wells, R. Blümel, J. M. Kwolek, D. S. Goodman, and W. W. Smith
Phys. Rev. A 95, 053416 (2017)

Measuring out-of-time-order correlations and multiple quantum spectra in a trapped-ion quantum magnet
Martin Gärttner, Justin G. Bohnet, Arghavan Safavi-Naini, Michael L. Wall, John J. Bollinger, Ana Maria Rey
Nature Physics (22 May 2017)

Preparation and coherent manipulation of pure quantum states of a single molecular ion
Chin-wen Chou, Christoph Kurz, David B. Hume, Philipp N. Plessow, David R. Leibrandt, Dietrich Leibfried
Nature 545, 203-207 (10 May 2017)

Probing nanofriction and Aubry-type signatures in a finite self-organized system
J. Kiethe, R. Nigmatullin, D. Kalincev, T. Schmirander, T. E. Mehlstäubler
Nature Communications 8, (15 May 2017)

Quantum simulation: Probing information scrambling
Monika Schleier-Smith
Nature Physics (22 May 2017)

The shape of spectral lines of two-electron Rydberg atoms/ions: analytical solution
E Oks
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50 115001

Typical Relaxation of Isolated Many-Body Systems Which Do Not Thermalize
Ben N. Balz and Peter Reimann
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 190601 (2017)



Assessing the progress of trapped-ion processors towards fault-tolerant quantum computation
A. Bermudez, X. Xu, R. Nigmatullin, J. O’Gorman, V. Negnevitsky, P. Schindler, T. Monz, U. G. Poschinger, C. Hempel, J. Home, F. Schmidt-Kaler, M. Biercuk, R. Blatt, S. Benjamin, M. Müller

Cavity-induced anti-correlated photon emission rates of a single ion
Hiroki Takahashi, Ezra Kassa, Costas Christoforou, Matthias Keller

Cooling of trapped ions by resonant charge exchange
Sourav Dutta, S. A. Rangwala

Doppler cooling thermometry of a multi-level ion in the presence of micromotion
Tomas Sikorsky, Ziv Meir, Nitzan Akerman, Ruti Ben-shlomi, Roee Ozeri

Experimental apparatus for overlapping a ground-state cooled ion with ultracold atoms
Ziv Meir, Tomas Sikorsky, Ruti Ben-shlomi, Nitzan Akerman, Meirav Pinkas, Yehonatan Dallal, Roee Ozeri

Measurements of trap dynamics of cold OH molecules using resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization
John M. Gray, Jason Bossert, Yomay Shyur, H. J. Lewandowski

Micromotion-enabled improvement of quantum logic gates with trapped ions
Alejandro Bermudez, Philipp Schindler, Thomas Monz, Rainer Blatt, Markus Müller

Multislip Friction with a Single Ion
Ian Counts, Dorian Gangloff, Alexei Bylinskii, Joonseok Hur, Rajibul Islam, Vladan Vuletic

Nonclassical light from large ensemble of trapped ions
Petr Obšil, Lukáš Lachman, Tuan Pham, Adam Lešundák, V. Hucl, M.Čížek, Jan Hrabina, Ondřej Číp, Lukáš Slodička, Radim Filip

Nonequilibrium dynamics of spin-boson models from phase space methods
A. Piñeiro Orioli, A. Safavi-Naini, M. L. Wall, A. M. Rey

Prethermal Strong Zero Modes and Topological Qubits
Dominic V. Else, Paul Fendley, Jack Kemp, Chetan Nayak

Prospects for a bad cavity laser using a large ion crystal
Georgy A. Kazakov, Justin Bohnet, Thorsten Schumm

Quantum Spin Lenses in Atomic Arrays
A. W. Glaetzle, K. Ender, D. S. Wild, S. Choi, H. Pichler, M. D. Lukin, P. Zoller

Sideband cooling of small ion Coulomb crystals in a Penning trap
G. Stutter, P. Hrmo, V. Jarlaud, M. K. Joshi, J. F. Goodwin, R. C. Thompson

Symmetry breaking in linear multipole traps
J Pedregosa-Gutierrez, C Champenois, MR Kamsap, G Hagel, M Houssin, M Knoop

Typical Relaxation of Isolated Many-Body Systems Which Do Not Thermalize
Ben N. Balz, Peter Reimann


ITN Newsletter – April 2017

Dear all,

we’ll be returning to Les Houches for the third edition of our Winter School. The Physics Centre will welcome us after a complete renovation from 8-19 January 2018. We have kept our well-appreciated formula of lectures during the day, exercises and posters after dinner, and long lunch breaks for scientific discussions and some skiing. Places are limited, so watch out for the registration !

Your editorial team



The deadline for the special issue of the Journal of Modern Optics in memory of Danny Segal has been extended to 30 June 2017. More info

New Journal of Physics Early Career Award—nominations are now open
Why don’t you nominate an ion trapper ???   Details


Precision Physics, Quantum Electrodynamics and Fundamental Interactions, April 30th to May 5th 2017 in Cargese, France. LINK


Spectroscopy, Dynamics and Applications of Cold Molecular Ions, May 28th to June 2d 2017 at Ecole de physique des Houches, Haute-Savoie, France. Details


7th International workshop on Electrostatic Storage Devices  will be held in Lyon, France, from June 19th  to June 22nd, 2017. LINK

International Workshop on  Charge Impurities in Cold Atomic and Molecular Systems, which will be hosted by ITAMP in Cambridge, MA from July 19th to 21st, 2017. LINK

ACES workshop: Fundamental and applied science with clocks and cold atoms in space, that will take place on June 29-30 2017 at the University of Zürich in Switzerland. Details

EFTF – IFCS 2017, 9-13 July 2017, Besançon, France Details


12th International Workshop on Non-neutral Plasmas to be held 10-13 July 2017 in Appleton, Wisconsin; LINK


ColdBeams 2017 – Conference on ultracold ion and electron beams, July 10-12, 2017, Eindhoven, the Netherlands Details


49th EGAS at Durham University in the UK, July 17 – 21. LINK


Nordita Workshop on “Topological Phases in Cold Atom Systems” (including trapped ions), July 31 – Aug 18, 2017, Stockholm, Sweden, Details

1st North American Conference on Trapped Ions, August 14-18, 2017, NIST Boulder Campus, Colorado/USA, LINK

Winter School on Physics with Trapped Charged Particles, Les Houches, France, January 8-19, 2018  LINK



1 Post-doc and 4 Ph.D. students on the development of the optical atomic clock mission on the ISS (ISOC), Universität Düsseldorf. Details:


Research Scientists – Ion Microtrap Devices at the National Physical Laboratory, UK
2 positions available and closing date is 18 May.   For more details contact

PhD position in optical frequency metrology – developping an ultra-stable cryogenic Fabry-Perot cavities, Institut FEMTO-ST, Besançon, details can be found at


PhD and a postdoc position in precise spectroscopic measurements and tests of fundamental physics with cold polyatomic molecules, and in particular on a test of the parity symmetry using chiral molecules at LPL, Villetaneuse (Paris), France. Ads adverts can be found here (PhD) and there (postdoc).


2 Postdoc positions in experimental physics in the field of optical clocks  at PTB Braunschweig  LINK1 and LINK2  More information about the group HERE


Research Fellow in Portable Atomic Clocks, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sussex. Details

Postdoctoral researcher in the Metrology, Molecules and Fundamental Tests group (Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Université Paris 13) to work on ultrastable frequency transfer with optical fiber links. Details

Post-Doc in Paris (LNE-SYRTE/Observatoire de Paris) on Nano-mechanical hybrid quantum systems based on rare-earth doped crystals  Details


Post-Doc in Paris (LNE-SYRTE/Observatoire de Paris) on Ultra-stable laser based on spectral-hole burning in rare-earthdoped cristal for application to optical lattice clocks Details

Post-doctoral research fellow: At the centre for Quantum Technologies, NUS, Singapore in the group of Manas Mukherjee. Details


You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to


Ab initio study of laser cooling of AlF+ and AlCl+ molecular ions
Shu-Ying Kang, Fang-Guang Kuang, Gang Jiang, Dong-Bo Li, Ying Luo, Peng Feng-Hui, Wang Li-Ping, Wen-Qiang Hu and Yi-Cong Shao
2017 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50 105103

Annexing magic and tune-out wavelengths to the clock transitions of the alkaline-earth-metal ions
Jasmeet Kaur, Sukhjit Singh, Bindiya Arora, and B. K. Sahoo
Phys. Rev. A 95, 042501 (2017)

Electron-impact single and double ionization of the Mn2+, Mn3+ and Mn4+ atomic ions
M S Pindzola and S D Loch
2017 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50 085203

Improved Sensing with a Single Qubit
P. Sekatski, M. Skotiniotis, and W. Dür
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 170801 (2017)

Laser controlled charge-transfer reaction at low temperatures
Alexander Petrov, Constantinos Makrides, and Svetlana Kotochigova
The Journal of Chemical Physics 146, 084304 (2017)

Multicritical behavior in dissipative Ising models
Vincent R. Overbeck, Mohammad F. Maghrebi, Alexey V. Gorshkov, and Hendrik Weimer
Phys. Rev. A 95, 042133 (2017)

Nonclassical and semiclassical para-Bose states
C. Huerta Alderete, Liliana Villanueva Vergara, and B. M. Rodríguez-Lara
Phys. Rev. A 95, 043835 (2017)

Quantum Simulation of Generic Many-Body Open System Dynamics Using Classical Noise
A. Chenu, M. Beau, J. Cao, and A. del Campo
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 140403 (2017)

Optical spectroscopy of complex open-4d-shell ions Sn7+–Sn10+
F. Torretti, A. Windberger, A. Ryabtsev, S. Dobrodey, H. Bekker, W. Ubachs, R. Hoekstra, E. V. Kahl, J. C. Berengut, J. R. Crespo López-Urrutia, and O. O. Versolato
Phys. Rev. A 95, 042503 (2017)

Optimised surface-electrode ion-trap junctions for experiments with cold molecular ions
A Mokhberi, R Schmied and S Willitsch
2017 New J. Phys. 19 043023

Photoionization of tungsten ions: experiment and theory for ${{\rm{W}}}^{4+}$
A Müller, S Schippers, J Hellhund, A L D Kilcoyne, R A Phaneuf and B M McLaughlin
2017 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50 085007

Probing the structure of stretched molecular ions with high-harmonic spectroscopy
W Y Li, S Wang, Y Z Shi, S P Yang and Y J Chen
2017 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50 085003

Quantum state preparation of homonuclear molecular ions enabled via a cold buffer gas: An ab initio study for the H2+ and the D2+ case
S. Schiller, I. Kortunov, M. Hernández Vera, F. Gianturco, and H. da Silva, Jr.
Phys. Rev. A 95, 043411 (2017)

Quantum Zeno and anti-Zeno effects in quantum dissipative systems
Wei Wu and Hai-Qing Lin
Phys. Rev. A 95, 042132 (2017)

Reconstruction of the Jaynes-Cummings field state of ionic motion in a harmonic trap
Dingshun Lv, Shuoming An, Mark Um, Junhua Zhang, Jing-Ning Zhang, M. S. Kim, and Kihwan Kim
Phys. Rev. A 95, 043813 (2017)

Relation between quantum fluctuations and the performance enhancement of quantum annealing in a nonstoquastic Hamiltonian
Yuki Susa, Johann F. Jadebeck, and Hidetoshi Nishimori
Phys. Rev. A 95, 042321 (2017)

Rotationally inelastic collisions of H2+ ions with He buffer gas: Computing cross sections and rates
M. Hernández Vera, F. A. Gianturco, R. Wester, H. da Silva Jr., O. Dulieu, S. Schiller,
J. Chemical Physics 146, 124310 (2017)

Superstatistical Energy Distributions of an Ion in an Ultracold Buffer Gas
I. Rouse and S. Willitsch
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 143401 (2017)



A single-atom 3D sub-attonewton force sensor
V. Blūms, M. Piotrowski, M. I. Hussain, B. G. Norton, S. C. Connell, S. Gensemer, M. Lobino, E. W. Streed

Anomalous dynamical phase in quantum spin chains with long-range interactions
Ingo Homrighausen, Nils O. Abeling, Valentin Zauner-Stauber, Jad C. Halimeh

A precision measurement of the electron’s electric dipole moment using trapped molecular ions
William B. Cairncross, Daniel N. Gresh, Matt Grau, Kevin C. Cossel, Tanya S. Roussy, Yiqi Ni, Yan Zhou, Jun Ye, Eric A. Cornell

Application of optimal band-limited control protocols to quantum noise sensing
V. M. Frey, S. Mavadia, L. M. Norris, W. de Ferranti, D. Lucarelli, L. Viola, M. J. Biercuk

Complete 3-Qubit Grover Search on a Programmable Quantum Computer
C. Figgatt, D. Maslov, K. A. Landsman, N. M. Linke, S. Debnath, C. Monroe

Extraction of the electron mass from g factor measurements on light hydrogenlike ions
J. Zatorski, B. Sikora, S. G. Karshenboim, S. Sturm, F. Köhler-Langes, K. Blaum, C. H. Keitel, Z. Harman

Floquet time-crystal in the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model
Angelo Russomanno, Fernando Iemini, Marcello Dalmonte, Rosario Fazio

Entanglement-based dc magnetometry with separated ions
T. Ruster, H. Kaufmann, M. A. Luda, V. Kaushal, C. T. Schmiegelow, F. Schmidt-Kaler, U. G. Poschinger

High-Fidelity preservation of quantum information during trapped ion transport
Peter Kaufmann, Timm F. Gloger, Delia Kaufmann, Michael Johanning, Christof Wunderlich

Lattice Gauge Quantum Simulation via State-Dependent Hopping
A. S. Dehkharghani, E. Rico, N. T. Zinner, A. Negretti

Multi-speed prethermalization in spin models with power-law decaying interactions
Irénée Frérot, Piero Naldesi, Tommaso Roscilde

Noise analysis for the ion trap implementation of the quantum Rabi model in the the deep strong coupling regime
Ricardo Puebla, Jorge Casanova, Martin B. Plenio

Non-equilibrium quantum thermodynamics in Coulomb crystals
F. Cosco, M. Borrelli, P. Silvi, S. Maniscalco, G. De Chiara

Non-thermalization in trapped atomic ion spin chains
P. W. Hess, P. Becker, H. B. Kaplan, A. Kyprianidis, A. C. Lee, B. Neyenhuis, G. Pagano, P. Richerme, C. Senko, J. Smith, W. L. Tan, J. Zhang, C. Monroe

Probing the orientation and spatial correlations of dipole fluctuators on the surfaces of ion traps
F. Galve, J. Alonso, R. Zambrini

Prospect for bad cavity laser on large ion crystal
Georgy A. Kazakov, Justin Bohnet, Thorsten Schumm

Protected ultrastrong coupling regime of the two-photon quantum Rabi model with trapped ions
Ricardo Puebla, Myung-Joong Hwang, Jorge Casanova, Martin B. Plenio

Quantum sensors for the generating functional of interacting quantum field theories
A. Bermudez, G. Aarts, M. Müller

Quantum stability of an ion in a Paul trap revisited
A. Hashemloo, C. M. Dion

Simple magnetometry with single ion
Swarup Das, Peiliang Liu, Benoit Grémaud, Manas Mukherjee

Simulating spin-boson models with trapped ions
Andreas Lemmer, Cecilia Cormick, Dario Tamascelli, Tobias Schaetz, Susana F. Huelga, Martin B. Plenio

Spectroscopy and Transport of Discrete Solitons in Ion Crystals
J. Brox, P. Kiefer, M. Bujak, H. Landa, T. Schaetz

Universal MBQC with Mølmer-Sørensen interactions and two measurement bases
Aleks Kissinger, John van de Wetering


ITN Newsletter – March 2017

Dear all,

you’ll find a whole bunch of new announcements in the “job section”, please be aware that deadlines might be close !
As a general information for all potential future announcers: we try to send the newsletter in the last days of each month, and normally we also try to avoid sending messages between two monthly issues – except in case of breaking news, extremely urgent annoucements, or our own mistakes 😉

Your editorial team



The deadline for the special issue of the Journal of Modern Optics in memory of Danny Segal has been extended to 30 June 2017. More info

New Journal of Physics Early Career Award—nominations are now open
Why don’t you nominate an ion trapper ???   Details


Precision Physics, Quantum Electrodynamics and Fundamental Interactions, April 30th to May 5th 2017 in Cargese, France. LINK


Spectroscopy, Dynamics and Applications of Cold Molecular Ions, May 28th to June 2d 2017 at Ecole de physique des Houches, Haute-Savoie, France. Details


7th International workshop on Electrostatic Storage Devices  will be held in Lyon, France, from June 19th  to June 22nd, 2017. LINK

International Workshop on  Charge Impurities in Cold Atomic and Molecular Systems, which will be hosted by ITAMP in Cambridge, MA from July 19th to 21st, 2017. LINK

ACES workshop: Fundamental and applied science with clocks and cold atoms in space, that will take place on June 29-30 2017 at the University of Zürich in Switzerland. Details

EFTF – IFCS 2017, 9-13 July 2017, Besançon, France Details


12th International Workshop on Non-neutral Plasmas to be held 10-13 July 2017 in Appleton, Wisconsin; LINK


ColdBeams 2017 – Conference on ultracold ion and electron beams, July 10-12, 2017, Eindhoven, the Netherlands Details


49th EGAS at Durham University in the UK, July 17 – 21. LINK


Nordita Workshop on “Topological Phases in Cold Atom Systems” (including trapped ions), July 31 – Aug 18, 2017, Stockholm, Sweden, Details

1st North American Conference on Trapped Ions, August 14-18, 2017, NIST Boulder Campus, Colorado/USA, LINK



Postdoc position in optical atomic clocks with trapped ions, at the National Physical Laboratory, UK.
Fixed term: 3 years.  The closing date is 6th April 2017.  The advertisement can be seen here For more details, contact


PhD and a postdoc position in precise spectroscopic measurements and tests of fundamental physics with cold polyatomic molecules, and in particular on a test of the parity symmetry using chiral molecules at LPL, Villetaneuse (Paris), France. Ads adverts can be found here (PhD) and there (postdoc).


2 Postdoc positions in experimental physics in the field of optical clocks  at PTB Braunschweig  LINK1 and LINK2  More information about the group HERE


Research Fellow in Portable Atomic Clocks, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sussex. Details

Postdoctoral researcher in the Metrology, Molecules and Fundamental Tests group (Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Université Paris 13) to work on ultrastable frequency transfer with optical fiber links. Details

Post-Doc in Paris (LNE-SYRTE/Observatoire de Paris) on Nano-mechanical hybrid quantum systems based on rare-earth doped crystals  Details


Post-Doc in Paris (LNE-SYRTE/Observatoire de Paris) on Ultra-stable laser based on spectral-hole burning in rare-earthdoped cristal for application to optical lattice clocks Details

Post-doctoral research fellow: At the centre for Quantum Technologies, NUS, Singapore in the group of Manas Mukherjee. Details


Professor in Experimental Quantum Physics, University of Vienna, LINK



You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to


A compact, transportable single-ion optical clock with 7.8 × 10−17 systematic uncertainty
J. Cao, P. Zhang, J. Shang, K. Cui, J. Yuan, S. Chao, S. Wang, H. Shu
Appl. Phys. B (2017) 123: 112.

An in situ trap capacitance measurement and ion-trapping detection scheme for a Penning ion trap facility
Ashif Reza, Kumardeb Banerjee, Parnika Das, Kalyankumar Ray, Subhankar Bandyopadhyay, and Bivas Dam
Review of Scientific Instruments 88, 034705 (2017)

Cavity-induced backaction in Purcell-enhanced photon emission of a single ion in an ultraviolet fiber cavity
T. G. Ballance, H. M. Meyer, P. Kobel, K. Ott, J. Reichel, and M. Köhl
Phys. Rev. A 95, 033812 (2017)

Chained Bell Inequality Experiment with High-Efficiency Measurements
T. R. Tan, Y. Wan, S. Erickson, P. Bierhorst, D. Kienzler, S. Glancy, E. Knill, D. Leibfried, and D. J. Wineland
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 130403 (2017)

Collisional Cooling of Light Ions by Cotrapped Heavy Atoms
Sourav Dutta, Rahul Sawant, and S. A. Rangwala
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 113401 (2017)

Critical phenomena and Kibble–Zurek scaling in the long-range quantum Ising chain
Daniel Jaschke, Kenji Maeda, Joseph D Whalen, Michael L Wall and Lincoln D Carr
2017 New J. Phys. 19 033032

Detecting continuous spontaneous localization with charged bodies in a Paul trap
Ying Li, Andrew M. Steane, Daniel Bedingham, and G. Andrew D. Briggs
Phys. Rev. A 95, 032112 (2017)

Dynamical normal modes for time-dependent Hamiltonians in two dimensions
I. Lizuain, M. Palmero, and J. G. Muga
Phys. Rev. A 95, 022130 (2017)

Electron-impact single and double ionization of the Mn2+, Mn3+ and Mn4+ atomic ions
M S Pindzola and S D Loch
2017 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50 085203

Electron spin resonance from NV centers in diamonds levitating in an ion trap
T Delord, L Nicolas, L Schwab and G Hétet
2017 New J. Phys. 19 033031

Enhancing the fidelity of two-qubit gates by measurements
Tuvia Gefen, Daniel Cohen, Itsik Cohen, and Alex Retzker
Phys. Rev. A 95, 032314 (2017)

Equivalence between spin Hamiltonians and boson sampling
Borja Peropadre, Alán Aspuru-Guzik, and Juan José García-Ripoll
Phys. Rev. A 95, 032327 (2017)

Internal conversion from excited electronic states of 229Th ions
Pavlo V. Bilous, Georgy A. Kazakov, Iain D. Moore, Thorsten Schumm, and Adriana Pálffy
Phys. Rev. A 95, 032503 (2017)

Laser ablation production of Ba, Ca, Dy, Er, La, Lu, and Yb ions
S. Olmschenk, P. Becker
Appl. Phys. B (2017) 123: 99

Measurement-induced operation of two-ion quantum heat machines
Suman Chand and Asoka Biswas
Phys. Rev. E 95, 032111 (2017)

Noncommutative geometry of Zitterbewegung
Michał Eckstein, Nicolas Franco, and Tomasz Miller
Phys. Rev. D 95, 061701(R) (2017)

Observation of a discrete time crystal
J. Zhang, P. W. Hess, A. Kyprianidis, P. Becker, A. Lee, J. Smith, G. Pagano, I.-D. Potirniche, A. C. Potter, A. Vishwanath, N.Y.Yao, and C. Monroe
Nature 543, 217-220 (8 March 2017)

Probing the structure of stretched molecular ions with high-harmonic spectroscopy
W Y Li, S Wang, Y Z Shi, S P Yang and Y J Chen
2017 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50 085003

The quantum game
Nature Materials 16, 391 (2017)

Resolution-enhanced entanglement detection
Manuel Gessner, Luca Pezzè, and Augusto Smerzi
Phys. Rev. A 95, 032326 (2017)

Stimulated Raman adiabatic passage in physics, chemistry, and beyond
Nikolay V. Vitanov, Andon A. Rangelov, Bruce W. Shore, and Klaas Bergmann
Rev. Mod. Phys. 89, 015006 (2017)

Steady-state spin synchronization through the collective motion of trapped ions
Athreya Shankar, John Cooper, Justin G. Bohnet, John J. Bollinger, and Murray Holland
Phys. Rev. A 95, 033423 (2017)


A single-atom 3D sub-attonewton force sensor
V. Blūms, M. Piotrowski, M. I. Hussain, B. G. Norton, S. C. Connell, S. Gensemer, M. Lobino, E. W. Streed

A solvable family of driven-dissipative many-body systems
Michael Foss-Feig, Jeremy T. Young, Victor V. Albert, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Mohammad F. Maghrebi

Amplitude sensing below the zero-point fluctuations with a two-dimensional trapped-ion mechanical oscillator
K. A. Gilmore, J. G. Bohnet, B. C. Sawyer, J. W. Britton, J. J. Bollinger

Anomalous dynamical phase in quantum spin chains with long-range interactions
Ingo Homrighausen, Nils O. Abeling, Valentin Zauner-Stauber, Jad C. Halimeh

Annexing magic and tune-out wavelengths to the clock transitions of the alkaline-earth metal ions
Jasmeet Kaur, Sukhjit Singh, Bindiya Arora, B. K. Sahoo

Autonomous Quantum Error Correction and Application to Quantum Sensing with Trapped Ions

F. Reiter, A. S. Sørensen, P. Zoller, C. A. Muschik

Complete 3-Qubit Grover Search on a Programmable Quantum Computer
C. Figgatt, D. Maslov, K. A. Landsman, N. M. Linke, S. Debnath, C. Monroe

Cross-Kerr nonlinearity for phonon counting
Shiqian Ding, Gleb Maslennikov, Roland Hablutzel, Dzmitry Matsukevich

Entropy production and time-asymmetry in the presence of strong interactions
Harry J. D. Miller, Janet Anders

Frequency measurement of the clock transition of an indium ion sympathetically-cooled in a linear trap
Nozomi Ohtsubo, Ying Li, Kensuke Matsubara, Tetsuya Ido, Kazuhiro Hayasaka

Mass Defect Effects in Atomic Clocks
V. I. Yudin, A. V. Taichenachev

Probing the orientation and spatial correlations of dipole fluctuators on the surfaces of ion traps
F. Galve, J. Alonso, R. Zambrini

Protected ultrastrong coupling regime of the two-photon quantum Rabi model with trapped ions
Ricardo Puebla, Myung-Joong Hwang, Jorge Casanova, Martin B. Plenio

Quantum absorption refrigerator with trapped ions
Gleb Maslennikov, Shiqian Ding, Roland Hablutzel, Jaren Gan, Alexandre Roulet, Stefan Nimmrichter, Jibo Dai, Valerio Scarani, Dzmitry Matsukevich

Quantum stability of an ion in a Paul trap revisited
A. Hashemloo, C. M. Dion

Quantum synchronization blockade: Energy quantization hinders synchronization of identical oscillators
Niels Lörch, Simon E. Nigg, Andreas Nunnenkamp, Rakesh P. Tiwari, Christoph Bruder

Superstatistical energy distributions of an ion in an ultracold buffer gas
I. Rouse, S. Willitsch

Tailored codes for small quantum memories
Alan Robertson, Christopher Granade, Stephen D. Bartlett, Steven T. Flammia

Unraveling the Structure of Ultracold Mesoscopic Molecular Ions
J.M. Schurer, A. Negretti, P. Schmelcher


ITN Newsletter – February 2017

Dear all,

ion trappers are social people and love to discuss their business. ECTI is spreading over the continents and has given birth to a brand-new meeting, which will be held for the first time in Boulder this summer: the North American Conference on Trapped Ions (see link in the event section). Hopefully, you’ll be numerous to attend this conference, and don’t forget that ECTI will be back in fall 2018 in Israel !

Your editorial team



ARTIQ (Advanced Real-Time Infrastructure for Quantum physics) is a next-generation control system for quantum information experiments. It is being developed by M-Labs  in partnership with the Ion Storage Group at NIST, and its applicability reaches beyond ion trapping. You will find details HERE

In memory of Professor Danny Segal, a special issue of the Journal of Modern Optics will be dedicated to his research interests and short reminiscences of him. Selected papers from the 2016 European Conference on Trapped Ions, with which Danny was closely associated, will form part of this special issue. More info


OSA Quantum Information and Measurement (QIM) – IV: Quantum Technologies, 5 – 7 April 2017
Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France LINK


Precision Physics, Quantum Electrodynamics and Fundamental Interactions, April 30th to May 5th 2017 in Cargese, France. LINK


Spectroscopy, Dynamics and Applications of Cold Molecular Ions, May 28th to June 2d 2017 at Ecole de physique des Houches, Haute-Savoie, France. Details


7th International workshop on Electrostatic Storage Devices  will be held in Lyon, France, from June 19th  to June 22nd, 2017. LINK

International Workshop on  Charge Impurities in Cold Atomic and Molecular Systems, which will be hosted by ITAMP in Cambridge, MA from July 19th to 21st, 2017. LINK

ACES workshop: Fundamental and applied science with clocks and cold atoms in space, that will take place on June 29-30 2017 at the University of Zürich in Switzerland. Details

EFTF – IFCS 2017, 9-13 July 2017, Besançon, France Details

12th International Workshop on Non-neutral Plasmas to be held 10-13 July 2017 in Appleton, Wisconsin; LINK


ColdBeams 2017 – Conference on ultracold ion and electron beams, July 10-12, 2017, Eindhoven, the Netherlands Details

49th EGAS at Durham University in the UK, July 17 – 21. LINK

Nordita Workshop on “Topological Phases in Cold Atom Systems” (including trapped ions), July 31 – Aug 18, 2017, Stockholm, Sweden, Details

1st North American Conference on Trapped Ions, August 14-18, 2017, NIST Boulder Campus, Colorado/USA, LINK



PhD position financed by the ‘AVA’ (Accelerators Validating Antimatter physics) programme which is part of the ‘Marie Curie Innovative Training Network’ (ITN) of the European Union (Horizon 2020). The position is financed for three years and is to start early in 2017. The offer has also been published on the EURAXESS job portal under id: 34117042. Contact or for details.


QUITEMAD+ research network seeks a young, motivated postdoctoral researcher that integrates in our group and contributes to our research in quantum technologies. DETAILS


You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to

A quantum transport model for atomic line radiation in plasmas
Joël Rosato
Eur. Phys. J. D (2017) 71: 28

Accuracy estimation of the O2+ transition frequencies targeting the search for the variation in the proton-electron mass ratio
Masatoshi Kajita
Phys. Rev. A 95, 023418 (2017)

Basic circuit compilation techniques for an ion-trap quantum machine
Dmitri Maslov
2017 New J. Phys. 19 023035

Blueprint for a microwave trapped ion quantum computer
Bjoern Lekitsch, Sebastian Weidt, Austin G. Fowler, Klaus Mølmer, Simon J. Devitt, Christof Wunderlich and Winfried K. Hensinger,
Science Advances 3, e1601540 (2017)

Demonstration of qubit operations below a rigorous fault tolerance threshold with gate set tomography
Robin Blume-Kohout, John King Gamble, Erik Nielsen, Kenneth Rudinger, Jonathan Mizrahi, Kevin Fortier & Peter Maunz
Nature Communications (2017) 8

Dynamical normal modes for time-dependent Hamiltonians in two dimensions
I. Lizuain, M. Palmero, and J. G. Muga
Phys. Rev. A 95, 022130 (2017)

E1, M1, E2 transition energies and probabilities of W54+ ions
Xiao-bin Ding, Rui Sun, Jia-xin Liu, Fumihiro Koike, Izumi Murakami, Daiji Kato, Hiroyuki A Sakaue, Nobuyuki Nakamura and Chen-zhong Dong
2017 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50 045004

Effects of weakly coupled and dense quantum plasmas environments on charge exchange and ionization processes in Na+ + Rb(5s) atom collisions
Mukesh Kumar Pandey, Yen-Chang Lin and Yew Kam Ho
Eur. Phys. J. D (2017) 71: 39

Electron momentum spectroscopy of H+2 in the presence of laser radiation
Andrew A. Bulychev and Konstantin A. Kouzakov
Eur. Phys. J. D (2017) 71: 23

Fast phase gates with trapped ions
M. Palmero, S. Martínez-Garaot, D. Leibfried, D. J. Wineland, and J. G. Muga
Phys. Rev. A 95, 022328 (2017)

High-fidelity spatial and polarization addressing of Ca qubits using near-field microwave control
D. P. L. Aude Craik, N. M. Linke, M. A. Sepiol, T. P. Harty, J. F. Goodwin, C. J. Ballance, D. N. Stacey, A. M. Steane, D. M. Lucas, and D. T. C. Allcock
Phys. Rev. A 95, 022337 (2017)

Hybrid quantum systems with trapped charged particles
Shlomi Kotler, Raymond W. Simmonds, Dietrich Leibfried, and David J. Wineland
Phys. Rev. A 95, 022327 (2017)

Physics: Optical transition seen in antihydrogen
Stefan Ulmer
Nature 541, 467-468 (26 January 2017)

Probing the Dynamics of a Superradiant Quantum Phase Transition with a Single Trapped Ion
Ricardo Puebla, Myung-Joong Hwang, Jorge Casanova, and Martin B. Plenio
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 073001 (2017)

Quantum implementation of the unitary coupled cluster for simulating molecular electronic structure
Yangchao Shen, Xiang Zhang, Shuaining Zhang, Jing-Ning Zhang, Man-Hong Yung, and Kihwan Kim
Phys. Rev. A 95, 020501(R) (2017)

Quenching a quantum critical state by the order parameter: Dynamical quantum phase transitions and quantum speed limits
Markus Heyl
Phys. Rev. B 95, 060504(R) (2017)

Quantum lock-in force sensing using optical clock Doppler velocimetry
Ravid Shaniv & Roee Ozeri
Nature Communications 8, 14157 (2017)

Realization of Translational Symmetry in Trapped Cold Ion Rings
Hao-Kun Li, Erik Urban, Crystal Noel, Alexander Chuang, Yang Xia, Anthony Ransford, Boerge Hemmerling, Yuan Wang, Tongcang Li, Hartmut Häffner, and Xiang Zhang
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 053001 (2017)

Response to a local quench of a system near the many-body localization transition
Canran Xu and Maxim G. Vavilov
Phys. Rev. B 95, 085139 (2017)

Robust state preparation in quantum simulations of Dirac dynamics
Xue-Ke Song, Fu-Guo Deng, Lucas Lamata, and J. G. Muga
Phys. Rev. A 95, 022332 (2017)

Single-ion microwave near-field quantum sensor
M. Wahnschaffe, H. Hahn, G. Zarantonello, T. Dubielzig, S. Grondkowski, et al
Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 034103 (2017);

Switchable particle statistics with an embedding quantum simulator
Xiao-Hang Cheng, Iñigo Arrazola, Julen S. Pedernales, Lucas Lamata, Xi Chen, and Enrique Solano
Phys. Rev. A 95, 022305 (2017)

Theoretical study of the alkaline-earth (LiBe)+ ion: structure, spectroscopy and dipole moments
C Ghanmi, M Farjallah and H Berriche
2017 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50 055101



A Quantum von Neumann Architecture for Large-Scale Quantum Computing in Systems with Long Coherence Times, such as Trapped Ions
Matthias F. Brandl

Dirac bi-spinor entanglement under local noise and its simulation by Jaynes-Cummings interactions
Victor A. S. V. Bittencourt, Alex E. Bernardini

Enhanced quantum sensing with multi-level structures of trapped ions
N. Aharon, M. Drewsen, A. Retzker

Experimental Comparison of Two Quantum Computing Architectures
N. M. Linke, D. Maslov, M. Roetteler, S. Debnath, C. Figgatt, K. A. Landsman, K. Wright, C. Monroe

Experimental demonstration of cheap and accurate phase estimation
Kenneth Rudinger, Shelby Kimmel, Daniel Lobser, Peter Maunz

Fault Tolerance with Bare Ancillae for a [[7,1,3]] Code
Muyuan Li, Mauricio Gutiérrez, Stanley E. David, Alonzo Hernandez, Kenneth R. Brown

Fokker-Planck formalism approach to Kibble-Zurek scaling laws and non-equilibrium dynamics
Ricardo Puebla, Ramil Nigmatullin, Tanja E. Mehlstäubler, Martin. B. Plenio

Ionic vibration induced transparency and Autler-Townes splitting
Wenjun Shao, Fei Wang, Xun-Li Feng, C. H. Oh

Multi-Species Trapped Ion Node for Quantum Networking
I. V. Inlek, C. Crocker, M. Lichtman, K. Sosnova, C. Monroe

Non-classical and semi-classical para-Bose states
C. Huerta Alderete, Liliana Villanueva Vergara, B. M. Rodríguez-Lara

One-dimensional quantum computing with a ‘segmented chain’ is feasible with today’s gate fidelities
Ying Li, Simon C. Benjamin

Parallel Position-Controlled Composite Quantum Logic Gates with Trapped Ions
Michael S. Gutierrez, Guang Hao Low, Richard Rines, Helena Zhang

Probing Quantum Memory Effects with High Resolution
Matthias Wittemer, Govinda Clos, Heinz-Peter Breuer, Ulrich Warring, Tobias Schaetz

Quantum simulation of molecular spectroscopy in trapped-ion device
Yangchao Shen, Joonsuk Huh, Yao Lu, Junhua Zhang, Kuan Zhang, Shuaining Zhang, Kihwan Kim

Revealing nonclassicality beyond Gaussian states via a single marginal distribution
Jiyong Park, Yao Lu, Jaehak Lee, Yangchao Shen, Kuan Zhang, Shuaining Zhang, M. Suhail Zubairy, Kihwan Kim, Hyunchul Nha

Strong coupling between a single NV spin and the torsional mode of diamonds levitating in an ion trap
T. Delord, L. Nicolas, Y. Chassagneux, G. Hétet

ITN Newsletter – January 2017

Dear all,

in order to archive the information of this newsletter and in particular the publication lists, we have replaced the old-non-working website, by a very simple

You will find a form for subscription to the newsletter, do not hesitate to forward it to your colleagues and students. If you receive this newsletter directly, no need to subscribe – of course!

There are still some holes in the website, information will be imported slowly. We will also try to have an actualized events and jobs list

Your editorial team



ARTIQ (Advanced Real-Time Infrastructure for Quantum physics) is a next-generation control system for quantum information experiments. It is being developed by M-Labs  in partnership with the Ion Storage Group at NIST, and its applicability reaches beyond ion trapping. You will find details HERE

In memory of Professor Danny Segal, a special issue of the Journal of Modern Optics will be dedicated to his research interests and short reminiscences of him. Selected papers from the 2016 European Conference on Trapped Ions, with which Danny was closely associated, will form part of this special issue. More info


WE Heraeus Seminar “Quantum-limited metrology and sensing”, 5-9 February 2017, Bad Honnef, Germany Details

5th Quantum Thermodynamics Conference (QTD5) is taking place in Oxford, 13-17 March 2017. Details

OSA Quantum Information and Measurement (QIM) – IV: Quantum Technologies, 5 – 7 April 2017
Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France LINK

Precision Physics, Quantum Electrodynamics and Fundamental Interactions, April 30th to May 5th 2017 in Cargese, France. LINK

Spectroscopy, Dynamics and Applications of Cold Molecular Ions, May 28th to June 2d 2017 at Ecole de physique des Houches, Haute-Savoie, France. Details

ACES workshop: Fundamental and applied science with clocks and cold atoms in space, that will take place on June 29-30 2017 at the University of Zürich in Switzerland. Details

EFTF – IFCS 2017, 9-13 July 2017, Besançon, France Details

12th International Workshop on Non-neutral Plasmas to be held 10-13 July 2017 in Appleton, Wisconsin; LINK

ColdBeams 2017 – Conference on ultracold ion and electron beams, July 10-12, 2017, Eindhoven, the Netherlands Details

49th EGAS at Durham University in the UK, July 17 – 21. LINK



PhD position financed by the ‘AVA’ (Accelerators Validating Antimatter physics) programme, EURAXESS job id: 34117042 or contact or

The Physics of Information and Quantum Technologies Group, at Instituto de Telecomunicacoes (in Lisbon, Portugal), is seeking to hire two Post-doctoral Research Fellows. LINK

Postdoc position at LPL, France: Ultrastable frequency transfer through optical fiber links . Contact Prof. Anne Amy-Klein:

2 PhD students in experimental quantum physics “trapped cold Rydberg Ions” at Mainz University, Germany. Contact Prof. Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler:

The Astroparticle Physics Group at Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada is offering a postdoc position LINK

The Quantum Technology Group at University of Sussex is seeking to recruit 3 Researchs Fellows in Quantum Device Engineering in Quantum Logic ImplementationQuantum Computing OperationsManufacturing Quantum Microchips

The Quantum Technology Group at University of Sussex also  also has a position as  Electrical Engineer in Quantum Device Engineering

PhD in Quantum Device Engineering – Developing a trapped-ion quantum computer demonstrator device, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK  link

PhD in Quantum Device Engineering – Quantum algorithms on a trapped-ion quantum co-processor, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK  link

PhD in Quantum Device Engineering – Advanced microchips for quantum technology devices, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK  link

PhD in Quantum Device Engineering – Developing a portable quantum sensor, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK  link

PhD position financed by the ‘AVA’ (Accelerators Validating Antimatter physics) programme which is part of the ‘Marie Curie Innovative Training Network’ (ITN) of the European Union (Horizon 2020). The position is financed for three years and is to start early in 2017. The offer has also been published on the EURAXESS job portal under id: 34117042. Contact or for details.

QUITEMAD+ research network seeks a young, motivated postdoctoral researcher that integrates in our group and contributes to our research in quantum technologies. DETAILS

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to

Observation of the 1s-2s transition in trapped antihydrogen
M Ahmadi et al. (ALPHA collaboration)
Nature 541, 506–510 (26 January 2017)

Mapping curved spacetimes into Dirac spinors
Carlos Sabín
Scientific Reports 7, (11 January 2017)

Playing tricks to ions
Leibfried, D.
Appl. Phys. B (2017) 123: 10

Sixfold improved single particle measurement of the magnetic moment of the antiproton
H. Nagahama, C. Smorra, S. Sellner, J. Harrington, T. Higuchi, M. J. Borchert, T. Tanaka, M. Besirli, A. Mooser, G. Schneider, K. Blaum, Y. Matsuda, C. Ospelkaus, W. Quint, J. Walz, Y. Yamazaki & S. Ulmer
Nature Communications 8, 14084 (2017)

Quantum computers ready to leap out of the lab in 2017
Davide Castelvecchi
Nature 541, 9-10 (3 January 2017)

Sympathetic Ground State Cooling and Time-Dilation Shifts in an 27Al+ Optical Clock
J.-S. Chen, S. M. Brewer, C. W. Chou, D. J. Wineland, D. R. Leibrandt, and D. B. Hume
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 053002 (2017)

Viewpoint: Trapped Ions Stopped Cold
Nils Huntemann, Physics 10, 9 (2017)

Leading-order relativistic corrections to the dipole polarizability of hydrogen molecular ions
D T Aznabayev, A K Bekbaev, S A Zhaugasheva and V I Korobov
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50 025104 (2017)

Long-range Heisenberg models in quasiperiodically driven crystals of trapped ions
A. Bermudez, L. Tagliacozzo, G. Sierra, and P. Richerme
Phys. Rev. B 95, 024431 (2017)

Experimental demonstration of an efficient number diagnostic for long ion chains
M. R. Kamsap, C. Champenois, J. Pedregosa-Gutierrez, S. Mahler, M. Houssin, and M. Knoop
Phys. Rev. A 95, 013413 (2017)

Prediction and real-time compensation of qubit decoherence via machine learning
Sandeep Mavadia, Virginia Frey, Jarrah Sastrawan, Stephen Dona, Michael J. Biercuk
Nature Communications 8, (16 January 2017)

Viewpoint: How to Create a Time Crystal
Phil Richerme,
Physics 10, 5 (2017)

Spin readout of trapped electron qubits
Pai Peng (彭湃), Clemens Matthiesen, and Hartmut Häffner
Phys. Rev. A 95, 012312 (2017)

Quantum simulation of driven para-Bose oscillators
C. Huerta Alderete and B. M. Rodríguez-Lara
Phys. Rev. A 95, 013820 (2017)

Discrete Time Crystals: Rigidity, Criticality, and Realizations
N. Y. Yao, A. C. Potter, I.-D. Potirniche, and A. Vishwanath
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 030401 (2017)

Prethermalization and persistent order in the absence of a thermal phase transition
Jad C. Halimeh, Valentin Zauner-Stauber, Ian P. McCulloch, Inés de Vega, Ulrich Schollwöck, and Michael Kastner
Phys. Rev. B 95, 024302 (2017)

Quantum optics, what next?
J. Ignacio Cirac, H. Jeff Kimble
Nature Photonics 11, 18-20 (3 January 2017)

Boson-mediated quantum spin simulators in transverse fields: XY model and spin-boson entanglement
Michael L. Wall, Arghavan Safavi-Naini, and Ana Maria Rey
Phys. Rev. A 95, 013602 (2017

Many-body localization in Ising models with random long-range interactions
Haoyuan Li, Jia Wang, Xia-Ji Liu, and Hui Hu
Phys. Rev. A 94, 063625 (2016

Linear mode-mixing of phonons with trapped ions
Marshall, K. & James, D.F.V.
Appl. Phys. B (2017) 123: 26.

High fidelity quantum gates of trapped ions in the presence of motional heating
Farhang Haddadfarshi and Florian Mintert
New J. Phys. 18 123007 (2016)

Resolving a discrepancy between experimental and theoretical lifetimes in atomic negative ions
Tomas Brage and Jon Grumer
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50 025001 (2017)

Surface-electrode trap with an integrated permanent magnet for generating a magnetic-field gradient at trapped ions
Yuji Kawai, Kenji Shimizu, Atsushi Noguchi, Shinji Urabe and Utako Tanaka
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50 025501 (2017)

Evaluation of blackbody radiation shift with temperature-associated fractional uncertainty at 10−18 level for 40Ca+ ion optical clock
Ping Zhang, Jian Cao, Hua-lin Shu, Jin-bo Yuan, Jun-juan Shang, Kai-feng Cui, Si-jia Chao, Shao-mao Wang, Dao-xin Liu and Xue-ren Huang
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50 015002 (2017)

Electron impact on vibrationally cold ${{HF}}^{+}$
Marius Cristian Stroe and Magda Fifirig
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49 245201 (2016)

Formation of a molecular ion by photoassociative Raman processes
Dibyendu Sardar, Somnath Naskar, Arpita Pal, Hamid Berriche and Bimalendu Deb
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49 245202 (2016)

Ion–photon entanglement and quantum frequency conversion with trapped Ba+ ions
Siverns, J. D.; Li, X.; Quraishi, Q.
Applied Optics 56(3) B222-B230 (2017)

VECSEL systems for the generation and manipulation of trapped magnesium ions
Burd, S. C.; Allcock, D. T. C.; Leinonen, T.; Penttinen, J. P.; Slichter, D. H.; Srinivas, R.; Wilson, A. C.; Jördens, R.; Guina, M.; Leibfried, D.; Wineland, D. J.
Optica 3(12) 1294-1299 (2016)

Ion crystals in anharmonic traps
S. R. Bastin, Tony E. Lee
Journal of Applied Physics 121, 014312 (2017);

Continuous time of flight measurements in a Lissajous configuration
G. Dobos, G. Hárs
Review of Scientific Instruments 88, 013301 (2017);

A dense gas of laser-cooled atoms for hybrid atom–ion trapping
Höltkemeier, B., Glässel, J., López-Carrera, H. et al.
Appl. Phys. B (2017) 123: 51.

Shifting the phase of a coherent beam with a 174Yb+ ion: influence of the scattering cross section
Martin Fischer, Bharath Srivathsan, Lucas Alber, Markus Weber, Markus Sondermann, Gerd Leuchs
Appl. Phys. B (2017) 123: 48. doi:10.1007/s00340-016-6609-3

Dynamics of non-Markovian open quantum systems
Inés de Vega and Daniel Alonso
Rev. Mod. Phys. 89, 015001 (2017)

Realizing three-step photoionization of calcium by two lasers
Zhang, J., Xie, Y., Liu, P. et al.
Appl. Phys. B (2017) 123: 45.

High-precision spectroscopy of the HD+ molecule at the 1-p.p.b. level
Biesheuvel, J., Karr, JP., Hilico, L. et al.
Appl. Phys. B (2017) 123: 23

Frequency-comb referenced collinear laser spectroscopy of Be+ for nuclear structure investigations and many-body QED tests
Krieger, A., Nörtershäuser, W., Geppert, C. et al.
Appl. Phys. B (2017) 123: 15

Unexpectedly large difference of the electron density at the nucleus in the 4p2P1/2,3/2 fine-structure doublet of Ca+
C. Shi, F. Gebert, C. Gorges, S. Kaufmann, W. Nörtershäuser, B. K. Sahoo, A. Surzhykov, V. A. Yerokhin, J. C. Berengut, F. Wolf, J. C. Heip, P. O. Schmidt
Appl. Phys. B 123: 2. (2017)


Schrödinger cat and Werner state disentanglement simulated by trapped ion systems
Victor A. S. V. Bittencourt, Alex E. Bernardini

Mølmer-Sørensen entangling gate for cavity QED systems
Hiroki Takahashi, Pedro Nevado Serrano, Matthias Keller

Optimised surface-electrode ion-trap junctions for experiments with cold molecular ions
Arezoo Mokhberi, Roman Schmied, Stefan Willitsch

Measurements of trapped-ion heating rates with exchangeable surfaces in close proximity
D. A. Hite, K. S. McKay, S. Kotler, D. Leibfried, D. J. Wineland, D. P. Pappas

Single-qubit quantum memory exceeding 10-minute coherence time
Ye Wang, Mark Um, Junhua Zhang, Shuoming An, Ming Lyu, Jing -Ning Zhang, L.-M. Duan, Dahyun Yum, Kihwan Kim

Loading a linear Paul trap to saturation from a magneto-optical trap
J. E. Wells, R. Blümel, J. M. Kwolek, D. S. Goodman, W. W. Smith

Fast Reconstruction of High-qubit Quantum States via Low Rate Measurements
K. Li, J. Zhang, S. Cong

Single Ion Imaging and Fluorescence Collection with a Parabolic Mirror Trap
Chen-Kuan Chou, Carolyn Auchter, Jennifer Lilieholm, Kevin Smith, Boris Blinov

Ion-photon entanglement and quantum frequency conversion with trapped Ba+ ions
James D. Siverns, Xiao Li, Qudsia Quraishi

Direct observation of dynamical quantum phase transitions in an interacting many-body system
P. Jurcevic, H. Shen, P. Hauke, C. Maier, T. Brydges, C. Hempel, B. P. Lanyon, M. Heyl, R. Blatt, C. F. Roos

U(1) Wilson lattice gauge theories in digital quantum simulators
Christine Muschik, Markus Heyl, Esteban Martinez, Thomas Monz, Philipp Schindler, Berit Vogell, Marcello Dalmonte, Philipp Hauke, Rainer Blatt, Peter Zoller

Ultra-Cooled Atomic Reservoir as a High-Precision Sensor of Electric Signals
Francisco Domínguez, Íñigo Arrazola, Jaime Doménech, Julen Simon Pedernales, Lucas Lamata, Enrique Solano, Daniel Rodríguez

Efficient tomography of a quantum many-body system
B. P. Lanyon, C. Maier, M. Holzäpfel, T. Baumgratz, C. Hempel, P. Jurcevic, I. Dhand, A. S. Buyskikh, A. J. Daley, M. Cramer, M. B. Plenio, R. Blatt, C. F. Roos

Enhanced anti-hydrogen ion production
D. A. Cooke, A. Husson, D. Lunney, P. Crivelli

Critical Phenomena and Kibble-Zurek Scaling in the Long-Range Quantum Ising Chain
Daniel Jaschke, Kenji Maeda, Joseph D. Whalen, Michael L. Wall, Lincoln D. Carr

Trapped ions in Rydberg-dressed atomic gases
T. Secker, N. Ewald, J. Joger, H. Fürst, T. Feldker, R. Gerritsma

Resolution-enhanced entanglement detection
Manuel Gessner, Luca Pezzè, Augusto Smerzi

Quantum harmonic oscillator state control in a squeezed Fock basis
D.Kienzler, H.-Y. Lo, V. Negnevitsky, C. Flühmann, M. Marinelli, J. P. Home

ITN Newsletter – December 2016

Dear all,

two years after the end of the COST Action, the ion trapper community is more active than ever, as you can deduce for example from the number of high-quality events in 2017.

We are more than happy also that this newsletter has a growing number of subscribers (which makes us very proud in times where the overall trend is to unsubscribe !!). We heartily thank the organizers of this year’s ECTI conference, who – by their perfect organisation had prepared us a fantastic conference – and who have generously donated their economic surplus to ensure the continuity of this newsletter for 2017 !

We seize the opportunity to wish you a happy, healthy, successful, joyful end of the year and plenty of nice, well-behaved, and friendly ions in your unbreakable, non-heating, controllable and predictable traps in 2017!!

Your editorial team



In memory of Professor Danny Segal, a special issue of the Journal of Modern Optics will be dedicated to his research interests and short reminiscences of him. Selected papers from the 2016 European Conference on Trapped Ions, with which Danny was closely associated, will form part of this special issue. More info


International Conference on Molecular Energy Transfer in Complex Systems iCOMET 2017. It will take place in Innsbruck, Austria from January 15 to 20, 2017. Details HERE

‘Scalable Architectures for Quantum Simulation’, January 29 to February 2, 2017 in Bad Honnef, Germany Details

WE Heraeus Seminar “Quantum-limited metrology and sensing”, 5-9 February 2017, Bad Honnef, Germany Details

5th Quantum Thermodynamics Conference (QTD5) is taking place in Oxford, 13-17 March 2017. Details

OSA Quantum Information and Measurement (QIM) – IV: Quantum Technologies, 5 – 7 April 2017
Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France LINK

Precision Physics, Quantum Electrodynamics and Fundamental Interactions, April 30th to May 5th 2017 in Cargese, France. LINK

Spectroscopy, Dynamics and Applications of Cold Molecular Ions, May 28th to June 2d 2017 at Ecole de physique des Houches, Haute-Savoie, France. Details

12th International Workshop on Non-neutral Plasmas to be held 10-13 July 2017 in Appleton, Wisconsin; LINK



2 PhD students in experimental quantum physics “trapped cold Rydberg Ions” at Mainz University, Germany. Contact Prof. Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler:

The Astroparticle Physics Group at Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada is offering a postdoc position LINK

Imperial College London is seeking applications for two permanent Lecturer positions in Experimental Quantum Physics. The advertisement can be seen here:
Anyone who is interested in this position is encouraged to apply.
Further details are available from Richard Thompson

A postdoc position in the trapped ion group at LKB, Paris, France on Precision measurements with cold trapped H2+ molecular ions. Contact Laurent Hilico,

The Quantum Technology Group at University of Sussex is seeking to recruit 3 Researchs Fellows in Quantum Device Engineering in Quantum Logic ImplementationQuantum Computing OperationsManufacturing Quantum Microchips

The Quantum Technology Group at University of Sussex also  also has a position as  Electrical Engineer in Quantum Device Engineering

PhD in Quantum Device Engineering – Developing a trapped-ion quantum computer demonstrator device, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK  link

PhD in Quantum Device Engineering – Quantum algorithms on a trapped-ion quantum co-processor, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK  link

PhD in Quantum Device Engineering – Advanced microchips for quantum technology devices, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK  link

PhD in Quantum Device Engineering – Developing a portable quantum sensor, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK  link

PhD position financed by the ‘AVA’ (Accelerators Validating Antimatter physics) programme which is part of the ‘Marie Curie Innovative Training Network’ (ITN) of the European Union (Horizon 2020). The position is financed for three years and is to start early in 2017. The offer has also been published on the EURAXESS job portal under id: 34117042. Contact or for details.

QUITEMAD+ research network seeks a young, motivated postdoctoral researcher that integrates in our group and contributes to our research in quantum technologies. DETAILS

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to

A highly miniaturized vacuum package for a trapped ion atomic clock
Peter D. D. Schwindt, Yuan-Yu Jau, Heather Partner, Adrian Casias, Adrian R. Wagner, Matthew Moorman, Ronald P. Manginell, James R. Kellogg, John D. Prestage
Review of Scientific Instruments 87, 053112 (2016);

Absolute single photoionization cross-section measurements of Rb2+ ions: experiment and theory
D A Macaluso, K Bogolub, A Johnson, A Aguilar, A L D Kilcoyne, R C Bilodeau, M Bautista, A B Kerlin and N C Sterling
2016 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49 235002

An integrated mirror and surface ion trap with a tunable trap location
Andre Van Rynbach, Peter Maunz, Jungsang Kim
Appl. Phys. Lett. 109, 221108 Issue 22, (2016);

Cryogenic setup for trapped ion quantum computing
M. F. Brandl, M. W. van Mourik, L. Postler, A. Nolf, K. Lakhmanskiy, R. R. Paiva, S. Möller, N. Daniilidis, H. Häffner, V. Kaushal, T. Ruster, C. Warschburger, H. Kaufmann, U. G. Poschinger, F. Schmidt-Kaler, P. Schindler, T. Monz, R. Blatt
Review of Scientific Instruments 87, 113103 (2016)

Dynamics of a single trapped ion immersed in a buffer gas
Bastian Höltkemeier, Pascal Weckesser, Henry López-Carrera, and Matthias Weidemüller
Phys. Rev. A 94, 062703 (2016)

Dynamics of a Ground-State Cooled Ion Colliding with Ultracold Atoms
Ziv Meir, Tomas Sikorsky, Ruti Ben-shlomi, Nitzan Akerman, Yehonatan Dallal, and Roee Ozeri
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 243401 (2016)

Evaluation of blackbody radiation shift with temperature-associated fractional uncertainty at 10−18 level for 40Ca+ ion optical clock
Ping Zhang, Jian Cao, Hua-lin Shu, Jin-bo Yuan, Jun-juan Shang, Kai-feng Cui, Si-jia Chao, Shao-mao Wang, Dao-xin Liu and Xue-ren Huang,
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50 015002 (2017)

Fast Quantum Rabi Model with Trapped Ions
Héctor M. Moya-Cessa
Scientific Reports 6, 38961

Frustrated double and single ionization in a two-electron triatomic molecule H+ 3
A Chen, C Lazarou, H Price and A Emmanouilidou
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49 235001 (2016)

Fully robust qubit in atomic and molecular three-level systems
N Aharon, I Cohen, F Jelezko and A Retzker
New J. Phys. 18 123012 (2016)

High fidelity quantum gates of trapped ions in the presence of motional heating
Farhang Haddadfarshi and Florian Mintert
New J. Phys. 18 123007 (2016)

Quest for qubits
SCIENCE02 DEC 2016 : 1090-1093

Scrutinizing Al-like V10+51,Cr11+53,Mn12+55,Fe13+57,Co14+59,Ni15+61, and Cu16+63 ions for atomic clocks with uncertainties below the 10−19 level
Yan-mei Yu and B. K. Sahoo
Phys. Rev. A 94, 062502 (2016)

Simulating generic spin-boson models with matrix product states
Michael L. Wall, Arghavan Safavi-Naini, and Ana Maria Rey
Phys. Rev. A 94, 053637 (2016)

Unexpectedly large difference of the electron density at the nucleus in the 4p2P1/2,3/2 fine-structure doublet of Ca+
C. Shi, F. Gebert, C. Gorges, S. Kaufmann, W. Nörtershäuser, B. K. Sahoo, A. Surzhykov, V. A. Yerokhin, J. C. Berengut, F. Wolf, J. C. Heip, P. O. Schmidt
Appl. Phys. B 123: 2. (2017)


Experimental demonstration of quantum fault tolerance
N. M. Linke, M. Gutierrez, K. A. Landsman, C. Figgatt, S. Debnath, K. R. Brown, C. MonroeExperimental Preparation of High NOON States for Phonons
Junhua Zhang, Mark Um, Dingshun Lv, Jing-Ning Zhang, Lu-Ming Duan, Kihwan Kim

Laser ablation production of Ba, Ca, Dy, Er, La, Lu, and Yb ions
S. Olmschenk, P. Becker

Optical spectroscopy of complex open 4d-shell ions Sn7+-Sn10+
F. Torretti (1 and 2), A. Windberger (1 and 3), A. Ryabtsev (4 and 5), S. Dobrodey (3), H. Bekker (3), W. Ubachs (1 and 2), R. Hoekstra (1 and 6), E. V. Kahl (7), J. C. Berengut (7), J. R. Crespo López-Urrutia (3), O. O. Versolato (1)

Preparation and coherent manipulation of pure quantum states of a single molecular ion
Chin-wen Chou, Christoph Kurz, David B. Hume, Philipp N. Plessow, David R. Leibrandt, Dietrich Leibfried

Robust state preparation in quantum simulations of Dirac dynamics
Xue-Ke Song, Fu-Guo Deng, Lucas Lamata, J. G. Muga

Steady-state spin synchronization through the collective motion of trapped ions
Athreya Shankar, John Cooper, Justin G. Bohnet, John J. Bollinger, Murray Holland

The extended formulation for KZM
Wen Wei, Shanhua Zhu, Yi Xie, Wei Wu, Baoquan Ou, Pingxing Chen

The quantum harmonic Otto cycle
Ronnie Kosloff, Yair Rezek

UV-sensitive superconducting nanowire single photon detectors for integration in an ion trap
D. H. Slichter, V. B. Verma, D. Leibfried, R. P. Mirin, S. W. Nam, D. J. Wineland

Spectroscopy, Dynamics And Applications Of Cold Molecular Ions

Dear colleague,

We are happy to announce the workshop on

 Spectroscopy, Dynamics and Applications of Cold Molecular Ions

to be held from
May 28th to June 2d 2017 at Ecole de physique des Houches, Haute-Savoie, France.

It follows the workshops organized in Sandbjerg (Denmark) in 2011, Arosa (2013) and Bad Honnef (2015), and focuses on cold molecular ion physics.
We have a five half-days program with invited and selected oral contributions as well as poster sessions devoted to recent experimental and theoretical achievements in molecular ion spectroscopy, molecular ion-neutral collisions, cold chemistry, quantum logic protocols towards precision measurements and fundamental constant determination.
We strongly encourage the participation of young researchers in the field. The attendance is limited to 70 persons, so we strongly recommend early registration.
The website of this conference supplies further information about registration, deadlines, venue and submission of contributions.
It can be found at Website

Kind regards,
Olivier Dulieu, Laboratoire Aimé Cotton Orsay
Laurent Hilico, Laboratoire Kastler Brossel and Evry Val d’Essonne University

ITN Newsletter – November 2016

Dear Colleagues,

be a Bellster TODAY,  The Big Bell Test relies on your random contribution.
For details see

Your editorial team



In memory of Professor Danny Segal, a special issue of the Journal of Modern Optics will be dedicated to his research interests and short reminiscences of him. Selected papers from the 2016 European Conference on Trapped Ions, with which Danny was closely associated, will form part of this special issue. More info


International Conference on Molecular Energy Transfer in Complex Systems iCOMET 2017. It will take place in Innsbruck, Austria from January 15 to 20, 2017. Details HERE


‘Scalable Architectures for Quantum Simulation’, January 29 to February 2, 2017 in Bad Honnef, Germany Details


WE Heraeus Seminar “Quantum-limited metrology and sensing”, 5-9 February 2017, Bad Honnef, Germany Details


5th Quantum Thermodynamics Conference (QTD5) is taking place in Oxford, 13-17 March 2017. Details


OSA Quantum Information and Measurement (QIM) – IV: Quantum Technologies, 5 – 7 April 2017
Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France LINK


Precision Physics, Quantum Electrodynamics and Fundamental Interactions, April 30th to May 5th 2017 in Cargese, France. LINK


12th International Workshop on Non-neutral Plasmas to be held 10-13 July 2017 in Appleton, Wisconsin; LINK



The Astroparticle Physics Group at Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada is offering a postdoc position LINK


Imperial College London is seeking applications for two permanent Lecturer positions in Experimental Quantum Physics. The advertisement can be seen here:
Anyone who is interested in this position is encouraged to apply.
Further details are available from Richard Thompson

A permanent position (US citizenship required) and NRC postdoc positions (US citizens or permanent residents) are available in the new ion trapping group at the Air Force Research Lab in Rome, NY. Please contact

The University of California San Diego positron physics group ( has an opportunity for a post-doctoral researcher to study atomic physics phenomena with trap-based positron beams. Contact Cliff Surko,


A postdoc position in the trapped ion group at LKB, Paris, France on Precision measurements with cold trapped H2+ molecular ions. Contact Laurent Hilico,

Postdoc position at LPL, Villetaneuse (Paris), France on Hybrid ultrastable links for clocks comparison
contact: Anne Amy-Klein,


PhD position financed by the ‘AVA’ (Accelerators Validating Antimatter physics) programme which is part of the ‘Marie Curie Innovative Training Network’ (ITN) of the European Union (Horizon 2020). The position is financed for three years and is to start early in 2017. The offer has also been published on the EURAXESS job portal under id: 34117042. Contact or for details.


Project engineer at LPL, Villetaneuse (Paris), France  on Development and implementation of a fiber network for ultra-stable frequency transfer on the RENATER network
contact: Anne Amy-Klein,


QUITEMAD+ research network seeks a young, motivated postdoctoral researcher that integrates in our group and contributes to our research in quantum technologies. DETAILS


Postdoc position at LPL, Villetaneuse (Paris), France on  “Mise en pratique” of the temperature scale for the new International System of Units
Contact : Christophe Daussy,


A 2-year postdoc position at SYRTE, Paris, France on the development of a compact, frequency-tripled fiber laser source. Contact Ouali Acef,


Open position at assistant professor level in theoretical atomic, molecular or chemical physics in Stockholm. This is a 4-year position, but with the possibility to be promoted (after evaluation) to a permanent position. The announcement can be found here


You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to

Analog quantum simulation of (1+1)-dimensional lattice QED with trapped ions
Dayou Yang, Gouri Shankar Giri, Michael Johanning, Christof Wunderlich, Peter Zoller, and Philipp Hauke
Phys. Rev. A 94, 052321 (2016)

A robust scheme for the implementation of the quantum Rabi model in trapped ions
Ricardo Puebla, Jorge Casanova and Martin B Plenio
New J. Phys. 18 113039 (2016)

Absolute single photoionization cross-section measurements of Rb2+ ions: experiment and theory
D A Macaluso, K Bogolub, A Johnson, A Aguilar, A L D Kilcoyne, R C Bilodeau, M Bautista, A B Kerlin and N C Sterling
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49 235002 (2016)

Dissipation-assisted quantum correlations in coupled qubits
Chaitanya Joshi
EPL 116 14002 (2016)

High sensitivity to variation in the proton-to-electron mass ratio in O2+
D. Hanneke, R. A. Carollo, D. A. Lane
Physical Review A 94, 050101(R) (2016)

Hydrogen molecular ions for improved determination of fundamental constants
J.-Ph. Karr, L. Hilico, J. C. J. Koelemeij, and V. I. Korobov
Phys. Rev. A 94, 050501(R) (2016)

Minimally complex ion traps as modules for quantum communication and computing
Ramil Nigmatullin, Christopher J Ballance, Niel de Beaudrap and Simon C Benjamin
New J. Phys. 18 103028 (2016)

Noise-induced transport in the motion of trapped ions
Cecilia Cormick and Christian T. Schmiegelow
Phys. Rev. A 94, 053406 (2016)

Nondestructive detection of ions using atom-cavity collective strong coupling
Sourav Dutta and S. A. Rangwala
Phys. Rev. A 94, 053841 (2016)

Photodissociation of Trapped Rb+2: Implications for Simultaneous Trapping of Atoms and Molecular Ions
S. Jyothi, Tridib Ray, Sourav Dutta, A. R. Allouche, Romain Vexiau, Olivier Dulieu, and S. A. Rangwala
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 213002 (2016)

State-changing processes for ions in cold traps: LiH− molecules colliding with He as a buffer gas
L González-Sánchez, F A Gianturco and R Wester
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49 235201 (2016)

Single Microwave Photon Detection with a trapped electron
A. Cridland, J.H. Lacy, J. Pinder and J. Verdu
Photonics, 3, 59, 2016, 

Trapped-Ion Quantum Logic with Global Radiation Fields
S. Weidt, J. Randall, S. C. Webster, K. Lake, A. E. Webb, I. Cohen, T. Navickas, B. Lekitsch, A. Retzker, and W. K. Hensinger
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 220501 (2016)

Two-color above-threshold ionization of atoms and ions in XUV Bessel beams and intense laser light
D. Seipt, R. A. Müller, A. Surzhykov, and S. Fritzsche
Phys. Rev. A 94, 053420 (2016)

Two-dimensional quantum repeaters
J. Wallnöfer, M. Zwerger, C. Muschik, N. Sangouard, and W. Dür
Phys. Rev. A 94, 052307 (2016)


A single strontium Rydberg ion confined in a Paul trap
Gerard Higgins, Weibin Li, Fabian Pokorny, Chi Zhang, Florian Kress, Christine Maier, Johannes Haag, Quentin Bodart, Igor Lesanovsky, Markus Hennrich

Boson-mediated quantum spin simulators in transverse fields: XY model and spin-boson entanglement
Michael L. Wall, Arghavan Safavi-Naini, Ana Maria Rey

Coherent Parity Check Construction for Quantum Error Correction
Nicholas Chancellor, Aleks Kissinger, Stefan Zohren, Dominic Horsman

Cooling atomic ions with visible and infra-red light
F. Lindenfelser, M. Marinelli, V. Negnevitsky, S. Ragg, J. P. Home

Dynamical normal modes for time-dependent Hamiltonians in two dimensions
I. Lizuain, M. Palmero, J. G. Muga

Experimental demonstration of quantum fault tolerance
N. M. Linke, M. Gutierrez, K. A. Landsman, C. Figgatt, S. Debnath, K. R. Brown, C. Monroe

Fermion-antifermion scattering via boson exchange in a trapped ion
Xiang Zhang, Kuan Zhang, Yangchao Shen, Jingning Zhang, Man-Hong Yung, Jorge Casanova, Julen S. Pedernales, Lucas Lamata, Enrique Solano, Kihwan Kim

Non-destructive detection of ions using atom-cavity collective strong coupling
Sourav Dutta, S. A. Rangwala

Noninvasive Measurement of Dynamic Correlation Functions
Philipp Uhrich, Hermann Uys, Michael Kastner

Quantum repeaters based on trapped ions with decoherence free subspace encoding
M. Zwerger, B. P. Lanyon, T. E. Northup, C. A. Muschik, W. Dür, N. Sangouard

Quantum sensing
C. L. Degen, F. Reinhard, P. Cappellaro

Spin readout of trapped electron qubits
Pai Peng, Clemens Matthiesen, Hartmut Häffner

ITN Newsletter – October 2016

Dear Colleagues,

despite our motivation and efforts, the recent COST application for a new network has not been selected in the actual call. Our project has achieved a very good score, but competiton is rude with only 25 successful Actions covering all topics and domains. But as you will see in this newsletter there are however plenty of activities, events, and an impressive job offer list !

Your editorial team



In memory of Professor Danny Segal, a special issue of the Journal of Modern Optics will be dedicated to his research interests and short reminiscences of him. Selected papers from the 2016 European Conference on Trapped Ions, with which Danny was closely associated, will form part of this special issue. More info


7th Colloquium of French Quantum Engineering Network IQFA, Telecom ParisTech,16-18 November 2016. LINK


Alfred Kastler Scientific Symposium 2016 – 50th anniversary of Kastler’s Nobel prize in Physics, 1 Dec 2016 Paris (France)  LINK


Precision Physics, Quantum Electrodynamics and Fundamental Interactions, April 30th to May 5th 2017 in Cargese, France. LINK


International Conference on Molecular Energy Transfer in Complex Systems iCOMET 2017. It will take place in Innsbruck, Austria from January 15 to 20, 2017. Details HERE


‘Scalable Architectures for Quantum Simulation’, January 29 to February 2, 2017 in Bad Honnef, Germany Details


5th Quantum Thermodynamics Conference (QTD5) is taking place in Oxford, 13-17 March 2017. Details


OSA Quantum Information and Measurement (QIM) – IV: Quantum Technologies, 5 – 7 April 2017
Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France LINK

12th International Workshop on Non-neutral Plasmas to be held 10-13 July 2017 in Appleton, Wisconsin; LINK


Imperial College London is seeking applications for two permanent Lecturer positions in Experimental Quantum Physics. The advertisement can be seen here:
Anyone who is interested in this position is encouraged to apply.
Further details are available from Richard Thompson

A permanent position (US citizenship required) and NRC postdoc positions (US citizens or permanent residents) are available in the new ion trapping group at the Air Force Research Lab in Rome, NY. Please contact

The University of California San Diego positron physics group ( has an opportunity for a post-doctoral researcher to study atomic physics phenomena with trap-based positron beams. Contact Cliff Surko,


A postdoc position in the trapped ion group at LKB, Paris, France on Precision measurements with cold trapped H2+ molecular ions. Contact Laurent Hilico,

Postdoc position at LPL, Villetaneuse (Paris), France on Hybrid ultrastable links for clocks comparison
contact: Anne Amy-Klein,

PhD position financed by the ‘AVA’ (Accelerators Validating Antimatter physics) programme which is part of the ‘Marie Curie Innovative Training Network’ (ITN) of the European Union (Horizon 2020). The position is financed for three years and is to start early in 2017. The offer has also been published on the EURAXESS job portal under id: 34117042. Contact or for details.

Project engineer at LPL, Villetaneuse (Paris), France  on Development and implementation of a fiber network for ultra-stable frequency transfer on the RENATER network
contact: Anne Amy-Klein,

QUITEMAD+ research network seeks a young, motivated postdoctoral researcher that integrates in our group and contributes to our research in quantum technologies. DETAILS


Postdoc position at LPL, Villetaneuse (Paris), France on  “Mise en pratique” of the temperature scale for the new International System of Units
Contact : Christophe Daussy,

A 2-year postdoc position at SYRTE, Paris, France on the development of a compact, frequency-tripled fiber laser source. Contact Ouali Acef,

Open position at assistant professor level in theoretical atomic, molecular or chemical physics in Stockholm. This is a 4-year position, but with the possibility to be promoted (after evaluation) to a permanent position. The announcement can be found here

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to

A tale of two masses
Edmund G. Myers
Nature Physics 12, 986 (2016)

Classification of Interacting Topological Floquet Phases in One Dimension
Andrew C. Potter, Takahiro Morimoto, and Ashvin Vishwanath
Phys. Rev. X 6, 041001 (2016)

Comparative Numerical Studies of Ion Traps with Integrated Optical Cavities
Nina Podoliak, Hiroki Takahashi, Matthias Keller, and Peter Horak
Phys. Rev. Applied 6, 044008 (2016)

Generalized effective operator formalism for decaying systems
Marius Paraschiv, Sabine Wölk, Thomas Mannel, and Otfried Gühne
Phys. Rev. A 94, 042103 (2016)

Engineering large Stark shifts for control of individual clock state qubits
A. C. Lee, J. Smith, P. Richerme, B. Neyenhuis, P. W. Hess, J. Zhang, and C. Monroe
Phys. Rev. A 94, 042308 (2016)

Floquet engineering from long-range to short-range interactions
Tony E. Lee
Phys. Rev. A 94, 040701(R) (2016)

High-Fidelity Trapped-Ion Quantum Logic Using Near-Field Microwaves
T. P. Harty, M. A. Sepiol, D. T. C. Allcock, C. J. Ballance, J. E. Tarlton, and D. M. Lucas
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 140501 (2016)

Minimally complex ion traps as modules for quantum communication and computing
Ramil Nigmatullin, Christopher J Ballance, Niel de Beaudrap and Simon C Benjamin
New J. Phys. 18 103028 (2016)

Multipole Traps as Tools in Environmental Studies
Bogdan M. Mihalcea, Cristina Stan, Liviu C. Giurgiu, Andreea Groza, Agavni Surmeian, Mihai Ganciu, Vladimir Filinov, Dmitry Lapitsky, Lidiya Deputatova, Leonid Vasilyak, Vladimir Pecherkin, Vladimir Vladimirov, Roman Syrovatka
Rom. Journ. Phys. Vol. 61, Nos. 7 – 8 (

Preparation of Entangled States through Hilbert Space Engineering
Y. Lin, J. P. Gaebler, F. Reiter, T. R. Tan, R. Bowler, Y. Wan, A. Keith, E. Knill, S. Glancy, K. Coakley, A. S. Sørensen, D. Leibfried, and D. J. Wineland
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 140502 (2016)

Rapid crystallization of externally produced ions in a Penning trap
T. Murböck, S. Schmidt, G. Birkl, W. Nörtershäuser, R. C. Thompson, and M. Vogel
Phys. Rev. A 94, 043410 (2016)

Rotation of cold molecular ions inside a Bose-Einstein condensate
Bikashkali Midya, Michał Tomza, Richard Schmidt, and Mikhail Lemeshko
Phys. Rev. A 94, 041601(R) (2016)

Scalable loading of a two-dimensional trapped-ion array
Colin D. Bruzewicz, Robert McConnell, John Chiaverini & Jeremy M. Sage
Nature Communications 7, 13005 (2016)

Spin-Orbit Interactions and Quantum Spin Dynamics in Cold Ion-Atom Collisions
Timur V. Tscherbul, Paul Brumer, and Alexei A. Buchachenko
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 143201 (2016)

Time-Resolved Observation of Thermalization in an Isolated Quantum System
Govinda Clos, Diego Porras, Ulrich Warring, and Tobias Schaetz
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 170401 (2016)

Trapped-ion Lissajous trajectories by engineering Rashba- and Dresselhaus-type spin-orbit interactions in a Paul trap
R. F. Rossetti, G. D. de Moraes Neto, J. Carlos Egues and M. H. Y. Moussa
EPL 115 53001 (2016)

Trapping and manipulation of individual nanoparticles in a planar Paul trap
I. Alda, J. Berthelot, R. A. Rica and R. Quidant
Appl. Phys. Lett. 109, 163105 (2016);

Ultrafast, high repetition rate, ultraviolet, fiber-laser-based source: application towards Yb+ fast quantum-logic
Hussain, Mahmood Irtiza; Petrasiunas, Matthew Joseph; Bentley, Christopher D. B.; Taylor, Richard L.; Carvalho, André R. R.; Hope, Joseph J.; Streed, Erik W.; Lobino, Mirko; Kielpinski, David
Optics Express 24(15) 16638-16648 (2016)

Verifying Heisenberg’s error-disturbance relation using a single trapped ion
SCIENCE ADVANCES21 OCT 2016 : E1600578


Confining rigid balls by mimicking quadrupole ion trapping
Wenkai Fan, Li Du, Sihui Wang, Huijun ZhouDynamical Quantum Phase Transitions in Spin Chains with Long-Range Interactions: Merging different concepts of non-equilibrium criticality
Bojan Zunkovic, Markus Heyl, Michael Knap, Alessandro Silva

Electronic ground state of Ni+2
V. Zamudio-Bayer, R. Lindblad, C. Bülow, G. Leistner, A. Terasaki, B. v. Issendorff, J. T. Lau

Ion crystals in anharmonic traps
S. R. Bastin, Tony E. Lee

Linear Mode-Mixing of Phonons with Trapped Ions
Kevin Marshall, Daniel F.V. James

Local probe of single phonon dynamics in warm ion crystals
Ahmed Abdelrahman, Omid Khosravani, Manuel Gessner, Heinz-Peter Breuer, Andreas Buchleitner, Dylan J. Gorman, Ryo Masuda, Thaned Pruttivarasin, Michael Ramm, Philipp Schindler, Hartmut Häffner

Many-body localization in Ising models with random long-range interactions
Haoyuan Li, Jia Wang, Xia-Ji Liu, Hui Hu

Muonic vacuum polarization correction to the bound-electron g-factor
N. A. Belov, B. Sikora, R. Weis, V. A. Yerokhin, S. Sturm, K. Blaum, C. H. Keitel, Z. Harman

Noise-induced transport in the motion of trapped ions
Cecilia Cormick, Christian T. Schmiegelow

Observation of a Discrete Time Crystal
J. Zhang, P. W. Hess, A. Kyprianidis, P. Becker, A. Lee, J. Smith, G. Pagano, I.-D. Potirniche, A. C. Potter, A. Vishwanath, N. Y. Yao, C. Monroe

Quantum simulation of driven parabose oscillators
C. Huerta Alderete, B. M. Rodríguez-Lara

Trapping and Sympathetic Cooling of Boron Ions
Rene Rugango, Mudit Sinhal, Gang Shu, Kenneth R. Brown

Shifting the phase of a coherent beam with a 174Yb+ ion: influence of the scattering cross section
Martin Fischer, Bharath Srivathsan, Lucas Alber, Markus Weber, Markus Sondermann, Gerd Leuchs

Surface-electrode trap with an integrated permanent magnet for generating a magnetic-field gradient at trapped ions
Yuji Kawai, Kenji Shimizu, Atsushi Noguchi, Shinji Urabe, Utako Tanaka

Announcement Of The Cargese 2017 Conference

Dear colleagues,

We are happy to announce the conference on

“Precision Physics, Quantum Electrodynamics and Fundamental Interactions”

to be held from April 30th to May 5th 2017 in Cargese, France. It is organized by Wolfgang Quint and Manuel Vogel (GSI and Helmholtz-Institute Jena) as well as by Laurent Hilico and Jean-Philippe Karr (Laboratoire Kastler Brossel Paris and Université d’Évry-Val-d’Essonne). We intend to bring together scientists in both experimental and theoretical physics from the fields of precision physics, particle trapping, the physics of simple atomic systems, strong-field physics, quantum electrodynamics and fundamental constants, interactions and symmetries.
We have a five-day schedule with selected oral contributions of up to 40 minutes in lengths. Presentation of research material by posters will also be possible in separate poster sessions. We strongly encourage the participation of young researchers.

The website of this conference supplies further information, also about registration and submission of contributions. It can be found at

With best regards,
Wolfgang Quint
Manuel Vogel
Laurent Hilico
Jean-Philippe Karr

ITN Newsletter – September 2016

Dear Colleagues,

the ECTI conference at the beginning of the month has been a great success with an impressive scientific programme, a wide international audience with so many young people, a wonderful location, and sunny weather ! The only cloud in the sky is the gender ratio of 9:1, which does not seem to evolve over the years. Ion trapping is such an exciting field, I’m sure that you have many convincing arguments and make every effort so that your next PhD student is a woman !

Martina Knoop



The expert group on Quantum Technology Flagship is now set-up  and includes some prominent ion trappers. Details


Alfred Kastler Scientific Symposium 2016 – 50th anniversary of Kastler’s Nobel prize in Physics, 1 Dec 2016 Paris (France)  LINK


International Conference on Molecular Energy Transfer in Complex Systems iCOMET 2017. It will take place in Innsbruck, Austria from January 15 to 20, 2017. Details HERE



A permanent position (US citizenship required) and NRC postdoc positions (US citizens or permanent residents) are available in the new ion trapping group at the Air Force Research Lab in Rome, NY. Please contact

A  fully funded PhD position (up to 5 years) is available in the laser spectroscopy group of Otto Dopfer at  Berlin Institute of Technology (TU Berlin), Germany. Contact

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to

A long-lived Zeeman trapped-ion qubit
Ruster, T., Schmiegelow, C.T., Kaufmann, H., C. Warschburger, F. Schmidt-Kaler, U. G. Poschinger, Appl. Phys. B (2016) 122: 254.

Chirped-Standing-Wave Acceleration of Ions with Intense Lasers
F. Mackenroth, A. Gonoskov, and M. Marklund
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 104801 (2016)

Double photoionization of helium from the 1s2p ${}^{3}{\rm{P}}$ excited state
Y Li, M S Pindzola and J Colgan
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49 195205

Experimental Trapped-ion Quantum Simulation of the Kibble-Zurek dynamics in momentum space
Jin-Ming Cui, Yun-Feng Huang, Zhao Wang, Dong-Yang Cao, Jian Wang, Wei-Min Lv, Le Luo, Adolfo del Campo, Yong-Jian Han, Chuan-Feng Li & Guang-Can Guo
Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 33381 (2016)

Efficient single-photon absorption by a trapped moving atom
N. Trautmann, G. Alber, and G. Leuchs
Phys. Rev. A 94, 033832 (2016)

Highly charged W13+, Ir16+, and Pt17+ ions as promising optical clock candidates for probing variations of the fine-structure constant
D. K. Nandy and B. K. Sahoo
Phys. Rev. A 94, 032504 (2016)

Low power RF amplifier circuit for ion trap applications
J. R. Noriega, L. A. García-Delgado, R. Gómez-Fuentes and A. García-Juárez
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87, 094704 (2016)

Magnetic field sensing subject to correlated noise with a ring spin chain
Li-Sha Guo, Bao-Ming Xu, Jian Zou & Bin Shao
Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 33254 (2016)

Non-linear quantum-classical scheme to simulate non-equilibrium strongly correlated fermionic many-body dynamics
J. M. Kreula, S. R. Clark & D. Jaksch

Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 32940 (2016)

Optomechanical many-body cooling to the ground state using frustration
Thomás Fogarty, Haggai Landa, Cecilia Cormick, and Giovanna Morigi
Phys. Rev. A 94, 023844 (2016)

Rotational relaxation of molecular ions in a buffer gas
Jesús Pérez-Ríos and F. Robicheaux
Phys. Rev. A 94, 032709 (2016)

Two-dimensional ion crystals in radio-frequency traps for quantum simulation
Philip Richerme
Phys. Rev. A 94, 032320 (2016)


A fast scheme for the implementation of the quantum Rabi model with trapped ions
H.M. Moya-Cessa

A robust scheme for the implementation of the quantum Rabi model in trapped ions
Ricardo Puebla, Jorge Casanova, Martin B. Plenio

A minimalistic model for a quantum thermoelectric motor
Ulf Bissbort, Colin Teo, Chu Guo, Giulio Casati, Giuliano Benenti, Dario Poletti

Cavity-induced back-action in Purcell-enhanced photoemission of a single ion in an ultraviolet fiber-cavity
T. G. Ballance, H. M. Meyer, P. Kobel, K. Ott, J. Reichel, M. Köhl

Direct laser cooling Al+ ions optical clocks
J. Zhang, K. Deng, J. Luo, Z. H. Lu

Evaluation of blackbody radiation shift with temperature associated fractional uncertainty at 10E-18 level for 40Ca+ ion optical clock
Ping Zhang, Jian Cao, Hua-lin Shu, Jin-bo Yuan, Juan-juan Shang, Kai-feng Cui, Si-jia Chao, Shao-mao Wang, Dao-xin Liu, Xue-ren Huang

Fast phase gates with trapped ions
M. Palmero, S. Martínez-Garaot, D. Leibfried, D. J. Wineland, J. G. Muga

Focusing characteristics of a 4π parabolic mirror light-matter interface
Lucas Alber, Martin Fischer, Marianne Bader, Klaus Mantel, Markus Sondermann, Gerd Leuchs

Long lifetimes in optical ion traps
Alexander Lambrecht, Julian Schmidt, Pascal Weckesser, Markus Debatin, Leon Karpa, Tobias Schaetz

Measuring out-of-time-order correlations and multiple quantum spectra in a trapped ion quantum magnet
Martin Gärttner, Justin G. Bohnet, Arghavan Safavi-Naini, Michael L. Wall, John J. Bollinger, Ana Maria Rey

Non-classical states of atomic ensembles: fundamentals and applications in quantum metrology
Luca Pezzè, Augusto Smerzi, Markus K. Oberthaler, Roman Schmied, Philipp Treutlein

Quasiclassical Dynamics for Ions Confined in Axially Symmetric Electromagnetic Traps
Bogdan M. Mihalcea

Rapid crystallization of externally produced ions in a Penning trap
T. Murboeck, S. Schmidt, G. Birkl, W. Noertershaeuser, R.C. Thompson, M. Vogel

Rotation sensing with trapped ions
W. C. Campbell, P. Hamilton

Sympathetic ground state cooling and time-dilation shifts in an 27Al+optical clock
J.-S. Chen, S. M. Brewer, D. B. Hume, C. W. Chou, D. J. Wineland, D. R. Leibrandt

ITN Newsletter – August 2016

Dear Colleagues,

the August newsletter comes to you from sunny 
Arosa, this week’s world center of ion trapping. More than 180 registered participants at ECTI, confirm the interest of the ever growing ion trapper community to exchange and discuss about all aspects of ion traps. We look forward to splendid conference !

Your editorial team


In spring, a celebration of Danny Segal has been held at Imperial College London. All videos are now on youtube : LINK


Alfred Kastler Scientific Symposium 2016 – 50th anniversary of Kastler’s Nobel prize in Physics, 1 Dec 2016 Paris (France)  LINK


International Conference on Molecular Energy Transfer in Complex Systems iCOMET 2017. It will take place in Innsbruck, Austria from January 15 to 20, 2017. Details HERE



Permanent Scientist – Optical Frequency Metrology at NPL, deadline 11 September. LINK ref 65007

Postdoc position in experimental nanophotonics, Prague, Czech Republic. LINK

Postdoc or PhD positions are immediately availablein the group of Bernd v. Issendorff at the Institute of Physics, University of Freiburg, Germany. Link


You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to

Atomic physics: A milestone in quantum computing
Stephen D. Bartlett
Nature 536, 35–36

Blue-sky bifurcation of ion energies and the limits of neutral-gas sympathetic cooling of trapped ions
Steven J. Schowalter, Alexander J. Dunning, Kuang Chen, Prateek Puri, Christian Schneider & Eric R. Hudson
Nature Communications 7, 12448 (2016)

Buckling Transitions and Clock Order of Two-Dimensional Coulomb Crystals
Daniel Podolsky, Efrat Shimshoni, Giovanna Morigi, and Shmuel Fishman
Phys. Rev. X 6, 031025 (2016)

Confinement-induced resonances in ultracold atom-ion systems
V. S. Melezhik and A. Negretti
Phys. Rev. A 94, 022704 (2016)

Cotrapping different species in ion traps using multiple radio frequencies
Dimitris Trypogeorgos and Christopher J. Foot
Phys. Rev. A 94, 023609 (2016)

Demonstration of a small programmable quantum computer with atomic qubits
S. Debnath, N. M. Linke, C. Figgatt, K. A. Landsman, K. Wright & C. Monroe
Nature 536, 63–66

Digital-Analog Quantum Simulation of Spin Models in Trapped Ions
Iñigo Arrazola, Julen S. Pedernales, Lucas Lamata & Enrique Solano
Scientific Reports 6, 30534

Entanglement transfer from two-mode continuous variable SU(2) cat states to discrete qubits systems in Jaynes-Cummings Dimers
Du Ran, Chang-Sheng Hu & Zhen-Biao Yang
Scientific Reports 6, 32089

High-Fidelity Quantum Logic Gates Using Trapped-Ion Hyperfine Qubits
C. J. Ballance, T. P. Harty, N. M. Linke, M. A. Sepiol, and D. M. Lucas
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 060504 (2016)

High-Fidelity Universal Gate Set for Be9+ Ion Qubits
J. P. Gaebler, T. R. Tan, Y. Lin, Y. Wan, R. Bowler, A. C. Keith, S. Glancy, K. Coakley, E. Knill, D. Leibfried, and D. J. Wineland
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 060505 (2016)

Integrated optical addressing of an ion qubit
Karan K. Mehta, Colin D. Bruzewicz, Robert McConnell, Rajeev J. Ram, Jeremy M. Sage & John Chiaverini
Nature Nanotechnology

Microscopy: Single ions make sharper images
Nature 536, 8

Motional-mode analysis of trapped ions
Henning Kalis, Frederick Hakelberg, Matthias Wittemer, Manuel Mielenz, Ulrich Warring, and Tobias Schaetz
Phys. Rev. A 94, 023401 (2016)

Quantum transport of energy in controlled synthetic quantum magnets
Alejandro Bermudez and Tobias Schaetz
2016 New J. Phys. 18 083006

Statistical physics: Localization goes long
Chris R. Laumann & Norman Y. Yao
Nature Physics

String order via Floquet interactions in atomic systems
Tony E. Lee, Yogesh N. Joglekar, and Philip Richerme
Phys. Rev. A 94, 023610 (2016)

Transport implementation of the Bernstein–Vazirani algorithm with ion qubits
S D Fallek, C D Herold, B J McMahon, K M Maller, K R Brown and J M Amini
2016 New J. Phys. 18 083030

Weighted difference of g factors of light Li-like and H-like ions for an improved determination of the fine-structure constant
V. A. Yerokhin, E. Berseneva, Z. Harman, I. I. Tupitsyn, and C. H. Keitel
Phys. Rev. A 94, 022502 (2016)


An Integrated Mirror and Surface Ion Trap with a Tunable Trap Location
Andre Van Rynbach, Peter Maunz, Jungsang KimBlue-sky bifurcation of ion energies and the limits of neutral-gas sympathetic cooling of trapped ions
Steven J. Schowalter, Alexander J. Dunning, Kuang Chen, Prateek Puri, Christian Schneider, Eric R. Hudson

Digital Quantum Simulation of Minimal AdS/CFT
L. García-Álvarez, I. L. Egusquiza, L. Lamata, A. del Campo, J. Sonner, E. Solano

Discrete time crystals: rigidity, criticality, and realizations
Norman Y. Yao, Andrew C. Potter, Ionut-Dragos Potirniche, Ashvin Vishwanath

Dynamics of a single trapped ion immersed in a buffer gas
Bastian Höltkemeier, Pascal Weckesser, Henry López-Carrera, Matthias Weidemüller

Experimental quantum compressed sensing for a seven-qubit system
C. A. Riofrio, D. Gross, S. T. Flammia, T. Monz, D. Nigg, R. Blatt, J. Eisert

Ghost features in Doppler-broadened spectra of rovibrational transitions in trapped HD+ ions
Sayan Patra, J.C.J. Koelemeij

Floquet engineering from long-range to short-range interactions
Tony E. Lee

Fluid nonlinear frequency shift of nonlinear ion acoustic waves in multi-ion species plasmas in small wave number region
Q. S. Feng, C. Z. Xiao, Q. Wang, C. Y. Zheng, Z. J. Liu, L. H. Cao, X. T. He

High sensitivity to mass-ratio variation in deep molecular potentials
D. Hanneke, R. A. Carollo, D. A. Lane

Hybrid quantum systems with trapped charged particles
Shlomi Kotler, Raymond W. Simmonds, Dietrich Leibfried, David J. Wineland

Improved sensing with a single qubit
P. Sekatski, M.Skotiniotis, W. Dür

Operator-based derivation of phonon modes and characterization of correlations for trapped ions at zero and finite temperature
Ulf Bissbort, Walter Hofstetter, Dario Poletti

Quantum Simulation of Many-Body Decoherence: Noise as a Resource
Aurélia Chenu, Mathieu Beau, Jianshu Cao, Adolfo del Campo



ITN Newsletter – July 2016

Dear Colleagues,

there are 700 subscribers to this (almost) monthly newsletter now, and you are primarily interested in the publication list ! You can help to complete our data by sending your recently  published papers directly to look forward to meet you at ECTI at the end of summer!

Your editorial team


The Conference Proceedings of the 8th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology are online (and available in open access)


European Conference on Trapped Ions, Aug 29 -Sept 2, 2016, Arosa, CH.  LINK


ECAMP, 5-9 September 2016, Frankfurt, D LINK


Italian Quantum Information Science Conference, will be held in Rome (Italy), 20-23 September 2016. LINK

International Conference on Molecular Energy Transfer in Complex Systems iCOMET 2017. It will take place in Innsbruck, Austria from January 15 to 20, 2017. Details HERE



PhD position (up to 5 years) is available in the laser spectroscopy group of Otto Dopfer at Berlin Institute of Technology (TU Berlin), Germany. LINK

ESA research fellowship for ACES. Details

Postdoctoral/research assistant position at the University of Freiburg in the group of Frank Stienkemeier. Contact

Postdoc position in experimental nanophotonics, Prague, Czech Republic. LINK

Postdoc or PhD positions are immediately availablein the group of Bernd v. Issendorff at the Institute of Physics, University of Freiburg, Germany. Link


You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information


Please sent informations about your publications to

Addressing single trapped ions for Rydberg quantum logic
P Bachor, T Feldker, J Walz and F Schmidt-Kaler
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49 (2016) 154004

A generalized Jaynes-Cummings model: The relativistic parametric amplifier and a single trapped ion
D. Ojeda-Guillén, R. D. Mota and V. D. Granados
J. Math. Phys. 57, 062104 (2016)

Analysis of the fine structure of Sn11+–Sn14+ ions by optical spectroscopy in an electron-beam ion trap
A. Windberger, F. Torretti, A. Borschevsky, A. Ryabtsev, S. Dobrodey, H. Bekker, E. Eliav, U. Kaldor, W. Ubachs, R. Hoekstra, J. R. Crespo López-Urrutia, and O. O. Versolato
Phys. Rev. A 94, 012506 (2016)

Compiling quantum algorithms for architectures with multi-qubit gates
Esteban A Martinez, Thomas Monz, Daniel Nigg, Philipp Schindler and Rainer Blatt
New J. Phys. 18 (2016) 063029

Conditional nonlinear operations by sequential Jaynes-Cummings interactions
Kimin Park, Petr Marek, and Radim Filip
Phys. Rev. A 94, 012332 (2016)

Effects of electrode surface roughness on motional heating of trapped ions
Kuan-Yu Lin, Guang Hao Low, and Isaac L. Chuang
Phys. Rev. A 94, 013418 (2016)

Isospaced linear ion strings
Michael Johanning
Appl. Phys. B (2016) 122: 71. doi:10.1007/s00340-016-6340-0

High-resolution adaptive imaging of a single atom
J. D. Wong-Campos, K. G. Johnson, B. Neyenhuis, J. Mizrahi, and C. Monroe
Nature Photonics (2016)

Loschmidt echo for quantum metrology
Tommaso Macrì, Augusto Smerzi, and Luca Pezzè
Phys. Rev. A 94, 010102(R) (2016)

Nonequilibrium properties of trapped ions under sudden application of a laser
A. A. Cifuentes, F. Nicacio, M. Paternostro, and F. L. Semião
Phys. Rev. A 94, 013406 (2016)

Quantum entanglement in coupled harmonic oscillator systems: from micro to macro
Jhih-Yuan Kao and Chung-Hsien Chou
New J. Phys. 18 (2016) 073001

Scalable Dissipative Preparation of Many-Body Entanglement
Florentin Reiter, David Reeb, and Anders S. Sørensen
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 040501 (2016)

Taking Pictures with Single Ions
Michael Schirber
Physics (2016)

Transmission Microscopy with Nanometer Resolution Using a Deterministic Single Ion Source
Georg Jacob, Karin Groot-Berning, Sebastian Wolf, Stefan Ulm, Luc Couturier, Samuel T. Dawkins, Ulrich G. Poschinger, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, and Kilian Singer
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 043001 (2016)

Ultrasensitive Magnetometer using a Single Atom
I. Baumgart, J.-M. Cai, A. Retzker, M. B. Plenio, and Ch. Wunderlich
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 240801 (2016)

Versatile microwave-driven trapped ion spin system for quantum information processing
Christian Piltz, Theeraphot Sriarunothai, Svetoslav S. Ivanov, Sabine Wölk and Christof Wunderlich
Science Advances 2, (2016)


A transportable 40Ca+ single-ion clock with 7.7×10−17 systematic uncertainty
Jian Cao, Ping Zhang, Junjuan Shang, Kaifeng Cui, Jinbo Yuan, Sijia Chao, Shaomao Wang, Hualin Shu, Xueren Huang
Cryogenic setup for trapped ion quantum computing
M.F. Brandl, M.W. van Mourik, L. Postler, A. Nolf, K. Lakhmanskiy, R.R. Paiva, S. Möller, N. Daniilidis, H. Häffner, V. Kaushal, T. Ruster, C. Warschburger, H. Kaufmann, U.G. Poschinger, F. Schmidt-Kaler, P. Schindler, T. Monz, R. Blatt

Generalized Effective Operator Formalism for Decaying Systems
Marius Paraschiv, Sabine Wölk, Thomas Mannel, Otfried Gühne

Long-range Heisenberg models in quasi-periodically driven crystals of trapped ions
A. Bermudez, L. Tagliacozzo, G. Sierra, P. Richerme

Probing the Dynamics of Superradiant Quantum Phase Transition in a Single Trapped-Ion
Ricardo Puebla, Myung-Joong Hwang, Jorge Casanova, Martin B. Plenio

Scalable ion-photon quantum interface based on integrated diffractive mirrors
M. Ghadimi, V. Blūms, B. G. Norton, P. M. Fisher, S. C. Connell, J. M. Amini, C. Volin, H. Hayden, C. S. Pai, D. Kielpinski, M. Lobino, E.W. Streed

ITN Newsletter – June 2016

Dear Colleagues,

as a follow-up of the Winter School in Les Houches last year a book on Trapped Charged Particles has just been published. It is a graduate textbook containing problems and solutions for every chapter, and treats many advanced topics concerning the physics of trapped charged particles. For those interersted, it will be on exposure (and sold with a special reduction) at the ECTI conference. Detailed information can be found here.

Your editorial team



Call for contributions for Special Issue “Perspectives of Atomic Physics with Trapped Highly Charged Ions” LINK


Introductory Course on Quantum Information, Innsbruck, July 12-14, 2016 LINK


European Conference on Trapped Ions, Aug 29 -Sept 2, 2016, Arosa, CH.  LINK


ECAMP, 5-9 September 2016, Frankfurt, D LINK


Italian Quantum Information Science Conference, will be held in Rome (Italy), 20-23 September 2016. LINK

International Conference on Molecular Energy Transfer in Complex Systems iCOMET 2017. It will take place in Innsbruck, Austria from January 15 to 20, 2017. Details HERE



Qubig is looking for a development engineer (physicist) for research and development tasks. You’ll find the detailed (German) description HERE.


PhD position on precision spectroscopy in multipole traps in Marseille. Deadline 10 July 2016. LINK

ESA research fellowship for ACES. Details

Postdoctoral/research assistant position at the University of Freiburg in the group of Frank Stienkemeier. Contact

Postdoc position in experimental nanophotonics, Prague, Czech Republic. LINK

PhD position on the Yb+ clock project in Besançon, France LINK


You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to

Arrays of individually controlled ions suitable for two-dimensional quantum simulations
Manuel Mielenz, Henning Kalis, Matthias Wittemer, Frederick Hakelberg, Ulrich Warring, Roman Schmied, Matthew Blain, Peter Maunz, David L. Moehring, Dietrich Leibfried, and Tobias Schaetz
Nature Communications 7, Article number: ncomms11839 (2016)

Buffer-Gas Cooling of a Single Ion in a Multipole Radio Frequency Trap Beyond the Critical Mass Ratio
Bastian Höltkemeier, Pascal Weckesser, Henry López-Carrera, and Matthias Weidemüller
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 233003 (2016)

Can different quantum state vectors correspond to the same physical state? An experimental test
Daniel Nigg, Thomas Monz, Philipp Schindler, Esteban A Martinez, Markus Hennrich, Rainer Blatt, Matthew F Pusey, Terry Rudolph and Jonathan Barrett
New J. Phys. 18 013007 (2016)

Cooperative Shielding in Many-Body Systems with Long-Range Interaction
Lea F. Santos, Fausto Borgonovi, and Giuseppe Luca Celardo
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 250402 (2016)

Crossover from Classical to Quantum Kibble-Zurek Scaling
Pietro Silvi, Giovanna Morigi, Tommaso Calarco, and Simone Montangero
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 225701 (2016)

Cryogenic resonator design for trapped ion experiments in Paul traps
M. F. Brandl, P. Schindler, T. Monz, R. Blatt
Appl. Phys. B 122: 157 (2016)

Design and performance of an instrument for electron impact tandem mass spectrometry and action spectroscopy of mass/charge selected macromolecular ions stored in RF ion trap
Milos Lj. Ranković, Alexandre Giuliani, and Aleksandar R. Milosavljević,
Eur. Phys. J. D 70: 125 (2016)

Detection of motional ground state population of a trapped ion using delayed pulses
F Gebert, Y Wan, F Wolf, Jan C Heip and Piet O Schmidt
New J. Phys. 18 013037 (2016)

Heat transport through ion crystals
Nahuel Freitas, Esteban A Martinez and Juan Pablo Paz
Phys. Scr. 91 013007 (2016)

Impact of many-body correlations on the dynamics of an ion-controlled bosonic Josephson junction
J. M. Schurer, R. Gerritsma, P. Schmelcher, and A. Negretti
Phys. Rev. A 93, 063602 (2016)

Implementation of chiral quantum optics with Rydberg and trapped-ion setups
Benoît Vermersch, Tomás Ramos, Philipp Hauke, and Peter Zoller
Phys. Rev. A 93, 063830 (2016)

Long-range Ising and Kitaev models: phases, correlations and edge modes
Davide Vodola, Luca Lepori, Elisa Ercolessi and Guido Pupillo
New J. Phys. 18 015001 (2016)

Many-body localization in a quantum simulator with programmable random disorder
J. Smith, A. Lee, P. Richerme, B. Neyenhuis, P. W. Hess, P. Hauke, M. Heyl, D. A. Huse, and C. Monroe
Nature Physics (2016)

Measuring the Second Chern Number from Nonadiabatic Effects
Michael Kolodrubetz
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 015301 (2016)

Nuclear recoil corrections to the Lamb shift of hydrogen and light hydrogenlike ions
V. A. Yerokhin and V. M. Shabaev
Phys. Rev. A 93, 062514 (2016)

Optimized Multi-Ion Cavity Coupling
Stephen Begley, Markus Vogt, Gurpreet Kaur Gulati, Hiroki Takahashi, and Matthias Keller
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 223001 (2016)

Particle physics: Quantum simulation of fundamental physics
Erez Zohar
Nature 534, 480–481(2016)

Programmable atom-photon quantum interface
Christoph Kurz, Pascal Eich, Michael Schug, Philipp Müller, and Jürgen Eschner
Phys. Rev. A 93, 062348 (2016)

Quantum annealing for the number-partitioning problem using a tunable spin glass of ions
Tobias Graß, David Raventós, Bruno Juliá-Díaz, Christian Gogolin, and Maciej Lewenstein
Nature Communications 7, Article number: 11524

Quantum simulation of the dynamical Casimir effect with trapped ions
N Trautmann and P Hauke
New J. Phys. 18 043029 (2016)

Quantum spin dynamics and entanglement generation with hundreds of trapped ions
Justin G. Bohnet, Brian C. Sawyer, Joseph W. Britton, Michael L. Wall, Ana Maria Rey, Michael Foss-Feig, John J. Bollinger
Science 352, 1297-1301 (2016)

Real-time dynamics of lattice gauge theories with a few-qubit quantum computer
Esteban A. Martinez, Christine A. Muschik, Philipp Schindler, Daniel Nigg, Alexander Erhard, Markus Heyl, Philipp Hauke, Marcello Dalmonte, Thomas Monz, Peter Zoller, and Rainer Blatt
Nature 534, 516–519 (2016)

The power of one atom
Alberto Moscatelli
Nature Nanotechnology, 07 June 2016

The power of many
Iulia Georgescu
Nature Physics 12, 631 (2016)

Topological phases of shaken quantum Ising lattices
Samuel Fernández-Lorenzo, Juan José García-Ripoll and Diego Porras
New J. Phys. 18 023030 (2016)


A long-lived Zeeman trapped-ion qubit
Thomas Ruster, Christian T. Schmiegelow, Henning Kaufmann, Claudia Warschburger, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Ulrich G. Poschinger

Force sensors with precision beyond the standard quantum limit
Peter A. Ivanov

Frequency conversion between UV and telecom wavelengths in a lithium niobate waveguide for quantum communication with Yb+ trapped ions
Sachin Kasture, Francesco Lenzini, Ben Haylock, Andreas Boes, Arnan Mitchell, Erik W. Streed, Mirko Lobino

Heisenberg scaling of imaging resolution by coherent enhancement
Robert McConnell, Guang Hao Low, Theodore J. Yoder, Colin D. Bruzewicz, Isaac L. Chuang, John Chiaverini, Jeremy M. Sage

High-fidelity trapped-ion quantum logic using near-field microwaves
T. P. Harty, M. A. Sepiol, D. T. C. Allcock, C. J. Ballance, J. E. Tarlton, D. M. Lucas

Large-scale error-correction protocols using global operations in ion traps
Yannick Seis, Joseph F. Goodwin, Benjamin J. Brown, Terry Rudolph

Ion Crystal Metamorphoses in a Paul trap
V. Ursekar, J. M. Silvester, Y. S. Nam, R. Blümel

Polarization measurement of dielectronic recombination transitions in highly charged krypton ions
Chintan Shah, Holger Jörg, Sven Bernitt, Stepan Dobrodey, René Steinbrügge, Christian Beilmann, Pedro Amaro, Zhimin Hu, Sebastian Weber, Stephan Fritzsche, Andrey Surzhykov, José R. Crespo López-Urrutia, and Stanislav Tashenov

Quantum dynamics of trapped ions in a dynamic field gradient using dressed states
Sabine Wölk, Christof Wunderlich

Simulating generic spin-boson models with matrix product states
Michael L. Wall, Arghavan Safavi-Naini, Ana Maria Rey

Switchable Particle Statistics with an Embedding Quantum Simulator
X.-H. Cheng, I. Arrazola, J. S. Pedernales, L. Lamata, X. Chen, E. Solano

Ultrafast, high repetition rate, ultraviolet, fiber based laser source: application towards Yb+ fast quantum-logic
Mahmood Irtiza Hussain, Matthew Joseph Petrasiunas, Christopher D. B. Bentley, Richard L. Taylor, Andre R. R. Carvalho, Joseph J. Hope, Erik W. Streed, Mirko Lobino, David Kielpinski



ITN Newsletter – May 2016

Dear Colleagues,

this newsletter lives its happy life with a growing number of subscribers. The generous sponsors for 2016 are (in alphabetical order): Rainer Blatt, Klaus Blaum, and Roland Wester. Thanks to their financial support,  and to Mirjam Bruttin’s (and Jonathan Home’s) admin help, the continuity of this newsletter is guaranteed ! If you wish to join the club of funders for next year, don’t hesitate to contact Martina !

It’s also time to register for the main Ion Trapping event in 2016: ECTI registration deadline is 15 June 2016.

Your editorial team


Call for contributions for Special Issue “Perspectives of Atomic Physics with Trapped Highly Charged Ions”


CAMEL12, June 27 – July 1, 2016, in Nessebar/BG; more info at

The 12th International Colloquia on Atomic Spectra and Oscillator Strengths for Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas (ASOS-12) will be held at the Universidade de São Paulo on July 4–7, 2016  LINK

Introductory Course on Quantum Information, Innsbruck, July 12-14, 2016 LINK


European Conference on Trapped Ions, Aug 29 -Sept 2, 2016, Arosa, CH. Register before 15 June !! LINK


ECAMP, 5-9 September 2016, Frankfurt, D LINK


International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi”, summer courses 2016 LINK


Italian Quantum Information Science Conference, will be held in Rome (Italy), 20-23 September 2016. LINK



PhD (3 years) or postdoc (up to 2 years) position in spectroscopy in cryogenic ion traps is available in the laser spectroscopy group of Otto Dopfer at Berlin Institute of Technology (TU Berlin), Germany. LINK

PhD position AND postdoc position on the Yb+ clock project in Besançon, France LINK


You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to

A cylindrical quadrupole ion trap in combination with an electrospray ion source for gas-phase luminescence and absorption spectroscopy
Mark H. Stockett, Jørgen Houmøller, Kristian Støchkel, Annette Svendsen and Steen Brøndsted Nielsen
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87, 053103 (2016)

A highly miniaturized vacuum package for a trapped ion atomic clock
Peter D. D. Schwindt, Yuan-Yu Jau, Heather Partner, Adrian Casias, Adrian R. Wagner, Matthew Moorman, Ronald P. Manginell, James R. Kellogg and John D. Prestage
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87, 053112 (2016)

Active stabilization of ion trap radiofrequency potentials
K. G. Johnson, J. D. Wong-Campos, A. Restelli, K. A. Landsman, B. Neyenhuis, J. Mizrahi and C. Monroe
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87, 053110 (2016);

Avoided level crossings in very highly charged ions
P. Beiersdorfer, J. H. Scofield, G. V. Brown, M. H. Chen, N. Hell, A. L. Osterheld, D. A. Vogel, and K. L. Wong
Phys. Rev. A 93, 051403(R) (2016)

Comparison of Gaussian and super Gaussian laser beams for addressing atomic qubits
Katharina Gillen-Christandl, Glen D. Gillen, M. J. Piotrowicz, M. Saffman
Appl. Phys. B (2016) 122:131

Dipole–dipole interaction between trapped two-level ions interacting with a quantized field in the Lamb–Dicke regime
Navid Yazdanpanah and Mohammad Kazem Tavassoly
Journal of the Optical Society of America B Vol. 33, Issue 3, pp. 382-392 (2016)

Electromagnetically-induced-transparency ground-state cooling of long ion strings
Regina Lechner, Christine Maier, Cornelius Hempel, Petar Jurcevic, Ben P. Lanyon, Thomas Monz, Michael Brownnutt, Rainer Blatt, and Christian F. Roos
Phys. Rev. A 93, 053401 (2016)

Energy Scaling of Cold Atom-Atom-Ion Three-Body Recombination
Artjom Krükow, Amir Mohammadi, Arne Härter, Johannes Hecker Denschlag, Jesús Pérez-Ríos, and Chris H. Greene
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 193201 (2016)

Entanglement growth and correlation spreading with variable-range interactions in spin and fermionic tunneling models
Anton S. Buyskikh, Maurizio Fagotti, Johannes Schachenmayer, Fabian Essler, and Andrew J. Daley
Phys. Rev. A 93, 053620 (2016)

Explanation of efficient quenching of molecular ion vibrational motion by ultracold atoms
T.Stoecklin, Philippe Halvick, M. A Gannouni, M. Hochlaf, S. Kotochigova and E. R. Hudson,
Nat. Commun. 7,11234 (2016).

Interactions and low-energy collisions between an alkali ion and an alkali atom of a different nucleus
Arpita Rakshit, Chedli Ghanmi, Hamid Berriche, and Bimalendu Deb
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49 (2016) 105202

Isotope shifts of the 2p3/2−2p1/2 transition in B-like ions
N. A. Zubova, A. V. Malyshev, I. I. Tupitsyn, V. M. Shabaev, Y. S. Kozhedub, G. Plunien, C. Brandau, and Th. Stöhlker
Phys. Rev. A 93, 052502 (2016)

Kaleidoscope of quantum phases in a long-range interacting spin-1 chain
Z.-X. Gong, M. F. Maghrebi, A. Hu, M. Foss-Feig, P. Richerme, C. Monroe, and A. V. Gorshkov
Phys. Rev. B 93, 205115 (2016)

Measuring nonequilibrium retarded spin-spin Green’s functions in an ion-trap-based quantum simulator
Bryce T. Yoshimura and J. K. Freericks
Phys. Rev. A 93, 052314 (2016)

Precision measurement of the branching fractions of the 5pP1/22 state in Sr+88 with a single ion in a microfabricated surface trap
Jean-Pierre Likforman, Vincent Tugayé, Samuel Guibal, and Luca Guidoni
Phys. Rev. A 93, 052507 (2016)

Quantum transitions and quantum entanglement from Dirac-like dynamics simulated by trapped ions
Victor A. S. V. Bittencourt, Alex E. Bernardini, and Massimo Blasone
Phys. Rev. A 93, 053823 (2016)

Raman sideband cooling of a Ba+138 ion using a Zeeman interval
Christopher M. Seck, Mark G. Kokish, Matthew R. Dietrich, and Brian C. Odom
Phys. Rev. A 93, 053415 (2016)

Resolved-Sideband Laser Cooling in a Penning Trap
J. F. Goodwin, G. Stutter, R. C. Thompson, and D. M. Segal
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 143002

Stability thresholds and calculation techniques for fast entangling gates on trapped ions
C. D. B. Bentley, R. L. Taylor, A. R. R. Carvalho, and J. J. Hope
Phys. Rev. A 93, 042342 (2016)

Visibility of Young’s Interference Fringes: Scattered Light from Small Ion Crystals
Sebastian Wolf, Julian Wechs, Joachim von Zanthier, and Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 183002 (2016)


2D ion crystals in radiofrequency traps for quantum simulation
Philip Richerme

Achieving translational symmetry in trapped cold ion rings
Hao-Kun Li, Erik Urban, Crystal Noel, Alexander Chuang, Yang Xia, Anthony Ransford, Boerge Hemmerling, Yuan Wang, Tongcang Li, Hartmut Haeffner, Xiang Zhang

Analysis of the fine structure of Sn$^{11+…14+}$ ions by optical spectroscopy in an electron beam ion trap
A. Windberger, F. Torretti, A. Borschevsky, A. Ryabtsev, S. Dobrodey, H. Bekker, E. Eliav, U. Kaldor, W. Ubachs, R. Hoekstra, J. R. Crespo López-Urrutia, O. O. Versolato

Detecting continuous spontaneous localisation with charged bodies in a Paul trap
Ying Li, Andrew M. Steane, Daniel Bedingham, G. Andrew D. Briggs

Dispersion coefficients for the interaction of inert gas atoms with alkali and alkaline earth ions and alkali atoms with their singly ionized ions
Sukhjit Singh, Kiranpreet Kaur, B. K. Sahoo, Bindiya Arora

Effects of electrode surface roughness on motional heating of trapped ions
Kuan-Yu Lin, Guang Hao Low, Issac L. Chuang

Electron spin resonance from NV centers in diamonds levitating in an ion trap
Tom Delord, Louis Nicolas, Lucien Schwab, Gabriel Hétet

Engineering Large Stark Shifts for Control of Individual Clock State Qubits
Aaron C. Lee, Jacob Smith, Philip Richerme, Brian Neyenhuis, Paul W. Hess, Jiehang Zhang, Christopher Monroe

Generation of hybrid entanglement between a mirror and a trapped ion
Clóvis Corrêa, A. Vidiella-Barranco

Iterative Precision Measurement of Branching Ratios Applied to 5P states in 88Sr+
Helena Zhang, Michael Gutierrez, Guang Hao Low, Richard Rines, Jules Stuart, Tailin Wu, Isaac Chuang

Maximizing the information gain of a single ion microscope using bayes experimental design
Georg Jacob, Karin Groot-Berning, Ulrich G. Poschinger, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Kilian Singer

Minimally complex ion traps as modules for quantum communication and computing
Ramil Nigmatullin, Christopher J. Ballance, Niel de Beaudrap, Simon C. Benjamin

Motional-Mode Analysis of Trapped Ions
Henning Kalis, Frederick Hakelberg, Matthias Wittemer, Manuel Mielenz, Ulrich Warring, Tobias Schaetz

Pure single photons from a trapped atom source
Daniel B. Higginbottom, Lukáš Slodička, Gabriel Araneda, Lukáš Lachman, Radim Filip, Markus Hennrich, Rainer Blatt

Quantum critical behavior influenced by measurement backaction in ultracold gases
Yuto Ashida, Shunsuke Furukawa, Masahito Ueda

Quantum transitions and quantum entanglement from Dirac-like dynamics simulated by trapped ions
Victor A. S. V. Bittencourt, Alex E. Bernardini, Massimo Blasone

Real-time dynamics of lattice gauge theories with a few-qubit quantum computer
E. A. Martinez, C. A. Muschik, P. Schindler, D. Nigg, A. Erhard, M. Heyl, P. Hauke, M. Dalmonte, T. Monz, P. Zoller, R. Blatt

String order via Floquet interactions in atomic systems
Tony E. Lee, Yogesh N. Joglekar, Philip Richerme



ITN Newsletter – April 2016

Dear Colleagues,

the application for a new COST Action has been submitted this week. We have constituted a ensemble of “proposers” from all concerned countries which autmatically includes all groups from those countries in case of success. The “main proposer” is Johannes Hecker-Denschlag of Ulm University together with a small working group (Markus Hennrich, Matthias Keller, Martina Knoop). We are convinced that this time the COST office will love our proposal !

Your editorial team


Call for contributions for Special Issue “Perspectives of Atomic Physics with Trapped Highly Charged Ions”


CAMEL12, June 27 – July 1, 2016, in Nessebar/BG; more info at

Introductory Course on Quantum Information, Innsbruck, July 12-14, 2016 LINK


European Conference on Trapped Ions, Aug 29 -Sept 2, 2016, Arosa, CH, Registration now open !! LINK


ECAMP, 5-9 September 2016, Frankfurt, D LINK


International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi”, summer courses 2016 LINK

Italian Quantum Information Science Conference, will be held in Rome (Italy), 20-23 September 2016. LINK



4 PhD Studentships in Quantum Networking, Atomic clocks and Molecular Physics at the University of Sussex LINK


PostDoc position in experimental cold atom physics, Liège, Belgium. CONTACT

Research fellow position for ACES at ESTEC, NL LINK


In France different permanent positions are announced, and there are published on the website of the ministry. Link

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to

A quantum repeater node with trapped ions: a realistic case example
A. D. Pfister , M. Salz, M. Hettrich, U. G. Poschinger, F. Schmidt-Kaler
Appl. Phys. B (2016) 122:89

A single-atom heat engine
Johannes Roßnagel, Samuel T. Dawkins, Karl N. Tolazzi, Obinna Abah, Eric Lutz, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Kilian Singer
Science 352, 325-329 (2016)

Creating analogs of thermal distributions from diabatic excitations in ion-trap-based quantum simulation
M H Lim, B T Yoshimura and J K Freericks
New J. Phys. 18 (2016) 043026

Estimation of a general time-dependent Hamiltonian for a single qubit
L. E. de Clercq, R. Oswald, C. Flühmann, B. Keitch, D. Kienzler, H. -Y. Lo, M. Marinelli, D. Nadlinger, V. Negnevitsky , and J. P. Home
Nature Communications 7, 11218 (2016)

Generation of large coherent states by bang–bang control of a trapped-ion oscillator
J. Alonso, F. M. Leupold, Z. U. Solèr, M. Fadel, M. Marinelli, B. C. Keitch, V. Negnevitsky, and J. P. Home
Nature Communications 7, 11243 (2016)

Holonomic Quantum Control with Continuous Variable Systems
Victor V. Albert, Chi Shu, Stefan Krastanov, Chao Shen, Ren-Bao Liu, Zhen-Biao Yang, Robert J. Schoelkopf, Mazyar Mirrahimi, Michel H. Devoret, and Liang Jiang
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 140502 (2016)

Implications of surface noise for the motional coherence of trapped ions
I. Talukdar, D. J. Gorman, N. Daniilidis, P. Schindler, S. Ebadi, H. Kaufmann, T. Zhang, and H. Häffner
Phys. Rev. A 93, 043415 (2016)

Lifetimes of metastable ion clouds in a Paul trap: Power-law scaling
D. K. Weiss, Y. S. Nam, and R. Blümel
Phys. Rev. A 93, 043424 (2016)

Observation of Quantum Interference between Separated Mechanical Oscillator Wave Packets
D. Kienzler, C. Flühmann, V. Negnevitsky, H.-Y. Lo, M. Marinelli, D. Nadlinger, and J. P. Home
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 140402 (2016)

Photoionization of tungsten ions: experiment and theory for ${{\rm{W}}}^{2+}$ and ${{\rm{W}}}^{3+}$
B M McLaughlin, C P Ballance, S Schippers, J Hellhund, A L D Kilcoyne, R A Phaneuf and A Müller
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49 (2016) 065201

Phonon arithmetic in a trapped ion system
Mark Um, Junhua Zhang, Dingshun Lv, Yao Lu, Shuoming An, Jing-Ning Zhang, Hyunchul Nha, M. S. Kim, and Kihwan Kim
Nature Communications 7, 11410 (2016)

Population Redistribution Among Multiple Electronic States of Molecular Nitrogen Ions in Strong Laser Fields
Jinping Yao, Shicheng Jiang, Wei Chu, Bin Zeng, Chengyin Wu, Ruifeng Lu, Ziting Li, Hongqiang Xie, Guihua Li, Chao Yu, Zhanshan Wang, Hongbing Jiang, Qihuang Gong, and Ya Cheng
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 143007 (2016)

Probe light-shift elimination in generalized hyper-Ramsey quantum clocks
T. Zanon-Willette, E. de Clercq, and E. Arimondo
Phys. Rev. A 93, 042506 (2016)

Quantum simulation of the dynamical Casimir effect with trapped ions
N Trautmann and P Hauke
2016 New J. Phys. 18 043029

Shortcuts to adiabaticity for an ion in a rotating radially-tight trap
M Palmero, Shuo Wang, D Guéry-Odelin, Jr-Shin Li and J G Muga
New J. Phys. 18 (2016) 043014

Single atom detection in ultracold quantum gases: a review of current progress
Herwig Ott
Rep. Prog. Phys. 79 (2016) 054401

Stability Diagrams for Paul Ion Traps Driven by Two-Frequencies
Gabriela C. Possa, and Luiz F. Roncaratti
J. Phys. Chem. A, Article ASAP (Feb 2016)



Analog Quantum Simulation of (1+1)D Lattice QED with Trapped Ions
Dayou Yang, Gouri Shankar Giri, Michael Johanning, Christof Wunderlich, Peter Zoller, Philipp Hauke

Cross-cavity quantum Rabi model
C. Huerta Alderete, B. M. Rodríguez-Lara

Effects of excited state quantum phase transitions on system dynamics
Francisco Pérez-Bernal, Lea F. Santos

Excited state quantum phase transitions in many-body systems with infinite-range interaction: localization, dynamics, and bifurcation
Lea F. Santos, Marco Távora, Francisco Pérez-Bernal

Experimental demonstration of an efficient number diagnostic for long 1D ion chains
Marius Romuald Kamsap, Caroline Champenois, J. Pedregosa-Gutierrez, Marie Houssin, Martina Knoop

Non-equilibrium properties of trapped ions under sudden application of a laser
A. A. Cifuentes, F. Nicacio, M. Paternostro, F. L. Semião

Refocusing two qubit gates with measurements for trapped ions
Tuvia Gefen, Daniel Cohen, Itsik Cohen, Alex Retzker

Shielding and localization in presence of long range hopping
G. L. Celardo, R. Kaiser, F. Borgonovi

The electron mass from $g$-factor measurements on hydrogen-like carbon $^{12}$C$^{5+}$
Florian Köhler, Sven Sturm, Anke Kracke, Günter Werth, Wolfgang Quint, Klaus Blaum

2D quantum repeaters
J. Wallnöfer, M. Zwerger, C. Muschik, N. Sangouard, W. Dür



ITN Newsletter – March 2016

Dear Colleagues,

we had sent a special message about the Q
uantum Manifesto a couple of weeks ago.  For those of you who wish to support this petition which proposes a flagship initiative on quantum technologies, it is still time to sign at

Your editorial team


A new COST application is under preparation, you will be contacted in the following days for more information.

In order to better administer this successful newsletter, it is now sent via Mailchimp. Apparently, there has been some spamfiltering, so please ask your neighbours if they have received their favorite monthly lecture!



CPEM, 10-15 July, Ottawa, Canada LINK


European Conference on Trapped Ions, Aug 29 -Sept 2, 2016, Arosa, CH, Registration now open !! LINK


ECAMP, 5-9 September 2016, Frankfurt, D LINK


International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi”, summer courses 2016 LINK



Postdoc and PhD positions in Innsbruck  LINK


Post Doc position, CNRS – Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, FRANCE Link


Assistant professor “Theory of Quantum Chaos with Bose Einstein Condensates”, Lille, France  LINK


Research Fellow in many-body theory, University of Nottingham, UK  LINK


Postdoc : Innovative low noise high power lasers, LP2N, Bordeaux, France LINK


In France different permanent positions are announced, and there are published on the website of the ministry. Link

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information



Please sent informations about your publications to

Analysis of the competition between forbidden and hyperfine-induced transitions in Ne-like ions
Martin Andersson, Jon Grumer, Tomas Brage, Yaming Zou, and Roger Hutton
Phys. Rev. A 93, 032506 (2016)

A single-ion trap with minimized ion–environment interactions
P. B. R. Nisbet-Jones , S. A. King, J. M. Jones, R. M. Godun, C. F. A. Baynham, K. Bongs, M. Doležal, P. Balling, P. Gill
Appl. Phys. B (2016) 122:57

Dual trapped-ion quantum simulators: an alternative route towards exotic quantum magnets
Tobias Graß, Maciej Lewenstein and Alejandro Bermudez
New J. Phys. 18 (2016) 033011

Evolution of a hybrid micro–macro entangled state of the qubit–oscillator system via the generalized rotating wave approximation
R Chakrabarti and V Yogesh
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49, 075502 (2016)

g Factor of Light Ions for an Improved Determination of the Fine-Structure Constant
V. A. Yerokhin, E. Berseneva, Z. Harman, I. I. Tupitsyn, and C. H. Keitel
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 100801 (2016)

Loss of wave-packet coherence in ion-atom collisions
L. Sarkadi, I. Fabre, F. Navarrete, and R. O. Barrachina
Phys. Rev. A 93, 032702 (2016)

Multipole electrodynamic ion trap geometries for microparticle confinement under standard ambient temperature and pressure conditions
Bogdan M. Mihalcea, Liviu C. Giurgiu, Cristina Stan, Gina T. Vişan, Mihai Ganciu, Vladimir Filinov, Dmitry Lapitsky, Lidiya Deputatova and Roman Syrovatka
J. Appl. Phys. 119, 114303 (2016)

Photodissociation of an Internally Cold Beam of CH+ Ions in a Cryogenic Storage Ring
A. P. O’Connor et al.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 113002 (2016)

Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Ions: Study of the Auger Decay of the 4d→nf (n=4,5) Resonances in Xe5+ Ion
J.-M. Bizau, D. Cubaynes, S. Guilbaud, F. Penent, P. Lablanquie, L. Andric, J. Palaudoux, M. M. Al Shorman, and C. Blancard
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 103001 (2016)

Photoionization of tungsten ions: experiment and theory for $W^{2+}$ and $W^{3+}$
B M McLaughlin, C P Ballance, S Schippers, J Hellhund, A L D Kilcoyne, R A Phaneuf and A Müller
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49 (2016) 065201

Practical Entanglement Estimation for Spin-System Quantum Simulators
O. Marty, M. Cramer, and M. B. Plenio
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 105301 (2016)

Precision spectroscopy of the hydrogen molecular ion D2+
Pei-Pei Zhang, Zhen-Xiang Zhong, Zong-Chao Yan, and Ting-Yun Shi
Phys. Rev. A 93, 032507 (2016)

Realization of a scalable Shor algorithm
T. Monz, D. Nigg, E. A. Martinez, M. F. Brandl, P. Schindler, R. Rines, S.X. Wang, I.L. Chuang, and R. Blatt
Science 351, Issue 6277, pp. 1068-1070 (2016)

Real-Time Dynamics in U(1) Lattice Gauge Theories with Tensor Networks
T. Pichler, M. Dalmonte, E. Rico, P. Zoller, and S. Montangero
Phys. Rev. X 6, 011023 (2016)

Reducing quantum overhead
Ian S. Osborne
Science 351, Issue 6277, pp. 1038-1040 (2016)

Refocusing two-qubit-gate noise for trapped ions by composite pulses
I. Cohen, A. Rotem, and A. Retzker
Phys. Rev. A 93, 032340 (2016)

Relativistic correlation effects on the x-ray spectra of Li-like ions
L. Natarajan
Phys. Rev. A 93, 032516 (2016)

Understanding analog quantum simulation dynamics in coupled ion-trap qubits
Yang-Le Wu and S. Das Sarma
Phys. Rev. A 93, 022332 (2016)


3D Sisyphus Cooling of Trapped Ions
S. Ejtemaee, P. C. Haljan

Absolute Te$_2$ reference for barium ion at $455.4~$nm
T. Dutta, D. De Munshi, M. Mukherjee

Active Stabilization of Ion Trap Radiofrequency Potentials
K. G. Johnson, J. D. Wong-Campos, A. Restelli, K. A. Landsman, B. Neyenhuis, J. Mizrahi, C. Monroe

Autonomous quantum thermal machines in atom-cavity systems
Mark T. Mitchison, Marcus Huber, Javier Prior, Mischa P. Woods, Martin B. Plenio

Basic circuit compilation techniques for an ion-trap quantum machine
Dmitri Maslov

Compact Yb$^+$ optical atomic clock project: design principle and current status
Clément Lacroûte, Maël Souidi, Pierre-Yves Bourgeois, Jacques Millo, Khaldoun Saleh, Emmanuel Bigler, Rodolphe Boudot, Vincent Giordano, Yann Kersalé

Comparative numerical studies of ion traps with integrated optical cavities
Nina Podoliak, Hiroki Takahashi, Matthias Keller, Peter Horak

Continuous variables quantum computation over the vibrational modes of a single trapped ion
Luis Ortiz-Gutiérrez, Bruna Gabrielly, Luis F. Muñoz, Kainã T. Pereira, Jefferson G. Filgueiras, Alessandro S. Villar

Demonstration of a programmable quantum computer module
S. Debnath, N. M. Linke, C. Figgatt, K. A. Landsman, K. Wright, C. Monroe

Dynamics of a ground-state cooled ion colliding with ultra-cold atoms
Ziv Meir, Tomas Sikorsky, Ruti Ben-shlomi, Nitzan Akerman, Yehonatan Dallal, Roee Ozeri

EIT ground-state cooling of long ion strings
R. Lechner, C. Maier, C. Hempel, P. Jurcevic, B. P. Lanyon, T. Monz, M. Brownnutt, R. Blatt, C. F. Roos

High-Fidelity Universal Gate Set for $^9$Be$^+$ Ion Qubits
J. P. Gaebler, T. R. Tan, Y. Lin, Y. Wan, R. Bowler, A. C. Keith, S. Glancy, K. Coakley, E. Knill, D. Leibfried, D. J. Wineland

Implementation of Chiral Quantum Optics with Rydberg and Trapped-ion Setups
Benoît Vermersch, Tomás Ramos, Philipp Hauke, Peter Zoller

Iterative Phase Optimisation of Elementary Quantum Error Correcting Codes
M. Müller, A. Rivas, E. A. Martínez, D. Nigg, P. Schindler, T. Monz, R. Blatt, M. A. Martin-Delgado

Preparation of entangled states through Hilbert space engineering
Y. Lin, J. P. Gaebler, F. Reiter, T. R. Tan, R. Bowler, Y. Wan, A. Keith, E. Knill, S. Glancy, K. Coakley, A. S. Sørensen, D. Leibfried, D. J. Wineland

Production of NaCa$^+$ molecular ions in the ground state from cold atom-ion mixtures by photoassociation via an intermediate state
Marko Gacesa, John A. Montgomery Jr., H. Harvey Michels, Robin Côté

Programmable atom-photon quantum interface
Christoph Kurz, Pascal Eich, Michael Schug, Philipp Müller, Jürgen Eschner

Trapped-ion quantum logic with global radiation fields
S. Weidt, J. Randall, S. C. Webster, K. Lake, A. E. Webb, I. Cohen, T. Navickas, B. Lekitsch, A. Retzker, W. K. Hensinger

Transport Implementation of the Bernstein-Vazirani Algorithm with Ion Qubits
Spencer Fallek, Creston Herold, Brian McMahon, Kara Maller, Kenneth Brown, Jason Amini

The Ion Trapper’s News – Special Announcement On European Inititative

Dear Colleague,

Thank you for your contributions to the Quantum Manifesto, an initiative started by European science, industry and policy communities in response to a call for a common European strategy by Commissioner Günther Oettinger and Minister Henk Kamp in October 2015. We are proud to present the attached version (see link for download below), with the aim to collect endorsements from all stakeholders. We have widely consulted the community in preparing this Manifesto and have tried to take on board all the comments we received in a balanced way.

The broadest possible endorsement is crucial to show that there is strong support throughout Europe for a flagship-scale initiative. All individuals from academia, industry and governmental / funding institutions are invited to endorse the Manifesto via this form at In the final version, a general overview of the received endorsements will be included.

The endorsement phase closes on April 30, in time to present the final version to the European Commission, Parliament and Council representatives at the Amsterdam Conference on May 17-18, see

Thanks in advance and please don’t hesitate to share this message with people to whom you may think it’s relevant!

Best regards,

The Quantum Manifesto writing team:

Aymard de Touzalin (European Commission)
Charles Marcus (Niels Bohr Institute)
Freeke Heijman (NL EU presidency)
Ignacio Cirac (Max Planck Institute)
Richard Murray (Innovate UK)
Tommaso Calarco (University of Ulm)

The actual version of the manifesto can be downloaded HERE

ITN Newsletter – February 2016

Dear Colleagues,

First round of COST proposals selected in 2016 does not see our joint proposal being selected. Don’t panic, we’ll try again ! Next deadline is in April 2016.

Your editorial team



A celebration of  Danny Segal’s life is organized on Wednesday 16th March 2016 from 3.30pm in the Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College London.
The event will start with a number of talks, followed by an evening of music.
If you would like to attend, please register for lectures and/or reception.

In order to better administer this successful newsletter, it is now sent via Mailchimp. Apparently, there has been some spamfiltering, so please ask your neighbours if they have received their favorite monthly lecture!


CPEM, 10-15 July, Ottawa, Canada LINK


European Conference on Trapped Ions, Aug 29 -Sept 2, 2016, Arosa, CH LINK


ECAMP, 5-9 September 2016, Frankfurt, D LINK


International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi”, summer courses 2016 LINK



Postdoc and PhD positions in Innsbruck  LINK


Post Doc position, CNRS – Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, FRANCE Link


Assistant professor “Theory of Quantum Chaos with Bose Einstein Condensates”, Lille, France  LINK


Research Fellow in many-body theory, University of Nottingham, UK  LINK


Postdoc : Innovative low noise high power lasers, LP2N, Bordeaux, France LINK


In France different permanent positions are announced, and there are published on the website of the ministry. Link

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information




Please sent informations about your publications to

Blackbody-radiation-induced shifts and the broadening of Rydberg states in the ions of group IIa elements
I L Glukhov, E A Nikitina and V D Ovsiannikov
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49 (2016) 035003

Dark-resonance Doppler cooling and high fluorescence in trapped Ca-43 ions at intermediate magnetic field
D T C Allcock, T P Harty, M A Sepiol, H A Janacek, C J Ballance, A M Steane, D M Lucas and D N Stacey
New J. Phys. 18 (2016) 023043

Differential cross sections for the ionization of ${{\rm{H}}}_{2}^{+}$ by proton impact without using the two-effective center approximation
A Igarashi, L Gulyás and A Ohsaki
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49 (2016) 035204

Doubly heralded single-photon absorption by a single atom
J. Brito, S. Kucera, P. Eich, P. Müller, J. Eschner
Appl. Phys. B (2016) 122:36

Drive-Thru Quantum Gate
Michael Schirber
Physics (2016) – Published 24 February 2016

Electric-field noise above a thin dielectric layer on metal electrodes
Muir Kumph, Carsten Henkel, Peter Rabl, Michael Brownnutt and Rainer Blatt
New J. Phys. 18 (2016) 023020

Electron-impact double ionization of Li+
Jurgita Koncevičiūtė and Valdas Jonauskas
Phys. Rev. A 93, 022711 (2016)

Energy shift due to anisotropic blackbody radiation
V. V. Flambaum, S. G. Porsev, and M. S. Safronova
Phys. Rev. A 93, 022508 (2016)

Five-photon double ionization of helium
Y Li, M S Pindzola and J Colgan
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49 (2016) 055401

Many-electron effects on x-ray Rayleigh scattering by highly charged He-like ions
A. V. Volotka, V. A. Yerokhin, A. Surzhykov, Th. Stöhlker, and S. Fritzsche
Phys. Rev. A 93, 023418 (2016)

Non-destructive state detection for quantum logic spectroscopy of molecular ions
Fabian Wolf, Yong Wan, Jan C. Heip, Florian Gebert, Chunyan Shi & Piet O. Schmidt
Nature 530, 457 (2016)

Operation of a planar-electrode ion-trap array with adjustable RF electrodes
M Kumph, P Holz, K Langer, M Meraner, M Niedermayr, M Brownnutt and R Blatt
New J. Phys. 18 (2016) 023047

Optimization of phonon dynamics protocols in ion traps
T Dutta, M Mukherjee and K Sengupta
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49 (2016) 055502

Parallel Transport Quantum Logic Gates with Trapped Ions
Ludwig E. de Clercq, Hsiang-Yu Lo, Matteo Marinelli, David Nadlinger, Robin Oswald, Vlad Negnevitsky, Daniel Kienzler, Ben Keitch, and Jonathan P. Home
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 080502 (2016)

Preparing attosecond coherences by strong-field ionization
Stefan Pabst, Manfred Lein, and Hans Jakob Wörner
Phys. Rev. A 93, 023412 (2016)

QED calculations of three-photon transition probabilities in H-like ions with arbitrary nuclear charge
T Zalialiutdinov, D Solovyev and L Labzowsky
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49 (2016) 055001

Quantum sweeps, synchronization, and Kibble-Zurek physics in dissipative quantum spin systems
Loïc Henriet and Karyn Le Hur
Phys. Rev. B 93, 064411 (2016)

Simple and compact nozzle design for laser vaporization sources
M G Kokish, M R Dietrich and B C Odom
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49 (2016) 035301

Single-Ion Atomic Clock with 3×10−18 Systematic Uncertainty
N. Huntemann, C. Sanner, B. Lipphardt, Chr. Tamm, and E. Peik
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 063001 (2016)

Understanding analog quantum simulation dynamics in coupled ion-trap qubits
Yang-Le Wu and S. Das Sarma
Phys. Rev. A 93, 022332 (2016)

Universal control of ion qubits in a scalable microfabricated planar trap
C D Herold, S D Fallek, J T Merrill, A M Meier, K R Brown, C E Volin and J M Amini
New J. Phys. 18 (2016) 023048


Co-Designing a Scalable Quantum Computer with Trapped Atomic Ions
K. R. Brown, J. Kim, C. Monroe

Confinement-Induced Resonances in Ultracold Atom-Ion Systems
Vladimir S. Melezhik, Antonio Negretti

Controlled long-range interactions between Rydberg atoms and ions
Thomas Secker, Rene Gerritsma, Alexander W. Glaetzle, Antonio Negretti

Digital-Analog Quantum Simulation of Spin Models in Trapped Ions
I. Arrazola, J. S. Pedernales, L. Lamata, E. Solano

High-precision force sensing using a single trapped ion
Peter A. Ivanov, Nikolay V. Vitanov, Kilian Singer

Ion trap analogue of particle creation in black holes and cosmology
Christian Fey, Tobias Schaetz, Ralf Schützhold

Measuring second Chern number from non-adiabatic effects
Michael Kolodrubetz

Perpendicular laser cooling with a rotating wall potential in a Penning trap
Steven B. Torrisi, Joseph W. Britton, Justin G. Bohnet, John J. Bollinger

Probing quantum gravity effects with ion trap
Yue-Yue Chen, Xun-Li Feng, C. H. Oh, Zhi-Zhan Xu

Quantum Lock-in Force Sensing using Optical Clock Doppler Velocimetry
Ravid Shaniv, Roee Ozeri

Quantum Monte Carlo Study of Long-Range Transverse-Field Ising Models on the Triangular Lattice
Stephan Humeniuk

Single-Ion Atomic Clock with $3\times10^{-18}$ Systematic Uncertainty
N. Huntemann, C. Sanner, B. Lipphardt, Chr. Tamm, E. Peik

Terahertz-visible two-photon rotational spectroscopy of cold OD-
Seunghyun Lee, Daniel Hauser, Olga Lakhmanskaya, Steffen Spieler, Eric S. Endres, Katharina Geistlinger, Sunil S. Kumar, Roland WesterProbing quantum grav ity effects with ion trap

Towards Rydberg quantum logic with trapped ions
P. Bachor, T. Feldker, J. Walz, F. Schmidt-Kaler


ITN Newsletter – January 2016

Dear Colleagues,

let us start by wishing a Happy New Year to all of you, with plenty of nice publications for our newsletter, and hopefully a successful new COST application !

Your editorial team



Stephan Schlemmer  has been awarded the 2015 French-German Gay-Lussac Humboldt prize ! Link


SPIE Photonics Europe 2016 – Quantum Technologies Conference, 4-7 April 2016, Brussels Link


CPEM, 10-15 July, Ottawa, Canada LINK


European Conference on Trapped Ions, Aug 29 -Sept 2, 2016, Arosa, CH LINK


ECAMP, 5-9 September 2016, Frankfurt, D LINK


International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi”, summer courses 2016 LINK



Post Doc position, CNRS – Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, FRANCE Link


In France different permanent positions are announced, and there are published on the website of the ministry. Link

You can also find postdoc positions in frequency metrologycold atoms and quantum information




Please sent informations about your publications to

Computing rotational energy transfers of OD−/OH− in collisions with Rb: isotopic effects and inelastic rates at cold ion-trap conditions
L González-Sánchez, F A Gianturco, F Carelli and R Wester
New J. Phys. 17 (2015) 123003

Detection of motional ground state population of a trapped ion using delayed pulses
F Gebert, Y Wan, F Wolf, Jan C Heip and Piet O Schmidt
New J. Phys. 18 (2016) 013037

Doppler Cooling Trapped Ions with a UV Frequency Comb
Josue Davila-Rodriguez, Akira Ozawa, Theodor W. Hänsch, and Thomas Udem
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 043002 (2016)

Dynamics of an ion coupled to a parametric superconducting circuit
Dvir Kafri, Prabin Adhikari, and Jacob M. Taylor
Phys. Rev. A 93, 013412 (2016)

Formation of helical ion chains
R. Nigmatullin, A. del Campo, G. De Chiara, G. Morigi, M. B. Plenio, and A. Retzker
Phys. Rev. B 93, 014106 (2016)

Hidden frustrated interactions and quantum annealing in trapped-ion spin-phonon chains
Pedro Nevado and Diego Porras
Phys. Rev. A 93, 013625 (2016)

High-harmonic spectroscopy of laser-driven nonadiabatic electron dynamics in the hydrogen molecular ion
M. R. Miller, A. Jaroń-Becker, and A. Becker
Phys. Rev. A 93, 013406 (2016)

Isotope dependence of the Zeeman effect in lithium-like calcium
Florian Köhler, Klaus Blaum, Michael Block, Stanislav Chenmarev, Sergey Eliseev, Dmitry A. Glazov, Mikhail Goncharov, Jiamin Hou, Anke Kracke, Dmitri A. Nesterenko, Yuri N. Novikov, Wolfgang Quint, Enrique Minaya Ramirez, Vladimir M. Shabaev, Sven Sturm, Andrey V. Volotka & Günter Werth
Nature Communications 7, Article number: 10246 (2016).

Long-range Ising and Kitaev models: phases, correlations and edge modes
Davide Vodola, Luca Lepori, Elisa Ercolessi, and Guido Pupillo
New J. Phys. 18 (2016) 015001

Nonperturbative calculation of phonon effects on spin squeezing
D. Dylewsky, J. K. Freericks, M. L. Wall, A. M. Rey, and M. Foss-Feig
Phys. Rev. A 93, 013415 (2016)

Nuclear recoil and vacuum-polarization effects on the binding energies of supercritical H-like ions
Ivan A. Aleksandrov, Günter Plunien and Vladimir M. Shabaev
Eur. Phys. J. D (2016) 70: 18

Phase-Stable Free-Space Optical Lattices for Trapped Ions
C. T. Schmiegelow, H. Kaufmann, T. Ruster, J. Schulz, V. Kaushal, M. Hettrich, F. Schmidt-Kaler, and U. G. Poschinger
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 033002 (2016)

Probing QED and fundamental constants through laser spectroscopy of vibrational transitions in HD+
J. Biesheuvel, J.-Ph. Karr, L. Hilico, K. S. E. Eikema, W. Ubachs & J. C. J. Koelemeij
Nature Communications 7, Article number: 10385 (2016)

Proposal for laser cooling of rare-earth ions
Maxence Lepers, Ye Hong, Jean-François Wyart, and Olivier Dulieu
Phys. Rev. A 93, 011401(R) (2016)

Quantum Algorithmic Readout in Multi-Ion Clocks
M. Schulte, N. Lörch, I. D. Leroux, P. O. Schmidt, and K. Hammerer
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 013002 (2016)

Resonant photo-ionization of Yb+ to Yb2+
Simon Heugel, Martin Fischer, Vladimir Elman, Robert Maiwald, Markus Sondermann and Gerd Leuchs
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49 (2016) 015002

Strongly enhanced effects of Lorentz symmetry violation in entangled Yb+ ions
V. A. Dzuba, V. V. Flambaum, M. S. Safronova, S. G. Porsev, T. Pruttivarasin, M. A. Hohensee & H. Häffner
Nature Physics (2016)

Topological phases with long-range interactions
Z.-X. Gong, M. F. Maghrebi, A. Hu, M. L. Wall, M. Foss-Feig, and A. V. Gorshkov
Phys. Rev. B 93, 041102(R) (2016)


An Optimized Ion Trap Geometry to Measure Quadrupole Shifts of $^{171}$Yb$^+$ Clocks
N. Batra, B. K. Sahoo, S. De
Compiling quantum algorithms for architectures with multi-qubit gates
Esteban A. Martinez, Thomas Monz, Daniel Nigg, Philipp Schindler, Rainer Blatt

Cryogenic resonator design for trapped ion experiments in Paul traps
Matthias F. Brandl, Philipp Schindler, Thomas Monz, Rainer Blatt

Entanglement growth and correlation spreading with variable-range interactions in spin and fermionic tunnelling models
Anton S. Buyskikh, Maurizio Fagotti, Johannes Schachenmayer, Fabian Essler, Andrew J. Daley

Exploring and understanding 2D microwave near-fields using a single ion
M. Wahnschaffe, H. Hahn, G. Zarantonello, T. Dubielzig, S. Grondkowski, A. Bautista-Salvador, M. Kohnen, C. Ospelkaus

Fast Gates Allow Large-Scale Quantum Simulation with Trapped Ions
R. L. Taylor, C. D. B. Bentley, J. S. Pedernales, L. Lamata, E. Solano, A. R. R. Carvalho, J. J. Hope

Optimised multi-ion cavity coupling
Stephen Begley, Markus Vogt, Gurpreet Kaur Gulati, Hiroki Takahashi, Matthias Keller

Photodissociation of trapped Rb$^+_2$ : Implications for hybrid molecular ion-atom trapping
S. Jyothi, Tridib Ray, Sourav Dutta, A.R. Allouche, Romain Vexiau, Olivier Dulieu, S. A. Rangwala

Rapid and effective synthesis of $\text{}^{40}\text{Ca}-\text{}^{27}\text{Al}$ ion pair towards quantum logic optical clock
Junjuan Shang, Kaifeng Cui, Jian Cao, Shaomao Wang, Hualin Shu, Xueren Huang

Refocusing two qubit gate noise for trapped ions by composite pulses
Itsik Cohen, Amit Rotem, Alex Retzker

Shortcuts to Adiabaticity by Counterdiabatic Driving in Trapped-ion Transport
Shuoming An, Dingshun Lv, Adolfo del Campo, Kihwan Kim

Stability thresholds and calculation techniques for fast entangling gates on trapped ions
C D B Bentley, R L Taylor, A R R Carvalho, J J Hope